#bigger paper and bigger ambitions
taikova · 10 months
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(work in progress) hippie activities
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etherfabric · 2 months
Directions from Your Higher Self
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
The Star, The Moon
You started to believe in miracles, and are now scared shitless. No small expectations keeping you safe from disappointment anymore. You got a taste of what magic feels like, and now fear dullness like the plague. Two things: You are allowed to have boring days, that doesn't mean the magic is gone. It can't be Christmas everyday. You would get sick of the lights eventually, believe me. And the other thing: That's why they say that victimhood can be a kind of safety blanket. If you already expect only crap from life, there is no horrible suspense anymore. But now... you can't go back. Even if you try it.
This is an icky phase of metamorphosis. It's normal that it feels disorienting and like you can't make sense of anything anymore. Do soothing stuff, calming habits, be around safe people. And spoiler: This is about embracing your humanity in a whole new depth. Don't worry, it will feel supernatural again soon enough. But for now, practice being plain, while also weaving your belief in miracles into it. Challenging, yes, but nothing you can't handle. You got this.
Pile 2
The Moon, 3 of Pentacles
Nothing you put energy or effort into seems to yield anything. It feels like punching in slowmotion, nightmarish. Hitting no one who needs to feel your hits. Newsflash: This is not a time for work! Get soft, dammit. You can't experience rest while still trying to prove something. No one is watching. You are being your own cruel audience, and boo yourself into despair. What are you aiming at? Who convinced you that particular thing is the sole hope for you to be happy ever again?
I love you, you are me, I am you, but I can't let you go on like this. Not with what lies ahead of us. If you only knew how easy things will get. How many fears will never come true. How much lighter you could afford to be. How much love you already deserve. But you have to dare opening your arms, and put the tools down. The monuments you try to erect are aimed at Gods you won't believe in anymore once you experience your feminine side as a gift, and not a curse. Grindset? Grind your teeth while napping, if you have to. But this is bigger than your egotistical, temporal ambitions. You need to do it slow, and I won't stop insisting. Because I can see more than you. You will have no choice but trusting me on this one.
Pile 3
The Emperor, The Devil
Have you heard of this awesome thing called "free will"? Let's take that baby for a ride. Use 3 spoons for the same meal. Lie on the floor of your hallway and recite a song. Buy a stranger a magazine about trains. Take a pair of scissors to your least favorite shirt. Name your nail polishes after famous people. The possibilities are literally endless, but yet you rotate the same 7 things. They will stay ready for when you need them next, but let's shake it up a little, huh? No wonder you feel trapped and stuck. But YOU make the rules, at the end of the day. Yes, there are outer limitations you have no influence over, but even in a literal cage, you can decide what you think, or how you sit, or what notes you hum, or what shadow figures you make with your hands.
The thing itself is meaningless - it's about you experiencing being a CREATOR. Not just a servant to others. I don't care if it's throwing a paper plane into your bathtub, or quitting your job and disappearing to Nepal - but we crave novelty and agency. Deeply. Break the self-imposed limits, any of them. Just to feel what it feels like. It's more rewarding than you imagine.
Pile 4
The Hanged Man, 2 of Cups
Oh shucks. You like someone. It happened. And you can't cancel it willynilly. Suppression has run its course, and now you have to face the embarrassment of having a heart with a need to connect and love. This has completely ruined your illusion of sovereignty you so deeply depended on to feel safe in the world. What now? Where will it lead? What does it mean? What will happen next? Do they like me? Do they think of me? Do they think of me badly? Why do I think about them? Is this me being brave, or pathetic? Is there a true difference?...
The questions don't stop, and you know what - they shouldn't. This is less about the "result" of this connection (I know, boo me, because this is your hyperfixation above all, despite not ever admitting it) and more about getting you out of your shell to be curious about yourself again. The heart needs to be open, and these fears and doubts have been there for a long time already. You are ready to face them, examine them, and learn more about yourself than any flavour of aloofness could ever teach you. I know you hate it, but I can also see the faint giggly twinkle in your soul from up here, buried under all this denial and acting tough. And that's the most scary part for you. That you actually like someone, like, in THAT way. How scary that life has no guarantees, but coming to peace with that truth will serve you much more than any relationship ever could.
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sansa286 · 24 days
F&B Propaganda: Paternity Disputes (or Lack Thereof)
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Something that's always confused me when reading Fire & Blood is why some characters have their paternity placed under scrutiny due to a lack of resemblance to one parent, while others are given a pass. These are some thoughts and analysis I had on the subject.
So, we all know F&B is a pseudo-history book written from a plethora of unreliable pseudo-sources, some of whom very well may be telling the truth, other's who are fibbing a bit (or a lot), and the rest that told flat-out lies and regurgitated gossip. Therefore, certain inconsistencies, like paternity debates, are not showing that GRRM is an inconsistent writer, but rather him pointing out the blatant favoritism and narrative spinning that happens when history is written. Simply put: unless/until we get the events of F&B written in an ASOIAF style multi-POV structure, most of the stuff in F&B is meant to be taken with a grain of salt, some grains bigger than others. For example: Visenya being "jealous" of Rhaenys over Aegon preferring her romantically is clearly out-of-character, but treated as legit because Visenya is not a well-liked person in the grand-scheme of Westerosi history and culture. Therefore, painting her as envious is a way to spin her as "bitter" and "unlikable," when she more than likely just had a lot of ambition, and/or did what she thought was right for the Targaryen cause (flawed those actions may be).
We all know Rhaenyra was the subject of side-eyes over her three eldest sons, Jacaerys Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon, and Joffrey Velaryon, who are officially recorded as sons of Laenor Velaryon; however, it's widely believed (and canon in the show) that they are biologically the sons of Harwin Strong, who Rhaenyra had an affair with because Laenor was gay and their attempts to conceive children were not successful. The reason in-universe people believed (both in the books and the show) that they were Harwin's is due to their dark hair and eyes (Harwin has green eyes in the show, but in the books it's inferred that they're brown like the Velaryon boys'.)
However, the Velaryon boys are not the only ones who don't share the same coloring as their parents (or the parents on paper). There are actually two others that come before them in the Targaryen bloodline that share that in common, however their paternity is never called into question. They are Alysanne and her daughter, Alyssa.
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Biblically accurate Alysanne Targaryen. "Her eyes were blue rather than purple, her hair a mass of honey-colored curls." - Fire & Blood (pg. 131, ch. "The Year of the Three Brides")
Alysanne is the fifthborn child and secondborn daughter of Aenys Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon. Her older siblings were Aegon, Rhaena, Viserys, Jaehaerys (who she married), and Vaella (passed away in the crib). All of Aenys and Alyssa's children are inferred to have had stereotypically Valyrian features (silver hair and purple eyes); Rhaena is the only one we get a full description of outside of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, but if the others didn't look Valyrian, it definitely would've been noted in the book. Aenys and Alyssa are noted for both having Valyrian features (par. 3 here & F&B p. 127; Aenys weirdly enough never gets hair color mention, but if it were anything other than silver we'd know, but we'll get to Aenys in a minute). We're told explicitly Alysanne has a head full of honey colored curls and blue eyes. But this is never brought up as a point of contention or placed her paternity up for debate. It's just assumed that it's due to her maternal grandmother, Alarra Massey, being an Andal woman.
However, this assumption is never mentioned in F&B. Her features are just mentioned and that was it. The theory laid-out by fans is that her hair and eyes come from her grandmother, however, Alarra's looks are never detailed in F&B. We only know that she was considered very beautiful (p. 127); and there are plenty of people of Andal descent who do not have blonde hair and blue eyes.
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"Her [Alyssa Targaryen] hair was a dirty blonde tangle with no hint of silver to evoke the dragonlords of old, and she had been born with mismatched eyes, one violet, the other a startling green." - Fire & Blood (pg. 287, ch. "The Long Reign-Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain")
Which brings me to her daughter, Alyssa Targaryen, who was also noted for having non-traditional Valyrian features (dirty blonde hair, green and purple heterochromia eyes). But Alyssa's paternity is also never brought up as possibly being anything other than what was recorded at her birth. (As for the show, Daemon's perspective on his mother is warped due to being knee-deep in the Targaryen sauce, so that's why I think his mother doesn't look like what she's supposed to in the show. If they ever do an adaptation of Jaehaerys' reign, I hope they don't throw a silver wig on her, but given what they did to Rhaenys who tf knows?) Interestingly, Alyssa is also described as long-faced, which is a trait associated with the Starks, and Alysanne was noted for being close to...Alaric Stark (I'll spare you that theory though.)
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This is all fascinating with the knowledge of the dance being in the exact same book, because Rhaenyra has three dark haired and dark eyed boys and there's all of this speculation. Some may assume it's because both Rhaenyra and Laenor have silver hair and purple eyes, but so did Alysanne's parents, Aenys and Alyssa V. And like their great-great grandmother, Alysanne (if we're to believe she simply looks like her grandmother), Jace, Luke, and Joff also have a grandmother with non-Valyrian looks in Rhaenys, who in F&B had dark hair. There is no report of catching Rhaenyra and Harwin screwing around, jut observing the differences in looks of her children and Laenor. Surely, if we're to never assume that Alysanne is not a bastard because her grandmother (may have) had the same features/genes that simply skipped a generation, we could also do the same for them?
Sidebar: I am not saying that Alysanne is secretly a bastard or that the Velaryon boys' actually are trueborn, just that the reasons for this assumption are silly. If one kid is going to have their paternity scrutinized for not resembling their parents coloring-wise, then all kids who fall in that category should. That being said it is important to point out that it's not IMPOSSIBLE for Alysanne and the boys being/ not being a bastard to be true. It's been pointed out for years by the fandom that the people in ASOIAF don't understand genetics. The only reason Ned had a leg to stand on is because Cersei straight-up admitted to sleeping with Jaime, and letting him father her kids. Had Ned realistically went to Robert without Cersei's admission, and said that her children are not his because they have blonde hair and green eyes, he would be laughed at because a child resembling their mother and not their father is common. And on the off-chance that he does get some traction with it, well, not enough people would believe him, and Tywin would make a bigger example out of House Stark than he already has.
But again, secret-bastardy/secret-trueborness is not the point I'm trying to make. And if Alysanne were really a secret bastard, then, honestly, more power to her. She'd only become more iconic in my eyes.
So this begs the question: why are some people not speculated on for not resembling one or both parents coloring-wise while others aren't? It brings me back to the introduction: F&B is propaganda and certain pseudo-historical figures need to be portrayed in a certain light in order for the story they want to tell to be successful. This goes doubly-so for those that were close to Jaehaerys, and in this case: his mom (Alyssa V), his wife (Alysanne), and his daughter (Alyssa T).
Jaehaerys is considered the peak of the Targaryen dynasty and well liked by the establishment in Westeros (the Citadel, the Faith, various lords and ladies of the major houses). He is the Great Conciliator. Therefore, certain "creative liberties" being afoot is quite expected and this is not above the antics we see take place during his reign. Just look at how the true cause of Gael's death was covered up for years and the fishiness of Saera's disappearance and Viserra's death.
Alyssa V is considered a perfect mother, despite the less-than-stellar choices she made with her children outside of Jaehaerys. She's considered to be so great that the lords that sat the Small Council were able to put aside their misogyny and allow themselves to be ruled by a woman until Jaehaerys came of age. She is one of the main reasons Jaehaerys was able to take the Iron Throne in the first place. It would not go well if the man who was considered to be the greatest king of Westeros had a mother who may have cuckolded his father. Compare this to Aenys, who despite having Valyrian features had a one-off rumor about him being the secret bastard of Rhaenys the Conqueror and one of her male favorites mentioned in F&B; and this is 100% due to the fact that Aenys is considered by Westerosi historians to have been a weak and incompetent king. (Just think: if Aenys, who resembled his parents, had bastard rumors - do you seriously expect us to believe that neither Alysanne nor Alyssa ever had any?) "But, Jaehaerys is strong, brave, diplomatic, wise, etc... of course he comes from a mom who embodies Westerosi ideals to a tea. She even died trying to give her second husband more heirs despite her delicate age. Such a moral [debatable] man could only be born from a woman who was nothing but dutiful."
Alysanne is considered the perfect wife and queen consort, highly regarded for the active role she took during her husband's reign. She was intelligent, altruistic, birthed many children, and rode a dragon. She was so good at her job as queen she got several laws passed that now share her name. "Not only could such a woman not be born a bastard, but she in addition to being Jaehaerys' wife is also his sister, and could surely not be born from a woman who would ever risk bringing a bastard into this world."
And then, there's Alyssa T, the secondborn daughter and fifthborn child overall of both Alysanne and Jaehaerys, and was a wife to the highly regarded Baelon (also her brother), which means she was never going to be on the receiving end of those accusations. She even escapes having the usual witchcraft practitioner and/or lesbian/queer rumors that are usually thrown at women in Westeros who do not fit the traditional ideas of being a woman (even Visenya had those accusations). Her preferring boyish activities is never painted as a negative by the narrative unlike with other women in Westerosi culture. "Of course she's straight as an arrow and brags about how much sex she's having with her well-beloved and cherished-by-all brother-husband who was considered a peak heir and would neverrrrrr marry a bastard. Of course she thought most girls were idiots. Of course she brags about how many sons (never daughters) she's going to give her husband. Of course she does not care about anything outside of being a broodmare after being married like all good girls do. Bastard? Never. Two of her grandsons were kings we fondly remember. She is trueborn like her mother. She is Athena if she fucked."
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But Jace, Luke, and Joff? Their mother was the first ever female heir apparent (not presumptive, apparent) to the Seven Kingdoms, and kept this status even after her father had three sons. She never apologized for this. And she entered a war over for her claim. "She wore a braid like that crazy warrior-witch Queen Visenya. She's breaking tradition by going ahead of her brothers in succession. She's bitchy sometimes. She's not thin like good women are supposed to be even after birthing several children. Speaking of children, yeah she did her duty and had many male heirs but some of them have dark hair and she's a whore, so they must be bastards. She's trying to take over a man's place. Of course she's evil and reveled in the deaths of her baby nephews. Of course she fucks outside of marriage. Honestly, I'd be more surprised if they weren't bastards!"
TL;DR: F&B uses paternity debates as a way to attempt to delegitimize/sow doubt against people the narrators don't like, this only prove by how inconsistent one's potentially faulty paternity is evoked on the basis of looks and nothing else. The chances of any of your trueborn faves secretly being a bastard is never zero. Now, I kind of want Alysanne to be a secret bastard.
UPDATE Sept. 5, 2024: Edited for grammar, word-flow, and minor spelling mistakes.
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darknessisafriend · 9 months
Napoleon x Reader Relationship HC
Napoleon is the kind of man not interested in love at first, he rather prefers strong and faithful friendships. Which actually would make him a little clueless at first about your intentions. He is a man of many ambitions; he would put most of his energy into work rather than courting. Let’s say usually Napoleon is the one to be courted.  
He would be even a little shy at first, preferring to face battle rather than the intimacy of a relationship. Napoleon had been in a school for boys, handled by monks, he wouldn’t know how to approach you, how to make you feel he might feel more than just friendship for you. He would often invite you out or to his place, watching you the whole time with a lovesick gaze and yet, not daring to say a thing about his feelings.
Napoleon had the reputation of not being well mannered and that was true, once you would get into an intimate friendship or love story, he would show his real side, where he is more comfortable.
Napoleon would take his time, for a long time sticking to a chaste relationship to get to know you, to enjoy eating cherries with you with watching swans flirt on the Seine. Despite his roughness he was a romantic at heart, often sending you poetic letters where he expressed how much he would miss while he was away.
He would be a man of passion and devotion. Once he would be in a relationship with you, he would do far more than just spend his time with you, you would be his first ally, his advisor. How many decisions he would take for you. More than he would dare to admit, but women always had a strong impact in his personal life, his mother first and perhaps he was searching for a similar power play.
Napoleon is the kind of lover that would fill all your desires, a bigger house? Trees in the garden? A trip? He would do it. As you went to bed, he would tenderly wake you up in the morning to show you the surprise he did for you during the night. After all he didn’t sleep much, and his best ideas always came up during the time. “Is my queen happy?” he would ask, holding you by the waist with a small smile, placing kisses in your neck, more and more playful each time.
He would be clumsy, naïve in terms of relationship with the opposite gender. It means that he…well he would have a lot to learn on how to please a woman in a life and when intimate. You would pretty much make his education. But he would be willing to learn, and he would be fond of sex in general, very fond.
However, Napoleon would be the kind of man often getting absorbed into his work. His plans would take such space in his head that he needed to lay them on paper. So, often you would find yourself alone in bed, waiting endlessly for him to the point you would send your butler after him. Napoleon would simply reply that you should sleep, that he was busy. He would only join you at the first morning lights. After a while you would get used to it, it didn’t mean you didn’t matter to him, but simply that he needed to make peace with his mind to fully dedicate himself to you.
Tag list: @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @charlie-sisters @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @niniitah-ah @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @thatdummy-girll @galos-writing @pstvchld @chiclunatic
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ggjunkie · 2 months
27,318 words
Adam x reader
Musical theatre! AU; College! AU
For anyone who'd rather read it on here:
You straighten out your clothes, fingers brushing off invisible lint as you take a deep breath, the excitement bubbling just beneath your composed exterior. The echoing sounds of chatter and nervous footsteps fill the audition room lobby, where a group of hopefuls wait for their names to be called. It's finally musical season at your university, and you’ve jumped on the train with unrestrained enthusiasm.
This semester’s show is Little Shop of Horrors, a classic choice that feels like putting on a comfortable pair of your favorite pants—familiar and comfortable. Though it's a basic pick, you definitely aren’t complaining; this is your chance to shine. For weeks, you’ve been meticulously preparing, working with your private vocal and acting coaches, honing every note and every intonation for this audition.
As a musical theatre major, a spot in the chorus is practically a given, but you’re not one to settle for just that. No, no, no. You have bigger ambitions. Your eyes are set on Audrey II, the mysterious talking, and singing plant. It's a role that demands charisma, vocal prowess, and a certain je ne sais quoi that you’re confident you possess. Or at least you really, really hope so.
Of course, you also understand you aren’t guaranteed a role! It’s really no biggie, you’re just excited.
Although theatre wasn’t always your passion, taking the class in middle school had spurred something in you. Since then, you’ve worked hard at your craft. And it’s definitely paid off! You managed to make it into multiple audition-based schools. At the memory, you pat yourself on the back.
Middle school was where it all began. You still remember the thrill of your first performance, the way the stage lights felt warm and comforting, and the applause that followed. It ignited a spark in you, a passion that has only grown stronger with time.
In high school, you faced more challenges. The competition was fierce, and the stakes were higher, but you rose to the occasion. You worked tirelessly, attending acting workshops, vocal lessons, and dance classes. You balanced your schoolwork with your theatrical pursuits, often sacrificing sleep and social activities to chase your dreams.
When it came time to apply for colleges, you aimed high, auditioning for some of the best programs in the country. The acceptance letters that followed were proof of your hard work and dedication. You had made it into multiple audition-based schools, each one a testament to your talent and perseverance.
Now, standing here, you can't help but feel a swell of pride. You've come a long way from that middle school elective. You've faced rejections and setbacks, but you've also experienced triumphs and growth. Every step of the journey has been worth it, and you're excited for what lies ahead.
Eventually, you finally hear your name called, pulling you out of your thoughts. You smile at the runner, a freshman eager to get their required hours in, and hand them your resume. They take it gratefully, glancing over the neatly printed sheet as they lead you into the audition room. It’s a black box theater, a square room with black walls and flooring. The stark simplicity of the space serves as a blank canvas, allowing the directors to transform it into whatever they need, just as they have for these auditions.
Their table is set up near the back, papers and coffee cups scattered across its surface, giving them a perfect vantage point to observe and take notes without being overheard. They chat quietly among themselves, their voices a low murmur that blends into the background hum of the building. You can feel their eyes on you as you step into the room, the anticipation almost tangible in the air.
Near the door, a piano sits, and at the bench is what you can guess to be your accompanist—a tall, chubby brunette with a messy sort of look about him. He’s honestly kind of cute, but you can’t afford to focus on that right now. You have an audition to nail.
You greet the directors with a confident smile and a nod, then march over to the piano. Handing the accompanist your binder, you ensure it’s open to the marked sheet music. Like a seasoned performer, you’ve already highlighted the 32-bar cut of your song, clearly indicating where he should start and stop.
As he scans the music, you take a moment to explain your plan. You point out the precise places where you’ll be taking breaths and describe the tempo you have in mind. He listens attentively, nodding along as you speak, his fingers instinctively moving over the keys as if mentally rehearsing the piece.
You glance over at the directors, expecting them to be ready, but they’re still shuffling papers and folders on their desk, likely comparing notes from previous auditions. A flicker of impatience might cross another's face, but not yours. Instead, you smile, savoring the rush of adrenaline that auditions always bring.
The anticipation heightens the moment, and you use the extra time to center yourself even more. You roll your shoulders, subtly release the tension in your hands, and take another calming breath. The hum of quiet activity behind the directors' table, the muted clink of pens and rustle of paper, only amplifies your focus.
"So, got any plans after this?"
You frown, snapping back to the present as you turn to the accompanist. "Excuse me?"
He smirks, leaning in slightly. "I can take you out on the town, show you a real good time. My roommate is even out for the night, if you know what I mean." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You scrunch your nose, not appreciating the distraction from your audition. You need to get in the zone and focus, but he’s throwing you off. You can entertain the idea after the audition, not during. However, at your reaction, he takes it as a no and furrows his brows. He starts to say something, probably something rude, before you walk off.
You head to the tape marking your spot on the floor, feeling the familiar buzz of excitement mingled with nerves. The directors stare at you blankly, their faces giving nothing away, but you know better than to let it get to you. This is your moment.
Taking a deep breath, you slate in, introducing yourself with a clear, confident voice
“I’ll be performing the song ‘Jenny’s Blues’ from ‘It Shoulda Been You,’ and a monologue from ‘Confrontation’ by Kelly Powell.” You smile before dipping your head, breathing in, and starting your piece. Your voice is strong, resonant, effortlessly sliding into the comfortable range of the song. Each note is delivered with precision, every word infused with emotion. You make sure to breathe deeply, expanding your diaphragm to support your powerful vocals.
However, halfway through your audition cut, you hear the piano falter and fumble, the notes coming out jumbled. You pause for a split second, a flicker of concern passing through your mind, but you quickly regain your focus. Mistakes happen, and you're determined not to let it throw you off. You press on, maintaining your composure and delivering a flawless performance despite the hiccup.
As you reach the climax of the song, you hold out your money note, pouring every ounce of emotion into it. The accompanist manages to catch up, albeit a little off rhythm, but you don’t let it deter you. With a final flourish, you finish the song.
You manage a quick glance at the accompanist before looking back– but wait, hold on. You look back again. That fucker has a smug smirk plastered across his face. His eyes twinkle with amusement, and suddenly it all clicks into place: He tried to mess you up on purpose because you ‘rejected’ him. Any chance you had with him suddenly goes straight down the drain, and now you're fuming.
You grit your teeth, trying to tamp down the surge of anger that threatens to consume you. How dare he sabotage your audition like that? But you refuse to let his petty actions derail your performance. Instead, you channel that newfound adrenaline, that simmering rage, into your audition.
With renewed determination, you throw yourself into the monologue, each word dripping with raw emotion. Your voice crackles with intensity as you inhabit the character, every gesture charged with conviction. The room seems to pulse with energy, your presence commanding attention as you deliver a performance that's nothing short of electrifying.
Well, not like you’d think as much.
You perform your piece, and as you finish, you try not to beat yourself up about it. It was… okay. A little frustrating, perhaps, because you ran more on muscle memory and pettiness than actually existing in the moment, but the dedication and hard work you had put into it still shone through. You remind yourself that perfection is an elusive goal, and what truly matters is the passion and effort you poured into your performance.
As for the song, you try not to dwell on it too much. Otherwise, you know you’ll get stuck in your perfectionist head, picking apart every single detail until it drives you mad. Instead, you choose to focus on the positives, reminding yourself of the moments where you truly connected with the material and let your talent shine through.
You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that the audition is over. Whatever the outcome, you gave it your all, and that’s something to be proud of.
You thank the directors, offering them a quick but polite goodbye, and head over to the piano to retrieve your binder. The pianist smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he hands you the binder. But as you reach out to take it, he doesn’t let go. You tug gently, expecting him to release it, but his grip remains firm.
Your frustration mounts as you give the binder another tug, but still, he refuses to hand it over. With a growing sense of annoyance, you pull harder, and finally, he lets go. But instead of handing it to you properly, he lets it slip from his fingers, and it drops unceremoniously to the floor with a thud.
This bitch.
Instead of giving him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your cool, you bend down gracefully, feeling his eyes linger on your backside, and pick up the binder. Straightening up with a sense of quiet determination, you shoot him a subtle, sour look, and exit through the door.
You needed to be pinched awake.
There it was, plain as day—your name listed next to Audrey II. The role you'd yearned for, sweated for, poured your heart and soul into securing. And now, here it was, yours for the taking. You stare at the cast list, almost disbelieving, as if expecting the letters to rearrange themselves at any moment. But no, there it remains—your name boldly printed beside the coveted role.
Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins and the excitement threatening to bubble over, you find yourself remarkably composed. It's as if a serene calm has settled over you, masking the tempest of emotions swirling beneath the surface. You're totally normal about this, you tell yourself, even as your heart races with exhilaration.
But inwardly, you're anything but calm. You're ecstatic, over the moon, practically floating on air. It's a dream come true, a validation of all the hard work, late nights, and sacrifices you've made in pursuit of your passion. And yet, there's a sense of quiet gratitude mingled with the jubilation—a recognition of the privilege bestowed upon you, the opportunity to bring this iconic character to life.
As you continue to scan the rest of the cast list, a few of your friends approach, their faces beaming with genuine happiness and excitement for you. They pat you on the back and offer heartfelt congratulations, their words a chorus of support and admiration. You take it all in stride, offering each of them an easy smile and a gracious thank you. At one point, you even go as far as to herd some of them into a group hug.
As you continue down the cast list, you recognize a few names, but none that you're particularly close with. Still, you can't help but feel a sense of optimism as you imagine the bonds that will form over the course of rehearsals. After all, there's nothing quite like the camaraderie that comes from working together towards a common goal.
One name stands out among the rest—Quinn, the guy playing Seymour. Memories of your collaboration on a project in Theatre History come flooding back, and you can't help but smile at the thought of working with him again. You remember how seamlessly you worked together, bouncing ideas off each other and complementing each other's strengths. With any luck, that chemistry will translate into a dynamic partnership on stage.
You can already envision the two of you bringing Seymour and Audrey II to life, each playing off the other's energy and timing. It's an exciting prospect, and you can't wait to dive into rehearsals and see how your dynamic evolves.
And then there's the puppet—your puppet. God, you were so excited for your puppet.
Still riding high on the euphoria of landing the role, you feel as light as a feather. It's as if you're floating on cloud nine, sipping Shirley Temples and being pampered like royalty. Every step you take feels effortless, every breath filled with a sense of elation. You glide all the way to rehearsal, anticipation buzzing beneath your skin.
But as you step into the rehearsal room, the bubble of bliss threatens to burst. There, standing before you, is the accompanist from before—the same one who tried to sabotage your audition. Instantly, the weight of reality comes crashing down, dragging you back to earth with a resounding thud.
You can feel his gaze boring into you, a silent challenge in his eyes. You roll your eyes in response, refusing to let him see how much his presence rattles you. At least he doesn’t seem too thrilled to see you either, his lip curling into a sneer as if he were growling in disdain.
Redirecting your attention back to the room, you notice that seats have been pulled to create a circle, a common setup for read-throughs. Your eyes scan the space, and you catch Quinn's enthusiastic wave, his smile infectious. You feel a sense of relief flood through you, grateful for the easy decision on where to sit, and you make your way over to join him.
"Hey!" he greets, his excitement palpable. "Congrats on Audrey II!"
You return his smile, the warmth of his congratulations washing over you. "Thanks! And congrats on Seymour! You definitely deserve it," you reply, genuinely happy for him.
The two of you strike up a conversation, the easy rapport between you quickly filling the air with laughter and shared excitement. But as you chat, you can't shake the feeling of someone's eyes on you. You glance around discreetly, your gaze landing on Adam, who's peering at you with a curious expression.
You lean over to Quinn, a puzzled frown creasing your brow. "So, why's the pianist here?"
Quinn follows your gaze before turning back to you, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Adam? I think he's getting extra credit for this. He's a music major, so... It's kinda cool."
You shrug your shoulders, a bemused expression on your face. It makes sense that Adam would be here for extra credit, but what doesn’t make sense is why he's glaring daggers at you. All you did was turn him down, and then get upset because he tried to sabotage your audition. What a dick.
"Are y'all exes or something?"
You shake your head, a perplexed frown forming on your lips. "No, definitely not."
"Then why is he glaring at you like you killed his dog?" Quinn presses, his curiosity piqued.
You roll your eyes, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "He tried asking me out in my audition, and I didn't respond because I was trying to lock in."
Quinn's eyes widen in disbelief. "Oh my god, you should've totally said yes! He's a total hunk!"
You can't help but let out a wry chuckle, acknowledging the truth in Quinn's words. "Yeah, he's definitely hot," you admit. "But he's a dick though. He purposely messed up my backing accompaniment."
At that, Quinn sucks in a sharp breath before nodding solemnly. “So just a one night stand.”
At Quinn's suggestion, you cringe, feeling a surge of indignation rising within you. "What?" you squawk incredulously. "No! I'm not sleeping with him!"
“Sleeping with who?”
As the new voice breaks through the conversation, you and Quinn turn to see a girl– probably playing Audrey, your brain retorts. She's thin and gorgeous, her presence commanding attention. It’s probably best to keep her away from Adam.
However, when you glance over to see Adam's reaction, you're surprised to find that he hasn't even spared the girl a passing glance. Instead, his focus remains fixed on you, his glare as intense as ever. Annoyance prickles at the back of your mind, and you return his glare with equal intensity.
Adam seems to realize that you're looking at him, and for a moment, you see a flicker of something cross his features. But in a swift attempt to maintain his cool guy facade—or perhaps because he enjoys the attention—he smirks and throws up his hands in a playful gesture, as if suggesting a game of rock, paper, scissors.
You surprise him by joining in.
Rock… Paper… Scissors… Shoot!
But instead of throwing one of the three conventional options, you catch Adam off guard by flipping him off, a gesture that leaves no room for misinterpretation. With a satisfied smirk, you turn your attention back to Quinn and the girl, refusing to give Adam the satisfaction of any further reaction.
“Hi!” The girl’s voice is perky and energetic. “Sorry, I hope I wasn't intruding with my earlier question. I’m Sadai! You’re playing Audrey II, huh? That’s pretty cool! I’m excited about your puppets.”
At that, you perk up. “Yeah, me too!”
She glances away before leaning in, just as you had done before. “I don’t mean to overstep but… I can't help but notice a certain someone’s eyes on you. Did you break up or something?”
You frown, sinking into your seat. “No, why do y’all keep asking me that…”
“Well, that’s the more logical explanation.” Quinn pipes up.
“There’s an explanation?” Sadai grins. “Spill!”
As your director calls for everyone's attention, the lively chatter in the room gradually subsides, replaced by an air of anticipation. Rehearsal is about to begin, and you can feel the energy buzzing in the air.
When it comes time for Adam’s introduction, it's surprisingly more formal than what you would’ve thought. But that's probably because your director is right next to him.
“I’m Adam,” he says, his tone serious and professional, “and I’ll be the accompanist for rehearsals. I’m also a part of the actual band you’ll be performing with.”
You can't help but roll your eyes at him. It's a stark contrast to his earlier antics, and you can't shake off the feeling of disbelief at his behavior. You stick your tongue out at him.
As Adam clacks his teeth in response to your gesture, a strange sensation washes over you. It's a fleeting moment of amusement mixed with something else—something you can't quite put your finger on. You quickly dismiss the thought, shaking your head to clear it.
As the read-through gets underway, you find yourself slipping into the mindset of Audrey II, the iconic character you're tasked with bringing to life. It's a role unlike any you've played before, and you can't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension. With each line you deliver, you try to embody the essence of the character, exploring different nuances and inflections.
But despite your best efforts, you can't shake the feeling that your choices aren't quite hitting the mark. They're not big enough, not bold enough—at least not by your own standards. Still, you refuse to beat yourself up about it. It's only a read-through, after all, a chance to explore the character and experiment with different interpretations.
However, the distraction of Adam's antics doesn't help matters. Every time you say a line, you can feel his eyes on you, making faces and mocking you. It's infuriating, to say the least, but you try to push past the distraction and focus on the task at hand.
Adam can get fucked.
As the ballet class draws closer, the familiar excitement begins to bubble up inside of you. You eagerly anticipate the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of dance once again. Dressed in your favorite leotard and tights, you feel a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over you. The snug fit of the leotard and the sleek lines of the tights serve as a second skin, allowing you to move freely and gracefully without any hindrance.
As you enter the studio, you take a moment to soak in the atmosphere—the polished wood floors, the mirrored walls, the soft lighting casting a warm glow over the space. You’ve always made a habit to arrive early to class, giving yourself ample time to prepare both mentally and physically. Taking your place at the barre, you begin with a series of gentle pliés, allowing your muscles to awaken and loosen with each movement. From there, you move through a sequence of tendus, jetés, and dégagés, each step flowing seamlessly into the next.
As the warm-up progresses, you feel your body gradually opening up, the tightness in your muscles giving way to a sense of suppleness and strength. You revel in the sensation of your limbs stretching and extending, reaching for the ceiling with each grand battement and arabesque.
But it's during the stretch routine that you truly lose yourself in the moment. Finding a spot on the floor, you lower yourself into your middle splits, your muscles protesting slightly as you sink deeper into the stretch. With each breath, you feel yourself melting into the floor, your body becoming one with the music that fills the room.
But as you're bent over, laying your chest on the floor, you're suddenly aware of a presence behind you. Startled, you lift your gaze to meet the reflection in the dance mirrors, and your heart skips a beat as you see Adam standing there, a smirk playing on his lips.
“That’s my name, baby. Go ahead and practice screaming it for tonight.”
You ignore that. “This isn’t an open class. You should leave.”
“Aw you’re looking out for me, how sweet. Good news though. I’ve been invited, bitch.”
You finally turn and look him in the eye. “Don’t call me that.”
Adam raises his hands in a mock gesture of surrender, but his smirk remains firmly in place. "Woof. Rough subject, huh?" he quips, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Alright, what would you prefer for me to call you? Sugartits? Sweet thing? Mine?”
Your patience wearing thin, you shoot Adam a withering glare. "I'd rather you leave.”
Adam's grin only widens at your request. "Again, I can't," he replies, his tone smug. "I need this extra credit."
Confusion furrows your brows as you try to make sense of his words. "What do you mean?"
His smile widens even further, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm playing piano for your class," he reveals.
"Oh god.”
Feeling the ache in your muscles, you mindlessly begin to pull yourself out of your middle splits, sensing that you're warmed up enough for the time being. But before you can fully relax, Adam's voice cuts through the air, drawing your attention back to him.
"You know what stretch might be good for you?" he asks.
Your eyebrows knit together in suspicion, wary of whatever suggestion he might have up his sleeve.
“Baby pose or whatever it’s called.” he licks his teeth.
“...Do you mean child’s pose?”
“I’m not sure. Why don’t you show me and we’ll find out. If you’re correct, you get a reward.”
The retort slips out before you can stop it, your frustration boiling over. "Go to hell.”
Adam's expression shifts into something more serious. "Hey, that's not funny,"
You're taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor, surprised by the hint of offense in his voice. "You're... religious?"
Adam's lips quirk into a wry smile, always ready to talk about himself. "Minoring in religious studies, babes.”
“And you act like this?”
Adam looks genuinely offended. “Hey! God loves all His creations.”
You decide to test the waters, aware that this isn't just a question about religion, but more about understanding Adam. “So, you’re okay with gay people?”
“What kind of porn do you think I watch?”
“You watch gay porn?” What the fuck.
“Only the girls– it’s hot as fuck. Besides, look at you– I’ve disrespected everything about you except your pronouns.”
Well you’ve got to give him that.
As your instructor walks into the room, effectively diverting your attention from the unsettling exchange with Adam, you're grateful for the interruption. She calls Adam over, and you watch as he trails obediently toward her, unable to shake off the lingering annoyance from the wink he sends in your direction. The gesture sends a wave of bile rising in your throat, leaving you feeling unsettled and off-kilter.
Thankfully, the start of class offers a welcome distraction as you begin with barre exercises. The familiar structure of the routine allows you to slip into autopilot, your muscles responding to the familiar movements with practiced precision. Despite the discomfort of the exercises, you push through, knowing that each repetition brings you one step closer to improvement.
When the instructor calls for places to run the combination, your heart skips a beat as you realize it's finally your turn. You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to showcase the combination you've been practicing diligently.
But before you can fully focus on the task at hand, you notice Adam's persistent attempts to catch your eye in the mirror. His gaze feels like a weight on your shoulders, but you steel yourself, determined not to let his presence distract you.
As the instructor calls for Adam to take his place at the piano, you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. With him occupied at the keys, you're free to focus solely on your own performance without the added pressure of his scrutiny.
As you wait for your turn to perform the combination, you can't help but find yourself drawn to Adam's piano playing. Despite the tension between you, there's no denying the skill and finesse with which he handles the keys. Each note flows seamlessly from his fingertips, filling the room with a melodic richness that captivates your senses.
You watch in quiet admiration as he navigates the piano with ease, his fingers dancing across the keys with precision and grace. There's a gentle quality to his playing, a delicate touch that belies his earlier brashness. It's clear why he's been enlisted to help with productions like Little Shop of Horrors and ballet classes—he possesses a rare talent that really elevates the performances he accompanies.
As you square your shoulders and turn out from your hips, preparing to execute the combination you've practiced tirelessly, you can feel Adam's eyes boring into you from across the room. Despite the tension that lingers between you, you refuse to let his presence throw you off course.
With a deep breath, you begin to move, allowing the music to guide your every step. Despite the lingering doubt that Adam's presence instills in you, the music never falters, reaffirming your belief that his attempts to sabotage you during the audition were indeed intentional.
But you refuse to dwell on the past, pushing aside the nagging thoughts and focusing solely on the dance. As you move through the combination, something feels different. It's as if you've suddenly become one with the music, feeling its rhythm pulsating through your veins and guiding your movements with an effortless grace.
A quick glance in Adam's direction reveals that he too is caught up in the magic of the moment, his expression mirroring your own sense of connection to the music. Despite the tension that exists between you, there's a shared understanding in that fleeting glance—a recognition of the power and beauty of the music that transcends any animosity or resentment. In other words, you can forgive him in this moment.
In that moment, as you dance to the haunting melody of the piano, you feel a sense of liberation wash over you. All the worries and doubts that had plagued you before melt away.
As you're swept up in the exhilaration of the dance, an unexpected twist of fate brings you crashing to the floor as your ankle buckles beneath you. Embarrassment floods your senses as you find yourself sprawled on the ground, the sudden halt to your movement jarring and disorienting.
But before you can fully process what's happened, a kind-hearted classmate rushes to your aid, offering you a supportive hand and helping you to your feet. Despite your attempts to brush off the incident with a forced smile, the humiliation of the fall lingers, casting a shadow over your confidence.
With your ankle throbbing painfully, you're guided out of the room by your compassionate classmate, grateful for their support and understanding. As you limp away from the dance studio, you can feel Adam's eyes following your every move, his gaze burning into your back like a weighty presence.
Thankfully, you hadn’t torn or broken anything. All that came out of that incident was a rolled ankle. The recovery was straightforward—alternating between icing and heating it. Before you knew it, your ankle was back to normal. You were able to rotate it without any stinging or pain.
The relief was immense. You had been worried that the injury might keep you from participating fully in rehearsals. Right before you walked into ballet class, you tested your ankle carefully, rotating it and putting a little weight on it. No pain. Perfect.
When you push open the doors to the space, Adam is already seated at the piano, idly messing with the keys. You know Adam never made a habit of being early to this class—especially since he didn’t need to be. During warm-ups, your instructor usually played music from her speakers. So why would he be here early?
Curious, you linger near the door for a moment, observing him. His fingers dance over the keys with a casual grace, producing a soft, almost melancholic melody. It's unlike the boisterous, cocky persona he usually projects. For a moment, he seems lost in the music, unaware of his surroundings.
You clear your throat softly as you walk further into the room. Adam’s head snaps up, and for a split second, you see a flicker of something—surprise, perhaps—before he masks it with his usual smirk.
“Good morning,” you say, keeping your tone neutral.
“Morning,” he replies, his fingers pausing on the keys. “Didn’t expect anyone else to be here this early”
“Same goes for you,” you counter, setting your bag down and beginning your stretches.
Adam shrugs, looking back at the piano. “Just felt like playing a bit before everyone else got here.”
You raise an eyebrow, skeptical but not wanting to pry. “Well, don’t let me stop you.”
He resumes playing, the notes filling the room with a soft, intricate tune. You settle into your stretch routine, focusing on your warm-up but unable to ignore the beautiful music emanating from the piano.
However, it seems as though Adam can’t go more than a minute without being a certified dick. He leans over the piano, watching you stretch, before speaking up.
“Seems like you healed up well.”
Your cheeks ignite, embarrassed by the reminder of your tumble. That shame shortly turns into anger, and you’re quick to throw it in his face.
“Yeah, and it seems like you finally know how to play piano, huh? No messing up?”
“Oh baby, daddy never messes up by accident.”
Indignation rises in your chest at Adam's casual confession that he's been deliberately messing with your music. The realization blooms on your face, and Adam smirks, clearly enjoying your reaction.
Just as you're about to take off one of your ballet slippers and give him a well-deserved bitch slap, Miss Nicole, your instructor, signals for class to begin. With a final glare at Adam, you take your place at the barre, forcing yourself to focus on the exercises ahead.
You spend the entire class wishing you were in tap, imagining the satisfying clatter of metal taps scuffing up the floor. Instead, you're stuck in ballet, with Adam just a few feet away, his presence a constant reminder of your frustration. You do your best to channel your rage into your dance, pushing yourself harder with each movement. The burn of exercise helps somewhat, providing a physical outlet for your anger. Your muscles ache as you stretch deeper into each plié and extend further in every arabesque.
By the time it’s your turn to work the combination, the anger has faded to a dull background hum. You step up, squaring your shoulders and prepping your feet before beginning.
Your chasse leads you into a middle leap. As you ascend, it feels good, almost as if nothing can touch you while you’re in the air.
Adam is a rude reminder that you are not.
But then, mid-leap, the music jarringly falters. You miss a beat, your landing is shaky, and the momentary lapse causes you to stumble. He had done it again, intentionally disrupting the music. It takes every ounce of your self-control not to let it throw you off further. You manage to avoid a full-on trip and finish your combination, but the disruption leaves you seething. As you head over to grab your water bottle, you glare daggers at Adam, who, despite appearing focused on the keys, is clearly smiling to himself.
One of these days, you think, you’re going to wipe that smug smirk off his face.
Class wraps up, and you see the clock signaling the end of the session. Why not today? The thought plants itself firmly in your mind. You decide it’s time to confront him directly.
As the other students start to filter out, you march over to the piano, your anger giving you a surge of confidence. Adam looks up, still smirking.
“What is up with you trying to sabotage me?” you demand, your voice edged with frustration.
He has the nerve to act confused. “Whaaaat? Lil’ ol’ me? I’d never! When have I even tried?”
“Just now. And my fucking audition.”
“Okay but is it really sabotage if you got the part? Think about it— maybe they were impressed with the way you continued on. Maybe I helped you,” he retorts, his tone flippant and infuriatingly smug.
Your jaw tightens, struggling to contain your anger. You take a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. “Impressed or not, you had no right to mess with my audition. It was unprofessional and disrespectful.”
Adam shrugs nonchalantly, not appearing at all remorseful. “Hey, it’s a tough world out there. Gotta learn to roll with the punches, sweetheart.”
“There’s a special place in hell for you.” It’s a low blow and you know it. But you get the reaction you’ve been waiting for, his nostrils flaring with offense.
“Bitch, you care way too much about college-level theatre.”
“At least I care about something other than myself,” you snap back.
“Aw, baby,” he drawls, leaning back and crossing his arms, “I can put some extra care towards you. Lay you out all nice for me, make you see heaven. Prove to you I can take care of you. Might make you beg a bit.”
“Eat a dick.”
“I know what you are, but what am I?” he retorts, a childish grin spreading across his face.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” you exclaim, exasperated.
Before the argument can escalate further, your ballet instructor, Miss Nicole, approaches. “Is there a problem here?” she asks, concern etched on her face. You stumble over your words, caught off guard by her sudden appearance and the need to explain the confrontation.
“No ma’am! Just some classic friendly bickering. You know how it is! We were just about to head out and grab some lunch, weren’t we?” Adam interjects smoothly, throwing you a glance that suggests you go along with his narrative.
You grit your teeth, seething at his audacity, but reluctantly nod in agreement, knowing you can’t contradict him in front of your instructor. The last thing you need is to cause a scene and get thrown out from the class.
“Yep. Just….bickering,” you reply through gritted teeth, your frustration simmering beneath the surface.
“Ah. It’s nice to see you getting along with our accompanist. I was a bit worried how everyone would treat him. Where are you going to get lunch?” your ballet instructor asks, oblivious to the tension between you and Adam.
“The campus cafe,” Adam responds smoothly, suddenly looking smug as if he’s won some sort of victory.
“Oh! I was walking that way. Mind if I join you on the walk? I’d like to talk to you about our future classes, Adam,” she says cheerfully, turning to you both.
You go to interject, to protest adamantly that this is NOT okay. But before you can speak up, Adam beats you to it. “Of course! We don’t mind, do we, babes?” he says, flashing a faux-charming smile in your direction.
You clench your fists at your sides, seething with anger at being maneuvered into this situation. With a forced smile, you nod curtly, not trusting yourself to speak.
"Great!" Your instructor claps her hands together in excitement, seemingly pleased with the arrangement.
The three of you walk. Adam seems effortlessly engaged, occasionally nodding and adding insightful comments. Meanwhile, you follow along half-heartedly, tuning out most of the conversation as your frustration with Adam continues to simmer.
You try to focus on the scenery passing by, the rhythmic sound of your footsteps, anything to distract yourself from the situation at hand. However, snippets of their conversation still reach you, reminders that Adam's presence is more entrenched in your academic life now than ever.
“So Adam, are you also the accompanist for the voice recital?” Miss Nicole asks, navigating the three of you past a group of what you assume to be freshmen.
“Oh, no ma’am. One of my classmates beat me to the punch,” Adam responds.
"Really?" Miss Nicole raises an eyebrow. "I thought for sure you'd be the first in line for that."
Adam shrugs, glancing at you briefly before turning his attention back to Miss Nicole. "I guess they were just quicker this time."
“Well I’m sure they’ll be good. Just maybe not as good as you,” Miss Nicole says, her tone warm.
You internally roll your eyes. Barf.
Adam seems pleased to hear that, and not just because his ego is getting fed. “Absolutely,” he replies, his smirk widening.
“You’re not a fan of them?” she asks.
Adam cringes. “You could definitely say that.”
“Is it that skinny blond kid? I know we were warned not to pair you two together,” Miss Nicole inquires, her curiosity piqued.
“Worse,” he says, his voice dripping with disdain. “It’s his girlfriend.”
Confusion clouds your expression as this new piece of drama unfolds unexpectedly. “His girlfriend?”
Your voice cuts through the conversation, drawing the attention of both Adam and Miss Nicole. They seem momentarily surprised, as if they had forgotten you were there amidst their discussion.
"I'm surprised you haven't heard about it, considering you two are friends!" Miss Nicole responded, her tone tinged with surprise and a hint of curiosity, her eyebrows arched expectantly.
"I don't think friends is the right word to describe us," you muttered under your breath, though Miss Nicole's sharp ears caught your words. Immediately, she began to backtrack, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I hadn't realized you two were... Well, you know what? That makes much more sense," she stammered, her words rushing out in an attempt to smooth over the awkwardness.
"What makes sense?" Adam asked, his brow furrowing in confusion as he glanced between you and Miss Nicole. Finally, it seemed, both of you were on the same page, even if it was only because you were confused.
"Well, would you look at that!" Miss Nicole diverted suddenly, pointing upwards. Following her finger, you spotted the familiar sign of the campus coffee shop. Finally, your destination had arrived.
"Here's your stop! I'll see you in class! Bye!" Miss Nicole blurted out, her cheeks now a deep shade of red as she hastily retreated. It was almost comical, and a snort of amusement escaped your lips. Even Adam chuckled softly before his expression turned mischievous.
"She totally thinks we're boning," Adam remarked with a smirk, his tone teasing.
Your smile faded instantly, replaced by a look of disdain as you curled your lip in disgust. "As if. You can only wish," you retorted sharply, the implication of Miss Nicole's assumption leaving a weird taste in your mouth. Not unpleasant, but you wish it was.
"Oh?" He challenged, striding ahead to hold the door open for you. "I'm the dick master over here. One of these days, you're gonna be begging and drooling for my dick, and I'm gonna say no, bitch."
You walked past him, rolling your eyes as he followed you into the store. "You've already been drooling for me."
"I drool for everyone," he retorts nonchalantly.
"That—" you pause, scrunching your nose, "that's not something to be proud of."
"So what're you getting?" he asked casually, not-so-subtly cutting in front of you in line. You sighed inwardly, not having the energy to react, so you let him take the lead. It was hard to gauge whether that pleased him or annoyed him.
"Probably just a chai with oat milk," you replied, your voice neutral.
"No food?" he inquired further.
"Eh, I don't know," you shrugged, feeling indifferent. "I don't feel like getting anything."
"Do you think their blueberry scones would be any good?" he asked, his voice contemplative as he eyed the display case of pastries.
You followed his gaze, your mouth watering involuntarily at the sight of the tempting treats. If only your bank account had a bit more padding, you might indulge yourself. A faint rumble from your stomach emphasized the point. "Yeah, they look really good," you admitted wistfully.
He nodded thoughtfully. "Cool, cool," he replied, his tone casual as he continued to scan the assortment of baked goods.
It didn't take long before it was Adam's turn to order. He stepped up to the counter, clearing his throat nervously. Glancing briefly in your direction, he then turned back to the barista.
"Could I get one large frozen hot chocolate, one large iced chai with oat milk, and two blueberry scones? Actually, make it three," he requested.
The barista nodded, punching in the order as Adam glanced back at you briefly, a subtle smile playing on his lips before he focused on completing the transaction. "Man, you must be hungry, huh? Your piano teacher starving you?" you teased lightly, trying to inject some levity into the moment.
"Piano isn’t my only hobby. I only learned because I have to if I want a music major," he replied with a hint of a pout, sinking into a chair. You took the seat across from him, the uncertainty of how to navigate this conversation lingering between you. Bickering was your comfort zone, but this felt like uncharted territory.
"So," you ventured cautiously, hoping to keep the conversation flowing. "Why did you become a music major?"
"I want to be in a band. Well, I am in a band. But I want to write our own music," he answered earnestly, his eyes lighting up with passion.
"Why the minor in religious studies?" you asked, genuinely curious as you leaned forward slightly.
He smirked, pleased that you remembered something about him. "My dad wanted that. It's my backup, I guess. Makes him feel better about paying all this money."
Nodding in understanding, you replied, "Yeah, sometimes I wish I took a minor—Musical Theatre isn’t exactly the most stable major."
"So then why'd you take it?" he probed gently.
You shrugged, a smile playing on your lips. "There isn’t a world in which I don’t do musical theatre."
Adam looked at you for a long second, his gaze almost penetrating, as if he could see right through you. That same unsettling feeling from before crept in, causing you to shift uncomfortably in your seat. However, before the moment could linger, you were saved by the barista calling out Adam’s order. He stood up and headed over to collect the snacks and drinks.
Meanwhile, you tried to steady yourself, willing your thoughts to stop spinning. He was so... infuriating. Yes, that’s it. You were still annoyed from earlier.
But then Adam returned, deftly balancing the tray of food and drinks. The sight of him bringing back lunch for you softened your irritation. Of course, you were grateful. That’s all it was.
The two of you ate in silence. Adam seemed content, devouring his two scones and his drink without a care. On the other hand, you found it difficult to swallow, the food sitting heavy in your stomach. It felt like you were on the brink of a realization, a sensation that made your stomach churn with uncertainty. Still, you weren't about to waste free food.
Once you managed to finish your lunch, you found yourself unexpectedly thanking Adam. Gathering your things, you prepared to leave. However, to your surprise, Adam stood up too.
“So where’s your dorm?” Adam asks, following you out the cafe door.
"We're not having sex," you retort firmly, making your boundaries clear.
"For once, not my intention," Adam replies with a grin, his charm still evident despite your skepticism. "It's getting late, and I'm offering to walk you back."
"It's like 1:30 in the afternoon," you point out, slightly amused by his insistence.
"Exactly," he counters smoothly, his tone making it clear he’s not backing down. "It’s going to get dark soon. Let me walk you home."
You exhale a dramatic sigh, reaching for your dance bag and slinging it over your shoulder with a practiced motion. “Fine. But I expect payment.”
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Payment?”
“Yeah,” you confirm, giving him a pointed look as you start heading towards the exit of the café.
“But–” he sputters, his voice trailing off as he rushes to catch up with you. “I’m walking you! What more do you want?”
“That was your own choice!” you call back.
“Okay, fine!” he exclaims, throwing his hands up in exasperation as he falls into step behind you. “How much do you want?!”
You pause mid-stride, causing Adam to almost bump into you. “How much– Adam, I don’t mean actual money. I just meant filling me in on your drama.”
His eyes widen in surprise as he forms a soundless ‘o’ with his mouth. “What, you mean with my ex?”
The two of you begin walking side by side. “The blond guy?” you ask, trying to piece together the details.
Adam scratches his beard scruff, his expression thoughtful. “No, well—no, I mean his girlfriend.”
You cringe slightly, trying to wrap your head around his words. “His girlfriend is your ex?”
Adam nods, looking somewhat resigned. “Uh huh.”
You frown.
When you arrive at your residence hall, you invite Adam to walk you to your room. His smile widens into a sharp grin as he agrees, and you both head up to your floor.
As you reach your door, Adam pulls out his phone, and you hear the distinct sound of a camera shutter. You glance at him, puzzled, but he doesn’t explain. Before you can ask, he starts to say his goodbyes, but you quickly shut the door in his face. The click of the latch echoes in the hallway,
You were backstage, flipping through the program selection, counting down how many performers were left until it was your turn to go onstage and sing. Voice recitals always made you nervous, despite knowing this was what you hoped to do for a living. The pressure for your notes to be pitch-perfect, the intense focus on your singing—it all weighed heavily on you.
Months of preparation with your vocal coach had gone into this moment. Together, you had meticulously chosen and honed your repertoire, though you only got to perform your favorite piece tonight. The culmination of all those hours spent practicing, tweaking, and perfecting was now just minutes away.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. The murmur of the audience beyond the curtain was a constant reminder of the scrutiny you were about to face. You glanced around, taking in the familiar backstage chaos—the hurried whispers, the rustling of sheet music, the occasional burst of nervous laughter from other performers.
So far, only two people were left before it was your turn. If you really paid attention, you could strain your ears and hear the beginning notes of "Some Enchanted Evening" from South Pacific. Your shoulders bounced in a silent laugh—what a classic choice.
The girl after him sang "Memory" from Cats, another timeless and powerful piece. As she exited the stage and entered the wings, she patted your back and gave you a thumbs up for encouragement. You grinned and whispered back, "Great job," before puffing out your chest and walking on stage.
The lights were bright, the audience a dim blur beyond their glow. You took your position at the center, feeling the familiar thrill of anticipation mixed with nerves.
Your vocal coach was busy introducing you and your piece—I Don’t Need a Roof from Big Fish—so you looked at the pianist.
Otherwise known as Adam’s ex.
Something about the thought pissed you off, but you refused to delve deeper into it. Her name was Lilith, and she was, without better words, hot. Which pissed you off even more. You dreamed about grabbing her by her waist-length hair and demanding to know how someone like her managed to date someone like Adam.
…Because she was totally out of his league, that’s all. You were just curious, yep. It’s not like the thought of her dating him filled you with this indescribable rage, something that felt so incredibly close to jealousy. She was hot, Adam was hot, and you... were not.
Lilith glanced up from where she was hunched over the piano, scanning your sheet music and cracking her knuckles. Seemingly unaware of your torturous thoughts, she offered you a small wave. The gesture made you feel incredibly guilty, and you forced yourself to smile back.
At that moment, your vocal coach seemed to have finished with the introductions, stepping off to the side of the stage to watch you. She gave you a wink of encouragement, and you took a deep breath, centering yourself.
Those past months of technique training come to mind, and you breathe out. You relax any tension in your shoulders before expanding your diaphragm, and start singing. Of course, you’re still a musical theatre major, so you act alongside the song. As you began to sing, you immersed yourself fully in the piece. The familiar lyrics and melody took over, carrying you along in a blur of emotion and intensity. You lost yourself in the character and story of the song, each word infused with meaning and purpose.
It goes by in a blur, too caught up in the song to really be conscious of what’s happening, but something feels wrong.
The piano.
It’s not as if Lilith is bad. Quite the opposite, actually. She’s practically perfect, understanding each breath mark and each shift in dynamics. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the two of y’all work extremely well together.
Except… something is missing.
You don’t feel the music in your soul, like you did that one time in class. When Adam was playing. And even if Lilith is objectively better at piano than he is, it’s missing his spark. The final notes hung in the air, leaving you with a sense of dissatisfaction. In your own critical assessment, it felt like the worst performance you had ever given at a voice recital.
Someone seems to disagree though.
Hidden a few rows back in the audience, Adam suddenly leapt to his feet in raucous applause. His gesture, though likely intended to embarrass you, had an unexpected effect. Instead of feeling self-conscious, a smile spreads across your face. You were delightedly surprised to see him here, especially since Lilith, his ex, was seated right behind you.
As you listened to Lilith mumble something under her breath, your attention was drawn back to Adam in the audience. He was enthusiastically encouraging others to stand and applaud, and though most remained seated, a few near him joined in. When he called out your name, you waved your hand down at your side, a mix of amusement and exasperation at his antics.
His gesture, though somewhat obnoxious, strangely warmed your heart. Despite his teasing and occasional insensitivity, there was something endearing about Adam's unabashed support. He had come all this way just to see you sing—or at least that's what you hoped. Sure, he might be here for other performers or academic reasons, but the idea that he might have shown up primarily for you filled you with unexpected warmth.
As you processed these conflicting emotions, a sigh escaped your lips. Adam was, in many ways, a complicated presence in your life. His unpredictability, his charm, and yes, his 24/7 dickish behavior kept you on your toes. But underneath it all, there was a connection that you couldn’t deny, something past just irritation.
It's finally a rehearsal where you're called to the stage. The moment you've been waiting for, to step into the character's shoes and bring the scene to life. But for now, you're off to the side, nestled in a comfortable chair, flipping through your script and silently rehearsing your lines. The stage is a hive of activity, filled with the sounds of crew members adjusting lights, actors practicing their entrances and exits, and the director calling out instructions.
Right now, you’re using a facial steamer to help your lungs recover after a night of smoking weed with friends—which, in your opinion, is a good summary of theatre kids. The steamer emits a gentle mist, soothing your throat and helping you clear your lungs for the rigorous rehearsal ahead.
As you look over the steamer, eyeing the lines in your script, you quietly mumble the lines to yourself. Each word feels foreign at first, rolling off your tongue with an unfamiliar cadence. You're determined not to lock in one specific delivery, knowing that variability will keep your performance fresh and dynamic for the show.
You glance up from your script, noting how they’re almost up to your first line. The realization sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine, a delightful excitement curling in your stomach. You’re totally gonna blow the socks off of everyone here.
Speaking of people being here, Adam is in the audience. You aren’t really sure why, considering it’s just a blocking rehearsal. All you know is you'd prefer for him to be literally anywhere else. Ever since you found out you don't hate him as much as you thought you did, you’ve been avoiding the hell out of him.
This strategy has definitely worked against you. Adam probably thinks you're playing mind games with him, ignoring him just to get under his skin. He’s been working hard to try and catch your attention—apparently going as far as to show up to rehearsals. During breaks, you hear him call out to you, likely saying something provocative to get a reaction, but you always turn the other way.
Yes, you feel bad. No, you won’t stop.
The director calls for you, snapping you out of your thoughts. As you flip to the right page in your script, you feel Adam’s eyes boring holes into you from his seat in the audience. You awkwardly clear your throat, doing your best to ignore the sensation of his gaze, and instead focus on preparing for your section of the scene.
The director walks Quinn through Seymour’s blocking for this scene, giving detailed instructions and adjusting positions to ensure everything flows smoothly. You try to stay present, listening closely, but the awareness of Adam’s presence is a persistent distraction.
Finally, the director finishes with Quinn and calls for the two of you to begin. So… you do.
“Oh boy,” Quinn starts, reading the lines off his slightly crumpled page. “Here we go again. Look, I haven't got much left. Just give me a few more days to heal, okay? Then we'll start again on the left hand and—”
“Feed me!” you whine, your voice taking on a pleading, almost desperate tone. It feels good, acting. Not just good, but right. Like stepping into a pair of pajama pants fresh out of the dryer. The warmth of the role envelops you, and the words flow naturally, embodying the character’s urgency and need.
As you continue the scene, there’s a spark of energy between you and Quinn. The two of you effortlessly bounce off each other, each line building on the last, creating a dynamic and engaging interaction. You internally fist pump in victory.
However, you make the mistake of glancing out into the audience and meeting the eye of none other than Adam. Lately, since you’ve been ignoring him, he’s been wearing this resting pouty face that sort of looks like he sucked on a lemon. But not now. Watching the two of you, his eyebrows are raised as if he’s impressed.
You watch as he realizes you're looking back at him, and his expression shifts into something upset. The sudden change throws you off balance, and you stumble over your line. Embarrassed, you quickly avert your eyes to your script, desperately trying to find your place.
Quinn, sensing your struggle, tries his best to help by repeating his line. Your finger traces the lines on the page until you find where you left off. Taking a deep breath, you catch up, delivering your line as if nothing had happened. The brief disruption had felt like an eternity, but you manage to slip back into character, focusing on the scene and Quinn’s supportive presence.
The director, who had been watching closely, gives a small nod of approval as you recover. The scene continues, the rhythm gradually restoring itself.
You’re beating yourself up, disappointed in yourself for getting flustered. You need to get your head in the game–you’re paying a pretty penny to learn how to be the best performer, not whatever that was back there. You need to get it together, unless you want your director to replace you. That thought fills you with fear.
But then your blame shifts to Adam, and that fear transforms into anger, even though it shouldn’t. It’s easier to be angry with Adam than it is to feel the embarrassment and self-doubt that were creeping in.
You clench your fists, letting the anger simmer. It’s a distraction, but one you can channel. You mentally replay the scene, pinpointing where you stumbled and how Adam’s presence threw you off. The frustration fuels a determination to not let it happen again.
So when your director calls for a water break, you gracefully exit from the side stage and make your way towards the audience area. The theater is a hive of activity during the break, with cast and crew members scattered around, discussing scenes in hushed tones. You find your water bottle among the clutter of chairs
Chugging down over half of it in one go, you feel the cool liquid refresh your parched throat. As you lower your bottle and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, you suddenly come face to face with Adam. He’s standing there, leaning nonchalantly against a nearby chair, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
For a moment, you just stare at each other, the air thick with unspoken tension. You resist the urge to say something biting, reminding yourself to stay composed in the professional setting of rehearsal. Instead, you give a curt nod, acknowledging his presence without inviting further conversation.
Adam’s smirk widens slightly, as if he’s enjoying the discomfort he’s causing.
“So, gonna blame me for sabotage with that one, too?” Adam quips, a smirk playing on his lips as he leans closer.
You roll your eyes and turn away, not in the mood for his teasing.
“Hey,” he whines, reaching out to grab your arm, but you pull away, annoyed. “Don’t be like that. I was only joking.”
“Piss off, Adam,” you retort, frustration bubbling up. “I’m trying to memorize my lines.”
“What, are your lines written in your water bottle?”
You glare at him over your shoulder. “Maybe.”
He laughs. “Yeah, you are definitely crazy enough to do that. How about we grab dinner after this and I can help you run lines.” He walks his fingers up your arm slowly. “And then maybe after dinner… we can have dessert…”
You flick his hand away, irritation simmering beneath your glare. His attempt at humor falls flat, and you feel a pang of hurt at how he’s toying with you, even if he doesn’t realize it. “Haha, very funny,” you retort dryly, crossing your arms defensively.
He frowns, but before you can respond, the director calls for places at the top of what you’ve blocked today. You peel yourself away from Adam and head to your seat on the side stage.
With Adam, it feels like one step forward and thirteen steps back.
You were still avoiding Adam, but he finally seemed to take the hint and left you alone. Occasionally, you’d catch him glancing at you from the corner of your eye, but whenever you turned to look, he’d quickly avert his gaze.
Rehearsals had been... okay. No matter how hard you tried and how much effort you put into it, it felt like none of it mattered. You weren't getting Audrey II down, and it was plain frustrating. The other cast members seemed to be finding their grooves, their characters coming to life in ways that left you feeling envious and disheartened. The role you had worked so hard for, the one you were so excited about, seemed to be slipping through your fingers.
You’d run through your lines over and over, trying different inflections, different approaches, but nothing seemed to click. It felt like you were hitting a wall, and every attempt to break through only left you more battered and bruised. The director's notes, meant to be constructive, started to feel like a litany of your failures.
The only thing you could fault was yourself. There were points where you would leave rehearsal in frustrated tears, feeling utterly defeated.
At one point, you had made the mistake of walking past Adam during one of those tearful nights. He stepped in front of you and blocked your path, his presence a sudden and unwelcome barrier. You could feel the heat of your frustration and sadness rising, threatening to boil over. The urge to scream at him, to lay into him and unload all your pent-up emotions, was almost overwhelming. Especially when he was looking at you with eyes full of pity, a look that made your skin crawl.
Instead, you swallowed it down, forcing the words to stay trapped in your throat. The effort it took to hold back was physically painful, like swallowing shards of glass. You clenched your fists, nails biting into your palms, and shoved past him with a force that surprised even you. He let you go, not saying a word, just watching you with that same pitying look that made you want to scream.
Today, though, was going to be a good day. The cast was scheduled to meet the band that would be playing for the show, and you were determined to make the most of it. You had been looking forward to this day, hoping that the energy and enthusiasm of the musicians might reignite your own excitement for the production.
As you arrived at the rehearsal space, you could already hear the faint sounds of instruments being tuned and tested. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and it gave you a much-needed boost. You spotted Sam, one of your acquaintances, setting up their drum kit with a focused expression. When you found out they had volunteered to help out, you had immediately warned them of Adam.
"Where's Adam?" you ask Quinn urgently, scanning the room for any sign of him. The last thing you want is to have driven him away from the show with your own behavior– you’d never forgive yourself.
"Aw, I knew you cared about me."
Startled, you spin around to find Adam standing right behind you. His smirk is evident, and you realize with relief that he hasn't left after all. On his back is an instrument case, not the familiar piano you've grown accustomed to seeing him with.
You purse your lips, still mulling over Adam's earlier comment. This conversation is the most you've engaged with him since that rehearsal.
"I thought you were our pianist," you finally manage to say, trying to sound casual despite the lingering tension between you.
Adam tilts his head, his expression shifting from playful to more serious. "For the extra credit. But piano isn't really my first choice. I learned it for music theory purposes."
Quinn chimes in, always eager to fill the silence. "So if you're not on piano duty for the band..."
Adam readjusts the strap of his instrument case, his grin widening mischievously. "I'm on guitar, obviously," he declares, a hint of pride in his voice.
That… actually makes a lot of sense. He doesn't fit the typical image of a pianist; his personality is more intense and unpredictable. You mentally correct yourself, aware of not stereotyping, but Adam's demeanor aligns more with someone wielding a guitar, ready to bring an edgier vibe to the performances. The image of him strumming away fills your mind, and you find yourself fighting the urge to bite your lip at the thought, because, well, yoohoo! Adam is right there.
Sadai bounds up to the three of you, playfully knocking Quinn on the upside of his head as she enters. Quinn, caught off guard, lets out an unattractive squawk that makes her giggle. Honestly, there’s something there that even you can see. And looking across at Adam, he sees it too.
He opens his mouth to say something, you assume to make a teasing remark on their romantic life, but you instead smack him on his head. Instead of a squawk, he lets out a huff of a laugh. He looks less pissed that you hit him, and more pleased to have your attention.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Quinn and Sadai share a knowing look. Are you that obvious? Embarrassed, you grab Adam by the sleeve and tug him away. Adam, still preening under the attention no matter how harsh, obediently follows you. Once you’re a reasonable distance away, you remove your grasp and it makes Adam frown.
“Listen. I know you have a big, trashy mouth—”
“You love it,” he interrupts with a grin.
“—And maybe no one has smacked actual sense into you—”
“You have,” he quips again.
“—Stop interrupting,” you glare, cutting him off. “But if you intervene in whatever the two of them have going on, I’ll personally murder you myself. Let them figure it out themselves, without any side comments from you.”
He raises an eyebrow, but mimes zipping up his mouth and throwing away the key.
Your glare is still flat. “Do I make myself clear?”
He points to his still zipped mouth and makes muffled noises. Annoyed, you roll your eyes before digging into your pocket for the key. You pantomime unlocking and unzipping his mouth. “You’re hot when you take charge.”
Exasperated, you lock and zip his mouth again, this time tossing the imaginary key as far as you can. Adam pretends to look shocked, making exaggerated muffled noises between his closed lips. You raise an eyebrow, silently repeating your earlier question. He sighs dramatically, as if accepting defeat, before slowly nodding his head in agreement.
In appreciation, you gently pat his cheek and he leans into it. You quickly redraw your hand, feeling your face burning up, before you march off back to your friends. You see the question on their faces, but they never get the chance to ask because your director is calling for everyone’s attention.
As she talks, you see a clump of music students behind her– Adam and Sam included. Using the basic common sense you sometimes have, you’re able to deduce that this is y’alls band. Despite most likely volunteering for extra credit, they seem excitable. Well, minus Adam, but he doesn’t count.
After introductions, your director has the brilliant idea to let the musicians show off. They set up in the pit, adjusting and tuning their instruments. Although they don’t have their conductor with them, they feel confident enough to perform the title song.
Adam and Sam take their positions, with Adam adjusting his guitar strap with practiced ease while Sam eagerly checks the tuning of their drums. The other musicians, a mix of eager students, also seem ready, their faces showing a combination of nerves and excitement.
As they begin to play the title song of the musical, the auditorium fills with the lively melody. Despite the absence of their conductor, the musicians manage to synchronize well, each instrument blending harmoniously with the others. Adam’s fingers move deftly over the strings of his guitar, adding a distinct flair to the music, while Sam’s drumming provides a steady backbone to the ensemble.
The image of Adam with his guitar has absolutely nothing on the actual sight of it. He looks, for lack of better words, sick as fuck. Incredibly hot. You feel yourself getting hot under the collar the longer you watch him.
His concentration is palpable as he strums the strings, his fingers moving with a practiced grace that speaks of hours spent honing his skill. The way his hair falls across his forehead, the slight furrow of his brow in concentration, and the way he leans into each note—all of it adds to his allure.
You’re really fucked.
Fortunately for you, the band wasn’t called back until the sitzprobe in a week, so Adam was back to playing the role of accompanist. Although you couldn’t wipe the image of him shredding the guitar, at least you weren’t getting distracted at rehearsals.
Considering how close you all were to tech week, rehearsals had been extended an extra few hours. The long hours were grueling, but you pushed through, knowing it was all for the final performance. Today’s run-through was particularly intense, leaving everyone exhausted and hungry.
After rehearsal, someone suggested grabbing dinner together, and the idea was quickly embraced by the group. It seemed like a good way to unwind and bond after a tough day of work. As you gathered your things, you noticed Adam packing up his sheet music, glancing at you every now and then with that familiar smirk.
“Ready to grab some food?” Quinn asked, nudging you gently.
“Yeah, I could eat a horse,” you replied, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
The cast and crew gradually made their way out of the rehearsal space, chatting and laughing about the day’s mishaps and triumphs. You tried to avoid Adam’s gaze, but you could feel him watching you. He was always watching. You wondered what the dinner would be like with him there, knowing his penchant for stirring the pot. But maybe, just maybe, you’d all have a nice, drama-free meal.
For whatever reason, Chili’s had been chosen as the restaurant for the evening, and the thought of their triple dipper had your mouth watering. Quinn had kindly offered to drive, and you gratefully accepted, settling into the passenger seat and buckling up. As Quinn gripped the steering wheel, he paused, not making a move to start the car. Concerned, you turn to him.
“Quinn? You okay there?”
“I have something to admit.” his voice was serious, the most serious you’ve ever heard him. He was avoiding your gaze, and alarms were sounding in your head.
“...Okaaaaay?” you encouraged him to continue.
“I… hm.. I..” he took a deep breath before blurting it out. “I have feelings for Sadai!”
You stared at him… Did he not think you could tell? You had to stop yourself from laughing, as he was obviously distressed. Instead, you placed your hand on his shoulder. “Quinn, dude, I know.”
Quinn's eyes widened in surprise, and his grip on the steering wheel loosened slightly. “You know?”
You nodded, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. The way you look at her, the way you act around her—it’s clear as day.”
He let out a breath he seemed to have been holding. “I thought I was hiding it well.”
You chuckled softly. “You’re not. And you know what? I think she might feel the same way about you. You should talk to her.”
Quinn finally started the car, a small smile forming on his lips. “Thank god.”
“I’m rootin’ for ya.”
As you drove to Chili’s, you felt a sense of hope for Quinn. Maybe things were finally falling into place for him.
When you arrived at the restaurant, the rest of the cast was already there, chatting and laughing. You spotted Adam at the end of the table, waving you over. At first, you ignored him, glancing around for other open seats. However, it seemed fate was against you, as those were the only two seats open. You sighed, making your way over to him. His smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes that you were starting to recognize all too well.
Sadai, who was seated next to him, perked up at the sight of you and Quinn. Or, you know what, maybe just Quinn. He froze up in response, so you pushed him down to sit across from her. You plopped yourself in the seat next to him… which was, of course, across from Adam.
You took a seat next to Quinn, who was looking more relaxed than you’d seen him in a while. “Feeling better?” you asked.
He nodded, glancing at Sadai who got dragged into a conversation with the group next to her. “Yeah. I think I will talk to her.”
Adam leaned over, grinning. “What’s the gossip?”
“None of your business,” you replied, shoving him away.
“Aw,” he whined. “I was nice enough to save you seats, and this is how you treat me?”
You raise an eyebrow in disbelief. “You saved a seat for me?”
“Yep.” he popped the p. “Had to make sure I had eye candy while I ate.”
Adam’s attempt at humor fell flat, and you found yourself frowning, feeling the familiar urge to shut down again. "Gross," you muttered under your breath, not appreciating his comment.
Despite his usual dense demeanor, Adam seemed to sense he had said the wrong thing, even if he didn’t fully grasp why. His expression shifted, suddenly looking bashful. “Besides, you three are the only people who talk to me here. Theatre kids are very...”
He trailed off, searching for the right word while you waited, arms crossed.
“Clique-y?” you finished for him, understanding all too well the feeling of being an outsider. His admission struck a pang of guilt within you. You realized you had been ignoring him, afraid to confront your own romantic feelings. It hadn’t occurred to you how this might have made Adam feel, especially since apparently you were his only "friends" in the theatre department.
He smiled lightheartedly, clearly not deterred by the topic. “Yeah, that’s the word.”
Quinn awkwardly cleared his throat, and you jumped, realizing you had forgotten he was there. You had gotten a little too wrapped up in your vulnerable conversation with Adam.
“Um, sorry to interrupt,” Quinn said with a hint of amusement, “but can we get back to the menu? I’m starving.”
You blinked, feeling slightly embarrassed by the abrupt shift in focus. “Right, sorry. Food. Yes.”
Adam chuckled softly. “Food sounds good. What’re y’all getting?”
Quinn is the first to respond. “I wanna try their quesadillas.”
You nod. “I want to get the triple dipper, but I’m stuck between getting the mozzarella sticks, or the eggrolls.”
Adam paused, gluing his eyes to his menu as he talked. “Get the eggrolls.”
You sigh, nodding your head in agreement. It did feel strange to be getting along with Adam like friends after all the tension between you. You weren’t sure how to navigate a conversation with him without being rude or defensive. Well, guess you’ll have to learn.
Eventually the waiter makes his way to the end of the table where y’all are sat. Adam is the last to order. As the waiter writes down his food, Adam clears his throat.
“Um,” he glances at you before looking back at the waiter. “Can you also add an order of mozzarella sticks? We’re gonna share,” he gestures to you. “Put it on my tab though.”
Your jaw slightly drops as the waiter scampers off. Apparently Quinn is just as shocked, as he nudges you under the table, out of Adam’s view. At your reaction, Adam becomes defensive. “What?”
His remark catches you off guard, but you resist the urge to retort with something sharp, something that would escalate into banter. Instead, you find yourself smiling genuinely at him, a gesture of gratitude you hadn't anticipated making. It feels different, acknowledging his gesture without a layer of sarcasm or defensiveness.
"Thank you," you say, the words soft but sincere. There's a flicker of surprise in Adam's eyes, quickly replaced by a faint smirk that hints at his usual playful demeanor.
"You're welcome," he replies casually, though his tone holds a hint of something softer beneath the surface.
Quinn, sensing the shift in dynamics, nudges you lightly again under the table, his silent approval evident. You keep your gaze on Adam, meeting his eyes for a brief moment before looking away, the weight of unspoken words lingering between you.
Sadai, unaware of the weird tension, turns to the three of you. “Okay guys, help me out. Is Hamilton technically an opera.”
Quinn guffaws, caught off guard by the question. Or maybe he’s just flustered, you can’t ever be too sure. Adam just narrows his brows.
You, on the other hand, nod your head. “It’s a rap opera– it’s completely sung through. Just like how Rent is a rock opera. Duh.”
“Thank you!” Sadai exclaims, clearly relieved to have you on her side. “They’re trying to tell me I’m wrong!”
She turns back to her group, her expression a mix of concentration and amusement as she engages in the lively debate. You and Quinn exchange a glance, silently observing the group.
Suddenly, a light tap on your head breaks your focus. You instinctively turn, catching sight of Adam across the table. He sits with a mischievous grin, busily rolling up straw wrappers into small projectiles. With practiced precision, he flicks them in your direction, each one landing with a gentle thud against your shoulder or bouncing off your arm.
You deftly dodge one of the trash balls, your reflexes kicking in as you narrowly avoid being hit again. "How did you even get those?" you ask incredulously, amusement dancing in your eyes despite the slight annoyance.
"I asked for a bunch before you got here," he replies nonchalantly, launching another wrapper ball in your direction. This time, it catches you off guard and smacks you square in the nose, prompting an involuntary grumble and a playful pout.
Before you can retaliate, another wrapper ball grazes your arm. Determined not to be outdone, you swiftly grab one from the table and send it sailing back towards Adam with a flick of your wrist. The small projectile arcs through the air, landing neatly in his lap with a satisfying thud.
Adam chuckles "Nice shot,"
You smile, finding yourself surprisingly enjoying the playful banter with Adam. Despite his occasional crudeness, his sense of fun is infectious. As you glance over at Sadai and Quinn engrossed in their conversation, a smirk tugs at your lips. It seems Adam has noticed too, his sly expression indicating he's been watching your reactions closely.
With a casual flick of his fingers, Adam pulls out his phone and swiftly types a message before sliding it across the table to you. You pick it up and read the screen.
‘Are they together now or what?’
You slide his phone back, shaking your head. "You're such a gossip, Adam."
He pretends to look offended. "Hey, curiosity killed the cat– but satisfaction brought it back."
As the waiter sets down the plate of mozzarella sticks between you, you and Adam both reach for one almost simultaneously. He's quick to grab one, popping it into his mouth with a satisfied crunch. Following suit, you dip yours into the marinara sauce before taking a bite, savoring the gooey cheese and crispy coating.
Mid-chew, you notice Adam staring at you with a peculiar expression. You tilt your head in silent question, wondering what has caught his attention. Without warning, he leans forward, and you freeze, unsure of his intentions. His hand gently cups your chin, and with a surprising tenderness, he uses his finger to swipe at the corner of your mouth, where a smear of marinara sauce has escaped your notice.
The brief touch feels oddly intimate.
All too soon, he leans back to his seat, bringing his hand with him.
"You had sauce there," Adam says with a smirk.
Is he flirting…?
The realization sends a thrill through you.
The rest of dinner goes on without a hitch. You and Adam keep flirting– at least you think so. But based on how Quinn keeps sending you looks, you’d say you weren’t wrong. However, with all the water you’ve chugged, you get up to use the restroom. Quinn, probably determined to talk to you about Adam, practically leaps up from his chair, offering to join you.
You accept.
As you make your way to the restroom with Quinn trailing behind, you notice him shooting furtive glances back at the table where Adam sits. The restaurant's ambiance wraps around you, filled with muted conversations and the clinking of cutlery. Quinn waits until you're both out of earshot from the table before he speaks up.
"So, what's going on with you and Adam?" Quinn asks, his voice low but filled with curiosity.
You pause, considering how much you want to share. Quinn has been your friend for a while now, always there with a supportive shoulder or a witty remark when needed. "I don't know," you finally admit, trying to sort through your own thoughts. "It's... complicated."
Quinn raises an eyebrow, his expression a mix of amusement and concern. "Complicated how?"
"I used to really dislike him," you begin, your words slow and thoughtful. "But lately, things have been different. He's been... different. I guess I've been different too."
Quinn nods, understanding dawning on his face. "So, are you saying there's something between you two now?"
You hesitate, unsure of how to answer. "I honestly don't know, Quinn. Sometimes it feels like we're on the same wavelength, and other times..." You trail off, not wanting to voice your uncertainty aloud.
He nods again, his gaze thoughtful. "Well, just be careful," Quinn advises gently. "You know Adam can be unpredictable."
You sigh, feeling the weight of his words. "I know. That's what makes this all so confusing."
Quinn gives you a reassuring smile. "Just take it slow, okay? Figure out what you really want and go from there."
"Thanks, Quinn," you say sincerely, grateful for his support.
You step into the restroom, taking a moment to freshen up before heading back out to join Quinn. There's a smile on your face, anticipation building as you look forward to rejoining Adam and continuing the lively atmosphere at the table. As you walk back towards your group, you feel a rush of excitement.
However, as you approach the table where everyone is seated, you suddenly come to a halt.
You freeze in your tracks, feeling a knot tighten in your stomach as you watch Adam leaning in close to Sadai, his fingers toying with her braids. The sight hits you like a punch to the gut, shattering the good mood you had moments ago. For a split second, you feel a surge of anger and betrayal, mixed with a pang of hurt that catches you off guard.
Quinn notices your sudden change in demeanor and follows your gaze to Adam and Sadai. He frowns, sensing the tension in the air. "Hey," he murmurs softly, touching your arm gently. "Are you okay?"
You swallow hard, trying to push down the swirling emotions threatening to overwhelm you. "I... I don't know," you manage to reply, your voice wavering slightly. “Are you?”
Adam and Sadai seem engrossed in their conversation, oblivious to your presence. The image of Adam flirting with Sadai stings, igniting a mixture of jealousy and frustration within you. You had started to feel a connection with Adam, and now it feels like a slap in the face to see him cozying up to someone else so effortlessly.
“Not really.”
You stand there, frozen in place, as Adam and Sadai continue their animated conversation, completely absorbed in each other's company. Quinn's quiet admission hangs in the air, echoing in your mind as you watch Sadai laugh at something Adam says, playfully smacking his arm. The joy on Adam's face is unmistakable, and in that moment, it feels like a dagger to your heart.
A rush of emotions floods through you—embarrassment, disappointment, and a profound sense of being utterly foolish. You had allowed yourself to get swept up in the playful flirtation with Adam, only to realize now that his attention has shifted elsewhere, toward Sadai. The bile rises in your throat, a bitter taste of rejection and self-doubt washing over you.
You glance at Quinn, who meets your gaze with a sympathetic look, understanding the turmoil churning within you. The urge to turn and walk away tugs at you, to escape this painfully awkward moment. But you stand rooted to the spot, grappling with your emotions and trying to compose yourself.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you reach into your wallet, determined to handle the situation with dignity. Beside you, Quinn does the same, silently acknowledging the need to gracefully exit from what has become an uncomfortable scenario. Together, you count out enough money to cover your meals and leave a generous tip—a gesture of gratitude for feeding the group of loud theatre kids.
With a sense of numb resolve, you make your way back to the table, each step feeling heavier than the last. You avoid making eye contact with Adam and Sadai, focusing instead on the task at hand—settling the bill and preparing to leave. The once vibrant atmosphere around the table now feels tinged with an awkward tension, and you silently curse yourself for letting your emotions get the better of you.
As you approach, you set the money down on the table without a word, your movements deliberate yet distant. Quinn follows suit, his expression mirroring your own subdued demeanor.
As Sadai and Adam remain engrossed in their… position, seemingly oblivious to your departure looming nearby, Adam's intermittent glances in your direction don't go unnoticed.
You instinctively turn away, shielding your face from view, determined to conceal the raw emotion threatening to spill over. You muster a smile as you bid goodbye to the rest of the group.
As you and Quinn make your way out of the restaurant, you're caught in a whirlwind of emotions, trying to maintain your composure despite the disappointment weighing heavily on your heart. As you exit, you catch a glimpse of Adam's face, and for a fleeting moment, you swear you see a frown etched across his features. It's a look of disappointment, unmistakable in its fleeting intensity. Despite your efforts to avoid his gaze, his reaction doesn't escape your notice.
The next day brings rehearsal, a welcome distraction from the previous evening's emotional upheaval. You find it easy to avoid Adam; he's at the piano, absorbed in his music, while you remain backstage, clutching your microphone. The distance between you feels like a necessary buffer, allowing you to focus on your part without the complication of seeing him.
You can't help but feel for Quinn, though. He has the unfortunate task of performing a scene that requires him to make out violently with Sadai. This scene had always been your go-to for teasing him, but now the dynamics have shifted. Quinn is doing his best to avoid her backstage, and you choose to keep your observations to yourself, respecting his discomfort.
As you sit there, the quiet moments between cues offer too much space for your thoughts to wander. Each time you think of Sadai, your mind inevitably drifts to her interaction with Adam from the previous night. The memory stirs a sickening emotion within you, a queasy sensation that threatens to unsettle your stomach. The vivid recollection of their interaction gnaws at you, bringing back the bile that rose in your throat.
Your director calls for a water break, and you can't help but watch as Adam immediately stands up. He scans the room, his eyes moving through the various clumps of people, clearly searching for someone—likely you. When he doesn't find what he's looking for, he bangs a fist on the piano in frustration, a gesture that sends a jolt of mixed emotions through you.
As you're absorbed in observing Adam, a sudden presence at your side startles you. You spin around quickly, a small squeal escaping your lips as you come face-to-face with your director. The surprise causes your heart to race, and you notice out of the corner of your eye that Adam's attention has snapped in your direction. Thankfully your director is straight to business… well, once she’s done laughing.
“Sorry, sorry,” she says, wiping away a stray tear from laughing too hard. “I just came to tell you that your puppet is finished. Want to come look at it?”
You nod eagerly, feeling a spark of excitement light up within you. The emotional turmoil from moments before takes a backseat as anticipation takes over. You follow her backstage and into the workshop, your steps quickening with each stride.
As you enter the workshop, your eyes widen in amazement. The puppet, which had only been a concept in your mind and a sketch on paper, now stands before you in all its detailed glory. It's even more impressive than you imagined. Every joint, every feature, every piece of fabric and paint has been meticulously crafted.
"Woah," you breathe, stepping closer to inspect it.
The puppet was a mesmerizing blend of alien grotesquery and organic menace. Standing as the largest iteration of Audrey II, its slender frame defied your expectations, draped in sickly pink with accents of puke yellow that sent a shiver down your spine. The puppet's design looked like it was inspired by a Venus flytrap, with a face that opens like the petal-like maw of a demogorgon.
In other words, it’s sick as fuck.
“Go on ahead, you can touch it.” Your director gives you permission.
Giggling eagerly, you carefully lift one of the plant's roots. To your surprise, it's heavier than expected, its weight adding to the puppet's realistic feel.
You playfully make the root squirm in your hands, marveling at how lifelike the puppet is even in its stationary state. The texture is smooth yet strangely slippery, reminiscent of a reptile's scales. As you manipulate the root, you can’t help but continue to laugh in awe.
“Be careful though,” your director warns. “It’s not completely finished, so it’s easy to tear.”
You nod obediently at your director's warning, fully aware of the delicate craftsmanship that went into creating Audrey II. With careful hands, you gently place the root back onto the workshop's table, ensuring it rests securely.
As you do so, a sense of fondness washes over you. You pat the root gently once, twice. "Goodbye, Audrey II," you murmur softly, your voice filled with a weird mix of affection.
Your director smiles warmly at your gesture, appreciating your connection with the puppet. "You're going to bring it to life on stage," she says encouragingly, her confidence in you evident.
As the rest of rehearsal proceeds smoothly, you notice Quinn standing by the piano, deep in discussion with Adam, probably about the timing in the music. From the subtle shifts in Quinn's demeanor and the tension in Adam's posture, it's clear that the atmosphere between them is strained.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to suck it up like a big boy and offer Quinn some support. Swallowing any residual discomfort, you make your way over to where they're standing, determined to ease the awkwardness if only for a moment.
"Hey, Quinn," you greet him warmly as you approach, flashing a genuine smile that belies the effort it takes to maintain composure. You deliberately avoid making eye contact with Adam, focusing your attention solely on Quinn.
Quinn's relief is palpable as he meets your gaze, a faint smile of gratitude tugging at his lips. "Hey," he responds, his voice carrying a hint of appreciation.
"Have you seen my Audrey II puppet yet?"
Quinn glances at you, a flicker of interest crossing his face. "Oh, did they finally finish it?"
"Yeah, sorta! I was just heading to go look at it again now. Wanna come with?" you offer, hoping to include him in something that might lift his spirits.
He grimaces slightly, apologetically meeting your gaze. "I would, but I HAVE to run through my lines. Sorry, dude.”
"No big!" you reply with a casual shrug, trying to keep the atmosphere light.
“I want to.” Both you and Quinn swivel your heads to Adam. His tone carries a hint of annoyance, likely catching on to the fact that you've been pointedly avoiding him.
“You want to…?” you ask cautiously, unsure of his sudden interest.
“Look. I want to look at the puppet.” Adam interrupts, standing from the piano stool and closing his binder of sheet music. His abruptness catches you off guard, and you awkwardly laugh, glancing over at Quinn for his reaction.
"Are you sure you don’t want to join us?" you hastily interject, silently pleading with Quinn not to leave you alone with Adam.
“Oh uhhhhh yeah sure! Why not! In fact, let’s get the whole cast to come and look!” Quinn exclaims enthusiastically, seizing the opportunity to divert attention away from any potential awkwardness. His declaration gathers the attention of the entire cast, who readily agree to join in.
Grateful for the distraction, you lead the way to the workshop, guiding everyone towards Audrey II. As the group gathers around the puppet, curiosity and excitement fill the air. Conversations bubble up among the cast members, sharing their thoughts and impressions of the intricate design.
When one of your castmates reaches out to touch the puppet, you instinctively slap their hand away. “Don’t touch it— it’s still fragile,” you caution, a hint of protectiveness in your voice.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Adam raising a brow as your castmate apologizes and joins the rest of the crowd to ogle at Audrey II.
After a few minutes of everyone marveling at Audrey II, they begin to file out of the workshop one by one. You watch the group gradually disperse, feeling a mix of relief and lingering excitement from the shared experience.
Turning back for one last look at Audrey II, you take a moment to soak in the puppet's eerie beauty and the significance it holds for the upcoming production. As you start to turn away, ready to join the others, your heart skips a beat and you clutch your shirt, a startled shriek escaping your lips.
Adam is still there.
His presence catches you completely off guard, the sudden realization causing a jolt of embarrassment to course through you. You hadn't noticed him lingering behind, and now he stands alone in the workshop, observing Audrey II with a thoughtful expression.
You could've sworn Adam had exited with the rest of the group, but there he stands, still in the workshop. Your attempt at a polite smile falters as you realize he’s holding one of the puppet’s roots.
"Adam, put that down," you warn firmly.
"Why should I?" Adam retorts, a playful glint in his eyes as he continues to hold onto Audrey II's root.
"It's not yours," you state matter-of-factly, trying to maintain your composure despite the frustration creeping in.
"Technically not yours either," Adam teases, a smirk playing on his lips.
You bristle at his response, the playful banter hitting a nerve. "It's my character.”
"And yet you don't move the puppets even once.”
"Adam," you warn, your patience wearing thin.
You huff in frustration. "I'm not going to be nice about it."
"You never are.”
"Put. It. Down," you grit through your teeth. "Adam!"
He moves it again, and this time, you hear a faint tearing sound. Your heart sinks as you see the seam start to pull taut.
"Adam!!" you practically shout, urgency in your voice now.
Finally, Adam looks up, his expression shifting from casual amusement to concern as he realizes what he's done. The tear in the puppet's root is evident, a small but significant damage that threatens its fragile structure.
"Oh, shit," Adam mutters under his breath, his eyes widening in realization.
You stand there, a mix of anger and disappointment washing over you. "Adam, please put it down—" you start to say again, but it's too late.
Rrrrrrrip! The tear worsens, the fabric giving way under the strain. You wince at the sound, knowing the damage is done. You both stare in shock as the root rips from the body of Audrey II. Adam jumps, his hands instinctively letting go of the root, which drops to the floor with a soft thud. Your heart sinks as you quickly bend down to retrieve it, hugging the damaged puppet piece protectively against your chest.
The workshop falls silent, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air. You shoot Adam an angry glare, your eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and disappointment. His usual nonchalant attitude falters under your gaze, and for once, he seems genuinely remorseful.
"I didn’t know it was gonna do that!" Adam exclaims, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation as he tries to justify his actions.
Still, you say nothing, your focus solely on assessing the damage to the puppet. The torn fabric and strained seam speak louder than Adam's words.
"Seriously, I didn’t know!" Adam insists, his tone pleading now, seeking validation or perhaps forgiveness.
Silence greets him once more, your expression unreadable as you continue to inspect Audrey II's damaged root.
Adam's nervousness grows palpable. "Really, if it was going to be that fragile, then it totally would’ve ripped on stage!!" he continues, his voice rising slightly in frustration.
But still, you offer no response.
"Why won’t you respond? Say something!" Adam finally demands, his patience wearing thin.
“Why do you have to be such a dick?!”
Adam flinches visibly at your outburst. His expression shifts from defensiveness to a mix of surprise and guilt
“Seriously, you complain and whine about how no one wants to be your friend here, but then you go around and act like this!” Your throat hurts. “Do you have no common sense? No respect for other people? This isn’t some show, Adam, this is my future!”
Adam's tense and nervous laughter only serves to fuel your frustration, his dismissive response hitting a nerve as you confront him with the seriousness of the situation.
"I'm not joking," you assert firmly, your voice edged with determination. "This is my first chance at a lead. If I don't do well now, my director won't consider me for other roles. And without that experience, I'll have nothing to show for when I enter the real world. It's my dream, Adam, and it means everything to me."
"Baby," Adam begins, attempting to placate you, but you cut him off sharply. “I think you’re being a bit overdramatic–”
"Don't tell me how to react!" you snap, your anger bubbling to the surface. "You're such an asshole!!"
"Why? All I did was fuck with a puppet!" Adam retorts defensively, his frustration mirroring yours.
"And then you went behind Quinn's back and flirted with Sadai," you say, your voice cracking slightly with emotion. The reminder of his betrayal overwhelms any lingering anger.
Adam cringes visibly. "I wasn't flirting—" he starts to defend himself, but you’re quick to cut him off.
"Adam," you interject.
"Okay, fine!" Adam admits, his voice tinged with remorse. "I was, but not for the reason you think!"
You meet his gaze, your eyes searching his for an explanation. "Then why?" you ask quietly,
"Jealousy is a very powerful emotion—" Adam starts, but you cut him off, unable to contain your incredulity.
"—you flirted with Sadai to make Quinn jealous?"
Adam hesitates for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Well, I mean, something like that."
"What the fuck," you exclaim, your frustration boiling over. "You manipulative asshole."
Adam winces at your words, his usual bravado crumbling under your righteous anger. "Sadai was in on it!!!" he blurts out defensively. "We were just hoping that... he'd… make a move on her."
"Because he was jealous," you conclude bitterly, the pieces falling into place.
"Yes," Adam confirms, his voice quieter now, his gaze shifting uncomfortably.
"Well, good luck with that now! Now he thinks he has no chance, so he’s not interested anymore. And I can’t say I blame him," you say, your voice tinged with resignation.
Adam's gaze remains steady on you, his expression unreadable as he waits for your response.
"Are you?" he asks gently, much softer than before.
"Am I..." you repeat softly, the question lingering in the air.
"Not interested anymore?"
You feel a lump form in your throat as Adam's gaze lingers on you, his silence echoing loudly in the workshop. The vulnerability of the moment washes over you, leaving you feeling exposed and uncertain.
"In Quinn?" you ask again, your voice barely above a whisper, hoping for clarity amidst the swirling emotions.
Adam's expression remains unreadable, his eyes searching your face as if weighing his words carefully. He doesn't respond immediately, the tension between you palpable.
"No," he finally answers softly, his voice steady but devoid of further explanation.
Your heart sinks slightly at his cryptic response, the lack of elaboration leaving you with more questions than answers. You struggle to maintain composure, your mouth dry as you attempt to process his words and the unspoken implications behind them.
You're very careful with your words. "If I were in Quinn’s shoes, I wouldn’t be.”
Adam sniffs softly, his eyes momentarily flickering away before locking onto yours again. He seems to choose his next words carefully, his demeanor serious yet contemplative.
"Okay. So you’re in Quinn’s shoes and you’re mad at Sadai. What now?" Adam asks.
"I wait for an apology," you reply firmly, your voice gaining strength as you articulate your stance.
"An apology? That’s it?" Adam questions, his brow furrowing slightly in apparent skepticism.
"No, that’s not it," you clarify, meeting his gaze unwaveringly. "But it’s the first step."
Adam purses his lips. "Okay, she apologizes to you. Now what?"
You shrug. "I don’t know.”
"The fuck you mean you don’t know?" Adam exclaims, his frustration escalating.
“You’re right, you’re right. Whatever. So what, should Sadai just go up to Quinn and apologize? What if she’s not sorry?”
"Then she better not talk to him until she is," you assert firmly.
Adam frowns, his expression troubled as he considers your response. "What if Quinn doesn’t forgive her?" he asks, his voice tinged with concern.
"Then Sadai better respect that.”
"And what if it kills Sadai that she won’t have Quinn in her life anymore, if he doesn’t forgive her. What if that’s too big a risk to take— to apologize and find out."
You can't decipher if Adam is speaking from a hypothetical standpoint or if there's a deeper personal resonance behind his questions. Nonetheless, you stand firm in your belief, doubling down on your stance with resolve.
“At least then she’d know.”
Adam nods slowly in agreement, his expression thoughtful as he processes your words. "Right," he acknowledges, his voice subdued.
You stare at him, waiting for an apology that never comes. The silence stretches between you, filled with unspoken expectations and unaddressed emotions. When it becomes apparent that Adam isn’t going to apologize, you sigh deeply, the disappointment evident in your voice.
"Alright Adam, time for you to get out of here," you say with resignation, firmness creeping into your tone.
"But—" Adam starts to protest, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"Just go, Adam," you interrupt, cutting him off before he can say more. "I’ll see you in class."
"C'mon baby—" Adam tries again, a hint of pleading in his voice.
As Adam begins to muster a response, he catches sight of tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. The defiance in him wavers, replaced by a sudden deflation. Adam nods silently, his resolve faltering. Without further words, he turns and exits the room, leaving you to grapple with the aftermath of your exchange.
You’re left still hugging that damn puppet’s root to your chest. Holding it tight makes your heart hurt a little bit less.
After ballet class, you find yourself lingering with a mix of emotions. Adam's absence didn't go unnoticed, and while a part of you is concerned, you're also determined to convince yourself not to care. Getting over a crush is never easy, and you're trying your best to stay focused.
Class was fine. The familiar routines and movements provided a welcome distraction, allowing you to immerse yourself in the physicality of dance. Your muscles ache in that satisfying way that signals a good workout, and your mind feels clearer, if only for a little while.
The sight of Adam waiting outside the dance class catches you off guard. He's sitting on one of the benches, his head buried in one of his hands. At the sound of the door opening, he jumps up, his posture stiff with tension. You watch, puzzled, as he nervously gulps and reveals a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.
For a moment, you just stand there, frozen. The confusion must be evident on your face because Adam's expression shifts from nervousness to something resembling desperation.
"Um, you're late to class," you say dumbly. Of course he knows that.
He glances at the clock. "Yeah, I was waiting for it to be over."
"Why weren’t you here?" you ask, still trying to wrap your head around the situation.
"I wanted to talk to you.”
You glance behind you to see more of your classmates piling out. Contemplating, you bite your lip. “Can it wait?”
“Oh, oh yeah, no, totally, that’s fine,” he stammers, his nervousness evident in the way he shifts on his feet. He passes you the flowers and you take them, cradling them to your chest.
“Okay,” you say, feeling the weight of the bouquet in your hands.
You awkwardly snap your mouth closed and wait for everyone to leave. Ms. Nicole is the last one out. She notices you, Adam, and the bouquet in your hands. She coos, her eyes twinkling with a knowing smile.
“Aww, you two look adorable. Have a good evening, okay?” she says, waving as she exits.
You offer a tight-lipped smile, feeling a flush of embarrassment rise to your cheeks. “Thanks, Ms. Nicole. See you tomorrow.”
As the door closes behind her, you and Adam are left alone in the now-quiet hallway. The silence is thick with unspoken words, and you shift uncomfortably.
You click your tongue. "So..."
"Uh, listen." He finally looks at you. "I'm not good at apologizing—"
"Yeah, I can tell."
His eyes narrow at your interruption, but you remain firm. He hurt you, whether he meant to or not, and you're willing to hear him out, but you won't make it easy for him. "I'm trying here."
“Yeah?” you ask. “Well, try harder.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated but determined. “I’m sorry for messing with your puppet.”
“And?” you prompt, raising an eyebrow.
He grumbles, his voice dropping. “I’m sorry for flirting with Sadai.”
You nod your head slowly. “Okay.”
“Okay. So we’re good?” he asks, hope in his eyes.
You laugh, but it’s a bitter sound. “Fuck no. You were a dick.”
He winces. “I know, I know. But I apologized—”
“You tore my puppet after I told you to put it down. Who do you think got in trouble for that? Not you. And then you go behind our friend’s back and try to make him jealous. You didn’t even get anything out of it!”
“He wasn’t the only one we were trying to make jealous!” Adam blurts out, eyes widening as if he didn’t mean to announce that.
You don’t stop to think of the implications, your anger flaring again. “Right, because that makes it much, much better.”
“Well, I already apologized!”
“I know.”
“So, I’m forgiven?” he asks, hopeful.
“No,” you reply firmly.
“Cut me some slack here!” he begs.
“I have been. For a long time,” you respond, your patience wearing thin.
“I even got you flowers! I never get any bitch flowers!”
Your eye twitches. “Try again.”
He takes a deep breath, realizing his mistake. “I never get anyone flowers. I promise, I’m really trying here.”
“Trying what? Because you’re certainly not trying to apologize. You’re just saying the words.”
He groans, exasperated. “I’m trying to confess to you, alright! I’d like to take you out, but I can’t do that if you’re mad at me!”
You stare at him, the anger quickly being replaced by a deep sense of disappointment. “…so you’re only apologizing so I’ll go out with you.” It’s not a question.
Adam is silent, the guilt evident in his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. He realizes how hollow his apology now sounds.
You sigh, continuing. “Listen, Adam, you’re a dick. But you can be real sweet when you try. Being around you can be a whole lot of fun, when you’re not being a little shit. I like you a lot too, Adam.”
He perks up, hope lighting up his eyes.
“—but I can’t go out with you.”
His face falls, the hope extinguished as quickly as it appeared. “Why not?”
“You’re not boyfriend material. You’re real rough around the edges.”
He looks desperate, pleading almost. “You can help with that!”
"Adam, I'm not going to fix you. You need to fix yourself before we even consider going out. And that starts with a proper apology. A meaningful one, not just because you want me to forgive you."
For once, he shuts up and nods. "Okay. I'm sorry."
"Nice try. I'll give you some time," you reply firmly, holding your ground.
Adam looks at you, seeming to understand the gravity of what you're asking for. He nods again, more earnestly this time. "I'll do better. I promise."
You give him a small, cautious smile. "I hope so, Adam."
With that, you turn and walk away, leaving him to contemplate his actions and words. It's a step forward, albeit a small one, and you're hopeful that he'll take the time to reflect and make the changes necessary. For now, you're content to wait and see what happens next.
The next day at rehearsal, when you walk in, Adam waves at you from a distance. You appreciate the space he's giving you; being around him still leaves your head spinning. The rehearsal proceeds smoothly, with everyone focused on their roles and scenes.
As you go through the routines and lines, you find yourself immersed in the production, trying to put the recent events with Adam aside. Your performance is your focus now, and you're determined to give it your best despite the distractions.
During breaks, you catch glimpses of Adam occasionally glancing your way, but he doesn't approach you. Part of you wonders if he's taking your words to heart and giving you the space you need. It's a relief in some ways, but also leaves you with a lingering sense of uncertainty about where things stand between you.
It’s finally sitzprobe time, which means it’s the first time the cast gets to sing along with the band, and not just Adam’s accompaniment. Usually, you’d be a bit nervous about rehearsing with Adam, but he’s been surprisingly respectful with your distance.
That, you’re incredibly grateful for, as opening night looming closer and closer, you haven’t had time to think about romance or drama or whatever. Your free time has been spent going over lines, rehearsing your music, and stressing over this show. Basically, your life is now revolving around your production of Little Shop.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
You were all herded into the music room, music stands holding binders– or for the less prepared, loose papers. The actors were pushed to the back of the area to make room for the band’s equipment.
You flip through your binder, mentally going over your music in your head. The sitzprobe was to start in a few minutes, so you were making sure to have everything down. Since you were just singing along with the band, you didn’t need to worry about lines or blocking– just your music.
As the band fine-tunes their equipment, the room is filled with a low hum of anticipation. Adam, with his guitar perched on his thigh, looks focused as he adjusts his amp chord. The heat and the crowded space have left a sheen of sweat on his forehead, causing his messy hair to stick to his skin. You catch yourself biting your lip at the sight, your mind momentarily drifting despite your best efforts to stay focused on the rehearsal.
When he meets your eye– because of course he would– you almost look away. But you don’t. Instead, you hold his gaze, feeling bold. He stares back. From your side, you hear Quinn call your name.
“Do you have a spare pencil?”
You look over to see Quinn’s backpack completely turned inside out in search of a pencil. You laugh before handing him one of your extras. You nod at his quick and embarrassed “thanks” before looking back to adam–
–Who is still watching you.
You feel yourself blushing under his warm gaze, your cheeks tinged with a faint pink hue. Despite your shyness, you manage to muster a timid smile. His response is a surprisingly sweet smile that melts your nerves and sends a flutter through your heart.
This time, it's he who breaks the gaze, turning away to start tuning his guitar. Each testing strum reverberates loudly through his amp, filling the room with its vibrant sound. With every chord he adjusts, you feel yourself grow more and more hot under the collar.
So he looks sexy playing guitar– go fuck yourself!
When it’s time for the sitzprobe to actually start, you almost miss your cue, too distracted watching Adam. He’s completely focused on his guitar, and you’re completely focused on him. Can you blame yourself, though?
Eventually, it's your turn to sing, and you hear the familiar notes creeping in. Taking a deep breath, you belt out the song with all your heart. A smile spreads across your face as you feel the electric guitar blending beautifully with your voice.
Before you knew it, tech week had sneaked up on you. With opening night just around the corner, the days leading up to it were a whirlwind of adding the finishing touches—adjusting lights, fine-tuning sound levels, and perfecting costumes down to every last detail.
Today's agenda had been slated for running through lighting cues and honing the synchronization between your voice and the Audrey II puppet; You were eager to finally meet the puppeteer who would bring your character to life. However, upon meeting her, despite her incredible talents, it didn’t seem like she wanted to be there very much. Or maybe that was just her serious RBF. So instead, you spent your breaks avoiding her.
Since today was focused solely on lights, the band wasn't called in. Despite your best efforts to downplay it, you couldn't shake the disappointment that settled in. After the last sitzprobe, you had been eagerly anticipating another chance to watch Adam shred his guitar. The thought of his skilled fingers dancing over the strings made your mouth water.
Not that you’d admit it, though.
After checking in with the stage manager to confirm your attendance, you heaved your monster-sized duffel bag towards the dressing room. The door protested with a loud squeal as you pushed it open, prompting a wince from you. However, your expression quickly turned into a wide grin when you realized you had the dressing room all to yourself for now. It was a rare moment of tranquility before the whirlwind of preparations began—a brief calm before the storm of tech week.
As you approach your designated spot at the mirrors, you're taken aback by what you find. Sitting neatly on your seat is a fresh bottle of water and a thermos. Intrigued and slightly skeptical, you twist open the thermos lid and bring it close to your nose, taking a cautious sniff. A smile spreads across your face when you recognize the familiar scent of throat coat tea. Score!
You hesitate, momentarily questioning if you should be tampering with these items, worried they might have been placed at your station by mistake. Yet, your curiosity gets the better of you when you notice a card tucked behind the water bottle. With cautious fingers, you pick it up, finding your name neatly written on the back. Perplexed, you carefully tear open the envelope and pull out the card.
"Break a leg. Or whatever the fuck you say. This isn't an apology. Not yet. You deserve something better than a card."
You notice a few lines that have been crossed out, suggesting some hesitation or revision. But at the end, it's signed with a heart—
Giddy butterflies fluttered in your stomach, and this time, instead of brushing them aside, you allowed yourself to revel in the sensation of hope and happiness. It felt absolutely wonderful.
You opened the thermos once more, letting the comforting scent of throat coat tea waft out, and took your first sip. The warm, soothing liquid eased your nerves as you continued to prepare for rehearsal. You carried the thermos with you out onto the stage, still taking generous sips. .
Mid-sip, you choke slightly as your eyes meet Adam's in the audience. There's a moment of surprise, followed by a rush of warmth when you see the pleased—no, relieved—expression on his face as he notices you enjoying his gift. With the hopeful butterflies still fluttering in your stomach, you can't help but smile and wave in his direction, a silent acknowledgment of gratitude.
He blinks in surprise before a warm smile spreads across his face, and he waves back. It becomes clear that seeing you enjoy his gesture was his sole purpose for being here today. With a practiced casualness, he slips his hands into his pockets and begins to make his way towards the exit. For once, you’re the one watching him go.
You totally look at his butt while he walks.
The past two days of tech week had been long and grueling, each hour stretching into what felt like an eternity. Yet, somehow, you managed to push through, thanks in large part to an alarming abundance of energy drinks. Who could blame you, though? The relentless schedule demanded it.
You'd developed a strategic habit of stashing energy drinks in every conceivable spot—your bag, your dorm room, and especially your dressing room. This way, no matter where you were, a quick jolt of caffeine was always within arm's reach.
Today, as you arrived at rehearsal, you polished off yet another can and felt the familiar pang of needing a refill. Without a second thought, you made a beeline for the dressing room, determined to grab another energy drink before diving back into the demanding pace of tech week.
Now that the lights and sounds had been meticulously carved out, the band was invited back today to perform with everyone. You had already run through the show once, which meant it was now time for a break before notes and then another run-through.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you at the thought of a second run-through. The first one hadn't been your best, and you couldn’t help but replay every minor mistake in your mind. Although you knew you were your own harshest critic, you couldn't shake the desire for perfection. This show was important to you, and you desperately needed it to go well.
You finally reached the dressing room door, grateful for a moment of solitude. Everyone else was taking their water break and snacking in the lobby, leaving you the dressing room all to yourself, which you always appreciated. The quiet space provided a welcome respite from the chaos outside.
Plopping yourself down in your seat, you rummaged through your belongings in search of another energy drink. When your fingers finally closed around the familiar can (thank god), you quickly pushed on the tab to open it, savoring the crisp sound of the release. Without hesitation, you took a big gulp, feeling the rush of caffeine invigorate your senses.
Suddenly, as you were wiping your mouth on your shirt sleeve, a knock echoed through the dressing room door. Rolling your eyes, you assumed it was someone from the neighboring dressing room, probably looking for more hairspray or some other last-minute item.
However, what greeted you when you swung open the door was entirely unexpected. Instead of a fellow cast member, you found yourself face-to-face with a gigantic piece of poster paper. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust and process the sight in front of you.
"Pretend it's your director," the poster read in bold, messy letters.
"Um," you muttered, looking around in confusion. "I'm the only one in here..."
Before you could make sense of it, Adam's head popped up from behind the poster board. Of course—it had to be him. He looked absolutely giddy, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he took in your bewildered expression.
“At least pretend,” he playfully pouts, his eyes twinkling. It's surprising to see him in such a good mood.
“Okay, okay,” you relent, laughing. You can’t help but join in on his contagious amusement.
He flips the poster.
“With any luck, by next year,” it reads.
He flips it again.
“I’ll be going out with one of these people.”
The next flip reveals a collage of different models and celebrities. Despite yourself, you can't help but burst into laughter.
“Are you stealing this from Love, Actually?” you ask, grinning.
“Shhh, don’t spoil the surprise,” he replies, putting a finger to his lips dramatically.
“But for now, let me say,”
“Without hope or agenda”
“Just because its tech week—”
“(And at tech week you tell the truth)”
“…I’m sorry”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, setting aside the signs to focus fully on him. His playful demeanor has shifted subtly, revealing a softer, more vulnerable side. His gaze meets yours, and you notice a hint of bashfulness in his expression. His Adam’s apple bobs noticeably as he swallows, the tension palpable in the quiet moment between you.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, taking a deep breath before the words tumble out in a rush. “I’m sorry I messed with your puppet, and I’m also sorry I flirted with Sadai. You made this whole point about how it upset Quinn. You didn’t say it, but I knew it upset you, too.”
He pauses, searching your face for your reaction. When you nod encouragingly, he continues, his voice earnest.
“It’s… why I did it. I hoped you would have confessed to me. But instead it hurt you. And so then I messed with your puppet because I’d rather you be mad than sad, but you still were and I was a dick. I’m really, really sorry. I’ll even get on my knees. I—”
"Adam," you interrupt softly.
He flinches, expecting a different reaction—perhaps yelling, tears, or a freak-out. What he doesn’t expect is for you to lean in and give him a gentle peck on the cheek.
Adam blinks in surprise, his eyes widening as he processes the unexpected gesture. His cheeks flush slightly, and for a moment, he's at a loss for words.
“I forgive you,” you say softly, leaning back into your own space.
His mouth opens and closes like a fish gasping for air, before a dopey smile spreads across his face, lighting up his features.
“I still feel like I need to make it up to you,” he admits, his voice tinged with relief and happiness, as if he's floating on cloud nine.
“You will,” you reply with a knowing smile.
“I will,” he agrees, a look of determination settling in his eyes as he finally comes back down to earth. He smiles at you, then places his hands on your shoulders with a resolute expression.“This doesn’t mean we’re going out yet, though. I need to sweep you off your feet.”
You can’t help but laugh at his declaration. “Is that so?”
“Absolutely,” he replies, his eyes twinkling with a mix of seriousness and playfulness. “You deserve the best, and I’m going to prove that I can give it to you.”
Touched by his sincerity, you nod. “Alright, Adam. I’m looking forward to it.”
He nods, then raps his fist on the door frame. “Welp, looks like we better get back to rehearsal…”
You hum in agreement. “Yep…”
A moment of stillness hangs between you before you grab him by his shirt collar and tug him forward. He grins the whole way, eyes sparkling with anticipation. You plant a kiss on his mouth, and he smiles through it, pressing his lips firmly against yours. The kiss is brief but charged, lasting only a second before you both pull away.
“Well!” you bring your hands together in a loud clap, bashfully embarrassing his eyes. “Gotta go!”
The next day, after a long rehearsal, you start packing up to head to dinner. As you're in the middle of a conversation with one of your castmates, your phone buzzes with a notification. You pick it up from the dressing room table, pausing mid-sentence to glance at the screen.
You tilt your head in confusion as you see that the notification is from a random number.
You hesitantly click on the attachment, and a video begins to play on your phone screen.
The video is of your song "Feed Me." You watch in awe as the puppet comes to life, synchronized perfectly with your voice. This is the first time you've seen yourself perform as Audrey II, and you find yourself captivated by the seamless blend of your vocals and the puppeteer's movements.
Surprisingly, you’re impressed with your own performance. Your voice sounds powerful and emotive, carrying the song with confidence and flair. Watching the puppet and hearing your own vocals, you realize just how much you've accomplished. A sense of pride washes over you, mixed with a touch of disbelief.
The video is taken from the pit of the stage, where the band is located. You notice the phone recording is propped up on what you assume is a music stand, angled perfectly to capture the stage. A hint of suspicion about who took the video begins to form in your mind.
Your suspicions are confirmed when, after the song ends, you hear an enthusiastic whoop and holler from behind the phone. A drumstick suddenly appears, swinging into view, and you hear Adam curse loudly, likely having been smacked with the stick. The unexpected moment makes you giggle; the scene is endearing and somewhat cute.
When you click out of the video, your phone buzzes again.
UNKNOWN You were super good. -your secret admirer
You can't help but smile as you type back.
YOU Adam
A moment later, your phone buzzes again with a quick response.
You quickly add his number to your contacts, labeling it with a fond smile. As you finish, you glance up and catch sight of yourself in the dressing room mirror. The realization that you're grinning from ear to ear makes you blush. Your cheeks warm, and you can’t help but laugh softly at yourself.
ADAM Wanna sit next to each other at dinner I won’t bite And I know you won’t either ;]
YOU Are you gonna flirt with Sadai again
ADAM Okay so apparently you /will/ bite. And no I will not.
YOU Then yes
ADAM Ok I’m boutta leave I’ll save you a seat
Just as you're about to put your phone away, another notification pops up. You open it to find a selfie of Adam, flashing a peace sign with a goofy grin. The only caption reads, “Am I kawaii?”
You laugh but decide not to respond, clicking your phone off with a shake of your head.
Determined to get to the restaurant, you gather all your belongings and throw them into your duffel bag. Slinging it over your shoulder, you take one last glance around the dressing room, feeling a mix of excitement and satisfaction.
As you step out into the bustling hallway, you feel lighter, a spring in your step as you head towards the exit.
With your head down, still thinking about Adam’s ridiculous text, you almost run face-first into Quinn. He steps back just in time, and based on his expectant expression, you already know what he's going to ask.
“Yes, I can give you a ride.”
He cheekily smiles, his eyes lighting up. “Sick.”
You both walk to your car in silence. Once inside, you unlock it and slide into the driver’s seat. As you click your seatbelt in place and adjust the rearview mirror, Quinn awkwardly coughs, breaking the quiet.
“So,” he starts, his voice a bit uneven, as if he’s unsure. “You and Adam.”
“Me and Adam?” you prompt, glancing over at him.
“Are y’all… a thing now?” he asks, his curiosity evident.
You awkwardly shrug as you turn on the car ignition and begin to back out of your parking spot. Technically, you aren't lying. Adam hasn’t asked you out yet, but you did kiss—it's like some sort of limbo.
“Are you just going to look past his dick actions?” Quinn asks, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity.
“He apologized. Like, actually. It was this whole thing,” you explain, trying to convey the sincerity of Adam’s apology.
“Oh,” Quinn replies, looking down, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
You get on the road and steal a quick glance at Quinn. He’s anxiously bouncing his knees, his shoulders as taut as a rubber band.
“So, you and Sadai.”
“Me and Sadai,” he echoes, his voice carrying a hint of tension.
You roll to a stop at a red light, keeping your eyes forward as you attempt to carefully breach the topic. He hasn’t stopped bouncing his legs.
“Have y’all talked after that night?” you ask gently.
“No,” he replies, his tone clipped and filled with frustration.
You click your tongue thoughtfully. “Maybe you should.”
“Yeah, maybe…”
You can’t take it anymore. The words burst out of you before you can stop them. “Sadai and Adam only flirted to make us jealous!”
Quinn’s legs stop bouncing, and he perks up, suddenly full of energy. “I knew it!” he exclaims, a triumphant look on his face.
You laugh, relieved to have finally admitted that information. But then you pause, realizing something. “What do you mean you knew it? And you didn’t tell me?”
“Well, you didn’t tell me!” Quinn laughs.
“But yeah, no!” He sits back in his chair, a smug look on his face. “I totally knew it! They kept looking at us!”
You frown, trying to remember. “They did?”
“Yes! And when we left, Jared said they just... stopped talking to each other entirely!”
You groan, facepalming. “Oh my god.”
Eventually, you both pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. You park your car and step out, Quinn following suit.
“Uh, hey guys.”
You turn to see Sadai perched on the sidewalk, standing up and brushing off any dirt as she sees you. Her expression is tentative, eyes flicking nervously between you and Quinn.
You glance between Sadai and Quinn, noticing the tension in the air. Quinn’s eyes are locked on Sadai, a mix of emotions playing across his face. Just as he moves to open your car door, clearly trying to escape the situation, you quickly press the lock button.
He tugs at the car door handle, but the door remains firmly shut. His frustration becomes apparent as he glares at you, a mixture of betrayal and disbelief on his face. His eyes dart between you and Sadai, his shoulders slumping in resignation.
You stand firm, meeting his gaze with a resolute expression. “Adam’s waiting for me. Don’t take too long,” you say, your tone carrying a hint of finality.
With that, you turn on your heel and walk towards the restaurant entrance, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in your stomach. You can feel Quinn’s eyes boring into your back as you move away, his disapproval palpable even from behind. You almost falter, a pang of guilt hitting you for leaving him to face this conversation alone. But you remind yourself that sometimes, facing uncomfortable truths is necessary for growth and resolution.
You push open the restaurant door and step inside, the lively hum of conversation and clinking cutlery greeting you warmly. Your eyes scan the room, quickly locating your table. A wave of relief washes over you as you spot Adam among your friends, seated comfortably towards the middle of the group.
You wave hi to everyone, your smile widening when you see the empty seat next to Adam. You make your way over, feeling a mix of excitement and relief.
“Hey, dickwad!” you call out playfully.
Adam’s head snaps up at the sound of your voice. His face lights up instantly, his smile spreading from ear to ear. The sight makes your heart flutter, just a little, as you approach him.
“Hey, bitch!” he responds with equal enthusiasm, waving you over. “I saved you a seat!”
He pats the seat next to him, and you slide in with a smile. As soon as you’re settled, Adam wraps an arm around your shoulders, giving you a playful half-hug. The gesture feels warm and comforting, a stark contrast to the awkwardness you left behind outside.
“How’d you like the video?” he asks, his voice light and full of enthusiasm. “Aren’t you just the best?”
You feel your cheeks warm under his praise, and you duck your head slightly, a shy smile tugging at your lips. “My favorite part was when you got hit with the drumstick,” you admit, your eyes twinkling with amusement.
Adam dramatically groans, pulling his arm away and releasing you. “I really thought I cut that part out…” he says, pretending to be exasperated.
You laugh, the sound genuine and joyful, and it feels good to let go of the day’s stress. Reaching for the menu, you start browsing through the options, feeling the familiar sense of comfort and relaxation settle over you as the conversation flows around the table.
As time passes, you find yourself genuinely enjoying dinner. The food is delicious, and the atmosphere is lively and warm. Adam is surprisingly attentive throughout the meal, making a point to include you in all his conversations. He listens intently to your stories and takes an active interest in the topics you bring up. His easygoing nature and the way he makes you feel heard only add to the evening’s enjoyment.
Despite the pleasant distraction, your mind occasionally drifts to the Quinn-and-Sadai-shaped hole in the group dynamic. They’ve been outside talking for what feels like forever, even after your food arrived. The minutes tick by, and you start to wonder what’s going on.
Just as you’re nearing the end of your meal, you catch sight of them finally making their way inside. Your gaze naturally shifts towards the entrance, and your eyes widen in surprise when you see them walking hand in hand.
Your jaw drops in surprise as you watch Quinn and Sadai approach the table, their hands intertwined. You glance over at Adam, who is mid-bite into a juicy rib, his mouth full and his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
You nudge his attention towards Quinn and Sadai. Adam’s eyes follow your gesture, and as he takes in the sight of them holding hands, his face lights up with genuine excitement and happiness.
“They’re holding hands!” you exclaim, unable to keep the delight out of your voice.
Quinn and Sadai settle into the only available spots— a table a few feet away from you. Without a second thought, you peel yourself off your seat, nearly bumping into other diners as you practically race to Quinn.
As you approach, you come up behind him and place your hands firmly on his shoulders. The sudden contact startles him, and he turns his head slightly, looking up at you with a mix of surprise and confusion.
You lean in slightly, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. “Hey,” you say softly. “I need to use the restroom. Care to accompany me?” You tighten your grip on Quinn’s shoulders just enough to make it clear that this is not up for debate.
Quinn chokes, his eyes widening in surprise. “Y-yeah. That’s all good. Let me just…”
He stumbles slightly as he stands up, clearly flustered. Your hands fall away from his shoulders, and he avoids making eye contact as you start walking toward the bathroom. You let him be, content to lead the way
You’re seriously getting deja vu from the last cast dinner.
Quinn, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor, shrugs casually. However, a telltale smile tugs at the corners of his lips, betraying his genuine happiness. “We talked,” he says simply, though the glimmer in his eyes suggests there’s more to the story.
You place your hands on your hips, trying to hide your impatience. “You have to give me the details! Now!”
Quinn chuckles, shaking his head. “There’s too many details to go over right now. I’ll just call you tonight and fill you in.”
You sigh dramatically but can’t help but smile at the thought of hearing all the juicy details later. “Okay, okay fine,” you concede. “I wasn’t kidding about needing to pee, though. Wait here for me, okay?”
After you finish up in the restroom, you and Quinn walk back towards your respective tables. As you reach his table, you pause for a moment and give him a quick, affectionate ruffle of his hair. The gesture is filled with genuine excitement and happiness for him.
“You really deserve good things,” you say warmly, your voice brimming with sincerity. “I’m so glad you and Sadai worked things out.”
Quinn's face lights up with a grateful smile, and he nods appreciatively. “Thanks for everything. I’ll fill you in on all the details tonight.”
You give him a final encouraging nod before turning back towards your table.
You slide back into your seat next to Adam, and immediately notice his subtle attempts to inch closer to you. His movements are slow and deliberate, as though he’s trying to discreetly close the gap between you without drawing too much attention.
For the fun of it—and maybe because you actually enjoy the closeness—you let him continue his subtle advances. You shift just a bit, allowing him to inch closer. His arm brushes against yours, and you can feel the warmth of his body next to yours.
Adam seems to sense your willingness and takes the opportunity to move a bit closer. His shoulder lightly brushes against yours, and he offers a soft, satisfied smile, clearly pleased with the closeness.
As you settle back into your seat, you feel Adam’s mouth come close to your ear. His breath tickles your skin as he murmurs, “Wanna get out of here?”
You turn your head slightly, catching the playful glint in his eyes, and nudge him away with a light shove. “I need to pay, dipshit,” you reply with a teasing edge to your voice.
Adam’s face lights up with a smirk, clearly pleased with his little revelation. “Oh, I already took care of it,” he says, his tone almost smug. He reaches over and gently brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch tender and reassuring.
You blink in surprise, your eyes widening. “What??”
He chuckles softly, his smile widening at your reaction. “Yep. I’ve got it covered, baby. It was getting late, and you need to rest up for tech week.”
You let Adam guide you out of the restaurant, feeling a mix of excitement and contentment. As you walk towards the exit, you turn back to give a cheerful wave to the rest of your castmates, your smile wide and genuine. “Goodbye, everyone!” you call out, your voice full of warmth.
Your thoughts briefly drift to Quinn, who are likely only now getting their food. You’re confident that he’ll be just fine to ride home with Sadai.
As you approach your car, Adam walks beside you, his hand still gently holding yours. When you reach the driver’s side, he steps back to let you unlock the door. You’re pleasantly surprised by his gentlemanly gesture as he opens it for you with a wide grin.
You look up at him, your eyebrows raised in playful suspicion. “Did you make me leave early just so you could have a kiss?” you ask, your tone light but teasing.
Adam’s grin widens, and he gives a mock sheepish shrug. “Ya caught me,”
You roll your eyes with a playful sigh, feeling the warmth of the moment. Gently, you cup Adam’s face in your hands, and he melts into your touch, his expression softening into a dopey smile. His eyes flutter closed, and he purses his lips expectantly. You meet him halfway, leaning in for a kiss.
The kiss is sweet and brief, lasting only a second, but it’s filled with an undeniable connection. You’re pleasantly surprised when he doesn’t try to sneak in any tongue action; instead, he keeps it tender and simple. When you pull away, he surprises you again by planting a quick kiss on your forehead, his touch light and affectionate.
Before you can react, Adam’s hand gives your backside a playful smack, and he bursts into laughter. “Adam!” you gasp, your face flushing with a mix of shock and amusement.
He chuckles heartily, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and begins to sprint away towards his car. You watch him run, laughing at the impish grin on his face as he disappears into the distance
What a guy.
You’re sprawled out on your stomach, idly kicking your legs in the air, when you hear a knock on your dorm room door. Assuming it’s your roommate who’s forgotten their card key yet again, you roll off your bed with a sigh and pad over to the door, swinging it open without a second thought.
“Heeeeyyyyyy bitch,” a familiar voice greets you.
Your eyes widen in surprise as you take in the sight of Adam leaning casually against the door frame. In one hand, he’s holding a loaf of bread, and in the other, a steaming cup of what you assume is coffee.
“Why are you here?” you ask, the surprise evident in your voice. “How are you here?”
“Remember that one time I walked you home? Yep. Took a picture of your room number so I’d never forget.”
You feel a mix of emotions—both a little creeped out by the fact that he remembered your room number like that, and oddly flattered by his dedication.
“So,” you say, tapping on the doorframe. “what’re you doing here?”
Adam’s grin broadens. “I was thinking about taking a walk around campus. Care to join me?”
You glance down at the loaf of bread in his hand, then back up at him. “Do you need to put that down or...?”
“Nah.” Adam slaps the loaf lightly, careful not to crush it. “This big guy will be joining us.”
“Um, okay.” You smile, amused and curious. “Why?”
Adam tugs at his collar, a bit sheepishly. “I was hoping to take you to the lake down by the library. Maybe feed the baby ducks.”
You can’t help but melt a little. “Aww, cute!” you say, and Adam ducks his head, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Let me go change out of my nasty pajamas,” you add, stepping back into your room.
“Aw, but I like the bed head,” he teases, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You push him off, swatting him playfully until he steps out into the hall.
“Give me a minute,” you call out as you close the door. You quickly change into something more suitable for a walk around campus, then open the door to find Adam engrossed in his phone. When he notices you, he clicks it off and smiles, eyes lighting up.
“Here.” He shoves the hot drink towards you. Confused, you glance up at him through your lashes. He quickly explains, “I bought you an herbal tea. Figured it’d help for tech week.”
Your eyebrows quirk up in surprise, and a slight blush fills your cheeks at the thoughtfulness of it all. “Aw, Adam, you didn’t have to.”
“I know. Just wanted to.” He shrugs, but there’s a genuine warmth in his eyes.
You two had walked the expanse of the campus, mindlessly chatting. It was surprisingly pleasant, and you found yourself enjoying the conversation as you sipped on your tea. It was a bit bitter, but you appreciated the gesture, knowing it would help during tech week. When you finished, you quickly tossed the empty cup in the nearest trash.
Adam was just as bold and brash as ever, but as you looked past his jokes and playful banter, you noticed the subtle signs of his nervousness. The way he kept squeezing the loaf of bread, squishing the slices between his fingers, was almost too endearing. For someone who usually plays it so cool, seeing him so anxious about something as simple as feeding ducks made him seem more genuine.
You couldn't help but smile, appreciating this different side of him. It was clear he was trying hard to make the day special for you, and his nervousness only made the gesture more touching.
You eventually find yourself at the library’s lake, the peaceful setting a perfect backdrop for your outing. The ducks are a welcome distraction, and you both sit shoulder-to-shoulder, enjoying the serene atmosphere. The sun casts a warm glow over the water, and you can’t help but feel content.
You’re deep in conversation about the oddest things when you spot the baby ducks. Your excitement bubbles up, and you grab Adam’s arm, pointing towards the tiny, fluffy creatures. He turns to look and immediately lights up, a soft smile spreading across his face. He places his hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze before reaching into the loaf of bread he brought.
You both begin tearing off small pieces of bread and tossing them into the water. The ducks quickly flock to the crumbs, their tiny beaks pecking eagerly. You take turns feeding them, each small piece met with a flurry of happy quacks and paddling.
As one particularly brave baby duck waddles up almost to your feet, you struggle to contain a squeal of delight. The sheer cuteness of the moment makes your heart flutter. Adam chuckles beside you, clearly amused by your reaction.
That doesnt last long, however.
You hear a dramatic gasp of offense before some short, blond twink comes angrily waddling towards you both. Adam, upon spotting him, immediately glowers.
“Um, hey..?” You greet, unsure of the appropriate response.
The blond ignores you in favor of pointing a sharp finger towards the loaf in your hands.
“Is that bread?” He asks, incredulous.
He furrows his brows and puffs out his chest. “And you’re feeding it to the ducks?”
You look to Adam for reassurance, however he’s too busy glaring daggers at the short man. “…yes?”
The man lets out an ignified squawk. “You can’t do that! You’ll fill them up with nutrition-less food, and then they won’t have an appetite for their actual diet! Are you insane?”
You sheepishly tug the loaf of bread behind your back, hiding it from the man. “Sorry.”
He goes to say something else, before finally noticing Adam next to you. His eyes dart between you both before coming to some sort of conclusion. His once offended face splits into a smug grin. You don’t like how he’s looking at you.
And apparently neither does Adam, because he’s maneuvering you to stand up. Before he gets a chance to turn you around, the man grabs your hand and starts shaking it.
“How rude of Adam to not introduce us! The name’s Lucius, but you can call me Lulu.” The man, Lucius, purrs.
You wrinkle your nose. “You want me to call you lulu?”
Adam forces his way between you both, managing to make Lucius let go of you. You’re thankful for him not to be touching you anymore. “Alright, cunt, leave them alone. You’ve already taken two, that should be enough.”
You’re somewhat offended to be reduced to some number, but your confusion stops you. Whatever dick measuring contest the two of them are holding right now, you want no part of it. “Adam, relax. He’s just upset about the bread.”
“Like hell he is! That’s how he gets you!
“Gets me to do what?”
You look between Lucius, who’s smirking and whistling like he’s in a cartoon, and Adam, who’s staring at the ground with a deep scowl. You feel like you’re missing something big, like there’s an inside joke you’re not a part of. The situation is honestly frustrating.
“Gets me to do what?!” You repeat.
Lucius ignores your question. “You know, you’re rather pretty, aren’t you?”
. “Don’t.” Adam says.
Lucius goes for a more personal approach, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. You instinctively dodge his hand, but he doesn’t seem deterred. Instead, he rakes his fingers down past your head, his touch lingering as he toys with your shirt collar. His eyes glint with mischief as he leans in closer. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing slumping around a tool like Adam?”
“Lucius…”. Adam warns.
“Better to run while you still can.” Lucius laughs. You don’t think it’s very funny. “No one ever stays with him for too long, and it’s better to not find out why. “
Adam’s shoulders slump as his anger melts into hurt. He grumbles something under his breath before turning on his heel and marching off, leaving you standing there with Lucius. You watch him walk away, feeling a pang of disappointment at his sudden departure.
Lucius catches your gaze, his eyes filled with what seems like pity, and it makes you bristle. How dare he assume he knows more about your relationship with Adam than you do? The audacity of this man, who’s clearly intruding on your time together, is infuriating.
Before you have a chance to voice your frustration, Lucius’s lips curl into a reassuring smile. But something about it is far from comforting. The smile exposes unnaturally sharp teeth, making you feel even more uneasy.
You nervously flash him an almost-smile before scurrying off to join Adam. He seems honest-to-god surprised you chose him over that other guy, which is sort of rude, but you try to look past it. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” He grunts.
“Okayyy…? Then where are we going? I thought we were getting lunch.”
It looks like it hurts him to say whatever’s next. “No. I’m taking you home.”
“Why? I thought we were going on a date?”
“Because.” He swallowed hard. “The date was ruined.”
You raise an eyebrow, taking a second. You know not to take it to heart— poor dude’s ego was just watered down right in front of him. So you choose a different approach. “Ruined?”
Adam, still sulking, nods his head. “Ruined.”
“Do you think it was ruined?”
“No, but you do.”
You scrunch your face up. “I do? Since when?”
Adam finally looks up from the floor and into your eyes. He’s a bit more energetic than before. “Since Lulu came in and ruined it?”
“First off, don’t call him that. Second off, he was just some crazy twink! What, did you think I was gonna run off with him into the night just because he gave me a compliment?”
“The others did.”
Okay, now you really are confused. “The others?”
Adam rolls his eyes, but not at you. He huffs and sits down on the nearest bench, encouraging you to follow. When you do, he grabs the bread from you, opens it, and starts absentmindedly chewing on a slice.
“I used to have two girlfriends. Not at the same time, though. That’d be way too much drama to deal with.”
Nice to know that that’s where he draws the line…
“But Lucifer—“
“Lucifer?” You balk.
He rolls his eyes and corrects himself. “Lucius set sights on both of them. When I wasn’t looking, he went behind my back and swept them off their feet. Both of them!!! Both of them chose him over me! So excuse me for getting upset when I thought you would too!”
A pang of sympathy plays at your heart, and it takes everything in you to not pull him into a tight hug and never let go. Sure, Adam’s a jerk. A cocky, jerky, dickhole. But he’s been sweet to you. And funny. And thoughtful.
“Well I’m not like your other two girlfriends, am I?” You carefully say.
Adam looks at you with a confused expression, not exactly sure on where you’re going with this. “…no.”
“Then Adam,” you reach for him and feel awful when he flinches away. However, you keep going and manage to pet his hair. “Why would I run away? I want you, plain and simple. I’m still waiting for you to ask me out, ya know.”
Despite everything, he bashfully smiles and looks away. “Yeah, alright. I get it.”
“Do you?”
He looks to you, really looks. And finally— “I do.”
You both stare at each other for a second. You’ve never seen this side of Adam before— vulnerable and open. It’s addicting, and you want more of it. You want to know him inside and out. Before you can think of the overwhelming ache in your bones, you’re standing again and brushing off your clothes.
“Alright, Adam, baby.” Your voice is still soft with emotion. You reach towards him and smile when he grabs ahold of your hand with no hesitation. “Let’s keep walking.”
You pull Adam up, and he follows your lead with ease. As he stands, he doesn’t let go of your hand, holding on tightly. His face is a mixture of emotions—pinched tight with tension and his eyes a bit glossy, but he’s still smiling. It’s a vulnerable sight, and your heart aches for him.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly, concerned.
Adam brings his free hand up, roughly wiping at his face as if trying to clear away the emotions that are threatening to spill over. “Yeah. Yeah, I just… I don’t know. I kind of expected you to run away after all that. I’m just relieved.”
Seeing his struggle, you squeeze his hand reassuringly. The touch is gentle but firm, a silent promise that you’re here for him. He squeezes back, and you both stand there for a moment, connected by this simple but meaningful gesture.
The air between you feels lighter, filled with an unspoken understanding. You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the day’s emotions start to lift. With a comforting smile, you nod toward the path. “…wanna go get food?”
He laughs. “Fuuuuck yes.”
Rehearsal later that day was so incredibly hectic, you didn’t get a chance to utter even a word to adam. Your time was spent polishing the show, as you opened tomorrow. The thought alone filled your stomach with dread and excitement.
However, after your songs and scenes, Adam did let out a few cheers. Of course, that led to him getting reprimanded while the director sat you down and gave you notes. You tried to get a peek at him, but he was too far and you were too busy jotting down your notes. Once he was done getting scolded from the conductor, he walked back down to the pit near where you were sat. He caught your eye and, despite having been dug into moments prior, brightly smiled at you. Your heart ached.
Eventually, rehearsal was called to an end. You were grateful that class had gotten canceled tomorrow, as you are quite literally dead on your feet. When you feel a pair of hands land on your shoulders, you jump a few feet in the air. You spin to see Adam, who had grabbed your bag before you could. He slung it over his shoulder, juggling his own guitar case, and held out his hand.
You took it, pressing yourself into his side. Normally you most likely wouldn't have done this, but you’re so exhausted so you lean your weight into him. He laughs and removes his hand from yours, instead wrapping it around your shoulders to pull you in. Together, he silently walks you to your dorm.
The velvet curtains closed with a final, satisfying thud, and the applause roared through the theater like a crashing wave. After rushing onstage for your bow, you stood center stage, chest heaving with exhilaration and relief. You had done it. The months of rehearsals, the late nights, and the countless hours of self-doubt had all led to this moment.
You could see the faces of the audience, all beaming with appreciation and admiration. But there was only one face you sought out among the crowd. You felt a rush of warmth, knowing Adam had seen you at your best.
As the house lights came up, you made her way backstage, your fellow cast members congratulating each other with hugs and high-fives. You accepted their praise graciously, but your mind was elsewhere.
You knew you had one more performance to deliver tonight.
Finally, the stage manager gave you a nod. It was time to greet the audience in the lobby. You took a deep breath and stepped out, your heart racing in anticipation. The crowd gathered, forming a semi-circle around the cast. Autographs were signed, selfies were taken, and congratulations were exchanged.
And then, there he was. Adam stood at the edge of the crowd, waiting patiently. As their eyes met, your heart skipped a beat. You excused herself from a conversation with an enthusiastic parent and made your way over to him.
"Hey, superstar," Adam greeted with that charming grin that always made your knees feel a little wobbly.
"Hey yourself," you replied, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "What did you think?"
He grabbed both your hands, bringing them up to his mouth to press a gentle kiss. “You were awesome, really. I loved having you sing along with my guitar.”
You giggled, eyes sparkling. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” His smile was genuine, the corners of his eyes crinkling. You batted your hands away from him, relishing in his sickly sweet corniness.
“I know people typically get flowers, but they die really quickly, so I thought, ‘Hey! Why not make something!’ So I did, but it honestly didn’t turn out very well, so—”
“Adam. Just show me, baby,” you interrupted gently.
He bashfully smiled and dug into his pockets, pulling out a pair of car keys. You balked, eyes wide.
“You got me a fucking car?”
“No!” he laughed, shaking his head. “It’s in my car.”
With that, you both head outside, Adam's hand resting on the small of your back, guiding you gently through the cool evening air. The sky is painted with the soft hues of twilight, casting a romantic glow over everything. When you reach his car, he glances at you with a mix of excitement and nervousness before popping the trunk. He steps in front of you, effectively blocking your view, heightening the anticipation.
You hear the rustling of items being moved around, and your curiosity piques. Finally, Adam turns around, cradling a large, beautifully arranged gift basket. The basket is wrapped in shimmering cellophane and tied with a big, bright bow. Inside, it’s filled to the brim with your favorite candies and your go-to drinks, each item thoughtfully chosen. Nestled among the treats are several gift cards to your favorite stores and cafes.
Your mouth drops open in surprise, and you quickly cover it with your hand, eyes widening in delight and disbelief. Adam, nervously waiting for your response, shifts from foot to foot
You lurch forward, grabbing the basket from him and carefully placing it back into his trunk. With a burst of impulsive energy, you grab him by his collar and pull him down into a passionate kiss. His lips are warm and soft against yours, and the world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you in this perfect moment.
When you finally pull away, breathless and with your heart racing, you can’t help but blurt out–
“I want you to be my boyfriend.”
Adam’s eyes widen in surprise before his mouth curls into a dopey, joyous smile. “For real??” he asks, his voice full of hopeful excitement.
“For real,” you affirm, your own smile spreading wider.
He pumps his fist in a triumphant gesture.
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valleydean · 2 months
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Chapter 10 [Read Here]
CHAMPION Part III of Heavyweight a deancas boxing au by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) read from the beginning | playlist | tip
SUMMARY: Brooklyn, 1933. Dean Winchester, the number one contender, trains to become the next Heavyweight Champion of the World, and this time he won't let anything get in his way. Title holder Castiel Novak has second thoughts about retiring, especially when someone from his past arrives in New York and asks for his help. Meanwhile, a new contender rises to fame and threatens to complicate both of Dean and Cas' ambitions - and their relationship.
At 12:03 PM, Dean pulled into the driveway, killed the engine, and rushed to the front door. The living room looked dark inside through the front window, but Dean didn’t let that discourage him. His keys jangled and his pulse pounded while he shouldered the door open.
Cas was sitting in one of the living room’s armchairs, reading the paper. A cigarette, with a thin curl of smoke rising from it, was in the ashtray on the coffee table. Cas looked up over the top of the paper, instantly meeting Dean’s gaze across the room. A pleased smile lit up his eyes.
Laughter burst out of Dean. He haphazardly dropped his gear bag on the floor and let the door slam closed behind him. He was halfway across the room before Cas even had a chance to fully fold up the newspaper and set it on the table.
Dean practically jumped onto the chair, straddling Cas’ lap. He grabbed Cas’ face and kissed him silly. Cas chuckled against his mouth while he kissed back. His arms looped around Dean’s waist.
“I thought you weren’t going to be home until later,” Cas said when the kiss broke.
Dean couldn’t stop beaming. His damn cheeks were starting to hurt. “Bobby took pity on me. He says hi, by the way.”
“Well, I’ll have to thank him,” Cas said, his chin tipped up to keep Dean’s eyes. He looked good. A little tired, maybe, but he only had one bruise, which was on his cheekbone and pretty faded. He was probably happy he wouldn’t be getting any more for a couple of months.
“Eileen and Maura home?” Dean asked.
Cas shook his head. “They were, but Eileen took her to run some errands. She’s gotten bigger than I expected.”
Dean snorted. “Yeah, kid’s growing like a weed. Got Sammy’s giant genes.”
Cas smiled at that, eyes twinkling as they moved across Dean’s face. Across the room, the radiator clicked as the heat kicked on.
After a few seconds, Cas’ expression dwindled into something a little more hesitant. His voice was low when he asked, “How are you, Dean?”
Dean shrugged with feigned nonchalance. A bundle of nerves formed in his stomach, even though there really wasn’t any reason for it. He’d kept his promise to Cas about giving up the drugs. Lee had teased him about being a downer, and there had been a few times he’d been tempted, but Cas didn’t need to know about that.
“Okay, I guess,” Dean said. He cleared his throat, wanting to change the topic before Cas could make a big deal about it. It wasn’t a big deal, anyway.
“You unpack yet?” He already knew the answer was going to be no. Cas usually took a full week to unpack after a trip. It drove Dean nuts. He preferred to unpack as soon as he got home—or at the latest, the following morning.
Sure enough, Cas shook his head.
“What the hell are you waiting for?” Dean said. “C’mon, I’ll help you.”
Cas lifted a skeptical brow. “You will?”
“Fuck yeah! I never wanna see that suitcase packed again.”
Biting down on a smile, Cas said, “Well, I’m still contracted to go to Las Vegas in December.”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna be going with you.”
“You will?” Cas asked again, surprised that time.
Dean scoffed. “What, like I’m gonna miss your last ever bout? No way!”
Cas blinked, like he’d just realized he was retiring. His eyes dropped in thought.
Dean didn’t want him to think about that now. He stood up and grabbed Cas by the hand. “Come on. We’re unpacking.” He yanked Cas up and kept their hands together while he pulled him toward the stairs. Cas followed easily, his palm warm against Dean’s.
When they reached their bedroom, Dean let go of him so he could pick Cas’ suitcase up from the floor and lay it atop the corner of the bed. Inside, his clothes haphazardly “folded,” if you could even call them that, and shoved together. Dean started separating them into piles of what needed to be hung up and what needed to go in the drawers.
“Get some hangers,” Dean tossed over his shoulder. Cas opened the closet doors and, a few seconds later, dropped some hangers onto the comforter. Dean got to work hanging the clothes up. Meanwhile, Cas took a pile of clothes to the dresser.
“What have you been up to these last few days?” Cas asked conversationally, even though nothing had really changed for Dean since they’d last spoken on the phone.
“Eh, mostly just training. The usual,” Dean answered while he picked through Cas’ side of the closet to hang one of his collared shirts up with the other white garments.
Cas commented, “You look stronger.”
Dean half-laughed, because Cas was full of shit. “By that you mean, not cocaine-skinny?”
“I mean, I didn’t want to use those words exactly.”
Dean laughed for real that time. Then, “Yeah, well, it’s better this way. Gotta make weight for my fight this Saturday, right?”
Cas hummed noncommittally. He retrieved another pile of clothes from the bed and went back to the dresser. Dean glanced at his back, trying to gauge his reaction. One by one, like he was stalling, Cas fit the garments into the middle drawer. Without looking back, he said, “I take it that means you haven’t reconsidered.”
Dean rolled his eyes, but he was in too good of a mood to be truly annoyed. “Yeah, Cas, I’m still fighting Lee. Look, don’t worry about it. It’s all gonna be fine. Me and him have talked about it, like, a hundred times.”
Cas didn’t say anything. He closed the drawer, walked back to the side of the bed, and picked up a hanger and a pair of slacks. But the line of his shoulders was a little too tense. Dean sighed. “No more talking about work, alright? Just focus on being back for a second.”
Cas handed Dean the pants he’d just hung up so Dean could put them away. He said, softer now, “It is nice to be home.” Dean stopped, warmth taking over his chest. He watched Cas turn back around and pick up a shirt, just so damn happy that Cas was there at all. Back home. Unpacking.
“It’ll be better to sleep in my own bed,” Cas was saying, not realizing he was being watched. “The hotels were… unfamiliar. They all started to look the same after a while. It became very old toward the end of the tour. And sleeping on the trains was uncomfortable. There were too many tight quarters. And it smelled—”
Dean rushed up behind him, grabbed him by the hips, and turned him around, causing Cas to drop the shirt and hanger. After a stunned second, he kissed Dean back deeply and enthusiastically. He hooked his arms around Dean’s shoulders and carded his fingers through Dean’s hair. Dean’s palms slid up Cas’ back to rest on the wings of his shoulders. He toed out of his sneakers. Cas took the cue to get rid of his own shoes.
Since Cas was so eager to get back in own bed, Dean figured he wouldn’t object to being in it before nightfall. He walked Cas backward a few steps so he could gently lower him to the mattress. Cas’ arms tightened around Dean’s neck and pulled so they wouldn’t break the kiss. He kicked his legs onto the bed. Dean climbed up. He pressed in a little closer so Cas had to tip back. Dean guided him slowly to the pillow.
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donnerpartyofone · 5 months
This morning I went over to the church to see my favorite guy, who is so often surprising and challenging. He seemed a little out of sorts today, stammering and losing his place; I sometimes worry about this old guy, and I was paying attention. Then at the end of the mass he said that they're having air quality problems in the rectory and the EPA is involved. I hope he's not getting brain damage!
It was sort of funny, though, because the homily was about having trouble focusing--not being able to concentrate, and having anxiety about the future. That was pretty relevant to me, medically and otherwise. I'm writing this on the morning of the new moon, just to be extra flaky, about how much trouble I have forming goals.
Pursuing goals is also hard, but step one should be having a vision, and that's the really impossible part. When I was a little kid I had two ambitions: to be a writer, and to be dead. The latter thing represents one of the main motivating forces in my life, which is pain avoidance. I think this is the chief motivator of many people without them even realizing it; comfort-seeking itself can be a form of pain avoidance. Pain avoidance is not a legitimate goal, it's more of a reflex, and it can become a preoccupying distraction from any kind of actual ambition (especially as fulfilling ambitions often involves some amount of discomfort). Focusing on what you do not want is not equivalent to focusing on what you do want.
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I never had a very good idea of what I want. I found this out when I went into therapy as an adult; I couldn't formulate any notion of what I wanted out of life. I couldn't even come up with any masturbatory, pie in the sky fantasies. I might vaguely be able to say something like "a bigger, nicer apartment", but I can't come up with any compelling ideas about what that would even look like. I try, but I know I'm faking it. Certainly part of my interest in religion and occultism is the idea that I could train myself to really clearly conceptualize any kind of goals or desires. In the case of occultism specifically (and, let's be honest, many forms of self-help), visualization is always a key element. In recent years I learned that I am abnormally incapable of forming mental images, and I have come to believe that this is intimately connected to my inability to figure out what I want or how to get it.
Nearly all of my thinking is verbal. I found out what aphantasia was while talking to my dad, who is extremely visual with an excellent grasp of spacial relations (something I have almost no concept of). He was shocked when I said I can't really picture anything, asking me "Then how do you do anything?" He said when he decides to make a sandwich, for instance, he automatically sees himself performing the actions of sandwich-making, and sees the aspirational sandwich in his mind's eye. Visualizing is essential to his entire executive process. It so happens that I am aphantasic and I have a lot of executive dysfunction. I no longer think this is coincidental.
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(I'm also very faceblind, and I think this is connected; something to do with the ability to reconstitute a visual memory and relate it to something that is presently in front of me. But anyway...)
Perhaps oddly, I am an artist, or at least I have been. But I've never been able to draw from my imagination, like at all. The best work I've ever done is all swipes; I am a great believer in swipes, it can reveal a lot about your personal style and obsessions and when you re-draw someone else's art. But I can't just sit and think up something fun to draw, even when I try to just doodle I'm usually responding more to the lines I see emerging on the paper than anything I'm thinking or feeling. I think this is related to the fact that I'm an obsessive scopophile; I take in a lot of detail from my environment, and I watch movies with the same attitude and frequency with which most people listen to music. Recently I started to joke that I have an image deficiency and that's why I have to consume huge amounts of visual media, I need the external infusion. But like, it's not that much of a joke, maybe.
In my 30s I randomly developed this condition where scar tissue grows over your corneas, and I had to have a series of freaky eye surgeries. My doctors always asked if I grew up somewhere warm and sunny and windy, if I do a lot of outdoor sports (sometimes this condition is called "surfer's eye"); I thought this was pretty funny since I couldn't be more of an indoor kid, although maybe cycling is somewhat at fault. Still, my preferred diagnosis is that I watch so much trashy and violent crap that it literally scars my eyes. It's as good an explanation as any! And it does have this weird synergy with my other visual problems.
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Anyway, it's not as if I've done absolutely nothing with my life. Quite a few personal achievements piled up in just the last couple of years; certainly I've benefited a lot from luck and the good will of others, but nothing would have happened without my own creativity and commitment. I just wish I had more, you know. Vision. I spend too much of my life "taking one day at a time" and waiting for things to happen to me, assuming I don't have much control over my experiences. I'd rather be able to imagine something that I want to happen and act on it; regardless of whether the thing is going to happen, I'd like to be able to formulate a goal other than paying the rent, or like, not waking up and going to sleep in a state of stark terror. I'm not sure how to get myself to that place, but maybe saying that that's what I want can count for something.
Anyway here are some photos of the thoughtfully planted shrubbery from the church. I missed the full bloom of the weeping cherries, but as soon as they die off the shrubs below turn bright red, pink, yellow, and white. It's pretty inviting I must say.
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lara635kookie · 7 months
Red Crackle Week Day 6: Villains
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You can't trust anyone but yourself. Professor Gunnar Maelstrom knew that better than anyone else in the world.
He actually knew a lot of things better than everyone. Including that every single person on Earth can be manipulated if the right strings were pulled. Even himself. The meeting he was about to have was because he wanted to make sure he would keep being the manipulator in his game. And he would guarantee it. In a way or another.
In his private office, he was waiting for her.
His star student.
The perfect apprentice. The perfect successor.
Maelstrom always wanted to have an heir to his empire, but as he was incapable of having children, Paper Star was the closest he would ever have to a daughter. Of course, someone who comes from his own bloodline would have been the ideal, but he knew Paper Star would honor his lineage right.
Maelstrom knew she had the potential in her. She was like a rough diamond. Maelstrom only needed to lapidate her correctly.
Everything was going according to the plan. Maelstrom would like to keep it like that. In his way. The best way. He had bigger ambitions for himself and his future. Too much was at stake for Carmen Sandiego to ruin everything.
-You wanted to see me, Professor?-Paper Star enters.
-Ah, my dear Paper Star. I think you must be aware of why I called you today.
-Let me guess...The lovebirds?-She asks with a smirk. That question was merely a formality. She knew they were going to talk about them. Everyone else was.
People even invented a nickname to reference both of them:"Red Crackle." There sure was a lot to comment about on V.I.L.E.'s new favorite duo. They were seemingly an unbeatable combination with their undeniable chemestry, romantic tension, and mutual understanding. After all, they were two of V.I.L.E.'s best operatives. What could possibly go wrong?
Maelstrom and Paper Star needed to ensure nothing would go wrong.
-Yes...Them.-Maelstrom says. Love really disgusted him.-You know I have never been too fond of...Feelings and trivial emotions.
-Oh I know exactly what you are keen on, Professor:Using people's sensations against them. To lure the fools to make what you want. And you know how much I respect that.
-Yes. Speaking of which, have you started the studies on the human mind like I suggested you to?
-Right away, Professor. Why?
-You'll need to put them to use.
-What for?
-To keep an eye on our resident "couple". And make sure they behave...
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sl-newsie · 19 days
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 22: Nonexistent Normal
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The next few days bring a feeling of rushed anticipation. The familiar atmosphere in the kitchen hits me like a slap in the face. 
“Strange” is all I can comment on as people bustle around the office, hands full of documents and betting papers.
“What did you expect when you came back?” Finn asks from behind me.
“I’m not sure. Maybe a sliver of happiness. But the only one I see with any amount of happiness is you, Finn. This expansion doesn’t seem to be pleasing anyone but Thomas.”
He clears his throat and I turn to face him. Two years has done its work on Finn. His child-like face is still there but his eyes have grown with the deep ambition of a young man. 
“I missed the lessons. I really did.”
“Aw,” I smile and give him a quick hug. “I promise as soon as I carry out whatever Thomas has planned for me, I will schedule more. Speaking of which, where is Thomas?”
Hurried footsteps echo through the hall and we turn to see a woman hastily throwing on her coat as she heads for the door. There’s no question about her business here. We both know it. Thomas’ door opens and he steps out in a clean suit. Finn now decides to wander off to the parlor, leaving us alone.
“Still gallivanting with ladies of the night?” I taunt slightly.
“You still think I’m a good man after all these years?” Thomas lightly argues back as he approaches me in the kitchen.
“I do, Thomas Shelby.”
This surprises him. Thomas’ eyes search me for any hesitation, as if he was expecting me to scold his sinful behavior. It is disappointing to see him still turning to whores to keep him happy, especially after his ordeal with Grace.
“I will admit that this type of sin is no business of mine, but it’s your life. Just remember that your actions will have consequences.”
Why does he have to look at me like that? My words seem to fly right over his head but he’s still looking at me. 
“Verena! Come help me with these!” Polly yells from the office.
I give Thomas a shrug. “Duty calls. Anything you’ve got on the docket for me today?”
Thomas, still with the same look, shakes his head. “No. We’ll sort out the tough work first, then you lot can come in with the paperwork.”
Tough work? What kind of expansion is this anyway? Or by words or by force?
“Coming, Polly!”
I hurry past the handsome gangster into the bustling office. People are pouring into place bets and Polly’s swamped with counting cash. The Romanian woman grunts in annoyment as soon as I join her.
“Talk talk talk! If you want to chat so much with Thomas then go on a date. Time to work!”
My head jerks to look at her once I process her rushed words. “Haha. We’re just catching up.”
“Yeah. Right.” Polly drolls sarcastically. “Catch up after we’ve handled this mess.”
Back to work it is. Customers pile in one after the other. I lose track of how many times I pass through the safe. What I do notice is the pile of money inside growing bigger and bigger. Thomas wasn’t kidding in his letters. Profit has been good.
“Alright, time to clock out.” Polly locks the door and collapses into a chair. 
“Already? Wha-? Oh!” I gape at the clock. “It’s already five!”
“That’s how it’s been,” Polly grunts. “I might have Thomas make you the new bookkeeper since he’s so keen on finding a new one.”
Oh. That was Grace’s job. He still hasn’t found a replacement. 
An ember of hope ignites in me. If I really want to stay here maybe I can convince Thomas to promote me. Something concrete that will prove to father that I have an official job and will keep them off my back.
Finn walks through the door and notices our tired state. 
“Where have you been?” Polly asks.
“Helping John pack the car.”
My head perks up. “Car? They left already?”
Finn shakes his head and points to where he’s just come from. “Not yet, but they’re about to. Now’s the time for any goodbyes.”
My exhaustion vanishes and I sprint out the door despite Polly’s callings. Sure enough the older Shelby brothers are gathered around their car ready to depart. But where’s Thomas?
“Hello, gentleman. Off to a new adventure?”
“If we can quit from arguing for five minutes,” Arthur grunts.
“Oi, Steenstra! You don’t need to do that,” John rejects when he sees me helping to pack a few bags. “They’re too heavy.”
“Are you saying I’m weak?” I joke and lift up the bags anyway.
“‘S just that you’re not the sturdiest ox of the group- Ow!”
John rubs the spot where I just punched his shoulder. He complains and Arthur can’t stop laughing.
“Call me that one more time and I will literally punch you in the nose,” I warn lightly. “I’m not a strong ox, no. But I am a fierce tiger.”
John scoffs and shrugs the threat off. “You don’t have the guts to- ah!”
I get him in a headlock and soon he’s bent over. “Need I remind you that I am American?”
“Alright alright, I give in!” John gasps and flinches away. “Jesus, Verena! What happened to you?”
I smirk proudly at his arrogance. “That’s what happens when I spend an entire month with my brothers.”
“I was on my way to step in but I see you’ve got it covered.”
I look behind me and see Thomas approaching. Another fine suit as usual. He seems to be in good spirits. I hope it lasts at least for a day. He looks between John and I with an amused smirk.
“Just get in the fucking car, John.”
“Good morning, Thomas. New car?”
John goes to sit in the back while Arthur taunts him. Thomas walks up beside me and lays a hand across the shining metal.
“Business has been good. Why not use the profits?”
“You should be proud,” I praise. “Have fun on your holiday. Polly’s going to miss you.”
“And you?” Thomas asks with slight interest.
His question holds layers of hidden hope. Does he want me to stay? I want to stay. I just got here.
“I’ve been gone two years. What’s a few more days? Besides from what I hear, you lot deserve a vacation. London sounds exciting.”
“At least we can drink legally, love. Though no doubt it’ll be just as hectic as your American speakeasies.”
“Haha, very funny.” I smirk and put my hands on my hips. “Be careful. Right, then. Cheerio, you wild gangsters.”
Thomas gives a salute and climbed in with his brothers. The engine spurs to life and the car begins gliding down the road.
“Right! Peaky Blinders are going on fucking holiday!” Arthur cheers.
“Sit down, you mad bastard!” John pushes him down.
Never a dull moment with this lot. Once they’re out of sight I hear footsteps from behind. It’s Finn.
“Are they gone?”
I nod. “Just left. What say you about a walk along the Cut and a catching-up chat? After all, I've hardly seen you outside of family meetings since I got back.”
He nods eagerly and we start off towards the river. Finn might have grown too but he’s still the same kind boy I remember.
“Do they still fight all the time?” I ask softly.
“They’ve calmed down a bit but Arthur’s head still strays from time to time.” Finn pauses. “How’s things in America?”
“In my case, terrible. My father’s been under lots of stress because of the new Eighteenth Amendment. Now we’re relying more on bootlegging, which is today's topic. The term came into general use in the American Midwest in the 1880s to represent the practice of traders concealing flasks of illegal liquor in their boot tops when they went to trade with Native Americans. Now my father runs a speakeasy. It’s called that because of how low you have to speak the password to gain access. It’s also called a blind pig or gin joint, but speakeasy sounds more classy in my opinion.”
Finn keeps nodding along. “Thanks for this. It’s… Nice to get away from the office. I want to run the family business but at the same time I don’t want to always obsess over it. Like Tommy does. Is that bad?”
Poor Finn. It’s come to the fact that the only way to gain his family’s respect is to strive in their world of treachery and killing. Polly once believed that he could grow up to be a normal man. But when you’re a Shelby no one knows the meaning of normal.
“In a way, I understand. My family’s trying to either fix me up with any businessman they can find or get me employed in our own brewery.” I stop walking to get Finn to look at me. “Family is important. But they can also let you down. You know that, Finn. If you’re doing something that doesn’t seem right, don’t question yourself. Ask God.  Above all else, His word is what matters.”
Finn gives a satisfied hum and looks away at the murky waters below. “If God is so righteous, why does He allow misery? Why did my mum have to die? Why did my brothers have to go to war? Why do we have to keep up this madness with the Blinders?”
All good questions. Ones that no mortal will ever have the answer to. It breaks my heart to see Finn’s innocence being swallowed up by these mobsters.
“I mean, even if Sabini wasn’t posing a threat-”
My breath hitches and my panicked eyes meet his. “Dear Lord. Sabini…”
Finn frowns at my reaction. “You’ve heard of him?”
On the East Coast Sabini isn't a name that's thrown around without concern. They have connections. And the Italians are not on good terms with the Irish.
“There are rumors even in Brooklyn,” I answer slowly. “Finn, why on Earth would you lot be involved with him?”
He shrugs. “Donno. Only overheard Tommy muttering to himself.”
I point a scolding finger. “Finn, you are a good boy. No eavesdropping on people even when they’re conversing with themselves. As for Sabini… I will ask him about it later. Let’s get back to our walk.”
Days tick by. I help Polly with more chores. Go on walks with Finn. It feels like nothing’s changed. Can it stay like this? I know it’s not a perfect world but it’s a comfortable one. I’m not the one killing or lying. But when I talk to the Blinder boys who do it almost seems like they’re normal people too.
“So you’re really from America?” A Blinder named Harry asks as we lounge in the office.
“Hasn’t Thomas told you?” I ask back.
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “No. Mr. Shelby doesn’t like us asking too many questions. We were only told to keep guard on you.”
“Oh well, isn't that sweet,” I mutter. A babysitter. “Just how dangerous has Small Heath gotten?”
“Don’t hold your breath, love.”
Footsteps echo throughout the hall and Thomas struts towards his office door. Why is his coat all dusty? How is he back already? Does a holiday for them last only a few days?
I get up from my chair and slowly approach. “Back so soon?” 
Time to bite the bullet. “And you’re looking for a new secretary?”
“Already found one,” he replies and pours some whiskey into a glass on his desk. “Lizzy.”
Disappointment stings hard. Lizzie? A prostitute acting as a secretary? Granted the Shelbys have known her far longer so her trust must be stronger. But I’m disappointed nonetheless.
“I thought she…?”
Thomas downs his drink and gives a nod. “I changed that. I need someone who can look the other way, and I’m afraid you care too much.”
“And what about Sabini?” 
The gangster’s eyes flash with warning but I push on. He’s not leaving me in the dark. He puffs out his chest and attempts to back me out of the room but I stand firm.
“Finn overheard the name and told me. That won’t go away, Thomas.”
That hardened stare makes my blood run cold. I’ve been met on the downside of Thomas’ anger only on a few occasions but this time it’s different. No words, no shouting. Just those unblinking blue eyes ordering me to stand down. So this is his secret of taming the Peaky Blinders.
“I can handle it.”
I set my jaw straight. He’s mad if he thinks this won’t end with bloodshed. I put a hand on my hip and point to the main office. “What about Polly? Ada? There are more ways he can hurt you besides pulling a gun to your head.”
Thomas sets down the glass and puts both hands on my shoulders. In an unspoken battle we glare back and forth, morals against pride. 
“I can handle it,” he repeats. “‘S not for you to stress over, love. Our family is stronger than him. Shelby Company Limited will persevere without any problems from Sabini.”
I want to believe him. But something deep down makes me consider something darker.
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autumnvine · 27 days
Accidental Love
Summary- Everything seemed normal at first, until the Chituari destroyed your world.
Tw: War, fighting, violence.
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New York was always busy, there was no down time for the city, there wasn't much excitement. There was always people on the street, running in central park or having coffee, always someone having to wait for a bus, someone in a new suit with a briefcase in hand going to a meeting with other colleagues discussing and arguing their points for hours on end. And then there was you, always having the same routine, waking up at six, getting dressed, brushing your teeth and hair, walking your high heels down the same grey pathed street with the matching bag to your shoe.  Walking into the same coffee shop, having a poppyseed bagel with creme cheese, blueberry muffin with a large flat white latte to go. The brown paper bag holding your muffin stuffed less gracefully then you planned into your handbag.
You didn't work far just a few streets down which gave you plenty of time to finish your latte. Waiting to cross the street, staring at the green traffic light shifting from one foot to the other slightly swaying as you listened to Dolly Parton blasting through your headphones,
"Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
And yawn and stretch and try to come to life
Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin
Out on the street the traffic starts jumpin
The folks like me on the job from nine to five"
Noticing the red traffic light you walked across the street, down the hill, tripping over the same kirb each morning, into your work, greeting the security guard on the main entrance swiping your keycard, the lift out of order which was not ideal when you work on the seventh floor, that's fourteen individual flights of stairs in stilletos. Eventually reaching your floor sitting at your desk and trying to focus on the pile of papers that awaited your attention. Hours into your collection of paperwork the pile was getting smaller and smaller, alot of emails sent, replied, sent and replied to. Various phone calls to offices in the tri-state area, listening to business man after busines man trying to argue and offer you new solutions to which you weren't interested in hearing. Your clients trusted and needed yyou, from day one on the job you swore to do right by them. Sure it got long and often annoying it still brought you great satisfaction knowing in some smqall way you were helping. You pushed through your lunch break, with nearing the end of your shift having a few files left to tend to you took a break, standing, walking over to the window looking onto the skyscrapers admiring the sun breaking through the clouds, a faint darkness appearing in the sky, becoming bigger and bigger, what appeared to be a light blue electric stream beaming up from a building into the sky, watching as a golden metalic aliens crawl through the darkness. Turning to run grabbing your phone and your bag shouting to your collegues down the hallway to leave the building as you ran, the sky suddenly filling with aliens, stilletos were not good shoes to wear when taking to the stairs. Shots were being fired through the other buildings, feeling the rumbling underfoot, the stairs begain shaking, above your had fell some dust and paint flakes, your co-workers nearly trampling you as they shoved passed, the whole stairwell shaking more and more became too much, reaching the fourth floor a man much much bigger then you shoved you to the floor, crawling into the fourth floor hall to escape the masses. It was empty, paperwork, bags, random shoes everywhere. Standng up by the window seeing massive metalic aliens swarm the streets of your city, noticing a tall man, long dark hair, golden helmet and green robes, riding the monsters that threatened your existance past the window, something almost shooting him out of the sky, blowing up, blasting him and you across the town, him landing somewhere on the building across, you however falling further and further down toward the street you walked across this morning, now filled with rubble, screaming as you fell toward almost certain death you stopped falling, landing on the floor ontop a metal sheild red, white and blue, you had heard stories of the super soldier, thinking only of myth and legend but today saving your life. Smaller aliens apearing around you and the soldier
"Stay down, stay behind me,  it'll be okay" he shouted to you, punching each one away, fighting to save you, when it stopped, the aliens falling, almost as if they were switched off suddenly, the others falling from the sky, it was over, the fighting stopped. Reaching his hand out to you helping you stand
"Are you alright ma'am?" the super soldier asked
"You saved me, thank you" replying in disbelief of what happened and who was standing infront of you, collapsing underfoot he caught you in his arms.
Waking up in an unknown bed, not knowing how long it had been, or what happened or where you were, you got up to look, noticing your shoes were missing, your leg bandaged up, as were your hands. Walking barefoot along a metal floor, through each door leading to another hallway noone around, trying to navigate your way around you found a room, door labelled "Holding Facility" going in hoping to find someone. Instead finding a clear container, yellow pipes everywhere, boxes in each corner stacked ontop of one another. Following the path around the glass room, finding the man who was flying past you, riding the aliens that destroyed your home, sitting with his back to you,
"Are you alright?" not knowing who he was you asked anyway. The man turning to face you smiling
"There's not many people who can sneek up on me"
"It's you, you're the one who fell with me, pardon me but where are we?"
"I am where I'm meant to be" Loki snapped
"Who are you?" almost afraid to ask
"I am Loki, King of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" realising you were in the presence of royalty you bowed, Loki smiling as he watched
"What do they want with me? With us? What were the monsters that came here?"
"The Chituari" Loki answered just one question of the three you asked him
"Do you know-" stopping yourself from speaking as you looked at him "Loki you're bleeding, your head, you're hurt." lifting his fingers to his head wiping away a few droplets of blood, as you tried to push the doors open, "How do I get this open? You need help."  Loki standing with the same grin across his face
"Who are you and what are you doing?" A voice bellowed from behind you, startled you spun around
"I'm Yn I woke up here, I got lost trying to find someone, I found Loki, he's hurt, he's bleeding. Please don't hurt me."
"Yn come away from him, he's dangerous."
"Yn I need help, they'll kill you, I can protect you, first you just have to push that button to open the door." Loki gently spoke to you from behind.
Unsure of what to do, You pressed the button releasing Loki from the glass cell, after all he was bleeding and they left him
"Nooo" Thor shouted swinging his hamer pushing Loki back into the cell." The doors closed behind him,
"Are you ever not going to fall for that brother?" Loki remarked standing by you and not in the cell.
By the door out appears the soldier who saved you, a lady with short firery red hair in a black suit, a man in a red armoured suit, and a man tall with an eye patch with a gun, scratch scars down the eye with the patch. All staring at you
"Let her go Loki" shouted the soldier
"I'm not keeping her" answered Loki "You see, she understands loyalty to a King"
"We can't let you leave here, you know that Loki"
Walking over to the side getting a cloth from hanging over the banister you handed it to Loki "Here, for your head"
Somewhere in your head none of this made sense, but in your heart it felt right. Standing by Loki felt right. Seeing them all standing there looking at you felt uneasy, threatening. This morning you were going to work, now you stood in a room of super soldiers, army men, King's and fighters. The lady pointed her gun at Loki"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Loki laughed "Look how far that's gotten you, look at how it turned out the first time.
The Chituari destroyed it, all of it, now here you are standing trying to stop me leaving when your world is crumbling, people are dieing, crushed by buildings you build. You want to pick fight with a God, what kind of hero's are you?"
"He's right, he can't cause any more damage, they need our help. There dying out there. We'll be back for you."
"Oh I don't doubt it."
" Loki what is Asgard?"
"Dont worry love you'll see"
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legobiwan · 1 year
I find it interesting that king boo and dimentio see luigi as the bigger threat or nuisance in king boos case seems like the most dangerous villains tend to focus more on luigi than mario also what are your thoughts on antasma?
I think King Boo in particular is interesting as he went from having no particular opinion about Luigi (you get the feeling that he would have captured whichever brother had entered the mansion first in LM1) to holding a festering hatred of Luigi by the time we hit the third LM game. You almost get the sense King Boo regarded Luigi as a someone laughable until he actually fought through the entire mansion and beat King Boo. And I think at that point, King Boo just fixated on Luigi as this seemingly cowardly, anxiety-prone, far less famous of the Mario brothers who brought down his ambitions Three Whole Times. By the time we hit LM3 (and I haven't played Dark Moon yet, have only watched some cut scenes for writing purposes), it strikes me that King Boo doesn't give a damn about Mario or Peach or the Toads, only their value in luring Luigi through what I would contend is a drawn-out, premeditated gauntlet of 15-ish levels of ghoulish battle. It's almost like he wants to watch Luigi beat these ghosts who he obviously holds zero regard for, only so he can finally top this nemesis of his and assert his dominance over the ghostly population. Wild stuff.
On the other hand, we have Dimentio, our favorite bastard magic man. Unlike King Boo, the minute Luigi came into his orbit, you get the feeling Dimentio was gunning for him. (Whether or not Dimentio had scouted out Luigi and the gang prior to the Chaos Heart's arrival is up for debate, but it does raise the interesting question of why Luigi was marked to be brainwashed while Peach and Bowser and Mario were left to their own devices. Now, was this the Count's own idea due to what was written in the Dark Prognosticus or was DImentio whispering in his ear? I'm not entirely certain, but by the time Luigi/Mr. L came to Castle Bleck, Dimentio would have been tracking him, to phrase it as Dimentio would, like a bloodhound denied his nightly dinner).
All this is to say, Dimentio was laser-focused on Luigi and worse yet, because Dimentio is a cunning, manipulative asshole, he read all of Luigi's insecurities that got blasted about in his Mr. L form like a child's picture book. For Dimentio, I think, he sees not only a tool but someone who could ultimately be swayed to his side, had he the time. A man of a terrible potential he doesn't even realize, anxiety masking a hundred and one other emotions Luigi either can't or won't recognize. (I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I am 100% convinced Luigi's anxiety is, to a degree, a coping mechanism so he doesn't have to deal with the more complicated, sometimes darker emotions and thoughts whirling around his head).
I have yet to play M&L: Dream Team, but I have seen some takes on Antasma and his relationship with Luigi, who seems play a pivotal role in this game. I'm excited to get to this one (it's one of the next on my list after I finish Thousand Year Door! That and Dark Moon!) so I'll have to report back once I've gotten into it.
But I would say to your assertion that the more dangerous villains are drawn to Luigi -
Let's think about it this way. Mario is a known variable. He's a hero, he's incorruptible, at least according to the stories. His role is to beat the bad guys, to stand in their way, to protect and be the guardian of the moral high ground. The villains want to defeat him.
Luigi, however, is a little more complicated. He shares the same desire to protect as Mario, to be the hero and stand on the moral high ground but...we see the way he acts in the Paper Mario series, the overblown language, the way he wants to be included, the way the Toads treat him, the way he's referred to so often as number two, the way his anxiety is out in the open. Luigi presents as someone a lot more malleable than Mario is, as someone who could not only be defeated, but exploited. And, of course, each time Luigi defies those expectations because he's a lot stronger and braver than he presents (although he's always complicated). And it's the type of thing where I imagine it's partially that the villains feel their egos are bruised by their defeat coming from the "other brother," on one hand, and on the other, there's that promise they see in Luigi, whether or not he'd actually betray his brother, but they see those shades of grey in him, see something they could use and it has to be alluring to them.
(Not to mention Luigi's penchant for magic - the Thunderhand, his weird negative dimension thing in the Smash Brothers series, his dream capabilities - unlike Mario, Luigi's abilities tend to fall into the more fantastical and in tandem with his engineering skills, have the potential to make him so, so powerful. If He Ever Tapped Into That Side of Himself.)
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Photo 2 by Anne Thorkelson; photo 3 courtesy of Written In Our Hearts on Facebook.
"My little sister doesn’t even think of me as her brother any more — she thinks of me as a TV star.” - Peter Tork, TV Guide, 1967
“I read in one magazine that Peter thinks I don’t think of him as my brother any more, I think of him as a star. Well it’s true I think of him as a star, but I do think of I’m as a brother too and a very nice one. Peter is the kind of person I’m sure every one who likes excitement would like to live with. He likes to play guitar a lot and will do most of the things you want him to. If you want to get him a gift, Peter likes good books, and groovy shirts like the one on the cover of ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ single. Peter is good at imitations like W. C. Fields. […] He can do Donald Duck too.” - Anne Thorkelson, 16 Spec, Summer 1967
“Peter ran away from home twice. This happened when he was three years old and lived in Detroit. The first time, he ran away from home to get out of going to nursery school; the second time, he ran away to go to New York. He didn’t make it that trip, but he finally did many years later. [...] Peter’s very first ambition was to dismantle our phonograph, and unhappily he did with great speed and great thoroughness. Peter’s first job was as a paper boy. None of us, including Peter, remember how much he made. He was always liberal when it came to money — and he still is. Peter loved to start clubs when he was growing up. He founded the Wild Goose Club in Madison and the Tiger Club in Mansfield Center. In the Tiger Club, all the members had code names Peter’s was ‘Phantom Tiger’ (P. T. — get it?).” - Nick Thorkelson, The Monkees: Here We Are (1967)
“Peter likes people around him. His old house had been too small to accommodate his many friends and acquaintances, so he had decided to buy a bigger one. The new house is almost too beautiful to describe, but I’ll try. Peter’s home sits on the side of a mountain, facing the valley, and on a clear day you can see all of Los Angeles from his terrace. It’s a truly breathtaking view. The shrubbery surrounding the grounds and the pool is a sort of desert brush, and there are orange and lemon trees growing on the side of ‘his’ mountain! The inside of the house is something else again. There are a total of 14 rooms, seven bathrooms including a sauna bath — and there are five fireplaces! Peter had one room made soundproof for those loud jam sessions musicians are known to have! During our two-weeks visit with Peter (which, by the way, was our first trip to California), we had a wonderful time. There was never a dull moment. We had barbecues on the patio, pool parties, and we went just about everywhere! Peter took us to Disneyland for an entire day, to the famed Coconut Grove nightclub, to Whiskey A Go Go, and we even went dancing at the Factory — a private club where all the stars hang out! But, of course, the nicest part of the whole trip was being able to spend so much time with Peter. The days seemed to just whiz by, and pretty soon it was time for us to leave California and go home. The last thing I remember was Peter shouting, ‘See you all soon!’ — as we boarded the plane that would take us back to Connecticut. After a few weeks, everything returned to normal. Then, late one August night — the eve of my 16th birthday, to be exact — my sister Anne heard a noise in the driveway. She went to the window and saw a strange car pull up. Before she had time to wonder who it was, out popped Peter! What a surprise — and what a birthday present! Peter was so exhausted after his trip from California that he fell asleep on our living room couch — moments after he entered the house! The next morning at breakfast, Peter was the first to wish me a happy birthday. Then he told me that his gift for me — a bright red MG-TF sports car — would be arriving in a few days! That nearly knocked me for a loop, and I couldn’t believe my ears! In Connecticut, we are allowed to drive at 16 years of age — and needless to say, that car was the greatest birthday gift I ever received! But Peter had a couple of additional surprises in store for us. He was wearing a beautiful silk shirt which he had especially made in Hollywood. And since my brother Nicky and I admired it so much — he reached into his suitcase and gave us each one! Anne was right there with her handy camera to take pictures of ‘The Three Musketeers’!” - Christopher Thorkelson, 16 Spec, Summer 1969
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arakhnesreiyr · 2 months
Into the West
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Across a wide and open sea Hark! The ocean calls out to thee A land like no land, a world like no world A watery grave - a soaking, dark lea.
The Indigo Deep.
That was apparently the name of the sea upon which we sailed. I had never heard tale of it; growing up in the Far East, this side of Eorzea was a mystery to me, let alone the ocean in the west. The sailors talked of a great many myths and legends surrounding this sea - most of them terrifying.
The island of Fellinor was our destination: a small part of an archipelago that was frequented by pirates. Despite no jurisdiction, it was said to be rather peaceful - largely due to the looming threat of Eorzea's exodus to the New World.
Trade routes were secured across the Indigo Deep only but recently; I'd heard of Eorzeans young and old making their way across the sea with nothing but the clothes on their back and hearts full of wonder at the prospect of exploring the world that was once just legend.
"Will we go? To the New World?" I asked Lukasz quietly as the sun began to set over the sea. We stood on the second tier of the main deck, overlooking the sailors on the main deck as they began to shuffle some playing cards for some Triple Triad.
Lukasz hummed lowly in thought. "Perhaps."
"Where is Ando now?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"West is all I know," the master lancer responded, a hint of regret in his voice. "My guess is that he fled to Tural with the hope that he couldn't be extradited." He paused. "And he's right."
"Do you have people who can help hunt him down?"
"Kyantis will have people," Lukasz said with a small smile. "Your friend from the Akagi has made quite a name for himself on Fellinor. From a first mate to a captain of his own ship - a pirate could dream no bigger."
I chuckled a little. "Pirates have simple dreams," I said softly, looking at the sun fading into the horizon.
"Do they? Are they that much different from your dreams?"
I inhaled quietly, thinking about my dreams. "I don't really have ambitions," I admitted softly. "I just...I just want to be happy."
Lukasz smiled, turning around and gesturing for me to follow him down to the main deck. "I think that's all we want, in the end. Even pirates."
"But pirates earn happiness by pillaging," I said with a wrinkled nose. "Hurting people. Stealing."
Lukasz smiled at me as we found seating among barrels of potatoes and rye. "Won't killing Ando bring you happiness? That's hurting people."
I saw what he was doing. He was getting back at me for my "devil's advocate" play from before. "That's different," I said, copying his earlier response. "It won't make me happy."
Lukasz smiled, chuckling a little. "Loyal and lawful. A true samurai."
For some reason, the words stung a little - perhaps because I knew that Lukasz hated the samurai, and therefore he likely didn't see those traits as positive ones. "Aren't you loyal to someone? Anyone?"
Lukasz shook his head. "I never settled down," he said lightly, crossing his legs. "Never saw a need to pledge myself to someone. The way I see it, life is lonely whether you are married or single - marriage is nothing but a piece of paper."
"That's not true," I said, again, for some unknown reason, offended. "Marriage is beautiful."
Lukasz smiled, shaking his head at me and his gaze wandering as a sailor won Triple Triad and let out a loud hoot. Then the lancer said, looking at me, "You're young. Your opinion will change."
"I don't think so," I pouted.
Lukasz still smiled, nudging me. "Come on. We'll reach Fellinor by daylight. Let's get some rest so that we're refreshed for the pirates and their terrible body odor. I'll show you your cabin."
And as I settled in my cabin, alone and quiet, I looked out my window, which faced east: wherein lay the world I had always known.
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ggjunkie · 3 months
Adam One-shot sneak peak
Musical Theatre! Au
College! Au
Words: 1,755
You straighten out your clothes, fingers brushing off invisible lint as you take a deep breath, the excitement bubbling just beneath your composed exterior. The echoing sounds of chatter and nervous footsteps fill the audition room lobby, where a group of hopefuls wait for their names to be called. It's finally musical season at your university, and you’ve jumped on the train with unrestrained enthusiasm.
This semester’s show is Little Shop of Horrors, a classic choice that feels like putting on a comfortable pair of favorite shoes—familiar, yet thrilling. Though it's a basic pick, you definitely aren’t complaining; this is your chance to shine. For weeks, you’ve been meticulously preparing, working with your private vocal coach and acting coach, honing every note and every gesture for this audition.
As a musical theatre major, a spot in the chorus is practically a given, but you’re not one to settle for just that. No, no, no. You have bigger ambitions. Your eyes are set on Audrey II, the mysterious talking, and singing plant. It's a role that demands charisma, vocal prowess, and a certain je ne sais quoi that you’re confident you possess. Or at least you really, really hope so.
Of course, you also understand you aren’t guaranteed a role! It’s really no biggie, you’re just excited.
Although theatre wasn’t always your passion, taking the class in middle school had spurred something in you. Since then, you’ve worked hard at your craft. And it’s definitely paid off! You managed to make it into multiple audition-based schools. At the memory, you pat yourself on the back.
Middle school was where it all began. You still remember the thrill of your first performance, the way the stage lights felt warm and comforting, and the applause that followed. It ignited a spark in you, a passion that has only grown stronger with time.
In high school, you faced more challenges. The competition was fierce, and the stakes were higher, but you rose to the occasion. You worked tirelessly, attending acting workshops, vocal lessons, and dance classes. You balanced your schoolwork with your theatrical pursuits, often sacrificing sleep and social activities to chase your dreams.
When it came time to apply for colleges, you aimed high, auditioning for some of the best programs in the country. The acceptance letters that followed were proof of your hard work and dedication. You had made it into multiple audition-based schools, each one a testament to your talent and perseverance.
Now, standing here, you can't help but feel a swell of pride. You've come a long way from that middle school elective. You've faced rejections and setbacks, but you've also experienced triumphs and growth. Every step of the journey has been worth it, and you're excited for what lies ahead.
Eventually, you finally hear your name called, pulling you out of your thoughts. You smile at the runner, a freshman eager to get their required hours in, and hand them your resume. They take it gratefully, glancing over the neatly printed sheet as they lead you into the audition room. It’s a black box theater, a square room with black walls and flooring. The stark simplicity of the space serves as a blank canvas, allowing the directors to transform it into whatever they need, just as they have for these auditions.
Their table is set up near the back, papers and coffee cups scattered across its surface, giving them a perfect vantage point to observe and take notes without being overheard. They chat quietly among themselves, their voices a low murmur that blends into the background hum of the building. You can feel their eyes on you as you step into the room, the anticipation almost tangible in the air.
Near the door, a piano sits, and at the bench is what you can guess to be your accompanist—a tall, chubby brunette with a messy sort of look about him. He’s honestly kind of cute, but you can’t afford to focus on that right now. You have an audition to nail.
You greet the directors with a confident smile and a nod, then march over to the piano. Handing the accompanist your binder, you ensure it’s open to the marked sheet music. Like a seasoned performer, you’ve already highlighted the 32-bar cut of your song, clearly indicating where he should start and stop.
As he scans the music, you take a moment to explain your plan. You point out the precise places where you’ll be taking breaths and describe the tempo you have in mind. He listens attentively, nodding along as you speak, his fingers instinctively moving over the keys as if mentally rehearsing the piece.
You glance over at the directors, expecting them to be ready, but they’re still shuffling papers and folders on their desk, likely comparing notes from previous auditions. A flicker of impatience might cross another's face, but not yours. Instead, you smile, savoring the rush of adrenaline that auditions always bring.
The anticipation heightens the moment, and you use the extra time to center yourself even more. You roll your shoulders, subtly release the tension in your hands, and take another calming breath. The hum of quiet activity behind the directors' table, the muted clink of pens and rustle of paper, only amplifies your focus.
"So, got any plans after this?"
You frown, snapping back to the present as you turn to the accompanist. "Excuse me?"
He smirks, leaning in slightly. "I can take you out on the town, show you a real good time. My roommate is even out for the night, if you know what I mean." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You scrunch your nose, not appreciating the distraction from your audition. You need to get in the zone and focus, but he’s throwing you off. You can entertain the idea after the audition, not during. However, at your reaction, he takes it as a no and furrows his brows. He starts to say something, probably something rude, before you walk off.
You head to the tape marking your spot on the floor, feeling the familiar buzz of excitement mingled with nerves. The directors stare at you blankly, their faces giving nothing away, but you know better than to let it get to you. This is your moment.
Taking a deep breath, you slate in, introducing yourself with a clear, confident voice
“I’ll be performing the song ‘Jenny’s Blues’ from ‘It Shoulda Been You,’ and a monologue from ‘Confrontation’ by Kelly Powell.” You smile before dipping your head, breathing in, and starting your piece. Your voice is strong, resonant, effortlessly sliding into the comfortable range of the song. Each note is delivered with precision, every word infused with emotion. You make sure to breathe deeply, expanding your diaphragm to support your powerful vocals.
However, halfway through your audition cut, you hear the piano falter and fumble, the notes coming out jumbled. You pause for a split second, a flicker of concern passing through your mind, but you quickly regain your focus. Mistakes happen, and you're determined not to let it throw you off. You press on, maintaining your composure and delivering a flawless performance despite the hiccup.
As you reach the climax of the song, you hold out your money note, pouring every ounce of emotion into it. The accompanist manages to catch up, albeit a little off rhythm, but you don’t let it deter you. With a final flourish, you finish the song.
You manage a quick glance at the accompanist before looking back– but wait, hold on. You look back again. That fucker has a smug smirk plastered across his face. His eyes twinkle with amusement, and suddenly it all clicks into place: He tried to mess you up on purpose because you ‘rejected’ him. Any chance you had with him suddenly goes straight down the drain, and now you're fuming.
You grit your teeth, trying to tamp down the surge of anger that threatens to consume you. How dare he sabotage your audition like that? But you refuse to let his petty actions derail your performance. Instead, you channel that newfound adrenaline, that simmering rage, into your audition.
With renewed determination, you throw yourself into the monologue, each word dripping with raw emotion. Your voice crackles with intensity as you inhabit the character, every gesture charged with conviction. The room seems to pulse with energy, your presence commanding attention as you deliver a performance that's nothing short of electrifying.
Well, not like you’d think as much.
You perform your piece, and as you finish, you try not to beat yourself up about it. It was… okay. A little frustrating, perhaps, because you ran more on muscle memory and pettiness than actually existing in the moment, but the dedication and hard work you had put into it still shone through. You remind yourself that perfection is an elusive goal, and what truly matters is the passion and effort you poured into your performance.
As for the song, you try not to dwell on it too much. Otherwise, you know you’ll get stuck in your perfectionist head, picking apart every single detail until it drives you mad. Instead, you choose to focus on the positives, reminding yourself of the moments where you truly connected with the material and let your talent shine through.
You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that the audition is over. Whatever the outcome, you gave it your all, and that’s something to be proud of.
You thank the directors, offering them a quick but polite goodbye, and head over to the piano to retrieve your binder. The pianist smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he hands you the binder. But as you reach out to take it, he doesn’t let go. You tug gently, expecting him to release it, but his grip remains firm.
Your frustration mounts as you give the binder another tug, but still, he refuses to hand it over. With a growing sense of annoyance, you pull harder, and finally, he lets go. But instead of handing it to you properly, he lets it slip from his fingers, and it drops unceremoniously to the floor with a thud.
This bitch.
Instead of giving him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your cool, you bend down gracefully, feeling his eyes linger on your rear, and pick up the binder. Straightening up with a sense of quiet determination, you shoot him a subtle, sour look, and exit through the door.
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{Microfic May} 1. Create
CW: swearing, references to questionable photography
🍊 Create 🍊
At the far end of Diagon Alley, just around the corner from Carkitt and perhaps a bit too close to Knockturn, there is a door. 
It isn’t a particularly strange door, if you’re a muggle anyways, seeing as it opens and closes on its own. All one has to do is walk a bit too close and, with a slight whir, the wall swallows it right up, like a kneazle retracting a claw. Which is, admittedly, only a little weird as a wizard, given there’s nothing to tap and no spell to chant. Mostly, though, the door’s strange because it doesn’t always open. Not for everyone; hardly anyone, actually. Of course, it opened for Harry Potter. 
Or that’s what the tip was, anyways. 
You’re camped out by the door, a very real thing it is, glassy and foggy and weirdly orange, like it’s gone off a bit. Like it’s the seventies, or something, or you’ve found yourself in a back alley of some city in the wasteland of California. There’s a grotty paper lantern casting that crimson glow and the alley smells a bit of must and iron and– fried dough? Kebabs? Oh, maybe a good hot plate of chow mein–
Your knees ache and your feet have gone numb; you’ve been here since you left the Prophet office by the Leaky the night before, since the witch in the upper apartment across the way called it in: Potter– it’s Harry Potter! Outside me window! Get someone over here quick– He’s– he’s doing something! 
Skeeter’s legally required to maintain a twenty meter minimum distance from Harry Potter at all times, but scoops must be scoped so she’s sent you. You owe her, she reminds you, for keeping you on after that flop of an article you wrote on the Malfoys. No one cares about some washed up socialites and whether or not they got what they deserved, turns out. Leave that sort of clean-up to the heroes, says Skeeter. She also says she knows someone if you happen to have a shot of the Malfoy boy naked. Which, hush-hush, you do, but you haven’t stooped that low, you think. Though, if you have to spend another ruddy night crouching in a dank alley because Rita bloody Skeeter told you to–
You’re about to snap at the figure looming over you, except it’s Harry Potter, and you realize, in that moment, you’ve never actually seen him in real life– he’s bigger than you expected. But then, maybe it’s that you’re still crouched on the wet, slimy stones. 
There’s a gasp from the woman hanging out her window in the apartment up across the way. You stand too fast, knees cracking, vision swimming and head rushing. Harry Potter waves over at her, beaming. She swoons and your stomach does a strange sort of swoop– it is, after all, Harry Potter, and he’s just come– where was he again? You were waiting for him because–
“Lovely evening, isn’t it?” says Harry Potter, and you choke on your tongue before you manage to answer:
“It’s morning, actually.” You’re a fucking moron, turns out (though it is morning, barely dawn). But Harry Potter laughs like you’re his best friend and he’s enjoying your company. “Can– Can I–?” You’re babbling incoherently, but he’s cottoned on since you’re also gripping the camera ‘round your neck so tightly your knuckles have gone white. 
“We’ll take one together,” he says, beaming the whole time, and you do, and you’re pretty sure the Skeeter will think that’s unprofessional, but who bloody cares because you’ve got a picture with Harry Potter. You can do this, you realize. You clear your throat. 
“Mr. Potter,” you start, and he looks amused, like you two are sharing a joke of some sort, “what are you going to do next, now that the war’s over?”
It’s a good question, you think. One people want to know and that maybe he actually wants to talk about. Dreams, ambitions, who doesn’t like to hear about those things from their heroes? What sort of do-gooding go-getter doesn’t want to boast about those things? 
But he frowns, then, and Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Defeater of the Dark Lord, looks at you, terribly confused. “What war?” he says.
And oh, forget that photo of Draco Malfoy; your career is made.
(@xanderorange-blog for the brainstorming & beta-ing 🧡 🦄🚪)
(2. Resplendent>>)
(737ish words)
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greypetrel · 6 months
Hiiii, this is for the dragon age questions and for your darling Aisling
04. What is their moral alignment?
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Hello! Thank you so much for asking Kat! :D
There's a cut because you made me speak about my two favourite missions (with all its flaws, but I write fanfictions to fill gaps in a story, and the Arbor Wilds is the perfect match of a map I love, lore, fun banter -Solas and Morrigan should co-host a talk show where the guest inevitably tries to stop them from turn the other into a toad... and my brain is on fire.)
Tis the Prompt List
04. What is their moral alignment?
Neutral Good.
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
The sense of community. Acting like you're part of a group, your actions aren't really just yours, but can influence everyone else. The sense that you can survive only together, and everyone has a part to play, no matter how small.
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
Potions: she's pretty good. Her Keeper was a very skilled herbalist and she learnt well from her. She's not exceptional or a talent, and it doesn't come naturally to her, but she studied enough to be highly proficient. Repairing armour: She can keep her armour in good conditions from fighting. As a Storm Witch, she doesn't wear much metal in her gear (too conductive, and she uses armours in enemies enough to know exactly what happens if she makes a mistake). She knows how to to maintenance, but for bigger repairs she definitely needs help.
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
Contrary to most people's belief, seeing her wearing her heart on her sleeve, she behaved very well. After long, LONG weeks of Josephine training her for the task. With the super-power of the people-pleaser, she won Belle of the Ball. On the support... With the Well of Sorrow, it's the one choice that keeps haunting her in the future. She couldn't bring herself to trust Gaspard to stay put and let Briala tell him what to do without any retortion. In her opinion, if the man launched his country in a civil war out of ambition, he isn't one to be trusted with a throne, and he isn't one to be trusted not to try and gain some more power for himself. She hated it to guts, but she supported Celene, believing that out of love, she'd be a little less prone to assassinate Briala than De Chalons. Kept every single scrap of paper she found in her studio as a safeguard and is ready to take everything out and blackmail the Empress should the need occur. Yes even after she disbanded the Inquisition, Leliana is instructed to call her immediately if Celene looks at another Alienage for more than 10 seconds.
She is still not sure it was the right decision, even if she really despises Gaspard too.
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
Respected every single ritual, defined the floor puzzles as "quirky but fun", quarreled with Cassandra and almost broke her friendship with her over it.
Another decision that haunts her even after: she let Morrigan drink, thinking she was readier than her to face the consequences (after being assured thrice that Kieran would have been taken care of by a trusted person should something bad happen). For her, it would have been a jump in the dark with risks she hadn't considered before, and respected Morrigan enough to trust her with it. Add the fact that Solas was a little too much involved in that choice... Which never happened before. She took it as an alarm bell and trusted him thinking that at least Morrigan was prepared to face risks, knew some of them... She didn't. If hurt and it felt bitter that she didn't, but she stepped back. Kept her sister back too. Continues with motivations in the next question.
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Terrible mother, struggles to connect Flemeth to the Mythal she's been taught about. It was the first crack in her faith. It kept up for 2 years thinking that she did it for the greater good and was thinking on the long run... And then well, Trespasser happened, and it's part of the reason why she took it so bad. If she had actually drank from the Well, she'd hate being beholden by her. But like, hate to the point of asking Solas to fix that and leave the Anchor, leave her to die instead. She feels horribly guilty about having left the Well to Morrigan. If she could turn back time again, this is the one choice she'd change in a heartbeat. If she knew from the start, she would have pushed Morrigan away from the Well and jumped in herself, Pocahontas-style to spare her being beholden by her.
But I played that mission without knowing so go Aisling you can have one horror more.
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