#asks are still open
starheart-blog · 2 months
Anyone got any more questions for me?
I been getting some questions...but I am not forcing any of you to question me...
But I don't mind having more questions about my Cartoon Oc's and my toon universe...
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bd-wlf · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Loki (TV 2021), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Character(s), Loki (Marvel) & Original Character(s) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Original Characters Additional Tags: Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Protective Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Original Character(s), Tumblr Ask Box Fic, The Avengers Live in Avengers Tower (Marvel), Rain, Friends to Lovers, He/Him Pronouns for Loki (Marvel), Eventual Smut, Fluff, Movie Night Summary:
It was a stormy night outside the Avengers Tower. But just because it was a stormy night doesn't mean something terrible was afoot
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prest0-art · 8 months
Ok hear me out… Negatus… wearing this:
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(Pretty please)
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Here comes the boiiiiii
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theroundbartable · 9 months
If anyone wants to send me any asks, I'd be delighted to answer them :)
You can ask me about me, about my takes on BBC Merlin, on characters, my fanfics , my art... Anything that may interest you.
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dekuscrubbb · 1 year
Also what is Time if the Hero of Time is dead
i mean... *I* certainly never said that! (he is the hero of time through some wishy-washy magic time travel (?) bs, but the counselors and the campers don't know that.) thats all im allowed to say!
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sariastrategos · 1 year
Writing prompt! Hux being a snooty tea aficionado while Kylo's like "it's not that deep". Bonus if Kylo tries to make Hux some tea and and it's just water and leaves, getting Hux all flustered up on his high horse about varieties and steeping times, etc.
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I love this so much, reminds me of my tea shop AU!
“Listen, I know you’re particular about everything, but don’t you think this is a bit much?”
Hux scoffed “There is nothing wrong with being particular, I shouldn’t have to settle for sub-par in anything. And no, this is perfect.”
They stood looking at the machine Hux had dramatically revealed moments ago, expecting the deserved oohs and ahhs such a marvel was due. Kylo had looked at it and raised an eyebrow. Hux was beyond thrilled with the final product and Kylo was certain it had been a waste of time and effort.
“It isn’t a kettle you neanderthal” Hux clicked his tongue and took a calming breath before continuing, quite patiently he thought. “It’s a variable range temperature controller. You see I pour water in the reservoirs and-“
“And it heats it to whatever temperature you program it to?” He asked wryly.
“Yes, exactly!” He replied excitedly. Or as outwardly excited as he ever got. “I can program any temperature I want and-“
“And it boils the water.” Kylo felt his lips twitching up.
“It heats the water precisely to the set temperature. To the very degree!” Hux told him, desperately trying to impress upon him how magnificent the machine was and rapidly losing his own enthusiasm.
“So it’s a very precise kettle.” He replied, amused “It’s still just a kettle.”
Hux had kicked him out after that. He may have deserved it, Hux had apparently put a lot of hours into designing and building his very own water heater. With separate reservoirs that heated individually in case a guest wanted a different tea. Kylo understood being proud of something you’d made but Hux had already had a perfectly fine kettle that even heated the water to different temperatures. Maybe not to within ‘the very degree’ but an acceptable range was fine for most people.
Not to Hux who shunned tea from the mess hall or anything not prepared meticulously by himself. Kylo had seen him choke down a cup of tea at a social event with a dignitary they’d needed to secure relations with. He’d looked like someone had handed him water from the garbage disposal as he forced down sip after sip until the cup was empty. He’d politely declined a second cup, he was watching his caffeine intake he’d lied through his liar teeth. Kylo had declined simply because he didn’t like tea.
So fine, Hux’s big things were tea, engineering and precision in all things. And maybe he should have at least made an effort to fake interest. Made the oohs and ahhs Hux felt were due. Not that Hux would have believed it for a second but he appreciated whenever he made an effort.
Often when it came to Kylo, Hux was satisfied if he at least tried. The bar was pretty low but he somehow managed to slide under it.
He’d make it up to him. Go back later on once he’d cooled off with a few cups of precisely boiled tea. He’d tell him to give him a demonstration, to the very degree, and pretend to be suitably impressed. He’d choke down the examples of perfection and Hux would be delighted and appeased with his suffering. Apology via self sacrifice.
Hux wouldn’t give him the chance.
“Ren I don’t have time to entertain you.” He’d declared the moment the door opened. “I have work to do and so do you.”
“Well…maybe we could work together? You can make me a cup of your fancy tea and we-“
“Your pathetic attempt at an apology for your shameful lack of appreciation for my efforts is less important than my budget reports.” And the door was shut in his face.
Ouch. Shunned for budget reports…
So Hux may be more upset than he thought.
A bigger gesture would be required.
He spent a few days trying to talk to him. Asked him how his day was going (“like you care”) how were the budget reports? (“Can you even tell me what a budget is? Hm? After destroying yet another console when I expressly told you the expense?”) how was Millie? (“You leave her out of this!”).
He even tried brewing him a cup of tea! Maybe a little to show him that the precise temperature barely mattered but also as a peace offering. He’d made sure to put in exactly as much tea as he’d seen Hux use and followed the steeping times and everything.
Hux had sniffed it like it might be poison, sneering in distaste but he tried it. He took a tentative sip and promptly spat it back out into the cup “Stars, Kylo, what did you brew this in? A metal kettle? Did you even strain it, there’s leaves everywhere!”
“You can taste the kettle I used?” Was he serious? “And of course I strained it, it’s just hard to get all the pieces out!”
“Of course I can taste it, there’s an awful metal tang! A standard kettle no less, the leaves, which are everywhere by the way, did you even use an infuser? The leaves have been scalded by the incorrect temperature and made it bitter. Undrinkable. Thank you for the further insult.” He thrust the cup back at Kylo who just barely caught it and stomped away.
Hurt and anger rolled off him in waves, amplified whenever Kylo was close enough. The crew had picked up on the tension, barely hiding the fact they were watching and listening to their conversation. Not even bothering to cover their smirks as he stomped off the bridge. They were all Hux’s men and he’d never bothered to endear himself to them. Perhaps he should have. Ever since their argument, his favourite foods were mysteriously all gone from the caf before he could get there.
Before he could figure out a way back into Hux’s good graces, and by extension the crew’s, he was sent away. A minor planet under their control was trying to rise against them, burning banners and FO symbols, declaring their freedom. Kylo and his Knights were dispatched to quell the matter quickly and a contingent of troopers left behind to maintain control.
It was on his way back that he got the idea. They were right by the system…
He informed his Knights of a detour and that they were to proceed without him. A chorus of acknowledgements rippled around him laced with amusement and at least one impression of a whip being cracked. He had old them to fuck off and changed his flight path.
The delay had cost him several hours, two hundred credits and the mortification of walking in civilian clothes through the streets but he thought it would be worth it. The looks he got stalking the halls with his prize grated against him. The amusement flooding his senses even more so. But he would bear it. The echo of Hux’s disappointment and hurt had followed him like an echo for long enough.
He approached his quarters with no small amount of trepidation and fumbled the basket to remove his helmet. Took the time to position everything just so, precision in all things, presentation. Hit the request for entry button.
It opened seconds later “Where the hell have you been? Your Knights-“ Hux’s furious face morphed into one of surprise. A look Kylo didn’t get to see very often but now was not the time to revel in it.
“I’m sorry.” He told him quickly “Your work deserved more than my derision. You put time and effort into it, you were happy and proud of it and I didn’t appreciate it as I should have.”
The surprise only grew with each word and when he held out his offerings he thought he almost saw his jaw drop. Almost. “I’d like to make it up to you.”
Hux took the offered items from him, the tiniest hint of pink at his ears and Kylo thought maybe he’d done well. He belatedly hoped the general had no allergies as he leaned forward to delicately sniff at the perhaps overly large assortment. Hoped the shopkeeper had made good recommendations from the sparse information he was able to give them. That the baked goods weren’t too sweet. Hux didn’t like sweet. He liked tart. Citrus. Shortbreads and lemon tarts were the sweetest he’d seen him go. Was it enough? Was it too much?
“Kylo this is…” the struggle for words gave him a slight thrill of hope “You went out of your way to get these things? For me?”
Kylo nodded, tried not to swell up with pride when the pink crept down into his cheeks. Hux hated blushing, thought it made him look splotchy and undignified. Kylo sought to make him flush as often as he could.
“Kylo is that tea from the-“
“The Christoph system? It is.”
“Don’t interrupt me.” He glared. The rebuke held less venom than it might have normally. Lost some of its impact with the colour staining his cheeks. “You went to the Christoph system to get me tea and flowers? Because I was mad at you?”
Kylo shifted his weight from foot to foot, an action he was supposed to have grown out of, and measured his words carefully. “Because I was an asshole and I hurt you. And I needed to make it up to you. I may have gone a little overboard…”
Hux huffed at him, the corners of his mouth beginning to twitch up. “I don’t know, the insult to my work was worth at least the flowers.” They’d die all too soon “But I do appreciate the effort.” Kylo smiled hopefully “Did you get me six teas?”
He ran a hand through his hair “I couldn’t pick one. I don’t know enough about tea, I just told the guy your three favourites and he recommended these-“
“You know my favourite teas?” The colour bloomed a little brighter, reaching across his nose. “How?”
“I do listen when you talk” Kylo smiled “I notice things. Like when you reach for your tarine and click your tongue when there’s only a little left. The little hum when you take your first sip of Orange Pekoe with an extra scoop of tea in the afternoon. You like lemon ginger if you’re feeling ‘less than optimal’ and trying to hide it. I notice.” He finished quietly.
The flush had well and truly reached his collar and beyond. “Would you like to come in for a cup?”
“I would love to.”
He might not know a thing about tea.
But he knew Hux.
@janzoo I love you I’m sorry it took so long!! What a fic this turned into, thank you for the prompt!
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Pink Sue?
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One down, Seven to go!
This is my first time in literal ages drawing Sue, and I’m really happy with how she’s come out! She’s disaster-prone, but beautiful. I may change some things between this and my eventual ‘design’ for her, but I still love this nonetheless.
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ask-yandere-nickel · 5 months
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ask are open and please ask anything
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badassindistress · 2 years
because this last week in particular has been absolutely emotionally draining, any couple from a disney film you like in a robin hood-esque universe?
Hmmmm okay that is a very good one...
Okay I think I've got it. Who better to be outlaws for the Greater Good than Tiana and Naveen. Naveen the spoiled prince who is exiled or lost during a diplomatic trip meets Tiana who's doing more than giving gumbo to the whole neighbourhood.
Our maid Marian would then of course be Lottie, in her pretty pink palace secretly aiding our dashing heroes. You already have Lawrence as a pretender to the throne, with Dr. Facilier as his evil Vizier.
They hide out in the bayou where the gators eat any of the sheriff's men and the parties are not only merry but full of jazz (and excellent food).
Of course then there will a plot for poor Lottie's hand in marriage, so they'll have to sneak in in disguise. of course it's a trap, but who could resist the competion for the best ukelele player or the best chef for the royal wedding feast?
(Lottie meanwhile is doing her absolute best throwing tantrums and stringing everyone along while she works on her escape plans)
Naveen gets captured, of course, because it was either him or Tiana and he can't let that uptight, wonderful waitress run that risk. Lottie sneaks out at midnight to the dungeons to see this outlaw her dear friend Tia's been in a tizzy about. She gets captured by the Evil Pretender's (shadow) men before she can get him free and there's a scuffle but she is finally defeated. She is forced into her wedding gown, Naveen is languishing in the dungeons (which conveniently overlook the wedding banquet set up in the courtyard of course).
Lottie is forced to walk the aisle at knifepoint, the priest starts his speech and in swans Tiana (in a very fetching adventurer's outfit) shouting her objection. a guard disarms her but she lays out the whole evil plot while duelling the guards with whatever she can get her hands on (most large spoons and knives and a comical drumstick from the banquet tables). all the wedding guests gasp, Naveen cheers from the dungeon, but Dr. Facilier and the Evil Pretender just laugh. It is no matter that she revealed their plot, there is no higher authority here.
Except for Naveen's extremely Royal parents who Tiana went to warn. Their golden armoured guards are only too happy to free their prince and apprehend their old advisor. Lottie smacks him in the face with her extremely spikey wedding bouquet and all's well. The King and Queen of Maldonia turn to where their newly found and freed son was standing with the two brave ladies who saved him, but he's no longer there.
Cut to the three of them running away on a river boat, dancing and playing in the gleaming sunlight as they make their way far far away from there.
The end.
Give me an AU and I'll tell you the story I won't write
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loonsightneedshelp · 11 months
Dude why are comics so hard.
I wanna lore drop
But I want neat art
But art is hard
(Also, would yall like a sneak peek? I have 1 panel done but I should have at least 1 more by the end of the day)
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starheart-blog · 1 month
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Thank you for the Water Carl...? 😶
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daily-cheryl · 2 years
no context just Cheryl.
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YO MIME!!! >_< how tall even r u??? u so big /aff
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6'2 w/o antlers . 7'3 [technically] w/ antlers
(sloppy drawing because I'm tired but need to prove I'm still active on this blog)
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lasnevadasisopen · 2 years
Hey Big Q, do you ever miss Wilbur after he left to Utah?
I'm sorry he went where?? Why the fuck did he go to Utah? Of all places?????? What the fuck is that man smoking???
And I might miss him a little bit but that's none of your business-
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autumntouched · 2 years
Definitely need to turn off my tumblr notifications next time my parents are in town 😅 Smut asks popping up on my phone while I’m showing them pics of my friends’ kids 🫣 😳🪦
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punchitime · 2 years
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"Ok Ster should be back soon... Hopefully."
The lights started flickering
Yep, the power went out
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"Oh, great..."
"Hey Ster! Are the lights off over there?"
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"Great... I don't have a flashlight either so this'll have to do..."
"Don't overdo yourself again."
"I won't, I won't, chill out."
"I will throw you onto your bed if you do."
"I know you can and will."
"I think the whole block is out of power right now by the way. There's no lights outside."
"Oh great..."
"Wait a..."
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"... Is the camera still on?"
"This should be interesting to watch."
"Oh fu-"
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