#ask tensei
heartofjasmina · 4 months
🍼 tensei iida (im desperate. this man needs more content)
Tensei worked hard to become the man that he is. He learned how to lead people, learning when to push and when to praise, he learned how to notice people's feelings during his hero work.
So did you really think you're going to escape his notice?
The way you melt everytime he pats you on the head, the way you always hold his pinky when you two are walking together, the way you speak a bit childishly at times.
He finally tests his theory, calling you baby and sweetheart and doll until you're a puddle in his lap, grinding on his lap until he's aching to fuck you.
"You gonna take daddy's cock like a good little girl?" He murmurs so gently you blush, nodding and tripping over your words.
"Please daddy, please I wanna- please please please-" you squeal when he flips you over, hovering over you as he pulls your panties to the side.
"Don't worry sweetheart, daddy's gonna give you all the cock you need."
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jisuto · 3 months
I MADE THEM MYSELF SINCE I COULDN'T FIND THEM EITHER LOLLLL Here's the originals since those are recolored. Feel free to use and no credit needed but appreciated! These were done by hand so there may be mistakes;;
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Rimuru with an Kitsune S/O fluff headcanons?
Rimuru + Kitsune s/o
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Always had a kink for kitsune, even back in the human world.
Something about their adorable ears. Their fluffy tail(s). Sharp, mischievous features.
Kitsune also typically have a mild shapeshifting ability. Not as pronounced as Rimuru, but it is something they can bond over.
Back to their fluffy tail, he loves to lay on it. Either in his slime form or ‘full body’ form.
Alternatively he finds their fox form very sleek and elegant.
As he likes to lie on them, he also likes it when they curl up beside him in their fox form; either at their full size for him to lean against or petite size to lay in his lap.
Gifts them with lots of meat and shiny things since that’s what foxes like.
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lostbizkits · 1 month
raishura is cringe (good) you should draw it
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get stretched idiot(affectionate
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sorenblr · 11 months
A Japanese SMT fan game recently go a translation I hear.
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Yup, it's Shin Megami Tensei VX, a fairly complex recreation/elaboration of the original game in RPG Maker VX, with additional mechanics, routes etc.
Looks neat! It's very nice to see anything from the Japanese RPG Maker space coming to English audiences in 2023.
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joseigamer · 4 months
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I finally found the source for the interview between Satomi Tadashi and Kazuma Kaneko (main writer and artist) where they literally call Tatsuya and Jun gay - (”homo” - english loan word). It’s from the Innocent Sin World artbook (pub. in 2000). Here is the translation, and here is a link to the artbook. It’s on page 32. It’s not like this is anything new, but I feel like it’s important to have the original text onhand when sharing stuff like this! Translation under the cut for ease of access/archival purposes:
— What do you think Jun thinks of Lisa and Tatsuya’s relationship? SATOMI: I think he wants Lisa to be a bit more gentle with Tatsuya. KANEKO: She’s really got a jealous nature, doesn’t she? “Shaddup, woman.” Didn’t everyone expect Jun to say that? And then he’d say “Tatsuya, hold my hand a little bit tighter please.” SATOMI: Well, everyone is free to think what they like about that. *laugh* Personally, I don’t think he’s necessarily gay. KANEKO: Jun isn’t gay…but he likes Tatsuya, right? SATOMI: He likes him. If Tatsuya asked, “Do you like me?” Jun would say, “I like you!” KANEKO: Tatsuya would ask “Do you like me”? SATOMI: I think he’d ask like that. KANEKO: I think he’d say something like “What do you think of me?” And then Jun would say, “I like you!” SATOMI: If Jun said something like that, he would turn his back and seem happy. KANEKO: Who would? SATOMI: Tatsuya would. KANEKO: Tatsuya would turn his back and say, “You do?” happily? Well then, he’s gay, isn’t he! SATOMI: *laugh* …that’s why I said that everyone can think as they like about that issue. KANEKO: Well, I don’t know much about that field, anyway. I’ll have to do a little more homework. Hey, does Jun have thick hair? SATOMI: It’s not thick. KANEKO: And Tatsuya’s hair isn’t thick either? SATOMI: Right. So even if it gets tangled together, they’ll be okay. (NOTE: This refers to old, old literary references in which two people slept together in the same bed, so close together that their hair got tangled together.) KANEKO: What, so they really are gay. I see, so they’re gay, huh…Well, then Jun’s probably thought of assassinating Lisa? By setting some sort of trap for her…
[credit to chthonian.net for the translation]
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emporiannee · 5 months
i think it would've been funny if tobirama had lived for another decade or two. He's passed on the title of hokage and hiruzen became the new jutsu expert but no one's inherited his spot as konoha's resident unethical mad scientist. until he's got one foot out the door of full shinobi retirement and hiruzen introduces him to this new orphan kid he found named orochimaru and Tobirama, age 60 or whatever thinks 'hmm..........one more student...."
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rimuru tempest from that time i got reincarnated as a slime is agender and asexual (canon)
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submitted by @transgendeer-nokotan
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raidante · 2 months
What are your favourite demons in the megaten series?
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decided to save this ask until i did some doodling.. I have a lot of fav demons from all areas of the series but these are the 4 that popped into my head first!!!
individuals under cut :]
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pocketramblr · 9 months
note that option 1 includes the bilingual bonus of knowing the insults Aoyama calls AfO, option 8 includes Momo spying and getting Izuku more snickers, etc.
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
🥀Iida Tensei (and maybe Iida Tenya) if you're up for it?
I am more than up for it I'm vibrating in my seat rn--
They give pussy inspections. 🫣 Tensei more so to make sure you're behaving, Tenya more so because he likes making you squirm. (Payback for teasing them so relentlessly until they gave in.) Tensei makes you put your hands on the wall and lean forward, his thick fingers pressing into your wetness while he tells you cheerfully when you try to hide your moans, "C'mon sis. Don't hold back. Let us hear you."
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Bonnie should absolutely NOT be in Da’at in Shin Megami Tensei V
Bonnie is DEFINITELY not in Da’at!
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Look! I don’t see them anywhere!
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
I'm so so so in love with the content you make on this blog, thank you so much for all the effort you put into researching each demon!
Is it possibile to ask for some insights on muu shuwuu?
Have a nice day!
Muu Shuwuu - Day 85
Race: Raptor
Arcana: Temperance
Alignment: Dark-Law
August 2nd, 2024
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The obscurity of several demons throughout the SMT series isn't often a point of contention- most demons, barring a few (cough, cough, Arahabaki,) have rather open-and-shut cases, and their origins are easily able to be traced, as are their stories. However, sometimes, it's not that easy, and sometimes the source mythology itself is so obscure it's hard to get a grasp on. We've already seen this with poor ol' Porewit, but another case of this lies in the somewhat off-kilter religion of Tengrism, and, more specifically, a rather bizarre spirit from said religion. Today's Demon of the Day is that creature, one created out of a dead woman who never got to experience love, Muu Shuwuu.
Sources and stories relating to this demon are scant, even for this series- as an obscure monster from an already obscure religion, Mu Shuvuu (also referred to as Moh Shuvuu, Maγu Sibaγu, Moshobo, or Muu Shubuu in several different sources) is a tough nut to crack. Almost all sources about this bird are in different languages, whether it be Japanese, German, or Russian, and as such it'll be hard to get direct quotes for a lot of sources. Given the hellish mixture of a lack of primary/secondary sources, Google Translate having to try its damndest to translate the few articles I can track down, but I've managed to get a general idea of what it's going for thanks to the Internet Archive.
Mentioned within the text 'Demonology, Ritual Principles, and Worship Grimoires,' Muu Shuvuu makes an appearance concretely in English. Thank YHVH. In the text, the Tengri demonness appears listed as an example of an evil spirit from another culture. Her name literally meaning 'evil bird,' the spirit is noted as being dangerous to entire groups of people, though especially so to lonesome travelers or those with soft hearts. Appearing as a kind, lonely young girl, she'd always be hiding her mouth out of fear of revealing her beak...
According to the text, Mongolian principles state that a person has two or three types of souls within them, and Moh Shuvuu is made up of that third kind of soul- the type that can form into a spirit after death. A Muu Shuwuu specifically seems to form from a combination of factors, namely being a young girl who either died without ever experiencing love, died and had their father place a flint into her hand posthumously, or experienced a violent death. This would eventually lead to their spirit growing restless and rising from their corpse, forming into, what else, but a Muu Shuwuu itself. The bird would then go around seeking vengeance for its lack of love, proceeding to seduce men who would approach, or pretend to be a lost little girl in order to get the man to let his guard down. Then, after bringing the man to a safe location, she would proceed to kill him and suck his brain out of his head with her sharp beak. Again, a lot of this is hard to prove confidently, given that I'm mostly working off of wikipedia articles and spotty translations- most sources are exclusively either Japanese or use Cyrillic, which I can't translate due to not having a keyboard for either alphabet- but for the most part, I can glean that she sucks out the brain for sustenance.
I think, and this is based mostly off of speculation from the articles referenced above, that Muu Shuwuu actually isn't a mix of a bird and girl like in SMT- no, apparently she is able to shift between the two forms, the young girl's form being a disguise so she can then slaughter the man later on as a bird. This seems to make Muu Shuwuu less of a harpy and more of, well, a bird! That aside, though, I do have to admit that the design in SMT works very well- to an extent, this is what I wish Hua Po actually looked like, given the bird theming throughout her original story, but I might be asking for a bit much here. Still, if any of you can find any further sources on this demon, I'd happily take them, as I'm not quite satisfied with this simple of a rundown. Regardless, though, I have to thank SMT for making a demon from such an obscure concept, even if that would eventually down the line lead me to a strange, bottomless spiral of research.
Tengrism is fucking weird, man.
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Can we get the aftermath of Y/N giving birth of them and Benimaru's child? Where the executives are celebrating and Rimuru gets to be the honorary uncle to his right hand man's child? Please?
“I hear by call this meeting of the official naming ceremony to order.” You let out a sigh as Shion tapped her gavel on the table. Rocking your new born infant in your arms.
The baby was doing well. All plump and pink now, with a tuff of flaming red hair that refused to stay down. It had been a few weeks since you had given birth and everyone had given you & Benimaru space to bond with the baby. Coming over occasionally to sit and coo, but in uncharacteristically calm order.
Then, today, out of the blue, you got a note that you and the baby were summoned to a meeting of what seemed like every person you had ever known. “I still don’t know what’s going on….”
“It’s time we all came to an agreement on what [B/N] is going to call us.” Shion explained. “We all can’t be called the same thing. That would be confusing, and unfair.”
“They can’t even talk.” You remind her again. The first time you reminded her was when she was at the house and trying to get them to say ‘Shion’ as their first word. “Besides, can’t they just call you Aunt or Uncle what’s-your-name?”
The unanimous shouting startled the baby, who began to cry, but you quickly calmed them down.
“Now, I will start us off.”
“Why do you get to start us off?” Milim squawked.
“Because I have the gavel.” Shion snarked back. The two women glared at each other for a considerable moment before they broke off in a huff, and Shion continued. “Now, I’ve thought long and hard about this and I would like to be called…Aunt Shion.”
‘Didn’t I just suggest that?’ You thought to yourself.
“Excuse me, Shion.” The sickly sweet voice of Shuna spoke up. The sickly sweet voice that usually meant danger was near. “I believe, as Benimaru’s true blood sister, it should be I that [B/N]-chan calls Aunt.”
“We can both be ‘aunt’.”
“Didn’t you just say that it would be ‘confusing and unfair’ to share names?”
Shion huffed and folded her arms. Bested by her own words. “Fine! Come back to me. Souei, what do you want your name to be?”
“You can’t just be called Souei. Besides, the name is too hard for a baby to say.”
Shion sighed. “Hakurou-san, what’s your name?”
“I think I would like to be called ‘Jiji’.”
“You want to be called ‘grandpa’?” You asked. Just to clarify.
“I’m much older than any of you.” He said. “ ‘Uncle’ just doesn’t seem to fit with a man my age. Plus, I must admit, the feeling of the word ‘grandpa’ warms my soul.” He even let out an old man ‘ho ho ho’ at the thought.
“I wanna be called Onee-chan!” Milim announced.
“That won’t do.” Shuna told her. “What happens when Onii-chan and [Y/N] have another baby? You’ll have to change it all over again.”
“Another baby?” Did you not just have this one?
“We can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Shion said. Making an executive decision and hitting her gavel. “Now, I have come up with my name and it shall be….Auntie Shion.”
The room clapped as if Shion had made some brilliant discovery, while the secretary beamed at her brilliance. “You guys are weird.”
The doors then opened and Rimuru-sama and Benimaru walked in. “What’s going on?”
“Apparently everyone decided they needed a meeting to figure out what our infant child will call them.” You explain.
“Oh. Can the baby call me Muru-kun?” Rimuru-sama asked, and the room erupted in another fit of excitement. Waking the subject of the meeting again from their nap.
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lostbizkits · 1 month
Okay so for the art request would you draw Nahobino having a break? Cause he needs one, as we all do 🩵🫠
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he's taking a fishing break
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sorenblr · 5 days
huckleberry finn megami tensei
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why did he say such a thing
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