#are you gonna hunt me down and stalk me btw
azulsluver · 1 year
I'm assuming this was already talked about/mentioned in your posts but I do kinda wonder how awful it would be for reader during holidays and general breaks from school (bully au). Like- They would either be COMPLETELY isolated since they can't technically go home since this ain't even their world and everyone hates them, or they would have to deal with their bullies every. Single. Day. Which is hilarious to me because I can see at least some of them staying even though they were supposed to go home and rest and enjoy their break from school, so prefect just asks "Why are you even here tormenting me bro?! Don't you have a family" and the bullies have to come up with excuses to save their egos
I sometimes do go in depth detail on where reader lives within twisted wonderland because I tend to stray near canon lore. Options are that they completely have ramshackle as their home or Crowley in the kindness of his heart buys a place for them within the island (it’s close to the school just in the woods hidden deep)
tw: yandere, bully!characters, mentions of bruises/blood and vomit, force feeding/throwing up, unhealthy relationships, stalking.
(College setting)- there are other students that are staying during breaks but let’s be real no one’s gonna help you
The only major holiday that has the NRC students leaving was winter break, spring and summer. Here’s my take on each. Not proof read btw!
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Winter: Azul, Jade And Floyd
No surprise to canon, but their excuse to stay during break is nightmare fuel for you. You can’t run away because that only peruse Floyd and Jade to chase you down. Azul pretends to not see the abuse you’re going through. In fact he feels less occupied when the twins set their eyes on you. There is no best scenario because you should be used to Floyd coming into your room at random times.
Quote on quote, “best break ever” is exaggerated greatly whenever Floyd gets his hands on you. You’re wheezing like a dying fish as he asks you if you’re ok. Knowing it’ll piss you off but you’re on the verge of death so it pisses you off even more.
I think staying with Floyd is the better option but it REALLY depends, Jade gets a little quirky at night. Waking up on a table and strapped as he gives you shot after shit of who knows what into your system. Pretty unhinged as it’s in the dead of night and it’s freezing cold. More stoic when performing these things. Jade never gets the chance or time to do this to you so that’s off his bucket list.
Azul stuffs himself in his room all day. Only going out for a jog as he looks the other way as you’re being dragged off while clawing on the floor. It’s too early for that okz. But he’s gonna tire from your screaming and crying so he grudgingly let’s you stay in his room whenever the twins are out to hunt you down.
That’s only if you are being too much of a nuisance to him^^
Because you’re involved in the subject of his problems he gets more snappy with the twins when they try to barge into his room. Lecturing them and often times loudly making deals to lend you to them because you’re so much work. He doesn’t tho. Like a father who never wanted a dog, he tends to your needs with a sneer and turn. Does this mean you’re staying in his room the whole break? Yes. Can you try to leave? Yes. Will Azul call you ungrateful and manipulate you that the twins will bother you again. Yes.
Slumber party!!! Floyd’s idea btw. Victim of every losers downfall, getting slapped and punched whenever Floyd loses a board game. Hands nearly breaking because Jade is too cool to show anger so he takes it out on you as a joke. Azul winning said games.
Floyd WILL suffocate you in your sleep on purpose. Slumber parties with him are never a good idea because any chance to scare you he takes it. Going to the bathroom? What a coincidence he’s awake and on the side of the wall behind the door you’re leaving. Waking up? He’s staring deep into your soul just so you can cry and roll away.
Wanna talk about you staying in Azul’s room because he lets you sleep on his bed (wow omg luxury bed knocked out ZZZzzz) because he’s doing work on his desk. Often times you wake up to him sleeping on his desk. Give it a week in the break and he’s all over you. His arms in a crushing grip as he holds you in sleep, you feel like it’s forbidden to move because you’re scared he might squeeze harder than Floyd.
This only happened ONCE. Sleeps on the floor and makes dumb excuses like “humans have such odd body temperature it was like an instinct to cuddle something cold.” Or “I hold things a lot when I’m in my merform this is nothing personal.”
Spring: Ace, Epel, Ruggie
Ace and Epel straight up tell you they’re here to have a great spring break together. By that they mean messing with you. These assholes start off slow, egging your dorm, blasting loud music. Anything to get your fatigue up, that way you can start messing things up on accident when it was all purposely set.
The duo are relentlessly pursuing their harassment from day to night, until in a couple of days within the break do things stop. It’s terrifying, walking on eggshells at how they ignore you during walks, opening the door for you, heck even Epel left a basket of apples on your front door. It’s leaving you paranoid and they know it, with their innocent going smiles and tilted heads. You wish you had some form of power to get those two without getting 2v1.
Alright this is where Ruggie comes in the picture. He’s there not by choice, instead paid by Leona to watch over you since Ace has a big mouth about his plans with you.
Ruggie randomly shows up in your dorm. He’s not doing much except making sure you’re eating and not brutally beaten near death. But you can find him grudgingly cleaning the place out of boredom, catching him dusting off shelves after your success in escaping the two. He threatens you out of embarrassment to not think much of it…he just thinks you’re really dirty to leave in such an unkept place.
He does at time chase Ace and Epel off, they don’t seem to bother you much when you’re with him. So you took this to advantage to stick to him like candy. You’ve only had this type of protection with Jack, on the other hand was much more comfortable to hang around with besides the deadpan stares.
Your safe haven can only be kept for so long, once money is involved. Ruggie is counting the wad of cash by the side as the two nudge your head with their foot. Ace blames you for making the last three days of their break boring, you should’ve known better than to run off when things were getting good. Didn’t you know good pal Epel prepared some fine treats for you? (Don’t eat them).
It’s no use crying for help, Ruggie can only shrug his shoulders and tell the two not to kill you before walking away. Your last bits of hope destroyed as Epel smacks the back of your head a couple of times, saying you must be brain dead so they’ll help you out. You’re really starting to miss Jack, as apple slices are being shoved into your mouth, Ace repeatedly thrusting three fingers down your throat to making you vomit. You’re delirious when hung upside down from a tree, the two taking turns hitting you blindfolded with a bat, luckily it’s wooden but the pain still blows.
You’ll be ruffled up with a pat in the head as Ace blows smoke in your face, telling you that you did good. Epel is more enthusiastic after all that, pinching at your blood socked nose to stop the bleeding. The two are joyous and leave by throwing a couple of dollars your way. Just looking at it makes you sick as you sob on the floor, seeing Ruggies shoes.
Sobbing on the way home with Ruggie by your side, staring off into the distance whilst ignoring your loud wails. You know it annoys him but he doesn’t say anything until the door closes, he’s lazily patching up your open wounds and dabbing them with a clean cloth. Giving you medicine—if you refuse to take them he will force you. You can only conceal your sniffles by rubbing your eyes and blowing your nose with tissue. Ruggie has his back turned as he tells you to do better. If you keep it up you’ll die sooner or later at this rate. So take it as a lesson to build character.
You can’t help but agree, maybe it was the medicine taking place. But you gruffly settle down with him, he’s sitting besides you with a empty look on his face. You cant tell why he’s staring at your beaten body like some interesting figure but you preferred it like this. Dropping your head on his shoulder as you rest, because you know he’s gonna let it happen all over again.
Might as well take his advice.
Summer: Sebek, Silver, Malleus, Lilia
This was all Malleus. His idea 100%. He’d rather not spend his break staying in his enclosure with running maids and fearing fae. Instead he’d prefer is the one fearing was coming from you. And since Malleus had decided to spend his break by bothering you Silver and Sebek have no choice but to come along.
Sebek is absolutely furious once he finds out the reason Malleus wanted to stay in campus was to see you. You! Out of everyone!!! There are times where Malleus must leave campus to attend his princely duties, leaving Sebek having the opportunity to get his hands on you. By that he’s choking the shit outta you until you’re blue. He doesn’t wanna be here with YOU, now he’s stuck babysitting you. Thankfully Silver is there to prevent Sebek from successfully killing you.
You cling onto Silver like he’s your last hope. He can only do so much when Sebek is frothing at the mouth because he has the “audacity” to step in the punishments that are so rightfully placed on you. Like come on man what would Malleus think?
Malleus is into it. Tells Silver that if you ever step out of line it’s only right for him to put you back in place, physically. Silver can only stand back with a frown, not too much to displease Malleus.
Lilia comes in later, he’s wondering where his sons went. He comes at a weird timing, you’re being examined because Malleus is interested in all the marks you’ve received. It’s amazing how you’re still alive, with a kind of your own as well. Lilia won’t do much rather than spectate Malleus’s adventures with you, rather than indulging in his desires he stands by the side to make sure Malleus nor Sebek won’t go too far. They may not listen to Silver but they certainly will to him.
If you want to be left COMPLETELY alone it can only be at night with curtains over your windows. Forbid the many times you’ve shit your pants in the middle of the night to see Malleus looming over your window. Be it sleeping or walking to the kitchen he’s dead staring. For some good reason he doesn’t throw much of a fit when you use the curtains to hide from his prying eyes.
You might think Lilia is off the hook of finally leaving you alone then you’re dead wrong! Standing by the side, yea more like giving more advice to Malleus and Sebek on how to properly punish you. Back in his days punishments were something else, since you’re human they gotta go on the low. So if Lilia felt like it he can just tell them some unique and grotesque ways to get you drooling and screaming like some pig.
Silver will be there after they’re done, being told to get you cleaned up and ready for the next trick. You really don’t wanna know, but you’re silent during your healing process, he feels bad yet doesn’t voice his opinions on it.
Oh and they almost carved a sick tattoo of dragon wings on your back but Sebek suggested that he use his sword to do it and you passed out from the thought. Not your first rodeo but you know damn well none of them will be putting you on meds during the whole thing.
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126dvtn · 2 years
Whats ur weight
the amount of weight it takes to do your mom
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erifin-alt · 4 years
Ok so I’m gonna go ahead and spit ball some Hiveswap theories despite the fact they may end up being incredibly wrong as expectations vs reality for the writing of Hiveswap is currently 6 feet under. This is going to be a long one, so to save y’all time the theories will be under the cut.
First off I’d like to state my own theory on the creature that that shot the train in the ending scene. Everyone is believing that it’s Fiamet’s lusus that did it, but why would Fiamet send her lusus to potentially hurt/kill Joey and Xefros especially knowing (or maybe she doesn’t) that Xefros is Dammek’s moirail? Honestly it wouldn’t make sense, given that she was the one that warned Joey about the world ending in 11 days. If it does end up being her lusus then she has a lot of explaining to do. Cause it kinda makes her a villain by hindering Joey’s and Xefros’ travel. Though I don’t think it’s Fiamet’s lusus. Here’s what I believe the beast could be-
1. The monsters from the first game.
We don’t really know the origin of the monsters from the first cut scene in Hiveswap act 1, and I don’t really think it’s all that much discussed. So where did they come from? Perhaps it was to do with something to do with the portal? Maybe. And we do know that the monsters can come in many varieties, including a monster with wings. (Though, more so bat wings compared to the feathered wings in HS:A2 final cut scene)
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2. It’s someone else’s lusus. Okay, so I’ll actually be going into depth of how the beast looks like in the final cut scene. And with everyone theorizing that Fiamet’s lusus being an axolotl, I’ll try debunking the “Fiamet’s lusus shot the train” theory.
First off, the beast doesn’t even remotely look anything similar to an axolotl.
Let’s first look at the couple of screenshots I have (apologies for the bad quality)-
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Does that tail look anything like an axolotl’s?? The answer is no, but of a course.
Here’s how an axolotl’s tail looks like btw.
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Here’s some more screenshots of the beast that I managed to get-
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Now, I know what you’re thinking- “But Erifin! Look at the side of the head! It obviously has external gill stalks like a true axolotl!!” That could be a red herring, though, as the things protruding from the side of it’s head could be fluff or feathers. And even it is gill stalks, and it IS an axolotl then why does it’s body look so different than that of an axolotl? Maybe because axolotl’s abilities of regeneration? It kinda seems far-fetched, to be completely honest. But who knows?
So who does the lusus belong to then? Well, maybe there’s going to be a new troll introduced in act 3 that will serve as act 3′s main antagonist Or maybe it’s just a wild lusus that itself will be the main villain.
So now it begs the question, what could this be? Well here’s some ideas I thought of:
1. It’s a weird lizard/amphibian and bird hybrid. It’s not the crazy for there to be a lusus like that, this is Alternia after all. I’m also getting some chameleon vibes from it. Though, this may be relating to the mythology of feathered serpents. Which, by the way, is a spirit deity from mesoamerica. Roughly around the same area that axolotl’s live.
2. A griffin. And yes, I’m bringing up mythological creatures into this. If the Pyropes can have dragons as a lusus then other trolls can have other mythological creatures as lusi as well. The body and proportions fit nicely to that of an griffin, even the tail!  However, griffins don’t breathe fire so it’s unlikely that this is a griffin.
3. A chimera, to me this seems like the most obvious choice, sense chimeras are already hybrids to begin with, as if number 1 is true technically this theory is gonna still be true (at least somewhat). Chimeras in mythology are a mash of an lion, goat, and snake, and I’m sure if the crew wanted to make creative decisions they’d also add in some avian wings in the mix. The proportions are similar to that of a lion, the fluff can also be it’s mane. The need to be on a rock, and keep low to the ground could a be a mix of a predators stalking skills and the serpent part. The tail? Obviously the snake head. Oh, and chimeras can breathe fire as well. However the goat part has me thrown off, so who knows if I’m even right.
4. And finally, number 4, I was somehow wrong. Somehow this was Fiamet’s lusus all along, and somehow it is an axolotl. Who knows, we probably have to wait another 1000 years to find that out.
That’s it on the beast theory, now let me ramble a little longer about certain hopes I have about certain characters that may end up becoming more important in act 3. Particularly the trolls that show up in the final cut scene. That is- Martsi, Cirava, Lanque, Tyzias, Elwurd, Mallek, Ardata, Chaut, and finally, Marvus. Now why would they be important? I don’t really know either, but I can sure take a fucking guess! And given that the train fell into a river, I guess one can go ahead and guess that many of the trolls on the train did die. And given that the train was shot near the rust/bronze and gold/olive carts I think it’s safe to say that the most fatalities are going to come from the lower bloods and not so much the high bloods (high bloods are tougher to kill after all).
Hopefully all the troll call trolls end up surviving the crash, but considering hmmm y’know I don’t think it’s likely. But, one can keep their hopes up! However, I do think the certain set of trolls that did show up in the final scene will survive. But why? What will they do that will earn them the chance to live? Let’s get into that.
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Martsi’s up first. She was the closest to the blast zone, so there’s a chance that she ends up dying later on. However, if she does live, and from what we have seen in her friendsim (regardless of whether or not friendsim is canon) she seemed to take interest in being a doctor. So I can see her trying to look for survivors and tending to their wounds.
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Next is Cirava, I don’t really know what Cirava would do, perhaps they decide to join the rebellion after being convinced by Joey and Xefros. Especially given that Xefros is starting to gain more confidence and thinking for himself for once. Meaning Xefros may go around trying to recruit some trolls to join him and Joey. Or maybe it has to do with something with psionics? Though, that would mean all other gold bloods are dead or passed out. I hope Joey and Xefros do get a party of sorts while they travel I think that’d be fun!
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Next is Lanque and Tyzias. Tyzias is a little more obvious, her want to change the system, especially the judicial system, could lead to her joining the rebellion. If Xefros and Joey are trying to recruit others she’d probably join in a heartbeat. Lanque is a little more complicated, I think he will die, but will come back as a rainbow drinker. He does have the title as a life player after all. I think he will die either because the crash killed him, or he died saving someone. I can imagine if the other jades do survive, they’d probably be very shocked. Personally I think Wanshi would take it the hardest as I believe he’d protect her, thus showing us a softer side to him. And as they mourn him he comes back! And it’s very much shocking for everybody! As a monster of sorts he may end up deciding to leave since he’d no longer fit in, since he’s technically dead. He could also take it as an opportunity to finally be free from his duties. His glow/immortality can even come in handy in certain parts of the potential game play.
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Next are these two, as for what they’ll do honestly I think Elwurd is just there for  fanservice and Mallek? Well, he may help with certain electronics if all the gold bloods besides Cirava do die. Like he takes apart certain parts of the train to make something? I do think they may want to join Joey and Xefros, but Mallek for rebellion moreover then Elwurd given we don’t really know what Elwurd’s loyalty lays.
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And then there’s Ardata. She looks very suspicious, no? She may end up becoming a more important villain in act 3. Overall, she looks very...............shady.
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And finally, the two eldest clowns. I don’t think they’ll join Joey and Xefros, rather I think they’re still going to be villains. Perhaps they decide to hunt Joey and Xefros down? Maybe they think they’re the ones who crashed the train?
That’s all I gotta say, I don’t think any of my theories will end up becoming true anyways. But hey, one can dream. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my rambling, and apologies if my writing is terrible and there’s grammatical errors everywhere. But what do you think? Let me know!
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zirkkun · 4 years
a suffering aftermath.
a suffering aftermath. (Undertale Fanfic - based off of huntsman. by @alch3mic - rated M by AO3 standards)
+ huntsman!sans/lil red!reader (though instead written with they/them because;; self indulgence)
+ 1241 words, english
+ hurt/comfort with yandere elements. this is a rant fic based on parts of huntsman. that reminded me very much of of my own life. lowkey i guess “based on a true story” cause it’s my life lol
+ takes place after the events of huntsman., which you should totally read btw
+ “He thought it would be over once they were dead. Unfortunately, there are some scars left behind that cannot be healed. And he hates them with every fiber of his being.”
+ AO3 link
"You know... I'm glad that my stalker is gone, but..." They bit their lip as they spoke. "I always fear they're going to come back."
Sans turned to his human, a brow raised, the faint noise of the television still playing the movie the two of them had been watching. "what brings this up?" he asked.
"I... I dunno," they confess. "I was just thinking about it again." Pulling their legs up onto the couch, they held their head up by resting it against their knees. "I... I don't know if you know this, but... I had troubles with them long before they were my co-worker. In high school." There was a long pause between this confession and their continuation, eyes flipping between the television, the floor, and Sans's face eagerly awaiting the rest of their story. A sigh slipped passed their lips. "We'd met in middle school and were friends for a while, but it wasn't long until they were really clingy in... really physical ways. I... I really hated it. So I started just ignoring them, cause I didn't know what else to do. But they had my email, so they kept emailing me..."
For a moment, they tried to distract themself from the memory of it by watching the movie in front of them instead, but it was clear by Sans's motion of wrapping an arm around their waist and bringing them closer to him that he wanted to hear more of the story. Caving to this, they timidly continued. "They sent me a lot of horrible things, Sans. Long winded explanations of their abuse. Endlessly typo-filled letters of their love for me. Graphic descriptions of their sex life. Threats that they would cut themself or even kill themself if I didn't reply or accept them as if they weren't flawed. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do." It was beyond their control: tears started to trickle down their cheeks as they started to remember everything all at once. At the very least, Sans's gentle rubbing against their back was a bit calming, but it didn't stop the horror overwhelming their mind.
"E-eventually the emails stopped but... the stalker came back. It's almost like they were reignited the second I had a boyfriend." Sans repressed his resentment to hearing such a phrase, but soon pushed it aside with the reminder he could not change his human's life from before him. It only moderately settled his nerves. "The threats they made to him... he later ended up being just as abusive as they were, but so subtle and positive about it that I didn't even realize, but, stars, if anything happened to him because of me?" They shook their head aggressively, words cracking as they fell out of their mouth. "I don't know what I'd do with myself."
Sans couldn't bare to listen to their crying anymore. He pulled them even closer, embracing them completely in a hug and nuzzled into their neck, trying to carefully shush them as their cries refused to cease. Burying their face into the fabric of Sans's black hoodie, they tried to get a grip on their emotions again before saying anything; their hands were death gripping the back of his sweatshirt, trembling as they tried to calm their ever stuttering breath. "S-sorry," they eventually whimpered.
"for what, sweetheart?" Sans whispered. "it's ok. i'm here for ya. just say what you've got to."
Swallowing heavy, and while appreciating his kind words, they couldn't help but feel guilty for suddenly dropping such a heavy topic on him out of nowhere. Ah, it was just like them, wasn't it? To once again ruin a nice date night Sans had planned for the two of them... Their grip on his shirt tightened.
"Ha, ha..." They let out a nervous laugh, trying to sound at least a little more uplifted. "Can you really believe all that happened when I was 15...? And it wasn't even half of it..." They took another heavy breath before continuing, trying to suspend their hiccuping weeps for at least a brief time. "When it got to the end of high school, they desperately tried becoming friends with me again. We had a singular class together... and every time it rolled around it sent me into a silent panic attack. Sometimes they tried passing me notes through a 'mutual friend'... sometimes they'd hang up signs on their desk during class directed at me... and like six or seven times they made alternate accounts to try and follow me online and become friends that way... as someone else I didn't call a stalker. Every time I blocked them, they called me out, creating so much drama that I lost all the friends and bits of internet fame I'd built over the years..." They tucked their head further down. "Sorry, you don't care about that..."
"i care about everything that has to do with you," Sans blurted. "everything."
But they still weren't so sure, and skipped the topic anyway. No, they were sure he wouldn't care about how they had to make a new internet personality entirely. That was off topic at this point. Rather, the more important point...
"You know they found me again. They got the same job as me. They tried working with me. They tried asking me out again. They tried asking to be friends again. They threatened me again. They... They even learned where I lived and stalked me for weeks--"
"i know, i know," Sans hushed. "but they're not gonna hurt you anymore."
"But how can you be so sure...?"
"have I lied to you before, sweetheart?"
His coy tone. He knew the truth. But it's not like he would ever dare say anything.
To them, his voice sounded merely playful. Reassuringly positive.
... to an extent.
"No..." they mumbled, though some part of them wasn't wholly confident; speaking against his hoodie. "No, you haven't."
Sans pressed a soft kiss against their neck. "and i'm not gonna, ok? you can trust me. they're never going to hurt you ever again. not while i'm here for you."
The television continued through the movie, which was reaching its end. A pity. So close to a normal evening. But it was fine for now. The reasoning was legitimate enough. Sans was even finding himself a bit devastated at the sight of his Little Red's tears. Their genuine tears. Each one crushed him. Fueled his anger.
Hunting the enemy had been easy.
Dealing with the mess they caused was not.
Had this stalker not already been long dead and disposed of, Sans would have dropped everything to kill them right now. Anything to stop these tears from dripping down his precious human's cheeks. But now, there was nothing to express his fury onto. He could do nothing for now other than hold them close, despite how every passing second of hearing that traumatized sob practically cracked his Soul, bit by suffering bit.
Why is this not so easily dealt with?
Why can't he just... throw what's unnecessary away?
Why can't this motherfucking rat leave his Little Red Riding Hood alone?
Sans held them just a bit tighter. A bit more desperately. "i'm here for you, sweetheart," he reminded once again. He even grimaced as they held a tighter grip on his jacket, practically feeling their pain as if it was his own.
"nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you again."
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
QQ has me shaking in my boots ✊🏻👏🏻 but I’ve had a lingering question for the last few days; if the rest of the BTS members were in QQ, what districts would they be from? Love your work 🥺❤️
oh my god, okay here me out; an alternative Quarter Quell Fic were all past victors must play again and all the bts members are victors who come to play the quell but they somehow all become yandere over Y/n.....Lemme know if that’s something ya’ll would like to read.  Anyway, here ya go;
(Btw I’m gonna base these profiles on the crackhead idea I stated up above, except I’m not going to do Jungkook and Tae bc they’re already in my Quarter Quell Fic and their games are being played right now so I don’t feel right doing profiles for them...it’ll deadass confuse me.)
BTS as Victors (Hunger Games AU)
Kim Seokjin- District One (Luxury)  
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Jin originates from district one, most would say that he figuratively hit the birth lottery by being from this district.  
The first district is essentially the crown jewel of the capitol, it’s by far the most favored.  The main job of district one is to provide the capitol with all luxury items, so most people make their money by creating jewelry and makeup.  (Both of which are in extremely high demand in the capitol, so 1 is by far the most economically flourishing district.)
Jin never had to suffer food outages or abuse by peacekeepers because of 1′s good status with the capitol.  To further his prosperity, Jin’s father was actually the mayor of district one.  
Which makes Jins’ reaping all the more scandalous.  
There was a rumor that Jin’s father expressed sympathy towards the damaged and less favored districts (11 and 12).So when Jin’s name was reaped, people suspected that the system was rigged and Jin’s name was going to get called out either way.  Because after all, how would the capitol keep a loud-mouth mayor in check?  By putting his son in the games, of course.  
No one volunteered in fear of interfering with the capitol’s plans and getting in trouble. 
However Seokjin fancied himself an actor and practically skipped to the stage with a big grin on his face, announcing his name proudly and even stating that it would be an honor to compete on behalf of his district. 
His strategy was to get on the good side of both the audience and the gamemakers.  Unlike other tributes who sometimes couldn’t help the look of terror they had, Jin made sure to constantly look happy and would even compliment the gamemakers in his interview by saying things like, “This game is going to be the best one in years, I could already tell.”  “I caught a glimpse at the makers during my assessment and let me tell you...they’re not playing around this year.”
Because of this Jin wasn’t the target of any foul play or natural disasters bc the makers held no ill will towards him, if anything a lot of them actually wanted him to win. 
He earned himself many fans and thus sponsors, mainly due to his good looks and partly due to his surprisingly goofy nature.  
Jin was always sure to keep his attitude light. He constantly made jokes and did impressions in the arena, showcasting his humor bc the last thing he needed was to be painted as the bad guy.  His number one rule was to always keep his fans satisfied.  That kept him alive.  
He stuck to the career alliance; teaming up with his district counterpart, two and the girl from four.  He stuck with them because he knew he would need the numbers and the supplies.  But a bit more than halfway through the games, when the careers took down all the main threats, Jin zipped up all the tents that his sleeping allies were in, took a good amount of supplies and set the camp on fire; effectively killing the career pact.  
For two days after that he wandered alone but was having trouble with basic survival skills.  Unlike more than half the tributes, Jin grew up in a city with no true sense of nature.  He was struggling.
 That’s when he came across a boy from 11 and a girl from 7.  They both were rather weak and Jin offered them protection in exchange that they let him stay in their hideout with them.  But when 11 and 7 were under attack, Jin fled and let them be killed.  
Jin eventually had to go against the last tribute standing; a girl from 6.  She was also frail and only lasted that long because of her hiding skills.  Jin overpowered her and threw her off a mountain.  Thus, he became victor.  
He still is to this day one of the most popular victors and a really good mentor (although he mainly just advocates for having allies, using them, then killing them before they can kill you.)  
because of his good looks, he is often sold off to elite women and men for a night with a handsome victor.  Jin has no choice, it’s the only way he was able to make the president forgive his father.  (Think of Finnick Odair).  
Choice of weapon; spear, betrayal (all his allies will eventually end up killed by him)
Min Yoongi- District Six (Transportation)
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District Six is responsible for all methods of transportation the capitol has.  The hovercrafts, the high-speed trains and advanced cargo ships are all products of 6.
Citizens from six are heavily oppressed by the peacekeepers.  Although not as poor as 11 or 12, they are one of the more rebellious districts.  It’s also the largest district and the most unstable, lots of the population suffer from a morphling addiction which is party responsible for the citizen’s disobedience.  
Yoongi came from a lower middle class background, raised by a single working mom who fell victim to the morphling epidemic.  Needless to say she was very absent from his life.  
Life at six is so bleak, when Yoongi’s name was reaped his first thought was ‘well, at least I won’t die in this shit hole.’  
He was very numb due to shock so he appeared very aloof when he went up to the stage; a total contrast to his counterpart who was bawling her eyes out.  
He managed to keep this stoic act up for the entirety of his time in the capitol, his thought process was that he never wanted to give the capitol the satisfaction of seeing him break.  
He mainly enjoyed all the food and luxuries the capitol had to offer, thinking that he had no chance of winning and might as well enjoy his last days.  
It wasn’t until his interview where even the host forgot his name that he realized that he might have a secret weapon under his belt; no one knew who he was, he was forgettable, someone who other tributes overlooked and even underestimated.  
He went to his mentor with this revelation and was told to go the ‘Joanna Mason route’.  
Ie; play weak and stupid until there’s only a few tributes left, then release your inner crazy and kill them all before they ever even saw you coming.
Yoongi figured it was better than nothing and decided this as his strategy.  
Yoongi had no help of sponsors or allies, all he had was himself.  But that’s the way he wanted it.  
He hid for more than half the game, his small stature making it easy for him to hide into small nooks and crannies.  He survived mainly on small plants, insects and any rainfall he was able to get.  
It wasn’t until he witnessed someone die near one of his hideouts that he allowed his murderous side to snap.  
It was a fight between a girl from 5 and a boy from 9.  The girl had knives while the boy had an ax, the girl managed to get him in the throat and he fell over dead.  After the girl searched his pockets for supplies, she turned around to stalk off, unaware Yoongi was only yards away.  
Yoongi silently got out of his hideout, took the ax and ran up behind her before chopping her head off.  
There was only four tributes left and Yoongi hunted them all down, tired with how long this game was taking and desperate to get home.  
he managed to kill them all, the tributes being caught off guard bc of his excellent hiding skills  
He became one of the youngest victors of all time, he was only 14.  
As a mentor, he’s actually pretty absent.  
Yoongi doesn’t like to get too close to the tributes because it becomes too emotionally crushing to eventually witness them die.  
His general advice for them is to lay low and never draw any attention towards you, the factor of surprise is the ultimate weapon for those with patience.  
Yoongi has never been the same since the games, he isn’t proud of it but he’s also become dependent on morphling; it’s the only thing that keeps his nightmares and depression away.  (Like Haymitch, except Haymitch was dependent on alcohol and Yoongi is dependent on drugs)
He despises the capitol even more now, hating the fact that they made him a murderer and he was forced to play into the very game he promised to never have a part of.
He lives with that guilt everyday and doesn’t think he’s any better than the ruthless career kids he sees every year
He’s quite belligerent too.  He is almost never given mentor interviews or screentime because he’s blown up one too many times that the hosts know to avoid him.  (Think Joanna Mason and the one catching fire scene where she flips shit on national tv).
Weapons; hiding, ax
Kim Namjoon- District Three (Technology) 
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District three has some of the smartest tributes, and Namjoon was no different.
District Three is responsible for all the high-end technology the capitol has; the people may not be as strong as two or as flashy as one, but their intellect alone runs the capitol.  
Kids from three are good at creating functional tools, codes, wires, ect.  But sadly, these traits don’t translate well into the games given the clear advantage towards physical superiority over intellectual superiority.  
Namjoon was determined to show the capitol how far a smart kid can go.  
Like most tributes, Namjoon went into a little bit of a shock when his name was reaped.  
He walked up, void of any emotion and avoided any eye contact with the district representative or the female counterpart.  
When he was escorted into the room to say his goodbyes to his family is when he finally broke.  
But his mother made him promise to do anything to get back home, she didn’t care how dirty he had to get she just wanted her boy to live
This encouragement/promise was enough to motivate him to become the last one standing, he didn’t care how gory he would have to get.
He utilized his mentor heavily, talking their ear off and asking countless questions.  Soaking up any information/advice he could get, knowing it could very well be the difference between life and death.  
His mentor advised him to choose the Beetee Latier strategy, telling Namjoon that if he just got his hands on some tools and put his mind to it he could be the most dangerous tribute in that arena. 
During his training days Namjoon spent all his time in the rope stations, net stations and hook stations, knowing that his future plans would require him to be good with these skills.
During his interview, he hinted to the audience that he was very smart.  He was careful to not make it obvious enough to make him a target of the careers but enough to raise the interests of the sponsors.  
His personal score was also good, making the act of getting sponsors a little bit easier.  
When the game began, he ran off from the blood bath but not too far.  He stayed close enough to watch who left and with what supplies.  With this knowledge, he began to track the people who had the tools he would need to play out his plan.  
He would track these people very slyly, waiting until their guard was down to swipe their supplies.  
With these supplies he would build traps and set them up for tributes to unknowingly walk into.  His favorites were bear traps, snatching nets and digging up 8 ft deep holes then covering them up with debri for tributes to stumble into.
He managed to kill a decent amount of tributes before killing off what was left of the career pact.  
However, Namjoon wasn’t able to avoid hand-to-hand combat forever.  
When it came to the end, it was between a male tribute from 5, a girl from 2 and Namjoon himself.  Both tributes had weapons while Namjoon didn’t.  
He fought with them and got stabbed and sliced a good amount, but even with his fatal blood loss and fading consciousness, his brilliant mind came up with a plan.  
He staggered over to one of his traps, making the tributes think he was just trying to run away when the truth was he was trying to lure them to their deaths.  
They took the bait, got strung up into a net before being electrocuted to death.  
The last words Namjoon heard before he blacked out was the head gamemaker announcing him victor.  
Namjoon is now one of the greatest mentors of all time.  Whenever it’s his turn to overlook the tributes of his home district the chances of 3 winning goes up 50%
He is very good at strategy and has even helped the gamemakers create certain arenas for future games.  
namjoon teaches his students the importance of staying calm and sticking to a plan. “When kids are scared, starving and fighting for their lives they’re very easy to pick off.  Utilize that.”  
Weapons; stalking, traps
Jung Hoseok- District Eight (Textiles)
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Hoseok was a victim of the reaping gamble.  (The process in which kids will enter their names in the reaping bowl more times than required in exchange for food)
Hoseok is the oldest of four children, his mother died with the birth of the youngest child and his dad died years later due to poor health via the unlawful work conditions in the factories. (District Eight is responsible for all the clothes the capitol has, this means the vast majority of citizens work in factories. Eight is also very oppressed so peacekeepers beat citizens and hand out punishments often.)  
Hoseok dropped out of school in order to help provide for his brothers and sister.  He is the only one working and he refuses to let the second to oldest child drop out of school to help him.  He just wants his siblings to get their education so hopefully they can end up with manager positions at the factories and wouldn’t have to suffer the awful conditions/abuse average factory workers go through.  
Hoseok is used to putting his name in more times than needed.  Of course it means his panic is through the roof when reaping comes but when the names are called and he’s not one of them, he walks away with a relieved heart and bags full of food for his siblings.  
Hoseok depends on that food, because it saves him up to three weeks of salary and he can use that money to get his siblings some new clothes that they had to wait all year for.  Along with some small gifts in order to make up for the birthday’s Hoseok wasn’t able to afford.  
Since this was his last year of being eligible for the reaping, Hoseok made sure to add his name more than usual, hoping to get more food so he could spread out the money for even longer. 
So in a way, when his name was called, he wasn’t completely surprised.  
But he was heartbroken, realizing that in his effort to provide for his siblings he may have robbed them of yet another caretaker. 
When it was time to say goodbye, he tried his hardest to be strong and promised them he’d come back.  
On the train ride over to the capitol he was completely inconsolable, unable to sleep at the prospect of his siblings having to watch him die on national tv.  
He went through the motions of the first days at the capitol, but it wasn’t until the training days begun that he was approached.  
it was a girl from 10 and she was only 13 years old.  She asked him if he had an ally and if he would be interested in working with her.  Hoseok was about to say no when he fell silent, the girl reminded him so much of his younger sister that he couldn’t help but want to protect her.  
They made an alliance.  
And it was working rather well.  Turned out the girl from 10 was very handy and knew how to keep her and Hoseok alive.  The arena was a freezing arctic and she skinned polar bears in order to keep her and Hoseok warm, later cooking the meat for them to eat.  
Most tributes that year died via freezing to death, very little fighting was done.   
Not the career pact though.
They found Hoseok and the girl from 10, holding him down and forcing him to watch as they tortured her. 
Eventually she died but he would never forget her screams for help.  
This was enough to make Hoseok snap.
So he did.
Hoseok became a monster, broke free and killed the pact.  There was only three (two boys, one girl), he stabbed one in the throat, strangled the other and tracked the fleeing girl down before holding her head under the freezing water till she drowned.  
Hoseok won.  
In a way he’s glad because now him and his family live on victor’s row and no longer have to worry about their next meal. 
 But his sanity will never be the same....
He is the kindest mentor, mainly because he knows that the majority of them won’t be coming back so he’s sure to be very nice and always offers to look out for their family when they eventually die.  
Park Jimin- District Four (Fishing)
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Jimin volunteered for the games, an act that was surprising to everyone and anyone in four.  
It’s not that Jimin wasn’t strong, it was just that he didn’t seem like the type to hurt people and he was mainly just known as a really sweet local fisher boy.  
People wondered how such an angel could even think of volunteering, much less actually win the games...
(Rumors even spread that he must’ve been suicidal or in serious debt, why else would he volunteer?)
But he strutted up confidently and announced his name, holding a certain benevolence that made him seem self-assured in his own ability.  
Jimin was already acting like he won the games before he even got to the capitol.  
He never really showed any anxiety or distress, he talked to the escort and mentors very casually....as if they were all old friends.   
He also was extremely close to his designers/stylists, he allowed himself to get spoiled by the pampering and new clothes/makeup.  (This also could’ve been part of his strategy.  Most tributes could care less about their team but by Jimin becoming close to them, they most likely were more motivated to get him the best clothes, jewelry, makeup and overall helped him get more fans.)  
Needless to say he became popular very quickly, he was by far the most attractive tribute and his laid back/flirty personality was infectious. For the first time ever a tribute’s concept was sex appeal, something that was unheard of for tributes to do because of their young age.  
During his interview when asked about his strategy, Jimin just shrugged cutely and said “I’m a very lucky person, I doubt this will be all that hard.”
he buttered up the careers very nicely, they all basically just saw him as eye candy with lots of sponsors, not an actual threat.  
Little did anyone know, Jimin was actually playing a very intelligent game that requires lots of manipulation.  
His main objective was to stick with the careers until more than half the tributes were gone, then he would turn the careers against each other.  
It would start off really slow and deliberate; going to one career and saying “This isn’t any of my business, but I heard (blank) talking in their sleep about offing you.”  Or going to another and saying, “Don’t you think it’s weird how (blank) is acting?  Maybe they’re thinking about killing us and winning this thing for themselves.”
He creates chaos and distrust and watches as they slowly turn against each other.  
Eventually the careers would begin to kill each other, the alliance crumbling all thanks to Jimin.  
Jimin would wait until only him and another career remained.  At this point the career would realize that it was Jimin who destroyed the alliance...but it would be too late.  
It was a girl career and although she was strong, she was no match for Jimin who dragged her to the swamp and held her head under water until the cannon sounded.  
He would then kill the remaining two tributes, a piece of cake since he only kept the careers around to off the bigger threats, only weak kids remained.  
Wins the game and becomes one of the most popular victors of all time.  (Although it’s still a mystery as to why he volunteered, a lingering question Jimin has always refused to answer.)  
Because of him a new strategy in the games was born; The Jimin game (ie; get in an alliance, use the alliance for supplies/food/protection, then when all the big tributes are gone plant a seed of deception into the allies so they all turn against each other)  
Also because of him tributes began selling a more sexier side of themselves.  (Esp tributes from four bc Jimin mentors them into it so that they can get more sponsors)  
Jimin also frequents the capitol often, being an A-list celebrity and receiving special treatment whenever he comes around.  Unlike Yoongi, Jimin fully embraced his role and is always ready to give out interviews or guest on shows.  
he also sells himself to elite capitol women, not because he was forced to but because he enjoys the sex and gifts that come with it (sugar baby)
Although there is one catch to sleeping with the infamous Park Jimin.....you have to tell him a secret worth his while.  
What he’s planning to do with these secrets....no one knows.  
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739337369137371082 · 4 years
Okay sorry it took me over a week to actually sit down and type this out. Even though I was raring at the bit, ready to share, I am nothing if not a master procrastinator. I’m the anon who asked about sending story ideas btw.
All I could think about after reading Run Away was the chase scene. I knew I was into the pred-prey shit, but holy fuck I didn’t realize just how much I was until I read it. Now I’m picturing Gordon and Benrey taking camping trips when Gordon has the time off work (assuming he gets that lab job) so Benrey can chase him through the real woods. Instead of just the patch of trees behind their apartment.
They pack like it’s just gonna be a normal camping trip, but they know the real reason. ;) They go somewhere nice and secluded, set up camp, chill for a while. Then later on in the evening it’s time to party. Not full dark, mind you. It wouldn’t be fun if Gordon can’t see at all. It gets dark as fuck out in the wilderness at night. Can’t have much of chase if it ends five seconds in with Gordon having broken glasses or a busted ankle. (Can you tell I’ve put a little too much thought into this?)
But yeah, Benrey decides, alright, time to go man. I’ll give you like half an hour head start or whatever. Just pick a direction and I’ll come find you in a bit. Maybe the first time around that they do this Gordon is legitimately worried about what will happen if he gets lost and Benrey can’t find him, but after he realizes that it’s basically impossible for Benrey to not find him even if he tries, he actually starts trying. He maybe even gets into learning a bit about tracking and woodscraft to really try to get decent at it because it’s more fun to make him work for it. He wants Benrey to catch him (and being the eldritch monster that Benrey is, it’s never going to not be relatively easy to do it), but it’s so much more engaging if he doesn’t have to pretend he can’t just grab Gordon immediately. Benrey actually has to put a modicum of effort in, which just serves to make him want to catch Gordon even more.
So Gordon sets out, getting into the headspace of I need to escape this creature before it fucking eats me. Benrey follows him after a bit and sniffs him out. I can see Benrey, once he’s hunted Gordon down, having fun stalking him for a bit. Letting Gordon catch a glimpse of him, hear the rustle of something following him, or just the feeling that something is watching him. Has the monster caught up to him or is it just his imagination? Benrey letting his more monstrous traits bleed into his appearance to really scare the shit out of Gordon when he does see him. Work him up so he’s ready to run. Then at just the right moment he can jump out and fucking. Run. Him. Down. Like the prey he is.
Of course, Benrey does catch him. And I’ve just got this like, really vivid image in my head of when he does pin Gordon down, Benrey grabbing him by the back of his neck in his jaws and (gently) shaking him around a bit to “kill” him. He’d probably need his crazy, ripped open monster mouth for that. Then it’s time for their usual ‘we’re both so worked up we’re gonna make out/grind/pratically fuck right here.’ But since Gordon has his objections to getting fucked into the literal dirt, eventually Benrey scoops him up and takes him back to camp. Dragging his prey back to his lair or whatever. Oh no, gonna eat you or som’thin. Gonna do a lot of bites. Except Gordon is totally ready for the bites. Yes please.
And then they fuck, except now Gordon can be as loud as he wants without their poor neighbors suffering because of it. Lol.
I’ve also got this little idea in my head of the next morning Gordon pretending he’s going to “escape” just to be cheeky. Exaggeratedly sneaking and making it two steps before Benrey wraps his arms around him and is like, oh no, guess I’m gonna have to hold you down to get you to stay. Both of them just laughing. Cue some significantly more chill sleepy morning sex and cuddles. Then whether or not not they do it all again the next night is up to how wrecked Gordon is from the first time and how worn out his poor legs are.
Final thoughts:
Coomer: “So, Benrey, what are you and Gordon planning to do for your long weekend since he has Monday off?”
Benrey: “Oh, we’re going camping. Gonna chase him through the woods.” *smirk*
Bubby: “Oh my god, I don’t need to hear about your weird sex vaction. Stop talking.”
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nkp1981 · 4 years
Part 3 of a story with an angry cook named Joe and a quiet book nerd named Nicky
Part 2 can be read here: https://bit.ly/35k8R7c
At the hospital Joe found it frustrating that he couldn’t get any information about how Nicky was doing, because he wasn’t Nicky’s next of kin and was considering starting to search the hospital, when a nurse made a sign that he should follow her.
“Who are you?” Joe wanted to know as they walked down the hallways. “Not here.” The nurse replied, looked around her and pushed Joe into a room the staff uses during the long shifts.
“I tell you, where you can find Nicolo if you give me a satisfying answer to this: what are your intentions?” The nurse wanted to know, and Joe smiled, when he finally had learned Nicky’s name. “I have tried to find the courage to talk to him ever since I acted like a jerk, and because  I didn’t have the courage, I might have been stalking him the last couple of months just to catch a glimpse of him. I know it's not the best idea in the world, and I have a lot of excuses to do, but right now I just need to know if he is ok and will be fine again.” Joe replied in the hope it was enough to get Nicky’s location and looked at the nurse, who was deciding what to do with Joe. “There is something you need to know about Nicolo, and that’s he is really ill and being assaulted yesterday hasn’t helped. That boy has always tried to push his illness to a side, because he won’t realize, that he is really ill by having his nose in a book all the time, but I got a feeling, that you might could be the one, who can pull him away from the books, because I think, that you might be just as stubborn as he is.” The nurse said. Thanks, I think.” Joe replied and started to feel a hope that he would finally get to see Nicky again. “But is there something I can do?” Joe asked after moments of silence, that felt like forever, and got surprised over that he suddenly had started to invest in another person, because it was so far from what he normally would do. “Nicolo could really use a friend for a start, but if you could find him a place for him to stay, while he recovers would also help on it.” The nurse replied in the hope Joe wouldn’t run out of the room. “I got a place he can stay if he wants to.” Joe said without any hesitation. “That’s your problem to convince him, that you want to help him, so do you still want to see him?” The nurse wanted to know, and when Joe nodded, the nurse opened the door.
Joe felt his heart sink even more down in stomach, when he saw Nicky in the bed wired up to all the machines. “Beside his diabetes, he also has broken ribs and a sprained wrist, but there is something else you should know before you commit to it all.” The nurse said as she took a chair and placed it next to the bed to test Joe one last time. “He also has heart problems, so he will never be healthy like you are. So, are you staying or leaving?” The nurse asked and looked at Joe, who just sat down on the chair, where he took off his backpack and jacket. “What should I write under next to kin?” The nurse wanted to know and placed a hand on Joe’s shoulder as a response to, that he had passed her tests. “Yusuf Al-Kaysani.” Joe replied and gave her his address. “I’m Andy. Pull at that string when he wakes.” Andy said and pointed to Joe’s right, before she left them alone. Joe then ran a hand through Nicky’s hair, before he took Nicky’s hand and settled in for a long night, while he started to lay a plan for convincing Nicky to stay with him for a time in the hope, that it would envolve into something more.
Nicky woke a couple of hours later and it took him a moment to realize that it was Joe, who was holding his hand and pulled it to himself, so Joe woke and looked at Nicky with a grateful smile, that he was finally awake. “Still stalking me?” Nicky asked brusque and pulled his hand away from Joe’s, before he sat up in the bed, where he felt the pain from his ribs. “Andy said I could stay until you woke.” Joe replied and reached for his backpack. “Well, then I guess, you can go, since I’m awake.” Nicky said and looked at the wall in the hope that Joe would leave, but instead Joe placed a gift in Nicky’s lap and took his hand again, which took Nicky by surprise. “I know we got off on the wrong foot, but wasn’t it you, who told me never to assume things about people, so can we please start all over by accepting my sincere excuse for running your book by accepting this gift?” Joe asked and gave Nicky a shy smile, that told him that Joe meant it. “Only if you promise never to yell and stalk me again.” Nicky replied and looked at Joe with those eyes that had hunted him for months. “I promise you that, Nicolo.” Joe said and Nicky looked at him with a surprise look over, he knew his name. “Andy is the only one, who calls me that, so please call me Nicky.” Nicky begged, which was something Joe could live with. “I’m Yusuf btw but open your gift.” Joe said, eager to see what Nicky would say about it. When Nicolo saw the book, Joe noticed another shade in Nicky’s eyes, and he ran a hand over the book’s cover. “It is older than the book I ruined, and it’s illustrated.” Joe added and gave Nicky a smile, which he returned. “It’s almost too much, I don’t know what to say.” Nicky muttered and opened the book to take a closer look at it, while Joe couldn’t wait to get home and draw the look on Nicky’s face. “Don’t mention it.” Joe replied and gave him a smile, but before Nicky could return it, his face froze and he hugged the book, when he saw Andy.
“Don’t look so scared, Nicolo.” Andy said with a smirk, while checking the drop. “You’re not gonna scold me?” Nicolo asked, surprised over her calm tone. “Not unless you’re gonna take Yusuf’s offer.” Andy replied and looked at Joe with a look, that said this is the only help you are getting. “Listen, I know, that you are dealing with a lot at the moment, but you are welcome to stay with me until you’re feeling better. My apartment is big enough for both of us and you can have all the rooms with all the books in. There is literature from all over the world in different languages and some is older than the book, you are holding in your hands, and I could really use someone to help me with them, so what do you say to have a look at them, while you recover and use the time to figure out, what to do next?” Joe offered Nicky in the hope that the promise of books would do the trick. “You decide Nicolo: stay here and listen to yet a big lecture from me or go read some books.” Andy added, which made the decision so much easier for Nicky to make his mind up. “Only until my ribs heal.” Nicky said and both Joe and Andy knew that it was a start “He can leave tomorrow.” Andy said and left the room. “I have to go to work, or my boss will make good of her promise to fire me, but I will be back tonight I promise. Should I bring you something?” Joe wanted to know while he really didn't want to leave Nicky behind. “Maybe some clothes so I won’t have to leave the hospital in this.” Nicky replied and looked down at the hospital gown which made Joe laugh for the first time in years. “I will find you something. Here, call if there is something else.” Joe said and took a piece of paper to write down his number, before he handed it to Nicky, who’s hand was warmer now. Then he picked up his jacket and backpack from the floor and saw the look on Nicky’s face, who reminded him of a child afraid of being left behind. “Hey, by the time you have got some rest and read the book, I’ll be back. I promise.” Joe said and ran a couple of fingers through Nicky’s hair to reassure him, which did the trick for now. “See you tonight.” Nicky said and gave Joe a smile. “See you.” Joe replied and looked at Nicky one more time with a smile, before leaving the room. When Nicky was alone again, he got hit by a feeling that he had never had before, he actually felt alone, so he looked down at the book and thought that if Joe didn’t return at least he had gotten a new book. As Joe made his way through the hospital, he promised himself that he would do anything in the world to prevent Nicky ending up in the hospital again.
my creation
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vinaity · 4 years
Hello, my lovely. So I read your rules, If it's okay can I get a general yandere korekiyo headcanons? It's completely okay if you don't feel comfortable. ~Mod Maki.
I kinda went all out for these headcanons because I finished replaying DRV3 and Kiyo is one of my top 3 favourite characters! 
btw, i wrote this on microsoft word (which is why there are little gaps), I usually write on notes or google docs so I hope you don’t mind!
(slight TW warning: abuse mentions)
-          Personally, I think he would stand in the shadows and watch you firstly.
-          He can’t watch you in the day, so he would mostly follow you around during the night time.
-          But if he were to stalk you during the day, he’ll only follow you to places where he knows he can disguise himself
-          For example, let’s just say you were going to the café to get a coffee and drink it there, he would be able to blend himself in with the crowd and watch you drink your coffee while he disguises himself as someone who is reading.
-          He would be cautious of course; he didn’t want you noticing him following you suddenly.
-          So, he wears different clothes, masks and hairstyles to make it seem he’s different every time.
-          It’s a lot of work, yes, but anything will do for his precious treasure.
-          He thinks humanity is beautiful and watching your light footsteps while walking is also beautiful.
-          Your presence, though only from a distance, was amazing to him.
-          Taking you though that is a long process for Kiyo, he doesn’t want to just kidnap you while you’re sleeping.
-          That’s too cruel for his treasure, he never treats his artifacts he keeps that way. He doesn’t treat them viciously like a predator hunting for prey, so he won’t treat you viciously.
-          He decides to do it the way he thinks is best.
-          That the way is to become friends with you and slowly consume more and more of your time until he has you wrapped around his finger.
-          So, one day, he forcefully made someone bump into you while walking past you, making you fall into his arms ‘coincidentally’
-          You apologize for falling in his arms, and he introduces himself in his normal way.
-          But slowly over time, you become closer and closer to him, not knowing what you got yourself into.
-          Eventually, he invites you over to stay the night and watch movies.
-          Little did you know that would be the last time you left your home or had proper freedom.
-          But anyways, let’s get to what happens after he takes you.
-          I’m gonna put this on the table, but he is possessive of you.
-          You’re his treasure, he knows you’re not an object, but he treats you with the utter most care; like how he does with the artifacts he collects during his anthropology adventures.
-          Of course, he won’t isolate you, but if you were to go somewhere- you had to tell him first.
-          But if you were to go to places like clubs, it is a must that he must come too. He needs to show those people that you’re his.
-          But like what I said, he treats you with care. It’s like he worships you, but he gets to control aspects in your life (mostly social life)
-          That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have his moments where he marks you out in public, or ‘injure’ one or two people who decided to get too close to you.
-          Another thing is that you get free roam of his place, but there is one rule he has for you.
-          You can’t go in the room without his permission or you’ll be punished accordingly.
-          The room is his sister’s old bedroom: he’s left it the same way since she died.
-          It’s locked and everything, he has the key hidden somewhere even you don’t know.
-          He hates going in there though, as it gives him flashbacks to what happened in that room when he was younger and in his sister’s care.
-          I personally headcanon Korekiyo with PTSD from what happened to him and his sister. It’s hinted in canon that he was abused (specifically emotionally and sexually abused) by his sister, so that’s why I headcanon him with it.
-          Because of this, he doesn’t want to be all over and controlling
-          He’s been in the shoes of a victim of that and he knows how painful he is, and he can’t bear doing that to his precious treasure.
-          But has restrictions on you of course, and they may seem loose, but if you break one of the more personal ones- you’re fucked
-          You know what he’s capable of, you’ve seen him ‘injure’ people and give more ‘friends’ before as a punishment, and you know how fucked up you are if you do mess with him.
-          On the sort of good side, you get to see most of the world with Kiyo.
-          Why? Because it’s mandatory for you to come with him when he goes travelling for fieldwork for anthropology reasons.
-          But when you do visit these places, you must be by his side or at least in his sight.
-          You don’t really mind these rules when you come with him travelling, as you’re too captivated by the stories the elders and the overall culture to notice how possessive the rules are.
Overall /TL;DR :
-          Kiyo is the type of yandere to be sorta loose with rules, but the punishments are cruel and slightly sadistic.
-          He doesn’t like being all over you in terms of possession and just being horrible in general, because he’s been the victim of that; he doesn’t want to put that pain onto you.
-          When you go travelling, these rules and punishment apply- but he keeps it on the down low (for example, he does certain hand signs which represent certain quotes; one hand movement could mean ‘stop talking and come back to me now.’ And another could mean ‘if you don’t stop what you’re doing, you’re getting punished bad.’)
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ewokthrowdown · 5 years
6 - Yes, I’m aware. Your point?
Fandom fanfiction: Yuri!!! on Ice
Warnings, pairings: None, Victuuri
<< Chris!
<< Chris goddamnit I am your mother!
>> For the love of all that is holy, Victor, chill
<< I wikl not
>> I am too hungover and pretty for this
<< Don’t make me come hunt you down. I don’t know how you got past me but I will find you
>> This is exactly why I left the hotel
>> Listen, mon cherie, ma beaute, ma petite oeuf, Yuuri is shy. He’d die if you call him apropos to nothing
>> Just stalk him on social media like a normal person
<< His social media is dead. DEAD
<< Which is exactly what I shall be if you don’t give me his number
<< Also excuse you it is not apropos to nothing we had CHEMISTRY
>> You know what? Fine
<< YES
>> NO
>> I’m giving you Phichit Chulanont’s number
<< The Thai skater? He’s not even here
>> No but he is Yuuri’s best friend and roommate
>> He’ll set you up without letting you go full kill bill sirens like you always do with pretty boys
<< I haven’t been a slut for years Chris how dare
<< I’m a father
>> Makkachin is your primary care giver not the other way around, sweetie
<< Fair. She’s a good girl
>> Right so
Applebottom Jeans added Slutorov to “His Hips Don’t Lie”
Applebottom Jeans added Cutiepatootie to “His Hips Don’t Lie”
What is this
Victor Nikiforov?? Is that you??
Oh fuck my boy is gonna kill me what is this
Phichit Chulanont, delighted to make your acquaintance
We’re gathered here today for a very important purpose
Applebottom Jeans
Why are you talking like the queen of England all of a sudden
A second ago it was like you were typing with your forehead
This is no time for forehead jokes this is a matter of life or death
I’m live tweeting this btw
No! No live tweets
Yuuri’s shy
Applebottom Jeans
Long sigh
Silence bitchstophe
You live for my drama
Applebottom Jeans
Right so Phichit, my man, my main bitch, what is Yuuri’s deal? He’s single? He’s gay? He’s beautiful? He’s zesty?
What was I saying?
The legends are true
What’re the legends?
That you have about as much chill as you do bad angles
Applebottom Jeans
I could have told you that ma beauté
Although talking isn’t really what I wanna do when I’m with you
Applebottom Jeans
How is this a national emergency?
I’m a national treasure and Yuuri’s thighs are an emergency
Phichit, would you kindly ask Yuuri two questions for me?
Fire away
1. Will you marry me?
2. Why not?
Applebottom Jeans
Victor, hunny, sweetie, you’ve met the boy once
Yes, I’m aware. Your point?
35 notes · View notes
0idril0 · 5 years
Evan & Clint 11
I’m sorry this took me a little longer 😭 thanks @whumpywhumper for beta reading, thanks @captivity-whump for taking a look at one section for me, y’all help so much. @comfy-whumpee this is like seeping with Clint action, you’re gonna love it, and I’m tagging you @whumpitywhumpwhump because your comments give me life
Read the rest of the series or you won’t know what’s going on, expecially part 10 
Check out this link for a photo that represents what out resident were looks like shift , i couldn’t figure out who to give credit for the photo though :( (BTW he’s red not grey but yall get the idea) 
As Martin spoke, Evan wanted to shake the man. This isn’t the time for your fucking ideals. He wrapped more magic around Clint, restraining the wolf’s anger, and his own, before they ruined the likelihood of Martin helping.
Crackling breaths had turned jagged and slow, the plastic oxygen mask knocked askew, leaving Nico’s face a sickly grey blue. The boy had entered respiratory death.
“I guess I’ll have to let you learn on your own.”
Evan hissed as Brian and Kristy approached Clint, barely aborting his leap towards them. Instinct told him to stay away from the werewolf, and he could see that reflected in the other supernatural’s faces. But the siren had never been good at keeping his distance. Brian’s face was white, lips pale where they pressed together as he took another step closer to Clint.
Kristy had tucked herself close to Brian’s back, half hiding behind him, but it was her delicate hand that reached for the wolf.
“Clint, he’s going to help, okay? Just, let him touch him?” Brian’s voice was loud in the quiet room.
Tears stained Clint’s cheeks as he looked towards the pair, and Evan felt compassion pull at him. Clint’s mouth worked briefly before he rubbed cheek against Nico’s hair, the black hair catching on thick bristles, as he laid the boy down. “O—okay.”
Evan rocked on his heels as Clint knelt beside the table. This was a mess. He’d never seen Martin like this, but then he’d never asked him to heal a human either. Anytime he’d had problems in the past, whether it be a sick friend or a dog bite, the man had dropped everything to be there. He didn’t understand what was wrong with him.
When Martin’s magic made contact with Nico’s bandaged chest, a few strands of his magic snapped. As the magic loosened, Clint’s wolf pressed against the intricately braided lines, testing the give. It waited impatiently, stalking as it looked for weaknesses. Be calm. He pushed his magic into the words, willing the wolf into submission.
He’d never needed to try controlling Clint before, never had a reason. Now, he wished he’d had a reason. This was nothing like controlling an animal, not even like controlling the purely supernatural animals he’d seen. The wolf was smart, silent as it struggled against the bindings, learning and testing him. It was terrifying.
He pushed back against the magic and focused on Martin as the man’s magic started to gather in the air. It sizzled against the skin, feeling like a flash burn or an electric charge. Nico’s muscles jumped against the magic, involuntarily clenching.
Evan saw when the true seizure started. Nico’s eyes flickered, bouncing back and forth in his skull like a ping pong ball, the previously slack jaw clenching, teeth grinding together. Evan winced when Nico let out a small moan, his breath gurgling through thick pink foam as Nico’s chest clenched, barely moving. His back arched, matted hair sliding against the sweat soaked blanket as his muscles quivered. Fresh blood bloomed against the bandages encasing Nico’s chest as the magic made the boy tremble, staining Martin’s hands red where they forced the green magic into his chest and belly. Evan rushed forward as Nico’s head bounced against the quilts, holding it in place as best he could against the onslaught.
He subtly pressed a finger to Nico’s neck, feeling for a pulse. It flickered against his fingers, trying to hide in the quaking muscles. Come on buddy, you can do this, use the magic.
The table groaned, and Evan could see Clint’s claws driving rivets into the metal. Metal snapped, and Evan cringed as Clint’s blood joined Nico’s on the floor.
A short eternity passed as he watched Martin’s magic crackle along Nico’s torso, he could see sweat forming along the man’s brow and iridescent green flashed in mud brown eyes. Worry pounded through him as he watched the furrow in Martin’s brow grow deeper, the man’s eyes slowly widening in a confused dread. 
Evan leaned towards the mage, hissing. “Martin, wha-?” He flinched, cutting himself of as Nico moaned,barely more than a small gurgle, in his hands. He pressed a finger back against Nico’s now limp neck, and felt his blood freeze.
“Nonono....” Clint’s voice shattered, and a broken scream ripped through the room.
Fuck. Releasing Nico’s head, Evan turned to the two young supernaturals hiding in the corner. “Move.” He grabbed their wrists, jerking them from their hiding place towards the partially open door as Clint’s scream turned to a roar.
Blood pounded in Clint’s ears as the world shook around him. Gonegonegone. The flickering presence that had entranced him for such a short period wasn’t there.
He should have told him sooner. Should have found him. Should have been able to love him. His heart tore, and he wailed, loud pops drowning out the sound as his body shifted. Skin itching as fur scratched at his human form.
Gone. He’s gone. He heaved for air, sobs wracking his body as it shivered and cracked.
Metal crashed against the ground beside him, and he whipped his elongating snout towards the sound, bass growl rumbling through his chest. Martin.
Rage coursed through him as he crouched, slowly stalking around the table. The table holding Nico’s body.
The brunette stood with his hands in front of him, magic floating through his splayed fingers.
He roared, mouth ill suited for speech. Supposed to help. Where were you?!
The brunet flinched, backing into the cabinets. “Listen, this wasn’t—“ Clint slammed against the back wall, howling as the the resulting crash disrupted Nico’s still frame. Cloth ripped as his form stretched, and he shook himself free of the fabric, discarding it in a useless heap.
“Hurt him.” His soul roared, trying to push the thought into Martin. To make him understand anguish.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Clint cocked his head at the mages words, waiting. “There’s, there’s a reason it didn’t work. ” Martin’s voice was strangled as he took another hesitant step towards the door. “Humans aren’t made for magic, we aren’t made to mix with them.” The man’s heart sped at the statement, lie clear. Shock made Clint freeze, realization dawning. Why hadn’t he seen it earlier?!
“Uuuu.” You. Clint snarled, saliva dripping down his exposed canines. Martin’s face hardened, the scent of his fear still thick in the air.
“He was a danger to all of you. But he wasn’t supposed to die. I had bigger plans for him.” The world narrowed as Clint’s roar rattled the walls.
Thicker russet fur sprouted along his back as he sprung towards the mage, tail whipping through the air was he scrambled for balance.
Martin bolted, slamming against the the door jam just as Clint’s claws tore the frame from the wall.
“Kill you for taking him.”
Martin threw magic behind him as he ran, slamming against the hallway walls. The first bolt struck Clint in the chest, and he grunted at the resulting wave of vertigo. He dug his claws into the walls, throwing himself forward and through another bolt of energy, his fur caught it, scattering the energy through the long hallway.
The braying of dogs as they tore through the kennels made him throw his head back in a howl, blood pounding through him as he hunted.
He snarled as he finished shifting, his full were form breaking the concrete floors as he gained on the retreating mage. Magic crackled in the air, catching on his fur as he slashed at Martin’s back. Crying out, the mage fell through the propped open doors, blood spattering onto the asphalt.
The mage skidded across the half full lot, propelled by the blow from Clint’s claws. Martin flipped, landing on his back. The steel door flew from its hinges as Clint crashed out of the building.
Clint chuffed, focused entirely on the downed figure. He bound towards the man with a thundering growl, vocal cords ripping with the strain. He lept for the man, claws outstretched, intent on ripping the mage’s head from his shoulders.
Pain exploded in his side as his paws left the ground, and he yelped, air rushing from his lungs from the impact. He crashed into the asphalt, chunks of fur catching in the jagged ground. Clint shook himself, the sound of a revving engine distracting him momentarily from his goal.
Heaving for air, Clint pushed himself to his haunches, blood dripping down his snout. A large blue truck idled in front of him, caged front bent and stained with his blood. Licking the blood from his face he snarled at the driver, the thin man’s glare rolling off of him.
Martin moved in the corner of his eye, and he rumbled a growl, easily beating the truck’s volume. The truck revved again, tires spinning as it lurched towards him. Clint jumped out of the way, scraping his claws through the blue paint, rending the metal on the doors. It squealed, sliding on the asphalt. The passenger door rocked on its hinges as the man inside threw it open, another set of arms reaching out and practically picking the injured mage up. The truck didn’t stop, the passenger hauling Martin into the floorboard as it careened to the busy road.
Impotent rage made him howl, and he stumbled as he started forward, shoulder and side slick with new blood, leg unable to hold his weight. “I’ll get them, Baby. I promise.”
Clint whined, turning back towards Evan’s office. Back towards Nico.
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Mia & Jimmy & Janis
Mia: [Computer Science project that you have to make a company/logo/business cards/spreadsheets/website/everythang you could think of so it takes a full term or whatever and you have to work with each other in every lesson] Mia: Right, I think we should do a law firm for our business Mia: because my dad is so we can actually use examples to make all our products legit Jimmy: what, like no win, no fee? 👍 can do a funny ad piss easy Mia: That is NOT the kind of lawyer my dad is Mia: funny isn't gonna get us good grades either Jimmy: 💔 Dunno who I'm gonna get to chase my 🚑 now Janis: I'm with Chuckles Janis: you're just trying to make this project most beneficial to you Janis: I don't wanna be a vulture when I grow up Janis: go generic as possible or it ain't fair Jimmy: don't reckon your dad needs the free promo any road, rich girl Jimmy: unless this is a cry for help that he can't get the prey Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Mia: Obviously I want to make it beneficial, I CARE about my grades and future Mia: but I'd love to hear your suggestions I'm sure Jimmy: you after a 🏆 or just a 👏 for trying to get an A? Mia: I get As, new boy, I don't just try Jimmy: I get it, you want 🤤😍 Jimmy: there Mia: Don't be so disgusting Mia: If you two are going to try and sabotage my grade, I WILL make my dad make Sir let me move Mia: I'm not being dragged down Jimmy: crack on, we've worked out your dad ain't busy with accidents at work Janis: Like, please try and use all daddy's clout to get that stubborn prick to do anything he's deciding he's not gonna do Janis: I already said I'd do this shit alone and no 🎲 Jimmy: don't sound like him that Jimmy: go on, rich girl, love to witness another failed flex Janis: You reckon we'd get extra points for fluffing our business expenses like your dad or what? Janis: I'll go along with it if we can convincingly hide our fake funds in a tax haven and make ourselves look LEGIT 👌 Jimmy: Me an' all Mia: You know as little about my dad as you do about your own, Janis Mia: you wish he was as crooked too but he's on the right side of the law so Janis: above the law Janis: can't do no wrong in your eyes, so I've heard Janis: but doubt new boy finds your family drama any more interesting than I do Janis: be a fucking law firm if you like, let's just split the jobs up equally and we don't have to talk until it's time to piece it all together Jimmy: I'll have the ad and the logo, tah very much Janis: you mean the fun bits Jimmy: I mean the 🎨 bits Jimmy: rich girl wants her A Janis: obliging Janis: I'll make the website and business cards, I've done it before Janis: Mia, do the data input, yeah Janis: star in Tarantino's ad, you'll love that Mia: No, no Mia: I don't feel comfortable leaving you completely to your own devices Mia: that's not a totally terrible split of the workload but I intend to oversee every step of the process Mia: we have to do a writeup at the end, you know Jimmy: it's almost like the other lass ain't as thick as you'd feel comfortable her being, funny that Mia: I literally want to do well and as far as I know, I'm the only one here who consistently gets good grades Mia: so hostile Mia: I agree that's how we should split the work but I'm not going to just assume you'll both do it well, we can all have input in every part Jimmy: could LITERALLY fill a book the size of sir's big head with all the shit you don't know about what I do well Jimmy: but alright Jimmy: watch me, if you don't get enough of it already, better uniform at work though, don't you reckon? Mia: Oh my God, brag much? Mia: hit the nail on the head with big head 🙄 Jimmy: stalk much? 🙄 Jimmy: least your dad could take my case Mia: It's HER sister that likes you, not ME Mia: get a grip and take it up with her if you're not feeling it Jimmy: I'll still give your dad a bell, chuck him that 🦴 as he's struggling Mia: As I said, he doesn't DO no win no fee, so you couldn't afford him Jimmy: 💔🎻 Janis: Now we've established it's justice only for those that can afford it Janis: and rich girls can do whatever they want Janis: what are we doing first, oh mighty project manager Jimmy: I'll do the logo in blue, sounds about right, that Janis: #bluelivesmatter is already taken for a tagline but I'll get to thinking Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll have a think if I wanna use gold for her 👑 or silver for the 🥄 Janis: 🥄 might imply a problem with amphetamines and obviously, you want everyone to know you WORKED for that 💀🦴 all by yourself, you know Mia: You'd know all about that, wouldn't you Mia: taking over the family business, yeah? Jimmy: Oi, it ain't that grim up north Mia: Grim is right Jimmy: Gutted Rosso didn't make you feel like the WAG you deserve on your last visit babes 🤞 next time you'll spot them celebs Jimmy: or you'll keep to Bijou, that glam dress code would never do you dirty Jimmy: 💕 Janis: I get it Janis: you want me to make sure you're infertile Janis: all those cheat days and binges got you feeling unsure, no problem, just ask Jimmy: lend her the 🥄 Mia: You are both SUCH freaks Mia: what does any of that even mean Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: only a freak on the weekend, me Mia: NOT interested, new boy Mia: I HAVE a boyfriend who's a lot hotter than you, right Janis? Jimmy: makes two of us, rich girl Janis: For someone who thinks my bloodline is filth, you LOVE being surrounded by 'em, yeah Janis: bit weird but everyone likes their bit of rough Janis: how disadvantaged is your dad's newest mistress, I mean secretary? Janis: SO charitable 💙 Jimmy: might be northern, sounds like they've been there loads Mia: Are you gay, new boy? Mia: I'll have to let down Gracie for you Jimmy: only for sir Jimmy: he's well fit Jimmy: crack on with letting your bestie down though and if my mum's the one with your dad, tell her she left the oven on but I sorted it Mia: ??? Mia: What EVEN Mia: you're cracked Jimmy: brb gotta go dry my eyes Jimmy: 🐣💕 Jimmy: I do feel #seen tah for that, hun Mia: I can't even Mia: fine, you two come up with our company branding Mia: I'm going to write out all the info to put on our website when it's done Jimmy: Oi, bad blood, you wanna be the star of my ad or what? Janis: no Jimmy: alright, I'll ask sir Janis: good taste Janis: rinse her dad in a fight Jimmy: tah for the meet cute opportunity Jimmy: when he's her dad's new mr I wanna 🎥📸 the wedding Janis: awh, full ⚪ Janis: she'll look adorable in her flower girl dress Jimmy: 🤞 Gracie catches the 💐 Jimmy: she is on a lad hunt Janis: 🤞 Mia's da has a brother Mia don't also want to fuck Jimmy: don't leave us in suspense 👑 does he or what? Mia: Shut the fuck up or I'll show all this to Sir Jimmy: Go on Jimmy: he'll think I'm 😎 and I'll be well in Janis: Do it, little miss perfect Janis: the part where you shit on my dead dad's grave will be well more shocking when I open the floodgates 😭 Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: ... Jimmy: ........ Janis: guess Sir won't wanna pet you no more when he finds out a. you're a cunt b. new boy is interested in your position Jimmy: he'll do til I can get Mr Lucas Jimmy: you can have him back then Janis: LOVE a happy ending Jimmy: I'll look top in my 👰 Janis: gutted about the lack of uniform though, yeah Mia? Jimmy: What do you make your boyfriend wear? 🦺? Mia: New boy, don't even go there 'cos he could beat you down so easy if I asked him to Janis: that means she pisses on him so they know he's hers Jimmy: makes sense that'd be your kink Janis: dog eat dog world, right babes Janis: stories you was raised on come straight out of your dad's man's man motivational speaker bullshit Jimmy: Oh shit, are you my half sister, rich girl? Jimmy: brb gotta pack my shit so I'm ready to move in Janis: get a princess dress to go with that 👰 Jimmy: order my 👑 in XXL tah Janis: can share with your sister Janis: big happy family vibes xoxo Jimmy: 🤗 Janis: get in here sis Janis: finally not a lonely child Mia: Yeah, I SO want 1000s of siblings like you Jimmy: You're alright, I've only got the one brother and the one sister Jimmy: be piss easy to fit us in your palace Mia: You AREN'T invited Mia: might steal the silverware 🥄🍴 Jimmy: I'll leave you a 🥄 to stick down your throat after dinner Jimmy: got some manners, me Mia: That's lovely, isn't it Mia: eating disorders are really serious, you shouldn't make some jokes Janis: respect the 🎨 Jimmy: cleaning the 🚽 after you lot is an' all Jimmy: part of the job description btw, I get that you'd have to have one to know what that means but Janis: 😏 Janis: staff know all your dirty little secrets, babes Janis: better than a tip, like Jimmy: be 👻⚰💀 before I get a tip off her Janis: if we were all walking 'round looking as SICK as her, what would be the point of corroding away her esophagus and not-so pearly whites? Janis: gotta find your own tricks, boy Jimmy: I'll put a ❄️ in the logo for you, babes Janis: cannot escape those coke vibes omg Janis: you're a PR nightmare Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: #whitelivesandwhitelines Janis: GREAT slogan Janis: basically done over here and you're just texting 💀💩 Janis: tsk tsk, Mimi Jimmy: tick tock or tik tok if you'd rather Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 😂 Janis: make us a law tiktok, hun Jimmy: starring your dad, OBVS Janis: share that 🤤🤤🤤 with the world, not just the local 18-35s Jimmy: 💰 on him being a 🔥🔥🔥 dancer Janis: all middle-aged white men are Jimmy: DUH Janis: POV- you're my client, I'm overcharging you Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍 Mia: You're obsessed with me, I get it 🙄 Jimmy: busted Janis: If that's a crime Janis: get to spend more time with your dad than you do Janis: 💘 Jimmy: SO romantic Jimmy: 👨💕 Janis: can't wait 'til he wants a couple grams Jimmy: refill the silver 🧂 Janis: you know it Janis: sugarbowl never tasted so sweet Jimmy: 😋 Janis: careful Janis: her boyfriend WILL fuck you up Jimmy: I get it, he's obsessed with me Janis: can't blame him Mia: OMG Mia: that is soooo fucked Mia: know your family doesn't see blood relation as an issue but he'll 🤢 when I show him this Jimmy: if he's that bothered, he can come find me Jimmy: you've had my shifts memorised since I started Mia: You wish Jimmy: to give him a smack, yeah Jimmy: why not? Jimmy: sounds like a right knobhead Mia: [sends a picture of Pablo like he's a prize bull or some shit gross Mia] Mia: you reckon, do you? 😂 Jimmy: I reckon he looks like a right knobhead an' all now, since you asked Mia: You've got a deathwish like Mia: wow Janis: kindred spirits Jimmy: 'cause you reckon he looks like a knobhead an' all? that's just sense Janis: was talking about her eating disorder which is VERY serious and we MUST NOT joke about Janis: but yeah, the fuckboy radiating from that selfie must be the appeal Jimmy: Soz mate Mia: She doesn't DO boys, I'd save your breath Jimmy: weren't breathing down her neck, that's you Jimmy: I get why now though, it's a blatant crush Janis: Stalking's your kink, right babes? Janis: Or am I just that special Jimmy: [draws these gals as snowflakes holding hands but Mia is melting] Janis: That's good Janis: but horrific Jimmy: #allherkinks Jimmy: [doodles on the picture of Pablo that she sent in hilarious ways] Janis: 😂😂 Janis: Send him that, whilst you're at it, Mimi Janis: really get him 'roiding out Mia: 🖕🖕🖕 Mia: you're both jealous, both for weird freaky reasons Jimmy: Of what? Go on Mia: You're jealous because you think every girl here wants to ride you and I DON'T Mia: because my boyfriend is better looking and fitter than you 💁 Mia: and she's jealous either because she wants me or she wants her own brother Mia: either way 😷😷😷😷 Jimmy: if every girl round here wanted to crack onto me why would I give a shit if you do or don't? Jimmy: all your mates are fitter than you and they ain't close to this paddy school's top tier Jimmy: and you just said she don't do lads so why would she wanna have a go on her brother unless the steroids have fucked him up harder than advertised Mia: yeah 👌 narcissist Mia: neg me, that'll totally make me interested Jimmy: 🤞 it'll keep you well clear Jimmy: that'll do Mia: I want to be working with you as much as you do me, I've said Mia: leave me alone and this can be as painless as possible Jimmy: I get that you're fuming your boyfriend is growing bigger tits than you but that ain't my problem, my dear Mia: So immature Jimmy: still got a deeper voice than him Janis: imagine defending your man this hard when he fully cheats on you Janis: 💔 Janis: daddy all over again, am I right? Jimmy: 🎻😭🎻 Jimmy: Dunno what I'm more flattered by, that you reckon I'm gay after seeing the state of all the straight lads round here or not wanting to ride me 'cause I ain't a cheating dickhead with massive tits or in your dad's case a hair transplant Jimmy: either way, tah Janis: could donate some to the cause, new boy Janis: hair, not tits Jimmy: you could an' all Jimmy: cause a scandal Janis: #cancelling bitches is a solid hobby Jimmy: there you go Janis: can't lose my only beauty though Janis: 🎻🎻 Janis: have to keep being #problematic yourself babes, so soz Jimmy: 👍 Mia: Stop nerd flirting Mia: send me what work you've done today Jimmy: Hang on, I'll 😎🚬 Jimmy: 💕 Mia: Gross Jimmy: What, I'm only fit and mysterious if I starve myself to 💀💀💀? Alright Jimmy: [sends her the work like oh I must be a nerd then] Mia: Thank you Mia: I'll go over this and give feedback later Jimmy: Gross Mia: 🙄 Mia: I've got to do a speech in Politics and Society after this, so I need to prepare Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: 👋 Janis: pleasure as always Jimmy: bit rude if you two get to nerd flirt Janis: what's 'fuck off' in Arabic? Jimmy: تخلص من Jimmy: probably means ILY or some bollocks 'cause I google translated it Janis: beautiful Janis: love double-meaning Janis: Qué te folle un pez espada, new boy Jimmy: ? Janis: I hope you get fucked by a swordfish 💘 Jimmy: [draws their teacher, Mr Lucas, Pablo and Mia's dad all as swordfish so she can vote for who she ships him with] Jimmy: ✔ or ❌ Janis: [❌ out Pablo's eyes and Mr Lucas' junk like no] Jimmy: [IRL 😏] Janis: [does very unflattering drawing of Mia all up on her father] Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: not an A though, is it Jimmy: [makes it even more unflattering somehow like now it is and now it's also teamwork so even better] Janis: 😏 Jimmy: LOVE a #collab Janis: been waiting for a group project to come along Jimmy: rigged it to work with 👑💀 obvs Janis: duh Jimmy: SO obsessed, her dad will get me off though, he can TOTALLY relate Janis: should but it in our ad Jimmy: 🔪🔪🔪🚿 Janis: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: 💘 Janis: Sir will kill that role Jimmy: Literally Janis: ha ha 🙄 Jimmy: Chuckles is right 🤡 Janis: keep 'em coming Janis: 👑💀 might have an aneurism Jimmy: 🤞 might get an A if she dies Janis: it's what she would've wanted Jimmy: you do love a happy ending Janis: who don't Janis: be my tragic family's fault, no doubt Jimmy: so I've heard Janis: not gonna apologize, new boy Jimmy: weren't waiting for one Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 👌 Janis: please stop nerd flirting with me Jimmy: you started it Jimmy: calm YOURSELF down, mate Janis: did I fuck Jimmy: neg me, that'll totally make me interested Janis: [IRL 😏] Jimmy: [sends her a pisstake version of the logo to fully drag Mia] Janis: is it RGB #374E88 though Jimmy: what? Janis: it's called tory blue Jimmy: is it? Jimmy: [does a colour corrected version immediately] Janis: Better Janis: solid 🥇 Jimmy: Tah Janis: [the pisstake business card with the logo for her dad] Janis: we've absolutely SMASHED it Jimmy: I reckon we can go Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: alright Jimmy: [IRL 😘 to sir] Janis: [we're loving this so hard but gotta hide it] Jimmy: [strutting out cos bad bitch global] Janis: [when you wanna go for all the reasons but also the rumour mill would go off immediately so you're like hmm] Janis: [fuck your life amirite babe] Jimmy: [gutted we ever have to end this convo so same]
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catnizeverdeen · 2 years
A Useful Comment I Saw On Youtube Once
I'm gonna let you in on a few secrets about job hunting:
1. Apply anyway.
Most recruiters don't know shit about what qualifications are necessary and are inundated with apps. So they throw in a few roadblocks like a degree, years of experience, knowledge about certain tools/programs, etc. They're hoping you're going to give up applying, which reduces the number of headaches applicants they have to deal with. Btw did you know women only apply to a job if they're 100% qualified, whereas men will apply if they're 60% qualified? Play the system to your advantage! Get your foot into an interview and then highlight your strengths to compensate for what you lack.
2. Copy & paste.
Well, not literally. But do use the same verbiage as the job posting, because it's all a numbers game. Recruiters don't even look at resumes, some are so lazy that they copy-paste the job listings of competing companies verbatim — I kid you not! Anyhow, resumes get fed through an ATS system, and the resumes that match the correct algorithm of words are filtered to the next stage. Don't be the one who gets weeded out. Did you know that the resumes that do get read are only skimmed for 30 seconds tops? Again, it's the interview that matters. Also, bold and bullet points are appreciated by resume reviewers.
3. Network.
The best gateway into a field isn't what you know, it's who you know! <insert Maid in Manhattan gif> 😜 Look for conferences, hiring events, meetups, and online communities for your industry. Ask your friends or school colleagues. Also, use LinkedIn and Slack to connect. The more shoulders you rub, the more likely you'll get an inside ticket to job placement. Did you know that 80% of available positions in the job market are internal hires or referrals from friends? That's why networking is so valuable, so put yourself out there.
4. Be selective.
Don't "spam-apply" companies. They can tell when you do this, it's a waste of time: yours and theirs. Make a list of 50 dream jobs you want to work for in 1 hour. 2 hours at most! Do not take more time than this. Then spend the next 15 min whittling it down to 20. After a day, I want you to take 5 min to cut the fat some more and shrink it down to your top 10. Don't think too hard about it, because you already had 24 hrs to simmer over your choices. Those 10 companies are now your targets. Study their history, their backgrounds, their white papers, social media posts, job listings, etc. Now get to work refining your resume to mold to their requirements. You should have anywhere from 6 to 10 resumes completed. Go to LinkedIn and stalk their HR dept. DM an introduction and kindly ask if they'd take a moment to peek at your CV. Don't be pushy or weird. If you're brave enough, ask if they have a moment to clarify questions about the job or company. Either way, you're putting yourself out there, but best of all it's right in front of your dream company.
5. Follow up.
I cannot tell you how many people just allow themselves to be ghosted or dropped. It doesn't take much to inquire about the status of your app. And if you get a rejection, it also doesn't take much to politely thank them for considering you and to have them keep you in mind the next time a slot becomes available. Did you know recruiters will often call/email back previous interviewees if the prospect they chose abandons the job? Make sure to find out if it was a family/health incident or a better job offer. If the prospect left because they discovered your dream job is actually a toxic place, you might wanna sus that out just to be safe.
Bonus tip: This one peeves me off, but it's possible to get invited for an interview to fulfill a quota and never intended to be hired. That's because if HR plans on hiring an existing employee, most companies require a certain amount of interviews to be from outside the company. Make sure to ask if they've already decided to hire someone internally. If you're unwilling to ask, look for signs of boredom or the recruiter being distracted with their computer/phone, or worst of all if they're interrupting you and rushing the Q&A. Those are red flags that you're just "filler" to meet stupid hiring requirements. I'd get up, thank them for taking YOUR personal time, and invest your wonderful self into someone who won't relegate you to a quota.
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sungwanns · 3 years
LOL yes the pictures were very helpful...i think they're giving me ideas of what to make for your present as well 👀
aww, well i'm with you there - my albums haven't arrived yet either...actually i'm not sure where they are HAHAHA i should probably check the with the courier. WHAT IS THIS COINCIDENCE THO - i keep pulling han, you keep pulling hyunjin. we really our pulling our twins! (≧▽≦) ohh and now that you mention height...this just cements our theory. i'm a bit shorter than changbin so my height is definitely closer to han's than hyunjin's. (also, if you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?) AND OMG YES THE SEASONS GREETINGS. i guess you're going to preorder? i told myself i probably won't buy it because the planners and all are too pretty to be used for work-related stuff, but now i'm heavily considering it...
okay that's adorable that felix visits you so much in your dreams. and chan too! hmm maybe the method of watching MVs before going to bed is the way to go to summon them XD i've had a few dreams of them already even one where i married chan and no i still don't know how to feel about it tho it doesn't hurt to invite them into the subconscious on purpose hahaha.
oh my - skz hunted you down too! sounds like it's fate that they wouldn't stop getting your attention until you finally caved and joined stay. and man, i totally feel you. i already support a lot of other groups (plus my wallet can only take so much merch) so that's probably why i was in denial as well ( ;∀;) nice to know i'm not the only one! and yes - WE STRUGGLE TOGETHER, EVEN FROM WHEN SKZ WAS FIRST CALLING US
ahh another july baby! i was born in july too, tho a few years earlier than you, so this is such a cool coincidence (and funnily enough, i get the opposite treatment. there was a time the country i live in had age restrictions due to the pandemic, so only those aged 16 and above are allowed out. i had to keep showing my ID to prove i'm already an adult (;'∀'). i have the slight rbf too tho so idk what everyone else's problem was HAHAHA). also I AM SO HAPPY YOU GOT TO MEET THEM! man i wouldn't know how to survive intense eye contact with any of them either, but that's hilarious that felix kinda just left you there HAHAHA. i hope you get to see them again soon! even if it's through a video call...have you tried applying for those?
i'm glad i could give you more stuff to watch! will definitely look into season 2 of well-intended love because i'm a sucker for role reversals. agh i need to find more time for dramas - it's like there's not enough time in the day to do anything.
oh yeah i forgot about the rose! aw dude seungmin could pull their songs off EASY. where do we sign to make this happen? (≧▽≦) ohh yeah i noticed a lot of red velvet stuff while stalking your blog - YES HYUNJIN IN THE PSYCHO COVER! these boys are so versatile they'll fit any genre istg...tho not gonna lie, i'd love to see a cover where seungmin raps too HAHAHA
aww that's so cute - clare the bear! (is that why bear is your nickname btw?) and as for me...hmm i know i'm not supposed to reveal who i am yet, but to give you a clue, my name sounds like 'autumn' in a language that isn't english. you can just keep calling me your secret santa for now tho!
oooh actually tho, i think i do, tho tbh i'm not sure why these are the colors i associate with them. chan is gray, changbin is red, minho is black, hyunjin is blue, han is green, seungmin is purple, jeongin is white, and felix is yellow. what about you??
also how's your week been so far? going well i hope!
- your secret santa ^^ (i keep forgetting to sign my messages off like this i'm sorry)
Oh i’m so excited!! I really look forward to it!! 🥺
HAHA i feel that i got a notification that mine shipped just the other day but besides that ??? i have no idea LMAO Wait that’s so cute that your height is close to jisung’s too 🥺 I don’t mind at all !! haha i probably should’ve mentioned it last time!! but im 5’10 or 177cm depending on what you use !! it’s kinda a love hate relationship with it🥲 im definitely a bit taller than lix LMAO but i’m about the same height as seungmin!! I think he’s 178cm so he’s got like one cm on me <<3 same height… perfect for good hugs… Ah!! I really wanna preorder if i can scrounge up the money!! Yeah i would never use the stuff it came with either HAHA i just really want to be able to look at it and admire it 🥴 i just really love the roommate theme they have going this year …
everytime i dream of lix we’re besties and it’s so cute like !! we would be besties my subconscious just knows it but you and chan that is so cute!! 🥺 but yeah i bet the mv watching does help a lot LMAO maybe i should watch some more skz videos before bed and run a little experiment 🤔
RIGHT HAHA it’s like please i can’t afford anymore… but i watched two skz mvs and i just knew i wasn’t going anywhere LMAO I was like fine!! you win 😭 It’s still a struggle though LMAO like i swear im always missing out on something!!
Oh yay!! july twins!! In that case are you a cancer or a leo? I love astrology sm as you could probably tell from my blog LMAO but that’s so funny that we’re opposites in that way!! like i go to restaurants all the time and like even when i was like only 18 they’d ask me if i wanted wine and im american so the drinking age is 21 and i’d be like… oh … im not old enough and it always shocks them 😭 like i don’t think i look that much older but maybe it’s bc i have kinda sharp features rather than like soft ones?? I’m really not sure!! AH BUT THANK YOU i was so nervous it was so embarrassing HAHAHA but it’s funny to think back on now!! I haven’t entered for any video calls before!! I’ve thought about it and i would like to try sometime!! but AH my social anxiety and i get super nervous!! and if i get too nervous i get sick to my stomach!! I would probably see them and completely forget what i was gonna say 😭😭 That already happened to me with jeongin at the hi touch i got so nervous i blanked and just said “hi” and he laughed at me and said hi back with a slight tease in his voice… KAHDKWSJ it was so embarrassing but im glad i made them laugh ???
No i totally feel that!! like im so far behind on a lot of things show wise i just feel like i have so many things in my list to watch that i never have time for them all!! I’m behind on a lot of animes too… Do you like any anime?? But that’s so true im constantly trying to do so many different things that the days just don’t feel long enough but sometimes i get too tired to stay up any later !!
RIGHT that’s what im saying like it would suit him so well!! and like i adore the rose i wish they had better treatment and more songs :(( Seungmin this isn’t a joke im begging you to cover she’s in the rain i’ll do anything KWNDKW yeah haha once again im not very subtle and i love crying in the tags too haha!! but hear me out skz vocal line covering automatic or be natural by red velvet… a dream but fr all of skz are just all rounders like they can do anything!! I watched that cover so many times it’s a little unhealthy … but you’re so right!! Seungmin would be an amazing rapper i would die to hear a cover of it…
Thank you!!🥺 but yes!! haha it is lmao my family always called me clare bear which then turned into bear and now i just use them interchangeably!! Oh but that’s so pretty!!
Yes i do as well!! That’s funny some of our colors are actually very similar!! let’s see mine are chan - bright green, binnie - red, minho - dark green, hyunjin - dark blue/purple, jisung - orange, lix - yellow, seungmin - lilac, jeongin - like a pink/orange !!
My week has been pretty good so far!! rather relaxed and a bit uneventful but that’s okay!! I think i’m gonna decorate the tree later and watch national lampoon’s christmas vacation bc i love that movie!! I hope your week has been good too and i hope if you celebrate any holidays around this time of year that they’re going smoothly!!
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maylovexhs · 6 years
Hi darlings! It’s May! So first thing first, THIS IS NOT AN IMAGINE OR UPDATE. ITS JUST ME TELLING MY EXPERIENCE ABOUT MY HARRY SHOW. YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ IT IF YOU WANT TO. I saw a bunch of people doing threads and posting about how wonderful their time is and I was like I want to do it! I, in no way am trying to show off or brag about it. I just want to post it here because I’m friendly with y’all and I’ll just have the story on here for safe keeping. So ignore if you want(I put the keep reading for that) but yeah here’s my concert experience. WARNING: BELOW THE CUT IS A LONG LONG LONG POST. ENJOY THE SHAKY VIDEOS AND MY ANNOYING VOICE. This all happened one month ago ughh procrastination is the devil
. . .
he knows I exist.
Harry Styles knows I goddamn exist.
okay, let’s me backtrack a day or two before my concert. Actually a week, shall we?
So, it’s a week before Harry’s shows in nyc and I’m at home in Brooklyn with no harry tickets for none of the nights because of course 1. Both nights are sold out 2. I couldn’t buy tickets online from strangers cause y’all ever heard of scams? So, I’m at home in misery cause all over my twitter all my mutuals are tweeting how excited they are to go and I’m like “fUcKiNg GrEaT!” I’m pretty sure I posted shit of me gloating on here. ANYWAYS FAST FORWARD TO JUNE 21st, 2018(Harry’s first night/show at msg) and I’m on my living rooms couch on twitter. AND I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS THE UNIVERSE SAYING ‘WE GOT YOU HONEY’ or just a coincidence but the first thing i See is on my timeline is a tweet from ticketmaster saying along the lines of “Due to miscounting . . . There are tickets available for Harry Styles at msg night two . . .SALE” and I . . .i can’t even explain how I felt. It was like destiny. Like “SIS YOU WERENT MEANT TO GET TICKETS A LONG TIME AGO YOURE SUPPOSED TO GET THEM NOW. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE” and I was like “fuck it! I’m going to see my mans in concert and I couldn’t care about how shitty the seats are. It’s Harry of all people” so, I download the Ticketmaster app and ask my mom and my chill ass mom is like ‘really? The day before? This is a sign. God must really want you to see harry” and I’m like “YES”. So I use my moms card(I payed her back after) and buy the two tickets. AND LET ME JUST SAY! THE TICKETS! I GOT LUCKY WITH THE TICKETS. My tickets were seat 8 and 9, row 7, section 113
DO YALL KNOW WHERE THAT IS? THATS RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE! THATS THE SIDE BACK OF THE STAGE. And remember Harry’s stage is 360 honeys so I was hyped up. Honestly I thought it’s row 7, it’s not like we are in front! It’s not like he’s gonna see us. I’m bringing this up later cause well, you’ll see. But just remember I’m row 7. So I print out my tickets and I text my friends “HOES GUESS WHAT?” And I immediately text my best friend emmy(her nickname) “BISH IDGAF ABOUT YOUR STRICT PARENTS I WILL DRAG AND SNEAK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR THIS WE AINT MISSING HARRY. WE AINT MISSING SEEING THE MAN IVE BEEN IN LOVE WIG SINCE 2012” and thank god her parents said yes. Emmy and I spent like the next two hours like “Oh let’s make a sign that’s says sing Shania Twain still the one Harry!” and we talked about “what should we do in the city tomorrow before Harry’s show?” Our show day was a very busy day for us. Ready? Let’s go!
So, in the morning I had a college orientation with Emmy and my other friend(I’m calling her Anna for privacy reasons). I arrived there early so from 9:15 am, Anna Emmy and I were learning about our college and making our schedule. We left around 12:30 pm. Emmy and I decided to leave for the city after but we had to pee first so THANK YOU ANNA FOR LIVING CLOSE TO COLLEGE AND ALLOWING US TO USE YOUR BATHROOM. GRACIAS. Oooooh, fun fact: June 22nd was also my graduation date but Emmy and I wasn’t going in the first place so YAY!
Anyways we said goodbye to Anna and we took the train to the city. We stopped at canal street and went to Greenwich village? Why? My friend Emmy is a huge fan of Justin Bieber and 5 Seconds of Summer so we were just like “fuck it! Let’s go hunting for them! Maybe today’s our lucky day” so we are in Greenwich which justin was spotted in but with our luck we couldn’t find him. We were like ‘oh well! Let’s just stroll around’ so we walk and GUESS WHICH APARTMENT BUILDING WE WERE ABOUT TO WALK PAST BY?
HARRY’S. WE WERE ABOUT TO PAST HARRYS APARTMENT. WE WERE ABOUT TO WALK WHERE HARRY WALK. IM TOO HEADASS FOR HIM(btw I don’t stalk him, I didn’t stand outside his building, his apartment address is publicly online and I did not mean to walk past his apartment, IT JUST HAPPENED) I take out my phone and tell emmy where we were and luckily I took a sneak picture low quality of the building. BUT EMMY! EMMY! She was like “I WANT A GOOD QUALITY PICTURE!” Emmy goes, takes a picture of the doors and the security guards give her a mean look from inside the building. And we are like “ABORT MISSION! ABORT!” Moving on, we’re like if we can’t find Justin, we’ll try 5 Seconds of Summer. And guess what? We can’t find them either! At this time it was like, 3 or 4 Pm? And I really need to sit down cause ya girl has no energy whatsoever. So we take the train and go to the area where msg is and we get pizza. Btw msg area is mad busy. Like really busy. Continuing, we finish our pizza. We go check out the outside of msg and I learn that we aren’t allowed in until 6 pm(I heard it from girls outside) And i’m like okay? So Emmy and I buy and get these pride flags and we go to wait and sit outside where the driveway is. So we wait there for like an hour hoping we see anyone but we don’t cause that’s out fucking luck. But we saw like a dressing bag like the ones where suit and dresses are carried in. We highly doubt it was Harry’s suit but hey? Oh and I took a picture right here
Anyways it 6, we go inside, get through scanning and while we are in line, everyone decided to airdrop one direction memes and of course I joined
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We were let in at 6:45 pm and we were going to our section. By going, WE RAN. Literally we had to be stopped by a security guard to see our tickets. I’m getting off point but we get to our section and I’m expecting us to be in the middle cause it says row 7. And Emmy tells me we are in the second row and I was just like “??? Our ticket say row 7” and Emmy shows me that the section starts with row 6 and I was just like “BITCH WE’RE CLOSER THAN I THOUGHT. WE’RE ROW 2 ACTUALLY”. So we were seated between where Sarah and Adam was going to be. This was our view
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Then we put our shit down, I went to get my harry merch(I got a shirt) and we sat there in our seats waiting for Kacey to start at 8:30 and KACEY IS SO CUTE YALL HAVE NO IDEA SHE IS THE YEEHAW QUEEN. I USUALLY DONT LIKE COUNTRY MUSIC BUT THIS SISTER GOT SOME TUNES. Here’s me singing along(eXcUsE my cringy premature voice I’m 19) I was going crazy during crazy
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Then Kacey leaves and we gotta wait another 40 minutes for Harry. I kid you not the whole arena was singing Olivia by 1d even the security guard was shook af
As I was saying, we had to wait 40 minutes more for Harry so it was like 9:30 and FUCKING FINALLY HE COMES OUT AND I SWEAR EVERYONE LOST IT 
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I WAS FUCKING SHAKING. CAUSE I WAS CERTAIN DURING THE CHAIN HE BLEW A KISS BACK AND IF HE BLEW A KISS AT ME DURING ONLY ANGEL IT WOULD BE THE FIRST OF TWO my heart is racing just remembering it. I’ll continue. So he finishes only angel and he introduces himself and he’s so cute I can’t even
Then they play woman and someone threw a bra on stage and I was screaming inside
Then they play Carolina, Stockholm syndrome, Anna, esny, jalboyh and finally fucking MEDICINE. I was going crazy during medicine as we all should. Sarah and Adam were fucking ripping the song up and I couldn’t be more proud. Then Harry talked to the crowd more and THIS HOE CALLED THE BACK(aka us) HIS BEST FRIENDS AND IM JUST LIKE THANK YOU. Then they start to play meet me in the hallway and the goddamn back screen goes down, blocking us from seeing Harry perform the song. EMMY AND I KEPT SHOUTING DISRESPECT AND THE GIRLS IN FRONT OF US WERE LAUGHING. then he the screen lifted up again as he finished the song and he goes down the walk to the b stage with mitch. Mitch is so cute fam. And we could see him get a bunch of flowers and I’m like “it’s what he deserves”. So he’s on b stage now and he begins to sing sweet creature and iicf AND DURING IICF WE ALL HAD OUR FLASHLIGHTS ON IT WAS SO NICE AND LIKE HEAVEN. MY BABY HARRY STARTED TO TEAR UP DURING THE SONG AND I JUST WANTED TO HUG HIM. OOH AND WHILE THEY WERE ON B STAGE, SARAH ADAM AND CLARE WENT OFF THE MAIN STAGE. ADAM AND SARAH WERE TALKING OFF STAGE NEAR US I THINK I HAVE A VIDEO BUT ITS TOO DARK. BUT BASICALLY THEY WERE TALKING AND I GUESS IT WAS ABOUT HOW THEY WERE PLAYING CAUSE ADAM KEPT MAKING A GUITAR GESTURE AND ADAM HAD SUCH A GREAT SMILE AND SARAH WAS SO HAPPY So Harry and Mitch come back and they all play two ghosts and then wmyb 
They finish wmyb and Harry talks to the crowd. He talks to a fan who was visiting from another country and he’s like “what did you do here?!?” being all excited. Then he talks to the girl who came with “I AM WITH CHILD” sign and then we found out she lied and harry criticizes her and he’s like “WE’RE ALL TRYING!” and I couldn’t stop laughing. Emmy said she lost some brain cells during that part. So harry begins to talk about sign of the times and me and Emmy were like “let’s shout FUCK TRUMP out loud”. WE DIDNT. We didn’t have the chance to but WE TRIED. The girls in front of us were smiling and laughing at us. I blame Harry cause he kept on talking so he couldn’t hear it anyways. Anyways sign of the times plays and everyone has their flashlights on. IT WAS MAGICAL.
So harry and the band leaves to do something and I’m like “wtf u going” so I start to record and they go under the stage. I guess they were doing a photo down there but they come back on a minute later.
They perform from the dining table and I WAS SO SAD I WAS READY TO FIGHT WHOEVER HURT MY BABY. then from the dining table was over and Harry’s like “I’m gonna sing another song” AND I FUCKING TOLD EMMY “WATCH IT BE STILL THE ONE” and BITCH I WAS CORRECT. So he brings Kacey on
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The chain ends and they start to play kiwi and I get sad af because I know it’s the last song and harrrys like “this is the last song” and inside I’m like “I KNOW HOE DONT RUB IT IN MY FACE” I have to applaud miss Sarah jones whose fucking drumming was amazing. She fuckingkilled it. Kiwi plays and everyone was losing their shit having the times of their lives and then in the middle of kiwi some girl splashed Harry with water and he sings “YOURE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT” HE GOES STRAIGHT SAVAGE AND SOAKS HER AND EVERYONE AROUND. kiwi finishes and Harry does the whale water spit and oh my god it was ICONIC AF. Harry leaves first then the rest of the band and I was just standing there like SHIT. Emmy had to drag me out. I felt wasted after the concert IT WAS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE. LET ME JUST TELL YOU IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO SEE HARRY LIVE GO FOR IT DONT MISS YA CHANCE. A WHOLE DIFFERENT SIDE OF ME EMERGED THAT NIGHT SO THANK YOU HAROLD I HAD PROBABKY THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE THANKS TO YOU. EMMY AND I GOT TO DANCE WITH OUR PRIDE FLAGS AND WERE SO HAPPY. HARRY MAKES HIS SHOWS SO WELCOMING AND HAPPY. MISS CLARE IS SO CUTE. MITCH AND SARAH ARE SUCH PARENTS AND ADAM IS SUXH A GREAT FRIENDLY PERSON I MISS THEM SO MUCH THATS IT I MISS MY CONCERT SO MUCH I CRY
ALL PHOTO AND VIDEOS ARE CREDITED TO ME AND MY FRIENDS. DONT STEAL. I’ll post the full versions of the videos i have on my twitter. TUMBLR IS A DICK FOR ONLY ALLOWING GIFS of them. 
Btw should I also write about my 5sos iheartradio experience and seeing Harry at the Dunkirk premiere? Tell me if ya want to know byeeee
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its not even close to valentines day and im not sure if you're taking requests but i just thought of it for some reason: Little kieth doesn't know what cupid is. His friends tell him that cupid shoots you with his love arrow and you fall in love. Kieth doesn't let shiro go outside cuz he thinks his dad's gonna get shot by love baby. Shiro goes out to water the flowers and pretends to get shot on the front lawn. Kieth screams. Btw im totally cool with you not writing this until like, February.
Thank you for the prompt! This made me laugh, and we needed this after that sad oneshot with Red. It’s not near Valentine’s Day but I still had to write this. Poor baby muffin, he just wants to protect his daddy! Thanks guys for always sending in prompt and keeping this AU alive! Enjoy!
              Keith was only four-years-old when he discovered Valentine’s Day, and life was never the same after that. Not for Keith at least, but for Shiro.
              It was all thanks to hearing about the upcoming Valentine’s day party that Allura was hosting in her daycare with the kids and their families. That was the first time Keith had ever really heard about Valentine’s day and at first, he could care less about the day. Yuck, kissy love like Grandma and Grandpa is gross. Keith had his dad’s love and now his new friends and that was all he needed. He didn’t need a holiday to show love, so he didn’t get the whole point of the holiday.
              That was until Lance opened his mouth.
              “And there’s this guy called cupid who goes around shooting people!” Lance stated factually, a week before Valentine’s day at lunch. Hunk continued to chew his food, and Pidge rolled their eyes.
              “But why does he have to wear a diaper?” Pidge asked, causing Keith to nod. However, if he were being honest, Keith was more stuck on the fact that this cupid guy willingly shot people, rather than his lack of attire.
              “I dunno,” Lance shrugged with a frown. “Maybe he’s got bad diarrhea or something?” Pidge and Hunk both made a face at the comment but continued to eat their food. Keith’s frown deepened.
              “Wait, so he’s got nasty poo and he shoots people?” Keith asked, setting down his sandwich. Lance nodded as he bit into his own food, making Keith’s stomach churn a bit more. He did not like the sound of this cupid guy. No not one bit. This cupid sounded like trouble and Keith would be perfectly happy never seeing him. Ever.
              “That’s gross.” Pidge commented and Keith nodded.
              “Yeah but wouldn’t the arrows hurt?” Hunk finally asked. Keith nodded eagerly, agreeing with Hunk’s statement. That was exactly what he had been thinking this whole time. Lance laughed at Hunk and gently patted his hand.
              “Duh. It’s arrows. Of course, it hurts. I bet if he misses your heart, then you’ll probably die!” Lance exclaimed, causing Keith’s stomach to sink. This holiday was sounding worse and worse by the second, all because of this cupid guy. He was even starting to sound worse than the drunk leprechaun that came in March. It was then that Lance noticed the troubled look on Keith’s face before a grin overcame his facial features. He was going to take any chance to mess with his “eternal rival.”
              “Plus, I hear he only goes after, like super-hot people. Like Daddy Shiro.” Lance grinned when Keith’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot to his hairline. Instantly, Keith dropped his sandwich and gasped dramatically. Pidge and Lance both giggled at their friend’s expression while Hunk looked nervous.
              “He wouldn’t go after my daddy!” Keith snapped, before swallowing. “Would he?”
              “I dunno. Your daddy is pretty cute.” Pidge admitted. Keith felt his heart sink to the floor while Lance cackled to himself.
              “Yeah. Cupid will probably pick your daddy first! He’ll hunt him down and ­– pow! Shoot him right in the chest.” Lance said, closing one eye and aiming a finger gun at Keith’s chest. Keith scowled at Lance before nervously fiddling with his shirt.
              Lance and Pidge were right. His daddy was the cutest. There wasn’t anyone cuter than his daddy, which meant that his daddy was doomed! He was doomed to be shot by this stupid, poo diaper cupid. Other than that fact, Keith knew that his daddy was hopeless when came to protecting himself. Just the other day, he’d nearly tripped over a rock in the driveway.
              There was no way his daddy would be able to defend himself against this criminal mastermind.
              If anyone had noticed that Keith was quieter than usual, no one said a word.
              “No! You can’t go outside! No.”
              Shiro was startled by the sound of his son’s sudden yell, that he let go of the front door handle immediately. He turned around to see his son running down the stairs, still in his pajamas, and certainly not ready for day care.
              “What?” Shiro asked. He was even more surprised as Keith started to pull his hand, to pull him away from the door, with all his little might. Keith grunted.
              That was too close. Daddy nearly went outside, where that love baby criminal is! Keith thought, priding the fact that he had kept his daddy from going outside. However, he knew that until Valentine’s day passed, he would have to keep a close eye on his daddy.
              “You can’t go outside. No, it’s not safe.” Keith announced once he had dragged his daddy to the couch. Shiro was still baffled by his son’s action but he allowed Keith to pull him onto the couch before Keith too jumped up and snuggled into his side. Of course, Shiro put an arm around Keith and held him close, though not without a look of confusion.
              “I can’t go outside? What on Earth do you mean, little star?” Shiro asked, slightly amused by the whole ordeal.
              “Valentime’s day is Monday,” Keith announced suddenly.
              “Valentine’s day.” Shiro corrected with a nod.
              “Lance told me all about that cupid guy.” Keith continued with a tiny and determined frown on his face. Shiro almost cooed at the precious look of anger on Keith’s face, but luckily, he refrained from doing do. “And you’re not safe today. He’s gonna take you out because you’re hopeless.”
              Shiro’s jaw dropped, and he couldn’t even come up with something to respond back to Keith. He was more than just a little baffled that Keith was worrying about this. For a moment, he was worried that Keith was upset about the idea of Shiro falling in love. Shiro hadn’t thought about a relationship in nearly a decade, especially once Keith had come into his life. He wasn’t opposed to a relationship and would allow it to happen, should it, but he had no plans to head into a relationship anytime soon. Valentine’s day or not.
              “You’re worried about me?” Shiro finally asked, causing Keith to nod.
              “Yes.” Keith chirped. Shiro opened his mouth to reassure his son, only to be cut off by Keith glaring out the window as if searching for someone. “Cupid is a dangerous man because he shoots people in the chest! Why would someone even do that? And you’re hopeless because you are the cutest daddy ever and of course he’d want to shoot you because he can’t if you don’t go outside and if I keep an eye on you.” Keith babbled, eyes still searching outside.
              Shiro quickly turned his head and coughed in order to hide a laugh that was bubbling in his throat. For Keith to be worried, that reason was not quite what he had been expecting. The entire situation sounded ridiculous to Shiro, and if Keith wasn’t such an adorable child (the most adorable if you ask Shiro) Shiro would have laughed.
              “So, your plan is to keep me inside for three whole days, so cupid can’t get me?” Shiro finally asked with a chuckle. Keith looked back at his dad with a proud grin and nodded. He then patted Shiro’s should gently.
              “Yes! This way he can’t ever get to you!” Keith clapped happily causing Shiro to sigh.
              “Keith, you can’t keep me indoors all the time.” Shiro explained.
              “B – But…but…” Oh no, he’s pulling out the crocodile tears and the wobbly lower lip. Shiro had to stand firm in the wake of his son’s tears and he knew that he couldn’t back down. Not now. Not even when Keith was pretending to sag his shoulders and pout.
              “Keith. I’ll be safe. Don’t worry. Cupid can’t get me.” Shiro grinned, ruffling Keith’s hair. Immediately Keith swatted away from Shiro and flapped his hands.
              “No, you won’t! You can’t even walk down the hall without running into a wall!” Keith huffed dramatically and Shiro gasped with a hand over his heart. He pretended to faint, laying across Keith’s little body, listening to Keith’s squeals of laughter. Keith squirmed and wiggled to try and get out from under his daddy.
              “I suppose it’s a good thing I have such a brave. Strong. Kind son.”
              “You’re still not going outside daddy.”
              Shiro did not pout at that.
              “Keith, sweetheart, we do not glare at babies.” Shiro scolded quietly, dragging his son away from the shopping cart to the side of them. The cart had a baby inside of it, in a carrier, and was minding its own business while the mother shopped. Keith had seen the baby first and his first instinct was to run up to the cart and glare at the baby. The mother was pleasantly surprised but with a charming and apologetic smile from Shiro, she was laughing at the situation. Shiro was just happy the baby hadn’t started crying.
              “But what if that’s cupid!” Keith said, grabbing onto their own cart while Shiro pushed it along. He squeezed himself between the back of the cart and Shiro’s legs, making Shiro awkwardly maneuvered around him. “Lance says he looks like a dumb baby and wears a diaper.”
              Shiro groaned. Thanks, Lance.
              “I promise you that was not cupid,” Shiro said as the two of them headed down another aisle. Unfortunately, this aisle had a toddler, outside of the cart, wearing diapers. Shiro heard Keith hiss between his legs and he quickly tried to maneuver the two of them back out of the aisle.
              It was too late, however.
              Somehow Keith had gotten a hold of a floaty noddle and he was stalking towards the toddler. The toddler squeaked and laughed happily, probably thinking that Keith was playing rather than about to destroy it.
              Just as Keith let out a breath to attack, Shiro had scooped the four-year-old up into his arms and was quickly walking out of the aisle, with the family and toddler oblivious to Keith’s intentions. He briskly walked into another aisle, breathing a sigh of relief when it was empty. Only then did he let Keith down, before putting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot.
              “Keith. No more. Cupid is not here today. If you cannot behave you’ll sit in the cart.” Shiro finally reprimanded causing Keith to scowl.
              “How do you know?” Keith argued back and Shiro counted to ten in his head. He breathed out a long sigh and reminded himself that this was what happened when you had a four-year-old. This was life with a toddler and this was what being a parent was all about.
              “Because Allura helped me with a super special cupid tracking device that works in this store only!” Shiro smiled sweetly. He saw Keith take the bait and slowly Keith’s eyes widened. “There isn’t any trace of cupid in this store at all, so we’re safe here!” It took a few more seconds before Keith finally nodded. He grabbed onto the cart and squeezed himself between Shiro’s legs again, letting Shiro breathe a sigh of relief.
              Luckily, Keith did not wish harm on any more children in the store.
              He did, however, make a baby cry because he stared at it the whole time through the line.
              This was getting ridiculous now.
              Keith had been adamant about not letting Shiro out of the house this weekend. Or not letting babies near Shiro. Or always watching Shiro.
              It was Monday morning and Shiro nearly cried to know that this would all be over after today. Keith wouldn’t be so paranoid anymore, and hopefully, by next year he will have grown out of this horrific phase. Shiro kept glancing at the clock, knowing there was only an hour left in Allura’s little Valentine’s Day party.
              Shiro had fun, chaperoning the party. Allura had combined her small group of kids with several other kindergarten classes to have one massive party. There was tons of cakes, candies, and sugar which meant kids on sugar highs and rushes. Cards were passed out and bags given to each other. Several other parents and families had also come to join the celebration and Shiro had a pleasant time at the party.
              More importantly, Keith was having fun.
              He stayed with Hunk, Lance, and Pidge mostly and kept away from the crowds but he ate the sweets and gave his cards to those three. He’d smiled shyly when all of them had given Keith a card too, and grinned when Allura gave hers to him. Overall, he was having fun and it made Shiro’s heart swell as he took picture after picture.
              And best of all, for now, Keith had forgotten all about cupid.
              Maybe this would keep up and Keith wouldn’t remember cupid at all today.
              However, that was short lived when Shiro felt a tiny tap on his leg. He looked down and ‘Awwed’ so loudly upon seeing a kid dressed as cupid. He didn’t have a diaper on, but rather a white toga. His brown hair was curly all along his head with bright green eyes staring up at him. A tiny halo attached to a wire sat upon his head, and Shiro could even see big, white fluffy wings on his back.
              Quickly, Shiro knelt and the kid beamed.
              “Why hello there! Who might you be?” Shiro mocked a bow at the kid, causing him to giggle. He too tried to bow before fiddling with a tiny heart arrow in his hand.
              “I’m cupid! I’m here to spread love in your day!” The kid screeched happily. Shiro chuckled at the boy’s enthusiasm and nodded. That was when the kid smiled, before pushing his heart arrow against Shiro’s chest, where his heart was and Shiro pretended to gasp, clutching at the arrow. Of course, the little boy giggled at his dramatic actions, but that was the exact moment that Keith had decided to find his dad.
              And Keith screamed when he saw his daddy clutching an arrow to his chest, with a mini Cupid next to him.
              In less than ten seconds, a box of candy hearts was thrown at Shiro and cupid, cupid started crying, Keith was dialing 911 and a food fight had erupted from the other kids.
              It was mortifying having to explain to the fire department that showed up, that, “No there wasn’t an emergency. My son hates cupid with a passion and flipped out when he saw that I was ‘shot’ by a cupid and now there’s a sugary food fight.” Luckily, the fire department men were satisfied with some cake and were content to watch the children run around in a panic.
              And Shiro could only ask: Why me?
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Temp. FFAK Official Timeline
This is a very rough, temp timeline for FFAK. It mostly covers events that have already happened or at least have been mentioned. I dont really cover anything that is happening in the present day timeline lol. I might make edits to this in case i fucked up in places or maybe ill just do a totally new one at some point! you dont even know how messy my actual one is like my god its an ever worse horrible clusterfuck of text. (Also remember, the ffak story has no time travel so dont be worried about that sort of mindfuckery!) enjoy
Years before 1414: Whenever was 600 million years ago i dont want to do the exact math: Evil Mother is born but shes not called that at all cuz she adopts that name later in life but just know she is here and readt to party Lots of stuff happens. like idk. evolution and life. 600 mil years is a long time ok -LALALA -HUMANS AT SOME POINT COME TO BEING.and form civilization and.. all that -modern human society exist! ppl have tvs and such. -Mandragora Worms have gone ‘extinct’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooo -??????????? a ton of other stuff. isnt history cool?? kicks legs, yells -mysterious worm break outs all over dmtia. bombs fall. wars. despair!  -Grant Lumberman gets a doggy at some point and loves it but then it dies and so does his family and friends and his whole city he is relocated to the Auseklis moon colony (on Dmtia’s moon!) along w/ other Vena Cavian kiddos !!!! (in yr 1414)
YEAR 1415 [Scene From Ch. 11: Pages 3161-3196, 3400-3401] Characters: Randall Aiguille - Age 20 Mr. Rotten (Which was named “Aeschylus” at the time, created by Randall) Crosshatch Unit (sort of) Rembrandt Aiguille - Age 22 Grant Lumberman (Aka, ‘Good Leadman’) - Age 14 Octavian “Otto" Silverberg - Age 15 (I was gonna type up every referenced scene like this then i was like fuck it thats too hard! lol)
Years 1416-1425 ?????????????? (most events likely will be mostly covered in a prequel series.) YEAR 1420: Crosshatch Unit first programmed/built by Randall/Rembrandt Aiguille leadman and evil mother fall in lurv at some point
YEAR 1426 Miracle Baby Crimson is Born (From Good Leadman/Evil Mother worm fuck action yeehaw)
YEAR 1427 -Crimson’s 2 eyes are removed + Evil Mother Believes they are dead and leaves Leadman to work with Tricend -Canary is Born (From Evil Mother, and a King Worm) -Hekatons are made (From The King worm that made Canary, concept of Hekatons is from Evil Mother) -July 8th: Perkons Hatches and will not let anyone near the other 4 eggs!! stay away
YEAR 1428 - Good Leadman (Age 27) and Perkons (6 months old) Meet (Happens in Jan) (Multiple scenes in ch10, continued in Ch11) Perkons turns 1 in July. -Perkons gets a hold of 1 of Crimson’s eyes at some point, turns it into a Knife.
YEAR 1429 - Perkons turns 2 in july and is a fully matured adult. Rest of the 4 hekatons eggs hatch sometime after in that year. -Dievas assumes protective guardian role for his siblings.  -Dievas meets Aeschylus. (ch11) YEAR 1430 Perkons turns 3. The rest of the first hekatons are one. During this year they mature to an adult. YEAR 1431 Lauma meets Velns, who is imprisoned. Then shortly after, Perkons confronts Lauma, she is 2, he is 4. So It took place after July 1431. He transforms the 2nd crimson eye into a Spoon in front of her.
Years 1431-1448 (specific dates not all disclosed sry): -Velns/Lauma, Dievas/Laima begin making children. baby baby baby! YEAR 1438 - Crimson (Age 11) is eaten by a Hydragora Queen worm - loosing her human body in the process but gaining a worm one instead. -Crimson runs around in a destroyed city, holding a corpse. Meets Velns who taunts them. -Lauma and Dievas make up, and have their first nest together- a Batch of A/B hybrid eggs. -Lauma is killed by Perkons -Velns is killed by Perkons (Which was also on Dmtia’s Moon, so the moon is destroyed.) -Laima is “killed” by Perkons. (Actually survived, as part of Dievas’ plan.) -Perkons confronts Dievas with the Crosshatch Unit and mention they fight for Peace and under the “Thumb” alliance. Perkons kills Dievas. (scene in ch11) -Laima escapes with A/B Eggs, as well as other hekaton eggs. (and will later form the Ghost Kingdom, which she rules as queen.) ????? many other things happen????? these were some busy years folks
YEAR 1449 -Crimson meets a Helper, Galore the Hekaton, and a Bunny worm (who will later grow up to be agent Paper) in the forests of DMTIA (Ch9) -Galore “meets" her first parents, Lauma and Velns, in some mysterious coma dream thing from listening to crims sexy magical heartbeat (also Ch9) ??????????more events happen??????????? -Galore “Dies” by exploding. Crimson witnesses it. -Bunny wormed named Cirrus “Dies” and is buried in a grave. However, she was only injured she later climbs out only to witness Crimson and Celadon leave in Crimson’s truck and it was the saddest thing ive had to draw ok. i am crying even remembering it ??????????more secret events this was yet another busy and traumatizing year for crimson????????????? -Months later, Crimson (age 23) has a conversation with her third mandragora heart, and ends up having a period sex masterbate-y fantasy that made many readers scream in terror when they read it.(Ch11)
Years 1450-1904 god so much stuff happens during this time, lays on the ground. i mean just fucking look at how much time that is. thats over 450 years lol nbd right
YEAR 1905 -Agent Knife is sent on a remote mission (back to Planet Dmtia) to hunt down one of thumbs most wanted criminals, a man named “SIMON MCGOLD” -After months of searching/failed attempts at locating him, Knife confronts and is stung by Simon’s close personal bodyguard, a queen worm named Nail who is famous for killing over 50,000 Hekatons. (Gaining him the nickname “Hekaton Hunter.” (CH12) -?????????? more stuff happens like you dont even know????????
Years 1906-1924 ??????????? lots of stuff??????? lets laugh at some spoon stuff together tho -Spoon thinks Knife is stupid but weirdly interesting i guess -Spoon tries to pretend hes not in love w/ knife cuz thats like??? g...ay??? -Spoon realizes he’s totally hot for Knife and decides hes gonna totally seduce him -Spoon realizes flirting isnt going well with knife and is actually rly deeply hurt by rejection and so he tries to sleep around w/ other ppl  to pretend hes fine cuz w/e!! who cares -Spoon realizes hes totally in love w/ Knife and is devastated by Deeply Gay emotions -Spoon moves in w/ Knife and spoon tries to pretend he is fine w/ just being Knife’s obsessively devotedly loyal but not romantic/sexual partner. just ttly... platonic.. best dude pals..!!! who murder together -Spoon realizes he cannot handle just being friends and attempts to move out cuz he just is having a meltdown -Knifes like chill we’re already dating and Spoon is like “wtf we are?” and knife’s like “why else would i let you move in w/ me” and spoon just stares at a wall for like 12 hrs in shock -They start to officially for real date™ after spoon regains contact with reality -???????stuff??????? -Spoon dresses up as AGENT BEE!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN ALL OF HISTORY HANDS DOWN MARK UR CALENDARS 
YEAR 1925 July 8th - Simon (now Agent Spoon) has been in a relationship with Knife for 20 years. He meets Celadon #1. Location is the forests on the moon THUMB HQ. who is rightfully pissed as fuck at him. kick his ass, girl (she does btw) (ch11)
YEAR 1926 -Knife Adopts a tiny perfect adorable fluffball c-type and names him Kurt. -Spoon hates it like more than anything ever -Spoon and Knife end up having to live separately, causing a huge strain in their relationship.
Years 1927-1936 -feeling neglected, Spoon starts to sleep around, including the Crosshatch unit and becomes p close friends w/ them! its actually a positive thing for once. wtf (ch11) -Kurt becomes Agent Fork and works alongside Agent Knife on missions and its adorable and great but knife’s depression is also growing bc he misses spoon
YEAR 1937 Cash Leadman is born! :D
YEAR 1938 Rome Aiguille is born! he doesnt even hate worms at this point! Years 1939-1955 more stuff. ect. 
YEAR 1956 -Locket confronts Knife. Knife is so traumatized from meeting a surprise biological child that he has a meltdown and vanishes. he is then believed to have died. -Spoon Explodes from sadness of the news, but does not die. Half of him leaves to Cash Leadman’s house, who convinces him to keep living. He becomes “Scissor”, using her former crosshatch robot body. (ch11) -The other half meets Locket and has his Spoon stolen from him. very sads. Also cant wear thongs anymore (ch11)
YEAR 1957 -At some point during this year, Spoon kills Agent Rock’s dad and also prevents Fork from being able to enter Wibbleworld (his dream). (Scene in ch8) -Fork goes back to prison (guess what, it wasnt his first time goin’ there!) 
YEAR 1958-present -the death of rock’s hot dad springs a chain reaction of all his sons trying to kill spoon and getting revenge. Spoon successfully kills them all though lmfao. dont fuck with the leg.  -fork breaks up with dollop and she starts stalking him
YEAR 1961 -Dylan and Agent Knife meet in Wibbleworld moon, on July 8th (his birthday) He reveals secrets to her. (ch11) -Dylan/Celadon and Antony believe they are successful at killing Agent Knife on this same day.
YEAR 1962 -Feb 2 - Aeschylus wakes up in LEVEL K of the Crosshatch Colony (The Aiguille Moon) and is escorted by Antony Aiguille (Age 21) and Celadon #1, #2 and #3. Dylan and Barfy show up. (Ch 11) -Dylan tries to convince Antony not to get eaten (and fails) (ch12) -March - A mysterious earthquake and worm outbreak kills 20,000 residents in the Crosshatch Colony. O_O  -July 7th - Fork meets Dylan for the first time. :3 (Another serving episode one!) -July 8th: This is where the present timeline begins! Canary wakes up on a platform. Hooray! we made it. i dont feel like typing out the events u can just read the comic i guess lol. farts! 
YEAR 1963: Hasnt actually happened yet, but the final feast is said to occur this year!!!!!!! O_O ooo  EDIT: one of the events were out of order, but this has been fixed (8/19/2017) 
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