#arrrr im back at it
stars-in-our-skies · 1 year
big shoutout to systems that feel like they're faking, or like they're not a real system !!
self doubt is super common in plurality!!
just because you have bad communication with your system members, or can only hear them if you focus doesn't mean you're faking it!!
yes even if they're quiet sometimes, or most of the time!!
you aren't doing it for attention!!
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Captain's Log (by the way Im a sailor ⛵️ ARRRR)
Entry 1:
Lost my anchor, the rope just slipped out. Glad I had a spare from Dad's boat!! ⚓😪
2: Pulled up a mountain of mud and weeds🦠 in Collins Bay when weighed anchor. Motored over to the pier for electrical work with dad. Last night I became an electrician and used a fire extinguisher as a hammer to smash open the mast light plug. Blew up the paddle boat for the first time on the water, a japanese fisherman 'Steven' lost his lucky crayfish lure and offered to pay me 5$ to go get. 🎣 Didnt find it unfortunately but I learned a lot about fishermen and their faith in a single unique lure.
3: Sailed to Stella and back to Collin, fun time with Dave, learned how to use the radio and the ropes. Also, those black birds murder islands! Stear clear of the Brother Islands!! 🦅🏝 "The water is lower this year than usual." Dave's wife took pictures of us sailing back to Collins off the Conservation Area where I got the shell fragment for my necklace. Sailed back to stella alone in 10 knots of wind, Dave calls it sporty, I call it scary as hell. 😳😵😱 Got a lot of bruises from that sail, jumping side to side, running up and down the deck, lost my bungies. Certainly learned the hard way that too much sail in too much wind is a BADDDD thing!!! Rocked the boat right down near the water and tacked all over the place. Boy was I glad to see "LAND HO!!!" 😍 coming into Stella, even if anchoring took about a hundred tries 🙄😫😫. Amherst Island is warm and fit, lots of paddle boarders.
4: Sailed from Amherst Island (Stella) to Cressy in Picton, past the gap between Island and mainland which was smooth and slow sailing all the way, had to zigzag once and then again to adjust my heading into Cressy. There was a floating "island" of those Black Birds that freaked me out, thought it was land!!! 🤯🦅🦅🦅 Apparently theres a swamp around here cuz theres a few mosquitoes. Got a skitter coil but no lighter so I guess Ill be fightin them tonight. Twas a wonderful day. Listening to the geese landing nearby and hopefully aboard! 😍
5: Sailing was patchy, sometimes wind howling in the sails and other times dead quiet and I had to start the engine up to get to a chopped blue. Followed a brown smoke plume over the trees for a bit, wonder if theres a forest fire. 😳 Raced past the Glenora Fairy to get here. Sailed all the way to Glen Island, the water carves through both sides of it so Im lucky I have a shoal draft boat to anchor off current. Theres a beaver living here 🦫, just saw him paddle over to his home, looks pretty big for a little guy. Lilly pads I think, big ones with big underwater folding leaves are anchored too in the mud along with a plateau of zebra muscle shells and 2 discarded tires?? 🤨😂 A blue heron flew in and started prowling for fishes. Nice place. Just hope the Cormorants dont kill that poor island, I can see them nesting on the north tip of it. 😪
I had to take the rudder off!!! Its so shallow here that it was scraping and every sound is so scary I think my hull is grinding on a rock. 😳😨😖😖😖
Ok, mom convinced me. I moved to another spot, then a guy in a white shirt started yelling at me "HAVE YOU ANCHORED HERE BEFORE?" ⚓ and told me to go to the east side of the island to be protected from wind, so Im here now. Hopefully I dont get dragged out to sea like my poor purple bucket who's rope snapped and she went down down down before I could hook her 😪🪣, I got one deck wash out of her (lots of anchor mud) and she was gone. Watching the sunset through the gap in the trees, its nice. Getting fresh air.
Tonight is warmer and calmer than most nights, listening to the frogs singing and occasional geese. Very serene 🥰
6: Motored into hay bay today, no wind, around 20 or so fisherman to wave to, passed three swans. Anchored pretty tight and after about a half hour of monitoring the anchor with no give, I paddled to shore in high waves against wicked current and a rope between my teeth trailing empty water bottles, a bag of garbage and a gas can behind me. Twas my first ever supply run. Upon my return, my Tortuga had floated away, rope slipped right off her cleats, marking the second time I lost an anchor and the first time losing my ship. 😥 Its a sad day today and a hard lesson. Im shit at tying anchor lines... ⚓ Im scared to death that her hull may have been damaged on shore and praying that the mud is thick enough to preserve her. I want to cry. Sailing has been the hardest thing Ive ever done in my life and now mother nature has screwed me, seems more like a bitch of nature than a mother. I need to hug my baby and fall asleep in his arms... I cant take much more of this abuse. 😭
7: Don and Marybeth knew a fisherman with a 130hp engine that was able to tug it off the mud after extensive rocking and angle changing. 🛥 Me and Don were on the hull leaning side to side to wiggle her out. She came free! Motored all the way to his docks at Bayview Cottages in Hay Bay. Im going to dive under her hull and see if she took any damage, already crawled to inspect the bilge area and under any possible water collection spots. All dry! No leaks. Like a review on the internet says "the Bayliner Buccaneers are hulled with an overkill fiberglass and wood sandwich." Guess this turtle has a mighty shell! 🐢 The engine quit half way and though I hoisted the sails there was no wind to carry us and we drifted until we could get the motor going again. Don had me help level his dock as a favor returned. Im inside Tortuga now, fighting off the heat, sweating like a pig, drank all my water and some from Don and MBs cabin. Their dog Cooper died last year at age eight from cancer in his pancreas, poor baby had to be euthanized. Rest in peace Cooper. 😙 Cant wait to freshen up in this deep cool water. Took a photo of a brown water snake sunbathing on my dock and got attacked by a giant wasp. Everyday is always so eventful. I think Ill bake some loaves of bread for my rescuers tonight, and Ill pay the fishermen a 40 spot for his efforts and gas. Dave bought me 50 feet of chain and a Bruce anchor, world renowned for awesome hold and fast dig in. People are great! Always ask for help!
8: I left that god forsaken swamp at a race against the wind for a good wind break cove called Whitlow Point on the Bay of Quinte. Saw a Bald Eagle? 🦅 And swam a bit with a great white swan to cool off from the squelching sun. Yesterday, a brown water snake🐉 tried to get in my boat, I grabbed it by the neck to avoid his teeth and tossed it overboard. Luckily we dont have many poisonous snakes in Canada, he nearly got past the door and into my kitchen! I got my new anchor, a Bruce, and bolted everything together with a shackle and locking wire. This thing is mighty, and HEAVY along with 50' of chain and three wicked teeth. "Your ground tackle is gold, most important piece of equipment on your boat." Hope I dont lose it like the last two. Its nice I have my precious plants with me now, if a pirate's treasure is gold then mine is my plants. 🪴 Swans are huge! And so soft, a perfect clean white. Amazing, quiet, graceful. 🦢 I whipped a wasp midair with a fly swatter as it was trying to get in mah home and it shot out the back end of Tortuga like a bullet with the force of the hit, the thing landed on the water about 10 feet away... 😳 Its buzzin and making tiny ripples on the water. Fish food? 🐝 Kinda felt bad but I dont think wasps pollinate do they? They sting though so no thanks mr wasp 😤. Im pulling my skin off in sheets, its like plastic wrap but soft and thinner, full of holes where the hairs were. Its scary to see part of your body falling off. Ill make it my mission to never get sunburnt again.... 😔 Todays dinner: mashed avocado in a can of veggies and water. Honestly, for a poor man's meal, twas yum. Though maybe hunger makes everything delicious. Someone was shooting off fire works before night, strange time to see lights but fun to watch 😁
9: Earth has coughed up a spray of clouds and grey all over, the sky is gone, so is the sun. Spooky and chilled. Saw a beaver or ground hog swim by and the head of a snapping turtle up for air. Sailed over to Deseronto in unreliable spurts between hard wind and stillness. Got used to "beam reach" sailing as most of the wind was hitting my left side. My new anchor seems to be solid against this pretty angry afternoon wind and a crap ton of weeds, 🌿🦠🌿🦠🌿🦠🦠 I had to swim through them. It was like running through ropes, getting tied up. They arent slimy at all, kinda rough actually. I ended up ripping them out with my hands to pull me through the water. After a raft trip from boat to shore hitched a ride with dad to napanee for groceries (couple of soymilks and tomatoes to fight skin cancer from that basty sunburn on my shoulders) and movie downloads... I paddled back to Tortuga, deflated Squirt and realized, I forgot my charger in dad's car. Unwilling to reinflate my dinghy again I put on full cover clothes and treaded through the wet jungle and back with my cord between my teeth like an otter on its back. The water is warm now for swimming, ... or at least warm by a Canadian guy's standards 😋 🇨🇦. May long weekend and theres beautiful fireworks to watch, Im laying on her shell watching the explosions of red gold silver, the chinese really did gift the world a wonderful surprise 🎆 A guy has been flying a remote controlled yellow airplane over the water and just swooped in over Tortuga. Did a couple nose dives and flips, this guy is skilllllll. Thought it would get caught in my mast.... wires? Calm night, did I mention there were about 40 little turtles huddled up on a floating line? 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 Very cute 😍. My clothes are bungied up on the boom to dry overnight, starting to get real comfy living aboard 😄. Wow, admiring my tanned feet, they are hot, especially after swimming. Lookin FINEEEE 🔥. Wish my sexy twink was sucking my toes or massaging them.... Having pizza and watching a movie on the couch now, talk later! 😌
10: Dark skies today, blue swollen clouds blanketing the sky and a wind that whistles and howls and shakes my ship relentlessly. I only hope my anchor is strong enough to fight this angry sky. ... JUST RAN OUTSIDE, heard a god awful boom! Wind got fierce and screaming, BATTON THE HATCHES AND HOLD OUT! 🌫 Its going to be a long, scary day.
So the wind has finally died down and seeing that its safe to crawl out of my tunnel, I started uncovering my sails and attached the jib to set sail to napanee and dock. Unfortunately, the wind wasnt the only thing that died today... my battery failed to start up the engine 🔋. My spirits dropped, stressed and dismay again. How could so many things go wrong in such a short span of time?? The engine let out pathetic barks like a sick dog until I gave up on it. After some phone calls I realized that A: batteries are luxury items for people too lazy to start the engine by hand and prefer to sit and press a button. and B: You can start an engine without a battery and instead manually by yanking on the cord. So, with a little muscle, the engine started... of course; but alas by the time I figured that out I had run low on daylight and the action plan turned miraculously into a 'sit inside and wait another 12 hours' plan. Determined to not suck out the last drop of battery juice from the supply for my emergency radio, which was depressingly displaying "BATTERY LOW", Ive strapped a flashlight to the bow, a camp lantern to the mast, placed the red and green and again, locked up for the night. 🌫🌙
Side note: Dont leave the toilet open ever, it took a whole load of laundry detergent and concentrated peppermint oil soap to destroy the smell... time for a sewage pump out I suppose? Though the level line still marks green as in "GO🚽". Status: Perpetually confused.
P.p.s. on May 26th, in three days, the wind is going to be worse than it was today, I cant imagine that 😳🌪. I need to find shelter, fast. I wonder if writing this Captain's Journal keeps me sane? Or do I just hope for attention from whoever reads this? 🤔 Probably both... Anywho, back to movies. Lots of em. Canned peas SUCK. Listening to the crack of fireworks outside. 🎆
11. Woke up groggy and my eyes sealed shut... Alaine met me last night around midnight, I docked, ripped off handfulls of weeds from chain and a stuck anchor and gave him my battery to charge overnight. Now I've got some juice and my little Johnson 9.9 is hummin again. 😌 Babe got a job, or at least he's training for a job. Im so proud of him, finally getting the things he wants, no more waiting. Met a fisherman named Wayne Matthews who caught 5 Walleye, he'll eat them tonight. Yum 🐟
12. The past week or so I've been docked at the napanee springside park dock, the motor in was shallow and full of weeds, swans, a tipi and a luxurious cliff side stone mansion 😳. At ropes Ive ripped out the 50 year old orange carpet and gross ceiling plastic on the port side interior of Tortuga, sorry T gotta do it, yer ugly as hell in there. Her fiberglass is exposed, looks alright too. Will be painting her belly white, the paint is called "White White" so I guess thats as true of the color as I can get. ⬜ Humming over to Deseronto, just at the mouth into the Bay, I witnessed a display of millions of bright flashing diamonds dancing on the water's surface. 💎🔹️💠🔷️💎 Wow, incredible. Never before seen, and now Ive seen it, the jewels of the blue. Wore my leather Captain's Hat all day, handmade up north in the small town of Saint-hippolyte, Québec by a man who loves whisky and ostriches. It feels good to wear it, comfortable now, like its meant to be there on my head. 🎩 Im anchored today in the same ropey sea forest off the dock in Dez, we'll see what comes next 👀.
13. Out from the dark blue forest, a writhing beast realed its nasty head, slithering through the calm of the black night waters it came for me, then dove deep into its ropes and slime. Holding my lantern up high over the blue-now black waters at twilight I saw it come again twice, three times and then took my leave. Ive heard legends of a Loch Ness monster, could this be one and the same?
14. Some weeks later... Tacking 31 times is a long arduous task and I dare say I wish never to do it again.
15. The spring rains have not ceased to pour on my humble abode and though I pray, to no particular faith, for the dry belly of my sweet Tortuga, I fear that the 7+ crying windows will lead to an eventual and destined soggy carpet.
16. Perhaps a week again aft? I have picked a million strawblurbs and am now bloated and dizzy with the sweetness of this summer harvest. One particular berry was so sweet I smiled in delight of it. To say I were gay would be an understatement! Another though put me into remiss and I banished it from my mouth with a splat and the most convincing grimace as to threaten the plant which dared to bare such a fruit.
My ship awaits me off the Port of "North" and the tip of Quinte Point, I saw her once a night and her lights a bobbin in the dark as if a triad of stars welcoming me, missing me, and scared alone on the water some kilometer away.
17. Grass corns waving at me in the soft blow of night, not a grasp on my mind can justify my fright. Glow dots bouncing on shadow, unbeknownst to they is the hollow ground below. The winds rage on an invisible lake and the waves roar, so fierce are they that I cant repress my memory of a lost Tortuga, an army of fishermen and a ghastly rough day.
18. After nearly a fortnight Ive journeyed to the very beach I first paddled a'shore to Trenton in North Port and began the long paddle to Tortuga under the growl and boom of a gang of dark clouds. Upon nearly a quarter of way to her a rod struck the water with such might it was if the sky had been divided in two by the purest blinding white light and my father hollered out from ashore "COME BACK!". Twas a good thing too for Squirt blew her belly out and was on her way to Davy Jone's Locker. I fear no patch can save her and will be in the market for a replacement. Meanwhile I count my lucky stars that I hadn't been fried into a straight man on that electric lake of fire.
19. A canoe that's seen better days was my ferry to Tortuga after a month of her isolation through lightning storms and tornadoes. Ive been to the family cottage thrice I believe since last seeing my ship and drove around many cities in between buying food, soaps, and treasures. Aboard, a swarm of strange looking black faced gulls circle overhead, curious as to what I might be doing on their likely established perch. My poor ship is full of spiderwebs, notably a funnel web on deck in the loop of a lay rope which is home to a tarantula like brown spider. All around she is polka dotted with brown gunk, musty as an old man's basement and well, surprisingly, despite a counted seven good leaks in a many windows, dry. After an inpection of the bow below I found her utterly void of the murky puddle I had assumed would be there. No, alas after wind and storm and monsoon Id say, my beloved Tortuga has forbidden any and all water from penetrating her shell. I am awe stricken.
I am all too familiar with the howl of the south westerly wind and the waves rolling and plopping up against her belly and the rattle and whipping of my mast and halliards but, this time, I find my breath shortened, my chest heavy and constricted and a fear. An indescribable nervousness inside this ship that has me uneasy. Ive been scared heartless twice with the shadow of a tree disguising itself as a dark figure boarding a-stern. What is this uneasy whisper? This clenching of my gut and pulling of air from my lungs? I best distract myself. Of course as with any night aboard, I hear buzzing. But, as the critter lands on the word 'wind' of my screen, to my mind's surprise it is not the oft visiting mosquito but a well fattened... may fly? Perhaps? Seems almost a ghost of a fly. So pale. It is raining a second time, light, scattered drops. It is quite an other worldly feeling to live aboard an old boat in a vast and mysterious water.
Anyway lets not bore you with flies and shells and seven good leaks dry, and the ghastly screams of the blue and the white. I should sleep. And so I shall. Perhaps in a few minutes... I hear a voice.
It is night and I see an orange blurred V glowing through my window. I climb up the creaky steps and find my binoculars. My head pops out from the hatch and my hazel eyes peer into the antique glass to see a huge fire, reaching its flame out in every direction. Around it three or five boys my age perhaps or older are standing there, talking loudly, drinking beers and discussing women of interest I presume. One of them lifts his shirt off and drops for an attempt at a pushup. Maybe there is a girl there too and it is a courtship, a display of strength, however clumsy. My mind displays a rather proud scene before my eyes of a forest ablaze and a plume of smoke overhead and I worry for a second that they have died in the fire and that I should sail away before Im next. But then I realize that it is only my imagination. And of course now. My logic is telling the child in me to sleep. I guess this is goodnight.
20. I sailed off from Northport to the Napanee Docks with the wind in my back and flying her colors for the first time. Not the flag but the colorful red and orange genniker, looks like a fire on the water when she's up. Before the Deseronto-Prince Edward County bridge a mid sized yacht charged me full speed and displaced a tsunami of water towards my vessel. In a panic I dropped the sails and rushed back to deck to pull the ropes tight and steer her nose-first down into the swallowing abyss of a wave so dark and deep it towered over Tortuga and smashed her poor body before lifting her up again and dropping her midair. She performed a horrific belly flop and if she could have cried Id imagine her to be doing so still now, wailing and begging for it to be over. Doesnt he know he could have killed me? He could have drowned us easily if I hadnt have been quick enough and we'd been struck a-port, we'd have rolled over, belly up, and sunk in that massive swell.
Im docked at last in Napanee, pushed once again by the wind with the flaming sail of the genniker and Tortuga rests now tied firmly by 5 lines to a goose poop littered dock. She doesnt seem to mind however and I get to put my broom to good use brushing off all the partly digested logs of algae and sea life back into the water.
21. Ive gutted a good portion of Tortuga's old belly and begun painting her a clean fresh white inside, and the illusion of added space is setting in. I poke my head out of the cabin ever minute for a gasp of air. Apparently white paint contains crystaline silica, and as luxurious as that sounds, it causes cancer. Doesnt everything nowadays?
22. ...Months later and winter is nearly upon us. Blue glimmer rolling atop a frigid deep blue. Like mother of pearl. The sky, liquified on the water, its mesmerizing.
23. Days are cloudier now, there's no exception at Stillwater Basin, a cut into the land where the boats hide from crushing ice and current. Interesting people here. Shirtless hairy men with huge netted ships and chin beards. Some of the vessels tucked away in this tranquil marine community have wide wooden hulls. One is intricately painted and sculpted at the bow to show a breasted figure attached to colorful beams. Another ship looks as though a full tree had been raised and cut to form the mast, the sailor fits the lumberjack description too. Everyone either has an accent ( I met a british sailor lady ), is young, dumb and very tanned to almost brown, hairy and old and alone or all of the above. These are a whole new breed of people. They seem wild, and the night before, with still water, I saw them dining under candlelight. So peaceful, tranquil. The kind of peace that pulls on my hearts strings when I see it, and the same feeling of freedom, warmth and... purest happiness that I felt laying aboard my little Tortuga.
Smoky (I adopted a dog), who is both Canadian Labrador, a powerful web pawed natural swimmer and Border Collie, a protective herding dog, slept most of the way from Deseronto to here. He's already comfortable with sailing and Id say he's got his sea legs. He's guarding his human from the man eating seagulls swooping overhead.
Ill be scrubbin the sea spray and anchor muck off of Tortuga today and dropping her mast. In 4 days she gets lifted out for the winter.
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thedreamerfae · 2 years
I remember being 10/11 and finding out what FNaF was for the first time. I can’t believe it’s been 7 f u c k i n g years.
Also, since im back on my FNaF shit, here’s an oc im making
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My muzzles aren’t too great since it’s been awhile since I drew a non-sonic anthro character, but he’s a weasel. I assure you. Westly the Weasel.
Also I’m impatient as hell so yes I am coloring the line art when I only have the head done
I do have the original sketch on layer one I’m tracing over
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boyfriend-kisser · 5 years
Episode 5: 
> How fucking old is Glimmer jesus 
> Also yay Bow's there 
> "With She-Ra and a boat, we can conquer anything" bitch wdym just use She-Ra as a boat 
> Wow those boats float like, in the air those old boats DO float they're dope 
> Omg Bow is adorable he loves everything he's always so happy I love himso much if anything happens to him I will cut my ligaments off 
> Bow: No pirates? 
Glimmer: No pirates. 
Bow: *Sad arrrr* 
i love him 
> That green lump can sail? 
> Nvm they meant whoever he was arm wrestling with 
> Wow Sea Hawk is hot 
> Uh oh he's a narcissist 
> Bow is also feeling the gay vibes for him so Im not in the wrong 
> Sea Hawk dresses like Papyrus in that AU where sans dies instead of him?? Yknow?? And he's wearing sans's's' jacket and shit??? 
> Yes Adora, show him that he's retarded. Show him how retarded his sexy face is. 
> Bow grr I love you 
> Oh yes, lay the sass on thick Catra 
> Omg Scorpia's hAIR I LOVE IT 
> HAhahahaha cat on boat 
> Scorpia's great nnn please tell me she stays being great forever 
> wTF Sea Hawk set his own boats on fire this DUDE I like him already 
> Okay updated favourites list: 
1) Bow (with or without flowers)
2) Catra (she got promoted back up the favourites list again but I'm still mad at her) 
3) Scorpia 
4) Flower princess 
 5) Sea Hawk
> Aw nvm
> SPARKLE TELEPORTS AWAY he called her sparkle im crying 
> Adora fucking showing Sea Hawk who's boss by unfurling the jib by herself heck yeah 
> Sea Hawk's trying his best guys come on be nice 
> Omg Sea Hawk's singing 
> Aw the song's over :( 
> Bow's so supportive of Adora as she beats Sea Hawk's ass AGAIN 
> *CRASH* 
Sea Hawk: aHA WE'RE HERE 
I love this show 
> Oh yeah adventures with Sea Hawk and WHAT THE FUCK GIANT OCEAN WORM 
> Lmao you can just hear "FOR THE HONOUR OF GREYSKULL" in the background 
> Omg she jumped off the boat wow epic hero moment 
> Lol she's dead 
> Sea Hawk isn't phased by this at ALL 
> "adora GET IN THE BOAT" 
lmao I dont see how anyone could be scared of Glimmer 
Her name is fucking GLIMMER 
And she's so small and pink 
> There's a Force Captain Orientation???? 
> Also hi Scorpia I missed you and your lobster arms <3
> Catra's hot 
> Omg is Scorpia lesbian 
> I agree, very impressive captain yell 
> Mermaid land is PRETTY 
> AHAHAH Mermista (is that her name? fuck i already forgot) looks so fucking done with Sea Hawk I love it >I like Mermista's outfit tooo she's pretty wow 
> Please don't tell me she keeps that attitude for the entire show 
> I'm TRYING to talk to my new friend Twinkle 
> No dont get rid of your guard or else... Aaaand Sea Hawk is sitting on your throne 
> Ok I like Mermista because she stood up and seems a little (lITTLE) more energetic and less bitchy now 
> Don't sit in her lap that's rape 
> Why does Sea Hawk set everything on fire 
> Have I told you how much I love Bow yet? 
"That's Adora, she has a magic sword :)" 
> Oh yeah Adora, READ THE OLD WRITING 
> AWWW BYE SEA HAWK i actually feel bad he got flat-out rejected and like he's super annoying so i see why but still he just wants people to like him :( 
> Fuck yeah Mermista BE impressed bitch 
> Ffs Bow I love you and youre adorable but hushh 
> Tf Sea Hawk where u going 
> Sea Hawk's little scream made me laugh really hard 
> Aw, poor Sea Hawk feels useless (he kinda is but dont tell him that hes very fragile) 
> He charmingly set boats on fire omg I love him this is actually really sad 
> When your powers are shparkles 
> Yes I knew Sea Hawk was one of my favourite for a reason 
> Aw he looked so happy 
She's still using a sword like a gun to turn a hologram blue. 
> Hi Bow I love you 
> Bow why do you look scared??? 
> Oh it's Catra 
> I love them both a lot 
> Holy fuck Mermista got a TAIL 
> Catra just wants to see her girlfriend 
> He's so cool living out his pirate dreams 
> Im rooting for Bow. 
> Half of this si just me screaming about my love for Bow 
They're having a gay moment 
 >Set your ship on FIRE 
> Im excited for flmaing boat time
> Catra and She-Ra are having a conversation I'm so happy (even if Catra's being mean) 
> Catra just sitting atop She-Ra's sword is so cute to me 
> Ouch Catra scratch 
> She-Ra's so TALL 
> Speaking of lebians, where's Scorpia? 
> Oh, THERE'S Scorpia 
> I wanna cosplay Scorpia 
> I kinda wanna cosplay Sea-Hawk as well 
> Aw Catra in the water sad 
> Scorpia will rescue you Catra it's ok 
> Yay the gate's fixed and WOW yeah it's beautiful 
> Hes so happy :) 
Merm: Don't set it on fire. 
Sea-Hawk: nO PROMISES 
> Aw Sea-Hawk's being useful he's actually kinda cute I love him 
> sHE-Ra get's all the bitches (except Catra) 
> Is everybody gay in this show??? 
> tHAT WAS a perfect ending to that episode Bow's so cute
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multifandomstorys · 2 years
Mcu spider-man 6 fan fic
Chapter 3
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Green goblin- your no son of mine your a failure goodbye Harry
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Norman- sorry son there can only be one goblin
Harry's life less body lies there on the floor
Norman puts his costume on and flys away
Green goblin- let's find some new people to play with shell we
Peter walks into the daily bugal angry and upset after what Harry has just done
Peter- jj I got pictures of the new spider-man outfit
JJ- crap crap extra crap I'll give you $50
Peter smashes the desk kicking JJs chair
Peter- i need more mony you peace of shit
JJ- guards get him out of here
Peter aggressively walks
Peter swings home going to sit down he sees Ned Gwen and Michelle they were crying
Peter-what's wrong
Michelle- its Harry hes body was found this morning he was stabbed and a note was left saying the itsy bitsy spider will get squashed by the goblin
Peter looks away not crying but annoyed he knows goblins on his case he turns back round
Peter- that's terrible news the goblin must of killed Harry and I might know who the goblin is it has to be Norman
Peter- I think so I'll dig into it more
Meanwhile kingpin watches from a far
Kingpin- tonight we will from a plan follow that girl and make sure she does not leave well pay a little visit
Peter- I need to stop goblin before things get out of han-
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Green goblin- hello spider-man long time no see AHAHAHA
Spider-man- you killed your own son you sick old bag
Green goblin- oh well sacrifice has to be done sometimes only one goblin will rule the city
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Green goblin- sorry spider got to go I have business to attend to like blowing up the city AHAHAHAHA
green goblin gets away
Spider-man- god damm I'll get him soon
Meanwhile the kingpin pulls up to Peter's house seeing Michelle he asks his guards to stay put
Kingpin walks up the stairs and smashes the door down
Michelle screams
Michelle- who the hell are you what do you wan-
Kingpin punches Michelle
Kingpin- I know who your little bugfriend is I know all about you
Michelle goes to get up but kingpin puts his foot on her hand
Kingpin- listen very carefully I wont kill you if you tell your little spider-man to stay out of my city this is mine to rule forever if you dont I'll tear your body part of one by one and maybe I'll kill your baby you dont want that do you
Michelle- ok ok I'll tell peter please go please
Kingpin glad we could see term to term bye for now
Peter swings through the window we the kingpin drives of
Peter- Michelle what the hell happened
Peter sees Michelle with a bad hand and her face bleeding
Michelle- a man came her called kingpin he punched me and said he'd tear my body parts out one by one and kill our baby if I didn't tell you to back of him
Peter smashes the table and throws it out the door
peter starts to get more angry smashing glasses and plates
he puts on his suit and swings to fisk tower
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Kingpin- ahhh so you got the message
Peter's mind
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Peter- no I need to get out of this abyss this black hole I need to get through to me
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xbuckyshield · 6 years
Home - Epilogue.
Pairings - avengers x Enhanced!Black!Teen!Reader
Warnings - angst, swearing, crying, slight violence.
Summary - the reader discovers her abilities through a traumatic event and is taken under the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D, after they discover her potential she finds herself fighting with the Avengers.
A/N - yes I will be taking the nickname "quake" for the reader because I am an unoriginal piece of shi- so daisy "quake" johnson does NOT exist im this story tyvm. but maybe if you squint your eyes hard enough this story may make the slightest bit of sense.
"Y/N, please, baby, speak to me." Pain. You felt it, she felt it, it was laced in her voice. Your dying mother was begging for you to say your last words, knowing you will regret it for the rest of your life. "Baby, don't do this to yourself." Her voice was weak, you just held onto her hand tighter.
You tried to speak, but you couldn't find the right words, you felt her grip on your hand get weaker and you slowly lifted your head to face her. Her eyes slowly closed shut. You knew what was going to happen, and you felt something come upon you, it wasn't guilt, it was something more powerful than that.
"M-Mama?" The loud noise of her flat line was the only thing you could here, you knew what it meant, but you didn't stop begging for her to wake up. "Mama, wake up!" At this point you were screaming and shaking her body. You felt a pair of hands pulling you away for her body but you fought against it.
"Darling, you nee-" The voice started.
"Get off me! No! Mama!" You kept screaming, and struggling against the nurses trying to get you out of the room. Once you were out, you fell to your knees, an overwhelming feeling came over you. It was too much. The lights began to flicker but you didn't even take notice to it,
Then slowly, small items began falling from tables, and the building was suddenly shaking, and you let out a throat rippening scream.
The last thing you felt was pain. Until you felt nothing, everything was black. You felt numb. But you never felt so alive.
You woke up and lifted you hand to rub your eyes, but confused when you looked does and saw your hands cuffed down to a table in an empty room.
"Ah, fuck." You cursed under your breath when a short man, dressed in a simple suit, with a smile on his face, walked into the room.
"You must be very confused right now." He started, putting down the paper he was holding on the table you sat at.
"Quite perceptive aren't you?" You stated sarcastically, which earned a small chuckle from the small man."
"My name is Agent Coulson, welcome to S.H.E.I.L.D"
"You guys certainly have a unique way with welcoming your guests, wouldn't you at least ask before cuffing them to tables and oh, I don't know knocking them out." You monotoned.
"We have been keeping tabs on you for a while know Y/L/N." He started, then took a seat in front of you. "We know about your abilities." And with that you burst of laughing. Your eyes were tearing up and you were practically wheezing.
"Well then you know not to piss me off when I'm hungry." You said after calming down. "I'm confused, what abilities? Dude, the best ability I have is running to get more food during the countdown between episodes on Netflix. If that's enough to join the Avengers, why didn't y'all hit me up earlier."
Then another man walked in, a very tall, coloured man, dressed in all black, with an eyepatch. "I'll take it from here now, thank you Phil."
"Oh, I thought his name was Agent..." You sighed. "Who the hell arrrr you.?" You said imitating a pirate. But your grin was wiped off your face when his serious, unfazed face didn't even move a muscle. "Alright, tough guy..." You whispered and he sat across from you, tapping on the tablet he held in front of you.
"My name is Nick Fury and I am the Director of S.H.I.E.D" He started. "Now when I heard about the situation, it wasn't your ability that intrested me, but while you were knocked out we ran some tests and found some unusual stuff. But before we get into that, you don't remember anything that happened before you got here?"
"I-I remember being at the hospital..." You voice faltered a bit, you didn't want to show any weaknesses, that was the one thing your mother taught you. She never told you anything about your father, but she was the strongest women you knew, period. "I was at the hospital and my mother... but after that it was a blur. And now I'm here."
He turned passed the tablet to you and a video was playing. "So you don't remember this?"
The video showed you kneeling down, screaming in pain with lights flickering and the building was vigorously shaking before agents rush in and take you out.
"I-" You started but you couldn't find any words to finish.
"I understand how confused you may be as I assume you knew nothing about this beforehand, " He turned the tablet back to him a did a zooming in gesture. "That's not all though, look at your eyes." He gave the tablet back to you and you saw your eyes glowing a radiant yellow. You looked back over to him with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't understand?" You stutter looking for the right words. "How- W-What am I? And what do you want with me?" You groan squeezing your eyes shut trying to comprehend what you were hearing. You had freaking superpowers, but you didn't know how to take it. As a gift, or a curse.
"Listen kid, I wouldn't be speaking to you right now if I knew. We thought that you might be able to answer some questions." He said before turned the tablet off and placing it aside. "What about your Dad, is he around." He asked, with and eyebrow raised over the patched eye.
"I have no idea who he is. My mom never spoke about him to me. She just told me that he had to leave to protect us."
"From who? Or what" He asked.
"I have no idea." I shrugged.
"I had some of Coulson 's guys study your DNA. And it appears that you have alien DNA in your body. So our next best guess is that it came from your father. They'll look more into it and I promise, we won't keep anything from you. But we do have people investigating your home to look for anything that may help us." He stated picking up his tablet.
"Perfect, can I leave now?" You said impatiently.
"You're coming with me."
Part 2 - coming soon
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mylovedouglas · 3 years
Today by right im going to help ma with buying goods for prayer but she know my hand is in pain never ask miie to help hmmm i some time feel if only i can change some part of my body to the good one at time not all the time like just finish up task needed to be done it will be good u know but is not the case yah any way have a meet up with classmate to get my thing back yah which is a last min thing u see any way by right i wanna go c doc for my hand prob but need to meet her to get my thing back so what to do im kinda unhappy as i still need to travel all the way to meet her good enough i change the meeting place so i do have to change train ok im lazy is good enough i wanna meet her also is my thing yah so what to do what ever after the meeting grap a pizza and head home oh also get a new cup as i break my days back did i say it cant rmb any way i get a coffee along with it yah have been so long since i have coffee hmmm i still like the coffee i make back in the days where i work in coffee shop yah hmmmm any way watch some video and also chat abit on discord is it only miie or what some time my brain just cant read is like TO is a word u see but brain just arrrr T.......O what is it and like 5min later ahhhh is to like what the fk haizzzz whats wrong brain have u forgotten how to read ? Haizzzz any way i sleep late tonight since i have no work tml but tml need to stay up late too hmmm and the next day have work and im going to drink also hahaha so good luck hahaha what ever i think this few week i will be giving myself a break on work like just work on weekends yah i wanna like play some game also my hand hmmmm is not great hope after the doc visit will be better any way this is it for now i know is have been so long i write this much hope i have not miss spell any shit or so yah also is ren ri (human day)happy birthday too all human on earth yah have a great day and u get older today too hahahaha
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knownoshamc · 7 years
okay so i was thinking about how toby stephens bulked up for s3/4 and how he's so much smaller now, and now im having feelings about james going back to being small after the reunion, since he doesn't have to fight now, he can rest. imagine him looking at himself in the mirror one day and thinking "that's what I'm supposed to look like" and just being relieved because he hardly recognized himself as Flint (plus it makes it even easier for thomas to pick him up and carry him around)
yeeees. one of my HCs is that he first drastically changed his appearance when he created Flint, wanting to leave McGraw behind and pick him up when Thomas came back.He didn’t much care about his appearance, only focused on points that would fit with his current situation (looking like a pirate, arrrr) and h changed it when he lost someone (Thomas,Gates, Miranda).
But now that Thomas is back, he doesn’t to look like a Lieutenant, a pirate, he doesn’t have to mourn anyone. Now he gets to be him. (I imagine his post Nassau 1705 look to be his own)
So yes!!!
Just the thought of Thomas picking him up tho. Imagine them getting in their new beautiful home in bridal style, and they both end up on the floor and laugh so much and they kiss and life is good.
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Alzu and Almul inspect a corpse, Almul takes out some frustration on said corpse. Warning: messy. Descriptions of a corpse being messily taken apart and inspected. Also- it’s not technically cannibalism because they aren’t the same species, but Alzu is an opportunistic carnivore faced with a body made of meat. His response is unsurprising. 
“What- you wanna know why that works?”
Alzu kicked lightly at the corpse of someone who had formerly been a rather nasty rapist, turning the body over to look down at the severely burned face. “Yeah, actually- not a bad question. See- clearly dead, but you only burned ‘is face. Got all choke-y, though. Bet he couldn’t breathe, but- yeah, might as well, let’s figure ‘er out. Gonn’ make a mess o’ the guy anyway, may as well learn.”
Hefting the corpse, Alzu tossed it over one shoulder and set off, tail wagging slightly as he watched Almul following. Almul got an energy boost from being near something that was dying, so they were now trotting happily, almost seeming to whistle as thin lines of smoke wafted up from their frame. If Alzu were to open Almul’s chest, their life-flame would be visible and burning bright.
Once they were well away from the road, Alzu dropped the corpse and pulled a large hunting knife from its spot alongside his pack, crouching to inspect it. “A’ight- let’s see if I can open this wi’out makin’ a mess.”
 Almul sat down nearby and rested both hands on the ground, watching intently as fragile human hide parted under the knife, and didn’t bother trying to hide their satisfaction at the noise it made. Ugh- smooth skin. They had nothing against humans, really, but the squishy things still had such an awful texture. And, after so long feeling that inside them, unable to see properly or focus on anything else, there was something viscerally satisfying about watching-
Wait, now… it didn’t have to just be watching. Rumbling softly, Almul reached out with one hand and slowly dragged it down the man’s leg, watching the cloth part, then repeated the motion- this time tearing through skin. And he was right- it was satisfying. So very, very satisfying. Enough that he repeated the motion, then again- with both hands this time, clawtips sharp as possible, ripping pale skin to shreds. Then further through skin, into and through muscle, shredding in further until the still blood started to cake their hands-
 “Woah, hey- Almul, you wanna mess ‘im up, I got no complaints, bu’ you might be gettin’ kinda- hey now, easy, shh. Catharsis is all well an’ good, jus’ no good makin’ yerself more upset while ya do it. Easy- shift t’ th’ other leg now, gonn’ get blood all up in yer hands. Yeah? There we go.” Alzu purred, pausing in his careful parting of the skin and muscle to watch Almul for a moment. “Tha’s better.”
He had to crack the ribcage rather carefully to get to the lungs intact, but it worked, though he had to pull a few large chunks of rib out. And, of course, pop them into his mouth to chew on. “Now-“ *crunch* “-what we have here arrrre- lookit, tha’s a heart, you know ‘bout them. Now, these’re lungs. You also know ‘bout them, yeah? We got heart here- pushes blood ‘round. Lungs, they get air in ‘em. People really need air in ‘em or they die, you figured tha’ out. This, here- diaphragm. Real strong hunk o’ muscle. This- pretty sure it pulls down an’ helps open th’ lungs. Ain’t no good for eatin’, not bad fer jus’ chewin’ on. Anyway- lungs. They got air in ‘em. All th’  way up- that’s th’ windpipe. Gonn’ cut that through, an’-“
A few deft cuts and nicks with his claws, and he lifted the lungs out of the human’s chest, splaying them grotesquely across the relatively intact stomach. The hunting knife, next- slicing down the windpipe, then into and across one of the lungs. When he spread them open, thick burns were revealed all down the windpipe and into the lungs, scorching them almost beyond recognition. “Well. There’s yer problem.”
Pausing to point out the issue, Alzu aimed a tongue-lolling grin at Almul, prodding at a particularly bad spot. “Lookit this mess, Almul- that ain’t good! Okay, look- I dunno how lungs really work, but I doubt they can do it when they’re all burnt up. Tha’s why ‘e’s dead. You gotta have lungs t’ be a workin’ human, an’ they gotta work, an’ you made ‘is lungs not work. Nasty. But- mmph-“
Clearly he had to see what those tasted like. And they fit in his mouth in two nice bites.
“-like a lotta nasty things, tasty.”
 Almul had mostly been ignoring Alzu’s work in favor of clawing up the corpse’s other leg, stripping long ribbons of skin free and hissing in satisfaction with every long stroke, but they stopped to look the organ over before Alzu, once again, ate their anatomy lesson. Chirping quietly, they shook their head and flicked both hands, peeling loose the bits of gore, and leaned over to look down at the exposed organs. Humans were complicated. What did all this do, again? They only knew about the bits that could make someone dead if you damaged them right. So, making the noise that they’d established with Alzu as meaning “please explain”, they indicated something that was in the “this will eventually kill someone but not right away” section, wanting to know what some of those things did.
 “Wha? Ah- let’s see. Okay. That, there, tha’s a liver. Real tasty, lotsa meaty flavor. Not certain wha’ it does, bu’ I know people who drink a lot got real messed-up ones, an’ there’s some diseases that’ll do it. Makes people ge’ yellow eyes, an’ they get real sick when they got messed-up livers, so I think it does somethin’ like blood-cleanin’? Now- this, in here, dunno. Uh- tha’ thing? Tha’s a kidney. Lookit- you follow th’ string down, goes t’ the bladder. Tha’s where piss stays. I figure kidneys’re wha’ make it. Dunno why, sorry, y’d need a doctor. Uh- you punch someone in their back, o’r th’ kidneys, they start screamin’. Don’ taste good, either. Now- I am gonn’ eat this liver.”
Alzu then proceeded to eat the liver, tail wagging vigorously, before just driving both hands into the corpse’s innards and ripping. Standard contract deal- make a horrific mess of someone’s innards, hang them up as a warning, write whatever they did on something nearby.
In this case, a cliff.
 Almul sat back and watched, fascinated as always by the way flesh tore under proper force, and kneaded their claws in the leaf litter to clean the worst of the blood away. As Alzu continued to work, they edged over and grabbed the pack, pulling out a length of rope, and fastened it around the corpse’s ankles. The knot was not neat, they were still learning how all that worked, but it held well enough, and they had the end of the rope in their hands as Alzu stood up.
 “Yeah- there we go, yer learnin’ how ta make knots.” Alzu declared, tail waving a bit harder, and hoisted the corpse in both hands so that the end of the rope could be tossed over the branch. A quick pull and another knot later, and the corpse was suspended from the tree by both ankles and one arm- thoroughly undignified, plus it showed off all the damage. Alzu padded over to the cliff nearby for just long enough to paint “RAPIST” in messy letters across it, using the blood all over his hands, then shook himself and scooped the pack up as he padded away. “Startin’ ta leak gut contents everywhere. C’mon- let’s get a river.”
 Churring in agreement, Almul followed Alzu and snagged a cloth from the pack to clean their hands off, quiet and satisfied. Okay. That… that had felt nice.
Maybe they could do this with the next target. It wasn’t as if the average rapist deserved any respect, after all- might as well use them for something helpful.
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marsymemes · 4 years
Maybe someone knows what im talking about but i cannot find the video of this like presenter who had on like glasses, short dark brown hair and I think a black turtle neck and was like "this one's for the nerds" makes like an "arrrr" sound and throws hands and arms back like a trex like I need to find this please if you know what i mean link it or send to me
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winniethebadbih · 6 years
Afraid (Kouda x Reader)
Is this the first imagine on this guy? Show him some luv. Timeline-During the USJ Attack. Rated PG-13. Graphic imagery, blood. (sum nudity tho) ((not sexual)) Quirk- Wolf/Werewolf. We luv angst.
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"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your DEATH!" 'Iida pulled uraraka and Satou out and After that most of us were in cased in a dark miasma that sent us in different places in the USJ.' You thought. You landed in the Squall Zone it was raining profusely. You were standing back to back with Tokoyami and Kouda, surrounded by villains. 
"There aren't any animals around so that means we must protect Kouda" you said to Tokoyami. "Right! We'll watch your 6 find the exit so we can regroup with the others." he replied.*Sniff* *Sniff* "C'mon Kouda this way I can lead us out because Rikidou smells like cake and sugar rrrruff" He simply nodded and followed closely. With your claws protruded running of all fours you pounced from villain to villain letting tokoyami and dark shadow take care of them while their dazed. You guys had great quirks but theirs were ones to laugh at either. The rain hitting your snout wasn't helping you lock on to the sugary scent. 'Maybe if I let the wolf take over a little more- No out of the question.' you thought continuing to run. When you turned behind you to check on Kouda you lost him. "Heh ha!" a villain came down from a nearby roof and almost got the jump on you emitting knives from his hands. You jumped out of the way only getting a scratch on the cheek. *Yelp* Another one appeared around the corner he was big & brony and tried to grab you. They backed you into an alleyway. 'I guess there's no other way around it huh?' you asked yourself. "Ah come on, ya scared little puppy?" while the other one joked "I thought I smelled and wet dog." 
With each word your voice grew more hoarse and your H/c fur stood on end, Your eyes reddened as you proclaimed "Im a freaking wolf RRRRrrr!" You grew three times your size, ripping through your costume that had not yet been perfected to grow with you. "GGGGRRRR" *Snarls* you bounded on each of them before they had a chance to attack. You picked up the villain that called you a dog with your mouth and shook him wildly throwing him into a wall. This was it, now you had a taste for blood. "OOOW-OOOOOW-OOOOOOOOOOW!"
Kouda's POV
*Gasp* "Y/n-chan is gone!" I said to tokoyami. "Do you know which direction she went?" I shook my head no. He asked his shadow "Whatever Beats Me" it replied. Listen Kouda Dark shadow is more aggressive when the light level is low so that explains why it's acting this way now. He's stronger as well too, Stay close, we must find y/n she could be in dang-" we hear a loud "OOOW-OOOOOW-OOOOOOOOOW" 
Out loud "I Wonder if the night aggression is the same for y/n-chan." "Only one way to find out" he added. We followed the howling. This was somewhat a good thing y/n was bringing the villains toward her. Hopefully defeating them. Tokoyami was commanding dark shadow to take out the onward villains. We heard a faint "Help Me" coming from the alleyway to the right. We neared the man to see that his arm was pretty much dismembered from his body and he was clearly bleeding out. "S-She was capable of this-s?" I asked Tokoyami already knowing the answer. "This is a little more unnerving than dark shadow catching an attitude." We backed away from the dying villain we currently didn't have the time to save a villain when we had to save ourselves.  
The further we went the thicker the trail of blood got. "The howling stopped" Dark shadow announced. "Y/n?" Tokoyami suggested. "Grrrr" was what I heard from behind as I turned to see y/n-chan leaping our direction. Tokoyami pushed me out of the way as he jumped back to avoid her claws. "It's as bad as I expected! Kouda run I'll try to reason with her!" tokoyami grunted dodging another pounce. I had started to run but memories of y/n-chan flooded in my head~
~Sometime during recess in elementary 
"Why don't you talk?" "How come all your friends are birds and squirrels" "Ahhhhh *rasberry*" 
"Your-r y-your s-scaring them" I finally spoke up. "HA ITS SPEAKS!" They all laughed around me in a circle as I cowarded between my legs. Then everyone directed their attention to a squeaky "HEY!" "Well if it isn't the pipsqueak of the class." "Aren't you a little tiny for a fifth grader?" "Rrrr ruff ruff!" "L/n the runt!" "Another one of your furry little friends?" "Except this one probably has rabies!" "I don't care what you say about me but leave Koji-kun alone!" "Or wha-" without hesitation she pounced of one of the bullies but the rest coming to his rescue, she was gonna get jumped and it would be all because of me. 
I ran to get the teacher. When we returned, we found that everyone was roughed up and dirty. "Now Apologize! Rrrr!" All in unison "Were sorry Kouda!" All of them had scratches and bruises, while L/n just had bruises. The teacher scolded her *whimper* and said she was gonna call home before taking the 4 boys to the nurse's office. "Koji-kun are you okay?" 'Me?! she just took on 4 boys that were bigger than her and won! That girl isn't afraid of anything' "Y-yeah" "You call me if you ever need help again, okay? From now on we're friends!"
~And we have been ever since End FlashBack~
'I can't run away from my friend in need it's my turn to save her.' I turned the corner twice coming back towards tokoyami. 'This can only get worse if they both lose control of their quirks' currently dark Shadow had her in a choke hold. "Tokoyami it might be easier for me to get through to her by talking to her wolf side!" "Sounds like a plan! But hurry!" I run into y/n-chans field of vision, "Y/n can you hear me!" she begins thrashing about trying to get free. "Tokoyami tell Dark Shadow to let her go!" "No it's far to dangerous" he cautioned. "Maybe not for me-" I looked her in the eyes we're friends." Panting she thrashed about again. "She's afraid"  "OOOOW!" "If I must, Dark shadow!" "Ughhhh" it sneered. 
"Y/n why are you afraid?" she hoped from her hind legs to front paws a couple of times claws tapping the pavement. "It's a part of who you are!" she spun around twice "ARRrr." "There's no huge personality difference from the more human you and the wolf!" "GGGRRRR!" 'she didn't like that at all' "Are you afraid of what others will think of you?" *whimper* and she got low and covered her face with her paws. "Y/n" I said walking toward her. "Grrrrrr" 'she doesn't want me getting too close, well too bad' I reached my hand out to pat her head but she bit me.
"Kouda!" Tokoyami screeched. "No! I'm okay she's not biting that hard." "grr." I looked at her eyes that now seemed calmer. "Y/n your quirk doesn't define who you are, your're the one using it, and for a greater good and you always have. Nothing could change my mind about you. It may not be the most innocent thing but the gruesome way fits your personality much better because your both gentle and aggressive. "I'm your best friend, and I will always stick by your side no matter what. I love you." She began to shrink down to her usual self, still biting my hand. She let go with her teeth and grabbed it again with her paws. She said in between sobs "H-how is it y-you knew the exact words I want-needed to hear?" "I told you I'm your best friend, I'm not going anywhere."
You quickly reverted back to full wolf form, signaling for Kouda to get on your back. Tokoyami mentions "We've got more company" "Grrr" We all braced ourselves. But thank god it was the pro heroes!
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mylovedouglas · 3 years
Today work day yah hmmmm so no chef hahaha i get some ingredients back home hehehe any way work work go up and down to look at trainee arrrr boring hmmmmmm any way lunch time watch some stream of new hahaha ok a person known at discord hahaha just helping up yah hmmm any way yup so nothing much really happen yah end work go get a wine hehehe is for my lunar bday I celebrate more on lunar since is kinda near to prayer day yah hmmmmm so i saw this wine with sakura in it kinda cool so i end up get it hahahaha can wait for the day to come hahaha so i can open it up hahaha oh yah 1st time in my life being check for age if im able to buy wine hahahaha this is so funny 😂 this mean i look young?? Idk hahahaha ok bye for now hahaha
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mylovedouglas · 3 years
today work day yah so wanna play but need to work as i have no money left after the shopping yah spend all my money on it so have to get back the money yah hmmm so work end work and head home play some game and watch some video yah hmmm 🤨 u know the kind of video where u will be like omg what happen next hmmm im so into it now but have to wait for the next one to come out arrrr this feel hell yah any way yup this is what happeb nothing much yah bye for now
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