able-juice · 2 months
Me when anons ask weird asks to me:
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Me when they ask my friends' weird asks:
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ask-lute · 4 months
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Part 1. Another Halo to Grieve
*TW: Mentions of Sui and SH*
Lute stands bleeding from the wound left in her back by Phil the egg. She finds it hard to stand, she was prepared for a fight but not to lose the element of surprise much less have it reversed on her. From the edge of Samson's Glade she sees a light, the light of the Seraphim. Her heart drops. *He even tipped off Sera? Fuck...fuck fuck fuck!* Using what little strength she has, she takes off flying low to avoid the sight of the Seraphim. Her heart is pounding, her back is in searing pain and unable to heal quickly from the angelic steel.
“Fuck! I...I've got to get to V...” She says frantically, knowing that Vienna has some medical knowledge.
As she touches down at Vienna's she notices the door ajar, much as she left it when she fought with her. A sinking feeling falls over her as she remembers Vienna's state the day she left in an angry melancholic rush.
“V? A-Are you here?” Lute's breathing is labored by the stab wound and her voice is just a squeak compared to her normal commanding tone.
She looks back at the golden blood spots she's tracked into V's house. *I'll have to clean that later, I can't let V. do that, she's been through so much. *She staggers to the kitchen hoping to see Vienna as she rounds the corner, but again it's empty, just like her own home had been over the last months until Sadie and Vienna came into her life. Her mind fills with shame at how she treated V the last time they saw one another. Calling her a sinner, telling her she should have stayed in hell? She wonders why she had such an emotional reaction to Vienna's words. *Do...I still love her? No...that's not...I mean not like that. *
“Vienna? I n-need your help! I'm hurt! Are you u-upstairs?” She says, her voice a pained whimper almost. “I'm c-coming up, l-listen I know you're probably m-fuck-mad at me, but I need your help!”
The creak of the stairs sound like thunder in the quiet house, her blood trail staining every stair along the way.
“V, please! I'-I'm sorry okay?! Just help me, and I'll get out of your life forever if that makes you happy!” She summons her all of her strength to yell up the stairs.
It becomes increasingly harder to keep her balance. She places her hand on her wound to put some pressure on it. As she reaches the top of the stairs she sees Vienna's door wide open, Her hand braces against the wall as she makes her way to the door. The blood left on her hand from touching her wound makes the empty hall shine with a dim morose yellow from the golden blood.
“V, please I-” Lute says as she rounds the corner to V's room where she's met with Vienna's limp body and a puddle of blood surrounding her. Her eyes widen and she rushes to V's side but as she touches her former friend's cheek the stone cold feeling of V's normally warm flesh induces instant panic.
“No. No. No...you didn't, no no no no, you were in Heaven, paradise, you wouldn't have, please no, not you...”
Lute looks at the body of her friend,
she treated her so poorly and didn't even get the chance to plead for her forgiveness. Her eyes drift to Vienna's bloodstained halo. *How many halos will I have to mourn?* The pain of her stab wound brings her back to reality. There's only one person to turn to now. Sadie. She doesn't want to get her involved in this but where else can she turn? There's only one person she trusts so completely.
“V...I'm sorry...so sorry.” Lute says as she grips Vienna's halo and tears form in her eyes. She tries to focus on the moment at hand. Lute grabs Vienna's sheet from her bed and rips enough off to wrap around her back to attempt to stop her bleeding. As she opens the window to fly off she glances back at V.
“I... I'm sorry I was such a shitty friend.” She says before taking off towards Sadie's apartment still watching out for the Seraphim as tears fall like rain from her eyes.
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Art courtesy of @your-favorite-therapist
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silvireal · 4 months
Vienna deserves so much better than what she got. Her and Lute used to be so close and it hurts seeing Lute become so cruel to her.
(Vienna) I just wanted her to know why I did what I did. I need to apologize. Or should I just…
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(don't worry, darling~ she'll be back soon and meet… someone. maybe two 🎵)
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seraphim-sarai · 4 months
Hey Sarai, why do you hate Lute and Timpani so much is it because we- they're right about you and exorcists are better than Seraphim in every way.
S-scratch that, I know the answer!
Oh?-[redacted emoji]
It's yes! E-especially better than apprentices.- [redacted emoji]
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ask-pentious · 5 months
Pentious vs. Lute Prologue: The Serpent
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Sir Pentious sits on Emily's couch, examining the angelic blade he was given shortly after he got to Heaven. He had no problem with killing people while in hell, but the permanence of angelic steel makes him uncomfortable, especially finding friends in the denizens of Heaven such as Kayla. He knows that just months ago he could have seen all of his friends fall to the same weapons. His sacrifice had brought him to Heaven but for so many others they were simply erased when they met their end at angelic magic. Just then his phone that Emily had given him begins to ring.
“Hello? Missss Emily, is everything okay?” Pentious says.
The little Seraphim anxiously answers, “Pen, we have a problem. Somehow Lute knows you're here, Sera is worried she might...try something soon. I keep telling her that Lute would be stupid to try to kill a redeemed soul, but Sera isn't convinced that will stop her.”
Pentious stays silent for a moment, unsure of what he should ask next. A wave of fear swims through his veins. “Does ssshe know you've been hiding me? Are you in danger too?” He finally responds.
“Don't worry about me, Pen, the only thing dumber than harming you would be to attack a Seraphim. Sera and I will keep you safe. Though I was hoping she would have been...less vengeful considering the circumstances.” Emily says with a disappointed tone.
“Lute...doesssn't strike me as the type to think thingsss through when it comes to revenge. Pleassse be careful, dear.” Pentious warns as he ends the call.
He takes a moment to process the situation, thinking back to how he felt when Adam broke Alastor's shield.
“Eggiesss, can you come here for a moment?” Pentious's voice shakes a bit with nervousness.
Phil, Eggbert, Shelley, and Gregg gather around.
“MINIONSss! The time has come to prepare defenssses. We have been identified by an exorcist...the exorcissst.” He takes the tone of a commander.
“Sure thing, Boss! We're ready for anything.” Phil proudly shouts.
The other eggs all murmur in agreement. Pentious looks at the eggs lovingly like a father to his children. Phil has apparently become the defacto leader of the bunch. As they all take a stiff stance and salute Pentious leans down and gives them a gentle hug, uncertain where this situation will leave them.
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
"Headcanon: one of the first things Vaggie did to reclaim an identity for herself outside of being heaven's soldier is to try more feminine clothing, something she never used to let herself wear because it's impractical for a fighter(like growing her hair). It was an awkward transition, but Charlie's very enthusiastic encouragement helped Vaggie love her new look."
This headcanon is so important to me as weird as that sounds. As someone who was denied the freedom to explore her femme gender presentation growing up I can relate. Vaggie having that moment when her skin finally feels like it fits right is such a moment she'd have in this senario and it makes me so happy.
You don't notice the way you don't "fit your skin" until you realize it's possible. You don't realize that clothes can feel like home.
Omgosh tho that means Charlie was there for the first time Vaggie did a skirt twirl!!! Ahhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry got distracted. That skirt twirl is powerful lol
"You don't realize that clothes can feel like home"
I loved that so much I had to draw this real quick
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Charlie and Vaggie finding "home" in so many ways because of each other is so important to me
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catboymoments · 6 months
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More Hotel Purgatorium/Hazbin rewrite stuff! I found it kind of strange how Viv made up a whole class of angels called “exorcists” when. There’s Already Angels In Theology that do Exactly That. So! Meet Mirabel (Lute) !! Adam is still a wip don’t ask
Also for someone who for all intents and purposes seems like she would be a feminist, Viv has a very narrow minded view when it comes to making female characters- they’re either silly uwu beans or “bitches” which is so.
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fr00t-snacc · 7 months
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They’re such a wonderful dynamic of super violent goobers-
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dereality-existence · 4 months
can u draw Adam and Lute hugging each other :3
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Yepyepyep! But I got a little carried away and drew a couple more variations ¬‿¬
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onesidedradiostatic · 4 months
Going off on your previous post, what if Adam had a deal with Val, like one provides entertainment in exchange for immunity from the exterminators?
Like you can't have your favorite industry dying on you, especially not on the one day you're actually working
Also imagine if part of the reason he wanted the exterminators twice a year was because he had ran out of material and needed more
(follow-up to this post)
LMAOOO that'd be funny
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but I'm pretty sure the vees always hid during exterminations so I don't see an opportunity for them to have met unless it was before val rose to power. but this crack idea is so fucking funny hold on I'm cooking something up
one extermination later
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in contrast to the other homophobe, katie killjoy, adam is actually a valentino fan.
no it doesn't make sense for val to be caught in exterminations at this point but suspend your disbelief for the joke
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mintartem · 7 months
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What if…. Adam is like a father (mama bird) figure to the exorcists (assuming they are heaven born).
It’s those bird allegations I tell you (and also inspired by this lovely art).
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able-juice · 5 months
Ask-Pentious: Wholesome sweet adventure to hug pandas and find eggs.
Ask-Lute: Trauma dumps on her date, makes a deal with a demon that will most likely end up harming her therapist, angers a powerful hellborn.
Lute's making great decisions today.
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ask-lute · 5 months
Hello, winners...and sinners. I have set up this 'blog' to answer your questions...I'm sure it will be worth my time.
Sir Pentious, your days are numbered...
The story so far
The Serpent
The Sword
Heaven Sent:
The Seraphim
Boiling point
Regardless, ask your questions, and if you are a sinner who has information on this rogue sinner...perhaps you won't have to beg for your life in futility at the next Extermination.
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((Admin Lilith here, once again this is 18+, I'm just doing this for fun so if I don't get to your question quickly it's real life getting in the way. This is LGBTQIA+ inclusive so be respectful. This is not affiliated with anything official and may contradict canon at times.
About Me:
My name (not joking) is Lilith, and I chose it as my middle name well before the Hazbin series came out. [Typical trans woman, I know]
I have quite a lot of hobbies, such as drawing/sketching, pixel art, singing, music composition, writing, and digital media related stuff.
I am AuDHD, trans, demipansexual, demiromantic, and non-binary. My pronouns, as listed previously are She/They.
1. Absolutely no NSFW*. Flirting is allowed, but Lute may not take kindly to it.
2. This is mainly an ask blog. I enjoy roleplaying but I may be slower to respond to those requests.
3. I work Friday-Sunday so on those days I will be taking time to relax after 7pm EST and sometimes I may respond quickly, but other times I may not. I also run @ask-pentious and @charliepunningstar so I will probably get to asks and rp requests on this one at a slower rate as it is the least popular right now.
4. OCs are fine, but I do have a storyline that I'm building so my responses will be heavily based on stuff I've said previously.
5. Do not send me RP prompts in my messages without introducing yourself first. It makes me anxious.
6. This is for fun, please don't take things too seriously.
*No more asks that contain:
- extreme violence
- spam
- extreme sex
- hate speech
**Sending an ask that contains any of these, will result in a permanent ban.**
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seramilla · 5 months
Here's a fun idea, extorsists are from miscarriages. Let's say one day vaggie gets hurt and needs a blood transfusion, sinner carmilla and her girls offer to be tested and they all have the same blood type and Vaggie is fine.
Thing is, vaggie has a rare blood type
They end up doing a DNA test and find out that vaggie is technically carmilla daughter that she miscarried.
Vaggie had always known there was something...off about her. And not just her; all the Exorcists, really. None of them had memories of a life on Earth. They also weren't created like other angels were, and Heavenborn who were willing to talk about it all insisted they were previously mortal. Vaggie never had any proof to the contrary, but the details of her aforementioned life, were never disclosed. There was like a wall there, almost like amnesia. The Exorcists seemed to exist in a vacuum all on their own, kept away from the rest of Heaven's population, in their own private barracks.
When Vaggie had asked Adam about this; why they were kept separate from every other Winner in Heaven, and not allowed to fraternize with other mortal souls, he just shrugged. He insisted he didn't know. His warriors had always been hand-picked for him by Heaven's elders, and he'd never personally questioned where they came from. He told her to stop worrying about it; questioning the life she had before was pointless, and he needed her to be in tip-top shape for what was to come.
All of that worrying ended when Vaggie fell. Suddenly, her origins were no longer a top priority, and she quickly forgot about it once Charlie welcomed her into her home, and into her bed. It was always in the back of her mind, but it suddenly mattered much less than it had before. There was no longer any need to consider the life she had on Earth, whatever it was; her life was here, and it was now, and Charlie needed her, and that was enough.
That was the case, anyway, until after the battle for the hotel, and Adam's sudden demise. Vaggie hadn't realized at the time, but during all the excitement, she'd lost a lot of blood in that battle. That had all been Lute's doing, and once Vaggie collapsed suddenly in Charlie's arms, Vaggie's next memory is waking up in a hospital bed, with blinding lights and loud electronic noises blaring in her ear.
Standing next to her bedside is Charlie, holding her hand. Also to her surprise, Carmilla is sitting off to one side, near the foot of her bed, clacking away at her laptop like she's just completing another day at work. Combined with the sound of all the beeping and booping from hospital machinery, Vaggie finds she can barely fight off the beginnings of a headache.
"Where am I?" Vaggie asks, and Charlie assures her she's all right.
"You lost a lot of blood, Vags," Charlie admits, grasping on to her hand tighter. "We...we rushed you here, after you collapsed. You desperately needed a blood transfusion, and, well...we thought my dad would be a match, but he wasn't. Carmilla was, though."
Wait. Wait. Hold on. Fucking wait.
"What? What do you mean?" Vaggie responds, trying to sit up. Charlie pushes her down, gently with her hand, before the angel can hurt herself. Carmilla closes the lid of her laptop, standing up slowly, looking at Vaggie with a gaze that might intimidate any other Sinner here in Hell.
Definitely not Vaggie, though. She knows now the arms dealer would never hurt her. She might kick her ass again, but it would all be for the purpose of teaching one of her twisted, secondhand lessons. She's not sure if she's ready for another round of that, just yet.
"What's going on?" Vaggie asks, bringing herself back to the subject at hand. Charlie looks away, still fumbling to give her a straight answer.
"Umm...well...you see..."
"Let me tell her," Carmilla suggests, moving to stand next to Vaggie's bedside. Vaggie hadn't noticed it before, but as Carmilla gets closer, she sees a bandage sticking out near the opening of her sleeve. That must be where they'd hooked her up to draw her blood. The blood that had saved Vaggie's life.
"Carmilla," Vaggie begins, questioning where in Hell this conversation is going.
Carmilla looks down at Vaggie, sighing deeply. Her gaze is longing, almost hurt and forlorn, like she might cry. Carmilla gets choked up at first, stuttering and fumbling for words like Charlie. She finally manages to say, through a clenched jaw, "We need to talk, mija."
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toiletpudding · 6 months
So what does Lute and/or the Exorcists think about seeing a woman naked that's surprisingly close to Adam who goes by the name of Eve?
Would Lute freak out as she's the Original Sinner and what about the other Exorcists ?
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She's really fucking confused.
On one hand Eve's the original sinner, part of the reason evil exists and why her bestie got kicked out of paradise.
But he's over there smiling and holding hands with her. 🤷‍♀️?????
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barblaz-arts · 5 months
your Soul Eater AU makes my brain go brrr I love it!
I have a question though (and a couple headcannon/ Ideas I want to spill out but shhhh) since niffty is a witch what kind of animal is she? Because if I remember correctly some if not all witches have an animal motif.
For headcannon/ideas: for Vagis original miser Lute, I can somehow imagine her as someone who can both be a miser and a weapon (her new miser is Adam)
I briefly mentioned it in the post with Excalibur/Chain Knife!Alastor, but Niffty is supposed to be a mouse. Since she's a duo with Husk, who is a cat. I feel like it fits her too tbh
That would be cool, and I actually considered it, but I'm making Lute the Crona equivalent, with Adam being her Ragnarok.
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Instead of black blood, Adams's made of gold blood :D
Thought it'd be perfect since Adam has a lot of gold in his color palette, including his wings, while Lute already canonically wields a golden sword.
Anyways, here's a bit of Charlie and Vaggie going mad with gold blood.
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