#assassin's creed modern headcanons
demigoddessqueens · 7 months
Hello, not sure if you still take request for the AC, but would you mind to make a headcannons for boyfriend scenarios for m!Eivor, Ezio and Altaïr with f!S/O? I'd be happy to add some modern A/U for those precious bois too. Thank you so much!! <3 <3
Of course!! And I adore the AC bois so this is adorable 💕
He’s a bit of a softie and a show off for you
I’d like to think he’s very handsy, so tons of cuddling, giving you handheld gifts, and wanting to braid your hair
Modern AU - I can see him wanting to take you on camping trips and you both get to admire the Northern Lights and/or constellations
A master flirt!! Pulling out all the stops to woo you
Maybe he’ll cook you a nice dinner, want to spend all day with you with kisses and cuddles
Modern AU - oh you know he’s taking you to the fanciest spots, the ones where all could see you because he wants to show off his deep admiration and feelings for you!
A man who is not the best with his feelings but his eyes are the best at expressing most emotions
Not the best at flirting per say but he just likes to be near you, spend time with you just doing anything. From the mundane to serious
Modern AU - philosophical debates can turn flirtatious, pouring over books in libraries together with all sorts of coffees and teas also make for comfort
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onecoolcatlover · 2 months
So I really love the blog modernauass and I thought of this thing that I thought would totally happen in this AU.
Spamming spam callers
Bayek keeps getting spam calls at the most inconvenient times. So Desmond and Jacob take it upon themselves to make the spam calls fun for the whole group. They decide to be unhinged as soon as the call is answered. Chaos ensues often. The other frat members soon join in.
It started with Jacob asking about if the man on the phone wanted to join the rooks
Desmond asked him for his number
Then things got unhinged fast
Alexis screamed “This is Sparta”
Poor Arno just screamed
Conner is very concerned for his mental health.
Kassandra asked if he had heard of death sidous the wise
Evie really wants to slap Jacob
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axolotlart · 4 months
(>:"U *suffering in exams*)
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I would like to do that thing where they ask me questions and I respond with drawings and contexts according to my headcanon. Unfortunately I'm in exams.
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(*Cry in Mexican* )
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hello. Hope you're feeling good.
I was wondering if assassins in modern au weren't assassin and just lived like normal people what was their job?
Hi, nonny. I'm doing good. Just found some time to rest up after all the moving and unpacking XD
Oooohhh, I like this ask, nonny, but Imma cheat a bit and use a lot of my answers from the modern-day fic I wrote last year XD
I think this will depend on how much you want to reference Altaïr’s upbringing in AC1.
If you want an almost beat-by-beat reference, Altaïr will be heading some kind of PMC that he ‘inherited’ from his foster grandfather. He’s born into the family business and it’s the only life he knows. Reading about new tech helps make the PMC always be up to date with their equipment but Altaïr usually reads any kind of scientific advancement on his down time.
If you want to give him more freedom to choose his own path, his scholarly nature would make him a job in the field of science or history (with philosophy being a favorite hobby of his)
History: more on archaeology who mainly does fieldwork, sometimes goes to conventions and symposiums to talk about his team’s latest finds. His journals detailing each day when he’s in the field are usually published and a lot of people in the field enjoy reading his thoughts… even if he sometimes gets off track and there’s suddenly a drawing of the person he loves in one of the pages…
Science: owner of a privately-funded research and development company (might even have funded it from the inheritance he got from his foster grandfather) and actually leads one of the teams. The company focuses on researching and developing new tech that would make life easier for everyone although Altaïr does have a notebook filled with the deadliest ideas for weapons that he doesn’t really have any plans to make.
Definitely born into a rich family that operates one of the oldest banks in Italy and he’s being trained to be a COO. Would have summer jobs in one of their banks.
His passion though lies in the arts and he would paint whenever he needs to relax. His parents agreed for him to take art classes because they want to support him (and Federico is meant to inherit the business anyway).
He meets his best friend in art class and they start a friendly competition of painting the same thing.
His friend is the one who gets recognized but that’s fine with him. He paints because it relaxes him, he’s not there for the spotlight.
Their banks would have framed paintings of his and he still paints as a hobby.
He mostly works for the family bank as a foreign representative, going to other countries to help out a new branch, train the new management, and sometimes talk to possible clients and partners.
His father wants him to inherit the family business but he decides to take over his mother’s job as the representative of their tribe and the usual liaison that talks to outsiders.
His mother is currently a judge in tribal courts.
He also works similarly to a park ranger and would check their lands regularly, making sure nobody trespasses or hunts in the nearby forests.
The Kenways:
Edward married a socialite named Tessa Kenway a few years after the death of his first wife.
Before that, he used to be a captain of a freight ship. With Tessa’s money, he started his own freight shipping company.
He’s now retired with his son taking over his company and lives with his wife in Kenway mansion. He sometimes visit his son and grandson to annoy his son and to just ‘hang out’ (“Isn’t that what you kids say nowadays?” “… yes. I suppose so?””) with his grandson.
His oldest daughter (from his first marriage) ran away from home after they tried to get her engaged to a rich dude, Edward knows she’s living with Mary and Anne, two old buddies of Edward during his freight ship captain’ing days and visits sometimes. He didn’t tell Tessa though (it was Tessa’s idea to marry her off) because he doesn’t want things to escalate and Tessa has a suspicion that he’s having an affair with Mary or Anne (or both!) while Haytham learned that his sister is fine and living her best life when he tried to catch his father cheating for his mother.
Even in a modern day AU, the Kenways will still have drama. Them’s the rules.
Ran away from a very isolated community that may have been cultists or just really ‘we don’t trust the government’ kind of hippies. Desmond likes to joke both.
Works for a bar that has a new owner who isn’t afraid to try out new things.
Desmond thinks he’s flying by the seat of his pants but his heart is in the right place so Desmond tries to be supportive.
Also… he was given the go signal to adjust the drinks menu and make new drinks so that’s an automatic ‘that’s my boss and I support his decisions!’ for him.
Shirley Templar is his signature drink. He’s other signature drink is “Desmond Take The Wheel” which is just him preparing whatever the hell he wants for a customer who cannot take back the drink because that is what they ordered.
Used to work for a freight ship with his dad being his captain together with his best friend Liam.
Hope works as a logistics support for the company they work for and also a radio operator when things get hectic. Shay and Hope may have been flirting on the radio for a while (much to his father’s amusement).
The company they’re working for started making really bad decisions after the owner lost his wife and son. Liam was transferred to another freight ship to be its captain and, during just a routine job, they got hit by a massive storm too far off the nearest coast which they wouldn’t have hit had their course not been switched an hour before their departure.
Shay’s father and a lot of the crew died that day and Shay blamed the owner because the route was approved by him. He refused to settle and lost with the cause being given as damnum fatale.
Haytham scouted him soon after and he was a captain first before being elevated to Head Logistics Officer.
He owns a cafe that once belonged to his uncle (not related to him but was a close friend of his father).
He’s been arrested for disorderly conduct (he was suppppeeer drunk and his longtime girlfriend/childhood friend just broke up with him) but the officers pitied him so they just let him sleep it off in one of the cells. The dude on the other cell started singing along when Arno began to sing sad love songs. Both of them were drunk though so they made the police officer giving them an easy time… well… a hard time.
He uses the profit he got from the cafe he inherited to buy more establishments.
He’s now focused on learning how to make a bar profitable… by buying a bar.
He was the one in the other cell. He got into a bar fight but he wasn’t that drunk. The officers heard the fight happen because some slurs about Jacob’s sexual preferences were shouted by the other dude so the officer just left Jacob with a warning.
He’s actually the owner of a small orphanage and has an out-of-school youth program that usually helps children from high-risk areas. All of this is funded by his family (to be more exact, his sister).
He has a degree in pediatrics and this is his dream job.
This might (if the rumors were true) have been because he had been an unwitting accessory to a tragic fire as a young man that led to the death of children.
He has an adopted son named Jack.
Doctor, got top marks in her batch, and continued their late father’s job as a concierge doctor. She took over her father’s patients who are all quite wealthy (including the Kenways).
On her vacations, she would join her long-time boyfriend (“You married yet?” “No, Jacob. Jayadeep and I believe-” “Yes, yes, if it happens, it happens, blah, blah, blah.”) who is part of Doctors Without Borders.
She’s officially the head of the Frye family which she inherited from their father but she always gives Jacob his share (“So you’re still a trustfund baby.” “Pretty much, I guess. My sister loves me… as long as she doesn’t have to hear about my latest dumb stunt.”) while also donating a lot to his orphanage and program.
There are rumors that it’s a money laundering thing but that’s unfounded.
The police officer who had to suffer thru Arno’s drunken singing of his ex’s beautiful flaming hair and Jacob’s sulking.
Almost always gets the graveyard shift so his fellow officers can go home and spend them with their families.
Used to be married, and had a divorce after a hit-and-run killed their only son, he still has a picture of his family on his table and everyone knows he still loves his ex but the death of their child was too much for both of them.
His ex may or may not be part of the government’s secret intelligence gathering bureau… maybe. Bayek does not know and does not want to know as he doesn’t want to risk her job in any way IF she was an actual spy.
Still works for Abstergo and still has a feud going on with Sofia Rikkins.
Kinda friends with Lucy and Daniel Cross, enjoys adding chaos to annoy Berg if she knows she can get away with (or make someone like Robert take the fall).
Likes to drink in Desmond’s bar (technically Arno’s) and always takes the “Desmond takes the wheel” option.
Okay, so these ones aren’t Assassins or Hidden Ones (officially) but I kinda felt bad leaving them out since I wrote about Bayek.
MMA fighter who came from a military family.
Had a falling out with her stepfather when she was young and she left. It’s not clear if she left on her own or if she was kicked out and she doesn’t like to talk about it.
She only talks to her younger brother although her mother is trying to mend broken bridges… it… isn’t really working… unfortunately.
Her brother is in the army per the traditions of their family and she always worries about him.
Spokesperson for her foster brother and working to help out for his reelection at the moment.
Her passion is in poetry though (and drinking everyone under but that’s more of a pastime) and she’s working on compiling her poems into a book. Her poems are quite beautiful but tend to be on the side of trash-talking certain types of people.
It took months but the ravens/crows around the area of her home now recognize her and would leave trinkets as a thank you for always feeding them.
Note: not a lawyer so I’m not sure if damnum fatale can be used for Shay’s part but Imma wave my fanfic writer card.
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renleonhart · 1 year
AC Men using peel off masks (while the ladies are watching and laughing at them.)
Altaïr: Pfft, he doesn't understand why the others are screaming and hollering while peeling this stuff off. It's like a walk in the park for him....that is until he realizes that some of the stuff got in his eyebrows and then he is just thinking "well, fuck."
Ezio: "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Poor man is in tears, because it's all in his beard and sticking to the strands of hair that fell loose from his ponytail. And it hurts. Claudia is trying to help him, but he keeps pulling away so it took Leonardo and Mario to pin him down while Claudia is ripping the mask off of him like a bandage. Meanwhile Leo is not helping by being all like "Now you know the real peice of beauty, huh?"
Edward: Kinda in the same boat as Ezio, except he is a little more tolerant to it. He legit says "ow" maybe once or twice because the mask stuff is also somehow in his beard and sideburns. But it wasn't that bad.
Haytham and Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton : Kaniethtí:io overheard him say that there was no possible way that using a "simple" face mask cleanser was that painful, and that everyone is overreacting. So, she slapped a good amount on his face and told him "You're going to wish you never said that." Though she also did the same to Connor just to see who will last longer before the stinging of having their skin pulled by the mask becomes too much.
Haytham is making faces and funny sounds as he's trying to be gentle and removing the dry mask off, while Connor isn't even batting an eye (it also helps that he was smart and used a bandana to cover his hair before allowing his mom to put the stuff on his face.) Haytham finally conceded and allowed for Kaniethtí:io to finish off the rest while Connor was watching with an expression that was a mix between amusement and smugness.
(Might do a part 2 to this, to include the rest of the AC men once I try to think of more things to write.)
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I feel like modern au Connor would have a weighted blanket he deserves it
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itseivwhore · 2 years
Look at me in the eyes [figuratively], look at me and tell me that in a modern AU Ezio wouldn't be obsessed with the old Italian song "Bongo Cha Cha Cha".
Ezio:"BoNgO La! BoNgO cHa ChA cHa! PaAaArLaMi dEL sUd AmEEEEEEEEEEEEÈriCÀ!"
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Jacob Frye is the kind of guy who prétends to be a steam locomotive while smoking hookah.
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Previously on...
Assassin's Creed
Lost in Modern Ages
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Now on with the show!
Leonardo: ... *moves the mask around a bit to get a better look* fascinating... I have never seen any comedy mask like this before!
New York, somewhere hidden in the city is the assassin's creed household. In the house, Leonardo Da Vinci is currently studying and observing SCP 035, who had almost succeeded in turning Jacob into another one of his temporary hosts. While Jacob himself is currently pouting and is covered in bruises from Shaun and Desmond tackling him down into the rubble of an old Venice house. Trying to stop him from putting SCP 035 on his face. Shaun and Desmond stand by Leonardo while he observes the mask (with safety tongs of course). While Evie and Ezio are trying their best to console Jacob from the incident that had taken place. Some of the others watch intently as Leonardo tries to get a better understanding of the possessive mask.
Shaun: you can say that again...
Evie: come on Jacob.
Jacob: *huffs and turns away from Evie*
Evie: Jacob I said I was sorry! I didn't actually, believe you were being serious.
Jacob: well I was!
Ezio: come now amico, you can't be mad at your sister forever.
Jacob: bet!
Evie: *sighs*
Malik: so explain to us why this *does air quotes* "possessive mask" tried to get Jacob to wear it, exactly?
Connor: ya cause this thing... looks cursed.
Shaun: right. Desmond you wanna give this one away or-
Desmond: ya I got this one. *clears throat* Ok so basically the possessive mask, better known to the foundation as SCP-035, is a possessive mask that requires a human or humanoid-like host, organic or not so long as it has a humanoid face shape, it will possess the body and will essentially cause the original person to go brain dead and well dies.
Shaun: Once then, he'll take over that body and talk through it with his voice, he'll sometimes take on the traits of those he possesses, going as far as to even know every bit of information and memory that the person had when they were alive. And-
Rebecca: and he knows everything about the human brain and mind so this guy knows how to talk you into doing anything he wants you to do. He also has telepathic abilities as well.
Shaun: . . .
Desmond: . . .
Rebecca: what? Come on you guys, you think you are the only ones who are into this stuff?
Arno: Uh... so wait- hold on so, why choose Jacob as a host?
Jacob: because I'm awsome-
Shaun: probably because he was the easiest out of all of us there to be persuaded into putting him on.
Jacob: Hey!
Edward: So that mask can talk too?
Desmond: ya- well kind of.
Edward: if that mask can talk, then why isn't it talking?
Shaun: surprisingly, I have no idea. Usually this thing loves to talk.
Maria: You also mentioned something about a foundation. What kind of foundation are you refuring to?
Desmond: The SCP foundation.
Alexios: s.c.p?
Desmond: Secure.
Shaun: Contain.
Rebecca: Protect.
Desmond: We die in darkness so you may live in the light-
Connor: Wait, wait! ... that kind of sounds like our saying...
Arno:... What?
Connor: You know. The whole, "We work in the dark to serve the light." That phrase.
Ezio: ya wait- HEY! They completely stole our phrase and just re-worded it!
Desmond: I-... Huh, I never noticed that before.
Aveline: OK can we get back to the foundation thing! Desmond, continue please.
Desmond: Right, well they're the main goal is to contain anomalies as a way of protecting humanity from the danger some of them possess, and to study and research them and how they work, as well as keeping the normalcy of the world.
Shaun: living or Object.
Rebecca: or just weird phenomenons that happen.
Jacob: secure, contain, protect ... Ok I'll give them this... That's a cool acronym! Why can't we do something like that!?
Bayek: Because we never needed one.
Edward: well ya but it be really nice to have one.
Alexios: The Templars have a name to brand themselves and make money why can't we?
Ezio: they have point.
Aya: we're not get an acronym for the creed.
Jacob: well why not!? We could brand ourselves and make cash!
Connor: I'm fine with how we have creed as it is.
Jacob: Oh Connor! You silly, silly, man... acronyms are cool if you know how to do it right. Makes you stick out.
Malik: exactly why we don't need one.
There is an eerie, echo of mocking laughter that fills the room, sending shivers down everyone's spine, as everyone slowly starts turning their attention to the mask still being held in the tongs Leonardo was using to hold it.
035: "My your all quite the delight to be around~. Talking about the most simplest off topic things then make it a big deal out of it the deeper you go. It's quite amusing really~."
Leonardo nearly drops the tongs he was using to hold the mask, just bearly catching them in time.
Desmond: alright @$$hole what's your game here?
035: "Aw~ can't we just have a nice chat? I am a people person after all."
Jacob: screw you! You nearly turned me into a walking corps for you to pilot!
035: "Touché now aren't we?"
Maria: ok... this is just getting werid even for us.
Malik: agreed.
Shaun: Don't even think about trying to mind control us either.
Rebecca: ya! We're elite b@#$, you can't touch us.
035: "I can see that. Many of you in the room currently each have the gift. The gift of the ancient Isu race. It would be a challenge... but who doesn't like a good challenge? Isn't that right Leonardo. Ah how good it is to see such a now famous face."
Leonardo: we've... met before?
035: "oh yes! 1487, you were invited by some of the richest Nobleman in the country of Italy to have one of you paintings displayed in an art gallery. I ran into when you were looking at some of the other art pieces inside. I recognized one of your works and complmented you on it. Remember?"
Leonardo: *nervously chuckles* I think you have the wrong painter, cause I would have certainly... remember. . .
Ezio: ... Leo?
Leonardo: . . .
Desmond: Uh Leonardo?
Leonardo: . . . *gently puts the metal tongs down onto the table and walks over behind Ezio, only to stare blankly at the mask in horror* . . . I remember you now.
Jacob: Wait! Wait! Hold up! So you have, actually met this family mask!?
035: "indeed he has! You know, Ezio your friend here was quite different from all the ither artist I meet that day. He's Cheerful, optimistic, smart, well rounded, open minded, greatly empathic and expressive, and very curious man by nature. He did actually almost uncovered my secret during our talk, that was how curious of a man you were. But Leonardo is also a chronic procrastinator, and very easily distractible. If I hadn't pointed out one of the paintings to you had done, Hehe, you might have actually uncovered my secrect long ago.
Ezio: Hey-! Wait... how did you know my-
Shaun: he can read minds Ezio, remember?
Leonardo: Mio dio...
035: That's my name! Well the name I prefer to be called by.
Malik: Dio?
035: Well actually it's more of D y o. Greak name. Ah the greaks and the Roman empire, such a marvelous time to be alive then. Right Alexios?"
Alexios: oh indeed it is! Quite a beautiful place!
Arno: Don't fuel the fire Alexios! It's trying to get inside your head by feeding you complements!
Shaun: Wait so were you actually made by greak Gods or-
Desmond: Shaun, buddy come on we've been over this. I still think he's secretly the black lord of Alagadda.
Shaun: yes but how on earth does Alagadda line up with the bits and pieces of information the foundation has on him so far?
Desmond: he's a big @$$ lier Shaun! You can't believe ever word that comes out his mouth.
Shaun: true but-
Connor: OK! Are we done here!?
035: "nope! And please you two do keep talking. I rather like this little side conversation about me~."
Jacob: f@#$ you.
035: "Aw~ is someone still mad about me?"
Jacob: yes!?!?
035: "Well I guess that makes two of you then."
Desmond: uhm, two?
035: "Yes, isn't that right... Kassandra."
Everyone in the living room turned and looked up to see Kassandra standing their with face of anger spread across it, lookimh stright down at the mask. Her staff of caduceus in her hands.
Alexios: sister?
Kassandra: . . . What. The hell. Is that damn maks. . . Doing in our house!?
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There will be more 😉
Stay tuned for the next part 👌
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mrsdanirojas · 2 years
Lately I’ve been positively h a u n t e d by the idea of bassist Eivor in some form of local up-and-coming rock band, standing impossibly tall amidst the surrounding chaos onstage. Dark runes on sure fingers dancing along the length of the wooden fretboard, thumbing gleaming taut responsive strings, curling around the neck of her beer bottle in between numbers. She likes the bass because it suits her energy, deep and consistent and powerful and measured, with more than enough room for riffing when it feels right. Mesmerized as you are by the hypnotizing rhythmic prowess of her hands, you try as often as you can to steal a glance at her nodding along to the beat she’s driving in tandem with her drummer, only to find the small swoop of her upturned mouth smirking at you each time, inciting a parallel swoop in the pit of your stomach.
Meanwhile, Kassandra would absolutely shine as frontwoman. While her soaring notes and rapid verse make you dizzy daydreaming about her lung capacity, what leaves you spellbound is her tendency to sing in a lower register, strong hands wrapped tightly around the body of the microphone. Now bursting with the frenetic energy required to unfold the opening verse, now lulling the crowd into rapt enchantment going into the bridge, Kassandra has you – all of you – wrapped around her little finger. She makes no effort to hide her onstage flirting with you, dragging her amber eyes over your spot at the front with pronounced and arresting intention, dragging down time and space itself with the gravity of her gaze. It’s not the spotlight she craves, but the electric connection forged with each and every soul in the swaying crowded venue – especially yours.
I mentioned the drummer, so I’d be remiss not to swivel the spotlight over to Dani Rojas, whose charming easygoing smile as she settles behind her kit belies her imminent vicious opening salvo. Putting to work her deadly precision and healthy appreciation for making an absolute fucking racket when the occasion calls for it, Dani is at home keeping her team in time, unbounded joy only just noticeable under the low lighting and rising wisps of hazy fog. When you’re not entranced watching her short hair thrash around her head as she loses herself in the chorus, you’re holding your breath realizing she can be just as loud with her silence, right before she drops back in after a solo. At the end of the show, Dani winks at you just before tossing her drumsticks into the swelling crowd, leaving you too stunned to join the collective scramble for a coveted piece of this unforgettable night.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Based off a little back and forth with the ever artistically talented and adorable @missbenzayb 💕, these are back to back angsty prompts for two of the best Assassins
One’s comforting and one’s sad AF 🥲
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Connor Kenway + “I appreciate you”
You barged into you and Connor’s shared apartment, deep within your thoughts you didn’t notice his cheerful “hello”. But he noted that stressed and exerted look on your face. As you reached the bedroom, you threw your bag to the side before flopping face down with a deep sigh. The day replayed in your mind: harrowing tasks, being on your feet all day, endless calls, loud and entitled customers along with an equally incompetent manager. Tears began to prickle in your eyes as the overwhelming stress from the day melted from you. Connor had lightly tapped at the bedroom door, hearing your soft sniffles, before entering in.
“Y/n, you alright?” You responded with a small head shake of “no”. Feeling the bed dip where he moved beside you, you relaxed a bit as Connor’s hand massaged and rubbed your back.
“That much of a bad day, huh?” You turned your head to look at him with your tear-stained eyes. “Something like that.” He laid down by your side with that smile, that bright smile that rivaled the sun on the best days. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I appreciate you. Love you. And adore you.”
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Jacob Frye + “this will be the last time you lie to me” + Mentions of break-up 😭😩💔
It had been a routine for some time, but you didn’t want to admit it just yet. What had once been filling your heart with joy just felt robotic. You reciprocated and went through the motions as if it was second nature, but it felt lacking. Jacob started to catch on as well, the tight smile and darting eyes, but he dudes want to admit the truth yet. If he did, it would confirm the worst fears he never wanted to face. You both got your answer the last night he held you.
“Do you still love me?” The tension could’ve been cut with a knife. “Of course I-.” He abruptly cut you off.
“No, not just an answer. At least tell me the truth if this is the last time you lie to me.”
You knew this day would come, but you couldn’t bear this image anymore. It wasn’t fair to Jacob or you. “I do love you Jacob, but not like it was before.”
You felt the sharp pang of guilt through your heart as you heard his shuddered sigh, trying to hold back your own tears. “Is it another?” “No, there’s no one else…it’s just..life, things
Another minute that felt like an hour passed. “Can I still hold you, even if it’s just for tonight?”
“Yes.” Because there was a part of you that didn’t want to admit the truth either for some time.
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blandacheadcanons · 2 years
Bland AC Headcanon
cobblers are invaluable members of the order, and if the rite/cell is large enough, that will often be their only function. mainly, they focus on making shoes that protect the feet from light attacks, store a foot blade, and are flexible enough for easy running. It's an almost impossible balance to strike.
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warmaiidens · 1 year
retags again
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teecupangel · 2 years
Hi there, Alamut!Bonnie with non-Alamut question here. If Lucy wasn't killed when she was, and reported the oncoming Catastrophe to Templars, do you think they would have thrown in their lot to help access the Temple, or tried to turn it into opportunity that grab more influence?
Alamut!Nonny! It's nice to hear/read from you again!
Oh man. I read this one and my brain immediately went "HEY, LISTEN!" so buckle up 'cause this is half-me rambling on how it could work and half-actual short fic. (with my personal headcanon at the bottom)
First of all, we'll have to look over what needs to change so that Lucy isn't killed in the end. For this one, do we go for:
Desmond manages to fight off Juno's control
Desmond still stabs Lucy but she survives (the others managed to administer first aid and get her to a hospital perhaps? Maybe Desmond manages to resist just enough to hit her somewhere less fatal?)
Either way, I personally think we should still put Desmond in a coma because:
Desmond fighting Juno/the Apple is canon, whether he wins or not doesn't change that fact
AC Revelations deserve to exist for Clay, Ezio, and Altaïr
Desmond learns of the Grand Temple because of Tinia's message that Ezio got from Altaïr's last memory seal
(Altaïr is my blorbo and I will find ways to throw him into anything I write regardless of what it is, no, I am not sorry)
Lucy's survival will have a butterfly effect, that's for sure.
For one, everyone will be wondering why the hell Desmond just tried to kill Lucy? Was he being controlled? Did he learn something?
And Bill will step in because Desmond is in a coma, the leader of their cell was just targeted by his son and something fishy is going on, that's for damn sure.
And the target of his suspicion is Lucy.
Rebecca and Shaun will side with Lucy, of course, because they've known her for a while.
Bill will not.
Bill will remember Daniel Cross. Of how Abstergo managed to use him as a sleeper agent and how the carefully built foundations of the Modern Brotherhood collapsed because of everything Daniel Cross gave Abstergo after killing the last mentor.
Bill was there. Bill lost so many people during the Great Purge. Friends, allies, colleagues. Every day, he would look at his phone and try to tell himself that his wife hasn't called him meant that the Farm was safe.
That Desmond was safe.
But, now, Desmond is in a coma after trying to kill Lucy.
Was it the Apple? Was it Desmond himself?
Regardless of which is true, Bill knows what must be done.
Lucy is kept in a locked room. No windows, nothing in the room itself that could be used to escape or worse. She is stripped of all her gadgets and her clothes are replaced with a hospital gown that they stole on the way.
Rebecca and Shaun will protest, of course. So Bill issues them an order.
Find out if Lucy Stillman has been compromised.
But Bill doesn't end it there. He calls an Assassin he trusted more than anybody else. He calls up Gavin Banks and orders his crew to do the same.
And he adds another order.
Find out if Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings have been compromised as well.
Rebecca and Shaun try to prove her innocence but they're not stupid. They start seeing the inconsistencies. They start seeing information Lucy kept from her reports.
They start to think that there's more to Clay's death than what Lucy wrote in her report.
And then...
They find out the emails she sent to Vidic with the fake William Miles email address.
Shaun is the one who tries to say it must be a mistake, maybe Lucy got duped by similar email addresses. Rebecca is the one who doesn't believe that because they both know Lucy isn't that stupid. The timestamps made it clear that Lucy was in contact with both email addresses at the same time.
It's not a smoking gun.
But it's damning enough. And they're both loyal to the Brotherhood enough to present it to Bill.
Gavin and his crews find more evidence. More inconsistencies.
Not with Shaun and Rebecca, of course. (Although, the number of crazy conspiracies Shaun has written was a bit worrying.)
All of these were to Lucy alone.
Everything they find points at one thing.
Lucy Stillman is a traitor.
So when Bill interrogates Lucy with Rebecca, Shaun and the entirety of Gavin's crew listening in, they're not surprised when Lucy finally admits it. Shaun and Rebecca don't want to believe it but they also know they need to face the truth.
Lucy betrayed them all.
Against everything they got, Lucy has no other choice but to admit it.
She will try to deny at first, of course, but the isolation made her realize something important.
Everyone is ignoring the most important thing right now:
The impending catastrophe that destroyed a civilization more advanced than they were right now.
So she pleads with Bill and tells him that, right now, the best chance they all have of saving the world is to join forces. To use Abstergo's resources to find whatever it is that Minerva wanted Desmond to find.
The supposed Temples...
That's when Bill reminds her.
"You already told Vidic about it, didn't you? About Minerva's warning to Desmond. So..."
"Why hasn't the Templars done anything? Why hasn't the Templars reach out to us by using you?"
That makes Lucy pause.
Why haven't they?
Lucy did manage to send word to Vidic beforehand about Minerva's warning and they took pictures of everything Clay drew and wrote before he died. Someone must be in charge of checking what they all mean.
So... the Templars must have known. Must have had an idea of what was going to happen.
Even before Lucy sent them Minerva's message to Desmond.
So why haven't they done anything?
Someone might say that maybe they're doing something. Maybe they're racing to find POEs that would save the world.
Maybe they never bothered to suggest a truce with the Assassins because they knew the Assassins would never agree to it. Not after everything that had happened in the past years. Not after the Great Purge.
At this point, there will be a debate among everyone who heard Lucy's interrogation. Some will argue that a truce could be possible, that they should try for the sake of the world. Another side would focus on everything Abstergo (and the Templars) had done and how they cannot be trusted.
And that's when Desmond will wake up and tell them about the Grand Temple.
====== Ending Rambling ======
Yeah, I'm 'ending' it there. Sorry? XD
But here are some of my notes concerning Abstergo and how possible this what-if scenario is (headcanon-wise).
First of all: there's no way the Templars don't know about the Catastrophe. At the very least, they should have an idea about it and, with the lax security Desmond's cell had considering Lucy is in charge of it, Lucy had ample time in AC: Brotherhood to send them a message.
This email pretty much tell us that Vidic (and the Templars) did know about it. (from AC wiki)
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They had 'suspicions for years' and they had 'decades'. Whether they knew the entire sun going whoosh at them, that's debatable but they knew that something big and dangerous is going to happen on Dec 21 2022. The short amount of time left implies that (or, to be a devil's advocate in my own writing, it could actually pertain to the deadline that Rikkin gave Vidic in AC1 XD)
This means that they kept it a secret for a reason.
The Templars want total control of the world for different reasons. Some like the Borgias wanted it because they believed it was their birthright or because they wanted power/riches. Others like Sofia Rikkin believe in the Templar cause because they believe humanity is imperfect and that imperfection must be changed so that the world could achieve true everlasting peace. Others like Robert de Sablé and Haytham Kenway pushed for control because they believed that humanity needs to be controlled as they are too stupid or powerless on their own. Then there are those like Berg and Cross who had no choice but to join and stay with the Templars for personal reasons (Berg's daughter, Cross' brainwashing and dependency on the Animus to keep his mind intact, etc)
The Templars as they are now, as Abstergo, are united by their desire for control and to profit from it but their reasoning behind that desire vary depending on the person.
However, all of them are under the Inner Sanctum. The Inner Sanctum has the final say in Templar (and Abstergo) activities.
And you know who is a member of the Inner Sanctum?
Warren Vidic.
The same Vidic who sent the email above to Lucy just weeks before the incident with Juno.
The same Vidic who told Desmond in AC1 that he agreed with the Assassins' way of killing a few evil people to save thousands but believed that they didn't go far enough and that the entire human race needs to be 're-educated'.
This meant that Vidic did everything in AC3 knowing that the world would end on December 21. He would rather spend months searching for Desmond than suggest a truce between their two warring factions.
And the other members of the Inner Sanctum either supported him (Rikkin and Cross) or did not make any attempts to stop him.
When you asked if they would help the Assasins or not?
Honestly, they could have had. Lucy didn't need to survive for that. She already gave them enough inside information about what's going to happen.
And they still decided to continue this whole Assassins versus Templars.
My best guess is that they already had a plan in motion and the Assassins weren't needed in it or would not agree with the plan.
Either their 'The Eye' project (not the Isu's The Eye) where they shoot out an Apple to space was not just meant to 'reprogram humanity' but also provide some kind of protection (kinda like how Abbas in AC Revelations got the Apple to send out waves of energy every few seconds that will throw Altaïr off)
There was already an alternative plan that didn't involve any POE at all. A plan that will not save the world but will let them (and their 'chosen people') survive the catastrophe. In the same way Minerva and Juno informed Desmond that the Grand Temple can protect them from it and how there will be other people who survived too in their 'alternate future', it's highly plausible that Abstergo also had a similar idea. Bunkers perhaps or they may use Temples they already have under their 'protection'. Something that would keep them safe from the sun and help them survive the aftermath.
Either way, the Templars would have never joined forces with the Assassins to save the world. Warren Vidic's actions from AC1 to AC3 showed where the Templars stand in that scenario.
... Unless... someone in the Inner Sanctum says "fuck Vidic and fuck this shit" and go behind the other Inner Sanctum members' back to contact the Assassins.
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mynnthia · 1 month
compiling my headcanons for what video games dungeon meshi characters would like, if they were gamers in modern day
some taken from this post and my reblog additions there. added more characters, with some suggestions by friends/mutuals (marked by *asterisk ).
this can also be a games recommendation list based on your fav/most relatable characters too, if you want
characters that are not are included are bc i dont have ideas for them. if i only list the genre name but not any specific titles, its bc im not familiar enough with the character/genre to pick a specific game.
this list is, of course, biased towards games im more familiar with. feel free to ask me to elaborate on my choices or make suggestions in the comments
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Laios' party:
Laios: plays lots of Monster Hunter. loves Spore but he doesnt often play past the tribal stage. likes Pokemon but he's more focused on catching the pokemon than following the story. played WolfQuest and DragonFable back in the day. enjoyed the concept of Bugsnax but wasn't interested in dealing with the NPCs
Marcille: mainly Dwarf Fortress, RTS games, some colony sims. but also sometimes The Sims, and dollmaker dress-up games. i could see her also enjoying Rollercoaster Tycoon and making elaborately-themed parks. might also occasionally indulge in some visual novels if she's in the mood for narrative she has Stardew Valley so she can have something to play co-op with falin, but its not a game she plays a lot of otherwise. when playing with falin, marcille micromanages the farm to maximize productivity, and does the decorations
Chilchuck: puzzle games and hidden object/escape room games as a video game-equivalent to finding/dismantling traps and lockpicking. i think he'd also enjoy Bejeweled.
Senshi: mainly Wii games and Cooking Mama. occasionally plays Snake on his 15-year-old nokia phone. i dont think he would enjoy games like Overcooked or restaurant manager games, because he likes to take his time making food, not stressing about customer service
Falin: some *Legend of Zelda games – she likes the exploration aspect in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, maybe also some of the toon zelda games like Minish Cap or Wind Waker she also plays Pokemon (*Pokemon Go when she's traveling), and i think she would enjoy some indie games, like Penko Park or Chicory: A Colorful Tale. plays Stardew Valley co-op with marcille – falin mainly takes care of the animals, mining, and picking the crops. occasionally makes improvement suggestions that marcille didnt think of
Izutsumi: i could see her enjoying games with parkour mechanics, like *Assassin's Creed, or Mirror's Edge. or maybe something simple but requiring cat-like swipes, like Fruit Ninja. despite her impatience, i think she could also enjoy action games with interesting longer narratives, as evidenced by [this omake] (relevant portion pictured below), so maybe *Final Fantasy 7 – my friend who's familiar with the game said "she’d find Cloud and Vincent relatable"
[ID: a dungeon meshi omake, where laios' party watches a nightmare monster manifest marcille's dream. there are snippets of dramatic soap opera-like dialogue. the rest of the party are initially enthusiastic but get bored over time, meanwhile izutsumi remains enthralled]
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Kabru's party
Kabru: definitely Crusader Kings. maybe also some rpgs with relationship/faction mechanics, such as *Fire Emblem (one of the older ones or FE:3H) or Fallout: New Vegas (hes maxing out the speech stat asap) i think he would also enjoy mystery games like Pentiment and Return of the Obra Dinn – he would love the process of getting familiar with the many characters and deducing "who did what" in both games.
Rin: she takes pride in being an indie gamer (translating her disdain for upper class magic academy mages -> disdain for AAA games). given her chain-lightning magic in canon, i think she'd enjoy games with AOE-type magic, so maybe games such as Vampire Survivors. my mutual also suggested she might enjoy indie mystery visual novels like *Paranormasight, and that her AAA guilty-pleasure would be *Final Fantasy 14 – that rin is "a hardcore ff14 raider. would join PUGs and shot-call every week. #holm and diya might also play ff14 casually with rin but holm would be fishing mainly"
Mickbell: mainly Bethesda games like Fallout and Skyrim– enjoys the bootstrapper power fantasy in them. the type to go out of his way to pick up all the loot he can, to later sell
Kuro: enjoys the same games as Mickbell, but for the open-world exploration and investigation factors
Toshiro and Tansu's party:
Namari: her interest in fighting and weapons could translate to brawler/fighting games and action games with a focus on weapon stats – so maybe *Street Fighter, *God of War, and/or *Dark Souls. might play *Monster Hunter with laios but for the weapons. i could also see her occasionally enjoying truck simulators
Toshiro (Shuro): has the perseverance for soulslikes and other high-difficulty action and/or metroidvania games, but would take his time overthinking item/weapon synergies sometimes. given [his fondness for bugs], i could also see him enjoying Hollow Knight
Tade: would enjoy the cute aesthetics and lighthearted gameplay of Animal Crossing and Katamari. would also like idol anime rhythm games
Kiki: i think she would enjoy horror games such as Resident Evil, but would play it while super chill. i dont have much reasoning for this aside from vibes
Mithrun: plays Doom. got into Hollow Knight but still hasn't finished it because he keeps getting lost. senshi introduces him to Cooking Mama later on, which he finds surprisingly therapeutic
Cithis: plays Hitman and enjoys staging elaborate accident kills. i think she'd also enjoy The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, with her background as a devious fortune-teller
Fleki: surreal indie games like Hylics. also plays Team Fortress 2, and is a scout main. occasionally joins lycion in Animal Jam
Lycion: active WolfQuest and Animal Jam player. occasionally joins fleki in tf2
Pattadol: plays Stardew Valley – shes comparatively a normie, but on the meticulous side. she would enjoy perfecting her in-game farm
Otta: plays Genshin Impact. the serious reasoning is because of her (earth) elemental magic and how genshin has an elemental magic system (from my understanding. ive never played it). the joke reasoning is how some genshin players play to collect "waifus", and how otta goes through a lot of women in her dating life
Leed: runs her own guild in World of Warcraft
Winged Lion: god-games like WorldBox or Simmiland. and Darkest Dungeon (this ones mostly a joke)
Thistle: plays the original Plants VS. Zombies. also plays Minecraft and is very serious about it, but hasn't updated his game in years (translating the fact hes a 1000-year-old kid frozen in time -> playing "slightly old" games popular in the early 2010s)
[ID: tweet reply by twitter user ranchuppi – "thistle calls it lord delgal's server but he is the only mod. whole royal family is locked in spectator mode. Hell. living hell on earth."]
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lilborealis · 9 months
Assassins Creed Headcanons because I can
-Despite denying it adamantly, Evie still does have a crush on Ezio Auditore (it’s not as much as when she was a girl, but it’s still there)
-the tips of Evie’s ears also blush when she’s embarrassed, Henry finds it adorable
-Jacob somehow hid the fact he got drunk when he and Evie were hunting for the Koh-i-noor
-Ezio’s banged at least one nun in his lifetime
-Connor has a habit of apologizing to people when his large stature startles them
-who among the assassins would listen to Jimmy Buffett and why is it absolutely Edward mf Kenway
-Haytham has fallen off a few roofs by sheer accident and Connor loves to remind him (much to his annoyance)
-Evie actually does have a tattoo, Henry is the only one who knows
-Jack the Ripper is a Sage, and the founder of the Instruments of the First Will (he had associates in Syndicate, remember?)
-Arno 👏 adopted 👏 Léon
-both Jacob and Evie have kids and those kids are the most chaotic cousins alive
-Shay actually hates the color green
-Shay’s middle name actually came from his grandfather (who was named Patrick), his father’s name was Killian
-everyone thinks Evie’s all elegant and graceful but Jacob’s seen her fall off many roofs (more than him, he’s been sworn to secrecy)
-everyone thinks Jacob is the evil twin, (he’s just impulsive) but it’s actually Evie (no one believes him and he wants to scream)
-modern day Altair went through an emo phase
-Arno can walk on his hands
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