blueespeon · 2 years
(@ask-blind-eevee) Amber@Teiji The strange eevee looked at the blue Espeon with her void-like eyes, no light shining through them, “You say you need to take down a common unit, but how do you intend to do so? Do you intend to do a normal battle, or do you intend to do something different?” She asked, she seemed kind, but she also gave off a strange energy, like something was missing from her…
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Teiji: You misunderstand, a common unit is many classes below an elite unit, this basically means that even the strongest group of common units are heavily outclassed by a single lowest rank elite.
What Toshi is sending me to do is a hunt and kill mission. Yes, that means an execution.
Sometimes, an elite unit is sent after a common unit or common units as a means of executing them, an execution is sometimes ordered if they are out of control, this basically means that the other common units sent could not handle them.
I am not sure if I could do this though, I know they would be too weak to even do any real harm to me, but I am not sure if I could deliver death to someone, even if I could end this with a single bite to the neck.
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pokeaskstarfestival · 2 years
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Its finally done!! And unfortunatly over!!
Thank you all again that have been here, seriously, with all my heart. I cant express how happy it made me see people come around and interact with each other!
As its my first event that I hosted, i would like to ask if there was anything that left you unsatifyied or think that something could be done better! Dont hesitate to throw in suggestions!!
This (hopefully) wont be the last time you hear from me and this event ;)
Until next time!!
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bellafragolina · 8 months
Eevee!Ingo and Emmet evolve into Sylveons instead of Espeon/Umbreon because of Reader trying to hide it since they haven't confessed yet.
Awwww!! I suppose this would be like a childhood friends to lovers deal if they’re eevees <3
It’s the night after prom that it happens. You’ve since fallen asleep, still half dressed in your prom clothes, sprawled out on the various pillows and blankets. Flanking you are Ingo and Emmet, cuddled close as can be, because just before your untimely slumber, you had been stroking their ears and dragging your nails along their scalps to fluff up their hair. And your hands still reside on their heads, careful cradles that feel so very safe to the struck twins.
The night is quiet, save your soft snores and sleepy murmurs. Ingo can feel your heart’s gentle beat beneath his curled hand, his face squished against your shoulder and chest. He gazes up at you with such affection, such awe to see you, as though your presence was of divine influence. Mesmerized, he watches you sleep, body aching for him to follow you, but mind too active with daydreams and longing to allow him such rest.
Emmet is in a similar state. He curls around your stomach, head rested on the plush softness while his arms hold you against him not unlike a toy. His head rises and falls somewhat with the tempo of your breathing. It’s uncomfortable, the press of his half discarded suit, the twist of his spine, the way his neck stretches with each of your inhales, but he doesn’t move. He can bring himself to move away for a moment, to let you escape his grasp, to lose your warmth.
It’s a quiet night, left basking in love unexpressed.
Your nose wrinkles, Ingo notices. Your body tenses beneath Emmet’s cheek. You huff, hum, stretching your legs and adjusting your position to get more comfortable. Your hands twitch, curling into the choppy hair of each twin. Their eyes pinch closed at the sensation of your loving touch, subconsciously unconscious as it is.
And in that moment, the room alights with colors.
You jerk awake with a snort of confusion, blinded by the flashbang that has exploded. There’s a mess of frantic noises, bumps and thumps and frightened, clipped cries of your friends.
“Guys?!” You call, panicked. You’re not sure what’s happening, still rubbing sand from your eyes. “Ingo?? Emmet?? Where are you?”
“Nowhere!” Emmet shouts, followed by a loud smack and a yelp. You rub your eyes some more, blinking away sunspots. “Do not get up! Go back to sleep!”
“Everything’s alright!” Ingo says. You peer around, following the sound of shuffling and such towards the couch shoved into the corner to make room for the cuddle pile. “Don’t worry yourself! Emmet and I are doing a bit of maintenance! Go back to sleep, we will be fine!”
You climb to your knees, crawling towards the couch. You can see the soft shadows from the moon’s light casting strange figures onto the wall next to the couch. It worries you.
“Did something happen?” You ask, knelt before the couch. More shuffling is what answers you. “Are you two alright? Are you hurt?” You pause, and glance at the shadows again, eyes wide. “Wait, did you two evolve!?”
“No!” Emmet squeaks, but the guilt it carries exposes the lie.
“Guys!” You say, grabbing the couch to shake it some in your excitement. “That’s great! Congratulations! What evo are you both? Umbreon?”
A heavy silence hangs.
“No.” Ingo whispers. You’re shocked to hear him so quiet.
“Oh!” You say, thinking again. “Espeon?”
That would be strange, considering the time, but evolutions have always been strange. And nothing is ever certain.
Emmet whines. “No.”
Neither? You puzzle over it, confused as to why neither happened. Obviously they evolved, and you had heard them discussing the pros and cons of Umbreon versus Espeon should this day ever come. Now that it’s here, however, you’re sad to see them hiding away, no doubt upset they didn’t get either.
But if not those two, then. . .
You blush to yourself, but shake off the assumption. “Sylveon?”
A sob answers you.
No longer concerned about privacy, you scramble to your feet, shoving the couch aside to reveal your poor boys.
They’re beautiful, with their pink ears, decorated with bows, with the ribbons that cascade from them. They seem to sparkle in the moonlight, but you can’t focus on that now.
Ingo has curled into a ball, sobbing into his knees as he tries to cover his new ears and ribbons with his hands, to no avail. Emmet is tucked up next to him, eyes pinched shut as he shakes and tries to pull his shirt over his own ears.
Your beautiful boys, so distraught.
They easily fall into your grasping arms, clinging and whimpering as they pull you to them. Ingo cries into your shoulder, hiding his face, as Emmet presses to your heart. You pet their hair, hushing the sobs and apologies they spew.
“Shh,” you whisper as Ingo hiccups, “you’re okay. I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yes, you will.” Emmet whines, rubbing his face into your chest. “You know now. You’re gonna leave.”
“This wasn’t what we planned.” Ingo continues, before you can ask anything. “We wanted. . . We wanted it to be romantic. Beautiful! Because we wanted you to feel special. You make us feel special, and so loved, and we love you! We want you to feel how you make us feel, yet now we’re here! We evolved early and now you know and-”
You kiss his head. Ingo falls silent, eyes wide as he paws at the fabric of your rumbled prom clothes. You kiss his head, kiss his temple, then turn to kiss Emmet on the nose when he looks up at you. Then you kiss his forehead.
And you kiss them, careful pecks upon their heads, their new ears, the tips of the feelers they now have. You kiss them, until you’re intertwined with them, never to ever leave.
I love them! I love them!!
Hope you enjoyed!
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mochiimac · 2 years
About Love 1
My head gets messy when I try to hide
The things I love about you in mind
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Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x Fem!Reader
Summary: Becoming a best selling thriller author? Part of the plan. Living in the city and isolating yourself from everyone? Part of the plan. Inheriting your late uncles home in the woods, his sassy assistant and fortune after he died mysteriously? Not part of the plan. Oh, and he failed to mention the 7 'surprises' he left you as well.  And come to think of it... was his death an accident? Or is your imagination going wild again?
Genre: Hybrid!AU
Warnings (if bolded then this chapter contains these elements) : Fluff, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Death, Abuse, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Violence, Dom/Sub, Non-Con Elements, Slow Burn, Trauma
Rating: M 18+
WC: ~7k
Tag List: OPEN- DM ONLY <3
Notes: Here is chapter 1! I’m so excited that people enjoyed the prologue, makes my heart happy(: I wonder who’s waiting for you in the house... Hmmm...
Prologue | Next>>
“It’s so early... not even the sun is awake... why do I hate myself...” A sob threatened to spill past your lips as you numbly walked outside. The cold air was bullying you into tears as it stung your face and hands. 
6 am. 6 am. Who was even up this early, especially on a cold day like this-
Oh yes. That would be you.
The city streets were painted in gold from the streetlights and the remaining leaves that were still clinging on for dear life, ignoring the snow that sprinkled the ground with all their might. It was as though the city had been tucked under a large white blanket overnight, a blanket made of glistening diamonds that reflected the warm lights from all around. Truth be told it was beautiful to look at… just not when you have to be awake and freezing. While some would find this scene breathtakingly beautiful you, on the other hand, craved a flamethrower to tear it all down and seek vengeance for your poor skin.
Just goes to show how important proper sleep and caffeine are to begin the day. It could make the difference between waking up with a smile or beginning your villain arc. 
Your whole apartment was packed and loaded into the new large SUV, a surprise that came last week with Jackson. You knew you had obtained Takoda’s vehicle but it was surprising that it was brand new and could hold up to 8 individuals. Takoda lived alone with no marriages nor children… So why the large vehicle? Why purchase this large car along with the house? You didn’t miss the confusion on Jackson’s face when he handed you the keys, a hushed comment of ‘When did he even buy this?’ didn’t go past you. It only added to the suspicion of your uncle’s death. 
What was Takoda planning? 
Unfortunately the city left you with dead ends: the Spades family was a family full of successful lawyers, all ranging from medical to even real estate. They were the Eevees of lawyers, your family: one Spades for every type. The family slogan? ‘ Always have an ace of Spades up your sleeve!’ Every time you heard it your teeth would grind together, because for them it wasn’t about the person they were representing. No, never about their clients. It was about the money. And so trying to worm your way around and see what truly happened and what the other morticians wrote was impossible. Their loyalty (and mainly wallets) would be with your father. Rowan Spades. You were going to keep pushing however a small and short voicemail had you stopping dead in your tracks.
“Hi sweetie! Just checking in, Officer Lee mentioned you’ve been asking about your uncle’s case, and… oh hon, I know this mourning process is hard. Reach out if you need to talk! Be careful out there… snow and all!”
Lei Spades, the one person who, despite being shunned, still tried to help you. Perhaps it was because she was your mother. Or maybe she simply didn’t want Rowan to get upset.  She had met Rowan when she was young and naive, hell, she was still naive at times. At least you hoped she was. It would be worse for her to know how corrupt your father was and simply turn a blind eye because the money was just too good. But she had saved you a few times in the past from your fathers wrath. This being one of them. She would never call unless she had to. And the number was unknown, not her personal phone. A quick warning for her daughter to back away. And if Lei was the one giving the warning then you knew it was best to keep low… for now. But you did have one more place to look into…
The large home that you had yet to step into. The mysterious building that your new ‘assistant’ was hushed about. Any questions asked were either ignored or cut off with him changing the subject. The one that Jackson was supposed to drive you to later that day. You didn’t miss the urgency in his voice the previous week, the way his eyes were looking deep into your own. The moment was implanted in your mind, the goosebumps could still be felt...
“We will leave Friday at noon. Agreed?” He stood at your door, hands in his pocket as his eyes bore into you. The deep brown that was usually cool seemed to be ignited with a fire of sorts at the topic of the house. You noticed this each time you tried to ask questions or pry; the man was a vault and seemed uneasy. 
Unfortunately that only ignited your own flame.  
You managed to laugh a little, eyebrow raised. A small test to see how he would react... “Uh, sure? I mean if I’m already up I can always head on out early and meet you-” Your words were cut off as you jumped back when Jackson stepped closer. He crowded your space, face inches from your own as his hand grasped your shoulders. You tried to step back but your heel collided with a wall. His fingers gripped your shirt, however it wasn’t painful. The fire that was in his eyes had increased tenfold and you actually felt a small shiver of fear slide down your spine.
“Together. At. Noon.” His words were cool and flat, but you could hear the underlying tone. He was stressed about something. And while every alarm was going off in your head you managed to school your face, putting on a mask of frozen shock instead. 
“N-noon… o-okay.” You managed to sound meek, the act working as Jackson gave you a small smile, hands squeezing your shoulders as he stepped back. 
“Not a minute early nor late.” His eyes seemed to have cooled down at your words. His flickered up and down your body, something you noticed he did before leaving each visit. “Stay safe, Heiress.”
As soon as the door closed you leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking deep breaths. He failed the test, he was hiding something and you were going to figure it out. If he can keep secrets then so could you. 
After that little show you had whipped out your phone and were quick to contact the Sanity Squad, the video call was between you and your three best friends. And they were in agreement: Jackson was hiding something and whatever it was, it was in the house. Of course the first topic was if you should all go together since the whole situation was bizarre.
 Theories of him killing you were out the window seeing that he had nothing to gain and too many opportunities to do so. Oh, and Jessi proclaimed he was ‘too hot’ to be a serial killer. The next theory seemed more plausible: he knew some information on Takoda’s death and wanted to make sure you didn’t find any clues. But Jackson had a key to the house so again, that was a dead end. He could easily hide the evidence or destroy it. 
Hours later, and a warning from your phone that the battery was going to die, you announced you would simply beat him there and see for yourself. It was your stance and no one could change your mind.
So here you are on this fine Friday morning, beating the sassy assistant by several hours, and hopping into a brand new vehicle. It was sleek and black, the interior dark with faux leather seats. A large touchpad illuminated the space and you were thankful it was able to self-drive. Although these types of cars are common many prefer the old fashioned way of driving and just doing it themselves. But with this tank? You preferred to let it do the work while you kicked back and watched.
You keyed in your first stop in the car’s GPS, feeling it slowly ease away from the building you had lived in for years. It was odd, knowing that you would never be back but at the same time it was a relief to be going to a place that had room to breathe. And no noisy neighbors to keep you up till the wee hours of the morning. Now that you would not miss, not one bit. But you would miss the cozy feel of the small space. It was bittersweet to see it fade behind you. 
Ten minutes later and you were parked outside the small coffee shop, I Need Brew, a place you would frequent with your friends. It was hybrid friendly and a great place for many hybrids to begin working, gaining skills for later careers. Or some chose to stay and continue working for the beloved company. It was run by Bang Chan with his fox hybrid Felix being a manager; you knew the two well after frequenting the quaint shop. The fox adored your visits and would often slip you free goodies when Chan wasn’t looking. 
Slipping inside you were greeted with warmth and the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. The interior was designed to make everyone feel at ease and cozy, soft music playing in the background to help the customers gradually wake up without giving them a headache.
“Y/n? At this hour?” 
You looked around, knowing the voice but not knowing where it came from, but then Felix peaked his head around the corner from the back. bright orange hair held specks of flour with his orange ears shooting up. His voice was light and somewhat shocked, but still held the adoration he had for you. In return you smiled and stepped further inside. 
“I knew I smelt something sweet walking in,” His face broke into a wide smile. 
You smiled back, walking towards the counter. “Yeah it’s a bit early for me… I’ve actually come to meet up with the group.”
“Again, at this hour? Do you know what time it is-?” A buzzing noise had the fox looking over his shoulder. “Go sit, I’ll grab you your favorites and be out in a minute.” He disappeared around back as you moved further into the shop, eyes already set on your usual table.
The past few years your group and yourself had always sat at the table located on the furthest wall, right by the counter and where the employees would mingle when waiting for customers. It was how you befriended so many of the employees, all of whom knew your favorite beverages and treats by heart. As you sat you heard the front door’s bell jingle as a blonde walked in, heading straight for your table. 
“I’m surprised you actually woke up,” You grinned as Jessi sat in the chair across from you, snow flurries clinging to her winter coat. “You usually sleep through all your alarms.”
“And miss my best friend leaving to head to the woods alone? Not a chance,” Jessi gave you a grin but you could see the worry in it, leaning closer she asked, “Are you sure we can’t come along? What if something bad happens-?”
“Nothing bad is going to happen.” You waved her off, actually believing yourself. Despite the odd circumstances your instincts were letting you know that this wasn’t dangerous at all. It was more… interesting. “Besides we have that locator app, right? One click and you all know something is wrong and the police will be rushing to save me.” You could still see the doubt in her eyes as she listened.
“I think it’d be best to take one of us with you today… just for safety reasons.” Her arms crossed over her chest, leaning back and watching you. “Especially with all that is going on.”
You opened your mouth to protest once more however the familiar jingle of the bell alerted everyone of more customers. You could hear them before you could see them; quick footsteps headed towards you before arms encased your shoulders, a face buried in your neck as a soft vibration pressed against your back. Something soft and warm wrapped around your waist, tightening a fraction as a giggle reached your ears. 
“Wooyoung, how do you have so much energy this morning?” 
You glanced up to see Hongjoong taking a seat next to Jessi, the man looking exhausted with his iconic split black and white hair disheveled in a disastrous way.  His eyes were dead set on his hybrid Wooyoung who had wrapped himself around you, acting more snake than black panther. You could feel the cat’s purring increase, knowing those vibrant green eyes were focused on Hongjoong.
“Simple,” He nuzzled closer to you, feeling a grin on his face. “I have my Y/n here.” 
You remember when Hongjoong first adopted Wooyoung, how the black panther quite literally tackled you and complimented on how nice you smelt and was overjoyed to know that you were best friends with his owner. In his eyes that meant you were part of the ‘extended pack’, along with Jessi, and got to be scented just as much as Hongjoong was. Which he ensured you both were drenched in his scent, looking quite proud of himself each time. 
Reaching up you gently rubbed his head, scratching behind his ear just as he liked. You could feel how anxious he was, knowing you would be leaving, heading further away. It was an hour drive to get to the new home and his instincts weren’t liking having part of his pack be so far away. 
“You can still sell it and live with us,” Wooyoung mumbled into your neck, his breath tickling a bit. “Hyung wouldn’t mind.” 
“Aw, Woo, I won’t be so far away. Plus you can call whenever you want.” You received a pitiful whine from the male as he slowly let go of you, heading over to Jessi to scent her. It was hard to miss the droop of his ears, his last attempt at keeping you in the city gone. Although it tugged your heartstrings and almost made you want to change your mind, one look at Hongjoong and you knew he would be okay; the other male was smiling and shaking his head at the cat. 
“I know I said a minute but everyone else showed up. And these just came out fresh from the oven!” Felix was quick to hand out four mugs and a plate of mini muffins with different flavors. Stepping back his eyes landed on you with a raised eyebrow. “So, you’re going to your new home alone in the woods? I’m sure Chan can go with you if you need someone…” His voice trailed off, his tail flicking along with Wooyoung’s. Seemed like he didn’t like the idea either, his animal instincts wary of your decisions. You were thankful you weren’t part of their intimate packs- you wouldn’t even get your foot out the door. Let alone be able to grab the doorknob.
“It’s quite alright, it’s a new home I inherited.” You once again waved off the help. “Nothing wrong with it.” The fox nodded at your words, tail flicking once again to show his displeasure.
“But if anything happens you have people here, okay? Don’t be afraid to ask us for help.” With a boop to your nose he went back to baking while the four of you settled with small talk for a brief moment. Ignoring the world outside while you had the time and just living in the moment.
 Truth be told you had no idea how long it would before you got to see them once more. Pushing those thoughts aside you sipped your cup, smiling as Wooyoung took a seat next to you while Hongjoong and Jessi argued over a movie that just came out. As they argued Wooyoung shoved a gift bag in your lap, grinning over at you. 
“Woo got you a gift, well, he helped make it.” Hongjoong dropped the argument quickly when he heard the the bag being opened. You opened the gift and pulled out a beautiful red scarf. “The python hybrid next door, San? He taught Wooyoung how to knit.” Hongjoong beamed at Wooyoung with pride while the panther watched you, waiting to see your reaction.
There was a tremble in your lips as you pulled the incredibly soft scarf out. “Woo…” Tears threatened to fall as you turned to the panther. you felt his tail wrap back around you, pulling you into his chest as his purrs started once again.
“It’s made with love from us!” He smiled. “That way we’re never too far away… don’t cry, Y/n!” 
It was too late as a few tears fell, feeling Wooyoung pull you back into a hug that soon the others joined in with. “I have the best friends in the whole world.”
“Damn straight you do.” Jessi reached over, grabbing your hand with a grin.
“We love you too, Y/n.” Hongjoong placed his hand on top of Jessi’s, a soft smile on his face.
“You can still live with us- ” Wooyoung’s quick words were cut off with a whine when Hongjoong lightly wacked his arm. Pulling you closer to him, the panther let out the weakest growl you had ever heard. “In case she forgot, hyung not the ears!” You laughed as the growls turned into whines. 
Little moments like this made it even harder to say goodbye.
It felt as though you were now living in a snow globe. Tall pines loomed all around, the roads were covered with inches of snow, all while snow flurries floated all around. The sun may have been hidden behind the clouds but the snow offered enough light to make up for it: everywhere you looked you had to squint from the jarring white canvas. You could feel the SUV cruise cautiously through the piles of snow and up the hills that were hidden from your eyes. 
“GPS you better be taking me to the right place…” You mumbled, eyes straying warily to the trees that surrounded you. It felt as though you were encased in a sea of deep green and white; it never seemed to end no matter how far ahead you tried to look.
The estimated time of arrival said five minutes but you wanted to call bullshit on that. The tree’s were so dense, so dark, surely a home couldn’t be located here? Who even built this place? Crossing your arms you watched as the car slowly cruised forward, itching to get out and investigate the home in person. As well as text Jackson that you had left about seven that morning… though you were more happy to wait to send that message. More alone time for you to sneak around the place and it kept Jackson from scolding you a little longer.
“You have arrived!” 
Your mouth opened, ready to yell ‘Liar!’ but it quickly closed when the car slowly took a turn and hidden was a house. Truth be told anyone could drive right by and miss it, the driveway being extremely narrow.
The home was snuggled amongst the tall pines, large and yet seemed to almost blend in with it’s surroundings and standout all at the same time. The house held a warmth and coziness to it and reminded you of the feeling of going back home after spending a long time away. It sat in a large clearing of the trees, and in the distance you could make out mountains that peaked to the sky. The early morning rays were just coming up, casting an ethereal glow all around. It was beautiful and you were frozen in your seat, watching the sun’s rays gently light up the clearing. A calling urged you to go inside, your heart was fluttering at the sight of it-
“You have arrived!” 
The moment was ruined with the car clearly wanting you to get out now. Grumbling, you stepped out of the vehicle and snuggled further into the scarf Wooyoung gifted you. It was much colder out in the wilderness than in the city, the wind whipping around and nipping at your cheeks in a cruel way. Colder and quieter. You could hear your own deep breaths across the baron land of snow. You knew there was a peace to the quiet however being alone in a foreign place it was hard to find it anything short of eerie. The hairs on your arms were rising as you took a deep breath, quietly closing the car door to not disrupt the stillness around you. 
The house lured you in with every step, your heartbeat quickening as the key was gripped between your fingers. Any normal person would be afraid, hell even terrified, if they were in your shoes. A family member was found dead with zero investigation done, trying to gain some answers only had your mother warning you to back off, and lastly a house no one knew of was left to you. An hour away from the city your family basically owned. 
However you felt anything but fear. There was curiosity for sure and a yearning for discovering what could be hidden within the walls of this building. What could have Takoda been up to with purchasing this place? It looked new too, no physical wear and tear on the outside from the weather. You wondered what he was hiding… And there was something else too, something deep in you that wanted to run in the building. A call from somewhere inside that had anticipation swimming in your veins. 
The key slid in with a soft click! The door slowly opening while your eyes were wide and surveying your new home. You were awaiting darkness to greet you; a home that has been sat for too long and was full of cobwebs and dust from the lack of visitors. A cold and dark home was what you were mentally prepared for especially since Jackson was only dropping your boxes off and then quickly returning to his job. However you were shocked at what awaited you.
The foyer was large and spacious, the walls were painted a neutral color and the floors were solid wood. To your left and right were spacious rooms that were rather empty, save for a large sectional couch in one of them with an insanely large flat screen mounted to the wall. There were tall and large windows throughout, letting in the natural sunlight and giving an airy and soft feel to the overall place. Not far from the door was a large staircase with quite a few steps, and you spotted some of your boxes placed randomly along each step.
Your eyebrows knit together as you stepped closer, noticing the boxes were opened. Some even appeared to be missing items, spotting a box that was full of blankets now only containing a single blanket. A frown tugged on your lips, wondering what Jackson had been up to… he wasn’t stealing from you… was he?
You crept up the stairs, spotting more and more of your boxes placed randomly along the steps. Books had been looked through, some missing; blankets were taken out of the box, one box even being completely empty. Finally making it to the top you felt your stomach knot as you found some of your clothes scattered around the large landing. Thankfully it was just shirts and hoodies, nothing too personal, but it still made your blood freeze.  
Jackson was the only one who had the other key… right? No one else should have been there… What if your father found out and sent someone to spy? No, no professional would make it look this terrible. What if this was a warning for you? To leave? Fear shot down your spine as you followed the scattered clothes towards a pair of French doors at the very end of the landing. 
Almost like a trail. 
Your legs felt like lead as you moved closer, steps silent as you crept along, throat dry as a million thoughts and scenarios ran through your mind. What if someone broke in and was needing a place to stay? What if they were dangerous, a criminal on the run? Or a dangerous hybrid? If the intruder were human you stood a small chance. But if they were a hybrid, a being designed to outperform humans in many ways... and if they were a predator... the very thought had your limbs locking up.
Despite the fear that shook you to your core, there was the feeling again: you needed to be there. Something important was waiting for you in that house. An instinct that pushed you to keep moving, a need that fought against the fear that dwelled in you. As if you found this certain thing, you’d be safe. You’d be fine. 
Perhaps you have lost your mind.
Standing before the doors you took a moment to gather yourself, gain some courage, and then you had the doors flying open. Body tense as your eyes scanned the entire area, prepared to face the intruder head on-
No one was inside. But what you saw had you shaking.
Your lips turned downwards at the sight before you, hand gripping the door to try to keep grounded. The room was large, a master bedroom that was fit for a family really. Like the rest of the home it was rather empty with the exception of the large bed, an Alaskan king, and your brain was fried trying to process why a bed that large was there and why all your belongings were all over the bed. You felt a chill roll down your spine as you stepped into the room carefully, mentally waiting for someone to jump out and attack you. 
But again that other feeling, the part of you that you called insane, felt secure as well. Something about being in that room had you feeling at ease as well as afraid all at the same time. You felt nauseated with the mixed feelings swirling in your head. 
All the blankets, clothes, and books that went missing were right there. A part of you wanted to grab your things and go through it all and see what was done to each item. But a larger part of you wanted to curl up in the warm blankets and hide away, ignore all the craziness that you were facing, and seize to exist. If only... 
‘Come on, Y/n. Put on a brave face.’  You mentally scolded yourself for being weak; this was your home after all. Taking a deep breath you strolled into the bedroom with more confidence and was going to begin your investigation when the sound of a door closing echoed across the empty house. 
 ‘Fuck the brave face.’ Your blood turned to ice, instincts taking over you flung yourself under the bed. You pressed your hand against your mouth, trying to calm your breathing as you waited and listened as well as you could. You closed your eyes, willing your ears to straining and hear anything. The silence was torture, not even footsteps could be heard. You wished you could at least hear where they were-
A low growl echoed against the walls of the staircase. An actual growl... an animal? You don’t recall leaving the door open, but perhaps you did when you noticed your belongings scattered about... 
Did you accidentally let in a wild animal? 
As you tried to decipher how the creature got in you heard heavy paws hitting the stairs, the growl low as it came closer and closer. Every step had your heart pounding in your chest and for a moment you wondered if you would die from a heart attack before being mauled by a beast. The thought died as soon as you realized that the paws had stopped somewhere near the landing. 
Then, ever so slowly, you heard the paws approach the bedroom. The growl was coming closer and closer, your body nearly shaking as you squeezed your eyes shut tighter. The paws stopped at the bedroom entrance, the growl lower, more of a rumble now as it continued forward. It got closer and closer, the air feeling heavier with each passing second. The rumbling was now right in front of you.
 Swallowing the lump in your throat you slowly opened your eyes.
A cloud of browns, blacks, blondes, and silvers invaded your vision at first. Fur that was so thick and long you felt an urge to reach out touch it, knowing it must have been so warm and soft. But you remained frozen as a pair of eyes, lilac- no... gold? You could have sworn they were lilac for a moment but now they were a brilliant gold, stared you down. Eternity could have passed and you wouldn’t have known, not while the canine was intensely watching your every breath. A moment of silence, a moment of stillness-
It lunged and you screamed, your throat immediately burning from the raw strength behind it. Faster than you thought possible you managed to leave your hiding spot just as the large beast arrived. Your feet were moving too fast for you to keep up, heart leaping up your throat as grunts and whines followed you. When you heard those heavy paws hitting the floor you cried out again, the staircase right there. 
You believed you could easily dash down the stairs and into the car. You’d be safe there and maybe you could easily call for help. For a brief moment you wished you had waited for Jackson. At least you could trip the man and give yourself some extra time to escape... unless he did it first, which you knew he would.
However fate was a cruel mistress to you today; wet shoes slid against the wooden floor, propelling you face first down the steps. Your voice was stuck in your throat as you sharply inhaled and braced yourself for impact. You felt something solid, but it wasn’t wood. It was... warm and inviting... 
Two arms snaked around you, pulling you closer and easily catching you from the fall. Your feet were dangling off the floor with your cheek pressed against something solid that held a low vibration. Whoever this was was strong enough to hold you carefully around the waist with ease and you stiffened as your realized you weren’t alone with just that canine anymore.
“Relax Beautiful,” The voice was right in your ear, a murmur to help ease you. The voice was soothing to hear and you obeyed immediately as if it were natural to trust a stranger like this. The logical part of your brain was screaming at you to break free and run. But there was another part of your brain, something instinctual, that wanted nothing more than to obey. That there was safety and comfort within these arms that would shield you from the whole world...
The voice let out a soft hum, pleased as you listened without a fuss. The arms were still tight as something soft traced your neck, the vibrations increasing before stopping all at once. “My, my, Beautiful. it’s no wonder he was upset, smelling the way you do.” Their tone became deeper, displeasure stirring just underneath the words. Something in you nearly whined- as if you couldn’t stand the thought of displeasing the stranger. Thankfully the logical side of your brain kicked into action.
You snapped out of the trance you were in and physically flailed yourself away. You could tell the stranger was surprised by your sudden outburst and used it to stumble back, feeling your heel collide with a step, causing you to fall and land on it with your butt. Your nearly fall had thrusted you forward, passing the first flight of stairs and nearly onto the midlevel landing. Which was where a new figure was now peering down at you.
A handsome man with beautiful features stood before you, bright blue eyes watching your every move with plump lips forming a soft smile. His hair was jet black and on top was a set of fuzzy black ears. Something swayed out of the corner of your eye and you saw a fluffy tail that had black fur with white underneath, the tip of the tail was also white. He wore dark denim jeans and a white tee, the letter’s DRF embroidered on the top left corner in crimson. A hybrid was in your new home-
A low growl was behind you and for a brief moment thought it was surely going to attack you now. But you were shocked to feel something cool against your head as another high pitch whine was right by your ear. It’s muzzle was nudging you, whining, trying to get you to move but you were too shocked to move a single muscle.
“Wh-who are you?” You wanted to sound demanding. You wanted to sound strong. But your voice cracked and hands slightly shook as your eyes remained focused on the hybrid in front of you. 
He gave you another soft smile, lowering himself on the landing to meet your gaze properly. “My name is Seokjin, but please call me Jin. The wolfdog behind you is Jungkook. You, Beautiful, must be Y/n Spades.” His smile widened as you slowly nodded your head, your own eyes staring at him with mixed emotions. “Your uncle, Takoda Spades, left us a letter detailing that you were to inherit us if anything were to happen... this is correct, yes?” 
“I... the will never mentioned hybrids...” 
“For all of our protection, yes.” 
A new voice. This one deeper than the last, all eyes snapping to the foot of the stairs. He was taller than Jin and seemed to hold more muscle as his white shirt (the same exact one Jin was wearing) had a tighter fit, muscles threatening to breakthrough. His hair was a light ash blonde, smoky and seeming more white/gray, with fluffy dark gray ears on top, pointed and standing alert. Your eyes met his and for a fraction of a second you could have sworn they were glowing lilac but it must have been the lighting, instead they were a warm amber that held a fire inside. A fire that invited you to get closer, to feel his warmth and embrace him. You were lost in that warmth, body leaning slightly forward without your knowledge. 
Jin’s tail softly wagged at the sight of the male, bright eyes looking between the two of you. Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “Y/n, this is Namjoon, our pack alpha-”
A blur of movement ran passed the three of you in the matter of a second. The air hit your bare neck, your eyes wide as you realized the wolfdog, Jungkook, swiped your scarf and took off down the steps. There was shock for a brief moment before panic ensued- what if it was destroyed? The worry you emitted had Jin whining, stepping to you while Namjoon growled after the shifted hyrbid.
You jumped up and ran past the two, much to their surprise, and ran down the stairs. You were ready to hunt the wolfdog down, get the scarf back and maybe even exile him to the woods for the night. He could freeze out there for the night, and then maybe he would appreciate the scarf a bit more-
You felt something solid and warm once again, this time face first. A hand locked on the back of your head, firmly and carefully, while another wrapped around your waist. Warm breath hit the top of your head, blowing a few strands gently, while you felt pressure rubbing your head.
“Please don’t be mad.” The voice was new one and you could hear the pout in it as well as the worry. It was heartbreakingly sad, could even make the world’s smallest violin sound mediocre in comparison. “It’s safe, it’s just in the wash. I couldn’t take it. Just his scent all over you and clinging to you like that-”
Namjoon was right behind you, voice low with a displeased growl. In response Jungkook whined and clung to you, body locking to yours. His tone reminded you of a kid who got caught doing something bad. “Hyung, his scent is all over her! The scarf in the sink, I’ll wash it and have it dried by tomorrow!” 
Scent? Wooyoung. It took a second but you realized he was on edge about Wooyoung’s scent, on your and the scarf. It was what Jin was talking about earlier, you smelling with another hybrids scent was making them uncomfortable. You tried to step back but Jungkook refused the space. Instead he held tighter, face buried in your hair, cheek rubbing against you in a rushed manner.
“Jungkook, I’m not mad.”  Those magic words had the hybrid loosening his grip on you. It gave you an escape, putting some distance though his arm was still wrapped around your waist with his hand still in on the back of your head. Finger were softly twirling the strands. 
He was just as handsome as Jin and Namjoon; hair was a chocoate brown that was kept longer than the others, his ears were triangular like the others and matched the beautiful shades of his fur when he was shifted, as well as his long and fluffy tail. His eyes were doe-like and gold, trained on you with emotions you didn’t understand. A smile broke out on his face, his teeth looking more bunny-like than wolf. The smile and eyes settled your earlier thoughts and put out the angry fire that he had stirred. The idea of putting him outside nearly made your heartbreak.
“You’re not mad? You don’t want me to leave?” 
At his question your lips curved up slightly. “I’m not putting you in the doghouse Jungkook. I kind of understand why you did what you did.” His tail wagged, eyes brightening, and toned and bare chest rumbling-
Your cheeks turned red as you realized that Jungkook was lacking clothes. You were still being held close, so close you could feel the toned muscles flush against you, as well as something hard pressed right against your stomach-
“Jungkook. Clothes. Now.”
Namjoon was your saving grace, face so red you didn’t want to face them. But they didn’t need to see you to know how you were feeling. To put it lightly, Jungkook was more than pleased to be the one to have your scent become mouther watering and nearly impossible to ignore. You kept your gaze on his collar, refusing to look elsewhere. 
“Yes sir,” You could hear his amusement as his warmth almost disappeared. Almost. “Wait for me in the living room, Honey.” His voice was right in your ear and something sharp nipped at your earlobe. You jumped and squeaked as you hybrid walked out of your view, chuckling at you. 
You could feel the burn in your face, still refusing to move incase you got a whole view of the male. Not that a large part of you didn’t want to look, but damnit you were going to at least have some of your dignity. 
“He’s gone now, Beautiful. You can turn around.” The tease in Jin’s voice brought a pout to your face as you looked at the other two hybrids. Seeing your flushed cheeks and lips stuttering out had them almost cooing. Jin smiled softly at you. “Jungkook’s very playful, though he doesn’t mean harm.” You wanted to snort because the man was obviously trying to give you a heart attack. 
Namjoon stepped forward, a smile trying to form though he held it back. Trying to save you some face at least. In his hands were a few files with DRF stamped in large letters across each one and one envelope with Namjoon written across it. “Mr. Spades left a letter for us and lightly explained a few things.” 
Your heart picked up as you wondered what was written to them. Perhaps there was something hidden inside that letter that you needed. What if they knew what happened to him? What if everything written inside the envelope and solved what happened to your late uncle? 
“Let’s head to the living room, we’ll wait for Jungkook and then talk.” Jin offered, already taking your hand and leading you towards one of the large room. His thumb rubbed soft circles on the back of your hand as those bright blue eyes seemed worried. You could almost feel Namjoon’s own worry radiate from behind the two of you, and you couldn’t help but wonder...
What was in that letter?
While you were pondering what could have been written you failed to realize you had left your device in the car. The screen lit up once more, 7 missed calls from Sassy ASSistant and followed by one text:
Sassy ASSistant: Y/n Spades you are in serious trouble when I get there.
Tag List: @imnotlauriane​ @zae007live​ @kiki199497​ @empower-bi-women​ @strxwbloody​ @anjoellamorte​ @juju-227592​ @emu007​ @ghostkat23​ @serendididy​ @dif-imagines​ @sushicat413​ @hvroldtime​ @scentisterror​ @jcrml​ @deejay08 @that-author​ @symptoms-of-moonlight​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @angryperfectionpersona​ @jinsleftairpod @dearly-somber​ @newmbbgirl​ @usernameclassified @purplelo​ @singukieee​ @mia-vicious​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @lyricmelodylove @lachimolala22019​ @val-cassies 
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patriamrealm · 3 months
Okay so I wanna make an oc for your aspect au and I wanna know something. We know from the anime that sometimes pokemon have disabilities and I wanna know. Does that transfers over to the person? Also I have a hc that 𝘝𝘌𝘙𝘠 few eevees can evolve and unevolve at will. (They often have a disability though so that's why I'm asking about this) Would that work in your au?
*stares at u like this*
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OOhh so good question! When most of the time disabilities do not transfer. So let's go with eevee for instance. If the eevee is blind the human won't become blind when they gain aspects.
However! going with your HC if evolving and unevolving at will CAUSES a disability then the person would also gain a disability should they evolve/unevolve at will just like their partner.
It doesn't necessarily transfer between pokemon to human but the cause does. Like, if the pokemon unevolves from umbreon into eevee and becomes disabled but the human did not unevolve then the human would not have that disability, but if the human also unevolved then they would gain that disability.
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cinnamons-adventure · 7 months
Hello, fellow Pokemon- Flame are you sure this is going to work?
It has to! Just, keep talking.
Hello, everyone! I’m Cinnamon the Eevee, and this is Flame the Charmander-
- Chip the Riolu-
- and Ace the Zorua.
Hi there!
You can send us letters or stick around to see us in our lives. Whichever option you pick, we hope you enjoy!
//OOC under cut:
Character info:
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Cinnamon the Eevee (she/her). She used to be human but was turned into an Eevee by unknown means. She’s pretty tough and has a sharp tongue every now and then, but everyone is helping her calm it down.
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Flame the Charmander (he/him). He’s always very excited and ready to explore whenever he can! He is the only one Cinnamon feels comfortable around, being her best friend.
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Chip the Riolu (he/him). Chip was stuck in an accident which blinded him in his left eye.
He’s pretty shy most of the time, but he’s trying to become braver.
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Ace the Zorua (he/him). An overconfident, self-assured mess. He has a very “I do what I want because that’s what I said” type attitude, but Chip helps him mellow out a bit.
Only a bit, though.
No nsfw
You can request art, but I have a right to not do any requests that I don’t like, whether it’s too OOC or I can’t draw it
Please be nice
Boundaries list is subject to updates
Important tags:
cinna art! ❤️ — fanart
cinna’s hang outs — doodles/drawings
chip lore jumpscare — lore for chip the riolu
Reoccurring characters:
Nana the Flareon: N/A (hasn’t been introduced to blog yet)
Vee the Meowth: Open for asks!
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ledgend-origin-mew · 4 months
Origin welcomes you
I've decided to make a dedicated location for my story and to give me more motivation to draw! I do have a set schedule so I won't have every day to work on the story, but hopefuly that won't hinder the pacing =3
Rules and Info:
This isn't going to primerally be an ask blog, however you are allowed to ask the mews, two and other mons anything you'd like. They can give you lore bits.
You are allowed to interact with the mons as you please as long as you be respectful, however the interaction itself likely won't be cannon to the overall story. Some might if you're lucky.
There is going to be multiple origin stories told in a set structure so that as the story is told, everything makes sense.
I do not want to hear any abusive language towards me or even directed at the characters, and i'd rather keep away from NSFW contect as much as possible.
Base Origins {mew}
Urain Origins {Mewtwo} here
Fernandes Origins {H!Zoroark}
Keith Origins {Eevee}
Mint Origins {Espeon}
Jasper Origins {Shadow mew}
Edward Origins {Deoxys}
{Side Stories}
Mino Origins {Missingno}
Rosemary Origins {Female Symbol}
Demo Origins {Decamark}
STEVEN Origins {Strangled Red}
Character Refs under cut |
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Multybility - this pokemon changes its ability at will.
Cosmic shards - fragments of a mutated space virus shattered by hand.
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Energy Overdose - when HP reaches 0, deals damage equal to ALL damage taken to the agresser.
Shadow Gem - a gemstone tainted by synergy, helps maintain sanity.
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Diamond Crown - a gift from the first of Diancie kind, overflowing with mega energy.
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{key item when removed} Rocket Data Tag - BIO-ID tag for hight ranking rocket pokemon. This particular ID is engraved "HEAD LAB ASSISTANT! DO NOT REMOVE OR HINDER THIS POKEMON!"
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Hidden Ability - Corrosion - Contact with this pokemon causes sever poison.
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Pandora - This creatures very existence breaks reality around it.
Void Fragment - Black glass from the beyond, surpresses anomalous activity.
Corruption - 5pp - The user shreds reality pixel-by-pixel until it is unrecognisable.
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Power Hungry - absorbs life energy from pokemon that make physical contact <- this particular ability does not effect other pokemon infected with synergy.
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Ancient Bone - Item - a fragment corrupted by time and space.
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Omnipitence - Sees through the eyes of all Unown
Pure Light - Item - If held by anyone other than Decamark, this item does 30% of the holders current health.
Blinding Light [5pp] - Drastically lowers the opponents accuracy.
Blazing Sun [10pp] - The sun absorbs life energy then feeds it directly to the user, heals equal to damage delt.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 1
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And so it begins.
After several polls, we're going to FINALLY start playing through our first (and maybe only if i cant keep it up) installment of Tumblr Plays Pokemon!
You voted and now I will begin playing as Polly. An eager young trainer whos catching choices have been decided by YOU loyal tumblrites!
Just to refresh your minds as to the rules of this playthrough, here is the rough outline;
You, tumblr user reading this right now, will vote on a series of 24 hour long polls I post up on this blog deciding what pokemon we will attempt to catch in each area. When we've voted on all the available areas between the gyms (been using bulbapedias White 2 walkthrough to help me sort that out) I will play through the section attempting to catch the pokemon in question, and playing through the game with them.
Seems simple right?
Well not quite. To keep things interesting I added some additional rules to keep things interesting for all involved. After all it wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we had it all our own way right?
Here are the rules in full;
(warning; long post ahead)
All attempted Pokemon catches on each route will be decided by tumblr poll. This includes choices regarding trade pokemon, gift pokemon, fossils, etc when they come up.
Can only catch a single pokemon from every route.
Can only catch a single member of each evolutionary family. (No team of all eevees)
Can only attempt to catch each species of pokemon ONCE. If I fail we don't get a second chance. (Can't catch pidgey on route 1? NO pidgeys on the team for the rest of the game)
Can only have a single pokemon of every type.
No repeat natures.
Any HM slave/mule will be a permanent member of the team and count towards all previous rules.
Outside of the pokemon there are two additional options on polls; Randomize will mean choosing a pokemon based on the results of a random number number generator. Choose this if you want a pokemon but don't care which or otherwise just want to cause a little chaos.
Abstain will mean skipping the route without catching any pokemon. Choose this if you want to reserve the catches and typing for the pokemon on another route.
So keep in mind that winning the poll for a route doesnt necessarily mean that that pokemon will be a 100% guranteed catch or member of the team. If I fail to catch them, or if they have a conflicting nature, they will not be added to the team.
(Note; Also please note that this is NOT a nuzlocke. There are no permadeath rules in this playthrough. So a pokemon added to the team is a permanent member of the roster both in and out of the PC.)
With all that rigmaroll explaind lets get started!
Our name is Polly and we're a freshly minted trainer starting out on our pokemon journey for the first time on a lovely Spring evening! See our mom is friends with Professor Juniper, one of the pokemon professors, and shes offered to give us a pokedex of our very own!
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Which she tells our mom at the last second, the DAY Biana arrives with our pokemon. What a character that Juniper.
Naturally we're not going to say no to having a Pokemon of our very own. With a Pokemon we'd finally get to leave town on our own, and maybe Hugh would finally stop asking us if we have one every damn day.
Speaking of Hugh;
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We meet him outside and he more or less INVITES himself to find Bianca. Ah well, the more the merrier. Maybe.
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Found her...
So in the first ever poll to decide our roster you guys voted that our starter should be...
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First off the table is the grass type. As one of the three starters in the game, Snivy is bound to be a longstanding addition to the team.
Sadly in the older games you can't rename your pokemon until you find the Name Rater, and in this game you don't run into him until Castelia City. So we won't be able to gurantee any nicknames based off of natures. As a result we're going to have to name this guy blind!
With that in mind I decided to name him Bentley! Which is a name that refers to a meadow with course grass.
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He has a Quiet nature which actually fits well with the stuffy british name we wound up giving him XD And he has Overgrow as an ability which should be expected.
All the same with this decision we can cross all grass types off our options in the future, and any pokemon we catch with a Quiet nature outside of Bentley will need to be released! The nature rule is first come first serve!
After we get our Pokemon Hugh comes up and basically demands poor Bianca give him a pokedex. Which, by some miracles, she actually HAS.
I try to leave but Hugh won't let me. Guess we gotta fight.
Hugh is going to use the little Tepig hes raised from an egg, adn we're gonna use out newly minted Bentley.
I start things off with leer, but tepig hits back with tackle. After that it was tackle after tackle until Bentley laid a critical hit and beat Tepig! Which is odd considering Hughs had his pokemon for longer.
(Lol if this were a written story I'd have us lose. I mean it'd only make sense. But eh. Video game logic.)
After the obligatory Pokemon Center tutorial (which we arguably wouldn't need given out mom works there) Bianca gives us some free pokeballs. Then we meet our mom outside who gives us some running shoes (you kids have no idea what a god send these were back in the day) and Hughs sister gives us a map. As we head to Route 19 for our obligatory catching tutorial the lady at the gate gives us a free potion.
Bianca gives the practice tutorial against a Purrloin which, coincidently, is the pokemon that we were voted to catch for Route 19! So after Bianca finally leaves a get into the grass and make my search for a Purrloin... which I found right away!
It was level 2.
Bentley one hit KO'd it with a critical.
I don't know what to tell you guys. I legit thought Purrloin was going to be a guranteed member of the team but uh... Bentley decided against it and went in for the kill. Maybe thats why Tepig lost despite Hugh having it for longer. Bentley is a quiet little guy who hides the soul of a killer.
So, uh, yeah Dark types are still on the table going forward. Purrloin and Leapard not so much. Oh well at least it gave Bentley enough exp to learn Vine Whip.
We continue on our way and find another potion in some grass.
And then a spiky haired old man jumps out at us.
I'm not kidding.
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He jumps off that cliff by the way.
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Are your legs okay?
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I feel like hes dodging the question.
He encircles around us and then says our "snivy" is fine-looking. He then asks us to follow him.
Remembers folks theres no "stranger danger" in the poke-verse XD
Alder invites us to visit his house, but I opt to explore the town a bit instead. This bit of independent thought netted me another free potion from an old man in one of the houses. Nice guy.
We run into Alder again who tells us Hugh is probably on route 20 training his mons. And it just so happens that route is out next goal!
The attempted capture we aim for on route 2 is Pidove! Hopefully since it has a type advantage against Bentleys grass type it won't go down in one hit!
Before that though I have to fight some trainers. Not that its a huge difficulty. Bentley took them both out no problem. Issue is... hes now level 8. Hope that PIdove hops out soon...
And as I type that we find another trainer. Oh boy.
Of note though is that in the Unova games you'll often have moments like this where you'll see unreachable items.
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These are here to encourage you to revisit routes during different seasons. We're in Spring at the start of the game so this pokeball will likely become reachable in the Fall or Winter when the holl around it fills with leaves or snow.
Thing is, the seasons in Unova change monthly. Back in the day you coudl adjust the season by changing the time on your switch buuuuut I'm playing on PC so that options isn't available. Lol here's hoping the polls keep us busy.
Still I liked this mechanic a lot growing up. It kept you invested in the game for a longer amount of time, and enouraged you to backtrack to older routes to see what new things you could find there.
North of this area is Floccessy Ranch but we gotta try and get our Pidove encounter before then. After running away from a few sewaddles we come across a Pidove.
Who is level 2.
Bentley is level 8.
Oh boy.
The thing is. I could just throw a pokeball. That could catch the Pidove. But I dont want to get into the habit of doing that because having to battle the pokemon just... makes things more exciting? But I don't want to just ignore your guys votes either.
So, at least temporarily, I'm going to give myself one chance to throw a ball at a wild pokemon if I think its too low level or that my pokemon might one hit KO it. However I don't want to resort to doing that the whole playthrough. So if I don't do it again in future, well... the lack of excitement is why. Plus once you unlock quick balls, doing this just kills the fun entirely so yeah. With that in mind I'm limiting it to the basic red and white pokeball.
With that being said here we go...
opening the bag
selecting the ball
throwing the ball
it busts out.
Okay. Still a chance though. I mean its a flying type. It has a type advantge on Bentley. Maybe if I just use the normal type attack tackle it'll leave it with a bit of health.
Okay Bently use tackle but do not under any circumstances=
... aaaand youve killed it....
. . . . .
.... Bentley I'm starting to think there's a reason Juniper and Bianca gave you away.
((Is the game designed this way? Am I supposed to be one shotting the beginner route pokemon? I havent played this game in years so I have no idea.))
Okay Okay. Floccessy Ranch is our last chance. We NEED a pokemon from there or else we're going into the first gym with JUST Bentley and while hes turned out to be a tiny murderous green bean, I don't ultimately think it'd be wise.
Nows a good time to delve into an aspect of this method of playthrough that I am only just now realizing is an issue. See because Pidove won the poll for Route 20, I removed it from the polling from the subsequent routes in this section of the game. Which mean pokemon like Lillipup, patrat, and azurill weren't on the poll even though the normal typing didn't wound up being used up.
This is a bit of an early game mistake on my part, as its an eventuality that simply didn't occur to me. However rather than redo the whole poll, I think I'm just going to keep the result of the Floccesy Ranch poll as is and just refrain from making the same mistake in future.
So from now on, I will only remove pokemon from the poll if their typing/species/evolutionary family are confirmed members of the team. Beyond that they remain on the polls. If a Pokemon wins two routes in a row or something like that, I'll just count it towards the route it was caught on and label the second one "abstained" and do another poll for it later.
Sorry I didn't catch this eventuality sooner, but this is the first time I'm attempting this kinda thing and these growing pains were to be expected. Regardless here's hoping Bentley doesnt decide to make all this musing pointless by killing our next potential team member.
Continuing on we enter Floccesy Ranch and fight Hugh. I'm not sure if there was a chance to catch any pokemon here BEFORE fighting Hugh, but I'm here now so eh. He only has one pokemon still so I think it'll be okay.
Bentley starts off with a couple of leers again, bu Tepig does a couple of tackles and hits with his own tail whip. Since Tepigs a fire type theres no relying on vine whip here. So I'm gonna rely on tackle.
A strategy which works and takes Tepig down. Raising Bentley up to level 9.
Oh joy. This is gonna go straight to Bentleys head I just know it.
After the big fight the ranch owners arrives and are shocking chill about two teenagers having a monster fight on their property. They even give me a potion for Bentley.
They tell us one of their Herdier has wandered off and Hugh just flips out on the poor guy and his wife and runs off to find it. Guess we better help find it. Could be a good chance to catch us another team member.
Assuming Bentleys blood lust is finally under control.
The pokemon who won the poll for Floccesy Ranch was mareep which seems thematically appropriate for the location. I try to run from as many battles as possible while hunting for a mareep sine Bentley does NOT need anymore levels! A lot of the pokemon in this area seem to be at least at level 4, but since Bentley is at level 9 at this point and is eyeballing level 10 I really gotta be careful to avoid battles.
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i guess I should be happy hes not managing to kill this purrloin in one hit but hes basically guranteed to level up from this trainer battle.
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You see what I mean?!
Honestly when I started this I did NOT think quick leveling or weak wild pokemon was going to be a problem. At least not this early on. I'm really really really hoping that when we find that mareep its strong enough to survive Bentley.
Bentley did learn wrap which may be useful but I can recall if you can still catch a pokemon caught in wrap or not? I'm not sure I want to risk it. Especially since mareep has, I think, a 10% appearance rate? So it'll take me a hot second just to find one and I'd prefer not to have this murderous little grass weasel make all that for naught!
Finally found a mareep!
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Aaaand its level 5
Okay. Bentley. My starter. My partner. My friend. Do not, and I neeed you to listen to this! Do NOT kill this mareep in one hit! Yes, I know it is raining right now and as a grass type in a gen 5 game thats basically a god send, but just.... please.
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Now if the pokeball gods don't hate me...
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Okay okay okay. We gotta name our new little friend.
I took a while deliberating on this one and after way too many various google searches I've decided to call her Aries and be done with it.
"But isn't Aries a boys name?"
I have no idea. I did way too much googling by this point, and I was, like, 80% sure Bentley was going to murder her. Now as long as she has a nature that doesnt conflict wtih Bentley (which is likely) then we're good.
Bentley had a quiet nature, so as long as she has literally ANYTHING different then we're fine.
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Now I know this is a rather abrupt play to end this, but after that wild ride of Bentley going on a murder binger and this post already being incredibly long, I think I'll start a new one to detail finding the pokemon and taking on the gym!
Thankfully this DOES mean that I can go ahead and make some new polls for the next section of the game. So look forward to that.
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empressgeekt · 1 year
The Aura is with us - outline
The Aura is With Us (Even if you don’t want it)
please excuse the grammar and spelling
Riley’s imprisonment
Mew and Mewtwo
Chapter 1
Sir Aaron’s awakening
Chapter 2: Goh vs team Rocket
a) Goh’s plan
b) Team Rocket’s confusion
c) Riolu’s confusion
d) Ash’s cage
e) Finding ash   
Chapter 3: Past meets Present
Lucario’s grumblings
Sir Aaron and Ash
Mew and Mewtwo p2
Chapter 4: New and Old Faces
Lucario’s concern
Intro Amanda
Chapter 5: Lab
Ash introduces Sir Aaron and Lucario to lab staff, and giant magicarp soaks all the adults.
Cerise sends the boys to the kalos region
Sir Aaron and Ash talk late at night
Chapter 6: Kalos
Ash meets up with Korrina while Sir Aaron goes looking for Goh
Goh and Sir Aaron meet Korrina’s Grandpa
The battle
Chapter 7: Interlude Oak
Professor Cerise contact Prof. Oak
First Aura Lesson, Ash blows up a tree
Ash has a difficult time bathing Riolu
Chapter 8: To Pallet town we go!
Ash telling everyone about his home
Making it to the lab, meeting up with Tracy and the rest of ash’s Pokémon (Riolu goes with Oak and Tracy, Goh goes through the digital files, Ash, Sir Aaron and Lucario meet with Ash’s crew)
Ash and crew find Gary in the field.
Everyone meets up inside, and find out about the physical files in a storage rom
Chapter 9: In Black Ink
Searching file vault
Ash’s mom shows up and takes them to stay the night at her house.
Chapter 10: A mother’s memory
Lucario and Riolu in the back yard
Aaron and Delia talk after the kids are in bed.
Enter Anwir
Chapter 11: There’s a Ninja in the basement
a) Training in the front yard
b) Ren’s theory and phone call
c) Power outage
d) Meeting Mandy
e) Riolu and Pikachu mess up the kitchen and Mandy sleeps through it.
Chapter 12: Back to kalos
Lumious city
Seeing Clemont and Bonnie again
Clemont’s work shop.
Chapter 13: Eevee and Mandy
Mandy‘s anxiety and control issues / Eevee sneaks out of the van and follows Chloe to school
Mandy explains the situation to her mom’s employees / Chloe gets to keep Eevee
Sir Aaron’s nightmare
Sir Aaron finds Mandy cutting herself
Chapter 14: the aura temple
Arriving in at the temple ad going inside
Opening the door and finding the body
Splitting up: Goh and Ash/ Mandy and sir Aaron
The time flower/realization
Chapter 15: Escape the temple
Team Rocket attack, intro to Anwir
The flash back explaining Anwir’s life after banishment and loss of aura
Escaping through the mail system/ getting separated (Sir Aaron & Goh & Pikachu & Pichu, Ash &Raboot & Umbreon & Mandy, Lucario & Riolu)
Chapter 16: Lost in the woods p1
First group getting their bearings
Goh asking questions as the start walking wile Pichu hides underneath Sir Aaron’s hat to hide form the rain.
The rain picks up and Goh ends up caught in a river
Chapter 17: Lost in the woods p2
Ash finds out Mandy is pretty much blind without her glasses
They start walking, and get into a disagreement
Then they hear Goh screaming
Mandy jumps into the river and fishes Goh out saves him from drowning
They all find out Mandy’s deaf after her hearing-aides get soaked
They set up camp for the night
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods p3
Lucario and Riolu start to walk around end up in the old pup grounds
End up running into a group of toxicroak Riolu gets poisoned
Lucario retreats with Riolu
Riolu tries to walk himself, while their looking for the others but can’t de to the poison
They eventually take shelter in an abandoned burrow
Chapter 19: reunited
Ash and Sir Aaron talk,
Mandy sits away from the others, Unbreon sitting with her, she hears lucario’s telepathy
Lucario finds the camp
Sir Aaron has trouble sleeping after they make it to a Pokémon center.
Chapter 20: A legendary meeting
Arecus summons all the legendaries and mythicals to discuss the recent events (mew gets pissed off at arecus)
Mew and Mewtwo meet again
Chapter 21: That New Old Gang of Mine
Arriving in Alola
The kuki household
Sir Aaron and Kuki talk while the kids play in the ocean
Prof. Bernedette talk with Mandy
Chapter 22: Sunny party
Party at the Pokémon school / Students swarm the new comers
Mandy calls out Kiawe
Kiawe challenges Mandy she declines, shocking everyone
Kiawe and Goh still battle.
Goh catching alolan exggcutor
Chapter 23: Let’s Battle
A call with Clemont
Traveling to Unova and reading about the tournament.
Chapter 24: Round One
Mandy and Lucario try to sneak into the back? Mandy unlocks the door
In the stands
Ash’s battle
Chapter 25: Round two
Goh’s battle
Mandy downloading team rocket data
Chapter 26: Round three
Mandy’s fight/ forfeit
Team rockets attack
Afterward back at the hotel
Chapter 27: Break Through
Breakfast, and Mandy cracking through one of the codes that leads them to Moon Mountain
Mandy and Sir Aaron talk again in the RV ride there
Arriving at mount Moon, sensing Riley inside
Chapter 28: Break in
They find a secret tunnel leading to a hidden Team Rocket base that was once and Aura base
They get surrounded, and separated (Goh and ash, Sir Aaron and Mandy, [Pokémon stay with respective trainer])
Chapter 29: Break down
Ash and Goh find Riley
Sir Aaron and Mandy ended up falling through the floor and deeper into the tunnels, getting separated from the others and loosing her glasses, leaving Sir Aaron to try and teach her how to use her aura sight
Lucario and Umbreon go through the tunnels to try an find a way to get to Mandy
 Fighting their way through team rocket
Chapter 30: Recovery
Back to Pallet Town, going back to Ash’s house, Mandy and Delia meet
Riley wakes up
Discussion of what to do next, Mandy says she has somewhere to go
Team Rocket discussing How to lure Sir Aaron in, Anwir suggests something
Chapter 31: Ryme City
On the train
To the mansion
The twins and miss rose
Lady Emily’s story
Chapter 32: old friends
a) Ash and Goh play in the pool with the Twins
b) Mandy’s old theater group
Chapter 33: Mother’s frost
Lorelei meets the others
A very uncomfortable dinner
Sir Aaron over hears Lorelei fussing at Mandy, and talks again with Miss Rose
Chapter 34: The round house
The battle stadium
Meeting with Bella/ ash challenges Bella
Chaos, by drugs
Mewtwo teleports everyone away
Chapter 35: A mother’s wrath
Lorelei Blames Mandy for what happened
Riley tries to argue with Lorelei Mandy stops him and apologizes to her mother
Riley asked Mandy why she didn’t let him defend her they end up in an argument
Team Rocket kidnaps Delia
Chapter 36: A Brother’s strength
Sir Aaron counsels Riley on What to do about Mandy
Riley and Mandy talk again
Chapter 37: The calm before the storm
Oh, my Arecus we’re jedi
Attack by team rocket! (Lucario gets hit with a dart), twins were taken, and leave a message about Delia
Discussing what’s next.
Miss Rose calls an old friend (Jackie)
Chapter 38: For the Good of the people
Delia being taunted by Anwir
Arriving at the temple and surrendering (enter Mewtwo and mew as back up)
Giovanni and Anwir taunting the others / Anwir explaining the history between Aaron and Delia
Starting the ritual
Chapter 39: Battle in the Temple
Anwir taunts Deila and Goh one last time
Mewtwo starts a fight, and start to take out the grunts
The portal opens, Lucario and the others are shocked
Mew breaks Goh and Delia out
Giovanni ran out with the others only to get arrest by the rangers, while Anwir ran towards our heroes
Mandy breaks out as well as the others, they try to stop the portal from opening
Duel between Anwir and Aaron / while the others battle again the Shadow pokemon
Aercues Emerged from the portal smiting Anwir and the portal closes sending a large wave of Aura throughout the world
Chapter 40: The aftermath
Sir Aaron, Ash and Deila reunite as a family
Mandy and Riley discuss a way to get the twins out of the situation their in.
Mew thanks Mewtwo
0Chapter 41: Epilogue
Sir Aaron and Delia finally get married, and have a daughter
Riley restarts the Aura guild alongside Sir Aaron
Ash ended up achieve his goal of becoming a Pokémon master
Mandy joins the rangers and dies at 29
Twins Go on to run the family company and try to steer it away from their mother’s influence
The Aura wave ended up restoring the descendants of the previous bloodlines and making new ones
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 7
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count: ~2300
"Come on, Rei, we should battle! See what our new teams can do!" Akari begged. 
"Isn't there a request from someone in the Diamond Clan that Laventon mentioned?" Rei asked. 
"Yeah but this won't take long! Promise!" 
"Fine," he relented, "but I'm bringing Spark Plug with me. I know you'll just spam some new water move on Campfire." 
"Telling me your losing strategy already?" his sister teased as he gathered up the pokeballs. 
They trekked to the pastures to make a better team for themselves as they considered what they would bring. It was so odd to see their captured, but not in use, pokemon playing together in the fields. The townsfolk avoided this area. 
Then they set off for the dojo that Laventon had pointed out the night before. It was caged in by a half-wall, with a dirt patch set up like a fighting arena. It was small, but it would definitely work. 
"Let's do this," Rei breathed. They hadn't properly battled in weeks. 
They both sent out their starter first, Rei with Campfire and Akari with Riptide. Unfortunately, Rei knew exactly where this was going. “Campfire, return!” He threw out Spark Plug, the little Shinx meowing in challenge. Akari smirked. As Rei fired off a Thunder Shock, she sent out Bonnie the Ponyta, who took it like a champ. Rei gritted his teeth. 
“Bonnie, Stomp!” Akari called. Rei flicked his wrist. The horse stomped onto thin air as Spark Plug dodged with blinding speed, setting off in a Quick Attack, which hit the horse square in the chest, sending it skidding back a few paces. It still stood its ground. 
“Spark Plug, one more Quick Attack!” The cat responded with a speedy headbutt that the horse did not have time to respond to. It fell to its knees with a mournful whinny as Akari recalled it, sending out Riptide once again. She gritted her teeth. 
“Tackle! Now!” Oshawott screwed its eyes in a glare and ran at Spark Plug, throwing its entire body into its opponent. It was a critical hit. Spark Plug fell quickly. Rei hurriedly sent out a different pokemon as Akari smirked- and then her face fell. It was not Campfire that Rei had sent out. 
An Eevee stood on the field, it's body in a battle stance. He was hoping for the best with this. He watched as Akari scanned the field. “Swift!” Five white stars shot from Eevee, locking onto Riptide and following it even as it tried to run. The water pokemon tripped as it took the brunt of the attack, but it still stood back up. It managed to shoot off an Aqua Jet and took out the fragile Eevee. Rei recalled it and sent out his final pokemon. He needed to end this. “Quick Attack!”
“Aqua Jet!” 
Both twins watched with bated breath as the wounded Oshawott and the disadvantaged fire type both carried out their commands, both colliding a with each other and bouncing back, residual ocean spray and dust kicking up and blocking out any vision and making Rei blink away debris until-
Only one pokemon still stood. Cyndaquil, its body coated with mud as it's back flames flickered for a moment before glowing brightly once more in triumph. Riptide was laying in the mud on its back, unconscious. 
Rei whooped and ran over to his little pokemon, lifting it up by the armpits. “You did amazingly, Campfire! I'm so proud of you!” The fire-type smiled at him and whistled in excitement as the swung it around in the air. He set the baby back down as his sister was approaching her pokemon, bringing the Oshawott back to consciousness. “You did really well, too, Riptide.”
“You sure did, bud. Get some rest now.” It disappeared into the pokeball in a flash of light. Akari turned to Campfire and patted him on the head. “And good job to you! It's impressive that you could bring down a pokemon of a type that has an advantage over you!” It hummed at her as Rei recalled it and helped her to her feet, brushing off her pants. 
"Oh, so you're the rookies everyone's been talking about!" Rei jumped at the booming voice and turned, his smug expression wiped clear off his face. Before him stood a tall, muscular woman. She was broad, with a red tunic emblazoned with the Galaxy Team logo. Her fiery red hair was pulled up into a flowing curly mane on top of her head. "Name's Zisu. You two have some fight in you. I wanted to stop by and give what advice I could." She grinned and slapped his back, making him see stars. 
How was she this tall? She had to be at least 7 feet tall. She towered over Rei, her hands relaxing on her hips. "You know, if your pokemon masters a move, you can use it in different styles!" Rei tried to listen, he really did, but his ears were ringing. He remembered something his father had mentioned a long time ago. 
"Daddy?" Rei picked up his Lillipup plush and stared at it, making it hop up and down. 
"What is it, little cub?" Dad had asked, turning his head to gaze at his son over the paperwork he was filling out. 
"What was Mommy like?" The boy's silver eyes had laid upon his father's as he awaited an answer. His sister had looked up from her playing as well, her small hands that gripped her dolls pausing in their actions. 
"Well," he had said, sitting up and pushing away the paper, "she was a fighter, for one thing. Loved pokemon battles, almost as much as your uncle," he chuckled. He stared out the window, his eyes misty. "I wouldn't be surprised if you both grew up taller than me." 
"Why?" Rei had asked, hugging his plush to his chest and cocking his head. 
"Your mother was very, very tall," his father said. "Towered over me and just about everyone else. She was good at pokemon battles and wrestling." He looked between his twin children. "I do wish one of you had gotten her red hair," he lamented, ruffling Rei’s hair and making him giggle, "but this way you two get to match!"
"She's the one who wanted to name us, right Daddy?" Akari had joined them at the table, her small hands grabbing the edge and standing on her tiptoes to see them. 
Ingo had taken her into his lap. "That's right, cub. The heros were the only ones to ever beat her in a pokemon battle." 
"Wow," Akari said in wonder, her silver eyes sparkling, "she must have been really good." 
"She was very good," their father had said. "Very very good." 
Rei locked eyes with his sister, who looked just as shocked as he did. She'd figured it out, too. 
"... and if you need any cool new moves for your pokemon, just let me know!" Zisu boomed, her grin wide. 
"Y-yeah, we will," Akari stammered. "We should probably go, uh, check with Laventon about the Diamond Clan stuff now." Rei nodded in agreement, his wits slowly returning to him. 
"I'll see you two around, then," she waved as they made their escape. 
"I didn't think she'd be here!" Rei whispered in Unovan to his sister. 
"I thought she'd be someone from the Pearl Clan!" 
"I did too!" 
"What do we do?" she whispered to him, her hands shaking. "Our dead mom is just living in the village! With us!"
"She doesn't know yet," he pointed out, "we haven't been born yet. And she's not dead. Here. Yet. Has she even met Dad?" 
"I have no idea," Akari whispered. 
"I say we just pretend everything's normal. Maybe we can get to know her a bit," Rei said. 
"How? She might figure it out!"
"That we're her kids from the future that she had with a member of a different Clan? I don't think that's the first conclusion she'd jump to," he retorted. "Look, it's weird, yeah, but if we pretend everything's fine, then everything's fine. We're essentially strangers to her. We don't even really look like her." 
Akari sighed. "It just feels so weird." 
"Oh I agree," he remarked, "but I mean, what do we say? We need to do our jobs and she has things we can use, like training. I think that's gonna be a rare thing out here. We can't just say we refuse to see her just because." 
"Yeah," his sister sighed. "You're right."
"I know I am," he smirked. "Now let's go see what this mission entails." 
They met up with Laventon, who informed them that they should go meet with Mai, a Warden from the Diamond Clan, in the Obsidian Fieldlands. That was easy enough, Rei thought. The sun was up and out, the sky almost unbroken blue. There was a light breeze, but not much to complain about. They trekked to the Fieldlands, the now-familiar tents beginning to come into view as they came over the hill.
“Boo!” Rei jumped at the voice suddenly behind him and whirled around. A head of blonde hair bobbed in laughter. “Did I get you? I bet I did. Just wanted to come by and wish you guys luck. You know about the Back Strike Technique? It's a bit of a secret.” Rei breathed a sigh of relief. It was just that merchant from the other day. 
“Oh- uh, yeah, thanks, Volo,” Akari stammered. “We best be on our way…”
“Of course, don't let me keep you up!” He waved at them jovially and set off in the opposite direction down the path. The twins looked at each other and shrugged. They kept walking. 
Laventon waved to them from the camp and pointed to the bridge. “Down there is where Mai is waiting. She said she needed help with something important. I'm sure you'll be the perfect folks for the job!” 
The twins bobbed their heads and immediately set off, making sure to give any Shinx a wide berth lest they get a repeat of yesterday. 
After their spat, Elesa had insisted on taking the trio out for dinner. And in order to do so, showers were in order. Emmet had gone first, allowing Ingo and Elesa some time to themselves as he scrubbed himself clean. His hair regained its light silver hue. He shaved and scrubbed and cleaned for well over half an hour before finally emerging, a towel over the bottom half of his body and wet hair dripping into his eyes. 
“You'd better not be dripping water all over the carpet!” Elesa shouted from the kitchen. 
“You don't even pay the mortgage here!” Emmet cursed to himself as he shivered.
Arceus. It was cold out here. He hurried to his bedroom to get clothes on. 
He heard Elesa arguing with his brother and a few short minutes later, the shower turned on again. Emmet rolled his eyes as he threw on a t-shirt and some pants and ruffled his hair with the towel. He'd left his hairbrush in the bathroom. 
“Who's in the bathroom?” he asked as he approached the door. 
“S'not me,” came Elesa's reply from the kitchen. Emmet opened the door without any hesitation. The steam was the first thing to hit him square in the face, warm and humid. Then Ingo's shout as his gaunt face poked out of the shower curtain, his hair in his eyes, still with shampoo in it. 
“Hey! I'm showering here!”
“As if we don't have literally the same junk. I'm grabbing my hairbrush, ya big baby.”
“I've heard of this fantastic new phenomenon called knocking!” 
“Oh! You'll have to show me sometime, I must not have gotten the memo.” Emmet stood stubbornly in the bathroom, the door still half open as he brushed his hair in the foggy mirror, smirking. 
“Oh my Arc, get out. You're letting in the cold air.” Ingo flung water at him, forcing him to make a tactical retreat as he sniggered. 
Emmet brushed his hair and made himself presentable as the shower shut off. Elesa was scrolling her phone on the couch as she waited for the twins to finish up. “How do you feel about Carthey's?” 
“That sounds fine to me.” He knew Ingo also like Carthey's well enough. Emmet adjusted his button-up, popping the collar and making sure the buttons were all fastened. Before long, his brother appeared in the front room as well, looking identical to Emmet. “One of us is going to have to change,” Emmet grinned. 
“You've been recycling that joke for over thirty years.” 
“And it's funny every single time!” 
“I beg to differ.”
“Then beg.” Ingo squinted at Emmet, who was grinning like an idiot. He scoffed, but Emmet could see the twinkle returning to his eyes. Good. 
“Ig? Carthey's? Yay or nay?” Elesa cut in. 
“That sounds lovely tonight. Been awhile since we had it.” Ingo was popping his own collar and smoothing out his shirt. He looked worlds better than he had the night before. He was still struggling, that much was obvious; the bags under his eyes were still there and his fingers still shook slightly with exhaustion. But the shadows were not as consuming, his shaking had reduced to tremors, the lights in his eyes had somewhat returned. Emmet knew from firsthand experience that he would not be okay until he got his babies back, but in the meantime, Emmet was happy to see his brother back from being a walking corpse. 
“I'm willing to bet it's been awhile since you had anything. I'm ready to go whenever you dorks are.” The trio crowded out the door and Emmet locked it behind them, telling Haxorus to watch over the house while they were gone.
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I’m sorry to bother you with a question like this, but may I ask how you went about putting this bracket together? I’m trying to figure out my own addition to this showdown bandwagon and am also working with a large roster of characters. Jumping in blind would be a disaster, so I thought it best to seek guidance from someone who’s got a solid approach going.
I can definitely summarize what I did! Though without knowing what you're working with, I'm not sure how much this will map onto anything else!
1) Organizing Matches by the Numbers
So I split up the 1000+ Pokemon into more manageable groups by doing them by Generation, which technically means that I'm just running 9 100+ competitor brackets.
Then, for each generation, I targeted ~high 20s, low 30s for my number of matches with 3-5 Pokemon in each match. I wouldn't exceed 5 in a match, and lower is ideal, when you're trying to figure out how this works for your numbers.
Now, I targeted that number of matches because I wanted to use the next round to force-fit it into better tournament numbers— A nice proper 1v1 tournament has power of 2 competitors, so 2, 4, 8, 16, etc... It simplifies the math and makes it easier, and that's something that I chose for my tournament to avoid Pokemon "skipping" rounds, but you don't have to follow that.
So I will be targeting 8 Pokemon going to round 3 out of round 2, so if we take the number of round 1 winners from Gen 1 for example, there are 31 of them. 31/8=3.875 which means 7 4-Pokemoj matches and 1 3-Pokemon match. Perfect. Run those matches, get your 8 winners, pit your 8 winners against each other in the typical 1v1 tournament style (4 matches), get your 4 winners, etc.
2) Organizing Competitors into Matches
This part is super messy and the actual proper way to do seeding is probably via pre-tournament polling and also by having 1v1 matches, so what I did was the nearest reasonable approximation, given time and effort requirements.
The process: Put all your competitors in a spreadsheet column. Go through the list and bold all the fan favorites, all of the ones you expect to win, etc. Shuffle the column. If the top n(*) competitors look okay for a matchup (ideally, only one bolded name), mark it as (probably) acceptable (I changed the cell colors), and move to the next match. If not, shuffle again. (You'll probably have to do this a lot. However, if just a few of of them are messing up the match, you can move them to the bottom of the match stack and just shuffle them into the remaining competitors.) By the time you get to the bottom, you will very likely have to move things around or break up previously acceptable matches to get the last ones fitting.
(*) n is the target number of competitors in a match.
Note I chose this method specifically because I wanted my own biases to impact the match sorting as little as possible. It's worked out most of the time, sometimes there were fan favorites I completely didn't anticipate. Again, not a perfect system, but it prevents stuff like having Bulbasaur and Eevee in the same round 1 match.
(And sometimes you can't avoid having more than one fan favorite in the same match. In those cases, you want to try your best to pair most-fan-favorites with considerably less fan favorites, but this is also where smaller match sizes do come in handy. 1 5-competitor match allows for 1 fan favorite in 5 competitors, while 2 3-competitor matches allow for 2 fan favorites in 6 competitors... But again it's messy and you can't anticipate everything and sometimes there are a lot of fan favorites.)
(One more thing, Google Sheets does let you randomize a selected range if you right click on it, which can save you time running back and forth between random.org.)
3) Rematches
Personally I think if you want good data in a 3+ competitor winner-take-all kind of situation, you have to run rematches. Say 40% of people like competitor A, 30% of people like competitor B, and the remaining 30% are spread out among competitors C, D, and E. competitor A would win without rematches, but it could very much be the case that of the latter 30% of voters, if their picks were eliminated, only 5% would vote for competitor A, and the remaining 25% would vote for competitor B. That would leave us with 45/55 in B's favor.
Anyway, you can do whatever suits you because running rematches is a little tricky and it requires keeping track of all these extra scattered little polls, but the rules I have for rematches are as follows:
If the winner wins by 50% or more, no rematch.
If the winner is in the lead by 20%, no rematch.
If there are two leading competitor, single rematch.
If there's one leading competitor and two close runner ups, double rematch.
If it looks like it could be a double rematch, but the 2nd place competitor is closer to the first place competitor, it should be a single rematch (and vice versa).
If it looks like it could be a double rematch, the 3rd + 4th + etc place competitors results must be greater than or equal to the 1st place competitor for a double rematch to be held.
4) Scheduling
This one is rather unique to my situation, so I can't really offer too much advice here. Really depending on your voter-base and your access to them, you need to determine if you want to do this long term (slowly releasing the polls) or short term (release them more or less all at once) and if you want to do 1 week polls (requires some extra coordination, especially so that you don't have 1 week gaps between poll drops as you wait for previous round's data to come in) or 1 day polls (easier, but requires your voter base to be more readily available to you).
My very long term approach is based mostly on the fact that the Pokemon community here is very very large and scattered and, starting off, I effectively had 0 way to spread news about the tournament to anyone other than via Blaze. I think if you search scheduling on this blog, you can find the posts that were made when I decided to change the poll schedule, and I did so fairly publicly, so it should be pretty easy to see the structure of this tournament from that.
5) Tournament Summaries/Brackets
Wasn't sure what to call this one but it's basically a, oh no this thing is huge and constantly shifting but people want to kind of get an idea of where we've been and what's coming next, but because it's not a typical 1v1 tournament and also there are hundreds of these guys, I have no idea how to do that.
Which doesn't fit so well in a title lol.
Anyway there are probably a lot better ways of doing this than I did, but I basically just set up a free Neocities site to help keep track of anything. It took me a very long evening to do it, especially since my web dev is super rusty, but it's working out great because it also helps me keep track of everything, because the way I had it set up in my spreadsheet was not super intuitive or easy to see. I doubt anyone wants it, but I am totally willing to share the code behind the site if you all don't know how to get it from just inspecting the page and all. It's pretty clunky though so I'm not advertising it lol.
If I was really smart I'd have all the data in a JSON file and have a JS script just make all the cards that I have in there for me instead of using a separate C++ script (yes, sorry, I use C++ for things like this but that's because I know it better than like Python which would actually probably be the better choice) to generate the cards in HTML which I then paste into the HTML file, but also that would take a lot of time to figure out how to do, and time is not on my side. So.
Anyway. That's most of what I've got organization-wise. I typed this all up on my phone away from my computer so hopefully it's not too messy. I'm not sure if I've provided the info you're looking for or if I've included too much of the information you're not looking for, but I've rarely been accused of not being thorough at least 😭
If you have more questions, feel free to drop me an ask off anon and I'll send you a DM from my main! Otherwise, best of luck!!
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xx-just-c-xx · 1 year
Florida's background
Florida Lumia a 19 years old girl who born in Kalos Region, used to be champion in Hoenn region lost to Steven Stone on purpose so she can go traveling all around the world of pokemon.
Florida's family is a famous family because of her uncle name Alvis who is famous the pokemon scientists there was a mad scientists who is jealous of Alvis, the mad scientists have got mad so mad that the mad scientists go to Florida's family home for what... to kill Florida's dad Albert because Alvis and Albert are twins and they care about each other so much that they would do anything to help each other.
There was an accident happened to her when she was 5.
The mad scientists have kill Albert and his wife and take the children that's Florida and her younger brother Oscar to his secret room that he do experiment on human that he kidnapped the mad scientist took Florida and Oscar to a another room that have skeleton inside the room and left the kids in there, she try to comfort her 4 years old brother.
some time have pass the mad scientist back and take Oscar away she try to save him but failed, a few minutes pass she heard scream from her brother and yet she can't do anything after that the mad scientist came into the room and said.
"another fail experiment"
this make Florida think "did my little brother die?" "I couldn't save him.."
The mad scientist took Florida to the room all she can see is blood and Oscar 'lifeless' body, she only feel sad that she can not do anything to help him, she got experiment, she in pain and she can not see anything at all.
Almost 6 months had pass, she feel that she lost all her hope until.
"huh? is someone there?"
"Ee eevee eevee"[It's me, Eevee I found you]
Florida is confused why or how did she understands what her Eevee saying, she remembers that what the mad scientist did to her, she asked "how did you get here Eevee?"
"Eevee"[with your uncle]
"Uncle Alvis..."
After she finally got saved she got sent into the hospital and the mad scientist got sent to jail, she been staying at the hospital for about 4 months pass she can go out now in the first 1 week she finally go out the hospital a lot of things happen like it her birthday and her Eevee evolve into Sylveon because he just wants to hold her hand everytime and travel to live in Hoenn region because that where Alvis live in.
Some time pass Florida already 8 years on her birthday her uncle give her something that changes her living is a special glasses that can make her see everything again not being blind for those 3 years, and he give her a Gogoat because Florida has very very weak body so weak that she only can walk for 2 km. before she passing out.
And of course that some of her parents pokemon would like to go with her too but she want her own pokemon so they didn't go with her in her first time travel in Hoenn region in this travel she becomes the first 8 years old champion in Hoenn region, she try a lot of things in Hoenn and stop Team Magma and Team Aqua at the same time.
At the age of 10. When Steven Stone come to challenge her, she thinks it the perfect opportunity for her to lost to him and traveling all around the world with her pokemon, Meeting with a lot a people, She try something new too like pokemon contest and become 'The queen of eeveelutions' since every contest she did always have one of the eeveelutions, and meeting with Arceus, now got sent into the past but already come back.
after 5 years of traveling all around the world, she decide to find a place call home in Kalos Region again, she live in a forest near the Lumiose City.
In those 2 years is she finally finished her home with the help all the pokemon she have traveling all around the world, she have a place call home.
after some time pass Florida already 19, her friend Cynthia asked her to help something, so she go to Sinnoh Region to know that Team Galactic try to open distortion world just to change the world and now she fall into the distortion world....
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unmeisenshi · 1 year
Audie picked himself up, tears running down his face as heavy rain began falling. He was staring out to where Abominae was headed, eager to go after them, but just before he began walking he noticed a figure under an umbrella out of the corner of his eye. An Eevee, one with short gray fur and hair in a ponytail. They had a short tailcoat on with the sleeves rolled up, and skinny pants to match it. Audie had to do a double take to see who it was.
The Eevee waved, and walked towards her brother. "Good to see you, older brother. I only caught the end of what happened... Was that...?"
"It was Mom." Audie looked down, tears still flowing out of his eyes. "Abominae, her shadow puppet... It killed her. Took over her body. Now they're going to who knows where... She's gone... Abominae told me as much..."
Rondo looked down for a moment, before bringing Audie inside the house and out of the rain. "We'll get her back. I can assure you. Me and you together." Rondo took her jacket off, placing it over Audie's shoulders before looking back at her elder brother. He looked distraught, and like his mind was racing. She grabbed onto his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
"Don't worry. Mom will be fine. We can ask Isaak to revive her if we can. But first we have to wrangle in Abominae. There's no use in going after them now. Not in the physical or mental state you're in. We'll devise a plan so we aren't going in completely blind."
Audie looked down, and slowly nodded. "Right..." He said with very little confidence. When Rondo looked at him, giving a look that asked "Are you alright?", Audie sighed. "Sorry... It's just with the riots that happened... And now seeing Mom all zombified... I've been going through a lot..."
Rondo responded by giving a soft smile, and her hand on his shoulder. "But you're still here. You're still going. Many others would have given up in your situation." She gave the Espeon a light hip check. "It's why I look up to you, y'know? You're much stronger than you realize. I like to think you have Mom's resilience."
Audie cracked a smile, and sheepishly chuckled. "You really think so?" He asked. As soon as the sentence finished, Audie sneezed and began to shiver, which earned a chuckle from Rondo.
"And you have Dad's somewhat air-headed nature." She said. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt, anyway?"
Audie looked around for a moment, his face turning red. "Uh... It's... More comfy like this..." After another shiver, the Espeon began walking to the restroom. "I'm going to take a shower..."
Rondo chuckled once again. "I'll be waiting in the kitchen for you."
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cure-icy-writes · 2 years
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I posted 1,735 times in 2022
That's 885 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (9%)
1,571 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,064 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#disability - 78 posts
#adulting tag - 29 posts
#pokemon - 25 posts
#ask game - 19 posts
#re: prev tags - 18 posts
#bryelle chihiro - 17 posts
#fall into flying - 15 posts
#pokemon legends arceus - 12 posts
#personal - 11 posts
#answered asks - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#trying again one more time except this time the kids on the online playground sit crosslegged in front of you and listen with rapt attention
My Top Posts in 2022:
pokemon in mental health
gonna dump some worldbuilding headcanons on tumblr bc sharing is caring
“Therapy pokemon“ is a vague term and the one most commonly used, but can refer to either personal support pokemon, or therapeutic assistance pokemon. Personal support pokemon are pokemon who assist their trainer exclusively, and require a bit of paperwork as well as confirmation from a healthcare professional, but this is pretty easy to set up. Often, these pokemon assist with anxiety disorders, poor balance, executive dysfunction, time blindness, and other assorted conditions. They tend to be smaller in size, and are permitted in situations where pokemon are normally restricted unless it becomes a safety concern.
Personal support pokemon don’t require a clear diagnosis so much as confirmation of symptoms. If someone experiences chronic pain and isn’t sure why, they can still get permission for assistance. These pokemon often wear vests to signify that they’re working, but not always. In general, asking to pet or touch these pokemon is looked down upon unless you’re close to the trainer, although introducing yourself to the pokemon and offering a hand to sniff is a common courtesy.
Therapeutic Assistance Pokemon, on the other hand, require quite a bit of training. These pokemon must get their official certifications, and are trained for tasks such as:
how to help a human through a panic attack 
how to signal for help 
how to communicate to emergency responders through a specific code the state of the human 
how to de-escalate violent situations 
how to guide a human who is dissociating to a safe place
Therapeutic Assistance Pokemon are very common in mental healthcare facilities, the foster system, large companies in certain sections of HR, hospitals, and schools during finals week/after any kind of tragedy affecting the student population such as a death. They're also deployed in the wake of natural disasters.
common therapeutic assistance pokemon might include: 
lillipup. lil dog, very easy to train, friendly, sensitive to changes in environment 
riolu, although they're more often deployed in more high intensity situations. almost all of them carry an everstone 
sylveon, since according to the pokedex they can use their ribbons to help calm people down
vulpix/fennekin, fluffy and warm. 
alomomola-- more common in hospital settings, and tend to work in shifts because pokemon have emotional needs as well. honestly, highly empathetic pokemon are more prone to burnout than others. same goes for the chansey line and audino 
eevee. always in demand for trainers, not all of these little guys are cut out for battling, and breeding/raising programs for eevee tend to sort the young by career paths of battler/non-battler depending on the preferences that the pokemon has shown. 
Therapeutic assistance pokemon must have a handler, often with a ratio of multiple pokemon to a single handler.
213 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
things i’ve learned about hyperacusis, because the medical system is frankly SHIT
And frankly, I’d rather my experience help someone else who needs it. This isn’t universal or exhaustive, just something that I wanted to share. Anyone can reblog or add on, but don’t clown.
Hyperacusis is a neurological disorder characterized by extreme sensitivity to sound, and it’s a fucking bitch to deal with. I’ve had it for two years, and only recently got a diagnosis. In my case, I’m fairly certain it was caused by a combination of existing ADHD/sensory issues and the slowly building stress of high school, which is an entirely different can of worms that I still occasionally have vague nightmares about.
It’s hard to cope with, and largely not understood by the public.
You’re going to get some judgement from older folks about being “antisocial” for wearing headphones and avoiding crowds, especially if you’re younger. This is the equivalent of a squirrel encouraging a fish to be more outgoing when the fish is literally struggling to breathe and taking refuge in its bowl of water.
Earplugs will be your best friend. Don’t listen to audiologists who tell you that it’s the worst thing you can ever do to your hearing; the medical system is largely unsympathetic to your actual needs. Get them in bulk, and use them as needed. Silence is bad for your ears, yes, but damaging them with noise is even worse. Earplugs combined with over-the-ear headphones playing music is a good compromise.
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Seriously. Stock the fuck up on these lil bitches. Put ‘em in an altoids tin and never leave the house without some. And don’t forget to use clean ones; these are disposable for a reason. If you store them in a dirty place, you’ll end up with an ear infection.
You may need accommodations, but that doesn’t make you any lesser of a person. Start looking around cripplepunk* spaces for confidence. Own your disability. You deserve to live just as much as anyone else, and you deserve to be happy. Accessibility may not be universal, but it sure isn’t optional either. You are worth more than what you can contribute to society.
If possible, an audiologist can help you get custom made earplugs to filter out sound equally. These let you reduce volume at all frequencies, as opposed to the foam earplugs which muffle sound.
Earplugs designed for musicians and autistic folks are also good options; ideally, you want to have something of a variety of hearing protection. Too much or too little will only make things worse. Find what works for you and allows you to function and heal. Active noise cancelling is also an option.
Lifestyle changes won’t fix the problem and you should be skeptical of anyone who says they will, but they’re also not something to be overlooked. Sound dampening panels can be expensive, but keeping soft things in your room can improve the sound absorption. For me, having a rather large fabric stash is an excellent solution, but plushies and hanging quilts are also reasonable. Reducing stress can help, too-- start setting some healthy and reasonable boundaries. Force yourself to view your distress as rational and justified, rather than something to push through.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is the main method used in treating hyperacusis, but this...can vary. In my experience, audiologists are unsympathetic shitheads about this, and can veer into victim blaming, so take it with a grain of salt and keep your own limitations in mind. It works on a similar principle as exposure therapy, rewiring the brain in order to break down the association between “noise = bad” and helping you become accustomed to normal levels of auditory processing. Never force yourself to do this if it causes you distress; take it at your own pace. Forcing yourself will only strengthen the associations created, and make things worse for you. Imagine your brain as a scared cat in a new house; give it space, then introduce new stimuli as needed. Tinnitus retraining therapy is not punishment. You don’t need to punish yourself for having this disorder, even if you think that’ll make it go away faster.
You deserve patience and love.
*cripplepunk, sometimes censored as c-punk, is a movement similar to disabled pride that centers the needs and lives of disabled folks over the convenience of the abled population. Not everyone is comfortable with reclaiming the word “cripple” and it should be used with discretion. Be wary of physical/mental separatism in disability.
Anyways, I think that’s all for now! I may add on more later, but I hope this helps.
267 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Tired of the submas angst?
After some consideration, I’d like to propose an event dedicated to content of the twins being autistic and happy. Much of the information is subject to change, and help spreading the word and organizing the event would be greatly appreciated. With that being said, here’s a basic outline to serve as an interest check. Feedback and reblogs would be greatly appreciated! 
318 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
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See the full post
501 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love writing the pokemon world as just. socialist utopia where pokemon training is sort of like pet ownership, battling is good enrichment, and the government is pretty nonviolent. free healthcare and minimal police, because people just take care of each other
and also every couple years, a feral ten year old will team up with a god and take down some terrorists. this is just a thing that happens and everyone has come to accept it as normal. ten year olds have no fear and no filter, and a strong sense of justice
919 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shadowofroses · 3 months
Damn that ask made me go look at my beginning chapter (only chapter so far) of Kingdom Crisis.
I'm giggle snorting. Small Excerpt I didn't get further than this (So far I've described like 5 worlds as stain glass previously including the YYH and Pokemon in this excerpt. Warning is Language. And Reader can hear the Narrator at times.
"Huh…” you thought for a moment, you liked this one more than the other two. There was however a door. You ran over to it but it was locked, “Of fucking course…” a twinkling sound came from behind you and a small chest appeared. You turned to open it, and there was a key and a potion?
You ran over to the door, and shoved the key into the lock, the door opened, blinding you with bright light. Walking through you noticed a weird…classroom? Your hands entangled in your hair as you whined to yourself. “I’m too old for high school. Come on brain wake up, obviously this is a dream!” To the side you saw three teens just chilling and talking to each other, though you couldn’t hear them.  Rikku, Sora and Kairi. 
As you walked forward, and the three looked at you, Kairi flashed a smile, with a finger to her chin. “What’s more important to you? Being number one, Friendship, or material possessions?” 
You scratched your head, “Friendship. Other two are too superficial…”
“Huh, I didn’t expect that…” 
Rikku scoffed at your outburst, “Chill. She did nothing wrong. What are you so afraid of? Getting old, being different, or being indecisive?”
You blinked cause this was the most response you got out of anyone yet. “I guess being indecisive.”
“Well at least you didn’t say old. I’ll give you that much.” 
Sora flashed you a brilliant smile, "What do you want out of life? To see rare sights, Broaden your horizons or to be strong?” 
You felt yourself relax with him speaking. “I like learning so broadening horizons.”
Sora snorted, “And that is why the school environment was chosen for ya!”
“HEH?!” One blink and you were standing on another stained glass window, Baby form of Koenma of Yu Yu Hakusho, with the heads of the detectives around him. 
All around you Heartless appeared, they seemed like weak creatures, so you literally bapped them on the head as they came near you. After defeating the sixth Heartless a staircase appeared. You moved forward up the stairs, not noticing the steps disappearing behind you.
On the other side of the staircase was a stained glass floor decorated with Eevee and it’s Evolutions.  
“The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes…” 
For some reason this made you facepalm, “Does this guy think I’m an idiot? That’s just how light is…” You turned to look at your shadow, it slowly started to form into a three dimensional being. “EH?!” 
“But don’t be afraid.”
You twitched, “BITCH MY SHADOW IS ALIVE AND YOU TELL ME NOT TO BE AFRAID?!” The shadow transformed into the shape of a large Nomu only pitch black like the previous Heartless. Brain could been seen, causing you to pale, “BITCH I’M AFRAID!”
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scruffyssketchbook · 8 months
Are there any disabled (mute, deaf, blind, etc.) Eevees in the box? I’m mostly asking cuz of Mike, cuz he doesn’t talk throughout the comic at all any time he appears. Of course, he could just choose not to speak, but I’m still curious about if there’s any others!
Mike is not mute, but Larry is!!!
Mike is just deathly quiet (while Tike is super talkative). Larry on the otherhand, communicates with others using sign language in the comic when he appears. No blind or deaf eevees, but there is a character (not an eevee) who is half blind! I've always wanted more disabled eevees in SSEC, but I could never figure out any ideas for them that I liked =m=;;
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