moonchildjelly · 1 year
Yesterday I was looking for some references of old toys online for my collection and is kinda sad how majority of them are broken links or abandoned sites...
I wanna help on arquive things like it so probably I will do like I thought on the bigging of this year and do my lists of toys here...
I will even try my best to join the maximum of information that I can about obscure toys like line toys from defunct companies
Just let's see if I don't give up in the middle...
If someone wanna help is always welcome
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07170 · 1 year
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vintage buttons via the arquives, canada's lgbtq2+ archives inspired by @sweatermuppet
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chsims · 6 months
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Heather Clark
Dress from the new Essence collection by @sentate
You can download it here.
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pesaresdalma · 16 days
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͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ Pretty When I Cry
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callmearcturus · 10 months
Stumbles in covered in dust to pass you a note that says "Arc please your analysis of the strange priesthood (your words)/odd mysticism (mine) of the IMF in Dead Reckoning, I need it urgently"
(It is such an integral part of the movie and its just one hell of a lore drop and I also have Thoughts about it and how it makes So much sense for Ethan's MILF era but you first you first)
bless you and all your endeavours
I want to talk about the evolution of the IMF. Because one of the things that always kind of confused me about it was what it actually was. Is it another three-letter agency or is it a task force inside the CIA or... is it something else entirely?
IMO the answer changes over the course of the movies. In MI1, there is a concrete institution, the mainframe for the IMF is inside Langley, thus it seems to be part of the CIA. And it's kind of the villain of the movie honestly; the IMF mole hunt gets Ethan's team killed and almost gets him killed because he can't turn to the very agency/group/force that he's supposed to be working for to get assistance.
This idea of a group that is very rigid is continued/heightened in MI2 and MI3. The IMF misleads and lies to Ethan. They are still be bad guys. In MI2, Swanbeck uses Ethan to manipulate Nyah without cluing him in and is upset that Ethan didn't bring back the deadly super-virus for them to have. In MI3, the entire IMF just feels like the FBI in structure, all the visual signifiers casting it as a discount FBI. And that's echoed in the way the IMF handles its agents, the rigidity of the structure, the oversight, the centrality of the headquarters-- it all points to the IMF being a weird 9 to 5 govt job until someone goes on a mission.
There is a hierarchy, there is a director and assistant director and mission handler and tech team and all this shit, right.
Then we reach the McQuarrie Trilogy-cum-Quadrilogy, and things begin to change.
In Ghost Protocol, there is a feeling that the agency (if that's what the IMF even is) is more... amorphous. It's made clear there are safehouses and caches just shoved in various corners of the world. There are mentions of a headquarters (specifically, that it doesn't exist anymore) but when its time to get a new mission, Ethan hands them out from fuckign Seattle, and then walks off into the smoke to his next one. After Benji and Carter have their disastrous mission that sets off the plot, they don't circle up at HQ in the same way that happens in MI3, they are just directed to go grab Ethan, and clearly they find a place to grab some gear beforehand. The IMF is decentralized.
Then oh fucking boy, Rogue Nation. The CIA absorbs the IMF's assets and all we see is the CIA's HQ, not any central location of the IMF itself. Even in the intro when Brandt is monitoring the team going after the package on the plane, he's clearly in some shipping containers-turned-monitoring office. And Ethan going rogue survives by picking over the abandoned remnants of older safehouses.
Another interesting pivot happens in RN. Ethan is explicitly the functional leader of the IMF by example. There is no new secretary to give orders and hasn't been for years, there is no director, the closest thing we get to a hierarchy is Brandt who could allegedly "authorize" things but the agents just.... dodge him by not looping him in.
The idea of a structured organization is fully jettisoned in favor of the modern IMF, which mostly seems to be a lot of people under the radar working together to share information and execute missions.
Emotionally, Ethan is the leader of this new type of IMF, and we are in the movie that truly sets off on the idea that Ethan's ethos is that... he can't handle casualties. It's the blunt object used to hurt him, the way Lane murders the IMF plant in front of him, and his expression of haunted shock is vivid and clear.
All the way back in MI1, Ethan stopped Krieger from killing a bystander, telling him they didn't leave a body count. And by RN, that's become the bedrock of the IMF, the idea that the lives of the many are never more important than the few, and the IMF agents will destroy themselves in the name of getting everyone out alive. There are no acceptable losses.
This is bad, frankly. It is a very bad weakness for a super secret spy to have. But it is TEXTUALLY the entire point of Fallout, that Ethan can't let Luther die. In RN, he couldn't let Benji die. He couldn't let that random French cop die. Over and over, Ethan is given a choice between "save a ton of people" and "save one person" and keeps picking both, and it hurts him every time. It is unreasonable and demands so much from him.
And I have been wondering what that was building to, and Dead Reckoning lays it out.
The IMF as a formal institution doesn't exist anymore. There is no director, there's no hierarchy. What we see of a possible HQ is not the IMF, its everyone else in the intelligence community. As Kittridge explains, the IMF is a mail drop where they "leave word" and hope someone inside the group gets it and takes care of it. There is no oversight because each agent is basically a self-contained satellite.
AKA the way Ethan has found he works best. For every. single. fucking. movie. the IMF has been a hindrance at best and The Bad Guy at worst.
When we meet Ethan in Dead Reckoning, he is a man standing in an old building with sturdy walls and high ceilings. He initiates a new member and tells them they made the right Choice. It is the reassurance of an elder member to a novice.
Because I think... Ethan has essentially guided the IMF to this. How the fuck does anyone survive when there is no hierarchy, there is this creed of Save Everyone Yes Everyone, how do they do that?
Well. Everyone in the IMF lives by simple rules. Any IMF agent looks to another and says "your life will always mean more to me than my own." And the details don't matter. There is no exception to this.
The reason Ethan is alive is because his life means that much to his team, and their lives mean that much to him, so they survive by prioritizing each other in a way that borders on irrational.
This is where I think we get into the weird priesthood/odd mysticism of the IMF. They are a self-selecting group of people fanatically devoted to the preservation of everyone, and are skilled enough to back it up. There is a level of altruistic devotion there that's absent from the other agencies. Hell, Kittridge is back and when we catch up with him, he's fucking trying to buy the key to the fuckign Entity! Once again the CIA is evil, shock of shocks.
In a franchise where the CIA is always evil and the IMF As An Organization isn't better, the only moral choice seems to be to opt-into caring radically about everyone. It's the only counterpoint possible.
I think its significant that in Dead Reckoning, with this new evolution of the IMF, we only see Ethan and the team in old buildings. They are fading remnants. They can't pass on the responsibility to family, so they keep watch for others who have what it takes. They are a small, dwindling group, and they are the only people that can destroy the Entity.
Punct and I have talked about how Ethan defeated the Syndicate by infecting them with humanity basically; through Ethan's influence, Lane becomes vicious and petty in a way he'd like to deny, but he is motivated by his connection to Ethan more than his ideals. Similarly, I think Ethan and his ilk have infected the IMF with this strange solemn duty, and act as guiding stewards. It's an ideal that will die, but until it does, they will keep saving everyone they can, because no one else will.
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yesterday i went to the arquives (lgbt archive) in toronto and read issues of j.d.s, listened to the j.d.s' top ten homocore hit parade cassette, and watched the yo-yo gang directed by g.b. jones on vhs!
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queerliblib · 11 months
I'll follow in the hopes that some day you may be able to figure out how to expand to Canada or maybe you can find a team able and willing to operate a sibling branch in Canada so each country has their own branch
It would be very cool to expand outside the US one day. There would just be a lot more legal and financial hoops to jump through, so one thing at a time! Gotta get the library funded and open first.
In the meantime allow us to share some existing (generally brick & mortar, not fully digital) queer Canadian libraries & archives!
Out on the Shelves (Vancouver, BC)
Bibliothèque à livres ouvert (the open book library - Montréal)
The ArQuives (Toronto, Ontario)
Archives Gaies du Québec (Montréal, Québec)
Pride Library (London, Ontario)
The Transgender Archives @ UVic (Victoria, BC)
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selected pin pngs from the arquives pride button collection !
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alienbabydraws · 4 months
Ask game? BOB 2 AND 24
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His big googoo eyes and glasses that make them look fifty times bigger. Hands down. he's so stinkin cute.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Same vibes to me as Chaz from Constantine. Very cute, puppydog character who is surprisingly smart and witty. You just wanna put them in your pocket and protect em forever.
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And honestly? He is 100% right.
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wrender · 1 year
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Some vintage pins I found on the Digital Transgender Archive and the ArQuives
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chsims · 6 months
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Love at first sight
Heather Clark, a fashion enthusiast with a business degree, was struggling to find the perfect job. Her mother, Elizabeth, a retired lawyer, wanted Heather to use her degree, but her daughter was determined to follow her passion for fashion. Heather had an interview that day and went to the local coffee shop and bumped into a handsome man who spilled coffee on her, arriving at the place she was shocked to discover that her new boss was the guy she met at the coffee shop. From then on, the two began to exchange glances, until he took the initiative and invited her to dinner at the hottest restaurant in New England. The two are dating and plan to get married soon.
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conversacomsmaug · 1 year
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Capa da história que estou escrevendo. É bem simplesinha, milhares de anos que não faço uso de ferramentas de edição rsrsr nem to com muita paciência ou tempo na verdade. Talvez mais para frente faça ou ganhe uma mais bem elaborada :3
Esse é o título, mas ainda dá tempo de aceitar sugestões:
Fogo e Luz
“O fogo que consome também traz vida”
O Hobbit - Livro e filmes
shippe: Thranduil / OC, um pouco de Tauriel / Legolas
Como estou escrevendo, não decidi totalmente se vai ser classificação 16 ou 18 para violência e sexo.
Shoujo/Josei, então esperem muuuuuuuito romance. Vou fazer sofrer sim muahahah mas não gosto de finais infelizes, já fica a dica. Muita Tolkiemania, mas com adaptações, afinal essa é uma fanfiction e a gente faz isso pra sonhar oras... mas tentarei ser o mais fiel possível ao tio Tolkien. Tenha em mente muito Silmarillion na veia também e elementos dos filmes do tio Peter Jackson. Inclusive, o Elveking eu me inspiro na versão do Lee Pace. Batalhas, sangue e tudo que um bom romance deve ter. Angústia e conforto.
Minha OC, Anoriel, uma elfa de origem Noldor nascida em Lindon e criada em Imladris (Rivendell) por Elrond, vou escrevendo o Background dela aqui para vocês, acompanhem ;) p.s. eita passado complicado dessa mina! kkkkkk
Já vou avisando, ela não é uma “Lady Elfica” normal, sai um pouco dos padrões e isso é só uma das fontes de preconceito que sofre, então cuidado com os gatilhos, serão poucos, mas existem.
Flashbacks, história em si se passa entre o fim de o Hobbit até os eventos de O Senhor dos Anéis e depois. Vou postar Spinoffs.
Plataforma: Fanfiction net, Spirit e provavelmente Wattpad e AOwn
p.s. Se alguém souber o artista dessa arte, para que eu possa dar os créditos pode me mandar mensagem. Infelizmente eu não achei, a imagem tem origem no Pinterest.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
11 for the ask game thing!
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
HAHAHAH LMAO lemme seeeeeeeeeee
homestuck epilogues, homestuck2, homestuck^2, hs2, hs^2, post canon, postcanon, post canon tw, ult dirk, ultidirk, ultimate dirk, davebot, rosebot
bit of a, uh, theme lmao
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lgbt canadian buttons
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napalmstrikebarbie · 2 years
🐭 only a mild intimidation, you are very sweet and Also a Tolkien nerd? Marvelous.
excellent, excellent, sweet and mildly spicy is a great combo
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