#ask kaneki ken
dreamaruu · 4 months
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would u still love me if i was a bug 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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hakucho-art · 1 month
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javaghoul · 5 months
This might be a bit late but I’ve just gotta know. From both the CCG and Ghouls: who saw Barbie, Oppenheimer, or saw both?
not as late as me because I haven't seen either. I'll do my best 💪
Touka (forced into it by Yoriko)
Nishiki (forced into it by Kimi)
Itori, Uta, Nico, Roma (watched it together, with drinks)
Banjou & Gasmasks (no explanation needed)
Shuu ("forced" but not really by Chie)
Mutsuki, Saiko, Ginshi and Haise (watched it together, with snacks)
Seidou (but shh 🤫)
Nishiki & Kimi
Ayato was Barbie-curious, but backed out at the last minute
Eto (no time for movies, but will sit reading a book for four hours straight)
Furuta is too busy doing god-knows what to go to the cinema
Urie leans more towards Oppenheimer, but like Eto has no time for movies (but will work out for 3 hours)
Naki heard Oppenheimer was about "bombs and shit" and walked out bored after 15 minutes
Yomo thinks he's too dumb to enjoy Oppenheimer, too smart to enjoy Barbie
Neither appealed to Suzuya
Amon has no time for movies when JUSTICE needs to be served
Not sure how accurate these are because I haven't seen them. Lemme know if you'd make any adjustments!
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moonspirit · 5 months
Kaneki to Touka: will you still love me if I were a worm? *Proceeds to turn into a kretshure*
.... I don't know I haven't read TG
Meme-y ***spoilers*** if you haven't read TG I guess.
Actually anon, yes that's exactly how it went.
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Also yes you should read TG because Touken are basically AruAni Prologue. Don't you want a nice, intelligent, shy boy committing mass murder falling head over heels for a "monstrous" girl who's known little love and warmth her entire life? Yes? Yes you like? YES?
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
In the Amon stays in CCG AU Shironeki will get jealous with Haise because Haise gets to talk/work/eat with Amon and he doesn't??? 😭😭 Guy be sitting in a chair chanting "it should have been me"
WAIT THIS IS SO FUNNY?? I also spent way too much time on this um?? Enjoy
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iheihairu · 2 months
Talking about the kenference. What kinda book do you think they would all be reading together? In like a weekly reading session of sorts. I am thinking maybe something like "How to Manage Multiple Personalities: A Guide"
Well. They're all very stubborn. They hate being told what to do and they don't particularly like the idea of changing their ways. It's their body after all, they don't understand why these other guys won't just let up. It's not like he did a good job with his time or anything, so he should leave it to me. I may not have done amazing but I will! I don't want to leave things in his hands, who knows what will happen.
That way of thinking makes self help books REALLY hard, because they all want to be right and differ juuuust enough to butt heads. They can't settle on a host, nobody wants to listen to anybody, why should I work with you? Look what you did with your time.
However, they all like to learn. They also all like to Figure Out. My answer to this question is nonfiction (how-to books, historical books, political books, etc) and mysteries!
Haise isn't quite into super mopey gorey stuff like Kuro is, so finding the right mystery can be tough. Add a good romance or some lively enough humor and they can find middle ground!
I like to think of them in a book store or library, looking over hundreds of books trying to appease as many of them as they can. This one's too childish. I don't like the tone of this one. Another one with a ghoul plot twist, yawn. This one has romance! Is there a sex scene? Because I don't particularly want to read that - especially not with you. We're all basically the same guy! Don't make it weird! ...But yeah I don't really want that either...
They... Try. They do better when they don't address the elephant in the room
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ipsen · 2 months
hohoho... this is the name of my root a fanfic that has been on the backburner since last year LOL but every time i go back to the doc, it's just chef's kiss mwah, i love my writing sometimes
under the cut!
Eto sniffed the air, and Kaneki instinctively felt naked. “You were with Yamori last. Where is he now?”
So she was collecting the executives. The Doves were likely closing in by now. He scoffed. “I’m not responsible for his life.”
It only garnered a hum. “So he’s gone, then. Good.”
That wasn’t the response he was expecting. Yamori was strong, and whatever Aogiri’s goals were, they needed strong ghouls to do it. Therefore, wouldn’t Yamori’s incapacitation be—
“He was becoming a real nuisance, you know. Killing for pleasure, torturing civilians— it wasn’t a sustainable model for Aogiri.” She came closer, causing Ayato’s body to dribble blood. Somehow, she evaded each drop. “If he’s as good as dead because of you, then you have our thanks— weeds are just so bothersome to uproot yourself.”
Keeping his distance, Kaneki attempted to analyze her. There had to be an opening somewhere— a crack in her defenses. Somewhere he could strike and end this farce before it could sprout.
Though her mask hid her expression, she seemed to be mimicking him, if not outright beating him at his own game. “That said, we will need a replacement.”
Replacement? Was Yamori that inconsequential? No, no, she had to be messing with his mind. Psychological warfare, that was all. He wouldn’t lose a second battle right after surmounting the first.
“And so, honoring the culture of the 13th ward’s simpletons, I extend my hand to you, Ken Kaneki.” She did so literally. “Will you join Aogiri?”
actual fic name is still pending
thanks for the ask!!
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shewhoeatssand · 7 months
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little Koneki…………………………
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horrendousmustard · 11 months
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🎃 👻Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
Kaneki’s Group Halloween Headcanon Time
☆ Everyone in the group is invited for Trick or Treating! Except maybe Shuu, but he inserts himself anyway and nobody tells him to leave
☆ Kaneki’s favourite part is seeing how many ghouls give candy to the human kids, and then real eyes and fingers to the ghoul children while trick or treating. At first he felt bad about “intruding” on a human event until he realized it was a perfect holiday for ghouls
☆ The gas masks are all about trading after trick or treating. By the end, Jiro has enough eyeballs for a biblically accurate angel, Ichimi can make his section of the room ghost-themed and Sante could replicate their boss’s torture bucket
☆ Banjou likes giving “tricks” to kids while trick or treating. Every time they walk past a large group of children together, he’ll try doing some card tricks for them that he spent a few hours practicing with Kaneki. Some kids love it, some think he’s scary, one kid started mocking him for being 25 and fumbling with cards on the street and it really hurt his feelings
☆ Shuu loves the costuming aspect of it! Every year as a child he always had the most extravagant costume, and as an adult he is no different. He spends time tailoring outfits for himself and specifically Kaneki and Hinami. This year, he dresses himself as a vampire (always one of his favorites) and Hina and Kaneki as an angel and demon. THEY LOOK VERY PRETTY.
☆ After trick or treating, Hinami asks Shuu what to do with the candy. He decides to show her some cool recipes, like flowers made from melted hard candy and mousse with a chocolate swirl lid. They decide to donate the treats to Anteiku and Hinami learns to make some cool art with her candy!
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oneeyedsparrow · 4 months
Could I request some Arthur and Kaneki art?
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Yes! Here is a Arthur and Ken doodle! sorry this isn't my best drawing it's been awhile.
❤️Thank you for the ask!!❤️
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hakucho-art · 5 months
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I trust in kaneki's capability to learn absolutely everything from books
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javaghoul · 1 month
TG characters & who's out listening to the neighbours arguing again
Koma is the meme of the guy vacuuming the driveway. Any excuse to get nearer to the action.
As soon as he works out it's not ghoul related, Amon closes the window. He doesn't wanna hear this shit.
Itori doesn't know who Louise is, but wants to. She sounds like a party. Recognises the subtle slur of inebriated angry women.
Hide is a little averse to arguments, as is Ken. The former doesn't enjoy hearing others' misery, and the latter finds it a bit triggering.
Neighbourly arguments are a goldmine for Eto. If it isn't gossip, it's inspiration for her novels.
Nishiki acts like he's above it, but when he hears that Mr Neighbour has been shagging everything on the street he's listening.
When it sounds like the neighbours aren't tiring themselves out, Yomo will knock doors. Mostly to get them to stfu, but also to make sure everything's ok (especially if the neighbour has kids in the house).
Tsukiyama has missed out on the experience of noisy neighbour fights ☹️
Roma, Suzuya, Uta and Nico are out on the street feet away from the quarrelling couple encouraging them. They choose sides too.
Touka is a slams-the-window-loudly kinda person. If she wanted to listen to bullshit, she'd have stayed at work.
Saiko sleeps through the entire thing, but wonders why her neighbour is camped out in their car the next morning.
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moonspirit · 5 months
Just started watching Tokyo ghoul. WHO WAS GOING TO TELL ME IT WAS SO GOOD
Ooohhh Tokyo Ghoul is an absolute banger of a story! I'm so glad you've started on it!
But that said, I have to admit - I am not a fan of the anime xD As a manga reader, the anime was severely disappointing to me because entire chunks of emotional depth and psychological impact was lost in the (very rushed) animation process. Things happen too fast, Kaneki becomes your average shounen MC, and the horror is just... meh.
And don't even get me started on the shit-show that was Re, animated.
Listen, I'm happy you're enoying the anime, and I'll be happier (through the roof!) if it makes you curious enough to read the manga, both Tokyo Ghoul and Re. But you have to know that the anime doesn't even do any justice to the saying "tip of the iceberg".
It's my strong opinion that TG would've become as popular as many other anime today, if it had only received a faithful, dedicated adaptation, instead of... whatever it was that we got #_# I understand animators are overworked, and that it's too easy for me as a watcher to just demand better shows, but at the same time, TG is one HELL of a story, and I'll just be forever sad that it has to live as brilliantly as it does only through its manga T^T
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amoneki-ramblings · 6 months
Also, your 'Amon stays in the CCG and works with Haise' AU is fantastic and should have been canon. Poor Amon misses Eyepatch terribly (he still has QUESTIONS damnit!) but doesn't want to get Haise (or Akira) in trouble, so he can't really say much, but he and Haise get suspicious of the CCG being corrupted. They investigate together, but they have to be discreet and they HATE IT, the CCG is supposed to represent justice! Inner!Kaneki drops hints and nags Haise in the background constantly.
In the context of my AU I think Amon would feel so let down by the emergence of the Quinx project. He's spent all this time investigating the CCG's suspicious sides and almost uncovered what they were really aiming to do and then it just gets. Announced, just like that. That they're putting ghoul organs in people to use as weapons. It feels wrong. Everything clicks terribly into place. But he can't say anything. And Eyepatch is gone already (or so he Thinks) It all feels anti-climatic, somehow.
Then he meets this new investigator, who shakes his hand and greets him cheerily. He's being mentored by Akira. They are to treat him as a human unless he loses control, to which they'll treat him as a ghoul. It's Eyepatch. It's Haise Sasaki. Amon has to stomach the thought of both working with him and potentially having to "erase" him if he remembers who he is. He likes Haise, even if he's different from Eyepatch, but Haise might not be around forever, for one reason or another. He's never had to kill a co-worker or friend before. (I think, similar to Akira in canon :re Amon would be assigned a big role in leading squads when the CCG has to keep Haise under control. It only makes sense, he's done significant damage to him before, in half-kakuja form no less, and managed to escape this guy even without a weapon. And he's also like, one of the Only Guys who has ever killed a ghoul with his bare hands before.) Still though, the thought of killing Haise, whether it be with a quinque through the heart or the snap of a neck, is nauseating.
The CCG higher-ups are suspicious, obviously, because Amon is the only one who truly knows Everything about Eyepatch, and he might screw with Haise's memories. They're keeping an eye on him and make sure they don't get too close, unless Amon needs to confront Haise, since Haise, even when losing control, just can't seem to hurt him. Not really at least (if it ever does happen he feels So Guilty) ((Also sidenote but Haise probably visibly winces when he first meets Amon. His head hurts and he's not sure why. He feels melancholic and he doesn't know why. He feels a flood of relief. But he doesn't know why. He likes Amon a lot and wants to get to know him. The white-haired ghoul in his head seems particularly fixated on him, won't stop looking at him. Haise somehow knew Amon's name before he was even told what it was. He surmises that it's just because Amon is so well-known in general. (He knows, deep down, that it might be more than just that)))
Haise has small recollections of memories, but he can't tell anyone, obviously. Sometimes he has nightmares of flower fields and battles under the rain. When he and Amon get closer he tells him a little about them. "It's probably nothing" he laughs, unsure, but Amon knows what they really mean. He sees Eyepatch in Haise and it hurts terribly. He fears the chance that he'll never get to ask the questions he had, almost as much as he fears the chance that one day he suddenly will. The answers he's wanted for so long are so close that they are literally standing right next to him, yet they're so far.
As things move forward they definitely try to investigate and figure out the CCG's corrupt system together. But they have to be careful, on the outside co-workers (including Akira) make comments about how close they are and what a good team they make but within the inner-workings of the CCG they have their careful eyes on them. Maybe Akira's a little weary about it, tells Amon as such sometime and Amon says he knows (but there are things he can't tell even her.) Maybe one time Haise and Amon talk briefly, maybe after or during Haise losing control of himself and he says something and it sounds hauntingly like Eyepatch. Haise had looked at him differently during that moment. His voice sounded different. It was pained, but not in the physical sense. Maybe it wasn't Haise at all, actually.
Haise has a dream once about a man shouting asking him if he really is just a ghoul. Somehow he doesn't feel like it's for him. (But surely it means something to Kaneki Ken). Maybe, like in that comic I drew, Kaneki is incredibly relieved that Amon is alive, but also terribly jealous that all he can do is watch from the shadows LOL
Ough sorry I got SO carried away I've just been meaning to list out some of the details of my AU thoughts for AGES this has been living rent free in my mind for MONTHS it's one of my favorite thoughts Ever
It's insane, how many parallels are setup between Kaneki/Haise and Amon, yet Haise and Amon never meet once, even though Amon is foreshadowed constantly during :re. To be fair there is so much going on in :re already but still, man. Man,
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xotication · 5 months
haise anon here! yes kaneki is truly a great written mc 😞🙏 sorry for yapping too much the last ask i hope i didnt bother u! (i should definitely give myself an anon nickname, maybe mimi?) my tg obsession just resurfaced recently and its quite hard to find someone to discuss abt it ue😭😭 anyways! on the topic of ken in diff aus, what do u think abt biker/motorbike racer! ken 🙏🙏
girl the way i just said OUUUU OUT LOOOUUUUDDDDDD. i go feral at the fucken THOUGHT OF IT. CAN WE PLEAAAASSSEEE JUST STFU???? I CANNOT. 😭😭😭 bro like he def gives off tiktok/insta reels biker guy. nd not the cringe booktok kind. BUT THE GOODDDD KIND. the ones that’re tatted, have some sick design on their helmet, nd wear clothes that make them all the more pretty. 😭 KANEKI WOULD BODYYYY ALL OF IT. he doesn’t even really try to woo anyone with it. it’s just how he is, & a hobby he somehow picked up.
you’d prob fucken get his number when you’re both stopped at a red light nd he’s just rolling his shoulders back before he glances your way. YOU LITERALLY GEEKKK IN THE CARRRR. window immediately flies down & your phone shoots out the window with ur contacts opened right up. 🌚
ken would def eventually buy you your own lil helmet, nd he’d take you on fun joyrides
lowk not so fun when he’s pushing 110 & ur scared for ur fucken life
but whooo caressss, yk he gon go home nd give you da PIPEEEE. (i’m so sorry..)
either that or y’all are stopping in a dark alleyway and/or parking lot bc you or he can’t wait 🎀
you lowk be getting sick at the thought of how other girls are looking at him when he’s out on the streets ridin around without you..
like hellooo?? 😭
also your yapping wasn’t a bother at all! i’m enjoying it! ^.^
also the nickname is cute, mimi it is!
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some silly hcs regarding the roommate situation in the tg human/college au i’m working on, in hopes that someone will find them funny:
juniors. the duo basically everyone is weirded out by, but ultimately writes off as harmless. people usually go to them for fashion advice. (they’re both gnc/genderfluid, so they’ve got advice for everyone)
juniors, and the best neighbors ever. koma (my aroace king) is a ride or die for basically everyone, and renji is just along for the ride. he and uta have a silly little “not-quite-dating-but-more-than-friends” thing going that their friend group absolutely EATS UP
juniors. actively dating; their neighbors hate them. kaya works w/ renji and koma at the campus café
freshmen, and childhood friends that opted to go to school together. they never actively mean to get in trouble, but it almost always finds them anyway. kaneki is a literature major—same as renji
freshmen, also childhood friends. standard “punk-who-looks-for-fights” and “is-constantly-apologizing-for-her” dynamic
sophomores. the school’s top med student and top criminal justice major. constantly having beef w/ uta and renji for seemingly no reason
sophomores. ui…you poor, poor man
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