#asparagus and brussel sprouts are Gross
ironychan · 2 years
I have, over the past few years, re-evaluated many of the vegetables I hated as a child.
Asparagus has turned out to be good. So has broccoli. Kale is okay. Cauliflower is... tolerable. Beets are still gross.
It's now time for the final boss. Tonight I tackle brussel sprouts.
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sugaryewscythe · 1 year
11, 19, 28💙
11 ~ something from my childhood that i've held onto would probably be my teddy bear that i've had since i was a baby (':
19 ~ i really do not like brussel sprouts or asparagus like mate wyd to be that gross lolol. also those huge genetically modified tomatoes give me the ick
28 ~ i would probably eat my homemade vegan mac & cheese, chipotle, or a sugar-coated doughnut for my last meal on earth lolol
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wp100 · 2 years
I agree with the asparagus and brussel sprouts, but cauliflower? I eat that RAW. It's one of my favourite vegetables
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prokaryotics · 2 years
i love you spinach i love you broccoli i love you brussel sprouts i love you asparagus i love you artichoke i love you “gross” vegetables
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adhdanalogbrain · 4 years
Do you have any tips for healthy eating with adhd? I've seen suggestions in the past for microwave meals, but I'm weird with the textures of those and often times the thought of cooking, especially if its just for me, sounds like too much effort
OP, i have been sitting on this ask for weeks because i wanted to give you a really really good all-encompassing answer (with photos etc) that would solve all your food problems....
...but that obviously isn't happening any time soon. so instead I've reblogged several other fooding-while-ADHD posts (and will continue to do so when I find good ones!). And I'm going to give you the short, short version of the beautiful answer that lives only in my head:
Ok so let me explain. Microwave meals are vile because: 1) lots of different textured food cooked for the same amount of time creates bad textures, 2) ridiculous amounts of sodium and preservatives taste gross and hurt your stomach, 3) heckin' expensive, and 4) full of germs, don't look this fact up, you really dont want to know, just trust me on this.
HOWEVER! You can make your own easy, balanced microwave meals for super cheap by combining absolutely normal frozen vegetables, quick-cooking grains, and your own seasonings.
As a quick reminder, a well-balanced meal is comprised of:
50% non-starchy vegetables (aka, 1/2 of your plate)
25% carbs / starches (1/4 of your plate)
25% protein (1/4 of your plate)
1 serving of dairy
1 serving of good fats
Here's each of those categories broken down further (bold items are readily and cheaply available frozen):
Non-Starchy Vegetables: Artichoke, asparagus, baby corn, bamboo shoots, green beans, wax beans, bean sprouts, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, leafy greens, jicama, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, peppers, radishes, rutabaga, tomato, turnips, water chestnuts, zucchini, summer squash.
Starchy Vegetables: Corn, hominy, parsnips, green peas, plantain, potato, pumpkin, winter squash, sweet potato.
Grains: Bagel, bread, pita, tortilla, barley, bulgur, oatmeal, kasha, millet, quinoa, rice, pasta, couscous, green peas, beans, lentils, black-eyed peas.
Proteins: Meat, eggs, fish, beans, black-eyed peas, edamame, falafel, hummus, lentils, nut butter, tofu, cheese, cottage cheese.
Dairy: Milk, soymilk, yogurt
Good Fats: Avocado, peanut butter, nuts, canola oil, olive oil, olives, margarine, mayo, corn/cottonseed/flaxseed/safflower/soybean/sunflower oil, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.
FUN FACT ABOUT FATS: Many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat-soluble, which means your body can absorb them much better if they are eaten with fats. I hereby give you permission to add oil/butter/whatever to your meal, to eat your broccoli with ranch dressing, etc etc. (Also, eating good fats is good for your LDL cholesterol, and helps you feel full longer)
You'll notice that some items are on more than one list! That's because plant-based proteins also count as carbs/starches. Don't fret too much over this-- just know that if you've got beans in your microwave-safe bowl, you don't need to go hunting down a separate protein, you can just add more beans.
What to do with all the information i just dumped on you:
1. Grab a microwave-safe bowl and add 1/4 cup water
2. Add half a meal's worth of non-starchy veggies
3. Add your carb/starch (3/4 of your bowl is now full)
4. Add your protein (bowl is 100% filled)
5. Add oil of your choice
6. Add spices and seasonings -- spice mixes are your friend. ADD A DASH OF SALT. Salt helps dissolve flavors on your tongue, making your veggies extra delicious.
7. Cover and nuke until cooked.
You're done at this point, but I'm going to add some extra info/ideas below:
Quick-cook grains such as oatmeal, couscous, quick rice, and quinoa can be added along with the frozen veggies and cooked until soft
Some veggies cook faster than others, so you may need to add the slower veggies first, nuke for 4 minutes alone, then add the rest of your meal and continue cooking
You can freeze your own veggies! 1) Wash, peel, and chop just about any cook-able vegetable, 2) place in microwave-safe bowl with 1/4 to 1/2 cup water and cover, 3) microwave until veggies are soft, but not full cooked, 4) drain, set aside to cool, 5) Place in plastic freezer bag and add to freezer. NOTE: Unlike storebought veggies (which are flash-frozen at -40° F), home-frozen vegetables are good for about a month, so write your own "best by:" date on the bag with a sharpie.
You can also do the above with any dried beans. Cook the beans per the instructions until almost fully cooked, then FULLY DRAIN and freeze. If you hate the texture of canned beans, this may be a good solution for you. Dried beans, when cooked, are much less mushy than canned beans.
Add frozen veggies to canned soup to both stretch it out further and to make it 10x more delicious and satisfying.
Cook grains in bone broth for both protein and deliciousness
Frozen, pre-cooked meat and meat substitutes are also widely available and can be added to the mix.
You can pre-mix your meals (including the grains) and store them in individual plastic bags in the freezer at home or at work until you're hungry. DO NOT LET THEM THAW IN THE FRIDGE. Frozen foods do NOT go in the fridge, they go straight from freezer to microwave. The reason is germs.
Tofu and cheese cannot be frozen, sadly.
That's all i have at this time! Now I'm going to start eating my microwave bowl of leftover takeout + frozen peas.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Thought I Couldn't Top It, Huh? OVER 2000 Questions! (Truly the Longest!) Created by distortedcognition Part 7
...The Ideal Mate
Hair color: I don’t care. Hair length: Preferably short. Hairstyle: *shrug* Eye color: I don’t care. Skin color: I don’t care. Any makeup?: No. Clothing style: I like the flannel, tees, polos and jeans look. Shy or outgoing?: Outgoing. Happy or depressed?: I mean, happy would be preferable. I don’t want someone to be depressed. Funny or serious?: Has a sense of humor, but knows when to be serious. One of the issues I had with an ex was he couldn’t do that. He was a jokester and turned everything into a joke to avoid having a serious conversation.  Abusive or kind?: Uh, why would I want someone abusive?
Respectful or perverted?: Respectful of course, wtf. Completely describe their personality: Understanding, patient, kind, caring, trustworthy, sense of humor, etc. This is another space if you need it: I don’t. Ideal height: Taller than me, but most people are, so. Body type: Fit. Completely describe their appearance: Someone I have an attraction to. Ha, super lazy answer but I don’t feel like describing. This is another space if you need it: -- Masochistic or sadistic?: Um, neither. Artistic or athletic? Artistic. Intellectual or unintelligent? Intellectual. Complex or simple? A little complexity can be interesting. What would their hobbies be? Hanging out with their friends, reading, enjoys watching TV shows and movies (with me as well), enjoys traveling, I’d love if they were into cooking and baking haha, maybe something artistic like art or writing. Interests? What I just listed, basically. Like, I’d love if they enjoyed binging TV shows with me and watching movies and liked the same type of shows and movies, liked to travel, liked going to the beach, liked reading, didn’t mind just chillin at home and didn’t have the need to go out all the time, liked to play board games... Obsessions If they were into stuff like Marvel, Disney, Star Wars, and some of the other stuff I’m into that would be cool. We don’t have to have everything in common and be exactly alike, but I definitely want to have things in common and some of the same interests.  Would they hug you often? Hugs are nice. I don’t need them to like hang off me all the time, though. haha.  Kiss you often? Kisses are nice, too. A good balance is what I like. Would they frequently tell you that they loved you? That wouldn’t be necessary. I would hopefully be able to see that they love me by how they treat me and the things they do. Hearing it is certainly nice and I want to say it to each other, but I don’t need to hear it frequently and have it be overused. Actions say a lot. Have you already found your ideal mate? I honestly thought that person was Ty, but... Are you in love? No. What will you do together? Hang out and enjoy each other’s company doing things we like to do.  Your ideal date: It doesn’t need to be fancy, I’m not that kind of gal. I’m into the chill stuff. Going out to eat is nice and fun, but I’m totally cool with getting takeout and watching a TV show or movie or something. Taking a little trip would be fun now and then, too. Your ideal wedding: I don’t plan on getting married. How many kids? I don’t want kids. What will their names be? -- What do you think they would look like? -- Will you even have kids? No. If not, why? It’s just not something I want and that’s okay. Will you even get married? I truly don’t see that ever happening. If not, why? I just don’t and again, that’s okay. Are you taken or single? I’m very single. There’s not even someone I’m talking to or interested in. It’s been a few years, actually. .:Dislikes:. Least favorite color: Brown. Animal: I have an irrational fear of killer whales. Number: 8. President: Actor: Actress: Director: Celebrity: The scumy, pervy, gross ones. That goes for anyone of course. I could put the same for president, actor, actress, director, etc. Artist: Illustrator: Poet: Writer: Band: Musician: Singer: Food: Seafood for sure. And I’m very picky and particular with meat. Fruit: Oranges. Vegetable: There’s a lot I don’t like such as peas, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, beets... Candy: I’m not into gummies, sour candy, or fruity candy. Drupe: I’ve never had that. Candy bar: I don’t like anything with almonds, coconut, or any kind of filling, really. Brand of chocolate: Hmm. Skittles flavor: Not really into Skittles in general. Month: The summer months. Year: These past few years have been pretty shitty. Decade: Hmm. Millenium: Era: Time period: Battle of the Civil War: War: Battle of WWII: Battle of American Revolution: Genius: Genus of plant: Flower: Tree: Those really smelly ones. Hair color: Eye color: Fairy tale: Disney princess: Disney villain: Scar. Disney prince: Movie character: Play character: Book character: Musical character: Play: Musical: Person: Myself. Brand of cereal: The healthy ones, ha. Brand of battery: The cheap ones. Mental illness: Uh, I dislike all the mental illnesses. Medication: Ones that make me feel bleh. Serial killer: All of them? Poison: I mean, I dislike poison in general. Type of sword: Type of gun: Not a big fan of any weapons. Toothpaste brand: There isn’t really one I dislike, but I just like to stick to Sensodyne or something like it because I have sensitive teeth. Scent: Rotten food, garbage, vomit, shit... Type of knife: Taste: The taste of foods I don’t like. Sound: Eating sounds, ice clinking against a glass. Article of clothing: I can’t wear turtle necks at all, it would drive me absolutely insane. I don’t like things around my neck like that.
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whatthemeepever · 3 years
@thoughtfulbreadpolice tagged me in this! Thank you Doll! Since of this list is so gross.
Let's see what your will and wont eat! Use 🤮 to mark what you will NOT eat.
01. Miracle Whip 🤮
02. Pickles
03. Butter Milk
04. Black Jelly Beans 🤮
05. Pineapple Pizza
06. Sardines 🤮
07. Oysters 🤮
08. Sushi
09. Candy Corn
10. Vienna Sausage
11. Brussels Sprouts
12. Mushrooms
13. Liver
14. Beets 🤮
15. Bologna
16. Black Olives
17. Green Olives
18. Blue Cheese
19. Fruitcake 🤮
20. SPAM
21. Cabbage 🤮
22. Potato salad
23. Eggnog
24. Black Coffee
25. Anchovies 🤮
26. Grits
27. Sauerkraut
28. Chicken gizzards
29. Pickled okra 🤮
30. Coleslaw 🤮
31. Cow tongue
32. Seafood
33. Yogurt
34. Broccoli
35. Hominy
36. Asparagus
37. Licorice-Black 🤮
38. Eggplant
39. Cottage cheese
40. Tofu
Ima tag @rayshippouuchiha @wakandan-wardog @exhausted-dog-mom @moonwatcher04
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askullandbones · 3 years
Apricot, mustard, rose quartz? (Also excuse the many asks my goddamn attention span isn't enough to remember all the things I want to ask hhhg)
I love getting a lot of asks! I’m gonna put all the ones you sent in here.
Rose quartz: Rings or necklaces?
Necklaces even though I only ever wear my ace ring. That’s gonna change once I buy more necklaces I like.
Apricot: Opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash?
Fuckin’ gross unless it’s all you have. Does not make you feel clean.
Mustard: How much sugar in your tea/coffee?
I take a spoonful in my coffee (like a teaspoon) and in my tea like 1/2 of that.
Silver: Ever broken a bone?
Burgundy: Ever ridden a motorcycle?
Also no. I kinda wanna ride one but I also kinda really don’t. Does that make sense? lol
They feel so unsafe, especially on the road with cars.
Plum: A food you've never tried.
I mean, this could be a lot of things.
Artichoke? I like brussels sprouts and asparagus tho. I’d assume it tastes similar?
Emerald: If you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? Which one?
If there wasn’t a language barrier probably something like Iceland. It’s pretty and they have their shit together more than the US does. I wouldn’t want to move that far from my friends though.
Copper: Gold or silver jewelry?
I’ve sworn by silver most of my life, but now that I’m older gold is growing on me a little more.
Rose: Favourite scent on a person?
Anything natural. And by natural I think of things like smoke or bread or dirt, not body odor. I’m gonna go a little Freud with this and say it might stem from the fact my dad always smelled like creosote, and despite our rocky relationship he’s still my dad, so it came as a comfort for me growing up.
Coral: An animal you wish hadn't gone extinct?
Thylacine. 😔
Pink: What's your natural hair color?
Dark brown. Pretty boring. Might dye it black just to say I did it.
Turquoise: Favorite sea animal?
Nautilus! Such funky little dudes.
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bayrut · 4 years
i love artichokes. i love hearts of palm. i love carrots. i love brussels sprouts. i love collard greens. i love broccoli and green onion and asparagus and green beans...i like them all. the only vegetable i avoid is okra bc they are yucky smiley and gross and make me gag but if they are roasted and baked i can deal
ok i agree but i’ve never heard of collard greens how do you eat it??
and i am sorry but okra is so so good????? how do you cook it??? i’m sure you’re doing it wrong because my mom cooks it amazing, she makes this lebanese okra stew recipe and it’s heavenly i think you should come over and try it
send me vegetable discourse
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jungwoohoos · 5 years
my only cream puff
pairing: chef!jin x reader
genre: mostly fluff, mentions of sex
word count: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of sex (creampies specifically)
you only started cooking classes so you can cook for your boyfriend, but this instructor’s trying your patience with all this “dice!! not mince!!”
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“I said dice, not mince.”
You blink through teary eyes. The pile of onion sitting on your cutting board was offense enough until you had to go and poke yourself in the eye with a stray finger.
“I’m almost certain you said minced, chef,” you hum, resting your knife down to look up with a sweet smile stamped onto your face.
He was looking between your mountain of onion and the neat pile sitting on Mrs. Jung’s station. A diced pile. She sends a smug look when she sees how your pieces look small enough to be a puree and continues seasoning her carrots with a brandish of her fingers. Your hand itches toward the knife.
“Mmmmmm, I suppose dice can sound like mince when you use the mixer on high instead of low like I had instructed,” he says, lips pulled into an equally saccharine grin. He glances at the white powder sprinkled throughout your hair before meeting your gaze. “Maybe pay attention next time.”
He’s gone before you can dip your hand into the flour and accidentally flick some onto the black of his uniform. Maybe when he comes to check on the salmon? A white handprint across his ass would be worth the burnt fish.
You sigh, turning back to your onions. You never expected cooking to require so much physical toil, but your twinging neck and still-watery eyes say otherwise. Digging your onion fingers into the side of your neck to relieve some tension, you let yourself sink into the feeling before the brussel sprouts had to be blanched.
It’s only 6:24, but your waning patience and stiff body make it seem as if it's already time to burrow deep into your bed. Work had been too long. Site visits, project reports, reminding Yeonchul that he had to remind you about your 3 o’clock meeting, which he had forgotten to do. It was enough to lay you down on the black-and-white tiled floor until the weekend came around, but you willed yourself to stay alert. For the sake of not ending up on the local newspaper as the headliner of a freak cooking accident, but also for Jin. 
Even as you mumbled threats to the oregano, your fingers too generous on one side of the fish and stingy on the other, you thought of Jin and his warm hugs and even warmer ramen. He always made sure to have dinner ready by the time you got home, pushing your tired complaints of him doing too much to the side and plopping you down onto a chair with a kiss to your forehead. Though you were usually half dazed by the time dinner rolled by, you knew cooking was the last thing Jin wanted to do after being in the heat of the kitchen for the whole day. But he never grumbled (unless the broth had come out too thick for his liking, not that it ruined the taste for you), and you were forever wondering how you found someone who cooked you gourmet food and ate you out for dessert.
So you had signed up for classes at the local culinary institute, hoping that you’d be able to learn how to make kimchi stew without Jin crying—“I’m okay,” water dripping down his chin. “It’s just...a little spicy.” He drank all the milk that night, and although he insisted he was fine, you heard the small wince every time he took a step, sloshing the milk in his stomach.
You were suffering in hell for him, you reminded yourself, blowing the hair out of your face. But with the instructor hell bent on embarrassing you and Mrs. Jung’s snide looks, you’re not sure you’re going to make it.
“Just 40 more minutes,” you mutter. The asparagus rolls from beneath your knife and onto the floor. “You closed the biggest deal of the year today, you can handle 40 more minutes of a cooking class.” You see a black figure walking towards you the moment you realize you started the blender without putting the lid on.
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Jin’s mouth chases after the orange chicken in between your chopsticks, breaking into a stuffed grin when he catches it.
“You look like a chipmunk,” you coo, poking at his bulging cheeks, full with the takeout you had ordered. He smiles wider, pushing against your finger until you feel his cheeks slowly deflate. It’s only a second after he swallows that he reaches for another.
“What do you call someone selling hotcakes for $10 apiece in front of a temple?” He’s chewing while waiting for your answer, hand poised over your knee. You think for a couple beats before tapping his hand for the answer.
“A chipmunk, a cheap monk,” he stutters, hand coming down onto your knee, slapping it until it begins to pinken. Shudders rack his body, leaving you shaking in its wake, and you allow yourself a smile because he’s cute when he tells bad jokes.
“I really hated that.” You roll your eyes, thumbing away the tears streaming down his face. His laughing dies down to a couple hiccups before he lets out a sigh. 
“People would offer you millions to be able to look at this face and hear such high-order humor.” He rests his chin on his hands and blows a kiss, acting offended when you catch it and throw it over your shoulder.
You swat at the hands framing his face. “Hmmmmph I doubt it with how much of a dick you were being today.” Arms crossed and lips pouted, he doesn’t think he’s seen anyone cuter, even though you’re poking and prodding at him. His smile only gets bigger when you give up trying to wriggle out of his embrace. With both hands on his chest, you push yourself away so you can look at him. Your lips are downturned, but he knows you’re not upset because your fingers are curling into his shirt.
“Baby,” he pushes forward to mumble into your neck. You feel his lips curve when an involuntary sigh pushes from your lips. He loves distractions a little too much, if all the cooking sessions turned hard fucks against the counter are any indication. But you’re annoyed, if only a little, and you never hesitate to bring that to his attention. You brace yourself against his chest so that he’s looking at you, lips nowhere close enough to be a distraction. “You know I can’t go easy on you just because you’re my cream pu—” he yelps at the pinch on the inside of his arm.
You stifle a giggle at his surprised face. Eyes round, mouth ajar, he only breaks when your finger shimmies its way into his nose, tickling the outer rim. He pushes your wrist away and tucks it under his butt. The sudden pressure on your hand between denim and the couch cushion takes you by surprise, but every move to uproot yourself from underneath him only wedges you deeper in.
He watches you tug at your arm until you surrender, laying limp against him so that your side is tucked into his arm.
“This is what you get for being gross,” he sings, blowing a raspberry onto your cheek. Light fingers trace down your arm. “I’m sorry about giving you a hard time.” He litters small kisses across your face, and you sigh into them. “I know you had a long day, and I shouldn’t have been so hard, even though you did mince instead of dice.”
You move to tuck your face into his neck so you can whisper kisses. “I guess I deserved it. I am the one who was stupid enough to sign up for your classes.” A squeeze at your thigh sends a warning, though his other hand brushes the hair caught in your necklace. “Just don’t keep complimenting Mrs. Jung’s dicing or she’s going to start wearing lingerie to class, and my soufflés already look sad enough.” He smiles against your temple, a firm yes ma’am leaving his lips to lay easy on your skin. You hum, satisfied with the words.
“Now,” you say, tonguing at his pulse point, smiling when you feel the grip on your thigh tighten.
“Show me why I’m your cream puff.”
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ducktracy · 5 years
aww heehehe :) your tags are so cute i will cook eggs or burgers for you
ADHFBBDNSDNBD I AM SUCH A PICKY EATER i always have been and it’s been my great downfall. i cannot stand mashed potatoes but i will gladly eat brussels sprouts or asparagus or any other “gross” vegetables. i don’t mind REGULAR burgers often but oh i hate cheese so much. cannot stand it. just a day in the life
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maxfieldparrishes · 5 years
intro to genevieve, pt. 2
Took a break to run errands, but I’m back, baby! @ocelotsflatass here’s part 2 about my girl! And here’s the post I’m referencing. 
G: Gorgeous 1. Viv isn’t exactly vain, per se, but she is very pretty and she knows that people consider her pretty, and if necessary she’ll use it to her advantage--she once flirted her way out of a speeding ticket, for example. She has one of those very sweet, delicate faces that make people think she’s younger than she is.  2. Viv is very caring and nurturing, and has a very kind heart, even if it’s not readily apparent, and even though she can be a sarcastic little shit. She’s also very accepting and open-minded, so if you’re feeling lonely because of who you are, she’ll be happy to be your friend. Overall, she’s pretty genuinely friendly and personable. Also: extremely patient. EXTREMELY patient.   3. Once you become her friend, you’ve got a friend in her. She’s loyal and caring, and smart as hell, so being her friend comes with a lot of benefits. Once you have her, she’s ride or die for you. Someone pisses you off? She’s pissed off too. She might even get more pissed off on your behalf.  4. Viv is very smart and very proud of being very smart, so she can inadvertently come across as condescending and insufferable. She’s become aware of this, though, and her efforts to not intimidate people with her brain can make her seem awkward at first glance, when really she’s just trying to be considerate and not overwhelming.  5. She might know how to charm authority figures and present a seemingly-normal facade, and she might be a ruthlessly organized type-A planner, but deep down she does feel very insecure and like she’s hiding behind a mask. She envies people who always seem at ease with themselves, because she doesn’t, even though she’s very good at projecting the image that she has her shit together... which, for the most part, she does, she just wants to be more together. 
H: Heat 1. Her room is cool, but that’s because she gets cold, puts on a ton of blankets, gets hot, removes them, cools off, gets too cold... and so it goes.  2. Overall, she prefers summer. She doesn’t mind winter, but it gets old fast, and Viv likes sunshine. And plants. And wearing clothing that isn’t super heavy. 3. Viv does like snow, although she does not particularly like to shovel it.  4. Viv likes to spend time outside in the summer--camping, hiking, and gardening are all some of her summer hobbies. Sometimes she’ll swim, but she prefers to do it in a lake or some other natural water source, like the ocean, and not a pool.  5. She tends to hibernate in winter, and only really likes to go outside if it’s a temperate day or otherwise a really nice one. She does have to force herself to go on walks, which she enjoys in general, in winter, because of her SAD and because she knows she needs to get outside. 
I: In-the-Closet 1. Genevieve is bisexual, and very much about it.  2. She did question it a little, when she was younger and having a bit of a crisis about it, but she kind of... always knew, so it mostly became a matter of trying to keep it quiet and under wraps.  3. Viv’s never questioned her own gender, although she’s very supportive of her friends who have.  4. Her family is very conservative and always has been, and even though some of their politics are... gross, they do love her very much. While she doesn’t think that they’d completely disown her, she knows it would cause a split, so for her trying to explain it to them or make them accepting is more trouble than it’s worth--especially when she was financially reliant on them. She does think her father kind of knows, though. 5. It might take a while, if it happens at all. She might consider it kinder to let them keep their image of her as a straight girl in their minds, and that’s okay with her. 
J: Joy 1. What makes Viv happy changes on any given day, but animals are usually a pretty safe bet. The sight of growing things, too, also makes her happy, and untouched nature. Being outside, surrounded by the world, in silence. People showing each other kindness makes her happy. She used to work with special-needs children and volunteer with animals, and she liked that a lot.  2. She used to work with special-needs kids, and she was very fond of them. She’s usually happy to see Zoe and Dante and Kyrie, and Sonali and Eli’s son, whose name I haven’t come up with. She also used to work in a library, and considers a library her happy place. She’s... kind of nerdy, in a good way. Very passionate about libraries and the services they offer.  3. There are a few songs that have good memories for her, and a few that just overall make her smile. This is one of them.  4. Overall, Viv would probably say she’s happier than unhappy, but it’s more like... she’s neither happy nor sad. She just kinda is.  5. That’s a loaded question. She doesn’t know if just one thing can or will. 
K: Kill  1. She did go through a period of very intense depression during her early teen years and did think about suicide fairly regularly. However, it was mostly a result of a bad home situation, and when that improved, so did her mood. She did develop a bit of a self-harm problem as a result of the chronic stress, and the urge to hurt herself can reappear when she’s feeling extremely depressed, anxious, or out of control--but for her to feel that way at all means she’s basically one step away from a total breakdown, which is something that she’s (thankfully) aware of.  2. Not seriously. There’s nobody Viv truly hates badly enough to kill. And besides, even if she did, it’s not worth all the effort she’d put into trying not to get caught. Also, murder is, you know, wrong.  3. There are a few world leaders and billionaires who might make her hit list. Also rapists, pedophiles, and child abusers.  4. She thinks her friends and family would miss her, and they would, but Viv wouldn’t know how many friends she really had until they showed up at her funeral.  5. I can’t imagine anyone would be happy if she died. Viv can’t really imagine anyone being happy she was dead either, and would probably wonder what it was that she did to piss someone off enough that they were.
L: Lemons   1. Viv likes most fruits, but she’s especially fond of pomegranates and apples. Also oranges. And blueberries. 2. Does not like pineapple. She doesn’t like the texture. She’s not especially fond of raspberries, but she’ll eat them if they’re offered to her.  3. Viv does not like Brussels sprouts or tomatoes, doesn’t really like onions if they’re raw, like in a salad or a sandwich, and is overall not particularly fond of asparagus. She tends to be an extraordinarily picky eater, which is why she prefers to cook her own food.  4. Viv can’t have dairy and shouldn’t eat gluten (although that doesn’t stop her most of the time) so she’s not very big on pizza, ice cream, cheese by itself, etc. Dante was appalled that she didn’t like pizza until she pointed out that it meant more for him. She will take an L for frozen yogurt, however, especially if it’s her favorite flavor (birthday cake. If not available, taro is a good second choice.) 5. Viv, overall, is a Salt Fiend. Anything that’s salty is probably up her alley--miso soup, soy sauce, salty crackers, etc. She’s very fond of Japanese and Middle Eastern food, particularly Levantine Middle Eastern food like falafel, hummus, fatteh, toum, and kabsa. She’s also a slut for donuts. 
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stolenxkissess · 2 years
1, 19 😁
1 was answered 19. the veggie you dislike the most?
The only veggie I really like is broccoli honestly and corn lol so I dislike the rest tho asparagus and Brussels sprout look and smell gross
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Yesterday (3/9/21) I moved all my living room furniture into the house with the boyfriend by ourselves. Let me say a month ago I’m not sure I would have been able to lift two sofas and carry them straight from the truck to position but I did it.
I also got a small workout in. It was small cause it was after moving and I dropped a weight on my foot. Now my toe is gross looking and has some skin missing. I hate doctors though so I will only go if I have to but I can still move it and the bleeding stopped. Lesson be extra careful when not wearing shoes.
Food wise yesterday was good. I prepped my lunch which was a rice bowl with 2 types fish and asparagus. That is also my lunch today. I also doubled the protein for dinner with fish and shrimp last night so good and lots of veggie. Overall, I was so happy with my choices and super excited for today.
We have venison burgers planned for tonight with Brussels sprouts and broccoli. It will also be super warm weather wise here so I’m ready for a nice slow and easy walk outside.
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acrossthemar · 4 years
Corona Diaries
2/14 - Fly to Arizona for Grand Canyon and Arielle Bach Party. People in airport are wearing masks. I make a comment to my mom about it, not understanding why people are wearing masks or wondering if they are sick.
3/2 - Patient Zero tests positive for COVID19 in New Rochelle. 
3/8 - Our Boss at Schoology tells us we can work from home if we feel more comfortable. We think she’s just being lazy and wants to work from home herself.
3/6 - Comedy show in NYC. Kristin doesn’t feel well and we worry she should stay home incase she has COVID19. We go to the comedy show. The comedian makes jokes about COVID19, we laugh.
3/8 - Eric’s School closes School for the following week. I make a comment to him that that’s overkill and a “private school privilege”. All other schools will eventually close of course. 
3/11 - Mom flies to Madrid.
3/12 - National Pandemic Announced & Trump Announces Travel Ban between US/Europe. Cuomo declares State of Emergency in New York.
3/13 - Mom flies home from Madrid to NY after Mara books back up flight for Mom from Madrid to London. Mom spent $1400 to spend not even a full day in Madrid, goes back to the airport with thousands of panicked Americans, gets off stand by and comes home. Mara comes over to greet mom and give her some food, flowers, and company. 
3/14 - Mara works remotely indefinitely, office shuts down until at least April 7th. Mara and Eric do the NYT crossword, hike the Masters trails with Winnie, and Mara and Eric go to Japanese Restaurant with Susan, Jeff, and Matt. Restaurants will soon close. Earlier in the day Mara goes to Larchmont to check in on mom, goes for a walk with mom and Winnie, and meets up with Kristin, Kevin, and Zoey at Central School. 
3/15 - Mara goes to Larchmont and goes to Manor park with Shanni, Maddy, Liana, and Nicole and Nicole’s dog Remy. 
3/16 - Mara works from home. Luckily Peloton bike was delivered last week just before the store closures began. At this point all Spin Studios and Gyms shut down. Mara and Eric cook butternut squash risotto and parmesan asparagus. De Blasio announces that NYC Public Schools are closed. Meals will be served at food centers.
3/17 - Eric and Mara are watching Sex Education. Mara Eric and Susan go on trail hike with Winnie.  
3/18 - Mara Hallie Eric Winnie trail walk with Winnie. Mara Zoom date with high school friends. 
3/19 - Zoom date with MK, Jana, Jason. 
3/20 - Mom comes over for trail walk with Winnie and we cook the Shrimp Pasta dish with brussel sprouts.
3/21 - Peloton bike, talked to Elise on the phone, walked to tennis courts to play tennis with Eric’s family. The Masters courts are shut down due to Corona. Dinner at Eric’s family’s house. We sat at the dining room table to spread out. Mara played Ping Pong with Matt.
3/22 - Mara ran 3 miles, used Peloton, went to Larchmont to work on Obama NYT puzzle with mom.
3/23 - Monday, Peloton, worked from home, played SET with Eric, cooked a big salad. 
3/24 - Run, work, tennis with Jodi, visited mom, Video session with Aubrey, Elise, Kelly
3/25 - Peloton, work from home, went on walk to store, no one was there and everyone in masks. Order in sushi. Video date with MHS friends. We started a CS team fitness challenge today since no one is moving since only home! 
3/26 - Didn’t sleep because reading too much news and it’s so sad. US now has more cases than any other country (82k), NY has 37k cases, and the news is really grim. Had my virtual performance review and got a 3% raise, went on a 7 mile run but tripped on a rock and got hurt, played tennis with Jodi, then went to my mom’s and cooked dinner. I feel scared every time I go to my mom’s house in fear that I’m bringing the virus into her home. A lot of my mom’s coworkers have tested positive for COVID-19. Deccico’s is doing a great job with their grocery store (limiting number of people in store, making people wait outside 6 feet apart, mandated gloves, sanitizing shopping carts, glass wall at check out. Stop and shop is not doing much and so people haven’t been going. Trader Joes NYC closed because too many employees tested positive. Everyone is panicked and at this point it is hard to imagine life going back to normal. Even if legally it goes back to normal, everyone is absolutely terrified of other humans. Everything about this is unprecedented and unimaginable. Trump is a moron. It hurts to think about how much better handled this might have been with Obama. The 2020 Presidential Election is essentially at a standstill, no one going to primary elections, very curious what will happen, will we even be able to vote in November? Bernie and Biden left, Biden in the lead, but Biden is hardly speaking up about Covid-19. It’s been fulfilling to work at Schoology during this time as we are making a real difference in virtual learning and our school districts are eternally grateful. Side note––Amazon is hardly even running! They’ve cut down on their hours and employees, and the average wait on PRIME is 30 days!!! I am going to sleep at my mom’s tonight.
3/27 - Ended up sleeping at my mom’s on Thursday night. Took a work meeting from my mom’s then went back home. First dropped off my right AirPod at a FedEx drop off but you had to touch the box. Tried to do a Peloton class at home but Winnie got into my medicine bag and we found her with an empty laxative and ambien pill container. We took her to emergency vet and had them induce vomiting. We were terrified we killed her. Turns out she didn’t eat any pills and we ended up finding all of the pills when we got back from vet. Poor Winnie. Silly $300 at vet. Pet insurance is dumb because it has such a high deductible. I then went on a walk with Winnie because it was 64 degrees out. Eric and I cooked a fancy meatloaf for dinner and finished Sex Education.  I made a lovely cocktail. 
3/28 - Weekends don’t feel all that different from weekdays. Trump is discussing a mandatory quarantine on all New York residents since there are now 45,000 confirmed cases (many more unconfirmed). Reading the news is scary and I have been trying to limit it at night because it gives me insomnia and anxiety. Most of my friends aren’t seeing their parents at all. It’s gross out today. I did a few Peloton classes and started Little Fires Everywhere. It was a book turned into a movie but because movies are closed they released it as a TV series on Hulu. Just stepped out of the house for the first time today to take Winnie on a short walk. My team at Schoology is doing a fitness challenge to get some steps in because it’s HARD to find reasons to move! We were going to go to the Shear’s for dinner tonight but Susan had a headache this morning so to be safe we aren’t going. This is the crazy world we are currently living in. I’ve been mostly only wearing sports bras not real bras. We have not been able to locate lysol wipes in weeks. Note to self, I’d like to add some photos here because this really is all so unprecedented and it’s hard to put into words the craziness. 
3/29 - Working out every day but gaining weight. Watched Little Fires Everywhere - LOVE it. Gross day out. Peloton inside. Zoom Call with Kristin, Oliver, Parker, Mom. Went on a walk around the apartment. Weekends are worse than week days because no work to do. 
3/30 - Work is crazy because Schoology crashed since too many people on the platform. Did lots of Peloton Spin. Amanda moved her wedding to 2021. We are very worried about ours. I haven’t been sleeping. Went to visit mom with Winnie in afternoon for a walk. Passed neighbor Kelly but we couldn’t let her pet Winnie because not supposed to have other people pet your dog. We had a meeting with the Rabbi for our wedding. She is hopeful for July because she can’t stand the thought of not being able to send her kids to sleep-away camp haha. Started this dumb show Tiger King, everyone is watching it. About a man who keeps tigers in his house.
3/31 - Schoology crashed again. Too many users. Work has been busy but fulfilling though because we are so important right now, been nice to connect with my clients. It’s been hard working full days though I take breaks to work out and to do chores so I’m a bit all over the place. Went to the post office today to return a dress for my mom because I won’t let her go, all stood 6 feet apart and I feel scared to breathe in public now. It’s so bad in NY and the Daily Podcast is scaring me. 
4/1 - Work has been stressful because of the Schoology outages because everyone is doing school on Schoology now. Went to Deccico’s at lunch to do a big grocery shopping (we are trying to limit grocery store to once max twice per week since it’s unsafe to go). I wore a t-shirt as a bandana to cover my mouth, tried to keep sunglasses on, and wore a glove on my right hand (left hand was for my phone to see the shopping list). The line was wrapped around the entire corner and I ended up waiting 45 minutes. You have to be really careful to stand at least 6 feet behind the person in front of you. It was a bit overwhelming because we had such a long shopping list (also doing groceries for my mom), and they were out of a lot. I couldn’t find bread, orange juice, turkey, etc. Also have not seen lysol wipes in weeks. Unfortunately. I ended up being gone for an hour and a half and couldn’t even finish the shopping. Went to Stop & Shop after to finish the list. No one is going to Stop & Shop because they aren’t doing as good of a job with cleanliness protocol so it’s far less crowded. Under isolation I am 1) becoming a chef with Eric, we are cooking so much! 2) working out a lot and incorporating more floor workouts and strength training 3) drinking almost daily… 4) eating A LOT!!!!! Getting fit + gaining weight at the same time. Today was Greg Lesser’s birthday, so we had socially distant drinks on our lawn, I have a funny picture of all of us sitting that I’ll post above. During the happy hour, Caitlin Casey wanted to use our bathroom so she stepped inside, we deliberated if it was okay. I was too close to the door when she opened it and she alarmingly stepped back, no one gets that close anymore. Winnie turned 9 months today. A few other notes: our Election Primary has been moved to end of June. I will have to likely cancel my bachelorette party. Schoology already closed our office through April 30, with optional WFH through May 31st. I interviewed Hong Kong American School tonight, as they’ve been remote for months. They almost went back to school but when folks came back to China they brought COVID19 with them so now they are back to isolation. 
4/6 - We decided to stop going over to Eric’s family’s house because it’s making us anxious and there are four of them and Eric’s mom is still going to the hospital. I got an actual mask and have started wearing it to the store and I feel a lot more safe. It was a beautiful day today, 62 and sunny. I went to my mom’s house and worked from her patio. Then I went on a distanced walk with Winnie and Shanni and then Winnie and Caroline. I’m getting used to working fully remote, I can’t even imagine commuting in at this point.
4/7 - Here are a few things I’m grateful for during this time. Eric, a supportive and loving partner. We get along so well and find a great balance between hanging out together and being independent, so we haven’t been sick of each other at all. Our spacious apartment and easy access to green space and outdoors and running paths. Winnie, truly the love of our life, she is just a saint and we can’t imagine life without her. And the fact that we have a “home gym” ie Peloton, exercise mat, and weights. These four things make this experience far more manageable. And of course the fact that we are both still employed and that our families are still healthy.
4/11 - Went on a walk with friends in LeatherStocking Trail in Larchmont. Was a bit crowded and narrow which wasn’t good. We ran into a random boy from our high school who immediately picked up Winnie. (We aren’t letting people pet Winnie due to Corona but I didn’t act quick enough to stop it). Anyway, turns out his brother who he LIVES with has Corona. Which means he probably has it too. And he was out on a walk not social distancing and PET MY DOG!!! I was absolutely livid. 
4/15 - Cuomo requires all people wear masks in public in NYC. Cuomo says likely that there will be no large gatherings through the summer. Very sad about the wedding. Colleges are making online learning plans for the fall just incase.
4/28 - Silver lining of quarantine: I get to hear Eric’s work, not just his teaching but his deanship how eloquently and professionally he handles parent conversations, managing faculty that’s older than he is, and student situations. He is currently leading a parent forum book discussion on the book White Fragility on race and whiteness
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rexmajestatis · 7 years
Why does Noctis hate vegetables so much, did he have a bad experience with food in the past?
Not a bad experience, he just doesn’t like them. It’s mostly a texture thing, carrots aside. A lot of common veggies have weird textures.
Leafy greens feel like eating foliage and wilt into pond scum with the slightest heat. Cucumber and tomato are slimy. Broccoli and cauliflower are fuzzy. Celery is stringy. Asparagus is just weird. Brussels sprouts are the Infernian’s pygmy cabbages. You get the point. If it’s got a decent crunch then it’s not BAD, but then it’s sort of guilty by association.
He grows out of some of it in verses where he’s not dead.
Carrots are just gross, though.
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