#artistic lisence
makeitquietly · 2 years
This version of what those plaque people called Stan’s “dramatic comedy debut” is actually quite subdued compared to what is described in John McCabe’s Mr Laurel and Mr Hardy, which is funny since this is from a play and McCabe wrote a biography. They call these sort of things “reimaginings” now, don’t they? I gather it’s a euphemism for a pack of lies with possibly a grain of truth in the mix.
John Sessions plays Stan and Robbie Coltrane is Pickard/Stan’s dad.
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redladydeath · 4 months
I’m curious about how big Pentagram City/the Pride Ring is exactly.
The most populous city in the world right now is Tokyo with 37.5M people, while the largest city is Chongqing, which is about the size of Austria.
150k people die a day worldwide with 61M dying per year. We don’t currently know the ratio of how many people get into heaven vs hell, but we can assume it’s probably about 25-75 based on context clues. So that means 45.7M people are arriving in hell per year and 112K per day.
We also don’t know how many people die in the extermination every year or how large the exorcist army is. Lute says she killed 275 during the most recent one, which is surprisingly low given that she’s Adam’s top exorcist. However, if we assume they kill about half of the 45.7M that arrive each year, that would mean the army would have to be about 80K strong. Then we have to account for the surviving population continuing to exponentially expand and… yeah, I can see why Hell has a overpopulation problem. There’s also the issue of 100 billion humans having existed over the past 10K years, but… yeah, okay, no more math for tonight.
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gracegrove · 1 year
*Puts Neil in a room with a therapist*
*therapist emerges covered in blood, the DSM in tatters*
"it... It was the only way."
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smol-blue-bird · 2 years
there has got to be a more succinct way to express “yes, i loved the percy jackson books as a kid and i will probably read the new one for old times’ sake, but i also understand that middle-grade literature is generally a bad source of information about a subject as complex as Greek and Roman mythology, and people should stop assuming that everything presented in these books is completely factual, especially when it directly contradicts primary sources”
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aifoemo · 1 year
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Neon Blood
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kimis-gloves · 5 months
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about me!!!
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im alex or max, i use hers/theirs (or any) pronouns, im a proud hater papaya and tifosi !!
im a mere months away from legality (meaning ignore my smut spam likes…) my birthday is 10/10 (cus im a 10/10🌝#rizzy)
im from canada!!
im almost finished highschool & will be enrolling in culinary arts courses at my local college:3
i got into formula bc of a BOY WHO DOESNT EVEN TALK TO ME 💔 but were not gonna talk abt that… instead id rather talk about drivers and racing!! (stop yapping alex)
im a freakazoid at heart but normie irl💔
some other fandoms ive been in include mha (im ashamed), Haikyuu, Yuri on Ice, Banana fish, (ok NERD) (basically just a victim of the 2021 anime fan surge) Marvel/MCU, Hello Kitty/Sanrio & more!!
some other interesting facts ig is im neurodivergent, hardcore zaza lover, im a culinary student (oscar pls hmu for some chocolate soufflé) and im slowly becoming a certified tumblr girlie!! (i am now lisenced🤭) i was in my schools specialized art program for 3 years, im hard of hearing & also bisexual!
my favourite music artists are $uicideboy$ (4 years in a row theyve been my #1 on spotify wrapped) and Taylor Swift. (i dont rlly listen to artists just the same 6 most recent songs in my liked for a week until i add more..)
my dream job is to first own my own private cooking practice and then work into being a private cook for motorsport/f1 teams, its a big dream but i believe i can do it.
maybe one day ill do a face reveal, i have posted my face on this acct before but ive deleted them, but i dont mind sharing my social medias with mutuals:D
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ivaspinoza · 2 months
Many words flow down the cascade of my vicious, luminous, kaleidoscopic thoughts. But many more are unspoken in my ink — they are too holy to be said outloud, sometimes too holy to be thought about. To enter those experiences and walk around these rooms, I have to leave my shoes out, yes; it's jungle-wild, only barefoots allowed. In fact, these secret words could make a library full. For when something matters the most, I hide it. I live it. I howl to the moon, or purr like a bear would. The flavour is too strong to make a sound, sometimes. I can't share, I wouldn't dare to describe... With the words I organise my inner worlds, but this mute poetry of the sighs, the limbs, the eyes, the hands, the soul — this poetry of life allows no compartiments or cages made of letters. This poetry is savage, like ancient runes carved into my bones, the bloodstream's song; the thurnderstorm announcement, the artists' lisence, the consciousnesses power. It's substance. It's quiet. Especially as a writer, there are places I can only access in this wordless, contemplative silence.
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sparklingpax · 1 year
“Are you always this shy?” With Optimus and Ratchet? (Forgive me if I'm doing this wrong, I've only been following you for a moment)
From this (requests are still open btw! I need these moments to take my mind off irl stuff ngl qwq)
HELLO HI THIS IS VERY OVERDUE!! (as are the other ones, which will be posted very soon, I promise o///o) Also no worries at all, you did this right!! :D
I am the one who should be asking for forgiveness rn, because no one should have to wait this long jsddjsdj TwT
I know it's been a long minute, but I hope you enjoy my blog and all my shenanigans (even at least somewhat ahah ^^'')
-Im deeply sorry for typos and other such grammatical errors 😭
-I went with a sort of "early war" kind of thing, like right after Ratchet becomes a part of Optimus' team. (Not sure this is probably not even how this would have played out or did, but I am taking ARTISTIC LISENCE and doing my own version of events....idk ;w;)
-Also, it is a bit short ;///; sorry....hope you like it tho!
-Set in aligned continuity/tfp
-i guess its a lil bit of optiratch ya know? just a lil (for my own enjoyment ^w^)
“But the team wants to–”
“Well they’ll have to do whatever it is another time–I’m too busy!!” the shorter mech snapped, cutting him off. He quickly reached into his toolbox and fumbled to grab something. Optimus took a step closer, trying to peer over his shoulder, curious.
“What are you working on?”
“A–uhm–this set of some…very difficult formulas!” The medic stammered, not yet turned to face him. “I-I need time, some quiet…I…I’m simply far too busy to do anything right now!” 
He finally set his grip on an object, looking over his shoulder at Optimus as he brandished a wrench and waved it demonstratively. But as he held the wrench, Optimus noticed the tip of the object quivering in Ratchet’s grip. 
After another sharp huff, he turned his back to Optimus again, leaning over the table, which was covered in rust and dirt. He set the wrench down quietly and stood still. 
Optimus wondered if he was going to explain the wrench at all, or…
“...Alright, I’m…” Another sigh and pause. Optimus waited patiently. “I’m…not exactly busy with…formulas, I’m just…well, it’s just–I…I don’t…”
Ratchet made a sound that seemed to agree. 
Optimus fought the urge to giggle at how this was kind of cute–he didn’t want the medic to feel any more embarrassed than he probably already did. Instead, he strode closer to him, resting a gentle servo on his shoulder. 
“I understand. You may take as long as you need before you go out and meet them,” he said quietly. 
Ratchet ducked his head. 
“But I feel bad about…” 
Optimus shook his head, looking down at him with gentle regard. 
“There is nothing to feel bad about, Ratchet. It would cause you discomfort if you went to meet everyone now, and I know neither you nor I would enjoy that. And, they are your new team as of now, so they will be around for quite a while.”
Ratchet finally looked back at Optimus, seeming less bothered than he had been��just a little more relaxed. Optimus was glad, smiling back at him. 
“Well then…” Ratchet murmured, moving to return to looking at the table. “I do have some work to do…”
He jumped right into it, and Optimus simply watched, leaning against the table. He eyed a light flicker above them briefly, then let his gaze wander to the faded papers tacked to the walls. It wasn’t really a medical room, but it was the best available to them in their situation. 
Squinting, he could see even more that these posters must not have been Ratchet’s–being advertisements for a shop of some kind, or pictures of a musical artist he was sure neither of them knew… 
“You know…” Ratchet said quietly, breaking the silence, “...I do want to meet the team. I’ll need to get to know them in the event of injuries and such, anyway…”
Optimus tilted his head, still looking at the contents of the room. 
“There are many of us in this unit. Is it that there are too many at once?”
“...that would be it.”
“I suppose I never saw you with big groups unless you knew everybot or were giving presentations back on Cybertron,” Optimus remarked. “Are you…always this shy?”
“Well it's not exactly shyness, but I believe you know what I mean as…” Ratchet chuckled little. He put down his tools again and looked up to find Optimus staring back at him. He remembered the eyes that looked back at him when they were in Ratchet’s old dorm at university, as he worked on a project for class, and Orion came just to watch…to keep him company. 
Those same eyes that still looked to him with interest and curiosity. 
Oh Orion…some things never change. 
“...you were too, once,” he said finally, looking back to his desk and attempting to focus and get back to work. But he stopped at a touch on his hand, staring back up at his friend. Optimus had a somewhat melancholy look pooled in the back of his gaze. 
“And I still am. But as a leader…I have to…work around it.” 
Ratchet leaned forward and into Optimus, who wrapped his arms around him in a gentle embrace. 
“I know, Optimus,” he whispered. 
He silently resolved to go see the others later that very night. If Optimus could do it, well…then he wanted to as well.
Thank you, Optimus.
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kurjakani · 2 months
1, 7 & 12 for the artists asks :3
1. Art programs you have but don't use
I do have a lisence for SAI methinks i havent used in YEARS to the point idk if i have the lisence number saved anywhere..
I have the bigass adobe subscribtion via school and whenever i use those programs it is by force
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Not rly a medium but realism! :D i do apprechiate the skill it takes. Observation, measurement, understanding etc. I will never be able to do it myself. However stuff i havent tried and really want to bc it rocks severely: stained glass, mosaic, more complex ceramics including porcelain, metalwork, woodburning, woodcarving in general, AURGH MUCH MORE TOO!!!
12. Easiest part of body to draw
None rly bodies r rly hard!!!! 😭😭😭 maybe legs come out fastest from me? But they also look like shit sooooo
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
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cloudspark · 2 years
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soooo i don't tend to draw a lot nowadays but @echtach-messy-place cool idea had me breaking out the drawing pad. A lot of artistic lisence on this one. It's based on the mental image of Skull talking like he's hot shit because he can hide behind the scary guy.
The phrase is "Cernit omnia deus vindex" meaning roughly "there is a venegful god watching everything."
(It's vaugely pretentious but also the word "Vindice" and associated phrases have a Very Cool history when you start looking into it and I can't help myself getting opportunities to use them)
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occultdaddy · 3 months
Are you tired of looking through sketchy sites with a bunch of pop-up ads for reading manga? Do you occasionally feel bad for using piracy sites?
Try Manga Plus by shueisha! Call today!
Ok for real tho. It's an official service by the Japanese publisher Shueisha. The proceeds are passed on to the artists. It is ofc limited to the manga that they publish. (location lisencing can also limit it) Some of the manga I'm reading there is: jjk, One Piece, Akane-banashi, Kagurabachi, and more
On the website you can usually read the 3 first and 3 latest chapters for free. However the app is where it's shining. A lot of manga you get to read all the chapters for free once. If you wanna reread or there's manga not included in the "first read free" service you can get a subscription, but for me the free service has been enough. The only ads I get are at the end of the chapter, so it doesn't ruin the reading experience at all.
The one negative thing I've had is that some manga doesn't divide all that well to the phone portrait orientation. You know when you have a physical book and the drawing gets into the middle a bit, because it divides the page in two it can be a bit awkard to read. (One Piece is the one I've noticed this the most with). However I checked with phone rotation unlocked and it seemed to fix it. So I am making an educated guess that that's a non-issue on a tablet.
Many might already know about this, but I figured it doesn't hurt telling about it for the ones who hasn't accidentally stumbled upon it yet.
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ascendandt · 8 months
cannot can not fucking stand when people say humans had differently shaped bodies in the past. no they fucking didnt. portrait artists used artistic lisence to convey an exaggerated vision of the ideal silhouette to flatter their subjects AND. people wore padding and constricting garments to acheive those ideal looks in real life!!!!!! the bodies of people have always been fat or thin and lopsided and so on since we have been human!!!!!!!
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fatherentropy · 1 year
Not to go on the same rant I did like three days ago on twitter but
AI art isn't necessarily bad and I think could be used for good. Personally I think it'd be great if artists were the one in control of curating their own databases. Choosing what they're okay with being in a database to begin with and then getting paid royalties from people who pay to use a license to use that database.
Personally I think it'd be a lot of help to have a database of my own work that I could load up and generate to grab bits and pieces of that I can edit the way I want after the fact. Lots of art is just a lot of work and it is destructive on your body. You have to be very careful about doing exercises so you can do it for longer but even still you can get fucked up to the point you can never draw again. I am ALL for any and all means to make that easier.
Also hypothetically being able to lisence the use of their own fucking work, some artists might even be able to focus purely on their original art by maintaining a popular database.
We have the story about the bracelet maker who had a customer demand that she only pay the cost of the base supplies because that's all she should have to pay. So the bracelet maker doesn't send her a bracelet but she DOES send her wire and beads and tools and tells her that that's what she paid for. Because That is the world we live in where art is thought of as something that's "easy" to do and should be cheap and affordable while also not wanting to put the work in themselves.
I think a lot of people think AI art is them making the bracelet themselves but it's them stealing bracelets from the bracelet maker's shop and then sloppily combining them to say they made it. WHILE also not even being that hard which is embarrassing and understandably humiliating to people who have worked hard for years getting good at their work.
Art is not magical talent. It's work. It's practice. It's grueling. It'll fuck your body up as I said.
And in this capitalist society that forces people to work forever, it almost certainly has broken artists into little bitty pieces. And now people are taking that work and that pain and those years and years and years and ripping it up into itty bitty pieces to create some soulless mockery of it.
And I frankly don't know if my government can be trusted to pass regulations on it so that we do have that ideal standard that AI art could have because American politicians are funded by corporations and corporations don't give a shit about whether a thing is cheap. They'll package it and sell it enmasse and we'll have no choice but to live with it because they won't put the money into hiring people the price they deserve to be paid and lots of people have shown they don't give a shit if it's cheap and soulless if it's "fun"
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maelstroem-of-love · 10 months
Thank you for the tag, @icannotreadcursive AND @rumandstars - psst if ya didn't know me and @minncoe are the same person. He is the Jekyll and I'm the Hyde (gay & horny version). Ok here we go:
Last song
Metriod Boomin' by Zigg Zagg, not to be confused with Metro Boomin' the artist. I heard a clip of it in a YouTube video and my heart jumped out my throat. In reality it's a little dissapointing - just that perfect hook over and over again.
Currently watching
Star Trek TNG. I have never encountered a more soothing show. Data and La Forge are best friend goals, and I love how TNG can look at the characters more intimately compared to TOS. The one drawback is that it's REALLY weird to hear Star Trek people say “sex”, because I still remember the VuLcAN bIOlOgY speech XD
Currently reading
Visual books have stopped doing it for me a long time ago. I can only listen to audiobooks, and only when I'm doing something else while listening. I will say Picture of Dorian Gray - weird and fancy, just how I like it)))
In terms of fanfic, I've just started Sha Ka Ree by ThereBeWhalesHere. Looks pretty good so far.
Current obsessions
Brokeback Mountain. I think it's been seven years now. Yeah, technically I watched before I was “old enough”, get a time machine and stop me.
K/S. No comments nescessary.
Wildlife rehab centers and the videos they make.
Road signs and markings + their history. I'm finally getting my driver's lisence and I'm probably more enthusiastic than I should be!
The fic I'm writing right now and the things people comment on it. I'm sorry it's taking so long! I wish I had some kind of excuse but nope, I'm just lazy.
Tagging: everyone who reads this. I love you, my followers 💚🤍💚🤍
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thetombedspirit · 2 years
Dragons: The Nine Realms AU - Character and Dragon - Development and Designs
As most of may be aware from my previous Nine Realms post, most of the designs on the characters and the dragons just rub me the wrong way.
So here’s how I would have preferred them to look like, starting with: Jun Wong.
1. Jun Wong
In complete honesty, I really relate to Jun. I to am a mythology and history nerd and do have a tendency to make it my entire personality trait much to the annoyance of others (sorry sis). So yes, while I find her annoying and cringy, I don’t completely hate her. But why? Why are her eyes purple? She just looks so weird and it just doesn’t help her case with her whimsical aesthetic.
So I would have preferred for her to look like her concept art. 
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She just looks so cool here and I can’t for the life of me understand why they went for what we’ve got. But in full honesty, she’s not even the craziest design we got here.
Ooo boy.
2. Wu Wei the Mist Twister
While I can sorta understand what they are going for here in terms of diversity, I think what we’ve got was just trying far too hard and doesn’t look like it fits in the franchise at all. Like, I wouldn’t hate the design this much if this was a show specifically about Asian dragons and Chinese culture, but as it stands this is a show about Norse dragons and Viking culture and the fact alone that the only Asian looking dragon is being rode on by the only Asian character still rubs me the wrong way. So, again, I would prefer they kept the concept idea for the Mist Twister.
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Like, LOOK AT THIS! It’s PERFECT! Not only does it actually look like it belongs in the franchise as a HTTYD dragon, but it fits the diversity. You have the Yin and Yang aesthetic and they almost but not completely resemble a Zippleback. And we don’t have that weird of a color blend here (like why did blue and red blend into gold and not purple, you know, like Jun’s MAIN COLOR PALLETE!)
Anyway, that’s just how I feel. Now onto “Thunder”.
3. Thunder the Night Light
This dragon designs presents even more problems because it just doesn’t make sense. For all the die hard fans, we all know that Toothless is supposedly (I’m still calling bullshit on that, Grimmel!!!) the last Night Fury in the world and we also know that Fury dragons mate for life like doves. So for Thunder to be considered a Night Light makes zero sense. Genetics don’t work that way. So either Toothless ran into other Night Furies that mated with his kids or his kids decided to bump uglies with each other in order for Thunder to look the way he does. And since that’s clearly not the route the creators are implying, then Thunder should canonically be a Light Fury with very few or no Night genes at all. And while I like the name Thunder, the powers also make no sense for me too. Toothless only ever used lightening to turn invisible and as a Light Fury he wouldn’t need lightening. And what was wrong with Plasma Blast?! But anyway, here’s what I’d like for Thunder to look like.
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Personally, I like what I’ve done here. Full white body with grey spots all over his body, his spinal spikes with the webbing, and the green and blue eye as well as green fire, contrasting Toothless who was black with green eyes and blue fire. And this version of Thunder is a lot more feral since he grew up in Asgard with no human reaction until the earthquake. But Tom eventually wins him over. Anyways, no Night Light bull because the way I see it, they died out several hundred years ago.
4. Feathers the Featherhide
I don’t really mind the Featherhide design all that much, but I don’t like the name. Like, “Feathers”? Really? So here’s my proposal.
Lyrebird. Because of her impeccable mimicry abilities and beautiful plumage. And I would like to make the Featherhide dragons a Amphithere dragon, kinda like the Slitherwing dragons but, you know, nicer. And they have a lot more feathers then the show, on their crown, tail and they have feathery wings as well.
I don’t have the artistic lisence
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(ART DONE BY Khrests ON DeviantArt) Just a general idea and I like the name Lyre better then Feathers. And I just like to imagine an  Amphithere curling up around Alex like a makeshift nest.
5. Plowhorn the Gembreaker
This is the only dragon that I’m not gonna redesign. Really, the only thing I’m changing is that most Gembreakers are much bigger so that Plowhorn is the runt and that’s why she was being picked on by the bully Gembreakers.
One major thing I’m changing is her name. Let me explain; the whole episode Dragon Club, D’Angelo was referencing his Ranger badge and talking about Rangers and so, NATURALLY, I thought she was going to be named “Ranger”. but then we got... Plowhorn.
Like, it’s not a bad name, but it’s the kind of name I would expect Hiccup, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut to name a dragon, not a modern kid who is described by the writer’s as an “army brat”.
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As such, I’m renaming ‘Plowhorn’ to ‘Ranger’. Other then that, she’s pretty much perfect the way she is.
That’s all I got for now. Later I might talk about how my versions of the characters meet and bond. Let me know what you think of my redesigns.
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I was trying to say that on my illustration the light probably hits the hair in a certain way but idc if it doesn't bc I have artistic lisence but instead what I said was "because I'm gay and I have autistic licence"
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