#as 1 and 2 of season 6.. i suppose the answer could be that network are using US prints where the seasons were differently divided
isagrimorie · 2 months
Hi. Some of my all-time favourite shows are shows that I saw you posting about that I've gotten curious about, so I watched them and loved them. So whenever you post lots about a show, I sit up and take notice as there's a good chance that I'll like it. You've been posting lots about Criminal Minds, so now I'm interested. But it is a very long show. So I was wondering whether you would recommend starting from the beginning or if there's some later point that could make sense. And I guess would you recommend the show as a whole, or is it particular seasons that you like.
This is an interesting thing to answer, it's challenging because right now there is 17 seasons. But I guess I can answer this like how I answer Grey's Anatomy.
The easiest way might be to sample a few season 1 episodes so you can have a feel for Criminal Minds there are some heavy topics they tackle but this is where the fast-forward button is helpful (to me, and possibly because I am just rewatching so I retain what it was the first time).
Also, in early seasons, before they settled into a pure procedural formula I love that the victims have a chance to fight back. Unlike in other procedurals where the murder victims are already dead.
Also, season 1 is good to meet Elle Greenaway but it starts getting good when Emily Prentiss arrives in midseason 2.
I suppose you can also divide the show into eras:
The Jason Gideon and Elle Greenaway era is seasons 1 and 2.
And the bangers of the show start from seasons 3 to 6. Except that the network started interfering here and had AJ Cook and Paget Brewster fired.
But fans helped bring back AJ Cook in the same season she was fired, Paget's agents were able to produce magic and get her 17 episodes after she was fired so she could finish out Emily's story with a bang.
And then there are several No Emily seasons in the show before she returns permanently in season 12... which the last few seasons of the original run are still okay but not as stellar run because it's firmly planted on a procedural formula.
Seasons 16 and 17 of the revival show (10 episodes) breathe new life to Criminal Minds, especially since Emily Prentiss is once again being Peak Emily -- a little chaotic, and plenty mad. And so, so done.
I feel like the show's able to explore a little more of the interior life of the characters, although I wish it had more than 10 episodes per season.
I'm hoping CME s17 will have a banger season finale!
S1 is good to dip in just to see Elle and Jason, then season 2, for Elle's exit and Emily's arrival. Season 3 is when the show starts really hitting its stride.
(Although, I think season 2 has the amazing Profiler Profiled and Revelations 2 parter).
Things are on a steady diet of awesome from 3-7 onwards, unfortunately, I can't say anything about seasons 8 - 11 since those are seasons I haven't seen yet. (The No Emily Era). But I might start watching in my rewatch.
Anyway, I don't know if my rambling helps, it's midnight here. So I might be a little loopy!
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daemonsrhaenyras · 3 years
Umm hi so like 2 months ago ig I found the 100 and I just finished season 5. And I'm already the kind of person who just goes looking for spoilers so yah I kinda know the fucked up shit that's about to happen. Anyways I just wanna know what the hell happened and I know there's never a proper reason but like with supernatural or any other controversial shows at least there are some reasons uk the writer is sexist, racist etc some sort of explanation to the fucked up shit we just saw before our eyes, but everything with the 100 is so silent I'm mostly a Instagram person n tbh the 100 fandom on Instagram is kind of dead... I really don't understand the show was great frustrating n maybe even a few downer of a seasons but lyk wtf happened did the writers change also lyk at the end of season 5 I think it was written "end of book one" or something so was tht supposed to be the end n d networked forced them to do more season which maybe why they wrote the latter seasons so bad..... Godddd I just want an explanation 😂. It will be really helpful if u could answer literally anything honestly u don't have to respond either u could just totally ignore trust me I have no idea why this is bothering me either but yah..
Disclaimer: While I am a notorious multishipper, I do love Bellamy/Clarke above all others in this show, so that probably colors a lot of my interpretations of events. Additionally, because you did mention that you've looked up spoilers, I am not going to be avoiding them, so be warned.
I mean, most of what the fandom has puzzled together is from random comments or conjecture, none of the cast has outright said anything specifically about season 7 (that has been widely spread, to my knowledge anyway).
In my opinion, season 6 was really freaking great. A breath of fresh air after the grim middle seasons, in fact. Which I think made the absolute let down of season 7 even worse.
Most of 'what went wrong' is usually laid at the feet of Jason Rothenberg, the developer and head executive producer. Basically, the guy seems to be kind of a major dick.
Season 6 was meant to act as a sort of reset of the series (which was why S5 ended with the 'end of book 1' thing--and yes there was a big writer change up for seasons six and seven because of the heavy space/sci-fi aspect of it all), and in my opinion, it worked fairly well. (Yes, some areas of the plot seemed to be recycled from earlier storylines, but I didn't see it as a bad thing, more as a chance for the characters to grow from their previous actions.)
But, then a lot seemed to be happening off screen around the airing of S6 and the filming of S7 that soured things between him and some of the cast members and the fandom. (I am only bringing up what I remember as being relevant to the question of 'why season seven was the way that it was' not an entire laundry list of all behind the scenes drama someone else either has done or could do that.)
Since season 3 if not before, JR was hounded on social media by pretty much every faction of the fandom (but predominantly the Bellarke and Clexa fans) replying in bad faith to anything he tweeted with demands for what they want rather than engaging with his actual tweets. Like, tweeting 'we want Bellarke' or 'we want Clexa' to things that have nothing to even do with the show. This got worse and more vitriolic after Lexa's death and after Bellamy got with Echo.
He always seemed to have the attitude that the show was more high brow or some shit than the usual CW show (even though it's on the same damn network with a lot of the same audiences), and was above shipping and romance, and seemed to resent how often interviews, panels, and press would ask about the ships (canon and potentially future). He and others made statements at various points that might have been intended in a way that the fandom did not take it to be, causing a lot of friction.
Bob Morley (Bellamy) and Eliza Taylor (Clarke) got married in May of 2019 and announced it on social media the following month, during the airing of season 6. In fact, during one of the first episodes of the highly teased Clarke/Josephine body snatching storyline, likely stealing a lot of the fandom's attention away from the show.
Bob injured himself at some point during filming for one of the seasons, and at some point during the writing or filming of season 7, he asked for more time to recover. JR responded by basically writing out his character, and then writing in an ending for Bellamy that makes hardly any sense.
After Season 6, Jason decided he wanted to end the series with season 7 and 'give it a proper ending', while at the same time the series prequel was starting to be developed. Speculation on my part, but with the CW's go-ahead to work on the prequel and use an episode of S7 as a backdoor pilot, the announcement to end The 100 was probably more in service to transitioning over to the new show rather than ending The 100. The writing and characters of The 100 were consequently de-prioritized in favor of the writing for this 'new' character (Bill Cadogan) and his story.
Eliza was also supposed to direct Episode 7 of Season 7, but suffered a miscarriage around that time and couldn't direct. I do not know the exact timeline of events, but I think writing for the end of the season was still happening at that point, and in one of the last episodes of the season the show has Clarke basically mourning the loss of her dead daughter who was tortured into being catatonic. Again, don't know if that was already written at the point of her miscarriage, but like??? Seems like something that could have been avoided.
I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more that I just can't remember right now, so if anyone else wants to chime in, be my guest.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
July 20, 1952
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By WILL JONES, Minneapolis Tribune Staff Writer 
WITH HER SECOND BABY on the way and her second career in its peak, Lucille Ball is busy trying to make the facts of real life jibe with the facts of TV life. 
The complications are going to affect all fans of the nation's No. 1 TV star -  particularly those in Minneapolis. 
Her pregnancy may delay the return of her TV program, "I Love Lucy," to the air this fall, for one thing. 
And it has already meant, for sure, that she won't be in Minneapolis for the Aquatennial. (1)
"I Love Lucy," now off the air for the summer, is supposed to resume Sept. 8. Miss Ball and her husband and co-star, Desi Arnaz, are trying to stall the starting date until sometime in October. (2)
Exactly what good that will do when her baby isn't due until January is one of those facts of TV life that will take some explaining. Miss Ball explained a few things to me in Hollywood last week, and I'll try to pass them long. 
Movie studios have been known to speed up shooting schedules of single pictures to accommodate motherhood. But Miss Ball can't shoot 39 films (3) in a hurry, before her condition begins to show. It already shows. 
BY THE TIME I had my talk with Miss Ball, the full Impact of the news had already hit her and her organization; They already had decided - with kibitzing from the Columbia Broadcasting System, the sponsor, and other interested parties - one big point: 
Miss Ball's unborn child, come winter, is going to have to be part of the act. 
They were in the midst of working out some of the details. Scripts for all of next season's "I Love Lucy" programs already had been outlined when Miss Ball discovered her condition. The outlines have been set aside, and the writers have been told to think up some funny new slapstick routines for an enceinte heroine. 
Fortunately, "I Love Lucy" is a Mr.-and-Mrs. program. Its family comedy, while often outlandish, has been accepted by its fans as still being pretty true-to-life. 
There should be enough funny situations involving expectant couples to keep the subject from getting tiresome. 
IMPENDING PARENTHOOD isn't a new subject for comedy, but there has been little of it on TV, there hasn't been much on radio and it's been rare in the movies. 
And there's never been an expectant mother quite like Miss Ball. 
Even if it were possible to hide her condition - other actresses have accomplished it with the aid of special costuming, trick lighting and such devices as keeping partially hidden behind furniture and bushes - Miss Ball would be against it.
"If I turned up one week suddenly standing still behind some camouflage, it wouldn't be me," she said. "It'd be a fraud. I've got to move around." 
Miss Ball had just come from a visit to her doctor when I saw her at her orange ranch in the San Fernando valley, about an hour's drive from Hollywood. (4) She had been discussing her condition with CBS executives, as well as with her doctor, on the same visit to town. 
"The doctor told me the baby's going to come a little earlier than we expected," she said. "He says about Jan. 15. (5) He also told me I could work as long as I feel all right. 
"At first we thought I might have to quit work in October. Now I don't know."
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WORKING BEFORE the cameras while with child isn't entirely a new experience for Miss Ball. She was pregnant when she made the "I Love Lucy" audition film that won her and Arnaz their present contract with the network and sponsor. 
But her year-old daughter, Lucie Desiree, was born before she had to go on the air with the new series. 
Five of this fall's programs are already filmed. ("I Love Lucy" normally is shot five weeks before it goes on the air, so Miss Ball and Arnaz were five programs ahead before they started their summer vacation.) (6) They plan to resume shooting in a week or so. That will put them 10 programs ahead by Sept. 8, the date they're scheduled to return.
If they get to postpone the program a month they'll have a 14-week backlog of films by the time it starts. Some of the best of last year's programs will be rerun during the weeks Miss Ball won't be able to work. (7) Just how much of a part the baby will play in "I Love Lucy" after it arrives is matter that hasn't been decided.
"I ASKED THAT QUESTION down at CBS this afternoon, and all I got was blank stares," said Miss Ball. 
"I'm sure we won't have a situation involving the baby every week, though." 
"You could have a funny baby sitter for a character," put in a her publicity man, Ken Morgan who also is her brother-in-law. "You could build a very funny program around a funny baby sitter." 
"I'm sure we could," said Miss Ball. She glared at him with mock ferocity: "And what do I do while the baby sitter is being funny?" 
Arnaz, a real-life rumba bandleader, plays a rumba bandleader named Ricky Ricardo on "I Love Lucy." The plots usually Involve the wacky things that happen when his wife, Lucy, tries too hard to help him get ahead. 
Although the names have been changed, and the Amazes' private life isn't anything like the Ricardos'. TV life, followers still associate the performers closely with the roles. 
As long as they're forced to bring one child Into their TV world, I wondered If they might not try to get their TV life in line with their private life. 
"That's another question I asked at CBS this afternoon," said Miss Ball. "They didn't have an answer for that, either, "Everybody's been on vacation. We haven't even had a chance to sit down and talk these things over yet." 
THEY'VE TALKED over a few things, of course. Miss Ball showed me an "I Love Lucy" baby - a doll set with clothes, feeding equipment, soap, gadgets, etc. - that has been put together by a toy manufacturer in anticipation of the event. The set includes a letter about the baby from Lucy and Ricky. (8)
"It blows bubbles, wets its pants, everything," said Miss Ball proudly. She also played a record, "There's a Brand New Baby at Our House." ("...she's changed our happy house to a home..."), sung by Desi. He wrote the music when Lucie was born. A friend, Eddie Maxwell, wrote the words. (9)
Desi hasn't made any records for a long time, so nothing much happened with the tune. The recording companies are after him again since the success of "I Love Lucy," however, and "Brand New Baby" may be his first new record. (10)
The sudden success of "I Love Lucy" - in one season, it topped Arthur Godfrey, Milton Berle and Red Skelton (11) in all popularity ratings - has left the Amazes amazed. 
I was sitting in Morgan's office when he got the news that "Lucy" had hit a rating of 70 - an unheard-of-high figure in one of the TV popularity-rating surveys.
Arnaz came into the office at that moment Morgan told him the news. 
ARNAZ LOOKED WORRIED. "You're kidding," he said. 
"That crazy Cuban is scared," confided Morgan after Arnaz had left the office. "He doesn't know what to make of all this. He thinks of all those people tuning in, and he worries." 
In 20 years as a movie star, Miss Ball never had the acclaim she's had in one year on television. 
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"People stop me on the street and talk to me now," she said. "That never happened when I was in movies. I was in Ohrbach's this afternoon, and I had to ride up and down four times In the elevator just listening to people tell me about the show. 
"The only time people In the street bothered to talk to me before was when I made ‘The Big Street.' (12) But It was nothing like what's happened In the past year. And Desi and I are the two most grateful people in the world. 
"You have no Idea what It's meant to us. We're real hams, you know." 
BESIDES GLORY, "I Love Lucy" also has meant shorter hours and a happy home life for Mr. and Mrs. Arnaz. Before TV, Lucille had to get up at 5:30 or 6 every morning to go to the studio. She didn't get home until 7 or 7:30 p.m. and she was exhausted. If Desi wasn't on the road with his band, she had to go to a nightclub to be with him In the evening. 
Their marriage almost broke up because of the schedule. Lucille once filed for divorce, but never followed through. (13) In the movies, Miss Ball had to work five or six long days a week. Now she puts in four eight-hour days. 
Arnaz, who Is president of their company, Desilu Productions, has to attend to production and business matters in addition to his acting. That usually means a 10- or 12-hour day for him. But he, too, insists on a three-day week-end. 
"We don't think about the show we don't even mention it from Friday night to Tuesday morning," said Miss Ball. "They wanted me to look at the scripts a week ahead, so they'd have more time to work on the clothes. I design all my own. But I wouldn't even do that, for fear I'd start worrying about next week's show over the week-end." 
AS VICE PRESIDENT of Desilu productions, Miss Ball gets a chair on the set with "Veep" printed on back. Occasionally she signs some papers. "But may I say that I don't know what I'm looking at?" she said. 
Desilu now is producing the TV version of "Our Miss Brooks," starring Eve Arden, which will go on the air this fall. (14) As executive producer, Arnaz has had to be on hand during much of the "Miss Brooks" filming this summer. 
"But all I hafta do," said Miss Ball, "is go over and pat Brooksie on the shoulder now and then and ask her where she got those clothes. She comes in with some wonderful things." 
"Our Miss Brooks" is being filmed exactly the same way as "I Love Lucy." It's a combination of movies, TV and summer stock, a system worked out by Desilu. 
The Amazes are especially proud of it because, before they started, everybody told them it wouldn't work. Nobody figured a couple of actors could run a complex producing organization. 
They film their shows in an independent movie studio that was all but abandoned before they moved in. (15) Now the place is bustling with other TV people, including Burns and Allen, who are copying the Desilu system.
BLEACHER SEATS for 300 people were built into one side of the sound stage. Part of one wall was cut out to make a street entrance for the audience. A small sign, “Desilu Playhouse," hung on a wrought-iron support outside, adds to the summer-stock atmosphere. 
The schedule goes roughly like this: Tuesday is devoted to learning the script, which al ways runs more than 40 pages. Miss. Ball sketches her clothes and gives the designs to the dressmaker. 
There are rehearsals Wednesday. The program is rehearsed straight through, like a play. Thursday there's a full dress rehearsal, with cameras and lights. There's a bull session afterwards, with the writers present, to weed out the weak spots. 
When the program started audiences were invited to the dress rehearsals, but Lucille and Desi found they got all worked up and gave better performances Thursday night than they did on Friday, when the program is actually filmed. 
NOW THEY RELY on the laughs of the crew on Thursday nights to tell them what to keep in and what to change. 
Three movie cameras, moving in and out among the actors like TV cameras, record the Friday night performance. The program is played straight through, the only stops being for costume changes. The audience is allowed to whoop it up as much as it wants. Audience laughter is recorded and used in the final soundtrack. 
The photographer, Karl Freund, a roly-poly man with a thick German accent, was all but retired when Miss Ball asked trim to film their show. She liked the way he had photographed her at MGM. ("We fought like cats and dogs, but when it came off on the screen, I never looked lovelier.") 
He spent a week in New York studying TV methods, decided everybody there was all wet, and dreamed up his own system. (Freund was the first Hollywood cameraman ever to move a camera during a scene, mounting it on a rubber-tired arrangement known as a dolly. Without his invention "I Love Lucy" now would take two or three times as long to shoot. Many inventions now incorporated in Hollywood studio cameras are his, too.) 
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ARNAZ' STUDIO CHAIR has "Prez" painted on back. (When Freund wants him, however, he Just yells for "Young man with old face!" Arnaz' black hair is shot with gray that doesn't show on TV.) 
William Frawley and Vivian Vance, the character actors who play the couple next door, have special chairs, too. Frawley's is labeled "William Frawley, Boy Actor." Miss Vance's label is "Vivian Vance, Girl Actress." Their work is admired so much around Desilu that they got a raise before they ever asked for it. 
"I don't know how long they're signed up for," said Miss Ball, "but by God if it isn't for a long time, I'll have to speak to Desi." There's a sign in the Desilu rehearsal hall: "anyone that enjoys work can have a hell of a good time in this institution." Everybody, apparently, does. 
There's a board with names of the cast members painted on it. There are gold stars stuck behind the names. Anybody who gets off a good crack, goofs, or otherwise relieves the tension that, comes with the hard work gets a gold star. 
ON SHOW NIGHTS, Arnaz, cook and gourmet, serves everybody in the crew a big dinner in the rehearsal hall. The Amazes have a bungalow on the lot in which they live during the day. The living room is decorated with water colors of and oil paintings by Miss Ball, who goes in for landscapes when she paints. (16)
There's also a large dressing room and a bright yellow kitchen. They stayed there over night during Los Angeles' floods a few months ago, (17) but otherwise they go home to the ranch every night. 
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"I hate to get up in the morning in the same place I'm going to work all day," said Miss Ball. 
An extra project is under way at the Desilu studios this summer. The TV show has caused so much talk that people in non-TV areas have demanded to see what all the conversation is about. 
Three of the best "Lucy" programs from last season have been selected for showing in theaters in areas not yet reached by TV. They're being tied together with a story about a couple who have trouble getting tickets to the program. (18) (That's a real problem. Handling tickets got to be such a headache that Desilu turned over ticket distribution to CBS. Now the people at Desilu often can't get their friends in.) 
The "I Love Lucy" feature movie is being put together by Ed Sedgwick, a director who used to make some of Miss Ball's movie comedies. I've never considered Lucille a comedienne." Sedgwick told me. "She's a comic. There's a difference." 
SUCCESS OF "I Love Lucy" has opened the way for all kinds of other sidelines. Desi wears smoking jacket. Tailors want him to spearhead a campaign to revive the smoking jacket. Other clothing men spotted the narrow lapels on all his suits, and want him to endorse Desi Arnaz narrow lapels. (19)
Manufacturers want Miss Ball's clothing designs. There's a line of Lucille Ball blouses being readied. Now, of course they're talking maternity dresses, too. (20)
Another outfit is ready to put out Desi Arnaz bongo drums. (21) "Ethel" (Vivian Vance) wore an old-fashioned kitchen garment known as a swirl on one program. Now there's, a merchandising tie-up for "I Love Lucy" swirls. (22)
Even before word got around about Miss Ball's upcoming maternity, doll manufacturers were proposing deals. So there's going to be a red-headed Lucille Ball doll. (23)
Since one-third of the pro grams fans are figured to be small fry, the doll is expected to be a popular item. Morgan, a native of Devil’s Lake, N.D. looks after most of such details. And then there's talk of an "I Love Lucy" radio program. Miss Ball was on the air with "My Favorite Husband" a few seasons ago, but radio acting is a new experience for Desi. 
THERE'S A POSSIBILITY the sound tracks of old TV programs may be used for a new radio program, with some narration to fill in what the audience can't see. (24)
So, with all the success, has come more and more yearning to get away from on week-ends. 
The Amazes figure they see enough of each other during the week. So, although they're homebodies, they do quite a bit of getting away from each other on week-ends. 
Miss Ball usually sticks to the ranch, a quiet, five-acre place lush with vegetation. The orange groves are there because they look nice. "You know, I've never eaten one of our oranges," said Miss Ball. "I tasted one once, and it was so sour I couldn't finish it. We get our oranges at the market." 
They have a deal with the Sunkist people, who tend the crop, harvest it and keep the place in shape in exchange for the oranges. 
Arnaz, who has a mania for fishing, spends all or part of every week-end on his 35-foot fishing boat. He doesn't shave when he's fishing. He was away on the boat when I visited the ranch. 
MISS BALL was out back, in a cluttered yard she calls "the farmer's market," sitting in a wooden lawn chair. She looked tired. Her face, in the evening light and against her shocking-pink hair, looked paler than it probably was. Her mother, Mrs. Desiree Ball, was looking after Lucie, who was toddling around the edge of the swimming pool. Three frisky spaniels bounded up to meet me. 
Miss Ball called them away sharply. "They stink," she said. While we talked, she watched nervously to see that they didn't knock the baby into the pool. 
Presently Mrs. Ball said good-by, and headed for the house with Lucie. "Tell Ethel I want a demitasse!" Miss Ball called after her. "And tell her I want it to get rid of the garlic she put in the meat!" (25)
After she settled down with the coffee, she said: "There's one thing I really like about television. I don't have to worry about glamor any more. Well, my hair is still combed. But I don't have to worry if it isn't." 
From her chair, she started conducting a visual tour of the place, pointing out behind her an overgrown shelter with lawn furniture Inside. ("It's some kind of a Cuban hut that Desi built. I think they call it a bohio.") She pointed, too, to a huge outdoor fireplace. ("Desi built that, too. But we found out it's too far from the house. We don't use It any more.") 
Across the swimming pool she pointed out a strange lath structure, also built by Desi. "We never found out what he had in mind," she said. "We've never used it for anything." 
We walked across the lawn to inspect one of Arnaz' more practical bits of carpentry: a place they call a bathhouse, which is really a huge cottage used for parties. It has a long rumpus room, finished in dark pine, with a film projection room at one end, and a behind-the-bar kitchen that's exclusively Desi's. It's fitted with a large, black, old-fashioned gas oven, another barbecue and outsize copper utensils. 
Miss Ball peered suspiciously into a huge copper kettle on the stove. "Desi uses this for soup, she said. "He spent three years getting the recipe from Antoine's."  (26)
When Arnaz cooks, he always makes a large mess. He never cleans it up. 
"I enjoy spoiling my husband," said Miss Ball, "and he enjoys spoiling me. I don't expect him to clean up." She thought a moment. "I don't know what he doesn't expect of me." 
She pointed out a mounted marlin of which he's proud, some built-in seats he designed and constructed, and then led the way to the house. It was dark outside now. 
"Be careful," she said. “There are wires on these trees, and people are always falling down." 
INSIDE THE HOUSE, in a long tile-floored room facing the yard, we came across a third barbecue. 
“Desi isn't happy unless he has a barbecue at his fingertips," she said. Another thing the Amazes are well supplied with is TV sets. They have four, including the one in the bathhouse. 
"We always watch our show," she said, "usually with friends. Monday is our canasta night. Sometime we're over at the Charlie Ruggleses, sometimes at the Dean Martins. (27) Wherever we are, we stop for a half hour to watch." 
We took a fast walk through the house. "It won't take you long to see this place," said Miss Ball, leading the way through the long early-American living room, the bedroom, Desi's study, Desi's dressing room, and then down a long corridor, past an enclosed patio, to the nursery wing. 
"Desi built this, too," she said. "We keep a carpenter here full time to help him. Since we started the show, Desi hasn't had any time for building, but we still keep the carpenter busy." 
THE NURSERY - a three-room affair designed to accommodate two children - cost more than the house itself. The center room Is a gleaming-white, clinical-looking place Miss Ball calls "the laboratory." 
It's loaded with sterilizing equipment, kitchen equipment and laundry equipment. The Amazes keep a nurse, as well as a maid-cook and the carpenter. Desi's mother and Mrs. Ball both live nearby, and look in frequently, so Lucie gets plenty of attention when her parents are at the studio. 
Miss Ball has taken her to the studio for visits, but never takes her in for a day when she's working. Arnaz's band appears on one out of about every four "Lucy" programs. It's pretty much the same one he started with in Florida. He formed it after he broke away from Xavier Cugat in the '30s. 
The band doesn't travel or make public appearances any more, but the musicians are as glad that Arnaz has settled down as he is. They have a family life now, too. 
They work around Hollywood, playing at the movie and recording studios and at various clubs. And they're always on call when they're needed for "Lucy." 
Miss Ball and Arnaz planned to come to the Aquatennlal on the way to New York for a series of magazine interviews. One of the things that had convinced them was a two-page wire from Arthur Godfrey singing the praises of Minnesota and of Cedric Adams, who would have been their host. 
WHEN THEY found out about the baby, they still planned to come. Then Miss Ball's doctor ordered her not to. He ruled out the New York interviews, too. They went to Sun Valley instead, for a rest, but cut their visit short when they found themselves the center of attention from other guests. (28)
The act they planned to do here was one they had to dream up in order to prove to CBS that they could do "I Love Lucy." Before the program started, one of the big objections they got went like this: "Nobody will believe that Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz are husband and wife." 
Arnaz had a simple answer: "We are." But nobody paid much attention to him. 
The two made a theater tour with a Mr.-and-Mrs. routine, just to see if audiences would accept them that way. It clicked. That's what made CBS decide to go along with their first notions about TV.
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(1) The Minneapolis Aquatennial is an annual outdoor event held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during the third full week of July. Originating in 1940, the Minneapolis Aquatennial celebrates the city's famous lakes, rivers, and streams.
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(2) Instead of September 8th, the second season of “I Love Lucy” began on September 15, 1952, not in October as was first considered.  It kicked off with the now iconic “Job Switching” (aka Candy Factory episode), which had been filmed in late May 1952, before this article was published. 
(3) Although season one of “I Love Lucy” had produced 35 episodes (the most of any “Lucy” sitcom), season two only clocked in with 31 new episodes. If their original goal was 39, they were 8 short.  
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(4) Before her Beverly Hills mansion, Lucy’s dream house was in the San Fernando Valley. Desilu Ranch, as it was called, was a ranch-style home on five acres at the intersection of Devonshire Street and Corbin Avenue in Chatsworth. The home was demolished in the mid-1970s to make way for subdivision development.
(5) Lucille Ball gave birth on January 19, 1953. Because it was a Caesarean birth, Ball had some leeway with the date. Naturally, she opted for a Monday so that her real son and her TV son could be born on the same day, making television history in the process.  
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(6) The five shows that were already ‘in the can’ for Fall 1952 were:  "The Anniversary Present" (filmed May 9, 1952), “The Handcuffs” (filmed May 16, 1952), “The Operetta” (filmed May 23, 1952), “Job Switching” (filmed May 30, 1952), and “The Saxophone” (filmed June 6, 1952).  Although “Job Switching” was filmed fourth of these five, everyone knew it was a knock-out hit, and it was aired as the season 2 premiere.  This explains why the photos that accompany this article are glimpses from two as-of-then unaired episodes: “The Anniversary Present” and “The Operetta.”  
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(7) Desilu also came up with Flashback Intros (filmed without Lucille Ball) to introduce repeated episodes. Fred, Ethel, and Ricky would open the show with a “remember the time...” premise and then a repeat episode would be aired. These were not included in the syndication prints, but some have turned up as DVD extras. 
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(8) The ‘I Love Lucy’ baby doll was a big seller for Christmas 1952.  The doll’s gender was deliberately kept vague until after the birth of Little Ricky in January 1953, after which a new infant doll branded “Little Ricky” was released. There was also a Little Ricky puppet baby doll.
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(9) “There's A Brand New Baby (at Our House)” was first sung on “I Love Lucy” in “Sales Resistance” (ILL S2;E17), the first flashback episode after Lucy went into the hospital to have the baby.  The lyricist Eddie Maxwell was the real-life husband of Eve Whitney from  “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15).
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(10)  After the above episode aired on July 26, 1953, announcer Johnny Jacobs promoted that the song (he calls “The Baby Song”) was available on Columbia Records (a division of CBS, naturally) with the “I Love Lucy” theme song on the flip side.
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(11) Arthur Godfrey’s show “Talent Scouts” was “Lucy’s” lead-in on Monday nights. Godfrey himself promoted the show, asking viewers to ‘stay tuned.’ Red Skelton had a variety show on CBS, competing with NBC’s “Ed Sullivan” on Sunday nights. Milton Berle hosted “Texaco Star Theatre” on NBC, another variety program. If Monday nights belonged to Lucy, Tuesday nights were owned by Uncle Miltie. All three performers guest-starred on “Lucy” sitcoms.  The above 1953 TV Guide cover makes it clear who is top of the TV totem pole. Red Skelton is not depicted. 
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(12) The Big Street was released in August 1942. If people were stopping Lucy on the street, it may have been to compliment her performance in what was her favorite film. They may have also been curious about performing in a wheelchair. 
(13) Lucille filed for divorce from Desi twice. The first time was in September 1944, citing infidelity and incompatibility.  Ball returned to him before the interlocutory decree became final, nullifying the divorce.  The second divorce, in April 1960, stuck. 
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(14) “Our Miss Brooks” had been a big hit on radio starring Eve Arden and Gale Gordon, who would repeat their roles on television. Although not formally produced by Desilu, it was produced at the same studio and used many of the same actors (Gordon, Richard Crenna, Mary Jane Croft, Frank Nelson) that would appear on “I Love Lucy,” including, in one episode, Desi Arnaz. The show started one year after “Lucy” and ran one year shorter. 
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(15) General Service Studios was located at 1040 North Los Palmas Avenue, in Hollywood. It started life as a movie studio in 1919, and was variously known as  American Zoetrope, Hollywood Center Studios, and now, Sunset Las Palmas Studios.  Desilu outgrew the location in 1953, and moved to larger digs known then as Ren-Mar, now Red Studios. 
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(16) Not much is known about Lucille Ball’s painting pastime.  We know that she signed her paintings ‘Balzac’.  
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(17) From January 13 to 18, 1952 heavy rains hit the Southern California area. On January 18 alone, 3.17” of rain fell in Los Angeles in a 24-hour period. The storm was responsible for eight deaths due to flooding in Los Angeles.
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(18) The “I Love Lucy” Movie consisted of three episodes edited together: “The Benefit” (ILL S1;E13), “Breaking the Lease” (ILL S1;E18) and “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E19). New scenes were filmed to help connect the three episodes into one cohesive whole. Also, new wraparound segments were filmed. The opening segment shows the studio audience filing in for the filming. Desi Arnaz welcomes the audience and introduces the cast as he typically did before every filming. In the closing segment, Arnaz thanks the audience and Lucille Ball and the cast take their final bows. The film was given one preview before it was shelved. It may have been pressure from MGM, who had their own “Lucy” movie in the works, The Long, Long Trailer, or it may have been felt that the film diluted the television programs value. Either way, it was Lucy and Desi’s final call to shelve the project. It has since been released on DVD. 
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(19 & 20) Merchandising was a big part of selling “I Love Lucy” to the public.  When actual items were not mass marketed, patterns for the items were available. Advance had the license for “I Love Lucy” patterns. 
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(21) The Desi Arnaz Conga Drum (not Bongo drum) was made in 1952 by A & A American Metal Toy Company of Brooklyn, New York. It was nineteen inches high. It is one of the rarest of the original “I Love Lucy” collectibles valued at $2,000 to $5,000! 
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(22) Swirl was a brand of house dress that often buttoned up the back, had pockets, and a tie belt. Vivian Vance wore several designs by Swirl on the show, including one of her famous arrow Swirls advertised in magazines and newspapers. 
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(23) Long before Mattel made their Lucy Barbie, there was a Lucy Ricardo rag doll. The doll had orange hair, blue eyes, bow lips, and an apron with heart-shaped pockets, just like Lucy.  It  was given away by their sponsor Philip Morris in 1953.
(24) On February 27, 1952, a sample the “I Love Lucy” radio show was produced, but it never aired. This was created by editing the soundtrack of the television episode “Breaking the Lease”, with added Arnaz narration (in character as Ricky Ricardo).
(25) It sounds as though, quite coincidentally, Lucille Ball’s Chatsworth cook / maid was named Ethel!  Either that, or Ball is joking. 
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(26) Antoine’s Restaurant was also mentioned in Eleanor Harris’s 1954 book The Real Story of Lucille Ball. 
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(27) Charles Ruggles (1886-1970) was a character actor who appeared in over a hundred films. Like Lucille Ball, he made the transition to television with a series called “The Ruggles” (1949-52). He was married to Marion LaBarba. Dean Martin (1916-95) was a singer and comic actor.  He appeared as himself on “The Lucy Show,” in one of Ball’s favorite episodes. From 1949 to 1973 he was married to Jeanne Biegger, who appeared as herself on the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Fashion Show.” 
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(28) Sun Valley, Idaho, was a favorite getaway location of the Arnaz family. It is a is a resort city where tourists enjoy ice skating, golfing, hiking, trail riding, cycling, tennis and (of course) skiing. The world’s first chair lift was erected in Sun Valley in 1936. Lucy and Desi set a 1958 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” in Sun Valley, and even went on location to film. 
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
What do you think about Kurt and Blaine’s chemistry in season 5? for some reason I’ve always felt like it was really off in the New York arc. I’m not sure whether it was the fact that the writers were only giving Klaine tension instead of happy moments or whether it was due to Darren/Chris, or if I’m just imagining it. Kurt just definitely seemed so cold during that period of time.
You know, I kinda figured I’d get this question eventually, lol.  
So - let’s talk about the New York Arc and Advanced Television Production.  
This question has /layers/ lol. 
For a simple answer, so you can check out if you’d like, I think their chemistry was fine, I think production was super rushed and flimsy at points, and I don’t really think Chris or Darren had anything to do what you might feel is /off/ but since actors are the face of the show, they get the brunt of the feedback.  
For a longer answer (and I mean long) follow under the cut! 
So, among being an avid fan of film production where I’ve picked up a lot of the industry knowledge (to which I’m not very -- just a fan) I’ve been listening a lot to The Office Ladies podcast, and they’ve been bringing some stuff up that I think is important to remember about film and tv production.  There are a lot of parts that go into it.  There’s the writer’s intentions, the director’s vision, the editor’s cut, the producer’s needs, and the actor’s performances.  And between those things - the show becomes what it is.  
1. The writing - The writing of Klaine in the New York Arc makes more sense when you look at the thing as a whole within context.  Kurt and Blaine were headed down a path towards a break up.  Kurt felt like he was losing his individuality and wasn’t communicating that well to Blaine, there were also some unresolved issues due to the previous break up, and the fact that Kurt was so stubborn on his stance about marriage.  Meanwhile, Blaine was so insecure, he depended on his relationship to mend those feelings, and tried to preserve that perfect feeling instead admitting that he needed help and the relationship wasn’t perfect.  
I’m oversimplifying, there are a lot more complex parts going on but neither of them were truly happy despite them feeling grown up adults in the city of their dreams.   The point being that they needed some time apart to grow up and mature a little to understand what being in an adult relationship means (explored more in season 6 after the break up).  
One of the problems, in general, with the writing is that it was so focused on the more dramatic moments of the Klaine story, we didn’t get to see much happy down time or times when they did work better.  This is a fault of Glee in general being a story about big moments and broad brushstrokes rather than zeroing in on the nuances of a complex relationship.  
2. The direction - believe it or not, the actors are kind of vessels for what production needs them to be.  Chris and Darren are both professionals (I’ll get to them in a minute) and if the director wanted more angst he’d give them another take.  Ultimately - the director makes the call whether or not he’s happy with how the scene is playing out.  If the directors weren’t happy with Chris or Darren’s performance, they would have done it over again.  
3. Editing - so, I’ve studied Glee long enough as an artform to now have paid attention to things like editing.  And let me say this -- I have long had issues with the way this show is edited.  I’ll have to do a separate post on it if you really want it, but let’s say -- how you put together a TV show from various takes makes a huge difference.  And by season five, the editing was choppy and often misleading.  Part of it is because the scripts weren’t great.  Part of it is because at this point I think they were under pressure to get things done in a short amount of time.  And part of it is, I believe, by season 5, most of production didn’t have their hearts invested as much as they used to.  
This goes and in hand with... 
4. General production -- I do think this context is important.  A beloved member of their family - Cory Monteith - had just passed away.  That is /hard/.  It’s hard to work around, it’s hard to write around, it’s hard to produce a show when someone you care for just isn’t there anymore.  On top of that - Glee was not as popular as it once was.  They were probably getting pressure from the network to do the show with less money, which meant less time to do all the normal production stuff -- and because glee had to incorporate things like musical performances, they were always pressed for time, which can cause sloppy production values.  
5. Notes from the Network - there are always some -- I have no idea what they were, and what the network insisted they had to change, but the network always hand some kind of hand in shaping the show for better or worse. 
6. Chris and Darren -- okay, let’s talk about this, even though I’m a little over this one, cause I’m tired of the two of them getting blamed for things - especially in season 5. 
First of all, I don’t know either of them personally.  And I think it’s unfair to speak for them.  Unless they come out and say specifically how they felt about that time period, I would say take this analysis with a grain of salt.  
No. I don’t think Chris was checked out.  I’ve often said that Chris’s time on Glee is a lot like going to college.  Sometimes it can be the best times! Sometimes it can be the worst.  I know when I finished, I just wanted it to be done and over so I could move on with my life.  I do think Chris was tired of certain aspects of the show -- I think he was tired of having to grow up on camera and in the media.  I think he was tired of people constantly thinking he was dating his costar when he (clearly) was not.  And both he and Darren were vocal about not really wanting Kurt and Blaine to get married (or being boring in the background of scenes). 
Do I think he hated his job? No.  Do I think he hated Klaine? No(ish).  I think he wished Kurt had his own story line, and I do think both he and Darren actually enjoyed the heavier emotional stuff they were getting by the time season 5 came around.  I also think that Chris does not want to be known as Kurt nor as one half of a popular TV couple because it impedes on his individuality.  And I also think Chris was ready to move onto other things in his life.  
Do I think that bleed into the show? No, I really do not.  I think Chris knew how the season was going to play out - and played it accordingly.  
(As an aside - I want to point out that Kurt during the NYC Arc is generally unhappy with more than just Blaine.  And in fact, I’d argue, he’s more irritated with Rachel at any given point than he is with Blaine.  Go watch Old Dogs New Tricks again -- he could have stuck it to Darren/Blaine, he did not.  He stuck it to Lea.  But that’s a completely different topic for later.)  
Meanwhile, Darren! So, I’m going to preface this by saying -- I love Darren, I really do, and under good circumstances, he can be a great actor.  And he has some just stellar moments in the NYC Arc.  He also has some not so great ones, too - and out of the two of them Darren wavers in acting quality during this time period.  I promise, it’s not a slam on Darren (I do love him!) but there’s some over-acting (and a little underacting) that’s going on, which doesn’t help much. 
Also, I want to point out, that a lot of issues Chris was vocal about concerning Klaine, Darren had as well, he was just better about being diplomatic to the fans about it.  He also wasn’t (as) bothered as Chris was about the whole tinhat thing (unless it involved verbally assaulting Mia, which then he put his foot down - yes that happened.) 
So.... let’s talk a little about the episodes in NYC Arc and hit up some of the problem points, shall we? 
New New York 
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The biggest issue people always seem to have with this one is the performance of You Make Me Feel So Young - which is off putting out of context.  They’re supposed to be happily living together, right?? What’s going on?? Well, we’re a good nine months after Blaine moved in, it’s the morning after the bedbug scare where they were up half the night, and Kurt is a person who just needs his space and they’re living in a place that doesn’t have any walls. On top of that - Blaine is pushing a little hard on his fantasy of wanting to be an old married couple already. I’m not surprised Kurt isn’t all roses and daisies about it.  
Am I sad we didn’t get to see the first few months of sunshine and rainbows? Yes absolutely! They definitely allude to the fact that they’re having a lot of sex -- and I’m sure there were a ton of sexy times in the beginning. But living in one room with five-ish other people is not fun, especially for someone who needs alone time and space to recharge.  Or someone who just wants to have sexy times with his fiance and can’t because roommates.  
No, You Make Me Feel So Young isn’t the most feels-y, but I’ll also argue that Kurt isn’t the most checked out either.  There are moments in there where Kurt is genuinely happy and having fun messing around with Blaine.  And the point of the song is that they are young and shouldn’t be singing that dumb-ass song about being old marrieds anyway.  
The other thing is the whole Blaine moving out stuff.  Which... is entirely because it propels the plot of everything else going on, not because logic.  I do not really believe any young, engaged couple wouldn’t kick their friends out to their other friends house if that was an option so they could be together. But the show needed Kurt and Rachel to remain living together so Kurt could continue to be Rachel’s emotional prop.  Whatever. And they wanted to set up the ending where Blaine moved back in again as a full circle moment (even though they end up breaking up again, lol I’ll get to it.) 
So writing nonsense aside, I think they handled the important scene at the end of the episode really, really well.  It’s one of my favorite Klaine scenes because it’s a time when Kurt actually expresses what’s in his heart - that he’s conflicted because he’s figuring out that love is not all you need to make a relationship work and he doesn’t know how to navigate that -- or if ultimately, the relationship is what he wants.  But, it is, and his saying that his relationship with Blaine is one of the most precious things in his life is one of the strongest affirmations about anything that Kurt ever gives.  Happy or not happy in that moment, Kurt values his relationship with Blaine above everything - and will protect what he thinks the relationship means at all costs -- even if it means breaking his own heart in the process.  
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This episode is a mess, and the weakest written episode of the arc.  It’s essentially two very different plot lines unevenly stapled together.  Kurt being bashed doesn’t get enough screen time, and it ends up being a morality tale for Rachel rather than delving into the impact it has on the actual gay members of the group.  Blaine’s POV is very limited, which is a shame because there’s an entire story there they really should have told.  
I’m using the still above to show that, yes, as awkward as the set up the scene above is - Kurt’s happy to see Blaine when he enters.  
Why is Kurt so cold during the scene where they lay flowers at the dude’s attack scene?  I don’t think he is? I think he’s recovering from getting the shit beaten out of him, and I’m under the impression that they guy actually died in the initial shooting of the scene and they changed it in post to have him live.  On top of that - Blaine’s feeling clingy because he almost lost the person whom his entire self worth is relying on at the moment.  
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Tested is super, super complicated, and I’m just not going to rehash it here... again.  Please read my meta on this one - I do go incredibly in depth on it.  
I will say this -- Tested is an episode that is densely packed, and relies on subtext to tell a lot of its story.  While I love this episode, the episode needed to be 100% focused on Klaine to really do the stories they were telling justice, and a lot of it is up to interpretation.  
The biggest push back I always get on this one is the ending, and Kurt seeming ‘cold’ here.  And I’ll say this -- You can love a person deeply, and still be as affirming as you can, and still be upset about how they were treating you.  You can be sympathetic to their plights and frustrated that these conversations keep having to be had.  Blaine’s insecurities are feeling heavy to Kurt -- that is a part of being in a relationship, that is a part of being in an adult relationship.  Your prince and knight in shining armor is going to eventually be a human being with problems that you can’t always solve.  And sometimes that is tiring - no matter how much you love a person.  
Opening Night
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There is zero Klaine in this episode - because it’s Rachel’s episode, and Kurt was needed as the gay best friend emotional prop.  Do I think there was an missed opportunity to show Kurt and Blaine happily dancing together at the club? I do! But I don’t think it has anything to do with any interpretation of their characters.  I think they told the actors to go have fun - and they did. 
The Back Up Plan
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I don’t necessarily have any major faults with this episode, nor have I heard much push back against it?  Out of all of the episodes - this is the one where I do have some minor quibbles with acting, some of it being from Darren not clicking Blaine on for ten seconds or so at the beginning, and some of it from Chris being over-the-top in a few places, but nothing that fully takes me out of it.  Neither of them are being different in scenes with each other than they are in scenes with other people.  And there are some really solid Klaine moments in the episode itself.   
Old Dogs, New Tricks
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AKA The one that Chris wrote.  Here’s my thing...  there isn’t very much Blaine in this episode (wisely so).  I think a) Chris wanted to write Kurt a story line that didn’t involve Blaine so Kurt could have a story line that didn’t have Blaine -- and that’s fine and valid and b) I don’t think he wanted the pressure of writing for Blaine, so wisely didn’t have him in it much. 
He wrote a very sweet Klaine moment that incorporated the overall story.  I have no complaints.  And I’ll add -- Chris (purposely so I assume) directed all the passive-aggressive writer-y things towards Rachel.  I do believe if he ultimately was having issues with Darren (or Blaine) he would have had zero compulsion about bringing that into the script. 
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
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Do people have issues with this one? -- I really only have one, and that’s the end of the scene referenced above with the still.  And it’s a good example of how I think production effects story.  This is a beautiful scene, until the last few beats.  We have this big emotional moment for Klaine -- and then it’s capped with a really dumb joke about Blaine being the luckiest guy in the world and a throwaway, badly edited kiss (scored to some upbeat, tacky scoring).  If it were me - I’d let the emotion of the scene continue, let the boys stay on the steps, let them kiss in an emotionally driven moment, and then they can go run up stairs to have sex and not make a joke about being turned on by birds.  The last ‘joke’ can be left on the cutting room floor because it’s really not needed.  But Glee being a ‘comedy’ felt the need to cap the moment before the break with a joke because it’s Glee.  
See what I mean? That’s not Chris or Darren’s fault.  That’s one part writing, one part directing/editing, and one part my opinion of it not working.  
Otherwise, I really don’t have issues with this particular episode. 
I’ll say this though -- a) Kurt is incredibly happy to have Blaine move back in and that means something.  b) the reason this is left on such an upbeat note, and not necessarily foreboding of what’s coming next season is that there was a real chance they weren’t getting a next season -- and they wanted to make sure the characters ended in happy places in case this was the series finale.  c) we were shortchanged two episodes from this season -- who knows what more they could have developed if the had had more time. 
I don’t know if any of this helps (or if any of my additional meta helps) but I suppose I’ll say this -- I’ve meta’d these episodes so much that I see the cracks in the production, but I don’t really take issue with them anymore.  I like the story being told, and all things considered, I don’t think it’s all that bad.  
I think one thing to keep in mind is how Glee tells stories in general.  Are the couples happy? Well, then they’re in the background not doing anything.  Are they having conflict? Yes - well that’s front and center.  Also, keep in mind that Glee prefers telling stories about couples getting together more than them being together (or breaking up).  We start season 6 after the break up, and even season 4′s break up happens at the beginning of the season - why? Cause Glee loves writing angst-y couples who eventually get together in a big moment.  
And I’ll add to that -- did you notice that Sam and Mercedes go through a similar arc as Klaine during the NYC arc? No really - do you know why Mercedes breaks it off with Sam? Because their lives are just in different places and she wants to preserve her good feelings for Sam -- and that’s very similar to Kurt’s reasons at the beginning of season 6.  
No - this season isn’t happy, flirtiness of Kurt in season 2 (and I’ll argue that was Kurt’s story - not Blaine’s, and it’s also somewhat flimsy in structure when considering the love story aspect of it).  It’s not the background moments of season 3 - because they’re together, and there’s not a classroom to be backgrounds of.  (Could they have done a little more in the group scenes? Sure - but it’s not that bad.)  It’s not the angst fest of seasons 4 and 6.  And not helping is the fact that the first half of season 5 really had very little Klaine development at all.  
so, back to the beginning, I feel like the story they wanted to tell was about Klaine having conflict and resolving said conflict, and getting them to grow into an adult relationship.  Do I wish there were more happier times to balance that out? Of course I do! Do I feel like there’s a lack of chemistry or that Chris and/or Darren are to blame? Absolutely not.  Hope this helps a little Nonny - and feel free to ask me about specific moments if you need to <3 
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tudorstuart · 5 years
Last thoughts on Game of Thrones
Now that the show is done, and GRRM will probably never finish Book 6, much less finish the series, what are we left with?
I’ve read the five books that are out.  I haven’t read the Dunk and Egg stories or any of the “historical” material that GRRM and his enablers have put out.  I loved the first book, liked the second and the third, and struggled through the fourth and the fifth.  The series as a whole is okay.  The show is one of my favorite shows.
My thought after reading A Storm of Swords was that GRRM had broken the narrative so hard (RW, Dany ruling in Essos, Stoneheart) that he had effectively written himself into a corner that he would be hard pressed to get out of.  So far I have been proven right: not only has his writing pace slowed considerably but the narrative of the books themselves has ground to a halt.  He has deconstructed the tropes of epic fantasy so thoroughly (and in some instances needlessly) that his characters are left to wander through increasingly bleak landscapes and environments with no plot to anchor them.  This would, I suppose, work if GRRM was a prose stylist of enough skill to keep me interested regardless of the lack of a plot.  Just look at The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry to see how this can work.  But he’s no Tolkien or Erikson, and we are far away from the Tower of Joy, one of the most stylistically rich passages of the first book.
I bring all this up for two reasons: to say (1) I don’t have the same attachment to these books that a lot of my fellow nerds do; and (2) to point out the textual difficulties involved in adapting this material.
(1) means I don’t care that the King of the Iron Islands sits on the Salt Throne instead of the Seastone Chair.  I didn’t tally up the differences between the show and the books while I was watching.  I was interested in the world and the characters but what I really wanted was good TV and a good story.  I got those things.
(2) The show came out right after Book 5 was published.  Was GRRM’s plan that he would stay ahead of the show since there would be at least five seasons directly adapting his books before the show got ahead of the books?  Until he tells us, we’ll never know.  We have since learned that GRRM was in regular consultation with the writers about the structure of the story after Book 5, so I would be very surprised if the major beats in Books 6 and 7 don’t look very similar to the major beats in the show.  I’ll eat crow if I’m wrong!
I’ve been thinking about this show in two different frames: 1) Prestige TV and 2) Epic Fantasy.  I think these two frames help us understand, or at least help me understand, why the show developed the way that it did. 
1) Prestige TV: After The Sopranos ended, HBO badly needed another critically acclaimed, watercooler show that would bring in the ratings.  In that respect, Game of Thrones would allow HBO to live up to its original premise-- “it’s not TV! It’s HBO!” and create a show that simply would never air on network TV.  Epic Fantasy!  Boobs!  Dragons!  Direwolves!  Classically trained British actors!  Prestige TV also relies on shock value, and in this sense too the GoT narrative was perfect for HBO.  But in another sense the budget GoT required as the narrative expanded and the scale broadened was an outlier; none of the other shows HBO is hyping now, not even His Dark Materials, require the kind of dollars GoT hoovered up (that might change in the third book of HDM).  In that context I can see why things got more constrained for the show.  2) Epic Fantasy.  But from another perspective I would argue that the accelerated narrative of the final two seasons actually works to the story’s advantage.  I think of the show as a whole as a narrative in three parts. Seasons 1-4 are Part One: we’re introduced to all the major players, the two major conflicts (the Iron Throne, the White Walkers) are set in motion, and then a series of deaths in S4 move most of the remaining players beyond Westeros. 5-6 are Part Two: Realignment.  The surviving players try to pick up the pieces and create new identities for themselves.  By the end of part two, Cersei is (seemingly) on one side and everyone else is on the other. 7-8, Part Three: Conclusion.  With the battle lines drawn, all is action.  There’s not as much intrigue and conversation because, well, the promise of violence between good guys and bad guys and worse things has to be fulfilled. 
There are lots of people right now making parallels between GoT and some period in late medieval and early modern history, because the first book looks like the Wars of the Roses plus Mongols plus dragons, but to me that’s the wrong frame (not the least because GRRM got a lot of his history from weird sources).  This is Epic Deconstructionist Fantasy in the modern, Tolkien-esque vein.  What does that mean?  A lot of modern fantasy falls into one of three categories: 1) Heroic Fantasy (where everything is basically okay at the end; nothing much changes: Harry Potter, Tad Williams) 2) Grimdark (the opposite: Joe Abercrombie, Mark Lawrence) 3) EDF (Tolkien, LeGuin, Zelazny, Erikson) GRRM’s books are largely grimdark - for now.  We don’t know how they’ll end.  GRRM has teased for years that the seventh book will be nothing but the wind whistling over the graves of the main characters, but there is no way HBO was going to greenlight -that-.  The show followed the grimdark trajectory throughout Part One and Two.  But after S6 the show couldn’t go that route anymore.  It could go Full Heroic Fantasy and crown Jon or Dany or both, or it could go the more interesting route and embrace the EDF narrative.  EDF requires that most conventions of the genre be upended and the world be changed substantially.  Its endings are usually bittersweet.  People we want to be good turn out to be bad, or at least messily human.  Dany’s turn towards villainy echoes similar transformations in Tolkien and Keyes (The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone).  Jaime struggles with the better angels of his nature but loses out to his demons (and at the very least keeps Brienne out of King’s Landing) ala Boromir.  Jon Snow reminded me profoundly of Ged at the end of The Farthest Shore: “he is done with doing.”  Sansa and Arya are free to choose their own paths (like Corwin in Zelazny’s Amber), unburdened of the expectations placed upon them by the patriarchal system -- because with the election of Bran to the kingship, that system has been dealt a mortal blow!  Power now rests with a bunch of up-jumped commoners (no, Tyrion and Brienne are not commoners, but they are outsiders in other ways).  The ending reminded me of nothing so much as Lloyd Alexander’s The Beggar Queen: a new system is in place, but it might all come crashing down!  Hence the ambiguity of Tyrion’s answer to Jon’s question: “ask me again in ten years.” (also, back to point #1 about Prestige TV, if HBO decides to go back to the GoT well, they need the Starks alive and out of the Seven/Six kingdoms) Those are my thoughts.  The narrative started as a grimdark fantasy but ended as something significantly different, because its genre allowed for, if not demands, a bittersweet, non-heroic ending.  And it worked.  For me.  It was certainly one of my favorite shows of the last several years.
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 19)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 2469
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst, jealousy…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |  Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 |
You followed the men outside, where Sherlock and him managed to get away. Within a few minutes, you got a text telling you an address. It wasn’t Sherlock’s number, but you had a feeling it was a message from one of his homeless network.
You ducked out of the back of the apartment and made your way through town to the address. When you got there, Sherlock and John were waiting for you outside an apartment.
“I’ve nearly unlocked it...There we are,” Sherlock noted as he stood up and you two went inside a small apartment.
Sherlock asked that you find something to cut the cuffs with. You found some bolt cutters and set them free.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“This is a writer's apartment. Kitty. Remember the frisky fan I told you about?”
“That’s her. Not a fan at all. She wanted an exclusive interview and I wouldn’t give it to her.”
“Okay so why are we here?”
“She wrote a story called Kiss and Tell, claiming that a man named Richard Brook has shed light on my fraud.”
“And we’re here to…?”
“To see who Richard Brook is.”
The three of you sat in the dark to wait for her. She got to the door, opened it, clicked on the light and Sherlock asked, “Too late to go on the record?”
Once Kitty got settled in, Sherlock set in on her. “Congratulations, on the truth about Sherlock Holmes. Scoop that everybody wanted and you got it. Bravo.”
“I gave you your opportunity. I wanted to be on your side, remember? You turned me down so…”
“And then someone turns up and spills all the beans, how utterly convient? Who is Brook?”
She shook her head.
“Oh come on, Kitty, no one trusts the voice at the end of a telephone. There are all those flirty little meetings in cafes, those meetings in hotel rooms. How do you know that you could trust him?” Sherlock pressed. “Man turns up with a holy grail in his pocket. What were his credentials?”
At that moment, the door opened to the apartment and a disheveled Moriarty walked in. “Darling they didn’t have any ground coffee so I just got normal.”
Sherlock spun, his eyes wide with shock, yours as well. Suddenly you felt your heart drop into your stomach, your veins filled with ice. John, you, and Sherlock all looked as if you’d seen a ghost. What the ever loving fuck was he doing here?
“You said that they wouldn’t find me here,” he stammered as he backed into a wall, dropping the grocery bag. Your eyes narrowed on him. “You said that I’d be safe here.”
“You are safe, Richard,” Kitty assured and your face whipped to her. “I’m a witness. They won’t harm you in front of witnesses.”
“Wanna bet?” you muttered, utterly put out with all of this nonsense.
“So that’s your source?” John demanded. “Moriarty is Richard Brook?”
“Of course he’s Richard Brook. There is no Moriarty. There never has been.”
A dizzy spell hit your head at that moment.
“What are you talking about?” John wondered.
“Look him up. Rich Brook, an actor Sherlock Holmes hired to be Moriarty.”
Your eyes flashed to your better half, his face unreadable. Then your eyes flashed to Moriarty.
“Dr. Watson, I know you’re a good man,” Moriarty started. “Don’t--Don’t--Don’t hurt me,” he pleaded holding his hands up.
Oh he was good. Playing the part of victim. Playing the part of a scared little man, but you knew better. This wasn’t real. He was as sick and twisted as they come.
John lost his nerve and started shouting. “No, you’re Moriarity! He’s moriarty!” he insisted glancing back to Kitty. “We've met, remember? You were going to blow me up!”
Moriarity continued his charade as he said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. He paid me. I needed the work.” He gestured to Sherlock and you thought you’d rip his head off then and there. “I’m an actor. I was out of out work.”
“Sherlock, you’d better explain. Cause I am not getting this.”
“I’ll be doing the explaining,” Kitty interjected. She went on to hand John and you papers, explaining how Sherlock had invented Moriarity and all the crimes.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous.”
“Ask him, he’s right here!” she insisted, pointing to Moriarty.  
John went back and forth with the two of them but all you could hear was a rushing in your ears, feel the pounding of your heart, your stomach lurching. You were getting more pissed by the second.
Suddenly, Moriarity had been begging Sherlock to tell John “the truth”.
“Tell him! Tell them! Tell him!” he repeated frantically and you’d had enough.
Shaking your head, you cried, “You sick son a bitch!” Then you lunged at him, his voice getting on your last nerve. This story. The lies. The games. All of it.
“No! No! Don’t you touch me!” he said, falling over himself, getting just out of your grasp. “Don’t you lay a finger on me!”
You continued to march towards him. “Oh I’ll lay more than a finger you sniveling, lying, little snake!”
“Stop it! Stop it now!” Sherlock shouted at Jim, demanding he put this charade to bed. But he didn’t. He started to get up and run away where you and John took off after him.
But he got away. The three of you stormed out of her apartment, your minds still reeling. John was asking if any of this was possible, and Sherlock seemed to surrender and say it was possible.
“There’s only one thing he needs to do to complete his game and that’s to…” Sherlock said, stopping suddenly.
“Sherlock?” you softly said.
“There’s something I need to do.”
“What? Can we help?” John asked.
“No, on my own.” With that he started to walk.
You shook your head, gritting your teeth. “He is such a --”
“Bastard? Annoying dick? Egotistical ass? Patronizing son of a bitch?”
“All of the above,” you muttered.
Just then you got a text message from Sherlock. “Find the computer program. -- SH.”
You showed John.
“Let’s go,” you sighed.
“Uh, you go ahead. I need to take care of something.”
“What? Not you too.”
“Y/N, someone sold Sherlock’s life. It wasn’t me, I highly doubt it was you, so who does that leave?”
It only took you a second before you answered, “Mycroft.”
“But why…?” you started to ask.
“I don’t know, but that’s what I intend to find out.”
“So I’m on my own?” you asked, exasperated as he started to walk away.
“For now, yes! I’ll meet up with you when I can,” he called over his shoulder.
You worked all night trying to find the code, not hearing a word from either one of them, except that they were at St. Barts working. Giving up a little after dawn, you decided to head to Barts to see what headway they’d made.
Just as you arrived, Sherlock called you. You stepped out of the cab and answered.
“Hey. You okay?” you greeted.
“Turn around and walk back the way you came,” he instructed sternly.
“What? Why would I do that? I’m coming in.”
“Just do as I ask! Please.” His tone made you nervous so you obliged.
“Yeah, alright. Where am I supposed to go?”
“Stop there.”
“Okay?” you said, looking around for him.
“Okay, look up, I’m on the rooftop.”
Dizziness hit your head like a freight train.
“The rooftop? What the hell are you--” you demanded, angry with him at first, until you actually saw him standing on the ledge. He wasn’t just standing on the rooftop, his tiptoes were over the edge. You gazed up in nauseous horror as you covered your mouth and gasped.
“Sherlock?! What the hell are you doing up there?! Get down this instant!” you nearly shouted into the phone.
“I... I can’t come down so we’ll just have to do it like this,” he said softly.
Your insides twisted.
“Do what?” you asked, a sob already forming in your throat. You didn’t want an answer to your question, but you half hoped it would be something benign, not the horrors that danced through your head at that instant. One horrible thing about your mind was that it quickly worked things out. Moriarity must be making him do this. “Sherlock… What… What’s going on?” you tried to speak through threatening tears.
“An apology,” he said simply.
“For what?” you tried again.
“It’s all true.”
“What’s all true?”
“Everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty.”
You shook your head, your heart beating a million miles per hour. Maybe you could get up there but… Sherlock had told you to stay put.
“Why are you saying this? Sherlock this is mad. Stop this right now.”
“I’m a fake, Y/N.”
“No, no you’re not. This is just…”
“The newspapers were right all along. I want you to tell John, Lestrade; I want you to tell Mrs. Hudson, and Molly... in fact, tell anyone who will listen to you that I created Moriarty for my own purposes.”
“I’m not going to do that,” you insisted, still biting back tears and your ever-swelling throat. “You know things about people, intimate things, that no one could possibly know in one glance. But you do.”
“Noone is that clever. I couldn’t even tell you anything other than you being an attorney, an obvious deduction. I’ve never been able to read you.”
“So? Sherlock, you can tell people their life story with one glance. I’m the exception.”
It sounded as if he gave a short, sorrow filled laugh before saying, “You always were, weren’t you? My one exception.”
His words. Those words. They sent tears over the edge.
“It’s all one big magic trick, a ruse. I research people. That’s all.”
“You’re lying and I don’t know why. I’m coming up,” you said, starting to move before Sherlock stopped you.
“No! Stay exactly where you are! Don’t move.”
Against your better judgement, you obeyed him and moved back into your spot.
“Alright. I won’t move.”
“Keep your eyes fixed on me,” he requested. “Please, will you do this for me?”
“Do... do what?” you stammered, trying to keep some composure and failing. Not being next to him, seeing him on that ledge, it made your bones, your very soul ache.
“This phone call – it’s, er ... it’s my note. It’s what people do, don’t they – leave a note?”
A strangled sob escaped your throat as you stared up at him.
“No, Sherlock. No. Just... tell me, I can help you. Please let me help you. We can solve this another way. I don’t know what he has on you but please,” you begged.
“There is no other way. Y/N, I’m so sorry for the pain I’ve caused you… For the pain I’m about to cause you. When we met… I never meant for this to happen. That’s why I told you no, the day you asked me to dinner. I warned you. I told you this would be dangerous.”
“I know, and I still said yes.”
“Do you still say yes now?” he asked ominously.
At first you weren’t sure what he meant, but as you stared up at him, it became painfully clear. He would be dead. You weren’t sure when, but he was going to end his life. Today. And he was asking if it was still worth saying yes.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“I’m so sorry you feel that way,” he apologized.
“Please. Sherlock. Don’t do this. Please, for the love of God don’t do this to me,” you pleaded. He was your first and only love. In your mind and heart, he would be your last love. He couldn’t do this. He just couldn’t. “I love you. Do you hear me? I love you!” you shouted, angry at him for doing this, for putting you in this position. Maybe the anger was just an early stage of grief yet to follow.
“I know,” he quietly says into the phone. “But you were just another part of the game.”
At his words, your heart fell out of your chest.
“I… what?” you gasped, trying to catch up.
“Just another step in the plan to make me seem more normal. John had been on me about being more human so... so I chose you, to play the part.”
“No,” you whispered, disbelief coloring your tone as you shook your head.
“Yes,” he insisted. “If I had it my way, I’d have picked Irene. She was, after all, the first woman to truly catch my eye. I could never love you, because you’d always be the other woman in my eyes. It was Irene that I loved… Not you.” Another moment passed, and you wanted to say something, anything, but your mind was spinning too fast for you to fathom a response. “I’m sorry.”
Before you could respond, he held his had out and dropped the phone beside him.
“Sherlock!” you screamed, louder than you’d ever screamed in your life. Your heart was beating so fast, you thought a heart attack was imminent.  
But he ignored you, he held his arms out to his sides and stepped off. He fell for what seemed like forever, and yet, it seemed like an instant. You wanted to move, to catch him, to break his fall, to… something! But you couldn’t move.
Not until you heard the sound of his body hitting the pavement. That sickeing sound. You’d never heard anything like that.
For a moment, you swayed, sure that you would throw up or that your buckling knees would give out. Then your mind started to work again and you began running towards him, but a bicyclist had hit you, knocking you to the ground. In your shocked state, you didn’t feel it, but your head had smacked against the pavement.
Finally, you stood up and stumbled your way over to him. There was blood... so much blood. A crowd of people tried to hold you back.
“No, he’s my boyfriend!” you shouted, pushing through them until you landed in front of him. Within a second, your brother was at your side.
“Y/N...Y/N,” he said, looking at you. “Oh, God,” he moaned, his face going to Sherlock’s body. “Sherlock… Sherlock…” he whispered in a daze.
You went to reach towards him but people kept pulling you off of him. John tried to take his pulse, but someone had gotten his hand away too.
A gurney rolled up with paramedics and they turned him over, his lifeless eyes staring up, his hair matted in blood. That was all you needed for the light to leave your own eyes as you passed out on the ground next to his body.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815 @ultrarebelheart @tngrayson @clairese1980 @ladyblablabla
52 notes · View notes
A Little Too Real (9)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 4.5, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 7.5, Part 8 
Summary: RealityTV!AU- You are a wardrobe supervisor for a popular TV network. The show is planning a reality TV show like the bachelor and Bucky is the newest contestant. But as the competition starts he realizes that he doesn’t like any of the girls…on the show anyway.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (eventual)
Word Count: 15,622 (I give up guys!)
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long, as you could imagine it takes quiet a bit of time to write something this long. That and I’ve been doing a lot of job stuff recently since it’s about to hit the summer season which is usually the busiest for theatre folk (that is at night). I’m not completely sure if you’re going to love or hate this but either way I hope the wait is worth it and I love you guys! Enjoy! PLEASE pay attention to POV indicators 
Warnings: angst, fluff, implied and mentions of sexy time, mention of nudity? (both of these are not what you’re thinking), kissing, mentions of cheating, mentions of someone dying (not main character), mention of pregnancy, wedding talk, PTSD type situations?
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Week 6
The problem with living alone was that it was pretty...lonely.
I tired to spend Sunday alone but really only made it halfway through the day before I gave up and went over to Bucky’s to hang out.  
I knocked on the door of his apartment and waited a couple of seconds for him to answer. When he opened I tried not to react too noticeably to his bare chest and water soaked hair, wearing nothing but a towel.
“Y/N, hey!” He said, now obviously flustered.
“You weren’t expecting me were you?” He waved me in and closed the door behind me.
“No offense or anything, I just kind of assumed you were Steve, but it’s fine, you’re welcome any time. ”
“Is Steve supposed to come over, I don’t mean to intrude?”
“No, no. Um...just give me a second and I’ll fill you in?” He said, gesturing to his nakedness.
“Of course, yeah.” He walked back to his room and got changed and I made myself comfortable on the couch. It didn’t take long for him to join me on the couch...now completely dressed.
Now, I had seen a man before, I had dressed men before, I had seen Bucky without clothes on before, but seeing him in nothing but a towel did not help the thoughts that had already been going through my head.
“So...Peggy’s parents are in town. They’re these rich Brits who want to get over involved in the wedding and Steve called and told me that my apartment had been deemed his escape.”
“So you thought that he was already going insane?”
“And you don’t mind having Steve around when you’re wearing nothing but a towel?”
“We grew up together, we’ve been through everything together. I don’t think there’s really anything that could phase either of us.”
“So going back to Peggy’s parents, what are they like?”
“Well they’re really nice and they love Steve; they really took him in after his mom died. And they worship their children, they gave them the world, and didn’t stop there. And now they’re both so successful: Peggy’s getting married and has a great career and you haven’t met her brother yet, but you would like him, he worked in theatre for a bit and he’s done a lot of traveling. But anyway, they just really want to be a part of the wedding planning since they live so far away and they’ll be gone for a long time after the party this week.”
“Party this week?”
“Peggy didn't ask you?”
“Her parents are throwing this big fancy engagement party on Thursday, of course she’s going to want you there.”
“How fancy are we talking?”
“Well, most of her family will be there, and her parents may be rich but that’s an understatement with the rest of her family; so It’ll be pretty fancy, black tie. We plan on doing something a little more casual for Steve once they go back, but I suppose you’ll be able to crack out that second dress for the party.”
“Oh, I’m not sure it’ll be that fancy.”
“Well what does it look like?”
“It’s a ballgown.”
“That I designed for a red carpet event.”
“Yeah. The party is more like...like something in Downton Abbey. They’ll get all dressed up, lounge around a big house, eat small food, drink tea, maybe do some dancing.”
“So more like a fancy cocktail party.”
“Yeah, but a little more British. The women can wear whatever they want, as long as it’s appropriate. Men have to wear tails or a really nice suit.”
“Please tell my you’re going to wear tails! I love a good tailcoat.”
“Well, I’m not wearing tails to the engagement party, I haven’t had the time to go to a tailor, but I am to the wedding. You should definitely come to the fitting.”
“I would love to come to the fitting. You know in school my final project was constructing a suit for Intimate Apparel. Everyone else had these beautiful corsets and they trusted me with the most difficult piece, but it was also the only male piece that we constructed, which made it really special.”
“So then you’ll know if it looks good on me.”
“Well I don’t think anything could look bad on you, but I’ll know what the tailor’s doing and I can explain things to you.”
“I would like to have you there.”
“Well, I will be there.”
Bucky and I lounged around, watching Downton Abbey and eating take out food, nothing too far away from what we had been doing before; besides the fact that we weren’t living together anymore. And of course, we got to the most dramatic part of our episode when I received a call.
YN: Hello?
PC: I’m kidnapping you and Wanda tomorrow to go dress shopping.
Y/N: Why would we need new dresses Peggy?
I said looking over at Bucky with a smile on my face. He smiled too.
PC: Come on. I know you’re with Bucky and I know that he knows about the engagement party which means that you know.
YN: How do you know I’m with him?
PC: Am I wrong?
YN: No.
PC: Then Steve and I will pick the both of you up in the morning
YN: You know that...that I’m not staying with Bucky anymore right? I was cleared by the doctor, so I went home.
PC: Oh. I mean—we can still pick you up, you know just from your place.
YN: Yeah I would appreciate that
PC: Good so we’ll still pick up the both of you before we go shopping
YN: Okay. See you tomorrow.
PC: Bye
YN: Bye
“So what did Y/N say to you kidnapping her?” Steve walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Did you know that she moved out of Bucky’s apartment?”
“What? No.”
“Apparently the doctor told her that she was good to go home and she did.”
“Well I didn’t get much information about what happened, but don’t think that I won’t interrogate her when I see her.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“I just don’t understand. I thought they were getting closer to each other.”
“I thought so too.”
“Then why would she move out?”
“I don’t know.”
“There has to be something that we missed.”
“Well she did almost get kidnapped by her ex husband, maybe that has something to do with it.”
“Did she not tell you?”
“We haven’t spoken since the lunch. What happened?”
So Steve sat down on the bed beside me and explained everything that Bucky had told him. And after he finished I completely understood why she hadn’t said anything to me. The whole thing was crazy, but she hadn’t even known that any of it had happened, not before Bucky told her.
“I know why she left.” I said afterward.
“You do?”
“Bucky put himself in danger for her. And her whole life she has had to be so strong and yet that changed when she met Bucky. He made her vulnerable and in a way that she hadn’t been since her ex was in the picture. So with Bucky being there for her and her ex being around too…”
“She left to put her feelings back in check.”
“Which means we are further away from getting those two together.”
“What do we do next?”
“I’ll talk to her tomorrow during shopping.”
“I’ll do the same with Bucky.”
“Good.” He leaned over to give me a quick kiss which turned into a not so short kiss too quickly. I pulled him down closer to me, kissing him deeper, but he pulled away.
“Do we have time before we go pick up your parents?”
“If we don’t do it now we won’t be able to until they leave.”
“We could—”
“We are not going to escape to Bucky’s to have sex.”
“I’m just saying, if we asked he would go over to Y/N’s and give us some privacy.”
“Really, he said that?”
“No, but I’m sure he would say yes.”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
We had to rush to the airport after that, but ultimately we made it in time to pick up my parents from their flight. They had been so excited to see us and when we drove them to our apartment they easily settled in to the guest bedroom.
The following morning we made a traditional English breakfast before we headed out to pick up everyone up for a day of shopping. We went to Wanda’s place first seeing that she lived the closest to us, next we went to Bucky’s and last we stopped by Y/N’s.
Bucky, always the gentlemen, especially when it came to Y/N, got out of the car and ran up the steps to help her down, opening the door for her before she climbed in.
“Hey guys!” She said and Bucky climbed in closing the door behind him.
Steve started driving towards the city and we all made small talk, mostly talking about what my family was like and what the party would be like and even talked a little about Bucky’s time in London right after his accident.
And then the boys dropped us off in front of a nice boutique before they headed off to get suits for themselves.
Now I just needed to find out what was going on with Y/N.
Peggy had made an appointment previously for the three of us to find dresses, letting us know that this would be a good place to find something classy and English enough for Americans to wear to a fancy British engagement party.
The staff immediately greeted us as we walked in and as soon as we confirmed our appointment they eagerly gave us free reign to shop. The woman helping us was very fond of showing us dresses that were way too expensive, even though Peggy offered to pay for the dresses. So instead we picked out some of the less expensive dresses (still pretty pricey in my book) and had the woman helping us place them in the dressing rooms. When we reached the limit on how many dresses we could have in the room, we were shown to our respective dressing room and we put on our first options.
When we were all dressed we went to stand out in front of the mirror, all three not obvious or serious picks but fun nonetheless
“So...I’ve been dying to ask you—” Peggy started to say to me.
“Well this can’t be good.” I said in response. She turned to look at me giving me a serious look.
“Why did you move out of Bucky’s?”
“I knew this wouldn’t be good.”
“You moved out of Bucky’s?” Wanda asked.
“Why is this such a big deal?”
“Why is this not a big deal?” Peggy asked.
“It’s not a big deal because staying with Bucky was nothing more than for medical precaution advised by my doctor. Bucky talked to the doctor and told him I could go home, so I did.”
“But things were going so good.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“We just mean that everything seemed really great between you two, so why mess it up?”
“Everything's still fine between us, nothing has changed.”
“But you left.”
“I couldn’t have stayed there forever.”
“Who says you couldn’t.”
“Now you guys are just messing with me.” I turned away from them and headed back to the dressing room to put on the next option. My next dress was a much better option, one I would have actually bought for myself if I had the money.
When I came out the second time I was the first one out of the room, so I sat in one of the chairs and waited for Wanda and Peggy to join me before I said anything to them.
“Okay. I’m going to say one thing and then we are going to drop this conversation.”
“I left Bucky’s because I was getting too close to him. It was getting harder and harder to keep everything down.”
“Then why do it?” Wanda asked.
“I’m not talking about this anymore.”
“No, she’s right. Why are you trying so hard to push everything down? You love him, you won’t admit it but you do.” Peggy argued.
“You know I get berated every time I go out with you guys and honestly I don’t like it. I came here to hang out with you so please stop questioning me like I’m a murderer.”
“Well if Wanda had a love interest we would be doing the same thing with her.”
“Is that so?”
“But I don’t have anyone.” She said. 
“Or do you?” I asked, hoping to direct attention away from myself.
“No one serious.”
“No one serious?!” Peggy and I both asked at the same time.
“What? We’ve only been out on one date.”
“What’s his name?” I asked.
“Well his real name is Jarvis but everyone calls him Vision.”
“He works for Tony on his security detail, an upper level man. He got the nickname because he knows everything that happens, he’s the eyes and ears for Tony.”
“Pretty clever.” Peggy said.
“And you like him?”
“It was...a really good first date.”
“You going to see him again?”
“I think so yeah.”
“See, now we can just grill Wanda for fun details.”
“No. Wanda has a date, she is actively seeing someone. You are ignoring your feelings and shoving aside the love of your life. It’s not the same.”
“Well anyway let's talk about something else. What about these dresses?” I stood from the chair and went to go stand beside them, fixing the dress as I did.
“Well you look amazing and should totally get this dress.” Peggy said to me.
“Yeah you look hot, Bucky wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you.” Wanda added.
They both laughed.
“This is not what I meant by you telling me what you thought of this dress.”
“Just being honest.” Peggy said.
“Well if I look ‘hot’ than it’s not right for a proper English engagement party.”
“But it’s perfect for showing Bucky what you got.”
“This Party is not about that.”
“I could just buy it for you anyway, you could wear it out on a date with him, let him take it off you at the end of the night...” I glared at her and they both just laughed at me.
“I am not getting this dress and to think I was going to give you a compliment on yours.”
“Well jokes on you I’m getting this dress because I think I look ‘hot’ in it and I know Steve will like it on...and off me.”
“You do look really good...even though I’m mad at you.”
“You can’t be mad at me, I just want you to be happy and I feel like that dress could help you get really happy.”
“Well the ‘happy’ you’re talking about is not happening with Bucky.”
“Maybe not now, but I have a pretty good feeling.”
“Whatever. I’m going to go put on the next dress.”
Peggy sat out in one of the chairs in her dress as Wanda and I put on our next dress. I decided on the third dress that I tried on which made me look good but was a little more covered and more formal than the last one I had on, despite how much I liked it. Wanda ended up picking the fourth dress she tried on and then we met the boys down the street for lunch before Steve and Peggy drove all of us to work. They dropped Wanda and Bucky off at the house and then went back and dropped me off at the studio so that I could get some work done before I would make my way back to the them. 
Today was technically my first day back at work and boy was I happy. I started at the wardrobe room finally being able to catch up on the work that I had had to push off because of my medical leave. I had been working so long that I didn’t even notice the time and tried to get to the house for filming, but with crutches and a slow going taxi I was definitely late.
I made my way over to the director’s area where Wanda was sitting and we sat and watched the show until we finally got to a break. Bucky came out of the house first and walked over to me.
“You’re late.” He said with a smile on his face.
“I’m a cripple.”
“A late cripple.”
“Got me there.” He laughed at me.
“So how’s your first day back?”
“Good so far.”
“Yeah? Good.”
“Definitely not lacking on the work I’ve got to do.”
“You’ll catch up soon enough.”
“I hope so.”
So as the night came to a close and as we drew later into the week, I worked on everything I needed to to catch up on, helped Peggy pick out a few things for the party, meeting her mom along the way, and spent a lot of time with Bucky.
He was an open book this week, despite not having been the week before. He told me every single doubt and thought he had about the four remaining girls: Ulani, Gabriella, Kristy, and Malia. I sat there for hours listening to what he thought about these girls, which I had to admit hurt quite a bit. But despite everything I listened to what he had to say, listening to things I didn’t even know he was thinking of.
Wednesday night, after a long night of filming, we laid on his bed facing each other. I had planned on going home but he looked like he had had a rough date, a double date with Kristy and Gabriella.
From everything I had seen, which is a lot more than Bucky, these two had it out for each other. It made for a pretty hostile date and a handsomely defeated Bucky.
“That was bad wasn’t it?” He asked.
“You want to know the worst part about it?”
“I felt like I was on a date with Nat again.”
“Really?” I said in shock.
“When I was in the hospital I had a lot of time to think about what happened with Nat. And I just realized how exhausting the whole relationship had been. I must have had better patience back then because I honestly have no idea how I put up with her for so long. But I was sitting there while they both fought for my attention demanding to be heard and expecting me to care.”
“You don’t?”
“It’s not that I don’t, it’s just that they were both trying so hard to impress me, to make themselves seem more appealing. I just feel that when you meet someone and start dating them you either feel it or you don’t. It shouldn’t have to be about selling yourself to someone or trying to make them believe that you’re a certain way when that may not be the case. Its fake. They were being fake and that’s honestly the best way to describe Nat.”
“So does that mean you know who you’re getting rid of this week?”
“I feel like I’ve just wasted everyone’s time.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I don’t think I’m going to end up choosing any of them.”
“What?” She just looked at me like I was crazy. “What do you mean? Can you do that?”
“I don’t know. I have a lawyer looking into it.”
“I bet she got a kick out of that.”
“Looking at your contract to see if you have to pick someone on the show. I'm sure her imagination is running wild with reasons for why.”
“Yeah, her and Steve and probably conspiring against us.”
“Yeah...What are you going to do until then?”
“Keep playing it out until I know for sure.”
“And what happens if you have to choose someone?”
“I'll tell her the truth and make it look good for the cameras.”
“And you think she’ll go along with it?”
“I don’t know. I tend to hope for the best with these girls and get screwed by them at the same time.”
“We’ll figure it out.” She grabbed my hand and held it in hers giving me a hopeful look.
That night Y/N stayed over. We stayed up way too late talking and when the morning came she went back to her apartment to get ready for the day and check on any last things that Peggy needed help with.
Having Y/N there again, even if it was just one night didn’t make things any easier for me. Ever since I kissed Y/N it had been pretty much impossible to think of anything else and when those thoughts started it didn’t take much for my imagination to run wild. So how was I supposed to tell anyone that the reason for Peggy’s evaluation of my contract was so that I could choose Y/N, that I could finally tell her the way that I felt.
So instead of trying to find some way to hang out with Y/N again today, I opted to distract Steve from the over zealous in-laws-to-be. I walked into the big mansion that Peggy’s parents had rented out for the day, with the garment bag holding my suit slung over my shoulder, looking for Steve.
There were countless workers moving about the house, setting up flowers and tables and everything you would actually imagine for a wedding except for the fact that this was an engagement party. I walked around the mansion, asking anyone I could about his whereabouts until I found him upstairs in one of the bedrooms.
“Hey. What are you doing here so early?” He asked. 
“Well you did ask me to come early.”
“I thought it would be like thirty minutes.”
“I’m just awesome like that. But I thought that I would come and help you out, keep you from going insane.”
“Yeah? And what’s the real reason?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, give me a little credit. I think I know when you want something from me.”
“Well it’s not really needing something more than just wanting to get away as well.”
“It’s not because I want to be away from her, but because I have to.”
“When she told me she was moving out I was honestly sad to see her go. And I honestly hate living alone now but I think it was good that she left.”
“Why’s that?”
“While she was there I felt like I could cross any personal line that I wanted to and it would be okay. I let myself believe that she was there because she wanted to be with me not because the doctor was forcing her to be there. And I just left my heart on my sleeve and let it feel everything it wanted to about her. Her leaving made me put things back into perspective.”
“You know that she probably left for the same reason right?”
“I don’t know, she seemed pretty excited to go home.”
“What did she say?”
“That she should let me have my apartment back so that I can get back to my ‘bachelor ways’”
“Yeah doesn’t really sound like she left because she wanted to. You should have stopped her. God knows she has enough trouble getting down those stairs. If anything it’s a safety hazard for her to be back at her place.”
“I did try to stop her, she practically ran out of my apartment at the end of the day.”
“Not because she was excited to go home, but because she needed space from you. She obviously felt the same way and needed the space to put herself back into the right headspace.”
“Anyway...I came here to escape my women problems, so let’s do something else or talk about something other than me.”
“Okay. One last thing, because you’re trying so hard to bury your feelings for her and I wouldn’t want to keep you from that. But you do know that you’ll be stuck with her in Moscow for two weeks, right?”
“Wait what?”
“You didn’t know?”
“Well they told me that some of the crew were coming with us but I just figured they wouldn’t send the head of the department.”
“They thought that because she has some background with other tech departments and she can speak Russian fluently, that she would be a useful asset to have in Moscow.”
“Well I wasn’t planning for that.”
“Which means you probably just need to tell her how you feel.”
“Or I just need to shove down my feelings even further.” I hadn’t even told Steve about the kiss and God if that didn’t make me feel ten times more for Y/N than I had before. “I’ll figure out what to do but right now I need you to take my mind off of it. So what can I do to help?”
Steve and I moved around the huge house working on whatever Peggy’s mother assigned to us and occupying every second we could until it was time to go get ready for the party.
Putting on my suit, I stared at myself in the mirror, taking deep breaths and once again trying my hardest to get Y/N out of my mind. But when I couldn’t seem to find a good reason to hide out in the room any longer I went next door to Steve’s room where he was supposed to be getting ready.
I went to the door and hearing the noise beyond, I decided not to intrude, figuring that Peggy had found him before I could whisk him away.
So I was playing wingman now, doing absolutely everything I could to keep anyone from going up there to find them. I was walking downstairs when I bumped into Peggy’s mother.
“Hello Bucky.”
“Have you seen Steve around?”
“Oh, he asked for a few more minutes to get ready. I am all yours though, what can I do?” I held out my arm for her and she laced her arm through mine as I led her back downstairs.
She had a whole list of things apparently that still needed to be done. So like I volunteered, she put me to work.
It was maybe twenty minutes later that Steve walked downstairs, his hair a little ruffled but nonetheless looking good in his new suit. He walked over to me first.
“Have fun?” I asked with a smirk on my face.
“You heard?”
“I’ve been covering for you, Amanda is looking for you.”
“You’re the best.”
“Well I figured you needed it after having Peggy’s whole family in that apartment of yours all week.”
“Yeah. Thanks, It felt like I hadn’t seen her all week.”
“Just a couple more days and they’ll be gone and then we can have a real party.”
“Yeah, I love them but man they can get crazy when it comes to all of this stuff. I just want to marry Peggy.”
“And you will, but it may be a painful process.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.”
We both worked until the first guests arrived, giving Peggy her cue to show up and attached herself to Steve’s side. They greeted everyone who came in and I tried to stay near the food and drinks.
Somewhere amongst my hiding, Steve made his way back over to me grabbing a drink for himself and Peggy.
“I see you found a hiding place for the night.”
“You can’t hide from Y/N. She’s going to find you.”
“I’m just preparing myself.”
“Peggy says that she looks stunning.”
“She’s always beautiful.”
“Then why are you hiding, make a move.” Steve handed me one of his drinks and then grabbed my arm, pulling me back into the room where Peggy and her family were.
“Steve, wait. There’s something I didn’t tell you earlier.” I stopped him before we could get too close to anyone, but in perfect sight of the front door.  
“I messed up.”
“You may have to be more specific.”
“You can’t judge me.”
“No judgement here.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it. But um...I kissed Y/N.”
“What? That’s awesome man. I’m so happy for you.”
“N-no. How do I say this? She was asleep.”
“She was asleep?”
“It was the day after Jackson and her grandmother got arrested. And I called her doctor and he said that she would be good to use crutches which meant that she didn’t have to stay with me anymore. I thought it would be the last night that she would be with me and I just saw her laying there and I was thinking about all of the good times we had together and I kissed her, thinking it was my only chance.”
“And the problem?”
“I can’t—I can’t stop thinking about it.
“And you spend all of your time with her.”
“It was stupid.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty stupid.”
“I—I want to help you I do, but this has gone on too long. You love her, just go and tell her.”
“I—” I looked over at the front door, having heard it open, to see Y/N, Wanda, and her date walk through. I went to turn back to Steve but did a double take when I saw what she looked like, my jaw hit the floor. I stared at how beautiful she was, the way her eyes sparkled, the way her body looked in that dress, the lipstick that made it hard to look anywhere else...
“You’re in way more trouble than you think.” He said, patting my shoulder before leaving me to face Y/N alone.
I walked back over to Peggy, not even thinking for a second that Bucky saw me go. She was talking to some relative that I knew she didn’t know, from the look on her face alone, and politely excused the two of us before I tugged her off to somewhere more private.
“Thanks for that, I had no idea what he was talking about.” She said with a smile on her face.
“We need to tell them...tonight.” Was the only thing I could say.
“Y/N and Bucky. We need to tell them that they kissed at my birthday party.”
“I thought we weren’t getting involved.”
“I’ve been trying not to but I can’t do this anymore. Bucky kissed Y/N.”
“While she was asleep. The last night she stayed with him he kissed her and he says that he can’t stop thinking about it.” We both looked back through the doorway to the room, spying on Bucky and Y/N.
“And they’re practically drooling over each other.”
“Well that was always there, but even more so tonight.”
“You did good, Bucky looks good in that suit.”
“Just like you said, Y/N likes a navy suit.”
“Well, I did have a better dress for Y/N but we unintentionally teased her out of getting it. It may have been a little too sexy for this party anyway, but he would have eaten it up.”
“She looks good though.”
“I bought her the other dress anyway, I plan on giving it to her later so that she can wear it out on a date with him.”
“Which is why we need to tell them, give them the push they need.”
“They need a shove.”
“Yeah and this should do it.”
“I’ll take Y/N as soon as she’s done talking to him.”
“Good, I’ll take Bucky.”
“Hi.” I said to him, staring a little too long at the man of walking sin.
“Hi. You look…” He paused for an uncomfortable amount of time, trying to find the right word.
“Thank you.” I smiled real big, taking the complement to heart. I stared at him for just a moment before I turned around to face Wanda and Vision.
“Bucky, this is Wanda’s date Jarvis. Vision, Bucky.”
“Please call me Vision, my friends do.” They shook hands..
“It’s nice too meet you Vision. Wanda, you look incredible.” Bucky said, trying to break up some of the awkward tension.
“Thank you.”
“Peggy and Steve were just here and would love to see you guys. As you can probably see we have quite a large party here, so they may be difficult to find at first but if you do find find them feel free to rescue them from a relative.”
“That bad huh?” I asked and he laughed.
“There’s a lot of people here that I don’t even think her parent’s know.”
“I know quite a few English families just as big, it can be overwhelming.” Vision added.
“Yeah, but anyway we have refreshments through that door and waiters are walking around with flutes of champagne, so feel free to eat and drink as much as you want.”
Right as he said that a waiter passed by us and we took the remaining four flutes from him.
We started some small talk and were actually talking about Tony when Steve and Peggy rejoined us.
“You must be Vision.” Peggy stated. “Wanda has told us a lot about you.”
“Thank you for inviting me.” He said.
“I’m Peggy and this is Steve, my fiance.”
“Thank you. Well I hope you guys are enjoying the party so far, but I am stealing these two ladies away for a bit, you boys may have them back once I have received the secrets I am in search of.”
“I swear if she’s not a lawyer, she’s a spy.” Steve commented and we all chuckled. Vision moved down to kiss Wanda on the cheek before Peggy whisked Wanda and I off to some secluded part of the huge house.
“I’m pretty sure she is a spy and you her willing accomplice.” I said as soon as the girls were out of earshot.
“More like stockholm syndromed captive.”
“Ooh.” I said, laughing.
“Kidding. I love Peggy. So Vision it looks like you may get in on the action tonight as a new member of the get-Y/N-and-Bucky-together club.”
“Come on, it’s not actually a club.” I tried to interrupt, just taking whatever he had to say at this point.
“Fine, it’s me, Peggy, Wanda and now you and our mission is for us to get these two stubborn heads together. But just a quick recap, if Wanda hasn’t already explained, Bucky here is in love with Y/N and we’re pretty sure it vice versa as well. Bucky here though, won’t admit his feeling for her because he’s on a reality TV show to fall in love with someone else. But I threw a Fourth of July party, also my birthday, freshly into their friendship in which the two don’t remember that they kissed.”
“Wait what?” I said, stopping him from saying anything else.
“Yeah...the girl you made out with, I remembered very clearly that it was Y/N, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“So why are you telling me now?”
“Because I’m hoping that it’ll give you the courage to tell her how you feel.”
“Mr. Stark and Wanda both speak very highly of Y/N, you would be very lucky to have her.” Vision said.
“I know, I am. I just don’t...I don’t really know what’s holding me back, not when I feel the way that I do.”
“This is about Nat.”
“No it’s not.”
“Nat is his ex who cheated on him while he was living in Russia. He lost his arm in a freak accident and she never showed to see if he was okay. He later found of she had been with another guy pretty much the whole time he was there.” Steve explained to Vision.
“I don’t know much about Y/N but she doesn’t seem like the person to do something like that.” He said in response.
“I know she wouldn’t.” I said.
“Then you’re just scared. You’re scared that she’ll turn you down, even though anyone with eyes could see that she’s just as much in love with you as you are with her.” Steve placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a serious look.
“You won’t know unless you ask her.” Vision said with a small smile on his face.
“I’ll talk to her tonight.” I finally caved.
“Good.” Steve looked very pleased with himself. I just needed the girls to come back.
We didn’t venture too far from the party scene, just far enough away to get a little privacy.
“You are pretty good at kidnapping us and in broad daylight no less.” I commented.
“The sun is going down, correction, and yes I am.” Peggy said.
“So what is it you wanted to talk to us about?” Wanda asked.
“Not so much as ask you anything, more like I need to tell Y/N something.”
“This can’t be good.” I said.
“It’s pretty good, we’re going to like it anyway.”
“You remember the fourth of July party that we threw for Steve?”
“I would use that term loosely for that night, don’t remember really anything other than the fact that it happened.”
“Something happened at the party.”
“You and Bucky kissed that night.”
“What?” Wanda asked.
“Really?” I asked.
“Oh thank god!” I had never felt so relieved in my life.
“What?” They both said.
“I thought I was going crazy.”
“You remembered?”
“Not exactly.”
“What do you mean?”
“First things first, you’re going to try and say I told you so and you guys going to get all weird but I don’t need that, I need you to be serious.”
“Okay.” They both replied.
“Ever since the accident I’ve been in this really weird place. I remember everything about the crash, I even remember the feeling of them cutting into me, piecing me back together. I don’t know how but I do. I used to close my eyes and see it over and over again and then after I finished that nightmare, the ones with Jackson started. It became this terrible loop and I felt it draining the life from me. I stayed close to Bucky because he made me feel normal, he reminded me that I’m a good person and that I’m not going crazy. And even though he couldn’t always keep the nightmares away, when I jolted awake, scared out of my mind, I had someone to grab onto, someone to root me back down. He reminded me that that wasn’t real. And the truth is I can’t imagine my life without him. And I know that puts me in a hard place because he’s on the show and I’m his friend, but um….I had this dream. And you can’t judge me for it, but I saw a glimpse of me and him. It was a kiss, a really good kiss but it was...everything. And even though the kiss was a dream it somehow felt real. I mean I know it wasn’t, Bucky and I had never kissed before, but in the dream it felt familiar, like we had before. And I’m not going crazy because it did happen. I just didn’t remember.”
“So what are you going to do now?” Wanda asked.
“I don’t know. Obviously he doesn’t remember either, otherwise he would have said something.”
“But what if he didn’t?”
“Just because I know I’m not crazy anymore, is not going to change the situation that we’re in now.”
“It changes everything. You had a dream of being with him and it was trying to remind you that you had kissed him before. Just walk over to him and do it again.”
“No. The only thing that changes is that I shouldn’t get drunk around him.”
“Come on. People don’t have sex dreams about their best friend and just stay best friends.”
“It wasn’t a sex dream, it was one kiss.” I lied.
“Either way, this confirms that you have feelings for him, ones that he needs to know about.”
“Do you love him?” Peggy said, her first time chiming in. She looked like she understood what I was thinking but at the same time she had this look in her eyes that made me want to tell her yes, to scream it so that everyone could know.
“I—” I had planned on telling both of them how much I was in love with Bucky, that was until I saw a very familiar face, one that I hadn’t seen in a long time.
“Ladies, I come baring drinks.” The man said carrying four chutes of champagne.
My jaw hit the floor. He passed a drink to Peggy first and then Wanda, saving his last glance for me.
“Y/N?” He looked just as surprised as I was.
“Y/N.” Then he did the unexpected. He moved the few feet, that had been the only thing between us, grabbed me in his arms, as best as he could, and kissed me just as passionately as he did when we had been together…eight years ago.
I pulled away from him first, completely startled by the fact that the first man who I had ever loved was kissing me again.  
“Michael.” I whispered, having a sudden flash of everything that we had had and of course our eventual break up.
“What are you doing here?” He asked me.
“Hold on! How does my brother know who you are?” Peggy asked me.
“Your brother?!”
“How do you know Peggy?” He asked.
“I...I thought I would never see you again.”
“Excuse me.” I whispered and hurried off as fast as my crutches would take me.
I walked in right as Michael kissed Y/N. Not only was I completely shocked but the confidence I had just had was completely gone.
I had no idea how Y/N knew Michael, I had no idea if this was something new or something old or something that had been going on for a while, but she looked pretty startled when she pulled away from him.
There were a lot of confused faces and questions being thrown around to each other as Y/N just looked like she wanted to burst into tears. Suddenly she started to walk away from the group, going as fast as her crutches would take her. I watched as she went, knowing that she would need someone to talk to, just like I had needed when I saw Nat again that first day of filming. So I pushed everything else aside and would try my hardest to be there for Y/N because that was what she needed right now...a friend.
The plus side to having an engagement party in a mansion was the fact that this mansion had a pool, which was on the opposite side of where the party was happening.
So I took off my one shoe and moved my dress out of the way before I placed my foot in the cold water, needing the distraction to ease my mind.
Not only was it too crazy that I almost admitted out loud that I was in love with Bucky, which was something I’m sure I couldn’t take back, but Michael was here.
“Hey.” I heard and turned around to see bucky. He moved to sit on the ground next to me, unbuttoning his jacket, removing his socks and shoes and rolling up the legs of his pants so that he could put his feet in the water too.
“I saw you rush out of there.”
“You want to talk about it?”
“Just something else to add to the crazy.”
“How crazy are we talking?”
“Michael...he was the first boyfriend I had after my marriage.”
“Michael Carter?”
“Wow.” I looked at him, glared at him really.
“Is that all you can say?”
“Honestly, it’s not that crazy.”
“To you maybe. He was the first man I ever loved.”
“What happened?”
“I’m only going to ask one more time, how do you know Y/N?” Peggy asked. She was the little sister and yet she always knew how to make me feel small.
Y/N had just stormed out of the house and honestly I felt bad for kissing her. I had no idea if she was seeing anyone or if she even wanted to see me again. God knows she had the right to be angry with me.
“What happened Michael?” She asked again.
“I left New York behind...you know, after Jackson and my grandmother. The plan had been to move to LA and try to figure things out. I started school at UCLA and worked on my Costume Design degree as long as I could...but I just couldn’t do it. I honestly hated living in LA, which is crazy now, but I hated it before. So I transferred without telling Asa and my dad.”
“To UT Austin right?”
“Yeah. And even though Austin was a crowded city it was so much better than LA. I think the biggest part was that maybe LA, so soon after living in New York, reminded me too much of them. So I lived in Austin all throughout college and somewhere in between I got this incredible job on campus dressing for the touring shows that came in to use the campus’ performance hall.”
“Well you know that I moved to Austin to be with my girlfriend and I got a job working at this theatre on the UT campus. I was exploring the other side of sound design and thought that working the touring shows would finally help me break through the design block I was in. So I would help these touring crews load in there sound equipment and I would program the board and help them put on mics during the show. And then my girlfriend broke up with me, leaving me alone in Austin at a job that I found surprisingly great but far away from home.”
“So I went to class and then went to work, finally doing something that I loved; Wardrobe. It wasn’t that I hated Costume Design, but I don’t guess I liked either. After I started this job I told my advisers that I didn’t want to do anything else. And so they made sure to give me more jobs with the touring shows, hoping that the people I would meet would give me opportunities to do exactly what I loved. I was working Next to Normal, super small show, but that’s where I met Michael.”
“2010, Next to Normal, that’s where I saw Y/N for the first time. She was in all black and honestly the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She was working with there Wardrobe Supervisor at the gondolas, which is where they keep all the clothes, and I was plugging in the power strips to light them. We hadn’t had the chance to put the curtains up yet to make the changing area private but she didn’t see me and ran into me when she walked out.”
“I was collecting laundry from the gondolas, that’s where they keep the costumes when they travel, and I was walking out of area and he bumped into me while he was plugging in the powers strips. I dropped the clothes that I had in my arms and he helped me pick everything up and then I rushed away from him.”
“You ran away from him?”
“I was nervous, he made me nervous.”
“But she ran away from me after I helped her pick up the clothes she had dropped.”
“She ran away from you?”
“Yeah. But anyway, after that we didn’t really speak to each other. We both worked the next couple of shows but I just was under the impression that she didn’t like me because every time I tried to talk to her she ran away.”
“We did work the next couple of shows together which made things super awkward, but with everything that had happened with Jackson I just got worried when he kept popping up and trying to talk to me.”
“So I stopped trying to go after her. I needed the job more than anything, so I focused on that.”
“He stopped trying to talk to me, and honestly I needed the job and the experience so I forgot about him.”
“Until the Summer…”
“Until the Summer…”
“The theatre I had been working at, usually didn’t do things over the summer, so I started looking into other theaters around the area, knowing that I didn’t have the option but to fulfill the rest of my lease period. So I started working at Zilker Hillside Theatre. They do a couple of shows in the park over the summer and eventually it would roll over past the summer and give me a shot at doing some work for ACL, Austin City Limits, you know one of the big music festivals.”
“I was taking a few classes over the summer to help make up what hadn’t transferred and decided to do something really fun so I started working at this outdoor theatre at Zilker Park. And I don’t know if it was fate or just coincidence, but he was there working the same shows, again.”
“And somehow she was there, again. So this time instead of pushing it off I went up to her and said what I had wanted to say before.”
“He walked up to me and started saying all of these things to me, things that I didn’t even know that he was thinking about. I mean we had really only met once and he ran into me, it didn’t give occasion to conversation. So I listened to what he had to say and honestly I was surprised. He was talking about how beautiful I looked that first day and how frustrating I had been every other time.”
“I may have said some nasty things. She was just so frustrating.”
“But then he asked me out.”
“But I still asked her out.”
“And surprisingly enough...I said yes.”
“And by some miracle, she said yes.”
“So we had lunch, because work usually went late and everything closed by the time we were done for the night. He took me to get street tacos and we sat at a picnic table and talked. It wasn’t super romantic or anything too out there for a date, but it was nice getting to know him.”
“I took her to a food truck to get street tacos. I know it's not the most romantic thing but I really just wanted a chance to get to know her better. So we sat at a picnic table and talked until it was time for us to go to work that night. And honestly it was surprising to me, how much I liked her.”
“He drove me to work later that night and honestly despite the way that I felt about him, I wasn’t sure about seeing him again. And I told him that the next time I saw him.”
“Only she had doubts. She told me that she liked me but she was nervous and standoffish the next time we saw each other. So I came up with a plan to show her that I was serious about seeing her again.”
“I didn’t think that he would do anything. I guess at that point in my life, with no family around and really no friends, my accent was still pretty strong back then, I was so terrified of everything that happened with Jackson that I didn’t want to get involved with him. But he didn’t take no for an answer. He was convinced that he could get me out on a second date, it only took me a week to say yes to him.”
“Everyday for the next week I gave her some sort of present, some way to show her that I was serious about taking her out again. I bought her flowers, chocolates, authentic Russian foods, I even bought her a new flashlight because hers was just terrible.  And after a week of trying to convince her to say yes to a second date, she finally said yes.”
“I tried to say no to him, thinking it would be easier that way, I figured my past would always be too much for anyone. But then he started doing all of these sweet things for me, bringing me presents, food on the late nights, even a new flashlight because he said mine sucked. But, I don’t know, I guess that because he was willing to do so much for me, he convinced me that he deserved a second chance. So at the end of the week I finally said yes.”
“And it was as if things...clicked. She so easily became the center of my world.”
“We spent all of our time together after that. We just got so wrapped up in each other, it was truly a whirlwind summer romance.”
“It didn’t take me long to fall in love with her…”
“It didn’t take me long to fall in love with him…”
“We made it three months before everything changed.”
“And then everything changed.”
“You called me and told me that Bucky had been in that terrible accident. So I picked up everything and moved back to London just like mom had asked.”
“He said that a friend of his had been in a terrible accident and that he had to go back home.”
“Of course, I told her that I would stay in touch and that I would see her again.”
“He told me that he would stay in touch and that I would see him again.”
“But life caught up with me. Once Bucky moved in with us, it just became too easy with the time difference and the new job and all the new life in the house to forget about Austin and about Y/N.”
“He stopped talking to me, stopped trying to make it work and eventually we just stopped all together. Didn’t really need a break-up because it didn’t even last a week after he left. We never spoke again.”
“We didn’t make it a week long distance. I never spoke to her again.”
“I did love him, but there was always this creeping suspicion that it wasn’t going to last. Maybe it was the fact that he was my first boyfriend, despite the fact that I had been married before, or maybe it was because we weren’t in love as much as I thought we were.”
“I did love her, and I really did think that we were going to last. Maybe if I had stayed and kept us in our small little bubble, we would have lasted. Seeing her here makes me wonder why I ever left her. It’s like fate brought us back together.”
“How do you feel now?” Bucky asked me.
“Honestly, it’s nice to see him…”
“But when he kissed me…”
“Not like it was before. Eight years too late I guess.”
“Eight years…”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m the reason you guys broke up.”
“Eight years ago...that’s when my accident happened.”
“Eight years ago?” I was thinking about everything that I knew and there were some things that weren’t adding up.
“Yeah...that’s when it happened. I stayed in London for a few years, went to a clinic for my depression and once I was mentally healthy I started having these ideas for prosthestics. I went to New York first to try to find someone to develop my idea and when that didn’t happen I moved to the next major city, working my way west until I stopped in LA. I met Tony and started developing the idea and halfway through the project he told me that I needed to go to physical therapy to build up the muscles in what was left of my shoulder. I met Luna the first time about six years after the accident, she was about four, and the rest is history.”
“Sorry, the way you talk about it makes it seem like…”
“Like it just happened?”
“Like your recovery was a lot faster.”
“I wish it had been. The past eight years have been really hard and it took me a long time to get here. You know that’s why I auditioned for the show, though.”
“Yeah, I wanted a quick way to meet people outside of the hospitals and the labs and have someone who hadn’t or wasn’t currently working with my family or friends to make me normal again. That and the girls in real life didn’t want to date a man with a metal arm.”
“Bucky, you are normal. Just because you have a metal arm doesn’t make you any less normal. And they’re stupid for not seeing how amazing you are.”
Having a second to look at each other, now noticing just how close we were sitting, I turned to look at him, seeing that he was already looking at me. Our faces couldn’t have been but a few inches away from each other and I tried to take in a breath without him noticing.
I thought about what Peggy had said, the fact that we had kissed, which meant that I wasn’t crazy, which meant that my dream meant that I wanted to kiss him again? Now I was overthinking.
The truth of it all was that he was inches from me and I wanted to kiss him and it almost seemed like he did too. I moved forward just a bit and he did too.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something…”
“Okay.” We didn’t move away from each other, he took in a breath, licked his lips and opened his mouth to say what he needed to…
The whole world stopped.
That voice hadn’t been Bucky’s and I really didn’t want to leave this moment, but…
I pulled away first, the curiosity getting the better of me, and looked over to see Michael looking at me, hopefully not seeing what almost happened since we were at such a weird angel.
“If you have a second I would love to talk to you.”
“Sure. Give me a second.” I looked over at Bucky before I moved to stand. “You were going to say something?”
He opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth before he, I think, could say what he actually wanted to say. Instead he said, “You really do look incredible...just stunning.”
“Thank you. You look very handsome too. I’m a sucker for a navy suit.”
“Yeah.” Was all I could think of to say back.
So instead of the both of us saying what we wanted to say, I moved my foot out of the pool and did what I could to dry off my foot before I put my shoe back on. Bucky pulled his feet out but stood and moved to help me up before he even thought about his shoes. He grabbed my crutches and held them out for me, being the perfect gentlemen and friend, once again helping me.
“I’ll see you inside.” He said, before he bent down and tried his best to dry his feet off.
I moved across the backyard area to Michael, mine and Bucky’s moment officially having died.
As soon as I was able to get my feet dried off I put my shoes back on and went back inside to the party.
I felt like an idiot.
I should have said something to her while I had the chance and yet here I was putting my wet feet into dry socks, admitedly the worst feeling, and walking back into the crowded room while Y/N was probably laughing it up and falling back in love with Michael Carter.
I walked over to Steve whose smiling face fell when he saw my expression.
“That doesn’t look like the face of a man who finally admitted to the girl he loved that he loved her. You froze, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t freeze...I was interrupted.”
“I was...by Michael.”
“By Michael? Carter?”
“Yeah, apparently Michael was Y/N’s first love while he was living in Austin. She was in school and they both worked for the same theatre.”
“This is a sign.”
“What that she belongs with him? You’re supposed to be on my side, just because you’re marrying Peggy—“
“No, if they were together while he was in Austin that also means that he left her behind in Austin when he came back home to help us out with you.”
“I’m not getting a point here.”
“She wasn’t meant to be with him. If it was meant to work out it would have worked out. But instead he forgot all about her.”
“I’m still not getting the ‘sign.’”
“Not a sign for him, a sign for you, to tell her.”
“She doesn’t like him like that anymore.”
“But can you say that he doesn’t like her?”
“She doesn’t want to get back with him.”
“That’s never stopped him before.”
Then I thought about the way he made her say yes to a second date, how she hadn’t wanted to pursue him and yet she still managed to say yes to him.
I had to do something, but I didn’t know what.
I stayed close to Steve and Peggy as the party continued, waiting for Y/N and Michael to come back from wherever they were talking. And when she did, she didn’t look happy. She headed straight for the champagne.
I walked over to her and I saw relief flash over her face when she saw that it was me, but nothing but worry grew on my face when I saw the tears that were threatening to spill over.
I placed my hand on her back and led her to stand behind a wall that would shield us from the wondering eyes of Peggy’s family. I had my back against the wall and I wrapped her in my arms letting her head come to rest against my chest and her just taking in deep breaths.
“Thanks for stealing me away.” She said after sometime.
“It looked like you needed someone to hide with.” And then she laughed. It was the most magnificent sound.
“God, I’m a mess aren’t I?”
“A beautiful mess.”
“No, but seriously, it’s just been a rough couple of weeks, it’ll get better.”
“I’m not so sure about that one.”
“Michael isn’t a big problem, not after Jackson.”
“Just tell him exactly what you feel, tell him whether or not you want to see him again—”
“I don’t.”
“Then tell him to leave you alone.”
“But he’s Peggy’s brother, she’s my best friend, I feel I should be a little nicer than that.”
“Then tell him that you don’t want to see him in a romantic way again. It’s been eight years, he can’t just expect you to have waited for him.”
“You’re right.”
“Maybe just this once. Ready to go back?”
“That didn’t sound very sure.”
“Just take me back before I change my mind.”
So we walked back into the room and joined Peggy and Steve, who were later joined by Wanda and Vision.
And just like that, the night went on.
Once Peggy’s parents saw that Steve and Peggy stayed in the room long enough to do the things that they wanted, the more official part of the party started. Her parents talked about what Peggy was like as a kid and how from a very young age she always showed signs of becoming a lawyer. They talked about there love for Steve and how he had already become part of the family and they told everyone how excited they were to have him officially in the family.
Then it was my turn.
They finished there speech with a toast, everyone taking a sip from there champagne glasses. I met them up at the front of the room where they both greeted me before I took over.
“For those of you who don’t know me, my name is James Barnes. I have known Steve my whole life and I figured that I should probably say something on behalf of his side of the family. But yeah...growing up with this kid, I thought I had been good to go on this whole best man speech deal, but I will say that Steve did ask me not to bring up any embarrassing stories, any ex-girlfriends, or really anything else that I had originally planned on talking about. So that really left me with nothing. Instead I need the extra time to come up with something as mind blowing as a best man speech so until then I just have something quick to read. So…”
I pulled a piece of paper out of my jacket, something I had been holding on to for a very long time.
“‘To my son,
I’m sorry I couldn’t be here today, God knows I wanted to. There were so many things that I never got to do with you, so many things that I never got to say, but no matter, what you were always my pride and joy. When I found out I was pregnant with you I couldn’t remember a happier day, I remember the smile on your father’s face when I finally told him and I remember all the plans that we had for you, even before you were bigger than a peach. But the realization that you were actually coming hadn’t hit me until I lost your father. I was so terrified by the thought of raising you alone, heartbroken and alone, and yet that all changed the second I met you. There had been no instruction manual, no one to tell me how to raise a child, and yet somehow I didn’t completely mess it up. I know that I made mistakes with you, I know that there were times that you hated me and that just came with the territory of being a mom. But everything I ever did was because I loved you.
But there will come a day when you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone and I know I won’t be there for you. I know it will be hard and I know that it won’t seem fair that I couldn’t stick around, but just know that I am always with you. And because I know you, I know that Peggy will be your wife someday. And if she is anything like you describe than I know that you’ll be okay. (Bucky, if he doesn’t end up with her please don’t read that)’” I stopped and everyone laughed.
“She was always smart and probably knew well before they did that they would get married one day. But anyway back to the letter. ‘So don’t worry about messing up or worry about the little things that make life seemingly hard. That’s what you have each other for and at the end of the day, no matter what happens, everything will be alright. So love each other, grow together, enjoy the life you have together, because at the end of the day all that matters is the life that you spend with her.
So make every moment count. I know I did.
I will always love you,
You mother’”
There was clapping after I finished the letter and I had to wipe away a tear before it had the chance to fall down my face.
“Steve, you mother gave me that letter the last time I saw her. She said that I would read this to you when I thought the time was right and I guess if and when you decided to get married to Peggy. So Steve and Peggy, not only has it been the greatest privilege getting to be your friends but it has been an honor getting to watch the two of you fall in love with each other. From friends, to more than friends, and soon as husband and wife. You two are proof that two people can love each other so deeply that words just can’t describe it; soulmates as close as it would get. I know that your mother wanted to be here, she would have loved to see you marrying Peggy, and as fate would have it, your mother somehow thought I would be the best person for all of this.” The room laughed. “So I promise to be there for you guys in any way you could need me and I promise to keep your mother’s memory alive as best as I can.” I lifted my champagne flute towards the ceiling.
“To Steve and Peggy.” Everyone repeated after me and took a sip from their flutes. I moved away from the front of the room and walked over to Steve. He immediately grabbed me in a big hug.
“Thank you.” He said, with tears running down his face.
“Don’t thank me, this was all her.”
“God I miss her.”
“I do too.”
He pulled away from me and Peggy’s mom went back up to announce that cake would be served now and that the rest of the night would consist of dancing and mingling. Of course Steve and Peggy had a few presents to open, leaving the four of us to fend for ourselves again.
Wanda and Vision went to the makeshift dance area, leaving me with Y/N.
“Your speech was really great.”
“Thank you. I had to wait a long time for those two to get together.”
“You want to dance?”
“Are you going to explain to me what happened?”
“Let’s dance.”
“Okay.” I grabbed her crutches, propping them up against the wall and lead her over to where everyone else was dancing, holding up most of her weight as we moved. I wrapped my left arm around her waist, holding her off her bad foot, and held her hand in mine. She moved her empty hand to my neck. “So?”
“Steve has always been in love with Peggy. When we were in high school, Peggy’s father moved the family to New York to help the family business. We were just starting our freshman year of high school and then she walks in, it was almost automatic that they became best friends. She so easily joined our little pack and it was the three of us all throughout high school. Of course she didn’t know that he was in love with her, but we would later find out that she was in love with him too. Nothing ever happened though, until our senior year and Steve finally got the balls to ask her to prom. That’s when it changed, they came back from that dance as boyfriend and girlfriend and the rest is history. All three of us ended up moving to California and her family left New York and went back to the UK and you know the rest.”
“I understand now.”
“Understand what?”
“Why they’re pushing us together.”
“I guess it would make sense, given how long it took them.”
It got awkward after that, I didn’t know if I should tell her now, that I loved her, or if it was just poor timing because of the Michael thing. But we just danced and I thought about what I should do and subsequently went through every single outcome of me finally telling her.
“Can we interrupt?” Peggy asked followed by Steve.
“Sure.” I said. I placed Y/N completely back on the ground and let Steve grab her before I started to dance with Peggy.
“So…?” She asked.
“Steve told me you were going to tell her tonight.”
“That was before Michael.”
“Leave it to Michael to ruin everything.”
“I wanted to tell her.”
“Then just do it. Drive her home and tell her everything.”
“Did you finish going through the contract?”
“Not yet, I want to make sure I go through everything with a fine toothed comb. So far it’s looking good though.”
“Good, maybe I’ll just tell her once we know for sure. She seemed pretty upset earlier about something Michael said.”
“The most important part is that you tell her.”
“I plan on it, I do.”
“Good...and Bucky?”
“Your speech was perfect.”
“You know if people keep telling me that, I’m not going to be able to make an even better speech at the wedding.”
“You better get started now.”
“Sorry I’m going to steal my fiance back now.” Steve said, tapping on my shoulder.
“Where’s Y/N?” He just nodded over in her direction as she danced with Michael.
“I’m going to get a drink.”
I was dancing with Steve, perfectly happy and talking about his mom, when Michael walked up to us.
“Can I cut in?”
“I don’t have anything else to say to you.”
“Please Y/N?” I took a second and looked at Bucky before I looked back at Michael. I just wanted to be done with him.
So Steve left me alone with him and Michael wrapped me in his arms, the two of us slowly swaying to the music.
“I know you’re mad at me.”
“What gave it away?”
“I know that what I did was wrong, but I feel like it can’t be a coincidence that we’re both here tonight.”
“It is. Peggy is my best friend and the only reason I am talking to you is because I look forward to my friendship with her. Which means that you and I are going to have to be civil towards each other.”
“So this is about Peggy?”
“Of course it is.”
“And what’s happening with you and Bucky?”
“That‘s not what this is about.”
“So you admit that there’s something there.”
“No, I admit that there’s nothing here between us.”
“How can you say that? We loved each other.”
“Loved...past tense.”
“Anyway, I didn’t come over here to argue with you. If you’re willing to to try and make it work between us, non-romantically, than so am I.”
“Yeah. I also came to ask a favor.”
“A lot of my family is staying with Peggy and Steve at their apartment, but the rest of the family is staying at a hotel nearby. Because I flew in so late I wasn’t able to get a room and I was wondering if I could sleep on your couch and maybe we could talk a little bit more about how to make this work.”
“You’re not going to try and make a move on me are you?”
“I would never do that.”
“I have to ask because you always had some move to play against me.”
“I wouldn’t call that a play...more like a romantic gesture.”
“Well now I would call it a play.”
“And like I said I would never do that to you.”
“Fine I guess you can stay over...for Peggy’s sake.”
“I’m leaving town tomorrow, so I’ll try not to be a bother.”
I looked behind me over at Bucky and waved him over. He came over to me and I put an arm around him so he could move me back over to where my crutches were.
“Thanks.” I said to him.
“Everything okay?”
“Talking to him, just opens up so much that I buried. I thought that everything with Jackson was done and then Michael is related to my best friend and he helped me through a lot of that but I’m so mad at what he did, I don’t even want to look at him. But he’s Peggy’s brother and I can’t ignore him for the rest of my life.”
“Yeah that would be kind of hard.”
“I swear it’s like I’m trying so hard to move on and every other aspect of my life wants me to stay behind.”
“Okay, well Jackson is gone, you don’t plan on seeing Michael again, so you just need to make it through the rest of the week.”
“Just tonight actually, Michael said he’s leaving town tomorrow.”
“Good, you’ll be done with him in time for filming.”
“I guess I can make it one more day.”
“You’re the strongest woman I know.”
We went through the rest of the party, couldn’t have been but an hour more, talking to Steve, Peggy, Wanda, Vision and her parents about some of the planning things that needed to be done. They talked about her dress and about finding a venue, whether or not it was going to be in London or in LA, and of course the budget.
Talking about the budget was insane. I knew that Peggy was rich but when it came to her parents paying for the wedding I swear that they must have thought that this was a royal wedding. Peggy tried to keep the budget low, not wanting to do something too big, but her parents ended up saying that they would just “see how it went.” They told Peggy not to worry about price that her and Steve could have anything they wanted.
Which was the perfect way to end that conversation and for Peggy to steal Wanda and I away for a moment.
She brought us into one of the bedrooms downstairs where there were two presents sitting on the bed.
She handed me the flat rectangular one and Wanda the small bag.
“At the same time ladies.”
So I opened the box and inside the box was the second dress that I tried on, the one that they so heavily teased me about. I took the dress out of the box and saw a note card underneath it. It read: I can’t tie the knot without you. Will you be my Maids of Honor?
I looked over at Wanda who had the same notecard as me and we both smiled back at Peggy.
“Of course.” I said first.
“I would love to.” Wanda said after me.
We both stepped forward and brought Peggy into a group hug.
“So what do you think of your presents?”
I held up the dress and held it up against me.
“No matter what you guys said about it, this was always a great dress. Thank you. What did you get Wanda?”
“Well I got movie vouchers, a gift card for a very fancy restaurant and a gift card for a lingerie store.”
“Third date essentials.”
“Oh my god.” She said with a laugh.
“It would seem that someone is more concerned with getting us laid than anything else.”
“Well it wouldn’t hurt.”
“You’re crazy.” I said, folding the dress back up and neatly putting it in the box.
“Crazy about you guys...my maids of honor.”
“This is going to be a long wedding.” I said to Wanda and we both laughed.
“I haven’t even had the chance to practice my bridezilla mode, yet.”
“Let’s hope that side doesn’t come out.” Wanda said. 
“We still have a long time before the big day.”
“I just can’t see you as a bridezilla.” I commented. 
“Honestly me either, but I think I should at least do it once...for the experience.”
“Let’s go back to the party.” Wanda and I just laughed at her and then made our way back over to the boys with gifts in hand.
“Hey.” Steve said to Peggy.
“Well now that the girls are back and your mom has released me from my duties for the night, I am going to head home. I’ve got to be up for filming super early because they cancelled the scenes I was supposed to shoot for the party.” Bucky said to the group.
“Well thanks for being here, I know it was hard to move around your schedule.” Steve said giving him a hug and then Bucky moved to Peggy, giving her one too.
“I wouldn’t have missed it.” Then he turned to Vision and Wanda. “Vision it was nice to meet you and Wanda, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He shook Vision’s hand again and gave Wanda a hug.
“Bright and Early.” She said. Then he turned to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head.
“I will also see you tomorrow.” He said to me.
“Not bright and early though, because I will be at the studio.”
“Still tomorrow.”
Bucky left after that and it didn’t take long for Wanda, Vision and I to want to duck out too. I was hugging Steve goodbye when Michael walked over to us, clearly waiting to follow me home.
Peggy looked at my strangely and came over to me as Wanda and Vision said goodbye to Steve.
“You know that dress, the one that you look hot in?”
“You gave it to me.”
“If I find out you wore that for my brother, I’m never going to talk to you again.”
“I don’t plan on it.”
“Good, because that is strictly for you and Bucky to enjoy.”
“Whatever you say.”
“It is my life goal to see the two of you together.”
“That’s low, you’re a top rated lawyer and your number one goal is getting me—”
“I was being sarcastic...mostly.”
“Shut up.” I pulled her into my arms and gave her a hug before the three of us started to walk away, Michael following close behind us.
I turned to Michael as I climbed into the car.
“You can just follow us.”
“Okay.” He walked over to his car leaving me alone with Wanda and Vision.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asked as soon as we were alone and driving.
“At the moment? Sitting in your car.”
“No...I mean with Michael.”
“There is nothing going on there. He needs a couch to sleep on and he asked me if he could sleep on mine. And in the interest of continuing my friendship with Peggy I have decided to curb my hatred for him to try to be civil, for Peggy’s sake.”
“You hate him?”
“Of course I hate him! God, he broke my heart. I loved him and he disappeared. I tried for days to hear from him to get any sign that he was even alive and despite the time difference he could have at least texted and told me that he landed or made it home or really anything. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I just assumed that Jackson had gotten to him. It finally got so bad that I called Asa and told him everything. That I left UCLA, moved to Austin, and everything about Michael. I was so paranoid that I begged Asa to find something to make sure that Jackson hadn’t done anything to him.  You want to know what it took to make sure he was okay?”
“One phone call, to his mother. That was all it took to verify that he was alive and that I had gone crazy.”
“Y/N, you didn’t go crazy. I mean you were married to a psychopath, I probably would have assumed that he had something to do with it too.”
“I spent so much time after he left trying to come up with scenarios that he was ok. I even blamed myself thinking I had said something in my texts or in my voicemails but I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he just stopped talking to me. That’s what my grandparents and Jackson did to me, they made me second guess everything. So yes I hate him for reminding me of exactly what happened to me and for making me fall in love with him when I never wanted to and for being Peggy’s brother. I have to relive everything when I see him, so don’t think for one second that this is something that I want to do. This is something I have to do to be friends with Peggy.”
“I’m sorry.” She said. “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”
“No, I feel like yelling and I know my neighbors wouldn’t appreciate that so I’m just going to go to bed and hope for the best tomorrow. And you have to be at work early.”
“You’re my best friend and if you need me I’m there.”
“Unfortunately I think I need to do this alone.”
“Ok. But I’m bringing you coffee in the morning.”
“Well I won’t stop you from doing that.” Her and Vision both laughed at me.
They dropped me off in front of my apartment after I let Clyde know that I had someone sleeping over tonight. I got out of the car and waved goodbye before they drove away. I started making my way up the stairs as Michael parked his rental; he quickly came up behind me.
“Let me help you.” He put his hands on my arms, but I pulled away from him.
“I’m fine.”
He stayed behind me as I made my way upstairs and waited for me to unlock the door. I immediately walked into my bedroom and grabbed some spare sheets and a pillow for him, placing them on the couch.
“I know that you’re mad at me but I would really like—”
“I don’t want to talk right now. I am exhausted and there are a lot of things that have to be said, so I’m going to wait to do this in the morning where I am less likely to get the cops called on me.”
Then I left him alone in the living room, closing the door behind me. I got undressed, putting on the coziest pajamas I owned, and wiped off my makeup before I climbed into bed. I grabbed my phone and looked at it, wanting to talk to Bucky, just to feel less mad, but decided against texting him because he was probably asleep.
I plugged it in and set it down on my bedside table but picked it back up when it buzzed.
BUCKY: You awake?
YN: Unfortunately
BUCKY: Just wanted to make sure you got home okay I smiled at the text before I responded, automatically feeling better.
YN: I did. Thanks
BUCKY: Are you in bed?
YN: Yeah. Trying to calm myself down, the whole Michael thing has me pretty mad.
BUCKY: I’m sorry.
YN: It’s not your fault he’s an idiot
BUCKY: I bet I can distract you
YN: Can you?
BUCKY: What are you wearing? 😏
I stared at the text for a long time. He didn’t mean what I thought he meant by that, right? He couldn’t possibly think that sexting me was going to distract me or make me feel any better.
BUCKY: Hey I was just kidding. Just trying to be funny. I obviously took it too far. I’m sorry.
YN: It’s okay. I’m just going to go to bed. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
BUCKY: Goodnight Y/N
YN: Goodnight Bucky
I put my phone back on the bedside table and turned away from it, opting to not answer any more texts.
I woke up to my alarm and hesitantly picked up the smell of food being cooked...in my kitchen. I climbed out of bed and walked out into the living room, seeing that Michael wasn’t sleeping but in my kitchen cooking food.
“Good morning.” He called out. I walked over to him.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m cooking you breakfast. I was hoping to get done before you woke up so I could bring it to you, but since you’re already here, grab a seat and I’ll serve you.”
“Y/N, you sure do make it hard for a man to woo you.”
“Woo me? Letting you stay with me was nothing more than me being nice. This was never about you getting the opportunity to wiggle your way back into my life.”
“I know that you’re mad at me, but I came here to win you back. To show you that I’m different now and I can be better than I was before. I just need you to give me—”
“No. I hate you! You don’t get to just show up after eight years and find me waiting for you. You left and never talked to me again. I thought you were dead, I thought my ex-husband had killed you, I thought so many things trying to come up with some explanation for why you would completely give up on something good. And I never got one!”
“There were things happening—”
“No! That’s not an excuse for not letting someone you love know that you were okay! And the fact that you would ever think that I would give you another chance is absolutely ridiculous.”
“It’s not that ridiculous. What we had was good. We loved each other and I know I messed up, but I still love you and if you could give me a second chance I feel that I could prove to you that you can love me again too.” He reached out to hold my face in his hands but I pulled away.
“No. No, I...I can’t. You broke my heart and every time I see you I think of everything that I’ve ever been through. You were the first person that I loved after the nightmare that my ex-husband made me live. I will always be grateful that you helped me through that, even though you had no idea, but I never want to see you again. And I know that’s not possible because we are both a part of Peggy’s life, but dating you again would be a mistake. If the boy I loved is still in there than I know that you deserve to be happy but I’m the last person who could ever make you happy.”
“I just don’t believe that.”
“Well you’re going to have to.”
“What can I do to convince you?”
“There’s nothing you can do!”
“I still love you!”
“I’m in love with someone else!”
I took in a deep breath. I just said that out loud. And God if it wasn’t the best feeling in the world. I felt like everything had just amplified to even a higher level. I felt like there was nothing in the world that could bring me down. I tried my hardest to hide the smile that came to my lips.
“Is it Barnes?”
“You don’t get to know. You have no right to my life anymore and you need to leave.”
“So that’s it? You’re going to give up on what we had?” I ushered him back to the living room where he started to collect his things.
“That’s it. And I’m pretty sure you did that.”
“Yeah but I made a mistake.”
“Yeah you did because I’m awesome and you have to live with the fact that you lost something amazing. And now I am in love with someone else and he is...incredible and everything I could ever want.”
“That’s great.” He mumbled.
“And I need you to leave so that I can get ready for work.”
He gathered his things in his bag and headed for the door, I following him. He opened the front door of the apartment and I held the door as he turned around to look at me one last time.
“I’m never going to forget you.”
“My advice...please do. I was serious before and even though I hate you, you do deserve to be happy. So forget about me and find someone who can actually do that for you, because it’s not me.”
“Goodbye Y/N.”
“Goodbye Michael.”
Then I closed the door behind him, physically and metaphorically. What a great way to start the morning.
I pulled up to Y/N’s apartment with two cups of coffee in the drink holders and a practiced apology in my head.
Before I sent that text I knew it had been a bad idea and yet I had still sent it. But I figured at the very least I could bring her a cup of coffee and try to make it right, knowing that we both had a long day ahead of us and knowing that I felt so bad about that text that I barely slept.
I pulled up to an empty parking spot opposite of where I saw Y/N’s car parked and climbed out, reaching for the cups of coffee. But I heard voices coming from one of the apartments and looked up instead of grabbing the coffees. I saw Y/N in her pajamas talking to someone with a bag slung over there shoulder, door opened, as if the two were saying goodbye. She turned back and went inside, closing the door behind her. When the man turned around you could say I was pretty upset?
What was Michael doing at Y/N’s apartment?
Tell Me What You Think Here
Tags: @fangirl1802, @seargantbcky, @lust-for-pan, @38leticia, @barnes-and-noble-girl, @karipaleta, @capandbuck, @camillechan, @findacauseandserveit, @audasia25, @kendallefire , @alicerozenju, @snuggleducky, @mell-bell, @lifeasabookbutterfly, @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi, @iamwarrenspeace, @ssweet-empowerment, @chook007 , @juliagolia87, @jjsoccer11, @smol-flower-kiddo, @mrsdaamneron, @isaxhorror, @barnesism
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justlookfrightened · 7 years
NHL!Bitty, Part 5
This is it for this fic. I had a request to maybe continue this from Jack’s POV. Watch for that in a week or so. In the meantime, Part 5 is the longest yet ... Bitty likes to ramble.
Part 1    Part 2   Part 3   Part 4    Sequel: NHL!Jack
Bitty still had his key to the Haus, so after graduation, after Chowder got a ride to the airport from Dex and Nursey’s moms took him back to New York, Bitty sat in the quiet of the backyard and contemplated  the rest of his summer.
It was too late for him to want to start driving towards Georgia that day. Heck, it might have been too late for him to think about going back to Georgia at all. His time there after the season ended had been suffocating in a way it never was before. It wasn’t only the way Mama and Coach talked around his sexuality; it was that they still treated him like a child, and he allowed it. What would they do if he walked in the kitchen door and said, “Hi, folks, I’m gay”? Even if they kicked him out, he made more money in the last year than his parents had in the last two years combined. He could pay for a place to live. He didn’t think they’d do that anyway. He just didn’t want to lose their emotional support. But how real was that support if it would evaporate if he said he was gay?
It was a question that had never occurred to him before he came to Samwell, and one that had been gnawing at him one way or another ever since. Maybe he shouldn’t be worrying so much about it now; with his position on the Aeros, he couldn’t exactly go looking for dates, even if his teammates didn’t seem to mind. The only people who would understand would be those in similar positions.
Once or twice he’d thought Jack … but there was no way Jack had been flirting with him. Not in front of Mashkov and Marty and Aeros he didn’t even know. Besides, Jack had made it painfully clear the other night what he thought of Bitty. Had he been amused that Bitty was pathetic enough to come and watch another team play after the Aeros were booted from the playoffs?
Then he was so annoyed that the boys had invaded his precious dressing room. Maybe their presence stopped Jack from giving his own team a massive dressing-down. No one seemed to mind that they were there, except Jack, who decided to take it out on Bitty by reminding him of his own team’s failure.
Still, it had felt good, those last three months or so, to occasionally see Jack’s name pop up with a text notification. It felt good, Bitty supposed, to have someone who was undoubtedly one of the best players in the league notice him, encourage him, act like he thought Bitty actually could play hockey. Bitty knew he could play; he’d been drafted as a sophomore and called up during his first season, hadn’t he? But somehow, Jack’s opinion carried more weight.
It had also felt good to glimpse the man behind the image. Somehow, that poster of Jack in his underwear concealed his personality more than a full suit did in person, at dinner after a game. The pre- and post-game interviews never included Jack’s sly smile when he got a good chirp off, or his laugh, especially when a chirp was at his expense.
Well. Jack didn’t exist to make Bitty feel good, and Bitty could be generous enough to admit it had been a bad moment after the game for Jack. That’s what Bitty told Chowder on the way back to Samwell, when Chowder left off praising Holtby and Snow long enough to say, “Jack Zimmermann didn’t seem very friendly when you were talking to him. Have you met him before? He always looks like he’s about to yell at someone.”
“Not always,” Bitty had told Chowder. “But no, he wasn’t very friendly tonight.”
Now Chowder was gone, owner of a newly minted CS degree and an invitation to the Schooners’ training camp after a stint at home in northern California.
Tomorrow Bitty would start the drive back to Georgia, but not until he called the Aeros conditioning coach. He would ask the coach to set Bitty up with someone to work with over the summer -- maybe work with Bitty himself -- and when Bitty  got back to Madison, he’d pack the truck and move himself to Houston. Sure, he might be heading back to Baton Rouge in the fall, but showing enthusiasm for the Aeros wouldn’t hurt.
Bitty folded his lawn chair and brought it into the kitchen as the sun moved further west. The Haus was empty except for Bitty, and no one would be here until a couple of last year's frogs arrived to take up summer residence next week.
Bitty wanted to bake something, but he’d have no one to share it with, and the nutritionists would not look kindly on him eating a whole pie because he was lonely. They wouldn’t know, really, but Bitty would. Mini pies maybe? He could eat one or two and put the rest in the freezer for the summer frogs.
That sounded like too much work. Bitty wished he still had his vlog. That way he could bake something to leave in the freezer and moan about his life at the same time. Not that he had any right to moan, but still.
Maybe he could call Ricksie, find out how his time in suburban Toronto was going. That was another point in favor of spending the summer in Houston: Ricksie had announced plans to move south after a few weeks at home with his parents. He also wanted to get away from being treated like a child, although his motivations were a little different.
“Dude, I mean, it’s not like I can bring anybody home to my parents’ house,” Ricks said. “I still sleep in a twin bed with my peewee trophies on a shelf.”
Ricks was a year younger than Bitty, but he’d been in the Aeros system for longer, having gone pro right out of junior hockey. Still, he reminded Bitty of his SMH teammates more than anyone else he’d played with since graduating.
Ransom and Holster were on their annual pilgrimage to Niagara Falls now that Holster’s season was over. Bitty had seen the snaps to prove it. Maybe Shitty and Lardo were in Boston. The last time Shitty had weighed in on the group chat, he’d been complaining about exams. That was last week. Maybe he was done now.
Bitty reconsidered his plan. If Shitty was done, and he and Lardo were in the Boston area, Bitty could take at least another day or two before leaving for Georgia. He missed his old team.
Bitty found his phone on the counter where he’d left it when he went outside. There was a missed call from Mama -- she’d want to know his plans, the better to worry over him driving that old truck by himself. There was also a text from Jack, the first contact since two nights ago.
Can I call you?
He checked the time: 6:30 p.m. Jack was due on the ice for Game 2 in a hour and a half.
Bitty texted him back.
Sure. Whenever you have time. Good luck tonight!
Before Bitty moved away to forage for dinner from what was left in the kitchen, his phone rang.
“Bitty,” Jack said. “Thanks for talking to me. I have to apologize for my behavior the other night. And I do know,”
“Um, ok,” Bitty said. “Apology accepted, I guess. Don’t you have a game to play?”
“Yes, but Marty said I should call before the game if I could,” Jack said.
“Marty said?” Bitty asked. “What does Marty have to do with this?”
“He kind of said I was being an asshole to you,” Jack said. “And he’s right. That game was bad, but there was no reason to take it out on you.”
“Ok,” Bitty said.
“And I do know what it’s like to watch other teams move on,” Jack said. “We didn’t even make the playoffs my first year. I’m kind of impressed that you were willing to bring your friends by -- I don’t think I’d be able to do it.”
“It really wasn’t a chore,” Bitty said. “I like those guys and I like hockey, so it seemed like a good plan. Now go play your game, Mr. Zimmerman.”
“Are you somewhere you can watch?” Jack asked.
“I’m still in Samwell,” Bitty said. “Everyone left after graduation today, so I was going to tidy the Haus up a bit and get back to Georgia tomorrow or the next day. But I’ve got my laptop and NHL Network, so yes, I’ll be watching.”
“Good,” Jack said. “Can I talk to you after the game?”
“Sure,” Bitty said. “But …”
“But what?”
“Look, I don’t want  to say anything negative, and I’m sure you’ll play well, but if you lose, don’t feel obligated,” Bitty said.
“No,” Jack said. “I won’t feel obligated. But I will want to talk to you.”
“All right,” Bitty said. “I’ll make sure to stay up a while after the game.”
Jack ended the call, and Bitty looked around. If he was going to stay up, he should be doing something besides sitting on Chowder’s old bed with his laptop.
There were still apples in the kitchen. Mini pies it was.
Two hours after the game, Jack hadn’t called.
It couldn’t be because he was upset; the Falconers had put on a clinic, winning 5-0. Jack had a goal and and an assist, and 10 different players made the scoresheet, not to mention Snow’s shutout.
Maybe the team was out celebrating. They had an extra day off before their next game in DC.
If Jack was celebrating with his team, Bitty couldn’t begrudge him. It was a big win to even the series, to build confidence in the team, to head into the opposition rink with momentum.
But there was a limit to how late Bitty should have to stay up and wait for Jack’s call. He’d go to bed with his phone on Chowder’s desk (what used to be Chowder’s desk) and if Jack called, if the phone woke him, he’d answer.
Bitty finished wrapping the mini pies in freezer paper to store them away. He hadn’t eaten any after all. Without his regular training regimen, he wasn’t as hungry. Another sign that it was time to get back to it.
Before he could put the tray of pies in the freezer, there was a knock at the door.
It was past midnight, and no one should be here. But a burglar wouldn’t knock, and Samwell was kind of empty right after graduation, and maybe someone needed help.
So Bitty flipped the porch light on and peeked around the curtain, ready to open the door as long as it looked ok, although even a teenage girl could have a gun … and he’d been listening to Mama too long.
There was Jack Zimmermann.
“Oh my Lord, Jack, what are you doing here?” Bitty said while he was still pulling the door open. “It’s the middle of the night. You shouldn’t have driven all the way up here after your game. You must be exhausted -- have you eaten anything?”
Jack, still in his game-day suit (which had to have been custom made to fit like that), waited for Bitty to run out of words.
“I’m fine, really,” Jack finally said. “I ate at the arena before I left, but I could eat a little more. It’s not that far -- a lot of the guys live at least this far from the arena. But if you’re heading back to Georgia tomorrow or the next day, I didn’t want to miss my chance to talk to you.”
Jack looked down. He was still standing on the welcome mat that Bitty’s mother had sent up with him the year he moved in, the one that had, “Hey, y’all!” in cursive script carved into the sisal fibers.
“Where are my manners?” Bitty said, finally stepping back to let Jack in. “I just made some mini pies. Let me heat some up. You can sit in here if you want --” Bitty gestured toward the living room, then winced -- “but you might want to avoid the nasty couch.”
Jack just kept following him, so Bitty said, “Or we could sit in the kitchen. Much cleaner.”
Bitty busied himself by turning the oven on and unwrapping four of the small pastries. 
“Good thing I hadn’t put these in the freezer yet,” he said. “It’ll only take a few minutes. Do you want -- not coffee, it’s too late --”
He rooted through a cabinet that had three kinds of protein powder. What had these boys done to his kitchen? Then he found a box of orange herbal tea with no caffeine. Orange tea and apple pie. Not ideal, but not too bad.
“Do you want some tea?”
Jack was leaning against the counter just watching him.
“Sure,” Jack said. “Tea would be fine.”
Bitty checked the water level in the electric kettle -- he wasn’t sure who had brought it, but he’d decided it was a valuable addition to the kitchen -- then flipped the switch. “That should just be a minute. Please, have a seat.”
Jack sat at the rickety table and Bitty pulled out plates and mugs, forks and spoons.
“I heard that you baked,” Jack said. “Marty said that you promised him a pie for the tickets.”
“I did,” Bitty said. “But I figured it would be better if I sent it after the season. Do you know what his favorite kind is?”
“No idea,” Jack said.
“I’ll have to ask him, then. Or ask Pops to ask him,” Bitty said. “I don’t have his number.”
“I can give you that,” Jack said. “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind.”
Jack didn’t seem to be any closer to explaining why he’d driven to Massachusetts at midnight.
Bitty poured hot water over the tea bags in the mugs, then turned to pull the tray with the mini pies from the oven.
“What’s your favorite kind of pie, then?” Bitty asked.
“Uh, I don’t really know,” Jack said. “I don’t eat a lot of pie. Do you ask everybody that?”
Bitty shrugged. “People I like,” he said. “I keep a list for people on my team. Figure they might want to keep me around longer.”
“I don’t think you really need to worry,” Jack said. “The Aeros winning percentage went up as soon as you got there, and the team scored more and gave up fewer goals with you on the ice.”
“You looked me up?” Bitty said, taking the seat opposite Jack.
“I try to keep up with my opponents.”
“You haven’t played the Aeros since February.”
It was Jack’s turn to shrug.
“You’re a better player than you give yourself credit for,” Jack said. “You’d be better if you didn’t try to hit so much, but you’re good.”
“Is that what you drove all this way to say?” Bitty asked.
“Not really. I wanted to apologize for being rude,” Jack said.
“You already did that, on the phone,” Bitty said.
“I wanted to explain,” Jack said. “I know it was only one game, and I know we didn’t play that badly. But when Marty pointed you out, I wanted to impress you.”
“I don’t think that’s something you need to worry about,” Bitty said. “I mean, look at the two of us.”
“No, I mean --”
Jack stopped and took a bite of  the pie on his plate.
“Damn, that’s good,” he said.
“I know,” Bitty said. “Go on.”
“Please don’t take this the wrong way,” Jack started again. “But Marty said he heard that maybe you weren’t straight?”
Bitty felt himself straighten up. This could be very bad, or it could be very good. Very, very good. But he didn’t need other teams targeting him, which was why the first words out of his mouth were, “I’m gonna kill Pops.”
“No,” Jack said. “I mean, it’s ok, whichever way, I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“Ok?” Bitty said, still not willing to give anything away.
“I think Marty and Pops were trying to be the world’s most interfering wingmen,” Jack said.
Bitty noticed that Jack hadn’t quite given anything away either, although it looked like …
“And you drove all this way to apologize … for their interfering?”
“I’m not doing a very good job of this,” Jack said. “Look, I’m going to trust you, because I like you, and Marty said Pops said you were a good guy, and I know you went to school here, and I know the reputation, and even if you are straight you wouldn’t be an asshole.”
Well, there weren’t too many other ways to interpret that.
“I’m not,” Bitty said.
“Not an asshole?” Jack said.
“Not straight,” Bitty said. “I’ve known I was gay since before I knew the word for it.”
Jack released a breath Bitty hadn’t known he was holding.
“I’m not either,” Jack said.
“Not an asshole?” Bitty arched a brow, suddenly feeling more sure of his footing.
“My behavior the other night notwithstanding?” Jack gave a rueful laugh. “Not straight. Bi, actually.”
Bitty nodded. “And there’s a reason you’re telling me this?”
“I like you,” Jack said again. “Not just as a hockey player. I like talking to you and listening to you and looking at you. If you’re willing, I’d like to get to know you better.”
Bitty felt himself melt a little bit inside, watching this beautiful man watch him while he spoke so earnestly. He reached over the table and fit his hand over Jack’s.
“I like all those things about you, too,” Bitty said. He tightened his hand. “And I like touching you. I’m pretty sure I’d like kissing you, too.”
Jack pushed his chair back from the table to make room, and Bitty got up and let himself be pulled in. The first kiss was a just a brush of lips, the second was a brief press. Then Jack tugged Bitty closer, encouraging Bitty into his lap. Bitty kissed along Jack’s jaw, coming back to Jack’s mouth when gasped and Bitty could take Jack’s lower lip and suck on it.
He pulled back briefly and said, “Yep, I was right. I do like kissing you.”
Then he let Jack gather him back in.
They stayed like that, Bitty perched on Jack’s thighs in the kitchen chair, until Jack groaned and Bitty remembered that Jack had played a game that night and must be ready to collapse.
“Come on,” Bitty said, standing up and extending a hand to Jack. “Let’s go upstairs to bed. You need to sleep.”
“Just sleep?” Jack said.
“Well, there’s always morning,” Bitty said. “But you need to rest. Just don’t look in the hallway bathroom.”
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While I love Grant Gustin to pieces, I'm not looking forward to watching an hour long comic con involving him and Kevin praising WestAllen. Though I can't help but be curious about his forced answered and body language. If it's not too much trouble, could you pinpoint some of those moments in the video? I know it's on YouTube so I'd have no problem finding it. I'd just rather not watch the whole thing. Thank you in advance!
Here’s what I can sum up from the video.
VIP is $311. x Grant looks and acts tired from shooting Season 4 overall. David Rappaport knew him from 90210 and casthim in the role. David is also responsible for casting Candice too.Andrea was there. Right behind him at his signing booth.
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Kevin moderated the interview, he compares Grant’s work ethic to Matt Damon’s. Grantkeeps smiling and waving at his fans, he’s genuine even though he looks tired.Fame and wealth make Grant nervous, that’s why he doesn’t do many cons.Kevin keeps praising Season 4 over and over but he doesn’t mean it in histone. Grant is just nodding along. Praising the show along with him. Especially because they know what it’s leading up to. These questions are pre-screened, nothing is said on the air that Grant is not prepared to answer.On how he was cast: he tested the same time as Carlos. He claims theonly person he did a chemistry read was with Candice. I notice how he spokethere, he was lying because we would have seen it by now in some way, leaked or on a DVD. He neglected to bring up his screen test with EBR,which was on Season 1 DVD, his “chemistry test” with Candice was not, “so much chemistry.” Why can’t we see it then?12:46 is where the WA talk begins. The “drama for the sake of drama comment.” Even with the small cheering Grant’s face saysit all…his body scrunches up, his shoulders are held back and tight,his face is holding something that looks like a forced smile but he isn’t smiling,he’s acting, trying to sell WA. Kevin in spite of having the question already memorized looks down.
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Kevin ignores the that fact of WA are step-siblings and insteadcalls them “childhood besties” no mention of incest at all going right into “nowyou guys are married.” Grant during all of this was holding a fist and fidgeting a lot,why he is so uncomfortable? If he has chemistry with CP, why does he giveoff so much discomfort whenever WA is brought up? Grant also says “if we canstay on the air long enough” and “I hope everyone saw the finale” which indicates he isn’tconfident in the show anymore. He doesn’t know what will happen. He triesto sell us WA but he can’t help being honest in the same answer, he can’tlie but he can’t piss off his bosses. When Grant mentions “I guess we’llsee…a kid? In the future.” A small crowd cheers but when the camera pansto the crowd nobody is smiling. 
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I’ve counted, maybe 4-5 WAs in a sea of 8,000, andeveryone is just as serious as Grant. These are not WA stans, they are superGG fans. Nobody cares about WA.
14:16 is where it ends. Grant is relievedthe discussion is over. His curt laugh at the end points that out.6-23 was the date of the panel, Grant hasn’t gotten the script yet, but will receive it on that weekend. When this is posted Grant will have already gotten the script.On Monday the 25th was the meeting with HELLbing.Season 1 Grant was reading The New 52 to learn about BA and TF. Season 2he stopped doing that so he can focus more on the acting. He also said “as someone growingup with superheroes you don’t want to get sick of it.” Grant’s energy really picked up when Kevin started talking about the firstepisode he directed. You can tell Grant loves working with him. Kevin feelsthe same way. When they are just talking Flash, it looks natural, less forced,less promo salesman, it looks like two friends talking as opposed to Viris or WA awkwardness. 
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22.56 is where Kevin brings up “in every episode there is always a WA peptalk scene” it seemed they just glazed over it and Grant just nods “yup” in a repeated manner agreeing that it’s monotonous to do. 
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Grant praises Jesse L Martin, being a fan of his because he bonded with himfirst and he was in Rent. Tom Canavagh is brought up and Grant says he ishis favorite actor to work with. Grant talked about Tom and Grant, the moviewas based on their real on set unfunny gags, Tom wrote and directed the shortmovie. After wrapping up Season 3 Grant had plans to do a movie and Tom filmedthe short movie in 2 days. The movie Grant was supposed be a part of “fell through”it could be referring to a recast because he wasn’t available at the time.Grant says he likes Time Travel and fans will ask him questions but he alwayssays he is confused. If the writers knew what they were writing about, I’msure Grant would have a clearer answer for the fans. He clearly likes it whenBarry time travels but when it’s used the right way.He loves Captain Cold and Wentworth as a “frienemy.” Big cheers for thatone and pan to the crowd to see smiles. Weather Wizard was brought up ashis favorite rogue. Mark Hamill as The Trickster.Kevin said his favorite season is the first one and that his favorite episodewas 1x15 where Barry time travels for the first time, Danielle was mentioned. He quotes the show as “Dawson’s Creek with capes.” Greg Berlanti wasa head writer on Dawson’s Creek. 28:17 is where Grant demonstrates how he does “the run” on the show. They don’tshoot his legs in frame. At the beginning they did with a treadmill.Grant is aware of what people are saying about his physic, body frame andKevin states “you have a runner’s body.” Grant agrees, “I have more of a runner’sbody than any other type.” Grant’s favorite episode is the Season 1 finale. Grant is very proud of theepisode and Kevin agrees as he brings up his infamous crying video he postedon youtube that gave him the opportunity to direct the show.Fan Q&A was around 30min mark. First question was: What is going to happenwith Nora Allen? Grant’s response is “she’s trapped in our time. We’re probablygoing to see Barry help her get back to her time.” Second question was about Grant’s education. He never graduated from ElonUniversity but was made an Alumni. He left after hisSophomore year to go on the road for “West Side Story.” Grant didn’t believehe would end up on TV, he thought he would be on the Broadway stage.Third question was about how they shoot each episode. Grant says they prepfor a week prior with table reads of the script, then shoot an episode for8-9 days. The network and studio watch it and make notes and cuts, during that time the SFX are added in. Every time an episode is finished it is 2 months agoso the show has a lot of time to omit, re shoot, polish what they want interms of what will make the cut. I don’t believe at all the show runnersare avoiding the feedback. They could easily incorporate so many things for future episodes it’sthat they choose not to. Do not tell me this is hard for them to do. Thisis how TV is run, especially a show like this. Grant says his favorite crossovers to shoot was possibly the last one inEarth X, but it was the hardest one, the Supergirl crossover was highlightedbecause of the location in LA. Grant lives in Venice Beach, Ca. Brandon Routhis his favorite actor to work with aside from Melissa and Stephen.Grant says working with Tom is a blessing and a challenge. He lovesbeing directed by Tom almost as good as being directed by Kevin. Flash has made him want to be a director but he doesn’t see it happeningwith the show. He calls it “impossible” but he mentions being interested indirecting an episode for their last season if “they let him.” The amountof control these show runners have is disgusting. Grant is a decent person and the star.He shouldn’t feel apprehensive if he wanted to direct, it’d be an honor if he did.He understands the character better than anyone. Kevin snuck in “before itall ends, who knows it might go on forever” Grant responds with “notforever.” At 38:10 the question is: how many more seasons do you think the show isgoing to do? He said at least 3 more, that takes it up to Season 7 but he saysanything could happen. Kevin adds “it’s strong in the ratings forThe CW.” Meaning if it was on a real network, it would be already cancelled.2 million viewers is not high. Right now with the adjusted they are at 3.0,with a demo of .6 thanks to the horrible Season 4 disaster Viris WA obsession. Kevin also added which surprisedme “the show will go on as long as Grant wants it to go.” Grant said he knew Kevin was gonna say that. Kevin says back it could go on for 26 seasons. Grant says sarcastically “imagine that?” Grant’s favorite musical is “Singin in the Rain” which got him interested in performing. The best part of being Flash is they give him his own superhero suit. Hementions wanting an authentic version of Christopher Reeves Superman suit.He likes wearing Star Labs and CCPD sweatshirts. The guy who asked the questionstarted asking Kevin a question and Grant was all “wtf wasn’t this supposedto be about me”? Everyone in the crowd laughed.His most difficult scene to film which was also his favorite was the scenewith Barry and his mom at the end of Season 1. His other most difficultscene was in Tom Canvanagh’s directed episode 3x19 where EmoBarry was. Kevincalled Grant with the wig “My Chemical Barry.” Grant said it was hard to shootbecause of the two conflicting emotions of playing Present Barry and FutureBarry wearing “a stupid wig.” Kevin compared EmoBarry to a “Hot Topic Employee.”Grant’s favorite Season is the first one, mainly because of how well the finale was constructed “so perfectly.”46:18 is where the question about which he prefers: his fictional WArelationship or his real relationship with Andrea. His exact words are: “Ienjoy my real relationship much more. Nothing against Candice, love to d-greatly.Yeah, it’s obviously very different. One is scripted for me and fictional.One plays itself out and I love her very much in real life. So, I think thoseare probably the biggest differences.” He doesn’t know what to say, the questionitself was lame, obviously there are huge separations from fiction and fact something the delusional doesn’t comprehend.Grant feels uncomfortable answering but he was polite and humored the guywho was obviously a huge Gr*ndice and WA stan. One of the 5 stans in there.When Grant does cons he doesn’t know how much it means to people and he’sgrateful for everything the fans give. He loves what he does. Grant loved filming the musical episode. No WA mentions. Especially singing “Superfriend”because he got to tap dance again. The crowd wants him to sing the song andGrant says he won’t. He thinks the heroes in real life are the troops, his mom because she was a single mother and supported his dreams.A fan asked “will we get a Run Nora, Run from Barry?” Grant credits Tom formaking that line iconic. Kevin agrees. Kevin says he did versions of theline in “The Runaway Dinosaur” because he loved it so much. Kevin said it is the show’s version of “May the force be with you.” No mention of “we are the flash” I wonder why….Grant answered what he has learned being The Flash and Grant credits Season1 again. He learned a lot from Barry’s empathy, his humility. He is a betterman than Grant is. 
Grant got another fan request shout out but in the videohe said “Are we ready? You’re not here but 8,000 other people are.” Crowdwent nuts. The same fan asked him if he wanted to play a Marvel superhero,which would he play. He said Spider-Man. Grant comments on what it’s like to be the star of a TV show. Even thoughhe knows he is the star in truth, he is very humble in saying it’s an ensembleshow. No mentions of CP or IW or WA. Hear that stans who stalk this blog? Grant is too much of a gentlemen to bait you demons.Grant’s most embarrassing scene was when he slide across the floor in 4x02“Mixed Signals” paying homage to Risky Business. He says because he has “chickenlegs.” He also says in the finale when Wally comes back he dropped 6 champagne glasses in 2 takes. It’s included in the bloopers. He says if he goes to the Vancouver Con he will bringhis dogs. Grant says he watches when people on set run and walk and compare it to howhe does it unintentionally. He’s met people in life that want to race him.He feels like he is a fast runner in real life, but he admits out loud hedoesn’t like running. When they are using science jargon, Grant doesn’t know what they are talking about unless he googles it. Grant loves playing the villain more than the hero. Savitar was a lot of fun for him to play. It could be because he loved working with Danielle more closely but the show will not allow any Snowbarry mentions, he’s there to plug WA, it would destroy WA as a whole and he knows it.The last couple of minutes they were talking about Grant’s famous slide into scenes, he does it at the last minute of the interview. Do with the information as you will. Grant has highs and lows here. Whenthe lows are pretty low it’s jarring when they are high it’s obvious wherehis heart is. He is a good guy that doesn’t deserve the bad treatment he’sbeen getting. Whether it’s about his character, CP’s repeated abuse of him and body shamming. Grant is nothing but friendly and takes the punches with thepraise. I hope he does more cons in the future, maybe when he is more rested and less fatigued.
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aspiestvmusings · 6 years
Hi,do you think scorpion was canceled just because of the ratings? Or was there something else we don’t know about?
You answer your question within your question. But let me get to the point after this long detour… (if you wish to read JUST the answer, scroll down to the very end… to get to the “answer”…)
Think about it. 
The show was moved into the Monday night comedy block…and yet it was originally supposed to be a drama with a comedy heart. It is also a “family show”, yet it was moved to the end of the Monday night line-up, airing at 10PM timeslot. The shows ratings and viewer numbers started to go down (as they do with almost every single network show as seasons go by)… And though we may never know what the Nielsen box owners think and what the regular/random tv viewers think about the show… we know that most online fans thought the shows writing suffered over the seasons, and that the hearty dramedy kinda fell into its own trap… choosing quantity over quality, choosing to go too far over the line. Becoming kinda ridiculous… even for a comic book superhero fun show. We know only what other vocal fans online think about the shows “progress” over the years. We do not know what most viewers think, but we know what many (online) fans do.  
Think about it. 
The official TV (spoiler) news & sites (and the network itself in their press releases) are referring to the shows lower-than-before ratings/viewer numbers and the fact that it just wasn’t working for them (on Monday nights…) and did not perform as well as they expected it to do. (writing an analysis on the possible reasons why that was so, and making suggestions what could have been done… by network, byt showrunners/writers to make it better… would take more time and energy than I choose to spend on this issue.) 
They did not choose alderman Sly’s tactic…and coming up with solutions that make everything better… (Sly is making West Altadenia better with his street-lights & anti-bullying programs). They chose to not give other options a try, and instead start from clean slate. Taking the risk with new shows -since key demo that they’re after is younger audience, who just weren’t engaging with the show - they essentially (to put it in very rough terms) chose to replace the oldies with fresh and young faces. The network is obviously trying to attract younger and newer audiences… and are using “new, fresh, “hip” shows as their tactical plan. Only time will tell is this works or not. (I’m not the type of customer, but who knows about the regular US viewer and their preferences… in mindless medium?) 
But obviously they did not care about the syndication deal/money enough to give it even a short 10-13 episode final season (remember: we’re at episode 94…or so…), so the show was only 6 or so episodes away from 100th episode,, and syndication deal. They also obviously did not want to move it to any other night either. It wasn’t working as part of the Monday night lineup, but they obviously couldn’t fit it into any other night either. In my personal opinion, which does not reflect anyone else, the show lost its way… it was still officially a drama, but it had become a comedy basically. And the kind that laughs at itself/its own jokes. It wasn’t the best of boths anymore, it was neither really… lately… not a comedy, not a drama, so harder to fit into any nights programme. 
If you’d ask me, I’d say that a show which has gotten lost…and so far off the tracks that it (its showrunners/writers) can’t find the original path anymore.. because they’re not even willing to… is (to quote Happy Quinn) not good. A show which has become so inconsistent, and which is trying to fit too much content into too little space (too many plotlines, and not enough time spent on any of them), is not on the favourites list… when making decisions what to keep and what to let go. A show which promotes itself as being about team of geniuses, who are a family and each others support system (THEM against the world), but which has such poor scientific quality… is not very believable. Even for a  show that’s supposed to be light and just-for-fun entertainment the content became “too silly”. 
Can’t relate to a genius, who is being (science) dumb. Can’t relate to a team of geniuses who instead of their initial goal to add new EQ layers to their IQ become unrecognizable and forgetting their hearts… whenever it’s needed for the plot. Can’t take seriously empathetic geniuses who have forgotten their own struggles, and who instead of adding EQ and becoming more empathetic towards each other/everyone just become meaner towards anyone different than them…and anyone, who is like them in the past. Can’t be interested in watching a show which promotes itself as one thing, but in it’s core is (read: has become) another thing :(  
ETA: This is sadly the fate of most network shows, cause networks & writers don’t know any other way to  “develop” these personal storylines. And over time quantity wins over quality - most shows suffer from trying to fit too many plots into the show & dropping old/ongoing plots when new “better” ideas come to mind and/or when they think something isn’t working (instead of finishing the “notworking” plot before moving to new one, it’s kinda left unfinished).Maybe the statistics are right, and this is what the average US TV-viewer wants. Maybe the supply meets the demand. Maybe I’m just having a hard time believing how not-smart oriented network tv is. 
A show that uses drama for only dramas sake. And not in the usual TV show style. But extra… A show that has it’s socially challenged characters bully each-other, and not get called out on it. A show that is so inconsistent, and so “aimless” that  it is unacceptable even if taking into account that it is a lighthearted fiction entertainment program on network TV. They all were past the level they were dragged back to… to empathize the IQ vs EQ main theme of the show. When there were other ways….. when it could’ve been done honouring their development. The back & fort became so inconsistent… it didn’t fit the low-EQ slow learning curve and 1 step forward/2 steps back style… it just became… weird.
If I was the person making decision I’d given the show another chance (but only if a deal with the showrunners was made that they’d up their game. And after everything I’d given then a short 13-episode final season (if there was no room for full season), and moved the show to a different night…. or maybe even to be aired during summer. But a final deal only if the show would present their plans for what’s next in detail, and there would be sure signs of improvement in quality of storytelling, and a clear path. 
But… I’m me, and I measure TV shows differently than networks do. I look for the quality of content, the writing and consistency. I do not care about adds, revenue, ratings, and viewer numbers. I’m a terrible business person. The networks are looking at different things than I do when making renewal/cancellation decisions. So their cancellation decision was reached by looking at other things… not the plotlines I consider the “deal breakers”
…and to get back to your question….
Think about it. 
IF there would be something else (besides the lowering ratings/viewer numbers and the other reasons started in official press news) that we don’t know about then how am I supposed to answer your question if I (because you & I are part of the “we” aka “fandom” that you are referring to in your ask) don’t know about any other possible reasons behind the decision to not renew the show. So… it is impossible for me to answer as I can’t tell you something that I don’t know (about), can I?
PS. THIS, JUST LIKE MOST SPOILER/TV QUESTIONS I GET, HAS BEEN ALREADY ANSWERED IN MY PRIOR POSTS. SEE: HERE (post + tags) As I always say… IF and when I have anything to say/add/comment on any TV related stuff, I will make my own post, and the answers are always found in my posts. And it’s not that I don’t want to answer, it’s just that I don’t have anything to say. All I’ve had to say, I’ve already expressed on this blog. 
And we can speculate as much as we want, and we can ever have ”inside info” (know more than the official statements say), but… we still can’t say anything, and can’t say anything for sure… And as I originally said… I do expect there to be some rumours.. as there always are after fan-fave show cancellations, but I won’t take part in commenting on those. At least that’s my position right now. But yes, it seems to me (based on what is known… that) there was more to the decision than just the thing mentioned in the press release. Maybe I am wrong, and the studio/network made the decision purely based on the things they mentioned, but everything points to those other (not mentioned) things also playing a part. But… those are only “need to know” and we, the fans don’t need to know (read: are not supposed to know about those other things)
PS. I do plan to write one more post… regarding the show and the series/season 4 finale. But I need time to really sit down and write the thoughts down. But in short… after I re-watched the finale (back-to-back with the Pilot)…  I actually think this was a quite fitting book-end ending. Sure…not the happy ending most expect. But it was still kinda “coming a full circle” ending. From the Walt/Janice opening scene in Pilot to the Walt/Paige end scene in Finale. To the introduction and forming of the team.. to the “dismantling” of the team.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, let’s get this thing going. today was overall alright, not particularly eventful, I didn’t do much other than going to PT and doing bar prep. I had my alarm set for 11:45, but I ended up waking up around 9:30 and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I got up and figured I’d get a jump on my assignments for the day (haha). made a blueberry dutch baby for breakfast, because why not, then started on the prep work. I listened to a lecture that was like an hour and a half, then did some practice questions and ended with reviewing my notes from the lecture yesterday. While this was happening Jess texted me like “isn’t there a wizard world in Iowa this week?” which predictably resulted in us making plans to attend on Sunday, because Matt Ryan is going to be there and his panel is on Sunday, and we need to see him and tell him how ridiculously excited we are for him to be a series regular on Legends next season. So, that’s one more thing I have to get my work done around, but I’ll make it work. So that was cool. I headed over to PT at 2, they always have the food network on and it’s always like chopped or chopped junior and we’re always commenting and making jokes about it lol. PT itself was fine. I’m definitely at the point where there’s been improvement, but it’s not like consistent, there are some days it’s ok but others it’s bad, so I don’t really know what to do with that, but I’ll keep going for now at least to try and figure it out. Came home, did a two hour lecture that was actually going over review questions I was supposed to do at some point (oops?) but I mean I got all the answers and how to approach them, so I mean the real purpose was pretty much served. I finished that around 6:30, at which point I jumped into the 4 hour property II lecture, Now, if you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I hate property, but it hasn’t been all that terrible. The professor doing the videos is really quirky, and like she seems like a really nice person and gives a lot of encouraging words that are of course appreciated, but she also like, tries to connect different concepts to like, popular songs, which she then proceeds to impersonate, for a solid amount of time, and like, the secondhand embarrassment is real lol. But that finished around 10:30, at which point I didn’t really want to get into any tv so I just stayed on my computer for a bit longer looking at different things before starting to get ready for bed. In case you didn’t catch my earlier post, I didn’t hear from the NYC job today, despite me clutching my phone all day waiting for an email or call, but it just didn’t come. I don’t have their office number directly because it’s straight up not online, like if it was I would’ve been able to find it lol I’m really good at that shit, so I’ve just been calling their HQ and asking them to transfer me, so I called them today and was just like “can you just give me the number for the juvenile department so I can stop calling you and asking you to transfer me?” so she gave me the number, but I somewhat fucked up writing it down and there’s like one digit I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a 7 or a 1, but I tried both options and neither one got me to an actual person, one got me to a voicemail but I’m not convinced it was the right office, so I didn’t leave a message. To be fair, it was like 3:47 pm at this point, meaning it was 4:47 pm there, so they were likely about to head out. So when I couldn’t get it figured out by phone I sent them a short email just basically saying that if I end up pulling out of the NY bar exam, they’ll give me a $200 credit towards a future bar exam (because that’s something I TOTALLY want to do, but still) from the $250 unrefundable registration fee of course, but that offer is only good until tomorrow at noon, so I was really hoping to have an answer before then. I mean, if it’s a yes to the job that obviously doesn’t matter because I won’t be pulling out, but if not it would be definitely preferable that I could maybe conserve some of the money (though tbh pulling out of the Illinois bar would be much worse monetarily, because their unrefundable fee was a solid $900 more than the New York one and no I’m not exaggerating, so forfeiting that would be frustrating), At this point honestly I don’t even care which answer it is (I mean I’m low-key leaning towards Illinois but I’ll be fine either way) I just want to know what it is, because it’s very difficult to make any plans for your life when you have no idea where you’ll be living in a few months, and I really just want to know so I can make those kind of plans (especially with like, cons and stuff of course, lol). So, *hopefully* I’ll have an answer tomorrow, I can certainly bug the crap out of them about it and maybe that’ll work. Alright, it’s late, 1:30 am, so I’m going to head to sleep now. Goodnight my loves. Happy Hump Day tomorrow.
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happy-meo · 7 years
Save Me. (Yoongi x Reader) PART 7.
“It swallowed me, this lunatic. Please save me tonight. Within this childish madness, you will save me tonight.” - [“Save Me” - BTS]
Summary: It was an unprecedented love that bloomed within the halls of your high school, until secret words were overheard, and shattered the budding romance. It changed your life forever, leading you down a path you had never thought you would be on– training to become a secret agent. You chose it to escape Yoongi and the results of how things ended between you two, but as fate would have it, that very same choice ended up leading you right back to him. Will you be able to save your clients and solve mysteries together despite your history? Will you be able to save each other? Will you able to save yourself…from yourself?    
Yoongi x Reader (ft. Jin & all the other BTS members)
Secret Agent AU
Mystery, Action, Angst, & Fluff (contains some violence, mentions of murder, death, harassment, and bullying)
PARTS: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (Finale) | Bonus: The Letter
A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner everyone <3 Thanks for your patience xD Apparently my free weekend, ended up with an impromptu random family friend of my dad’s inviting themselves over to our house, so we have to go tour them around today (sigh). So I banged out this update x_x and I wanted to post it right away! I’ll probably be answering messages and inboxes during the long car ride. I can’t wait! I missed you all! Enjoy :)
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           The entire crowd reacted with a mixture of gasps and squeals.
           "Um... give us a second." You chuckled nervously.
           You tugged at Yoongi's hand, turning him towards you, and whispered frantically, "What do you think you're doing?"
           "You can't go with him." Yoongi stated.
           "Why not?"
           "What if he's... you know?"
           "All the more reason to go with him!" You argued.
           "Absolutely not. He could take you to some secluded area and--"
           "We're not doing this right now, Min Yoonji." You hissed.
           "I got this. Don't worry."
           "What do you --"
           "We both have dates already. That's why." Yoongi turned around, displaying his brightest smile.
           Surprisingly, there was a collection of disappointed "Aww's" from the crowd, to which you raised an eyebrow towards them questionably.
           "Oh, I had no idea." Prez smiled warmly. "Boyfriend?"
           "Um...just an old friend." You blushed, making it up as you went. "I didn't think anyone would ask me at first...so I had asked him to come along..."
           "Too bad." Prez chuckled. "Definitely save a dance or two for me then."
           "I'm so sorry." You handed the flowers back, a bit disheartened. But Prez wrapped his fingers around yours and nudged the flowers towards you.
           "Don't be. These flowers were yours regardless of your answer. I've been wanting to give you something like this for awhile now." he smiled warmly.
           You couldn't hide your giddy grin. "I love them."
           Prez's stare lingered on you for a few more seconds than Yoongi liked, but he held it in because your expression of absolute happiness and gratefulness hindered him from acting selfishly. Who was he to stop your face from looking like that? All the while, he was slowly being reminded of all the things he didn't do for you. Why had you stayed with him for so long back then?
           "I'll see you around, Y/N." Prez waved and the crowd dispersed with him.
           You continued to play around with the flowers lovingly, while Yoongi was submerged in his own vortex of dark thoughts. You noticed his peculiar silence and looked up to catch him with his concentrated, blank expression, which always meant he was thinking too hard about something.
           "Yah." You poked his forehead. "Why did you skip practice to come all the way here?"
           He blinked and glanced at you in front of him. "I just...I just..."
           I was jealous and selfish.
           The words fell dull at the tip of his tongue.
           "You were right anyway." You shrugged, buying his fake excuse for stopping you earlier. "It's probably for the best I didn't get carried away with my desire to go to a dance with a date for once."
           Yoongi shut his eyes. He was supposed to have asked you back then, but you two had broken up before the dance, then you had completely disappeared from his life soon after.
           "Do you not feel good?" Your hand was at his forehead. "Let's take you to Mr. Park."
           Yoongi nodded, willing to use any lame reason to have all your attention on him for any amount of time.
           "You really must not be feeling well. You're not making any snarky comments. Come on." You held onto his hand. "Ji-- Mr. Park wanted to talk to us anyway. This is perfect."
           Yoongi clasped your hand tighter, reveling in the feeling once again. He needed to pull himself together. No good can come from his clouded mind, especially with a mission as dangerous as this one.
           Just for a little while. Just for a few moments. He wanted to be Min Yoongi and Y/N. Not secret agents. Not students. Not anyone, but yourselves.
           But this would have to suffice for now.
           You knocked brightly on Jimin's office door, despite the sign reading "Do Not Disturb". But if you knew Jimin, he had installed cameras to monitor the outside of his office and was doing so at the moment.
           "Y/N. Yoonji." He welcomed you two in fake pretense, in case anyone passed by. "Thanks for coming. How're your injuries from the incident?"
           As soon as the door shut though, Jimin's demeanor turned grim. It sent shivers down your spine, and apparently Yoongi's too because he tightened his grip on your hand, pulling you closer.
           "This mission is a lot more complicated and dangerous than we had anticipated." he solemnly stated.
           "Why?" You were surprised your voice had come out as an audible whisper, frightened from Jimin's statement and aura alone.
           "Sit." Jimin sighed as he returned behind his laptop. "I've been doing what I do best, and trying to hack for more information.
           "And?" Yoongi questioned.
           Jimin stared at you two intently. "There's much more at work here than we've dared to imagine. There are much more secrets that we have yet to uncover, and I have a terrible feeling that the more we know, the deeper we get into the heart of this corrupted school. And I'm afraid that it'll be too late to escape or turn back once we pass that point."
           "And is that point right now?" You replied.
           "Perhaps." Jimin pursed his lips. "Perhaps it is the crux or perhaps it's merely the surface."
           "Then let's get on with it." Yoongi urged. "Escaping or turning back was never an option anyway, so let's ram this thing full force."
           You snorted. How very much like Yoongi to say that.
           Jimin nodded, "I do have to remind you two that this is probably one of the reasons why this case has been branded as one of the highest level missions given to the agency, and that our mission was never to engage but to gather intel and narrow down suspects in order to help more seasoned agents get rid of the murderer."            "And I have to remind you, Park Jimin, that Y/N here never listens to a damn thing regarding rules anyway, and our break time is limited." Yoongi glanced at the clock.  
           "Speak for yourself." You rolled your eyes.
           Jimin nodded and turned his desktop around.
           " Each of the staff members has been involved in some...questionable events, which, needless to say had been removed from their backgrounds."
           Your eyes glanced at Jimin, surprised. "Jin too?"
           He nodded. "Details were hard to find on it, but I found records that he was involved in an assault & battery case. His family is wealthy and so were the others involved, so they were able to sweep the crime under the rug and out of their public records. As is the case with the rest of the staff members of course."
           "Assault and battery...?" You mumbled.
           "And the others?" Yoongi encouraged.
           Jimin clicked his mouse, "I've sent this compilation to Namjoon, but figured I'd debrief you two in person then delete it completely. These masterminds are smart, and they seem to have many eyes. We can't have this lying around for the taking."
           "You must think highly of this...these people." You muttered.
           "I'm frightened of them, Y/N." Jimin stated as a matter-of-factly. "I don't think highly of them at all, but their skills are undeniable. To pull those intricate murders, to plan them, in such a crowded facility, and to have gotten away with it FIVE times, leaving us still running around in circles with no legitimate leads...I'm terrified of the kind of people they are and what else they're capable of."
           You remained silent, and let Jimin proceed.
           "The Principal has numerous connections with convicted embezzlers, who have since been put on death row. It may be possible he still has many more or has made new ones, seeing as how you two spotted him having a secret conversation after hours in the school." Jimin clicked to the next slide. "Why would that be motive? Well, the more the murders happen, for whatever the reason, the family of the victims supposedly donate more money to the school to keep things hushed. But...none of the money has been seen or used. If the network of embezzlers is in on this crime, they could be sharing the flood of cash from these wealthy families."
           "But would he risk damaging the school's reputation?" You questioned.
           "If he doesn't get caught, then he'll just look like a terrible principal. People will pity him rather than blame him." Yoongi responded. "Although, if this never gets out to the public, then nothing will change about this school's rep."
           "Next, the Vice Principal comes from a family of soldiers who supposedly died during battle." Jimin explained.
           "Supposedly?" You hummed.
           "With further research, they actually returned from war, but each of them never made it home. No one knows if they're actually alive and in hiding, or if they had been murdered and never found. The army wasn't sure what to tell the family, so they just told them they died during battle."
           "But how is that relevant to this?" Yoongi asked.
           "Well..." Jimin stated. "...she could be the murderer since she's done it before, or she found out that the government had been hiding these deaths from her all these years, and wants revenge. What better way to get revenge than by targeting the families of government officials?"
           "Did they all have family in the government?"
           "Haven't gone that far into it yet." Jimin sighed. "But it's an avenue I'm looking into."
           You smiled and patted Jimin's hand. "You're working hard."
           He shot you a tired yet lop-sided smile. "We all are."
           "So just bang out the facts. We'll be here forever if we keep debating each one." Yoongi hurried.
           "Right." Jimin nodded. "Some of them have no possible motive or connection just yet, but I kept it on there because they were involved in or witnessed deaths in peculiar ways. But just seeing these hidden backgrounds give me the shivers when I'm around them now."
           "We need to be extra careful not to make it obvious we think any differently of them after this." Yoongi glanced at you two seriously.
           "We know." You urged Jimin to continue.
           "The Secretary was involved in a peaceful protest, which ended up in an all-out shooting, and she was one of the few people who survived. As you've mentioned to me before, the Counselor's brother was mutilated in a very bad gang fight, and his parents also died suddenly when they were younger. The Nurse, which we've heard rumors about, had actually cheated on the Gym Teacher, while he was cheating on his own wife with her. She had a lot of affairs with people of power in the past. She was always playing a dangerous game, and who knows if that was what came around to bite her in the end. The Science Teacher, as mentioned by the Secretary, had lost a daughter recently. But unrelatedly, he used to work at a human experimenting research facility --"
           "A what?" You blinked.
           "Human experimenting research facility..." Jimin repeated.
           "As in...experimenting on humans?"
           Jimin nodded.
           "It wasn't publicized, and it was disbanded. But nonetheless, he participated in some questionable studies and research. And who knows if they carried it out following appropriate guidelines." Jimin frowned.
           You shivered and pulled your blazer around you. You had always thought the Science Teacher was a decent man, but this just terrified you, the duality of reality and appearances.
           Yoongi nodded, urging Jimin to move forward, keeping his eye on the clock.
           "The English Teacher came from abroad after being kicked out of her family's house when she was old enough, because she was an illegitimate child. She still strongly sought out being the heir of the corporation, but then they disowned her so she couldn't even say she was part of the family. We're unsure why she was so intent on being the heir. Money may have been a motivation or maybe it was the power. We're not really sure.
           But then she eventually found her real mother who married into an even richer family and they welcomed her in. Nonetheless, she has a constant need to feel wanted and attractive. Probably stemming from her childhood trauma of abandonment. It may be that the killings are based off those who threatened her current status or who denied or rejected it.
           Possibly a stretch, but why I bring this whole background up is because the Music Teacher lived in the same exact places the English teacher did. It was incredibly eerie to the point that I have a bad feeling that he's been following and stalking her all these years. During the staff party, I could definitely see his immense obsession with her. Although she seems unaware that he's been with her for years now..."
           "That is extremely creepy." You frowned. "But if he's so obsessed with her...why would that be related to the murders?"
           "It's not. But I couldn't just overlook it." Jimin sighed. "There are two or more accomplices in this case, and it seems the Music Teacher can be easily swayed if someone were to bait him with the English Teacher or if the English Teacher asked for favors herself."
           "Good point..." You hummed.
           "The Librarian was rumored to have had a miscarriage last year as you said the Secretary mentioned."Jimin moved to the next slide. "It turns out that she actually had gotten an abortion and lied about it."
           "What? Why would she?" You questioned.
           "My question exactly, so I dug further back and found that she had a child when she was younger, but couldn't take care of it. She abandoned the child years ago and even went so far as to try to kill it. No one knows what exactly happened to the child, but it seems that the Librarian either has a fear of having children or the guilt of abandoning her first child is still haunting her that she doesn't want another."
           You glanced at Yoongi and frowned.
           "Which brings me to the last person I did a deeper background search on: The Student Council President." Jimin typed into his keyboard. "And I found nothing. His records are clean...too clean. It really seems like he came out of thin air. No history about his family, his previous education, nothing. The only thing I know is from word of mouth from the students and teachers. I've learned the Student Council President has an oddly close relationship with the Librarian, AND..."
           "He was the only known friend and confidante of the 2nd victim -- his Vice President."
           "So is he the culprit or is he seeking revenge?" You whispered.
           Jimin shook his head. "Who knows? But this just proves even more that this assignment is highly dangerous, you two. The fact that these people have enough power to clear these incidents from their records is an indicator alone, but the reality that they were involved in such sketchy events despite how they act upfront shouldn't be taken lightly. We need to be on our toes from here on out."
           "Do you think someone pushed for the dance because they have a plan?" Yoongi asked.
           Jimin nodded, "I'm 100% positive that something will happen."
           "Speaking of which and on a lighter note," Yoongi tapped on the table. "We just told the school that we have dates for the dance already."
           Jimin snorted. "Sorry hyung. I can't be your date. I'm a staff member, although I'm quite flattered."
           "No, you idiot!" Yoongi hissed. "Contact Hoseok and Jungkook. They're going to be our dates."
           "I don't have to contact them." Jimin laughed.
           "Why?" You tilted your head.
           "Ever since the intrusion incident, they're always around." Jimin grinned.
           The two emerged from the shadows without a sound.
           "Namjoon wants them to always keep an eye out for us. He felt that if something unexpected happened, it might be too late if we call for back up if they're elsewhere." Jimin explained.
           "As expected of our Brain." You smiled.
           "I'll take Yoongi to the dance ~" Hoseok playfully hugged his best friend. "I'll make it seem like he actually has a decent dancing bone in his body."
           Yoongi tried to shove him off, but to no avail. "I don't want you! I'll take Jungkook!"
           You walked up and extended your hand towards the quiet member. "Would you mind going with me to the dance, Jungkook?"
           The younger blushed and shook his head as he grabbed your hand. "I'll go with you."
           You grinned.
           "That's long enough!" Yoongi sliced his hand to cut your handshake apart childishly.
           "Speaking of which, you two really need to be careful." Hoseok chuckled. "A lot of students think there's something ...more happening between you girls."
           You blushed. "What??"
           Hoseok grinned. "Like how Yoonji's always so protective over you. How you're always glued together. How Yoonji only really smiles and looks soft and comfortable when you're around--"
           Yoongi covered his friend's mouth and pulled him into a headlock. "What nonsense are you spouting?!"
           "It's what the other students are saying." Jungkook muttered. "We hear a lot through the pipes."
           You giggled. "Do you stay in the ceiling all day?"
           "Sometimes. But we often eat here with Jimin while monitoring the school through the camera system." Hoseok easily pried himself out of Yoongi's grip and replied.
           "So you follow us around like creeps?" Yoongi nudged Hoseok.
           "We split up most of the time. We're not here to babysit you trouble makers." Hoseok shoved Yoongi away playfully towards Jungkook, who pushed him in good fun. But Yoongi ended up on the ground from his unmatched strength.
           He coughed, "Yeah, I forgot this child has the strength of the Hulk."
           Jungkook beamed at the compliment.
           "Anyways, you two need to get back to class. Here are late passes from me." Jimin handed them cards. "And remember to be careful. Especially you, Y/N. Lots of eyes are on you."
           Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin nodded. You glanced at Yoongi, who simply sighed.
           "I told you, you just attract danger." he ruffled your hair as you scrunched your face.
           "I guess I chose the right career then." you retorted.
           "We'll meet up to shop before the dance, my love ~" Hoseok playfully called out, earning a glare from Yoongi. "We have to match!"
           Yoongi grumbled as he reached for the door.
           You glanced back before the door opened. The two disappeared silently, and Jimin was already deleting the compilation, concentratedly.
           "Thank you guys." You smiled.
           Jimin glanced up. "Let's solve this together and go home, Y/N."
           You grinned and nodded. "Let's."
           "Have you picked out a dress yet, Y/N?" Braids brightly sat beside you.
           "Um no...not yet. " You chuckled. "Haven't thought too much about it."
           "We're going this weekend if you want to come with us!" Braids clapped. "Everyone's been really wanting to spend time with you!"
           "Me?" You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
           "Well, like you're cool now, and they want to get to know you better outside of school, you know." Braids twirled her hair.
           "Sorry, she already promised to go dress shopping with me." Yoongi stepped up.
           You had to control your laughter by turning your head and coughing. You never thought you'd hear that coming out of Yoongi's mouth. It was incredibly amusing.
           "Ooo ~ where are you going? We're going to a pretty famous unique store."
           "Us too." Yoongi shrugged. "My date's sister owns a pretty famous shop."
           Your eyes lit up. Hoseok's sister, Dawon, was incredibly beautiful and talented at fashion-related things. Although you sometimes wondered how much she knew exactly about her brother's job. She often provided your team clothes for various missions without much question. But this was the first time you would venture into her shop. But you remembered her being feisty, outspoken, and passionate, whenever you and Yoongi would spend time at Hoseok's house back in high school.
           "Oh right! Do you have a picture of your date? Is he cute? Are you a thing?" Braids began rambling.
           Suddenly, the bell rang and Jin waltzed in, as handsome and breathtaking as ever.
           "I know. I know. The dance is coming soon and you're all excited, but that doesn't mean you can forget about your upcoming exams." he scolded.
           The class groaned as they settled back to their seats.
           Braids raised her hand, "Mr. Kim!"
           "Are you going to the dance with a date?"
           Jin flustered, and for a split second, your eyes connected to each other's before it flitted back to Braids. You felt your heart flutter briefly at the contact.
           "What're you talking about?" Jin laughed, waving the thought away lightly. "I have to keep an eye on you rowdy kids. I can't bring a date!"
           "Will we see your iconic traffic dance again this year though?" One of the students called out.
           "Of course!" Jin grinned. "That's why you all should come, alright?"
           Yoongi kicked the back of your chair, and you ignored him, knowing that he was alluding to Jin being suspicious in wanting everyone there. But you didn't think there was anything cynical in his desire.
           "Y/N." Your eyes were pried away from staring outside the window, lost in your own thoughts. You didn't even realize you were still in class. Glancing around, everyone was packing up. Time had flown.
           You looked up to find Jin hovering above you, standing tall in front of your desk. Hurriedly, you stood up.
           "Mr. Kim! Sorry!"
           He shook his head and chuckled. "I just wanted to see if you were okay."
           "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." You smiled.
           "Well, good. So there's no excuse for you to have zoned out during my entire lecture." he chuckled.
           You blushed.
           "Did I bore you?"
           "No! Sorry! I just had a lot on my mind." You mumbled.
           Jin poked your forehead. "You always worry too much, Y/N. Live a little."
           Your eyes widened and looked up at Jin grinning at you. It was something that he had always told you in high school.
           "Well, before you leave, please wake Ms. Yoonji." Jin glanced behind you, and you found Yoongi was, in fact, sound asleep. "Have a pleasant weekend. You can reach me if you have any questions about what you missed."
           "Thank you, Mr. Kim." You bowed.
           He shook his head. "Not at all. See you, Y/N."
           You glanced at the door to find Braids watching you before disappearing into the hallway. Blinking, you hummed to yourself then proceeded to shake your partner.
           He jolted and grabbed your wrist tightly as a reflex. Immediately, you pulled out of his lock and flicked his forehead.
           He groaned. "Oh, it's just you."
           "Yes...but this isn't our dorm, so get up." You scolded.
           Yoongi stretched and yawned. "That was a good nap."
           "It always amazes me how you still get one of the highest grades with that attitude." You swung your bag around your shoulder. "Let's go sleepyhead."
           You both heard Hoseok in your ear, and you and Yoongi stilled, bracing yourselves.
           "Mr. Park! What do you mean you have a date? WHO??"
           Jimin scurried into the classroom with the English teacher right on his tail.
           "Just go with me English Teacher!" The Music Teacher was not far behind.
           Jimin shot you a pleading look.
           Yoongi coughed, gaining their attention. The English Teacher hurriedly let go of Jimin's arm, and they all stepped away from each other.
           "Hello kids. What're you doing still in the classroom?" The English Teacher flashed a charming smile.
           "We were just on our way back." You smiled. "Thank you for helping me out with my injuries, Mr. Park. I feel much better."
           Jimin approached you. "It's my job. No problem."
           "What color will you and Officer Tae be wearing to the dance?" You grinned.
           Jimin's eyes widened and Yoongi chuckled.
           "I-um-we...we haven't decided..." Jimin mumbled, not expecting this course.
           "Wait...you're...you're..." The English Teacher stammered. "You like Officer Tae?"
           Jimin blushed, "Um well..."
           Through your earpieces, you could hear Hoseok cracking up hysterically.
           "Oh right, Mr. Park. You still have to help me with my wounds. You think we can do that now before I head to my dorm?" Yoongi stood up and gestured towards the door.
           "Yes of course." Jimin beamed. "Let's go!"
           You trailed after the two, keeping a curious eye on the expression of the teachers. The English teacher looked distraught while the Music Teacher looked quite pleased, staring at her longingly from behind. You were a bit worried about her well-being if she were to go with him. And who knows if her desperation to go with Jimin was out of fear of the Music Teacher rather than desire to have a trophy date?
           You looked down, not knowing how to help her or if you really could do anything in the first place. Most likely, nothing would justified until something happened with the Music Teacher. Then you furrowed your brows, recalling something that Prez had discussed with you awhile ago regarding this topic. But your thoughts were interrupted.
           "Oh Y/N!" Librarian's voice was heard in the hallway. "Dear, I'm glad I found you."
           "Hi!" You bowed.
           "Here. Prez asked me to give this to you if I couldn't find him before the end of the day. He had left it with me when he rushed to find you during the incident." she handed you a novel.
           It was another copy of "And Then There Were None".
           "Why me?" You blinked as you cradled the book in your grasp.
           "He said you'd probably see him more than I do him. And he trusts that you'll keep his copy safe." Librarian shrugged. "Please see to it that he gets it. He really cherishes that book."
           "Why?" You asked.
           Librarian smiled sadly, "It probably contains precious memories."
           "Memories?" Yoongi blinked.
           The Librarian nodded, "Its original borrower was the late Student Council Vice President, one of the victims."
           Your eyes widened.
           "Well I have to get back to the library. Take care!" the Librarian waved and scurried down the hall.
           "Y/N." Yoongi grabbed your wrist, knowingly. "I'll go with you whenever you return it to him, okay?"
           You looked at his face, completely serious. You knew he was worried so you nodded. You'd just return the book in the presence of Yoongi, but the next time you and the Prez saw each other alone, you knew you had a lot of questions for him.
           Hugging the book close to your chest, you followed Jimin and Yoongi with your heart racing frantically. Was there something inside this book that no one else was supposed to see? And why did Prez trust you of all people?
           The weekend came soon enough, and you and Yoongi walked into the newest shop in town in search of dresses.
           "Y/N!"  Dawon, Hoseok's sister, greeted you warmly. "It's good to see you!"
           She did a double take at Yoongi, still dressed as a girl beside you, and shook her head. "Yoonji."
           Yoongi waved his hand nonchalantly. "Yo."
           "Oh my gosh. They're so hott." You heard familiar whispers around the store.
           "Oh. A lot of people from your school have been here for this big dance." Dawon chuckled. "This is my newest store so I'm here more often than my other branches. You're all lucky."
           "You're a lifesaver." You smiled as you looked at Yoongi.
           It would've been worrisome to have someone discover his actual gender.
           "I'm used to cleaning up after these two." Dawon snorted. "Your dates are waiting for you. You should join them before the fan girls start crowding."
           You giggled as you glanced at where Hoseok was skimming through dresses with a rather terrified Jungkook glued behind him.
           "Let me help a few of the girls here first, then I'll get to you. So sit tight."
           "Thanks. We appreciate it." You bowed.
           "Hobi! Your date's here! Show them around." she called out.
           Hoseok perked up and shot you and Yoongi one of his radiant smiles.
           "Y/N? Yoonji?" Braids appeared out of the oggling crowd of girls. "What a coincidence!"
           "Was it really?" Yoongi snarled.
           You elbowed him and waved. "Hey!"
           "Noona!" Jungkook hurried to you, visibly relieved.
           "My Yoonji ~" Hoseok enveloped Yoongi in his arms. "You're looking as beautiful as ever."
           "I swear, Hoseok. I'm going to kill you." Yoongi hissed, but Hoseok merely cackled at his non-threatening comment.
           "Rough time, huh?" You whispered to Jungkook, who simply nodded.
           "I didn't know you two were going shopping here today. We could've walked to town all together." Braids approached your group curiously. "Are these your dates?"
           "Um yeah." You smiled. "This is Jungkook."
           Jungkook gave her a shy nod.
           "And I'm Hoseok." Hoseok extended his hand amiably.
           Braids blushed and shook his hand. "Well, it truly seems like these two attract handsome males wherever they go."
           "Oh, you wouldn't believe." Hoseok snorted.
           "Well, we're going to look around." You cut off the small talk. "Have a good time dress hunting!"
           "I've found mine already." Braids beamed. "I knew it was meant for me as soon as I put it on."
           "Yayy ~" Yoongi sassed, and you hit him lightly.
           "I can't wait to see it." You smiled as you nudged Jungkook to start walking away.
           "We'll probably be trying it on in a bit to get measurements done, so you can!" Braids clapped. "I want to know what you think! And I want to see yours too!"
           You nodded, "Definitely. It's always nice to get another girl's opinion on outfits. Yoonji isn't very helpful."
           "No." Braids giggled. "I heard she wasn't. But entertaining nonetheless."
           Yoongi grumbled.
           "The student in braids. It's your turn!" Dawon called out.
           "See ya in a bit!" she smiled and scurried away.
           "I vote a short dress for Yoonji." Hoseok grinned. "His legs are the most convincing asset."
           "You're all just loving this, aren't you?" Yoongi crossed his arms.
           "Yep." You, Hoseok, and Jungkook answered.
           "Maybe we should go with a happy color?" You hummed as you perused the selections with the help of Jungkook.
           "What are you going for?" he asked.
           "What do you mean?"
           "Like do you want to 'wow' people or be comfortable?"
           "I'd like both." You grinned, and he chuckled.
           It hadn't even been a few seconds since you separated when you heard Hoseok and Yoongi arguing a few racks away.
           "It's too frilly, Hoseok. No."
           "But I like frills! Very feminine!"
           "I want black!!"
           "How about orange?"
           "But orange!! We have those matching orange track suits. It's like our color of love ~"
           "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
           "Hoseok. Yoonji." Dawon hissed from across the store. "This isn't your playground. If you want to argue, go outside!"
           "Sorry..." the two mumbled.
           You and Jungkook looked at each other and giggled.
           "How about this one?" Jungkook reached out for simple emerald green halter dress with a high-low skirt.
           "It's gorgeous." You were breathless.
           Jungkook smiled enthusiastically; proud that he had selected something good.
           "Want to try it on?" Hoseok appeared. "Noona reserved a special changing area for us. I can take you there."
           "Please." You smiled. "Did you two compromise on something?"
           "Red." Hoseok held up a dress. "Close to orange but dark enough to be close to black."
           Yoongi rolled his eyes.
           "Let's get you two changed then. This way." Hoseok led them to the back to a secluded changing area. "This is usually for bridal changes by the way, but luckily, there weren't any booked today."
           There were two big changing rooms, and leading out of that room was an extravagant platform to show off your dress. Happily for the two, there was a couch for them to relax in while waiting.
           "We'll be right out there. No funny business here, you two." Hoseok smirked.
           You and Yoongi blushed and averted your eyes away from each other.
           "Like I'd try anything." he mumbled.
           You hurried into the closest changing area while Yoongi took the other. There was complete silence except for the sounds of zippers and buttons being undone. It was unnerving...the fact that you two were changing beside each other.
           "I'm done." Yoongi sighed. "Just long enough to hide my underwear."
           "You might have to wear briefs." You snickered. "I'll lend you some spanks."
           "Yeah if you want my balls to combust."
           You struggled to get the zipper all the way up the center of your back for a few minutes.
           "You need help? You're taking awhile?" Yoongi questioned.
           Your cheeks warmed. "Um...if you could...I can't zip myself all the way."
           "Um...sure. Come out." You could hear the nervousness in his voice.
           You stepped out to see him in a short red dress, in which the skirt fluffed out like a trimmed ball gown. And he wore a red bow clip on his wig, probably courtesy of Hoseok. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from laughing as you studied him.
           "Don't even." he hissed as he fixed his dress.
           "It actually really looks good on you. You're like Snow White!" You complimented.
           "I don't know how to take that." he hummed as he circled behind you.
           You glanced at the mirror to watch him as he carefully zipped you up, trying his best not to touch your bare skin. Your lips curled up.
           "We look like Christmas."
           He chuckled as he stepped beside you. "Celebrating the wrong season, huh?"
           You admired yourself in the mirror. It hugged the right curves and the color accentuated your skin tone well. It was beautiful and surprisingly, the length of the dress fell right below your ankles, meaning with heels it would be perfect.
           "You look beautiful."
           Your heart flipped as you caught the gentle way Yoongi was gazing at you from his reflection in the mirror. The sincerity in the tone of his compliment was undeniable as well.
You couldn't help but smile.
           "We should head out." Yoongi gestured. "Who knows if those two went to sleep or something?"
           "Are they out yet? Are they out yet?" You both heard Braids voice in the room.
           "Sorry Hoseok. They kept asking about those two. Apparently something about everyone idolizing the two of them." Dawon shrugged.
           "It's fine." Hoseok laughed. "Are you guys done?"
           "Coming!" You called out.
           "I'll go first." Yoongi stated as he trudged forward. "You have more of the wow factor."
           Yoongi waltzed out, nonchalantly barefooted, as Jungkook and Hoseok tried to hold in their giggles at seeing him like that.
           "Why didn't you get them shoes, Hoseok?" Dawon bellowed.
           "How was I supposed to know?" Hoseok laughed.
           "Flats please." Yoongi requested. "And heels for Y/N."
           "I'll be right back. Don't move, Yoonji." Dawon ordered.
           "Can I at least sit on the couch?"
           "Don't. Move."
           Hoseok giggled, "You're on her turf. Don't test her."
           "Red looks SO good on you Yoonji!" The girls gushed. "And the short dress is so cute!"
           "Um thanks." Yoongi scratched his neck shyly.
           "Okay, here. Black sandals. Much like your soul." Dawon commented.
           "Ha-ha." Yoongi responded dryly as he slipped them on, but you giggled in the back.
           He glared over at you as you peeked out to see how the sandals looked on him.
           "Here's Y/N's shoes. Can you help her get into them?" Dawon smiled as she handed him beautiful silver heels.
           Yoongi nodded and made his way back to you.
           "Sit." he ordered.
           "I can--"
           "I'll help." he stated.
           You knew he would keep arguing so you sat down on the bench in your changing room. Yoongi knelt down and slipped the gorgeous heels onto your feet gently as you watched him in awe.
           "Perfect fit!" he beamed and jumped up. "Can you stand?"
           He reached his hands out and you took them without hesitation-- to help you get up easily of course.
           His eyes took you in completely. You were absolutely beautiful. And lately, he had constantly been kicking himself for not letting you feel as such when you were together.
           "You should get this." he squeezed your hands, smiling at the sight of his bracelet around your wrist.
           "Is the dress nice?"
           Yoongi shook his head. "You look gorgeous in that dress."
           You averted your eyes, "Stop joking."
           "I'm not." he laughed then urged you towards the platform. "Nowgo show off. I'm sure no one wants to see me again."
           "You should probably let go of my hand first... unless you want to come out with me." You looked down, amused.
           He hurriedly released you, flustered. "Right. Go forth!"
           You giggled and strutted towards the platform confidently. Getting compliments from Yoongi were rare, so you felt revived that he had given you a few all because of one dress. You grinned and stepped out.
��          "Wowww." Everyone exhaled.
           "You HAVE to buy that dress, Y/N!" Braids clapped. "It was MADE for you."
           Dawon grinned widely, "Did Yoonji approve too?"
           "Yeah." You blushed.
           "Who picked it out?"
           "Kookie did."
           "Jungkook? Wow. I'm impressed." Dawon gave him the thumbs up. "It really fits her. Stay still so I can measure you. We may need just a little trim, but not too many alterations."
           She pulled out her measuring tape from her pocket and got to work.
           "Y/N, you're so gorgeous! You're like so perfect." the group of girls were cooing and praising you non-stop. It began feeling excessive and over-bearing. You shot a pleading look towards Jungkook, who nodded.
           "Um...Hoseok hyung, why don't we chat with everybody outside while they get fitted?" he suggested.
           "Sure. Let's all go?" Hoseok understood.
           Of course everyone happily followed the two handsome boys out of the room. You exhaled, feeling much more relaxed.
           "Some group of friends you have there." Dawon mused. "What do they gain by being close to you?"
           "I wish I knew." You chuckled.
           "And once upon a time, you wanted to be popular so bad." Yoongi emerged, still in his dress.
           "And once upon a time, you and Hoseok played like normal people." Dawon pointed at him. "I know I'm not supposed to ask questions, but this is the most ridiculous thing I've done for ya'll."
           "I'm sorry for the trouble." You frowned.
           "I just said it was ridiculous. I didn't say it wasn't any fun." she grinned. "You all keep me creative with your requests. You can go change. I'll measure the shrimp quickly."
           "What was that?!"
           "You heard me."
           "Say it to my face!"
           "Too bad I can't see it, it's too far down."
           You laughed at their bickering as you hurried to change out of your dress.
           Only to come to the same issue with your zipper. You grunted as you struggled to pull the fabric up to reach it better, but to no avail. You exhaled.
           "Need help?" Yoongi's amused voice echoed in the room.
           "Please." You sighed.
           "I'm coming in." he pulled the curtain slightly so that you two were in your changing room alone.
           "You changed already?" You blinked to find him back in his sweater and jeans.
           "Yeah. I thought you'd eventually be successful, but this is just sad." he grinned. "A little zipper doing you in."
           "It's a real tragedy." You shook your head.
           You did so and pulled your hair to the side to allow him better access to the zipper. The room suddenly became much warmer as he pulled the zipper down to free you. Both of you had forgotten that you weren't wearing anything underneath until the moment your skin was exposed.
           "Um...uh there you go." Yoongi rushed out hurriedly.
           You quickly changed back, and stepped out shyly.
           "L-let's go?"
           You nodded quietly and followed him.
           "You should bring those girls more often." Dawon smirked as she grabbed the dresses from you two.
           "Why?" You questioned.
           "They bought like half the dresses that my brother recommended to them." She chuckled.
           "Oh boy."
           "So anyways, I'll have everything ready the day of the dance. You can come back and pick it up around 5pm. I'll be here to get you all ready and made up." she smiled.
           "Perfect. Thank you." You bowed.
           "Anything for my favorite customers." Dawon waved. "Come again!"
           "Hoseok, Jungkook." You called out to them. "We're done!"
           "Sorry girls. I'll see you all at the dance!" Hoseok waved and suavely threw an arm around Yoongi. "Did I do well?"
           "I'm not sure if you were working or playing." Yoongi mumbled as you four stepped out into the streets.
           "Mmm both?" Hoseok grinned. "I got some info."
           "Most of the popular girls pick up the dresses all together then get ready at a specific salon together. And most of the other girls try to follow them so they can look just as rich and classy. And that they go all out with decorations, food, and music during these dances. The families try to outdo each other with donations as a sign of status, so all eyes are really on this event." Hoseok recounted.
           "Meaning that if something were to happen, it's likely these deaths will turn the school and their families upside down." You frowned.
           "Everyone's mentality is at their tipping point. If you take the one positive thing they're distracted on, their one glimmer of hope of normalcy, everything will snap." Hoseok snapped his fingers together. "And bam! Chaos."
           "And chaos would mean free reign to kill." Yoongi sighed. "No one would be looking for the killer anymore, and may end up just killing each other to survive."
           You shivered. "Let's hope it doesn't get there."
           Jungkook wrapped his sweater around your shoulders, and you smiled gratefully.
           "There's already been 5 victims." Hoseok sighed. "And if the person is referring to the novel...the total number of victims they're going for is..."
           "Ten." You breathed as you looked up at the sky. "But what'll happen after 10? Will they reveal it? Or will they continue elsewhere?"  
           Yoongi glanced at you sadly. "Let's hope it doesn't get that far."
           "It feels like the tides are going to turn." You frowned. "If something happens at this dance, the school will probably never be the same."
           "The whole team will be there. We won't let anything bad happen to anyone." Jungkook patted your head reassuringly.
           You smiled slightly and nodded.
           "Now, it's been awhile since we've all gathered. Let's have lunch then ice cream!" Hoseok cheered.
           "Ugh. It's so annoying. Like she's not even that pretty." the girls huffed as they waltzed into the ice cream shop.
           Jimin and Tae raised an eyebrow, recognizing Braids and the few who decided to wear their school uniforms during the weekend. Jimin pulled his shades over his eyes as he continued to scoop into the large sundae he and Tae were sharing.
           "Yeah, like doesn't it feel like Y/N was taunting us? I mean that smug smile while introducing her hott date, and when she came out in that dress, she was like so arrogant."
           "The color looked like vomit." someone snickered.
           Braids chuckled, "I mean yeah I know."
           "I thought you were close to her Braids? Why're you hanging out with us? It looked like you wanted to join their group instead."
           "No!" Braids waved her hand. "Of course not. I'm just nice to her. But now that she's gotten popular, she's starting to piss me off too."
           "Like we worked to become popular, and she got it overnight? Just because she caught a stupid ball? How ridiculous."
           "Do you know how much we got done to look this good?"
           Tae slurped his drink loudly, earning the girl's attention. Braids appeared to have recognized him and so they hurried to a table further away from them.
           "How awful." Jimin frowned.
           "Poor Y/N." Tae hummed.
           "She has us now. It's fine." Jimin shrugged.
           "More than us now." Tae smiled. "I'm happy."
           Jimin nodded, "Me too."
           "So when will you ask me to the dance?" Tae grinned.
           Jimin choked on his drink. "What?"
           "Y/N told me about what happened. When were you going to ask me?" Tae shrugged.
           "I mean uh casually?" Jimin chuckled. "I don't know. Did you even want to go?"
           "Jimin-ah." Tae called.
           "Let's go to the dance together."
           Jimin laughed, "Alright."
           Tae giggled.
           "They said they'll meet us here after lunch, right? It's been awhile since we've all just hung out." Jimin glanced at his phone.
           "Mhm." Tae swung his legs happily as he finished his strawberry smoothie. "I want another!"
           "That's your 3rd one, Tae."
           "Oh well ~" Tae skipped to the line happily.
           Jimin exhaled and shook his head, amused.
           The week flew by relatively quickly. Somehow, you and Yoongi came out at the top of your class academically despite not having paid attention too much. Then again, this was your second time repeating high school while the others were in their first run through. But apart from exams, the excitement of the dance coursed through everyone's veins. What had been morbid and solemn just weeks prior was once again lively and energetic.
           The day of the dance arrived and you waltzed into the Meijiwoo shop to pick up the dress in good spirits with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook at your side.
           "Oh good. We all came at the same time." Dawon arrived pulling her fashionable sunglasses above her head. "I thought I might be late since I was coming from a different store."
           "I'm sure we could've managed with Hoseok showing us around." Yoongi sassed.
           "Sure, squirt." She brushed off as she walked into her shop. "How did the pick-ups go?"
           "Bad news!" her workers rushed to her frantically. "Someone's dress was slashed!"
           Dawon squinted. "Whose?"
           "I-it was the green...one..." they hung their heads.
           Everyone glanced at you worriedly, and you suddenly started feeling very disheartened.
           "Did I not say to keep a special eye on that one?" Dawon scolded.
           "We're sorry!"
           "Did you find who did it?" she questioned.
           "We'll check the cameras."
           Dawon sighed as one of her workers handed her her coffee to appease her. "Luckily, I had an inkling something like this would happen. Come."
           "You thought something like this would happen?" Yoongi questioned.
           "If you've been in this business long enough, you start noticing trends of ill will and jealous as easily as breathing." Dawon explained.
           "There's been plenty of dress stealing and slashing."Hoseok commented. "Especially during prom season, or even brides who know each other."
           "My stores only sell very limited numbers of each style, so the competition and demand is very high." Dawon grinned. "But that's what makes the brand very desired. You're guaranteed to be unique."
            You smiled. She was so undeniably mature and chic, on top of being talented and passionate in her business.
           "Yoonji, go get changed. You'll be fairly easy to do hair and make-up on. Hoseok, go with her. Jungkook, Y/N, follow me to my studio in the back." She waved her hand. The two boys obeyed, while you and Jungkook glanced at each other and trailed behind her.
           "When I saw you in that dress, Y/N, I got inspired to design and make a new dress. I was going to wait for another special occasion to give it to you, but this is a good a time as any for its debut."
           "What?" You questioned, but you gasped when she opened the door to her studio and spotted a gorgeous dress on display.
           It was a beautiful, eye-catching Tiffany blue, and you couldn't take your eyes off of it.
           Dawon pressed a button and the glass case opened.
           "I figured you'd need to move more easily, so the skirt can be designed in various ways." she grinned proudly. "It looks like a high-low, but if you look at the back, there's still a lot of fabric that looks like a trail. If you detach it," she did so. "And wrap it around across your waist, it'll be a full length skirt with a leg slit. Or you can completely detach it to make it a short dress. For kicking ass. The extra fabric could be used as rope or a parachute or something."
           You covered your mouth. You were absolutely in love with it.
           "It's also fool proof and shock absorbent, so if you spill something, it won't stain and if someone hits you, it won't hurt as much." she winked. "AND" She lifted up the inside of the skirt to reveal pockets excitedly. "you can hide whatever you need in there."
           "This is AMAZING!" You breathed. "Thank you!"
           "You're like a little sister, Y/N. It's a shame to always be surrounded by boys and not being able to dress up so prettily." she smiled as she patted your cheek. "But now you can. This dress is one of a kind, just like you."
           You embraced her warmly. "I have no words."
           "It's a thank you for bringing life back to Yoongi again, and for always looking out for the pair." she muttered. "They're family, even though they're both a pain in the ass."
           You were about to ask her what she meant about bringing life about to Yoongi, but she shoved the dress into your arms without hesitation.
           "Now, we don't have much time. Get that on and then I have to do your hair and make-up. I have to pick out your accessories. " Dawon cackled as she floated out of the room. " I need to have that shrimp look shook, especially when dressed as he is. This will be gold!"
           Amused, you glanced at Jungkook, who picked up the dress easily for you, and you both hurried to the changing room.
           You entrusted yourself to Dawon for the next hour and a half as she did your hair and make-up on her own, ordering people here and there, and making decisions about your accessories. You wondered how the others were faring. Jungkook and Hoseok had disappeared to get into their tuxedos, while you hadn't heard about Yoongi since you walked into the shop. Hopefully, he didn't keel over from all the fussing.
           "My masterpiece." Dawon beamed as she stared at you, her face full of contentment and satisfaction.
           You blushed.
           "Take a look." She stepped away and gestured behind you. "Stand up, and stand tall."
           You shut your eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, you pushed yourself out of the chair and turned around to face the full length mirror. When your eyes opened, you were met with the shocked, gaping expression of Yoongi in front of you.
           "Yoonji! Get away! You're ruining her moment!" Dawon hissed as she snapped pictures of his face on her phone anyway.
           Hoseok snorted as his friend didn't register what his sister said, too busy gawking at you. You smiled shyly and looked down. Hoseok pulled him to the side so the mirror was free, and you gasped at your reflection. You were speechless.
           You were stunning. Yoongi had no other words in his vocabulary. Even if he did, his ability to speak apparently disappeared as soon as you turned around. He silently cursed Dawon, because she had made it so much harder to protect you from the lustful stares of hormonal teenage boys, and made it ten times more difficult to calm his racing heart.
           "Well, come on. There are 3 people in this room, and no one is giving compliments." Dawon mentioned.
           Hoseok shoved Yoongi forward.
           "Shit Hoseok." Yoongi glared back at his friend, but then he glanced forward, your expectant face staring at him, and he got timid. "It...You...you look breath-taking."
           Your lips curled up. "You don't look bad yourself."
           Yoongi pouted. He wished he wasn't dressed like a female so you would take him a bit more seriously.
           "Good thing you're dressed like that." You chuckled as you looked back at the mirror and fiddled with your dress.
           "Why?" he asked.
           "I might've been charmed by your compliment." You grinned.
           Yoongi's lips curled up. So did that mean he had a chance if he did it seriously next time?
           "Namjoon's here with the limo. Let's go." Hoseok glanced at his watch.
           "It's still a bit ridiculous that everyone lives on campus, but they're coming into the building in limos and carriages." You snorted.
           "Rich people." Yoongi shook his head.
           "Be careful." Dawon waved. "And have fun."
           "I can't thank you enough." You grabbed her hands warmly.
           "All I want is for you all to come back safely." She squeezed your hands. "Okay?"
           "We will." You smiled.
           Without missing a step, you all piled into the limo, in which Namjoon was already an occupant. He beamed as you gathered into the vehicle.
           "You all look very handsome and beautiful." he complimented.
           "Thanks." Everyone replied.
           "Here are the new weapons. Arm yourselves." Namjoon handed each of you a sack.
           "The words I love hearing. New weapons." You grinned as you inspected each of them before carefully storing them in your skirt or in your leg holsters.
           "So I can't stress enough how critical tonight will be. It is likely they will try to pull through multiple murders today. We have to be mindful of everyone and everything. Luckily, most of the team will be on site, so it'll be easier to scan the perimeter without looking paranoid." Namjoon took out another bag. "And here are the new ear pieces. This time, there's a button to signal danger, just in case you aren't allowed to speak. And if you press twice, we can listen into the conversation. Priority is safety. Don't engage with the murderer, but protect the victims discreetly. We can't expose our skill set and our identities. And they can't theirs. So if the lights malfunction, Tae made these automatic night vision contacts, so everyone put them on."
           Namjoon gave you all time to do so before proceeding.
           "Again, try to save people as natural and as unskillfully as possible." he instructed.
           "Like save them...without looking like you're saving them?"
           "Yes. More or less, if they attack at the dance, they'll have something to combat the darkness too, so as clearly as you can see them, they can see us."
           "Ah. If we're seen kicking ass, it'll be obvious that we're not just mere students." Hoseok restated.
           "This is going to be difficult indeed." Hoseok hummed.
           "We can do it." You claimed confidently. "We're all the agency's top students. If we can't pull it off, who can?"
           The others nodded and smiled.
           "Stay safe team." Namjoon saluted, and you all returned the gesture as the limo pulled up in front of the school.
           It was time.
           Yoongi grinned widely as he watched you turn heads from behind as the four of you made your way up the stairs towards the building. But as always, you didn't notice, too busy nervously chatting with Jungkook and trying not to trip on your heels to care. He should've flaunted you like that in high school. He should've been more proud to be with you. He should've --
           "If you stare any longer, lasers are gonna shoot out of your eyeballs and into the back of her head." Hoseok chuckled.
           Yoongi relaxed. "Ha-ha."
           "So I see you're still kicking yourself because you just realized how stupid you were in the past." Hoseok grinned.
           "Why didn't you tell me?" Yoongi pursed his lips, annoyed.
           "I did. Multiple times. I said 'You're stupid for letting her go. You're stupid for saying that. You're stupid for not apologizing. You're an idiot.' and you said 'I don't give a shit. I don't give a fuck.'"
           Yoongi sighed.
           "But you know, everything has its time." Hoseok smiled. "Don't dwell too much on what happened or what will happen, and just focus on the time that's given to you right now."
           "Too bad, I'm not in the proper attire to go and woo her at this second."
           "Okay well, maybe not exactly right now. It's not the right time." Hoseok's eyes twinkled. "But don't wait too long like you did in high school, and like you did when she walked out of your life."
           "Yeah, yeah. You keep saying that."
           "I've just seen you dude. Those years weren't pretty." Hoseok teased.
           "Shut up." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
           "Wow..." You breathed, garnering their attention as you all stepped into the Grand Hall, fully decorated in shimmering gold and crystal decorations. You tightened your hold on Jungkook's arm. "Oh my gosh! Look at the buffet!"
           "That's the first thing I said too." Jin appeared, chuckling. "You look very beautiful, Y/N."
           You smiled, "You look very dashing as well, Mr. Kim."
           "I know." Jin grinned. "Anyway, before enjoying festivities, I need you to sign in so we can make sure we have the proper headcount tonight."
           "Sure thing." You grabbed the clipboard and pen from him to sign in then passed it to Yoonji.
           Hoseok turned his head away, but Jin's stare lingered on him for a few seconds before turning back to you. It didn't miss your keen eye though.
           "Enjoy the evening everyone! Help yourselves to appetizers." Jin waved and hurried to the next few students from your homeroom that had arrived.
           "Do you know each other?" You asked Hoseok.
           "Well, I visited Yoongi at school so I bumped into him a couple of times. Then I danced on the side during college and we met a few times at competitions."
           "Was he good?" You were curious. "I've never seen him dance."
           "I can't say I remember..." Hoseok hummed.
           "Oh my gosh! Y/N!" Braids gasped. "You changed your dress! What happened?"
           Yoongi stepped in front of you defensively.
           "Why do you think something happened?"
           Braids was a bit taken aback. "I... I meant what happened as in why she changed her dress is all."
           You lay a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "There was some damage on it, so she kindly gave me another one."
           "Well this one's definitely ten times more beautiful." she complimented, tracing the skirt playfully. "I'm jealous! You look so pretty!"
           "Thanks." you smiled.
           "Hi Jungkook. Hi Hoseok." she greeted. "Hi Yoonji. Oh, here comes Prez. Hi Prez!"
           You perked up and spun around in time to see him approaching your group.
           "Hey." he smiled, eyes focused intently on you before scanning to everyone else. "You all look very charming."
           "You as well." You bowed. "This is my date Jungkook, and Yoonji's date, Hoseok."
           "Nice to meet you boys. I'm the Student Council President." he shook their hands.
           He seemed to hesitate on asking you something, so you answered knowingly.
           "I have it."
           He looked surprised you had read his mind, but his lips curled up contently. "Good. Please take good care of it."
           You nodded.
           "I'll see you around throughout the night. Enjoy the party!" he scurried to greet the Librarian happily.
           "Mr. Park!" You turned, immediately recognizing the voice, and waved. "Inspector Kim!"
           The two waltzed towards the group in well fitted suits, earning many glances their way.
           "Woww! Let me see. Do a spin for me!" Tae beamed happily, forgetting his place, but you appeased him anyway. "I love it! You look so pretty ~"
           "Thank you. You two cleaned up nicely too. "You grinned, feeling at ease finally seeing your two best friends together and being able to talk candidly for once.
           For a few minutes, you all chatted warmly as people trickled in. It wasn't until Namjoon was heard in everyone's ear pieces that you were brought back to reality.
           "Assume positions everyone. It's go time."
           And so the night proceeded smoothly. Everyone danced, mingled, ate food, and danced some more. You kept an eye out for any suspicious activity, but none of the staff members left the premises. You spotted the Counselor keeping the English Teacher company by the buffet the entire time. It seemed like she was talking his ear off, but he was kind enough to continue listening. Jin was being bothered constantly for pictures from students, but he obliged happily. He occasionally jumped into groups and danced cutely, which the students absolutely loved. Prez oddly looked tense and vigilant, but would converse or dance with whoever approached him. You thought to yourself that maybe...just maybe the night would go without any difficulties.
           But as soon as you finished that thought, the lights flickered. You had time to catch Yoongi's worried expression directed at you from across the room before you were all completely plunged into complete darkness.
           Piercing screams were heard throughout the hall, and your eyes scanned for movement, to find that there were a lot of people moving.
           Students were going around shoving people down. But why?
           You followed the closest student's trajectory, and pretended to stumble into a chair, forcing it to fly forward, colliding with the shadow.
            "Someone's touching me!"
           "Who's shoving?"
           "Get off me!"
           Sounds of irritated and distraught students began flooding the place. Crashes were heard here and there, and you prayed those sounds were because the others doing what they could to keep their protection inconspicuous. You saw Jungkook grab the tablecloth as he pretended to stumble and look for something to grip, whipping it back to hit one of the rebels in the face. You reached out for his arm as a gesture that he did well.
           Yoongi, on the other hand, was crawling on the floor, causing the others to trip and stumble over as they tried to make their rounds of bullying in the dark. Jimin and Tae had knocked over some of the food to make it harder to move around quickly. Hoseok was going around waving his hand in front of him, as if he was feeling out the darkness, and moving people out of the way to protect them, in the pretense that he was trying to find Yoonji. That certainly threw off the students who weren't used to seeing in the dark. It seemed they had mapped out everyone's locations prior to the darkness, and used that to guide them.  
           Why was this happening?
           There was a shriek heard and the lights flickered on at that exact moment. Within the few minutes of darkness, the entire hall was vandalized and trashed. Students were either on the floor or clutching their partners out of fear. You glanced around worriedly.
           "Counselor!" the English Teacher called out again.
           The Counselor had blood trickling from his head.
           Jimin hurried over immediately, "What happened?"
           "Someone hit him with something. I heard the crash and he faltered. I panicked." The English Teacher cried. "Will he be alright?"
           "S-someone help, please!" The Librarian was weeping, and you realized it was her that had shrieked last.
           You ran over and gasped. "Mr. Park, Inspector Tae!"
           The two rushed over at your urgent call.
           Writhing on the floor, with a knife plunged into his side was the Student Council President.
           "He rushed in front of me and I heard an odd noise and I knew something was off. Then he collapsed. I just-I just...how did he get here?" the Librarian cried as she felt the Prez's body frantically. "Is he? Is he?"
           Prez coughed and smiled weakly. "I'm alive. I'm okay."
           "I don't think having a knife in gut is being alright." You knelt down.
           "Team. Suspicious activity going on in the hallway. Unidentified person spotted among other students who were in attendance at the dance. One student had blood on his hands."
           You glanced down at the knife covered in blood, feeling your skin crawl.
           "Hey look! There's a trail of blood going to the hallway!" One of the students mentioned. "We can catch the culprit if we follow it! Let's go!"
           A few of the students began gathering hurriedly to make their way out of the hall.
           "Y/N." Prez whispered.
           "What?" You leaned down.
           "There's going to be two. I stopped one. But another person will be a victim." he breathed. "Please."
           "Are you sure?"
           He nodded and coughed.
           Jimin and Tae were hurriedly working to bandage his wounds and stop the bleeding. The Librarian had already called the ambulance and was still blubbering worriedly. You gulped and stood up.
           "Hey, someone's wearing all black in the hallway and running around!" a student pointed. "Let's get them!"
           "Wait--" you were about to call out as you marched towards the group. But then you heard a snapping noise above from where you stood. You glanced up and gasped as you saw the chandelier loosening.
           "Jimin, Tae!" You called out, and they immediately shielded the Prez and Librarian.
           "Y/N! Get out of there!" Yoongi bellowed.
           You shut your eyes; it was too late to will yourself to move. But suddenly, you felt yourself being propelled away from your spot by a heavy force. Hearing the loud crash, but not feeling anything, you opened your eyes curiously.
           "Jin?" You breathed as you realized he was laying on top of you, cradling your head carefully.
           He smiled wryly. "You shouldn't just stand and stare at chandeliers falling on you silly."
           You exhaled in relief. "How many times has that been now?"
           "That you saved me." You chuckled.
           "I think 2 or 3...but who's counting?" he grinned as he pried himself off of you.
           "Kids, don't chase the stranger without any adults!" The Principal and Vice Principal chased after the crowd of students running out, full of confidence that they could chase the killer.
           "They're decoys." Namjoon spoke into your earpieces.
           Jin helped you up, and you immediately glanced at your team members with a curt nod. It would have to be divide and conquer.
           "Treat the injured." Tae patted Jimin's hand. "And keep an eye out for the people here. I'll go with them."
           "Be careful." Jimin frowned.
           "You too."
           Prez coughed, and Jimin applied more pressure to the wound, praying the ambulance would come in time.
           Quickly, you adjusted your skirt so you could move around with more ease. You silently praised Dawon for her consideration.
           "I'll come with you, Y/N." Jin grabbed your hand. "Let me come."
           You stared at him worriedly. "Are you sure?"
           He nodded.
           You turned to your date for the night, who was waiting for your instructions.
           "Let's go then, Jungkook, Jin."
           The three of you hurried out of the hall and made a right, while Hoseok and Yoongi made a left.
           "Okay, so tell me, why are people chasing AFTER the killer?" Jin questioned. "Aren't we supposed to be running AWAY?"
           "Probably because everyone wants to stop this kind of anxiety from happening again. They want to end this for good." You answered.
           Jin nodded understandably.
           "I do have to confess, Jin." You clenched your fists. "I've trained in martial arts."
           "Oh?" Jin blinked. "Why this confession all of a sud--"
           People dressed in all black with their faces covered sprung out of adjacent classrooms, and you immediately began punching, kicking, and flipping them to the ground. Jungkook was trying to hold back his strength, carefully trying not to injure anybody. Jin panicked and threw out a punch gently at someone who came close to him. You chuckled, and proceeded to side-kick them away.
           "Good hit, Mr. Kim."
           He shook his head, amused. "I try."
           "Everyone. They're not decoys. They're all disappearing into one place. They're leading everyone there." Namjoon spoke in panic.
           "Where?" You heard Yoongi's voice ask.
           "To the Science Room."
           Your stomach dropped.
           The freezers.
           Jungkook finished off the rest of the accomplices, and you all ran towards the Science Room.
           The daunting realization that you were no longer dealing with just one or two murderers in the school, but more than a handful of accomplices, terrified you greatly. You temporarily willed yourself to shake those thoughts away for now, and pushed your legs to take you where you needed to be.
           When you arrived, a large crowd had gathered. You noticed all the staff members were present, even the Counselor, who had his head injury covered with a gauze pad for the time being. The Science Teacher was at the front of the crowd, looking seemingly flabbergasted that his classroom had become the gathering place. The trail of blood entered the room, and made its way into his office. Your heart raced as you pushed yourself to the front of the crowd, where you spotted Tae, Yoongi, and Hoseok looking disgusted and shocked.
           "What happened?" You breathed.
           Tae closed his eyes and shook his head.
           "Don't come here, Y/N." Yoongi frowned.
           "Why? Who is it?" You slowly moved forward, following the trail of blood to the opened door of the Science Teacher's office.
           "Y/N." Yoongi grabbed your arm tightly. "Don't go in."
           Your gaze fell to the end of the blood trail and into the fully opened freezer, containing a mutilated body, stuffed carelessly inside. The blood was fresh and still dripping down, creating a pool at the bottom of the container. Your hand covered your mouth to stop you from throwing up as you spotted the head of the body.
           Staring back at you was your very first friend in this high school, Braids. 
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cheetahleopard · 7 years
I was tagged by @frenchibi THank YOU!!
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
what makes you feel alive? Haikyuu!!, my friends, liminal spaces, the way stars poke holes of light in the dark sky, so many little things, The comments I get, the tags, the asks. Every small touch from my friends, every smile I can coax out of someone
how long has it been since you laughed until you cried? This morning I went to bed at 5am. By that time I was the only one up and the night was getting to me, and I felt I could conquer the world. Then I laughed. I laughed until I cried because it was just me in my elation and freedom.
what’s your comfort song, the one you go to when you need to feel you’re not alone? This is a tough one. I actually have a few playlists I made on spotify that I circle through, as well as songs with a lot of bass when I want to forget the world. I have individual playlists for each ship I can find more than one song for, and one list of ship songs.
how many books have you read? Damn, by now somewhere in the thousands or even millions; not even counting fics. Counting fics easily in the millions
tag someone whose work (art, writing, edits etc.) you love! So many people (in no particular order)... @painpackerrisingsun @dgalerab @mooifyourecows @frenchibi @nightshade002 @fairylights101writes @fragile-euphoria @puddingcatbae @ryekamasaki @nihui-223art @notsuchasecret @ezzydean @gezeit @budsnblooms @askvolleyballers @ichigomaniac @SO MANY PEOPLE BUT TAGGING IS BEGINING TO GIVE ME A HEADACHE I’M SORRY (also everyone I tagged here is everyone I tag to do this! If you want to ofc!!)
do a small unexpected favor for someone - buy someone flowers, offer to help with housework, tell a friend something that reminds you of them. How did they react? I kindof did this before going through the questions so I’m not sure if it counts but I’m too lazy to get up... BUT ANYWAYS I offered to help my friend with all the papers she needs another opinion on for school and she’s super happy about it!!
do you like writing letters? I do!! I don’’t really have anything further to say about this one...
do you smile at strangers? Oh Yes!! All the time.
would you commission fanart or fanfics? HELL YES I am just,,, v v broke.
what’s your favorite hot beverage? Hmmmmm TEA OR COCOA OR COFFEE?!?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE?? It depends on my mood, the color of the room, the last thing/time I ate, the season, SO MANY THINGS
what color is your favorite to wear?  I love Seijoh colors and they look good on me. Also 98% of my clothes are black but I only have on plain (that is, no print on in) black shirt. I WAS ALSO TAGGED BY @ichivamp THANK YOU!! 1. choose one superpower   I don’t really feel that I need more than I have... But ig I’ll stick with shapeshifting as my answer. 2. what did you want to be when you were young? I honestly am not sure... I’ve kind of always wanted to go into psychology so yeah! 3. favourite mythical creature? Myself ofc!! Jk Jk I guess,,,, I’ve always been on good terms with the idea of Kitsunes?? 4. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well I’m trans and I would have to say my body. 5. which song can you listen over and over again without getting bored?  Good old fashion loverboy or elephant love medley. 6. whats the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 3 days. It was a dark time.. 7. do you have any pets? *slams hands on table* I WANT A CAT SO BAD 8. favorite season and why? My favorite season would be the blurred border between fall and winter!! 9. is there anyone you would sacrifice yourself for?  My friends, and Haikyuu!!. In a heartbeat. 10. favourite social network?  I might get shit for this but the only one I really even use is tumblr 11. whats your favourite quote?  I... Damn I don’t think I have one. Whenever I think of quotes that make me happy,,, they’re all from fics hehe. And now for my questions!! 1: Tag as many of your favorite lesser-known creators as possible, with a piece of their work and what you liked about it. 2: Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like? 3: How old were you when you started content creating?  4: How far do you think you’ve come since that point, and, if you want, how long did it take you to get there? 5: Who in your life do you love? It doesn’t have to be romantic. 6: Who would you live for? 7: To you is eternal life a blessing or a curse? 8: Would you commission a writer/artist? Why/why not? Who? 9: You have 3 chances at life. Where do you start? 10: Your house is on fire and every living thing is out, what do you run back in to save? (3-6 items depending on size) 11: What is the last moment of your life like in your eyes? (Ie: Is it death? Is it the moment your love leaves you? Is it when your freedom is taken away? Is it a peaceful scene? (write/draw this one if you want =D))
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memekingjrsupreme · 7 years
Ask Away Anonymously Or Not.                        (◕‿◕✿) All My Asks I Answered On My Blog Deleted, So I Decided To Make An Ask Meme Thingyy.
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? Closed, ain't no monster gonna get these feets.
(2) Do You Have Freckles? No, but most of my family does.
(3) Can You Whistle? Hell yeah, my only talent. I can whistle in and out too, I do a bomb ambulance impression.
(4) Last Song You Listened To. Brown Eyes by Lady Gaga I think.
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? Blue, Green, Orange. I don’t really like red or yellow, the rest are just okay.
(6) Relationship Status. Single but not wanting to mingle ;)
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? Cold? Like 68 degrees maybe (Fahrenheit because America is the only real country)?
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? Waking up makes me cranky, but I’m also sick so probably.
(9) How Many Followers? Only 204 rn, I don’t post content so whatchu expect (shoutout to all those pornbots following me).
(10) Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? Bluey-green
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? I have some vitamin c chew things, but they kinda make me gag.
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? If people aren’t home, or I can close all doors to ensure they can’t hear me.
(14) What Books Are You Reading? I can’t read.
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. I don’t have any books other than my yearbooks in my room.
(16) Favourite Anime? I’ve only seen one, so it’d have to be Cory in the House.
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? My dogs? I don’t really cry unless I’m thinking about stuff late at night so.
(18) Do You Collect Anything? I really like figures like of any kind so like I’m one of the only people I feel that likes Funko Pop.
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? Nothing, I woke up at like 12pm and I can’t cook well.
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? Not really, I sing though (I can’t drive so its only with other people).
(21) Favourite Animal? I literally would love to meet any animal ever, but I’ve always had a special place for dogs and elephants.
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? Whom?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? 2 am is the max I really do anymore, usually around midnight.
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? Full face obviously (jk).
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I don’t swim, but probably ocean since there’s some good sea boys up in there.
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? You’re all my friends and babies, but Otterlycrete since I tagged her ;) (how can you pick favorites though)
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? Bottled unless I can have it from a filter.
(28) What Makes You Happy? Animals, family, friends, memes, graphic design (its my passion).
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. Too lazy.
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With, otherwise I space out and don’t do anything.
(31) Dogs Or Cats? All animals are good, but I really love doggos.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Black. It’s dependable and adds structure to pictures.
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. No. I really only use my computer.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? This feels very similar to the other question, but lake or ocean to see swimmy animal bois.
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yes, as well as life after love.
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? Black
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yeah
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Hnnnng, spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Mmyes, the merch of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? I only really get obsessed over music and albums, right now I’ve been listening to things like “The Fame” (as a good throwback), “Rainbow”, and “Poppy.Computer”.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Yes.
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, I definitely second guess things if someone says something but I’m usually strong in my decisions.
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? I had a dream about being in kindergarten and playing with penguins and an elephant last night.
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don’t like the idea of them, but I’m fine with being on them.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Hidden Figures or Selena, both are ones I watched/rewatched recently.
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Lana Del Rey, Marina and the Diamonds, Poppy, Katy Perry (again), pretty much anyone except T*ylor Sw*ft.
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? I don’t eat meat so yes I suppose.
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Kind of, things wake me up but I usually don’t care enough to stay awake.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Love storms
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? Depends on what I’m reading, I like the idea of writing but not actually doing it because it makes me feel self conscious.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah, as long as I’m not bothering people.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Probably carve pumpkins because I suck at wrapping stuff.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Body Electric by Lana Del Rey (issa bop)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Winter (the best season).
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? Nothing? Maybe the tofu from this one place (it's amazing), but idk.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Too Lazy (again).
(58) What Is Your Gender? I’m boy
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Both, those are my two favorite drinks how dare you pit them against each other.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? Yes. I gotta make some posters for a digital design class, but will I? No.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m not really into anyone in a very sexual way, I’d say I’m asexual. I’d rather be in a relationship with a guy though.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? No, its easier to get back into once I’ve decided I don’t want to face the realities of the modern world if I don’t make it.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Arcanine? Charizard? Sceptile? Gardevoir? I love a LOT of them.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Twitter cause its like I’m friends with celebrities ;)
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I don’t use Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick? If I’m away for a little sure, I’m living at home before I go off to school so.
(67) Are You A Virgin? If you’re asking if I have a virgen de guadalupe candle, then yes.
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Some random stuff, it smells dank though.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? I’d go sleep in a car rn, idk why but I actually really don’t mind it. Maybe it's the cold or something.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yep.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Coco, it looks great :)
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? WHOMST’VE?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “Pushing my ex husband off of his own balcony has been the highlight of my day.” - Joanne the Scammer
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Not really that they’re sexy but I like blue eyes, brown eyes, idk they’re all nice.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I could take it or leave it both now and then.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Soup and salad.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Only Magikarp Jump and ACPC.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? Who would just watch and let someone die…. What kind of question is this.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Of course, I’m a hooligan.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Not really, maybe a person I thought was familiar and wanted to verify.
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Not really, unless its someone I’ve heard of beforehand.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. No, they give me anxiety (what if I lose them).
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? 100% always closed, I’m not trying to have someone watch me while I sleep.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? Classwork, listened to music, played video games (lazy day).
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and shorts (I can’t wear long pants and I’d never sleep without some type of clothing).
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m ugly, what are those.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night, its way more calm.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. Oh honey…. To many to name (my favorites are Overwatch, WoW, Smite, BattleRite, etc).
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I once dreamed I was in an 8-bit arcade game a few years ago, nothing topped that one.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Dr. Pepper?
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I don’t understand this, but like animals and music I guess.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Sweats, jeans remind me too much of where I live.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? A mess, sis.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Family (sometimes, friends (sometimes), animals, games, music, rain, snow, nighttime.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? A lyric/quote from the song “Spaceship” by Kesha. “Nothing is real, love is everything, and I know nothing.” or some variation of that.
(96) Favourite YouTuber? EthosLab, Xisumavoid (even though I don’t really care about playing minecraft), I also really like Jaymes Mansfield.
If any of you wanna do this, feel free :)
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solarbird · 7 years
oh why not, let’s answer this in character
"Hey, luv! Venom here."
1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
"Tea. A nice tippy assam, with one sugar, and milk." [OOC: actually true IRL, too]
2. Where was your profile picture taken?
"Oh bloody hell, I'm not sure. Not Numbani. Not Oasis. The Temple of Anubus? I think there. Somewhere hot."
3. Worst pain you've ever experienced?
"The Slipstream. No question."
4. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
"Really laugh? Amélie, at Bakeoven. Not sayin' why, a proper lady don't kiss and tell."
5. How late did you stay up last night?
"About 2am. We work a lot of nights, y'know."
6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?
"We move 'round a lot already! Alicudi's probably my favourite place in the whole world. But Norway's nice too!"
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
"'Who's ready for some fireworks?' has more than one meaning, luv." ◕‿◕
8. Which of your Facebook friends lives closest to you?
"Wot's Facebook?"
9. How do you feel about turkey burgers?
"That some American thing? Sounds awful!"
10. When was the last time you cried?
"D'ya ever cry when you're happy? I do."
11. Who took your profile photo?
"Amé, pretty sure."
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
"People in our line of work try to avoid pictures, y'know. But we took a group shot at Overwatch HQ a few days ago - so... most of the crew!"
13. What's your favourite season?
"Depends where I am! Alicudi, spring. London, Norway - summer. Dorado? Absolutely midwinter."
14. If you could have any career.
"What's better than bein' a happy assassin? Nothin'!"
fighter pilot
15. Do you think relationships are ever worth it?
16. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be?
"Jack Morrison? But mostly, I'd let the bullets do the talking."
17. Are you a good influence?
"Define 'good.' I mean, I like t'think so. I believe in what we're doin', or I wouldn't be doin' it."
18. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
"May as well ask, does pizza belong on pineapple, if y'ask me, and no. Barmy questions."
19. You have the remote, what channel are you watching?
"I never have the remote. Amélie's the media junkie, not me."
20. Who do you think will fill this out?
"Amélie might. Hey, Amélie!"
"Come do this meme!"
"C'mon, it's fun."
"You are serious? Really?"
"Yeh, c'mon, play along."
"We are on a mission."
"With nothin' to do for another two hours."
"I am planning."
"You're always planning, love. C'mon, I already did it."
The elder assassin sighed. "Oh, very well."
1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
"Why is this asking about our sex lives?"
Venom giggled. "Other than that, love."
Widowmaker waved her hands. "I... the tip of my pen." She chews objects when she is nervous and cannot shoot anything.
2. Where was your profile picture taken?
"London. A rooftop in King's Row."
3. Worst pain you've ever experienced?
"I do not want to talk about this."
4. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
She scrolls up to see what Lena said. "You told them about Bakeoven?!"
Venom grinned, widely. "Nooooooo... well, nothin' specific."
"Oh, you horrible woman," Widowmaker chortled. "Well, I suppose you, then. Right now."
5. How late did you stay up last night?
"I fell asleep at 2:05am."
6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?
"I would never stay in one place for too long a period of time. It is unnecessarily dangerous, and I enjoy the travel. But if I had to pick one place, to stay, and were it safe to do so - Alicudi, Italy."
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
Amélie smirked. "Let's just say that 'who's ready for some fireworks?' has more than one meaning, n'est-ce pas?"
8. Which of your Facebook friends lives closest to you?
"What is Face Book?" the blue assassin asked, confused.
"I looked it up! Turns out, some old social network on the old internet."
"...why would anyone ask about that?"
"Turns out, it's still around! Mostly old people, tho'."
"Huh." She shrugged, and moved to the next question.
9. How do you feel about turkey burgers?
"Americans," she said, dismissively.
10. When was the last time you cried?
She smiled at Venom. "My second wedding day."
"Aw, luv."
11. Who took your profile photo?
"Sombra. I considered killing her, but it came out well."
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
"I let Lena take a selfie of the two of us at the beach last month."
"Larache was wizard."
"It's as cool a summer as I've ever seen there, and one of my favourite beaches. I was glad you were able to enjoy it."
13. What's your favourite season?
14. If you could have any career.
"Other than the one I have? I... can't imagine any such thing."
15. Do you think relationships are ever worth it?
16. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be?
"It's okay, love."
17. Are you a good influence?
"Oh, no," the assassin giggled. "Absolutely not."
18. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
"Get out of my house."
19. You have the remote, what channel are you watching?
"All of them."
20. Who do you think will fill this out?
"I just did... ah, you mean, who else. I do not know. Someone else waiting before they can begin working, I suppose."
Widowmaker leaned back from the console. "That was more diverting than I anticipated."
"Thanks, love."
"Mostly because you were here."
"Aw. Love you too."
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