#ask: dominic
queenscharacters · 4 months
"I like when you smile at me..." Lemon to Dom
It was moments like these where Dominic felt most at peace. He never knew a feeling was possible, especially at this shithole of all places. Somehow, some way, Lemon made it happen. Even if this bed belonged to his pathetic, little suite in Newbridge, he would gladly never leave it if it meant he could wake up daily to Lemon looking at him the way she was now.
“I like waking up to you.” Dominic countered, one hand wrapping around her waist and tugging her to him. He would smile at her every morning like this if he had it his way. Obviously, he wanted to see her outside of this place…but he never wanted to leave if it meant their separation. He couldn’t begin to think about how much he was dreading that day.
Things were still relatively new between them, but he felt like time moved differently here. Or maybe he’d always known she was something special. This wasn’t anything he was relatively used to. Even his ex, who he had his everything with, didn’t make him feel as happy or comfortable in his own skin as Lemon did. He truly didn’t think this was possible for someone like him.
“It’s a look reserved for you.” Dominic mused, his grin widening. He was only ever going to smile this hard, or maybe in general, for her and her alone. It was just natural to him now. He twirled a loose strand of her pale locks aimlessly. “Nothing else makes me smile the way you do.”
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martiniluvr · 4 months
I just cannot get over the thought of Jason Todd cooing while you take his massive cock, talking you through the pain of stretching you out on it the first time, and giggling at each other from euphoria because of just how much love there is between you two AHHHH 😭
this ask is so good I had to let it marinate in my mind…anon take these flowers I beg 💐
18+ minors dni
“jay…” you say apprehensively, trailing off as you bite your lip. your eyes are fixed on jason todd’s huge body hovering above you, and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears. you look down anxiously at his hard cock resting right below your bellybutton and smearing your skin with precum, and instantly avert your gaze. fuck, that’s big.
“I don’t—um…I don’t think it’s…” you trail off, your cheeks burning. despite your nerves, you feel your arousal drooling out of you. he smiles and shakes his head lightly, reaching down to run his fingers over your entrance.
“don’t worry ‘bout that,” he coos, collecting your wetness on his fingertips as you shudder. “look at me, ma.” you tear yourself away from the sight of his length, meeting his stare. “that’s right. just keep lookin’ at me. you’re gonna be fine.”
his hand comes down to pump his cock, spreading your slick onto his shaft as he aligns himself between your legs. after a pause, he sinks the tip in, and you suck in a sharp breath at the stinging in your walls as he penetrates you. he pauses halfway to allow you to adjust to his girth, his brows furrowing at your tightness. shit, you feel good around him. you let out a whine at the unfamiliar feeling of his size, your nails digging into his shoulders.
“fuck…you’re doin’ good, ma,” he says, the muscles between his shoulder blades tensing. “c’mon, princess, just relax for me. worst part’s almost over, hmm? just a little more.” his words are strained with need; he’s holding himself back from fucking you like he wants to, the way a pretty cunt like yours deserves to be used. soon, he tells himself. soon.
“ready?” he asks, his green eyes searching yours. you nod anxiously, and he bottoms out inside you with a groan. you gasp at the flash of pain as he stretches you, right as jason’s hand comes up to caress your cheek. he looks down at your expression, with your eyes screwed shut and your lower lip trapped between your teeth, and lets out a soft laugh. god, you’re pretty.
“hey, eyes on me, ma,” he rasps gently. you pry your eyelids open to meet his gaze, and he smiles at you. “that’s right, baby. fuck—doin’ so good.” he rocks his hips gently, and you let out a quiet moan despite the ache. “so fuckin’ good for me.” he thrusts again, a little deeper this time, and you notice the stinging is starting to subside, pleasure gradually taking its place. you moan again, louder this time.
“startin’ to feel it, huh, baby?” he murmurs, his eyes glancing down at your stretched pussy taking him in. heat pools in your chest as you hum in agreement, a sheepish giggle escaping you when jason’s eyes lock back onto yours. he chuckles in return, before planting a longing kiss on your lips as his hips continue to rock slowly.
you whine into him, wrapping your legs around his waist to signal that you’re ready for more; he smiles against your lips as his arm snakes around your back, locking your body against his. oh, you poor thing. you have no idea what you’re in for.
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frogchiro · 7 months
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god OH MY FRAKING GOD COD CREEPY NEIGHBOR SIMON TOOK.ME.OUT. I am officially deceased. I love you so much for this, you have no idea
The place is so old, nearly falling apart. There are definitely some smaller holes in the walls. I‘m sure our dear "pretty flower" wouldn’t mind Simon taking peeks through the holes. After all, he has to check up on you doesn’t he! How else would he make sure that you did not trip on your own feet? How else would he make sure that you did not choke on a glass of water? (He probably thinks reader is super clumsy, even if they aren‘t at all). He just has to make sure, see with his own eyes, that you‘re alive and breathing! It is his duty as the big strong male!
And if, one time, purely on accident of course, you were changing clothes, oh..well<3
He's awful like that :((
You're actually very unnerved by the seemingly constant stare whenever you pass by Simon, his dark brown eyes staring at you almost like he was a predator observing his prey and in a sense you were right :(
Simon is ex-military, it's basically in his blood to be vigilant and observant of his surroundings so it's only natural to observe such a sweet thing like you right? He's very much aware that this place is a shithole full of creeps and plain weird people but he's not one of them! He just wants to make sure that a young lady like yourself is safe and sound, and while preferably it'd be if you were naked in his bed and/or serving him and his creepy friends beer, beggars can't be choosers plus it will happen one day anyway given enough time.
So can you really blame him when he takes peaks through the chipped, old plaster wall with a hole that has a view right in your bedroom? The most intimate space of your modest home is right there for him to pluck.
Simon argues that it's purely for your safety; he sees you, this pretty girl, so soft and polite despite your circumstances and all his instincts go off! You're way too soft for your own good and he needs to make sure that you're alright.
And if you ask if watching you change and walk around your room naked is really necessary for your safety...? Well, he's only a man after all and Simon's fully convinced that he's entitled to your soft body, no one ever said that he's a noble man </3
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babybluebex · 4 months
i’ve had this scenario banging around in my head since the movie came out but imagine a fic where the reader has a massive crush on angus but they see him kissing elise at the christmas party 😭 like i loooveee angst and i would write this fic myself but i lost my last neuron when i fell off an electric scooter and got a concussion 😔
oh no concussion!! :( i'm so sorry about that honey, hopefully this'll make up for that!//word count: 2.1k, tw for grief/loss
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You couldn't help but notice the way Angus grinned when Ms. Crane said her niece's name. It was a real smile, not the firm, thin thing that he had given you at lunch— you supposed that he hated being stuck at Barton as much as you did, maybe even hating you in the process. Being the only girl at Barton was hard, but especially at the holidays, when you really felt like your choices were the school or a fucking grave. It hurt, sure, but that smile on Angus's face hurt worse.
Elise pulled both you and Angus into the basement, where children sat, doing crafts with paste and glitter and pom-poms, and you smiled at one of the little girls, playing a popsicle stick as a little doll. You heard Angus and Elise talking to each other as they crossed the room, and you lifted your eyes to him just in time to watch him raise his arms in a silly pose and pull a goofy face. You almost started to laugh at him, as per usual when Angus was doing his antics, but Elise laughed first. Her laugh was gentle, her eyes bright, and your heart sank. She really was beautiful, and she was creative and knew whatever painting Angus was talking about. She was something that you weren't, and you sighed gently. And, based on the way that Angus reacted to her, he wanted what she had.
You took to playing with the little girls, keeping an eye out for Angus and Elise across the room. He didn't look at you one single time, keeping his gaze on her the whole time, spreading paint around the page with his long, thin fingers. You tried to distract yourself, but nothing worked, and you looked at the pair just in time to watch Elise lean over the table and press her lips to Angus's mouth.
Your heart stopped and your mouth went dry. Of course. After everything, all the time you spent with him, the tells of friendship and maybe more that was building throughout the vacation, he still chose her over you. Would anyone ever choose you? Even at your old school, you were cast aside, forgotten. You thought that there was something with Angus, little flirtations and lingering glances, you could have sworn there was something there, but apparently not. You rubbed your lips together and lowered your eyes, feeling hot tears prick to the surface, and you quickly got up from the short table and made your way upstairs. You needed the bathroom, or the kitchen, or somewhere where there wasn't other people.
Unluckily for you, as you pushed into the kitchen, you heard a shuddering sob, and you stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of Mary Lamb bent over the counter, crying. Danny, the janitor, who you had interacted with a handful of times, stood in the corner, obviously wanting to help her but not wanting to aggravate her.
"Mary?" you mumbled. "Everything okay?" Even in your upset state, you hated to see the strong and smart Mary in a bad moment. If she was crying, something was wrong.
She said nothing, drawing in a breath and weeping, and your heart clenched. You turned back out of the kitchen, going in search of Mr. Hunham, but before you could even think about his whereabouts, you collided straight into Angus's chest. "Oh, hey," he said with a crooked smile. "You disappeared really suddenly; you okay?"
Seeing his stupid smile made your tears return, and you struggled to breathe. You could worry about yourself and your complicated feelings towards Angus later; you needed to worry about Mary. "M-Mary—" you started, pointing towards the kitchen. "She's— Where's Hunham?"
"What about Mary?" Angus asked, looking past you to the swinging door of the kitchen.
"Where is Hunham?" you repeated firmly, and Angus's smile fell.
"I'll go find him," he mumbled, and you turned back to the kitchen without a word. Mary's head was hanging now, her tears dripping on the counter, and you carefully approached her. "Mary?" you started softly. "Do you want some water or something?"
Mary sniffled and shook her head, and you frowned. She obviously didn't want anything, and you took a step back as Angus and Mr. Hunham noisily bustled into the kitchen. One look at her had Hunham closing the door, and Angus stood in the corner, arms crossed, as he watched Hunham lay a hand on Mary's back.
You felt sick as you listened to her sob about her Curtis, the boy you never met but would always admire, and the group of you was quick to grab your jackets and decide to go home. You were glad; if you ever saw Elise again, you might have dropped dead. But, of course, Angus was whinging the whole walk to the car about leaving Elise behind. "I was having a good time!" he complained. "You can take Mary home and pick me up later!"
"Yeah, having a good time sucking Elise's tongue," you scoffed before you could stop yourself, and Hunham's head snapped to you with intensity.
"I can't believe you two," Hunham grunted. "This poor woman is bereft with grief—" Mary interjected that she didn't need anyone feeling sorry for her, but Hunham paid her little mind— "And all you can think about is that silly girl!"
"What did I do?" you gaped. "All I said was—"
"I heard you, miss," Hunham said. "Mary and I are going to get the car, and by the time we get back, you two had better fix whatever this is."
Your face heated up with shame and embarrassment as Mary and Hunham scuttled away, and you couldn't even bare to look at Angus. But you did, and you saw, on his pale and sharp chin, the smallest red mark, a cut, a nick from shaving. "You have a cut on your chin," you mumbled.
"I know!" Angus spat. "What's your fucking problem suddenly?"
"Hey, don't yell at me," you said quickly. "Look, I'm sorry that you're being pulled away from the love of your life or whatever, but you've got to start giving a shit about other people!"
"Like who?" Angus asked. "Like you?"
"Like Mary!" you said, even though your heart was screaming, begging for Angus to see you. For him to really see you, see through your timidness and shyness and see how badly you liked him. "Oh my God, this is her first Christmas without her son; Jesus Christ, at least act like you've got a heart inside your chest!"
"Why do you care so bad about her?" Angus asked. "And, for a matter of fact, why do you care about Elise?"
"Trust me, I couldn't give less of a shit about Elise," you said, crossing your arms in front of your chest in the cold. "But Mary, I... Fuck... My dad died in January. S'why I didn't wanna go home for the break... It would just be me and my mom, alone in our place, not being able to avoid the empty space on the couch where my dad should be. I don't know what Mary's going through, I'll never know how that feels, but... I get it. It hurts like fucking shit, and, like, you'll never understand how that feels because your parents are alive—"
"My dad's dead."
The way Angus venomously spit out his words made you feel rotted inside. "But..." you started. "I thought your dad...? Saint Kitts...?"
"That's just some rich prick my mom married," Angus said.
"So you should get it," you sighed. "The first holiday without family is hard, every day is hard, but Mary... I can't imagine how she feels, and I'm trying to be as sympathetic as possible, try to make it easier for her or something, y'know?"
Angus was quiet for a long moment, pressing the toe of his shoe into a snowy patch on the sidewalk. "I guess I like Elise because she likes me," he said softly. "S'not everyday I find someone who likes me."
"God..." you sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. "Is that what that was?"
"Shut up," Angus sneered.
"Hey, easy," you said gently. "Angus, I..." You didn't know what to say to him. You had no idea how to start the conversation, let alone get to where you wanted to be quick enough— Hunham only parked around the corner, he and Mary should be coming back at any second— and you said, "Was that your first kiss? Just then, with her?"
"All-boys schools don't make it easy to find a girl to kiss," Angus mumbled.
You sighed heavily. Your eyes drifted down to a snowbank at the edge of the street, watching it glitter under the streetlamp for a moment, and, before you could stop yourself, you leaned into him and pressed your mouth to his, grabbing his upper arms to keep you upright with your shaking legs. He started for a moment, shocked and surprised, and his hands hovered above your hips, wholly unsure of how to proceed, and you broke the kiss quickly. His owlish eyes stared you down, his mouth open, but he didn't look upset.
"Say something," you whispered, and he let out a breath, the warmth of the air hitting your lips. "Fuck, please, just say something—"
He kissed you again. His hands grabbed your hips and tugged you against him, and you easily looped your arms around his neck and rose up on your tip-toes to reach his height. His lips were warm, if a little dry, and his nose bumped yours as he went to deepen the kiss, his fingers itching in the skirt of your dress. You smiled, unable to control yourself, and Angus did too, pulling away from your mouth.
"Oh," you whispered, and you smoothed your thumb across his top lip, wiping off a little bit of the rosy lipstick that you had worn to the party. "Sorry 'bout that."
"Whatever," Angus said breathlessly, his eyes soft as he gazed at you. "You taste good."
You chuckled lightly, lowering your eyes to his shoes. That shyness returned as your skin flamed, and you worried your bottom lip between your front teeth. "S-So I guess you see why I wasn't too jazzed about Elise," you said, trying to attempt a lightness in your voice.
"I'll say," Angus said. "How long have you liked me?"
"Since I met you?" you squeaked. "Since, um, I got sat in front of you in Hunham's class...? I don't know, it's dumb."
"Nuh-uh, that's not dumb," Angus said. "I've liked you for... I don't know, I guess since that first day too. We had, um, heard that a girl was coming to Barton, and I didn't really care too much, but I heard how much the other guys cared, and it... I don't know, it became a contest on how little I cared. But then I saw you... Heard you laugh... Watched you sneak a cigarette behind the bleachers during a football game..." You laughed, as did Angus, and his big hand came to cup your face, angling you to look at him. "But I think I really, really fell for you when I kissed her."
"Huh?" you asked, wrinkling your nose.
Angus rolled his eyes, obviously a little abashed by his admission. "Listen, I'm a teenage boy, it's in my nature to daydream about you," he started. "I had dreamed about what it would be like to be your boyfriend, to kiss you, to have my first kiss with you... Then, Elise kissed me, and, when I opened my eyes, I was sorta disappointed to see her and not you."
"Oh," you said softly.
"You went upstairs, and I went after you to try to talk to you about that," Angus said. "And then Mary, and... But yeah. I've just been too chickenshit to tell you before now."
"Well..." you whispered, listening to the quiet rumble of Hunham's car come from around the street corner. "Thank God for Elise."
"Don't you ever say her name again," Angus told you, and he leaned down to kiss you again. You were acutely aware of how Hunham and Mary could certainly see you two necking in the middle of the sidewalk, but you didn't care. Hunham said to work it out, and so you had.
The blaring of the old Buick's horn made Angus pull away from you, and you heard the window squeak down before Hunham shouted "Will you two quit and get inside the goddamn car?"
"Take it easy on 'em," Mary said as you slid into the backseat, followed by Angus.
"Yeah," Angus said. "Take it easy on us."
"I don't need your sass, Mr. Tully," Hunham said, glaring at you two in the rearview mirror. "Now I have to find a way to separate you two at night, no more sleeping in the same room, no more..."
You didn't care to hear Hunham's ramblings; you leaned your head on Angus's shoulder, you took his hand in yours, and you closed your eyes. Maybe the rest of break would be okay.
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devourable · 9 months
Do you have smut hcs for the delinquents with an oral fixation darling? Outside of sex, they're playfully nipping the boys or giving plenty of kisses! Darling could be getting dicked down within an inch of their life but they'll whine if they aren't sucking dick/biting someone's shoulder/or having one of the boys' fingers in their mouth. it's degen hours for me ajsdhsjsdkjfblsjfk
this post is dedicated to mazzy. she literally ghostwrote this anon AKDJSKTB
i was gonna post this yesterday but i fucking blacked out so. hope yall like smut in the morning
nsfw, minors / ageless dni
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· the boys are ALL over this. it drives them crazy when you’re affectionate with them, to the point they start arguing about who gets your attention next. they're melting every time you pepper them with kisses, playfully biting you back whenever you bite them, always so eager to return your energy when given the opportunity to.
· naturally, this attitude follows them to the bedroom, too. it wouldn't be too uncommon for some of them to bicker about who gets to fuck your mouth first next to spark up, especially since some of them would definitely start to hog you upon given the chance. it’s a guarantee that you won’t be leaving an encounter without the taste of one of them lingering on your tongue.
· aaron and judas are the most gentle, having their fun rubbing their cock against your mouth just to make you whine for them. judas would take his time getting himself off with just your lips no matter how much you protest or try to suck him off, gently scolding you every time you make the attempt to. aaron on the other hand would lose his patience after some time. all that begging, so desperate for him, he'd have no choice but to shut you up. who is he to deny you of what you both want?
· mattias and dom, meanwhile, are both practically the opposite of their friends. any time either man is involved, you'd definitely find yourself gagging on one of them before all of your clothes are off. they just can’t wait to be inside you any longer than what’s necessary.
· dominic isn't as classless as mattie — he's taking his time with you, asking you if you like how he tastes, looking real deep into your eyes throughout the whole act. he really loves to see the look on your face when he's cumming down your throat. but mattias can't help himself from using your mouth like a fleshlight, no matter how hard he tries. the sounds you make when you're gagging on him, the feeling of you desperately sucking his cock, the way you look at him when you know he's about to cum? he’s addicted to it. he likes it more than he likes actually fucking you, especially knowing how much you enjoy it too.
· you'll never have to worry about going unsatisfied with these four around. they're obsessed with and take advantage of your fixation as much as you'll let them — and you'll let them as much as they want, won't you? they're only trying to give you what you want, after all!
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bruciemilf · 1 year
i love clingy jason but I'm also obsessed with damian acting like a kid his age and bonding with pathetic sap bruce
Damian: Father, did you know that [obsucure and fucked up animal fact that I'm too tired to think of].
Bruce: Oh wow that's very interesting Damian! [internally; im so glad he's finally expressing himself like a normal child his age 🥰 why the fuck does he know that]
Just damian doing normal kids shit like collecting bugs in the garden and bruce watching from afar so happy to see damian living a (relatively) normal childhood despite how he was raised
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unaloid · 1 month
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milfclarke · 3 months
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Wanna see Me topless??
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queenscharacters · 1 year
"Do you think I'll be a good mom? Like... good enough to make her really happy?" Lemon to Dom
“Oh, baby,” Dom’s voice was soft, sad. He understood her self doubt (how couldn’t he, when he felt the same thing all the time), but it still upset him. He knew recovery wasn’t linear, nor was he expecting it to be. He just wanted Lemon to be happy - and, arguably more importantly, healthy.
“Not only do I think you’re going to be the best mother to our girl…” He began, trying not to get emotional himself. Everything was still so new for him. He was still trying to make sense of what his life had become and if he was even deserving of it. “I hate that you never could be the mom Isla needed and deserved. I know you would’ve been and I know you would‘ve been just as amazing to her as you’d be to our future kid, and any potential siblings we might give them.”
Dominic’s lower lip began to tremble, he could feel the familiar sting of tears in his eyes. He tried to blink them away. He wasn’t trying to make this situation about him, or his dead child, but he was trying to make Lemon see what she clearly couldn’t. That she was so much more than she or several others gave her credit for.
“I know bad moms, okay? My own sucked and, unfortunately, I procreated with another. You are so far from either of them, or other shitty ones out there, Lem…” Dom gave her a gentle, but encouraging smile. “Our baby is going to know so much love and happiness. And yeah, I’m going to contribute to that…but I wouldn’t be surprised if all our children favored you. I would, if I was them.”
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altocat · 2 months
While we're on the subject of Angeal I find it interesting that he is actually the most overtly self-destructive member of the trio following his descent in CC. Like Genesis is desperate and lashing out. Sephiroth falls into madness. But Angeal? He openly provokes Zack as a means of ending himself.
I don't even think it was an honor/ego thing. The guy's mom betrayed him. His legacy of "honor" was for nothing. It never even existed to begin with under Shinra. His beloved father wasn't really his father. His childhood friend was possibly dead. Everything was a complete mess.
And rather turn on the world for it, Angeal turned on himself.
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sunfortune · 7 days
CHERYL DUNYE WORKED ON BRIDGERTON??????? this is crazy. kanthony has the lesbian gaze fr <— hasn’t watched bridgerton
worked on it? she directed the gazebo scene. we literally have FINGERS IN HIS MOUTH bc of HER!! i owe her everything !!!
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dolldefiler · 24 days
hihi! i just found your blog today and i am @.@ !! all of your posts are so well-written and you seem so sweet outside of kink! if i may ask a question; what do you think of shyer, sweeter girls? don't get me wrong! i think all girls are great and i love degredation and roughness as much as the next girl, but, there are times where i just want something a little more soft(?) like gentle manipulation, sweet whispers ♡
[Writing as fast as possible lmaoooo, god help me]
Shyer, sweet girls are amazing. They're so much more malleable. So much easier to bend and break. All it takes is a little praise here, and a kind, gentle headpat there for them to fall in love. And then they're all mine. They're all so eager to please, to obey, to learn to pleasure my thick, pervy cock. They'll go so far to please me and never stop to think if it's gone too far.
Should they really be taking my cock in their untrained, virgin asshole? All it would take is a reassuring word and few sweet kisses, telling them that they're so much better this way. That they're making me feel so fucking good with their special hole. It'll be cnc and they wouldn't even know it. Gentle, powerful thrusts inside their holes, knowing they just need to be trained to take harder, more brutal pumps of my cock. They'll bend but they'll never break. The perfect sort of girl to manipulate.
It would be fun training them subtly as well. Influencing their choices everyday by asserting myself in their decisions. No, sweetheart, you should wear the pink panties. Why? Because I like them. I decide what you'll eat today. I decide when you can go out. I'll look after you because you're such a sweet, pretty little thing that just needs my protection. And the best part is...
You'll never question my decisions.
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dunmeshiminimumwage · 3 months
back when i worked at [large chain coffee store], i tried to unionize my workplace. my manager sat me down and gave me a very guilt trip-y talk. lots of "but i thought we were a family :(" and "you don't *really* know what unionization does, do you?" i played dumb and managed to avoid being fired, but. chilchuck momence.
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dailyhatsune · 9 months
I love your art and saw that you drew the pinocchiop what's inside miku, could you also draw common world domination miku bc i think it’s really iconic
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i like semi-abstract mikus
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peppermintmochafem · 3 months
The gentler parts of d/s that i love so much are so misunderstood 😔 like if you think it undermines you as a dom when they can't do the self care things you tell them to you are fundamentally misunderstanding what it means to dom. The dominance is the caring. It's knowing what they need more than them because you know best. It's the fact that they are yours to take care of. It's that they trust you to protect them.
The control isn't over them, it's the control of having something/someone to protect
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veveisveryuncool · 4 months
Shadow vs meta knight who will win
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that's a tough one
i always thought they'd be cool friends though :]
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