#ask the mad witch
londonhalcyon · 1 month
I loved the latest chapter, as always. Brilliant 💚
Merula was the absolute hero of this chapter if you ask me. Which made me wonder what this was like for her? I know he wasn't her mentor, but I imagine they had to see regurlarly see each other.
Thank you
Ooh, asking the tricky questions!
The short answer is, I think anyone would be reasonably distressed if their coworker suddenly died and they had to immediately go in search of that coworker's body, with the added stress of seeing their friend and significant other showing signs of being Not Okay.
The longer answer is complicated because their relationship was complicated, if it could even be called a relationship. In TMW canon, Mad-Eye is one of the Aurors who raided Merula's house the night her parents were arrested, so she always kept her distance from him for that reason. Plus, there was quite a long stretch of time where he didn't trust her. They didn't actively dislike each other, exactly, but they did only interact when they had to.
But death is distressing, especially the death of someone you know. I don't think Merula is even giving herself a chance to process how she might feel at the moment. She's focusing on the people around her because that means she can throw herself into the things she knows how to do. She can cook for her girlfriend and keep her safe; that's been routine for a while now. And pushing someone's buttons until they break? Piece of cake. She does genuinely care for Lily and Tonks; she's just focusing solely on them in place of anyone or anything else she might care about right now.
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deyageka · 3 months
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No srsly I can’t believe they’ve actually done this:
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tulliok · 6 months
Why is Starlight the witch of Wine? :0
For the AU we wanted our magic users to have unique skills and titles, and for Starlight I decided on wine for a few reasons.
One reason is that I adapted the Cutie Map episode as a gangster story where Starlight (Stella in our AU) is a crime lord that operates a speakeasy under the guise of a hospitable innkeeper. The AU takes place in the Prohibition Era, so it felt appropriate to associate Stella's character with alcohol/wine after coming up with the story concept.
The other is I wanted Stella's magic to be influenced by negative and intense emotions (much like her show counterpart), and I figured the wine theme adds a visual and specificity. In addition to her magic being powered by emotion, she also has the unique ability to hex food and drinks. We might elaborate more on this when Bix and I have something more solid to put out regarding the AU's magic system.
I want to keep her alcoholism and problematic qualities even after her redemption arc, it makes her really fun to write in my head.
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awittlebabbyboy · 25 days
(Devimega Divorce AU) So, how did Oso get Totty killed? owo
Oso played a lot with Totty when he was younger, but was scared a repeat of what happened with Ichimatsu would happen so he left at some point. Totty, who missed him and was also mad that he left, thought very long and hard over the course of a few years on what to do and
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chaosvillainy · 2 years
Scarlet Witch, love.
Y/N: *hugs Scarlet Witch after the battle*
SW: Aww, are you hugging me because you love me?
Y/N: No. It's because I'm fucking clingy.
Honestly I thought of doing something more romantic, but ehh
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musubiki · 8 months
The m34th going through different witch seduction tactics, meanwhile Lime is just: thighs thighs thighs thighs
HE WOULD!!!!! also it would be VERY funny if the anti-witch-seduction (AWS) training had the exact same vibes as those free speech training things they make you do in university where you watch a bunch of bad acting videos and answer very easy questions that have very obvious correct answers if youre not a monster
lime having to sit there watching another video of someone dressed as a fake witch and then taking a multiple choice quiz thats like "You see a witch trying to bribe you with her body, do you A) bring her in anyway, or B) give in?" and hes like "Boy oh boy i wonder what the right answer is"
or its one of those cringey corporate team meeting vibes where everyone sits down in a big room and the manager goes "okay im not naming names but REMEMBER IN THE HANDBOOK how it says we're not supposed to sleep with witches?? yeah?? that was in the handbook guys. please read it again if you need to. this is not team player behavior"
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princess-ibri · 1 year
can we have a madame mim backstory.
Sure! Sorry it took a bit
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Mad Madam Mim was born Lady Miriam of Mousehole, a free spirited young woman who was tutored in the ways of witchcraft by her nannies, a trio of ladies from the land of Morva who absolutely falsified their good references to get the position, and may have been planning to eat baby Mim before she showed an early talent for magic and they decided to train her instead
Mim's great aptitude and appreciation for magic was countered by her having absolutely no inclination towards behaving as a proper lady should, she was always getting into mischief and dirt and declared she would rather be the one turning princes into frogs then kissing them
Despite this declaration she did end up eventually marrying King Bagdemagus, of the land of Gorre, who she was incredibly disappointed to find out was a quite polite and disgustingly normal man, and not an evil wizard as the name of his kingdom seemed to suggest
He was however very willing to let his mad wife run wild as long as she turned anyone important back from frogs at the end of the day which Mim appreciated, and together they had several daughters and a son, Maleagant, who with the witch Hellewise are the parents of Matilda "Mad Maddy"
Eventually Mim got bored of being Queen and giving her husband a peck on the head (she was a bird at the time) she flew the coop and settled down in the Forest Savage where she could be her prefered horrid hideous hag-like self
It was while living there she met Merlin and promptly decided her new favorite pastime was driving the fussy wizard to distraction, and they've been battling each other ever since
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Ok we need to take about spaceships. I love sci-fi, and I love the CONCEPT of spaceships as much as the next guy, but we need to start being creative. A spaceship can be literally ANYTHING, so why can we only imagine them as giant hunks of metal? Our present is getting in the way of our imagination!!! Like look at these ships
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They’re all gorgeous right! But also they’re all different archetypes of the same model. Let’s think big!!!!
Anyways this post was an excuse to post my favorite spaceship from all time, the Black Moon Clan’s ship from the second season of Sailor Moon:
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LIKE????? Of COURSE a space ship can be a giant fucking crystal!!!!
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I’ve seen/read so much sci-fi, and yet not ONE of the space ships has this much creativity and uniqueness in design. And the interior too! (Ignore the crucified sailors they got better)
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I’m so upset that I haven’t seen anything else play with the sci-fi genre w/ respect to spaceships as much as Sailor Moon did in 1993, which was literally 30 yrs ago 🙄
Hopefully we’ll have more open minds in the future
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excelsior9173 · 9 months
Sleep Oil?
Ok so Sleep Prayer Oil (yes from sleep token)??
-olive oil for the vibes, I usually use grape seed as a carrier, but the vibes of olive oil are what I’m feeling for this.
-Pachouli (sleep aid, and also VERY sensual)
-Mugwort (for astral/dream work)
-Lemon Balm (love, dreamwork, healing)
-Lavender (sleep aid, but intense dreams)
-rosemary (creativity)
-peppermint essential oil (money/prosperity)
-Grapefruit essential oil (mental clarity)
Ok, so here is my list, copy pasted from my notes app so that is why the formatting and wording is all weird lol, of all the herbs and oils I’d include in a sleep prayer oil, and all my reasonings.
But I freaking. Listen, I don’t believe sleep is a real god, but when I was like ‘what would I put in this’ my mind kept going back to rosemary, and I was like ‘why tho?’ And the first thing that popped up when I searched for herbs for creativity was rosemary and I just said ‘ok. Sleep wants that in there’.
I cant make this rn, cause… I am not uhhh ‘practicing’ (my practice is gathering knowledge until I can move out), but I want to 🤣. I wonder if I could get by with substituting lemon oil for lemon balm, cause I have access to essential oils, but not herbs and putting them jars lol. I could honestly say this was a blend for seizures and I wouldn’t even be completely lying….. I’d actually just have to buy the patchouli and mugwort 🤣🤣🤣…. I’m so tempted. I’ll let you know if I do it or not😂 or maybe I just leave out the mugwort and patchouli for right now? I feel like the others have everything covered, but the first two where more like the pa-pow of the oil, idk if this makes since? Like those are the main two and if I was making this for real, I would do only a little bit of the other ingredients, and a lot of the main two, but if I’m not including them I’d do more of the others…. Fuck it I’m gonna end up making this, oops. (But probably with grape seed oil, since this is an essential oil blend… I’ll be back with more notes I’m so sorry).
Edit: this just keeps getting longer longer sorry; went to gather the oils, realized we do indeed have patchouli! But not rosemary… thinking of substituting oregano for rosemary…. And maybe clary sage for mugwort?? Hmmm. Lots of thoughts. Same associations for both things as the list above… ok I have to be done now I’ll come back and tell you if it smells good in a different ask lmao.
Sorry for info dumping to you about a silly little oil, but I was having fun with it.
What would go in your version of it, if you don’t mind me asking👀 I know you said you where doing your own research on it, and I’m curious🥰.
i have sat on this for waaaayyyyy toooo long but university was absolutely kicking my ass for the last… month and a half? idk i was going through it for a hot minute 😅
but! finally getting to tuck into some research now that i’m done school for the term and have a quiet day at work. (this is gonna get hella long cuz i’m having a lot of fun researching and i’m gonna use this as a sounding board a bit as i read)
so! first thing i’m learning is that intention is a huge part of this (i knew the intention part already, part and parcel with working with tarot!)
i think given that sleep is introduced to us as some sort of deity, i would probably make a ritual anointing oil.
the carrier oil itself is another question. i think since sleep feels like a deity not easy to commune with (the intensity and allegory in the music makes me think that, if we were worshipping a true god, conversing with sleep takes a toll on the devotee). with this in mind i think grapeseed oil might make a decent base. it is a good choice for anything used to anoint the body (which i feel would be part of this ritual oils use, if we must dream to encounter sleep then anointing the body makes the most sense to me!) and it is ruled by the moon and water element- making it very fitting for sleep token! grapeseed oil is also useful for blends that intend to boost/strengthen mental abilities (it also helps with fertility magic and given the lyrical content at times- seems somewhat fitting) another useful aspect for a ritual for sleep. i do like the vibes of olive oil as well, and it’s a very versatile ingredient but i don’t think i’d like feeling it on my skin so grapeseed it is! (also my local magick shop has grapeseed oil so easy for me to obtain lol)
now the fun part- the essential oils!
(i’m realizing as i write this that i need to purchase a grimoire so i can start recording my research and recipes…)
so this part has taken me a lot longer to fiddle with, not only finding the right associations but also smells i enjoy, but i think I’ve got it!
- sandalwood (its grounding, promotes inner peace, aphrodisiac) [i went back and forth here between sandalwood and cedar, same associations but i prefer the scent of sandalwood]
- lavender (promotes sleep, reduces stress, pretty straightforward lol)
- patchouli (grounding, sharpens your wit, good for prayer work) [loooove the smell too, i’d do anything to naturally smell like patchouli lol, hippy association be damned]
- mugwort (astral projection, lucid/prophetic dreams, meditation)
- lemon balm (love, healing, astral projection, it also amplifies the effects of other herbs)
- clary sage (vivid dreams, divination)
i keep going back and forth on whether or not to add clove, it’s another aphrodisiac and also good for treating insomnia so i think it would fit? but i’m not 100% sure on it yet lol. my familiarity with essential oils and herbs is very minimal
but yeah! now to get the oils and mix. not sure exactly how the mix will come about, will need some trial and error with it i think! again, sorry this took me so long but here we are! finally i did it!
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catgirlforeskin · 2 years
i just knew you were a male by the way you make fun of feminist phrases like "we are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn't burn". only a male would make fun of smth like the witch trials because during them and any other genocide against women, you wouldn't have been affected as you can just decide to change your girl clothes.
ok sure sure I’m an autogynephillic predator or whatever, I don’t care about that bit, when have I ever posted about that phrase or ones like it??
Like I think it’s a lil kitschy but I don’t think I’ve ever even like, reblogged something about it? Of all the things to get mad at me for I’m so curious why this is the basket you’re putting all your eggs in. Please dm me I wanna know what’s fueling that grudge
Also, it must be said, extremely funny to be calling the salem witch trials a genocide while like, all the colonizers there were participating in an actual genocide against the indigenous peoples. Like idk I don’t really think it was genocide when all the petty landlords in Salem started trying to get each other executed so they could steal each other’s farmland, I think it was funny as hell, gonna be honest.
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londonhalcyon · 2 months
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Another point for you I think! She's currently jobless in Beyond Volume 2 and this quest came a few days later.
Neat! I wonder what the end goal for her character arc is. If they even have one.
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yellowhollyhock · 8 months
Rise Leo thinks he is named after Leonardo Di Caprio.
To be fair to him it wouldn’t even be out of character for Rise Splinter
Leonardo: I’m the only one who was named after a famous person 😁
Donatello: So I guess you’re not that familiar with Renaissance artists. I thought you’d at least recognize Michelangelo.
Leonardo: What the heck is a raisinsnozz? You’re making up words
Donatello: … So who do you think you’re named after?
(I don’t think he’s as clueless as I made him above but I DO think he definitely believes his bros were all named after some ancient sculptors/painters and he was named after “a more contemporary artíst”)
(If he learns the truth he still continues to insist it’s Leonardo Di Caprio just to bug Donnie)
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mooninparadise · 1 year
(That was meant to be anon, whoops)
What is something you absolutely love, but dont get to talk enough about?
You're totally good! 😄 thank you so much for sending an ask!! 💗
Ooooohh this is such a good question. I've been waffling on answering this because to be honest, if you lend me your ear, I WILL talk bout whatever I'm obsessed with. Whether you ask or not, I'm ready and willing to talk my heart out. lmao
If I reeeaally think on it, I would have to say horror rpg-maker games! Specifically 'Ib', that one's my fave. Its not a very popular game anymore (nor are a lot of them) so I never get the chance to talk about it, but I have such a soft spot for it and I'll take any opportunity to talk about them if people are looking for game recommendations.
There is a certain charm (and creep factor) that you get from these games that I can never find in modern, triple-A games. Like these games are 8-bit style, but have stayed in the back of my mind for years and I always look back on them in fondness.
'Ib' is a game where you play as little girl named Ib, who is visiting an art museum with her parents. While taking a look around the museum, you eventually get lost and things get a bit...✨Spooky ✨ This game has multiple endings, lots of puzzles, and a storyline that goes deeper then you think. I love that its very art centric, so that may be why I love it so much, but it was my introduction to rpg-maker games and BOY what an introduction. It's currently $12.99 on steam (I played it well before it got on steam, so I was able to play it while it was free) but it'll be the best 12.99 you ever spend, trust me!
A few honorable mentions are Witch's House, Mad Father, and Misao. These are incredible games to play on your own and are guaranteed to be not only a fun time, but give you plenty of scares. Perfect now that we are entering spooky season!
Also in tribute to my favorite all time horror game, I made an art piece for it! It's currently the header for this blog. ❤ Thank you so so much Anon! I literally get SO happy when I can talk about this game. It's the best.
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omg are there still spots open??? If so, could I slip in Moonlight and Madness with Dean?
If not, (shucks!) that's okay.
Hope you're having a nice week so far. 😊💕
Excellent choice, my friend!!
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Moonlight and Madness
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chaosvillainy · 2 years
Wanda maximoff + fries
Y/N: Who the fuck stole my fries!!? I swear to god I'm gonna-
Wanda: I ate them.
Y/N: -buy you some more, and do you want coke as well, babe?
Send request here!
Wanda can eat all my fries if she wants to
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 months
what are some cool games u have played? dont matter if u mentioned before. tell me again tell me again :D
uhh hmm.
well okami is my all time favorite the art & the music & the message/story are all just incredible theres not a single time ive finished it i havent cried. i absolutely adore ryoshima coast ive spent so many hours just running around there to listen to music. which fun fact for u i only know about this game bc in about 6th grade i picked up okamiden bc i thought the little doggy was cute & was like fine i'll play as this boy if i get a cool dog and u cannot imagine how excited i was to find out u DID play as the little dog. i was SOOOOO obsessed literally my exact thoughts were 'if issun is ammy's celestial envoy then i am going to be chibis' i have a metric fuck ton of fan art i did at the time bc i thought it was quote "the epic-est game for ds ever" also cried every time i finished it. i was 13 so i didnt know what "being down bad" was but do know i was as obsessed with kurow as i was with d-ne later and now tenshi not a single irl friend was unaware i was in love with him. also fun fact for u bc at the same time i was also getting super into vocaloid i was so convinced my vocap name would end up as chibiP to the point i named myself that in pkmn x chibiP after chibiterasu of course. please enjoy my banger old art which is not even a fraction of my output
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yume nikki is my next favorite game specifically the og that changed my brain chemistry as a kid. i adore that game so much its hard to put it into words. its just so unlike anything else. there is absolutely nothing in the game that can directly harm u theres no real health meter theres no way to die during the main play the absolute worst that will ever happen is u get stuck or woken up. in a horror game. which is already just amazing. and the whole horror aspect just plays on something i dont think is often done as well in many other things. ur alone. u wander and wander thru worlds that loop and connect and seemingly have nothing to do with each other. theres no dialogue; talking to npcs just gets u a noise or animation at best. ur entirely alone with just urself. its all dreams so u know everything is of madotsuki's own creation, another layer to the all u have is urself feeling. the art is just unusual i cant even say any of it on its own is in anyway scary. the whole thing shouldnt be scary and yet every time i start wandering in a world i cant help but feel unease. amazing 10/10 no other game will ever have what this gave me.
everyone knows i play pkmn the best is still pmd sky that also rewired my brain i still cant play it without crying.
its been a long time since i was really just playing it as the chapters released & got translated but 1bitheart is so so so important to me too. i dont kin for multiple reasons but if i did nanashi would be my first choice. like- without saying that to her i got my one irl friend to play once & when she saw how nanashi was she turned to me and went "this is just you" hes very important to me even now. absolutely loved the whole friendship sim & the story & its twists & the endings & their implications left me in shambles at 1 am on a school night. my fave charas are nanashi enri & saaya btw. i should replay this.
i also love the etrian odyssey series i love the character portraits (esp with the more recent games' color customization) i LOVE the dungeon art & i think all the monster designs are so cool. adore the whole make ur own map aspect keeps me so entertained to take a step & look around & chart all the walls & path ways. unfortunately i fucking suck at every single one i am not very good at strategy games so i end up stuck at or before the 3rd stratum. but thats okay its still fun to me.
the other one i'll talk about at length is spirit of the north another game i loved the art of. u play as a fox & get a partner spirit fox & i just love it SOOOO much. its also a game with 0 dialogue but theres A Lot going on it if u care to follow along & explore & dig into details & the game play is also pretty fun to me. this is the one game i started learning the speedrun btw thats also a very fun way to play it but ABSOLUTELY play it as intended first it has so much to offer
aaaand special mentions to omori, oneshot, witch's house, mermaid swamp, corpse party, & limbus company
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