#armenia crisis
typingfool · 5 months
I am back on my daily thoughts about Palestine and Congo and Sudan and Armenia and many, many other countries who have been stripped from their human rights and freedom.
Think about them. Think about them always and forever, they are experiencing something that we thought happens only in history. They are being written in history right now, the names you see is just the surface, there are still people in those lands. Millions and they are dying.
Post and repost about them, don't be ashamed.
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parthenop · 5 months
Engaging through sharing, commenting, and using relevant tags is crucial for content visibility and reach. Even on small platforms, these actions contribute to building a sense of community and can attract a wider audience. Sharing/rebloging/retweeting encourages content circulation, comments foster discussions, and strategic use of tags, enhances discoverability, and collectively working to amplify the impact to make a majority. Consistent engagement, regardless of interaction levels, lays the foundation for organic growth and a more vibrant online presence.
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I'm gonna try to compile a list of resources for the genocides and humanitarian crisis going on so people will at least have a place to start so they can stay informed
Each place will have a link and then just click on the link to go to the resources. If yall have any you wanna recommend say it under the post of that place
Pls reblog the original posts so more people can see what’s been added
Hope this helps someone
Western Sahara
West Papua
Yezidi People
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noballoonsinspace · 5 months
As of December 2023:
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daughterofdessalines · 5 months
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bonnibatz · 5 months
DON’T STOP TALKING ABOUT PALESTINE, and Palestine isn’t the only one you should be raising awareness for, also raise awareness for the other countries that are suffering and going through a genocide. I have seen so many people say “free ___” while not even being aware on what is happening there. Do not fail to educate yourself:
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“The question now becomes: Will the world respond, or will Armenians face another genocide alone?”
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linnorabeifong · 5 months
Just a reminder
Bad things happen everywhere all the time and often at the same time. We aren’t perfect and can’t know about everything and I don’t expect everyone to have the solutions. But we should raise awareness when we can.
Palestine is facing a genocide at the hands of Israel.
Yemen is facing famine and civil war and a blockade by Saudi Arabia.
Ukraine is still at war. Russia is still attacking them. They’re still facing bombings.
Sudan is facing a war. People there face mass killing and displacement.
In Congo mining is expanding because the cell phones and computers and electric cars we use require cobalt. Many Congolese mine this cobalt with no protective gear whatsoever. Cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe; their health is in danger. Many Congolese face extreme poverty and have been displaced.
Over 100,000 Armenians have had to flee Nagorno-Karabakh.
🇵🇸 🇾🇪 🇺🇦 🇸🇩 🇨🇩 🇦🇲
May peace and prosperity find all the people currently suffering.
Rb with any conflicts, or crises I’m missing or any corrections/ updates on the situations mentioned.
You have power to help people. Even if it is something small. Talk about conflicts. Keep current on events. Vote wisely. Boycott.
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gryficowa · 2 days
I remember learning the Polish version in primary school (The lyrics of which are not the best, I mean, they sound good, but you may not get the fact that it is a song protesting against all the pain and wars)
Today I played it in the English version and oh my God, how the Polish text distorted the text itself
Seriously, you won't even realize that it's a protest song, and the worst thing is that this empty version is given to children to learn it, and then the shock that they think this song is weak, I don't know, maybe give it a better fucking translation?
But yes, this song was revived in 2024, literally, I don't know if it's positive or not...
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Turquie : peu de pain et beaucoup de colère, ou comment la société a perdu la raison
J'ai pensé que cet article de Courrier international pourrait t'intéresser :
La Turquie à la recherche de sa gloire passée où la folie des grandeurs de ses dirigeants passés et, surtout, au présent.
Dieu n'est pas responsable des malheurs de la Turquie !
Quand un bien leur arrivent, ils disent : c'est grâce à nous !
Quand un mal survient, il en rejette la faute sur dieu...
Qui donc est plus injuste que celui qui forge un mensonge contre dieu ?
La situation internationale de la Turquie est délicate et la politique des États voyous anglo-normands lui porte préjudice au niveau de son développement !
La Turquie est un carrefour commercial : l'union pour la Méditerranée est bloquée, la nation arabe comme source de développement au sud n'est pas constituée, avec la crise ukrainienne l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'union européenne est barrée pour longtemps quant au développement vers l'est et les pays "frères" Azerbaïdjan et Turkménistan il est hypothéqué par l'Arménie et sa reconnaissance d'un génocide.
Ce n'est pas tout.
La Turquie, historiquement, appartient à l'entité turco-mongol, les peuples de la vaste steppe, nomades et sédentarisés.
Mais ils doivent compter culturellement avec le magister persan en backyard et plus important le subcontinent indien. Des puissances réelles qui par le passé ont imprimées leur domination sur ce monde turco-mongol au moins par acculturation...
La Turquie sent et est sous la pression des évènements, c'est un facteur de déstabilisation du pays et de sa région.
Voilà pour le diagnostic, que préconiser ?
Faire le dos rond et oeuvrer au développement commercial vers l'est, le plus accessible par les temps qui courrent.
Le plus dur, ne pas faire la guerre à l'Arménie, négocier avec elle, c'est le maillon faible du blocus imposé par l'histoire aux peuples turco-mongols. Reconnaître et faire droit aux arméniens concernant les grands massacres du passé. Obtenir un couloir terrestre moyennant compensations terrestres ou de titres divers pour joindre le puzzle manquant vers l'Azerbaïdjan et le Turkménistan.
En politique il faut souvent avaler son chapeau pour réussir, les grands leaders savent le faire, seul le résultat compte.
L'intransigeance paie rarement et pour être réélu il faut délivrer des résultats durables.
C'est l'économie qui prime ! Surtout pour la Turquie.
Quand à la question kurde elle devra trouver sa solution autrement que par les armes, il faut régler ce problème qui grève le développement turc. Par la diplomatie internationale dans la région, arabes et persans ont leur mot à dire !
Cette question doit trouver son règlement et le plus tôt sera le mieux.
Quand ces problèmes seront réglés l'avenir se dégagera radicalement pour cette nouvelle Turquie, plus libre, plus riche... Plus heureuse.
Nous sommes des Méditerranéens, soyez indulgents, c’est de là que vient notre agitation. Nous avons la joie facile, tout comme la peine et la colère. Mais ces dernières années nous sommes encore plus en colère, comme constamment prêts à croiser le fer.
Au travail, en famille, avec des amis, les sacs de course à la main ou au volant de la voiture nous sommes sans cesse sur le point d’exploser. Ces dix dernières années ont rendu notre société plus tendue, plus malheureuse aussi et plus intolérante.
“La polarisation politique nourrie et voulue par Erdogan nous a dressés les uns contre les autres [...]
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head-post · 6 months
Armenia, Azerbaijan agree to hold border delimitation talks
A meeting of the border delimitation commission will be held in the border region between Azerbaijan and Armenia on 30 November, Azernews reports.
Armenian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Ani Badalyan wrote on her social network page that the session of the Armenian-Azerbaijani delimitation commission will be held on 30 November.
On 21 November, the Armenian Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry and said that Yerevan is ready to participate in negotiations with Baku. The statement noted that the Armenian side reaffirms its political will to make efforts to normalise relations with Azerbaijan, as well as to establish peace and stability in the South Caucasus.
Baku said that Azerbaijan is ready for direct negotiations with Armenia on a bilateral basis in order to conclude a peace agreement as soon as possible.
Learn more HERE
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broodingnightgoddess · 4 months
With the liberation of Palestine, every other group oppressed and suffering from genocide will be free as well. Recognize the genocides and look for freedom.
Free Armenia (genocides perpetrated by the Ottomans and the current occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh)
Free Sudan (mass rapes and murders are occurring there by the hand of the RSF. Sudan has the biggest displacement crisis in the world with +9 million people displaced)
Free Western Sahara (abandoned by the Spanish State in 1975, who is responsible for the celebration of the referendum of independence that has been frozen for over 50 years, currently occupied by the Alawite government of Morocco)
Free Congo (children forced to extract metals used for electronic devices in terrible conditions alongside mass displacement and violence. (DON´T BUY NEW PHONES YOURS IS FINE. QUIT VAPING AND IF YOU CAN´T, REUSE THEM)
Free the American Natives (Landback!!)
Free Ukraine (Holomodor and Russian aggression)
Uyghur genocide (People´s Republic of China sending native inhabitants to concentration camps and re-education camps)
This is by no means a comprehensive list, please add more to this in the reblogs.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
The Ministry of Finance of Armenia has opened a treasury account for donations to meet the needs of the forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh. “Due to the crisis situation, numerous compatriots and organizations, both within Armenia and abroad, have expressed their willingness to offer assistance and donations to meet the basic needs of people who have been forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh to the Republic of Armenia. A treasury account was opened in the RA Ministry of Finance in order to accept the donations and direct them to the socio-economic needs of the displaced persons. You can make bank transfers in Armenian drams to the RA Ministry of Finance treasury account 900005002762, or conduct online card transfers (in any currency) using the e-payments system at the following link: https://www.e-payments.am/en/state-duties/step3/service=5425/,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.
29 Sep 23
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crimethinc · 8 months
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As thousands of refugees pour into Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh, we've added the perspective of another anarchist in Yerevan to our coverage of the situation.
In this analysis, the author argues that within Armenia, the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh crisis has been used to quell dissent and discourage criticism of Armenian nationalism. Politicians on both sides of the conflict have used the threat of war to consolidate power and fatten their wallets. Now, despite having been partly responsible for creating this tragedy, the political opposition in Armenia is using Azerbaijan's seizure of the region opportunistically with the same intent as before.
There is no nationalist solution to oppression or war.
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dull-crayons · 6 months
hey guys, im gonna be done updating here for awhile now. with everything going on in the world, it just doesnt seem right to be posting like it's nothing, and now that i have no more scheduled posts, i am just out of content.
if youre unsure of what's going on, i implore you to turn your ears and eyes to the people of Palestine currently experiencing their worst crisis yet; an active and vindictive genocide of it's people.
your eyes and ears to the people of congo, occupied and forced to work in inhumane and life-ending conditions.
your eyes and ears to the people in armenia.
i just cant continue posting, thanks for understanding.
actions for those of us in the USA:
uscpr.org - website to help get involved at a local level
jvp.org - petitions / information / assistance getting involved on a local level
https://democrats.org/contact-us/ - use this link to inform the democratic party you will not vote for Biden in the upcoming election [Prompt below copied from a tik tok post and then modified]
"I'm writing to inform you that I will not be voting for Joe Biden in the upcoming election if he is the democratic candidate due to his consistent failure to represent my interests. Examples are his support of the border wall, refusal to sanction Azerbaijan for the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, the willow project, approval of the mountain valley pipeline, and most of all his complicity and aid in the genocide of the Palestinian people. I urge the party to hold a primary and provide alternative candidates."
https://resist.bot/petitions/PUCSKI - link to a ceasfire petition that can be sent to local representatives all the way up to the white house
Feel free to add resources, every voice helps.
Free Free Palestine 🇵🇸
- temperance
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stele3 · 6 months
Please clarify what you mean by “israeli psy op”
Psyops are traditionally actions taken by military or police to influence the beliefs and opinions of the public, usually covertly. A historical example of psyops is that time in the 50's when the CIA used local Filipino superstitions about vampires to keep farmers from voting against US interests: they nabbed a local Huk rebel, cut his throat, hung him upside-down in a tree for a few days until his blood drained out, then left him somewhere the other rebels would find him so they'd be too scared to leave their homes to go vote.
These days, I would personally include the actions taken by multinational organizations such as Amazon, when they created multiple fake Twitter accounts to convince workers not to unionize; however, that's just my opinion.
In the current Israel-Hamas conflict, there have been multiple attempts by Israel to plant disinformation in the public narrative, including taking pictures from a Palestinian man's Instagram and presenting them as if he was a Hamas crisis actor, or pretending that the recent synagogue attack in Armenia was carried out by ASALA, an organization which hasn't been around since the 90's.
As somebody who served as a psychological operations specialist in the US Army, I find the attempts by the Israelis to be clumsy and easy to unravel. US, Israeli, and Saudi psyops are characteristically flat and easy to pick apart; Chinese psyops are more adept, but right now no one is better in the game than the Ukrainians and the Russians (which makes sense, as the Ukrainians were probably trained by Russians during the Soviet era).
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argyrocratie · 7 months
Solidarity among the Displaced
How Russian Anarchists in Exile Supported Armenian Refugee Squatters
Throughout the world, mass displacement is accelerating as climate catastrophe, economic crisis, and war drive millions into exile, both within their own countries and across borders. These mass migrations are exacerbating gentrification, driving up housing costs just as real estate speculation is rendering more and more people homeless. How can displaced people continue to take political action in their new homes, establishing solidarity across ethnic lines in unfamiliar settings? In Armenia, Russian anarchists living in exile set one example, supporting Armenian refugees who had squatted the abandoned Ministry of Defense.
In the last decade, Yerevan saw several waves of protests. Do you see people building historical knowledge and experience from one struggle to the next?
With regards to the movement of the 2010s in Yerevan, there really was a street movement in which Armenian anarchists participated. There were protests against the increase in electricity prices, an anarchist bloc participated in a demonstration on human rights day, there was an action against the gentrification of Yerevan, and an action of anarcho-feminists. But unfortunately, all of the people from that generation have either left politics, joined political parties, or gone abroad to Russia or Europe.
Today, the anarchists in Armenia are mostly emigrants from the Russian Federation. In fact, I only know two Armenian anarchists: N—, a punk musician (who became an anarchist in the early 2020s), and S—, an anarcho-feminist who lectures in our space and occasionally publishes in left-wing and anarchist magazines (who also became anarchist around that time). Neither them, alas, was connected to the movements and affinity groups of the 2010s.
There is also an anarchist from Israel: Y—, a Jewish woman who gave birth in the Crimea, repatriated to Israel, lived there for 18 years in kibbutzim and participated in the anarchist movement there (including contact with “Anarchists Against the Wall”), married an Armenian and moved to Yerevan, and decided to establish a café here with anarchist and feminist themes. The café became a gathering place for the local Jewish community (for example, at Shabbat celebrations every Saturday), as well as for the creative intelligentsia, who held public readings there.
All this continued until Russia invaded Ukraine, after which the Russian authorities began to persecute their citizens even more, and hundreds of thousands of anti-war Russians (including anarchists) fled the country.
As a result, Armenia, which was mono-ethnic for almost all the years of its independence, is now more diverse.
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The door of the Mama-jan café. The second sticker says “No war” in Russian.
That is how our small circle was formed, which now represents the entire anarchist movement in Armenia.
There are many different people among us. One is actively involved in veganism and even founded his own vegan cooperative (which I also joined). Others, like one friend who is a Christian anarchist, collect humanitarian aid for the victims of the war. There is a queer anarchist group that continues to engage in street activism.
How did you go about supporting the squatters?
As soon as we learned that they had been forcibly evicted, we decided to go and help them. We went to them several times and, despite some initial distrust, my friends managed to find a common language with them.
As a result, at the next weekly meeting, we discussed how to go about supporting them. One of the sympathizers of anarchist ideas, a visitor to our circle, arranged to supply firewood for using potbelly stoves to heat their tents. Also, as an anti-war activist with certain connections, I managed to invite a journalist friend there. During a subsequent visit, they met us very hospitably. We helped to unload the firewood and they fed us and taught us to play backgammon.
We made a report about the situation for emigrant Russian-language media, which later played a very important role. We also established contact with the charitable organization “Ethos,” which was founded by relocators in Yerevan and is engaged in helping both Ukrainian and Armenian refugees.
Thanks to the fact that news coverage appeared about the eviction and was reposted on our initiative via various publishing houses (for example, in “Doxa,” which actively covered the persecution of anarchists and anti-war protesters), we were able to initiate a collection for food, medicine, and fuel in Ethos. In the end, we collected 60,000 drams more than planned! [The equivalent of approximately $157, still a significant amount of money for some refugees in Armenia.]
Also, the squatters began to actively invite us to their protests: they held these every Thursday and every Monday near the government building and the State Expenditure Committee. My friends and I held a poster reading “State, why did you take away people’s housing” with anarchist symbols.
The squatters were very pleased with our support, and even invited us to barbecues—which was especially ironic in the case of our vegan friend.
What do anarchists have to offer to struggles for housing?
Anarchism, in principle, throughout its history, has been very interested in the housing issue. It is not for nothing that during the Paris Commune, one of the revolutionary decisions of the council was to settle homeless Parisians in the apartments of bourgeois emigrants who had fled to Versailles, and to establish a ban on evicting tenants for non-payment of rent. Housing insecurity is a significant aspect of modern society, a challenge to which anarchists must respond.
The example of this eviction is particularly striking. It shines a light on all the absurdity and immorality of a civilization based on private property.
The house was not built by its owner. It was erected, decorated, and furnished by innumerable workers—in the timber yard, the brick field, and the workshop, toiling for dear life at a minimum wage… Who, then, can appropriate to himself the tiniest plot of ground, or the meanest building, without committing a flagrant injustice? Who, then, has the right to sell to any bidder the smallest portion of the common heritage? On that point, as we have said, the workers are agreed. The idea of free dwellings showed its existence very plainly during the siege of Paris, when the cry was for an abatement pure and simple of the terms demanded by the landlords. It appeared again during the Commune of 1871, when the Paris workmen expected the Communal Council to decide boldly on the abolition of rent. And when the New Revolution comes, it will be the first question with which the poor will concern themselves. Whether in time of revolution or in time of peace, the worker must be housed somehow or other; he must have some sort of roof over his head. But, however tumble-down and squalid your dwelling may be, there is always a landlord who can evict you… Refusing uniforms and badges–those outward signs of authority and servitude–and remaining people among the people, the earnest revolutionists will work side by side with the masses, that the abolition of rent, the expropriation of houses, may become an accomplished fact. They will prepare the ground and encourage ideas to grow in this direction; and when the fruit of their labours is ripe, the people will proceed to expropriate the houses without giving heed to the theories which will certainly be thrust in their way–theories about paying compensation to landlords, and finding first the necessary funds. On the day that the expropriation of houses takes place, on that day, the exploited workers will have realized that the new times have come, that Labour will no longer have to bear the yoke of the rich and powerful, that Equality has been openly proclaimed, that this Revolution is a real fact, and not a theatrical make-believe, like so many others preceding it. -Peter Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread
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