#astral reading
sensualnoiree · 30 days
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Sun: Conscious Ego & Autonomy
Key Themes: Conscious Ego, Autonomy, Light, Warmth, Spirit, Vitality, Creativity, Willpower, Self-Expression, Individual Autonomy, Life Force, Confidence.
Symbolism & Archetype: The Sun represents the "Hero" or "King" archetype, embodying the principles of self-expression, creativity, and the conscious ego. It symbolizes the core of our being, our life force, and the drive to assert our individuality. The Sun's energy is about shining light, bringing warmth, and inspiring others through our presence.
Esoteric Perspective: The Sun is seen as the divine representation of Spirit and the source of creative purpose. It symbolizes the embodiment of purpose, the drive towards individual autonomy, and the journey towards self-realization. The Sun's light represents the divine inspiration and encouragement that fuels our vitality and enthusiasm for life. Its warmth embodies renewal, appreciation, and the confident expression of our inner truth.
Moon: Nurture & Mothering
Key Themes: Nurture, Mothering, Rootedness, Connection, Emotional Processing, Depth, Soul, Compassion, Maternal Love, Personal Relationship with the Divine.
Symbolism & Archetype: The Moon is the "Mother" archetype, embodying the nurturing and caring aspects of life. It symbolizes emotional processing, depth, and the soul's connection to the eternal feminine presence. The Moon's energy is about nurturing and reflecting, providing human warmth and care, and fostering a deep sense of rootedness and connection.
Esoteric Perspective: The Moon represents the transpersonal birth and nurturing aspects of the divine. It symbolizes the eternal female presence, the deep compassion, and care that nurtures our emotional interiority. The Moon's light reflects the nurturing love of the divine, guiding us through the cycles of life and helping us navigate our emotional landscapes.
Mercury: Thought & Communication
Key Themes: Thought, Communication, Perception, Observation, Teaching, Learning, Movement, Mental Habits, Curiosity, Reasoning, Global Communication, Avoidance & Distraction.
Symbolism & Archetype: Mercury is the "Messenger" or "Trickster" archetype, embodying the principles of thought, communication, and movement. It symbolizes the exchange of information, the pursuit of knowledge, and the adaptability required to navigate the world. Mercury's energy is about quick thinking, teaching, learning, and the ability to perceive and observe the world around us.
Esoteric Perspective: Mercury represents the communication of higher truths and the transcendence of dogma through mindful meditation. It symbolizes the archetypal cosmic order and the emergence of a global mind. Mercury's role in the cosmic game is to facilitate the exchange of diverse forms of communication, helping us transcend distractions and connect with the universal mind.
Venus: Love & Friendship
Key Themes: Love, Friendship, Harmony, Pleasure, Grace, Beauty, Forces of Attraction, Yearnings for Love, Enjoyment, Aesthetic Peace, Intimacy with the Divine.
Symbolism & Archetype: Venus is the "Lover" or "Goddess of Beauty" archetype, embodying the principles of love, harmony, and beauty. It symbolizes the forces of attraction, the pursuit of pleasure, and the desire for connection and intimacy. Venus' energy is about grace, friendship, and the aesthetic appreciation of the world.
Esoteric Perspective: Venus represents the allure towards beauty and the overwhelming love that drives creative purpose. It symbolizes the connoisseur's appreciation for the finer things in life and the entertainment value found in the pursuit of pleasure. Venus' connection to the divine is seen in the motivation to create and the yearning for a deep, intimate relationship with the divine.
Mars: Action & Assertion
Key Themes: Action, Assertion, Energy, Passion, Dynamic Pursuit of Goals, Protection Instincts, Competitive Drive, Self-Gratification, Aggression, Biological Urges.
Symbolism & Archetype: Mars is the "Warrior" archetype, embodying the principles of action, assertion, and dynamic energy. It symbolizes the drive to pursue goals, protect loved ones, and assert oneself in the world. Mars' energy is about the dynamic pursuit of desires, the expression of anger and aggression, and the competitive instincts that drive us forward.
Esoteric Perspective: Mars represents the creation of the material universe and the enjoyment of martial action themes. It symbolizes the transcendence of aggression and the drive to assert oneself in the cosmic game. Mars' role in the spiritual journey is to channel aggressive energies towards the protection of what is sacred and the pursuit of higher desires.
Jupiter: Growth & Expansion
Key Themes: Growth, Expansion, Optimism, Generosity, Tolerance, Integration, Broadened Experience, Amplification, Pursuit of Success, Spiritual Growth.
Symbolism & Archetype: Jupiter is the "Guru" or "Philosopher-King" archetype, embodying the principles of growth, expansion, and wisdom. It symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge, the broadening of perspectives, and the integration into larger wholes. Jupiter's energy is about optimism, generosity, and the upliftment of the spirit.
Esoteric Perspective: Jupiter represents spiritual growth towards truth and the awe-inspiring grandeur of the cosmos. It symbolizes the identification with the larger universe and the amplification of success and wisdom. Jupiter's role is to guide us towards a deeper understanding of the universe and to inspire us with a sense of awe and wonder.
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Saturn: Boundaries & Liminal Places
Key Themes: Real World Concerns, Responsibilities, Work, Structure, Time, Maturity, Wisdom, Patience, Boundaries, Challenges.
Symbolism & Archetype: Saturn is the "Elder" or "Judge" archetype, embodying the principles of structure, discipline, and maturity. It symbolizes the limitations of the material world, the responsibilities we must bear, and the challenges that test our patience and wisdom. Saturn's energy is about the construction of boundaries, the armoring against pain, and the recognition of universal consciousness.
Esoteric Perspective: Saturn represents the balancing of karma and the growth that comes from facing challenges and overcoming limitations. It symbolizes the ego's reduction and the spiritual opening that occurs through humility and hard work. Saturn's role is to teach us the importance of responsibility, integrity, and the recognition of the divine judgment that governs the universe.
Uranus: Freedom & Awakening
Key Themes: Freedom, Awakening, Rebirth, Breakthroughs, Experimentation, Rebellion, Innovation, Individuation, Extremism, Divine Grace.
Symbolism & Archetype: Uranus is the "Revolutionary" or "Awakener" archetype, embodying the principles of freedom, innovation, and rebellion. It symbolizes the drive for individuation, the breaking of old patterns, and the embrace of new possibilities. Uranus' energy is about the sudden breakthroughs, the willingness to experiment, and the rejection of conventional norms.
Esoteric Perspective: Uranus represents the transcendence of the old and the awakening to new realities. It symbolizes the divine grace that comes from embracing change and the rebirth that occurs through radical transformation. Uranus' role is to inspire us to break free from limitations and to awaken to a higher state of consciousness.
Neptune: Yearning for Higher Meaning
Key Themes: Vision, Imagination, Sympathy, Compassion, Cosmic Unity, Serenity, Escapism, Illusions, Vulnerability, Spiritual Connection.
Symbolism & Archetype: Neptune is the "Mystic" or "Visionary" archetype, embodying the principles of compassion, imagination, and spiritual transcendence. It symbolizes the yearning for higher meaning, the connection to the divine, and the dissolution of boundaries. Neptune's energy is about the experience of cosmic unity, the feelings of serenity and bliss, and the tendencies towards escapism and confusion.
Esoteric Perspective: Neptune represents the merging with divine consciousness and the spiritual drive towards unity with all life. It symbolizes the vulnerabilities and insecurities that arise from the dissolution of ego boundaries and the embrace of the divine. Neptune's role is to guide us towards a deeper spiritual connection and to help us transcend the illusions of the material world.
Pluto: Breakdown & Transformation
Key Themes: Breakdown, Destruction, Creation, Regeneration, Transformation, Purification, Evolution, Underworld, Shadows.
Symbolism & Archetype: Pluto is the "Alchemist" or "Transformer" archetype, embodying the principles of destruction and regeneration. It symbolizes the breakdown of old structures, the confrontation with shadows, and the process of profound evolution. Pluto's energy is about the struggle for rebirth and renewal, the integration of death and rebirth, and the dynamic forces that drive transformation.
Esoteric Perspective: Pluto represents the purification and profound evolution that occurs through the confrontation with our deepest shadows. It symbolizes the cosmic shadow and the dynamic forces of destruction and creation that govern the universe. Pluto's role is to guide us through the process of transformation, helping us to regenerate and renew our spiritual essence.
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follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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fkapple · 1 month
Shane and Emily on sleep schedules? Can’t decide if they’d be the stereotypical opposites or more similar than they think haha
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In the future Emily would have him take off his hoodie before bed as it’s a potential safety hazard the way he gets tangled in it
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amarald-hyv · 3 months
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Astral Express GC part 2: Eggs
Stelle is at it again. She is the only one brave enough to stand up and talk about such serious matters 😔
Quick summary under the cut
Stelle: Hey Dan Heng
Dan Heng: is it important?
March: it’s Stelle do u really trust her to know what’s important
Stelle: Dan heng is eating by eggs cannibalism for you?
Dan Heng: Can we take away her phone privileges?
Stelle: your days are numbered Danny boi
Dan Heng: ???
Welt: why is there a hole in the train
Stelle on Dan Heng’s phone: hehe
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steamclouds · 4 months
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Always a good time to remind your big astral kitty that she's the goodest girl
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year
as an American currently living in Japan. can’t stop thinking about modern AU Jeeves and Wooster where Bertie can’t flee from Aunt Agatha to America because she can just fly there and find him so he has to find somewhere even further away, resulting in Bertie and Jeeves taking the most sterotypically white tourist trip to Japan known to man. featuring:
Bertie saying “Konnichiwhat ho, Jeeves!” the second they get off the plane
Bertie getting complaints from the cat cafés because the cats adore him and the other customers are upset that he’s hogging them, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
Jeeves (who is either inexplicably still Bertie’s valet or is an incredibly dedicated live-in PA) critiquing the technique of everyone working in the butler cafe, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
karaoke night where Bertie knows all the lyrics to various anime songs but is absolutely not even close on the pronunciation (Jeeves watches him with impassive, amused fondness)
Bingo, for some reason
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qqchurch · 8 months
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you got really good at that because of the game, yeah sure, totally :)
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harmonysanreads · 6 months
aventurine and sunday have practically dragged me back into hsr brainrot help
aventurine’s all for the gleam and glow, the high life, price tags still hanging off his most recent — and undeniably expensive — purchase for you. he’s casual and flirty, but is there a point where he can get out-flirted? what would it be like to have the tables turn and see him flustered for once?
sunday’s responsible, caring, and overall has a look of complete and total perfection. the wings behind his ears are very pretty — would he allow them to be touched, given that the two of you in private? do they subconsciously move and react when he feels strongly towards things, or does he have better self control than that? or are they a bit ticklish, perhaps... (my friend told me that it’s supposed to be “be not afraid”, not “do be giggling and kicking your feet” 😭)
- 🕯️
My dear🕯️anon is cooking again
Aventurine is definitely one of the highest spending yanderes and by that, I mean to the point of being ridiculous. Even if he's not giving you gifts, he's throwing fresh cash at any chance he gets and you can't quite predict when he'll do it.
I've also been trying to figure out the general pattern of his speech and I've heard people mention he isn't an outright flirt and all the instances where he's come close to 'flirting' you'll notice it's him trying to turn the tables in his favor. He's a master at the art of speaking and holding a conversation with him is like walking on a thin rope while balancing five books on your head. I think, if you just don't give up when playing these mental gymnastics with him, he'll be charmed.
Sunday's wings are probably very sensitive and I think it's best you don't touch them without permission, just to soften his mood. I've also had this thought that Sunday would give you one of his feathers as a token of friendship/trust/promise in the early stages of your 'relationship'.
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
i enjoy isekai with heavy emphasis on crafting mechanics.
just wish they didnt get so bogged down "adventuring" and "seeing what the fantasy world can offer" and shit. boring.
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saturdaysky · 10 months
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gale's act 2 romance scene got me. i'm an absolute sucker for last nights alive and the desperate desire to escape to a reality where you have more time than you do.
it's a not like this moment, but like this is all you'll ever have, so you both play pretend that the beautiful thing between you is something you can keep.
loved it. very tasty.
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hermitscratch · 6 months
imp n skizz + 27... the besties. did you know skizz irl sometimes kisses impulse n the cheek. to annoy him
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
27. A platonic kiss, Impulse/Skizz, 873 words
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life.
The exhilaration of starting anew had hit him full force. The space between seasons had been spent dreaming up builds of grandeur, and he was finally able to see what he was working with. Better still, he had a partner in crime to share his vision with. Providing Bdubs his first clock was a point of pride, and Bdubs had accepted it with promises of a great future ahead of them.
He'd made momentous progress. Maybe not on the scale of Doc and his villager operation, but the humble underground iron farm he and Tango constructed would serve them well. The land that would become a sprawling cyberpunk city was sectioned off. His strip mine was fruitful, piles of diamonds to be fashioned into armor and equipment as needed. Everything was coming up Impulse.
When the day was over, the rest was well-earned. The Mountaineers, as Scar had named them, reconvened to share dinner around the fire. He took the chance to wash up in the river- a water well would be a tomorrow project, once he had a place to lay his head that was more permanent than the blocked off mouth of his cave- and laid down for a good night's sleep.
...Any minute then.
Impulse rolled onto his back and sighed. It didn't feel right, and Impulse knew what was missing.
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life, because Skizz was there.
Skizz was there, and so much as thinking his name made the thread connecting them hum. Before Skizz was a hermit, when Impulse had been summoned and made the decision to stay, it was easy to ignore. The proximity now, though, made it impossible. His very soul knew its other half was near, and Impulse longed.
Skizz hadn't wanted to be coddled. He was determined to stand on his own two feet in this server of building gods and redstone masters. It was with full support that Impulse had agreed to let Skizz forge his own way, neighbors instead of roommates.
...But surely Skizz wouldn't mind a late-night visit, right?
Impulse relit the torches by his bedside. He didn't change, just throwing on his shoes. On his way to the door, he wondered if it would be worth taking his wings out. It would make the trip incredibly short, at the cost of nearly guaranteeing he'd spend all night at Skizz's. He wouldn't mind, but if Skizz did...
"Aaah!" A yell made Impulse jump as he opened the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. An equally startled Skizz stood in the doorway, a hand on his chest as he settled down. "You scared the dookie right outta me, dude," He said, heaving a breath, "Don't you know it's like, dumb o'clock in the morning? Nice jammies though," Skizz snickered.
Impulse snorted. Skizz was wearing a matching set. "These old things? Aw, they're nothin'," Skizz barks a laugh, and Impulse chuckles with him, a line of tension leaving his shoulders, "I know it's dumb o'clock in the morning, what're you doing at my front door?"
"Well I- y'know, I was in the neighborhood," Skizz started, wings held around his shoulders like a mantle, "And I'm thinkin' to myself, I think, y'know... I'm really feelin' it! And if I'm feelin' it, my best buddy over here, Mr. Impy Dimpy Dippledop, well, he's gotta be feelin' it too, right? Am I right? I bet I'm right," Skizz poked at Impulse's cheek.
Impulse huffed fondly, lightly smacking Skizz's hand away. Nobody could manage to be longwinded and straightforward like Skizz could. "I might've been on my way to yours for the same reason," Impulse admitted.
"Good thing I beat you then," Skizz cackled, "I don't have a bed yet!"
"Skizz!" Impulse laughed, "That's the first thing you do!"
"I was excited, okay? Some stuff fell through the cracks!" It only made Skizz laugh harder, "Are you gonna invite me in or not!"
"Okay, okay," Impulse placated once their laughter calmed into the occasional giggle. He stepped away from the doorway and gestured Skizz to follow him inside, "Come on in, make yourself at home. Don't forget to shut the door behind you."
Impulse heard the door close. The place was basic, really, meant for function over form. A double-wide bed, some chests for storage, and the simple wall that separated the space from the outside. There was a joke on the tip of Impulse's tongue, something about excusing a mess that wasn't there, but it's forgotten the moment he feels arms around him.
Arms, and then wings, warm and white and all-encompassing like a blanket settled around his very soul. If Impulse looked behind himself, he was sure Skizz's halo would be showing. In turn, Impulse's horns grew. Dark scales climbed up his arms where he held Skizz's arms across his chest, and his tail found purchase around Skizz's leg.
Skizz squeezed him in a hug, lowering his head to leave a kiss in Impulse's hair before burying his face in it with a content sigh that made Impulse want to melt into bed and never get up again.
"Yeah," Skizz mumbled, soft and tired, "This is home."
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the best way for You to astral travel? pick a card
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Hey homies! Please donate to my CashApp or interact with this post so I can do this full-time, thank you so much in advance for your support! The decks used to day are the Romance Lenormand, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Necronomicon Tarot.
🌎Donate to my CashApp🦋
(please pay for my queer quality of life)
Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Also here are some basic Astral Realm Tips
mirror's there are portals to other places (go through at ur own risk)
eating any food there will effect your physical reality
ask your guides for protection over your soul and your body before traveling
ground urself before you travel
Astrology: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini
Song: Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
Vibes: Indigo, green, lavender, white, pomegranates, reading, 99, unicorn, plumbagos, book marks, adventure time, X's, crossroads, armor, Hades, Hekate, Athena
Cards: Book, 10 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups
Welcome, in pile one. The message I'm receiving first and foremost, is you can best Astral travel if you do it 'by-the-book'. There is a reason for this being so prominent. You have tried many times to astral travel and you believe it's impossible at this point. I'm here to tell you that you are capable. The only reason it has felt so impossible is because the most important step you need to take has been skipped unintentionally every time you have tried. You must ground yourself. Seems kind of counter intuitive but it's true.
Most likely, what has been happening is you have actually succeeded in your astral travel attempts. Being ungrounded can make it difficult to remember your adventures. Forgetting who you are can also make it harder to recall your experiences. Remember my friend, we are all a part of Spirit and when we travel in that way we are releasing our consciousness from our bodies and back into Spirit. Without being properly grounded we can lose ourselves in the experience until we return to our bodies.
I see you used to travel through the astral a lot as a kid. I also think you probably slept walked or had night terrors while you were astral traveling a lot as a child too. You have always been capable, my dear. You are extremely skilled in this area. Don't sell yourself short, dude.
Another trick you can do to succeed in your travels is to light a candle for your guides as an offering. They want to assist you but I feel you are the type of person who would rather ask for help than have someone take your freewill from you to assist you. Your guides know that and respect that about you. Which means only you can let go of your pride and ask for help. Also try and attempt traveling while sitting up instead of laying down. Good luck!!
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Cancer
Song: Starlight Brigade by TWRP and NSP
Vibes: Aquamarine, black, grey, brown, kayaking, sea horses, sparrows, seagulls , nests, swings, plantain, carrots, 22, 666, 639, directions, Hermes, Hekate, Hestia
Cards: Stork, Crossroads, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Chariot
Hey pile two! Welcome to your reading. The main vibe I am getting from your cards is that there is some shadow work you gotta do before you are going to be able to freely Astral travel. I have a feeling you use escapism as a coping mechanism from your trauma. Which is why you have been barred from the Astral for a while. If you were to enter right now, unhealed. It would be hard for you to take part in everyday life in the same way. This is a very similar message to pile one actually but with more emphasis on the healing rather than just grounding. You really gotta figure out who you are, my dove.
Spirit does apologize for all the nightmares and all the pain you have been through. You didn't deserve it, dove. I see you have faced much violence in your few years on earth. It was scary and probably bloody or bruising. It isn't your fault. Everything you have faced isn't your fault. Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to make it right and lick your wounds. I wish it wasn't, dove. I wish someone could scoop you up and take away all the hurt you had to go through. You have to be the one to take that role. Cradle yourself in a blanket of safety and be there for yourself. That will be the best way you can begin to astral travel.
There is an interesting underlying focus of choice in your cards. It is as if you are choosing to continue the immense pain you have been through or to stop it in its tracks. Will you allow to cycle to continue or will you grab the wheel's fate and flip them in the opposite direction. Spirit and I know you will make the right choice. No matter which you decide. It is the right choice. Believe in yourself, dove.
Astrology: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Song: Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Vibes: Orange, gold, brown, periwinkle, thistle, cherry blossom, open windows, thorns, 88, 5555, 1122, caduceus, red cloth, blue jay, pyramids, chains, lion, tattoos, Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Eris
Cards: Whip, Birds, The Tower, Hanged Man, 2 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, King of Wands
Welcome pile three to your reading. Oh boy yikes, this is a tough set of cards, my dear. I see you are struggling to venture into the Astral because there is mess that is in need of care in the physical. I think you might be in a really bad relationship with someone. This person is draining your spiritual power. For some of you it is romantic but it could also be familial. For a select few I think this might just be self destructive relationship with yourself. Letting this person treat you the way they do is killing you. The worst part of it is that I think you already know this. You have dedicated so much time and energy into this person that you can't bring yourself to leave. They drain your power and give nothing in return. You have convinced yourself you can't escape.
The cards are begging you to make a change in your physical reality. Once you remove the source of your anxiety and torment you will be free to use your power to do any spiritual thing you want to do. You have to rock the boat even if it is scary. You have to scream for help even if it will provoke someone. You have to make a mess of what they created. It would be so cathartic to wreck shit, babe. Just let yourself explode and watch as their tyrannical reign topples.
However, be sure you aren't exploring at people who do not deserve it. After all of the craziness is over you are going to need a support system to help you out. Please stop giving your power away so you can use it for yourself. Please let your suffering end by starting a new journey and break your current cycle. Please. Good luck, my dear. Have fun wrecking that horrible person's control of you. <3 Once you have dealt with your physical reality it'll be safe for you to venture into the Astral's unknown. Stay safe.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Vibes: Gray, forest green, off white, sky blue, moths, petunias, beakers, blackberries, scales, yellow teeth, 7777, 8, diamonds, moss agate, Nyx, Hypnos, Hades, Thanatos
Cards: Coffin, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Hierophant, 7 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Hello and welcome, pile four. Now this is interesting. I see that you are intrigued by the idea of Astral travel but never really put in a lot of effort to attempt it. Maybe you put on a guided meditation for it but it didn't really go anywhere. You have done basic research but never really put everything you had into it. You are almost too grounded to astral travel. Unlike pile one and two you are very focused on reality. Anything outside of reality is fascinating to you but you are too logical to allow your mind to open to more mystical experiences.
These cards recommend that you find a professional to help you ease into it and teach your the techniques. I see you have plenty of resources to get the help you need to explore your spirituality. It will take some work to find the right professional and much more work for you to accept that there are things outside of our physical reality. Take as much time as you need, my dear. Don't overwhelm yourself with information that is difficult to process. If you open your mind too wide it can be extremely intense to accept everything you will learn. Go easy for a while to see if you like what you are getting into.
I can tell your friends might be into this kind of stuff or perhaps your family is. Don't feel peer pressured to believe anything if you don't want to. Just because of the people around you do this stuff, doesn't mean you have too, my dear. Faith is a very personal experience and it should be something you want to do for yourself, not for other people. If you are still interested in astral traveling after you have explored a bit, then you will know when the right time is. Happy hunting!
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
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Welcome to Leo season, lovelies! LEO, THE LION, is ruled by the SUN ☉, which represents divine intellect, spirit, life force, expression, willpower, heart functions, heat regulation, sight, and metabolism.
LEO ♌︎ embodies vitality, self-expression, creativity, and playfulness, governing the heart, major blood vessels, spinal cord, and back. With the Sun returning home to Leo, we experience radiant vitality, as the Sun enhances our life force, solar plexus, and heart function. Leo, as a fixed fire sign, boosts our cardiovascular health, creative willpower, and unique expression.
As the Sun moves into Leo, we are invited to embrace our inner radiance and shine with confidence. This season is all about tapping into our authentic selves and living from the heart. 🌟
🌞 Life Force and Willpower: Leo season magnifies our energy and determination. It’s the perfect time to take charge of your life, pursue your passions, and lead with boldness.
❤️ Heart-Centered Living: With Leo ruling the heart and major blood vessels, focus on activities that support both physical and emotional heart health. Truly practice gratitude, compassion, and self-love. Love motivates all our actions.
🎨 Creative Expression and Joy: Leo encourages us to express our creativity and find joy in everyday moments. Engage in artistic pursuits, playful activities, and anything that sparks your inner joy.
🔥 Sustained Vitality: The Sun in Leo reminds us to maintain our vitality through self-care and a balanced lifestyle. Prioritize what energizes you and sustains your spirit.
During this vibrant Leo season, let your unique light shine. Embrace your passions, express yourself fully, and lead with your heart. 🌞♌️
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flowersnax · 4 months
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come along with me / and the ______ and bees!
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salty-dracon · 1 month
Astral Express Sunday thoughts, bonding with the trio:
Sunday and March's friendship is surprisingly wholesome once they get the formalities out of the way. She's a cute girl who loves all sorts of girly things (just like his sister) and she needs someone to practice her manicure skills on. Sunday himself has some nail painting skills, having used them to entertain Robin in her youth.
There have been at least a couple of incidents now where Himeko opens the door to March's room and finds March and Sunday doing each other's hair, painting each others' nails, or just chatting together. March really does remind him of Robin before she became a star- she has many little dreams and is always full of smiles, but hidden behind her laughter and joy is the darkness of the void. Does she know? Sunday wonders, having seen what was inside her mind. But March's next quips break him out of his stupor, and he goes back to chatting with her.
Caelus and Stelle seem okay with Sunday's presence- in a sardonic sort of way. Actually, it's more accurate to say they've been testing him ever since he got here. One time, Stelle dared him to drink a whole cup of Himeko's coffee. Another time, Caelus dragged him to Jarilo-VI and tried to enter him in a cage match under the name "Cold Dragon Youngest Junior". Another time, the twins brought him to the Luofu and challenged him to a soda-based Russian Roulette. Somehow, their crazy ideas never end.
In fact, over time, they become more pleasant. The twins convince Arlan to take the group on a tour of Herta Space Station, pointing out all of their favorite curios and introducing him to Ruan Mei's little dumpling dogs and cat cakes. They order massive platters of food from every locale they can think of, encouraging him to try a bite of everything. And of course, the siblings love to swing their bats at anything bigger than them, and he finds great joy in lending them his power. They really are like animals, Sunday thinks, watching them try to tag-team a Warp Trotter and fail spectacularly. Adorable little bundles of chaos.
There's something weird about Dan Heng when Sunday first spends a night in the Express. His unwavering eyes watch him closely, hunting for any semblance of betrayal. His offers to use his Harmony powers during missions are quickly shot down, and his suggestions to split up with the others during particularly time-sensitive conflicts are denied. Sunday eventually realizes what the issue is- a lack of trust. And who would trust him, after what he did to Dan Heng's closest friends? So Sunday spends a week proving himself. He offers to make coffee and tea for Himeko and Welt, and chats with them openly about his thoughts. He battles earnestly alongside the group, without using too many underhanded tactics such as the Harmony's brand. When Pom-Pom needs someone to help mop up the floors, he's the first to volunteer. He spends time with March and the twins, and even chats about literature and the archives with Dan Heng, who appreciates that they share an interest in books. In time, they grow accustomed to each other.
When two pairs of hands are needed to deal with the antics the rest of the crew causes, Dan Heng goes to Sunday before anyone else. More than once, Sunday has been reading in his room when he hears a knock at the door. "Caelus and Stelle fell asleep in the parlor car again," Dan Heng says. "Could you help me move them?" Sunday's happy to oblige- they're his precious family, after all.
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naoreco · 2 months
Update #3 on the saga of Kyle McCarley and his defense of Chris Niosi.
(content warnings for sexual assault, abuse, manipulation, and otherwise taking advantage of people)
Today, on July 22, 2024, he made an announcement in his server to apologize for his previous actions and ignorance. Details below, as usual.
First of all, the apology itself.
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TLDR: He admits that due to his own lack of understanding of sexual coercion/abuse, he did not realize just how much worse Niosi's behavior was than he initially thought. More importantly, he also apologizes for inserting himself into the situation as a character witness and accepting Niosi's apologies on behalf of other people. While he's going to take a break from the internet, if he returns to Twitter he'll delete his previous statements and recuse himself from the conversation.
At the very least, this is a start. Rather than further doubling down, he's admitted to his mistakes, perhaps similarly to Alejandro Saab. Ideally, he'll learn from this huge blunder and think more critically the next time someone he knows is accused of abuse or assault or anything of the sort.
Whether you can believe him, though, that's up to you. (Personally my disappointment with how he handled it prior kind of sours this for me, and I'm still wondering how it took so long for him to realize that the internet wasn't actually making up the whole thing about him being a serial abuser because first-hand accounts were really not hard to come by. Generally an attitude that still bugs me, despite my relief that he hasn't pulled an Adin Rudd and quadrupled down on it.)
Speaking of first-hand accounts, people who aren't fans of his will likely have more issues with this than those in his fan-server; Look no further than Tara, who is still angry with him, as well as the people she's discussed this with. Here's what she has to say in light of his apology:
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As mentioned in the screenshots, because this apology is in a Discord server none of Niosi's victims are in, they haven't gotten a direct apology from Kyle for his own actions yet. (Plus, considering he didn't talk to any of them when he was talking big about not seeing why people called Niosi an abuser, to say they have a bad impression of him is an understatement.) Still, until both parties are in a state to actually talk to each other, there's not going to be much headway.
(Final note before I go: I've also asked Tara if it'll help her to know what was included in the document, though I haven't gotten a response back yet. Maybe I'll edit this post when I do.)
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