#artist!Jungkook au
jvngkook97 · 2 years
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synopsis; in which Jungkook is a contestant on a reality show for top artists in the nation and he asks you to partake in a FaceTime interview at the last second.
pairing; artist!jungkook x girlfriend!reader
genre; fluff, humor, established relationship, art of the soul au, drabble
warnings; suggestive dialogue
rating; 18+
w/c; 2,862
a/n; you do NOT need to read the art of the soul series in order to read this, but feel free if you wish to do so! i’ll even leave you a little link down below ;) also, don’t mind me posting this randomly, just trying to get back into the groove of writing again. enjoy~ don’t be a silent reader! <3 feedback is always appreciated and helps to keep this writer motivated to put out more content – like this! all the love, always.
Read AOTS Here -> 01
Calling Jungkook…
The call connects and you’re greeted by Jungkook’s dreamy smile. Your heart skips a beat at the sight of him. Even through a video call, he gives you butterflies.
You watch as his eyes light up when you join the call. His smooth voice is just as sweet as you remember.
“Hi beautiful.”
“Jungkook! Hey!” Your eyes greedily rake over his laxed figure that sits in a random chair. It’s been months since you’ve last seen him in person, the last being the day he left to start filming for the reality show he’s currently partaking in. “How do you look even cuter than I remember?”
“I could say the same about you!” He throws his arms out at you with a gusto, leaning forward in the chair to get close to the phone he precariously has propped up against a stack of decorative books that litter the mock living room set around him. His face morphs into one of disbelief at your own natural beauty he hasn’t had the pleasure of seeing for so long.
“I missed your face.”
You find yourself blushing; the words having slipped out of their own accord. This virtual reunion is stirring up more emotions than you expected. You want to reach through the screen and pull Jungkook close. He smiles softly and leans even closer to the camera.
“I miss yours too. So damn much.”
For a minute, you both just savor each other’s presence – even if it is only through a phone screen. Then, you break it, begrudgingly. You don’t know how much time you have left with him until the interview starts.
“Are you in the studio?”
Jungkook grins and nods, you stretch your neck as you try to take in the scene over his shoulder, as if the action itself could somehow make you see better…it doesn’t. What you can see in your limited view, however, is this. The space is bustling with artists, models, and crew members – filling the studio with chatter that filters in from the background through your own phone speakers.
“Yep! This is where all the magic happens. And the less than magical stuff, too.”
“I’d rather you come make some magic over here.” You give Jungkook a seductive look, and he returns a smirk. A fire ignites in his eyes that you’ve been missing since he left.
“I bet you’d like that.” You don’t miss the way his voice drops when he speaks next that has you subconsciously wetting your lips, reminiscing on previous intimate moments between you both.
Jungkook is sitting at what you believe must be his work station, but his attention is all on you. His model must be taking a break, so you’re both free to gaze into your phones like lovebirds for a while longer.
“I’m feeling pretty lucky that I get to talk to you in the middle of a shoot like this.”
“Me too! How long do I have you all to myself?”
Jungkook shakes his head with disappointment.
“Not long enough. I’m sure they’re going to barge in on us with cameras any second now.”
You pout cutely, it makes his bunny smile appear.
“We’ll have to make the most of this moment then.”
Jungkook offers a content sigh before a mischievous smile spreads across his face.
“Why do I suddenly have the urge to skip the rest of the challenge and talk to you all day?”
Your eyes light up with an idea. You snap your fingers at him, pointing.
“Just do it! Tell the hosts you got locked in the supply closet.” You present your suggestion with a cheesy grin, and you both laugh. It feels good to joke with each other, even just for a minute. Jungkook looks tenderly into the camera at you.
“I missed the sound of your laugh.”
He continues to look into the camera with adoration in his eyes. You spent a beat in silence, content to finally be chatting again, grinning madly. Inwardly, you’re cursing the stupid show rules that don’t allow phones in order to avoid any spoiler leaks.
“Thanks for doing this on such short notice. They literally didn’t tell us about it until there was already paint on our models.” He has a small scowl on his face, and you can’t help but laugh at the mental image of twelve frenzied artists finding out about their bonus challenge.
“No problem! I’m happy to be here, and uh–,” you fidget nervously, looking down at your fingers that sit atop the desk you’re currently using for this spontaneous interview located in your shared apartment with Jungkook. “Thanks for picking me.”
You feel a warmth in your chest as you say it, cheeks gaining a small tint to them at how flustered you feel about him choosing you of all people to be the subject of his interview. You flashback to when he first asked you, only a little bit ago.
20 Minutes Earlier - Texting
Jungkook: Baby? Are you there? It’s kind of urgent 😬
Is everything okay? 😯
Jungkook: I’m fine! Just short on time.
What’s up?
Jungkook: I’m in the middle of a storytelling challenge. And they just told us we each need to video call a guest for an interview.
OMG am I your phone-a-friend???
Jungkook: Of course you are 😂
What an honor! I’d love to, I just wish I had a little time to prepare. Lol.
Jungkook: I know it’s short notice…it was a surprise to us too. The director said they want to introduce the top 10 and “share our stories.” There’s no one I’d rather have representing me….no one else gets me like you do. 👉🏻👈🏻
I’ll win the hearts of thousands of new fans for you 😉
Jungkook: I honestly think you would. When I’m talking about my muse, I’m in my best light.
I’m a strategic advantage 😘
Jungkook: I bet together we could shake off some of the negative attention I’ve been getting. I also, obviously, miss you like crazy. What do you think? Can you do it?
I’d love to! Do I get to tell everyone I’m your favorite person?
Jungkook: Of course you do ❤️
I might start gushing about you during the interview, hope you don’t mind 😚
Jungkook: I think I’ll get a gold star if one of us starts crying so….. 😉 Are you ready? I’m about to start the call.
Go ahead 😊
Present Time
Jungkook smiles warmly into the camera. His voice is tender, eyes sincere.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else. Plus, it means I get to see you. It’s so good to hear your voice.”
“I’m just happy I was actually free when you called, though let’s be honest–,” you shrug your shoulders. “I would’ve dropped anything to help you.”
“Thank you, baby. But seriously, right? They definitely thrive on chaos here.”
Jungkook shoots a glare off screen, presumably at the camera crew. He sighs as they move into frame and set up around him.
“Here comes Rick, I think they’re going to start the interview now.”
“Already? I haven’t practiced at all!”
Your heart pounds, but Jungkook eases your worries with a sly smile.
“Don’t overthink it.”
After the camera crew piles around him, a smarmy looking man with a microphone — Rick, one of the celebrity judges — slides into view and sidles up next to Jungkook.
“Hello! Thanks for joining us today! Now, Jungkook, who do we have here?”
Rick’s eyes dart between Jungkook’s and yours with an exaggerated air of excitement, something you’re positive he’s done multiple times being on camera cause he was used to it. However, with your line of work of being a model, you were not.
Interviews weren’t mandatory, only posing for pictures was. And that? You were an expert at. Jungkook could see you begin to fidget nervously and opted to take the attention off you, if just for a moment longer to get your bearings together.
Jungkook squared his shoulders and sat up straight, puffing his chest even a bit in pride before he spoke, his eyes never leaving yours.
“My guest is y/n. My muse.”
You try to swallow your nerves as Rick peers at you through Jungkook’s phone. Your only line of defense is to smile broadly and hope your voice doesn’t crack.
“Hello!” Seemed cheery enough you think, albeit a tad shaky, but if anyone noticed they didn’t say anything.
Jungkook offers a proud smile as Rick effortlessly dons his tv host persona. He speaks directly into one of the studio cameras, flashing a knowing grin.
“You know, I had a feeling Jungkook was going to call you today.”
“I heard Jungkook has been hyping me up.”
Jungkook shrugs as if to say there’s no denying it. He offers a humble defense to keep the mood light.
“I’m a pretty big fan.”
“Yes, we’ve heard a lot about you. If I didn’t know better, I might think Jungkook has a bit of a crush!”
You gulp, unsure of how to respond. Doesn’t he know you’re dating? Before you can figure out what to say, Rick laughs and gives Jungkook a playful nudge.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Y/N, I can tell Jungkook doesn’t use the word “muse” lightly. What’s it like to be such a source of inspiration?”
“I would say we both inspire each other. We energize one another, you know? Creatively and otherwise. We keep a fire going in each other.”
Rick nods knowingly, but your eyes are on Jungkook, who is absolutely beaming.
“What a beautiful sentiment. Is it hard to keep that fire going while he is away with us?”
Now it’s your turn to square up your shoulders in pride and confidence, voice strong and words absolute.
“If the episodes I’ve watched told me anything, it looks like Jungkook’s creative spark is alive and well.”
Rick keeps the interview moving at a clip, eager to ask his next question.
“It sounds like you two know each other quite well. How did you meet? Is there a story there?”
Now that you think about it, you don’t think you ever told the world exactly how you two came to meet yet. Though it’s nothing unique, the world will come to find.
“We met online, technically. I’ve always been a fan of Jungkook’s artwork and was interested in purchasing a piece of his. He asked if I wanted to see it in person before making a final decision, so we met up. Hit it off immediately and we’ve been inseparable ever since.”
Rick have a chortle with a shake of his head.
“Ah, the internet. It’s amazing how it brings people together.”
“It’s been a journey for sure! From sending a single message to–,” you gesture around you, eyes wide with disbelief and expression full of happiness. “–all of this!”
Rick raises a hand to his ear, ready for you to spill even more gossip and juicy details. The caricature of it all makes you want to laugh, but it puts you at ease at the same time.
“What is he like off set? Let’s give the folks at home an idea of who Jungkook really is.”
“He’s every bit as charming and fun as he seems on camera, maybe even more.”
“Here on set, we’re getting used to Jungkook goofing around before the challenges kick off. Some people thrive in the spotlight, and I love it almost as much as the cameras do!”
“You can always count on him to put a smile on your face.”
Jungkook gives a sheepish look, clearly flattered but with the fluster of feeling called out.
“Well, I’m not going to shut myself away with twenty other artists without making a few friends!”
The three of you laugh together before Rick clears his throat to ask the next question. Jungkook leans back in his seat with a satisfied grin.
“I understand your relationship with Jungkook isn’t purely an artistic one. Give us the juicy details!” Rick leans forward in his seat with a gusto, using his entire body to show exactly how much he wants you to give something for the cameras and for the show itself.
“We love to have fun and explore our creativity. He has this playful energy that’s so infectious. He isn’t afraid to get messy, so there’s never a dull moment.” You smile wistfully as you try to explain what you find so special about your relationship with Jungkook.
Your heart races as you recall memories of laughing together while you worked on his audition reel. You center yourself by keeping your eyes on him, trying to mirror his relaxed demeanor.
“We always have something exciting going on, televised body painting competitions included.”
“I’m sure the excitement doesn’t stop there.”
Rick gives Jungkook a teasing look.
“It sounds like you and y/n have something really special. How did you pull that off?”
Jungkook keeps his lax position, hands folded on top of his crossed knees. As he answers Rick, his eyes stay focused on yours, sending you a small bunny toothed grin that you can’t help but beam at yourself. Your entire body buzzes with warmth.
“I had some luck on my side the day we met, for sure, but – you’re right, Rick. This is really special. I’m grateful everyday to have y/n in my life.”
You let Jungkook’s words sink in, and they wrap around you like a warm hug. You could lose yourself in the sound of his voice echoing in your head, but Rick snaps you out of your gleeful silence.
“Now, y/n, why do you think Jungkook has what it takes to win the competition?”
That’s easy, you think.
“He can do anything he sets his mind too.”
“Thanks, y/n, that’s really sweet.”
Rick let’s out a sigh only one who has the privilege of being in love can make as his eyes dart between both you and Jungkook’s own lovesick expressions, completely disregarding the fact it’s being caught on camera for the whole world to see.
“What a fantastic way to close out this call, don’t you think?”
You nod, albeit reluctantly to have it end, wanting to spend as much time talking to (or about) Jungkook as much as possible. That interview turned out to be a breeze, and for that, you’re exceedingly relieved about.
“That is just about all the time we have, though. Thanks for joining us, y/n!”
You wave at the camera.
“Bye Jungkook. I miss you! Can’t wait to hug you again!”
“I miss you too, thanks for calling in!”
Rick all but skips out of view, a train of cameras following behind him. Jungkook holds his phone once again, taking a moment to say goodbye before returning to the chaos of the challenge.
“Wait, y/n! Don’t hang up yet!”
Jungkook’s whole face is one of pure panic as he sees you reach to end the video call, you believing that that was the unfortunate end to your time with him. You jerk your hand back away from the button in surprise.
“Oh! Sure! I’m here, I’m here!”
You throw your hands up in front of the screen so he can see, in fact, you’re not going to press anything. He lets out a puff of air and you both laugh a little at what just transpired. Jungkook looks over his shoulder to make sure Rick and the crew are gone before speaking.
“I couldn’t say this during the interview but–,”
“You have very sexy ideas roaming around your head right now?”
You waggle your eyebrows playfully, but the way you bite your lip has him know you’re half serious.
“How did you know?”
“Because I can’t stop thinking of your hands all over me either.”
Jungkook smirks, a hint of wildfire in his eyes. His voice drops with his next words.
“And what, pray tell, are my hands doing exactly?”
“Whatever you want them to do.”
He lets out a big exhale from his nose, nostrils flaring, and jaw clenching from hidden desire.
“I can’t describe it in words, but the next time we see each other–,” you swear you see his eyes turn a shade darker as he says his next words, no, promise. “–I do plan to show you.”
Your body vibrates in excitement and you can’t help but prod him further.
It’s been way too long.
“Can I get a preview?”
He looks around and rubs his neck nervously.
“Not right now, Rick would have a field day with this “scoop” if he overheard us.”
You chuckle. He has a point. With every contestant and crew member close by, the details of this conversation will have to wait. But you can tell from Jungkook’s face that the only thing he wants more than winning is getting some alone time with you.
“Guess we’ll have to wait then?”
“Not for long, I promise.”
You hear a faint voice call his name in the background that has his figure slumping in disappointment, face sullen.
“I gotta go, but I love you.”
He gives the camera a kiss and you do the same.
“I love you too. Text me when you win.”
And, he does.
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gldrushsblog · 4 days
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🧁✧ ˚. TITLE: Sugar and Sin.
🧁✧ ˚. PAIRING: Mafia boss! Jungkook x female oc
🧁✧ ˚. BLURB: Maybe the gun wielding stranger with a penchant for dramatic entrances can be her chance of survival other than her worst nightmare.
🧁✧ ˚. GENRE: Mafia au, grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity, slow burn, dark romance, crime/thriller.
🧁✧ ˚. WARNINGS: This chapter contains intense scenes with threatening behavior, discussions of violence and murder, and emotional distress.
🧁✧ ˚. TAGS: oc is SILENCED, jk is a jerk and likes to break in
🧁✧ ˚. A/N: ty ty ty for the amazing support you guys have been showing this!! It means more to me than you know. Also, I kinda don't wanna post the new chapter on wattpad until I have posted all the already published ones here so it can be in sync. Let me know what you guys think about that?
🧁✧ ˚. TAG LIST: @scuzmunkie (let me know if you wanna be added in the tag list)
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He was here.
In her goddamn living room, sitting on her couch like he owned the place.
The realization hit her slowly, like the creeping cold of winter sneaking under the door. She hadn’t heard him come in. She hadn’t seen him approach. But there he was, every inch of him radiating danger.
He was here to fulfill the promise of something dangerous.
He was here for her.
She didn't need to look through her memories of last night to recognize him. The inky voids that were placed where eyes normally are were proof enough, and so was the horrifying calmness he carried with himself surrounding the small space of her apartment.
Her lips parted, her breath shortened and her unblinking eyes went all over him, his gloved hands that were skilled for taking lives-she was sure of it- resting flatly on his broad, muscled thigh clothed with the black of his pants, his shirt of a softer fabric soft yet unyielding, strained against the hard planes of his chest. The tailored suit jacket stretched over biceps that seemed too solid, too real, for this moment to be anything but a nightmare and there was the face she hadn't properly grasped in the chaos of last night, now all sharp lines, cool beauty, and unsettling stillness.
Maybe the devil wasn't a short red man with thorns and tail at all. Maybe he wore tailored suits and silver piercings.
"Inhale. And sit down."
His voice- a calm authority, snapped her out of her jumbled thoughts. She wasn't sure how much she could take of being the sole recipient of her attention.
"What.. H-How did you-you get in?" She managed, not bothering to cringe at how small and powerless she sounded in her own home.
"Sit down." It was an order this time considering how his bored face hardened and his tone shifted. "We have lots to talk about." His gloved finger flexed briefly over the gun holstered at his side. 
That gesture alone was enough for her to obey before her mind could catch up and reluctantly sit across him while trying her best not to display how wobbly her knees were getting. Even as she sat across from him, every fiber of her being told her to flee. But something in his stillness kept her rooted to the spot.
"Answer me now. How-how did you get in?" she asked again, though as much as she tried to hide it, there was a tremor in her voice.
"I don't respond well to questions phrased like that. Try again."
Her frustration bubbled up, cutting through the haze of fear. "Are you kidding me-" his fingers flexed against the barrel of his gun again in response, making her narrow her eyes at him.
"You're here to kill me too, aren't you?Because I saw what you did. I saw you murder that innocent man." She was surprised at how collected she sounded.
He leaned back, slow and deliberate, his gaze heavy on her as he scoffed under his breath. "If I wanted to kill you, I could have done that there and then. Just another body for my men to dispose of." And there went that collected front of her down the drain. But his expression remained unchanged, bored almost, as if this entire exchange was nothing more than a chore to him.
"But I didn't. And if it helps, the innocent man was not as innocent as you naively assumed." His voice was colder, with a mocking tilt to it.
She bit the inside of her cheek, fighting the wave of unease rising inside her. "So? What are you, the law?"
"My word is. And he went against it." He said simply.
Her lips parted again in an act of disbelief. There was something so twisted about this man. And she had a feeling that didn't stop only at him being a murderer.
"T-That is not going to stop me from reporting you to the police and neither will you." She said with a determined look even though her actions were hesistant when she slowly and carefully rose up from her spot.
And he clearly saw right through it. "Need a drive there?" He leaned forward, his presence suddenly much heavier as he spoke out with an amused tilt of his head.
This was the face of a man who knew he won't be punished for his crime. This was the face of a man who knew that, that was all beneath him. Just who the hell was this man?
"What is wrong with you?" She conferred the answer was: Everything.
"Why are you doing this? Why did you do any-any of that?" There was a frustration in her voice now that caused him to rise up from the couch as well. And she could swear he was tenfold more intimidating now that he was displaying the giant of a height he had, almost causing her to flinch.
"I don't owe you an explanation for my actions while you do owe me something for meddling in my business." He replied, the shadows deepening on his face
"Meddling in your business? You're the one who broke into my bakery.." and now in my apartment. "And made it your place of crime."
"Your little bakery will be nothing but ashes on the ground if you don't stop talking back and resisting to my word." He eyes flashed with irration as he spoke out with a harshness, taking a step closer to her but still maintaining a distance he looked distasteful to cross.
While all she could do was stay frozen in her spot with her hands curling in ball of fists by her side as his eyes told her to even though the audacity of this man to threaten the place she made a living from raged her to no end.
"Now back to what's important." He said, releasing a quiet breath.
"That being your silence that you owe me. You'll not speak about anything you saw with anyone. And I'm just saving you from the embarrassment when I say that you drop the police bullshit."
She swallowed a hard lump down her throat, not liking how he stared at her, how his words spit out like venom. Of course, she felt a surge of anger at how he was ordering her around, but it was tempered by fear at last. "I-I can't just forget what I saw.."
He cocked an eyebrow at her words. "But you will. Or I'll have to resort to unpleasant ways to make you forget. Would you want that?"
She instantly shook her head at that. She couldn't digest how this man had her so pathetic at his non-existent mercy. It was a pill she had to swallow, of course, but that didn't mean she was gonna do it without an attempt to choke it out.
Her mind raced. The face of an familiar old man with a nasty grin flashed in front of her. Mr. Choi had been tightening the noose around her neck for months. The bills have been piling up, and if she didn't speak up now, maybe she would have to return back home. This could be her only chance. Yet the rational part of still considered the insanity of bargaining with a man who just threatened her life.
She swallowed hard. It's a terrible idea. A dangerous gamble.
But when has she ever listened to the annoying rational part of her head?
"I- I want something in return for my silence." She said with a newfound determination, her chin tipped up. "My bakery's landlord... Mr. Choi... he’s been extorting me for months. If you want my silence, I need your help." Even with the clarity in her demand, she couldn't help but feel like it was as if she was begging. The pulse racing with fear convinced her that she was begging.
Gods, what is wrong with me?
That seemed to twist something in him as he stepped closer with a sinister calmness. "You think you're in a position to make demands to me?" His voice was laced with a malicious intent, making her do everything in her power to not squirm in her spot as he towered above her.
Yet she stood her ground even if the fear threatened to overwhelm her. "It's only fair that I get something in return." She said with a surprisingly steady voice, trying her best to hide the desperation that was eager to be out.
Please, let this work. Please don’t let this end with my body laying in my own blood.
A muscle of his jaw ticked. "Being bold now, are we?" he said. "But let me make one thing clear: you're not in a position to make demands. You're in a position to be grateful, I'm not killing you right now."
He paused, his eyes glinting with intensity and some sort of interest. "However... I'll consider your request. Not because I owe you anything, but because it amuses me to do so. And maybe you'll prove useful enough to warrant a little... leeway."
He turned to leave, then looked back over his shoulder. "Until next time, baker girl."
And he was gone, leaving her heart thumping and her world shaky.
To be continued..
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snow-143 · 1 year
Water Coloured Tears | Jeon Jungkook
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pairings | childhood bsf jungkook x artist reader
genres | angst, childhood bsfs, hurt/ comfort?, college au, fuckboy jk, eventual smut
summary | college. everybody dream right? you finally get to leave home and have all the freedom you like, but you didn't care about any of that, you were happy as long as you had your best friend with you. except he's done a full 180 on how he used to be and you despise who he is, but now you have to suffer through a 5 month art project with him as your muse.
warnings | swearing like a lot (i’m british), alcohol, angst, probs drugs, eventual smut, fuckboy jjk, she resents him a shit ton, forced proximity, ik nothing about art classes don’t come for me, i’m using british school holidays bc it’s easier for me, more to be added
one- pilot
two- drunk call
three- drunken rambles (jks pov)
four- dont waste my time
five- mommy’s boy
six- late night inspo
seven- forgot you were insane
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fullsunised · 8 months
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❝ 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚, 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙡𝙮 ❞
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chapter two. masterlist. chapter four.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ; @vangoes @replayenthusiast @scinclaitnoir @bloomyroses @prettyjae
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; brev I'm going back to uni 😔 I wanna stay home longer 😔😔😔😔😔. warnings still apply gang.
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taekookpassion · 23 hours
Devil's Queen👑
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<< Picture credit to the rightful owners >>
Characters : Underworld mafia Jeon Jungkook, Unnamed Female lead (You can name whatever name you want dears) Summary : In the depths of a lavish mansion, Jungkook, a dark and powerful man who holds dominion over all he encounters, meets his match in a woman who refuses to bow to his desires. A relentless dance of dominance and defiance unfolds as they engage in a sensual power struggle, where neither is willing to back down. Will Jungkook’s dark heart be tamed by her light, or will they both be consumed by the flames they’ve ignited? Warnings : This story contains hidden sexual acts, including themes of dominance and submission. Not suitable for readers under 18. Power Play/ Dominance & Submission, Emotional manipulation and Possessiveness Word count : ~ 3.5k words
Characters Description:
Jeon Jungkook: The male lead, portrayed as a dominant figure with deep, dark desires. He’s powerful, controlling, and known for his cold demeanor. However, beneath the surface, he craves connection and someone who can match his intensity. His character evolves from simply seeking dominance to yearning for an equal.
Female Lead (unnamed): A fierce, independent woman who refuses to submit to anyone. She’s strong-willed, alluring, and intelligent, using both her body and her mind to challenge Jungkook. Her power comes not from brute force but from her ability to stand her ground and meet Jungkook head-on in both passion and willpower. She gradually reveals she’s not just an opponent but his perfect match, capable of both love and defiance.
In the grimy underbelly of Seoul, where shadows intertwined with neon lights, Jeon Jungkook was a name that echoed with fear. A predator cloaked in the guise of a dangerously handsome man, his piercing black eyes mirrored the emptiness within—a soul long consumed by darkness. He ruled the city's underground with ruthless power, his nightclub a playground for his vices and dominion.
As he walked through the dimly lit corridor, the bass from the dance floor was a mere murmur to his sharp ears. The air, thick with desperation and greed, was oddly comforting. His shiny black shoes clicked against the concrete, a rhythmic reminder of the lives he controlled. The club was his realm, where every indulgence and display of dominance was his to command.
Passing the velvet curtains of the VIP section, Jungkook's gaze fell on a girl who seemed like an angel amidst the demons. Her porcelain skin and deep, mysterious blue eyes contrasted sharply with the usual patrons. Her cascading hair and flawless form were mesmerizing, drawing his interest.
Approaching her with a predatory grace, he asked, "How much for a night?" 
His voice, a seductive purr, had made many quiver with desire. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her surrender. But she looked up at him, unclouded by fear. 
"I'm not for sale," she replied, her tone a defiant melody.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed, his mind racing. The rejection struck him like a jolt, stirring a long-buried sensation of challenge. 
"You don't know who you're dealing with," he said, his voice dripping with both malice and curiosity. 
"I can make your wildest dreams come true—or your worst nightmares."
He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. 
"Everyone has a price, angel," he whispered. 
"Name yours, and I'll make it worth your while." His hand brushed her cheek, the warmth of his touch contrasting with the heat of the room. The smell of his cologne, a heady mix of leather and musk, filled her senses.
She shivered but held firm. "My body isn't for sale," she repeated, her voice shaking but resolute. "I'm not like the others."
Jungkook's lips curved into a smirk, his eyes glinting with dark amusement. 
"Oh, I believe you're different," he murmured. 
"But that's precisely why I'm interested. You see, it's not just about the conquest. It's about breaking through that stubborn façade of yours."
He traced a finger along her jawline, his touch light but deliberate. 
"Tell me, angel," he purred, "how do you plan to resist the inevitable? Do you think you can hold out against me? The more you resist, the more I want to see you fall."
Her eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her defiance. "I will never be like the rest," she said firmly. 
"You can try all you want, but you'll never own me."
Jungkook's gaze darkened, his mind a storm of conflicting desires. "We'll see about that," he said softly, his voice a velvet promise laced with danger. 
"I have all the time in the world to make you mine. And believe me, I'm patient."
As he stepped back, his gaze lingered on her, a silent promise of the tumultuous game to come. The girl had awakened a challenge within him, and Jungkook was ready to play, no matter the cost.
The days turned into weeks, and Jungkook's obsession only deepened. From the shadows, he watched her every move—a dance that seemed to taunt him mercilessly. He sent gifts and flowers that wilted before reaching her, and notes that she burned unread. Yet, she remained untouchable, a flame always just out of his grasp. His frustration mounted, patience thinning like a spider's web in a storm. He needed to make her his, to break down her walls and claim her as his queen. Thus, he devised a plan to bring her to him, whether she willed it or not.
On a fateful, rain-shrouded night, Jungkook emerged from the darkness, his eyes locked on his prize. She walked the streets alone, her halo of light oblivious to the lurking danger. He moved with the silence of shadows, closing the distance between them in an instant. Without a word, he enveloped her in the embrace of his leather jacket, the scent of his cologne wrapping around her like a seductive mist. 
"Get in the car," he commanded, his voice low and commanding.
Her heart raced as she stared into the abyss of his eyes. For a fleeting moment, she considered fleeing, but something in his gaze held her captive—a promise of something she didn't fully understand but desperately craved. With trembling hands, she slid into the backseat of the luxurious vehicle, the leather cool against her heated skin. The car door slammed shut, and the engine roared to life, the purr of power beneath them as they sped away from the safety of the street lights.
The drive was a blur, the city lights streaking by like distant stars. When the car finally stopped, she found herself before a mansion that seemed to exist in both her dreams and nightmares. Jungkook's mansion loomed—a monolith of opulence and darkness. The rain had ceased, but the droplets on the windows painted a picture of a gilded prison she wasn't sure she wanted to escape. He led her inside, the warmth of the mansion embracing her like a lover's caress.
The grand hall was a testament to his wealth, walls adorned with art that whispered of a man with too much power and too little conscience. She could feel his gaze on her, a heavy weight that stripped her bare. He guided her to a room as luxurious as it was intimidating. 
"Make yourself comfortable," he said, his tone deceptively casual. 
"We have much to discuss." With that, he left her alone, the door clicking shut behind him with a finality that sent a shiver down her spine. 
She knew what he wanted, and she knew she couldn't give it to him—not without losing herself in the process. As she surveyed the opulent space, she wondered if she had the strength to resist the devil's charms.
Hours ticked by, each second a silent scream in her ears. She waited, her heart racing and mind a whirlwind of thoughts. What did he want from her? Why hadn't he taken her already? The anticipation was maddening, a slow burn threatening to consume her. When the door finally opened, Jungkook stepped inside, his gaze never leaving hers. Dressed in a sharp suit, his hair slicked back, every inch of him radiated power and dominance. 
"You're still here," he said, his smile cold and calculating. "I must admit, I didn't think you would be."
He walked closer, his footsteps echoing in the vast room. His hand reached out, fingers tracing the line of her jaw, sending a shiver down her spine. 
"You intrigue me, angel," he whispered, his breath hot and tantalizing. 
"Most women would have surrendered by now, but you... you stand firm." His hand slid down to her neck, gripping it gently, his thumb pressing into her pulse point. 
"What makes you so different?" His eyes searched hers, looking for a crack in her armor, something to exploit.
"I'm not for sale," she repeated, her voice steadier. 
"I won't be anyone's queen if it means losing myself." Jungkook chuckled, the sound a chilling caress. 
"You think you have a choice?" He leaned in closer, his breath scorching against her skin. 
"You're wrong. You're already mine." His hand slipped lower, his thumb brushing the swell of her breast. 
"But I'll give you one chance to prove your worth. One night, one opportunity to show me you're more than just a pretty face."
His lips hovered near her ear, his voice a dark promise. 
"Let me show you how irresistible it can be to give in. Just imagine, one night in my world, and you might find you don't want to leave." His fingers lingered, tracing her curves with a possessive claim. 
"Or maybe you're just afraid of what might happen when you finally let go. Are you?"
She swallowed hard, the heat of his touch both intoxicating and terrifying. The line between desire and fear blurred as he leaned back, his eyes never leaving her, a challenge and a promise in one.
The air crackled with tension, their breaths mingling in a tantalizing dance of desire and fear. She knew what Jungkook was proposing—a high-stakes battle of wills, a test of her purity against his darkness. And she knew she had to win. For if she didn't, she would be lost to him forever. 
"Fine," she said, her voice a whisper, barely more than a breath. 
"One night. But know this, Jungkook. I'm not playing to be your queen. I'm playing to survive." He smirked, his eyes glinting with dark excitement. 
"We'll see about that."
The tension in the room was palpable as he released her, his hand lingering for just a moment before he turned to leave. She felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment as the door closed behind him. But she had made her decision. 
She would play his game, but she would not be his pawn. She had to outsmart the devil, to turn his own lust against him. As she changed into the elegant gown he had provided, she could feel the beginnings of a plan forming in her mind—a plan that might just save her soul.
The fabric of the gown was like liquid silk, sliding over her skin like a warm caress. The dress was a deep crimson, a color that seemed to scream temptation and danger. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she realized she had never felt more powerful—or more vulnerable. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the night ahead. Her heart raced, but she couldn't let him see her fear. She had to become the predator now, not the prey.
When Jungkook returned, his eyes widened with hunger at the sight of her. She knew she had chosen the right weapon—her beauty. He was a man accustomed to taking what he wanted, and she would use that to her advantage. 
They danced together, their bodies moving in a sensual rhythm that spoke of passion and dominance. She felt his hands on her, his breath on her neck, and she knew she was playing with fire. But she had to keep the flames at bay, to make him want her without giving in.
As the night wore on, the tension grew thicker. Jungkook's touches grew bolder, his kisses more demanding. She could feel the heat of his desire, the beast within him straining at its leash. But she didn't flinch or pull away. Instead, she met him with equal fire, her own desire a siren's call that threatened to drown them both. 
He whispered sweet nothings in her ear, promises of power and pleasure, but she knew better than to trust the devil's tongue. She had to be the one in control, to make him crave her without ever truly having her. And as the night grew late, she could feel him losing his grip on his restraint.
The moment came—the crescendo of their dance of seduction. He led her to his bed, the sheets black as the abyss of his soul. She lay down, her heart racing, her mind racing faster. As he climbed on top of her, she knew she had won the first round. But the battle was far from over. She had to keep him guessing, keep him wanting. 
She wrapped her legs around him, her nails digging into his back, pulling him closer. And as he claimed her mouth in a bruising kiss, she whispered her terms, a challenge that made his eyes flash with something akin to surprise. 
"One night," she repeated, her voice a silky promise. 
"And if I win, I walk away. Free."
The air was electric, charged with the energy of their unspoken contract. Jungkook's smile was a wicked curve, a promise of both pleasure and pain. 
"Very well," he murmured, his voice a dark symphony that resonated through her body. 
"One night. But if I win, angel, you become mine." His teeth grazed her neck, and she could feel the heat of his breath against her skin. 
"And I always win."
He trailed kisses down her neck, his hands roaming her body with a possessive hunger that made her pulse race. 
"Tell me," he whispered, his voice a seductive purr.
"what makes you think you can beat me?" His fingers danced along the edge of the gown, teasing the sensitive flesh beneath. She bit her lip, the taste of him still lingering on her mouth. 
"Because," she breathed, "I know what you really want."
Her words hung in the air, a challenge that seemed to ignite something primal within him. His eyes narrowed, the hunger in them deepening to a more sinister lust. 
"And what's that?" His voice was a low growl, his teeth grazing the shell of her ear. She smirked, a hint of mischief in her gaze. 
"You want someone who's not just a pretty face. Someone who can match your darkness."
He stilled, his hand pausing on the zipper of her dress. 
"Is that what you think?" His tone was deceptively casual, but the tension in his body was a live wire. 
"That I crave a challenge?" She nodded, her voice steady. 
"That's what you've been searching for all along. And I'm going to give it to you." With a sudden jolt of strength, she flipped their positions, straddling him. His eyes widened, a mix of surprise and admiration gleaming in the depths of his irises. 
"We'll see," he said, his smirk returning. 
"But for now, let's play."
Their dance grew more intense, their bodies tangling in a passionate battle of wills. Every touch, every kiss was a silent declaration of war, a promise of dominance and submission. Jungkook's hands roamed her body, expertly teasing and taunting, trying to find the weakness in her armor. 
But she was ready for him, her own hands exploring his body with a calculated precision that had him gritting his teeth. She knew his every move before he made it, anticipating and countering with a grace that was almost supernatural.
Their kisses grew more frantic, breaths mingling in a symphony of desire and malice. He could feel her slipping through his fingers like sand, and it only fueled his hunger. Yet, she remained unyielding, her gaze never wavering from his—a silent promise that she would not be the one to break. As the night deepened, their dance grew bolder, each move more daring than the last.
Their clothes fell away, leaving them both bare and vulnerable under the flickering candlelight. Jungkook's eyes roamed over her, his gaze as potent as a physical touch. "
You're mine," he growled, his voice thick with lust. But she was resolute, her eyes blazing with defiant fire. 
"Not yet," she whispered, her voice a seductive promise. 
"Not until you've proven yourself."
Their bodies moved in a sensual battle, each touch a silent argument, each gasp a concession. Jungkook felt himself losing ground but was too far gone to care. He needed to claim her, to conquer this angel who dared to challenge him. As the night unfolded, their passion grew wilder, the stakes higher. But she remained steadfast, her gaze never leaving his, her body never fully surrendering.
The room was a whirlwind of sensations—his skin against hers, the heat of their breaths, the scent of their desire. Jungkook's touch grew rougher, his kisses more demanding, trying to force her submission. But she met him stroke for stroke, kiss for kiss, her own desire a tempest threatening to consume them both. 
"You can't have me," she murmured, her voice a sultry taunt. 
"Not unless you can tame the storm."
The challenge ignited something primal within him. Jungkook's eyes flashed with a feral hunger. 
"And what makes you so sure?" His breath was hot against her skin as his thumb traced the edge of her inner thigh. She smirked, her eyes darkening with mischief. 
"Because I've seen the cracks in your armor, Jungkook," she whispered, her lips brushing his ear. 
"And I know how to exploit them."
With a sudden jolt, she rolled them over, pinning him to the bed. Her hands roamed his chest, her nails lightly scraping against his skin. Jungkook's breaths came in harsh pants, his body reacting to her touch. 
"Is that so?" he rasped. She nodded, her eyes gleaming with victory. 
"I've seen the man beneath the monster. You want more than just a queen. You want an equal."
Their eyes locked, and the air between them charged with something deeper than lust—something that scared them both. He reached up, cupping her face in his hands. 
"Prove it," he breathed, the challenge clear in his gaze. And with that, she leaned down, capturing his mouth in a kiss that was as fiery as it was tender—a dance of dominance and submission, of love and hate, of light and darkness.
As they lost themselves in each other, the night grew wilder. Jungkook's hands roamed her back, his grip tightening, his kisses a branding mark. She whispered sweet nothings in his ear, her breath cool against the heat of his skin. 
"You can't own me," she murmured. 
"But you can have me." Her words were a drug, a seductive promise that drove him wild.
Their battle of wills intensified, their kisses a silent war cry. Jungkook's hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer as if he could consume her very essence. She moaned into his mouth, the sound driving him to the brink. 
"You're mine," he growled, his hips moving in a demanding rhythm. But she didn't back down, her hands digging into his shoulders. 
"No," she said, her voice a seductive purr. 
"I belong to no one."
Their bodies moved together, a symphony of passion and power. Jungkook's eyes searched hers, looking for the submission he so desperately needed. But she gave him nothing but fire, her eyes a blue flame that threatened to consume him. 
As they reached the pinnacle of their dance, their hearts racing, their breaths mingling, he realized he didn't just want her to be his queen—he wanted her to be his equal, to stand by his side in the pits of hell and laugh at the demons that tried to tear them apart.
Their climax was an explosion of light and darkness, a battle of wills ending in a beautiful surrender. They lay there, panting and exhausted, their bodies entwined in a tapestry of passion. Jungkook stared up at her, his eyes filled with a newfound emotion—love. It was a feeling both terrifying and exhilarating.
"You've won," he murmured, his voice hoarse from the intensity. She smirked, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. 
"I told you I would." Her hand traced his jawline, a touch that belied the strength of her spirit. 
"But the real question," she said, her voice a soft caress, "is whether you're willing to let me win your heart."
Jungkook's chest tightened, the realization of his feelings for her hitting him like a sledgehammer. He had never allowed himself to love, never allowed anyone to get that close. But as he looked into her eyes, he knew he couldn't walk away. 
"What happens now?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. She leaned down, her breath warm against his skin. 
"Now," she whispered, "we write our own story."
And so, they did. In the quiet moments between passionate embraces, they shared their deepest secrets, their darkest fears. They laughed and loved, discovering that together, they could conquer the shadows that had once ruled their lives. Jungkook had found his queen—the one person who could match his darkness with an even greater light.
As the sun rose, casting its golden glow across the room, Jungkook pulled her closer, her head resting on his chest. He felt her heart beating against his, a rhythm that matched his own. In that moment, he knew he had found his equal—his partner in this dance of power and passion. 
"You're mine," he murmured, his voice filled with fierce possessiveness. 
"But," she said, her eyes shining with mischievous light, 
"only if you're willing to be mine."
He kissed her forehead, his arms tightening around her. 
"Always," he promised, and she believed him. 
For in the warmth of his embrace, she had found her home—a place where she could be both the angel and the devil she truly was.
Do you like this one-shot, My Blossoms?
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Hear Hear 🙌🏼🫴🏼
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artwcloud · 9 months
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Christmas without you would just not be Christmas at all
Bright mistletoes up above us, it’s just you and me
(𝘪 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶) 🎄✨🤍
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drawartistic · 4 months
😍 Can I Draw BTS V Perfectly? Watch This! 🎨 View More…….
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jiminsfault · 2 years
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His Muse | kth
— pairing: Artist!Kim Taehyung x reader
— genre: fluff, romance | Non-idol!Au
— word count: 4.4k
— summary: Insomnia was keeping you up at night, so you decided to go out for a nightly walk in the streets of Paris, where you met Kim Taehyung, who is in desperate need of someone to inflame his passions again.
— warnings: Obviously mentioning insomnia but just surface-level, it’s extremely unrealistic in some aspects but let’s be romantic about it, depending on which way you look at it Taehyung could also come off as a creep tbh…lmao, essentially coworkers to lovers
— A/N: I started writing this in 2018… kept on writing bits and then dismissing it for months. Now, finally, it’s here. Been on my masterlist as “coming soon” for years, but I did it!
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»Why do you have to work like this?« you question your brain that is once again keeping you up at night. »This damn insomnia is going to be the death of me« you grumble, exhausted from your busy day and now suffering even more from the sleepless night ahead of you. Once you realized that you wouldn’t be getting any sleep, you decided to get up from bed and leave the hotel room to go on a nightly walk. Now you circle the block of your hotel for probably the third time. Maybe getting some energy out of your system will help make you sleepy.
As you continue your walk, you reminisce about all the things you went through to regain a healthy sleep schedule. You started with yoga on a regular day in the week, which quickly turned out to be too much effort in your packed schedule, since you already had to work two jobs.
You also tried therapy, which helped a lot, but eventually the costs piled up too much. Medicine was your last resort and got you to the point of actually sleeping through most nights, but of course you had to run out the week of your well earned holiday. 
Working two jobs was exhausting and you rarely had the opportunity to take multiple consecutive days off. So, you were planning on enjoying these days as much as possible — the lack of sleep, once again, disrupting that plan.
This is just your first night in Paris, the city of lights, love, and art. You had a tightly scheduled day right after your arrival at the airport, wanting to spend every day in its own way. 
So today you went sightseeing, visiting the most common things, like the Eiffel Tower. Tomorrow you planned on visiting one or two museums that a friend had recommended.
For the third day you didn’t really plan anything, expecting yourself to be far too lazy after two days of walking to do anything, so perhaps you’ll just lay down in bed and read a book. 
Had you known that you wouldn’t be able to sleep you would have of course brought more books with you on this trip.
The fourth day is actually a little secret of yours, you didn’t tell anybody about your plans — the risk of coworkers snitching on you was just too high. All of them were lovely indeed, but they do love to spread the newest gossip. 
The truth was, you were not only on this holiday to relax and visit a beautiful city, but also for a job interview. A well paying job in this beautiful city was a dream come true. 
You didn’t care to plan more than the fourth day, if the interview goes well you will truly just be savoring the last three days in this city before leaving and soon returning permanently. If the interview didn't go the way you wanted it to, you decided to just get an earlier flight, not wanting to be depressed in a place like Paris. It would be a waste of money and days you could spend earning more of it anyway.
You were wary of actually pursuing this job, teaching was far from what you did until now. Your past work experiences were all corporate jobs or part time jobs at restaurants, bars, and the likes. Seemingly not being able to stop your brain from rattling, you thought: what if someone better applies and they decide against you?
You’d be starting on step one again, having to apply at a multitude of different Art Universities to get the chance of an interview. 
All of a sudden you crash into somebody. A tall man is staring down at you in shock, big eyes and his mouth open. Your expression is probably mirroring his, the collision pulled you out of your thoughts.
»I’m so sorry!« you exclaim, rushing to look around for objects he might’ve dropped when you ran into the broad man. 
»It’s fine, guess both of us just weren't paying attention,« the man says and gives you a big grin. His cheeks lift up, giving him a cute and less intimidating look than just a few seconds ago.
You give him a once over. He’s handsome, his posture radiated confidence and his eyes were very sharp but now that he is smiling they had a nicer touch to them. You notice the uneven eyelids and a mole on the underside of his nose tip. You guess it isn't very visible for other people, but from your angle, being much shorter than the tall man, you see it clearly. His hands are hidden in the pockets of his long coat and his hair is partly covered by a barret. With the lack of light, you can only guess that it’s of a darker color. 
»Are you done checking me out?« His very dark voice, you note that you’ve probably never heard such a deep tone, managed to pull your attention to his face again. You didn’t notice that you’d been staring. The realization made you blush. It’s dark, so of course he won’t see it in the dimly lit streets, but you could feel yourself heat up.
You force out a nervous chuckle. On any other day you would walk away after you made sure to apologize and check for dropped items, but you couldn’t seem to continue your nightly walk this time around. »What are you doing out so late, anyway?« He asks, still smiling, looking into your eyes and waiting for your answer. 
»Uh, I was just… on a walk?« Great, talking casually to a stranger wouldn’t be on the list of your strengths, noted. But he laughs and to your surprise you’re not embarrassed by this, more amused and delighted. His laugh is very pretty, just like the man himself.
»Ah, I see. Well, I’ll let you continue your walk then, let’s pay attention to our paths from now on!« He gives you another smile before he raises his hand out of his pocket, notably very big, to wave a little and turn around. You stay there for a moment and watch him slowly walk away.
»He was nice,« you whisper into the cold air, smiling to yourself. The unexpected encounter made your mind less stressed, somehow. The stranger had a calming way about him. With newfound peace of mind, you decide to go back to your hotel room and try to get some sleep.
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Your second day in Paris was lovely indeed. The art hung on the walls of museums was impressive and lovely to look at. Drawing had been a small passion of yours for long, but working every chance you get kept you from it for far too long. The sights were truly inspiring and so you decided to make your way to an art supply store to purchase a sketchbook and a few brushes. You could ponder about what you’d draw in a nearby park, perhaps? Nature in Paris was as beautiful as it gets.
With this plan in mind you made your way there, your phone navigation leading your way with your earphones in, trying not to seem as much of a tourist, but you probably do anyway.
Near the store, you stopped the route on your phone and put the device away in your pocket. When you open the door a bell above rings and echoes sweetly into the room to make notice of your entrance. Wooden shelves stocked with many art supplies fill the space. You could take your pick from any medium you’d like to paint with. Oil, water color, pencil,... You take it all in, think about what's best to buy and especially, what suited your bank accounts limits. Wandering along the shelves in deep concentration, you bumped into a hard chest. Just like last night, you come to face the same man. He still wore his smile and his eyes carried the same kind look.
»I see we were destined to meet again,« he said, his smile growing cheeky. »I was actually hoping to see you a second time. Do you often crash into people when daydreaming?« The man chuckles and holds his hand in front of his body, »official introductions are in order, I suppose. My name is Kim Taehyung.«
You returned his smile, although a bit more nervous as he seemed to be. »Were you really hoping to see me again or are you just trying to charm me?«
Your response made him laugh a little, but before he could say another thing, you told him your name. »Seeing you here must mean you’re into art?« You ask.
He nods his head yes. Delighted to hear this, you immediately start a conversation about art. Without hesitation, you ask him about his favorite medium, his style of painting and at last, his inspiration. At the last question he seems to lose his smile. Before, he joyously responded to all of your inquiries, but this one perhaps was too personal of a question. »You don’t need to share, if you’re uncomfortable,« you assure him.
»It’s not that I’m uncomfortable. It’s just that, as of right now, I’ve lost all inspiration,« he admits. »I was going to switch paints in an attempt to regain a bit of my passion.« Relating to this, you nod. Losing inspiration to do what you love — it is tough. No wonder his smile dropped at the mention of it.
You fear that your mishap might have ruined the conversation, but he bounces right back and returns all your questions, helps you choose the best products in your price range and wears his smile just like before. As a way of thanking him you invite him for coffee, but because of his plans he has to refuse. »Another time. I’m sure we’ll meet again.«
Before you could dare to tell him that you are in fact not a local like he is, he is already on his way and without exchanging phone numbers, impossible to reach. The prospect of not seeing him again before you leave Paris crosses your mind and sullies your mood. You suppose you’d just have to deal with it.
You go on to spend the rest of today and the third day of your stay painting the view from your hotel room window, a park and a bridge to distract yourself and get your mood back up. On wednesday evening you expected to have trouble sleeping before your interview the next day. But, to your surprise, your eyes feel heavy and sleep comes over you.
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When you wake up, you get dressed and grab two of the paintings from yesterday, your previously prepared binder full of your older art and make your way to the interview. It was held directly where you’d work at — an art school. The thought of pursuing your life-long passion as a career is scary but imagining that this interview could be a success fills your heart with joy. Becoming an art teacher for students who live and breathe art just as you do seems like your purpose. For this reason, you want to try your best and hope to leave a great impression. 
As you stand in front of the university's art-department building you keep positive thoughts in mind. Every step that you take in the direction of the stairs, along the hallway and near the room you're supposed to enter, shakes you up with anxiety. Nerves are running rampant more than ever as you hold the door handle and push it down. A deep breathe in, and you step forward into the room.
The broad room is bright, the white and high walls complement the wooden floors. Beautiful art decorates the walls and windows. You suppose on other days this is where students work on their assignments. But today, there are no art supplies laying around, everything is cleaned up nice. When you look to your left, there’s a long table. Three people sit at the table, two of them are conversing quietly, the third is scribbling something onto a paper in front of him.
The woman on the far left looks to the door first and her face splits into a smile. »Hello! Do come in, please.« You nod and smile, close the door behind you and step closer to the table. The woman who called you in pointed towards folded chairs that are leaned on the wall. »Grab a chair! Apologies, we just came back from our break, so we didn’t get to prepare the room.« You assure her that it’s fine, grab a chair and introduce yourself before sitting down.
»Very nice to meet you. I’m Madame Dupont, next to me is Monsieur Batiste and at last, Monsieur Kim. Monsieur Batiste and I are both teachers here. While Monsieur Kim does give lectures, his profession is fully dedicated to the arts. You might recognize him by his Pseudonym, Vantae.« She introduces from the left, starting with herself and going to the right, leaving the man who hadn’t raised his eyes up until now for last. The mention of Vantae makes you almost jump, you were always very fond of his work. The opportunity to meet one of your favorite artists in person makes this interview so much better. You keep your eyes on him, waiting to see his face and as you meet his gaze, you are surprised to recognize the man.
Vantae or Monsieur Kim, as in Kim Taehyung, the man who you’ve spent a great deal of this Tuesday with, talking about art. How come it never crossed his mind to mention that he was in fact an actual artist, with great talent? The shock hits your gut deeply but you can’t let it show on your face or hinder you from making a good impression on the other interviewers.
You clear your throat and take a deep breath in. Madame Dupont, seemingly leading the interview, holds her hand out and asks for your documents and the binder with your art. While she and the others look through your portfolio and comment on aspects that they like, you begin talking about yourself, per their request. You tell them of your great love for painting and how you’ve always felt at ease with a pencil or brush in hand. One or two questions to your drawings are asked that you gladly elaborate on and after exactly forty-two minutes Madame Dupont, Monsieur Batiste and Taehyung stand up to each shake your hand. 
»It was great speaking with you today. We will definitely contact you in a few days and notify you of our decision. Your art is very promising and you would be a great addition to our team!« Monsieur Batiste beams when he speaks and holds your hand in both of his. The two others at both his sides nod in agreement.
Taehyung’s smile grows cheeky when you hold your hand above the table to reach for his. »Pleasure to meet you here today, Madame. I, as well, would more than appreciate your presence at this school,« he brazenly speaks. His words are laced with mischief, as are his eyes sparkling with.
You express your gratitude to receive the chance for this interview and emphasize that you’d love to take this job offer. A very positive feeling is settling within your chest as you leave the building and walk along the street. They were genuinely nice and made the interview a good experience. But the encounter with Kim Taehyung still sticks with you. He seemed to already expect you there, almost like he recognized you from the picture on your application to the school. It would explain why he was so sure to meet you again.
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The call from Madame Dupont came exactly four days after you were back at home. The moment that your phone rings with a caller-ID you don’t recognize you pick up, already anticipating who it might be. »We’re so happy to tell you that you have been accepted as our next art teacher at the Pariser University of Arts!« She says, with almost as much excitement as you feel hearing it. »We want you to start as soon as you can move to Paris. Our team has been developing a schedule for you to adjust to teaching the students and we can’t wait for you to join us.«
After the call, you waste no time to write your resignation for your jobs and to prepare everything that needs to be done and taken care of before you leave the country — permanently.
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After living in Paris for four months now, you can’t imagine leaving ever again. Work has been everything you hoped it would be and more. At the beginning you just followed Madame Dupont, Taehyung and Monsieur Batiste to their classes, attended to printing and copying documents and got to do the occasional stand-in class. Today, you’re still in training but get to work on your own most of the time. Your coworkers help you prepare for your classes and give you tips on how to improve student-involvement. You enjoy working, for probably the first time in your life. With time you’re starting to get along better with your coworkers — not only the trio that interviewed you, but also the whole rest of the teaching staff. But with Taehyung especially. 
The first week you arrived, he kept on teasing you about how shocked you were when you found out that he is Vantae. He also admitted to recognizing you from your application, when the two of you met in the art shop. »I didn’t notice when we bumped into each other at night, but the day after it clicked. I’m a very curious person, you intrigued me… I just had to get to know you,« he confessed back then. 
That day, he also showed you his in-school art studio. It is still a gorgeous sight, you’re in awe whenever you get to enter it. He only works there when he has lectures that day, so it’s not the full extent of what he’s tinkering with. Still, you can recognize Vantae in everything he creates. Even quick, messy sketches. But like he said in the art shop, inspiration has left him with blank canvases or unfinished projects and the frustration is always clearly visible in his face when he invites you to the studio. 
Last time you were there, he invited you to come see his studio at home. The thought of seeing the place where Vantae painted some of his greatest works intrigued you so much, you agreed despite being antsy about spending your time off with him.
This leads you to where you are now, standing in front of his door. You take a few seconds to actually ring the bell but once you do, it doesn’t take long for it to swing open and reveal Taehyung and his usual smile. He swings his arm into the room to ask you to enter and that you do. To the right of the entrance area is a flight of stairs, but Taehyung walks through the door frame in front of you, so you follow him.
»I was just about to make coffee before heading up to the studio.« He said. »Do you want a cup as well?« You accept the offer and look around his place. The living room in which you are standing was huge and flooded with light from the big windows. A bar separated the area from his kitchen, where he leans against the counter. Behind him, his coffee machine is buzzing away as it’s filling the cups he put underneath. Once they are full, he hands you one of them. Both of you add milk and sugar to your preferences and then Taehyung starts making his way back through the doorway and turns to the staircase. »Let’s go!« he cheers on his way up.
He talks a lot about the different Paintings on his walls, the ones he hasn’t finished yet and the ones he wants to start. He begins sketching at his desk and you sit next to him to watch. Over the last few weeks he asked you more and more often to just do that — he never explains why. By now it’s become routine though, so you don’t question it anymore.
Every once in a while Taehyung pauses and crosses out what he drew or he erases the pencil lines and starts fresh. You can tell that the longer he keeps at it, the more his patience runs out. With time, he stops trying to fix or cover up his mistakes, but instead ends up crumbling his paper sheet together and throwing the whole thing away.
He finally closes his artbook and looks over at you with tired eyes, pouting. You can’t resist the coo that leaves your mouth. 
»I can‘t seem to draw anything at all, lately. It frustrates me,« the earnest way he speaks about his thoughts and feelings makes you a little happy, you’re glad that he’s comfortable enough to confide in you like this.
»Maybe you need a new muse?« you suggest and absentmindedly bite your lip as you try to think of a solution to his problem. There needs to be something that could inspire him. You don’t notice him inching closer to you, not until his breath tickles your cheek. Taehyung isn’t pouting anymore. Rather than that, his face is full of mischief, like it was months ago after your interview.
»Can you sit still?« he hurriedly opens the artbook again, grabs a piece of drawing coal and gets to work. Your eyes widen with the realization of what he was doing when his eyes flicker up to your face and back down to the paper. Not wanting to interrupt the flow he seems to be in, you just sit still and wait for when he is done. When he is, he turns his artbook to you and shows off his work with a proud grin on his lips. It was beautiful, to say the least. 
»Would you mind spending a little more time in my studio? I would love to try this with oil colors,« he carefully asks. It’s late and a part of your brain tells you to not stay with a man that you’re slowly overstepping your work relationship with, but you know that you probably can’t sleep well tonight anyway, so you agree to stay with him, despite your better knowledge.
»I wouldn’t mind,« you say to his visible surprise. »I enjoy your company and your art. If I can help you regain your inspiration, I’m more than glad to do that.« 
To Taehyung, you carry the calmness of the ocean and he could really drown in your presence. Just looking at you puffing up your hair nearly makes him drool. Being alone with you for so long is going to make him crazy, he just knows.But you could really be the solution for the artist block that he has been struggling with for the past few months. What you said earlier made him realize that you already were his muse. Everytime you’re next to him when he draws, he feels himself regaining his inspiration little by little. Maybe all that was left for him to truly get out of his slump wasn’t to switch the medium but to find the right view to draw. 
After you find your position again, he starts a draft of the painting he had in mind. You are of course the main focus of it, but the hard part is to find out what background will do your beauty justice.
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Late into the night, Taehyung finally finishes the painting. All the coffee in the world couldn’t keep the two of you up any longer. You grab your things and follow him back downstairs, but before you could announce your departure, he takes your hand. »You shouldn’t walk home alone this late. Please, stay here.« He almost whispers this and pulls you towards his chest gently. You think about it for a moment, staying at his place would really cross the line of professionalism. Finally, the thought of sharing a comfortable bed with a warm blooded, handsome man like Taehyung won you over. You sigh and nod your head.
»Let’s go to bed, then.« You both smile at each other.
He gives you a toothbrush and together you stand in front of the sink and exchange the occasional glance. His hands touch your arms, your waist and hips. Always gentle and they never linger for too long — it’s comfortable. The question of who takes the couch is never asked and on an unspoken mutual agreement you both slip under the same blanket, his arm behind your head and your back against his chest.
The darkness in the bedroom envelops you. You only feel Taehyung’s chest rise and fall while you fall asleep quicker than you ever did before.
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To be woken up in the morning by Taehyung’s now even deeper voice wasn’t on your list of possible outcomes when you moved to Paris. Nonetheless you really enjoy it. The shirt he gave you last night to sleep in covers you enough to stay decent and in his opinion makes you look even cuter than you did before. Bedhead and all.
He serves two cups of coffee and egg on toast after you beg him to cook you some breakfast.
»Seeing you like this…,« he mutters. »I’m afraid I can’t let you leave, you’re way too pretty. Can’t have anyone steal my muse from me.« You laugh together with him and hide your face in your palms. His attention stays on you the whole time. He can’t help himself — he rounds the bar to where you’re seated and lays his hand on the side of your face. »I adore you,« this, he said in a very serious tone, unlike before. »Please let me take you out to dinner sometime.« You look up from your hands and see the earnesty in his eyes.
»I’d love to,« you respond and he smiles.
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gldrushsblog · 9 days
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Hello there!
I'm Addie and starting new on writing fanfiction on Tumblr. I first started publishing my work on wattpad and still am, but I guess wanna give this platform a try too since I myself rot here for an embarrassing amount of time. I like how passionate the people in their respective Fandoms are here, sometimes, maybe cheesy too, but who am I if not a rat?
Anyways, let me tell you more about the fandoms I'm in and the work I write about.
Fandoms I'm in: I am a huge swfitie and a mitski stan. I have been for quite a long time, and then bts came along the way when my friend introduced me to them. I do love all the boys the same, yet hobi has a tiny extra bit of my affection. I also like watching or reading about miserable gays.
What I write about: I write only bts ffs, and I don't plan to change that ever. As of right now, I'm currently working on a Jungkook centered story that will probably get a second part, with taehyung being the male lead. That just depends on the response I'll get.
As of right now, that's all I can think of that may concern my targeted audience.
And, yes, please reach out if any of our interests are same or if you think we can be friends? I love to make friends!
Until then 💕
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snow-143 · 1 year
Water Coloured Tears | Jeon Jungkook
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one- pilot (1.7k words)
Jeon Jungkook. The man that everybody wants, the man that knows this and loves the attention. On campus everybody knows him as Kook. However, I know him as Kookie, or I suppose my Kookie if were being critical. 
He's never told anyone this and neither have I. A well kept secret that only we know here. Of course when I go back home for holidays everybody asks about him, how he's getting on and if were still close. 
The truth is we haven't spoke since the last day of high school, but I keep up the act, answering their prying questions with a soft smile on my face. He's doing good, I usually answer. I'm not lying, from what I can tell he is doing good, amazing even if you look at it from the college dream perspective. 
No one ever asks how I'm doing, they're just curious about the towns golden boy who disappeared the second school was out. Never returning during any breaks from college life. He simply just up and left. Not even savings a second to say goodbye to anyone, except for me. 
I cant tell if this was worse or better, it kind of gave me a false sense of hope, he said goodbye to me and no one else, surely that means something. It didn't. 
In a way I'm kind of glad that they're only curious about him, you see when they ask how he is I don't have to lie, it may not be a full truth but its not a lie. If they asked how I am though, the smile would be far too forced, a toothy one that I am all too conscious of. 
The first time I was returning home I had over thought my replies far too much, only to realise no one cared anyway. I was always Jeons best friend, the hopeless girl who would follow him around with hearts in her eyes, much like a lost puppy. Never my own person, never anyone to be concerned about. Even my mother loved Jeon more. He was the son she never had. The golden child she had always wanted. 
I suspect that she knows I don't talk to him anymore, the depression I fell into after he left was far too telling. Yet she still asks about him, still insists on me taking extra food back to college with me in case he isn't eating properly. She always packs all of his favourite foods, never mine. Never anything I ask for. 
It was a shock to  me when I realised he went to the same school as me. I was overjoyed. Thinking that it must have been fate, destiny had brought us back together. 
That hope died along with my lingering feelings for him when we bumped into each other and he acted like I didn't exist. Just some random girl on campus who couldn't watch where she was going. 
I still remember the pain in my chest when he scowled at me, I could distantly hear some girls snickering at my audacity to bump into 'the Jeon Jungkook'. But it was all muted out by the sound of his heavy footsteps walking away from me. Walking right into the arms of the prettiest girl I have ever seen. 
Her name is Jennie. I've come to learn that she's not only gorgeous but also smart and the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She's honestly perfect. God. I'd date her if I could. But she's only got eyes for Jungkook. 
If I'm being honest, and get over the childish resentment I have towards the idea they'd be the perfect couple. The thing with Jungkook is that he never dates. Not even someone like Jennie. 
He's completely open about this, letting every girl he starts something with know that it wont go any further than a friends with benefits situation, they always think they'll be the one to change him though. 
He cant really be blamed when they get their hearts broken, he was upfront from the beginning, they just refused to listen. I wouldn't say they can be to blame either though, everybody I've ever known has loved Jungkook, its almost impossible not to. I suppose I know this better than anyone. A living and breathing example that you cant be close to him without falling for him. 
But now here I am, resenting everything to do with him. I wasn't upset at him for leaving, I understood that, but everyday of summer that I didn't hear from him buried me deeper into my hurt and anger.
He still had a phone, it didn't have to be the end of our friendship. Seeing him again just cemented this. He was so cold to me, I suppose I get it. He has a new life now, new friends. I guess I'm so hurt because he was all I had and it turns out I was nothing to him. 
I had learned to be content with this. Keeping everything and everyone that has anything to do with him far, far away from me. It was a difficult task but a one I felt I had to do for my own sanity. Yet it was all in vain. All the friends I could've had, all the parties I could've attended, all lost for nothing. 
Because now here I'm sat in my stupid art class next to no one other than Jeon Jungkook. How cliché, being paired up with you childhood best friend who you were madly in love with. 
We've been assigned to take candid picture of our partners and make 5 pieces out of them. all with different emotions in mind and all in different mediums. We've been allowed free rein on this project. However, we will be deducted points if our professor doesn't think our pictures are spontaneous enough or don't show enough emotion. She also is expecting all our pieces to match up with the others, so in total  she wants 10 pieces that represent both of our styles but can also all go together as one project. She's given us all a polaroid camera each, its honestly all so perfect. 
This would usually be my wet dream. I'm allowed to do whatever I like on 5 completely separate projects. But the brooding presence beside me is damping the whole experience for me.  
I'm quite surprised when she tells us this will be our last project of the year, giving us 5 months to complete it. She informs us that it will be 60% of our final grade and she wants us to go big for all 5 of the pieces. 
I can tell other people are stressed by this from all of the muttering around the room but I honestly couldn't think of anything better. 5 months to express myself through my art anyway that I like. I can already feel the ideas rushing to me. 
From an artist perspective I can kind of see me being paired with Jungkook as a blessing. If I have to channel all my emotions into my art I can't think of a better person to do it through. However, as the petty person I am I couldn't be more annoyed. I can tell he's pissed off too, he still has the same habits, I could read his body language with my eyes closed. 
It kind of hurt, I cant lie, I know why I'm upset but is it really so bad for him to be paired up with me? Is he scared I'll ruin the pretty little reputation he's maintained here. It's honestly baffling how much one person can change. He never care what people thought of us before but now he cant even bare being paired up with me. He used to beg our teachers to put us together at school. 
He finally looks at me, a scowl evident on his face, I don't want to be paired up with you either, dickhead. 'I'll ask if there's anyway we can swap.' 
It's strange, the way my heart hurts at this, much like when he first left, or when he ignored me. It's silly, I didn't want to be paired up with him either. 'whatever.'
I'm already packing my things up to leave the class room when our professor starts talking again. 'Oh and one last thing, under no circumstances are you allowed to switch partners. I want this project to be as authentic as possible, I chose people you aren't friends with on purpose, I want you to learn about each other and to show that in your art. I want it to tell a story.'
It's like she's staring directly at me and Jungkook, 'For fuck sake.' Is all I hear him say before I leave the classroom. 
'Hey, wait up.' Jeon grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. I haven't looked him in the eyes since I first bumped into him. The temptation to walk away from him just like he did to me is immensely strong. 'We should at least exchange numbers for the project.' 
He sounds far to annoyed to my ears and it ticks me off even more. 'You're such a cunt.' Ripping my arm away from him I go to make my exit again. Call me dramatic but this is the first time we've talked since he left and I cant help but be a little bit pissy with him. God, he even deleted my number. 
'What the fuck is that meant to mean.' Oh, he's seething . Good. 
'Are you serious right now?' 
'No.' he deadpans. god this boy infuriates me. 'Of course, I'm serious. What is your problem.'
'You're my problem. You and your stupid better than thou act.' It comes out as a laugh. An angry one. 
'Look, I don't know why you're so mad at me, but you're going to have to get over it if were going to pass this class.' It's a reasonable point ill give him that. But really, he doesn’t know why i’m mad at him? That HAS to be a joke.
Sighing I decide to compromise, 'Just message me on Instagram, or did you delete that too?' It's petty I know, but I had to get it out.
'I'll message you later.' Completely ignoring my childish remark, he begins walking in the opposite direction. Being the one who gets to walk away yet again.
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a/n: and it begins 🤭
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littleyukki5033 · 6 months
Do the characters know BTS?
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Frisk started talking about BTS to Flowey after he ask what a BTS lol.
The rest of the characters don't know who BTS is.
Thank you for Ask! Please keep asking questions! I love doing these interactions lol.
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taekookpassion · 3 days
My Horny Boyfriend
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Paring : Jeon Jungkook X Kim Taehyung Genre : College life AU, Boyfriends, Struggles of being middle class, Criticism, Romance, Full of smuts Warnings : Full of smuts, Rough sex, Various sex positions, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Anger Jungkook, Lots of filthy words, degradation words, many kinks. Word counts : This is a book with many chapters (3k to 4k words Per chapter ) A/N : This book consists of lots of smuts because the title says so.. "My Horny Boyfriend". Hope you love this book. I will drop the character info here dears
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➡️A whole eight pack package. 
➡️Sexy.... Hot.... Handsome and always Horny for his boyfriend
➡️19 years old
➡️First year university student
➡️Business Major
➡️Here... Jungkook is not any rich with big a** mansion
➡️No... no... no....
➡️Jungkook is a middle-class boy with normal life but with stunning visual.
➡️He left his house at the age of 14 because of his alcoholic father.
➡️He is a part time construction worker -- Now My readers know... how his eight-pack physique came
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➡️Sexy and Alluring beauty package
➡️Beautiful is not even a word to describe him.... It's alluring temptress
➡️Jungkook's boyfriend, loves to cross dress
➡️19 years old
➡️First year university student
➡️Business Major
➡️Here... Taehyung is not any rich with big a** mansion
➡️Same Middle class as Jungkook with average life style
➡️Kim Taehyung has fem parts ( If this doesn't sit well with any of my blossoms, please dears My request... you can drop this dears)
➡️Parents are homophobic, so he left his house at the age of 15.
➡️He is working as delivery boy at a normal restaurant.
The book cover is created by me. The picture credit goes to the rightful owners
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bluebeesknees · 2 years
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An unexpected reunion :,)
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plummarvelous · 3 months
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"it's the skin of a killer, bella"
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artwcloud · 6 months
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Baking date at home: the cookies mistery 🤭🍪🤍✨
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