#ask: flavor four
rockybloo · 24 days
What type(s) of anime do you think your ocs would watch?
I'm gonna answer with Glitter and Guilt AND Beanstalked characters for this (sorry Nova and Pluto but I dunno WHAT y'alls tastes would be like) SO this is gonna be a little long
Glitter and Guilt
For Sweetheart, I view her as being a magical girl fan as well as enjoying some of the more action oriented ones. So if she finds an action filled magical girl anime (where they flex their budget during fight scenes) she is a happy girl.
Bitterbat latches onto whatever Sweetheart enjoys but I also see him getting interested in monster taming and battling anime like Pokemon and Digimon.
They both have some meta tastes in anime because I think it's funny.
For Dear, he's a shounen fan. He binges them like junk food and gets into "Who would win in a fight" debates with his brother that wind up escalating to them both getting into physical fights. I see him getting Redhot interested in all the battles and over the top attacks.
Baby enjoys a ton of anime so she bounces around but her big favorites are any horror and bloody anime. She likes the stuff that leaves you having to watch some puppy and kitty compilation videos afterwards.
Honey is a slice of lifer. She likes all the mundane stuff flipped into funny situations with a bunch of lovable characters. She enjoys when there's a romantic aspect, especially the slow burns.
As for Red-hot, Halite, and Sourpuss - I see Red-hot enjoying shounen, Halite enjoying slice of life, and Sourpuss liking monster taming anime.
For everyone's Earth counterparts (aka the Modern AU) I see Jack enjoying adventure anime. They typically have the right amount of a fantasy slice of life and action so he gets the best of both worlds
Nana is tricky but for some reason the concept of her being fond of psychological thrillers is sticking with me. She'd also like the dark fantasy ones.
I think Pin would hate slice of life ones unless they were really funny. He'd get too irritated at the character's decisions to finish an episode. If you sat him in front of an action anime with tons of flashing fighting, you have a better chance of having him finish the whole thing.
Kai wants some feel good anime. He doesn't want any sad endings or tragedies. So he'd probably stick to slice of life anime since everything is relatively in the realm of safety.
Ashe likes the goofy anime. I dunno how to describe 'em but she is the type to enjoy some Osomatsu San or Crayon Shin-chan (I have watched neither of these but they have Ashe energy).
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milesworld96 · 7 months
Gay people meeting up to beat the shit out of people on Smackdown
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deoidesign · 26 days
okay so ages ago on the Bird Hellsite I saw someone make a coat entirely out of worm on a strings so now we have that incredibly cursed mental image right. My question to you is who in the TTA cast would be most likely to wear that thing and why is it Steve?
Oh, I met someone who did that a few years ago! Might have been the same person tbh.
I think a number of the minor characters would happily wear it, but the one most likely to make it would be Ash from the ghost hunting arc. Steve would wear it too, but Adam could make it work.
I had a grudge for years against worm on a string though... It was 2014. Flying across the country with my art class for the final judging of a competition. New York City, baby. Every day was constant activity; always going to a different event, a different activity, a different project...
And the stage was set: A small budget for the ILNY tourist store, two exhausted teenagers, and a misleading ad. The sound was off, and without captions we were left to assume... And we believed if the worms got wet, they would squirm. It made sense why they were $20 with technology like that.
Me and my best friend bought the worm on a string. We named him... Hal. It was all we talked about that day, the anticipation of getting back to the hotel.
Finally we get to our room. I was more excited about this than about being in the top 5 for a contest with a $50,000 prize. We opened the package, deterred by none of the signs, confirmation bias in full force... What's this string? Oh, it must be so they don't squirm away and get lost!
Two fools standing over the bathroom sink, Hal in ones hands, and the other turning on the faucet. Nothing. A gentle shake of the lifeless soggy body. Still nothing.
And then the dawning realization: The worm was never gonna squirm around. We were duped.
How could we let that go... For years, I didn't.
I've since developed a fondness. It was never Hal's fault. We were exhausted, not thinking straight, and we blamed him for our own failure. I can only try to make amends... But I truly believe Hal never held resentment in his fuzzy blue heart.
Anyways we got second place and then the next year we won but that's less important.
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st0rmyskies · 2 months
directors cut on LMTCOY Four s'il vous plaît😭🙏I love him so much
LMTCOY Four is asexual. Whenever I write him in this story is when handfuls of apologetic complaints and the occasional death threat show up in my inbox. It's super fun and makes writing him so rewarding for me. /sarcasm
Anyway, fuck the haters. Four was an ancillary character to the LMTCOY series all up until Twilight and Dark got together, unlocking a whole 'nother half of the cast that I'd never considered before. Four shows up more often now thanks to Shadow's involvement with Dark. Four and Shadow met one another well before the events of HSH, and Shadow knows more about Four than he'd want any of the roommates to know about him. Their relationship hinges on playful antagonism that sometimes doesn't seem so playful. Four has to play fucking 4D chess anytime he wants to get anything from Shadow (e.g. don't give him your real ice pop flavor preference).
Still, there are hints that their relationship toes the line of what would be considered strictly platonic. Although maybe it's all in the others' heads. From the first part of the Igneous Voe chapter:
The blonde behind the ticketing counter [Four] regarded Time from the corner of his eye. He sat cross-legged on one of the rocks, elbows resting on his knees as he slouched forward. A hand-rolled spliff twitched on his lips. He turned away and leaned in, in, in until his cigarette met the lit end of his companion’s, who was a veritable carbon copy of himself. The other young man’s black hair brushed just above his shoulders and was held back with a similar headband.  Four’s eyes slipped closed as the two of them inhaled together. Warm embers grew between them, eating away at tobacco and paper much faster than if they weren’t pressed together. Neither of them touched the other, and still Time felt like he should look away. 
I have a lot of fun being nonspecific about the nature of Four's relationship with Shadow, so don't expect any firm calls in that arena.
Although asexual, Four is not strictly sex-repulsed. He's averse to physical touch in most encounters, which makes intimacy challenging, but he does let down his walls in certain circumstances and only for those he really, deeply trusts. And Shadow, despite ragging on him in so many other ways, respects this, because he has some insight into why. So far it's best shown in the LMTCOY vampire AU, Blood Lust, where Four acts as Shadow's bleeder.
[Four] breathed through the pain, feeling his pulse thrumming in his skull, in the side of his throat, as Shadow’s lips closed against his skin. That was the part that always made him resist the urge to squirm away each time. When the strings of Shadow’s hoodie slid down and tapped Four’s bare shoulder, he flinched. Shadow reached down right away to retrieve the errant cords and tuck them into the neck of his clothes. Other than his lips and teeth, nothing else of Shadow touched him, not even the strands of his hair, not the whisper of breath. Four could feel the weight of him on the bed, and that was enough. 
Four is indirectly involved with Dark, Twilight, and Shadow in a later chapter of LMTCOY in which, as Miniscrew so brilliantly pointed out, Dark outsources dom duty to Shadow because he's just not interested to do it. Four would normally never get roped into Shadow's side gig like this, but it's their friends, and Four is a little worried about Twilight getting in over his head, even if he'd never admit as much aloud. Shadow goes as far as to block Four's view, assuming that Twilight and Dark's 'finale' isn't something Four would be interested in witnessing.
But maybe Shads was wrong in that. There is a follow-up chapter I toy with now and then that gives our favorite mechanic the chance to get a little bit more... involved, we'll say, with their friends.
“I think I want to touch your dick.” It was one of those statements that Four blurted out of nowhere. They happened now and then, usually after hours to days of pensive silence while he turned something over in his mind. Sometimes he waited for an opportune moment to bring up such things. Others, well… On the other side of the couch, Dark choked on his beer mid-swig. He set the bottle back down on the coffee table and turned away from the others, coughing loudly into his elbow. To Four’s left and seated in the armchair, Shadow mumbled an oath under his breath as he set his controller down in his lap and put his head in his hands. He had known something was up—Four had been ‘off’ for days now—but gods above, he didn’t think it was that. Twilight, seated on the center couch cushion, was the only one who thought to pause their game. He turned to look at Four, who was staring directly at him. Twilight’s eyes were bright and questioning and clueless. “I’m sorry, who were you—” “You,” Four answered simply. “Oh.” Twilight blinked. Next to him, Dark slowly sat back on the couch, a sly smile on his face as he looked between the awkward pair. “I think I want to touch your dick,” Four reiterated. Simple, direct, leaving no room for question.  “Oh, sweet Lolia,” Shadow muttered, tossing his controller aside as he stood and retreated toward the kitchen. “No!!” Dark barked, picking up one of his discarded socks from the floor and whipping it in Shadow’s direction. “You get back here!! We’re gonna discuss this together! Like a family!!”
When it gets finished and published depends on how involved I get in the, uh, events that follow. And this in no way erases Four's asexuality. But I think that he deserves to explore sex if he wants to, both in his own time and in his own way, with people that he trusts.
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freepassbound · 3 months
Grocery list or no grocery list?
Do you decorate your house for holidays? Which ones?
Favorite high-effort meal that you make?
Please :)
Grocery list or no grocery list?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends how desperately I need something (and thus must remember it) combined with how recently I forgot something because I wasn't using a list. 😅
Do you decorate your house for holidays? Which ones?
I haven't even ever really finished moving into this house, so, no. I've thought about doing something for Christmas (which is the only one I've ever decorated for), but... no family is around in the winter. Though I did up the old family house a few times when I was solo (for various reasons)... this place... for whatever reason it just doesn't seem worth it for only myself? Also, there's no tradition of doing it here, I think is a big part of it.
Favorite high-effort meal that you make?
I am not much of a fancy chef, but there is this dish called hamburger pie (which I make with ground turkey) that goes well with mashed potatoes... it's delicious, but it's a lot of work for a single person. Brown the ground turkey, wash potatoes, peel potatoes, cut potatoes, mix the turkey, prep the dish, pop in oven, drain potatoes, mash potatoes... it usually ends up being about two hours (though there is some down time waiting for the potatoes to cook).
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enemy-to-the-state · 8 months
the first time i had ever heard of a four loko it was when, after work, an acquaintance of mine was using one as a chaser to shots of tito’s vodka and when i noticed the monster energy lookin ass can said it was 13.9% abv i told him he was gonna die. he just said “yeah probably, have you ever tried the america flavored one?”
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ramble-bloo · 2 years
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I really need to just slap retrospring questions over here and stop leaving them on my twitter.
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Since Latika is supposed to be the Velma of the group does this mean she’s unofficially lesbian?
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kitasuno · 3 months
we fly together | kageyama tobio x reader
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in which kageyama tobio is born for several things: the court, his team, and you. and he really, really wants to marry you.
wc: 766 | gn reader | little glimpses of your relationship with tobio over the years
There are several givens in Kageyama Tobio’s life. 
There’s volleyball. It’s in his blood. Volleyball is shoes squeaking on floors, the shrill of a whistle, Nikuman after practice, and that sweet, sweet feeling of connection– fingers brushing yellow and blue leather and palms aching after a serve. Kageyama Tobio was born for the court and born to fly. 
His team is one of them. There’s Sugawara, who still treats him to yakitori and an Asahi Dry (or three) whenever he’s back in Miyagi. Daichi sends him assorted nuts from Sendai every once in a while and Nishinoya mass e-mails him slightly blurry pictures of his life abroad on New Years. Ushijima buys electrolytes for him and Kourai. Shouyou is, well, Shouyou, and Kageyama counts him as two givens. 
There’s the small things too: he takes a little too long to read Kanji, he buys a new face wash every month, he will always avoid rush hour. 
And then, he thinks, there’s you. 
It hits him in full force in the middle of the street on a Tuesday evening as he holds a plastic bag of groceries. It also, consequently, renders him immobile for ten minutes, because Tobio had never been one to dwell on the givens. But as he stands on the pavement and his bag carries the burden of hashi for two, yogurt for two, two packs of sandwiches and four bags of gummies,
 ( because you really like those gummies: and Tobio had thought, if you like the grape flavor, then you should also try the strawberry. And if you wanted to try something new, you might crave the fizzy Cola ones. And if you liked the Cola ones, then he had to buy the Ramune flavored ones, too ) 
Tobio gets the urge to buy a ring. And an urge, no, a craving to marry you. 
Tobio remembers study sessions in high school and desperate makeouts in Karasuno’s dusty storage closet. He remembers the firsts: first conversation, first fight, first kiss, first date. Sprinting on beaches before the sun kissed the horizon and laying underneath the stars. He remembers graduation under cherry blossoms and pressing his second button into your palm with red cheeks and shaking hands. 
There were tears, too. Anger as he realized he couldn’t, for once, be selfish and have both you and professional volleyball. Anger as you had cried and cried and cried in his arms because you were getting your degree in Miyagi and he was moving to Tokyo. Anger as you had suggested breaking things off because you knew that Kageyama was born for the court. To fly. 
And you had said, between tears, that Tokyo was his potential. Because you knew him, and you knew that he didn’t like texting and that he wasn’t good at communicating, but you somehow underestimated how much you meant to him. Then: you had stopped crying because Kageyama was crying. And you had never seen Kageyama cry. 
You were there when Kageyama started on the National Team, standing in the bleachers with the biggest smile he had ever seen, jumping as you turned to show him the Kageyama embroidered on the back of your jersey. You were there when he accepted his position on the Adlers, and watched their broadcasted games behind textbooks and journals and pencils from your dorm in Sendai. 
Kageyama was there when you called him sobbing because the pipes in your dorm leaked. He was there when you got fired from your part time job for slapping a customer. Begrudgingly, he was there when you asked him to have Oikawa Tooru sign twelve jerseys for your friends at university. And then, he was there when you graduated college, diploma in hand and a blush on your cheeks as you pressed your button into his palm even though you really weren’t supposed to do that. 
Now you’re in Tokyo, having accepted his slightly bashful request for you to move in with him– in a nice apartment on the fourteenth floor overlooking the city; because even though he didn’t really like heights, he knew you loved city lights and people-watching. And if he had to cover his face when he saw the nameplate next to your shared apartment that read Kageyama, well. You didn’t have to know that. 
He’s still on the street, and he’s still holding his grocery bag, but his eyes are firm because he really wants to make your last name Kageyama. 
So he makes a phone call. 
“Tanaka-san,” He says before his former upperclassman can react. “Where did you buy Shimizu’s ring?” 
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teaboot · 1 year
One of the best parts about working at a sex shop is the employee discount, and yeah that means excellent deals on sex supplies but that's not the big brain part.
You come to my house. Something is cooking in the kitchen- it smells wonderful. What is it? It's novelty dick-shaped pasta. I've set up a sensual sexy Italian dinner. There are candles set up on the table. They're melting too fast, dripping everywhere- they're low temp waxplay pillar candles. For dessert, I serve you a delicious ice cream topped in penis-shaped rainbow confetti sprinkles and strawberry body paint drizzle, and afterwards, serve coffee with roasted hazelnut warming lube.
We play a board game while we drink. It's sexy monopoly. It's your turn. You roll the dice. They come up as 'whisper into' and 'butt'. I lost the original dice. We're using the sexy dice. You move four spaces.
After dinner, I run you a bath. A bubble bath. The bubble gel? Sensual ocean breeze. There are candles lined up around the tub. The scent is overpowering. Why? They're three-in-one fruit flavored massage oil candles. I'm using so much. It's so wasteful. Do you want to shave? I have conditioning shave cream that smells like limes. And an electric body razor, but you can't use that in the tub.
How about a bath bomb? You toss one in. It's cherry blossom scented. As it dissolves, three sexy bath sex suggestion cards fall out. They're all variations on doggy style, probably because fucking in a bathtub is probably the easiest way to break your hip.
The water cools. You get out an dry off with a novelty towel. If you wrap it around your chest, it looks like you have gigantic tatas bursting through the fabric like the Hulk.
You walk into the bedroom. I'm there, reading an instructional book titled "The Housewife's Guide To Every Day Stripping". I'm wearing a neck pillow designed to look like a massive curved weiner. Also a pair of fake leather bondage leggings and an oversized men's christmas T-shirt that says "Jingle My Bells" across the front.
I see you come in. I put down the book, take off the pillow. Offer you a massage. You accept. I already burned up all the massage candles so I pop a new bottle of CBD massage oil that says something wrong about Chakras on it. It's very gritty. That's because there's little chunks of amethyst in it for some fucking reason. It's fine, though. You say you don't mind.
I don't do massages very often. It's bad. You end up more tense than before. One of your muscles starts to cramp- it's okay. I whip out a bottle of Lidocane topical masculine performance numbing spray. You immediately feel like your shoulder went to the dentist. It's not ideal, but it's better than cramping.
You're not in the mood to bone after that. Which is good, cause I'm actually pretty asexual, but it hasn't come up yet so I'm relieved to avoid the conversation. Instead we get ready for bed. (The weather is terrible, and I insist you stay over.) I set up the futon, then realize it smells like cigarettes from the previous owner and shyly ask if you wanna cuddle in my room. You're down.
I crawl under the covers, placing my penis-shaped pink glitter pride bottle on the side table in case one of us wakes up thirsty. Once you're settled in, I turn off the glowing bare ass night light and the room goes black.
It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust, but when they do, you look up at the ceiling. It's dotted all over with little green flourescent lights. Are they plastic stars? No. I've pinned up a thousand glow in the dark condoms. God bless
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rockybloo · 3 months
I read your post about freebird complimenting Sweetheart using "chocolate" and "cotton-candy" and in that post, you touched on how the creatures from Umbra (definitely didn't forget how to spell the word for them ssh) don't exactly have a background in American prejudice and racism, and how Bitterbat tries to educate them and himself to make sure they don't fuck up.
If you're comfortable with sharing, how would they react to facing some of those things in their humanoid disguises, or seeing the ones they care for go through that?
I have to wonder how baffling it would be to them, at least prejudice based on power and strength can be mitigated somewhat by getting stronger or making strong allies, but how do you lessen the societal burden of a trait you can't change?
No pressure on this ask though, ik it leads to heavier things and if you aren't in a good headspace that's or just don't want to that's okay! Thanks for reading regardless, I love BOTH your comics a lot and I've been smiling so much since discovering them my face hurts
Thank you!
And none of the Flavor Four tolerate their Beloveds facing racism for their skin colors and race. And since you can't take the monster out of a Monstrum, their first reflex is to start some shit.
None of the Flavor Four would hesitate punching a racist, since back home if there were problems, they solved them in battles.
But humans are built much weaker than a Monstrum and so the Beloveds have to remind them to reel it back a bit to avoid potentially murdering someone. While it'd feel nice to punch a bigot, the Flavor Four would hate to spend time in jail instead of with their Beloveds.
So they just make to put the fear of god in racists. Bitterbat's element may be fear but all the Flavor Four can traumatize a human quite easily.
People suddenly care a lot more for self preservation when the person they were just talking to suddenly has a mouth full of fangs and horrifying animalistic eyes that remind you just how fragile the human body is.
They can also use magic so they can make a lot of stuff look like an accident. While the Flavor Four don't like to lie to their Beloveds, they make exceptions in cases where they believe a human deserves their punishment.
When it comes to facing racism themselves, there is certainly some immediate confusion. Monstrums don't have that racial history like humans and many of the stereotypes that would be flung at them would just flop on the floor because the Flavor Four don't entirely understand. They get the general stuff with the Beloveds and them being black but the Flavor Four spend way more time viewing themselves as Monstrums and waaay less as their human roles.
They wouldn't really react immediately with violence like if their Beloveds were facing racism, since...well they ain't scared of humans. The Flavor Four know they could kill a human in the blink of an eye. It's like a gnat buzzing around in your face not knowing how easy it would be for it to get clapped.
The reason the Flavor Four are so much more willing to kill for their Beloveds compared to themselves is because of love and respect. If they see someone being disrespectful to their loves, that is a punishable offense, regardless of how petty it may seem.
All in all, it's safe to say that the Flavor Four wouldn't hesitate with a racist. There is no being the bigger person to them. If they feel irritated or annoyed by someone bothering their partners or, on those rare occasions, themselves, they will make them stop regardless of how unnecessary their method may seem.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP fanfic idea: Hot Wings
A new restaurant opens in Metropolis, boosting the best chiken wings this side of the country. It's a family business run by four siblings, but the owner is the second youngest, a nice young man named Danny Fenton.
He has twenty-two flavors to choose from that vary in spice. The spiciest is called "Ghost King," and the least spicy one is "Box Ghost." It's supposed to be very hard to handle the Ghost King wings, and Danny even claims Metas have a hard time handling them.
Clark tries it out with Jimmy and Lois on their shared lunch break. While both of his co-workers can't handle more than one bite, Clack can stomach three before tapping out. Danny adds his face to the wall dubbed "Ghost Court" despite the fact he couldn't do all eight.
Clark is surprised that he's the only one on there and gets placed at "Court Jester" for the number of wings he could handle. Despite the spice, the regular buffalo (or Johnny's 13) he ends up getting afterward is the best he's ever had.
The trio returned the following week for lunch, all trying a new flavor slightly higher on the spice meter. It makes his taste buds sing in the same way only Ma could accomplish.
King's Ghostly Wings rapidly becomes Clark's favorite place. He takes Conner with him the next time his brother visits and has a laugh when Conner attempts the Ghost King challenge. Conner could handle two, so he sadly didn't end up on the wall.
Conner doesn't seem to mind as he attempts to flirt with the waitress, Jasmine, who only laughs off his flirtations as Pa had beaten how to properly treat women into Conner's head. Clack watches with amusement as his clone's attention is quickly overcome by the Ember Wings he ordered (He thinks there are nine different hot peppers in there), acting like he never had real food until then.
A month later, Clark walks into King's Ghostly, smiling at Elle (Her full name is Danielle because her parents decided on a theme after Jasmine. It's Dan, Danny and Danielle.)
She sits next to the challenger wall, and he is mildly surprised to see more faces now. He no longer holds the Jester position. Instead, there is the smiling face of Stephine Brown, face red, eyes watery, and sweaty but gleeful. The words "Three and a half" indicate why she pushed him out.
Next to her is the Knight, held by a smirking Duke Thomas, proudly stating he managed four but he looks just as worn down as Stephine.
This is followed by the Grandmaster, who shows Jason Todd giving two thumbs-ups and tears streaming down his face; he managed five. Then there is Steward, who shows Tim Drake's half-dead face, looking like he was about to hurl, but his fingers are held up in the count of six.
The Queen position is a tie between one haughty Damian Wayne, looking to be glaring at the wings before him, and a mid-laugh Dick Grayson, who looks like he is having the time of his life with tears also streaming down his face. Seven each.
The King belong to Bruce Wayne who looks just as handsome and sauve as he would any photoshot. There is a half eaten wing in his mouth, while the man winks at the camera. Ariund him are plates with chicken wing bones. The count under his name shows fifteen.
Clark stares, then reaches for his cell phone. The call rings only three times before Bruce's strong voice goes through, dragging out the last word in a a cheerful shout
"What's up, ya slut!?" Great. Brucie voice. This means Bruce is in fornt of people who still think he's a airhead playboy.
"Bruce? Did you and your kids take the Ghost King wings challenge in Metropolis?" He asks anyway, because there is no way the bats were able to stomach this. How are they human?
"Clark," Bruce drags out the ar in his name, sounding like he's spinning in an office chair. Distantly, he can hear some voices mutter under their breath in annoyance. Bruce was in a board meeting he was trying to get out of. "Of course, the kids and I tried that place. Tim's friend, Conner, took him once, and he just had to have us try out the wings. Some of the best I ever had, but that challenge wasn't that hard. Not that I wouldn't mind going for the second round. I'll try it again if you're asking me out, big guy."
Clark feels a shiver run down his spine. Sometimes, he wonders if Batman and his lot had lied to them. There was no way they were human. "Ugh, no, I just wanted to check because it's a really hard-"
"This Saturday? Of course, I'm free. I'll have Alfred watch the kids. Oh and Clark, wear that suit I got you. You know the one.'' Bruce purs in his ear making the alien sit up straighter. He fights the urge to look around, upon hearing the code that Bruce had beaten into his head since day one of Batman and Superman team ups.
Bruce wanted to investigate the establishment and needed Superman's help. But what could the Fentons have done to catch the caped crusader's attention cities away?
Blushing, because couldn't Bruce think of a better cover, Clark responds. "The one with the gold or the one with rose gold?"
"Oh suger, rose gold was made for you" Bruce sighs dramaticly, implying so much in only one sentence. The Fentons weren't human then.
Clark confirms with Bruce staying long enough on the phone to hear him brag to the uncomfortable board members about his farmer boy who will be a fun roll through the hay and winces. If their "date" gets exposed, he'll have a lot of explaining to do when Lois eventually catches wind.
She took the whole "I'm Superman" thing well, so maybe the "Bruce often implies I'm his gay plaything on the side to protect our identities" thing well, too? He should wait for when she doesn't have access to kryptonite, just in case.
"Here you are," Danny says, walking over with a tray. With a kind, relaxed smile, he places Clark's order in front of him. It's the same one he's grown used to since first coming here but for the first time Clark notices the sense of other hidden in his eyes.
Behind him Dan is working on some wings at the open bar where various kids are watching with wide eyes. If Clark stares hard enough he swears he can see the tip of his pony tail lift as if flouting. Elle is carying more then she should be able to lift, and he realized she was pretending to struggle with the overloaded dishes as she busted.
Jasmin is the only one that seems human, calmly cashing out a family at the register.
Of course Clark missed all the signs but the Bats clocked them, likely the very first time Tim walked in here with Conner.
"Thanks, Danny," He says, still mindful of his manners. Who knows, maybe they aren't up to anything. It's not a crime to not be human. He should know.
As Clark bites into his wings, he prays there are no crimes going on. He would be really sad to see his favorite lunch place gone.
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jackofroses · 1 year
All right, look.
I will never say no to a spicy man on man love scene or passionate smooch…
But give me a homoerotic hand on back of the neck/head or intimate forehead on forehead moment and I will forever sing your praises.
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irlbop · 1 year
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
Hi Fie did you get the friendship shipping chain I sent?
Yes bby it just i got that at 6am before work and asks like that that require more drawn out reaponses take more time than the quick ones
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saturngas · 3 months
megumi warming up to you
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[🪐] a few years after megumi and tsumiki got "adopted" by you and gojo, megumi finally feels comfortable enough to tell you about his little school crush. just please don't tell gojo
pairing: gojo satoru x reader
genre: sfw
warnings: established relationship; reader and gojo are both in their early 20s; megumi is around 8 years old; use of gender neutral pet names; megumi being gojo's number one despiser
word count: 1.4k
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megumi was awfully quiet on the ride home. he and tsumiki were walking a few steps in front of you and satoru. not that he wasn't a quiet and reserved boy by nature, always seeming to be deep in thought and observant of his surroundings. but this time was just different. his little dark eyes were placed on the ground, guiding his careful step, while his lips displayed a subtle pout.
he seemed to be thinking hard.
you looked up at satoru who was chewing on the straw of his already finished strawberry milk box.
"satoru," his eyes fell immediately on you at the sound of his name. his left hand was intertwined with your smaller one, the warm air lingering around both of you making your hands to be a bit sweaty. "do you think megumi is okay? he looks... distracted."
"oh! yeah, of course! why wouldn't he be?" he muttered out a bit nervous, straw between his lips. were you aware of the little disagreement megumi had with a classmate a couple of days ago? he promised megumi you wouldn't know. "maybe he has a bit more homework today, baby. he probably is already thinking about the answers."
"mmm, yeah, true," you hummed. "please help him with that, yeah?" satoru felt his cheeks burn intently the moment you shot him your best puppy eyes. his round glasses slid down the bridge of his nose, revealing his big azure eyes. he left a boyish chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.
"hah, of course, sweet pie, yeah, hah."
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math was always the easiest subject for satoru. well, actually any subject was a piece of cake for him. but he liked math and physics a lot more. he would solve equations within seconds without thinking too much of them. you may have been a little jealous of him during high school when you two would compete to find out who was faster; you would lose for mere seconds.
megumi did have more homework that day, elementary-level math problems. but that wasn't the source of his concern. but he couldn't just tell satoru.
the black haired little guy looked at his benefactor. his stupid face with a stupid grin megumi just couldn't bring himself to get used to. satoru was chewing on a candy flavor gum. megumi could almost taste the intense flavor from his breath. how could he have something so overly sweet for so long in his mouth?
"what's wrong, little fella? you want to go over why two plus two equals four?" megumi sighed at his words. his worksheet displayed multiplication and division problems. of course he already knew how addition worked.
his tired eyes followed your silhouette as you helped tsumiki with a dna three-dimensional model. you were a lot more thoughtful, more considerate of others' feelings. you had the communication skills satoru lacked. for a second, megumi realized why satoru was with you, something he was questioning the moment he met you.
megumi was going to tell you.
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it was the perfect moment. the idiot of your boyfriend was out in a mission and tsumiki had asked for permission to stay at a friend's. megumi was walking next to you. again, he looked lost in thought.
"megumi—," you cut yourself before spitting out the honorific -chan. the little guy hated being called megumi-chan. satoru did it all the time and megumi now can't handle it even if it comes from you. "are you alright? is there something you would like to tell me?" you said almost in a whisper.
the eight-year-old boy looked at you with indifferent eyes. he now was in the deepest of deep thoughts.
you sensed his little body tensing at your question. "hey, hey—, it's okay megumi. I won't tell satoru if you don’t want to, okay?"
his sight softened. bingo. that always worked with the little kid.
"I think... I've caught an interest in someone." megumi muttered below his breath, little fingers fidgeting. his glance on the ground as a deep shade of pink adorned his pale face.
oh, so this is what's about... you were fighting off a big smile that threatened to appear. you needed to remain serene if you wanted megumi to keep opening up to you.
"oh... who?" you said as softly as possible.
"it is a girl. she is nice. but she is from fifth grade." megumi sounded a bit sad. your heart crunched a bit. he was just a third grader. you weren't surprised he liked a girl who was older that him though. the little boy had complained before about his female classmates being a bit too... immature.
"where did you meet her, megumi?"
"from the art club tsumiki is in. I went with her once because I didn't have anything to do, and I saw her. she is very smart and is really good at acrylic painting."
so now everything makes sense. a few days ago, megumi had asked satoru the price for some acrylic paints that weren't made in Japan. you assumed the little girl had mentioned the brand and megumi was curious.
"what do you want to do about it, megumi?" the black haired boy fell silent again, so you continued, "do you want me to help you with getting close to her, or—"
"no, I want to do it on my own," he cut your words quickly with a serious tone. "just maybe... could you help me with some money? I promise to pay it back."
megumi was so cute you were sure your heart would turn into liquid from the way it was melting.
"ha ha! it's totally fine, megumi!" you let out a giggle. "of course I'll help you and you don't have to pay it back, 'kay?" you suggested with a big smile. "and I promise I won't say a word to satoru," you winked at him.
megumi felt relieved.
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two weeks had passed since your little arrangement with megumi. he was actually very secretive with it. tsumiki was probably aware of his little crush on her classmate, but wasn't of the deal megumi made with you.
megumi was serious when he said he wanted to do it on his own. he only asked you for 7,000 yen. and that was the last thing you knew about all this.
you were getting ready for bed when satoru interrupted your skincare routine placing a wet kiss on your cheek. you groaned as he prepared to brush his teeth.
"baby, did you know megumi has a girlfriend?" satoru mumbled as toothpaste ran down his perfect chin.
"what?" you acted genuinely surprised. megumi already made her his girlfriend?
satoru grabbed a towel to dry his face and wipe off the counter. he always made a mess when brushing his teeth. "yeah baby. when I picked them up, he said goodbye to a girl, and I mean—! I have never seen him bid farewell to absolutely no one, not even me!" he said a bit exasperated, looking up at you with his baby blue eyes. "im pretty sure that's his girl or something."
poor megumi, his deepest secret was known by his greatest enemy. you sighed softly as you finished applying your lotion and walked close to satoru.
"that could be a possibility, 'toru," your hand roamed through his hard back as the other one went up to fidget with his soft white locks. satoru stared down at you lovingly, his arms encircling you with a tight grip. "but please, do not tease him." you voice was so hard and stern that it made the young sorcerer swallow all the spit in his mouth down his throat.
"yeah baby, no problem—."
"no, satoru, im being serious right now. leave him alone." you were dead serious, satoru knew. his lips moved unconsciously to yours to erase the subtle pout that was starting to form on your face.
"i promise, shnookums," he left a chaste kiss on your nose. "well then, I'll have to tease you tenfold babyyy~!" satoru hugged you with all his mighty force, knocking the air out of you. his large arms made you feel so safe and warm. satoru gave the best bear hugs.
"somebody gotta receive all my love~" you giggled at his words. satoru loves everyone, however many people may find his love language a bit… obnoxious and annoying. his lips now teasing your earlobe while his large hands rubbed your back. "or else my little brains might explode and— wait, baby," his warm lips left your skin, as he opened wide his blue eyes.
"what, what."
"so that is why you made a withdrawal of like seven thousand yen? to give it to megumi?"
"satoru are you checking my bank account?"
"baby I can't help it~," he whined out loud, his face snuggling down your neck while planting wet kisses around your neck. you couldn't help but feel funny when his hands danced under your shirt, caressing your hot skin. "you should end your independency and start using my credit cards."
your boyfriend was so shameless.
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