#asian housing discrimination
mfi-miami · 1 year
Widespread Housing Discrimination Persists In The USA
Widespread Housing Discrimination Persists Against Minorities And The LGBTQ+ Community Despite Ever Expanding Federal Laws Widespread housing discrimination persists among ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ+ community. This is despite the federal government expanding on the Federal Housing Act passed over 50 years ago. Roughly 32% of people of African descent say they felt they faced…
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ignitedminds27 · 1 year
Why isn't Warrior @StreamOnMax the series and cast nominated for #Emmys2023 ?
A horribly written show as HOTD gets nominated, but a well-scripted, action-packed series with a diverse casting, parallel storylines, and a wide range of emotional spectrum is overlooked. Why? Because It's an Asian show with an Asian cast as the main characters.
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Racial discrimination in Hollywood is never going to stop.
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happypotato48 · 6 months
This Is A Gay Asian Rant About BL Comments Made By Some Queer Westerners I See Sometimes.
So you know of those gays (usually white) that made dumb tiktok dancing to list of countries that legalized same sex marriage and list of countries that discriminate against LGBTQIA+ poeple as a way to say something racist. yeah i kinda got the same vibes from some comments regard how asian BL is homophobic just cause they don't live up to queer western standard. look, i'm not saying that some BLs and their creators don't deserve criticism regard how they capitalized/exploited queerness for an easy cash grab.
But people need to understand that Asian countries despite recent progress are still very much culturally conservatives. so when people says that thai bl is homophobic and all the characters looks like bunch of straight guys, which is true for some olders thai BLs i'm not gonna denied that. but after all this time and newer BLs generally being very queer and most of creators being out queer themself and poeple still making these comments, i'm annoyed.
And don't get me start on the actors. you don't know them! why are you making assumption and calling them queerbaiter just cause they acts in bl. like maybe they're straight, maybe they're not but what they're definitely doing is making queer content for you know, queer people here. so when you made halfass comments about their sexuality what do you think that made other queer people who still in the closet feels. and when you add the nationality to that, "these thai bl pair are this and that, this korean actor is so ungrateful for his bl past", etc. when our societies are still very much still in progress regard LGBTQIA+ acceptance. it make us living here feels fucking awful like somehow we're lesser queer than people in the west just cause we don't have citibank at pride or some shit.
And the shittiest in my humbled opinion are comments regard censored chinese bls. people do know like, that the creators making these bls are risking their livelihoods for this. that these shows getting make at all are miracles. yes it sucked that they're censored but they're still very much queer shows making by queer people who want to express thier queerness despite the chinese government being the chinese government. when people dimissing these shows as not belonging in queer media, you're also dimissing their creators and audiences as not belonging in the community.
Look what i want to say is that we're trying our best over here, and maybe our best are not up to your liking. the ways we talk and express our queerness maybe still can be perceived as problematic by western queer standard. but these media are our house and you're the guests. for people aren't shitty we appreciated that you're here engaging and loving our media, this is your home too and you're welcome in it. i can speak for myself that i very much love being here on tumblr and interacting with people from all over the world who love BL. but for people who are being shitty sometimes about asian bl.
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marauderstars · 2 years
Ways J.K Rowling did poc dirty in canon:
Making the last name of one of her most powerful black characters “Shacklebolt” - a crude af reference to slavery and just in very poor taste.
Naming her only east Asian character “Cho Chang” - a Korean surname as a first name for a Chinese character - proving she did no research whatsoever into Chinese naming traditions.
Cho’s characterization also leans in to the trope of tragic Asian female characters being defined by their romantic connections to white men, as in “Miss Saigon” or “A Quiet American.” Cho’s storyline centers on her romantic involvement with Cedric, Harry and Roger Davies. She gets no meaningful arc of her own.
The sidekick-ification of Lee Jordan.
Michael Corner being referred to as “the dark one” which is bad enough, and then him being whitewashed in the films.
Pansy Parkinson’s comment about Angelina Johnson’s braided hair looking like “worms” goes completely unpunished. Rowling treats this as standard bullying instead of a racially-charged comment. Rowling clearly didn’t understand the serious implications of this comment and its rooting in deeply-ingrained discrimination against black hairstyles, or she would have written a similar reaction to this as she did to that of Hermione being called a “Mudblood.”
House Elves as a metaphor for slaves is highly problematic because they are depicted as “liking” their enslavement and being complicit in it, much like the black slaves in “Gone With The Wind.” Despite Dobby being a beloved character, he is also seen as an anomaly for desiring freedom, and many other House Elves are depicted as grotesque, fawning, ridiculous or sinister. Pretty garbage metaphor for black slaves.
In Goblet of Fire Rowling describes a group of “African” wizards wearing “long white robes” and “roasting what looked like a rabbit on a bright purple fire.” This is just… *sigh* The way this is worded is very clearly just token exoticism and includes no genuine detail about their clothing, cultural food or nationality. It’s just “wow those zany rabbit-eating Africans and their purple fire.” Once again black characters are being used as examples of otherness rather than shown as human beings.
Rowling has openly admitted that she created a detailed backstory for Dean Thomas, one of the series’ few black characters, but did not include it in the books and included the backstory of Neville Longbottom, a white character, instead.
Approving the casting of a white actress in the role of Lavender Brown in the films, a character the majority of readers assumed was black.
The portrayal of Blaise Zabini’s “famously beautiful” black mother who was known for offing her husbands and taking their money. Like. Come on. Tbh she sounds like a queen but violent woc gold digger is still a shit trope.
Just the entire treatment of the Patil twins at the Yule Ball, the way Harry and Ron treated them and Rowling’s garbage attempt at describing their traditional clothing.
Padma Patil’s portrayal in Cursed Child as the stereotypical controlling Indian wife. The idea of ending up with her instead of Hermione being positioned as some kind of horrible alternate reality for Ron had very xenophobic undertones, and while Hermione is portrayed as black in the play, I don’t believe that Rowling originally intended her to be a black character nor that casting directors deliberately set out to cast a black actress as Hermione in Cursed Child initially.
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dynjay · 1 year
Yo what the fuck
The Florida Senate passed a bill that would ban Chinese immigrants from purchasing any property in the state. It was passed to the State Affairs Committee last week (4/12/2033) and I cannot find it on the headlines in any major news source anywhere:
This is really bad.
If this passes and gets turned to law, it will become effective July 1st this year. If this passes, it's not just going to be the Chinese who'll get hurt; everyone in the asian community is going to suffer from way harsher racism.
Information about what you can do to help can be found here, but I'll copy-paste a small blurb of it here:
How can you help?
Make a call to the State Affairs Committee with phone number list below. (*List with a phone call script on what you can say will be in the link to aid you!)
Sign the petition to STOP Senate Bill 264 & House Bill 1355! Say no to discrimination! Sign the petition -https://chng.it/WcTZBqQvZd (The petition probably won't sway these people, but it's something)
Attend State Affairs Committee hearing and have your voice heard!
Date/Time: Wed April 19, 7:30 am
Address: 513 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
Contact: Susan ([email protected])
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rebellum · 1 year
"Masculinity is always rewarded and that's why it's associated with privilege, which is why trans mascs have privilege"
Oh yeah no sure that makes sense. Like, that's why you only ever see butch women in power.
And why butches and trans men have SUCH low sexual assault rates
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Image description:
A bar graph labelled Figure 15.17: Lifetime sexual assault among transgender men: RACE/ETHNICITY (%)
Overall (all participants): 47%
American Indian: 71%
Asian: 42%
Black: 51%
Latino: 48%
Middle Eastern: 67%
Multiracial: 58%
White: 52%
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Image description:
A bar graph labelled Figure 15.16: Lifetime sexual assault GENDER IDENTITY (%)
Overall: 47 %
Crossdressers: 19%
Non-binary with female on birth certificate: 58%
Non-binary with male on birth certificate: 41%
Non-binary (all): 55%
Trans women: 37%
Trans men: 51%
Trans women and men: 44%
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Image description:
A bar graph labelled Figure 15.18: Lifetime sexual assault among non-binary people with female on their original birth certificate RACE/ETHNICITY (%)
Overall (all participants): 47%
American Indian: 74%
Asian: 47%
Black: 65%
Latino: 55%
Middle Eastern: 62%
Multiracial: 67%
White: 59%
And SUCH low rates of being victims of violence in general 
Transgender men: 107.5 out of 1000 
Cisgender women: 23.7 out of 1000 
Cisgender men: 19.8 out of 1000 
Www.  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7958056/ (sorry, had to add a sapce to get around tumblr formatting)
and like, this isn't even covering housing discrimination, experiences of non-violent interpersonal conflict, rates of domestic abuse, rates of survival sex work, healthcare discrimination, etc.
like, oh, yeah, that makes sense, masculinity is rewarded *just throws a dirty towel over the bodies of all the butches, gnc women, trans fems who don't pass, trans mascs, queer men, men of colour, etc*
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bfpnola · 1 year
about the ongoing hunger strike to ensure that the historic anti-casteism bill passes in california ^^ wanna support?
if you’re on mobile, go to: https://tinyurl.com/Signsb403
other devices, like laptops: https://www.gov.ca.gov/contact/
sample email below from the mobile link, not my own writing:
Subject: Please Sign SB403 (Wahab) to End Caste Discrimination
I am writing to request the governor to sign the historic bill SB403 introduced by State Senator Aisha Wahab, which would end discrimination on the basis of caste. This bill aims to clarify existing California state law and make explicit that discrimination based on caste is illegal by adding caste to ancestry and defining caste in the Civil Rights Act, Fair Employment and Housing Act, and Education Code.
Caste systems are social stratification where each position is characterized by hereditary status, endogamy, and social exclusion. Caste discrimination manifests as workplace discrimination, housing discrimination, gender-based violence, and other physical and psychological forms of violence.
Caste discrimination occurs across industries, including technology, construction, restaurants, and domestic work. In these sectors, caste discrimination has included harassment, bias, wage theft, and even trafficking. Caste is today inextricably intertwined with existing legal protections in state and federal civil rights laws such that discrimination based on one’s caste is effectively discrimination based on the intersection of other protected identities. However, because of the grave discrimination caste-oppressed Californians face, these existing protections must be made explicit.
Caste is a workers rights issues, a women's rights issues, and racial justice issue. It is also a bill that has bipartisan support. That is why we are joined by Asian Law Caucus, Stop AAPI Hate, AAPI Equity Alliance, Tech Equity, Equality Labs, Alphabet Workers Union, Ambedkar Association of North America, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO, Californians for Caste Equity, Hindus for Caste Equity, Jakara Movement, South Asian Network, Sikh Coalition, and Sikh American Legal Defense Fund. Every major legal association is in support of caste equity and the lawfulness to make caste equity explicit. This includes the American Bar Association, South Asian Bar Association, National Asian American Pacific Bar Association, and Asian Law Caucus.
That is why we urge you to make history and sign his bill without hesitation. Justice delayed is justice denied. Let's ensure California opportunity for all by ensuring that ancestry and caste discrimination is explicitly prohibited and make history across the country.
Thank You,
and if you don’t know what caste is? send in an ask @bfpnola or join our Discord server, link in bio, so we can answer you in real-time!
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sgntr · 10 months
Adventure 7 - The Unexpected Unicorn
I use to swipe on tinder last time to find girls. Even though the chances are low with all the feminist no fwb, no dtf captions, I did get some matches. They were not super hot but I do not discriminate okay.
One interesting experience came from all this. I was just going about my night after school when I received a notification from tinder. I was surprised as it seems someone actually texted me first. I thought it was probably cat fish but went ahead and had a look at the profile.
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It was actually a couple profile and they were looking for a unicorn. I did not know what a unicorn was so I went to search. I came to find out that a unicorn is just a third person that joins the couple in a threesome.
I still could not believe it and still thought it was a scam. We texted back and forth and they asked to meet that night.
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I still was not sure of where I was going. But when I arrived, it was stunned at just how nice the house was. It was a landed property drive way and everything. Not important but I was just stunned haha
I was greeted at the door by the couple and they introduced themselves. The guy was white (Brad) and the girl was asian (Michelle). They were in their regular pjs and invited me in. They asked me to go shower while and meet in one of the rooms.
I did as instructed and after I was done showering, I went to the room. Michelle was already inside and she was wearing skimpy lingerie. Her tits were not very big but she was toned and had a nice ass. Probably does a lot of squats.
"Come over here."
I walked over and she started kissing me. At this moment I finally believed it was not a scam and felt more relaxed. I moved my hands down to her chest and flicked her nipples around. Michelle started moaning and breathing into my mouth when i did that.
I then undid my towel and my erected dick was exposed. I pushed her down as she some eye level with my cock. She did not resist and when she was about to go in to suck it, I pulled her head back to stop her.
"You like what you see?"
She nodded.
"Well you can start at the balls and earn your way up to the shaft"
"mmmmm, yes master"
She went down and sucked on my balls one at a time, alternating between left and right while i was stroking my cock over her face. Once the balls were coated with her saliva, she moved upwards and when she reached the head, I shoved it in without warning. That made her choke and tear a little.
I sat down and got comfortable as she continued bobbing her head up and down my shaft. This went on for a while and the door suddenly open. It was her husband who just finished his shower coming to join.
My natural reflex pulled her head out and covered my dick.
"Hahaha how cute. Dont worry about him" Michelle said as she continued her blowjob.
"Don't worry about me, you just do your thing. Its rare Michelle has not made our guest cum yet."
Brad undid his towel and his dick was already hard as well. Tbh if was abit awkward looking at someone else's dick. But Michelle was doing such a good job that I was not really bothered by it.
Brad kneeled down behind his wife and just thrusted his dick in. I remember clearly there was little to no reaction from Michelle as she continued sucking my cock like nothing happened. She continued and maintained eye contact with me which was quite hot.
After a few moments, she changed position and she turned around. I was still sat comfortably in my seat and she put my dick into her. This time, an audible moan was heard. I could feel my dick struggling to fit inside her. Her tight pussy was getting stretched as she was stroking her husbands dick.
After more of her juices coated my dick, it eventually got smoother. Her thick ass were giggling around as she rode me. My hands could barely grasp them. I spanked her a few times leaving my red hand print on her ass. I was not sure what was happening infront. But moments later, he stopped and left the room.
Turns out, he already came and she swallowed so as not to make me touch his mess. How considerate.
"Here is were the fun begins" she said as the door closed.
She turned around and started slurping up and down my cock. it got super sloppy with her saliva all over the place and the suction was intense. Coupled with the tongue action, I was already on the edge. Then she got up and wanted to ride me. But i had other plans and threw her on the sofa and got on top of her before thrusting my dick into her.
"Fk youre so big. my pussy is getting stretched by you"
"I can feel it" I put my hand to her throat and choked her.
"I probably can't feel my husband anymore after this"
"haha youre too kind. but thats not my problem" I slapped her across the face and continued "you like it rough?"
"yes master"
"ooo i like the sound of that. say it again" another slap went across
"yes master!"
I pounded her hard a few more times before she announced the she was gonna cum. I was also about to cum but I did not want to stop. I did all i can to hold it in and at the very last moment, pulled out and sprayed my seeds all over her.
"mmmmm" she licked her cum filled fingers.
I was panting hard and sweating.
"I havent cum so hard in so long. Also havent had an asian dick in a long while" she smiled as she continued wiping up the cum on her body with her hands and licked it up. I was pretty happy with my performance at that age.
I showered again and they booked me a cab home. I thought that was it until.... (stay tuned)
If you like to hear more, do give this post a like and rebolg. You can also follow to keep updated. I will do my best to post but adventures take time hahaha
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arkipelagic · 9 months
In the early 1900s, almost 1,000 Filipinos – mostly single men – came to work in Alaska’s commercial fishing industry, a sector that remains the state’s largest private-sector employer. They toiled in fish canneries, where they were often the lowest-paid workers and endured impoverished conditions.
In her 1996 book Filipinos in Alaska, Thelma Buchholdt describes how white workers were housed in heated compounds, while Filipino workers often had to put up with living in cramped, unheated spaces without showers or proper hygiene facilities, and were fed meagre meals of fish and rice.
These Filipino communities became known as “Alaskeros” – a term still used today.
Gabriel Garcia, a Filipino-American associate professor of public health at the University of Alaska Anchorage, explains that these men came to Alaska seeking the opportunity for a better life. “Other Filipinos came to Alaska as seasonal workers from California, Washington, and Hawaii,” he says.
They were US nationals, as the Philippines was an American territory at the time, but they still faced discrimination. Filipinos were not allowed to interact with whites – especially white women.
Native Americans faced similar racism and, as a result, Filipinos and indigenous Alaskans were segregated together.
“They worked together to fight against discrimination,” says E.J.R. David, a Filipino-American professor of psychology and history expert at the University of Alaska Anchorage. “Over time, many Alaskeros and Alaska Natives had children together. They combined Alaska Native and Filipino cultures in raising their families, such as making beaver adobo and salmon lumpia.”
Nez Danguilan, a local Filipino community leader and former television host, says many Alaskans do not even realise they are of partial Filipino heritage until they interact with more recent arrivals from the Philippines.
“I have talked to some of my Alaskan colleagues about food of the Philippines and they say, ‘Wait, my grandpa cooked that’,” Danguilan says.
“Many people also don’t realise that a lot of the Asian food they eat was introduced to Alaska by settler Filipino husbands. That’s why restaurants like Jeepney are so popular … For instance pancit [noodles] or Filipino chow mein – they had been cooking it and didn’t realise its Filipino influence.”
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to preface, i don't agree with redberryterf. white men aren't better than brown men at all. men are men no matter the shade. white men are just as capable and liable to be violent and misogynist as anyone else. its a cultural clash. brown men raised here are perfectly capable of being as normal about women as any male can be. however , it is true that immigrant men are statistically a lot more likely to be engaged in criminal behavior, they are a lot more likely to incite violence in drinking scenarios, they are alot more likely to be turned away from bars because they creep on the women dancing or are entirely inappropriate and won't respect a no from a woman. they refuse to shake hands with women in professional settings showing lack of respect, there is the incident in cologne. they're alot more likely to participate in gang violence, etc etc. It's not a matter of colour, it's a lack of integration, a lack of cultural understanding or cohesion, but it's not a lack of education on our part. it's actually the second generation immigrant males who grew up here, went to school with us who are more likely to be an issue than the first generation who were just working hard and trying to survive.
source? also all immigranted men or certain groups? i would assume that class, education, country of origin, age etc are important here, not race. groups of young men are generally more prone to risky and violent behaviour. this can also be seen in party tourist hotspots like mallorca, where groups of white tourist men go and wreak havoc in holiday season and have been for decades. and also, a lot of crime (specifically gang violence) is poverty related. job market discrimination - which is only enforced by racial bias like this - and the asylum process - which often takes years of insecurity and lack of perspective while not being allowed to take on employment and is also racist if you compare how white ukrainian refugees are treated vs african/southwest asian refugees - keep them stuck in their male dominated, isolated refugee home world. refugees and immigrants who are given opportunity to get an education and employment are usually way better integrated. they need language classes, therapy, access to education, housing and employment, then a lot of crime will go down. in germany, people like to refer to new years 2015 where groups of north african men sexually harrassed and violated women, as if this is not commonplace anytime groups of men get drunk and party. nobody in germany talks about the sexual violence committed yearly at oktoberfest, for example, because its mostly white german men offending.
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mariacallous · 6 months
If Donald Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color.
Why it matters: Trump's Justice Department would push to eliminate or upend programs in government and corporate America that are designed to counter racism that has favored whites.
Targets would range from decades-old policies aimed at giving minorities economic opportunities, to more recent programs that began in response to the pandemic and the killing of George Floyd.
Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung told Axios: "As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden's un-American policy will be immediately terminated."
Driving the news: Longtime aides and allies preparing for a potential second Trump administration have been laying legal groundwork with a flurry of lawsuits and legal complaints — some of which have been successful.
A central vehicle for the effort has been America First Legal, founded by former Trump aide Stephen Miller, who has called the group conservatives' "long-awaited answer to the ACLU."
America First cited the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in February in a lawsuit against CBS and Paramount Global for what the group argued was discrimination against a white, straight man who was a writer for the show "Seal Team" in 2017.
In February, the group filed a civil rights complaint against the NFL over its "Rooney Rule."
The rule — named for Dan Rooney, late owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers — was instituted in 2003 and expanded in 2022. It requires NFL teams to interview at least two minority candidates for vacant general manager, head coach and coordinator positions.
American First argued that "given the limited time frame to hire executives and coaches after the season, this results in fewer opportunities for similarly situated, well-qualified candidates who are not minorities."
In 2021, Miller's group successfully sued to block the implementation of a $29 billion pandemic-era program for women- and minority-owned restaurants, saying it discriminated against white-owned businesses.
"This ruling is the first, but crucial, step towards ending government-sponsored racial discrimination," Miller said then.
Zoom in: Other Trump-aligned groups are preparing for a future Trump Justice Department to implement — or challenge — policies on a broader scale.
The Heritage Foundation's well-funded "Project 2025" envisions a second Trump administration ending what it calls "affirmative discrimination."
Part of the plan, written by former Trump Justice Department official Gene Hamilton, argues that "advancing the interests of certain segments of American society ... comes at the expense of other Americans — and in nearly all cases violates longstanding federal law."
Hamilton is America First Legal's general counsel.
Such groups have gained momentum with the Supreme Court's turn to the right — most notably its recent rejection of affirmative action in college admissions. The court ruled that programs designed to benefit people of color and address past injustices discriminate against white and Asian Americans.
In 2021, a federal judge blocked a $4 billion program to help Black farmers.
Earlier this month, another federal judge ruled that the Commerce Department's Minority Business Development Agency was discriminating against white people and that the program had to be open to everyone.
What they're saying: The Trump campaign directed Axios to the candidate's already stated positions bashing Biden's policies promoting equity.
"Every institution in America is under attack from this Marxist concept of 'equity,' " Trump said in 2023. "I will get this extremism out of the White House, out of the military, out of the Justice Department, and out of our government."
The Trump campaign's Steven Cheung added: "President Trump is committed to weeding out discriminatory programs and racist ideology across the federal government."
The NFL and Miller declined to comment. CBS didn't respond to a request for comment.
Between the lines: A CBS poll last November found that 58% of Trump voters believe that people of color were advantaged over white people — just 9% of Biden voters said the same.
Polls also show, however, that Trump is gaining support among Black and Latino voters.
Zoom out: Trump has portrayed himself as the victim of racism amid his legal troubles.
He repeatedly has said Black women prosecutors in Georgia and New York are "racist."
His political career really began in 2011 as the chief Birther-agitator, questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.
When Trump jumped into the presidential race in 2015, he accused Mexico of dumping criminals and rapists into the U.S.
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“Rep. Greg Murphy, a North Carolina Republican and a doctor, introduced the House bill in March. Senate Republicans soon followed with a companion measure.”
The measure attempts to block funding to medical schools that use DEI or have DEI offices. As The Gateway Pundit, has previously reported DEI leads to racial segregation.
It also directly discriminates against White and Asian applicants in admissions. The act opposing DEI, otherwise known as Embracing anti-Discrimination, Unbiased Curricula, has 56 cosponsors now which is increased from the original 35.
The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom is also actively calling on lawmakers to pass the EDUCATE bill.
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I think it's really interesting and important to think about and talk about the solidarity between groups that experience different forms of oppression.
Neurodivergent people and physically disabled people can both experience ableism, but it can look different. People find out about some of my mental health diagnoses and decide they wouldn't trust me with children (regardless of how I actually act) or they wouldn't date me or hire me. But this can be different than some of the opression I face as a cane user, when people assume I am faking being disabled or that I only use a cane because I'm fat (the intersection of ableism and fatphobia). And yet they're still connected.
We also see this in racism -- there are specific and unique kinds of racism that different groups experience. For example, an Asian person in a non-Asian majority country being asked, "No, where are you really from?" is different than a Black person being followed around a store because they are Black, but these things are still connected.
We also see this in religion and spirituality -- for example, antisemitism is real and important to acknowledge, and so is islamophobia. For example, Jewish people being targeted with violence while trying to come together in houses of worship is different than people seeing a Sikh person and assuming they're Muslim and therefore a terrorist, but these things are still connected.
The discrimination and oppression I face as a bi person is different than the discrimination and oppression I face as a genderqueer person, and both of those are different than the discrimination and oppression I face as a demi aroace person, but they're also all still connected.
We see this with transphobia -- there are specific and unique kinds of transphobia that transfeminine people face and that transmasculine people face. We see this in the kinds of stereotypes we come across about each group, and the kinds of hate crimes that are committed, and the challenges each group faces when trying to date, have sex, get access to health care, or just go out to buy groceries. These things are different, but they're also still connected.
We see this with so many different things that I can't begin to cover here. And we see that many people are part of multiple communities affected by several of these forms of oppression at the same time.
Talking about this requires thoughtfulness, nuance, and balance. True solidarity requires us to be able to be aware of the different ways that we face oppression, to be cognizant and respectful of the differences, but to also resist the urge to position these differences in some sort of persistent hierarchy.
Harsha Walia says this more eloquently than I can:
"I think allies and accomplices have become identities in and of themselves, when in fact they are meant to be verbs—to signify ways of being and of doing, of relationship and relationality. It is impossible for any one person to be ‘an ally’ because we all carry multitudes of experiences and oppressions and privileges. Most people are simultaneously oppressed and simultaneously privileged, and even those are always specific and contextual.My paid work is in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the country. Unsurprisingly, this is a disproportionately racialized neighbourhood but there are many older cisgender white men. A straight white cisgender man who is homeless faces a harsher material reality than me on a daily basis—with minimal to no access to food, shelter, health care, or income. Reductively, one would say that I have class privilege in relationship to him. But it goes beyond that. Even taking into account that I might be able to count off more forms of oppression, the entirety of my material reality is more secure.For me that is where intersectionality falls short; it has become a static analysis and one of fixed categories that leads to oppressed/ally dichotomies. Anti-oppression analysis becomes rigid in its categorizations when the question becomes who is more oppressed, rather than engaging in a dialogue of how oppression, which is relational and contextual, is specifically manifesting. Oppression develops a strange quantifiable logic, a commodity that can be stocked up on. This isn’t to say I don’t believe in anti-oppression allyship, but rather that I question its reductionism in place of a fluid, contextual and relational practice."
Harsha Walia, “Dismantle & Transform: On Abolition, Decolonization, & Insurgent Politics”
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mayimkjs · 4 months
Analyzing Mikoto's Zodiac
I was looking into this for FOOL's MATE and found a few things that could be of note. His sign is a Libra.
Symbol: The Scales ♎️
A scale weighs good and evil. You can interpret this as Mikoto (good) and John (evil). The scale can also mean justice. A friend pointed this out to me, but John thinks that by killing anyone who’s bothering Mikoto, he’s bringing him justice. This also plays into the fact that each set of prisoners share some traits. This would be the trait that Mikoto shares with Kotoko.
Ruling House: 7th House
The 7th house is the house of collaboration and partnership. This is where you are exposed to other perspectives and are learning how to balance and live within those different, and even opposing, perspectives. This house is where you are allowed the opportunity to learn through the eyes of another. This lines up with some of the tarot cards in MeMe. 
Tarot Card: Justice
There's one set of tarot cards that are associated with the zodiac. Since John and Mikoto both have unique cards that represent them, this could be the third card if you want to believe in Trikoto.
Upright: Justice, Karma, Consequence, Accountability, Law, Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Cause and Affect
Reversed: Injustice, Retribution, Dishonesty, Corruption, Dishonesty, Unfairness, Avoiding Accountability
Ketsueki-gata (血液型)
Ketsueki-gata is considered a pseudoscience much like horoscopes. It’s the belief that blood type shapes one’s temperament. The belief is widespread in Japan and other Asian countries. It was first proposed by a Japanese professor in 1930 and started to gain traction in the 70s. Since then, it’s become part of Japanese culture. The only blood types this covers are A, B , AB and O. This can also cause workplace discrimination. 
Mikoto's blood type is AB. This blood type is largely viewed as having the characteristics of both type A and type B individuals. These are the traits that apply to Mikoto. 
Rationality: He has a habit of rationalizing things he doesn't understand (ei, thinking MILGRAM is a TV show).
Creativity: Graphic design is his passion.
Cooperativeness: He goes along with everyone, even if it's something he doesn't want to do or will harm him.
Empathetic: He's a very empathetic person.
Indecision / Stubbornness: These 2 go hand and hand. He's too stubborn to leave his job but probably has thought about it before, which is where the indecision comes in.
Criticalness: He's very critical of himself and seems to have piss poor self esteem because of it.
Forgetfulness: I mean, it's pretty self explanatory.
Selfishness: His stubbornness can also be seen as selfishness. He wants money to have a good life and own his own company.
Erratic Behavior: I was hesitant to put this here, but he can be seen as erratic. It's a mix of his anxieties and the other prisoners not knowing what is actually going on with him. Not to mention we still don't know who tore up and bit his uniform.
Overall, this represents him as an “outcast” and someone highly unique. This could also be referencing his DID as AB is a combination of A and B. 
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David Smith at The Guardian:
The blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump presidency known as Project 25 would take “a wrecking ball” to America’s democratic norms and institutions, a leading Democrat has warned. Representative Jared Huffman spoke to the Guardian before the launch of a congressional working group designed to sound the alarm about the rightwing roadmap and ensure that Trump never has the chance to implement its extreme agenda. The near 900-page Project 2025 handbook was produced by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank in Washington, as a manifesto for expanding the power of the presidency while dismantling layers of government. It recommends purging the federal ranks of many appointed roles and stacking agencies with loyalists. This would lay waste to democratic institutions, checks on executive power, individual rights and freedoms, and church-state separation in order to impose a far-right agenda, Huffman said. “You can look at what they’re going to do to our democracy: weaponising the Department of Justice, clearing away any norms that limit executive power.
“You can look at what they’re going to do to the civil service with ‘Schedule F’ [an executive order Trump issued in 2020 that sought to strip job protections from tens of thousands of federal employees], putting their political operatives throughout the government and firing people based on political loyalty to Donald Trump. “[Look at] what they would obviously do for women’s reproductive freedom and rolling back rights and protections for the LGBTQ community. Church-state separation – in the name of religious freedom, allowing all of this discrimination and further embedding Christian privilege into our government and public policies. It goes on and on.” Founding members of the Stop Project 2025 Task Force joining Huffman are Ted Lieu, vice-chair of the Democratic Caucus; Nanette Barragán, chair of the Hispanic Caucus; Judy Chu, chair of the Asian Pacific American Caucus; Mark Pocan, chair of the Equality Caucus and Labor Caucus; Diana DeGette, co-chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus; Jamie Raskin, co-chair of the Freethought Caucus and ranking member of the House oversight committee; and Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Progressive Caucus.
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) is the lead person heading up a task force named the Stop Project 2025 Task Force.
The task force is created to warn the American people the dangers about Project 2025.
See Also:
Axios: House Democrats launch task force to counter Project 2025
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specialmouse · 8 months
I absolutely agree on white LGBT people not appropriating black activism for their own causes. I think another cause for that line of reasoning is that, simply put, white LGBT people essentially choose to be oppressed. White gay men have the option to remain closeted and retain that privilege, white trans women also have that option. They only become oppressed when they make that choice to come out, and to transition. So it's unreasonable to compare it to the oppression black people face, as that oppression is based off of a factor that the black person has absolutely no agency in- i.e. their ethnicity.
YES 100%! it's a very hard thing to stomach for us i think, because many of us (especially those that were raised religious) are told that it's a choice. it's not a choice to be gay, but it's a choice to be gay in public. it's not easy to remain closeted and it does end up driving a lot of people to suicide, it's not to say "oh you have it easy, just don't be __!" as bigots do. i'm not saying that at all. i'm a closeted trans man and it hurts a lot to be perceived as a woman. i also have the choice whether or not i want to say that i'm asian; it doesn't feel good to do that, but i can do it. what's being said here is that black people generally don't have that option at all unless they can pass as white; they are visibly black in every area of life, in public and private. we also have to factor in generational trauma. lgbt people do not have genetic and pervasive cultural generational trauma from being lgbt. black people (i'm going to stick to saying black people because its their collective struggle and history that white americans try to align ourselves with) do, almost as a rule. when you are a black person, and you're having a child, you know before that child is born that it's going to face an immense amount of bigotry, that the mother of that child is going to face an immense amount of bigotry just trying to deliver it and has an increased risk of dying from negligence steeped in medical racism, all because of the color of her skin. you didn't face transphobia as a baby. you were not, more than likely, a gay toddler. your bio parents were, statistically, not lgbt or queer. you are, more than likely, not related to those that were affected by the aids crisis, or someone who was beaten for being trans (not saying you can't be, i know people who are. i'm just saying more than likely, and one doesn't necessitate the other). that doesn't mean those events aren't traumatic to you, knowing that people like you were brutalized and abandoned like that. but look at it this way: every black person in america whose family has been here for more 60 years is related to someone who went through legal segregation, police brutality, medical racism, interpersonal racism, hiring+housing discrimination, environmental racism, etc. etc. forever... and that person is related to someone who went through jim crow, who is related to someone who lived in constant fear of being lynched and seeing it happen constantly, of someone who couldn't vote, couldn't own land... slavery wasn't even 200 years ago. it wasn't even two. hundred. years. ago. i don't think white people understand how fucking recent that is. like you might think i'm going off on a tangent rn about how pervasive antiblackness is in this country but i'm trying to hammer home that, if you are a white lgbt, it just does not COMPARE. yes, there are black people out there who are living more comfortable lives than you, and maybe you are very poor and have gone through a lot because you are gay/trans... but systemically, institutionally, historically, your suffering is not only more of a recent phenomena, but also far more contingent on your socioeconomic status than your sexuality. this is not to sayyyy that you aren't suffering, that trans and gay people aren't suffering because they're trans and gay, but if you try for a second to say that it's anywhere close to the collective suffering of black people... you're fooling yourself
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