#art of ambition
silvermoonartz · 1 year
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Here are my 2022 and 2021 art recaps. I was very inactive on here these past few years, so a lot of it will not be uploaded here as there’s too much. Going into 2023, I’ll be better, and all of it is on Twitter where I’m more active. 
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taikova · 7 months
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(work in progress) hippie activities
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iingezo · 8 months
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Rua for @alienturnipp !
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stutterhug · 5 months
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A measured five year plan..
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evercelle · 2 years
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(can’t) let go
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wellen-katze · 6 months
God Gale as a motivational coach and his guest Astarion lul
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Run before they are trying to sell you some NFT's!
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shazzbaa · 2 months
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Samuel is dealing with the horrors just fine! hes fine. just needs a lil laudanum to take the edge off. Just a little, tiny, several bottles of laudanum,
wheezes and collapses HI HELLO I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED..... THIS!!!!.... I don't know what possessed me to make this out of pixels but im v pleased with how it came out!!
[Everyone has been extremely cool abt this!! but just to be sure: no Fallen London spoilers/suggestions/hints in tags, replies, etc. please! I'm still in the middle of some of the stories referenced here and I'm excited to discover it all for myself! ]
Nightmare sources referenced here:
A small, velvet-lined box from Light Fingers
The coiling spire bit from Light Fingers
Poor Edward from Light Fingers
I Shot the Albatross from the southern wind zee dreams
and of course, the Comtessa
At some point during Light Fingers I finally grabbed some laudanum to help with nightmares before some zee trip or other, and discovered that once you're Important, taking laudanum gives you "A Less Than Laudable Laudanum Habit" and that the initial, normal result is locked once your habit gets over level three. Naturally, I HAD TO KNOW.... WHAT HAPPENED AT OTHER LEVELS.....
I'd also decided to finally do the rest of the Watchful MYN at University, which I'd already heard about from several friends as a place where you are constantly going insane from the mundane stress of just, like, uncooperative witnesses while trying to solve a murder. The timing ended up perfect -- Samuel just coming back from the horrors of the Orphanage in Light Fingers and Trying To Be Normal And Hold Down A Normal Job For A Bit, and maybe just a lil laudanum to keep it together for class, and when withdrawal is ratcheting up everything, some annoyances like "can't find info for your murder investigation" might just tip you over the edge,
hilariously he hit level 8 on the laudanum habit -- helpfully labelled "a wretched slave to the hellish stuff" and the point where it stops working altogether -- IMMEDIATELY before running into a step of light fingers where you have to get rid of all your nightmares before you can proceed. HAHA OOPS.
ANYWAY HE STILL HAS IT BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT, IT TAKES A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME, TO KICK A LAUDANUM HABIT...... i, uh, dont recommend giving urself a laudanum addiction but narratively im having a great time lmao
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azotho · 6 months
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God of Ambition👑✨ Not gonna lie, I liked his form of divine ambition, too👀✨
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Prints - society6.com/thepaleindigo
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saturdaysky · 2 months
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a little divine appreciation
God Gale is endgame for Mayhew, and Mayhew couldn't be more pleased 😌
their mutual wizard disease brought them to some pretty low lows, but hey, ignore the tragedy, they're gods now! first order of business is a little worshiping at the altar 😏
Here's the sketch, which I also like:
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Got majorly inspired by these lovely photos, one of which I used as a pose reference.
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rymoire · 3 months
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[FANART - BALDUR'S GATE 3] Gale ~ playing card concept
The series of illustrations inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 continues with my favorite dork of a wizard : Gale Dekarios !
Hope you like it !
-> "See more" for the details <-
Side of Wizardry : The symbol you can see is Mystra's star with its 8 ends representing the different forms of magic. I also added Tara, Gale's tressym, friend, confident and voice of reason so to speak. She is often forgotten in fanarts so I wanted to include her in this version !
Side of Godhood : The symbol is also Mystra's star, this time broken and covered by the Crown of Karsus, the artifact which leads Gale to ascension. Here is him as the God of Ambition !
Mystra, the Goddess of Magic : Anyone who played with Gale in their party knows of the Lady of Mysteries and her importance in his personal quest. Therefore I added her in two versions : one clearly link to his choice to remain mortal and continue his life as a wizard, and another showing Gale rejection of her as he embrace immortality.
AND THE ORB (in the middle) ! The cause of most of his personal turmoil.
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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And so I, the fool, bleeds to play the saviour
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mye-chi · 8 months
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aphmau: i can still hear her voice… irene: (chanting) gay gay homosexual gay
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anewp0tat0 · 2 months
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it doesn't feel real to me fellas. but I don't have time to sit by and chat and unload unfortunately so I'll just drop this and be on my way, cya kind folks very soon ✌️
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not professional but I liked how his eye looked goddang it. I knew I was screwing myself but I did it anyway
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spherefish · 5 months
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What fools these mortals be
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egophiliac · 3 months
they revealed the villains for ride kamens, and one of them is a woman who radiates the same energy as lady dimitrescu from resident evil 8 village and i am all for seeing a bunch of idiots of varying types fighting a woman with strong mommy energy
I'm already a little. 😳. over Truth? I had to drop everything and draw her immediately, because those SHAPES. her shapes!!!!
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I don't know if I'm going to finish this I just HAD to draw her hair
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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This has absolutely nothing to do with this scene but is at least tangentially related to the Thriller Bark arc so I'm gonna share it anyway. The word galvanize is an eponym derived from Luigi Galvani, who was a scientist and physician in the 18th century who helped pioneer the field of bioelectricity when he discovered that he could make dead frog legs move when ran through with an electric current, with later proponents of his work going so far as to shock human corpses attempting to bring them to life. This breakthrough would in part inspire the creation of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, which, some two hundred or so years later would in part inspire Thriller Bark.
So in a way I guess you could say Hogback has galvanized these corpses, albeit with shadows instead of electricity, forcing them to move without recreating true life.
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