#assorted Maria
tina-aumont · 8 months
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Here you can see the strong genes the Gracia had/still has, in the left & right photos we can see Isidoro Gracia García, who was María Montez's dad, and in the center we can see Dominic Fuentes, María's great niece.
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And here you can see Dominic Fuentes (left) with her great aunt María Montez, you can see the strong ressemblance they both had...
Very special thanks to @74paris for sending me these pics and pointing out their ressemblance.
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rivstyx · 2 years
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pic dump
(you can tell i've been experimenting with brushes and styles and such lol. shoutout to @night-at-the-musian for letting me steal his characters for sketchin purposes)
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Maria Renard for Draculatober on Twitter. Her hair is so hard to draw, as a child or as a young adult.
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angeltism · 6 months
HAI COMETĂ !!! also yayaya as mentioned we have totality so :3 hopefully its as cool as its hyped up to be hehehe !!! — ❤️‍🩹
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WOWOWOWOWOW THAT'S AWESOMEEE !! yayayaya I really hope so ! I'm suuper excited yep yep !!!
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kitty-city · 1 year
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day 86
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vulcan-moon · 9 months
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assorted shadow and maria sketchbook stuff
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wandasaura · 2 months
summary — when boredom strikes in the absence of your girlfriends, you make friendship bracelets that will tether you together no matter the distance
warnings — fluff, the slightest indication of hurt but not really, mentions of lethal weapons and battle, minor mention of ohio but it’s a soft/happy moment
authors note — i am so high you gremlins better appreciate this, i got so carried away
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Truthfully, you weren’t entirely sure when summer had lost its whimsical spark, but as you trudged through the halls of the compound searching wistfully for something to do that could even begin to fill a fraction of the time until your girlfriends returned home from a last minute op, the early days of August just didn’t feel the same as they did when you had popsicle sticks and sandcastles to look forward to. The endless days that had once been vibrant within your memory, defined by sleepovers and an assortment of frozen treats, were now bland and filled with earnest longing for company that was hard to come across when the entire world needed saving and that impossible responsibility fell on the shoulders of a few ragtag individuals. 
The height of summertime had befallen you if the scorching heat outside was any minuscule factor in the judgment that determined ever changing seasons, yet still you felt paralyzed in an eternal winter, pessimistically comparing the barren landscape of early February to the isolating interior of Stark’s state of the art compound. Pepper and Maria had become familiar faces since the Avengers workload had picked up again, becoming short lived intermissions to the reality you lived in permanently, but even with their infrequent trips upstate to visit with you and collect paperwork that probably could’ve waited until Tony himself returned home, persistent boredom was slowly becoming your worst enemy. 
Wanda and Natasha had been trying their best though it was hardly any consolation, sending nightly texts and assuring that although they missed you terribly, they were doing well, but it just wasn’t the same as having them home with you. They called anytime they got the chance, FaceTime’d whenever a hotspot managed to be secured, but it would never be enough to heal the ache of their physical absence beside you in a place that you so desperately tried to call home for them. 
Scrounging through the game closet, because as ‘tough’ as Tony attempted to appear in the light of the everlurking media, he still valued spending time with his wife and friends – as hesitant as he was to ever truly call the Avengers such a thing. It was something of a shock to stumble upon a bracelet kit in the madness of board games and extravagant card decks, but knowing the billionaire, it had most definitely been purchased in a haze of sleep deprivation and later been put away by Pepper who would’ve  ultimately been the one to unbox each package as they came. 
Shrugging off your initial surprise, a smile derived of childhood nostalgia pulled at the corners of your lips, and for a single second, that unreplicable spark came back to you just as  the August sun created a breathtaking sunset beyond the living room windows. Settling onto the couch, illuminated by the slowly ebbing traces of warm daylight, you pried open the plastic packaging and allowed that innocent child within you to have a single moment of joy. Intricately you weaved plastic beads onto thin rubber string, shifting through tiny sections until you found colors and letters that fit your wildest desires, leaving out no tacky charm whilst you were at it. Before you knew it, your wrist had become adorned with personality by three entirely cliche bracelets, all different colors and hues but perfectly cohesive as they mirrored the colors visible just beyond the large windows. You grinned down at them blissfully, caressing the ‘N’ on the highest one on your wrist, mesmerized by the simplicity of their appearance on your body. They were so effortlessly simple, weaved and tangled together by environmentally damaging globes of hollow plastic, but they’d healed a part of your being that you hadn’t even recognized was slowly dying as adulthood stole the joy of childhood. 
After cleaning up the house, although you most definitely did slip the bracelet kit into your shared bedroom with Wanda and Natasha instead of placing it back in the closet for communal use, you fell into the couch once more, this time with a lousy dinner of buttered pasta and a sitcom that just didn’t hit the same without Wanda’s amusement to drown out the laugh track and Natasha’s dry commentary. At some point, you had fallen asleep to Michelle Tanner stomping through the kitchen, but when you awoke, groggy and disoriented, you found that the sky had morphed into a deep shade of violet and the house was filled with echoes of shuffling. 
You frowned, rubbing at your eyes with balled up fists as you took in your surroundings. The room was painted in near total darkness, however the lamp nearest your body had been switched on and bright an ambient glow to the blackness that threatened to drown you within it. There was also the telltale sounds of quiet conversation, and though the thick walls did a lot to muffle the sounds of life existing beside you for the first time in days, you recognized the drawl of Wanda’s soft Sokovian accent instantaneously. 
Shooting up from the couch, barely acknowledging that someone had thrown a blanket over top of you, weaving through the hallways that didn’t seem so barren anymore until you found your girlfriends bent over the countertop, still dressed in their tactile uniforms and covered in dust and dirt, but happily snacking on the left over pasta that you had placed on the highest shelf in the fridge. You didn’t give them a moment to react to your abrupt presence in the kitchen, certain that Natasha had heard your feet pattering against the floorboards and Wanda had felt your energy shift and grow closer. The Russian happened to be on the side of the island closest to you, and without hesitation you embraced her in a tight hug, wrapping your arms around her midsection and digging your face into the center of her back, effectively pinning her arms to her sides, though she could’ve easily escaped you if she wanted. 
“Hi, malyshka.” She cooed softly, her voice hoarse from smoke inhalation and a long stretch of yelling over bombs and active fire, but you paid it no mind, happy just to have her back in your arms miraculously in one single piece. “You gonna let me go so I can hug you the right way?” She teased when your grip remained steeled, not wavering for a second even as you nestled your head farther into the back of her spine. 
“No.” Your voice was small as it fell into the air, drowning both Wanda and Natasha in your tender softness. “Never letting you go again.” 
“As endearing as that is, malyska, you refuse to be in the bathroom when I pee. You’re going to have to let me go at some point.” Her humor was dry, blunt enough to have your cheeks twinging a shade of pink they hadn’t been since the day she and Wanda left, but you didn’t hold back your strained laughter like you would’ve had she not just been gone for nearly a week, instead, you allowed the sound to tear through your body and vibrate hers. 
You only loosened your grip because Wanda had rounded the corner of the island and pulled you back into her chest the minute you were in reach. Natasha took that to her advantage, shimming out of your loosened grip to turn around and embrace you fully, one hand cupping the back of your head whilst the other looped around your waist over top of Wandas. You sighed contently, laying your chin against Natasha’s shoulder while your hand slipped down to grasp firmly onto Wanda’s. 
Only when curious fingers brushed against your wrist did you remember the bracelets adorning your arm, and passionately you wiggled away from them to snag the lowest bracelet off, extending it to the Sokovian with an admittedly sheepish grin. “I made you this.” You offered simply as an explanation, awaiting Wanda’s reaction as she took in the sight of the bracelet, the lone bead in the center the first letter of your name. 
Wanda’s mesmerizing green eyes wrinkled beneath the kitchen lighting, and tenderly she stroked her finger across the beads that framed your single letter. “I love it.” You smiled shyly beneath her tender stare, cheeks heating up as you shifted your attention to Natasha, pulling off the bracelet that just as simply as the first, bore a black inked ‘W’. “I thought we could wear each other's names. That way when you're off saving the world one Hydra base at a time, you still have a little part of me with you, and I have a little part of you.” 
Natasha couldn’t contain her endearment, and for a single second as you glanced at her tearful expression, you were worried that she hated it, that she thought it was stupid and childish, which it most definitely was. A spluttered apology was on the tip of your tongue, hot and loaded as it formed in seconds, but it was pointless, because once she had taken a few seconds to collect her reserve, she slid the bracelet onto her wrist, fitting it comfortably over the sleeves of her sleek black uniform that desperately needed a dry clean, and smiled at you. 
“Yelena and I used to make these in Ohio. They weren’t as pretty, and they didn’t really mean anything significant, but it was the one thing that we could do that made us feel like real kids; me more than her. I love it, detka.” Natasha mumbled insightfully, though you didn’t have a second to unpack her whispered admission, because she was pulling you into a kiss that tasted of vodka and pasta the second words stopped forming on her tongue. You didn’t whine about the taste of her tongue, or how her lips were painfully chapped against yours, simply melted into the touch and shuddered as Wanda came up behind you to kiss a soft trail down your neck. 
Two weeks later, they were called away on another mission, this time in Nigeria where a Hydra base had apparently popped up out of the blue, but this time, amongst their tactical uniforms and lethal weapons, were two bracelets crafted by you. When they returned six days later, those same bracelets remained, looking dingy beneath the ambient glow of sunset, but entirely perfect as well.
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natsaffection · 8 months
hey, love 💕
i was thinking about the my sweet baby universe again(i love it so much 🥹) and could you write something like baby goes to nat's office for a surprise visit on their anniversary or something like that, but she's only wearing lingerie under her coat (or maybe just full naked, it's your call 🫣) and i feel like nats reaction would be vert enjoyable hehehe 🤭. anyways, i think you'd make a great fic, thanks honey ;)
Happy anniversary.
Sugar Mommy!Natasha x Sugar Baby!Reader
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Warnings: Age gap! (N= 37 R= 21), thigh riding, Mommy kink, begging, fingering, slight overstimulation
Word count: 1,6 k
A/n: for the extra feeling, listen to Dead Man's Arms by Bishop Briggs when the smut starts, its heavenly. 🫂
In the soft glow of the morning light, you stirred from your sleep, stretching beneath the cozy blankets. Groggily, you opened your eyes to find Natasha's side of the bed empty. A hint of disappointment flickered, thinking Natasha might have forgotten the significance of the day.
But as you sat up, you noticed a delicate note lying on Natasha's bedside table. Curiosity was piqued and you eagerly unfolded the paper. In Natasha's elegant handwriting, the note read: "Happy anniversary, my love."
A hint of warmth spread through your chest and a bright smile graced your face. It was a simple but profound gesture, an acknowledgment that, while Natasha was still navigating the nuances of relationships, she had taken a moment to acknowledge and celebrate her love.
Joy simmered within you as you imagined Natasha at work, carrying the weight of her responsibilities and still finding a moment to express her affection. The anniversary had started on a sweet note, setting the tone for the surprises that awaited them and confirming the depth of their connection.
As you entered the living room, you were met with a breathtaking sight - every surface was decorated with an abundance of flowers, delicate roses and soft petals. The air was filled with the sweet scent of love and effort. You stood there in a daze and watched the romantic spectacle unfolding before them.
With careful steps, you continued into the kitchen, where another heartwarming surprise awaited you. The table was set with an enchanting breakfast spread - freshly baked pastries, assorted fruits and a pot of steaming coffee. A note with Natasha's distinctive handwriting caught your attention.
„Y/n, Every detail is a tribute to us. Enjoy the surprises and know that my heart belongs to you, today and always.”
Overcome with emotion, you turned around to see Maria, the maid, quietly taking care of her duties. “Did you do all that?” you asked incredulously.
Maria shook her head with a warm smile. “No, Ms. Romanoff was up all night making sure everything was perfect for your anniversary. She wanted today to be special for you.”
You felt a rush of gratitude and joy. The thoughtful gestures, the romantic atmosphere and the effort Natasha had made to create a magical morning touched you deeply. You enjoyed breakfast with a heart full of love, knowing that every bite was a taste of the affection with which Natasha had made your anniversary unforgettable.
Inspired by Natasha's romantic gestures in the morning, you felt a wave of excitement to return the love. As you thought about ideas for a surprise, a mischievous thought came to mind - one that would add a dash of spice to the day..
As the minutes passed, you carefully planned the surprise, carefully choosing a sexy ensemble that you knew would make Natasha's heart beat faster. The anticipation grew, and with every second that passed, You couldn't help but grin at the joy you were about to unleash.
In the beating heart of the city, you strolled the busy streets to find the perfect surprise for Natasha on her special day. The charming lingerie boutique beckoned and you entered, greeted by a selection of delicate lace and seductive fabrics.
The saleswoman with a strong sense of elegance guided you through the boutique's offerings. Soft whispers of satin, intricate lace patterns and the promise of seduction filled the air. Feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, you began selecting pieces that fit the celebration you had envisioned.
In the locker room, the atmosphere became more intimate. Soft lighting highlighted the details of the lingerie, and as you tried on different ensembles, the mirror reflected a journey of self-discovery. The delicate lace hugged your curves and each piece told a story of sensuality and sophistication.
As you admired the reflection, the anticipation of surprising Natasha grew. The salesperson, recognizing the significance of the occasion, offered words of encouragement and added expert advice on the art of seduction to the experience.
Once back home, the chosen ensemble adorned your figure, with each piece carefully chosen to create a captivating appeal. The underwear, a secret beneath her elegant coat, promised a moment of passion and connection with Natasha. Once you were satisfied with the sight, you threw a nice coat around yourself and made your way to her office.
When you arrived, Natash's assistant took you straight to her and as you entered her office with an innocent smile, you closed the door with a soft click. The soft click of the door drew Natasha's attention away from the stacks of paperwork.
“Y/n! what are you doing here?” You are trying to keep your composure, but feeling a tinge of nervousness, "I just wanted to add a little... spark to your day."
Natasha, astute as ever, noticed the subtle signs. Your slight trembling and a tell-tale blush adorning your cheeks. A knowing grin played on Natasha's lips. “Ah, you’re trying to surprise me, aren’t you?”
You, surprised by Natasha's perspicacity, stammered, "Well, I... I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate our anniversary..“
Natasha enjoyed you nervous state and leaned back in her chair, her eyes filled with playful mischief. “Come here, darling. Let’s see what delightful surprise you have in store.”
As you approached and slowly took off the coat, Natasha's eyes lit up with anticipation. The atmosphere in the room changed, filled with the promise of a celebration that combined the sweetness of their love with the spicy surprises of their desires.
Natasha's eyes widened, a hint of surprise, before a seductive grin appeared. “Well, this is a wonderful distraction,” she remarked, her gaze lingering on your enticing ensemble.
Playing the innocence card, you approached the desk and ran your fingers over Natasha's stressed-out paperwork. “Happy anniversary, Natasha,” you cooed, shy smiling giving away your secret intentions.
Natasha's stress was momentarily forgotten and she leaned back in her chair, fascinated by the sparkle in your eyes.
"I've been craving something more than just paperwork all day." You grinned and slid a hand down Natasha's thigh, your closeness becoming more intense. "How about a different kind of...stress relief?"
Your mind becomes clouded with a lustful haze that blinds your insecurities when you can utter the next word without an ounce of resistance. "How about I make you feel good this time?“
It wasn't until the words left your mouth that you realized what you had said and the shock hitting both of your faces at the same time. You regret it and consider pulling away completely, but before you can, a sneer appears on her lips again. "That's not how it works, Malysh." Her arm quickly wraps around your waist and moves you so that you're standing between her legs.
Without warning, she pushed your body against her thighs and a soft gasp escaped your mouth. “Be a good girl for me and let me do it.” She looks up at you and her arm moves around your waist again. Your clit begins to rub against her thigh, and Natasha's moved her legs just the same to show you how to move your hips.
Her hands grasp your waist, holding you tight and giving you stability. Not only the feeling of your pleasure as you rub against her thighs, but the way Natasha maintains control and dominance even when she's beneath you sends you completely into subspace.
Her other hand works on your breast, her fingers massaging the flesh with gentle pinches before she takes it into her mouth. You can't look away from her, and neither can Natasha, even though your cheeks are very flushed and inflamed. The eye contact you share as you ride her thighs while she sucks on your breasts will put you in a trance you won't be able to break.
But soon you have no choice but to close your eyes. It doesn't come from desire, but from need. Because your orgasm threatens to erupt within you on a scale that neither of you were prepared for.
Her mouth opens as her tongue licks your breasts, and it all begins before you reach your climax.
Her hips buck against yours and her moans echo through the silent room, loud enough for the staff to hear, but you don't care as the pleasure rings high in your ears. "Good girl."
You were still in a trance when Natasha picked you up and placed you on her table. She grabbed your legs and spread them in front of her, “Don’t make a sound, Y/n, or I’ll stop, do you understand me?”
You nodded eagerly, your skin tingling as Natasha slowly slid her tongue from your thigh down to your pussy. You arched into the touch, squeezing your eyes shut again as Natasha's thumb slowly swiped over your clit.
“Nnngh.” You try to stay silent, holding your palm over your mouth. Another of her fingers rubbed your clit and this time she pushed inside.
Shortly afterwards, Natasha picked up speed and thrust into you again and again. Her arm moves up to your head to hold you tighter, “I-It feels so good!” you whimper into your hand.
„Oh, I know..“ Natasha smiled and pressed her thumb lightly against your clit, rubbing eagerly, circles against the smooth, throbbing bud. You felt the pleasure building inside you again, an unimaginable heat and pressure deep in your stomach that was aching to be released.
The thumb on your clit stoked the heat into an inferno and you felt your control suddenly slip and your voice become high and desperate again. “Oh God, Mommy! Ah, it's too much! I’m going to – I’m going to–” you babbled, clinging tightly to Natasha’s free arm.
Natasha’s voice was soft, urging you to your climax again with gentle movements and touches, “It’s okay, let it out. Come for me.“ You gasp. “Oh, fuck!” The heat in your stomach exploded throughout your body and you climaxed a second and final time.
Natasha gently ran her fingers through your hair and cooed softly to you as your climax passed, leaving you shaking and exhausted. “Thank you for the perfect anniversary my love.”
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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The People's Joker will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, and VHS on August 13 via Altered Innocence. Sister Hyde designed the artwork for the 2022 trans superhero parody film.
Vera Drew makes her feature directorial debut from a script she co-wrote with Bri LeRose. Drew also stars with Kane Distler, Nathan Faustyn, Lynn Downey, and David Liebe Hart. Tim Heidecker, Bob Odenkirk, Maria Bamford, and Scott Aukerman make cameos.
A 24-page comic book is included. Special features are listed below.
Audio commentary by writer-director-actress Vera Drew
Audio commentary by writer-director-actress Vera Drew and actor Nathan Faustyn
Audio commentary by assorted cast and crew
Discussion with director Vera Drew and Corpses, Fools, and Monsters authors Willow Catelyn Maclay and Caden Mark Gardner
Queebso TV
A closeted trans girl moves to Gotham City to make it big as a comedian by joining the cast of UCB Live – a government-sanctioned late night sketch show in a world where comedy has been outlawed. As mainstream success eludes our heroine, leading her to unite with a ragtag team of rejects, misfits, and a certain love interest named Mister J, "Joker the Harlequin" is born again as a confident (and psychotic) joker on a collision course with the city’s fascist caped crusader. Vats of feminizing chemicals, sexy cartoon interludes, scarecrow psychiatrists, CGI Lorne Michaels, and psychedelic gender dysphoria all play supporting roles.
Pre-order The People's Joker.
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joelismiller · 1 year
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joel miller x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.0k
Summary: you liked joel and you really thought he liked you back.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, age gap (joel is in his fifties and reader is in her late twenties), angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, fingering, oral (fem!receiving), jealousy, protective!joel, violence if you squint, no use of y/n
A/N: hi everyone my name is ariel and this is my first post ! I have never written for joel before and i have never written smut so please go easy on me and enjoy ! <3 (oh also i completely made up the currency idk how that works😭)
It hurts, you think. 
Having an attachment to a man who has seemed to lose the ability to comprehend on an emotional level how to form one.
An exception of course made for one goofy teenager named Ellie Williams, which you can’t blame him for—she is an easy kid to love. 
You however still can’t help but feel a little envious of the fourteen-year-old even if it is a silly kind of jealousy. You just wish you could be close to him—know him like no one else does or has. 
It started 6 months ago: you had been living in Jackson for a whole year after braving the world overtaken by Cordyceps alone.
Tommy and a group of other people on patrol found you near the edge of town looking right about to just give up and keel over and allow fate to take over and decide if you should live or die from that point.
After making sure you were not infected, Tommy scooped you up and managed to get you back to town where Maria agreed to help nurse you back to health and eventually make you an official resident of Jackson. 
You were given a house close to Tommy and Maria’s and they gave you a job at the local clothing shop of sorts; really just a place to trade or purchase clothing, bootlaces, etc. You began to not just live, but enjoy living—a fate you never thought you would be able to see for yourself after the events of the last twenty years.
It was more or less a life of routine and monotony, but it was more of a life you had before which is what made it special. 
Then Joel Miller came in and ruined all of that.
 Six months ago he rode into town with his little brunette companion for a second time after briefly visiting a while before. He walked up to Tommy and gave him a firm hug while confirming your hope that he indeed would be making himself a permanent member of the Jackson community.
His house with Ellie was only a few blocks away which allowed for you to wake up a little early to see him leave on his way to patrol. 
Now the interaction that started your infatuation with the grumpy old man was nothing too special; at least probably to the man himself. However, to you, it made a very old and foreign feeling form in your gut.
Butterflies erupted just at the sight of Joel Miller’s beautiful brown eyes that, depending on the light, either shined a light honey-brown, or dark and rich, like the coffee beans you used to brew your coffee that morning.
His hair reflected his age—a fluffy mess of brown with graying streaks and a patchy beard to match.
And his broad shoulders and strong looking arms made it so you wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up by him—consumed by him.  
He looked awkward, you think, as he stood inside your shop looking around wordlessly. You decided to step out from behind the counter where you were going over some previous numbers for inventory to help the handsome man get what he came for. 
“Hi there, can I help you look for anything specific?” you asked as you approached him slowly from across the room. 
“Hi, um, I was just lookin' for a thicker coat than the one I already have—‘just got my first pay from patrolling.” He muttered, continuing to search the many tables and walls littered with all sorts of clothing items.
 “Oh okay, for sure! If you just follow me they’re right over here.”
 You began to lead him to a rack near the register which had a small assortment of heavy winter jackets. You were constantly selling out of them since Jackson was always cold no matter the season which is why there wasn’t a lot to choose from. 
He took a look at the jackets and gave you a nod, “Thank you, um…” Joel trailed off as you breathlessly laughed and told him your name.
He repeated your name trying it out on his tongue; making you wish for nothing more than to hear him say it in his Southern drawl over and over and over-
“I’m Joel,” he stated simply and you gave him a smile and nod of your head, pretending like you hadn’t already done a bit of digging to find out the handsome newcomer’s name a couple months ago when he first visited. 
“Well Joel, if you need anything I'll be back behind the register.”
You pointed over to the table with a broken old register that worked just well enough to store the currency the town came up with so there was an extra curtain of civilization despite the events that were anything but that.
You thought it was kind of stupid, but it worked and made people happy so who were you to say otherwise? 
He nodded to let you know he heard you as you went back to your previous position: pretending the whole time you weren’t shamelessly ogling the rugged, big, Southern man mindlessly looking through the jackets.
He eventually settled on a nice tan one with flannel material on the inside lining with white fleece on the collar and cuffs.
You quickly looked back down to the inventory papers so you wouldn’t be caught staring when you heard his heavy footsteps approach the counter. 
“I’ll take this one,” he grunted as he began to gather up some coins to give you in exchange for the warm, heavy jacket.
You quickly pushed his hand away to alert him that it wasn’t necessary, “You're new here right Joel?” You asked as he raised an inquisitive eyebrow and shook his head in agreement.
 “Right, then consider it a welcoming gift—free of charge.” 
You gave him a bright smile as he furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head causing you to see the honey sparkle in his brown eyes under the bright store light. 
“Ya sure? Jacket doesn’t look cheap,” Joel muttered, his gaze flickering to his boots. 
“A hundred percent! You’re new and patrolling isn’t an easy job, accept it as a thank you for keeping us safe if anything,” you told him shyly, the smile never leaving your face. 
He chuckled softly and nodded his head. 
“Okay darlin’, well, thank you—much appreciated.” 
You whispered a soft ‘yeah’ as his eyes looked over you, causing a burning feeling to spread throughout your whole body as if you were being branded. He gave you one last nod of his head as he began to turn around and leave the store.
Not to your surprise, an empty feeling immediately filled you in the presence of his absence.
You whispered to yourself to pull yourself together—that you’ve only met him once and that his effect on you should not be this intense.
It didn’t help however as every interaction after that caused your feelings for the large stand-offish man to only grow. 
Whether it was a quick acknowledgement of each other when you happened to eat in the dining hall at the same time, or a wave of a hand when you left your houses at the same time in the morning as he headed to patrol and you headed to the store.
But your favorite interactions were when he would come into the store to maybe get a couple of new shirts for Ellie, or some new socks for himself.
Over time you felt him grow more comfortable around you as you did him. He would tell you about Ellie’s latest antics; swearing that the teen girl was trying to ‘send an old man to an early grave.’
You would giggle and tell him that he wasn’t that old and that Ellie was just a teen girl finally in a safe somewhat normal place where she can go to school and make actual friends. 
“About that, I think I might needa talk with her teacher soon—she’s been missin too much school and heading off god knows where,” Joel confessed to you, a frown overtaking his aged features as his worry about his adopted daughter showed clear all over his face.
You shyly grabbed his hand across the register and gave it a small squeeze.
“Try not to worry about her too much Joel. She’s young and she didn’t get to have a normal childhood—It's only normal that school probably doesn’t matter too much to her after everything,” you explained hoping that your words may ease him a bit. 
He didn’t respond right away, instead looking at where your much softer hand overlapped his bigger, calloused ones. An unreadable look came over his face before he gently took his hand away from yours and looked to the ground. 
“Yeah you’re probably right,” he responded in that low tone of his as he slowly began to back up. 
“I gotta go check and see if she made it home okay. It was nice seein ya.” 
You barely were able to say another word, maybe apologize for touching his hand in such a careless way before his heavy boots were already heading out the door; the little bell ringing a hollow sound in your ears.
After that, you began to see less and less of Joel and it hurt to admit that it slowly felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest.
You hated yourself for thinking that all your interactions meant something to him; that when he started to come to the store, not even leaving with anything but a conversation with you, that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you felt for him.
Every time you even attempted waving at him in the morning when you both left—he just grunted and looked the other way—pretending like you weren’t even there. 
The store was for some reason busier than usual today and you closed up feeling drained and ready to sleep. The long shift accompanied by the hollow feeling in your heart Joel had left caused you to want nothing more than to curl up and forget all the pain in nicer dreams where things were better between you, things were different.
Joel would hold your hand in your dream and walk you to work, leaving a kiss on your cheek and a whisper of having a good day as you giggled and kissed him right back—whispering the same sentiments. 
You were shaken out of your daydream on your walk home when you spotted the very man at the center of all your thoughts on the porch of someone's house, a woman’s house.
She was gorgeous with long, blonde hair framing her face perfectly, while she looked up at Joel with gorgeous, crystal, blue eyes. She looked older than you too, maybe even closer to Joel’s age.
They laughed about something before she was leading him inside her house as he followed suit; the door shutting in a finality behind them. 
You felt a mix of jealousy and an even greater sadness than before filling your belly as you continued what felt like the longest walk home in your life.
As soon as the door closed you slid down the old wood as tears and sobs that you couldn’t stop wracked your body.
You just didn’t understand; what changed, what did you do to make him start avoiding you?
And you knew how hard it was for Joel to come out of his shell, so why did it seem so easy for him to talk and laugh with that woman? 
After what seemed like hours, you finally picked yourself off of the ground and trudged slowly to your bed where you collapsed immediately upon impact with the old tattered sheets.
Instead of the usual happy dreams about Joel, tonight you were plagued with endless nightmares of him and the mysterious blonde woman; standing in the place you usually would in your dreams about Joel.
You woke up in the morning with a feeling of restlessness as you readied yourself for another long day of work.
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After work that night you decided to go to the Tipsy Bison which was Jackson’s bar that you would usually frequent when your nightmares from the time you were on your own came back to haunt you.
Mindless images of a group of clicker’s taking from you the only person you had left in your life since the virus took over: your best friend.
After she was gone it was just you, and that period never seemed to completely leave your mind even after a year in Jackson. 
After last night’s sleep, you definitely needed a drink you thought to yourself as you made your way over. When you entered you saw that it was a pretty busy night for the Tipsy Bison as you did your best to find a seat towards the end of the bar. 
Once you took a seat, you gave the bartender your drink order and surveyed the area to see who else was here as you waited for him to deliver your alcohol of choice. Your breathing stopped and your eyes widened when you noticed a familiar group of people at a table closer to the front of the bar. 
There in all his ruggish, handsome glory was Joel Miller, smiling widely as he talked with Tommy, Maria, and her.
You quickly swung back around to face where your drink was just set in front of you as you begged the burn in the back of your eyes to go away.
Fuck this, you thought as you downed most of the drink in one go, using your hand to wipe away the bit that escaped at the corner of your lips.
You did your best to ignore the person that was at the center of all your sadness; drinking and drinking until you felt a familiar buzz kick in and begin to cloud your thoughts. 
Right when you were about to order another drink, a skinny, tall, blonde boy walked over to where you were seated and said it was on him as he handed over a couple of coins. 
“You didn’t have to do that but thanks, I guess,” you muttered, hoping your disinterest was a sign that you wanted to be left alone.
He smiled wide in a way that caused you to shiver, and not in a pleasurable way like when Joel would grace you with the corner of his lip twitching up, releasing a breathless laugh; but in a bad, unnerving way. 
“Anything for a girl as pretty as you.” 
He winked which caused you to roll your eyes and once again look away from him. “I’m not interested but again, thank you,” you told him with a finality in your voice that the man—no—boy, didn’t take very seriously. 
“Aw come on don’t be like that I just wanna have some fun with you,” he said in a sleazy manner as he reached out to grip your shoulder. 
You quickly shook him off but in your drunken haze, you accidentally fell off your chair onto the ground—single-handedly causing the whole bar’s eyes to turn onto you. 
“Godammit, now you're just causing a fucking scene,” the man snarled at you, causing tears to form behind your eyes as this man's actions as well as having the entire bar watching the now-forming scene. 
And if the night couldn’t get any worse, you hear the familiar sound of boots coming up behind the man and it takes just one glance to confirm your suspicions. 
“What did you just say to her?” 
You heard a deep voice growl out, a look of pure rage overtaking Joel’s features as he stood right in front of the blonde boy’s face. 
“Look man I didn’t know she was taken, I was just tryna have a good time, you know?” 
An animalistic sound leaves Joel’s mouth before he takes the boy’s arm and forcefully grabs it until he's facing the bar counter and his arm is pressed deep into his back. 
“It don’t matter whether she’s taken or not, you never treat a woman like that,” he snarls into the shaking boy’s ear. 
“I never wanna see you come near her again, you hear me?” 
He shakes his head wildly until Joel finally releases him and he scatters out of the bar. The anger on Joel’s face morphs into one of concern as he gently stretches out a hand to help you up. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” He questions softly as you bat his hand away and attempt to stand on your own. 
“M’ fine,” you mutter as you stand on shaky legs—about to fall over when Joel rests his big hands on your shoulders to steady you. He chuckles and curls an arm around your waist as he begins to slowly lead you out the door. 
“You sure darlin’? Cause’ you seem a lil drunk to me,” Joel says amused at your hindered state while you frown up at him. 
“Don’t you have to go back to your girlfriend,” you huff out, avoiding looking at the grumpy man’s features. 
“Girlfriend?” He responds confused, not understanding what you were talking about until he catches your eyes drifting to Veronica’s face—Ellie’s teacher. 
After the day he left abruptly from your store, he sought out Ellie’s teacher Veronica. They have been having weekly meetings about how Ellie was doing in school as well as her continuous efforts to ditch class.
There was absolutely nothing romantic about it, the whole ordeal gave him a headache—a subject he was too old to be stressing about.
Besides, how could he dare think about anyone else when you had him wrapped around your little finger? 
When he first saw you at your clothing store and you gave him his jacket for free, he knew you would be trouble.
And trouble you were as he couldn’t stop himself from continuing to visit you just to see you and hear your comforting voice promise him that all his worries about his adopted daughter were normal.
It was actually your idea that maybe he should at some point meet with Ellie’s teacher. But when your small hand wrapped around his he got scared— scared this could become something real.
Everyone he has ever gotten attached to he’s lost and he already accidentally went and got attached to Ellie, he didn't know if he had it in him to do it to another person. 
And on top of that, he was a bad man, he had done horrible things. You were also so much younger and prettier than him—a sweet, soft thing Joel didn’t feel he deserved.
But looking at your heartbroken face now as you looked back at him and then at Veronica, he knew he messed up. He should have never started avoiding you.
It was never the answer, but Joel had never been good at feelings, this much is evident. 
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you home.”
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The walk back from the Tipsy Bison to your house was a pretty close one, your hose only being about five minutes away.
Once you were at your door with a Joel who did not take “leave me alone” as an answer, you struggled to get the key in the lock in your drunken stupor which the large man beside you thankfully helped with. 
“Let me do that, sweetheart,” he muttered as his big warm hands covered yours and twisted the key, letting the both of you inside. 
“Joel, I don't feel so good…” you said shakily as Joel uttered a “shit” and quickly hurried you to the bathroom which he found pretty quickly—his hands quickly opening the toilet seat and finding purchase in your hair as he held it back, allowing you to empty the contents of your stomach. 
“Joel I’m so sorry,” you groaned as a tear fell down your cheek; your sadness, tiredness, and embarrassment flooded in all at once with help from the lingering alcohol in your system.
He shushed you softly and cradled you to his chest taking a second to rock you until your tears stopped and you felt well enough to stand. 
“How bout’ you brush your teeth and get your pajamas on—I’ll make you some tea then we’ll talk, yeah?” 
You nodded as he gently brushed your cheek with his thumb causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach as he made his way to your kitchen to attempt to find the ingredients and mug he needed.
You cleaned yourself up: showered, brushed your teeth, and put on sleepwear which helped you come back to a clearer state of mind allowing confusion to overtake you. 
Why was Joel here taking care of you, wouldn’t his girlfriend begin to ask questions? 
You weren’t allowed to keep worrying yourself with your thoughts as a knock on your bedroom door brought you back to reality. 
“May I come in? Made ya tea,” Joel’s voice rang out into your room softly as you muttered a quiet, “Sure.” 
Joel stepped into the room and handed you the mug which you took a generous sip of—the honeyed flavor soothing your throat and stomach. 
“Thank you so much, Joel, for walking me home and taking care of me. I’m so sorry-” 
“Don’t go apologizing darlin’ you have done nothin’ to have to apologize for,” Joel interrupted sending you a soft smile as he went to pick up your hand laying on your thigh, rubbing soothing circles into the smooth skin.
In a reversal of roles, it was your turn to pull your hand away as Joel frowned and you looked to the floor; he should have expected that after everything that’s happened. 
“I guess I deserve that,” he chuckles sadly as your turn to raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Well you have a girlfriend and I bet it would make her uncomfortable if she knew you were holding my hand, Joel.” 
Joel couldn’t help the loud laugh that escaped him at your words which completely stopped when he saw your features form into one of anger. 
“Why is that so funny? That’s why you stopped visiting and talking to me right? Because you found someone else.” 
You didn’t mean for it to come out as bitterly or as venomously as you said it but you couldn’t help it. You have spent weeks suffering over his actions towards you and now he helps you home, takes care of you, holds your hand like nothing happened? 
“M’ sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was laughing at you. It’s just that…” He trails off collecting himself. Joel sighs out your name and begins to tell you that Veronica is not his girlfriend and that she was just Ellie’s teacher.
He explains to you all about their meetings and that tonight was just him getting her a drink to thank her for all her help. 
“I promise you darlin’ it wasn’t anythin’ more than that—don’t feel that way about her at all.” 
You process all the information Joel just unloaded on you; and though you do feel relief, you still feel irritation and sadness as his complete throwing away of your friendship—abandoning you without a word. You tell him as much as he releases another sigh and looks down toward the wooden floor. 
“Look, m’ not really good at this…” Joel starts, eyes flickering up to your face as he continues. 
“But coming into the shop and talkin’ to you started becoming the best parts of my day, sweetheart,” he pauses to give you a look of sincerity and to try holding your hand again—and this time— you let him.
“And I was just downright a coward and instead of facing my feelings I shut you out completely and I feel so fucking awful darlin’ I’m so sorry.” He whispers, tightening his grip on your hand.  
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I'm hoping you can forgive me and that maybe we can try to be somethin. I don’t know if I’ll be very good at it and I’m so much older than you, but-” 
You cut Joel’s rambling off by pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss. You begin to pull away when you don’t feel him kissing back, but he doesn’t give you a chance as he cups your head in a big hand and begins to kiss back with more fervor. 
“Joel,” you whimper as he begins to lay you back on your bed, his tongue licking the seam of your bottom lip asking for entrance into your soft, warm mouth—which you immediately allow. 
“Shhh, darlin’ will you lemme take care of ya? Wanna make you feel so good baby, make up for how bad I've been actin’.” 
You let out a moan when you feel the rough denim of his jeans buck up into your soft sleep shorts making contact with your clothed cunt. 
“Please Joel, need you so bad,” you whine as he starts to place kisses from your jaw down to your neck—slightly nipping and leaving a trail of small red spots in their wake, which he soothes with his tongue causing a high pitched whimper to leave your lips; beads of frustration beginning to gather at the corner of your lashes. 
“I got you sweetheart, I’m right here, can I take this off?” Joel questions as he lifts the hem of your tank top.
You nodded quickly as he borderline rips it over your head, quickly latching a mouth onto one of your nipples as he massages the neglected one with his hand. 
“Ohmygod-” you cry as he expertly flicks the bud with his tongue, soon moving over to the other nipple to give it the same treatment.
Arousal pools in your gut as Joel groans, beginning to leave kisses from your sternum, down to the soft skin of your belly, and right to the hem of your sleep shorts.
He leaves a soft kiss there and looks up to you to ask for permission to take them off. You nod vigorously but he shakes his head and leans down more to press a kiss to your clothed core, emitting a loud gasp from your mouth. 
“I need words darlin',” he states, glancing back up to you as you vocalize your permission. Joel wastes no time in taking your shorts down in one quick motion once you say yes—leaving you in your white lacy panties.
He runs a finger over the damp spot in your panties and then brings his arched nose close to the spot to breathe you in as well as to lick your folds through the cotton, his nose perfectly bumping your clit in this position causing you to squirm and moan his name. 
“Joel please,” you begged as he pulled away and began to run soothing circles into the soft skin of your thighs. 
“Please what baby, tell me what you need,” he demands as you try to buck your hips up to his mouth, but he won't let you, strong hands keeping you in place. 
“Your tongue Joel I need your tongue,” you whimper but he shakes his head. 
“Where do you need my tongue, baby? Gotta tell me if you wanna cum, sweet girl.” 
You whine in embarrassment and look down to see Joel Miller with the smuggest smirk you have ever seen. 
“I need your tongue on my pussy Joel, please take off my panties and use your tongue,” you beg as he chuckles and gently removes the white lace—quickly stuffing it in his back pocket before you can see. 
“Good girl baby, that s’all I needed,” he murmurs as his tongue comes into contact with the bare skin of your folds causing you to gasp his name and grab his salt and pepper hair to hold him against your cunt.
 “Oh my god Joel that feels so good!” You cry as his tongue moves from licking solid stripes against your folds to suckling gently on your clit, as your legs threaten to squeeze around his head. 
“Fucking Christ sweetheart, you taste so good, can’t get enough of you,” he groans as he continues to lick into you—the coil in your tummy beginning to tighten but you need more to get you to your high. 
“Mmm your fingers Joel, please I need your fingers,” you groan, causing Joel to growl against your pussy, the vibrations only heightening your pleasure. 
“Okay baby, think you can take two, huh?” he murmurs as he presses several small kisses to the inside of your thigh.
You whimper a small “yes” as he gathers your slick on his middle and ring finger—the burn you feel from the sheer girth of his fingers stretching you open fades into a dull bliss. 
“J-Joel I’m close,” you alert him as you buck into his face and fuck yourself on his fingers. 
“Yeah, baby? C’mon then cum for me sweetheart, let go,” Joel coos gently and that’s all it takes for the coil in your stomach to snap—a stream of your slick gushing out all over his face and onto the scruff of his beard. 
He continues to lick you through it until you're shuttering and mewling from the overstimulation. He pulls away with a large grin on his face as he reaches down to kiss you passionately, the sweetness of your fluids on his tongue making the kiss that much sweeter.
He wiped the rest of you off of his beard before giving you small pecks all over your face until you were giggling and he was chuckling. 
“I am sorry y’know,” he whispered in that silky smooth voice of his. You cupped his cheek with your hand, rubbing circles into the scratchy skin. 
“I know.” 
Joel got up to get a wet cloth to clean you up. He then took his time putting your sleepwear back on—leaving gentle kisses and massaging every inch of your body he could see.
He ended up spending the night as you curled into his strong arms as he stroked your hair until he felt your breathing even out as slumber took over you. 
He stayed up and watched you for a while until he soon fell victim to sleep; the thought of him finally being able to be completely happy despite everything was a comfortable thought, and it was all because of you. 
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ellieluvr420 · 7 months
Friends? Never. Pt.16 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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MASTERLIST (and information about Palestine) Please read!
SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
You wake as the morning sun shines through the large windows opposite the double bed, your first thought being that if you were to move here you would have to get curtains. You shuffle out from under Ellie’s arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist and make your way to the bathroom as your bladder feels ready to burst. You aren’t surprised when the toilet doesn’t flush but a toilet is better than nothing. The dryness of your throat sends you searching around the house for your bag that you had seen wrapped around Ellie’s torso yesterday as you knew you had a bottle of water in there. When you find it, you gulp down half the bottle, saving the other half for Ellie and decide it was time to brave waking her from her peaceful slumber. The longer you waited, the worse your reprimanding from Maria would be when you get back and you were already in too much trouble to make it worse. 
You walk into the bedroom and gaze at the cute pout of her lips and the steady rise and fall of her chest. You almost get lost in her features, but the beating sun reminds you of your time constraint and you kneel on the bed as you stroke her cheek while gently whispering her name to raise her from the deep sleep she is clearly in. She barely stirs so you softly nudge her shoulder only to earn a small groan from her as she cuddles further into the bed. You huff in annoyance at her ability to sleep through anything until your eyes fall on the pillow not occupied by her head, you smirk as you grab it and slam it down onto her face, not hard but enough to jolt her awake with a scowl on her face. 
“What the fuck?” She says her voice groggy and deep with sleep. 
“Sorry, you weren’t waking up. It’s time to go.” 
“Mmmm fine.” She sits up and stretches her back, a small whine leaving her lips that has you grinning. You walk over to the wardrobe and start flicking through the assortment of clothes, reluctant to put your dirty, blood-stained clothes from the previous day back on because of the memories they hold. You settle on a pair of denim shorts, one of the only semi-appropriate options you managed to find, and a black fitted t-shirt. Once you’re dressed you start rooting through the wardrobe for something that Ellie could wear but as you hold multiple options up to her which she rejects you give up and leave it to her as you go to prepare the horses to leave. 
As you walk round to the front porch of the house, Ellie walks out of the front door in some khaki green cargo shorts that are entirely too big for her, ending just below her knees, secured with her belt, and a black t-shirt to match yours though you can tell it’s also from the man’s wardrobe from the way it hangs off of her. You giggle at her outfit choice and she pouts at you. 
“Why are you laughing?” 
“I-I’m not.” You breathe out though chuckles. 
“You literally are and I don’t know why because I look great right now. I’m totally wearing these shorts again.” She crosses her arms over her chest defensively and you walk over to her, holding onto her hips, and pecking her nose. 
“Please do.” You whisper before handing Shimmer’s reins to her and beginning the walk to the gate. As you both go through, Ellie turns back to look at the farm. You watch her quizzically as she fiddles with the gate. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Trying to figure out how to lock this from the outside. Don’t want anyone stealing our place.” Your heart hums at her comment and you begin trying to think of a solution with her but when you both come up empty she huffs in frustration.  
“How about we come back up here another day soon with a chain and a padlock? I’m sure it’ll be fine for a couple days if its been okay so far hm.” 
“Yeah, okay, good plan.” She smiles as you both hop on your horses and begin the journey back to Jackson. The journey was uneventful, you assumed no infected or people came this way because the farm is essentially in the middle of nowhere, no one would have any reason to come out this far is what you guessed. There was a comfortable silence between you both other than the gentle humming of ‘early days’ by pearl jam coming from Ellie. You followed along to the notes of the song and began to sing along quietly as you rode next to Ellie. 
If I ever were to lose you  I'd surely lose myself  Everything I have found, dear  I've not found by myself   
Try and sometimes you'll succeed  To make this man of me  All my stolen missing parts  I've no need for anymore 
As you sing the words on your own, Ellie smiles at you and begins joining in for her favourite part. 
I believe  And I believe 'cause I can see  Our future days  Days of you and me 
As she sings the words she looks at you so deeply you can tell she’s singing the actual words to you, a message between you both that had your cheeks heating and aching from the wide beam stretching your lips upwards. As you both go quiet, your ears prick at the faint sound of... crying, you can hear crying. “El, listen.” She goes quiet and widens her eyes at you when she hears the faint sobs that you had noticed, you both silently dismount the houses and begin searching the area for the source of the sound. You can hear the sound growing in volume until you peer over a shrub to see a small girl that couldn’t have been more than six cradling herself as she wailed. As she cracked open her eyes she jumped back suddenly brandishing a small knife that had been hidden in her previous position. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. Where are your parents?” She just stares back in silence, her grip on the knife unwaivering, you were overcome with rage at the world you lived in that caused a child as young as her to be forced to carry a weapon like that. You kneel down in front of her and introduce yourself. “What’s your name sweetie?” She sniffles as she rubs her eyes and gulps down a hiccup. 
“Clementine... Clem.” 
“Hi Clem, why are you out here all alone?” 
“My-my parents-” She cuts herself off with a choked sob and you scoot closer to her, testing the waters. 
“I’m sorry Clem, I lost my parents recently too, I know how scary it is but I can’t imagine how scary it was to go through it alone. You’re very brave. My friend and I are heading back to our town, would you like to come with us? You’ll be safe and taken care of there.” She raises her head from her hands and nods gently, placing the knife in your outstretched hand. You place it behind you and are startled as she immediately jumps into your arms, clinging onto you as she cries more. 
“I’m so scared. I miss my mommy and daddy.” You stroke her strawberry-blonde hair as you hug her back and shush her sobs, gently rocking her back and forth. You hear the patter of Ellie’s footsteps behind you and turn to see her puzzled face searching yours. Clemetine’s face snaps up and she immediately jumps back causing Ellie to stop dead in her tracks. 
“It’s okay, this is my friend Ellie, she won’t hurt you either I promise. Ellie, this is Clementine... or Clem.” Ellie closes the gap between you cautiously and crouches down with a lop-sided smile.  
“Isn’t that a fruit?” You smack at her shin and she hisses. “Ow jeez, sorry. Hey kiddo. Sorry for scaring you.” You smile at her soft tone, noticing how much she sounded like Joel as she spoke. Clem looks her up and down and then giggles. 
“Your outfit’s funny.” You burst out laughing as Ellie purses her lips together and nods in agreement. 
“You are so right, how about we get back to our home so I can fix my funny outfit?” She looks back to you and you nod at her to signal it’s okay and she clambers to stand with a curt nod. You retrieve the knife she had been holding from the ground and hand it to Ellie to put in her backpack and as you go to start walking back to the horses you feel Clem’s small, soft hand placing itself in yours and squeezing. You smile at her and continue the walk until the horses come into view and she squeals immediately releasing your hand to run over to them. 
“You have ponies!” 
“Yeah we do, that’s Shimmer and that’s Greg.” You hear Ellie reply from your position behind them. 
“Greg?! That’s a weird name for a pony.” 
“Well blame that one over there, she named him.” She jabs a thumb over her shoulder in your direction and you giggle at the funny face that Clem pulls at you. 
“Wanna stroke ‘em?” Ellie asks the ecstatic girl. She nods her head vigorously causing Ellie to reach down and plant her hands on the girls hips, lifting her up to Shimmer’s nose to pet the chestnut horse. You watch as they interact with Shimmer and the sight warms you more than the blistering heat from the sun. You walk over to them and climb onto Greg’s saddle and Ellie takes your hint lifting Clem onto Shimmer’s saddle before climbing on behind her. “These are the reins, you gotta hold on to ‘em, okay?” Clem nods and grabs the leather reins with her petite hands, Ellie takes hold of the reins also with one hand and puts the other round Clem’s waist to make sure she doesn’t fall as she delivers a gentle kick to Shimmer to get her to begin a relaxed trot. You set Greg off behind them and you continue on the journey back to Jackson with your new addition. It isn’t long before you notice Clem has fallen asleep leaning back into Ellie and snoring softly and it makes you wonder what happened to the small girl before you found her.  
“See I’m not the only one that thought your outfit was funny.” 
“Oh fuck off you love this and you know it.” She whispers back at you, her caution making you giggle. 
“Careful, little ears could be listening.” Ellie pokes her tongue out at you and you reciprocate the gesture before engaging in quiet chit-chat the rest of the way home. 
As the gates of Jackson come into view you notice Clem stirring and note how good her timing is. Her eyes widen as she notices the large gates and she turns to Ellie with a panicked look. “It’s okay, this is our home, it’s safe, I promise.” She nods but still remains turned towards Ellie as she wraps her arms around her torso and hides her face in Ellie’s stomach. Ellie wraps her free arm around the girl and rests her chin on Clem’s head as she pouts at you, both sharing looks of adoration and sadness in a bittersweet moment for the girl. As the gates open you see Maria standing there with her hands on her hips and a look that could kill, aimed at both of you but mainly you. You smile sheepishly as you dismount the horse and Maria is so focused on you that she doesn’t notice the small girl cradled in Ellie’s arms.  
“What the fuck were you thinking?! I’ve had people searching everywhere for you! You’re fucking out of order. Joel’s been worried sick about you both, I mean they’re still out there! I’ve just had to radio everyone to come back. You’re a selfish, inconsiderate-” Maria is cut off by Clem running in front of you and pushing at Maria. 
“Don’t speak to her like that! She’s nice, she saved me, you’re mean.” 
“Clem, Clem, it’s okay, Maria’s nice, she’s just angry at me for a good reason.” Clemetine remains glaring at Maria with her arms crossed over her chest defensively as Maria just stares back stunned. “Er Maria, this is Clementine, we found her on our way back today.” You stand and lower your voice. “Think her parents were killed recently, she needs a place to stay.” Maria nods as Ellie walks over to join you both, at the same time, the gates begin opening once again and revealing Joel and Tommy who were racing towards you.  
“We spotted you awhile back, they weren’t far luckily.” Maria explains as you watch Joel jump off of his horse and rush over to Ellie, enclosing her in a hug so tight he lifted her off the ground a little as she squeaked and slapped his shoulder to get him to release her. 
“Jesus Joel-” She coughs out. 
“What the hell were ya thinkin’?” He spits out. “Runnin’ off like that, how stupid are you? And what the hell are ya wearing?” Ellie doesn’t reply, simply bowing her head in shame, embarrassed at the bollocking she was receiving in front of you and Clem, so embarrassed she didn’t even snipe back at the comment about her outfit. 
“Joel can we talk about this later?” She whispers as she subtly jabs a finger behind her at you and Clem watching, her rosy cheeks giving her away entirely. He huffs and walks over to you with a stern look that has your stomach churning.  
“Don’t you ever pull anythin’ like that again. We were worried sick.” 
“I know, sorry Joel.” You scratch at the back of your neck and are completely taken aback when he pulls you into a hug as tight as he had Ellie, your eyes water but you push the feeling down as he pulls away and crouches down to Clem’s height.  
“And who is this?” He asks her with a smile on his face as she giggles. 
“You talk funny.” She giggles as she shelters herself behind you with a shy grin. 
“This is Clem, we found her on our way back.” 
“And just how old are you Clem?” She doesn’t speak, instead holding five fingers up. 
“Five? Well how about that.” He chuckles as he stands and smiles at you before walking back over to Ellie. “Where’s she staying?” 
“I-uh... I don’t know actually.” Maria walks over to Ellie and Joel, still donning the expression of rage she had when you first walked through the gates.  
“There’s plenty of families that would be happy to take her in, I’ll do some asking and find her a place to stay until we can work something permanent out.” 
“NO! I’m staying with them.” Clementines high-pitched voice rings out as she drags you over to Ellie where she holds both your hands in protest. Maria bends down to address her directly. 
“Oh honey, I understand this is scary but all our people are lovely and there are so many families with other kids that will be able to make you feel right at home.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, they found me. They’re my family now!” She screeches with a scowl at Maria who huffs and stands to glare at you both. You each exchange a look before you clear your throat and speak up. 
“Look, Maria, we’re happy to take her while she gets settled. Clem can have my room, she’s already been through so much, if she feels safest with us then surely that’s the best option right now.” You reason with Maria in a hushed tone as her eyes flick back and forth between you and Ellie. 
“Fine. But so help me god, you f- mess this up, you’re both out of here. She is your responsibility now, I hope you understand that.” She grits and you each gulp as she turns on her heel and storms off, Tommy following and trying to calm her down.  
“You- uh, you really did a number on her huh?” Joel chuckles as you both frown at him. “Well get on goin’, y’all need to rest.” You say your goodbyes and begin walking back to your home, relief flooding through you at the thought of getting into Ellie’s bed. You both notice Clem dragging a little so Ellie bends down in front of her and beckons her to climb onto her back which she does gratefully. She crosses her ankles around Ellie’s front and Ellie uses her left hand to hold onto her ankles just to be safe and takes your hand in her right one. You walk hand in hand, stealing glances at Ellie and Clem and swooning at the sight. You can’t help but noticed their striking similarity, their red hair, green eyes and freckles making them look so much like each other you can’t help but beam at them.  
As you walk into your home you feel your body relax as you immediately make a b-line for the sofa, dropping down onto it and sighing. Ellie joins you and rubs a hand over your thigh, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before you both turn to Clem who was watching you both, bewildered.  
“You okay Clem?” You giggle at her stunned face as Ellie joins in with you. 
“Are two girls allowed to kiss?” She wonders as she climbs onto the sofa, placing herself on your laps in the middle of both of you. Ellie just stares back at you with raised eyebrows as she’s clearly lost for words. 
“Yeah they are, some girls like girls and some boys like boys, does that make sense?” 
“Yeah it does. So you guys like each other?” 
“Oh yeah, I like her a whole lot.” Ellie finally chimes in, looking at you lovingly. You smile back before shimmying out from under Clem and standing before them.  
“You hungry Clem?” She nods vigorously and jumps off Ellie’s lap to follow you to the kitchen where you root through the cupboards to find something to feed you all. Ellie strolls in after you both doing an exaggeratedly loud yawn.  
“Why don’t I show you where you’re gonna sleep tonight Kiddo, while dinner’s cooking?” 
“Yes please!” She seems so much happier than she had on the way back to Jackson and your stress over the child alleviated slightly.  
“Your room or mine babe?” 
“Mine, makes the most sense.” You smile at her and she nods before leading Clem upstairs to your room to show her around. You cook some soup and butter some bread as that’s all you have the energy for and you know you have the stuff for pancakes so you figure that would be a fun breakfast for Clem to have in the morning. 
“Woah!” Clem exclaims as she runs at full force towards your bed, jumping onto it and bouncing up and down, Ellie chuckles before walking over and lifting her down and ruffling her hair.  
“Alright, alright, don’t think she’d be too happy with me if I let you jump on her bed.” 
“Sorry.” Clem’s voice sounds saddened and Ellie is quick to crouch down to be at her eyeline. 
“Hey don’t apologise, ever. You got it?” 
“I think I’m supposed to apologise sometimes.” 
“There you go being smarter than me again.” Clem suddenly pulls Ellie into a hug as tight as her little body could squeeze. 
“Thank you Ellie.” 
“It’s okay kiddo, how about we go see how dinner’s doin’?” 
“Okay!” Clem runs off without Ellie and comes bounding into the kitchen where you’re stirring the tomato soup on the stove, there’s a bowl of buttered bread in the middle of the dining table as well as three spoons. 
“Hey Clem, pick where you wanna sit.” 
“Can I go in the middle of you two?” 
“Of course honey.” 
“Yay!” Ellie walks in giggling at the immense amounts of energy the girl somehow managed to still have as you test the soup to see if it's hot enough yet. Ellie comes up behind you, holding onto your hips and kissing your neck. 
“Ellie there are little eyes watching.” You whisper at her and as she looks over her shoulder to see Clem beaming at you both trying to stifle a giggle, she presses one last kiss to your neck and goes to sit next to Clem at the table. You dish up the two cans of soup into three bowls and place them in front of the hungry pair before taking your seat also. “Clem be careful it’s hot, make sure you blow on it.” 
“Do you know why blowing on it makes it cool down?” 
“Errr... Ellie you wanna take this one?” 
“I’m good.” You roll your eyes at her smug smile before directing your attention to Clem. 
“I have absolutely no idea.” Clem giggles at your statement. 
“It’s because the air from your mouth moves the hot air on the soup and the hot from the soup goes into the air from your mouth. I think that’s what my daddy said anyway.” You and Ellie both stare at each other stunned at the intelligence being displayed by the mere five-year-old girl. 
“Damn you’re really fucking smart.” Ellie’s eyes immediately widen in panic as you gasp and kick at her under the table. 
“Sorry!” Clem giggles at the both of you as you glare at Ellie. 
“You guys are funny.” 
“I’m glad you find it funny but Ellie said a bad word, that’s naughty.” You say to Clem only causing her to giggle more. Ellie smirks in your direction and when you notice it you roll your eyes and go back to devouring your soup, Ellie and Clem occasionally sharing facts about dinosaurs that they knew. When you’re all finished, Ellie and Clem have matching orange rings around their mouths, and you stand. “Ellie’s gonna tidy up because I cooked but how about we get you to bed? Bet you’re tired huh?” Ellie groans before standing and collecting all of the dirty dishes to start the washing up, Clem runs over to her and hugs her legs before Ellie crouches down to give her a proper hug.  
“Night kiddo.” 
“Night Ellie.” They smile at each other before Clem walks over to you and takes your hand in hers as you lead her upstairs to bed. You start rooting around your drawers and when you find a t-shirt that she can wear as a night dress, you spin around flashing it at her.  
“You okay getting changed yourself? Or do you need some help?” 
“I can do it!” You hand her the shirt and begin turning to walk out of the room before you hear a small “Where are you going? We haven’t said goodnight.” 
“Oh I’m sorry Clem, I was going to stand outside while you changed and then come back in and tuck you in.” 
“Promise you won’t forget to say goodnight?” 
“Pinkie promise.” You hold out your pinkie to her and she just looks at you dumbfounded. “A pinkie promise is an extra special promise that you never ever break, just hold up your pinkie like me.” As she does this you wrap yours around hers and she mimics the action with a grin. “I’ll be right outside, okay?” She nods and you stand outside until you hear her call you back in, you walk in and pull the covers back on the bed, patting them for her to climb into as she immediately sighs at the comfiness of your bed, it makes you wonder more about what her life had been like as you tuck her into the covers extra tight with a smile. “Goodnight Clem.” 
“Goodnight.” She smiles at you and reaches forward, cupping your cheeks with her dainty hands and pressing a kiss on your forehead. “That’s what my mummy always did at bedtime.” 
“Thank you Clem. We’ll be in the room right next door if you need anything okay?” She nods and you exit the room, shutting the door behind you to find Ellie walking up the stairs.  
“I am so fucking tired.” 
“Shhhh she’s still awake.” 
“Shit sorry.” As she realises what she said she slaps a hand over her mouth and you giggle as you open her bedroom door and walk in already discarding of your clothes and going to her drawer of t-shirts to pick one to wear to bed. You settle on her Jurassic Park one she had found on patrol one time and she groans. 
“I was gonna wear that one.” 
“You snooze you lose babe.”  
“Oh whatever.” She grabs a different t-shirt and some pyjama shorts before jumping on the bed and snuggling under the covers while holding an arm out for you to snuggle into her. You stay cuddled together quietly for a couple minutes before she takes a deep breath and looks down at you. “So err- Should we talk about this?” 
“Right, yeah. I um-” You trail off scared to say what you were thinking in case you disagreed, but you pushed through the fear and blurted the words out like they were burning your mouth.  
“I think she should stay with us” “I don’t wanna let anyone else take her.” You both rush the words out at the same time and look at each other stunned before she pulls you into a heated kiss that leaves you both breathless as you pull away.  
“I’m so glad you feel the same.” Ellie breathes out. 
“Are you kidding? She’s a mini-you, how could I not?” She smiles at your words and snuggles into you once more. You’re both half asleep when there’s a quiet knock at the door, Ellie is already basically snoozing, so you reply for the both of you. “Come in honey.” 
“I’m sorry, c-can I sleep with you?” 
“Of course! Come scooch in the middle here.” She rushes forward excitedly and clumsily sneaks under the covers, causing Ellie to stir.  
“Oh hey kiddo.” She says sleepily as she stretches her arm over Clem, grabbing at your waist and pulling you closer so the small girl is sandwiched between the both of you before falling asleep again, snoring gently. Clem turns to face you and snuggles into you as you squish closer to Ellie.  
“Thank you for being my new family.” Her words are faint and spoken with an uncertainty that causes you to cup her cheek, rubbing at the soft skin with your thumb.  
“I’m really glad we found you Clem.” 
“Me too.” With that you both shut your eyes and let yourselves fall into a much-needed sleep after the days you had all had.
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh @maelovescashew
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tina-aumont · 1 year
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Beautiful María Montez photo that Tina gave to Ramón.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sharing this photo.
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beesmygod · 1 year
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foreword: explaining the fromsoft game design ethos and the perils of taking shit too seriously
common misconceptions
history of yharnam:
history of yharnam part 1: the founding of pthumeru, cainhurst and the labyrinth, the discovery by byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 2: fishing hamlet, caryll and the runes, leaving byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 3: research hall, maria, and gehrman
history of yharnam part 4: the raid on castle cainhurst, logarius, and ludwig
history of yharnam part 5: lower pthumeru, rom, and the bloodletting beast
history of yharnam part 6: the choir, kin, and ebrietas
history of yharnam part 7: the school of mensis, ailing loran, and yahar’gul
INTERMISSION: is ebrietas the source of the healing church blood?
history of yharnam part 8: (coming next) shits on fire yo
assorted other bloodborne posting:
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 1
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 2
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 3
if you enjoyed this, consider dropping a few bucks my way for my trouble. this is turning out to be an enormous effort. it's over 10k words and uhh...counting.
YES! i enjoyed this and would like to send you a little money
NO! i hated this and i want to send you diseases
please consider reblogging this for the bloodborne sickos out there. we crave this stuff. i think. i hope.
thank you. for supporting my sickness. let me know what's confusing but keep in mind more is coming that will either explain things or make everything way worse.
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Masterpost of All My Inktober Artwork
1. Alucard 
2. Sypha Belnades
3. Trevor Belmont
4. Hector
5. Isaac Laforeze
6. Leon Belmont
7. Grant Danasty
8. Maria Renard
9. Soma Cruz
10. Shanoa
11. Albus
12. Eric Lecarde Cornell
13. Charlotte Aulin
14. Jonathan Morris
15. Soleil Belmont Marie Belmont
16. Mathias Cronqvist Gabriel Belmont
17. Sonia Belmont
18. Richter Belmont
19. Joachim Armster Victor Belmont
20. Nathan Graves Carrie Fernandez
21. Brauner Malus
22. Simon Belmont
23. Christopher Belmont
24. Juste Belmont
25. John Morris
26. Maxim Kischine Reinhardt Schneider
27. Genya Arikado Rosa
28. Saint Germain
29. Julius Belmont
30. Death
31. Dracula and Bonus Trevor
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kitty-city · 1 year
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yayyy ^_^
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2baddiesfanfics · 1 month
Not a Burden
Pairing: Robin x F Reader
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Vaginal Fingering, Scissoring, Kissing
Back on the high seas after the defeat of Kaido, the crew takes a bit of time to relax. However, one member of the Straw Hats is noticeably missing – its archaeologist. Nami alerts y/n (female reader), and she seeks Robin out to get the bottom of it. You knew that fight with Black Maria was only over in one way.
Read on Ao3
The sun was beginning to set and the silhouette of the Land of Wano had disappeared behind the clouds as the crew continued on their way to their next destination. With one of the fiercest battles they’d ever fought now behind them, the Straw Hats were grateful to be settling back into their routines on the Sunny.
Zoro could be found napping on the lawn while Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp played (a little too loudly) on the swings near him. The soft notes of Brook’s music wafted throughout the ship; over the years he had discovered if he stood in a certain spot on the deck, the sea breeze would carry his voice so everyone could hear.
The aroma of burgers and an assortment of other delectable meats still lingered in the air from tonight’s dinner. Sanji remained in the kitchen, putting the dishes away and starting preparations for tomorrow’s meals.
Franky and Jinbei’s voices could be heard deep in conversation, as the cyborg wanted to get to know the newest member of the crew on a more personal level. The two men walked around the vessel as the shipwright started making blueprints to build accommodations for him.
As you quietly observe the scenes unfolding before you, you hear Nami’s soft steps approach. “Hey, y/n! Have you seen Robin? She isn’t in the library and was even more quiet than normal at dinner.”
“No…I was about to come see if she was with you. I’m sure she’s fine and just needed some alone time,” you reassure her.
Nami nodded and walked down to the lawn to join the others. You thought it was odd Robin wasn’t here enjoying the after-dinner festivities. The two of you would usually watch them from afar as you cuddled with a book. You knit your brow.
This isn’t like her…
Concerned, you decide to go check in on your girlfriend.
You and Robin had become a couple shortly after the crew saved her at Enies Lobby. Having joined a week after she did, you fell for her as soon as your eyes met. You could sense there was a deep yet indescribable pain in the way she looked not just at you, but at everyone else on the ship as well.
Hesitant to get too close too fast and scare her off, you opted to take your time in getting to know everything about her - where she came from, her likes and dislikes, and what she did for fun. It was through your time together you started to think you were out of your depth.
Not only were you naturally introverted, you had already resigned yourself to the idea someone as beautiful and intelligent as her could never feel the same way about you. Despite this, you were still able to bond over how much the two of you had in common. Little did you know…the love you grew to have for her was indeed reciprocated.
A confession didn’t occur until after the tumultuousness of her rescue. After almost having lost her once, there was no way you’d ever let her go through an experience like that again. You still remember it like it was yesterday.
Robin, I know you’ve been hurt, betrayed, and treated as if you were some kind of monster. While I can never truly understand how that feels and changes you as a person, I can make you a promise: For as long as we’re together, I will NEVER allow you to go through that again. I’m yours, forever and always…if you’ll have me.
Neither of you could stop crying at that point, but it didn’t matter. Words weren’t needed. The two of you embraced and the deal was sealed.
Not long after, Franky surprised the both of you. After returning from the two years of training every member of the crew underwent, he built a separate room for you to share. While bunking with Nami was always fun, being able to have a moment to yourselves was a nice option.
“Robin? I’m coming in…” you say as you knock on the door to alert her of your presence.
As you enter the room, you see her sitting on the bed still wearing the lilac kimono she had acquired in Wano. Your breath hitched each time you saw her in it and your heart began to race. You shut the door and walk toward her.
“Hey, beautiful! What are…” you stop mid-question at the sound of soft sniffles. Rushing to her side, you take a seat next to her.
“What’s wrong?” Concern obvious in the tone of your voice.
Placing the back of her hand to her mouth, she whimpers again, nodding her head in the negative. “It’s nothing, love, don’t worry,” she says, tears quietly streaming down her cheeks.
You rub her leg to comfort her. “Flower, please talk to me. You’ve been more quiet than usual since the battles ended. Are your injuries bothering you? I can go get Chopper,” you say, hoping she won’t be too proud to allow you to get her some help.
Wiping her tears away, she places her other hand atop yours, resting them together on her lap. She faces you, her eyes bluer than the waters of even the clearest ocean. The tears that linger make them glisten in a sadly stunning way. Even distraught she was a sight to behold.
“When I was fighting Black Maria, she called me a tramp and a burden to the crew. In the heat of the battle, none of that even registered. But now, those words…‘you’re a burden’… I can’t help but wonder sometimes if there’s some truth to that statement.”
You flip your hand over and hold hers tight. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, you wordlessly urge her to continue.
“At times, I do feel like I don’t belong. After spending years being treated like I wasn’t needed or that my existence itself was a crime…what if it’s all true and I’ve been lying to myself? I’m not proud of what I’ve done in the past, but I had to do it if I wanted any chance at survival…” tears burst forth once again, and you pull her into your lap and hold her close to your chest. You kiss the top of her head as you wait until she regains her composure.
Once she settles down, you caress her cheek as she listens to the steady rhythm of your heart. This grounds her and helps her clear her head.
“Robin, my love, you’re certainly not a burden and you shouldn’t be ashamed of what you had to do to survive. You said it yourself - you simply want to live.” Your soft smile brings a stop to her crying.
“You were alone for a very long time, and from such a young age, at that. The crew wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t here. We love and need you. Nami has someone she looks up to as an older sister, and the knowledge only you have helps her construct accurate maps. Usopp takes inspiration from your scary stories to come up with new weapons to protect himself.” You feel her chuckle against you at the humorous images this evokes.
“Zoro respects the strength and will you have, and only steps in to protect you when he feels it’s needed. Sanji cooks for all of us, but you know he’d make anything you asked of him to special order, just for you. I did actually feel a little bad when he cried when we told him we were together.” You both laugh at the memory of him sobbing on the kitchen counter after you revealed to the crew you were an item.
“Brook appreciates you for being one of the first crew members to accept a skeleton joining and seeing him as a person. Jinbei admires your battle ability and has mentioned to me he wouldn’t want to fight you. Franky has someone to talk to about Pluton and the potential of what the world government would do with it.” You pause for a moment to let her take in your words before continuing.
“Of course, Chopper sees you as a mother figure even if he doesn’t admit it. He’d be lost without your calm, steady presence amongst this rambunctious crew. Most importantly, there’s Luffy. You are the one who is going to help guide him and the rest of this crew to our dreams. He can only become king of the pirates with all of our help - everyone here has a role to play, and none of us are here by mistake. This crew is your nakama and they would never see you as a burden.”
Placing a finger gently under her chin, you tilt her head up to look at you. “As for me, you taught me how to love and that someone like me is worthy of being loved by someone like you. You allow me to be me and accept me without judgment. I would do anything for you, flower. If anything happened to you, I’d turn this world upside down to save you. Do you not remember what I told you when I confessed? I’m yours, forever and always. I love you, Robin,” you declare as you kiss her forehead. She smiles up at you as she leans in closer.
“You have no idea what that means to me. Thank you. You always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you, too, y/n,” she whispers as she leans in and gently brushes her lips against yours. You kiss for what seems like an eternity in the best way, but a sense of unease causes you to pull back.
Taking her hands in yours, you ask, “Wait…are you sure you want this? I didn’t say what I said for any other reason but to make you see how cherished you are and I don’t want you to feel li-”
“Shhh,” she places a finger to your lips before you can finish. “Trust me. I think this is something we both need right now.”
Who am I to argue?
She pulls you back to her and captures your mouth with hers. The soft sounds coming from both of you cause your body to thrum with need, but you don’t dare make a move. It’s her turn to feel empowered and what better way than to let her take the reins?
Her body weight shifts, and you move further back onto the bed you share with her. The scent of the freshly washed sheets underneath you mixed with the familiar smell of tea and old books on her skin is enough to drive you mad, but somehow you remain in control of your senses.
Robin slides on top of you, and your bodies fit together as if you were made for one another. The pad of her thumb now traces your bottom lip as if it were a page from her favorite story. Your tongue darts out for a taste, and you see the pupils of her gorgeous sapphire eyes dilate. Taking her hand and turning it slightly, you place a kiss on her palm. Your mouth meets her wrist and you can feel her pulse quicken against your lips.
She extracts herself from your grip and her hands seek the hem of your shirt. The feel of her fingertips on your flesh nearly sets you on fire. Despite having done this many times before, there’s a renewed sense of urgency to this moment. Your hands get lost in tangles of raven-black hair as you draw her into a deeper kiss.
The moan she lets out echoes throughout your body as she tugs at your top, coaxing you to assist her in shedding it. You pull it up and over your head, only to see she’s shedding her kimono. Your mouth runs dry. You’ve seen this play out before, but the sight never ceases to remind you just how lucky you are.
Eager to be as close as possible, you both quickly remove the remainder of your clothing.
Her tender kisses make you so dizzy you’re glad she’s the one on top. As she moves her hand to caress your breast, you can’t stop yourself from groaning her name.
You feel her mouth form a grin against yours. She takes pride in knowing what you like and never fails to make your head spin.
“Yes, love…let me make you feel as good as you’ve made me feel tonight.” Her words are sweet and tender in tone, but erotic at the same time. You feel her fingers teasing at your nipple and your body arches into hers.
“Oh god…please…Robin…”
Her touches remain light, conveying the emotion of this delicate moment. She’s treating you as if you might break, and for all you know, she may be right. You feel her elegant hand brush past your belly, and your face flushes - not out of embarrassment, but out of knowledge and anticipation of what’s coming next.
Your arousal already coats the inside of your thighs, and you’re aching to feel her touch where it’s most needed. As if she’s read your mind, you feel her middle finger tease your entrance. Your head slams back into the pillow, and your reaction tells her you can easily take another finger. Robin meets no resistance as she slides into you.
“Mmmm…I love hearing you call out my name. You know I’ll always be there for you in any way you need me. Especially like this,” her movements are steady, practiced. You know each other’s bodies down to a science.
“Robin…going to…”
She dips her head down to your ear, the heat of her breath warming your skin. Her teeth graze the shell of your ear as her seductive voice - the voice that is both tender and teasing at the same time - whispers, “I know…let me hear you…”
And just like that, you shatter. Your eyes snap shut from the intensity of your orgasm, but the image of Robin’s beautiful smile remains etched in your mind.
She carefully moves to lay beside you and kisses your cheek as you bask in the afterglow of what’s just occurred. A strand of your hair sticks to your flushed face, and you feel her soft fingers brush it away as your breathing slows. When you turn your head to look over at her, you’re greeted by her gleaming smile.
“Welcome back, love,” she whispers coyly.
You lean over to kiss her and, in no time at all, your positions are now reversed. Words can only convey so much - now it’s her turn. When your lips part, you look into her eyes and say, “Now let me show you how loved you are.”
She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you back down towards her, your mouths crashing together once more. You feel her tongue push past your lips and suddenly your chest feels like it’s on fire. Your hand hovers over her breast and you feel her hum in anticipation. Sliding your thumb back and forth over her hardening nipple, she sighs at your touch.
“I love how intelligent you are,” you murmur as you lean up to kiss her forehead. Making your way back to her lips, you continue, “I love your wit and humor, even when it’s dark and freaks out Usopp.” You feel her chuckle vibrate against your teeth. Knowing she’s now completely relaxed, you glide your hand from her breast to between her legs. She gasps as you lubricate your fingers with her slick.
As you kiss her neck, you whisper, “You are the bravest, strongest woman I know and it’s one of the many reasons I look up to you.” You mark her neck, leaving a reminder you know she’ll see in the morning and playfully chastise you for later.
Resting your chin on her chest, you watch as she closes her eyes in ecstasy at the feel of your fingertips on her bud. The beating of her heart is the most beautiful rhythm you’ve ever heard and reflects the vision that now lies beneath you.
“Your caring heart and selflessness are just a few of the many traits I adore.” You continue showering her in affirmations as you slide your finger up and down her slit.
“Y/n…I need you,” she whimpers.
“Of course, my flower. You know I’m always here to take care of you,” you reply as you sit up and gently part her legs. Positioning yourself between them, you place one hand next to her head for support. Your cores now aligned, you start to slowly thrust against her.
“Ohhhhhhh yes!” she moans.
You start to speed up your rhythm as the evidence of your arousal mixes with her own. With your other hand, you reach for hers and your fingers interlock.
Between ragged breaths, you somehow choke out, “I thank the universe every day for you. I love you, Robin.”
Her head snaps back and you feel her tremble under you. She moans your name between your whispers ‘I love you’ as her orgasm washes over her. You watch as she comes undone. As the only one who gets to see this side of her, you feel like the luckiest person in all of the Grand Line.
You grind out your own release and come once again, nearly toppling over. When you next open your eyes, a red-faced Robin is smiling back up at you. Bringing your face to hers, you nuzzle your nose against hers before lying down next to her. You pull her to you, her head pillowed comfortably against your chest. You run your hand through her hair and bring her hand to your chest where your heart steadily beats for her.
Kissing her forehead, you say, “I love you. You’re not a burden, and you’re not alone anymore. If you ever have these thoughts or feelings again, promise me you’ll come to me. We’ll talk it out. Or do this again,” you say with a wink.
You feel her burrow closer. “I promise. I love you, too. And…thank you.”
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