#ask box failures
goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
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@sonyawixI am so so sorry about your earring. If it's a pair or you have a photo, I know there are people on etsy who can recreate one for you!
However, let me see what I can do...
divorced jalice.
He braces himself on the deck railing as he stares out into the night. He looks haunted, honestly, and she almost feels bad for him. 
“That wasn’t how I wanted you to find out,” she begins gently, and he just shakes his head. 
“How long?” His voice is hoarse and for a moment she wonders if he’s fighting back tears. “How long has this been going on?”
“Six and a half years.” She moves closer slowly, like he’s a wild animal, too easily spooked. “My doctor is great, I’m doing well. I just wanted Carlisle’s opinion on if I needed to bump up an appointment, it isn’t a big deal.”
He still hasn’t looked at her. 
“When did you find out?” He’s so tense, she’s surprised he hasn’t hit something yet. 
“Six and a half years ago,” she replies. Don’t get specific, Jasper, you’ll just upset yourself. Please.
“Before or… after?”
That’s when he looks at her, and the raw pain in his eyes cuts her. She wants to lie to him, offer him some comfort, but she can’t and she won’t. She’s been protecting him from the full picture for so long, has let him live with the easy reality that she gave up on him and on them because he was an addict and a cheater.
She moves closer to him. “Why does that matter?”
He shakes his head. “Because the fact that you were… you were that fucking sick and I didn’t notice? That you had to walk away from everything… god, I know Rose and Bella cut you out. I know they blamed you for months until Rose worked out that I was having an affair, and then we couldn’t fucking find you. You could have been dead and I wouldn’t have known…”
“You were still my next of kin, you would have been told,” she offers lamely, and he just stares at her again. 
“You had no one, Alice. You didn’t even have your own home,” he says through gritted teeth. “When did you know?”
“Before the divorce was finalised.” The words she says are firm, determined and they both know that she’s dancing around the truth, and he feels so sick. 
“It was why you left, wasn’t it?”
She closes her eyes to steel herself for what she says next. “I… I knew that nothing was going to change between us until you knew you had a problem. Maria hurt my ego, but the drugs Jas… They changed you. And I could manage that better when I was healthy but when I found out that it was serious, I realised that I needed to … to put on my own life vest first. How ugly do you think it would have gotten if I had stayed? My recovery was long, Jasper. It would have been a disaster. I made the best choice I could with what I had.”
He nods once but he looks so miserable, she wants to hold him.
“Why didn’t you tell everyone the truth? About everything?” He finally asks. “You know Esme and Carlisle would have taken care of you, and Bella, and…”
“Because they were your family and you needed them. My family came through for me when I needed them to.”
“With money. Health insurance. Have you actually seen them in person?” His voice is laced with anger and she feels tired. She didn’t want this conversation to happen like this. She had it planned out, had it prepared in nice, easy pieces so that it didn’t have to hurt like this. 
The best laid plans. 
“No, Mom and I email each other. I think she sent flowers once? Maybe she just talked about it. But I didn’t want to see them, Jasper. If healthcare in this country wasn’t so awful, I wouldn’t have spoken to them at all.”
“So you were alone.”
“Jasper, I honestly wasn’t well enough to care or notice for most of it. You’re making this a much bigger deal than it is.” That’s when she reaches out to touch his arm, but he pulls away. 
“I need to go,” he says suddenly, straightening. He still isn’t looking at her. “I just… need to go.”
“No.” She’s shaking her head and turning back to go inside, for the whole Cullen family to look at her with pity and curiosity in their eyes. “I’ll go. You stay here with your family, and you call Peter, okay? I’ll call an Uber and we’ll talk in a couple of days. I don’t want to be the reason you break your sobriety, okay?”
deaf mary-alice.
Seeing Jasper again is like... it's like the world is back in colour. It's a cliche, thinking like that, but she can't help it - she missed him so bad it was like someone had taken off a limb. She just kind of... adapted. It was easier knowing that he was safe and he was healing; she could watch her and see him getting better, and she convinced herself that it was selfish to want anything more than his safety and happiness. That it was enough to keep her going.
How many times had Maria and the other older soldiers reminded her that no one had any use for a defective vampire? That she would make any coven vulnerable and they'd turn her away, and that she was safer with Maria?
(The last night was supposed to be special but it all went wrong. They only got a little while to sit and talk before it was over. She regretted that. She wanted to send him off with the memory of her touch, with her kiss. That he would remember that he was treasured. Instead... well, sometimes the future changes and she just has to live with that.)
She lives in a quiet world with everyone gone. Maria still talks to her, but mostly she's expected to lip-read and that's all orders and stuff. No one wants a conversation, so she just stops bothering. Maria lets her keep the Major's quarters and his books. At lot of them are hard to understand, and slow to read, but she tries. She draws a lot, when there's chalk and paper. She fights and trains and hunts. It's a small life, a quiet life, but it's hers. The future doesn't show her ever having anything more, so she just appreciates what she has.
What she had.
It's been decades by the time that Peter and Charlotte just... show up. She's never been so pleased to see them before, talking to Maria like they didn't flee in terror. She cannot help herself, the way she half-tackles them, hugging them so tightly. They look wonderful and Peter laughs at her, fumbles through what he remembers of her language, and Charlotte seems a little sad at her excitement.
(Charlotte's wearing a top that has little flowers on it, it's clean, and she smells so nice. Even shoes! And fancy little pins for her hair!)
She's not paying attention to Maria's conversation with Peter until Maria taps her shoulder and signs the words.
You can go North with Peter and Charlotte, Mary-Alice. You've done well.
It's the biggest compliment that Maria has ever given her and the words take a moment to settle her brain. North? 
Charlotte smiles at her and tells her, she can go and see the Major. 
And that was terrifying. North to see the Major. 
She'd nearly asked to stay with Maria. 
What if... what if the Major didn't want her? What if he'd forgotten her?
What if he had a mate? She hadn't checked on him in a while - sometimes it was hard - and maybe the Cullens had found him some pretty girl who could talk and hear and sing.
Her stomach had been in knots and it had taken every ounce of her bravery to agree to go North. Something new, something different.
(She couldn't bring herself to Look because she was terrified about what she would find.)
And then she got there, arrived at him home, and he remembered her. 
He remembered her and he was happy to see her. He had missed her, he still cared. 
(He still knew their words, still smelt the same, and held her so tight like he was making sure she couldn't get away. It was like the world had flipped the right way up.)
She presses herself so close to him, holds him so tight, only lets go to speak. “Maria sent me, said I could come be with you now. You went north and I was lonely. No one spoke to me like you.”
She doesn't even care about the Cullens watching them, watching her tell him she missed him and loved him, watching his hands fall into the old words. 
(The Cullens are... nice. She remembers them from her early visions, and what she knows of them, they are no threat. She can lipread some of what they say; she can see their eyes follow how she holds onto Jasper, how eagerly she speaks with him. But they smile and welcome her into the house, into the home, and maybe something is finally going right for her. Maybe the world just got a little bit bigger).
We sat together on the couch, talking about superficial topics at first - he went by Jasper Hale, not Cullen, as part of their cover story of adopted and fostered children. He had drawn the short straw, and had to attend Forks as a sophomore this year - luckily, the school year was more than half over. He was originally from Texas, but the Cullens’ most recent residence was Alaska. 
“That night in the field when you fainted,” Jasper began. “You mentioned something… you have some kind of gift?”
I nodded. “I sometimes get knowledge of things that might happen,” I said, twisting to face him on the couch, crossing my legs. “I might wake up with the absolute certainty that a client is going to smash a vase, or that Charlie Swan is going to have a flat tire. It very, very rarely happens when I’m awake.”
“But it did the other night?” Jasper looked so serious. “It caused a seizure.”
I looked at my lap. “When decisions change rapidly, my mind just shuts down,” I explained. “I kind of just… shut down. It’s happened before, but that was kind of an extreme episode. I’m fine.”
He watches me with this look on his face that I cannot decipher; almost affectionate. He reaches out to gently take my hand. 
“As long as you’re okay.” 
The Cullens come over to speak with Freddie on Friday night, and I am buzzing -  I can’t stop moving and fussing and asking questions, and Dulcie is going to strangle me when I am too nervous to eat dinner. 
I break two plates washing the dishes, and Freddie is quick to redeploy me to drying up before we run out of flatware.
“You’ll stay up here for the meeting, Alice,” he informs me with a sternness that is alien to me, when he catches me watching the clock. 
“What?” I promptly drop a mug, and Dulcie plucks the dishcloth out of my hands. “But…”
“No buts. This discussion does not involve you,” he says. “Go and study, make sure that you make a convincing high school student.” He’s sour tonight, grim, and I am reminded of the days after Jeanie’s death. 
I am desperate to see Jasper again, but I don’t want to push my uncle too far. I don’t want this to hurt him more than it already is. 
“Can I call Cynthia?” I ask, as I pause to get myself a soda out of the fridge - more habitual than anything else. 
“Tomorrow,” Dulcie says kindly, and nods for me to leave.
My room seems small and stale now that I am virtually trapped in it for the evening. I have the little drawing Jasper did of me on the scrap of paper taped to my mirror, and the flowers he brought me that have wilted. Nothing Freddie would notice as out of place. Dulcie tells me my bedroom reminds her of a thrift store - so many little treasures cluttering up the surfaces. It’s a good way to hide things in plain sight. 
I could watch a movie in the living room, but that holds less appeal than my room. Instead, I pick up the books Dulcie bought me, left stacked neatly on my desk. They don’t hold my interest for more than a casual flip through - I was never taught Spanish or Algebra, and I have little patience for History, or for Chemistry, especially when I handle chemicals every day of my life. I should be working my way through the reading list Sue brought over, but it’s dull work and almost enough to convince me not to bother with high school at all. 
But Jasper…
I am making my way bravely through Romeo and Juliet when Dulcie brings me in a slice of cake, her hand running through my curls gently. “He worries so much about you,” she said kindly. “He’s just nervous.”
I nod, taking a bite of the cake before I reply. “I know, it’s just… different. I know with my whole heart that Jasper would burn this town to the ground before he hurt me. I am never more safe than I am when I’m with him.”
Dulcie is officially my partner in crime; the door isn’t latched, so there’s no sound as I creep out of the apartment and down to the landing. 
I crouch on the landing of the stairs; with the lights off, Freddie and Jeanie couldn’t spot me but the Cullens do and Carlisle winks at me. I probably look like a child, with my hair in curly pigtails and in a giant pink sweater. 
“Alice is a child,” Freddie insisted, looking older than I had ever seen him. “She might not look like it but…”
“How old is Alice?” Carlisle asked gently, and Freddie looked at the ground. 
“You need to tell them the truth, Fred,” Dulcie said gently. “If nothing else, they can protect her when we can’t.”
“Protect her from what?” Edward asks, and I want to echo that question. 
Freddie takes a shuddering breath. “Her mother… Alice’s father was a vampire that stalked and raped her mother. Lilian did not survive the birth, and Alice was… not a normal child.”
“That’s impossible.” The blonde, Rosalie, snaps but Carlisle holds his hand up. 
“Please, Mr Brandon, continue.”
“She grew so fast - by her first birthday, she looked like a perfectly healthy three year old. We brought her here to Forks because Jeanne had a family home out near Noah Bay. When she was born, she was… she was aware of us. Does that make sense? She reached for her mother, but Lillian was dead by then. 
“She didn’t eat for weeks because she … she wanted blood. That was our line in the sand, we couldn’t do that for her. I have no idea how Jeanne managed to get her to take milk and human food, but we got past it. Jeanne always wondered if Alice was so small because we accidentally stunted her growth.”
My hands were shaking.
No one had ever told me any of this before. 
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bobosbillionsknives · 4 months
Millions Knives is 8 UTI antibiotics tall
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gobbluthbutagirl · 27 days
spent wayyyyy too long doomscrolling reddit(the same website where people act like you are literally going to drop dead immediately if you move to los angeles without a car and $100,000 in your bank account) threads about the current job market in los angeles and it’s uhhhhh not encouraging. but i also didn’t drop dead immediately when i moved to los angeles without a car or $100,000 the first time. so who can never really know
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
so. any specific kip thoughts on your mind? 👀
today in particular?
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What's a girl fail...?
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riddlingabout · 2 months
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can i come up to you and stare at you like this
at your own risk <3
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crowrelli · 3 months
#vent post#tw vent#my mom: it’s okay you’re homeless u can come here and have a gentle landing and we can work together to get u and ur fiancé back on ur feet#me: okay great now I can work off my huge overdue queue that I was having panic attacks about daily-#mom: actually fuck u ur a disgrace I need you to clean my whole house every single day and I’m going to knock on ur door every 20 minutes#and disturb ur focus (ik u have adhd it’s stupid just get over it) also ur whole family knows how much of a failure u are and are going to#scream at you on the phone about how you’re not doing anything despite the fact you’ve helped out every time I’ve asked and THEN SOME to#the point of eye exhaustion and shivers and mental breakdowns and then I’m going to forget it ever happened and make you do MORE chores and#yell at u if you say u need to focus again#me: …….. so this is the gentle landing huh?#I’m so fucking exhausted#they keep saying my art doesn’t make money and isn’t a career LITERALLY IT IS HOW DO U THINK I PAID FOR FOOD AND RENT FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS#they keep calling it my ‘little art thing’ and insisting I get a real job WHEN I HAVE ACTUAL PAID COMMISSIONS I HAVE TO WORK ON#I can’t just ignore these and fuck off to answer phones or stock shelves at your friends friends aunts car dealers place fuck OFFFFFF#like being homeless with 4 cats and 6 boxes of belongings isn’t hard enough I have to be fucking berated by people who haven’t tried talking#to me IN MY LIFE EVERRRRRR#fuck off
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Ok thank you! That helps a lot, what typically happens if ones body goes without a dominant sex hormone, is it dangerous or possibly fatal? As a trans guy, I'd not want to have to go back on E simply because t was a temporary thing, it is so complicated and I feel like this isn't a common choice I've made so advice online seems slim.
Its the same as when you get older and your body would naturally start to produce less estrogen- you'd basically have early menopause. This puts you more at risk for osteoporosis which makes your bones squishy fragile, as well as heart disease and some other things, but there are ways to manage these things without using hormones. Here's an article that goes into keeping vs. removing your ovaries as part of transitioning.
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bluelolblue · 5 months
does santino have any embarassing secret fears/phobias?
Oooh yes phobias!
They're not really embarrassing, but I kinda headcanon that Santino has a fear of spiders (Arachnophobia) because yeah, why not, he is giving me that vibe for some reason. Spiders freak him out, like they're so freaky to him. Okay, this phobia is embarrassing to him, and he's really not proud of it... and no one really knows about it. And it's kinda funny. Imagine him being scared of spiders :P
And claustrophobia! This man can't be in enclosed spaces, he can handle elevators but if the elevator gets stuck and he's alone in it... yeah, not looking good for his mental health. And he's also not proud of this one, he's embarrassed by it, so no one knows about this one, too
Speaking of mental health, he is giving me atychiphobia (extreme fear of failure). A new headcanon for me, but I think he just wants everything to be perfect, the way he imagined it and if he fails... he has a difficult time handling that. I would say this phobia comes from very young age, considering he is from a very powerful and known Camorra family, he had to be perfect. For anything that he didn't do right, he would get punished by his father. And that left him kinda traumatized and he developed that phobia
So yeah, this Italian has phobias :3
Thanks for the ask, much appreciated!
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Random question, but who’s your favourite harbinger - in fact, can you do a tier list of your favourite harbingers? (including the gramps if you’d be so kind). If Arlecchino is not top one, I’ll be genuinely shocked.
i know i'm really letting y'all down, but i'm actually not that into any of the harbingers aside from childe rn T-T i think they just haven't gotten enough screentime, and only knowing them as big, scary villains is fine for the story, but terrible for my depraved little mind. a character must be at least 50% cringefail for me to obsess over them properly, and sadly the harbingers are just not making the rankings at the moment.
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If you can see the future, can you tell me where to invest all of my money?
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Hn. An easy question. I do not know why you would bother to ask me when the holonet could tell you just as well.
If you are attempting to maintain the value of your currency, skip the savings accounts and go straight to hard assets. Precious metals retain their purchasing power despite all economic fluctuations.
If you are young and attempting to make gains, seek a professional to invest in a diverse portfolio on your behalf. This is a quickly moving game best left to someone actively following the flow of socioeconomics and monetary policy on Coruscant... though there are certain things which people always need. Food, land, shelter, entertainment. These are relatively reliable.
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God knows how many years I've had this bad boy for
I'm going to start building
I'm tired
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also. modern failure. shoegaze ish ? its fun also has a pretty new ep that just came out
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mandyyvibes · 7 months
i’m the dumbest bitch on the planet and panic-deleted the one ask i got from the writers ask game because i typed out a whole reply to a question that wasn’t even asked 😭 @possumwoodpie here’s your answers though thank you for the ask 😭😭😭
🏫 What have you learned about while writing your fics? (either about writing, the themes, the community, etc)
Also I think I’m learning about pacing. It’s so hard but I meticulously look at the chapter word counts/how many scenes in how many words/how many important scenes to a chapter of authors that I look up to 🥺
🤪 What's a fun fact about one of your fics?
I wrote Thanksgiving From Under the Table at my family’s thanksgiving get-together, surrounded by people.
🔑 What's a secret about your story/a secret a character has?
i can’t think of anything good :(( Thanksgiving From Under the Table Rumlow is way more fond of the Asset than he’d ever admit, and Rollins is more fond of Rumlow than he’d ever admit. fucked up lil torture-cule.
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t4tdanvis · 11 months
I like to remove the timeskip but saying it still happens for rambling purposes. Laurence figures out something’s wrong when he gets Gene on the ground during the fight and then he starts begging him not to kill him, saying he won’t bother them again, saying he’ll be good and helpful if they just don’t “send him back” because Shad’ll be mad at him.
And then he finds out that now every time he kills Gene, Gene just wakes up in a cell of the “nursery” (nickname for the jail new knights are kept in while being turned/old knights are kept in for torture cycles.) After his first few failures, Shad got so tired of him that he changed Gene’s respawn point from his bedroom to the nursery so he wouldn’t have to see him until he’d succeeded.
It was very effective at the start because Gene would come out of torture cycles trying to get right back to work so he could see Shad again, but eventually Gene went from motivated to succeed to just scared of dying because he’d lost most of his confidence in his abilities and he didn’t know what Shad’s limit was. He can’t succeed, so how many times can he fuck up before Shad’s really done with him? He already doesn’t want to see him- how long until Shad gets rid of him like he gets rid of all the other disappointments?
laurance is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on while gene is just curled up in a ball screaming and crying and having a breakdown on the ground. laurance is just "ok i fucking hate you but what the hell is wrong why are you crying??"
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gaylittleguys · 1 year
25 for the movie ask
25. A box office flop
Cats (2019) was looking up flops and Turning Red(2022) was on the list so that instead!!!! unfair considering it didn’t have a theatrical release!
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