#as per usual you’re a real one :D)
age-of-moonknight · 5 months
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“Case Number: 004 ‘Who Is Victor Shade?’” Avengers Inc. (Vol. 1/2023), #4.
Writer: Al Ewing; Penciler and Inker: Leonard Kirk; Colorist: Alex Sinclair; Letterer: Cory Petit
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
The Bonds That Break Us (Rhysand x Female! Reader) Part 2
Part 1 , Part 3 , Part 4, Part 5 , Part 6, Final Part
Request: "Would you do a Rhysand x fem!reader series? Maybe fem!reader is Rhysand's mate and Tamlin's sister? So secret love?"
AN: omg guys the love part 1 received has been so amazing. I seriously am so happy you're all loving this fic as much as me. As someone who hasn't written in so long it's been so fufilling to write this. Thank you for all the kind words. Please feel free to leave a comment! Hearing your guy's feedback is what motivates me to write!
Summary: It was almost as if the cauldron liked to play games, as if it had sensed years of boredom and predictability and begged to be entertained. Its method of absolving its melancholy? Mate the High Lord of the Night Court to the younger sister of the High Lord of Spring. 
Warnings (so far): SA, starting to get a little steamy
Word count: 2704
(all photos are from pinterest)
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The next morning I woke with a certain lightness to my step that I knew shouldn’t be there. My hands skimmed over the countless dresses looking for just the right one. All of the sudden I had started caring more about my appearance for council meetings. Deep down I know why. 
I meet my brother and Lucien in the foyer per usual, and I feel Lucien’s fiery gaze rake over the lavender chiffon draped over my body. I told myself that I had selected the revealing dress because of how hot the Day court was, but I think I had other motives backing my choice. 
The Day Court, like all other courts, was utterly beautiful. Large pillars stood all around and like the summer court it was entirely open air, allowing the sunlight and breeze to float into the room. I sit between Lucien and Tamlin at a large table with the other High Lord’s and nobility. My eyes scan the room for a hint of that violet that I dreamt about last night but I don’t find it. It isn’t until a few minutes later, when my skin starts buzzing, that the High Lord of Night steps into the room. His presence commending, his eyes immediately finding mine. 
I feel him pluck at the bond as if to say hello. After speaking to him through my mind for so long it was almost strange to see him in real life. Somehow he was always much more handsome in person. Like no matter how many times I tried to put together the image of his face at night it never compares to the sheer glory and presence of him. 
As Helion began speaking a voice crawled into my head. 
I’m glad you find me so glorious, darling.
“Shh you nosey High Lord. I’m trying to listen,” I silence him and to my  surprise he obliges.  
Helion talks on and on and of course there is arguing between Kallias and Beron as there usually is but I couldn’t begin to tell you what about. I spend the entire meeting noticing every move the High Lord of Night made. When he breathed, or flexed his hands, adjusted his spot on his seat. Whenever I felt his eyes sliding over to me I would do my best to evade them. 
See something you like? I look over to him and find his eyes smirking. 
“Yeah actually, Eris is looking especially delicious today,” I tease, I don’t break eye contact with him. 
He chuckles brushing off my comment. You’re a vision in purple mate, but if Lucien looks at your cleavage one more time I might just leap across the table and rip his only good eye out. 
“So violent,” I muse disapprovingly, looking towards where Kallias is speaking about potential war with Hybern.
I save my most brutal acts of violence for those who seek to harm you darling. My eyes flit back at him and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he averts his gaze back to Kallias. 
“Enough talk of war my friends, let us adjourn this meeting until next week.” Helion finally says, causing the rest of the council to let out a breath. 
Tamlin doesn’t say a word before he and Lucien stand and make a beeline to Tarquin, most likely to talk about problems we’ve been having on the border. I take it as my queue to walk around the Day Court’s terrace and I secretly hope that a certain High Lord follows me. 
The Day Court and the Summer Court are like twin sisters. Except the Day Court always felt like liquid gold. All around me I could see clouds and honeyed sunlight peeking through the them. The rays warmed my skin as I basked in them, leaning against one of the many large pillars. 
“I knew you’d look amazing in this light,” drawled that voice I had secretly wanted to hear. 
I glance over to find The High Lord admiring me, the light of the Day Court doing wonders for him as well. “You shouldn’t be here,” I say, trying to act like I mean it. 
“Yet you wanted me to follow you,” he smirks knowingly, slowly stepping towards me. 
“What makes you say that?” 
“This,” he says, pulling on the bond again. I take a sharp breath in and he chuckles. “I’ll never get tired of that reaction.”
“I really hate it when you do that,” I grumble. 
“No you don’t,” he muses using one arm to cage me into the pillar I’m leaning against. 
“Yes I do,” I affirm. His other hand lifts my chin to meet his stare. 
“No you don’t, you don’t hate anything about me. In fact you think I’m beautiful,” he smirks, somehow stepping even closer to me. “And, you want me to touch you right now, your skin is practically on fire for it.” 
“My Lord-” 
“I told you to call me Rhysand,” he cuts me off. I want to lie and tell him no, I want to push him away but I fear that even the action of me touching his chest, even for a moment, would be too much for me to bear. 
“Rhys,” I breathe out. Before I can even think his lips are on mine swallowing the breath that held his name, just like he promised.  
The kiss is hot and needy, built up from the last two weeks of torture. One of his hands finds my face while the other finds my waist. His frame presses me into the pillar behind me. I feel my body ignite in a way I didn’t know possible, I need him closer. I pull on the lapels of his jacket earning a low grumble from him. 
“Say it again,” he says between kisses. 
“Rhysand,” I moan, his name like a prayer on my lips. 
“Fuck,” he groans before sliding a hand down under my knee and hoisting it up to wrap around his waist. The slit in my dress parted for him, giving him full access to my bare leg. I feel his lips drag across my neck leaving opened mouth kisses on me. I practically come undone for him, the only thing keeping me upright are his hands and the pillar behind me. 
In the distance I can hear footsteps clicking across the floor, in a panic I winnow both of us further away. He breaks apart the kiss and gives me a bewildered look. 
“Sorry, someone was coming,” I say breathlessly. 
“Let them see,” he grins before stepping closer to me. I take a step back and he halts his movements, surprised. 
“We can’t, my brother will kill me, kill you.” I remind him. 
He lets out a chuckle like he’s completely unphased, “I promise you that I hold more power in my pinky than Tamilin does in his entire body.”  he boasts. 
“Still,” I start. “You’re the High Lord of the Night Court, his sworn enemy, my court's sworn enemy. Think of what they would say about me if the truth came out. What they would say about you. You’d be the monster who stole away the princess of spring.” I ramble. 
“I’ve been called a monster by those who know nothing but stories of me my whole life, what’s one more?” he states. 
“I’ve heard stories of your court, that it’s the part of Prythian where the most feared monsters and beings of our kind reside,” I say fearfully. I start to remember who he is. Not just a pretty face, but the High Lord of the Night Court. He’s dangerous, and he is a monster. 
“Part of that is true,” he affirms, and I can see a tinge of hurt in his eyes. 
“And the other part?” I ask on bated breath. 
“You’ll see soon enough mate,” he says. 
“My Lord we cannot be together,” I state firmly. 
“Back to formalities now are we?” he sighs. “I’ve waited 500 years to find my mate y/n, don’t think for one second that I’m going to stay away from you just because you’re afraid of that pathetic excuse for a brother.” 
“He’s not pathetic, he loves me!” I growl. 
“You don’t know half the things you think you do about your brother,” he sneered. 
As much as I hated to admit it he was right. Tamlin and I had never truly been close. We hardly ever did anything together. I always sensed a darkness in him that I couldn’t place. There was so much he simply refused to tell me just because I was a woman. But I couldn't bear that truth to Rhys, not when I needed his silence. 
“This conversation is over,” I huff before walking away, I feel him grasp my arm. 
“No darling it’s not,” Rhys says with frustration in his eyes. 
“Wanna bet?” I ask smugly before winnowing back to the Spring Court. 
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The next few days I don’t hear from Rhysand, and I don’t feel a tug on the bond. All of the sudden my life is filled with a sense of melancholy, I never had before. I had grown so used to his constant tugging on the bond or his remarks throughout my daily life that I felt a little empty without him.  
So empty that I now found myself nudging around the food on my plate at dinner. Lucien had been out with the emissary of the Summer Court fixing the problems on the border, which meant it was just me and Tamlin. 
We spend the whole meal in silence until he finally breaks it, “I have something I want to discuss with you,” he says, placing his napkin down on the table. 
“What is it?” I ask, starting to wonder if maybe he saw me and Rhysand the other day. 
“I’ve been talking with Beron Vanserra, and it seems that his eldest son Eris has taken a liking to you. We think it might be in the best interest of our two courts if you two were to marry.” he says casually, as if the words weren’t a huge punch to the gut. 
“What?” I breathe in disbelief. 
“Come on y/n this has always been our plan, to get you an advantageous marriage.” he reminds me, irritation laced in his voice. 
“Not my plan Tamlin, yours.” I seethe. “Eris is a viper, I won’t marry him.” 
“You’ll do as you're told and that’s final!” he screams slamming his fists down on the table making the silverware rattle. 
I leave my plate full of food on the table and get up. If I wasn’t hungry before I certainly am not now. I leave the dining room and make sure to slam the door on my way out. The halls of the palace were dark save for the moonlight drifting through the windows. My mind was a mess of Tamlin’s words, I was so angry I could hardly think beyond it. At the end of the hall there was a door and even from where I was I could see the doorknob turning. A head of red hair popped through the door and Lucien stumbled to close it.
 I kept my head down trying to avoid him but it was no use. The second he passed me his hands were on me shoving me into the nearest wall. 
“Hello my flower,” he slurred. 
“You’re drunk Lucien,” I pointed out, jerking my head away. 
“Yes I suppose I am, the emissary for the summer court knows how to celebrate. We went to a tavern after completing the job on the border to indulge in some women and maybe a few drinks,” he chuckled. 
“Yeah a few hundred drinks you fucking idiot,” I gripe trying to get out of his grasp but his hands only pin my wrists tighter.
“It was fun, but being around all those women made me long for my little flower,” he smiled drunkenly before kissing my neck. 
For months now he’s been doing this, stealing touches whenever he could, and kissing my neck like this when he was feeling really bold, or in this case, drunk. He never took it further than that though. Never kissing, never fully fucking me, and I think it’s because he knew that it would be where Tamilin drew the line. But tonight he was drunk, in a way I had never seen him before, and I wasn’t sure if the line that had held for so many months would be held now. 
“Get the fuck off me Lucien,” I growl trying to push him off again. 
He completely ignores me, “You know my dear I’ve let my hands wander every expanse of this magnificent body, but I have yet to taste you,” he says lowly. “I think I’m going to change that.” 
I don’t even get a chance to try and fight before his lips are on mine. He tastes like shitty whiskey and he smells like cheap perfume. It’s vile and it has me sick to my stomach. I find my opening to rip my lips off him and take it. 
“Lucien what the fuck!” I scream in his face. His eyes just go down to my heaving chest, where my breasts are pushed up high due to my corset. 
“And these,” he drawls before placing open mouth kisses on the peaks of my breasts. His hand lets go of my wrist and flies to my waist to pull me closer to him and I take the change of position as an opportunity to knee him between his legs. 
His knees hit the ground and I run down the hall towards my room. I slam and lock the door as fast as possible, barricading myself in with a chair. I pace back and forth trying to dispel the pent up adrenaline that’s inside of me but in the end I sink to my knees and start to cry. 
What happened?
That calming voice cleaves its way through my mind and it feels like a huge weight off my chest has been lifted. 
“It was Lucien he tried to…” I let my voice trail off not even wanting to finish the sentence. I know the High Lord of Night is at the complete other end of Prythian but I swear I feel the ground beneath me tremble. 
Did he? He asks, like he would winnow here right now and make due on his promise of ripping out his good eye. 
“No, I fought him off,” I assure him.
Are you safe? 
“As safe as I can be, I barricaded the door,”  I say, as my heart rate calms down. 
You shouldn’t have to live in a place where you have to barricade yourself in your room.
“Well I do so I’m handling it the best I can,” I gripe at him. I would gladly change the situation if I could but I can’t. There's a silence and I can feel him ruminating over my words as I crawl into bed. 
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that. 
“It’s okay I understood what you meant,” I say pulling the covers up to my chin like they might protect me. 
And I’m sorry for what I said about Tamlin. I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you, he’s your brother, of course you’re going to defend him.
“It’s okay, maybe everything you said about Tamlin wasn’t entirely false,” I confess remembering the conversation that had me fleeing the dining room in the first place. 
What happened? 
A moment passes and I think about telling him. But saying it almost makes it real and I choose not to, “I’d rather not talk about it now. Too much has happened tonight,” I say
Alright we won’t then. I sense disappointment in his voice but I am happy that he respects my wishes. 
“Rhys?”I ask, and there’s a hesitation there. 
Yes darling? He purrs and I can hear him practically swooning at the fact that I said his name.
“I don’t wanna be alone, will you stay up with me?” I confess feeling like I’m baring my soul. 
Of course I will darling, all night if you want me to.
Taglist: @heyyitsnat21 , @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson , @randomperson1234sblog , @local-fangirl09 , @bleh-81 , @annaaaaa88
(I've never made a taglist so hopefully this works)
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trashytoastboi · 20 days
Day of Eternity - Solomon
~NSFW Alphabet~
Warning: NSFW content ahead (whole bunch of this and that)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?) 
🔮 Lotions and potions for everything - His way of tending to any marks or anything such as his very many bite marks, hickeys and otherwise. Solomon is one sided in his care and will ignore his own needs in light of yours, you have made your own ways to make sure he’s taken care of and he knows it. Solomon responds well to words of affirmation, as do you. Sometimes it is just holding each other and having a quiet conversation, while affirming one another. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
🔮 Mouth - Probably his favourite part, he has a few reasons as to why…Your voice, tongue, lips, all of it. He loves your kisses, or when you’re sucking on his fingers or something else. He loves all of you so it’s a hard decision for him. Bonus mention for your chest - Solomon likes resting his head on your chest. Plus you make the cutest sound when he’s sucking your nipples. 
🔮 On himself, he doesn’t have a favourite or at least he can’t think of one. He’d give you a vague answer like “Whatever you like best” and he’d mean it. If you mention liking something specific he’d make sure to show it off more and the like. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically) 
🔮 Likes cumming inside you or your mouth. He always fucks like he’s trying to knock you up even when it’s not physically possible. He’d be telling you to keep everything inside and if you spill, well he’s gonna fill you up again now. Has a decent amount per load, more than average but not uncomfortable amounts. Also not him drinking potions to actually flavour his cum, you’re thankful but also just didn’t realize he’d be using his skills for that. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
🔮 Solomon would never tell you why his drinks taste so good. He can't cook, it should be illegal for him to step into a kitchen, not that he knows anything about it. His potions are usually potent and some might say arguably tasty. That's why when he got into the habit of constantly making drinks for you, you didn't even question. Mixing drinks could be pretty close to potion making, he always added a secret ingredient. You innocently thought nothing of it, simply a syrup or a flavoring of sorts. Surely that must be it. Solomon would never admit to slipping an aphrodisiac into your drinks. But seeing you licking your lips to taste the residual sweetness of the sip. Or how you press your thighs together, growing ever more feverish. You’d so innocently excuse yourself saying you're going to be sleeping. In reality Solomon is well aware of what you are going to do. Being so kind and concerned, how could he not offer a helping hand? (You totally knew, there was no way his drinks would taste good if not for the potion, you just pretended otherwise.)
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
🔮 Very experienced, you can say he’s been around the block…A few times. There’s only so many ways to kill time when you’re immortal. He puts his experience to very good use though and teaches you something new quite often. Solomon has also learned some very interesting things that aren’t exactly possible in the human world or without magic so it’s a real experience whenever you’re with him. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
🔮 Doggy - Position allows him to get a little rough and feral, plus he knows how to reach all your favourite spots in this position with ease. Solomon knows how you’ll react when he thrusts there, maybe angles his hips a little and catches you off guard with a surprise orgasm. 
🔮 Upstanding citizen - Loves how close you feel to him in this position. Your legs wrapped around his waist making sure he can’t go anywhere, you’d have your arms around his shoulders and maybe a hand in hair, tugging on it every time you’re feeling good. Solomon also really likes that he can see your expressions and kiss you. Prefers this when he wants something slower and more intimate. 
🔮 Cowgirl - Either leaves you to your own devices or will fuck up into you if you ask him for a little help. Honestly this position makes him feel pampered especially if you ride him. The way you move is so mesmerizing and it just feels so good when you’re clamping down on him, moving so determined to make yourself cum. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
🔮 He’s a nice balance, sometimes he can be in a silly goofy mood and other times he’s serious and focused. Most of the time he’s somewhere perfectly in the middle, he keeps things light hearted and might make a silly comment that makes you chuckle. He’s all smiles while kissing you because he’s so happy, he’s still serious about your pleasure so don’t misunderstand. A good way to describe Solomon is playful.
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
🔮Trimmed, even did it in a style. His pubic hair is a little darker than the hair on his head taking a more gray appearance. Leaves it to grow out a bit before changing the style again. Started asking you for suggestions on what he should do next. Personally doesn’t like being completely clean shaven as he said it feels too breezy. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
🔮 He’s a romantic, likes being closer to you and kissing a lot. Solomon likes getting rough and fast at times, however you still can feel his care for you. He’s so attentive to every hint, or reaction your body gives to him and he pays attention, knows his limits and most of all just wants you, his most beloved person, to feel all the pleasure he’s giving you. Solomon still reminds you while being a little mean to you.  
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
🔮 Doesn’t have a real set routine because he likes trying new things and doing something different. Solomon knows himself and he’d get bored if he did the same old thing. Sometimes he’d use toys, cock rings, vibrators, prostate massagers - an array of different things. Other times he’s drinking a potion to increase his sensitivity, or he’s calling you to sit and instruct him on what to do, how to touch himself. So far the hottest things he’s done because he likes handing over the power to you sometimes and seeing what you’ll make him do.
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
🔮 Edging - Mostly on you. Likes driving your body to the limit and then denying you. He’ll do this for hours on end, not giving into your begging. Until you’re practically crying and asking him to just let you cum already. He’ll do it in every which way too, using his fingers, his mouth, his cock everything he possibly can. When finally decides to give you what you want he’s courteous enough to ask you what you’d like to cum on, toys? His fingers? Face? Dick? The choice is yours.  
🔮 Bondage - Solomon enjoys being the one tied up, he likes relinquishing control to you and letting you take the lead. Happy to let you tie him up, blindfold him, whatever you want really. Solomon trusts you enough to let you do that. Occasionally might flip the script and have you all bound instead. 
🔮 Sensory Deprivation - Solomon likes taking a sense away from you (with your consent of course) it makes you so much more sensitive and receptive to everything. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
🔮 Your room - His top spot really, loves doing things in your room and he’ll make sure to lock the door. Thinks it’s because you visibly look more relaxed in your own space, Solomon likes being in your space. Everything smells like you, reminds him of you and it’s just nice. Plus he doesn’t mind a sleep over at House of Lamentation every now and then. Only thing he could do without is Asmo whining outside the door about joining in. 
🔮 His room - On the other end at Purgatory Hall, Solomon enjoys having you in his room. If he’s in the mood for something rougher it’s the perfect place. He’s got all his little toys and tools here which gives him a little more freedom. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
🔮 When you’re coming onto him, if you’re trying to be smooth and seductive. It’s the biggest turn on to see how much you want him. It’s just a compliment and confidence boost for Solomon. If you’re trying to be more bold about it too. Pulling his hands to touch you, where you want him to touch you and kissing him, pulling him closer and exploring his body with your hands. It doesn’t even have to be rushed or needy, it could be slow and sweet. He likes that too. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
🔮 Anything very painful. While he doesn’t mind flogging, spanking, caning - he does it in a way that gets the point across but he never really hurts you.  He’s never broken the skin or left welts on your body, there could be some bruises but he doesn’t strive to leave bruises on you and he’ll apologize for them. Things that are completely off the table are things like knife play- which require him hurting you and making you bleed. Solomon will not. It’s a hard limit for him
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
🔮 Has a preference for receiving and you always give it sooo good. Just imagining you working your magic gets him hard. Solomon has a lot of sensitive spots along his dick and you had a fun time discovering each and every one of them. He loves when you use your tongue to tease them and it just has him cumming in your mouth with very little warning.  
🔮 He’s good at giving too, he’s slow about it. Winds you up, works you to the breaking point at a glacial pace and never rushes. He takes his time, he’ll squeeze your thighs, adores the feeling of you squishing his head between your thighs and holds them there so he can feel the softness of your thighs while he’s busy. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
🔮 Scenes are important as is state of mind. Solomon is sensitive to your wellbeing and won’t push for something rough and fast if he thinks you need something slower and sweeter. He’ll ease your worries, make you feel safe while giving you what you need. If it’s one of the times where rough is taking precedence. Then Solomon is nothing short of a bully, hammering away without a care listening to sputtering and whining his name, he places another hard slap to your ass and pulling your head up roughly telling you to use your words properly and ask him nicely. 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
🔮 A little quickie before breakfast never hurt anyone…Or at a party in Diavolo’s castle, or an empty room at RAD. Solomon is a BIG fan of quickies. He’s subtle about it and will invite it but not force it. If you meet him halfway on the invite, he’s dragging you somewhere a little more private. Once the two of you had a date and decided to have a quickie in the living room of the House of Lamentation, of course since no one was around…But someone was around… Levi. He never spoke of the horrors he witnessed that day and realized that he’s not safe to leave his room even if his brothers aren’t home. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
🔮 He’s down for anything, on three conditions. 1. There’s absolutely no physical or even mental and emotional harm to you. 2. You understand just what it entails, and communicate openly about concerns or reservations you have about it. 3. If it’s fun you definitely have to do it again. Solomon has tried a lot of different things and when you enter the realm of magic and its applications there is  a vast world of things to feel and try out so he’s down for doing it with you. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
🔮 At most about two hours with multiple rounds. Naturally of course. If Solomon starts pulling out something to help his stamina then you know you’re done for and you’ll protest that it’s cheating :( Solomon will smile and offer you the same thing he’s taken so you can be just as refreshed for the next few rounds. (Big mistake, no sleep. All the muscle ache the day after) He’s willing to edge you for the sake of ‘preserving your energy’ so he says
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
🔮  Owns a little bit of everything and uses his alchemy skills to make some otherwise toys. One of his self proclaimed best works, which he hasn’t convinced you to try out, is a water activated cube that brings forth a series of magic made tentacles. Solomon loves using toys to enhance the experience and give you different kinds of sensations. He likes mutual masturbation if you’re far apart, video calling and watching each other getting off with toys is a pretty fun thing. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
🔮 Solomon is a tease, you’d like to say he’s unfair. You really would but Solomon has days where teasing is the shortest thing and he’s diving into the main course immediately, other times he only teases you and nothing else. It’s infuriating, personally likes it when you tease him too and you rile each other up till you’re tearing the clothes off each other. Admittedly he’s one “Pretty please” away from giving you whatever you want. 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
🔮 Low sultry moans and talking. Not loud at all and talks above a whisper right into your ear. You can tell how good he feels by his breathing and the pitch of his voice. When he’s close to cumming his voices gets a little higher and his breathing gets shallower the closer he gets until he’s groaning about how good it feels when he’s in bliss. 
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
🔮 His magic circles look like tattoos and he’s got quite a few on his body that aren’t normally visible. After offhandedly mentioning that you think they look really good on him. He makes sure they’re visible whenever he’s fucking you just so he can feel your fingers tracing the patterns, or seeing how you keep sneaking glances at them. Might consider getting actual tattoos if that’s how cute you get looking at him. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
🔮 7,5 inches and average girth with a frenum piercing, (which you can feel), slight left curve to it and a pretty mushroom tip. He’s comfortable to take and Solomon loves showing off his technique, because he succeeds at making you feel so damn good every single time. He is a bit difficult to take down your throat, especially since he always wants you to deep throat him and it took a while to be able to take his length without gagging. Solomon had a great time training you though
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
🔮 Normal sex drive with you. Solomon did go through a few decades of celibacy before and had no issue with it. Didn’t get the urges after a while (and reached true enlightenment) It was only after he’d been intimate with you when his sex drive started functioning again. His urges aren’t frequent and he can go a good two weeks before he’s really missing and craving you. Then he’ll get needy and he’s open about wanting you the way he does. He won’t force it if you’re not in the mood. 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
🔮 He’s pretty sleepy honestly, the bed is comfy and you’re laying in his arms. He’ll be a little too tempted to close his eyes and fall into a light snooze for a while. Resisting the pull of such sweet sleep when all the conditions are so nice and comfy is near impossible. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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he’s acting different ~ eminem
word count: 2275
request?: yes!
“Hi! :) I wanted to request one about Eminem, Marshall has been behaving weird with reader, she thinks he doesn't love her anymore and well it generates a bit of drama, but in the end Marshall proposes to her and this surprises her because she thought he wouldn't want to marry again. Thanks!! :D”
description: when he starts acting weird and distant, she starts to worry that it means he doesn’t love her anymore
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Marshall wasn’t one of PDA. You knew that since you had started dating. His public image was that he was cold, never smiling or showing any type of emotion, and you were more than okay with that. You understood that PDA didn’t fit into that image. But behind the scenes, he was the polar opposite. He was very affectionate and romantic, which was why you were so okay with things being so different publicly.
So, when he started acting the same way in private as he usually did in public, that’s how you knew something was up.
You wouldn’t say he was acting “cold” per say, but he was definitely distant. He never seemed fully present when you were together, like he was deep in thoughts about anything besides what the two of you were doing. He was also being secretive when he went out. Usually he’d tell you upfront about where he was going, but lately when he would go out, he would give you a vague answer; usually just saying, “Out”. There was nothing wrong with him wanting privacy. He was an adult after all, he didn’t need to tell you every little thing. That didn’t make it any less weird that it was happening.
Your mind was constantly racing, trying to find answers on why he was acting this way. Was it something you did? Or something you didn’t do? Had you forgotten a big event? An anniversary? There had to be some explanation.
There was one idea that kept floating around in your head that you almost didn’t want to believe, but it seemed the most plausible: he had fallen out of love with you.
After another instance of Marshall slipping out with a vague answer to your questions, you called your best friend to voice your concerns to her. You were nearly in tears as you explained everything to her, the feeling of losing Marshall becoming more real now that you’ve said it out loud.
“Hey, calm down,” she said in a soothing voice. “Have you talked to him about how you’re feeling?”
“No,” you said, your voice wavering with the threat of tears. “I’m afraid he’ll just confirm my suspicions.”
“Talking to him will help though, (Y/N). Whatever the outcome is, it’ll be better to know than for you to be worrying like this.”
You knew she was right, but you were afraid of the knowing. What if your bad feeling was right and by asking Marshall, you triggered the end of your relationship?
But she was right, you couldn’t spend all your time worrying. So, you decided that you’d confront Marshall about it when he got home. Until then, you would just have to anxiously wait for his arrival.
You tried to keep yourself busy so the time would pass quicker. But every time you glanced at the clock only a minute or two had passed. One hour felt like a lifetime and you weren’t sure you were going to be able to wait hours for him to get home.
Luckily, you didn’t have to wait as long as you expected. Marshall arrived home in the late afternoon, surprising you by coming to find you in the kitchen while you were washing some dishes and wrapping his arms around you for a tight embrace. You giggled as the scruff from his beard tickled your neck while he gave you a kiss.
“Do you wanna go out tonight?” he asked.
“Out where?” you asked.
“To dinner. I got us a reservation at that place where we had our first date.”
You turned to look at him with a shocked expression. You only ever went to that restaurant on anniversaries to celebrate your first date, and it certainly wasn’t an anniversary. You would hope you wouldn’t forget if it was.
Marshall chuckled at the look on your face. “What’s that look for?”
“Why are we going there?”
“Maybe I just want to take you out for a special evening. We haven’t had a date night where I’ve gotten to take you out for a while. We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“No!” you said, quickly. “No. That sounds lovely. What time are we going?”
“The reservation is 5:00.”
You finished the dishes and went to get ready for the night. You spent more time than you should’ve trying to pick an outfit. You weren’t sure how dressed up you should be for the evening. It felt like Marshall had a special evening planned, so you should probably try and get dressed up and put on makeup, but maybe it wasn’t supposed to be that special since it was a random weekday night. Part of you also wanted to make yourself look as good as possible since you were still worried about what his recent aloofness had meant. It felt like Marshall’s sweet, loving side that you were so used to had come back out of nowhere, which you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
You ended up choosing a knee length dress, both casual and dressy in a way, and a pair of ankle booties, with light make up to top it all off. You felt you looked good enough for whatever Marshall had planned for the night.
You were brushing out your hair when you heard Marshall’s voice at the bedroom door. “Good thing I gave you such an advanced notice. You’ve been up here for hours.”
You smiled at him through the mirror. “I had to make sure I looked good for this date night that was brought to my attention so suddenly.”
Marshall crossed the room and leaned over you where you were sat. “You always look good, honey.”
He leaned to kiss you, but you put a hand up to stop him. “Don’t mess up my lipstick before we go out.”
He grabbed both of your hands and quickly gave you a kiss before you could push him away again. You giggled and playfully pushed him away.
Things seemed to be going good as you arrived to the restaurant, but you couldn’t shake the thoughts in the back of your mind about how he had been acting before. Even if things were better now than they had been, there were still so many questions that hadn’t been answered. Namely, why had Marshall been acting so different? And why had he so suddenly changed moods again?
You were seated at your reserved table, which was located in a more secluded area of the restaurant away from the rest of the customers who were dining. It wasn’t the exact spot where you two had been seated during your first date, but it was close enough. You remembered Marshall giving the host a big tip for the most private table you two could get so that you could have a real first date, not one where he would be hounded by anyone who happened to recognize him throughout the night.
You were looking at the menu when Marshall reached over and took your hand in his. “Are you alright?”
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just glad to be out.”
He gave you a look. “You forget that I know when you’re lying. What’s up, honey?”
You sighed, looking down at the menu again to avoid any eye contact. “I just...I have some...stuff going through my mind, I guess.”
“What kind of stuff?”
You had spent the day rehearsing what you were going to say to him, but now that the time had come it was like every single thought in your head had disappeared.
“Are you...still...happy in this relationship?” you finally forced out.
You felt Marshall’s hand tense against yours, which made your heart rate spike. Had you been right this whole time? Was this really how you were going to find out that he was breaking up with you; in the restaurant where you had your first date?
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I mean.” You paused to sigh and finally lifted your gaze to look at him. He looked concerned, which you hoped was a good sign. “You haven’t been...present lately. When we’re spending time together, it’s almost like you’re thinking of other things or like you’re waiting for it to be over so you can leave. And then, when you do leave, you’re super vague about where you’re going. Obviously, you don’t have to tell me where you’re going if you don’t want to. We’re both adults, we’re entitled to our own privacy and freedom and shit. It’s just not like you at all...and it’s kind of worrying me.”
Marshall opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Your heart was hammering against your chest as you waited for him to say something, anything. Anything would’ve been better than the silence.
“I am still happy,” he finally said. “I never meant for you to think that I wasn’t, or to think that what was going on was because I’m not happy with you.”
“Then what was it?” you asked. “Was it something I said or did? Or didn’t do or say? I’ve been going crazy over this the last week or so, and even more crazy over it tonight because it feels like a switch was suddenly flipped back on and you’re back to how you’ve always been.”
He went to respond, but was cut off by your server approaching the table and placing a glass of champagne in front of you. You furrowed your brows in confusion. For one, you never drank when you were with Marshall (in support of his sobriety, and also it made you feel weird to drink in front of someone who was recovering from such an addiction), and two, you hadn’t even placed your order yet.
“Oh, I think you brought this to the wrong - ”
But your protest died off as you lifted the glass to give back to the server and you noticed something inside of it glistening in the light. When you looked closer, you saw that there was a beautiful diamond ring inside settled on the bottom of your glass.
You looked up at Marshall to see him barley able to contain his smile. “This is why I’ve been acting different lately.”
Tears started to form in your eyes as you realized what was going on.
“I’m not going to get down on one knee just because I don’t want to cause a scene in this restaurant full of people,” he said, “but I can make up for that when we’re home if you want.”
“Are you serious?” Your voice came out in a whisper, almost like he had been telling you a big secret.
Well, I guess he sort of is.
He chuckled and nodded. “I’ve been trying to plan out the special evening you deserve for a moment like this. I figured there was no better way than taking you back to the place where I first fell in love with you, and asking you if you’ll do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife.”
You put a hand over your mouth to stifle a sob of happiness from coming out. You glanced around to make sure no one was looking before you stood, leaned across the table, and took Marshall’s face in your hands in order to kiss him. You quickly composed yourself and sat back down before anyone noticed the scene.
“Was that a yes?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
He looked like he was ready to jump across the table and take you in his arms, but managed to restrain himself. You looked at the beautiful ring in your glass again, trying to reach your fingers in to grab it. You huffed out a sigh as you realized the glass was too long and your hand was too big to fit into it.
“Why did you put it in a glass of champagne?” you asked.
“I thought it would be the most inconspicuous way to propose. Also, champagne is always used for special occasions, so I thought that made the most sense.”
“You don’t even drink!”
“That doesn’t mean you don’t have to!”
You both looked at each other and began to laugh. Marshall took your glass and poured the contents of it into his empty water glass. He retrieved the ring and held it out to you. You presented your left hand to him and he slid the ring onto your ring finger. It nestled perfectly against your skin, still wet from being at the bottom of a glass of champagne.
You couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful it was, the lights of the dining room shining off of the diamond.
“I’m sorry I made you think I was unhappy,” he said, drawing your attention back to him. “I was planning this for weeks. I wanted it to work out and for things to be perfect. I didn’t even realize that I had been acting differently.”
You shook your head. “You are definitely more than forgiven. I can’t be mad when I know now what the reason behind your strange behavior was.”
He chuckled. He took your left hand in his and brought it up to his mouth, his lips brushing against your knuckles; against the beautiful ring that now resided on your finger.
Words could not describe how happy you were in that moment. Weeks of worry finally lifted from your chest as you looked across the table at the love of your life; your fiancée.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
intimacy alphabet - a.g.
Aaric Graycastle x gn!reader
The A to Z’s of sleeping with Aaric. (anybody remember this template from back in the day? if you do, it’s time to open a retirement account.)
words: 1.4k
🏷: NSFW. no real plot spoilers, just some stuff about Aaric, so if you haven’t met him yet, maybe skip this one and come back later lol. anyway, this is just a bunch of sexy headcanons about our sweet prince. mentions of penetrative sex, oral, and fingering, (all reader receiving) but I made it gender neutral.
I did this for research and development for his upcoming girlfriendverse fic (which I am writing completely out of order, of course), but I figured I’d give it to y’all as an apology / peace offering because I haven’t been feeding you much lately. enjoy! :)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
ever the gentleman; cleans you both up and makes sure that you’re okay, gives you soft praise. very nice to cuddle with; he’s content to let you use him like a body pillow and just wrap yourself around him and fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his own build; he’s tall (as tall as Xaden, I believe) and pretty well-muscled from all of his intense training over the years. he likes the softer parts of you that he can press his fingers into, likes the feeling of your bare skin under his hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
standard stuff. will cum where you tell him to, no strong feelings about it. he’s a very clean guy, so he’ll wipe it up quickly after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
thinking about his biggest secret of all… if you happen to let out a soft “oh, fuck, Cam,” when he’s buried deep inside you, he might stop being so gentle. but a truly dirty secret? hm… I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
look me in the eye and tell me that the rebellious youngest prince of the Navarrian royal family hasn’t been around the block a bit. he’s had people falling at his feet for years because of his status.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
fond of missionary, you riding him, or anything where he can see your face and the cute little expressions you make when he’s making you feel good (and have you look into those gorgeous green eyes of his while he takes you apart. he’s very much into eye contact.)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he does not strike me as a “funny guy”. he’s pretty serious, but will laugh with you about small things like if you accidentally bump heads when changing positions, etc. (then he’ll kiss it better and go back to business as usual)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he keeps his face clean-shaven, so he’s probably doing some maintenance downstairs, too. he’s a very neat and tidy guy.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
pretty romantic, but not like, trail-of-rose-petals type romantic. just a lot of eye contact, soft praise, and definitely some “I love you’s” later on in the relationship. I don’t see him as a casual sex guy — I think he’s done with that phase of his life and he’d rather pick one person and love them with his whole heart.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t think he takes matters into his own hands very often. he doesn’t strike me as a very horny guy, and it’s hard to find the time and space to crank one out when you’re living in college dorms with a roommate (and trying not to die all the time). he much prefers to do things with you instead, anyway.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
some things I’ve mentioned already; praise, eye contact, you saying his name… idk if its a kink per se, but he wants to hear you. he loves all the soft sounds you make when you’re needy (being vocal during a makeout session is almost sure to escalate things). he gets off on getting you off, and it gives his ego a boost to know he’s making you feel so good that you can’t form words, just pretty little moans and whimpers.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his room or yours, that's it. he’s not an exhibitionist; he values his reputation, and doesn’t want to get either of you into trouble. you might be able to convince him to mess around in the shower before / after the main event, but that’s about it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you, and the fact that you’re his. I know that feels like a cop-out answer, but it’s true. he’ll look over and see you in his bed in the morning, the early sunlight warming your skin, and he's ready to go.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I absolutely cannot see him wanting to be called by his title, etc. nope. no way. he despises it, and he also wants to know that you love him for him, and not his status. he also doesn’t want to hurt you during sex — there’s enough pain in your lives already. when that door closes behind you, it's only soft touches and gentle pleasure.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he had done more receiving than giving until he met you. he learned what you like (and how much he likes giving it to you) very quickly and now he won’t hesitate to get on his knees for you, especially if you ask nicely. he likes to use his mouth and hands at the same time for maximum effect. he’ll never decline head from you either, but it doesn’t happen often; he’s more focused on you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he fucks like a prince: proper. usually nice and deep and slow, taking his time with you and making you feel every movement. on occasion, if you rile him up enough or piss him off, he might give it to you (see also: make you take it) a little rougher.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
see above. has only happened once, and it kinda backfired (you ended up being late to formation and getting bitched at by the wingleader). now he won’t try anything unless he has at least an hour alone with you (enough for proper foreplay and some aftercare.)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
the two of you will experiment a little bit, mostly with new movements, etc., but you keep things pretty simple. if it ain’t broke… (and it certainly isn’t).
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
your record is three rounds in one night, four if you count the morning after. you haven’t really had the time to try and beat it; school and training takes a lot out of you, and you’d simply rather sleep sometimes — but you’re both content to keep things at one round most nights, or just cuddle instead.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don’t see him owning or using toys (though it remains unclear what options they have in this universe). after he manifests a signet, that might come into play depending on what it is, but for now he feels like he has plenty of options already (his fingers, tongue…)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s not a huge tease, but will make you ask for nearly everything with words, even if it's embarrassing to you, but he wants to know that you truly want this, and he finds it so cute to hear you beg for him and only him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s a talker, telling you how good you feel around him, how pretty you look under him, etc. sound-wise, if he’s in control, you’ll just get the occasional soft gasp / panting. if you’re in control, you might hear some whimpering… either way, he sounds so pretty. you should tell him that, and see what happens (the praise kink goes both ways.)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he only saw sex as a way to fulfill a biological need until he met you, and realized it could be so much more — he’s never truly loved any of his hookup partners. definitely some things he had to unpack there after your first time.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s tall, and pretty lean… the laws of nature dictate that he’s hung. I don’t make the rules.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not super high, but he usually rolls with you — if you’re down, he’s down. simple as that.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he can’t fall asleep until you do, but that usually isn’t a problem; he’ll tire you out / relax you real nice every time. A+ cuddler, as we discussed earlier.
there you have it 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m very excited for y’all to meet Aaric and Sunny. two sneak peeks posted so far + a few thousand more words in my docs, hehe
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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That curse makes them turn to random ages like,, one day you wake up and your like 3 and the other you're 29 and the acolytes just have to deal with it for a months (and just for funziz you don't keep your memories as a kid *evil laugh*)
I feel like people who are generally around kids would be great around us and some others .... Less so (*cough cough* ei)
let the tennage/ kid reader be neurodivergent/autistic (cuz i am and theres bot enough rep on this god forsaken app .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.)
n E wayss <3
LOVE YA !!!!
Aka. your fave >:D kiss kiss
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A KISS KISS??!!! FOR ME?!!! 😊🥰😚 <3
BRO i literally designed a whole original character around that concept lmao (except they remember/just body change/everything else kinda matches ur desc! :0 )
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only), Neurodivergent!Reader, Child!Reader, Teen!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans, Platonic
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, mini scenarios
Stars: Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, ft. Kujou Sara, Ei + Raiden Shogun, Inazumans
Comets & Meteors: No Content Warnings & No Triggers Detected.
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no bc gif is me as a kid, bc I didn't experience snow until I was 12 💀 +it stayed for like one day, was 1 inch deep, or like 5 cm (for my non-americans out there), and was gone the next lmao- I was terrified when I moved and got REAL snowy days- jfc Snezhnaya would kill little me-
SO I was kinda stuck on this tbh, i usually default to like, headcanons or scenarios if ppl dont specify/im just adding onto what you already said like when its not even really a request u know?
so, uh tried to do headcanons, but idk how good it is Orah, sorry!
Also ik you mentioned as example, but we sticking to Inazuma, bc i feel like I neglect them lol
also i hope u like Itto 💀
you quickly found out that magic obeys some weird type of logic despite being magic, so you only ever fluctuate in age within the range you’ve already been,
ur kinda glad youre not seeing what you look like at 100 years old and getting stuck that way for weeks- only Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle can be cursed to be old yet has so much rizz that she’s still badass and pulls a wizard boyfriend LMAO
so just bc idk what to make the max,
let’s put you at originally, also bc im not a minor, 20 yrs old
so what I mean by all the above is: you’ve lived 2 decades, 1-20 are the only ages you can be
-that being said,
you’re a menace.
so yeah you could’ve been a quiet kid, a well-behaved kid, a good kid even,
…but not in a magical world full of awesome flora and fauna, and magical creatures,
and gods, and vision users and-
you get the point.
plus, you hadn’t really learned English yet until u were a bit older so (who can blame you i hate this language ur so valid)
and for whatever reason English is the only one these guys speak, besides maybe some mythical creatures like the aranara or something
so its kinda absolute chaos trying to reign u in at times.
so needless to say the entirety of Inazuma is terrified for you.
like, even if you aren’t the “Creator” per say in this, they still know what the warmth of your power feels like
But more importantly-
You know who’s the first to spot a random wandering-non-Inazuman-child? And take you in? Especially one that radiates that same energy of presence they feel sometimes + makes them more powerful???
The Amazing, the All-Powerful, Awe-Inspiring Oni: Arataki Itto!
Not even his gang, or Kuki are the first to see you, nah it’s Itto himself,
he literally finds 12 yr old you just sneaking around in awe in Chinju Forest,
and needless to say ur pretty fascinated with the colors and the vibes, and it’s not like Genshin Impact existed when u were this young, ur poor younger self is just rlly paranoidly looking around
Itto is kinda a lot at first, and he was a little confused by ur constant rubbing your arms, or tapping ur fingers on stuff, (or all the stims u be doing when ur nervous) but he just took it all in stride
so Itto, after like an hour and a few well placed rocks at his face and groin by 12 yr old u who was ready to fight to the death at first, FINALLY convinced you by drawing a little picture of his house and his friends
and all that clear effort, despite the foreign world, foreign non-human guy, etc., made you warm up to him too, afterall, even 12 yr old you knew a himbo when they saw one 💪
at first he just thought you were another person who was getting powered up by that yokai he felt (he was convinced thats what you were when u weren’t physically here before, like some kind of powerful gift giving/deal making yokai)
but after he saw you shapeshift the next morning into 16 yr old you, (he lives with his grandma so ur younger self felt pretty safe staying with a himbo guy and an little grandma lady)
he was now more convinced than ever-
that you were some kind of god that’s been in hiding since the archon war (his granny has a lot of cool stories so what?! hes a very educated oni thank you very much!),
rather than a vision user, and he also thinks u being random ages is deffo a curse, and its to keep ur powerfulness limited!! - Arataki Itto, 202X
(bc younger u doesnt remember that u can upgrade ppl, or at least it takes em a learning curve bc they gotta relearn everytime)
okay but itd be so funny tho if nobody else believes that (esp the non-magical folk), bc to them, ur just like, a bunch of siblings (child, teen, adult you lmao) or a tanuki lol
he eventually gets Kuki to believe, after she also sees how you change/the aura is honestly more powerful too once she’s paying attention, like instead of like a blanket, ur like standing in front of a raging campfire
but she makes him keep it a secret
ur really vulnerable a lot of the time, so they’re both worried abt keeping u happy and safe, aw cuties <3
so yeah, ur literally just chillin with the arataki gang all the time now
the gang become ur besties no matter the age, like they love mild pranks, and general chaos, u wanna explore no matter the age, and also love chaos, esp since it can be magical now (oh child you is having the time of their life when they’re around)
its literally a match made in heaven
plus the more hands on deck, the easier it is to keep ur ass from running off as a kid (and an adult, bc omg a shiny?? a shiny crystal fly???!! lmao neurodivergent 🤝crow/raven = shiny solidarity)
honestly Itto has a blast with all versions of you, and he’s literally the best bc he’s a himbo:
so he’s fine with answering context or “obvious” questions all the time LMAO
and if he makes any conclusions abt ppl’s behavior u dont, he’ll explain pretty quick and simple and he never sees it as awkward or smth
its honestly kinda funny bc ur like 10, and just 🤨🤨🤨??? sometimes at ppl (u got better at reading ppl as u got older obv, and at english too, that doesnt help lol)
he’s super sweet abt it, just really quick which is great too,
“he’s irritated at the guard, not us!”
or “she’s relieved, not upset, don’t worry it’s all good!”
like, u never misunderstand ANYBODY with this Oni around!! <3
(this is mainly bc Itto’s gotta know when to bail, joke, stand his ground, etc. from experience, and messing w/Kujou Sara so he’s actually really good at reading people, only when he’s paying attention tho)
so younger u just feels safe around Itto, and so while u do get taught english (mostly by his grandma/Kuki) u also dont rlly mask,
nor do u know how to mask as well as you do in the future
so ur just running around with the gang, living ur little neurodivergent life, and anytime someone points out smth u do that might be awkward, like repeating something over and over as a stim (esp with learning english phrases/new words at times) the gang and Itto, and Kuki, are all ready to protect 💪
but most of the time what happens is- whether unintentionally or not, Itto manages to make THEM feel awkward or like they’re the ones doing something socially weird all the time 😭
just, a parent is like “this kid can’t speak English, do they even know any other language? Because all I keep hearing is them repeating that sound over and over…”
Itto: “Damn you're right they do that a lot, just like how you peek out your window a lot, but we all got our quirks man, no need to be shy about it, the kid isn’t, so just open those curtains, and that window and look out at the world!”
which announces to the whole neighborhood, bc Itto is only ever not loud when you tap his arm as a signal, that the parent is the nosiest bitch ever, he just puts them on blast for everyone to hear lmao
Itto is actually very respectful about you, and while it would, almost be easy bc of the age switching, for him to infantilize you, he’s really good at treating you like an equal no matter how old you are :0 :D
like a giant teddy bear older brother at times, and the guys and Kuki are all pretty good at it too
(tho dw, Kuki is doing all the emotional distress heavy lifting for all of them over your safety, esp bc when u switch at first u are VERY out of your element/disoriented bc u dont always recognize Teyvat/know less English)
but that being said…
Itto fucking loves your excited/happy stims!!!
You flap your hands? Ittos flapping his arms!
You jump up and down, Itto jumps!,
…with his full grown man self with MUSCLES, and causes a mini earthquake wherever you guys are- yknow a shop, the center of town, somebody’s house, near one of the guards 💀 (which always manages to knock them flat on their ass LMFAOO)
Or best of all, you do little stompy stomps??
ITTO DOES HIS STOMPS WITH YOU, like his idle animation does??? :D !!
DUDE- (/gen.n.)
u were like 8 at the time, and saw Kujou Sara for the first time, she’s looking all badass, mostly bc Itto pranked her and she’s power-walking toward u guys pissed as hell ready to arrest him, but u love it anyway bc shes so cool, and right as Sara gets to u two-
u start doing stompy stomps! And Itto joins!!
…and she’s shocked at first, but realizing how giggly and happy u two are, and then Itto explains its bc of her???
Kujou Sara lets Arataki Itto go, for the first time, ever.
she doesnt explain, but she literally was so melted by cuteness, and a warm familiarity??, by u two she couldnt be mad anymore lmao
Itto is now legally obligated to bring you to any and all matters involving the government, regardless of age, according to Kuki Shinobu, his grandma, and himself
all for different reasons tho, Itto’s like, “My lucky charm! My bestie goes everywhere with me!”
meanwhile Kuki/grandma: “A foreign non-Teyvatian speaking child/teen at times is more adept at keeping Itto in line than anyone else, or at least getting him out of the consequences 💀”
The first time you see the Raiden Shogun,
She scares the shit out of 6 yr old you 😭
And she recognizes that familiar aura immediately, so shes just like:
(You warm up to her after she offers to show you how she can summon lightning, Itto helped her lmao, and Ei also came out to keep u safe bc Raiden is a little… unaware… at times, of mortal limits, and now that ur in a mortal body-)
Also both of them unanimously agree to be the sugar mother to all ur hyperfixation foods/safe foods ever, SCOREEEE
Bonus 2:
I hope somebody likes Itto enough to enjoy this, sorry if u arent a huge fan of him Orah! I just think he's annoying and neat, and havent written abt Inazuma enough lmao
I finally graduated college/uni by the way guys!!!
Ill actually have a life now that wont be hogged by homework! Like writing! Like drawing! Like anything but school!
Anyway, love u guys, another post coming soon,
Safe Travels Orah,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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linonyang · 1 year
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read maknae line version here
pairings: hyung line x gender-neutral!reader (written separately per member)
genre: fluff, very light angst, college au
warning: mentions of food and insects
word count: 1.6k words (390-400 words per member)
tag list: @awooghan​​ @hwangsify​​ @xiaoderrrr​ @cosmic-railwayxo​​​
note: i impulsively wrote this since i am on the brink of getting insane bc of this one project i have... so don’t mind me /hj i’ll probably write the second part/maknae line next week when i am done with the mentioned project lol i hope you enjoy this short hc!
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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since he’s a guy who loves to stay awake all night, it’s no problem for him to join your cramming and procrastinating in projects and exams!
if not, he might be the little devil on your shoulder to stay awake with him, instead of the other way around (which was the original plan) :p 
he’ll do everything to not make your eyes close in the study hall!!!
if you’re into coffee, he’ll bring you a cup of coffee of the biggest size from your favorite cafe nearby
or if you’re feeling like eating something sweet to spike up your sugar a little bit, he might buy all of your favorite candies and desserts (including your favorite cakes and pastries) in small portions
so you can have a little bit of everything :>
chan will instantly embrace you if you’re on the brink of breaking down
you can cry on his shoulder (literally) and have him as your pillow whenever you want to give yourself short breaks after long hours of studying
and he’ll never tell this to you: he really enjoys you staying beside him when you guys do your own things
he just finds it comforting‌…
he loves how you don’t feel bothered when there’s someone beside you (him) when you usually prefer to study alone on a normal day
it’s like he’s an exception, he really loves the idea of it :* he loves to joke that you’re so down bad for him! (let’s be real, he’s not lying </3)
so you don’t have to stress out all on your own, chan’s there with you to feel less pressured and worried about your incoming exams and deadlines!
when chan notices that trouble is slowly surfacing on your face, he’ll talk to you a bit to lower your anxiety
he really doesn’t want you to feel very stressed!!!! he hates seeing any negative expression on your face!!!
he’ll feel sad too when you feel sad :((( 
being the knight in shining armor, as usual, he’s willing to bring you home whenever you feel like doing so <3
(and you can’t stop him from doing that, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night without knowing that you arrived safely at your home or dormitory!)
chan will definitely send a message that you should not extend your studying at home because you did a lot already when you were with him!
minho will probably do everything to make you consider studying in his home
so you can not drown in instant food and fast food and have delicious meals cooked by him from time to time instead <33
also, his cats!!!!!!!
he’ll probably bring soonie, doongie, and dori near you so you can have some comfort whenever he’s not in the room with you, whenever he has to cook, take a shower, and all that jazz
and the three cats seem to make your day every time
it’s like minho communicated with them beforehand about how can you study healthily
when you’re sitting and reading the papers on the desk for too long, one cat will block your way and sit on the papers and books
then another will jump on your lap and ask for your love and affection (just begging you to pet them :D)
and one will constantly meow behind you, already on the bed, so you can take a good nap
when you do get to nap with all of minho’s cats on his bed, he always arrives at the wrong time, apparently
you’re asleep! but he cannot help but feel butterflies in his stomach because you look so cute napping with his beloved kitties :’>
as you instructed him before, he’ll wake you up once you reach your time limit
then he’ll join you to study once you’re back at his desk! :D
minho will definitely pet the cats beside you when you’re endlessly typing on your laptop
just so he can look after you because he does not want you to lose track of his so-called “healthy study session” for you
he’ll definitely scold you when he’ll hear your stomach growling in the middle of the night
because “how can you study with no source of energy?!?!”
he always reminds you to not overwork and don’t pass your limits
when you want to take a longer snooze (especially when it shows from your constant yawning and eye rubbing), he will not hesitate to bring all of your materials to the couch outside of his room
and drag you to his bed!!!!! so he can cuddle you all night and whisper all of his manifestations for your good results in school!!! he believes you will ace the exam, and you did so perfectly in all of your tasks!!!
this guy…
oh when you ask him to accompany you to the library
he’ll drop all of his things and find you in an instant!
changbin will take your studies seriously as if he’s the one studying :p 
a strict but loving kinda person
he’ll not hesitate to scold you if he sees you sidetracking! lmao </3
but he wouldn’t do that when he knows you’re taking a break
when you feel a little disoriented or frustrated, changbin will give you energy with his powerful hugs!
“my hugs are proven to give you a better mood and more motivation to do whatever you want!!!”
“what if i don’t want to study anymore?”
“that is not included, alright?!”
(he didn’t lie about his hugs making you feel better and energetic again tho ;D there was an immediate effect right when he hugged you tightly for a solid minute)
he does serve as a distraction sometimes because he will lovingly stare at you when he’s at the peak of feeling bored
but when he is dealing with something, changbin will unintentionally bother you by making noises
in conclusion, he gives you a realistic feel of what being a student is
it makes you reassured‌… that how you’re facing academics is considerably normal?
even if changbin did promise you he’ll make sure you’re doing well, it seems like he’s the one who needs some guidance
when he’s aware that he’s not tracking you that frequently anymore, he stops what he’s doing and goes back to staring at you with heart eyes
“how are you doing?” and some good sliding of his water jug on the table to you because you can’t be dehydrated!
he steals your notebook of reminders and asks you if any of the pending deadlines and exams listed should be crossed out already
changbin will drag you out of the library when you have crossed enough pending tasks in your notebook! and take you on a scrumptious dinner date because he knows you deserve it for all the work you’ve done :>
will always pay for your dinner, even if you’re willing to pay
and will probably baby you when he discovers you finished all of your work
“aww let’s order another plate of that food we ordered! you need more good food after that exhausting study time!”
“but my stomach is full already, binnie </3”
hyunjin is one worried baby when you tell him you’re in “super study mode”
you refuse to believe that your boyfriend is behaving like a mother
he will visit you and shower you with so much love
it’s like… he wants to lessen your worries :’<
he is willing to do all the chores so you can study without interruptions!!! 
he is also willing to feed you so you don’t have to get out of your seat!!!
hyunjin will always be on the go when you need something
his hugs and kisses? he will drag you to your bed and give you some!
his words of encouragement? he has prepared a long list in his head to give you more determination to finish your work!
will never get out of mom mode until you’re done
whenever you update him on your progress, he always congratulates you as if you won a life-changing award
“i am so proud of you!! :DDD” and clapping loudly
that’s because he knows how grueling studying is, and you should be congratulated for being hardworking
he loves to see you snort and laugh at his antics, even if they’re very exaggerated
and he moves and acts exaggeratingly just so you don’t have any direct source of the negative atmosphere
when he notices that you’re slowly sighing heavier than the previous one, he rushes to your side and looks after you literally
he will endlessly peck your face and stroke your hands with his thumbs
“you are doing so well! don’t say that you barely did anything today! you did so much already and i saw all of it!”
if hyunjin thinks you’ve done so much already, he’ll tell you to stop and invite you to take a walk outside with him
it’s a win-win situation because you get to relax by looking at the view of the park and hyunjin can capture beautiful photos and find inspiration for his paintings :DDD 
plus, that’s the perfect time for hyunjin to lighten up your mood
“i already washed your toilet btw, i saw a cockroach walk towards me while i was scrubbing! ugh, worst experience ever!”
“what did you do?”
“i hit it with a toilet scrubber too lightly, it was still alive so i ran out of the bathroom for a bit :’D heh”
“where the cockroach went to then?!?! i don’t want cockroaches in my home?!”
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peachyteabuck · 1 year
do you want this (like it wants you)
summary: kate likes to misbehave, but yelena has just the thing to keep her in line
commissioned by @caroldantops. 
want to commission me? find my commission guidelines here
pairing: kate bishop x yelena belova x reader
words: 4018
content warnings: hair pulling, heavy bratting, intense D/s dynamics, orgasm control/denial,  sybian use, dom! yelana, sub!kate, sub!reader, polyamory, pet play, breath play, vaginal oral sex, breathplay, aftercare is administered to both subs
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Yelena just wants to rest.
She’s a busy woman, scaling the corporate ladder, a tough task given the complicated gender dynamics of the firm she’s been working at for the last year. It’s not as though she’s not highly qualified, but for whatever reason men with names like “Jason” or “Brett” or “Matt” spend most of their time questioning her qualifications or requesting reviews from someone “higher up” every time she presents, regardless of the fact everything is checked 3-4 times before being spoken about publicly.  
This is why she’s been letting Kate get away with as much as she has today. Ever since she’d let the both of you out of your shared crate, all Kate had done was push the boundaries of Yelena’s strict rules. Touching herself? Check. Trying to touch you? Check. Talking out of turn? Check. You’d been on your usual good behavior—saying “please Daddy” and “thank you Daddy” and staying close to her—but you’d also been your usual, easily-influenced self. Kate had convinced you to let her rub over your weeping pussy while Yelena was busy making breakfast (pancakes, Kate’s favorite).
Her breaking point came when she’d separated the two of you, questioning why you were dripping through the simple cotton panties despite Yelena’s very strict direction not to. That’s when she learned that, not only had Kate swirled circles around your clit as you desperately attempted to muffle your moans, but she’d also said that Yelena would blame you instead of Kate for going against such an integral rule.
Kate knows she fucked up, too—another thing that adds another ten to the running total in Yelena’s mind. She can hear the threat in the way Yelena beckons her closer, the “Puppy, come” command a much lower tone than usual.
While not the most critical thinker, Kate’s real deviousness comes in how decisive she is. A car with no breaks, a scent hound caught on the trail of a fox, a baseball flying through the air at 97 miles-per-hour. None of these could compare with Kate, not when she spotted the leather swatch that was used for spankings haphazardly balanced on one of the arms of the couch (Yelena hasn’t had much time to do a lot of things lately, including clean).
Before she can do anything, the well-worn leather is in Kate’s mouth, the woman on all fours with her collar jingling as she pants.
“Let it go,” Yelena sighs more than commands.
Kate does not let it go. She does not even loosen her jaw just so she can tighten it up again once the other person trying to grab it believes they’ve won over her. She just holds it between her teeth, staring with narrowed eyes and a growl forming at the base of her throat.
You’re not sure what to do. Kate, a sharp contrast to your own fear of retribution, loves to misbehave. She likes to tease, to poke and prod and see what sort of volcanic eruption she can trigger with the least amount of effort. Yelena normally humors her at least a little before enacting strict punishment—getting out the whips and the darkened cage and the electric shock collar and the touching you while Kate remains tied up.
But Yelena doesn’t seem in the same mood as she does when she fingers you until you cry as Kate’s arms remain restrained behind her back, the rope connected to a hook in the wall to keep her in her place. Doesn’t have the same “try me” glimmer in her dark eyes, the same teasing smile.
This is different. Something—something you can’t quite describe—is different, and all you can do is watch.
As she decides what to do, Yelena thinks about the whiteboard Natasha had custom-made for her, the words “DAYS WITHOUT BRATTING” underneath a large “zero” she had written nearly two weeks prior. She knows she’s been working a lot, and (even though her office is within the house, and both of you have places to sit with her while she works) Yelena knows both of her subs had been feeling lonely.
But subs like Kate require consistency—give them an inch and they’ll find a mile. She’s not like you, nice and self-correcting. Once you found yourself grinding against a pillow while waiting for Yelena to clean you up after an intense squirting session, and almost cried from the shame. Kate? The definition of gluttonous in her lust, couldn’t stop even if she wanted to, which she doesn’t. Yelena is her guardrails, a yellow light, a tree for her to collide against.
“Give Daddy what you have in your mouth,” Yelena says through grit teeth. “Or I’ll have to reteach you what it means what someone loses their patience.”
You remain seated, curled up next to where Yelena props her feet up on the coffee table. A fluffy pink dog bed with Bunny embroidered on it, you were happy to spend the morning (or all day, really), resting your head against her legs while she occasionally pets your hair.
But no, the universe continues to punish you with the presence of one Kate Bishop.
A stare-down ensues in front of you, neither of them moving, but alert in case the other does. You half expect tumbleweeds to roll in the distance--as if the town isn’t big enough for the two of them.
But nothing happens, and the world stands still.
That is, until Kate makes a run for the bedroom, where there’s the only closet in the house that locks from the inside.
What Kate failed to consider, though, is that Yelena isn’t just fast: she’s strategic as well. Leashes with hook ends drilled in the wall are placed on each side of every room, useful for a litany of play. Now, though, they act as anchors Kate can’t easily avoid on all fours. She gets a few feet, if that, before Yelena’s got one hand on wrapped around the collar and the other on the leash’s clasp. One click later, Kate’s stuck in place, the short leash keeping her on her knees with her back straight.
Yelena’s fuming as she releases the leash, keeping her other hand occupied with the collar. It’s not loose, and she can tell Kate’s struggling to breath against the minimal give of the leather. Good, Yelena thinks. Maybe that’ll remind her how vulnerable she is.
“Let. Go.” She says through grit teeth once more, rage a fire in her eyes.
Kate’s got fire, too, but the kind that yearns for more gasoline, more newspaper, more anything to keep the blaze growing. Slowly, she moves her head from side to side, refusing to give up her bargaining chip. Does she know what she wants? Not exactly. But does she kind of, sort of, maybe have a plan on how to get it? Absolutely. And it involves the leather piece in her mouth.
“Fine,” Yelena cedes. Kate perks up at that, believing she’s won for now. “If you want it so bad, puppy, go ahead keep it in your mouth.”
What she doesn’t hear is Yelena mumbling under her breath, the blonde woman rubbing at her temples as she murmurs about how she’ll need something to bite down on in a minute.  
“Stay right there, bunny,” she says, more audible now. She turns to Kate to say the same thing, then snorts.
Distorted by the leather, the stuck sub looks at you and smirks. Look at what I can do, her face says.
Yeah, yours replies, much drier. Sure.
Yelena returns a short time later carrying the sybian in her arms, silently setting it up. You can tell Kate’s as confused as you are—the sybian is usually a reward. Kate doesn’t let it show, though, still holding the leather in her mouth even as drool begins to drop from the corners of her lips. Once she sets it down as close to Kate as she can, she moves to you, her eyes full of concern.
“You okay, bunny?” she asks, wiping the tears from your eyes. You’re sweet—too sweet, sometimes—and she knows you require more emotional support regardless of what’s happening.
You lean into her hand, letting her caress your cheek. You’ve always been bad with chaos, with the unplanned. But Yelena’s there, always, to calm the storm.
“M’okay daddy,” you mumble. “I promise.”
This time her smile is genuine. “Good, bunny. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
You nod, moving your head to the side to kiss at her palm.
When Yelena’s certain you don’t need anything for now, she turns her attention back to Kate.
“Go ahead and mount it, puppy.”
Delightfully unaware, Kate does as she’s told, moving ever-so-carefully with the constraints of the leash’s length. Time stands still until she finally has it between her legs, her huffs of determination the only sound in the room. She looks pleased with herself as she rests on the rough silicone pad, a small triumph given the circumstances.
Yelena, once again, remains silent. She remains silent as she stares, waiting for Kate to move (she doesn’t). She remains silent as she opens the coffee table, the top lifting to reveal a batch of meticulously organized toys. She remains silent as she regards her options. She remains silent as she grabs purple rope and walks back to Kate.
Yelena only speaks when she crouches down and begins to wrap the ropes.
“I didn’t want to do this, you know,” Yelena mutters as she ties the them so that they keep Kate’s legs folded. She tests the give of the rope with her fingers, moving to tie her wrists behind her back after Kate gives her a nod. “But if you want to test me, fine.”
Yelena turns to the side, grabbing the large pink wand vibrator that had been charging in the bedroom. As she moves, her tank top falls down her chest, the silver keys on a matching chain nearly visible. One engraved with a P, the other a B; the keys to each of your chastity cages remain an ever-present reminder of one of Yelena’s favorite punishments.
Be good, she said once as she edged you, dangling them back and forth in front of your hazy eyes. Or I’ll need to make sure these still fit in those cute little locks over your pussy.
“C’mere bunny,” she says, beckoning you over. “Come here to Daddy.”
Your legs feel like jelly as you get up, slotting yourself in the chasm that’s formed between them. You stand in front of Yelena, a little apprehensive but ultimately willing to trust her with whatever plan she has formed while she was waiting for Kate to stop misbehaving.  
Yelena leaves soft kisses along your jugular, her hands finding your hips. They’re still sore from the night before, covered in light, spotty purple bruising. She holds you as though you’re fragile, breakable—not wanting to crush you with her skilled hands.
She pushes up your shirt a little to cradle your tummy. For some reason, it makes you feel exposed.
It’s not like you were wearing much anyway, your preferred at-home attire being a well-worn shirt from either of your girlfriends and a comfortable pair of cotton panties. The shirt today is a two-sizes-too-big t-shirt from a tech startup Yelena had the misfortune of working for (and caused her to swear off startups forever), the underwear a pink pair with a small bow on the front. They’re also joined by your day collar, a silver necklace with a bunny outline and “property of Daddy” engraved in the back.
“Eyes up here, puppy,” she says, teeth scraping now along the column of your throat. She knows how sensitive you are there, how easily you’ll melt into her palms with a few well-placed kisses. She also knows how much Kate needs attention—and hates when others get it when she doesn’t.
When Kate finally meets your eyes, you feel one of Yelena’s hands move and then hear a faint click—followed by the sound of vibrations and Kate’s muffled moans.
“Stand right here with Daddy,” she whispers in your ear, voice low enough Kate can’t hear. “I want to see what she does when she realizes which one of you is about to get off.”
Kate’s close to your pussy, close enough that you can feel her heated breath against your core. She’s panting in that desperate way you’ve always loved, the kind that makes her face flushed. Her lips are swollen and red from rubbing them against the leather, making them extra kissable.
You love her like this, fucked out before even being fucked. But you wished you got to see her like this outside of Yelena’s intense punishments.
That’s when you hear another click, another vibrational hum joining the symphony of lewdness. With one arm around your middle to keep you upright, the other grabs the vibrator and runs the head over your covered, unsuspecting clit.
“Oh!” You’re caught by surprise, wrapping your shirt in your fists as an alternative to grabbing something for balance. You’re able to lean on Yelena, your back pushed against her chest. But there’s nothing else to keep you upright. “Oh Daddy!”
“That feel good, bunny?” she coos at you. You can feel her smiling into your heated skin, sometimes leaving small nips as she revels in giving you pleasure.
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth as she presses harder, still making those large, slow circles meant to tease you. The nods you give her are quick, frenzied. All you want to do for her is find the nearest tall surface and bend yourself over it, pulling your soaked panties down your trembling thighs to give her free access to your dripping center. You want her to fuck you in the hard, fast, rough way you liked; the kind that left you struggling to walk the next day.
When you don’t reply immediately, she decreases the speed.
“No,” you whimper, grinding your hips down as best you can. “Daddy no, no, no please don’t please!”
“Then answer me, bunny,” she responds. “Don’t want you to end up like puppy here, do you?”
While a keen ear could hear it immediately, you’re too fucked out already to tell that the sybian Kate’s riding is on the setting that rotates through intensities. It never stays on the higher settings long enough for her to cum, but never gets low enough to give her any sort of relief.
“Yes, Daddy!” It’s hard to form words, your speech speeding up as the vibe rolls over your clit. “Yes, fuck Daddy it feels so good.”
“Good, bunny. I’m glad.”
You think she’s going to let you cum now, going to press the vibe as hard as she can into your aching center. But she doesn’t—she just continues her cycle, not telling you she’s timing them so you and Kate are on opposite settings. When one of you is moaning, the other is begging for more. Yelena revels in making the two of you play off of each other, forcing the two of you to intersect in ways she orchestrates.
“You look so pretty, bunny,” she coos, her eyes flitting between both of you. “Doesn’t our little bunny look pretty, baby?”
Kate tries to say something, but it dies as something muffled by the material still in her mouth. Still, she continues to try, the mumbled words sounding more and more desperate as she continues. You assume you look like a mirror of her—same fuzzy brain leading to the same pleading eyes and choked cries.
“Puppy, do you want something?” Yelena’s words are coated in the fake-caring tone that sends another wave of heat through your abdomen. A noise that sounds something close to a “yes” comes from Kate’s throat.
Yelena just tuts. “You need to tell me what you want, puppy.”
Kate whimpers, drool starting to pool at the sides of her mouth. Tears, too, are now flooding her cheeks.
Yelena’s smile is sinister, a light laugh bracketing her words. “Oh, that’s right, isn’t it? You lost that privilege when you decided to be a stupid brat and disobey a simple command. I trained you better than that, puppy.”
The desperate brunette couldn’t defend herself if she wanted to. Yelena’s always been a domme with high standards, standards she’s always communicated clearly and effectively. Kate has just…always liked to push buttons, the envelope, boundaries. Anything she thought she could defy, she would.
But Yelena still loved her, always providing the punishments appropriate. There was never a challenge she couldn’t meet, and Kate loved her in return.
“Are you willing to drop it now?”
Kate blinks at her once, twice. Then nods.
Defeat, Yelena thinks, always tastes just as good as she predicts.
“Then drop it.”
For the first time that day, Kate does what she is told without a fight. She doesn’t realize how sore her jaw is until she’s finally able to move it around, the muscles resisting the stretch.
“Do you want to come now?”
Kate nods, the words a little garbled because of her jaw. “Yes, please Daddy.”
Yelena doesn’t respond to her, instead turning to you.
“Go ahead and cum, bunny. I’ll hold you, don’t worry.”
Her permission is all you need, crying out as the avalanche of gratification floods your veins. The white-hot euphoria burns your fingertips, Yelena’s strength able to keep you from falling on your face. She turns the vibe down as your orgasm succeeds, slowly pulling you from the euphoric edge.
“Such a good girl for me,” she says, holding you to her as you pant. “Such a good little pet for Daddy.”
When your breathing finally evens out, she slowly lowers you to the ground. She’s wearing the same sweatpants she was last night, the soft fabric a welcome pillow as you lean against her. They smell like her, too, like the cologne she wears even though she works from home and the honey shampoo she likes. You drink in the comfort of being near her, of being enveloped by her.
Yelena pets your hair as she speaks once more. “I want you to cum while eating our perfect little bunny out,” she says. “Can you do that? Or do you want to go to bed without an orgasm?”
“I-“ you watch as Kate grinds against the toy, her pussy so slick you can see her wetness seeping over the silicone bit of the sybian. It catches the light, and your fried brain is mesmerized by the sight. “Yes, Daddy. Please let me eat our Bunny’s pussy while I cum.”
“Good girl.”
Yelena picks you up and moves you into position, pushing your shirt up and your panties down. You don’t have to think or do anything but stand there, leaning on her for balance as Kate licks up your weeping slit.
The angle is awkward for both of you. Every time Kate presses herself to you, she has to hold her breath—which can never hold long enough for you to get anywhere close to your peak. Yelena makes a mental note to try this again if she ever wanted to edge you, especially since Kate loves a little breathplay now and then.
Despite all of this, though, it’s easy, for both of you to lose yourself to the pleasure, and so you do. You don’t think about the strain in your knees, or how dry your mouth feels. Kate doesn’t think about how sore she’s going to be tomorrow from her muscles tensing so often, or the fact her cunt aches in that way Yelena’s only been able to draw out of her. All you can think about is the feeling of Kate’s tongue lapping at your soaked folds; all Kate can think about is how much she loves drawing those little gasps out of you she loves so much.
“Such perfect pets,” Yelena murmurs. One hand is threaded through Kate’s hair, the other reaching around your waist to palm at your ass. “So good to each other...”
She remembers, vividly, when the two of you couldn’t seem to stop hating each other. There were fights and so much bickering that drove Yelena insane. In the end, an extra extra large crate; an extra, extra short leash attached to both of your collars; and a few overstimulation sessions got you two to get along quite well.
It’s good—so good—and all your fucked-out brain can do is babble nonsensically. Her movements are jerky and mistimed, but with how sensitive you are, it really doesn’t matter.
Kate finally cums a few minutes later, moaning lowly into your cunt. Her whole body shakes with each breath, her chest red hot from exertion. Ecstasy flows between the two of you, settling on your skin like glitter.
“You okay?”
Both of you nod. Kate’s face is covered in your wetness, the same wetness that drenches your thighs.
Yelena watches you both for a second the same way hunters monitor their kill even after they’ve hit the ground. There’s something special about knowing she’s the one who did this—who set the scene where both of you finished so worn out that neither of you could do anything else but fall to the floor in exhaustion.
But she’s a sadist, not a monster, and so once she’s had her moment of fun, she carries you to the couch before untying Kate. The ropes have made beautiful indents in her pale skin, and Yelena can’t wait to trace them once all three of you are cuddled up in bed. Yelena carries Kate so you two can lay together as she checks the minifridge in the bedroom, making sure there are enough water bottles and light snacks to last you until you can eat something more substantial. After making sure the covers are in the right order (you’re ridiculously picky), and the heated blanket is on its lowest setting (Kate always gets cold, but hates being too hot), she returns to find the both of you cuddled into each other like newborn puppies.  
Fuck, she thinks. She always feels bad moving either of you once you’re snuggled up and comfortable, let alone when you’re all cozy together.
But Yelena also knows the couch definitely isn’t big enough for the two of you, and you’re already going to be sore tomorrow, and there are no blankets, and there isn’t any room for her in the mix of all of this. So, partially selflessly, partially completely selfishly, she slowly detangles the two of you. It’s a mess of limbs reminiscence of a tangled pair of earbuds, but somehow she manages to free you from each other and carry you up to bed one by one (Yelena’s strong, but she’s definitely not strong enough to carry both of you at once, unfortunately). You’re on the right side of the California King with Kate on the left, leaving a big enough space that you can’t find the other one and tangle back up again. Once both of you has consumed a full water bottle’s worth of water and are wearing clean shirts to sleep in, Yelena finally crawls under the covers to join the both of you.  
“I love you both,” she says as each of you cuddles into her chest. You prefer resting your head in the crook of her neck, while Kate prefers to be face first into her chest. Even half asleep, Kate’s always a little obsessed with Yelena’s tits. “Even when you act like spoiled little princesses.”
And she does, truly. She loves Kate even when she bites her out of nowhere, and she loves you even when you go along with Kate’s ridiculous schemes. She loves Kate even when she refuses to just ask for what she wants, and she loves you when you beg for whatever Yelena’s willing to give you. She even loves you when you snore ever so lightly right into your ear, the sound lulling her into a deep sleep.
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utahlive · 1 year
No episode today (i have a test i gotta study for booo) :( However in usual “no episode today” style, I’ve got some behind the scenes stuff! (+ answering asks). I’m really glad you guys like hearing about this part of the blog :D
It’s a little long so I’m putting it under the cut
So my latest method of answering asks is to write a quick outline/reply and save it in drafts (as opposed to what I was doing, which was copy pasting asks into the notes app and writing replies there. dont ask whats wrong with me; I dont know). Anyway this specific comic had its first ‘script’ (shoutout to @/ghostburface for the ask)
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I usually draw out what I imagine happening and then add text to hit the points im aiming for, but I did the opposite in this one. I had a lot of trouble figuring out the actual visuals for this one
(For the record I tried to find the original price of the glasses on the las Nevadas merch page but it wasn’t there. I remember losing my mind over the price tho)
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attempt/draft 2 (sort of) since I wasn’t sure about the layout. I was really hoping to just have three panels (as you can see by the “if 3 that would be epic” note above)
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And then I transferred it digitally! I did go over the script in DMs with my friend so it ended up as it did I did see one person pointing out the whole “rose colored glasses” thing (shout out to you fr !!). I had a lot of meaning I was going for with this one but I have a hard time finding a middle ground between “so obscure its not there” and “way too obvious”
I also wanted to answer some asks (as per usual :3 because I love talking with you guys)
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I wish he would grow it out!! However as anyone who’s gone from short to long hair... the awkward phase is NOT pretty. I did hear on one of his streams he might cut it when the EP comes out rather than the album. because he’s a coward (but I can’t blame him)
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who doesnt feel like ripping up their pillow though, amiright fellas? Shout out to all the utahlive fictives out there (I’ve heard of reported sightings). Would love to talk to you guys some day <3 It still baffles my mind that this blog leaves any sort of lasting impression on people (for reals though, I hope you guys are ok!!)
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this one isnt directed at me but I just think its funny you say this because summer 2022 I went to the Winchester house with my friends, but we all decided it wasn’t worth the price so we just checked out the gift shop and walked around the outside for about two hours. it’s actually very pretty! super cool architecture
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this one is under the “what would you recommend I get at the gas station”
It’s also not a question but I think it would be funny to let you know I wrote and queued that post (and the other one posted that day) at like 5am I don’t know how I missed it because I usually check my posts the next morning before they get posted I know it’s bad I’m trying real hard to get my sleep schedule to be normal (this post is sponsored by melatonin tablets)
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I assume you’re talking about the mcytblr sexyman poll?? Im already making predictions and bets in my head on this one but Ill be fighting for MY meowmeows till my last breath
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The Rules of Bex Ball
As previously mentioned, I had an ask on ao3 about that actual rules (using that term loosely) of Bex Ball (as seen in this fic: Game Night 3: It’s Bex Ball, Bébés) so I've written them up in a handy post for anyone else who might be interested.
One request - if you ever attempt to play this game - PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES IN REAL LIFE AND SEND PICTURES!
Bex Ball Rules:
1 giant bouncy ball (scale to size of players, but it should be truly large)
A field to play on
Number of Players:
Minimum of five per team (1 goalie and four people on the field, the number of people on the field needs to be an even number since they will be pairing up at different points.) Depending on the size of the field, you might want a bigger team of eleven or more. If it’s an exceptionally big field, you may have two goalies (especially if the group is made up of younger players.)
Rules (if we can call them that):
Essentially, the basic structure of the game is soccer. You’re trying to get the ball into the other team’s goal and you’re usually accomplishing that by kicking it. However, there are also specific modes of play that can be activated at any time at the whims of the referee. As referee, when you want to activate a certain mode, you call it out and then announce when it’s no longer in effect as well. Everyone playing on the field needs to have a buddy on their team that they can pair up with when the mode calls for it.
Play for twenty-ish minute periods with breaks in between. The amount of periods can be decided upon before starting the game and judged by the age/willingness of the players.
These work best if you rotate through them at random and don’t keep any one mode activated for too long. Keep the players on their toes! (I added a few that weren't in the fic just to round things out.) Bunny Mode – only hopping allowed.
Butt Bumps Mode – you can only move the ball by bumping it with your butt or hips.
Donkey Mode – you are only allowed to move the ball around the field using backward kicks.
Flamingo Mode – you have to tuck one leg up and can only move around by hopping on the other one. You can use your hands to move the ball around during this mode. And if you can kick it during this mode, more power to you.
Hot Potato Mode – you have to continuously throw the ball to the other members of your team and you cannot hold onto it for longer than a second.
Koala Mode – team members find their partner and one member carries the other member on their back. Any free limbs can be used to move the ball. If you’re dealing with younger players, this mode can be adjusted. Instead of one player carrying the other, you can do a repeat of Squad Mode or have one player wrap their arms around the other player’s waist from behind or have them link both arms. Judge this based on the comfort levels of your players.
Marco Polo Mode – half of the team closes their eyes (no cheating!) and the other half has to shout out instructions to try and get the ball toward the proper goal. No running allowed during this mode for obvious reasons. (Possibly not a mode to be played with younger players.)
Pony Mode – only galloping allowed.
Sloth Mode – team members may only move in slow motion.
Squad Mode – you find your partner and link arms with them. You must travel the field joined together like that and move in sync until this mode has ended.
Hitting the other players with the ball – you get a point if it’s funny and lose a point if it was a low blow (ex – a forceful hit to the head or directly to the face)
Bad sportsmanship – ref can dock points for bad behaviour such as being an obnoxious winner, complaining about the play modes, strutting around with your shirt off, pouting about losing, not showing gratitude to the ref for spending their precious free time running herd on this bonkers game. Stuff like that.
Breaking a mode – you can be lax on this rule until people get the hang of the game. Once you’re dealing with seasoned players though, if a team breaks a mode, the rule is that you give a point to the other team.
BONUS POINTS may be awarded at the discretion of the ref. Reasons for a team being given bonus points could be things such as great teamwork, a particularly neat move being executed, good humour in the face of being knocked on your butt by a gigantic ball – that kind of thing.
IN THE EVENT OF A TIE – each team will choose one representative. These two players will go head-to-head in a game of rock, paper, scissors. One round. Winner takes all.
That’s it. That’s Bex Ball. Play safe (ish) and have fun.
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katareyoudrilling · 1 year
Laminated (✂️ Dieter Bravo x Female Reader)
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Female Reader
Summary: Dieter has the receipts
Word count: ~1.4k
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Vasectomy kink (aka the opposite of breeding kink), oral (F receiving), PIV, vibrator
A/N: I am as surprised as you are that out of the many fic ideas floating around inside my brain, Dieter is the one that organized his way out first!  All of my vasectomy kink fics are marked with “✂️“ in my Masterlist.  If you would like to join the Vasectomy Kink Club sign up for my Taglist!  The link is in my bio and on my Masterlist.  Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Taglist - link in my bio and on my Masterlist
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“Do you want to have sex with me?”  Dieter leans over the table where you’re working.  His large hands grip the edge.
“We’ve been over this, Dieter,” you reply without looking up from your laptop.
“I know,” he hangs his head and scuffs the toe of his slipper against the hotel carpet.  “Just thought you might change your mind.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Dunno,” Dieter shuffles about sadly.
“There are lots of other women, and men, on this set.  I bet one of them will have sex with you.”
“Nope.”  He drops down to his elbows, resting his chin in his hands.  “Asked them all.”
“Well doesn’t that make me feel special.”  You roll your eyes and finally glance over at him.  He looks like his usual disastrous self.  But somehow a ratty bathrobe and holey t-shirt suits him.
“Come on sweet cheeks, you know I asked you first.”  He winks.  Damn him.
It’s true.  He had asked you first.  You hate that you had felt a jolt of excitement when he approached you that first day but getting involved with one of the actors was never a good idea.  So you declined and watched as he seemed to approach anyone with a pulse.  He’s a mess, but it still surprises you that no one said yes.  Did they look at him?
You shrug and keep working, unwilling to meet his puppy dog eyes.
“Oh! Oh! I know!” Dieter exclaims suddenly.  He digs in the pockets of his pajama pants and pulls out a cloth wallet stuffed with bits of paper and cash and held closed by a Velcro tab.  He rips it open and the contents explode across the table.
“Wow, thanks for the mess, Dieter,” you brush some crumpled 100 dollar bills off your keyboard.
“Wait, look,” he unfolds a piece of paper and lays it in front of you.
“Your STI results?” you ask, looking down the list of tests marked negative.
“I’m clean, see?”  He sounds so proud.
“This is from before filming started.”
“I haven’t been with anyone since.”
“Even so, it’s not the problem.  I’m sorry Dieter.”  You hand him back the folded paper, then shove the rest of the mess in his direction.  What looks like a laminated business card catches your attention.  Amongst the scraps of paper and wads of money, it has been kept pristine.
“What’s this?”  You hold up the card.
“The results of my vasectomy,” he answers as he dejectedly re-stuffs his wallet.
You look down at the card in surprise.  Sure enough, it appears to be a portion of a lab printout. His name, the real one, at the top, followed by a date ten years ago and 0.0000 sperm per mL detected.  Laminated.
“Is this real?”
“Of course.  I would never lie about that.”
You believe him.
Dieter Bravo may be a lot of things, but in your experience, he is honest to a fault.  Heat begins to stir in your belly.  You swallow thickly.
“You should have led with this.”
Dieter looks up at you surprised.
“Does that… Do you…” he stutters, his brown eyes wide with hope.
This is probably an incredibly stupid decision.  You will probably regret it.  But at least that regret will be short-lived and not require any medical intervention.  Dieter is a complete disaster, but in a really endearing way that has gotten under your skin this past month.  Fuck it.
“Yes, Dieter, I want to have sex with you.”
“Amazing,” he replies as a huge smile lights up his face and crinkles his eyes.
- - - - - - - - - -
Dieter follows you into your hotel room.  As soon as the door clicks closed behind him, he has you pushed up against it, devouring your mouth.  He tastes surprisingly minty and fresh.  You melt against his plush lips and whimper needily as he explores your mouth with his tongue.
His warm hands glide up your sides and tilt your jaw up to give him access to your neck.  As his lips trail downward, you gather the courage to say the thing that has really been making you hesitate.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you start.
“I’ll still wear a condom, if that’s what you want.”
“It’s not that. I trust you. I want you bare.”
“Fuck yes,” Dieter growls as he grinds into your body and nips at your collar bone.  His loose, baggy pants do very little to hide his erection.  You briefly lose your train of thought as he licks his way across the swell of your breasts.
“I can’t cum without a vibrator,” you blurt out.
“Ok,” he replies moving back to taste your mouth again.
You pull back, “What do you mean, ok?”
“If that’s what you need, then ok.”
“But what, sweet cheeks?”  He looks deep into your eyes as he traces your cheekbone with the pad of his thumb.  His open and earnest expression unwinds your doubts a little bit more.
“That’s not the response I usually get,” you admit quietly.
Dieter exhales through his nose and regards you seriously.  “Fuck those guys. I’ll do whatever you need to make it good for you.”
And he does.
He eats you out like a man starved.  Grabbing handfuls off your ass and hips while he devours you with his mouth.  His glorious tongue circles your clit with warm, firm strokes.  It isn’t enough, but it feels so good that you just give yourself over to the sensation.  You roll your hips into him and tug on his messy curls making him hum his approval against your center.
There’s no judgement or disappointment from him as he kisses up your stomach, not having made you come.  His whiskers tickle against your skin as he attends to each of your breasts before meeting your lips once again.
You feel the fat tip of his cock nudging against your entrance and you open for him, drawing him in with your heels on his non-existent backside.
You both sigh in relief when he is fully sheathed inside you.  It’s been too long.  For both of you.
He feels so good dragging against your walls while he circles your clit with his thumb.  You meet each thrust of his hips with your own and savor every moan that escapes his pouty lips.
Dieter’s breathing intensifies and he pulls out.  “Fuck you feel so good… I don’t want to come yet.”
He reaches for your clit suction vibrator and turns it on before handing it to you.  “Show me, sweet cheeks.”
He settles on his heels between your legs, stroking his cock, as you touch the vibrator to your swollen clit.  You immediately arch off the bed with a gasp.  He has gotten you so aroused that you are most of the way there.
You close your eyes as your walls begin to flutter and tightness builds low in your abdomen.  The deep rumble of Dieter’s voice telling you how beautiful you are, how hot it is to watch you, how he wants to see you come spurs you on.  You feel your orgasm approaching when Dieter surprises you by sliding back into your channel and sending you careening over the edge.
You clench around him and cry out as Dieter strokes deep and hard, syncing with the pulses of your pussy and drawing out your orgasm.  You toss your vibrator to the side and he replaces it with the heel of his hand, grinding down into your clit.  You spasm against his hand and dig your fingers into his broad shoulders as he finds his own release with a groan.
Dieter slips out of you and pulls you into his side.  It doesn’t surprise you at all to find that he’s a cuddler.
“That was amazing,” he mumbles as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Mmhmm,” you agree nuzzling deeper into his side.
“You know what sounds really good right now?” he asks, drawing lazy circles on your skin.
“A kitkat.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vasectomy Kink Club:
@neddrollsdice​ @lovesbiggerthanpride​ @kirsteng42​ @pedrohoe04​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @pagannightwitch​ @kaitieskidmore1​  @alexxavicry​ @mandoblowmybackout​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @nothoughtsjustmeds​ @loonymagizoologist​ @aynsleywalker​ @maievdenoir​ @ruhro7​ @amneris21​ @tionmeh​ @theravenreads​ @bravopeach​  @bport76​ @eppy816​ @harriedandharassed​ @iamskyereads​ @artpoppstar​ @pix-writes​  @littlemisspascal​ @whataperfectwasteoftime​ @just-here-for-the-moment​ @thirsty-flygirl​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @deadhumourist​ @wheresarizona​
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lipglossanon · 1 year
heyyy im back again :D
currently at school rn but im bored soooooo i have another thought about leon again per usual
OKAY OKAY. so imagine the reader's having a bad day, like a bad bad day; to the point where even the smallest thing can make her snap. this together with leon's usual tactics and bullying and teasing do NOT help at all, so she just sort of snaps one day. like deadass straight up screaming and yelling profanities at leon, pointing fingers at him and pushing him around, or at least trying anyway. i loveeeeeee his teasing cuz it lowkey turns me on but i feel like if im in a bad mood, i'd def snap at him big time.
and obv leon is not having it at all. he's shocked sure cuz hes never seen u so mad before or heard u scream like that, but he does not tolerate any disrespect towards him, especially if its coming from u. so wordlessly, he straight up grabs ur hair and pushes u to the ground harshly, hastily pulls down his pants and grabs ur jaw with a tight grip. pushing his cock deeply down ur throat, he ignores ur struggles and choking and just forces u to deep throat him; like he just keeps u right there not moving an inch, he doesnt care if u can breathe or not. this is what u get for misbehaving and yelling at ur big brother, this is what slutty little sisters get for pushing their big brother around when he didnt do anything wrong. his little slut.
Hiya 👋 😃 and I love your Leon thoughts!! 🎉
Saaaame! If i was having one of my really shitty days and Leon picked on me I would probably lose it 😆
😩 can I say that that is too good? 🥵 cause wowzer 🫠 he would so shut that down real quick and what’s worse (best?) about it is she would lose all the fight she had in her.
Okay but—ASKSHD so here lmao:
Leon forces his cock in your mouth until you gag, making you hold it til your throat relaxes. You try to push at his thighs but his grip on your hair and jaw keep you in place. You glare up at him with wet eyes.
“Gonna be teaching you some manners today, princess. Put that dirty mouth to better use.”
He pulls out halfway before slowly pushing himself back into your drooling mouth. You start to feel light headed and when he tilts your head back so he can press in deeper, you whine.
“I know,” Leon pouts down at you with faux sympathy, “it’s so tough isn’t it sweetheart? Trying to swallow big brother’s dick down your little throat.”
You moan, spit gargling around his dick and dripping down your chin.
“That’s right,” he smirks, “just needed big brother to put you in your place. Show you what happens to little slutty sisters who backtalk.”
Your hands go from pushing his thighs to digging into his bulky muscles to hold still. You press yourself down on his cock a little deeper, eyes fluttering at how stretched out your mouth feels.
“There we go,” he pets your hair away from your face, “just needed to suck my cock to feel better right sweetheart?”
You only hum, tongue running along the soft skin of the thick cock throbbing in your mouth.
“Ready to swallow, princess?”
You whine as your thighs clench together, slick pooling in your already drenched panties.
You feel it as hot spurts of jizz kiss the back of your throat before you’re swallowing it down, milking his cock until he’s hissing from overstimulation.
He finally pulls out from your mouth only to have you chase after his softening cock with kitten licks to the head.
“Mmm, s’too sensitive, baby,” he murmurs, tugging your hair back and rubbing his thumb underneath your eye.
“Now, you gonna behave for me?”
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hi cubeguy i sent u an anons a while ago that i dont use tumblr but i periodically check ur blog bcus it specifically rocks & im back. i listened to an album u recommended on here but im curtailed by the character lim to give a review so i typed out a real time extremely long reaction to the songs LOL definitely the logical nextstep. its @ pastebin.com/Ejd8E9VX idk if im allowed to link shit on tumblr?? anyway i hope to get around 2 other musiks u like bcus i lovedd this btw its get to heaven that i listened to THANK U 🎀🙇‍♂️💋💗💗💗
HEY YOU HAVE AN AWESOME WAY OF TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. GRINS SO MUCH. i’m glad you enjoyed gth it’s so so special to me genuinely the album of all time …. my favorite songs off it are s/s/w/d the wheel and blast doors Lways a joy to see someone go crazy about them
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^ really fond of this descriptor here also i think it succinctly puts a lot of what i love about ee’s songwriting down into words…. the weird entanglement of love and hate and confusion and clarity it’s a very very special moodset
also YEAH the way you described the vocals…. the early everything everything albums play a lot with like. roughness and scratchiness and the kind of ‘animalistic’ register of the human voice. (honestly everything before raw data feel. this is literally because the singer just decided to learn how to sing in high registers without falsetto for the first time which is like cool but also AUGH i miss that old sound
OK SO the thing about this bit
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absolutely YES the thing about get to heaven is that it’s literally just like. a complete album of bangers. going down through their other stuff is gonna be a little more rocky, you might enjoy the like once-per-album weird slow ballads you might not, even though i’m lazy about listening to some of their weaker stuff when i do go through the entire albums i still find a lot of quirks in the instrumentation or lyrics that manage to impress me. i’d recommend delving into either man alive or arc next those are basically on par with gth although a bit more weird and morose? if you’re feeling it id then recommend raw data feel which oscillates more around pop/new wave but still has some really interesting musical constructions, gets extremely electronic and synthy…. a fever dream is like a 50/50 split between really long slow songs which are just Fine and really fast heavy bangers. just go listen to notln, can’t do, desire, good shot, run the numbers and ivory tower LOL. uhhhh reanimator is arguably their weakest album probably the most unremarkable but it’s also like my second favorite right after get to heaven. it’s weird and glowy and flimsier than their other tunes. that enchants me i guess…. they’ve also got an upcoming album that once again seems to be more pop oriented, cold reactor is the best of the singles they’ve released for it yet. what else. there’s like a youtube playlist out there of demo/outtakes/non album stuff that you can find real easy, there’s some really good stuff in there. personal favorites are the come alive diana demo, even the dogs and dna dump
ok so the fucking thing about the “lore” of this album. there technically isn’t any and most of ee’s albums are a per-song thing usually revolving around like. modern social commentary. the genius pages for most of their songs have like. direct songwriting annotations by the band and explain the thought process behind them. however for gth there’s also like a small layer of overarching lore about this one guy called thomas silhouette as a character. he’s not so much the crux of any narrative or presence as much as he’s just like. funny anagram arising from a lyric in fortune 500 that gets alluded to in later albums because he’s loosely representative of a lot of themes that get tackled in ee songs like capitalism and dread and shit like that
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thatmooncake · 11 months
hi hi!! i saw your reblog of your therapist au art and noticed in the tags that you dont mind answering questions. i hope its alright if i ask you one or two!!
so, you mention in the background section of the au that moon was used to trap souls inside dreams (or something similar to that.) will that be addressed in the future?? i feel like thats prime material for angsty stuff and moon feeling bad about what happened in the past :< not to mention the whole fazbear entertainment thing lending you the therapy bots and them linked to dream experiments is shady (as per usual with fazent.)
(also not as important, but is the whole "trapping souls" thing a reference to somniphobia, the book in the tftp series?? i actually havent read the story personally, but from a brief summary, im getting those same vibes lol. could be entirely a coincidence, but if not, thats cool either way!!!)
and on a more lighter note, can they eat stuff in this au? if so, id love to know their favorite ice-cream flavors! its a weird question to suddenly ask but for some reason this au is giving me "its a summer night, im up way too late, and im eating ice-cream when i shouldnt" type of vibes
anyways!!! im sorry i think i rambled too much but i love your guys' au, and yall's artwork!! cant wait to see more of it, hopefully in the future!
(p.s. unrelated but i thought moon,,,had the bisexual colors in his irises,,,)
Ooh yay hihi I love AU asks!
So! The dreamscape is going to play a big part in the therapy bots AU, and the angst and drama is very much ongoing - it might seem like fun and games at first exploring the therapy themed concepts, but you’re absolutely right, there are massive Somniphobia style undertones there. Moon’s dreamscape is designed to pull you in and it can be addictive and …energy consuming. Or should we say life force consuming?
Moon meanwhile? He feels closer to you in the dreamscape than in the waking world …at first. All the souls he steals become a part of him, in a sense. Remnants of them continue to float around in the dreamscape if you look hard enough, like when you start peeling back the wallpaper of a new house that used to belong to someone else. For the longest time Moon has not really been able to interact in the real world, and honestly most people in the dreamscape very rarely interacted with him either up until the very end, being far too wrapped up in exploring the vast dreamscape which moulds itself around their wants and needs. He’s been kind of used to his role as a passive observer, or a creature without much identity at all. But this time around, because you think he’s a therapy bot, he’s a part of the action. He’s actually being played with. This is unusual for him, and his feelings get a little more muddied over time.
Sun and Moon can absolutely eat in this AU - it was one of their ill-advised “upgrades”. And as the three of you start sharing some soul energy - uhhh, bond with each other more closely, they start to gain the strangest senses too. Senses they’ve never had before, like smell and taste. And they do not know what to make of this. But they do know that Sun likes neapolitan flavour (don’t ask him to pick just one, they look so pretty together!) and Moon likes mint chocolate chip flavour (yep you heard me, mint is good). And that having ice cream late on a summer night is what it’s all about (well, ask Sun about that one - Moon thinks you ought to be sleeping, but he’ll allow it this one time).
Never apologise for rambling I love rambling :D (also everyone who’s mentioned all the pride flag colours you are absolutely correct Sun and Moon say gay rights)
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Pretty good answers thank you! :D got some more
1: what’s the best Christmas gift they ever gotten?
2: for this year, what gifts do they really want?
3: when they are with their families, who puts the Star on top?
4: what’s their favorite & least favorite Christmas song?
5: what’s the greatest revenge they gotten on a bully?
6: what’s their opinions on guns? Also I can see them wielding special non-lethal guns similar to red hoods that they can charge their darkness & starbolt energies into. Chris has a blue gun with either the Nightwing symbol on the rear grip or maybe a charm kinda like in call of duty & Jake has a yellow or maybe blue too with his symbol on the gun or charm.
1. Chris: His own custom made blue and orange cape with the House of El symbol on the back stitched up by Martha, Clark and Jon when he was 10. He cried tears of joy as it was further proof that they’re his real family
Jake: The Skybird suit, made by both Alfred and his Father when he was 9. At first he wonder why the boots seemingly lacked the steel toes like in his older prototype suits, only to discover they were inside the boot safely so that he had that enhanced kicking power yet they look even more stylish.
2. I would like to think of the two being humble enough so that they aren’t too demanding for their gifts….that being said, if the Duo receive the entirely of Dragon Ball, from the original to Super, as DVDs/Blu, Ray, they very much would appreciate it
3. Chris: Jon and him playfully do an arm wrestling contest, 2 out of 3, in deciding which one has the chance to put up the tree Star. By the time Chris edges out a second win though, Krypto already beat the two to it
Jake: Both Mar’i and him put up the Star together, floating up to the top with each of them carefully holding a side of the Star as it’s made of precious Tamaranean jewels on its eight points and a sturdy yet easily to dirty metal. It’s a traditional they’ve been doing since Jake was around six when he began to float in the air successfully, always capped off with Dick taking a photo of the two just as the star is put into place.
4. Chris - Favorite: ‘Wonderful Christmastime’ by Paul McCartney; as per usual given it’s written by a Beatle and the fact it’s just a catchy joyful melody bell never get tired of
Least Favorite: ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ by Mariah Carey; frankly, not much to say here other than it’s over played to Chris’ liking everywhere he goes
Jake - Favorite: ‘You’re a Mean One, Mr Grinch’ by Thuri Ravenscoft and Dr Seuss; true Jake can never in his entire lifetime ever reach that legendary Deep Sound in singing it but the poetry, the instruments and just the gleeful tone of the whole thing gets him so excited whenever it comes on
Least Favorite: ‘We Are Santa’s Elves’ from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer; having about one or few adventures with Chris that involve meeting Santa himself along with the eleven working with him, he will not stand this misrepresentation of Elf kind if he can help it. Plus the song itself is relatively annoying
5. Easily the time they suited up and during a school dance night, when a bully who earlier that week took Jake’s lunch money and proceeded to embarrass him via reading his diary out loud in class, the two waited until said bully was all by himself right outside the auditorium building, proceeding to wrap his ankles with a grapple line, dangling him upside down and Jake gives his best batglare while Chris lays down the terms. Basically, back off from any of his victims and give back their lunch money if he still has them. The bully tries claiming innocence, with his rambling saying “I swear to..” onto for Jake to interrupt with a classic “Swear To Us” before bungee dropping the bully with his grapple line. That was enough to convince the bully, who by wet himself in fear, to start changing his ways. It was good enough for Jake who then let him back down gently flat on his butt before taking off away.
6. Oh, They dislike actual real firearms with a burning passion, comparable to Obi Wan’s distaste for blasters. That said, those color schemes for those gadgets that can channel their respective energy powers into a compact form do sound fitting for them
Sorry it took a while but at least I got to them my friend
Thanks for your patience @gothicghost2000
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sapphic-scylla · 3 months
Things to know when getting into the Persona Series
Since the remaster of Persona 3, there’s been a lot of renewed interest in the series as well as a few people, not just from here, but in my real life, inquiring to me about what you should know before getting into the series, so here is a list of general tips you should know and to keep in mind:
Content Warnings. This is straight up just a point. As out there and as crazy as the Persona World can get, Persona is grounded in the struggles of people, of humans and the human condition. Things like suicide, abuse, loss, death, pain, emotional trauma. It’s not for the faint of heart, so I recommend bracing yourself.
Time Commitment. I know it doesn’t look like it, but most Persona games are a 200 hour commitment to one playthrough. Not even kidding. P5R takes me 130 and I know that game like the back of my hand and skip through a fair amount of dialogue because I know where the fluff is. Prepare yourself for that kind of time sink.
Stats vs Friends. The endless Persona debate. Which is more important? On a first playthrough, my recommendation. Focus on stats and the characters that intrigue you the most. Stats get you access to more people so you don’t feel like you’re running into walls everywhere. Also, be aware of their stories. Sometimes, if a character is important enough, their story takes a halt and is postponed until later. Learn to be flexible and managing your time properly will come with more experience.
Persona Preferences. I view Persona in the way that a lot of people view Pokemon. Sure, I could ramp all the way to the high level Personas if I really wanted to, but then I’d miss out on a lot of gems along the way. Nekomata is a level 2 Persona in P3R and I kept her viable the entire game AND used her in the final fight. So I cannot stress this enough: USE YOUR FAVORITES. Persona has the incredible perk of leaning into the myriad of mythos and legends the world has to offer, so explore them all. Also, every persona has the capacity to do most whatever you want it to, so as cool as Satan is, he can still do about the same thing that Nekomata can and Nekomata is available all game. Satan is not.
Where To Start. This is really the main question I get asked the most and with a series like Persona where every game tells a different story, it’s hard to decide where to begin. Here’s the answer I give everyone: P5R. I know, a lot of people will say “but what about regular P5?” Trust me, you get the same game in P5R just with more content. And why P5R? P5R puts you at the starting block in the best way. Great story, great graphics, and it gives you the simplest version of the story that pervades all Persona lore while helping you discover it yourself instead of always feeling like you’re behind other characters. Also, the combat, while incredibly varied, is much easier to succeed at than in P3 or P4 because there are so many skills and tools and it helps you grasp the concepts easier before stripping you of them in P3 or 4.
How to Decide when to Enter/Leave the Dark Hour/Palaces/Mementos/TV World. Time blindness is a lot of people’s worst enemy and that doesn’t change when you make it a video game mechanic. The best tip I can give you is this: limit yourself to one or two trips per story chunk. Especially if you want to dig into character stuff. Characters usually aren’t doing much at the beginning or end of the story chunks. Beginning is more viable because you’re not in crunch time at that point. The end gets more finicky because characters start to worry if you don’t complete your current main objective/palace before the due date. TLDR: Finish the main objective ASAP. Try to complete it in one day if you can. Then, you can spend more time romancing/team building/hanging out with people while waiting for the next due date and if you need to take another trip to complete Compendium stuff or Requests from the Velvet Room or Phan Site if you’re in P5R, wait until the last 2 days.
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