#as in like pilots and cargo crew etc
rpgchoices · 3 months
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from THE SYMBIANT
Gay visual novel, male protagonist
Visual novel, not a lot of choices, dialogue is voiced (characters are voiced, narration is not voiced)
This is a mature and explicit game, tho most of the scenes are actually skipped/fade to black (on steam, the censored version)
To play the uncensored version you'll have to install the free adult patch from steam or from itch io (here)
There are only four characters in the whole game
The story is set in a future where humans and different aliens species live together in peace, and going to different planets is as simple and casual as going on holiday to the sea
You play as Danya, a cargo ship pilot who accepts Brahve (an alien) as a passenger
Both Danya and Brahve use he/him
The only three characters are Danya (you), Brahve (your love interest) and Juni (your friend and other crew member on the ship)
There is some nice dialogue that sets the world, with a lot about plants, foods, cultures, kink, polyamory, relationships etc.
Also Juni is a lesbian
And Brahve is canonically polyamorous
The story is mainly about Brahve's secret (he is hiding something) and the attraction between Danya and Brahve
Not much angst in the story
There are three endings: good, okay and very bad
I will add some more points under spoilers, as I will spoil Brahve's secret:
Brahve's species is weak to different diseases when they travel outside their planet, but Brahve (who is a scientist) has found a plant-like-tentacle creature who can help him. Him and this creature are in a symbiosis relationship
The creature (Oatith) communicates through feelings and is sustained by having sex (also Brahve uses he/him for him)
The main core plot of the game is that Danya (your character) needs to come to terms with Brahve having this symbiotic creature in his life, and accepting to be part of it
The game also talks about kink and d/s (ex. impact play and recognizing tentacles as an actual kink)
Be careful that in a route the game has a scene with consensual-non-consent
If you install the adult patch you will get extra nsfw skippable scenes, which are also voiced
plot? Brahve is a new passenger on Danya and Juni's ship but he is hiding some strange plant. The whole plot revolves around the attraction between Brahve and Danya and Brahve's mysterious symbiont. gameplay? Minimal choices, to be honest I felt like most of the choices had no consequences if not a few at the end. Visual novel. characters? 3, 4 if you count the symbiont but his personality is kind of hidden sadness level? low
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baronneutron · 2 months
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PT-19 Patrol Bomber
Concept: A Star Wars version of a B-17 (or B-24 or B-25) combined with a PT Boat built by Koensayr Manufacturing. A Purpose built bomber of similar size to a light freighter with a crew of a dozen or so, very little free space.  Its a Fast Attack Vessel with a primary role of bombing and assault with secondary roles as Recon, SAR, and as a Picket ship.  The goal was to make something that looked as little like a Corellian ship as possible. 
One of the key concepts is that this is purpose built, it is not a modified or converted light freighter.  The backstory I have in mind is that it is created by Koensayr Manufacturing, but that perhaps its major sub-contractor was SoroSuub and after the first line was produced there was a breakdown in the contract between the two companies.  For this reason, there aren't many of these, but perhaps the talented and innovative engineers of the Rebel Alliance got their hands on the plans and have been able to produce some more.  However, these are expensive to build and maintain, so they are fairly rare yet highly sought after by Rebel leaders.  These ships are over-powered and over-gunned and take a talented crew to maintain and operate. 
Weapon systems and equipment include:   - 6 Quad Laser Cannons (tail, nose, dorsal, ventral, port, and starboard)  - Proton Bomb system (like the TIE Bomber)  - Either Concussion Missiles or Proton Torpedoes (forward facing)  - An Ion Cannon (forward facing)  - an excellent ComScan suite  - On board is perhaps a medstation (but not a full medbay), tight packed quarters, some storage but not alot of space for extra cargo, a small crew "lounge" which serves for dining and recreation
Crew Compliment of 12:  - Pilot/Capt (1): Experienced pilot and leader; an Officer  - Co-Pilot/XO (1): also an experienced pilot and leader just typically less experienced than the Captain; an Officer  - Tactical (1): experienced warrior to coordinate all weapons; a Warrant Officer  - Bombardier (1) : the most important position on the ship, the whole reason it exists; an experienced Petty Officer  - Quartermaster (1): Astrogation assistant, ship systems control, Comm-Scan, Damage Control, loadmaster; an experienced Petty Officer  - Engineer (1): ship's engineer, backed up by the Quartermaster and gunners in emergencies; an experienced Petty Officer  - Gunners (6): all have a 2nd position: asst. engineer, asst. bombardier, damage control, medic, etc; Junior Enlisted - Petty Officers
Commissioned by me; art by Colourbrand
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I've been on a slight classic Disney TV Animation kick.
I'm talking mid-1980s to early 1990s era DTVA... The era of DUCKTALES, CHIP N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS, TALESPIN, DARKWING DUCK, etc. I loved these shows as a kid, as I caught the many re-runs of them on Toon Disney in the late '90s when staying over my grandparents' house during the summer days before my mum got home from work.
And the funny thing is, when reading up on these shows and their histories... If a ton of these shows were being made today? I think they'd be met with a lot of doubt and skepticism on the Internet...
Like... "TALESPIN? Wtf is this? JUNGLE BOOK characters as cargo pilots in an INDIANA JONES-esque adventure setting? Chip and Dale lookin' like Indiana Jones and Magnum P.I.? Trying too hard to be relevant and cool. So dated! A Disney cartoon about Gummi Bears??? A candy??? Disney is totally out of ideas, man-"
And yet, the fledgling division - a brainchild of the newly-arrived CEO Michael Eisner, who saw that Disney had long barely contributed to the world of episodic television animation - went through with these shows circa 1985-1993... They came out, kids and audiences watched them, they all did very well, are fondly-remembered favorites of American animation's 2nd Golden Age. The early batch of shows arguably changed the game for TV animation in the states, which was by then soaked in toy commercials and cliche kidvid stuff.
And I almost get the feeling that once the Golden Age went full-throttle with the advent of THE SIMPSONS, Nickelodeon's "Nicktoons", Warner Animation's offerings (many of which involving Steven Spielberg!), MTV's groundbreaking adult cartoons, and many more, Disney TV Animation did have some re-routing. The early '90s was a kind of weird era for them, when they put out shows like BONKERS, RAW TOONAGE, and THE SCHNOOKUMS AND MEAT FUNNY CARTOON SHOW. The game was changing fast, and soon they were wowing once more with the likes of GARGOYLES, and venturing into other territory with shows like PEPPER ANN. They'd get creators of shows that were hits on other networks, such as Paul Germain from RUGRATS, who co-created RECESS with Joe Ansolabehere, who had previously worked on another iconic Nick show, HEY ARNOLD!
Kinda makes me think of where Disney Animation has been for a bit these past few years, in an era where the mainstream feature animation game is changing fast. And how! And it's not that what they do is bad or - as largely insufferable people say - "mid". Release something like ENCANTO or RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON or even STRANGE WORLD in 2015, it'd be praised, most people would be in agreement, "Yeah, another strong entry from the revitalized WDAS." Of course, RAYA and ENCANTO enjoyed solid reviews and excellent streaming results, and STRANGE WORLD even got pretty passing grade reviews (whereas something like the MARIO movie... Didn't. Funny how that works), but large chunks of weird animation fans on the internet seem to think they're all just "mid" or whatever... It's some console wars-caliber nonsense, I think, that's reductionist. If I didn't like something, I still acknowledge the hard work put in by the filmmakers/crew (especially crucial amidst the writer and actors' strike), and go about my day. I'm not pitting STRANGE WORLD against PUSS IN BOOTS 2, for sure. There's no reason for me to do so.
I thought about how in ANIMANIACS, they took potshots at BONKERS. The same era as "SEGA does what NintenDON'T." Those extreeeeeeme aaaaattitude '90s!
I know, because I lived most of that decade.
BONKERS is a show that fascinates me (I recently wrote a little thing about it on my main tumblr), and I thought while watching it... Release this show in 1988, and *not* 1993, it's likely hailed as groundbreaking. A cartoon trying to be zany and fun like 1940s Tex Avery cartoons, visually satisfying and nicely realized, and much more original than - say - the umpteenth CARE BEARS cartoon or the new Hanna-Barbera ersatz Scooby-Doo stuff. But, post-TINY TOONS, post-REN & STIMPY, and sitting next to ANIMANIACS, it seemingly just could not compare. It also didn't help that it was heavily inspired by the amazing film that is WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, its characters and premise ostensibly being a replacement for a property Disney could no longer do stuff with because of their feud with co-owner Spielberg. (Which puts TINY TOONS and ANIMANIACS' potshots at Disney and BONKERS, respectively, into perspective.)
Similarly, Hanna-Barbera - long one of the studio names synonymous with TV animation in America - were in an odd place themselves, until they - under the stewardship of one Fred Seibert - began bringing in some incredible talent like Genndy Tartakovsky, Paul Rudish, Rob Renzetti, to name a few... We had moved away from the likes of YO YOGI!, TOM AND JERRY KIDS, and SIMPSONS-chasing "adult" cartoons like CAPITOL CRITTERS and FISH POLICE... 2 STUPID DOGS, which had been dismissed as a REN & STIMPY wannabe by some folks back in the day, was really a launchpad for those talents. And soon, Hanna-Barbera Productions was rockin' the mid-to-late '90s with all the iconic Cartoon Network shows we all know and love... Kinda makes me think of how Illumination gets looked at, they've been around for some time and they "churn out" stuff that's just "mid" or "bland" or whatever, but I think post-SING 2, post-MINIONS 2, there's a sort-of newfound appreciation for them in some circles. Somewhat. SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE got a pass from a lot of people engaging in these weird console wars, despite its middling critical reception and a lot of folks saying it actually wasn't good. (I liked it fine, but I felt it was more a "Mario's Greatest Hits" showcase than an actual movie.) But, Illumination has an adult animation division (Moonlight) firing up, some pretty dynamic side projects and shorts, too. They even got talent like Benjamin Renner, who directed the upcoming MIGRATION. They're doin' something right if they got him.
I think, more than anything, things change so fast in entertainment. Tastes change, things trend, animated movies take a while to come out and are largely determined at a stage long before a print (or digital file) of the finished film projects onto a screen somewhere. How does one know what the world looks like, culturally, five years after they have started their film? Let alone 2 years? It's why I don't pile on films like ELEMENTAL, STRANGE WORLD, LIGHTYEAR, RUBY GILLMAN, et al losing money. They seemed surefire when they signed off on them, and like William Goldman said... No one knows anything!
I dunno, I thought I'd just relate some current feature animation things to what was happening in TV animation some 30 years ago... all because I was watching TALESPIN and BONKERS and such-
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ibiverse · 2 years
general / ibiverse
What is the ibiverse? Why, it's the universe ib and friends live in! It's got spaceships, it's got magic, it's got loads of cool locations and cultures and histories. It's a big place, spanning about a dozen main star systems and thousands of years of history, beginning on a planet Earth not too unlike our own. I hope to use this setting to tell lots of stories and explore lots of ideas. It's a work in progress and probably always will be, but I hope you enjoy what I have so far!
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History overview
The stellar compulsion
Long before ib's time, beginning about 2 billion seconds or 100 years into the digital epoch (DE), humans were compelled by some inexplicable force or vibe or mass hysteria to build sleeper-colony ships and send them to 60 or 70 nearby star systems. In retrospect historians call this the "stellar compulsion" but at the time it seemed like a dizzying array of different pressures and systems and cold conflicts that were hard to understand as a single trend.
These ships were powered by a magical technology that allows for hydrogen-hydrogen fusion that produces minimal neutron radiation, but also produces particles called "ennuions" or "ennuinos" that negatively impact human minds.
The solution, they thought, was to simply pilot ships with big dumb computers while the passengers were held in an enchanted stasis. But it turned out the ennuinos effected the flight computers too, and as a result, only 6 of the 70ish ships would successfully reach their destinations. Two of them would eventually become starfaring civilizations of their own, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The ennuionic fusion drives were so dangerous that the ships could only be launched from the Moon, and a lot of infrastructure had to be put in place to build and launch them. By the time the last one launched around 8 billion seconds or 250 years DE, over a million people lived on the Moon.
After the compulsion
The sheer amount of resources and lack of payoff of the sleeper ships led to divisions and the overall collapse of Earth's global space industry, leaving the moon an isolated but independent and high-tech society.
The environmental damage to earth was also significant, and the planet had to essentially be terraformed back from the brink of uninhabitability. A few factors were working in the biosphere's favor here.
First, the Portal to Hell had opened shortly after the last starship launch, providing nearly limitless clean energy to power earth's civilizations.
Second, the use of "petrosoul", the decomposed and concentrated interpersonal bonds of long-dead organisms, for bio-modification enabled the rapid evolution of crops, ecosystems, and even humans themselves into a more self-sustaining biosphere.
Children of the Moon
Meanwhile, the Moonlings were doing exciting things too. They constructed a space elevator from the moon's surface to one of the lagrange points, enabling the launch of vast space stations, solar-sail ships to explore and inhabit the inner planets, city-sized colony ships to the asteroids and outer planets, etc.
Superintelligent rats emerged in space in this period, and due to their small size they were capable of carrying space cargo more efficiently than humans or even robots. The formation of the space rats' guild is a key event of this period of Moonling expansion.
The moon became a high-tech superstate while the asteroids remain something of a frontier where the most megalomaniacal people can seek fame and fortune. A sort of feudal system emerged, where warlords ultimately subservient to the moon and the guild fight for control over asteroids.
Enabling the powers of these warlords was goo, a highly sought after fluid that they could suspend themselves in to completely isolate themselves from their senses and hone their skills of charisma and manipulation. Goo was a strategic resource more prized than the most powerful weapons, so the warlords don't trust the guilds to ship it, instead paying human crews heartily to fly for their own feudal fleets. Spaceflight is one of the primary routes out of the tenant-servitude that the vast majority of asteroid-dwellers are born into.
The Earthling Space Rennaissance
After about a century cut off from outer space, some entities on earth had regrouped and amassed the resources to explore space once again. This time, however, they had to compete with an entrenched political structure wherein someone claims exclusive rights to just about every rock out there. But with better computers, miniaturization, and bio-modification, the new earthling spacecraft were able to make a dent in the standing order of the feudal system. One earthling pilot with hyper-attuned senses, wired into a self-repairing ship, could pose a match for a battleship crewed by twenty or more beltling spacers.
As the earthlings shove their way into control over asteroids, the powers of the old system had to either adapt or move out, and they do a little of both!
The rapidly changing asteroid belt is the society where, around 10 billion seconds or about 400 years DE is the time of ib and the other intrepid spacefarers of the courier ship Ancient Hand. They seek better lives for themselves and their communities, and hope to create opportunities for spacefaring culture to express itself. This quest shared by billions of workers across the solar system will lead to some incredible things in coming centuries.
The many moons of the totally-not-jupiter and totally-not-saturn planets, settled by offshoots of the moon and belt cultures, became the new home to those who weren't willing to adapt to an asteroid belt with earthlings. many no longer saw earthlings as humans, since earthlings embraced genetic modification and they hadn't. They develop insular cultures within their planet-systems. They also made huge advances in cybernetics, so in the outer planets there were spaceships with human brains, giant cyborg space serpents that slithered around the rings of totally-not-saturn devouring passers by, etc. Things get even weirder the further out you go into the solar system.
OK but what about the colony ships?
The six surviving colony ships had meanwhile started their own human, or more generally "abterrestrial" civilizations. They developed in wildly different ways from one another.
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7consultancyblog · 6 months
Aviation companies in Hyderabad provide equal opportunities to all employees and to all eligible applicants for employment
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Aviation is a term applied to the science and practice of flying heavier-than-air aircraft. This includes airplanes, gliders, helicopters, autogyros, VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) and STOL (short takeoff and landing) aircraft. Aviation industry is a broad umbrella that covers all the activities that are associated with air travel. This includes all the different procedures that come to our mind when we think of an aircraft traveling from one city to another, or over different places across the world, transporting people, goods, types of equipment, etc. In modern times, this term mainly pertains to the use of heavier-than-air aircraft, which includes things like commercial airlines, chartered planes, helicopters, and military aircraft and so on. Aviation industry is the business sector that manufactures, maintains, and operates the aircrafts and the airports. When it comes to aviation, there is a broad range of responsibilities within. It comprises activities at the airport as well as in the aircraft. It involves ground duties that are required to perform before the flight and the activities after it lands. During World War One, aviation was the first used as a weapon. After the war the first planes were planes were used for commercial travel. In the beginning people traveled in the air by airships because they were more comfortable and quieter than planes. As the years past the commercial industry grew heavily.
Aviation is one of the most "global" industries: connecting people, cultures and businesses across continents. Colleagues across the sector are committed to raising awareness of the benefits and role of aviation. Air transport plays a pivotal role in contributing to the Indian economy in various ways. The aviation industry in India employs many people directly and indirectly, including airline staff, ground handling staff, airport staff, maintenance crew, air traffic controllers, security staff and various other support services. Additionally, the sector creates employment opportunities in related industries such as tourism, hospitality and logistics. Air transport plays an important role in promoting tourism in India and abroad by facilitating fast and efficient travel to various destinations across the country. Tourism, in turn, contributes significantly to the Indian economy through foreign exchange earnings, hospitality revenues, and the creation of jobs. Air transport promotes regional connectivity, connecting small towns and remote areas to major cities and international destinations. Aviation Recruitment Agency in Hyderabad that provide service in the placement. Air transport facilitates the movement of goods, high-value perishable items and time-sensitive cargo, supporting trade in India and abroad.
The activities in the Aviation industry revolve around designing and developing various aircraft, handling production and operations, and flying or repairing aircraft. Careers in aviation offer many opportunities for advancement in piloting, engineering and mechanics, airport operations, and aircraft manufacturing. These jobs often take place in commercial airlines, private manufacturing companies, airports, and government organizations. Many career opportunities in the aviation sector require one to have strong technical skills and an engineering background, aspirants with some experience in this field can branch outside of the aviation field to explore jobs in civil engineering, aerospace, and even computer administration. Many aviation and aerospace manufacturing companies hire technicians and engineers to perform repairs and maintenance services on various types of aircraft before they are sold. As an ever-growing industry, one can find innumerable opportunities across various sub-domains of the sector and avail a wide range of benefits and perks. They are one of the Best Aviation Recruitment Agency in Hyderabad.
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maranello · 3 years
just read the AMuS article, it’s sounding bad:
On Thursday morning, the trucks with the cargo trickled into the racetrack. The teams were promised the engines by 2 p.m. at the latest. Except for Alpine and Aston Martin, every team was affected. Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Haas and McLaren had barricaded the garages because there was nothing for the mechanics to work on.
If you had your car and didn't have the engines, you expected eight to twelve hours of work. The worst affected teams expected a long night shift until Friday morning. All teams agreed to apply to the FIA ​​to lift the curfew. The request was granted.
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palette-jack · 3 years
Do the team live together in a ship and use other little ships to do combat/exploration/etc? That it at least the impression I got.
That’s right :D
Ace’s crew has three ships all together. Ace’s is the biggest, about the size of the Ebon Hawk from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Diaz and MC own the other two ships, which are shuttle-sized. The little ships have tiny living quarters, sort of like the cabins in big cargo-hauling trucks.
When the crew is just hanging out in space, the little ships will anchor on to the big one via umbilicals, that way people can move back and forth between them. During missions, people will pair off into ships. For the mission you play through, however, MC had to put the scanner thingy into their co-pilot chair, so there wasn’t room for a second person. This meant that Ace, Esther, and Ytwith were on Ace’s ship, while Kel was with Diaz.
~Semi-related info dump below~
Faster-than-light travel is communal. Each spaceship has a “Halo,” which is used to reduce the effective mass of everything within the bubble until FTL speeds become possible. 
The bigger the ship, the better the halo. Small ships just don’t have the room for big engines. But small ships can link up to larger ships, lending out their haloes and increasing the whole group’s FTL capabilities.
This is what your team does most of the time, although it’s still not very fast. Like most people with small ships, your best bet to cross larger distances is to find a big ship going your way and latch on. Like when remora fish attach to sharks lol.
  The interstellar highways belong to ships the size of cities, each with their own collection of littler ships that go their own way on arrival. Regulations regarding the baby ships makes up a good chunk of interstellar politics, but I won’t go into that yet lol
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cheswirls · 3 years
alright alright think i am somewhat organized enough to lay this out n hopefully that will clear it from my system enough that i can focus on other things again; sa sw au based on @wallpengi‘s art here
(this one gets long rip mobile users ig)
in this au roger is some sort of war criminal - to the reigning empire; his motives were hidden and he ultimately failed, so no one outside of command knows his true intent; his name is big enough to make a splash but instead of a ‘hope against the order’ its more of a ‘this fool who died for no cause of his own’
ace spent the first few years of life residing on some backwater planet in the inner rim. by backwater i mean specifically that it isnt connected to any hyperlanes so traffic is v limited. he adopts the outlook the ppl there had of roger over anything his mother had to say, since she never told him a straight-up answer in the end
after his mother dies he spends time being traded off between various people, before finally being fed up and running off on a cargo ship sometime when hes 10-ish
fortunately that ship was operated by shanks, who had a bit of a soft spot for little kids, even if they were stowaways; unfortunately ace learns shanks was part of rogers crew when he was active, and wanting nothing to do w that, isolated himself immediately from everyone on board, requesting to be dropped off at the next planet or ‘wherever the hell this thing stops next’
between this and that ace gets a low rundown of shanks’ life under roger and warms up enough to the crew to decide to stick around when they reach land; he becomes a proper member for several years, experiencing various planets, races, cultures, etc and his viewpoint expands immensely
when ace is 16 he leaves to make it out on his own, supplied with a ship hes saved up for and various mementos from the crew hes come to regard as a makeshift family -of sorts. but he hits trouble and crashlands on the first planet he enters into on his own, losing everything
luckily enough the planet has a [trading post] that he takes advantage of, hitching a ride to another post, and its from this trip that he steps into the world of underground transport
he works for a number of years transporting people to and fro for money, gaining a reputation as a cynic, and a hell of a pilot, willing to venture almost anywhere for the right price
its a series of happenstance that lead him to discovering hes force-sensitive (hes one of the last to know) and roger was as well. his last strike against the [order/empire/whatever] had been a jedi putting to rest, and what inspired the current rebel faction he ends up taking refuge in, and joining, after hearing all that about his old man
v cold and calculating and ruthless
high up enough to have some freedom of mobility and not be directly under anyones thumb but not high enough to have ppl under his command
era is uh??? rule of 2?? multiple sith???? thinkin theres gotta be more bc sabo isnt like. someones only disciple yknow. less impt than that
has only met dragon once and that was under an alias. in the same vein, hes run into several rebellion commanders but theyve all been disguised so he knows virtually what zero of them look like. this is largely strategic on dragons part to remain cover, bc the less sabo knows the less he can inadvertently reveal, conscious or otherwise
has a reputation for being meticulous and thus only communicating w one operator whenever he needs one -this one operator is koala, undercover within the empire, and lots of what sabo conveys to her is deep-coded messages to send back to the rebellion. this is the only form of assistance to the cause hes able to do, as anything else hes deemed as too high-risk (for himself)
background is probably uhhhhhhh parents sold him to the (empire-equivalent) once they figured out hed only be trouble to put up w and theyd have better luck putting their hopes in stelly; part of a stormtrooper unit/training/whatever until hes revealed as force-sensitive and then gets moved to develop that more; if the first half of his life is spent under his parents thumbs, the second half is spend in training in the dark side of the force (its a combo of meeting dragon n witnessing things while in stormtrooper training that keep him from sinking entirely, that allow him to maintain some sense of self, but hes also firmly attached to that side of the force n knows splitting away entirely at this point is impossible)
going back to the first point sabo is. not a good person here. hes supplying the rebellion but what he does in the meantime to maintain cover is a far cry from their intentions
very good actor, keeps his thoughts deep, essentially “loyal” to the dark side of the force til the very end in the sense that no one on that side ever suspects a thing, until theyre not around anymore
runs into ace once on accident n realizes before ace himself that hes starting to develop a connection to the force; forewarns rebellion via koala and acts independently in an attempt to try and steer ace their way before anyone else can pick up what he himself has, knowing firsthand how dangerous is it for potential jedi and force-sensitive creatures to be by themselves this day in age
again, his methods are different from his intent, so ace knows him only as the asshole that gives him a hard time whenever they cross paths
[when the conflict begins to die down and the rebellions victory becomes more prominent, sabo questions what he should do -if he had a place in the world anymore, if he could assimilate back into society; if he had to live the remainder of his life in isolation could he do so without losing himself entirely? could he interact with anyone without risk of infecting them with the dark side of the force’s malice? would it be better off if he perished? did he have a life worth living after the end of the war? its ace that convinces him to stop thinking and feeling so much, because no matter what happened, no matter what came for him, no matter what lie in store, he wouldnt be facing it alone, not with ace a constant at his side]
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nonasuch · 4 years
how I would fix star wars
inevitably, I have been thinking about How I Would Fix Star Wars, and make the parts of TRoS that displeased me into a more coherent story. 
unfortunately, to do so will require the use of a time machine and veto power over the Lucasfilm Story Group. but IF I had those things here is what I would do:
I actually would not make a lot of changes to TFA. The main ones would be:
toning down Starkiller a bit as a threat, to a one-shot-per-planet deal but with a faster recharge time
slightly more stormtrooper stuff -- establish what Finn’s leaving behind and give Phasma a little depth. 
if possible, put some kind of distinguishing visual marker on the trooper who marked Finn’s helmet.
a small background detail that isn't important yet: after the village massacre at the beginning, show stormtroopers collecting the bodies, trooper and villager alike. if possible, do this after every scene with a significant body count, throughout all three movies.
either give the knights of ren some actual stuff to do or cut them out entirely
show kyle chafing at snoke’s leash, maybe demanding to know more about some of snoke’s various Secret Projects, and being dismissed
give rey a little time to settle in with the Resistance before leaving to find Luke. we don't have to show it much, just make it clear that she’s making a home there and has bonded strongly with Leia
clean up some weird pacing and make the travel times/distances between planets more consistent
honestly other than that I wouldn't change much. I genuinely like TFA a lot and its strength is in how well it establishes the new characters.
for TLJ, some bigger changes but the bones of it I'd leave alone:
make it more clear why the tracking through hyperspace is a big deal and make the solution less of a fetch quest
I really like parts of the Canto Bight plot but I would probably swap it out for something with more stormtroopers in it -- let Finn interact with other troopers and remind us that there are individuals under those helmets
(a recurring joke: Finn can always tell troopers apart when they’re in uniform, and Rose can never figure out how. he thinks it’s because he was a trooper, but no, it's because he’s Force sensitive)
maybe get close to convincing some of them to desert, but either they fail last-minute or the deserters get caught and killed
Finn and Rose escape by the skin of their teeth thanks to a trooper who helps them, letting them know that even if they aren't brave enough to leave, there are plenty of troopers who aren't all-in with the First Order
again, after any major fight show the body cleanup. troopers carrying and stacking the dead in neat rows. start hinting that there is something more ominous here than fanatical tidiness
the Snoke stuff -- make it more obvious that Snoke is orchestrating stuff other than just running the First Order. maybe have Hux ask about the cargo ships they're sending to the Unknown Regions, and get shot down
make part of Kyle’s refusal to leave w Rey due to his burning need to Know All The Secrets, and conviction that as Supreme Leader he could really clean up the joint
once Snoke is dead, show Kyle getting access to his secret files/vaults; do NOT show what he finds there
I'd also want to clean up some wonky pacing and timeline/travel distance stuff, probably, but again I really like most of the movie so it’s nothing major
also keep Phasma around for the next movie! what the fuck, she rules, why would you not
okay so that brings us to TRoS, which… would need a pretty major overhaul. 
First of all, we are working under the assumption that I have a time machine, so I made Carrie Fisher go to the cardiologist on the reg starting on day 1 of TFA rehearsals, and she’s fine and able to play the part as she was meant to.
with that in place, here’s how I would restructure:
we keep the Hammer Horror opening scene, but tweak the Emperor’s reveal. he’s much more corpse-y, without the tech umbilical keeping him alive -- a wraith animated by Dark power. 
lots of grandiose claims about his unstoppable army and his impending dominion over the galaxy, ultimate triumph over the Light, etc
don't show the armada yet -- just kyle’s reaction, which is genuine fear.
news of the Emperor’s return isn't a broadcast, but a whisper. a transmission from a terrified First Order cargo pilot, who’s learned the truth about his one-way trip to the Unknown Regions. passed through the lower ranks by rumor and hearsay. eventually leaked to the Resistance by an unknown First Order source
I like the idea from the beginning of the movie, that Rey’s trying to speak to dead Jedi through the Force. but it’s not working, and she shares her frustration with Leia
make it clear that she and Leia have a deep, strong bond.
give Rey a Jedi artifact to hunt for. maybe there’s a place or a thing that she thinks will let her commune with fallen Jedi, and that’s what they go looking for.
that lets us keep some of the fetch quest, but the First Order’s not as actively on their tail. 
they keep crossing paths anyway, and every time there are troopers doing something worse. maybe at one point they see troopers refuse to massacre civilians, and being killed themselves instead.
also they take Rose with them, because this movie needs more Rose
still have those post-battle scenes of body cleanup. now the cleanup crews are being killed once they’re done
this could be a good use for the Knights of Ren, actually. whatever is happening, they're part of it
Leia is more active throughout: she's on the move, recruiting allies for the Resistance, trying to figure out what's happening in the Unknown Regions
she has an actual scene with Lando, and he goes to Rey on her orders
tweak Poe’s backstory with Zorii. he worked with her while undercover for the Resistance, and left them in the lurch when the General needed him back. 
he’d have recruited her, if there had been time, but now he's glad he didn't: most everyone Poe recruited to the Resistance died at Crait.
when Rey crosses paths with Kyle, he’s obviously rattled. he Knows Something that he won't or can't tell her and he's even more fatalistic than usual.
lean harder on the unease/whispers of dissent in the First Order as they're told to do more and more awful things. maybe a scene where someone -- not Hux -- disagrees openly, and Kyle says something that implies that he's getting orders from someone above his head.
this gives Hux a chance to snark at Kyle -- isn't he supposed to be the Supreme Leader, now? who's telling him what to do?
off Kyle’s reaction -- someone is telling him what to do, and he's terrified of them in a way he never was of Snoke.
(keep Hux-as-informant, that was done perfectly)
Rey’s artifact hunt still takes her to the Death Star wreckage, off rumors that Palpatine hoarded Jedi artifacts. 
we meet Janna &co. Finn is so relieved and happy to meet other troopers who survived defecting. Janna tells him that there used to be more, that it used to be easier to get out, but more and more troopers have been killed in the attempt, without escaping.
by now it’s clear: there is Something Wrong With The First Order, beyond the obvious.
Rey fights Kyle in the Death Star ruins. Kyle tells her the Emperor wants to turn her to the Dark Side, that he can’t be refused or stopped, that even death won’t let her escape from him.
the fight plays out similarly, but Leia’s distraction doesn't kill her. 
after Rey heals him, Kyle faces his fear and talks to Leia via Force bond. He tells her what the Emperor is planning, and it’s Ben Solo who leaves the ruins.
he can give Leia files or some other concrete proof via the same trick he uses with Rey in the movie, because that’s honestly very cool and it was used really well, so we’re keeping that
when Rey talks to Luke on Ach-To, he tells her that Palpatine used the Empire to sow chaos and fear, because that made the Dark Side stronger and gave him more power to tap into.
Luke says: “I think he would have been happy to burn the whole galaxy down, as long as he could rule over the ashes.”
Rey realizes she can’t hide from the Emperor, and knows he’ll never turn her to the Dark. she goes after him.
Leia sends the Resistance to back Rey up and sets out to rally the galaxy with Lando and Chewie
finally, it’s confrontation time! Rey faces Zombie Palpatine, and he reveals his plan in all its glory:
he’s built an army of the dead. ghost ships, crewed by all those bodies we've been watching the First Order collect for three movies.
some of them we recognize, if we’re paying attention: the trooper who marked Finn’s helmet, Lor San Tekka, Hux. there are long-dead clone troopers, little more than skeletons in filthy white armor. half-functional Separatist droids. Resistance fighters and First Order officers killed on Crait. countless civilians. 
they’re all dead, all animated by Palaptine’s Dark Side powers, fueled by the strife and chaos he continues to sow throughout the galaxy
he doesn’t want to blow up any more planets. he wants to kill the shit out of absolutely everyone: the end of all life, and all Light. everyone in the galaxy a soldier in his undead army
he wants Rey to strike him down and become the new Sith Empress, ruling over an empire of ashes.
but we are discarding the granddaughter shit, because frankly it is not necessary and makes no sense. 
he can just be like ‘ah yes, a feral desert child, powerful in the Force, with no inconvenient ties to hold her back. I've had good luck with those, mostly.’
now, a brief side trip: what is the First Order doing, in the midst of all this?
well, the rank and file are actually not super down with the ‘join the glorious army of the dead’ plan. half of them are in open revolt; some try to run, some seize control of their ships and decide to fight for the living
Phasma leads Team Living. yeah, I kept her for a reason! Gwendoline Christie is great at this!
Ben shows up as before, fights the Knights, does the cool lightsaber trick with Rey. he fights with Leia’s saber.
when Palpatine drains their life force to restore himself, though, something happens differently:
it’s actually Leia’s life force. she gives up her life for her son and for the daughter of her heart, willingly and gladly, knowing she has rallied the galaxy to their aid. she tells them, before she goes, that help is on the way
the giant fleet that arrives to fight Palpatine has First Order ships in it. finally, everyone is on the same side. Palpatine has been playing both sides against each other since Episode 1, but it won't work anymore, now that they know what he wants. the long con is over. they're united against him.
Rey beats Palpatine the same way, Ben revives her the same way, but Leia’s sacrifice means he has enough juice left to survive it. 
idk about the kiss; I am Reylo-agnostic
but he’s going to try to shepherd the First Order into something that builds and protects, instead of destroying. 
people like Janna and Finn, who got out, and Rose, who lived under their heel, will show him how.
Finn is Force sensitive, and so are some of the other former troopers. 
some of them want to become Jedi
Finn wants to follow Leia’s path: do the training so he understands how to use the Force, but he's not meant to be a Jedi. he's going to be a leader -- not a general, hopefully, but a leader for peacetime.
so like. they won! hooray.
Rey takes the name Skywalker, still. Ben is fine with this: he’s a Solo-Organa. 
there can be a touching Force ghost reconciliation, or not, whatever
so. that is how to fix star wars. you’re welcome. if anyone out there has a time machine and an in with Lucasfilm, hit me up I guess?
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Recruits.”
Wanted to do a little peace about what it would be like to join the crew of the harbinger. I hope you guys all enjoy :) 
“Alright maggots! Hurry up, hurry up, stop screwing off  and get our asses over here. This is the Space Core not a damned dog show. You there, yes you right there, stop staring gaped mouth at me like a beached fish, and get over here.” 
The young recruits hurried across the tarmac at Fort Landing.The massive interspace launch field was a good five mile square of landing pads and supply chains surrounding massive interstellar battleships resupplying and rotating troops on and off. Boots thudded against concrete as troops of marines and army grunts walked past in their differing shades of camouflage.
The young group of soldiers hurried up to the officer nervously glancing around at the ships most of them had never been aboard a ship before, and some of them had never even been out of the region much less into space.
A couple of nervous recruits stepped to the front of the line two in flight suits and another group of young soldiers being transferred in to augment one of the fleet. They had been told they would be placed on one of the outgoing intergalactic units, but none of them had any idea WHICH one they wanted. Of course they had read through the suggestions given to them by other crew members aboard the different ships, and byar the Harbinger was the most recommended, but it was also the most competitive, sought after, and most people who joined didn’t decide to leave any time soon, and so there weren’t often many openings.
Now none of them were exactly sure why the Harbinger was so great, aside from being at the forefront of intergalactic travel, and run by Commander Vir of the UNSC who was a little more than legend and just slightly less than myth. 
Otherwise it was also considered to be one of the most dangerous positions considering what they were doing out there. The crew was supposed to be interspecies with Delta units (also known as drev) on board.
There were rumors going around that the commander had managed to win himself the position of clan leader in a Drev contest of armed combat. Some said that he had defeated five armed Drev soldiers with his bare hands, though that thought was little more than conjecture and made anyone with a reasonable understanding of Drev just a bit skeptical.
Of course a few of them had been lucky enough to see an alien, though there were also some of them who hadn’t”
“Recruits Kimber, Alvarez, Han and McCaster!” The group of four recruits hurried forward, two young pilots one army engineer and one marine.
The officer eyed them up and down and shook his head, “Where the hell are they finding you guys these days scraping you off the back of a wet rock.” He flipped through the hologram on the flat of his hand, “Ah, here we go-” THey watched as his eyes widened a bit, and he stopped insulting them for long enough to look interested. He glanced up from his clipboard, “Well look at the four of you being all special. You’ve been requisitioned for the harbinger gonna go into deep space.” They glanced at each other in surprise, shock and excitement, “Hear they have some pretty freaky ass aliens on that ship, one bastard who can float and read minds or some shit, anyway get on the lot of you. They docked at landing pad A1 because they get special treatment, now GET GOING!”
With a muttering of surprise, they hurried off heading down towards the troop transports.
One of the young pilots leaned forward as they drove down the tarmac wind whipping past them as the sound of engines shook the ground below.
“Do you guys believe everything they say?”
The engineer turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, “Everything about what?”
“Everything about the Commander? Everything about the Harbinger.”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific, there is a ton of shit they say.”
The young pilot rolled his eyes, “Take your pick. That he ran a marathon on an A-1 death planet, that he's a telepath that can speak to aliens, that their doctor is an alien, that half the ship is drev, that he's mostly a cyborg, that they have alien pets, that he stopped an intergalactic war.”
Someone waved him off, “Obviously false.”
Another one of the recruits leaned in closer, “I heard the guy’s a extrial.”
“The fuck is an extrial.”
“You know one of those people who screws aliens.” 
“ fucking disgusting.”
“Dude, you serious?  leave them alone there is nothing wrong with that?”
“What ISN’T wrong with that?”
“Both parties agree besides I bet you screw your cousin so-”
“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP.” They did as the marine turned around the glower at them, “Doesn't matter what they are or are not. We have to make a good impression. So shut up we’re almost there.” 
The troop transport came to a stop, and the four of them stepped out onto the tarmac looking up at the ship. It was big, blocky and dark looked like a much older model than some of the others sitting on the launch field, but what it lacked in beauty, it held in reputation.
At the moment it was busy being stocked by the people on the ground, though they did notice a group of people lounging around on some of the crates outside.
Staring at the ship, they didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, no aliens or anything… so far.
Awkwardly they walked towards the ship not sure where to go or what to do seeing as there were no officers to greet them. They were just heading past the crates and their lounging occupants when someone whistled.
“FRESH MEAT!” They were followed by heckling from the group sitting on the crates. They could have been marines or army grunts, but it was hard to tell. The group of them sat up both men and women.
One man in the middle slowly chewing n a piece of gum and wearing aviators making him look like he was trying to hard, “Hey, you four c’mere.”
With nowhere else to go, they approached slowly.
The group moved from lounging to sitting atop their crates.
“What are you recruits here for.”
They shuffled a little, “Two pilots a marine and an army engineer uh…. Sir?”
THe gum chewer grinned slowly nodding at one of the other guys, “Sir…. I like that makes me sound special.” He leaned forward, “Well they won't have anything for you to do until they are done loading the ship with cargo, so come on sit down and let's take a look at you.” 
All together, they were rather nervous, but they still came up and sat on the crates with who they learned to be were a group of marines.
A younger, tan young man leaned over and held out a hand, “Ramirez.” They shook the man’s hand nervously glancing towards the gum chewer behind his dark sunglasses who was grinning knowingly at them.“So two pilots, an engineer and a marine.” He glanced up at the sky, “Well go on let’s hear a little about you.”
Most of them didn’t really intend to say anything, but somehow Sunglasses managed to draw it out of them, had them talking until he had practically unraveled their life stories. It was almost disconcerting how the man could do that, and the  group of them were rather nonplussed by the time the conversation began to die away not entirely sure how they had gotten here.
“So, is there anything you want to know about the ship, the people, the perks etc etc.”
“Is it true that you have an entire Drev clan on the ship?”
Sunglasses grinned, “A good half of one at least maybe a dozen or so. An entire clan can be up to five hundred in one population, as many people as we have on the crew. So really I should restate and say that we only have a teth of a clan.” 
The group glanced between each other.
“What other aliens do you have on the ship?”
Sunglasses leaned back against the crate hands behind his head, “Oh well we have a few. There is Convict of course, he’s a starborn, watch out for that asshole, he can read minds. Don’t plan on having any sort of privacy. Than we have Krill, he's our surgeon, ask him and he will tell you he's the best in the galaxy maybe the universe. Then after that we have the spiderlings.”
“The what?”
“Well technically their presence is classified, but you will find out. Type of alien can incorporate the DNA of other animals into their own offspring, some asshole got himself stuck with an alien egg sack and now we have alien hybrids on the ship.”
“No shit.:”
“Yeah shit, not kidding with you. Watch out for the one named Glados, she's a real jerk sometimes, to everyone accept the Commander of course.”
“Tell us about him.”
There was a shifting among the marines as they looked between each other. Sunglasses glanced back at them grinning before, “That asshole, yeah don’t get your hopes up, he’s a tool at best and an idiot at worse. I mean the guy wears an eyepatch, like he thinks he's some sort of space pirate.”
The marines slowly began to grin, “yeah he has some idiotic idea that the crew are his friends or some bullshit. We let him think that because it makes him easier to deal with.”
“Uglier than sin too.”
The group looked around at each other in confusion and concern not exactly sure why the crew was acting the way they were, “Are you guys serious, or just screwing with us.”
Sunglasses didn’t crack a smile, “Very serious.
Still skeptical, they looked around at each other, “I thought I heard he was a good pilot.”
Sunglasses waved a hand, ‘Never said he wasn’t a good pilot, I said he was a tool who doesn't know how to take anything seriously/”
Another marine shrugged, “Yeah, I mean they promoted him super early on in his career, guy isn't even past his dumbass twenties faze yet.”
“You make that sound like he will ever get past his dumbass twenties phase. I honestly think this is his last evolution.” More shifting form the nervous new cremembers but sunglasses stood, “Might as well show you newbies around the ship, let you get to know things before we take off.” He pointed to the marines, don’t do any dumbass shit while I am gone.” 
Moe dumb jokes followed as he left, and the young group hurried to catch up, “So uh…. You a marine then?” The young marine asked glancing downwards at his clothes that did nothing to hit at what his job aboard the ship was, “Not exactly.”
The man answered.
“Than what do you do?”
“I’m their CO.”
“So you are a marine?”
“I didn’t say that.” They followed him up the long ramp and into the belly of the ship where cargo crates were being stacked. Men and women in various stages of work hurried past them greeting sunglasses with a nod and a salute.
“So you’re pretty high up?” One of the pilot’s asked
Sunglasses shrugged, “You could say that.”
“So you spend a lot of time with the commander than?”
The man sighed, “Unfortunately yes…. Too much time.”
They made their way around a corner and nearly ran face first into a massive shape. The young recruits yelped in surprise, one of them making an extremely girlish squeal as they realized what they had run into. The form was absolutely massive, nine feet tall or more with six limbs and a head that was vaguely reminiscent of a bird. It thrust its head down at them with a critical eye and the hard light on the ship rolled over its bloody red carapace.
The massive Drev inclined it’s head, “ Lod dazha tadazh? Zhe dazha nehjakazi.” 
They blinked in confusion for a long moment all feeling the strange sensation as the translation software booted up, and a moment later, a very human voice. “Who are these, I don’t recognize them”. The voice was pleasant enough, a deep rumble.
“Who the hell names their kid Cannon?” One of the pilots said  realizing to late that he had probably just insulted a massive ass alien that looked like it could kick his ass.
Sunglasses turned to look at him, “It’s actually a word in his language, should be pronounced Kanan. It means `noble.” He got a pat on the shoulder, “Try not to be a dickhead alright. Most of the Drev have names like that, usually after an attribute or a force of nature.” 
“What’s your name.” The Drev asked, the translation so smooth it was almost seamless integration over his real voice.
The young man stammered, “R-richard.”
The alien looked at him for a long contemplative moment, “Isn’t the nickname that goes along with richard….. Dick?”
That made the other four laugh as the large alien trundled past to show, to their surprise, he was wearing a bionic brace around one of his legs.
“Damn Cannon, they should have called you savage instead, DAMN!” He turned back, “Anyway, keeping the tour moving, try not to insult anyone else alright. Cannon is relatively good humored, but I can’t guarantee the other Drev won’t challenge you to a duel for their honor.”
There was a soft murmuring among the men, but they followed awkwardly behind as the CO led them through the ship showing them to the rec room, the mess hall, engineering and so on. They began to see ore evidence of alien activity, mostly those huge Drev things who were, surprisingly colorful, as compared to the pictures the media tended to release them. They greeted the CO with traditional muttering in their own language which he returned in kind. The translation generally just ut it as good morning though there were multiple versions.
They were walking down one long corridor when one of the recruits yelped and cursed looking as if he was about to piss himself. The others followed his gaze upwards where a face leered down at them from the piping and ductwork.
The man stopped a few feet ahead not bothering to look up, “Stop being an asshole convict, come and show yourself.” The strange alien creature did as told floating down like some ethereal sort of space angel, all white and surrounded in billowing ribbons. He wore an anti-gravity belt and a strange set of gloves.
The CO turned, “Well everyone, this is Conn, he is our ship’s resident telepath. Yes He can read minds, no I can’t make him stop, but yes he will generally keep all your deep dark secrets for his entertainment. No, you won’t be able to tell when he’s invading your minds, only the Commander can talk to him that way .”
The alien waved at them with a malicious grin on his strangely humanoid lips.
“But that's ok because killing him is easy. If he ever gives you trouble just threaten to take off that gravity belt of his. He was born in zero Gs so it will snap his spine like an uncooked spaghetti noodle.”
“Convict’ raised a hand and made a move to flip the CO off, an effect somewhat damaged by the fact that he only had four fingers.
Nervously, they walked past, and the alien grinned malevolently at them. Unfortunately with the way the human mind worked all of their deepest darkest secrets seemed to be at the forefront from their heads as they did so.
THey took a walk up another few decks, and into what appeared to be the med bay, which hissed open as they stepped in. Inside they were surprised to find another strange alien creature directing the placement of some new medical equipment, “And ry not to drop it on yourselves, I have gone almost a month without any major accidents aboard this ship, and I intend to keep it going.”  The spiderly little creature turned in a broad circle its unblinking orange prismatic eyes falling on them.
“Dr. These are our new recruits, Kimber, Han McCaster and Alvarez. Just giving them the grand tour.”
They stared on in awe and wonder as the little alien moved closer.
“Are you really a doctor.”
The creature stared at them looking almost offended, “Are you really a pilot?”
He stood back in shock, he had not expected the aliens to be so aggressively sassy, or even know how to use sarcasm. A had fell on his shoulder, “Forgive McCaster, he seems to have a bit of a pension for running his mouth. Anyway, I’m just taking them the last few decks up to the bridge, is there anything you want to warn them about?”
The doctor looked at them with a critical eye before, “If you are going to stick anything up your ass, just make sure it has a base otherwise it’s going to get stuck, and I am going to have to either A get someone to stick their hand up there or B do surgery,”
The CO laughed, “Always good advice doctor.”
With faces scrunched with confusion, the group followed the CO back into the hallway and up the stairs the last few decks and onto the bridge . The bridge crew was already hard at work on systems checks barely noticing as the group of them entered.
Looking to the right they saw another one of the Drev sitting in a chair just to the side of the captain’s seat. 
“Oh, everyone meet, Sunny our Chief Weapons Specialist.” The bright blue Drev turned around in her seat looking them over with a critical gold eye. She was actually pretty short compared to the massive male they had met earlier. 
“So what does her name mean?”
The Co looked at the kid with a raised eyebrow, “It means involving or having to do with large amounts of light produced by a star onto the planet’s surface, sometimes known as the sun.”
The other three laughed at him and he wilted,” I thought, with the other…”
“With the other guy, his real name just so happens to sound like an english word, her name does not, so we call her Sunny. Sunny and Cannon are brother and sister from the same clan.”  The Blue Drev stood and walked over to look them over. Though she was short for a Drev she towered more than a foot over some of them.
“Scraping the bottom of the barrel with these four.” She said, her voice over the translation was obviously female but not entirely feminine if that made sense. Somehow it suited her.
There was a sharp squeal from somewhere and the group of them turned, shrieking again and backing away as a group of the most HORRIFIC creatures came scuttling across the floor. About as big as medium dogs, and with similar heads, they skittered across the floor on spider bodies. One of the recruits leaped back into a chair picking his feet up off the floor, the other three went into defensive posturing.
Most of the creatures ignored them entirely, one of them making a B-line for the CO Crawling up his back and locking it’s strange feet over his shoulders like the most grotesque backpack ever. One contented itself by lying on his feet, and the other woman began sniffing at them. After a moment a very miffed looking German Shepherd appeared following them and collapsed by the Captain’s chair with a grumble.
The one on the man’s shoulders glowered at them, it’s strange humanoid eyes bright green with anger and intensity. It opened its mouth wide and a strange robotic sound came forth, “Go…. away.” They stepped back even further in shock. The voice was strange, like that of a talking bird, not entirely human at all.
The man turned his head and frowned at the spidery creature reaching up to pat her hairless dog-like head with one hand, “Oh Stop that Glados.”
He rolled his eyes, “Manners.”
“You know ever since you learned that word, it's been the bane of my existence.” 
“W-what the hell are those things.”
The Co looked up at them, “These guys are the spiderlings ⅔ s adaptid ⅓ human. This Is Glados,” He pointed down, “That is Hal and the one sniffing at you guys is Cortona. The commander named them, they are technically his after all.”
The recruits started on in awe and disgust, “You mean he like DID IT with an alien.”
The man grimaced, “More like he got roped into incubating an alien egg sack against his will. I hear the process was rather unpleasant.”’
They collectively made a face as the CO scratched the spiderling under the chin, “he says its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Besides, the adaptids were just doing what adaptids do, and that is borrow DNA from other creatures.”
“Where IS the Commander anyway.”
The Blue Drev looked over at them with some interest before growing bored and looking away 
The man shrugged, “Who the hell knows.”
And then an officer ran onto the deck, “Sir, Transmission from the GA.”
At that moment the CO stopped smiling, and pulled off his sunglasses. The group of them were stunned into silence as he pulled an eyepatch from his pocket and slipped it over his missing eye. The other one was a bright green, not dissimilar to that of the adaptid. With the sharp clatter of boots on metal he walked back to sit in the Captain’s chair dropping the adaptid  to the floor with a growl of protest.
He pressed something on the side of the chair, and a hologram leaped up in front of his face.
“Greetings commander.”
The group looked at each other with miffed expressions.
“How the hell did we not see that coming.”
“Because you’re a dumbass.”
“Like you knew, asshole.”
The other one stopped them with a raised hand, “Is he wearing heelies?”
The group of them turned their heads to the side and confirmed that the man was, in fact, wearing a pair of heelies this entire time.
There was a soft snort from behind them, and they turned to see the Drev ‘Sunny’ sitting at her station.
“Welcome to the crew of the Harbinger.” 
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cristobalrios · 4 years
//I told @procrastinatorproject I would type up the transcript for the La Sirena segment of the Set Me Up special feature on the Picard DVD since it’s not out yet in other countries besides the US, so here it is. Since Tumblr doesn’t like links much for showing up in the tags, I’ll link in a reblog to the post I had of some crappy pictures (taken from my phone because I couldn’t screencap the proper way) as well as the longer conversation we had about some of it. I’ll try to get some other screencaps (on my phone still, unfortunately) later. A lot of the information is similar to and occasionally word-for-word what is in the “Take a Tour of La Sirena” video, there is a bit more information there, so. The transcript is under the cut:
For @mappinglasirena
Transcript for the La Sirena Segment for the Set Me Up Special Feature on the Third Disc of the Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Blu-ray
Told by Todd Cherniawsky (Production Designer)
“The design and build of La Sirena, first off, was quite fast-tracked because we were waiting for the hard definitions of what the ship needed to encompass for the whole season, as far as the space requirements. Who would have staterooms? Would we need an engine room? Was there a medlab? Was there a science lab? Where did they eat? We knew we would need all of, or a combination of some of those spaces. So very early on, we pushed the idea that we build La Sirena almost like a warehouse; A warehouse inside a sound stage. So this two-story undefined spaceship was nothing but open hull.”
Upper Deck
Engine room/transporter room/main open space on the Upper Deck:
“We’re here in the belly, in the central, kind of, vault of La Sirena [Showing the large open space on the Upper Deck with the transporter pad and the engine]. Essentially, it evolved like you would with any kind of cargo ship, is that we started to retrofit it with certain bits of Federation technology. So the holo-stateroom that Picard stays in, Rios’s stateroom, all the other staterooms and his ready room [Showing the conference room-like area he calls the “ready room” where Raffi and Rios talk to Narek in Et In Arcadia Ego Part II], are all kind of Federation technology, basically Federation containers, staterooms that he’s essentially kludged back into an otherwise open warehouse ship.
Warp core [Pointing to the circler display of the warp core towards the back]. The idea was to try to bring some type of lighting effect that would reflect the state of the ship’s speed and power. So, working with Phil Lanyon (the director of photography), very closely, to come up with a lighting instrument that was very helpful for his lighting crew that provided everything that he needed to color temperature, etc., and then we integrated it into the set. And eventually, this becomes a bit of a focus for a handful of scenes.”
“I mean, we have close to 500 lighting fixtures spread out over the entire ship. And everything’s on the dimmer board. So there’s a lot of quick flexibility. It’s not to say that specials don’t need to be brought out occasionally, but for the most part, everything can be done with all available built-in lighting.”
Bridge/“Flight Deck”:
“La Sirena’s flight deck consists of three main seats, like very traditional, kind of Federation issue vehicle. There’s a captain, NavCom, weapons/pilot. Then we’ve retrofitted through the season two additional standing terminals that would also act as kind of ancillary weapons or engineering systems. By the end of the season, we added two more chairs to accommodate the full ensemble.”
Lower Deck
Sickbay/Science Lab, called the Medbay/Science Lab:
“We’re on the underside of La Sirena, on the lower level. In the lab, medbay, this set is pretty much like Swiss cheese, but because of the structural need of having a lot of steel, carrying the larger deck up above, everything wilds out (“Wild Wall” – a movable wall designed and built into the set that is removed for shooting) in a kind of difficult way. So having all the built-in lighting allows us to not have to wild the walls very often and keep moving very, very fast.”
Mess Hall, referred to as a “Canteen Area” or “Common Room”:
“The common room evolved as we realized that we needed a gathering point for our cast. The storyline was evolving, so we realized that this was going to be a bus along the way. This made complete sense to turn into a canteen area. We’ve got two working replicators and then, as well, a dedicated beverage synthesizer.”
Ship Crashed on Coppelius:
“Once La Sirena crashes on Coppelius, we needed to get our cast in and out, so our characters end up going back out through the lower part of one of our vista windows into this badlands-like area. This is probably one of my favorite sets, generally, obviously is the spaceship, but this little 20-foot-by-20-foot area of this foam scenery might be my favorite, because it really feels like you’re shooting a Star Trek episode. You’re on an alien planet, and you don’t have enough stage space, and you’re kind of tight into it, and you try to do something kind of funky and alien-like, it still looks like Earth. It’s one of those fun moments where when we walked in the first morning it was lit, and we were kind of done with it, I think everyone felt that, yeah, we were shooting a good old Star Trek episode.”
21 notes · View notes
fapangel · 3 years
>need to make our primary CAS aircraft heavier and slower | So it's doctrinal then. >heavier; fair enough it IS a gigantic cow >slower; It's literally faster than both Apache and Viper and if my memory serves well Operation Mount Hope III was motivated largely by that.
Okay, since I’m awake I can say a little more about this. Rotary wing isn’t really my thing but I have some general thoughts derived from a wider familiarity with (combat) aviation, the physics and the engineering trade-offs that result from it to hazard some guesses. 
Welcome, to Brainlet Theater. You have been warned. 
First off, there is some obvious utility in having attack helicopters with some small passenger capacity, and we know this... because we’ve done it with our own Apaches: 
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Them dudes sitting on the outside of the chopper? They’re secured to the machine with a short purpose-made strap. This is mainly useful for getting a downed crew out of dodge in a hurry, but it’s also been used operationally and offensively; some Royal Marines (the absolute mad lads) rode into a Taliban compound on Apaches to provide a small ground presence while the gunships did most of the blasting. 
So the capability is definitely useful. But, generally speaking, the point of a gunship is to optimize for the guns, not the ship. With that said, however, infantryman are heavy; esp. once you’re done adding body armor, guns, lots of ammo and their packs. Easily 300~ish pounds a man, and you want to lug at least 9 of them in there (the average squad) on one transport, and hopefully more. 
So, intrinsically, a transport chopper has a big strong engine and a lot of lift capacity, which means a passenger transport and an ammo/cargo transport are basically the same aircraft, with the difference being a few lightweight bucket seats most of the time. 
Now keeping this in mind, consider that one thing every attempt at airborne cav has learned is that inserting while people are trying to shoot you down is very goddamned hard. Because of this, it’s always very, very good to bring as many damned guns as you can to shoot back and cover your own approach and the landings of your wingmen. This job is, of course, ideally suited to gunships... but the nature of combat means that the best gun you can possibly have to return fire is one on your own aircraft. Whoever is shooting at you, personally tends to be very obvious to you, and even in the modern era, with the nascent age of Information Warfare upon us, it is still almost always quicker to point your own gun at the guys lighting you up and hose them down than to call the gunships and hope that 1. they see the dudes without you playing 20 questions while you’re getting lit up and 2. have ammo left and 3. aren’t already busy trying to save someone else’s ass. And the more guns all of you bring to shoot back with, the better - simple as. 
This is why the Chinooks that the Special Forces use to insert have a big-ass minigun on each side, and why even the Osprey - which doesn’t really have many good places to put a gun and not much weight allowance to carry one - ended up finally working out an articulated arm to get a machine gun useable from the back ramp, and they’re still working on installing a minigun in a forward firing belly mount for the pilots to use when entering hot landing zones; much like the nose-mounted miniguns found in some LOH’s and Hueys in Vietnam.
In short, between the very strong need for more guns and the extra lift capacity transport choppers require, bolting more guns onto them is something that almost every military ends up doing. And once you have some “defensive” guns on there, it’s not a big stretch to shrug, pull all the troops off, and use that aircraft to build a dedicated gunship out of. Many Hueys in Vietnam were built like this, and in the modern era the Russian MI-8 “Hip” (and the many successor choppers which more or less share an airframe and appearance, but sport vastly upgraded engines) are much the same. The difference between a Hip or Huey transport and a Hip or Huey gunship, in both cases, boils down to - are you using your load capacity for troops, or for guns? The ultimate example of this in practice was the ACH-47A, Chinooks that were modified into very fucking big dedicated gunships. 
However - gunship helicopters like the Cobra and Apache exist for a reason. If one looks at the Cobra, you’ll note how very thin a profile it presents from the front - a stark contrast to the w i d e Huey. Then there’s the seating arrangements, the gimballed, turreted gun, and of course the significant change in flight characteristics, maneuverability, and of course efficient use of armoring. A purpose-built gunship is always going to be better at being a gunship than a transport or general purpose chopper loaded down with ordinance. 
The point of all the above is this: guns are always good. Troop transport capacity is very useful. So gunships tend to either be general purpose/troop transport choppers that evolve into gunships, or gunships that finagle some way to sling a few passengers if need be. 
So - which one do you think the Hind is? 
Well, take a look at an early A model and have you a guess: 
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Compare and contrast this to a civilian MI-8 HIP, the aforementioned ubiquitous general-purpose chopper: 
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Yeah. In point of fact, the MI-24 was based off a fucking MI-8 (if Wikipedia is to be believed.) The Hind stands out, however, because just from what I got skimming the MI-24′s Wikipedia article, it seems that Mikhail Mil, the Hind’s designer, anticipated that the air cav concept would end up mirroring the armored personnel carrier’s experience - to wit, once one is armoring a vehicle to directly insert troops into a fight, one also discovers that firepower is as crucial as armor in keeping the troops alive until they can deploy. Hence he was thinking of a chopper as a “flying infantry fighting vehicle.” In practice this simply means that Mikhail Mil was smart enough to add some stubby wings and hardpoints onto his design to begin with. America’s air cav concept didn’t have nearly as much focus on armed helicopters to begin with - perhaps not unjustifiably, as US forces knew they could count on some very, very thorough fixed wing air support to cover landings. Once they found out just how hard air insert was, they started taking Hueys and packing them with firepower. 
The Wikipedia article says “the early 1960s” so there’s no strict dates involved, but if I had to guess, I’d say Mikhail Mil was going around talking to Soviet brass and pitching his hybrid aircraft - a transport that traded half it’s troop transport capability to carry some boom boom to get them down alive with - at roughly the same time the US Army was packing Hueys full of miniguns to turn them into gunships to cover the troop transports (”slicks.”) Thus, the wisdom of Mil’s tradeoff was immediately apparent. 
Hence my comments on the MI-24 before - given that it was based on a transport chopper, and envisioned as a hybrid platform, you can see how dedicated gunships would have an advantage at being a gunship. 
H o w e v e r - this is not to say that the MI-24 is necessarily bad. 
Let’s take another look at it. 
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Using the cockpits (and thus the pilots) for scale; compare and contrast to a Cobra: 
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And the Apache: 
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You’ll note right away that the Hind is a fucking big helicopter. Empty weight of almost 19,000 pounds to an Apache or Cobra’s 11,000 pounds. This is neither good nor bad; more weight makes your aircraft more ungainly, slower to maneuver and a bigger target, but also gives you more room for guns, missiles, armor and fuel. Wanting more is why the ACH-47 gunship was built, recall. 
Now look at our Hind again: 
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Since it wasn’t just a transport chopper with guns bolted on, but was originally envisioned as a hybrid platform, it has a good, purpose-built seating arrangement for the pilot and gunner, and stubby wings that both provide a place to mount munitions and provide lift in forward flight. The Hind’s excessive size - and the large size of the stub-wings - work together for the Hind; that longcat fuselage and weight will work against it if you want to do helicopter things like drifting sideways and strafing and such, but with those big-ass engines and sizable wings it should handle pretty damn well flying in a forward direction; if you were to handle it more like a fixed-wing aircraft. 
Now note, especially, where the passenger compartment is (with the windows.) If you were to redesign the machine with no passenger room whatsoever - what would you put there? Fuel tanks, perhaps? The passenger accommodations don’t actually cost the Hind that much weight; they’re just empty seats and some empty space. The engines are above that compartment; if you eliminated it it’d just look goofy, like a hollow-bellied Skycrane with nothing (much) taking up the space intended for cargo: 
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To actually utilize that wasted volume you’d have to redesign the entire goddamned chopper to position the engines, fuel tanks, stub wings, etc. To make something skinny and efficient like a Cobra, or a lot shorter and more evenly distributed like an Apache... and at that point, you may as well make the chopper smaller, lighter and more nimble, as well, and make up the difference in munitions by just building a few extra choppers. 
In other words, it seems to me that for a chopper of it’s weight class, the Hind doesn’t actually suffer that much from having passenger capacity. The need for that capacity is what determined its weight class to begin with; but once you move into bigger, heavier choppers like that, engineering and aerodynamics considerations means that even a purpose-built gunship isn’t going to get all the advantages that smaller gunships do, but you’ll still be copping some of the disadvantages of a big chopper. IN general, the more mass you are throwing around, the harder it becomes to start and stop on a dime, and if you’re using the extra power from bigger engines to carry as many munitions as you can, you don’t have that power available to course-correct - at least, until you expend that ammo and fuel. 
Much like a modified MI-8, the Hind always has the option of leaving the troopers at home so it can carry more ammo - hell, sometimes MI-24s use their passenger compartment for door gunners, helping to compensate for the lower maneuverability! Fire arcs to the rear are restricted a bit by the wings and weapon pods, but given that you’d be handling a big, heavy, fast chopper like that more like a plane - making strafing runs instead of trying to play peek-a-boo from behind ridgelines - that’s less of a concern. 
In sum; the defining characteristic of the Hind, to me, is that it’s just a big helicopter; and an integral capacity for more payload is part of a big helicopter’s intrinsic nature, just as limited maneuverability is. And those tradeoffs translate directly to how they do gunship things; bringing more firepower (good) but less maneuverability (bad.) Whether or not that tradeoff is a net benefit or drawback rides heavily on whether or not the operator’s overall force structure and doctrine is suited to take advantage of the platform’s strengths and mitigate its weaknesses. For instance, if you’re a Soviet successor state operating Hinds, you may well purchase some Little Birds; when not being used for Little Bird things, they would very neatly complement your Hinds in combat; being fast, nimble little monsters that can turn and pounce on pop-up threats like Rikki Tikki Tavi on cocaine. 
So America doesn’t have a straight analogue to the MI-24 because, doctrinally, we don’t have a need or desire for a big gunship helicopter... but that doesn’t mean that big gunship helicopters are inherently bad. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
Looking for some sci-fi shenanigans!
Obligatory long post ahead warning: this post is quite long and I know it may be intimidating to some readers but please don’t let it put you off if you’d still like to rp with me :)
Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having a writing blast and seeing how I’ve got room for some more partners I’ve decided to come back in search of some partners who are interested in what I’m looking for.I’ve got a good ten or so odd years of rping experience under my belt but any potential partners do not necessarily have to have the same experience, they simply need to fit under these three things:
-third person only with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
- at least one small (no less than seven lines) paragraph per post as well as being willing to write more if the situation calls for it. Please do not contact me intending to give me only small paragraphs with each response as the above is simply the bare minimum I’ll accept if there’s not much going on in the rp that warrants a full paragraph.
-no one liners, one worders, script talk, poorly written sentences or just laziness in general.
This isn’t terribly much to ask for as picky as it sounds.
An important thing I shall mention is that NSFW (i don’t fade to black nor do I care when the smut happens. Just please don’t leave me once the smut has happened like lots of people seem to unfortunately do) and dark themes are a thing that occur in all my rp’s so I require you to at least be eighteen before you reach out to me. I will not accept anyone younger than 18 since I myself am in my early twenties. Underaged characters are also a no go as well. Please know that I’m in the eastern Australian time zone but almost any time zone Is compatible for me as I am awake at very odd hours. Another important thing I shall add is that you must be able to post at least once or more a day and if I don’t get any response after two weeks then I shall simply move on (only exception is if you notify me beforehand as to why you may not be able to post for a while. I’m not that vicious).
I only rp as male characters, as it’s simply my preference, I do MxM or FxM pairings. I will not double and I do not play multiple characters. I don’t do sub/dom dynamics when it comes to any aspect of the relationship. My characters are also non human (they’re aliens since this is a sci-fi rp after all) but what species your character is doesn’t matter to me at all as long as it’s not some god modded Mary Sue. Please remember that alien simply means a creature not from earth. Aliens can have fur, scales, feathers, etc, depending on where they come from. An alien with fur or scalies is not a furry or a scalie and please do not refer to them as such as it’s rude to label someone’s character as something they’re not. I will not write with someone who will insist that the theory of chimpanzees and humans unable to crossbreed should apply to hybrid characters regardless of whether they’re alien/alien or human/alien. This is fiction, not reality. Please also do not control my characters or dictate their actions. My characters are also premade and only have descriptions, I don’t do face claims or pics. I also do not care if you make a character up on the spot.
Please remember that this is a sci-fi rp and that I will not accept requests to do fandoms or any genre that doesn’t fit within the category of sci-fi. i will not accept a character that has no place in a sci-fi rp either like a dragon,harpy,demon, elf or some other fantasy creature.
First day on the job:
Everyone at the space academy remembers graduation day. The day where they became recognised as the very things they strived to be whether it’s a pilot, an engineer, mechanic, a simple Jack of all trades or even a commander if they worked hard enough. Everyone also remembers the few days after the big Moment as well. Days where one is expected to take to whatever rank they’ve had bestowed upon them almost immediately and the responsibilities that came with it as if they’d been born to do it from day one. Some things are easier said than done though, especially when trouble finds ways to manifest in forms that many would not suspect to be of any cause for concern.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the newly graduated commander of a small crew. You are free to play as either a crew member of any rank or even a trouble making character like a criminal or something similar that gives my character a run for their money. Possibilities are endless)
Runaway royalty:
The life of a Royal was simple yet complex at the same time. They were weighed on hand and foot and never had to lift a finger to do anything provided there was a maid or servant nearby willing to do whatever task it was the royal had for them. They were expected to grow into decent, respectable leaders who could ruler a planet fairly without struggle. For many royals, they were content to follow this regularly repeating path of “destiny” that their ancestors had set them on. All but one it seems. What happens when a sheltered prince/princess takes their chance on the world beyond the walls of their castle for a chance to see the universe itself?
(Important point of notice: you will be playing the prince/princess. I’ll be playing the non Royal character they run into.)
Worlds apart:
War. War was a terrible thing that brought nations to their knees and saw many people lose their lives and freedom. Many people and aliens liked to think that all the major wars were over and done with, that they’d never have to relive the horrors that once fell upon them. To put it simply: if no one hears about bad happenings, then it’s not their problem that needs to be taken care of nor does it exist. Sadly, it does not seem to be the case for everyone. A stranger from a planet so far away that many do not believe it to exist turns up on the doorstep of an alien who is forced to realise that war could very well be just around the corner once more.
“there’s no such thing as a bad person. Only bad choices.” Is a saying that is older than time itself. For many who are forced into a position where they have no other choice but to put their morals aside and do as they’re told, this is all too true. A space farer is captured by criminals and forced to choose between death or working as the criminals captain’s personal assistant. That means every order has to be obeyed and every rule must be followed or consequences will be dealt by force. As time passes and life go ons, the captured spacer starts to see his predicament in a different light.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the captured spacer. You will be playing the captain.)
Forbidden romance:
aliens and humans are forbidden from associating with one another in any way that isn’t political. Whilst the two races have put aside enough of their differences to coexist in their own little pockets of space, not everyone is accepting of the idea that the two different species could live together as one, let alone ever simply just coexist peacefully together without insisting that alien planets and human planets are to be kept seperate. To trespass on the strictly human or alien occupied planets is a crime that few dare to commit. What starts out as a simple act of one sided rebellion and show of courage turns into an unanticipated adventure.
(Important point of notice, I shall be playing the alien. I’m open to this also being an alien X alien pairing.)
The hunter and the hunted:
bounty hunting was one of the few illegal professions in the galaxy that made any trouble you got into for participating in the act of killing or kidnapping someone for worth it depending on who it was you’d been given the task of tracking down. Many bounties were more profitable alive of course since it cut back on many of the legal troubles one could face if caught with a dead body. A galaxy renowned bounty hunter has been tasked with taking down one of the roughest and most wanted criminals known to man and alien with the orders to return them dead or alive. Will they succeed or fail like many before them have?
(Important point of notice: I shall be playing the criminal. You shall be playing the bounty hunter.)
Space criminals and the law:
humans and aliens have been living amongst each other side by side ever since humanity dared to venture beyond the Milky Way and made first contact with aliens. With the solar system no longer being man’s only playground other planets were quickly colonised under the new alliance between extraterrestrials and Homo sapiens. Whether you were an alien, human or a hybrid did not matter in the known galaxies. All that mattered was who you were. Not everyone took to the integration very well (there were numerous protests on both sides) but most people were willing to share in the hopes of peace. Not everyone had good intentions though……
Trouble in the alien kingdom:
the planet of (insert generic planet name here) was one of prosperity, hardship and wealth. The kingdom of (insert generic kingdom name here) was ruled by a king and a queen whose heir was betrothed to a rival planet in the hopes that a political marriage would prevent another war from happening. Only problem was that no one could see the rival planets true plans….all but one. Unfortunately no ones going to listen to a deranged commoner who probably may not even be telling the truth. What’s one to do when no one will listen?
The wind howled as thunder crashed and shrieked all around the abandoned cargo ship. Rain pelted the metal hull, turning the ground into a cold, treacherously slippery and muddy shallow river. The ship itself had crashed into the planet countless centuries ago and was slowly being reclaimed by the environment. Plants grew from cracks in the floor as moss and vines decorated the walls. A figure sat miserably hunched in what was once the cockpit of the ship, their only shelter from the raging elements outside but not from the storm that raged inside of them. The figure leapt to their feet as the sounds of footsteps in the mud drew closer and they held their breath. Who would dare to venture out here on such a miserable night?
War of the worlds:
humans and aliens were never meant to coexist peacefully with one another. There was too much fear, Too much misinformation and too much bias on both sides for such a thing to have ever been successful. It was the humans fault that the war had started. They were the ones who’d shot down the alien ship that had been packed with specially chosen diplomats that represented each alien race known to the galaxies they dwelled in that had been on their way to earth to negotiate a truce and a plan for peace. They hadn’t even hesitated to shoot the ship full of aliens yet they’d been surprised when war had been declared on the spot. Two races. Two worlds so different yet the same fighting one another for what was either a mistake or intentional murder.
The UGWP alliance (unite the galaxies for the protection of all worlds and for peace alliance) portrayed themselves as calm, charismatic and kind men and women who held only the thoughts of a life together with all species living happily together. They advertised campaigns for inter species jobs, provided information to the public about human/alien interactions and encouraged diversity amongst planets. Their rehabilitation program for troublesome fellows was considered to be a god send to try and cut down on the amount of space related crimes. No one ever questioned what went on beyond the closed doors to the facility, if they did, the UGWP would have their darkest secrets revealed. Something they strove to keep under wraps. When the arrival of a particularly wild prisoner occurs, the threat of their first failure and first escaped prisoner is lurking around the corner.
(Important point of notice: in this rp idea I’d be playing said prisoner, I don’t mind if you choose to be one as well.)
Academy days:
the galaxy alliance and military defence force academy was one of the most respected training academies in the known galaxies. Men, women, aliens, humans and all of those who were in between went there to study, train and, one day if they passed the mentally, emotionally and physically gruelling years of tests, fly and be put in their own squadron. There were approximately six spots to fill on any team and the cadet who suited that spot the most would be given the title of pilot, squad leader, second in command, engineer, gunner and navigator. Each team was similar but unique in what they did. Not everyone gets along though and rivalries grow high during that delicate time between graduating and being put on a team. What happens when the top student and the lonesome outcast with a temper clashes?
Space criminals have been around ever since advanced technology allowed others to travel and live in space as if they were living anywhere else. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes skill to be on the wrong side of space law and true talent to get away with it. The galaxy’s current most wanted man has finally been captured by an alliance captain and his crew. Will he beg for mercy? Will he be given a trial before being thrown into a cell to rot or will he be given a chance to turn himself around with some hard labour?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal for this one. You will be the alliance captain)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One man reflected on this as he was forced to his feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented his escape as he stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose to be to serve another……only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
for as long as there has been civilisation and leaders, there has been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married in order to secure ties to another land or another planet. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, you couldn’t possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?
(Important point of notice: this can go two ways, either our characters are betrothed to each other or one character is betrothed. The idea has endless possibilities)
march 18th in the year of 6079 was the day that the aliens invaded earth. They’d been planning the take over for some time as they came prepared and easily took out Earth’s defence forces. No one knows exactly why the extraterrestrial beings from the outer worlds came to the humble blue and green planet the humans had existed on for millions of years nor did they seem to have any true intentions known other than conquering the planet and taking it for their own. This has led to the belief that all aliens must be the cruel monsters the humans stories have made them out to be. What happens when the actions of one alien puts that to the test?
(Important point of notice: I’m open to having this idea turned around and having the humans invade an alien world to take over.)
The chosen:
The galaxy alliance had chosen its newest crew to serve and protect the known galaxies. Five young cadets who’d graduated at the top of their classes and would hopefully mark the start of a new generation of spacers and heroes. The leader of the new crew has yet to be decided and tensions are high because of this. Can differences be put aside and acceptance shown? Or will nothing but chaos ensue?
The Walking wounded:
when one worked as a galaxy defence force member, they were on the frontline of everything. Every battle. Every loss. Every victory. Every struggle that the force went through they had to be there and follow the rules. You could not kill an unarmed person regardless of whether they were hostile or not. You could not turn down a plea for help even when there was reasons to suspect something was amiss. In simple terms: you simply couldn’t do anything that would make your morals be questioned. What happens when even the captain says to leave all those rules and everything you were taught by the door when faced with someone who seems to be the exception to the rule. What’s the right thing to do not by them but the entire galaxy?
the galaxies were once a place of freedom and exploration. A place where you had no limits as to where you wanted to go. Now thanks to new laws, permits are required to access certain systems, quadrants and galaxies. Problem is, this permit is unobtainable by the average civilian so many have taken to learning the art of boarding another’s ship and hoping for the best. Discovery is more or less a matter of life and death. What happens when someone is unfortunate enough to be discovered?
aliens. Aliens were terrifying beasts that were the monster in every bedtime story the humans told their children to keep them home at night. Many mothers wept when their sons and daughters applied to the space military in order to keep the extra terrestrial scum away from the galaxies they’d claimed as their own. When a human ship crashes on an alien world so far away from human civilisation it may as well not exist to the aliens and a crew member is found lost and alone by a wandering alien, will their fate be decided by a monster? Or a benevolent being?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the alien in this scenario. I’m also open to the characters situations being swapped around so it’s the alien who crashes.)
On the run:
even on the most modern of planets, life on the lamb can be difficult. There’s authorities to avoid and even more rules to break in the game of survival. No one takes pity on those who have done wrong to the point that they have their face in the paper. Even if it’s not your fault will anyone give you shelter from the harsh cold winds of reality and a biased opinion. What happens when someone does take a chance on a poor wayfaring stranger? Will the wrong doer be turned in or given a new lease on life?
when one entered the royal guard they took upon themselves an oath that bound them by blood and courage to the dedication of the protection of their king, queen and the kingdoms heirs. They were sworn to protect them from any harm whilst at the same time not allowed to use their position or power to hurt anyone else. When one breaks that oath, they are sent away in disgrace and branded as a traitor who must swear to never return. Life on the run changes people, sometimes for the better…..or for worse.
Space pirates and nobles:
space was a vast starry and endless sea that many voyaged across for the purpose of research, leisure or finding ones destiny. Like any real ocean, it was filled with dangers. The most feared of all was space pirates. Bands of blood thirsty cut throats and scandalous troublemakers whose sole pleasure in life was to steal, kill and take others prisoner against their will. Only pirates dare to do what other criminals would not. When a merchant ship is robbed by pirates what fate will befall the nobles onboard?
Healing wounds, growing love:
winter on the planet of malgor is one that is feared for its extreme weather. Snowstorms could appear out of nowhere and many a traveller had frozen to death whilst trying to make their way from one village to another. It was also a time where people were at their most vulnerable, relying on the winter harvest to feed every mouth that had been born and raised in the kingdom meant no mercy was spared for poor wayfaring strangers. When a kind soul finds a wounded outcast and decides to bring them home, they discover a threat that’s lurking just beyond the borders of their place of protection.
The knight and the heir:
royals could be spoilt. There was no denying that. A life of good food, wealth, the knowledge that they’d be pampered and weighed on hand and foot by servants was more than enough to turn even the most well mannered child into an insufferable brat. The knights tasked with the protection of the future royals knew this all too well. What happens when one particularly gruff, no nonsense knight refuses to bow to the whim of their future ruler and shows them what it means to be a true leader?
The last of a dying breed:
long ago, in a time when nobles, governments and space Pirates ruled the starry seas of space, there was a terrifying race of aliens that were considered to be the most dangerous creatures to have ever lived. When the great wars started up again due to rising tensions, the humans destroyed the planet these aliens lived on to ensure the battlefield was even. The aliens were furious at the death of an entire race and very quickly turned each and every human occupied planet into a warzone littered with their bases and encampments. Only in very small pockets of the universe does this war not exist. What happens when the last member of the species shows up on a small backwater planet?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the alien who is the last of their kind, you are free to play as a human or the story can be made to suite a scenario where you are also an alien.)
Harden my heart:
once upon a time, there was two friends who were the best of friends that anyone could have ever seen. Two people who had each other’s backs through thick and thin. Two people who supported each other endlessly even if their morals weren’t entirely inline with each other’s. Two friends who swore to never leave each other’s sides. Alas with the time of great growing came changes, the two friends bond had severed and they’d gone their separate ways in life. What happens when they run into each other many years later?
(This idea is one open to brainstorming, anything is possible.)
captain on deck!:
captains weren’t meant to fall in love with their subordinates. They were supposed to be well refined leaders who only mingled with those of a similar status. They represented the people they worked for after all, therefore they had an image that had to be strictly maintained towards the public in order to not be disgraced in any form. Behind closed doors however…..feelings were allowed to be a little more free. Secret lovers were frowned upon but one could take the risk if they were careful. After all, the captains word was law.
yes sir!:
order.serve.fight.lead.mourn.sleep.eat.rethink your life choices and repeat. Such was the ways of a military lifestyle on a world where war seemed to be a permanent occurrence and the leaders of every world trying their best to outspite one another with their relentless attacks that it made one think of how they could improve the boring daily routine they endured each and every day. In the army, you have to be tough if you want to be a leader. You had to be charismatic, strong, cold, incapable of doing anything that would sway you to possibly turn the other cheek and let your comrades be hurt. However, even the most stoic and battle hardened leaders can get lonely despite the fact that attachments to ones comrades outside of anything but friendship are forbidden by an unspoken law.
I need you:
space is a cruel mistress to even those who are experienced with charting her waters. Space, although beautiful, is often the grave of many brave explorers, soldiers and other space faring strangers. When a stranger comes to scavenge parts from a newly crashed ship in the hopes of finding something useful, they come across a familiar face. Old feelings stir and clash with one another when the crash’s survivor awakens and finds out who their rescuer is.
Sooooo….. about those pairings. What has two stars next to it is what I’m going to play if we choose the scenario:
1: enemies to lovers or rivals.
2: **captured criminal** x prison guard or other prisoner.
3: two soldiers from seperate sides falling in love.
4: **academies bad boy/outcast** x top student
5: **low ranking ship crew member/second in command/captured space criminal** x captain.
6: **commoner/rogue/knight/street rat** x prince/princess/king/queen
7: **slave/servant** x master
8: army superior x **lower ranking soldier**
9: married person X unmarried person
10: stowaway x captain
11: nurse x **injured soldier**
12: human x **alien**
I’m open to discussing and potentially mixing these ideas up till we get something that we both like. If you want to learn more about a certain idea tell me the name and I shall expand on it.
The only platforms I rp on are discord,telegram and google hangouts. I will not rp on any other platform other than the ones listed. If you do not have any of those then unfortunately we cannot rp. When you reach out to me requesting for an rp via one of the below platforms In the opening message tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it, give me a little introduction about you and you must put 123 somewhere in your message so that I know you’ve read all of my post, don’t just put “hi wanna rp”. Make it interesting.
My contacts
Discord: crankypurplespacecat#6187
My telegram: Tiberionwars
My hangouts: [email protected]
I look forwards to meeting potential partners.
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Smart ATC
This is my first article on Tumblr and I would mostly talk about tech and aeronautics and aviation as I’m really fond of these subjects. Aviation is one of the most happening and biggest and busiest like the world wide web or the internet. Sooner or before most of you have traveled on an aircraft from one destination to another, but let me ask you something, that have you ever seen an aircraft so close to yours just like trains or cars? (Rarest cases may happen with passenger aircraft). I know this might sound stupid to many aviation experts/pilots/cabin crews/flight engineers, but many people might not know the reason behind or why such a phenomenon never occurs (99% in 2020).
What happens outside while you’re seated inside?
Why airlines charge so much premium? Because it travels faster. Simple. and hospitality of course. Starting from an Airbus A320 to an A380, both are really fast when they are traveling (350kts to 550kts). The airspace is really huge and thousands of aircraft fly every day but still, we do not see too many airplanes outside the window while seated on an airplane. These planes are traveling at a very high speed of almost 120kts (from the runway) to 350kts while it is climbing up or gliding. Bigger aircrafts such as Boeing 777, Boeing 747, Airbus A380, Airbus A340, etc travels at a speed of 500–600kts at an altitude of 38000ft — 44000ft.
How come they do not come too close to each other?
Here comes the role of ATC or Air Traffic Control and Signalling System that is distributed all over the place. The ATC contacts with the aircraft using radiofrequency and locates the flight using radars and satellites and monitors each and every position (latitude, longitudes). It tells the captain to deviate the aircraft when needed and also instruct when to climb and when to come down. If two planes are approaching the same airport, one of them must deviate by some degree and let the other one land first and taxi it’s way out from the runway so that the other one can land with ease.
Yesterday I was tracking a Cathey Pacific Cargo Boing 747 using flightradar24 and it was approaching CCU Airport at the same time there was a Vistara A320 which was also approaching CCU Airport. The ATC recognizes this and tells the B747 to deviate its way and land faster so that it does not come in the flight path of the A320. In the same way, the ATC also connects with the A320 and tells it to land following its normal flight path. This was done to avoid a mid-air collision and panic since it is never advisable to fly to close another flight over a city. Both of the aircraft were at 3000ft–6000ft while approaching the runway.
Here is a screenshot, how the B747 turns to another way and lands first and does not interfere with the flight path of A320. The B747 was approaching faster than the A320.
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The red circle is where I was located, The Yellow aircraft is an A320 operated by Vistara and the Red aircraft is a Boeing 747 Cargo operated by Cathay Pacific.
Anticollision Lights:
Each and every aircraft have their own Anticollision lights that we all can see when an aircraft flies at night time. Those lights work as anticollision mechanisms and strobes at a very high brightness to alert other flights around it.
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Pic is taken from Google
Although as you can see there are different lights and colors and all of them have a specific purpose in an aircraft but that’s a different topic altogether.
As we are developing more and the industry is growing more and more it is also getting advanced and the failure rate is very less at this moment. The ATC is really smart and it will alert you even if you fell asleep in the mid-flight.
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jetageaviations · 5 years
The continued success in the Aviation Industry has successfully translated into generating an array of employment opportunities for the young aspirants. The building up of careers in this sector requires various skills, backgrounds, and interests. A good number of aviation jobs, require extensive customer service interactions that require well-refined interpersonal skills.
The various job opportunities in this sector are equally manifold. Let’s take a look at some of the popular ones,
Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians: This is a three-five years extensive course in engineering and requires a very scientific and technical understanding of things. Various institutes offer degree courses in this domain.
Air Traffic Controller:Basically, they authorize, control and monitor the flow of aviation traffic. This involves organizing and coordinating the arrival and landing of airplanes.The training can take two to four years to complete.
Airline and Commercial Pilot: This is an extremely prestigious and highly paid job that requires flying multi-engine airplanes or helicopters that carry people, packages and other cargo. If this is what excites you then you can pursue a Bachelor's degree from a certified civilian flight school or train with a certified instructor to begin a commercial airline pilot career.
Cabin Crew: This career option is by far the most popular among the young aspirants. You are responsible for passenger service duties, once you become a part of the flight crew. You are eligible to opt for this domain right after you finish your schooling. There are many options available in this domain itself, including, air hostess for female aspirants, flight steward for male aspirants, inflight manager, flight catering, etc. Not only the pay is quite handsome but also the incentives multiply once you gain experience.
Ground Staff: If you like to live the airport life, then this job will suit you perfectly. You will be responsible for handling all the parameters of management before and after people board their flight. You may opt for Airport Manager, Operations Manager, Baggage Handling or Security Department in this specific domain.
Airline Ticketing Staff: Nowadays, this has become a very lucrative job in the aviation sector. You can easily complete a six months or a yearlong diploma course in airline ticketing according to your requirements and apply for a high-paying job.
Hospitality and Travel Management: As Aviation, Hospitality, and Travel industries are all inter-linked, once you gain some experience in any one of the industries you can easily switch to some other sector in the future if you want to. Currently, these are covering a major scale of revenues on the economic platform and are main job providers.
 The aviation industry offers 566 Lakhs jobs globally.
The Indian aviation industry is estimated to become the third-largest aviation market in the world by 2020.
These few figures show the potency of this sector in future dynamics as well. Employment in the aviation sector is laced with a myriad of advantages. These include traveling around the world, meeting new people, better lifestyle and continuous growth.
At our prestigious Aviation Institute, we offer various certificate, diploma and degree courses in Cabin Crew, Flight Steward, Airline Ticketing, and Hospitality and Travel Management. With our experienced faculty and course structure, we not only make sure that students understand the theoretical approach of these domains but also learn its practical aspects.
Our flagship courses are comprehensive and evaluative. They enhance the required skills and knowledge of the students in a particular field. Moreover, we provide an absolute surety of placement opportunities to our aspirants and help them in every step of career building.
To know more visit our website:- https://www.jetageaviation.net/
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uriel-ignatius121 · 6 years
More Shadantis?? Shiro/Adam/Lance/Curtis is my new OT4
[i am loving this ot4 but i am having a hard time figuring out what i want for their personalities? Like we barely know Adam and Curtis - but it is safe to say that they are awesome dudes because, in VLD canon, Shiro loves them - even with the drama of Kerberos and Adam... but this is my happy-ish AU and i write the rules, and canon is my bitch now - all the ages are different because an institution like the Garrison should enroll people as young as 18 for programs like being a pilot or space explorer etc. Programs for highschool level can exist but just teach you general classes - but leanings towards sciences?? idk.]
Shiro and Adam met first, enrolling into the Garrison around the same time and got into similar pilot programs - though Shiro was more interested with going further than just being Fighter Pilot.
They were roommates and slowly got closer and closer - and then they started dating. Shiro was pretty much an overachiever and thank god Adam was around to nag Shiro to take a rest or eat between studying. Adam was content with his current position and place in life, but he worries about Shiro a lot since he was going to Space a lot and he was visiting the Medical Wing more times than usual.
Lance enters the picture when he enters the Cargo Pilot program at 18 years old with ambitions to move on to be a Fighter Pilot. Shiro is an instructor for basic flying between Space Missions while Adam trains the fighter pilots.
Lance has a huuuge crush on Shiro and practically worships the ground he walks on. When in need to extra help with his classes, especially in improving his simulation scores, Lance was too shy to ask Shiro for any help but he keeps visiting the Instructor’s Lounge or pass by Shiro and Adam’s room.
Adam notices though because he isn’t as oblivious as Shiro and he calls out to Lance one day to offer to tutor him.
Adam is impressed with Lance’s tenacity and charmed by his loud and bright attitude. Adam can see that Lance was very much capable of achieving whatever he puts his mind to, he just needed the occasional confidence boost and praise, which Adam can gladly give in buckets just to see those blue eyes sparkle.
Shiro soon notices Adam spending more time tutoring the younger Cadet and how happier Adam is after his sessions with Lance. Shiro started paying attention to the aspiring Fighter Pilot. He was happy to see the cadet’s scores improving since being taken under Adam’s wing. Shiro also started to see the happy-go-lucky cadet be the friendly, social butterfly he was and how that no matter what assortment of team members he got assigned with, he was able to adapt and adjust accordingly to be as useful and effective as possible.
Adam started out as bestfriends and then best friends who dated but they havent really explored much beyond that in terms of exclusivity. They very much love and care for each other and will like to keep being in love and happy through any means necessary. Shiro was much aware that Adam might be feeling a bit lonely, their schedules never meeting right and Shiro’s missions taking months away from planet... the possibility of seeing other people was never off the table.
They soon have a talk about it, Adam’s feelings for Lance and what Adam believes the depth of Lance’s feelings for Shiro.
 After another tutoring session, Adam asks Lance to stay a bit longer. Lance is curious what this was about and he stays, right after sending Hunk, his roommate, a quick text that he might be late for their study date.
Adam suddenly invites Shiro into the room and Lance starts to feel like a cornered rabbit, but he is quickly reassured by the 2 Instructors what this was all about - inviting Lance into their relationship. First, Lance was totally shocked that his ‘unattainable’ crush and his tutor he was low-key flirting with were dating and second, they want to date him as well...
Lance request that he needs to think this over, he is still confused and unsure... but he promises to give his answer soon.
Lance goes to talk to his sister Veronica who worked at the Garrison as an Analyst. She smacks Lance on the backside of the head for not knowing Shiro and Adam were dating despite being a Shiro fanboy. The 2 siblings have a heart-to-heart, Lance finally admitting to someone who was not Hunk that he was bisexual and very much interested in dating guys - specifically these 2 guys who very much want to date him as well.
Veronica tells Lance that she loves him no matter what and she supports what decision he makes and when he does open up to the rest of the family. She also reassures him that if Adam and Shiro do anything to hurt him, she’ll make sure that their next flying exercises will be hell.
After the weekend, Lance comes with his answer and the comfy duo become a trio... much to Keith’s annoyance that the loud kid from his early flight classes is dating his sponsor and a guy he considers as family.
Fast forward through Shiro’s diagnosis (i dont think his illness would kill him instantly? maybe like cause muscle and nerve damage that would lead to paralysis if left untreated which would cause complications like respiratory distress and other organs and body systems failing), the sudden increase of Shiro’s missions despite his condition, the planning of the Kerberos Mission, Adam and Shiro’s big FIGHT (which Lance was very much concern of Shiro’s well being but Adam isn’t venting his frustrations to the younger man so he is unaware of the fight), the Kerberos mission and the crew’s disappearance, Lance trying to stay strong for Adam and himself, Keith’s expulsion from the Garrison and Lance jump into the Fighter Pilot program which Adam doesn’t instruct anymore because of the stress and depression from Shiro’s ‘death’, Shiro’s sudden ‘return’ and the finding of the Blue Lion.
Adam was at first distraught at hearing Lance’s last call, about founding Shiro but that there is something bigger going on and that he will only come back once everything was okay and he has Shiro by his side.
Adam trusts that Lance and Shiro will care for each other, he is happy that they have each other - Adam doesnt have high enough clearance to be informed of what happened that night, but he meets Lance’s sister who fills him in.
Fast forward some more through the story - Shiro is the captain of the Atlas, Adam is the Commander of the MFE pilots, and Lance is the Red Paladin, the SiC of Voltron.
The MFE pilots are working closely with Voltron while the Atlas stays as back up and support. Shiro is very much inexperienced in leading a group of this scale, a whole battlehip - but he needs to think about the lives that need saving all across the Universe as well as those he cares deeply about. He tries to keep his voice steady and clear and his aura of that as a strong leader... but there are times he feels alone, he is far away and way too busy to be with his friends and lovers. Shiro befriends Curtis, one of the Senior Officers chosen by Commander Holt to be part of the Atlas Crew. (Curtis is younger than Shiro & Adam but older than Lance)
Curtis has more experience in working with crews and ships of this manner, not of the scale of Atlas, but the protocols and basics are there. Shiro usually confides with all of the crew of his limitations in knowledge regarding being the captain of Atlas’ kind, but mostly to Curtis who was always happy to help. Curtis becomes more attuned to Shiro, as he wishes to be as helpful to the Captain as possible, he makes sure that the bridge functions as smoothly as possible - even asking Veronica’s help, which will cost him. He makes sure Shiro is aware of his scheduled meetings with the higher ups and his dates with his boyfriends, checking with the Red Paladin and the MFE pilots’ CO (he also starts to get to know Adam and Lance here as well). Curtis slowly realizes that he was developing feelings for Shiro... his captain who already has 2 boyfriends that love him fiercely that one them even traveled to Space for him.
One day Curtis walks into the bridge, accidentally interrupting some discussion Shiro was having with Adam and Lance. He quickly excuses himself but Shiro calls him back.
Curtis keeps his head lowered, looking at everyone’s feet instead of their eyes. He feels outnumbered and out of place, worried that they know of his feelings for the Captain and that they want to tear him a new one for even daring to even imagine being with him. He is startled by the hand on his shoulder, a friendly pat coming from the Red Paladin of Voltron, he receives a warm smile from him and a friendly greeting and reassurance that he has nothing to worry about.
Curtis looks at Shiro who seems bashful, but looking at him with curious eyes. Adam was the one to break the silence, explaining to Curtis what the current situation was - that Shiro has feelings for Curtis and thinks he might fit well in their little family, that Lance and Adam agree. Shiro and Curtis talk about it further, with Adam and Lance as an audience.
Similar to Lance, Curtis wants some time before he can give them an answer, and with that they all separate to return to their jobs, though Shiro and Curtis are awkward about it at first - they ease back into their roles with work as their main focus.
After a night thinking it over, Curtis calls for all three of them when he says yes, he wants to date them.
And the steadfast trio becomes a family of four
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