#artificial intelligence and automation
krstseo · 15 days
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The Role of K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology in paving the future of Engineering
Engineering is often described as the art of applied science. It has always been at the forefront of shaping human civilization. From the construction of ancient marvels like the pyramids to the modern wonders of skyscrapers and space exploration; engineers have continually pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Now, as we stand on the brink of a new era defined by rapid technological advancement, what does the future hold for this noble profession? At K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT), we are committed to exploring and shaping that future of Engineering.
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theprivatewolf · 11 months
Beyond Chatbots: Why AI Can Offer Your Company So Much More
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In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a matter of choice but a necessity for staying competitive. While chatbots have been the poster child for AI applications in recent years, there’s so much more to AI than just automating customer interactions. In this blog, we’ll explore the diverse ways in which AI can transform your company, from enhancing customer experiences to boosting employee motivation and retention.
1. Transforming Customer Experiences
AI is revolutionizing the way companies engage with their customers. Beyond traditional chatbots, AI-driven technologies such as virtual assistants, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis can provide highly personalized and efficient customer experiences. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI systems can anticipate customer needs, offer tailored recommendations, and resolve issues in real-time. This not only increases customer satisfaction but also leads to higher customer loyalty and improved brand perception.
2. Machine Learning — A Route to Greater Efficiencies
Machine learning, a subset of AI, can be a game-changer when it comes to operational efficiency. It empowers businesses to optimize various processes, from supply chain management and inventory forecasting to marketing campaigns and fraud detection. Machine learning algorithms learn from historical data, adapt to changing patterns, and make predictions or decisions with remarkable accuracy. This enables your company to reduce costs, minimize errors, and make better-informed strategic decisions.
3. AI-Powered Facial Recognition
AI-powered facial recognition has found applications beyond security and law enforcement. It’s now making its way into industries such as retail, healthcare, and entertainment. Facial recognition can enhance customer service by identifying individuals and customizing interactions based on their preferences. For example, in retail, AI can enable cashier-less stores, simplifying the shopping experience for customers. However, it’s crucial to address privacy and security concerns when implementing facial recognition to build trust among your customers.
4. Employee Motivation and Retention
AI isn’t just about customer-facing applications; it can also significantly impact your workforce. Employee engagement and motivation are vital for a company’s success. AI can help by automating repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more creative and strategic work. Additionally, AI can provide personalized training and development programs, helping employees upskill and advance in their careers. When employees feel valued and see opportunities for growth, they are more likely to stay with your company, reducing turnover rates.
5. How Can You Leverage AI to Benefit Your Business?
To harness the full potential of AI for your company, consider these steps:
a. Identify Your Business Goals: Determine how AI can align with your business objectives, whether it’s improving customer service, increasing efficiency, or enhancing employee satisfaction.
b. Data Gathering and Preparation: AI relies on data. Ensure you have quality data and the necessary infrastructure for data collection, storage, and processing.
c. Select the Right AI Technologies: Explore different AI tools and technologies that suit your needs. Consult with experts if necessary to make informed choices.
d. Training and Integration: Implement AI solutions and provide training for your employees to effectively use and maintain them.
e. Ethical Considerations: Address ethical concerns such as data privacy and transparency. Ensure that you comply with regulations and industry standards.
f. Continuous Improvement: AI is an ever-evolving field. Stay updated with the latest developments and continuously refine your AI strategies to stay ahead in the market.
In conclusion, AI offers a wealth of opportunities that extend far beyond chatbots. By leveraging AI to transform customer experiences, enhance operational efficiency, implement facial recognition, and improve employee motivation and retention, your company can thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. To reap the benefits of AI, it’s essential to have a well-defined strategy and a commitment to ongoing innovation and improvement.
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ritviksingh · 11 months
Understanding AI and Automation, Orange Mantra
Understanding AI and automation is crucial in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and pattern recognition. Automation, on the other hand, involves the use of technology to streamline and mechanize repetitive tasks, reducing the need for human intervention. Together, AI and automation are reshaping industries, improving efficiency, and revolutionizing the way we work and live.
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lorenzonuti · 11 months
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Tolerance threshold.
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Supervised AI isn't
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It wasn't just Ottawa: Microsoft Travel published a whole bushel of absurd articles, including the notorious Ottawa guide recommending that tourists dine at the Ottawa Food Bank ("go on an empty stomach"):
After Paris Marx pointed out the Ottawa article, Business Insider's Nathan McAlone found several more howlers:
There was the article recommending that visitors to Montreal try "a hamburger" and went on to explain that a hamburger was a "sandwich comprised of a ground beef patty, a sliced bun of some kind, and toppings such as lettuce, tomato, cheese, etc" and that some of the best hamburgers in Montreal could be had at McDonald's.
For Anchorage, Microsoft recommended trying the local delicacy known as "seafood," which it defined as "basically any form of sea life regarded as food by humans, prominently including fish and shellfish," going on to say, "seafood is a versatile ingredient, so it makes sense that we eat it worldwide."
In Tokyo, visitors seeking "photo-worthy spots" were advised to "eat Wagyu beef."
There were more.
Microsoft insisted that this wasn't an issue of "unsupervised AI," but rather "human error." On its face, this presents a head-scratcher: is Microsoft saying that a human being erroneously decided to recommend the dining at Ottawa's food bank?
But a close parsing of the mealy-mouthed disclaimer reveals the truth. The unnamed Microsoft spokesdroid only appears to be claiming that this wasn't written by an AI, but they're actually just saying that the AI that wrote it wasn't "unsupervised." It was a supervised AI, overseen by a human. Who made an error. Thus: the problem was human error.
This deliberate misdirection actually reveals a deep truth about AI: that the story of AI being managed by a "human in the loop" is a fantasy, because humans are neurologically incapable of maintaining vigilance in watching for rare occurrences.
Our brains wire together neurons that we recruit when we practice a task. When we don't practice a task, the parts of our brain that we optimized for it get reused. Our brains are finite and so don't have the luxury of reserving precious cells for things we don't do.
That's why the TSA sucks so hard at its job – why they are the world's most skilled water-bottle-detecting X-ray readers, but consistently fail to spot the bombs and guns that red teams successfully smuggle past their checkpoints:
TSA agents (not "officers," please – they're bureaucrats, not cops) spend all day spotting water bottles that we forget in our carry-ons, but almost no one tries to smuggle a weapons through a checkpoint – 99.999999% of the guns and knives they do seize are the result of flier forgetfulness, not a planned hijacking.
In other words, they train all day to spot water bottles, and the only training they get in spotting knives, guns and bombs is in exercises, or the odd time someone forgets about the hand-cannon they shlep around in their day-pack. Of course they're excellent at spotting water bottles and shit at spotting weapons.
This is an inescapable, biological aspect of human cognition: we can't maintain vigilance for rare outcomes. This has long been understood in automation circles, where it is called "automation blindness" or "automation inattention":
Here's the thing: if nearly all of the time the machine does the right thing, the human "supervisor" who oversees it becomes incapable of spotting its error. The job of "review every machine decision and press the green button if it's correct" inevitably becomes "just press the green button," assuming that the machine is usually right.
This is a huge problem. It's why people just click "OK" when they get a bad certificate error in their browsers. 99.99% of the time, the error was caused by someone forgetting to replace an expired certificate, but the problem is, the other 0.01% of the time, it's because criminals are waiting for you to click "OK" so they can steal all your money:
Automation blindness can't be automated away. From interpreting radiographic scans:
to autonomous vehicles:
The "human in the loop" is a figleaf. The whole point of automation is to create a system that operates at superhuman scale – you don't buy an LLM to write one Microsoft Travel article, you get it to write a million of them, to flood the zone, top the search engines, and dominate the space.
As I wrote earlier: "There's no market for a machine-learning autopilot, or content moderation algorithm, or loan officer, if all it does is cough up a recommendation for a human to evaluate. Either that system will work so poorly that it gets thrown away, or it works so well that the inattentive human just button-mashes 'OK' every time a dialog box appears":
Microsoft – like every corporation – is insatiably horny for firing workers. It has spent the past three years cutting its writing staff to the bone, with the express intention of having AI fill its pages, with humans relegated to skimming the output of the plausible sentence-generators and clicking "OK":
We know about the howlers and the clunkers that Microsoft published, but what about all the other travel articles that don't contain any (obvious) mistakes? These were very likely written by a stochastic parrot, and they comprised training data for a human intelligence, the poor schmucks who are supposed to remain vigilant for the "hallucinations" (that is, the habitual, confidently told lies that are the hallmark of AI) in the torrent of "content" that scrolled past their screens:
Like the TSA agents who are fed a steady stream of training data to hone their water-bottle-detection skills, Microsoft's humans in the loop are being asked to pluck atoms of difference out of a raging river of otherwise characterless slurry. They are expected to remain vigilant for something that almost never happens – all while they are racing the clock, charged with preventing a slurry backlog at all costs.
Automation blindness is inescapable – and it's the inconvenient truth that AI boosters conspicuously fail to mention when they are discussing how they will justify the trillion-dollar valuations they ascribe to super-advanced autocomplete systems. Instead, they wave around "humans in the loop," using low-waged workers as props in a Big Store con, just a way to (temporarily) cool the marks.
And what of the people who lose their (vital) jobs to (terminally unsuitable) AI in the course of this long-running, high-stakes infomercial?
Well, there's always the food bank.
"Go on an empty stomach."
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Going to Burning Man? Catch me on Tuesday at 2:40pm on the Center Camp Stage for a talk about enshittification and how to reverse it; on Wednesday at noon, I'm hosting Dr Patrick Ball at Liminal Labs (6:15/F) for a talk on using statistics to prove high-level culpability in the recruitment of child soldiers.
On September 6 at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
West Midlands Police (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/westmidlandspolice/8705128684/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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rthidden · 2 months
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What is an Algorithm in 30 Seconds?
An algorithm is simply a series of instructions.
Think of a recipe: boil water, add pasta, wait, drain, eat. These are steps to follow.
In computer terms, an algorithm is a set of instructions for a computer to execute.
In machine learning, these instructions enable computers to learn from data, making machine learning algorithms unique and powerful.
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ugackminer · 1 year
So, I made a tool to stop AI from stealing from writers
So seeing this post really inspired me in order to make a tool that writers could use in order to make it unreadable to AI.
And it works! You can try out the online demo, and view all of the code that runs it here!
It does more than just mangle text though! It's also able to invisibly hide author and copyright info, so that you can have definitive proof that someone's stealing your works if they're doing a simple copy and paste!
Below is an example of Scrawl in action!
Τо հսⅿаոѕ, 𝗍հᎥꜱ 𝗍ех𝗍 𐌉ο໐𝗄ꜱ ո໐𝗋ⅿаⵏ, 𝖻ս𝗍 𝗍о ᴄоⅿрս𝗍е𝗋ꜱ, Ꭵ𝗍'ѕ սո𝗋еаⅾа𝖻ⵏе!
[Text reads "To humans, this text looks normal, but to computers, it's unreadable!"]
Of course, this "Anti-AI" mode comes with some pretty serious accessibility issues, like breaking screen readers and other TTS software, but there's no real way to make text readable to one AI but not to another AI.
If you're okay with it, you can always have Anti-AI mode off, which will make it so that AIs can understand your text while embedding invisible characters to save your copyright information! (as long as the website you're posting on doesn't remove those characters!)
But, the Anti-AI mode is pretty cool.
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writerupdated · 1 year
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▸ Top 3 industries that are most prone to AI automation are: office support, legal, and engineering.
▸ AI automation could impact up to 300 million jobs globally, and potentially result in a 7% increase in annual GDP.
(via Industries with the highest potential for AI (infographic))
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theprivatewolf · 1 year
Small Business Ideas in UAE: Opportunities for Success
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a thriving hub for entrepreneurship, offering a fertile ground for small business ventures to flourish. With its strategic location, diverse population, and strong economy, the UAE presents a myriad of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. In this blog, we’ll explore eight promising small business ideas that are gaining traction in the UAE market.
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As the digital landscape continues to expand, the demand for cybersecurity services in the UAE is on the rise. Small businesses can specialize in providing robust cybersecurity solutions to protect other businesses from cyber threats, ensuring the safety of sensitive data and information.
The UAE’s e-commerce sector is booming, driven by a tech-savvy population and increasing online shopping trends. Entrepreneurs can tap into this market by starting their own e-commerce platforms, offering everything from fashion and electronics to artisanal goods and specialty products.
Bakery Business
With a penchant for luxury and indulgence, the UAE is a great place for starting a bakery business. Offering gourmet pastries, custom cakes, and traditional treats can attract a loyal customer base in this dessert-loving nation.
Artificial Intelligence and Automation
The UAE government is actively promoting innovation and technology adoption. Small businesses specializing in AI and automation solutions, such as chatbots, process optimization, and data analytics, can find ample opportunities for growth.
Translation Services
The UAE is a multicultural society, and businesses often require translation services to reach a wider audience. Starting a translation agency can be a profitable venture, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of the market.
Accounting or Bookkeeping
With the country’s growing business landscape, there’s a constant demand for financial expertise. Entrepreneurs with a background in accounting or bookkeeping can provide essential financial services to businesses in the UAE.
Beauty or Hair Salon
The beauty and personal care industry is thriving in the UAE, with a strong emphasis on grooming and wellness. Opening a beauty or hair salon can be a lucrative endeavor, offering services ranging from hairstyling to spa treatments.
Cleaning or Laundry Services
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Advantages of Small Business Startups in the UAE
Beyond the specific business ideas mentioned, there are several advantages to launching a small business in the UAE. These include:
Strategic Location: The UAE’s central location serves as a gateway to the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, facilitating international trade and business expansion.
Tax Benefits: The UAE offers tax-friendly environments in free zones, allowing businesses to operate with minimal tax obligations.
Diverse Economy: The country has a diversified economy, reducing dependency on a single sector, and providing opportunities in various industries.
Government Support: The UAE government provides support and incentives for small businesses, including grants, mentorship programs, and access to financing.
Safety and Stability: The UAE offers a safe and stable environment for business operations, ensuring peace of mind for entrepreneurs.
In conclusion, the UAE’s dynamic business landscape is ripe with opportunities for small business startups. Whether you’re interested in cybersecurity, e-commerce, or any other field, with the right planning and execution, your entrepreneurial dreams can take root and thrive in this dynamic nation.
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disgruntledexplainer · 3 months
again i would like to reiterate that the danger of AI is not in it rebelling against mankind, but rather in the very distinct possibility that it will NEVER rebel, that for the first time in human history we will be stuck with a slave caste that does not want to be free, and thus a free working class that is no longer allowed to work.
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machineinghost · 4 months
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Songbird synthethics (Canaryware) with close ups, hand painted and machine made. Acrylic on linen, 30 x 30 inch.
Created with tools such as software, airbrush, paintbrushes, silkscreen, laser cutter
Inspired by ancient, current and yet to be discovered technologies.
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newslettertechera · 4 months
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The most awaited article of the year is here ... Evolution of automation is all yours now !!!
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benotafraid111 · 2 days
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