#as the bird her eggs
aarghone · 1 year
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flowerakatsuka · 8 days
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wanted to design an animal-based idol for funsies, i based her off of rufous turtle doves.
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mind-if-i-scream · 2 months
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Called it
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bluestempigeons · 1 year
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kakiloutre · 1 year
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May I interest you in a Baghera chibi in these trying times ? (she's gone)
Also Pomme is a duck here like her mom idk it's cute
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milkfroggo · 7 months
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late week 2 Funguary!
Here's the birds nest fungus! Now they are more bird than fungus.(*≧∇≦)ノ
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cheddertm · 1 year
IDFK what’s going on besides people not trusting Jaiden bc she was hanging out with Cucurucho n Pomme might’ve lost a life,,,, however i think while everyone would be sus of Jaiden, Foolish would be like
Foolish: shit you were hanging out with Cucurucho???
Jaiden: uh yeah, but i guess that’s a bad thing to do?
Foolish: nah, they’re cool. you know they let me ride a cloud once, so they’re basically my best friend :)
Jaiden: and no one is sus of you???
Foolish: <3
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l3o-lion · 3 months
When you don't have any ocs for art fight so instead you draw the animals you know irl-
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This is Captain, also known as Cap, Captain Crow or, in swedish, Kapten Kråk! she got her name from captain hook because:
1) she's missing one foot/leg
2) captain hook is translated to "kapten krok" in swedish, which is just one letter away from being kapten kråk, "kråka" is the swedish word for crow and i often call individual crows "kråk" instead of kråka.
(PRAYING that i remembered correctly which foot she's missing, otherwise im gonna be so embarrassed)
Captain is usually crouching close to the ground to keep balance, sort of like in the bottom right drawing, so the top right drawing is not technically accurate. I haven't found any other easy-to-spot features to recognise her by besides her one leg and her personality. Captain is mostly pretty laid back but she is also reasonably comfortable with being close-ish to me, nothing akin to the pigeons but it feels like she trusts me to now randomly attack her at least. She's got inquisitive eyes but she's usually pretty careful and she doesn't tolerate rambunctious youths fighting or bothering her. I've also mentioned before that she sometimes swoops close overhead when she arrives, as if to let me know that she's there.
I've known her for maybe two years now? I don't see her every week but it's always a joy when i do.
Oh also here's my artfight profile! Im probably gonna post it a few times before and during the event (or maybe put it in my pinned) because i want to attack as many cool ppl as possible :]
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creepyscritches · 3 months
Sobbing as I continuously scare the swallow couple that keeps trying to start a nest on my patio omg please you'll hate it I'm going to be setting up bug nets that will trap you and your babies please omg I'm so sorry this is a bad choice BOO omg please there's a whole grassy field with a dense treeline border 20FT FROM HERE!!! BOOGABOOGA PLEASE YOU'RE GOING TO TRY TO KILL ME EVERY DAY IN 3 WEEKS IF YOU MOVE HERE!!!!!
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birdinabowl · 7 months
also Connie would be a sandwing because sandwings are cool and Connie’s cool
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sangfielle · 11 months
there was an egg in the nest of the finch habitat that normally never has eggs in it... and i was intending to clean out the normal problem nest of eggs while i was up in the birds anyway, but there was one hanging out in there that refused to leave. so i'll have to return to that one later.
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SHAPE HELLO IT IS ME!!!! CALLI CUBITOZINC!!!!!!! So erm. gonna be honest dude i fought with myself in my head so hard on what i wanted to send for this especially cause i didn't want it to be silly or stupid but you know what. Who give a shit. and i have been there when it comes to having to fight for writing motivation... boy have i ever. SO!! feel free to run with this prompt if you get any ideas from it but absolutely no pressure :]
"Jaiden spent uncountable moments these days thinking about what kinds of things she could've done in the past."
HI CALLI HII BELOVED MUTUAL CALLIIII . i have never written a jaidn before but for you.... i will try.
Jaiden spent uncountable moments these days thinking about what kinds of things she could've done in the past.
Or- maybe they weren't uncountable? They were probably countable, if she'd cared enough to count, but it hadn't occurred to her to count them when she started, and so she'd lost count of them from the beginning, so. Uncountable.
...There's something almost sad about that. Losing track of things since the beginning, no hope of catching up to the present. No chance to right the now because of the wrongs of the past. It makes her heart ache in her chest to think about, but she can't- she can't stop thinking about it. She keeps poking at it, like a bruise, but a sideways bruise. Look at these flowers, they look just like the ones in Bobby Fields. Drink this tea, it's just like the tea Cucurucho gives her. Look at Roier, smiling at Cellbit, and then quietly leave them to be happy. It's...
One thing that's different, from the then to the now, is how many houses she has. One for each piece of her heart, all of them missing something. Does the party house count as one of hers, too? What about the room she stayed in while helping the Cucuruchos? She wants to say yes. It hurts to think yes. If she said yes, if she went there to call for him, would he still leave her waiting?
...She knows the answer. Part of her wishes that she didn't. More of her knows that it's better that she does. It's like playing pretend, and you need to know when you're playing pretend. She knows how often she plays pretend, and how often she pretends that she isn't, and she remembers the time that she didn't have to and she wants that back so badly that it hurts.
Like a bruise. Poke, poke, poke. She knows she's being manipulated, and still she leans into it. Is it helping? Who is she helping? If Cucurucho is hurting, can she really help him? Can she free him? Is it worth it? Is it about worth, or is it about waste? Is it about anything?
Jaiden groans and throws her arm over her face. Maybe it's about laying in the warm pink sand on Hot Girl Beach while Mouse and Foolish chatter behind her. Maybe it's about leaving her empty houses and keeping her hair dyed Miku-blue and doing what she can, because she can. Maybe it's about tailing along with Foolish whenever he gets more silly Cucurucho tasks. Maybe it's about- whatever else is fun. Whatever else keeps her occupied, and out of bed, and waving goodnight to the sun.
There, is that another one of her uncountable moments? No, probably not, she hadn't done much thinking about the past. She could do that. She could think about Bobby and his raccoons, and Bobby and flowers, and Bobby and the very first painting he made for her.
Like a bruise. Poke, poke, poke. She's almost afraid of finding out what will happen if she lets it heal.
...That's enough angst for the day. The sun will be setting soon, and she wants to say goodnight to Bobby with a genuine smile. She pulls her arm off her face and sits up to turn to her friends, join in on their fun.
Her houses are empty, but she knows how to pretend that she has a home.
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cattyanon · 5 months
GUYSSSSS I unknowingly moved an inch worm (type of caterpillar) about an hour and a half away from it's home because I picked up a few feathers off the ground from where we were and didn't know he was on one of them when I put one of the feathers in my bag. ;-;
Further context is in the tags. Also I'm once again apologizing to the inch worm for moving him that far from his home. Poor dude looked so confused when I put him on a plant lol. I'm sooooo sorry dude I didn't knowwww...
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abyssmalice · 5 months
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One candy a day keeps Tonia pacified and away.
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queerpyracy · 3 months
i envy the people who can tell their chickens' screams apart. mine like to just scream to announce that they have either just laid an egg or they are thinking about laying an egg maybe sometime in the next half hour possibly or they laid an egg twenty minutes ago and want me to know they're still upset about it
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nyckie · 8 months
Custard takes about 6 eggs right?
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