srldesigns6277 · 5 months
I wanna reblog that pic of Judge Louis at the X Factor but am trying to figure out a way to get rid of Salmon so he's not on my blog 😂
I feel, everytime I see him I shudder. I basically refused to watch xfactor 2018 because as much as I love Louis, I hate Simon. I have a list of reasons to hate him, more than just Larry too. Enjoy :)
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a lovely collection of my wife plushie looking at things.
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cxlliefxn · 10 months
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the family of all time 💞💞
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itsnotreal · 1 year
Nikki Nikki Nikki
What has ears but cannot ear?
A field of corn
This one came straight from Harry’s brain 😂
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kidvoodoo · 4 months
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Jeest Mafia AU, snippet under the cut 💚💙
Joost tried not to make eye contact with anyone at the airport, though the stares he received at his battered face were inevitable. How many tall, blond, bandaged, bruised and bloody men were in a hurried rush to the terminal? Odds say: not many.
‘Not that I should be thinking about odds right now’ chided his conscience, ‘that’s how I got into this mess in the first place…’
His pace didn’t falter despite the looks from the other passengers lining up in their respective lines. All of them with bags and luggage alike underarm or trailing behind them, his own, suspiciously absent.
No time to pack, clothes on his back, phone, wallet and a little vial of two small white pills. Security checkpoint nearly put an end to those, but a desperate, puppy-eyed look and his disheveled state made the officer roll her eyes and wave him through, for all she knew, or anyone knew, it was aspirin.
‘Fix more than a headache’ his inner thoughts sneered, ‘steady on Joost, for emergencies only’.
He kept his eyes on the gate numbers, briefly glancing at the destinations. Cabo, Shanghai, Johannesburg, each a far flung place he could have potentially laid low in for months, relax on some resort beach or in a high class penthouse…
But that’s not where he’s headed.
He spies the glowing gate number, the destination? Helsinki, Finland. He got the ticket the same day he got the phone call telling him to leave as fast as possible, his usually calm and monotone source had an edge of panic to their voice, Joost trashed the burner after that and shredded the last of his books and burned them. He left his apartment as the ashes were still smoldering.
Finland eh? The only clue of what was happening next was the note in the ticket envelope, hurried scrawling in broken Dutch gave him simple instructions:
Taxi to the airport, pay in cash. Get on the plane. Make sure you are in the camera view the whole time, locate the Air Marshal and watch him. Once you are off the plane, head to the pick up zone in the parking lot and look for the black limo. Tap on the driver’s side window and give the password.
“Here for Tommy’s boy” he mutters under his breath. The magic words that’ll guarantee his safety and freedom, or will land him a bullet between the brows…
Better than the alternative.
He’s on time for the early boarding and hands the Steward his ticket, eyeing the Air Marshal at the doors to the plane’s walkway. He’s given a smile and some well wishes for his flight and finally, for the first time in several days, he feels a little sliver of calm wash over him.
‘Can’t cut me up on the plane you fuckers’
He finds his seat, window view and close to the front of the plane and plops down, the ache in his joints and back starting to flare up since the adrenaline begins to wear off.
Finland…he’s uncertain exactly what is waiting for him there, he regrets not grabbing a translation booklet at the terminal kiosk but there was simply no time. His new phone is IP hidden for the time being till he can get a VPN to bounce his signal, so no using Google’s underwhelming translation system…
He thinks back to a conversation he overheard at a conference last year. The big guys were all there, each of them with a meaty bodyguard in tow and a pistol or two brandished in plain sight.
He was there on happenstance, just finishing up the numbers to hand to his boss for the last fiscal year when his curiosity got the best of him.
“Baltic’s are at it again,” his boss sneers, tapping his cigar onto the floor, “think they’ll hide behind the Nordic cunts so they don’t have to play anymore”.
“Hm.” Another well dressed older man hums in response. He’s the police liaison, a former Captain who’s been working with the mob for 40 years. “Not much to be done about it Albert, the Fins have the advantage now, I hear they’ve even brought Estonia into the fold now.”
Albert snorts, getting to his feet and giving a couple other well-dressed people a farewell wave.
“Cuz of that little shit,” he grumbles, motioning his bodyguard to get a move on. “What’s his name? Kät-something? The Union fucker.”
“Käärijä,” the former Police Captain supplies, “his Union is very bold for an upstart, cutting off the trade in the Baltic’s disrupts everything. Heard he’s in talks of making a deal with the Norwegians as well. That’s the case? Say goodbye to the big money”.
Joost tried to linger as long as possible to catch the last bit of conversation, tucking himself against the wall and listening close.
“Damn idiot, Norway doesn’t play with the new players, even if the young lady is supposedly running things over there now. He’s a fucking lunatic to think the Baltic’s will stay loyal, he’ll be done by the end of the year, mark my words-“
A dinging noise jolts him awake from his daze, the Flight Attendants are doing their safety check. The doors to the plane are closed and for the first time in weeks, months even, Joost’s tense shoulders drop with exhaustion.
He is safe. For now.
Roughly three hours later, he startles awake.
The voice over the intercom of the plane cabin announces in several languages that they have arrived at Helsinki Airport and will begin the landing process momentarily.
He spares a glance around the cabin out of paranoia, nothing out of the ordinary and no unwanted eyes in his direction.
Twenty minutes later and he’s heading out of the plane and into the airport terminal. The weather outside is gray and snowy, the sky a mass of colorless clouds and the sun choked somewhere behind. He shivers just looking at the weather, his cheap suit jacket will definitely not suffice.
He heads down the walkways and tried not to get too overwhelmed with the directions, mostly in Finnish but thankfully also in English.
He’s only a hundred feet from the parking lot when he feels eyes on his back. He tries subtly to peak behind and catch if he’s being followed.
Two men, both in dark blue suits and expensive leather shoes, each sporting a grim, intense expression. They have their hands in their pockets.
Joost picks up his pace, eyes focused on the automatic doors that swing open and shut.
He can hear them closing behind him, their shoes loud against the tiles. He starts to jog.
He doesn’t stop to apologize to the people he pushes past to get out of the door, ignoring the scowls and curses thrown his way. His heart is hammering in his chest, he has but a minute to locate the car before he’s dragged off and butchered in a dark corner…
A car horn blares loudly as he flinches and freezes, he had walked right out in front of a pair of high beams, his eyes don’t have time to adjust as he hurriedly runs around to look.
Black limousine, tinted windows with triple thick bulletproof glass and chrome trimming. The driver’s side window rolls down, a bald man with sunglasses and a mustache regards him blankly.
“P-please,” he stammers, eyes catching the two suited men finally breaching the threshold. “I-I’m being followed-“
“What is phrase?” The driver interrupts, not at all phased by the situation in the slightest.
“Th-the wha-oh yes yes, it’s uh…” he swallows takes a breath and speaks the words softly enough for the man to hear him.
“I’m here for Tommy’s boy.”
The door at the back of the limo clicks open, beckoning him inside.
He all but dives into the car and slams the door shut just as the two men make a dash towards the vehicle, only to stop dead in their tracks mere feet away.
Joost doesn’t have the time to take in his surroundings as he sees what has halted his stalkers. In the split second before the limo peels out with a loud screeching of tires, the window on the opposite side is down just enough to see the startled and blanched faces of the two men, who find themselves held in place by a man aiming a 45 caliber handgun at them.
Were it to fire at point blank range, one of the two men would have nearly had his torso blown open. More than a lethal shot, truly overkill at that point.
The car peels out of the lot and before he knows it, Joost is tossed back into he seat as the limo put some speedy distance between him and the danger.
A loud curse and sound of a window being rolled up. Joost finally levels his eyes behind his cracked glasses to see his savior.
Sitting across from him now with the gun held loosely in his grip is a dark haired man with pale skin. He sports a blunted bowl cut and his facial hair is trimmed and tidy. He wears a long black coat with a layered polo necked jumper and a couple silver chains around his neck. The jewelry matches his pierced ears and nose rings, the whole of his attire is expensive and modern looking.
Joost is drawn into the man’s piercing eyes, blue like his own but with an edge of silver steel, made more intimidating and entrancing by the heavy makeup that lines them.
The man is staring at him, Joost’s palms immediately start to sweat.
“I uh,”
“You are the Dutchman we take in?” The man interrupts, his voice has an hint of annoyance, Joost nods politely and holds out his hand to shake.
“Yes, I mean to say, thank you,” he tries to muster a charming smile but finds himself pinned under the man’s gaze like a deer being watched through a hunter’s scope.
“I’m sure this is a bit of trouble for you-“
“Trouble? I say it is bigger trouble for you and not me. You need a drink yes? I have gin and brandy here.” The man all but ignores whatever Joost was trying to say and busies himself with pouring a drink from a side bar containing glasses and some bottles. “Brandy since the gin is warm, I not have a lot of time to get it ready.”
Joost wants to say something, anything to this stranger but finds himself at an utter loss for words. The man looks at him expectantly, pushing the glass of amber liquor into his hands.
“There you drink that, feel better afterwards. You say you looking for Tommy’s boy? That is what he tell you to say? He think he is funny man, he gonna have to explain to me…” the man trails off, eyes now scanning and taking in Joost’s disheveled appearance. “You have injury? I have some bandage here and some other things uh,” the man stops and searches for a word. “you know, doctor supplies?”
“First aid kit?” Joost supplies.
“Ah yes yes! That is it,” the man grins and digs around a bit before huffing in annoyance and opening the little sliding window to the driver’s compartment. He asks for something in Finnish and the bald man replies. Information gathered, he opens a compartment and fishes out a nondescript black case.
“Okei here it is. Let me see your hand, you have blood on your palm.” He does? Joost was in such a mad dash to get away from the goons who had jumped him back in the Netherlands he didn’t have time to take stock of his injuries. He holds out his hand timidly and the man yanks it none too gently to inspect.
“No stitches I think,” he hums, grabbing supplies to clean and patch the gash on Joost’s palm.
The man’s grip is firm and steady, there is warm radiating from beneath the leather gloves he wears.
“You are Mr. Klein eh?” The man says absentmindedly as he cleans the wound. “I hear you screw your boss out two million euros, not bad.” The man smirks, eyes flickering up to Joost’s face. “I like someone who disrupts the status quo. When Tommy say you in trouble, I had to do something about it. Would be a waste for you ending up in concrete.”
Joost cringes a little at the mention of his dilemma, taking a long gulp of his drink and reveling in the burn.
“I don’t know about disruption, I just did what I thought was right is all. Didn’t think it would go this far…” he wishes he could be more proud, he did take a chunk of money from the hands of the worst men in Europe. Now, he’s a marked man, possibly forever.
The dark haired man seems to sense his discomfort and finishes dressing his hand, grabbing a gauze patch and passing it over.
“What is done is done, you think it is bad thing now, but you make a big move, and now you have a big advantage for the war that is coming.”
Joost finishes placing the gauze over the gash on his cheek, looking at the man puzzlingly.
“What war? And what advantage are you talking about?”
The man leans back against his seat and smiles, his sharp canines peak over his lips and his expression is one of amusement and vicious excitement.
“The war between the Union and the Old Men, tear down their ruined kingdom and make our own. The advantage? That’s easy,”
The man chuckles darkly.
“You have Käärijä in your corner now.”
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in August 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
[ Text list below ⤵ ]
❓What was the last queer book you read?
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Failure to Comply - Sarah Cavar 🧡 I Spit On Your Celluloid - Heidi Honeycutt 💛 You're Embarrassing Yourself - Desiree Akhavan 💚 Death of the Hero - Briona Johnson 💙 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💜 The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter ❤️ Sacrificial Animals - Kailee Pedersen 🧡 Oath of Fire - K. Arsenault Rivera 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 This Ravenous Fate - Hayley Dennings 💜 Mistress of Lies - K.M. Enright 🌈 Wolf Bite - T.J. Nichols
❤️ In the Valley, A Shadow - Samantha Tano 🧡 Follow My Lead - Adrian J. Smith 💛 The Last Woman I Kissed - Venetia Di Pierro 💚 Full Shift - Jennifer Dugan & Kristen Seaton 💙 Hers for the Weekend - Helena Greer 💜 Come Out, Come Out - Natalie C. Parker ❤️ Rules for Ghosting - Shelly Jay Shore 🧡 How to Leave the House - Nathan Newman 💛 Plot Twist - Carmen Sereno 💙 On the Far Side of a Crescendo - Kalyn Hazel 💜 Tiny Oblivions and Mutual Self Destructions - Maxwell I. Gold 🌈 Daylan and the River of Secrets - Edd Tello
❤️ The Italy Letters - Vi Khi Nao 🧡 The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie - Lee Wind 💚 The House Where Death Lives - Alex Brown 💙 Ash's Cabin - Jen Wang 💜 The Avian Hourglass - Lindsey Drager ❤️ The Heart Wants - Krystina Rivers 🧡 A Grand Love - Janna Barkin 💛 You Can't Go Home Again - Jeanette Bears 💜 Libertad - Bessie Flores Zaldivar 🌈 Her Golden Coast - Anat Deracine
❤️ Mighty Millie Novak - Elizabeth Holden 💛 Rise and Divine - Lana Harper 💚 Dying for You - L Flowers 💙 I'll Have What He's Having - Adib Khorram 💜 Changing Her Tune - Amanda Kabak ❤️ Monogamy? In this Economy? - Laura Boyle 🧡 The Rainbow Age of Television - Sayna Maci Warner 💛 Medusa of the Roses - Navid Sinaki 💙 Confounding Oaths - Alexis Hall 💜 Idol Lives - K.T. Salvo 🌈 Brother's Keeper - Quinn Cameron
❤️ Key Lime Sky - Al Hess 🧡 Crushing It - Erin Becker 💛 The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 💚 Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher 💙 Tasting Temptation - JJ Arias 💜 Ami - S. Jae-Jones ❤️ You're the Problem, It's You - Emma R. Alban 🧡 Cubs & Campfires - Dylan Drakes 💛 The Dark We Know - Wen-yi Lee 💙 Practical Rules for Cursed Witches - Kayla Cottingham 💜 Riyati Rebirth - Kalani Shimizu 🌈 The Brujos of Borderland High - Gume Laurel III
❤️ A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen 🧡 Dance of the Starlit Sea - Kiana Krystle 💛 Scattered Snows, to the North - Carl Phillips 💚 Beyond a World Apart - Caitlin Myers 💙 Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Maggie Horne 💜 Nothing Heals Me Like You Do - Harper Bliss ❤️ How It All Ends - Emma Hunsinger 🧡 How Do I Sexy? - Mx. Nillin Lore 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 Prince of the Palisades - Julian Winters 💜 Better Left Buried - Mary E. Roach 🌈 Back to Back - Jo Fletcher
❤️ DITCHLAPSE / [REALLY AFRAID] - Tommy Wyatt 🧡 The Love Archives: Bonus Scenes & Excerpts for Palestine - Various 💛 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Ying Priest 💚 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💙 Queering Reproductive Justice - Candace Bond-Theriault 💜 Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaft & Michelle Jurkiewicz ❤️ The Unlikely Pair - Jax Calder 🧡 In Universes - Emet North 💛 We Love the Nightlife - Rachel Koller Croft 💙 Lessons from Cruising - Martin Goodman 💜 Wild Ginger in the Rhubarb - Eule Grey 🌈 Not My Circus - Delicia Niami
❤️ Asunder - Kerstin Hall 🧡 The Phoenix Keeper - S.A. MacLean 💛 Encounters with James Baldwin - Various 💚 Verity's Game - Jennifer Giacalone 💙 Hunt Me! I Crave the Chase - Fae Quin 💜 The Audacity Omnibus - Carmen Loup ❤️ Haunted to Death - Frank Anthony Polito 🧡 Blood Orange - Paige Grunewald 💛 The Bad Things We Did - Chris Archeske 💙 Dark Restraint - Katee Robert 💜 Worth the Wait - Kenna White 🌈 The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko
❤️ Loving Corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown 🧡 The Last Witch in Edinburgh - Marielle Thompson 💛 The Duchess of Kokora - Nikhil Prabala 💚 The Scales of Seduction - Rien Gray 💙 Survival Is a Promise - Alexis Pauline Gumbs 💜 Loka - S.B. Divya ❤️ The Every Body Book of Consent - Rachel E Simon 🧡 Southern Lights - Liz Arncliffe 💛 Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald 💙 Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson 💜 The Last Doorbell - William Parker 🌈 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston
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bluestrawberrybunny · 3 months
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Hello! My name is B. Stroobery but I go by both Blue and Strawberry! I’m genderfluid and go by any pronouns, but prefer they/them most often. I am an artist and writer with quite a few projects for fandoms and some original ones! (Feel free to ask me about them if you’re interested :3)
I am also taken!! Married to the absolutely amazing @depressedwriter25 (they’re trying to get into posting on tumblr, but its a work in progress /lh)
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Other places you can find me:
Main blog is @bstroobery (I’m 🍓 on that blog :) )
Debating about getting twitter…
Current Ongoing Fandom Works:
SMG4 Apprenticeship AU: Wattpad | AO3
SMG4 Schmigadoon AU: WattPad | AO3
SMG4 A Drop of Death AU (Collab w/ glitchysmg4, coffeebombsandmemes, theaffsbiggestfan, and depressedwriter25): COMING SOON
FE3H Reincarnation AU: COMING SOON
SMG4 Puzzlenauts AU (Collab w/ squid-ink-on-toast): WattPad | AO3
Finished Fandom Works:
How to Fluster an SMG3 (Aster34): WattPad | AO3 | Tumblr
Original Works:
Abnormal Freedom Force + Paranormal Investigations
The Crew of the Purple Death
The Knights of Maltrine
Adventures of Ash Hunter
🍓More Fandom info below the cut🍓
TMNT (all iterations)
Cry of Fear
Ships (OTPs/Favorites got emojis):
🩵SMG56🧡 (Apprenticeship AU OCs ship -3-)
🧡Aster3💜 (Shygirl4991’s OC x canon)
🧡Aster34💜💙 (Shygirl4991’s OC x canon)
💙Leosagi🤍 (Rise and 2003)
🖤Capril💛 (Rise and 2003)
Jonatello (2012)
Ramona (2012)
💜Samantello💜 (OC x Canon/All Iterations)
Roland x Lilith
🩵Lor x Zer0🖤 (My OTP that I will die for in this fandom)
Amara x Moze
Paladin Mike x My Character (I will die on this hill /hj)
Ingrid x Dorothea
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masterlist of my moots and their tags!!
for some reason tumblr won't let me link the part 2, so check the reblogs if you want a real list
okay so i have a bunch of moots and not all of them have tags yet, so if you want to be added to the list, ask me please or just put an emoji you like and your preferred internet name in the replies and i will get to it :3
okay anyways
@lifegoalsofafish #fish 🐟
@mister-dirty-hands #crow 🖤
@i-live-life1313 #eli 💚
@bloophasarrived #mari 🐿
@liggy-not-potter #liggy 👹
@starcrossedmoony #peppa 🦕
@definitionoffuckup #star 💫
@wistfulenchantress #witch 🎧
@good-oldfashioned-lover-girl #evie 💙
@margaret-the-duck #maggie 🦆
@totalcharliespringsimp #charlie 👁
@figuring-it-out-slowly #mars ⚘
@dandelionflowery #dandelion 🌿
@random-bi-kid #petra 💜 or #asher 💜
@ashippingpotato #potato 🥔
@gildy-locks #gildy 🐥
@anglptera #ang 🦖
@cazzythefrogking #caz 🐸
@examishbookwyrm #bookwyrm 🐛
@random-doctor-on-the-internet #ash 🗡
@discoveredreality #ari 🗨
@biblically-accurate-chaos #bean ⚔
@blakat014 #kat 🕸
@rhystheaudhddaydreamer #rhys 🐺
@vizzly-sama #vizzly 🐁
@asclexe #cameron 🐱
@im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon #demon ☻
@daydream-of-a-wallflower #kat 🍊
@aristos--achaion #void 🕳
@vintagetee13 #aimee 🌼
@childofposiden71 #kriss 💅
@cressthebest #cress 🌸
@idk-what-to-put-here-123 #ruby ❤
@sapphos-queer-kid #marie ✏
@aesthetic-writer18 #raine ✒
@njjisquiet8 #nj ⭐
@irisandthegayestpotatoes #iris 🍃
@jasonsbricky #elliot 🏳️‍🌈
@moonage-nightterrors #el 👀
@tequilaqueen #bea 🦋
@old-lady-habits #aspen 🏵
@buttercup-in-wonderland #buttercup 🌾
@midnights-dragon #tristen 🐉
@scatteredraysofhope #aditi 🦉
@themortalityofundyingstars #chase ✨
@garden-of-runar #ru 🥀
@theoneandonlypjofanatic #jia 🧡
@fairies-in-a-forest #dove 🕊
@dontknowanythingohwell #violet 🌌
this made me realize just how many moots i have lol
this will be updated once a month or so
so if you don't see yourself here, wait a couple weeks. if you still don't see yourself, tell me! you can drop into my askbox with your preferred name and an emoji :)
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artsycrapfromsai · 1 year
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A rainbow of OCs!!!!
Red to Pink: Edward, Rowan, Ash, Bom, Nephinae, Len, Yulani, Amaryllis
Yulani (c) @knerzig
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silvyysthings · 10 months
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Ash 💙💚
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srldesigns6277 · 4 months
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her ass IS gaming!!!!
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serendipminie · 9 months
List of Minie's lovely mutuals!
If you find yourself on this list, it means I am sending you constant love and care (virtually)~
(Some of you are in more than one place lol, but that's okay!)
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@faceglitchsworld (#teresa 🤍🌻)
@jongside (#fanny 🖤💎)
@snoos-tattoos (#beedee 💙🌸)
@toxicrevolver (#obsidian 🖤🎶)
@takeutothemoon (#li 💙🪐)
@solaysa (#soph 🤍🌹)
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@asoulsreverie (#soul 🤍🥀)
@tighnaridabouken (#fenris💜🪽)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt (#asher 🎧💚)
@worldsfromhoney (#bee 🐝💛)
@littlebookworm69 (#cami 📚🧡)
@clearcloudlesssky (#stella🌟💜)
@hachi-qo (#hachi! 🫧🩵)
@kitty-meowskers (#snekkey 💜🦚)
@blak-ie (#blakie! 💙💫)
@c-h-pictures (#chuuya 🪷💜)
@aurae-rori (#aurae 💜🖊️)
@convictionblades (#evan 💜🦑)
@reminscingskylight (#ven 💜🕯️)
@robins-s0ngbird (#serenia! 💖🎶)
@starfall-reef (#flora 💖🌸)
@heatedpirate (#faisal 💜🎮)
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Writeblr: (over at @serendipminiewrites)
@shadow-of-tea-and-tea (#teamaker 🍵💛)
@imslowlydisintegrating (#evvy🖌️💜)
@worldsfromhoney (#bee 🐝💛)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt (#asher 🎧💚)
@briannaswords (#bri 🖋️❤️)
@littlebookworm69 (#cami 📚🧡)
@lordcatwich (#finn 🐈💛)
@clearcloudlesssky (#stella🌟💜)
@awleeofficial (#ash✨💜)
@c-h-writes (#chuuya 🪷💜)
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Please don't ever hesitate to let me know if you would like a personal tag!
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itsnotreal · 1 year
Nikki Nikki Nikki
Do you know the muffin man?
Who lives on drury lane???
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🌈 Queer Books Out December 2023 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose 🧡 Heartstopper #5 by Alice Oseman 💛 This Cursed Light by Emily Thiede 💚 All The Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows 💙 Vampires of Eden: Book One by Karla Nikole 💜 Not My Type by Joe Satoria ❤️ Storm in Her Heart by KC Luck 🧡 Eternal Embrace by Luna Lawson 💛 A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford 💙 Tomb of Heart and Shadow by Cara N. Delaney 💜 Through the Embers Volume 2 by Adriana Sargent 🌈 Lucero by Maya Motayne
❤️ The Poison Paradox by Hadley Field & Felix Green 🧡 Second Chances in New Port Stephen: A Novel by TJ Alexander 💛 Matrimonial Merriment by Nicky James 💚 Under the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Ramsden 💙 Every Beat of Her Heart by KC Richardson 💜 The Memories of Marlie Rose by Morgan Lee Miller ❤️ Playing with Matches by Georgia Beers 🧡 Always Only You by Chloe Liese 💛 Fire in the Sky by Radclyffe and Julie Cannon 💙 Nuclear Sunrise by Jo Carthage 💜 The Naked Dancer by Emme C. Taylor 🌈 Resurrections by Ada Hoffmann
❤️ Destiny’s Women by Morgan Elliott 🧡 Framed by Kate Merrill 💛 The Spoil of Beasts by Gregory Ashe 💚 Catered All the Way by Annabeth Albert 💙 A Cynic’s Christmas Conundrum by L.M. Bennett 💜 Yours for the Taking by Gabrielle Korn ❤️ One Swipe Away by Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue 🧡 The Gentlemen’s Club by A.V. Shener 💛 A Death at the Dionysus Club by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold 💙 Secrets of the Soul by Holly Oliver 💜 Like They Do in the Movies by Nan Campbell 🌈 Limelight by Gun Brooke
❤️ Heart First by S.B. Barnes 🧡 Grave Consequences by Sandra Barret 💛 Haunted by Myth by Barbara Ann Wright 💚 Invisible by Anna Larner 💙 The Murders at Sugar Mill Farm by Ronica Black 💜 Coasting and Crashing by Ana Hartnett ❤️ Fairest by K.S. Trenten 🧡 A City of Abundant Opportunity by Howard Leonard 💛 The Dark Side of MIdnight by Erin Wade 💙 Mending Bones by Merlina Garance 💜 Transform by Connal Braginsky & Sean Ian O’Meidhir 🌈 The Apple Diary by Gerri Hill
❤️ TruLove by Nicole Pyland 🧡 Structural Support by Sloan Spencer 💛 Whiskey War by Stacy Lynn Miller 💚 Overkill by Lou Wilham 💙 Heart of Outcasts by Nicole Silver 💜 In the Shadow of Victory by J. E. Leak ❤️ Just Like Her by Fiona Zedde 🧡 Gingerbread: Claus For Christmas by Miski Harris 💛 Lies are Forever by C. Jean Downer 💙 The Boys in the Club by M.T. Pope 💜 Lasting Light (Metal & Magic) by Michelle Frost 🌈 Tell No Tales by Edie Montreux
❤️ Radio Silence by Alice Oseman 🧡 Even Though We're Adults Vol. 7 by Takako Shimura 💛 The Accidental Bite by Michelle St. Wolf 💚 Mated to the Demons by Taylor Schafer 💙 Someday Away by Sara Elisabeth 💜 Gatherdawn Luminia Duet Volume 1 by Lee Colgin ❤️ Curse of Dawn by Richard Amos 🧡 Healing the Twin by Nora Phoenix 💛 Ride Me by KD Ellis 💙 How to Bang a Vampire by Joe Satoria 💜 Cthulhu for Christmas by Meghan Maslow 🌈 Prestige by Toni Reeb
❤️ Don't Look Down by Jessica Ann 🧡 Winter and the Wolves by Chris Storm and Kinkaid Knight 💛 Hat Trick by Ajay Daniel 💚 Starborn Husbands: Return to the Pleiades by S. Legend 💙 Dead Serious Case #4 Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy 💜 Practice for Toby by Amy Bellows ❤️ The Siren's Song by Crista Crown 🧡 Hers to Hunt K.J. Devoir
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arrowettexx · 4 months
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To me this was a no brainer just due to Tim’s tendency for perfection and calculated success with being one step ahead and preference of knowledge over material yk?(and yes obviously the fact that he’s smart ash) 💙
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I feel like there’s really no explanation needed for this fluff ball. Bart is the cutest most kindest boy you’ll ever find. He could genuinely never do anything wrong (intentionally) such a big heart on this boy 💛
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Y’all can fight me on wether this girl is a Slytherin or Gryffindor but tbh it’s Slytherin that makes the most sense in the long run due to her big mouth and attitude she’s got, along with the fact that she has to actually get to know someone before even considering being polite. Almost all of her first interactions with other women are negative, (just her vibe) She’s got a mind of her own that’s always already made up and is definitely not a push over giving no fucks. 💚
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My girl right here is definitely a Gryffindor all the way, she’s one of the most bravest, persevering, consistent person ever . If she want something done, she’ll honestly stop at nothing (begging) at getting it done. (like how she doesn’t leave Cissie TF alone in every minor inconvenience to join the team again )❤️
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… this one is low-key difficult only in the sense that they should make a whole new house just for super macho sexy men - woah okay anyway.. but ya . This boy was stopping at nothing to meet superman, and to be just like him which he was successful. He also would do anything to protect his friends, and gladly die for them. bros just brave persistent, and perseverant so that’s why I think Gryffindor but possibly Slytherin depending how you look at it  if your accounting his need to one up everyone and show tf off ❤️
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