#at first he's just trying to keep cas' existence and presence a secret but cas' cluelessness about human
theheartchoice · 3 months
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#tp#prompt#au#crack#cas is an injured creature / alien / angel who is staying in Dean's shed or barn or something#and dean is dating or maybe living with lisa but he's been thinking for a while that things between them#aren't good. he's been trying with her and wants to make it work for ben too. but then he meets castiel..#at first he's just trying to keep cas' existence and presence a secret but cas' cluelessness about human#life quickly results in dean covering shit up in comical aways and close calls. he's exasperated but also#secretly (not so secretly) fond of cas and helps educate him on humanity eventually resulting in#introducing cas to others either intentionally or by necessity as others encounter them together and#dean has to lie and say cas is a new coworker or neighbour or whatever. so cas is suddenly in his life#out in the open and it's nice but the wrong people are looking for cas and now manage to track him down#also: either dean initially found cas seeking refuge in his barn OR he encountered cas out in a field#or somewhere and brought him back to the barn to treat him before realising he definitely wasn't human#or maybe he already realised it but wasn't just gonna leave him out in the open for the wrong folk to#find him. cas was injured so he was no threat and dean didn't have it in him to just ignore the guy#cas was a little standoffish at first but he left dean help him maybe with bandages or something. and he#observed dean with squinty eyes and guardedness and then wide-eyed curiosity and ofc had no concept of#personal space. dean would check in on him daily and cas would learn about his life even as he#didn't share much of his own life - dean thought cas didn't trust him which was fine but also wasn't he#earning the guy's trust? eventually dean was adamant about knowing more about cas. he'd been#trying to research in the meantime but not finding much - ending up with more Qs than As#the reality was: cas didn't tell dean much (or the whole truth) bc he didn't want dean to think poorly of him#and then when the Bad Folk came after cas he realised he'd put dean in danger and ended up leaving#in order to keep him safe. that's when dean found out the truth about cas' kind and how he was different
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cumdumpstiel · 2 years
ok so. my mental s12 rewrite that will never exist bc i can't write.
11.23 when dean is saying his farewells before going and suicide bombing amara, cas straight up plants one on him. kisses him in front of (literally) god and everybody. and dean is about to die so he kisses back. doesn't go on terribly long but it happens and everyone saw it and that's that. cas still offers to go with him. dean refuses. etc. then dean leaves. same sequence as in canon, dean doesn't end up dying, amara brings mary back to life, sam gets kidnapped by toni bevell and the bmol
so now mary is back. and dean is absolutely NOT equipped to come out as like, kinda gay or whatever, to his mother who died in the 80s. it's not happening. so when they get back to the bunker and cas hugs the shit out of dean, dean makes even more of a show out of it being a Bro Hug and gives cas a significant look. cas backs off but looks... disappointed. not angry. just disappointed. this kicks off a Secret Relationship arc where literally everybody but mary knows that dean and cas are a thing now, but dean is tying himself in KNOTS trying to get and keep his mothers approval even as she is overwhelmed and drawing away from them. she leaves just like in canon and dean is devastated and angry
the presence of the bmol in america is. contentious. they've had a longstanding deal with crowley that they rule the UK, but america is off limits. that's crowleys domain. so now not only do they have to deal with distrustful and uncooperative lone-wolf type american hunters, but they've also royally pissed off the king of hell. it's a world war type situation. lots of shifting loyalties, strange bedfellows, double/triple agents, etc. the "sides" are much more blurred and the emphasis isn't on like, rugged american individualism vs smarmy superior brits. all three of the "sides" commit some pretty terrible acts. an acceptance of torture as a necessity is actually something everyone here has in common.
mary bolts just like in regular s12, but instead of unofficially joining up with the bmol, she instead runs afoul of them on a hunt where ketch sort of.... catches her scent. instead of the weird partner situation, they're bound together by ketch's determination to kill her. it's personal now, and he will hunt her down. mary is of course overwhelmed by the technological superiority and sheer numbers of the bmol, and she would surely be dead were it not for a mysterious woman showing up out of nowhere and kicking their asses, causing the survivors to flee. her face is unclear all thru the fight sequences. when the fighting is done, she turns to face mary and it is none other than... bela talbot. she's back and she is a demon
bela and mary have a meet-cute that directly parallels both the samruby and deancas first meetings. otherworldly creature busts in and saves a winchesters life, said winchester asks who the hell they are, entity replies that ummm, duh, they're the one who just saved said winchesters ass! mary has seen how the lines have begun to blur and is begrudgingly convinced to start working with her bc she really does need some backup and she's not willing to go back to the adult strangers who are her sons to get it. they start having sex. it's "casual" until it's kinda not. like there's only so many near death experiences and post-NDE frantic hookups u can go thru with one person before ur like.... at least a little attached
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1980 - The Dark Phoenix Saga
The X-Men, those enduring mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 132 - 140, X-Men Annual 4) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, John Romita Jr. and Bob McLeod
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Go on. Name a more iconic X-Men panel. I’ll wait. (X-Men 134)
If you were born in 1980, you were born under the sign of the Phoenix. This means you will have great hair, but you’ll also be absolutely corrupted by power. Don’t worry, as long as you don’t consume any stars and/or galaxies, you should be fine.
This year hits the ground running, introducing Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde and Dazzler in one fell swoop. The White Queen is the first of the Hellfire Club to make her move, but Phoenix is quickly able to dispatch of her, as you can read here.
Cyclops, worried that the rest of the Inner Circle will soon come in for the kill, decides to abscond to Angel’s Aerie in New Mexico to throw their pursuers off their scent. Jean decides to make the most of it and has sex with Scott on top of mesa. (Kinky!) She also shuts off his uncontrollable destructo-beams, nbd. This somehow inspires Scott to go from reactive to proactive and lead an ill-advised charge straight into the Hellfire Club on the night of their big ball… soirée... thing. Call it a Hellfire Gala-avant-la-lettre.
Fine, he might have been inspired by the raw power of the Phoenix. She’s the biggest gun on their side and, if there's one thing you can be sure of, it´s that reliable powerhouse Jean won´t switch sides in the middle of battle.
Oh wait, that's exactly what she does.
As soon as they enter the Hellfire Club, Jason Wyngarde, who reveals he’s actually Mastermind, takes control of Jean, finally turning her into the Black Queen. With the power of the Phoenix and the patriarchy on their side, the Inner Circle makes short work of the X-Men. They consists of:
Jason Wyngarde, aka Mastermind.
Sebastian Shaw. Often shirtless. The Jeff Bezos of mutantkind. Has the ability to absorb kinetic energy, which means punching him only makes him stronger. (Colossus and Storm figure this out the hard way.)
Harry Leland. Ability of mass manipulation, which has got to be one of the dopest powers ever. Uses it to dunk Wolverine three floors down into the sewer.
Donald Pierce. 25% robot, 100% asshole, 100% useless in taking out X-Men, 225% the worst.
Wolverine is the only one who escapes, resulting in another iconic image:
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Apparently, this picture is solely responsible for the fact that Wolverine became the face of the X-Men in the zeroes. It also lit my cigar from the other side of the room. (X-Men 132)
Needless to say, stabbing ensues.
Meanwhile, Shaw pontificates what he wants with the X-Men. He means to use them as guinea pigs to isolate the X-Gene, which he’ll then reverse engineer to give everyone (with money) super powers and all of a sudden, I want Shaw to do a team-up with John Sublime. Jean is not all there, however: she’s trapped in the astral plane, cultivating a cruel streak a mile high.
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And suddenly, Jean-turning-evil is not all that funny anymore. (X-Men 133)
Cyclops traverses the mental link he shares with Jean to confront ‘Sir Jason’ and challenge him to a duel. Guy can’t catch a break: in Jean’s mindscape, he is stabbed and he promptly collapses in the real world. Ruh-roh!
Wolverine, meanwhile, has done a passable impression of the Bride against the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill, and he interrupts the Hellfire Club and their gloating. That’s when Jean resurfaces as well, snapping out of her voluptuous Victorian fantasy and, playing a dubious tango with everyone’s trust issues, switching sides once again. The Phoenix is like the golden snitch: as long as your team holds it, it’s enough to win.
Colossus snaps Pierce’s robo-arm, Shaw gets punted through a floor and Leland uses his powers to increase Wolverine’s mass - just when Logan is jumping on top of him. Oops! Should have made him lighter than a feather, Leland.
Jean, meanwhile, is doing her own passable impression of the Bride and goes on what the advertisements would refer to as a ‘Roaring Rampage of Revenge’. (Oh, she roars, and she rampages, and she gets bloody satisfaction.)
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This is what happens when you fuck around and find out, Jason. (X-Men 134)
Phoenix makes Mastermind’s mind touch the infinite. His tiny human mind can’t cope. And, just like me when I’m at Pride and surrounded by a bevvy of shirtless gym bunnies, he becomes a dribbling mess. A shell with nothing inside. For those of you paying attention: this is where your Lit teacher would shout “dramatic irony” and underscore Emma Frost vs. Storm on the chalkboard.
This is also the moment where she officially Breaks Bad.
We see powerless people become heroes all the time. The reverse, where the angel falls? That happens far more rarely. I think that is the reason this story was so shockingly effective in the eighties. The reason why it’s still so effective? I think because, like the One Ring, you can read the rise and fall of the Phoenix in a myriad of ways. Is this a victim, reclaiming power? Is this a woman, trying to rise in a man’s world? Is this someone who was always buttoned up, daring to embrace her own power, her sexuality, her dangerous side -- only to get promptly beat down? The ambiguity of the narrative gives it strength, which is why I think it keeps resonating even now. This counts especially in the X-Universe, inherently designed to appeal to the underdog.
Anyway, the X-Men try to flee, but it’s too late. Jean can’t hold it in any more. She explodes in Phoenixesness and vaporizes the X-Men’s aircraft over Central Park. Relishing in her power, Jean easily defeats her friends, before flying off into the galaxy.
In the Avengers mansion, Beast gets the report that the X-Men are trashing the Hellfire Club. Ignoring his duties as an Avenger, Beast chooses his old family and hops off to investigate on his own.
The report, by the way, comes from Shaw, who knows when to turn tail and cut his losses. Among the confused, scared refugees of their party, he begins working a politician on the importance of a Sentinel program. That politician? Senator Kelly. Remember that name.
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Jean can’t talk, she’s doing hot girl things. Nomnomnom that star system, sis. (X-Men 135)
Originally, Jean wasn’t meant to die. This one panel, the one showing the inhabited planet, is the reason why she eventually does: Jim Shooter, editor-in-chief, felt Jean shouldn’t be able to get away with a literal genocide. Claremont and Byrne, who had planned to strip Jean of her powers at the end of this, had to change the end of their story within days before it went to print. Additionally, this stoked the adversarial fire between the two: Claremont claims that he hadn’t originally intended there to be an inhabited planet, but felt his hands were tied when Byrne drew one. I wonder how true this is, considering how embedded it is in the narrative, but that’s neither here nor there.
The Phoenix’s genocide alerts the Shi’Ar - and therefore Lilandra - to her presence. Lily says that Galactus is nothing compared to the Phoenix: he merely eats planets, she will consume all that exists.
A hungry Jean, meanwhile returns to Earth, not sure what she’s looking for. She pays a visit to the home of her parents, but when they warily come to greet her, she can’t help but read all the innermost thoughts of her family. Nothing is secret, nothing is sacred. (Imagine knowing all those little thoughts your parents had about you, all those little terrible human things they did in their life. Imagine knowing all their sexual fantasies. Brrr.) It sours the Phoenix against them and she is about to start familicide to her list of sins, when the X-Men attack!
Nightcrawler slaps a psionic scrambler designed by Beast on her, but she’s still too strong. Wolverine tries to end her, but he isn’t ruthless enough to do the deed. When the scrambler overloads, Scott tries reasoning with her, appealing to her love. This causes the Phoenix to waver and Charles Xavier (airdropped in by Warren), bolts Jean telepathically.
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Drinking game rule for the Phoenix saga no 6: shout “ca-caw” and take a sip every time the raptor appears. (X-Men 136)
Xavier feels Jean helping him out from within the Phoenix and together, they slowly trap Phoenix in the same sort of energy-matrix as Jean did with the M’Kraan-crystal. The Phoenix finally lays dormant, the X-Men have Jean back and Scott, overwhelmed by emotion, sort of awkwardly proposes to her. Happy Ending! And then, pulling the rug out from under our feet, the X-Men (including Beast and Angel) are whisked away.
They appear in front of Lilandra. The Shi’Ar hold Jean accountable for her planet-killing ways and Lilandra orders her Imperial Guard to take her away! But Charles invokes an ancient law with the same relish of someone who invokes an obscure board game rule against the person who is about to win: he demands a trial by combat.
The rules are easy:
X-Men win: Jean lives
Shi’Ar win: Jean dies.
The trial will be on the dark side of the moon. The Shi’ar are way too strong and, one by one, the X-Men fall, until only Jean and Scott are left. In their last stand, Jean loses control and becomes the Phoenix again, wiping the floor with the Imperial Guard. Technically, they win, but she knows now.
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Suicide by abandoned-machine-of-a-long-forgotten-civilization-on-the-dark-side-of-the-moon. (X-Men 137)
She dies. Phoenix dies. The X-Men lose. Scott, bereft, leaves the X-Men.
One detail I love is the holempathic crystal that Lilandra bestows on Jean’s parents.
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Without becoming too maudlin, the idea of this is beautiful. A condensed image of a person you love, one you can touch when you feel memories slipping away so you can remember who they were. (X-Men 138)
And with that, season 2 of the X-Men ends. Without Cyclops and Phoenix, the X-Men have to readjust. While Beast returns to the Avengers, Angel takes up residence in the mansion again. He confesses to liking most of the new X-Men, except Wolverine. (To be fair, Wolverine is an acquired taste.) Kitty Pryde also formally starts attending the school and slowly, the Jean-and-Scott-shaped void is filled.
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Patriarchal Charles is thrilled to finally have a new teenager in the house who will hang on to his every word. It’ll be like the sixties all over again! (X-Men 139)
There are so many beautiful touches in the few panels:
Wolverine calling Charles ‘Chuck’
Nightcrawler getting drinks (and a beer)
Most amazingly of all, Storm becoming the leader. (I give Chuck a lot of flak, but this decision is Right.) Not just because Storm is the best X-Man for the job, but also because she was a black woman leading one of premier Marvel superhero teams for, what? The better half of a decade? The eighties had barely started, so this was a big fucking deal.
Storm also takes up a motherly role for Kitty, who takes up her suggestion for a codename: Sprite. (This after Kitty rejects Charles’ suggestion of Ariel, which is only fortunate, considering that name would soon be associated with redhaired mermaids.)
The rest of the year is dedicated to two adventures, both of them starring Kurt. The first is depicted in the annual: on Kurt’s birthday, he receives a mysterious package with a mysterious figurine that mysteriously explodes in his face. Professor X calls guest star Dr. Strange for aid, who deduces that his soul has been stolen. What follows is a quest to regain Kurt’s soul in an adventure that feels a little too I just read Dante’s Inferno, check how smart I am.
Hell is a little too pedestrian and boring, though we do get a King Minos hitting on Kurt and Ororo. A man of wealth and taste indeed. Anyway, at the end of this side quest, it turns out all of this was a convoluted revenge scheme concocted by one Margali of the Winding Road. She turns out to be Kurt’s (adoptive) mother, who’s getting revenge for Kurt killing her son.
Kurt, racked with guilt, reveals he had no choice. Stefan had always feared the darkness in his soul and he’d made Kurt pledge to stop him if he should ever succumb to it. After Stefan killed a child or two, Kurt had no choice but to end him. Stefan perished and Kurt was blamed for all of the murders, having to flee an angry mob.
Margali forgives him, with some help from Jimaine, Kurt’s foster sister. In a twist that is a little too soap opera for my tastes (and I watch Riverdale), Jimaine turns out to be Kurt’s squeeze, Amanda Sefton. I’ve always disliked this twist, and not just because of the incesteous vibes: I like the idea of Kurt dating a regular lady who is into him despite his appearance and his being a mutant. Making Amanda Sefton his sorcerous half-sister dilutes that message a lot.
The tail end of 1980 involves Wolverine going to Canada so Wolverine can make amends with Alpha Flight. Kurt joins him, ostensibly to flirt with Aurora, but in fact this shows that Kurt and Wolverine are establishing a rapport. A deeper friendship.
In a pretty paint-by-numbers adventure, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and the worse half of Alpha Flight take down a Wendigo. We don’t get Northstar or Aurora, but we do get more Snowbird, who can change herself into Canadian animals, with the danger of being consumed by her animal side.
We get this delightful panel out of it:
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Scared Nightcrawler almost makes me forget how full of shit Jimmy MacDonald is, considering last time Kurt saw them, they tried to kidnap the fuzzy elf. (X-Men 139)
This whole arc is meant to show the softening of Wolverine. Not only does he share his name with Kurt (well, sort of: “Logan, is that your name?” “Yup.” “You never told us.” “You never asked.”), but when they fight the Wendigo and Snowbird turns into a white wolverine to deal the final blow, he talks her out of being consumed by her vicious animal nature.
The year ends with two details worth mentioning:
The Canadian government dissolves Alpha Flight, which I can only find a prescient move that highlights their good taste. A realistic note I like is the minister referring to the mutant problem as ‘an American problem’ even though they employ the Beaubier twins. Wankers.
Fred Dukes escapes prison to join the New Brotherhood of Mutants!
We’re now entering a run of the X-Men which I haven’t read much of yet, but Freddy mentions he was helped by some lady lawyer. That’s gotta be Mystique, right?
I can barely contain my glee.
Ugliest Costume: Despite that godawful hooded thing Kitty wears, I have to give this to Dazzler. There’s no salvaging that costume: I’m sorry, but she’s wearing a disco ball around her neck. It's a boot from me.
Best new character: Emma Frost. Fight me by the bike rack near the parking lot if you disagree.
Turns evil: Jean Grey, famously so.
What to read: X-Men 129 to 137, the Dark Phoenix run.
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Meeting and Dating Eric Draven
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I chose to retcon Shelley in this but I wouldn’t be against writing something that involves her character in the future. Hope you enjoy!)
- You first met Eric at a cassette shop some time before his death. By pure coincidence, you’d looked up and met his eye just as he entered the shop. He held your gaze for a moment before you quickly averted your eyes and busied yourself with searching the shelves for the artist you were looking for. 
- A minute or so later, you could feel a presence besides you. When you snuck a glance, you found that it was the same man from before prompting your heart to skip a beat. He was tall, dark, and beautifully alternative. The most perfect man you’d ever seen in real life. 
- Staying quiet, you focused on the task at hand; though it was a bit difficult with him beside you. After a bit of searching, you finally found the cassette you were looking for and pulled it off the shelf, examining it for a quick second.
“I love them.” the mans quiet voice rang out from beside you.
“Pardon?” you’d nearly squeaked, looking up at the mans face which was now glancing down at you.
“Sorry,” he apologized, smiling while shaking his head. “The Cure; I love them. They’re one of my favorites. Have you heard their latest song; ‘Burn’ I think it was. It’s been all over the radio; at least the channels that I listen to.”
- The two of you talked for a long time, hopping from one artist to the next and then from subject to subject. You continued to talk even as you were checking out and leaving the shop. Speaking with him just seemed so natural, so easy.
- The two of you stood outside the door of the shop, neither of you really wanting your conversation to end but knowing that it had to at some point.
- You were just about to say goodbye when he spoke, telling you that his band would be playing at the concert club down the street that night and that he’d be happy to see you there. Now, how could you say no to that?
- So that night, you got a bit dressed up and headed over to the club he told you about. It wasn’t exactly your usual scene but at the time, it seemed worth going to; if only just to see the man again.
- The instant you got there, you could practically feel the music reverberating off the walls as you tried to find an empty place to stand or sit. Glancing at the stage, your eyes immediately found the exact man you were looking for, shredding on his guitar in all his gothic glory.
- Every now and again, you could see his eyes sweep over the crowd before finally finding you, a small smile making its way onto his face. You stayed there until his band played their final song, nearly an hour and a half after you’d arrived.
- Once they left the stage, Eric came over and greeted you, asking you to wait just a minute as he went to put his guitar away. You obliged and soon enough the two of you were sitting together at one of the small tables in the club, trying to talk to each other over the noise.
- Finally, he leaned forward and spoke in your ear, asking if you wanted to go some place. You happily agreed and the two of you found yourselves seated at a small diner which wasn’t too far away from the club.
- The two of you sort of consider this your first date. You sat and talked for hours, sipping coffee and eating. He got delightfully bashful when you complimented his music, looking down at the table with a smile before quickly changing the subject back to you.
- You shared your first kiss in the rain a few nights later after another one of your dates. There was no way of escaping the downpour so you were sort of just forced to run through it until you could find a bit of shelter. By the time you were able to get under something, you were already freezing and soaked, but all you could do was laugh.
“We might as well just keep on walking, huh?” He’d joked and you agreed, stepping back out into the rain and beginning to walk again.
- You were a few steps away from him when you felt his hand on your arm, softly spinning you around so that you were facing him. You looked up at his face, watching the rain fall down from his cheeks and drip from his hair before he pulled you into him and pressed his lips to yours.
- You closed your eyes, kissing back as he wrapped his arms tight around you. It felt like the world around you disappeared, the only signs of it being the constant pitter patter of rain on your skin. Neither of you wanted the moment to end, even as you stood softly shivering.
- The two of you were dating for nearly a year when you got a late night call from the police. After the first few words, you could barely hear what they were saying, it was like the entire world came crashing down around you.
- You’d come to find out that it was a suspected robbery gone bad and that Eric had died. You were inconsolable for months and even a year later, you still felt as though there was a massive hole in your heart that would never be filled. That was when you were confronted with a face from your past.
- It was late one night and you were walking home from work, slightly paranoid as per usual. Apparently your paranoia was there for good reason as a man began to follow closely behind you while you walked. Unbeknownst to you; or him, he wasn’t the only one keeping a close eye on your figure.
- You began walking faster, hoping that it was just a misunderstanding. That hope was soon crushed as the man behind you began to speed up as well.
- Finally, you broke out into a sprint, praying that you could make it to some shop before the man reached you. You could hear him begin to give chase before suddenly, his footsteps just ...disappeared.
- You slowly came to a stop, glancing behind you and finding no one there. Confused, you searched the area, trying to spot the man but still finding nothing. Finally, someone emerged from a nearby alleyway ...but it wasn’t the man from before.
- He was taller with longer hair and odd paint covering his face. He looked vaguely familiar from afar but it was only after he got close enough for you to see his face that you finally recognized him.
“Eric?” You asked in disbelief as he stopped before you.
“I always told you that I didn’t like you walking home alone.” He said softly, a weak smile playing at his painted lips.
- Without another word, you closed the distance between you, your hands shakily reaching up to touch his face, prompting him to close his eyes. His arms wove around you and pulled you into a tight hug, a hug you returned with just as much vigor, afraid that he’d vanish if you didn’t hold on tight enough.
- He was back. Back and here to stay.
- As much as he would love to be touching you at all times, he also doesn't want anyone to see the two of you together. He doesn’t want you somehow being dragged into something because his enemies saw the two of you together or because police believe you’re somehow involved in his revenge plot. So he tries not to interact with you in public, at least not where anyone could catch you. 
- He’s sort of your little secret; a figure that only you notice, a person that only you know exists. It’s hard to stop a small smile from coming onto your face whenever you’re asked about your love life or pressured to get out into the dating scene. If only they knew. 
- Soft caresses. Whenever his hands are on you, they’re; more often than not, being intimate, gentle and loving. You can practically feel his adoration for you in his every touch. 
- Brushing the hair out of his face so you can see and kiss him properly.
- Long, tight hugs.
- Passionate kisses. 
- Having his makeup smeared across your face. He runs a finger across the paint, rubbing his thumb over your lips and calling you beautiful.
- Sitting up late at night with him and stargazing. 
- Waking up to soft kisses. Oftentimes it’s in the middle of the night but you don’t really mind, you just tiredly reach out to him as he takes off his boots and joins you in bed. 
- He opts for more meaningful and romantic nicknames. Things like: Annabel Lee, darling, beloved, angel, my love, my life. 
- Getting poetry and songs written about you. A lot of the time, he’ll leave them for you to find or; if they’re a song, quietly sing them to you in the dark of the night. 
- He likes being held in your arms when you cuddle, his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. But he also loves to hold you, wrapping his arms tight around you and cherishing the way you snuggle into him. 
- Eric is absolutely, irrevocably in love with you. You’ve never had a man so infatuated with you and you never will again. Your relationship isn’t the most conventional or normal, but you never doubt for a second that he loves you.
- He can’t stand the thought of you thinking that he doesn’t care. It’s the easiest way to tear him up inside.  
- He’s incredibly sweet with you, always reassuring you with a laugh when you do something wrong, never getting mad at you for your mistakes and always making you feel better when you’re feeling down. 
- Teasing each other, he likes spooking you a bit and overall just making you laugh. 
- He’s still got a good sense of humor. His jokes may be stupid and he may tell you them a hundred times each but you never mind. 
- Dancing together. Sometimes its romantic slow dancing and other times he’ll just break out into a little jig.
- Getting to watch all his gymnastic and athletic skills. He both amazes and amuses you with the things he does. 
- Grand romantic gestures. He’s a hopeless romantic at heart. 
- He used to have warm hands and he resents the fact that they’re always cold now. One of the main reasons he likes to hold your hands is because he can feel your warmth seeping into his skin. 
- A lot of the time, he’ll just show up and/or vanish into thin air. He’s most likely scared you every now and again with the way he just appears in the doorway of your room or knocking at your window. 
- He wants to take care of you whenever he can. Injured, sick, upset; he’s there for you and knows exactly what to do to make you feel better. 
- Trying to help explain everything that happened to him and figure out how he’s back again; and how to keep him that way. 
- He loves the little things about you; something he learned to do while you were together and perfected while he was dead. He could name a million things off the top of his head that you do or about your appearance that he absolutely adores. 
- Having him play the guitar for you. You’ll usually sit behind him, resting your cheek on his back while he strums along, sometimes humming the words to one of his bands songs. 
- Reading gothic literature together. He smiles whenever you tell him he has the perfect voice for it. 
- He loves horror. Anything scary is right up his alley. Horror movies, Halloween, urban legends, scary stories; he loves them all. 
- Taking care of Gabriel for him. The fluffy feline adores you and Eric likes coming home and seeing you curled up with him on the couch or bed. 
- Kissing in the rain and in the dark of the night. 
- He could genuinely sit and talk with you for hours, or just sit with you without saying a word. Just being by your side is enough for him. 
- The two of you tend to stay indoors and enjoy quiet nights in, he liked it even before everything happened to him. He prefers being alone with you with no way to be interrupted. 
- Getting to pet and interact with his crow. The two of you wind up spending a lot of time together. 
- Getting close to and helping take care of Sarah. He loves just sitting back and watching the two of you play around. He’s adorable when he joins in on the fun. 
- He loves how you make him feel normal, always treating him the same as before and making him feel like his old self again just by being with you. 
- Tracing his scars. He sort of likes when you do it, it’s like you’re taking away the memories of that day and replacing them with happy ones. 
- Comforting him when he thinks about his death and looks into your mind to see your memories of life without him. You just wrap yourself around his back and let him feel what he has to. 
- Eric kinda goes feral sometimes. There’s two versions of this Eric: 1) the guy who kills and 2)the guy who’s looking at you with the eyes of a wolf, wanting to eat you alive. Sometimes he’ll just pounce, pulling you into his body and smashing his lips to yours.
- He’s incredibly protective of you. He knows how dangerous your city is and how fragile life can be. He’s determined to make sure nothing ever happens to you; even if it means hurting or killing other people. 
- Because he can’t really be seen with you, he has a bit of a mean streak when it comes to jealousy. If he can, he’ll scare off anyone who he thinks is getting too close to you, threatening them the moment he can get them alone. You’re his and his alone.
- He never gets upset with you. He might have a bit of a temper; particularly after his death, but you’ll never be on the receiving end of it. You very rarely; if ever, fight, the only times he’ll argue or fight with you will when he’s worried about your safety which is something you’ll never hold against him. 
- He’ll never get tired of hearing you say you love him. Oftentimes, he’ll ask you to say “it” again, nuzzling into you while you giggle and repeat yourself. 
- He tells you he loves you constantly, repeating it between kisses, while kissing your forehead, or saying it while gazing deeply into your eyes. It feels so natural for him to say it; there's never any second guessing, it’s the one thing he’s completely sure about in his life. 
- You aren’t sure what will happen to either of you in the future. All you know is that he’ll love you and you’ll love him for the rest of eternity. 
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
7x18: Party On, Garth
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Party on, Garth, indeed
A group of teens enjoy a camp-out and scary story hour. One dude tells the story of Jenny Greentree, and how she froze to death right under the tree by their campsite. A noise startles them, but it’s revealed to be another friend (wearing Sam Winchester’s striped hoodie?!). Trevor is toasted, but unlike the others, hears or senses some unknown threat, and takes off running. 
His brother and the other campers take off after him, eventually finding him gutted on the side of the road. 
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Officer Garth Fitzgerald IV is on the case. He interviews a couple of the campers and they tell him about Jenny Greentree. So, he heads to the cemetery and “Garths” her. 
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Trevor’s brother, Ray, gets very drunk alone and heads into the forest with a gun (a winning combo.) He sees a figure in the distance, but before he can reach her, he’s trussed up in a tree and gutted. Way to keep the family tradition alive (er, dead?). Garth hears about it over the radio, and is very upset. 
Meanwhile, DEAN HAS CAS BACK (kinda --he’s a little catatonic after taking on Sam’s crazy), and gets a non-update from Meg. He also gets a call from Garth, not that he remembers who that is. He owes Garth though so they head to help with the case. Instead of Garth, they meet Corporal James Brown.
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Discussing the case with Garth, Dean comes to the conclusion that they’re dealing with an invisible ghost werewolf.
Sam learns the father of the dead brothers owns a brewery in town (and OH the irony of Dean Winchester saying microbrews are for douchebags.) Sam and Garth interview him, asking if his sons had enemies. Dean interviews Ray and Trevor’s sister, Maria. She tells him about another business partner, Dale, who died. Sam and Garth then interview Randy, the third business partner. He tells them the death was a suicide, and they’re selling their beer to a major distributor.
Meanwhile, the grieving drunk mom mixes herself a little AM joy. She plops her drink and her daughter’s OJ on the table together. Guess which one the daughter goes for? I mean, not her fault.
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She’s instantly drunk, and sees a shadowy figure in the home. She looks for it. Her dad’s like, WTF?
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She sees the creepy woman standing right next to her mom, but can only point and scream before her mom is gutted in the kitchen. 
Dean’s had enough of learning about microbrews (and drinking from his own flask that mysteriously sets off Garth’s EMF reader), and pops open some bottles to try. 
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Dean learns that he likes the beer, we learn that Garth can get drunk off of one beer, and Sam learns that Dale left the company before he died. They’ve got a possible vengeful spirit on their hands. News of the most recent family tragedy comes across the police scanner. 
Garth and Dean head to the house, and Garth talks to the young daughter, Tess. Or should we say, Mr. Fizzles talks with Tess.
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The sock gets Tess to tell them it was a monster with claws --and she drank a grown-up drink.
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Sam interviews the widow of the business partner. She reveals that they both despise the other family for their past business dealings, but that her husband had sent them a peace offering. The bottle of saki he gave them arrived in a box “with writing all over it” (likely warded) and he wouldn’t let his wife even touch it. Sam’s spidey sense tingles. 
Dean and Garth piece together the other pertinent facts of the case: you’ve gotta be drunk to see the monster. Dean immediately pulls out his flask and starts drinking. Garth inquires about the flask, learns it’s Bobby’s, and speculates that it could possibly be haunted. Dean SQUASHES the feelings down. He’s here to work!
They all head to the brewery to hunt their ghost and find the potentially cursed bottle of saki - it’s been opened. They find a surveillance camera, but see nothing on the footage from when the elaborate packaging was opened. Dean thinks they need to drink to see the ghost on the security footage. “Can you even get drunk anymore?” Sam inquires, and we feel sad for Dean Winchester. 
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They re-watch the footage, only to see the ghost appear this time. “He let that thing out of the box, and it must have just followed him to the place with all the thingies,” Sam summarizes intelligently. Randy arrives at the brewery, calls them hucksters, and starts to call the cops, but Garth tasers him. 
Later, in a restaurant’s back alley, Sam and Dean get a chef to read the box that held the saki. “What you took will be taken from you,” the box warns. The cook gets spooked, because the box declares that the bottle inside contains a shojo, an alcohol spirit. 
Back at the motel, they research shojos. (Randy, the brewery owner, has been kidnapped and stashed in the hot tub.)
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There is a way to kill shojos...by using a samurai sword with a shinto blessing. Dean announces that he’s going to search local pawn shops for samurai swords. Lol, show, whatever. Garth pulls out his EMF and holds it near Bobby’s flask. Sam reports that he doesn’t think they’re being haunted by Bobby because he pulled out a talking board when the beer disappeared in a prior episode. Since Bobby’s spirit didn’t chat, Sam dismissed that theory. Their conversation gets interrupted by Randy waking up in Garth’s hot tub. 
Garth interrogates him. He wants to know who his kid is...because he’s in danger. It turns out that Randy had a secret kid - who’s currently working the graveyard shift at the brewery. Garth heads out, pockets loaded with the contents of the motel’s mini bar. 
At the brewery, the would-be victim cleans windows while blissfully unaware of the dangers. 
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Dean gets the chef from earlier to read the shinto blessing on the sword he found. 
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The blessing done, the chef heads back to work on what has got to be his weirdest night ever on the job. Dean gets an update from Garth on the ghost’s next victim, and learns that he’s at the brewery. 
At the brewery, Garth spots the ghost lurking next to Randy’s son, and hauls him outta there. Garth tries to explain that he’s in danger, but fails. However, the ghost turns up and makes his argument for him. It turns out that getting thrown through a glass window by an invisible force is an effective argument about the existence of unexplainable, superstrong forces. The guy tries to make a run for it, but he’s chased by the terrifying invisible ghost. Sam bursts in and tries to defend against the shojo, but he gets knocked out almost immediately. SAMMY, your head bby!
Dean bursts in with the sword. He is NOT drunk enough, so at first he swings wildly and the sword goes flying. Things turn around quickly for Dean, though, because the sword slides right on back to his hand! Sam wakes up and directs him in the fight, and soon the shojo is speared by the sword. She disappears in an angry flash of light. Dean looks around afterward. He’s alone - or IS HE? 
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Garth wakes up in a pile of rubble. “What’d I miss?” OH GARTH. 
Dean asks Bobby to send him some kind of sign that he’s still around, while Sam lurks secretly in the background - silent witness to his brother’s CONSTANT WELL OF PAIN. There’s no sign from Bobby. 
At the motel, Garth bids them farewell. Dean gets his HUG.
For Too Precious For This World Science:
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Garth drives away in a swirl of heart emojis, leaving Sam and Dean to talk FEELINGS. Sam tells Dean that he saw him trying to talk to Bobby in the brewery. Dean feeds Sam an eight layer bean dip of denial coated hope. He’s NOT SAD, he’s FINE - and there’s a whole string of incidents which makes it appear like Bobby’s been helping them along. Sam thinks that Dean’s just grieving - and his grief makes Bobby appear to still be around. Bobby is DEAD. D E A D.  
As they leave the room, the camera pans over to...Bobby! 
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Before they drive away, Dean realizes that he left the flask behind in the motel room. He bursts through the door. “There you are,” he says softly, looking towards Bobby, who starts to smile. But Dean walks right past Bobby and grabs the flask, completely unaware of his presence.
Garth Quotesgerald IV:
You’ve been Garthed
I usually don’t even drink beer. It messes with my depth perception. Especially when I skinny dip
Mr. Fizzles is gonna go where the sun don’t shine
Come with me if you want to live!
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The Destiel Harlequin Challenge Master Post: 2020 Mega Bang
Participants in the 2020 Destiel Harlequin Challenge completed an amazing 20 fics and 3 sets of artwork! You can learn all about those here!
Spectre (fic by a_dusky_gold, art by aceriee)
This whole thing… this was supposed to be a fucking farce. A way to keep Nicholas Vaught occupied until the deadline he’d given Dean would run out, and he’d still get the money to send Dad to the Town Hall rehabilitation for alcoholism, because that was the goddamned deal.
There were no such things as ghosts or magic or a Book of Life. Dean knows, okay? He wasn’t the Army’s goddamned Mystery Raider for nothin’; he knows history, he knows artifacts, and he knows that the Book of Life is an ancient myth that is about as real as werewolves or vampires.
And yet.
“The Book of Life,” the man had said. Dean can’t even remember his name.
Shit, shit, shit.
Dangerous Ground by Amethystaris
Special Agents for the Department of Diplomatic Security, Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester have been partners and best friends for three years, but everything changed the night Cas admitted the truth about his feelings for Dean. And when Cas was shot a few hours later, Dean felt his reluctance to get involved was vindicated.
Can a camping trip in the High Sierras save their partnership?
Honour Undressed by andimeantittosting
Among his friends, Castiel, Lord Milton is everyone’s confidant and, along with his trusted valet, the fixer of problems. But there is one secret Castiel has never shared: he is in love with his valet and has been for years.
Born in the gutters, Dean Winchester was assigned as Castiel’s batman in the war, and when Castiel travelled home to take up his title, Dean followed him as his valet. To assist Castiel, Dean is not above a little burglary or blackmail. But the one thing he wants for himself is Castiel’s heart.
When Castiel’s closest friends become the target of a blackmailer, certain truths come out. But while Dean determines to seduce Castiel, Castiel is adamant that he must resist, for if there is one rule a gentleman must follow, it is never to dally with his servant.
Havenport by BlueMasquerade
Castiel cleared space on his desk by the expedience of sweeping the previous contents to the side. He set the bundle down in the center of the surface and studied the knots in the rope before expertly untying them.
The book was old, its leather bindings cracked and crumbling. He carefully opened the cover to reveal the pages within, each hand cut, the edges beautifully deckled, the text written in pen and ink.
“This is written in ancient Enochian.” Castiel looked up, gaze narrowed. “Where did you obtain a book written in ancient Enochian?”
“Is that what it is? All I could tell is that it sure as hell isn’t English.” Mr. Winchester grinned, a dimple flashing in his cheek.
an aching in my heart by contemplativepancakes
When Dean’s best friend dies, leaving behind her daughter, Dean knows he has what it takes to give Claire the life she deserves. The problem is, they’re not related by blood, and Claire’s long lost uncle gets called to take her in. Castiel Novak was bad news when he was in highschool with Dean, and judging by his blue hair and tattoo sleeves, nothing’s changed. Castiel ran out on his family once before, and there’s no way Dean’s going to let that happen to Claire without putting up a fight.
Fools and Fate by Danica_Dust
Castiel Novak fled his coven to escape the rigid, predetermined Fate laid out for him within its confines. Desperate and alone, he took shelter in the city of Sacriloga, forsaking all magic and living off whatever he could steal. There, witches like Cas are hunted. They are feared. And they are burned.
When Jack, a young witch also on the run from his own coven, seeks out Cas’ aid, however, Cas finds that he cannot reject the boy, leaving him to his sure destruction. Especially after the newest visitor to Sacriloga makes his presence known: the legendary Hunter, Dean Winchester, who has been following Jack’s trail.
Sworn to the Men of Letters, Hunters live by one principle: thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Dean’s path was never meant to cross with Cas', but a desperate stunt and a single mistake forces them into an impossible union—holy matrimony.
The war between the witches and the Men of Letters is an ancient one and Cas' most dangerous enemies bring a Fate worse than fire. Unable to ignore his growing feelings, yet powerless to change what he is, a choice must be made.
A suffocating Fate on one hand. A precarious freedom on the other. And in between, the kind of love that makes fools of us all.
Ozone by Deancebra
A young magic user who wants desperately to live. A jaded recluse who has forgotten what living means. They’re each other’s only chance.
Dean’s wild magic is killing him. The mage guilds have given up on him, and it’s only a matter of time before he dies in a spectacular, catastrophic bang. His only hope is an exiled wizard who lives in seclusion—and is rumored to have lost his mind.
The years alone on his hilltop estate have not been good for Castiel Novak. After the magical accident that disfigured him and nearly destroyed the village, he drifts through his days, a wraith trapped in memories and depression. Until a stricken young man collapses on his driveway, one who claims Castiel is his last chance. For the first time in fifteen years, Castiel must make a choice—leave this wild mage to his fate or take him in and try to teach him, which may kill them both. The old Castiel, brash and commanding, wouldn’t have hesitated. Castiel the exile isn’t sure he can find the energy to try.
A Demon Like Him by EllenOfOz
Dean Winchester doesn’t want to be a warlock. The idea of working in a lab, channeling demonic magic into enchanted batteries is not what he wants to do with his life, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father was a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Dean is expected to follow the family tradition.
His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class—failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Dean’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects.
Dean’s demon, Castiel, is an incubus, but also a powerful mage on a mission to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks.
Dean must choose: fail out of his final exam and turn his back on becoming a warlock, or help Castiel and graduate. But he doesn’t count on how hot the incubus is, or how close they have become in just a few days.
A Working Relationship by fangirlingtodeath513
The homes that Castiel Novak designs for Angelic Houses are to die for. They’re pristine, perfectly designed and organized, and they’ve caused more than a few bidding wars. It’s the perfect job—he’s organized, good with math, and he’s able to pick up on design trends relatively quickly. The only thing that isn’t perfect? His obnoxious older brother, Luke. Castiel’s been vying for a position on a flipping team for years now, but Luke has never even considered it. When a lecherous gossip reporter overhears an argument, they receive an offer they can’t refuse.
They’re invited to compete on Flip Off, a competition where two people flip houses and compete for the highest profit. Castiel wants the leverage a win would bring him, but he also wants to prove himself. Enter Dean Winchester, a contractor with his own team and one that’s blissfully unconnected to Angelic Houses, allowing Castiel to prove himself without any help from the family company.
The undeniable attraction between them certainly doesn’t help matters, but Castiel is resolute in his decision to make a move only after they’ve finished working together. At least, that had been his plan until Dean made him an offer he simply couldn’t refuse.
Crashing In by followyourenergy
Castiel Novak is convinced he’s the last unwillingly single person in Lupine Cove. Even Gabriel, his perpetual bachelor brother, has found love. It’s probably because Cas leads the most boring life in existence. He’s a gay man living in a rented, one-room cottage in the same small coastal town he grew up in, just getting by as the owner of the same convenience store he was practically raised in. The most excitement he gets is chatting with the locals or maybe, if he’s unlucky, oversleeping and rushing to work. So when a baby is left at the Safe Haven drop-off at the local fire station, he takes the opportunity to step in for the child temporarily, at least until suitable parents, plural, can be found.
Life certainly gets more interesting.
And it gets even more interesting when a handsome man comes crashing—literally—into his life.
Make Me Believe by GhoulsnHalos
Ten years ago, Castiel Novak’s stepfather disowned him, taking from him his place as hereditary heir to the head of the Hunter and Warrior Guild. Now, he’s a self-made, and celebrated, master gem and metal smith. Castiel doesn’t believe that the God’s decide your soulmate. Until he designs what can only be a gift fit for his soul mate, who in contradiction to the etiquette, if not the laws of Neffroen, must be a man.
Dean Winchester is convinced that he is a lowly, dumbass, no magic hunter who couldn’t possibly be on the same social scale as a Novak. So, why is it when he spots the jewelled torc in Castiel’s shop, Dean develops an obsession over the neckpiece and its creator? It can't be anything to do with the will of the Gods, no matter what anyone says, because that's baloney and Dean's not into men.
When Castiel’s long-lost brother turns up and suggests he ought to challenge their stepfather and that Dean is destined to help Castiel rule the clan, Castiel takes some convincing. The real problem is Dean. Can Castiel with the help of family and friends convince Dean of his place by Castiel’s side? Can Dean play the part everyone expects of him to help Castiel regain his rightful place in society?
Shielded Heart by JuniperJones
Arthos, the Infinite City, is a place of alien wonders and indescribable beauty—and, most importantly for Dean, it’s also halfway across the universe from his abusive ex-fiancé. He came to the city desperate for a fresh start, but he finds himself downtrodden on a world of aloof alien beings with little hope of finding his place—and a good chance of being kidnapped or killed before he can even settle in.
At least until he is saved by an irresistible alien with piercing eyes and a seductive smile.
Castiel is the living embodiment of temptation, and he makes no effort to disguise his desire for Dean. But when his past threatens to drag Dean into a dangerous underworld, Dean discovers Castiel isn’t who he claims to be. After enduring so much suffering, can Dean bear to take a leap of faith with this mysterious alien? Can he trust Castiel with not only his life, but his heart?
Stumble and Fall by Kitmistry
Castiel was raised to do one thing: serve his country, whether that was fighting a war or becoming an expert spy. But when his lover is charged with treason and executed Castiel defects. He has evidence that can destroy the KGB’s entire spy ring in New Mexico, he has names of scientists involved with atomic weapons who send information to the Soviets, and he won’t stop until he has revenge.
Putting all his trust in the Americans, Castiel finds himself under the protection of U.S. Marshal Dean Winchester, who is too cocky and attractive for his own good, but at least seems to know what he’s doing.
When a routine transfer to a safehouse goes horribly wrong, Castiel and Dean narrowly escape with their lives. With the Marshals compromised and Castiel being framed for murder, he and Dean are on the run from KGB and law enforcement alike. They have no one to trust except each other, and nowhere to go that their enemies can’t reach.
The Shots We Don’t Take by MandalaRose
Still nursing the tatters of a broken heart and trying desperately to stave off the terror of his impending graduation, college senior Cas Novak decides it’s time to blow off a little steam. Not just any hook-up will do, however. The last thing Cas needs right now is a distraction. On the lookout for someone he can enjoy a steamy night of passion with before leaving them behind entirely, Cas thinks he’s found exactly what he needs in cocky university hockey star and well-known playboy Dean Winchester.
Dean is gorgeous, doesn’t date, and is the singular most infuriating person Cas has ever met. He’s the perfect one night stand...that is, until Dean decides he wants an instant replay of what was supposed to be a one-time event. Will Cas’ offer of friends, sans benefits, convince the arrogant love ’em and leave ’em hockey defenseman to find an easier score? Or will Dean wear down Cas’ defenses and lure the sexy nerd in the dorky trenchcoat back to his bed?
Bullets Over the Bayou (fic by mattzerella_sticks, art by dontbelasagnax)
Everyone wants Castiel Novak to quit the force, including Castiel. But he stays on despite the toxic work environment he’s surrounded by. Still believing he can do some good despite the many lines of red tape impeding him. Luckily, a pair of scissors by the name of Dean Winchester drops into his hands, and he finally feels like he can do some good.
Dean Winchester thought he would be in New Orleans for a day or two. Identify the body of his deadbeat father and then move on. No one knows he’s here. His mother and brother are blissfully unaware of the danger his father roped him into. With a parting gift of a journal, delivered to him the same day he received word about his father, Dean has become the target of a group of people who want him dead. The same people who killed his father.
Racing against the clock, can Dean and Castiel figure out what is so important about John Winchester’s journal that someone would kill for it?
Masquerade by noxsoulmate
It had begun as such a good plan; one that benefitted them both. And masquerading as Castiel Krushnic's boyfriend during the weeks of balls, galas, and charity events certainly was no hardship. With the impending end of their arrangement, though, Dean Winchester must admit that behind the mask of an aloof CEO lies a man he could fall in love with. Or maybe, he already has…
The Medium by raths_kitten
Detective Dean Winchester hates it when his Chief sends a medium to consult on his cases. But this time, the murder is closely linked to Castiel’s world and they both need to work together to solve it.
Any Semblance of Touch (fic by saltnhalo, art by c-kaeru)
1925, New York.
Dean Winchester’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric… and the only one available has sworn off the magical world altogether.
Castiel Novak’s gift comes with great risk. To protect himself, he’s become a recluse, redirecting his magic into museum research. But with the city’s fate hanging in the balance, and faced with the power of Dean’s charm and persuasion…
He can’t force himself to say no.
The Love of a Righteous Man by SargentMom573
Five years ago, Captain Dean Winchester defied his father, Senator John Winchester. With his brother Sam, and his spaceship Impala, Dean found his place among a ragtag fleet of pirates and smugglers. Their latest mission left him with a price on his head and a scar on his heart. When a surprise attack separated him from Sam and revealed a Sith weapon, he would do whatever it took to bring his brother back – even sacrifice his own happiness.
After Emperor Michael’s death broke the psychic link between them, Emperor’s Hand Castiel Novak spent years drowning his sorrows at the bottom of a barrel. Mostly sober, three years ago he found a new purpose as the Impala’s Chief Medical Officer, and Sam Winchester’s guide in the Force. And a good friend in the Impala’s gruff but kind Captain.
Dean and Castiel must work together to bring Sam home alive. But when Castiel’s last mission is exposed, will Castiel complete it and destroy any hopes Dean had for a family? Will Dean forgive Cas’ horrific purpose before it is too late? And give them both what they really want — the love of a righteous man.
SKID by spnsmile
Dean Winchester swore off love after getting dumped and fired from his job the same day. Badly drunk, he ended up balcony-hopping until a pair of hands snatched him inside a darkened room. But it's no hero, it's someone with deep voice whispering threats with a gun pointed at his back. Dean’s too drunk to deal with life but one good look at his hot assailant plus enough beer sold him to his accursed fate. The next morning, he found himself engaged to the most notorious leader of a powerful clan, Castiel Novak.
Married life in the compound for a month was not as blissful so when he could, Dean fought for that freedom. Castiel relented and as Dean tried to put the pieces of his normal life together, getting a bike messenger job and dealing with pain in the ass clients, he now also needs to deal with the dangerous presence of his very jealous and very protective husband watching over him.
Is his life ever going to get back to normal?
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dothwrites · 4 years
15.13 coda--the price we pay
So it’s true, when all is said and done--grief is the price we pay for love.--E.A. Bucchianeri
Jack’s door closes with a small snick. Castiel watches it close. The thin barrier of wood separates him from his boy, but it doesn’t keep away the muffled sounds of sobs and sniffles. 
The moment had lasted an eternity, Jack looking at Dean through tear-bright eyes, begging for forgiveness, Dean staring back down at Jack, his jaw set and eyes gimlet hard. Dean feels things more deeply than anyone else, Castiel had told Jack. He’d meant it. Joy, anger, guilt...Dean feels, so much all of the time, that it spills out onto anyone else who gets in his way. 
What he hadn’t told Jack was that that was the reason that he loved Dean. Was because he felt. As an angel, a being who was never intended for emotion, the sight of a human soul, writhing with emotion so bright that it managed to shine through hell, was enough to captivate him. He’d been drawn towards Dean, helpless as a moth towards flame, and there he’d stayed, caught in Dean’s orbit. There he weathers the tempest of Dean’s anger as well as the brightness of his joy. 
And he’s had time, firsthand, to experience to balm of Dean’s forgiveness. 
Dean’s hand had descended towards Jack and Castiel had hated Jack’s flinch. Hated it for Jack, hated it for Dean. He knew that that flinch hurt Dean, reinforced what Dean had suspected all along--that he was nothing but a brute, nothing but a monster. 
But Dean’s hand had landed on Jack’s shoulder, just a moment before Dean was on his knees, pulling Jack into a fierce embrace. “It’s ok kid,” he said, voice thick and gravel-rough. “You’re ok.” 
Sam had knelt alongside them, his long arms wrapping up Jack and Dean alike, and Castiel...His work was done, in a sense. He’d facilitated Jack’s return to the Winchesters, seen his soul restored. Gotten one step closer to the ultimate goal. So Castiel had taken a few small steps out of the room, silently. No one had seen him go, no one had noticed his presence, until Dean and Sam walked out. Sam’s eyes were glassy, his face flushed. Dean’s mouth was flat, but there was something calm and peaceful in his eyes, something that had been missing for long weeks. 
Anger takes a toll on the soul. 
And then they’d walked away, leaving Jack’s door to close behind them. And Castiel watches--Watches his boy deal with the pain of his actions, watches the Winchesters walk away. After a moment, Castiel follows. 
Dean glances up when he enters the room. Something hard glints at him. It reminds Castiel of the pain of the word idiot when it comes from Dean’s lips, the curling realization that no matter his contribution, he’ll never be valued. 
Castiel is still a soldier, first and foremost. He understands the necessity of sacrifice, knows that in chess, sometimes you have to lose pieces in order to win. 
He just wishes that Dean would care a little more when he’s finally taken off the board. 
Cas looks at him with wide eyes and Dean knows that they’re going to have to talk. Probably sooner than later, judging by the stubborn little purse to his mouth. Dean takes another sip from his beer (those bastards drank them down to almost nothing, greedy little sons of bitches) and luxuriates in the swallow. He’ll put off this conversation as long as he can. 
He still doesn’t know, how to put all the concern that he feels, the worry that continuously scrabbles at the inside of his skull, into words that don’t spit and fizzle like poison. He’d seen the minute little flinch in Cas’ face when he said idiot, just like he’d seen the Jack’s flinch when he reached out towards him. He’s doing better, he’s trying, but what the hell does it say about him that the people that he loves best in the world literally draw back from him? 
“I’m going to bed,” Sam says, his voice still scratchy and rough. Dean knows that the deal with Jack hit him hard, but there’s something else there too. Sam’s continuous glances at his phone tell a fairly convincing story. No doubt there’s a series of texts from Eileen waiting for him. 
Which would be fine, Dean’s all aboard the good ship Saileen, except that Sam’s departure leaves him alone with Cas. And Cas isn’t leaving or starting the conversation, which means that he’s going to leave Dean to deal with this whole mess. 
The silence between them takes on a distinctly stony feel the longer they sit in it. It’s so damned uncomfortable sitting in it, yet breaking it would somehow be worse. Dean will give it to Cas--he’s a passive-aggressive little shit when he wants to be. 
After the quiet becomes so uncomfortable that Dean’s teeth are itching, he finally decides to rip the band-aid off in one, vicious tug. 
“It was a damn stupid thing, what you did.” 
He didn’t mean it to sound like that, he really didn’t. But his intentions are worthless--the words fall harsh and flat between them, like little loaded weapons. Whatever softness might have been lurking in Cas is gone. 
“It was the only way to get what we needed.” Cas’ voice is tight with repressed emotion, but the words are enough to spark a wildfire in Dean. 
“It was the only--what the fuck man?” he spits. He stands up, his chair skittering backwards across the floor. Its feet scrape against the wood, loud enough to send the hairs rising on Dean’s arms, but he ignores that in favor of focusing on Cas. 
“The only way was to go and get yourself killed? Again?” 
Try as he might, he can’t erase the image--Cas, slumped motionless in the chair, face gone that particular shade of pale and waxy that Dean knows and wishes that he didn’t. How many times has he been forced to watch Cas die, right in front of him? How many times has he said goodbye? And they’ve been lucky--for every goodbye, there’s always been a Hello Dean waiting, but Winchesters aren’t known for their luck. How long before it runs out? How long before Cas does something so monumentally reckless that there’s no coming back from it? 
How long before Dean has to say goodbye permanently? 
“It wasn’t like that--” 
“It was exactly like that!” Dean’s anxiety and worry spills out of him in a vicious tirade. “Sam and I come back, find you--”
“So you’re the only one who can take pointless risks?” Castiel is standing now, and there’s a dangerous, sharp edge in his voice that Dean should probably heed, but he’s too far gone for that. 
“That’s different--” Though it really isn’t, the difference is that Dean is just...Dean, just some schmuck who doesn’t have a trust fund, who doesn’t know any life other than that which cakes blood and dirt underneath his nails. He doesn’t matter, not in the long run. But Castiel...Castiel is made of stardust and the cosmos. It would be a sin, if Dean were left on the world while Castiel ceased to exist. 
For a moment Cas is speechless with rage. Then he’s striding over to Dean, pushing an angry finger into his chest, so hard that Dean’s sure there will be small, circular bruises blooming over his skin within the next day or so. 
“How dare you? How dare you assume that everyone...that I would be fine without you? How dare you think so little of yourself?” 
Dean laughs, a wretched ugly sound. “Yeah? Well, right back at you pal.” 
It hits him then, weights falling from the sky: how tenuous their grip on this life is. How any wrong move could be their last. How any of them could be snuffed out in the merest flicker of an instant and nothing of them would be left behind, save grief. 
Dean isn’t aware of the series of events that end with him crashing into Cas. He knows that his knees buckle, that he reaches out for Cas, that Cas is there to catch him, steady as ever. He folds himself into Cas, burrowing his nose between the collar of Cas’ shirt and his neck, brushing against warm skin. 
“I thought I lost you,” Dean finally says, the words dredged out of him like vomit, coming from somewhere dark and desperate that he keeps inside himself. Cas, his head lolling backward, hands limp on his stomach. Cas, light pouring out of his eyes and mouth, angel blade pierced through his chest...”I thought that I’d lost you again.” 
He doesn’t cry, but it’s a near thing as his shoulders shake with the release of pent-up emotion. He tries to crawl away to lick his wounds and hide his shame, but Cas’ arms tighten like a vice around his shoulders, keeping him present. 
“I can’t...don’t make me lose you again.” It’s half order, half-plea, but wholly sincere, gasped into Cas’ neck. “You think that you’re fucking expendable, that the ends justify the means, or whatever else your stupid chess metaphors say. But I need you in this with me Cas. I need you with me.” 
“And how dare you assume that I don’t feel the same,” Cas answers back. “How dare you think that I could go through this earth without you with me.” 
Dean draws back, just enough that he can take Cas’ face in his hands. Cas’ skin is warm against his palms. He can feel the flutter of Cas’ pulse underneath his hands, wild and thready and so very alive. “You ain’t fucking leaving me,” Dean says, before he kisses Cas. 
Just before his lips meet Cas’, he thinks that he sees something flicker across Cas’ face. A hint of regret maybe, a deeper secret coiling underneath the surface of those blue eyes. 
Dean pushes it aside before he kisses Cas, hard enough to bruise. Permanent. 
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”―Mark Twain
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supertransural · 3 years
thinking about dean cas and baby jack going on a road trip. dean’s used to being in the impala for long lapses of time, but it’s usually stressful, it’s tiring, it’s always in the expectancy of another job, another monster to be defeated. it’s always going from point A where a killer was killed to point B where another one awaits. it’s always about the job.
so this time, concentrating on the road as dusk was slowly creeping up on them, with cas dozing off beside him or maybe thinking hard about... something (this was cas after all, how was dean supposed to know what went on in his (his!! he still couldn’t believe that) angel’s head), squinting as always, his eyes almost shut; with 4yo jack in the backseat, drooling all over the fine black leather (if this wasn’t his kid, dean would’ve stopped the car already and thrown the child out just for this punishable-by-death-atrocity) and dreaming about a future dean gets to be a part of (goddammit how did he get so lucky), he was surprised when he didn’t feel the much-too-common tension in his shoulders. he felt... relaxed, yes that’s the word. it’s a word he was beginning to understand, a word that cas was teaching him how to feel.
a small smile cracked its way through dean’s face as he turned his attention back to the road. they were on their way to Louisiana, not set on a town yet. he may have been retired, but dean hadn’t lost his taste for adventure, so he had convinced his little family to just, wing it. he wondered if he should switch routes and see where the new one lead him, but that might upset cas who was really excited about eating the good food he’d heard his husband talk so much about. louisiana it is, then, he thought.
in the corner of his eye, he could see cas breathing deeply, no doubt already mapping out every possible resting spot for tonight, every corner store that sold kids food, maybe emergency stuff (cas could get a bit overwhelming when he listed off every single potential thing that may go terribly wrong with jack when they leave the safety of their house) or diners that cas deemed appropriate enough for their special kid. because he really was special, every smile, every laugh, every new drawing or string of words he puts together seemingly just so he can see his dads smile, every single thing this baby does is special. unique. and dean gets to see all those things, he gets to be there for everyone of them. jesus he’s getting emotional, should stop that now or cas will be teasing him about it for the rest of the trip. ok, deep breaths now, he thought. the road, the wheel in his hands, baby’s engine humming quietly. right. got it.
they packed frantically two days prior, because cas. jack was giggling the whole way through, observing them from his stool, since apparently dean looked really funny with peach fuzz he hadn’t had the time to shave yet (cas woke him up in a panic at 6am dammit) pink pajama shorts, his boots and a unicorn tshirt he only wore in cas’ presence (sam is a lovey kid, but hell if dean is ever going to let him see the collection of tshirts this one comes from). 4 suitcases, a couple inflatable duck-floaties, way too many towels, every single one of jack’s stuffed animals (except the little purple dinosaur one that jack was firmly holding onto during his inspection of his parents’ packing ordeal) and a thousand other useless things cas seemed to find essential to their survival.
“jesus, it’s only a couple weeks, honey!” dean had told him, trying to fit the last suitcase into the trunk of the impala (and miserably failing, to his own bitter disappointment).
“yes, a “couple weeks” within which we will apparently be doing things and going places we cannot foresee, as was your wish. i simply want to be prepared for any alternative your resourceful mind might come up with. and jack requires all his stuffies, he cannot sleep without counting each one of them before bed. you do not wish to see your child cry for two weeks, do you? you would not purposely cause him any pain, would you? right then the matter is settled. these items must find their way into this car you love so much, and i must attend to our son. his breakfast awaits!” cas had responded, mischievous smile growing larger with each sentence. “good luck!” he then added, giving dean a long and deep kiss, as if this was to be their last.
after a kiss like that, how was dean supposed to keep on complaining? he wasn’t, and that was exactly what cas intended, dean knew that. doesn’t mean he protested, or argued against his miraculous-bitch of a husband. so he had finished packing, muttering to himself, but unable to push down the grin that cas’ kiss had brought upon his face. or the flush of his cheeks for that matter.
here he was, happy as he’d ever been, relaxed for the first time ever while being on a long drive (first of many times, he hoped), with the love of his life on his right side, and the other light of his existence in the backseat, little hands still clutching the purple dinosaur.
“hey.” he heard a raspy and sleepy voice say. cas had indeed been asleep for the past 30 minutes.
“good morning, sleepyhead!” answered dean, chuckling.
he looked at cas’ beautifully hazy face, his icy blue eyes shining in the pink-orange light of the fading sun. god, how could this man be his, and how could dean ever refuse him anything. he reached out his right hand to place it on cas’ left thigh, stroking it lovingly in round patterns with his thumb. smiling at him, he wondered if giving him a quick kiss would cause his husband to start lecturing him again (for the thousandth time probably) about driving safely when jack was in the car.
fuck it, he thought. he glanced at the empty road, and lunged quickly towards cas before the former angel could refuse, and placed his lips on his for a few seconds. grinning to himself as he sat back, directing his gaze back to the highway, he waited for cas’ annoyed voice, no doubt already preparing a stern talking-to and threatening him to rat him out to the police to get his license taken away (not that it would matter, dean still had all his fake ID’s in a secret box back home, carefully tucked between baby clothes and pacifiers at the bottom of a drawer).
“dean.” cas started, a frown already carved into his forehead.
“oh no you don’t” dean cut him off. “if you lecture me, jack’s gonna feel it and he’ll wake up from what seems to be a very pleasant dream. save it for the hotel room, i know a few ways you can make me feel the weight of my wrongdoing.” he added with a wink.
cas turned to look at his son, still happily asleep in the back. frown disappearing, a sweet smile starting to lighten his expression (wow, he really could just look that magnificent whenever he felt like it) he turned back to face his partner.
“fine. just because he’s asleep. where are we?” cas said, squinting disapprovingly, then yawning silently.
“just passed the northern border of arkensas.” answered dean with a sigh. “gonna be a pretty boring drive from here on out”.
“i see. there’s a motel not far from here, with a town nearby where we could find sustenance, appropriate for jack too.” cas said, not even looking at his phone: he’d memorized each town’s location, every name of every motel, roadhouse, diner that they might encounter, because he was like that. and god did dean love him for it. “it’s getting a bit late, and i would rather see jack in a bed tonight than sleeping in the car” he remarked. “no offense to her” he added hurriedly when he felt dean’s glare after what could be interpreted as an insult to his baby.
“alright. when’s the exit for this town of yours?” dean asked absentmindedly.
“15 more miles, i believe.” cas answered, propping up an elbow on the windowsill.
“cool. tell me when you see it, i might forget, with you looking so handsome right next to me and all. tired father really is a good look on you.” dean whispered with a side smile.
“oh stop it. jack is right there.” cas answered, chuckling and fiddling with his wedding ring.
they stared at each other, peace settling comfortably between them.
“you know i love you, right?” said dean, without a hint of humor in his voice.
“yes, you’ve taken the habit of telling me, roughly 28 times a day, give or take.” joked cas as he saw dean scowl. “i love you too, now and forever, when the seas rise and swallow the land, when the heavens fall and the stars burn out, i will still love you, the only light that ever mattered, the first soul i ever really saw, the one i followed to hell and back. but you already knew that, right?” cas uttered with warmth, with the same voice he’d used at their wedding.
“jesus, cas. if you’re not careful, i might just end up falling for you. oh wait, i already did.” answered dean, face reddened and heart full. this is where he belonged.
dean’s hand was still on cas’ thigh, and their gazes were still locked together when jack woke from his sleep in an adorable mumble. he immediately started babbling to his fathers about the dream he had had (probably making up new details, but you could never know with that kid). as the family laughed together, dean looked to his window, and time stilled for a split second.
he saw a ghost of who he was, staring back at him in his reflection, eyes glossy with tears (joy? terror? sadness? love? hate? too hard to tell). the face in the makeshift mirror seemed to ask “is this really what is coming? will i truly get to where you are one day?”. dean smiled, nodding a silent “yes, yes you will. in time.” and the face faded away slowly, a little less scared than it had seemed at first.
when he looked back towards his husband and his son, his own eyes were glossy too.
“what’s wrong?” cas asked, worried.
“nothing, i’m just happy.” dean answered, wiping away a tear that was slipping down his cheek with a sure smile. “i’m just... happy.”
they drove until cas pointed at the exit, ate, and fell asleep contentedly.
18 years ago, dean dozed off without the need for strong booze in the very same motel, and the same tear (joy, maybe?) danced down his face into the pillow. a low hum of a voice saying “in time” ringing brightly in his mind, he fell asleep into the deepest slumber he’d ever gotten. “all will be well”, a voice kept repeating.
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oopshidaisyy · 4 years
August Fic Recs
a love song for schrödinger by patho With his own two eyes Carlos has observed a house that empirically doesn’t exist. He’s never seen a quantum particle, but his computer models and lab readouts reassure him of their presence. Cecil – lovely and wonderful and strange Cecil – is comforting and solid in every way…except in Carlos’ peripheral vision, when his edges waver as though the lack of direct observation has left him unsure of what shape he should be. It means absolutely nothing, to see a thing in Night Vale. Carlos/Cecil, 2k, T Note: achingly lovely
Easy Open by Helenish “So you and Hunt are a package deal these days,” Bryson says. “Uh,” Benji says, jerking his head up from his computer, ballpoint in his mouth. Benji/Ethan, 6k, M Note: i read this at least once a month and it’s just,, so wonderful
Four-Letter Words by idiopathicsmile  Prompt: "humiliation kink by way of compliment, Aziraphale gets Crowley hot and bothered by accusing him of goodness." Aziraphale/Crowley, 3k, M Note: i still remember getting the email notification for this one and being like “exactly what i want?? from one of my favourite writers??? what a concept”
and if sun comes by susiecarter Post-JL: Steppenwolf isn't interested in accepting defeat and walking away. Superman's proven that he's the key to conquering Earth, and Steppenwolf returns with a plan for how to deal with him. A plan that Bruce is able to throw a wrench into—but not without certain unintended consequences. Clark/Bruce, 30k, E Note: it’s involuntary soul-bonding and it’s so good it makes me want to cry
Richie Tozier: The Manchild Tour by hellotailor The Manchild Grows Up: An interview with comedian Richie Tozier, November 2019. “Everyone in this industry either has a pill habit, or they can’t hold a relationship together for more than two months," Tozier explains. "Or they spend 16 hours a day arguing with people on Twitter. Best case scenario is you find a way to be reasonably well-adjusted about your desperate need for strangers to laugh at you.” Richie/Eddie, 3k, T
In This Cold Heart by pineapplecrushface The future Richie sees while he's caught in the deadlights gives him a chance to save Eddie. In the year afterward, they both try to follow Stan's advice. Richie/Eddie, 16k, E
want to feel something again (won’t you help me) by susiecarter Damn, this chick just won't give up. Harley/Diana, 6k, M Note: this pairing seems like it shouldn’t work but then it just...does?? and it’s incredible?? and somehow everything i needed???
come into my parlour by arriviste  After the revolution failed, Grantaire became Enjolras's keeper. Enjolras/Grantaire, 8k, T
a tree that has not blossomed (yet) by susiecarter An accident involving a Kryptonian device meddled with by Lex Luthor sends Bruce forward, into a future that must not—cannot—be his own. Because sure, Clark's joined the Justice League. Clark's willing to work with Bruce to save the world. Clark's even forgiven him for what he once tried to do. But that doesn't mean they're going to—that doesn't make it plausible that they'd ever be—that they would get married. Clark/Bruce, 8k, T
there was no sacred place by firstaudrina It's in the moment between wishing and knowing that Lestat realizes the approaching figure is Louis. Lestat/Louis, 1k, Not Rated
afterparty (aftermath) by thingswithwings Tony's kissing everyone tonight, or at least everyone who'll let him. Bruce/Tony (+ with a little Tony/everyone), <1k, T
talk to me by theappleppielifestyle “I was offering to talk dirty to you so you’d stop thinking I was such a stick in the mud.” Tony considers. Steve’s from the 40s, he assumes dirty talk back then wasn’t as graphic as it is today. “Go ahead.” Steve cocks his head at him, lets his gaze linger on Tony’s mouth and the exposed collarbone before saying, “Sometimes when you’re doing tune-ups on your armour I think about stripping you out of it and fucking you against the desk in your workshop until you scream for me.” "Holy god," Tony hears himself say, and Steve grins before continuing. Steve/Tony, 1k, E
Convenient Husbands by Annie D "It's only temporary, right?" Dean says. "Just until you're healed up, and then we'll never have to see each other again. So what do you say, Castiel, do you want to marry me or not?" Dean/Cas, 39k, E
The Missionary Position by matchsticks Ethan and Benji have to pretend to be a married couple for a mission. Well, Ethan and Benji are already a married couple, but now they have to pretend to be pretending to be a married couple for a mission, and the rest of the team has to help them keep their secret. It'll definitely all work out fine. Probably. Hopefully. Benji/Ethan, 2k, T
whatever you ask by theappleppielifestyle Tony is temporarily cursed to answer any question truthfully. Steve/Tony, 1k, T
Perhaps It Is Everywhere by matchsticks_p Canon divergence: Poe and Finn crash land together on Jakku and don't get split up. Poe spends the next few days searching for his droid, attempting to save the galaxy, trying not to die of dehydration, and discovering that the newly-minted Finn (minted by me, Poe realizes over and over again, and it feels like a new revelation each time) carries a lot of bad habits from the First Order he has just defected. Finn/Poe, 4k, T
Leave My Body, Moving Up to Higher Ground by triedunture Castiel must take a new vessel to return to earth, so he strikes a deal with a woman who isn't as willing as Jimmy had been. But Dean's in a bad way and Leviathan needs to be smote, so what else can he do? Dean/Cas, 17k, E
Vae Victis by Elspethdixon "But you, Patroclus, you would not let me weep… You were always kind." Achilles/Patroclus, 3k, G
we should just kiss like real people do by theappleppielifestyle Hoodie-guy stops in front of Steve just as he snaps, “FINE, I want to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane, could we drop it now?” “UM,” Sam says, loud enough that they both turn to look at him. He’s wide-eyed as he jerks his head meaningfully, gestures getting looser and more pointed as they continue not to get it. Steve stares at him. This is why Sam is never picked for a partner when they all play Charades. There’s a tap on his shoulder, and Steve turns to see Hoodie-guy smiling. Steve opens his mouth to say do you need something when he realizes why the man’s face is so familiar. “Hi,” says Tony Stark. Steve blurts the first thing he thinks. “Fuck.” Steve/Tony, 5k, T
A Dream of Flight by triedunture  Cas starts visiting Dean in his dreams with astonishing regularity.  Dean/Cas, 7k, M
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years
I Did Not See That Coming (Whumptober 2020)
Summary: Castiel ends up on the wrong side of some of the refugees from Apocalypse World
Set at the end of season 13, before Lucifer’s return in the final episode..
* * *
“It's just temporary, Cas,” Sam said for the fifth time.
They had been trying to find enough space for the refugees from Apocalypse World, since none of them were ready to venture out into this world yet. Unfortunately, that meant Castiel would have to give up his room.
He truly didn't mind. He didn't use it for much anyway, and he and Jack could simply share a room temporarily. The Winchesters seemed to feel guilty for asking, particularly Sam, and it was taking a lot to convince his human friends that he had no problem sharing a space with his adoptive son.
“You know what, you can take my room and I'll bunk with Jack,” Sam offered.
“Sam,” Castiel rested a hand on his friend's arm to hold him in place. Sam had insisted on carrying the small box of Castiel's possessions to Jack's room, and looked like he was about to pick it up again to move to his own. “This is fine. You don't need to worry so much, I don't even need one.”
“Of course you do!” Sam shook his head. “Cas, you're part of the family. Of course you deserve your own space.”
Castiel smiled up at his friend. Ever since he had come back it seemed like the Winchesters went out of their way to include him in their family. It was nice. “Be that as it may, I will be perfectly content to share a living space with Jack.”
Sam didn't look convinced so Castiel pressed a little further. “We need a chance to...to 'catch up' anyway.” He wasn't sure that was the right idiom, but the way the younger Winchester nodded seemed to confirm his choice of words.
“All right Cas. Just let me know if you need something, all right? We can work something out if you change your mind.”
Castiel thanked his friend and waited for a few seconds while the tall man made his way out of Jack's room. It wasn't like the angel had much to unpack, just a handful of souvenirs he'd picked up over the last few years. He simply placed the entire box on the top shelf of Jack's closet—perhaps he and Jack could go through the box later and pick a few things out to decorate Jack's room.
The bunker itself was in chaos. There should have been more than enough rooms to house the refugees but it seemed there was a preservation spell of some kind on the lower halls that they hadn't been able to break. As it was, the moment he stepped out of Jack's room he was nearly bowled over by someone with an armful of musty sheets, then someone coming the other way with cushions stolen from a couch from the atrium.
In the end he retreated to the archives. He had been working through some of the missing translations there as a personal project—the old Men of Letters had amassed a vast collection of knowledge, but there were some thing even they couldn't decipher—and it seemed to be a good place to stay out of the way for the time being.
“Hey, that's him!”
Castiel looked up. He had been working through several heavy tomes of general information, but it was more tedious than he'd expected given that the tomes themselves contained disastrous inaccuracies. He would have welcomed the interruption had it been his friends, but it was two of the refugees.
“Can I help you gentlemen?”
“You're Castiel?” one asked. He was tall, perhaps as tall as Sam, with thinning brown hair that stuck up in the back. “The angel?”
Castiel inclined his head. He had been expecting a confrontation of some kind, even if the Winchesters had assured him they'd explained everything to Bobby and the other leaders of the refugees. “Did you need something?”
“Just wanted to pin you down,” the second one said. He was smaller, his dark eyes fixed on the angel's face with a menacing intensity. “Can't have you crawling around everywhere.”
“Toby,” the first man hissed. “We'd heard you were an angel, but I didn't believe. I'm Anthony.” He walked closer to Castiel, holding his hand out. After a moment's hesitation the angel clasped it, enduring the vigorous handshake that followed.
“Charlie told us what you did,” Toby snapped.
Castiel raised his eyebrows. Charlie? He'd had almost no interaction with the other version of Charlie. “I don't know what you mean.”
“You tortured her,” Toby stomped further into the room to lean on the table across from Castiel. “Her and that British asshole.”
Ah. He'd been afraid of this. “Those were not my actions,” he tried to explain.
“The other you,” Toby interrupted, waving his hand. “Same thing. You're the same person.”
He suppressed a shudder. No...no they were not. His doppelganger had been pitiful, true form twisted by years of torture and indoctrination. It had almost been a mercy kill. “I assure you, we are not.”
“Come on, Toby,” Anthony tried to persuade his friend. “The Winchesters told us, right? He's not like the others, not even like the real ones here.”
The real ones. Castiel fought to keep his discomfort off his face. Perhaps it was time to leave the archive—as one of the few bunker residents who was acclimated to the current state of the world (as much as he could be), perhaps they could use his assistance for a supply run.
“Of course they'd say that,” Toby replied, his sharp voice cutting into Castiel's thoughts. “They've lived with him for years, they're gonna think he's safe. They haven't seen angels the way we have.”
Castiel gently closed the volume he'd been translating, causing the men to jump guiltily as though they'd forgotten his presence. “I can assure you, I mean you no harm. If you'll excuse me, Mary might require my assistance.”
“Wait,” Toby had one hand up. “We came here with a question.”
These men were trying his patience. Castiel folded his arms and stared at them, clearing his throat after a few moments when neither spoke up.
“We just wanted to ask if you could prove it,” Anthony said softly. He'd seemed the kinder of the two at first, like he'd had a real curiosity to meet Castiel, but there was something more menacing in his voice now.
Castiel let out a sigh. “You want me to prove I won't hurt you?” He was already proving that, wasn't he? The fact that they were standing here, unharmed, despite interrupting and provoking him should have been all the proof they need.
Toby held up his other hand, displaying a gleaming circle of silver. Castiel had to fight not to take a step back...they'd found a binding collar.
Binding collars operated on much the same level as the anti-angel cuffs. They blocked an angel's connection to their grace and rendered them essentially mortal. They'd been used in Heaven for training purposes in the beginning, to teach soldiers how to fight without their connection to celestial power. Eventually it had become another punishment; as uncomfortable as being without grace on the physical plane, on the Heavenly plane it was like being deaf and blind at the bottom of the sea.
“Where did you find that?” Castiel demanded. The anti-angel weapons were supposed to be locked away for just such an occasion.
Toby shrugged. “We have our sources. We want you to wear it.”
“Absolutely not,” Castiel growled. He started to push past the men and walk out of the room, but Toby's voice called him back.
“We haven't told anyone else, you know.”
Castiel folded his arms and regarded the little man. “Told them what?”
“That it was you,” Toby retorted. “You tortured Charlie. Hey, maybe the one in our world killed you and took your place? We've got enough people who've lost family to your kind, they'd believe us in a snap.”
“And what would the Winchesters do?” Anthony pressed. “It's your word against ours and there are more of us...and we need them. They wouldn't throw all of us out for one angel, would they?”
Castiel flinched back at the words. No, he had no doubt his friends wouldn't throw him out, but his presence would make their lives much more difficult. He could leave on his own, but then his return would be dependent on the refugees finding another place to live. “What do you want?”
“Just wear it for a little while,” Toby said. He ran a finger across the activation runes and the collar split into two hinged half-circles. “It makes you human, right?”
“It's only fair,” Anthony cut in. “We don't have special powers if you go crazy. It's only fair to level the playing field.”
Castiel wanted to protest that he wouldn't 'go crazy'. He wasn't like that. He'd taken humanity's protection as the core of his very existence. Yet he knew those words wouldn't convince these men. Hesitantly he took the collar out of Toby's hand, stared at it for a few long moments, then fastened it around his neck.
It took effect instantly. He was no long aware of the souls in the bunker and the rotation of the earth, or the hissing static that used to be his connection to the host. His grace retreated deep into his body, leaving him with the strength and power of a mortal human.
He looked from one man to the other. “Is that all?” Castiel fought to keep his voice steady, even though it was difficult to ignore the danger he was now aware of. If they had gotten their hands on a binding collar, what else did they have? The bunker had many dangerous weapons and tools the Men of Letters could use against an angel, and without his grace he was practically defenseless.
“Just one thing,” Anthony said. He reared back and punched Castiel in the face, sending the angel staggering. Castiel stumbled back against the nearest wall, one hand already flying up to cover his injured cheek.
“Well?” Toby demanded.
Anthony was shaking out his hand. “Felt human.”
“Good.” Toby cracked his knuckles. “Might want to keep that a secret, angel,” he added, nodding toward the collar. “Bet you'd like being thrown out even less now.”
* * *
“Cas? What are you wearing?” Jack asked.
It had been six days since the unfortunate encounter with the two refugees. Castiel had been able to hide the collar's presence under his shirt collar, though it was more difficult to hide his growing human needs. It wasn't happening all at once, but with the more time he spent cut off from his grace he would need to eat and sleep like the rest of humanity.
Jack, of course, was the first to notice.
Castiel touched the collar gingerly. The collar's magic meant he couldn't remove it himself, though he could have talked any of his friends through the procedure. Toby and Anthony were checking in on him several times a day, though, and the lingering threat of turning the refugees against the Winchesters was still high.
“I'm regulating my power,” Castiel explained eventually. “I thought it might make the guests from the other world more comfortable to know I have no more power than they do.”
“Oh,” Jack nodded. “I guess it makes sense, but why do you need to do that? You're not like the angels from that world; you're nice.”
Castiel had to smile at the boy's simple words. If it were only that simple, but he'd seen that the men were right. He was regarded with suspicion by most of the refugees, to the point where many rooms of the bunker seemed hostile now. The other Charlie refused to be in the same room as him (he couldn't blame her, of course) and many of her allies were following her lead.
“Hey, kid,” Toby stuck his head into the room. “Can we borrow your dad for a second?”
Jack beamed at the man, though Castiel regarded him with suspicion. Toby and Anthony made a show of being tolerant of Castiel when around the others, but treating him with disdain in private. He knew the threats that would follow, though. If he refused the refugee would wheedle and beg until he could get Castiel alone, when he would take great pleasure in reminding the angel of the hold they had over him.
“I'll be back,” Castiel promised Jack and stood to follow Toby out of the room.
Toby didn't even look back to make sure Castiel was following as he lead the way to a seldom-used office on a lower floor of the bunker. Anthony was waiting there with the usual selection of syringes and empty IV bag.
Castiel couldn't comprehend what they wanted with his blood, but it was growing exhausting to replenish it so frequently. While the collar locked down his powers it had a fail-safe that would allow just enough healing to keep him alive in certain situations—such as blood loss.
“Sleeve up,” Anthony demanded as Toby half-shoved Castiel into a chair.
He hesitated. Surely...surely he had proven himself enough by now? In six days he hadn't given them a moment's concern, and he'd gone along with all their little experiments. The marks in his arms were getting harder to hide, as well as the bruises on the rest of his body.
Toby growled and shoved him against the desk, pinning him in place. “He gave you an order,” he hissed in Castiel's ear as Anthony pushed the angel's sleeve up.
Castiel bit back the cry of pain as the man's hand brushed over the bruises from previous sessions, roughly manipulating Castiel's arm to find his veins.
“Other one,” Anthony complained. Toby released Castiel and sat back, giving the angel a few minutes to comply.
“We can ask Jack, you know,” Toby said darkly. “I'm sure he'd love to help us out with this. His blood wouldn't be as good as yours, of course, so we'd have to take twice as much.
Mutely, Castiel shook his head and rested his other arm on the desk, pulling the sleeve up enough to expose the crook of his elbow. Whatever they were planning...whatever they wanted from his blood...he couldn't let them involve Jack. This was beyond keeping the peace in the bunker. If he failed to cooperate these men could turn the rest of the refugees against his family, and that would mean the Winchesters and Jack would be in the line of fire.
“Was that so hard?” Toby sneered as Anthony finally set the needle. “We should have enough for the sigils soon, then this will all be over.”
Castiel looked up at that, staring between the men in bewilderment. “Sigils?” They'd said they needed to do experiments on his blood. Needed to understand what would work against an angel to arm their comrades.
“Anti-angel magic,” Toby explained. He sat on the edge of the desk to stare down at Castiel with a superior expression. “Something we came up with in our world. We need angel blood for it, of course. We could have just killed you, but that would raise questions.”
“Every angelic being in a one hundred-mile radius will be affected,” Anthony added. “Zaps your grace. I've heard it's like touching an electric fence.”
Castiel swallowed. “What about Jack?”
“Oh, he'll be fine,” Anthony's voice was studiously casual. “If he agrees to wear a collar. Like you.”
No. No, they couldn't do this. It wouldn't stop at the collar. They'd systematically dehumanize Jack until he was worthless in his own eyes. His son didn't deserve that.
He didn't deserve that.
Castiel struck. With his free hand he aimed a blow at Toby's midsection, but without his grace and with blood loss weakening his human form he could do little more than unbalance the man. He pulled his other arm away from Anthony, yanking the IV needle free, and turned to bolt for the door.
“You little bastard!” Anthony roared while Toby tackled him from behind. With his grace fettered it was down to hand-to-hand combat, and while Castiel would normally be able to handle such a fight with ease he'd been severely weakened over the last few days.
Toby had an arm around his throat and hauled him back, the wiry strength in the smaller man's arms like corded steel. Anthony was coming around the desk, hefting a baseball bat he'd been keeping concealed.
“I knew you'd turn on us one day,” Anthony hissed.
Then he swung the bat at Castiel's unprotected side.
* * *
They left him unconscious, beaten and bloodied on the floor. Castiel fought to pull himself to his feet, leaning heavily on a set of filing cabinets against the wall. He wrapped one arm around his chest for support, hissing when two of his broken ribs shifted at the touch.
He could feel his grace trickling through his body, fighting to heal the worst of the damage. But there was so much, and he had so little strength left.
One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. He managed to limp through the bunker, leaning on the wall for support, unaware of the bloody trail he left behind him. He knew he was injured and in need of assistance but couldn't figure out where to look for it. Castiel didn't know where other refugees might be in the bunker, or if any of them were in on Toby and Anthony's plan. He could be met with animosity at any corner, and many of them wouldn't hesitate to finish off a weakened angel.
He settled for Sam's room. It was closer than Dean's, and he knew the others would be more reluctant to disturb the Winchester brothers than Jack.
Though the hunter was gone the door was unlocked, and Castiel settled gratefully on the edge of the bed. He could ask Sam for help when he returned. They could remove the collar, then he would take Jack and go far away from these people until they could work out a more favorable arrangement. The boy had seen so little of the human world.
With a start Castiel realized he was lying down. He must have slipped, surely he meant to sit up to wait for Sam's return.
But the mattress was soft and his body was weak. His head pulsed in time with the beats of his heart, and he could tuck his shaking hands under his coat for warmth.
Had it always been this cold in Sam's room?
Cold...and dark...and silent.
And voices.
“I don't know how he got here, I walked in and he was like this.”
“What the hell's that thing? Around his neck, see?”
Someone was touching him. Turning his head, peeling the collars of his jacket and shirts back. He wanted to protest at the prying hands. Couldn't they just let him be?
“It looks like a binding collar. I thought we locked all of those away?”
“Well, get it off him!”
“I know, Dean!”
Warm hands settled on the cold skin of his neck. Castiel wanted to curl against them but his body seemed too heavy to move. The voice above him spoke something in a different tongue—words he thought he recognized, but it had been so long—and something around his neck broke away.
His grace poured back in with a howl.
Castiel's eyes snapped open as he sucked in a breath, staring up into the worried faces of Sam and Dean. “What...”
“You'd better tell us,” Dean replied. He was trying to look stern, but there was too much worry in his green eyes, and he was already crouched to be at Castiel's eye level and taking one of his cold hands between his own warm palms. “What the hell happened, man?”
Castiel fumbled at his neck with his free hand, finding the open binding collar. He swallowed, unsure of how to explain. Would they ask him to leave? It would be the easiest way to keep everyone safe. He would go, of course, but they had to let him take Jack. They'd have to see Jack wasn't safe, if those men truly intended to set off those anti-angel sigils.
“Cas?” Sam was leaning over him again, one hand on his shoulder. “Someone...who did this, man?”
His grace was already repairing the internal damage the bat and two sets of steel-toed boots had inflicted. He tried to push himself up with a groan, relieved when Sam helped him sit up the rest of the way.
“Cas?” Dean prompted.
Slowly, haltingly, he told the story. The veiled threats. The other refugees' mistrust. His blood, and the anti-angel magic.
“I can leave,” Castiel promised. “I don't mind. I'll take Jack and we'll go somewhere safe.”
“That's crap,” Dean snapped. He pushed away from them and stalked across the room, folding his arms. “If they don't like you being here, they can hit the road.”
“Dean's right,” Sam added. He rested a hand on Castiel's forearm, waiting until the angel turned to face him to add his own thoughts. “I mean, yeah, we want to help those guys. But you and Jack? You're family.”
“But why would you choose one life over so many?” Castiel asked. It didn't make sense. Logistically, they could do so much more good assisting the refugees than harboring one angel and a nephilim.
“Seriously?” Dean rested his hands on his shoulders and let out a laugh. “C'mon, Cas, that's kind of our thing.”
Sam made a face. “To the detriment of the world.”
Dean sent his brother a rude gesture, but walked back over to sit next to Castiel. “Seriously, man. You're one of us. You've gotta know we have your back.”
Castiel looked down at his hands and pushed one sleeve back to watch the bruises and needle scars fade to nothing.
One of them.
How could he have ever doubted?
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 7
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 39 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Bare Your Throat and Have Me by highermagic E | 4k | AU, PWP,  a/b/o
Castiel and Dean have only been mated for a few months, but Dean knows how this goes by now.
Deterioration by highermagic E | 33k | Hot,  AU, Cop!Dean, Mystery
Dean has a gift – he can see things. Things that others wouldn't see, motive and calm control between the splatters of blood and fractured mirrors. He solves crimes others simply can't. When bodies are piling up all around him, Dean starts to feel as though he's drowning in it, falling under the weight of his own helpless observations, until he finds something unbreakable. Unwavering. Castiel – if only the man was as good for him as he appears.
Try Something Tuesday by almaasi E | 48k | Fluff, Teacher AU, Librarian Cas
Human AU. Dean Winchester teaches a third-grade class. He's new to this whole ‘bisexual’ thing - but by pure happenstance, he meets Castiel: a particularly dapper male librarian who moonlights as a substitute teacher. Dean's curious and Castiel is willing, so why the hell not? Except, fate never intended it to be one-time-only.
Angel-Cuffed by Luciel89 E | 15k | CANON!verse
Dean wakes up to find himself handcuffed to his angel. Both are annoyed, Sam finds it hilarious and awkward situations await them. But the longer they're tied together, the more things between them start to change...
The Bet List ❤ by StevieCas M | 55k | Fluff,  AU, Underage, wing!kink
"That bet list was the worst thing you've ever come up with, Gabe. If it wasn't for it, I would never have thought about such things. It's bad enough being an earthbound angel, it's bad enough being considered a weirdo even by angel standards. Did I have to be gay as well? Do I even represent a minority or is it just me out there?
I love the world of this fic--and Dean and Cas' relationship dynamic is perfect.    
Ad Astra ❤ by nhixxie T | 17k | Angst
One day Cas says, "Stars died for you, Dean Winchester", against ruffled hair perched atop sun kissed skin and sleepy eyes. Dean stirs, moving to spread his palms against the contour of Cas’ back, tips of fingers languidly strumming the indentations of his spine. One, two, three, four, he counts, the closest he could get to scientifically studying the anatomy of the human body. "Is this some physics crap again?" He frowns with eyes closed. Cas smiles softly. "Far from it. "Dean’s fingers play at the base of his back, ninth thoracic vertebrae, Cas notes. "Then tell me all about it.”
Read it and weep. If this were published, I would buy it.    
Sensitive by nevergotwings E | 1k | wing!kink
Curiosity sparks when Dean gets the urge to touch Castiel's wings.
An Exercise in 'Worthless' ❤ by beastofthesky
M | 26k | AU, Tattoos
"I mean, you’re–" He gestures at Cas, in his neat oxford shirt and nice pants. “–and I’m a high school dropout who tattoos for a living." Wherein Dean makes a hefty living as a tattoo artist who owns the space next to Gabriel's cafe. Sam attends the local university. When Gabe's cousin comes to live with him while starting grad school at Sam's university, Dean thinks for sure that all his negative karma's coming to bite him in the ass because Cas clearly has a thing for Sam. No one would ever choose him over Sam. That's just logic.
Perfection everywhere. Dean's lack of self-worth is explored, and there are tattoos.    
Of ties and wings by perpetuallycaffinated E | 4k | Hot,  PWP, wing!kink
Jealousy, ties and and impatient angel. Also, wings.
pie | by perpetuallycaffinated E | 3k | Hot,  PWP
Dean uses pie to eat out Castiel. That's pretty much it.
I Say, But I Mean by inplayruns T | 4k | Coffee Shop AU
Dean runs a bed & breakfast. Cas works in a coffeeshop.
Heavenly Delights by TamrynEradani T | 2k | Fluff, Coffee Shop AU
Gabriel owns Heavenly Delights, the coffee shop Cas works at and on the day before Thanksgiving, Cas sees someone looking down so he brings him a hot chocolate, and Gabriel conspires to get them together.
New Eyes by ozzutly E | 1k | Canon!Verse
Dean sees Castiel's true form. He decides he likes it.
Resonance by definitely_indecisive G | 1k | Canon!Verse, Soul Bond
The battered and abused presence had poked warily out, almost as if expecting harm. He let his grace drift forward to meet the soul instantly, putting off all of the warmth he could muster. The presence seemed to stutter for a second, before melding itself into Castiel's grace. He allowed the soul to do so, cradling it with his core. He could feel the tiredness and abuse from the poor thing, yet also the amazing light it gave off as it started to slowly heal because of his grace. He could tell this was the most unique soul he had ever met, and that he wouldn't forget the feeling of the presence for all of millennia.
My Roots Take Flight by KismetJeska M | 125k | Reverse!verse, s4 AU
After forty years in Hell, Dean’s more than willing to accept the offer: become a guardian angel and earn his freedom. But his new ward seems destined to hunt alongside Sam, and there are secrets in Heaven that the angels don’t want found out. Dean’s going to have to choose between his duty and the people he loves- and to work out just where Castiel fits in.
Angel Airlines by dancingloki E | 19k | Hot, Airline AU
Dean is an airline pilot with a raging hard-on for his head flight attendant. Fluffy fluffy fluff.
El Tango de Amor by literaryoblivion E | 16k | AU, Fluff,  Angst,
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Dean leaves, is gone for two to three hours, and comes home sweaty and exhausted to the apartment he and his brother Sam share. Sam had asked him where he went once, and Dean had said he was working out, which technically wasn’t a lie. What he was doing was definitely giving him a workout, just not in the traditional sense. In all actuality though, Dean was leaving every Tuesday and Thursday for a dance class. A dance class taught by a one Castiel Novak.
Ugly Sweater!Verse ❤ ❤ by nerdylittledude E | 193k  | Canon!verse,Fluff,  Post s5
If they really go back and think about it... it all started with a tree. A Christmas tree, that is. Castiel is human now, and the apocalypse is not only over, it's been averted. Sam's away at NYU, finally finishing law school, and Dean's stuck in what is probably the most awkward situation of his life. He's not exactly sure how he ended up sharing a flat with Cas in Media, Pennsylvania, but he does know the curious would-be angel is sort of derailing his plans for a life of decadence and booze. Cas is trying to make the best of his humanity by exploring human holidays. Dean can't exactly complain because he's pretty much the reason Cas got his wings clipped in the first place. Dean didn't actually want to fall in love, but how was he supposed to know it would all start with a goddamn tree?
 My favorite fic ever. I don't know how many times I've read it. There is switching, fluff, angst, and slow building romance. I will rec this forever.    
More Than Alien Mojo by remivel
E | 29k | Men in Black AU, Fluff,
Dean was one of Men in Black's best agents. In fact, he's been knee deep in extraterrestrial crap his whole life, and he's gone through more apocalypses than he could care to remember. He thought he's seen it all-- until he and his partner, Sam, were sent out to a routine meteorite crash inspection. What was supposed to be a meteorite turned out to be a golden spaceship, and instead of hitchhiking intergalactic pathogens, it was an alien that took the form of a human male. A very naked human male. Soon, they discovered that this alien named 'Castiel' was a refugee from a war-torn galaxy.The first of his kind to ever venture to Earth, Castiel agreed to share information about his galaxy and his race in exchange for his relocation on Earth. The only catch was: since Castiel was a new alien species, nobody knew what he was capable of, whether he was as harmless as E.T., or as dangerous as the Predator. And it was Dean's job to keep an eye on him and assess just how much of a threat Castiel could be, and if necessary, eliminate him. It wasn't a job Dean was looking forward to doing. Especially since he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off him, naked or not.
Come On With the Rain by remivel E | 36k | High School AU, dubcon
When Castiel was 15, his life changed. In one tragic instant, he lost his parents, and he was forced to live with his Uncle Bobby in Lawrence, Kansas. There he met the Winchester boys, Sam and Dean, who were living next door. He thought Sam was pleasant, and Dean, well, Dean was special. Three years passed and Castiel’s relationship with the boys developed in an unexpected way. Sam became his best friend. But Dean was a different story. Dean was not Castiel’s friend. He was a neighbor, a classmate, the brother of Castiel’s best friend, and the guy who worked part time at his uncle’s salvage yard. That was all. But on the rare times that Dean asked Castiel for help, Castiel couldn’t find it in him to turn him down. Because this was Dean. And the answer would never be “no” when it came to Dean.
Crossroads State by Mercy M | 51k | AU
Castiel has a nice predictable structured life teaching high school, even if he happens to be overqualified for it. Then this guy moves in around the corner and literally knocks him on his ass.
Heart of Glass by omphalos E | 17k | Canon!Verse
He's the one who was punished, severely, because of his feelings for Dean, but who still gave up everything for him in the end. Surely there should exist between them a better level of comprehension than this.
Domesticated by kototyph E | 15k | AU
Being the only angel in the entire Pacific Northwest can be tiring, even if these days Castiel spends more of his time shoveling manure than fighting off the hordes of hell. It's an occupational hazard, unfortunately; he earns most of his living rehabilitating wild animals a few miles outside Spokane. Wild animals like Dean, for instance— a mountain lion who's entirely too smart for his own good. There's a man in Castiel's dreams named Dean too, but that part's just a huge coincidence.
Excite by perpetuallycaffinated E | 3k | Crack, wing!kink
"Sam Winchester, I am going to carnally worship your brother whether you are in this room or not.
Snapshots 'Verse ❤ by highermagic E | 60k [WIP] | AU, Wing!kink, a/b/o, omega!dean
A series of one-shots following the meeting, courting and eventual love between an Angel doctor named Castiel and an Angel teacher by the name of Dean.
Less of a WIP, more of a series of one-shots. Rowan's worldbuilding is lovely, and the sex is perfect as usual. EDIT: Apparently this has been removed.
Angel's Wild ❤ by riseofthefallenone E | 389k | AU, H/C, Wing!kink
But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels. Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God, protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right? That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be.
Perfection. Go read it now.    
Sharing Hands by almaasi E | 6k | Hot, Canon!Verse
Dean feels something strange when he touches himself, and realises Cas has been using him as a vessel ever since he came back from Purgatory.
The Good Samaritan Rule by manic_intent E | 6k | AU, wing!kink
Written for deancaskink: "Dean and Castiel are both angels and brothers-in-arms. During a battle, Cas's wings get hurt and [it's] up to Dean to help him out. In the process, Cas finds out how sensitive his wings are and well Dean is Dean no matter what his form [is], so this leads to lovely first time sex." God never made humans. Instead, he made the angels in his image, and on the sixth day he made the is him, and gave them free will.
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam) ❤ by Vera_Dragonmuse E | 69k | AU, Sam/Gabriel
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
Out of the Deep ❤ by riseofthefallenone E | 488k | AU, h/c
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better.
It's long, but worth it.    
Feathers by brightly_lit M | 90k | Angst, Wing!kink, D/s
In an alternate season 5 scenario, Dean, Sam, and twenty of their closest hunter friends stopped the apocalypse by closing the gates to heaven, hell, and purgatory. Now working with his former hunter buddies at Ellen's security company, Dean doesn't know what to make of his weird new coworker who always wears a trenchcoat and leaves behind feathers everywhere he goes. He especially doesn't know that, cut off from the power of heaven, the constantly falling feathers mean his new friend is dying. "Creation cried out against the injustice of a righteous man in hell. I answered its cry.
Vita Nuova ❤ by wordaccordingtofangirls M | 61k | Teacher AU
AU. Dean Winchester takes a job as a teaching assistant to get his little brother into a prestigious academy. He doesn't quite expect such long nights and snobby kids, but the real surprise is professor Castiel Novak: or falling in love with him, that is.
Like a Parched Land by twoskeletons E | 8k | reverse!verse
Written for the following prompt: "Reverse!verse: Castiel is the Righteous Man and Dean is the angel who drags his ass out of Hell." This is an AU version of episodes 5x01 through 5x03.
The Cabin by bookkbaby E | 16k | Canon!Verse, Wing!kink
For an angel, the building of a Nest is sacred. Dean doesn't understand. Written for the 2013 DCBB.
Pies and Prejudice by linoresearch E | 97k | AU
Dean didn’t even want to enter this damn competition. He was happy with his life, more or less. It might not look like much from the outside, or to a younger brother headed towards a big time law career, but it wasn’t so bad that Dean needed to scrabble around for any opportunity to make a change – particularly not one as stupid as this. He’s going to throttle Sam the next time he sees him, for getting him involved in this ridiculous Bake-Off TV show. It’s bad enough that Dean has to cook in front of people he doesn’t know; he now has to go through the humiliation of being judged on it too. Its humiliation piled on humiliation, and to make matters worse Dean has to play nice with all the other suckers involved, like that rich dick-bag Castiel Novak. God, he hates that guy, and he hates that someone so awful has such a frustratingly fine ass. Written for the Dean/Castiel Big Bang 2013
The Breath of All Things ❤ by KismetJeska T | 65k | AU, H/C Angst,
Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralysed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It's only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.
So angsty, and so, so perfect.    
All the Way ❤ by cadignan E | 81k | College AU
Castiel spends the first two weeks of college in much the same way he spent the previous years: alone with his books. He’s fine with it—he enrolled in college to learn, after all. Then in his first chemistry lab, he has the bad luck of being paired with snide, good-for-nothing Ruby, and the further misfortune of sitting behind Dean Winchester, the world’s most beautiful distraction. Ruby catches Castiel staring at Dean and makes him an offer.
Destiel, Actually by Bloodism E | 15k | Crack Fluff,
Picture your typical rom-com cliché. Now picture Dean stuck in that rom-com cliché. With Castiel. Because that's what happening to him - a crazy whirlwind of your typical-and-not-so-typical cliché's. He's playing the main lead in all of them and Castiel's his counterpart. Of course, the culprit is obvious. Gabe's enjoying himself too much, lying back on his favourite cloud with a tub of salted popcorn. It was about time someone kicked the two knuckleheads into gear.
Suburban War by squeemonster E | 100k | High School AU
Moving to Lawrence with his family is the most significant event of Dean Winchester's life. It brings a stability he's never known, and the only thing to have more of a profound impact on him is Castiel Novak: the two boys become fast friends the day they meet. But as Dean grows older, he dreams for something beyond the monotony and constraints of suburbia, and he is haunted by the inexplicable feeling that he was born for something more than what this life offers. As he struggles to reconcile the person he yearns to be with what his family and friends expect of him, a fateful choice exposes just how fragile his life in the suburbs is, and possibly risks losing the best friend he's ever had.
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seethekraken · 4 years
No Mistletoe?
Merry Christmas @castielangeldelaguarda​ So I am your Secret Santa <33 I chose to do a Reverse AU for you. I’ll admit I patched it up a little from the main post lol I hope you like it!! Have a Wonderful Day, Lovely!!
It was always hard for Sam to return to Heaven after heavy assignments and even more so when he couldn’t tell if he’d done something right or not.
Underestimating Luc had unfortunately resulted in the fight getting bloodier than Sam hoped for. He tried his hardest to resolve things peacefully. He’d begged his assignment to come in quietly, that he wouldn’t win this one.
Maybe it was that comment that salted the wound. Maybe if he knew more about what he was meant to stop, maybe then his missions’ outcome would not end in bloodshed.
Heaven rarely gave him a reason though, wary of Sam’s ability to experience and understand human emotion.  He was ‘defective’ they’d whispered the first time it had happened on an assignment.
He ran solos now, mostly hitman like jobs: no details of what this human or that creature had done to receive judgement.
He’d think the Angels would value knowledge as power, but maybe in his hands was too terrible? As a result of nothing else to go on, it took a lot more strategy to win—if he didn’t know any better, he might think they wanted him to perish on mission. Those were the orders though and the notion of disobedience, nonexistent.
Being weak from time-travel was standard, but bundled with the exhaustion of preventing a future happening, Sam’s Grace needed time to recover. It wasn’t even an excuse, he was simply too weak to make his trip Up.
Drained of energy—Sam knew he’d get into trouble for taking a self imposed vacation, but he needed that break and the only way to get one was if he took it himself.
Dropping into a random timeline, perhaps a couple years into the future, Sam read the sign stating he was in ‘Cottage Grove’. What was with these humans and randomly selecting names for their homebase?
Angels were everywhere these days, only the smallest of towns were clear of them—the streets, shops too close together to be comfortable space for wings. Of course that applied to him too, even more so as his wingspan was wider. Not archangel wide by any means but enough for him to be aware of his bulk in more cramped places. The idea was to avoid detection from all Angels however, so it served his purpose for now.
Judging from the gaudy decor and overbearing smell of pine, Sam guessed it was December where they celebrated a “Saviour”. It wasn’t the first time he’d witnessed the ‘season to be jolly’ having been more than a little irked about the lack of angel statues with brown hair and brown wings in shops. Dean, of course, found it hilarious.
Slipping his wings into the ethereal plain, he landed in an alleyway and blended with the main crowd walking down the busy street, following the sound of loud music. These places usually had town parties and it seemed like a good place to hide and unwind before having to return to Heaven.
Gabriel was in charge now, and to everyone’s shock, was doing a fantastic job. He sent the right Angels to get orders done. Of course there were few mishaps but they were few and far between. As much as he was proud of Gabriel for being so efficient, Sam was also exhausted.
Sam let himself into the townhall where the town residents were celebrating. The only human that looked his way, was a black-haired man at the snack bar, and only briefly. — A slight breeze and the door opening pulled Castiel’s attention away from his task. The banquet hall was in full capacity, each plate and seating accounted for, and unless someone had left the party, he didn’t see any reason why a stranger would walk in.
Between refilling the water jugs and looking back, the giant had gone out of sight. Half an hour later and Cas spotted him again, looking awkward in the corner, not talking just watching the crowd with tired eyes. Snapping the attention of a waiter, Cas instructed him to serve that niche where the brunette was sitting, before seating himself a little away from the crowd.
Cas stared at him then, a truly beautiful specimen. Go figure his type would walk into a party while he was working. Glancing down at the suit he had on, Cas loosened his tie, starting to feel the humidity that came from large crowds crammed in a room together. Offering the tray of appetizers at passing guests with a put on smile, Cas curiously turned back to his eye candy.  
Sam had a hard time not tracking the man with his eyes. There was just something, a weird pull he didn’t entirely understand, which caused time and time again for him to seek that face in the crowd.
And then it happened.
Striking blue eyes found his hazel ones with such accuracy, Sam had a suspicion the human had been observing him too. Neither looked away, in fact his gaze seemed to intensify. What was that colour? He’d seen creation come alive, knew every shade, hue, tint in existence…and yet he’d never seen this shade before, speckles of dark and light dancing around his pupils.
He looked to be some point between his late 30’s to early 40’s. Ruggedly handsome, there were bags under his eyes, a sharp scruffy jaw like he’d forgotten to shave that morning and pink lips with pleasantly tanned skin.
Sam tried not to stare. He also tried not to knock things over because despite his wings tucked in the ethereal plain, they needed to mind and he was using all his energy to simply keep him upright.
The next time he glanced at the table, Blue Eyes was gone. Baffled by his disappointment, Sam gingerly walked to a lesser crowded corner and rearranged himself comfortably. Even if he was simply human, it would be a challenging feet regardless.
Trays of food were being passed along with plates, so despite not needing to eat, Sam helped himself to some. Time passed slowly as he watched the crowd mingling with familiarity and began missing Dean. His brother was the only one who understood him, who even stood up for him despite moving up in ranks like Gabriel, though not as top-tier. Dean never made him feel like he was…less.
A heavy feeling in his heart, Sam took a walk, smiled at people politely and interjected a lie whenever appropriate. Yes, he was passing through, no he came alone, staying the night? maybe.
Weirdly, women seemed to wait for a specific moment to speak with him. Sam wasn’t fooled. He knew the tradition of mistletoe, knew a kiss was mandatory. He didn’t like the way they looked at him though, and the one he wanted to he could see now, was deliberately avoiding doing so.
Unsure how to act like he belonged there, Sam stopped at a doorway easily looking over heads, for more reclusive spots where humans would leave him alone…
“Hi,” a gravelly voice said from behind and Sam turned towards them, being snared almost immediately by two mesmerizing pools of blue. It was him. There was a soft smile on his lips and shyness in his eyes as he went to speak further.
“You are…kinda blocking the pathway,” he offered, holding a tray with both hands in front of him. Sam stared in surprise, accidentally twitching his wings in the ethereal plain, toppling some items off a nearby table. For whatever reason, they seemed to still have a physical presence in the material world but invisible to plain sight. This never happened. Maybe his control was slipping?
“I should go,” he said aloud.
“No! I mean you don’t have to leave…”
This man didn’t want him to leave but only move? Move where? Like he could read the Angel’s mind, Blue eyes put his tray down on the conveniently bare space—curtesy of Sam’s malfunctioning limbs—and walked towards him, pushing Sam a little to the side.
Sam let him.
Getting the Angel to budge was equivalent to trying to move a boulder. Despite achieving their goal, the hands stayed on his chest, like its owner had forgotten about them.
Sam looked down at the man at least four inches shorter than him, and raised his eyebrows in question. “All good?”
Blue eyes’ had yet to move so fast, like Sam was hot to the touch. “Right. Well now that you’re out of the way, I can—“ he gestured behind him where Sam was sitting only a few minutes ago, but still didn’t budge until the sound of someone clearing their throat made them both turn.
There was a blonde woman standing in front of them, giggling delightfully at the human as she pointed up upwards. — Castiel groaned internally. Even before he looked up, Cas already knew what he’s going to find. Donna had been trying to hook him up with some of the town folk, and here this stranger was caught neatly in her web.
He had a job to do. Catering was tiresome work but the Christmas party was his biggest event, so he had to do it in order to stay afloat.
Instead, Jack refused to stay with anyone but him, and he had to bring the kid to a booze approved party. On top of it, of course the *one* person he’d actually been interested in would show up in an environment where service staff and guests weren’t allowed to mingle.
“Donna,” he sighed softly. “I’m working,”
“Shut the front door, I had no idea!” his best friend jested, “You’re the boss, you don’ count..” Donna whispered, smiling widely still and pushing him gently towards the guy.
Knowing better than to argue with the Sheriff, Cas reasoned this was probably the only time he was ever going to see this man. And Donna was right, he was the owner of the company…
This reason in mind, instead of introducing himself, Castiel grabbed the lapels of the suede coloured jacket, and tugged it enough to get the man to bend to meet him in the middle. He was going to savour this moment however long it lasted, and he had every aim to drag it out.
Just when he’d determined it an appropriate time for a mistletoe kiss, mystery man leaned in closer, arm wrapped around his waist, practically smooshing him against a wall of lean muscle.
Long strands of hair fell onto his face, and Castiel briefly wondered if they would feel as soft as they looked, wrapped around his fingers.
Caving into the urge, he gently carded his fingers through this tall man’s beautiful hair. So silky and smooth, he thought as he tugged at the strands, urging the brunette to bend down some more, going on the tips of his toes to close the height difference. — Sam was more than a little shocked at the forwardness of this seemingly awkward man but melted into the kiss anyhow. The gentle caress of his hair was turning him into goo and just as he was getting into it, he felt a double tug on his feathers.
His feather still in the ethereal plain.
Surprised he hadn’t sensed them, Sam broke the kiss abruptly and spun around expecting an Angel from the garrison, not a child looking at him. No, that wasn’t right…he was looking behind Sam.
Sam froze in shock but the child was caressing his dark wings in wonder. It had blonde hair and blue eyes and were it a cartoon, it would probably have stars in them.
It could see his wings? How was that even possible? If it could see his wings, then there was no guarantee this thing was actually human, and from experience he knew looking like a human and being human were two entirely different things.
The thing kept touching him, though with utter care, like a loose feather would pain him. If there was a creature of this sort here in this town, was it being watched? Guarded? Would they think Sam was there to protect it or kill it…there were so many gue—
“Jack,” the man sighed, and picked up the little boy, “I told you to sit in the corner. Are you hungry? What can I get you?”
Jack shook his head, signalling he didn’t need anything, to which the boy got set down and the human sighed gustily, turning back to Sam, “Well, this was nice…”
“Uh huh,” Sam’s eyes were still on Jack, mind racing.
“I’m Castiel. Not that you asked, but I figured it is the most I can do aft—“
“Castiel?” Sam eyebrows jumped in surprise. A quick survey and nope, still human.
“Yes, I know its the angel of Thursday,” Castiel rolled his eyes, “No, I’m not religious,”
“Uhhh…okay,” Sam gave a small laugh under his breath. “I’m Sam by the way,”
“Well Sam, this was nice. Really nice actually, but I have to get back to work, so…enjoy the party I guess,”
Sam couldn’t have him leave though. This..thing..seemed harmless enough but what was it? Did the man know the child was not a child? Was he safe? He had to find out!!
“Oh, but…do you know where I can book a room?  It’s too late in the night to leave, and I’m kind of on vacation and this place looks like a nice place to stay.” Sam gave his best form of persuasion—puppy dog eyes. It worked.
It always worked.
Castiel hesitated for about a quarter of a second and then grabbed Sam’s arm gently. “Come with me,” leading him to another guest. Quick words were exchanged and Sam heard the gist of it. The County inn was all booked up, as well as the motel at the edge of town.
“Looks like—“
“What about that big ol’ bed of yours, Cas? Think it will fit him?” — Cas sometimes wished his life was simpler.
That he did not have a cute eight year old shaped walking and talking weather and news app for a son, a gorgeous man didn’t walk into his party room hoping to find a place to sleep, and his best friend not inviting said man to sleep in his own bed.
“Donna I don’t think Sam would appreciate that,” Cas protested lightly, trying to remember if he’d even made his bed that morning. When was the last time he’d washed his sheets? When was the last time he’d cleaned the house..?
“Actually that sounds perfect!” Sam pitched in, and Cas didn’t have anything left as far as excuses went.
“And the party’s almost over anywhooo, the staff will clean up!” Donna chirped right in.
With four pairs of eyes watching him, Cas caved, “O-okay, I guess,”
Then to both Cas and Sam’s shock, little fingers reached up clasping two of Sam’s because that’s all he could reach and began pulling him toward the door. — “You can sit in the front room, I have to change the sheets. I suppose you’ll need clothes to change into something as well..let’s see what we can do..you’re not exactly small..” Castiel kept muttering, but Sam was sure it was more for himself than to inform his guest.
Sure enough, the man went up stairs the without a word, still saying things under his breath.
This human confused him. More that, he intrigued Sam. And then there was the boy who could see his true form. Which..right. Was the more pressing matter. Or at least should have been.
Sam sat in the front room as Castiel suggested with Jack, who nuzzled against his feathery side—reminding him yet again that this small human may not be human at all. He pet the kid’s soft hair absently, wondering if maybe he should do his own tests before he reported this unusual occurrence—when Jack crawled into the space his crossed legs made, and promptly fell asleep like a pup in the middle of a nest.
Sam froze not daring to move a muscle least he hurt Jack. He didn’t know how long he sat there staring at Jack blankly, but was deep enough in his head, not to detect company when Castiel came back.
“It seems he has adopted you.” Sam looked up to see Cas leaning against the doorway, watching them with a soft expression.
“Adopted me?”
“He doesn’t usually warm up to people right away. It took him more than half a year to like Donna, and she’d a literal angel! Doesn’t even cuss, that woman. But as you see, he took a real liking to you. I’ve never seen him like that with anyone else but me.”
Sam was not sure what to say to that. He couldn’t possibly explain that Jack’s fascination with him was only because of his wings. It was the only explanation. “What does sleeping in my lap got to do with anything?”
“Plenty.” Cas smiled softly as he kneeled beside Sam, gently picking up the lightly snoring boy, carrying Jack into his room. When he returned, he took up the exact same place on the floor as before.
They talked about everything and nothing as they sat by the fire roasting marshmallows. The marshmallows might as well be sponge in his mouth, but watching as Castiel tried to make him a perfectly roasted one, crowing in delight when he succeeded, well Sam would eat the entire packet if Cas wished.
After they settled back comfortably leaning against throw pillows, Cas told him about how he’d ended up adopting Jack though it wasn’t in the plans, and in turn Sam shared stories of his job helping people and how challenging it could be but also rewarding when sucessful, omitting all the supernatural aspects of course.
Cas fell asleep with his head resting on Sam and the Angel waited until he was fast asleep, before he moved Cas to the couch. He didn’t want to go to Heaven. Didn’t want another assignment but he needed to know what in the universe was that child.
“About time!” were the first words Sam heard, when he returned to the garrison. “Off in Bali?”
“Hi Dean,” he sighed. “Why would I go to Bali?”
“Sun. Scenery. What isn’t good about Bali.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Gabriel. You do know all his ‘disgustingly sweet’—as you love to complain about—drinks come from there?” Dean grunted in reply and Sam’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Wow. You’re in a mood…What happened?”
“Gabe called me a dickless hoe-bag,” Dean grumped.
“Well..to be fair—“
“If you want to live another century I suggest you shut up,” Dean scowled, but then his expression switched to confusion. “Hey, what’s with the wings? Why are there streaks of blue in them?”
“Wha—“ Sam took a look for himself and oh no..Dean was right. He didn’t even know Angel wings could do that, could change in design…
It was a good thing for him, that Dean was more distracted than usual. “You actually came at the perfect time. we have a Nephilim on our hands. We have to find it, and fast, before the Demons do.”
“A Nephilim? There’s no such thing De—“ Sam stopped. Jack.
It had to be Jack!
“There is now,” Dean said, not noticing Sam’s frozen expression. “We almost had it earlier and then it disappeared from the radar. The Host wants to keep it hush hush for now. I’ve got my hands full, so does Gabriel. You’re the only one we trust with this. Look, it should be a quick job. Some human is hiding it and all you have to do is eliminate them and bring the Nephilim to Heaven.”
“I—what?” Sam’s mind was running a mile a minute. Panic raised within him, he couldn’t give—and Cas he couldn’t even imagine ‘eliminating’ him!! Instead he responded with a question, “How could you lose it??”
“It’s not like you can use an EMF tracker on Earth, Sammy,” Dean growled, frowning heavily.
“Just find the human and take them out. The Nephilim’s young, easily trusting. It will probably follow you even you offered it something as simple as candy.”
Dean had no idea how right he was. It would be the easiest job yet, since Sam was at Castiel’s.
He spent the entire night debating what to do, before laying down on the floor beside the couch so that was where Cas spotted him the next morning. — Snow.
Heaps of snow fell the previous night, this wasn’t even in the forecast..but so much that the front door would not budge and it stood on top of four stone steps! Cas looked out one more time before quietly sneaking past Sam who like a gentleman, slept on the floor.
Opening Jack’s door softly, Cas sat on his son’s bed. “How did you sleep last night?”
“Mr. Sam stay?”
“Well..he doesn’t have much of a choice now, does he?” Cas sighed but held Jack’s hand to let him know he wasn’t upset. “Thank you though. It was very sweet of you, Jack,”
This was their own little secret and as long as no one knew, Jack could stay with him. Jack understood that too thankfully, despite being such a young kid. Cas suspected that type of knowledge was something unusual too. “Why today?”
“You wanted him to stay…”
“…so you made it happen,” Cas finished. Kissing Jack on the forehead, Cas tucked the bedsheets against this small human who’d won his heart the moment he’d stepped into the adoption agency and said, “Come down later, okay?”
“Okay Dad,” Jack wiggled back into the pocket created and promptly fell asleep.
Walking down the stairs, Cas startled to find Sam at the bottom of them. “H-hi. How did you sleep?”
“I’m a little sore,” Sam dimpled, mischief in his eyes. Cas grinned.
“Are you hungry?”
“I could eat..” Sam replied, putting his hands in his pant pockets. Last night they had discovered none of the pyjamas Cas owned would fit him, but there was a loose sleep shirt and on Sam’s broad shoulders, were so tight it might as well have been second skin.
He looked absolutely delectable. Cas stopped when he was eye level with Sam, which meant at least two steps off the ground.
“See something you like?”
“Oh don’t even pretend you don’t know!” Cas scoffed, cupping the nape of Sam’s neck, and pressing his chapped lips against soft ones. Sam caressed his thigh before easily picking him up and Cas wrapping his legs tightly around the taller man’s waist, was carried like that into a brightly lit room that could only be the kitchen.
Set down on the counter, Sam stood between his legs, hands roaming the expanse of Cas’ back, fingers just about dipping under his shirt, when he spoke, “I could do this forever,” Sam murmured against his lips.
“Hmm..” Cas buried his fingers in Sam’s soft hair, barely breathing since he didn’t want to part from Sam, when his stomach rumbled loudly.
“I guess my body disagrees.”
“Not all of you,” Sam quipped slyly.
Cas pushed him aside playfully and hopped onto the tiled floor. “Oh by the way, you need to know…it snowed a ton last night. Tons like can’t open the front door because its packed against it.”
“Oh. The forecast said sunny skies?” Sam sounded surprised, but there was a hint of something else that Cas couldn’t place. He wasn’t overly bothered by it. Snowed in, he had Sam all to himself.
Well him and Jack, but he didn’t mind sharing. — Sam knew he was sinking deeper and deeper.
Seeing Jack trusting him so easily last night, Sam now knew it was because Jack was part Angel. That’s why he felt safe with Sam, felt protected, they were kin in a way. There was no way he’d cause harm to the pup now. Jack really was innocent…he was oblivious of the dangers of the world and introducing him to violence would tip that scale, might even destroy him. As long as that didn’t happen, Sam was sure Jack would continue to be a happy boy.
And then there was Cass. Cas who’d besides the initial hesitation—Sam realized was more embarrassment than fearful—had been open and welcoming. He didn’t put up any pretense and he had no shame expressing his attraction to the Angel, but not in a pushy manner. Cas was changing his perception and there wasn’t even a little bit where he fought it.
Instead he enjoyed his time with just Cas, flinging pancake batter on him while the human was trying to be serious and not burn whatever was on the stove. Their shenanigans continued up until Jack arrived.
They made cookies the next morning, Sam and Jack making a mess of themselves and after a lot of rolling of the eyes, Cas joined them. Later that night, Sam lay down on Cas’ bed. Donna was right in the sense of the bed being wide. Having never needing to lay down, Sam found the whole thing weird, feet still managing to stick out.
“You can tuck your feet under, you know?” Cas laughed softly beside him, spotting Sam’s expression. Sam turned to face him instead. They stared at one another just like the time in the party hall.
“You have beautiful eyes, Cas”. Sam watched as a deep blush rose in Cas’ cheeks.
“And you have beautiful hair.”
“Is that why you like playing with them so much?”
Cas smiled at him lazily, a retort quick on his tongue. “as if you don’t enjoy it.”
Sam only hummed. Cas scooted closer and kissed his nose, linking Sam’s fingers with his, in the most intimate gesture Sam was yet to experience, “I wish you didn’t have to leave…” his voice trailed off, before he fell into a deep sleep.
With the knowledge that Cas definitely wouldn’t wake Sam allowed his wings to materialize, draping them onto Cas.
The meaning of Cas’ words finally made sense the next day, when Sam glanced out. The snow had completely melted, given creating slush and a lot of puddles but other than that, if he were human, it would be safe to travel.
What this revealed however, was that Cas knew something, otherwise how would he have been able to predict the extreme switch of weather? Honestly Sam wished Jack would stop, not only because it meant he no longer had an excuse to stay with Cas, but the Angels would definitely take notice.
That still meant he had to leave though. Breakfast was a somber meal, Cas not saying much. He did hold Sam’s hand throughout, even if it made it hard for him to eat. Sam didn’t resist because he realized he needed it too. Maybe if he was built the same as other Angels, it wouldn’t be so hard.
But he wasn’t. And it was.
One of the last moments they had was when Cas pulled out his fone and suggested they exchange numbers, “Just in case” he’d said. It read more as ‘I’ll miss you, please don’t disappear on me.’
Following suit, Sam pulled out his and typed his contact space as ‘Cass’. Castiel reached over his shoulder, again standing on a higher step and reverse linked their fingers so both palms were up, so he was now holding the device and pushed the delete button once, so it read ‘Cas’ instead.
“Does it matter?” Sam asked confused.
“Trust me, it matters,” with a fond smile, Cas quickly pecked Sam on his cheek.
Cas thankfully didn’t see when Sam gave Jack one of his downy feathers. “Our little secret okay?”
“Secret.” Jack nodded, smiling so brightly, Sam felt a pang in his heart. No matter what happened, he hope Jack would retain his innocence. It was Sam’s favourite thing about him. That and how he’d crawl into Sam’s lap, as Cas looked on.
“Take care, okay? Promise me.”
“I’ll try. Okay yes, yes I will take care,” Cas amended after Sam glared at him. “And..you too.”
“Sure.” — “Cas! Cas you here?!” Sam’s panicked voice carried easily up the stairs, where Cas was getting ready to use the shower. Strange. He didn’t recall hearing the door open with a ‘ping’, but something in Sam’s tone didn’t allow him dwell on.
“Sam? What is it?” Castiel rushed down the stairs, and Sam upon seeing him, looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders, but he wasn’t relaxing, not completely.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I tried. I tried every which way but—the storm maybe I’m not sure—they can’t find you, Cas! I can’t please—“ Sam’s frame shook. Cas had never seen him so undone and it scared him.
“Sam what are you talking about?”
“Mr. Sam?” Jack’s sweet voice called behind them and Sam turned, dropping to his feet fluidly, practically swallowed Jack in his arms.
“Jack..oh than-k you, you’re safe,”
Sam’s shoulders tightened again and it hurt Cas to see him like this. Their parting had been bittersweet, and Cas had missed Sam’s warmth for the last couple weeks. Good Lord his dimples! Cas yearned to see them again.
Sam finally stood up and took a deep breadth. “I need you to close your eyes.” Seeing Cas about to ask why, he insisted, “Please. You trust me? Please, Cas.”
Feeling slightly foolish, Cas did as was requested, when he felt that familiar sensation of wind but not wind. Then he was being enveloped in a hug, comforting and warm and…safe. He’d thought he’d dreamt this up, but this feeling felt so good.
“Now open your eyes.”
Cas blinked once. Twice. Sam’s hands were by his side..then what was…Dark brown walls the same colour as Sam’s hair had materialized and wrapped around him like a cocoon.
“I’m an Angel, Cas. I know this must be hard to digest right now, and I understand if you…” Sam bit his lip in a nervous gesture. Not knowing what to say, Cas backed up only to feel a wall of feathers at his back. Despite looking like steel, it felt—
“Soft?” His eyes widened with shock and darted towards Jack. How he’d taken so easily to Sam, how he cuddled up like a puppy, how mesmerized he seemed early on.
“Soft!” Jack clapped happily that his dad finally got it.
“He’s been able to see them this entire time?!” Sam nodded solemnly.
“I know he’s not like…everyone else. He..he knows when people are coming even before they’re on our street. He knows if something terrible is going to happen and prevents me from going out of the house. He brought rain when there was a drought—“
Something must have tipped Sam off to reply “—excessively. But the flood happened in California?”
“He was watching TV, Sam.” Cas felt a brush against his cheek. Unknowingly, he’d moved his head to rest on them, feather’s tickling his cheek. “So. He is..”
“He is not dangerous, he is in danger, Cas. So are you. I’m going to try to fight them off, but first this is going to sting,” Sam put each of his large hands on Cas and Jack’s chest and Cas felt a surge of energy pass through him. “I’ve carved sigils on your ribcage that prevent Angels from tracking you. “That should give us some time.”
This was all too much for Cas. Sam wasn’t human, he had wings—beautifully majestic wings he could appreciate later—but what they were being hunted? Why? In his confusion his tone took a sharper edge.
“Some time for what? Because I’m not leaving, Sam. This is my home.”
“It will be temporary, I promise.”
“Temporary for how long? My mom always told me it was temporary that we stayed in motels in a new town. She would promise a house, a mailbox, a permanent school. I never got that house Sam—I was relocated to another town, another motel, another “temporary”. So I ask you again. How long? And if the answer is ‘I don’t know’, then Jack and I are staying put.
“If my son is wanted by the supernatural, it means he’s powerful. If they feel threatened, he’s really powerful. We can stay. You can stay.” Cas prayed Sam knew what what he really meant.
“If I stay, I’d fall. I’d lose my wings, I’d be human..” Sam’s voice went quiet.
“Would being human really be so bad?” The words were out of his mouth before he could consider them. Cas dropped his eyes to his feet, feeling vulnerable. He hadn’t opened himself to another in a really long time. He was being selfish; he was being a hypocrite.
“I’m sorry. No, no you’re right,“ he swallowed the lump in his throat. “You should go. If th-that’s what is best for you, I und—“
“I love you too, Cas. And I’m not going anywhere without you.”
Cas felt weightless at the confession and tugged Sam to him, kissing him slowly, softly. Lovingly.
“No mistletoe?” said a small confused voice and it caused both Cas and his angel to smile into the kiss. — In the end things were pretty anticlimactic. The door was busted off its hinges as five Angels streamed through, Dean leading them.
Sam stood at the front, Cas on his left holding an Angel blade and Jack on his right, looking completely uninterested as he sat on the floor playing with plastic dinosaurs.
“I don’t want to fight you brother,” Sam said, looking solely at Dean, wings spread. “But I will, if I must.”
Dean glanced towards the human with an Angel’s name, looking unfazed at the appearance of Sam’s wings, or that Sam was shielding him from them. Narrowing his eyes, Dean realized Castiel’s eyes were the same colour as the new streaks on Sam’s wings. There was only one explanation for the change.
Dammit Sam! This was the worst ‘man walks in the bar’ joke. Except it wasn’t a joke. It was his brother in love.
He took his first good look at the Nephilim in question. It was looking right back, the delight plain in his eyes as it squealed, “Mo’ wings!” It was..it was a child. Part child anyways but Dean couldn’t sense any maliciousness coming from it.
There was no way Dean was going to take it away from its family now.
Just for the sake of reporting an interrogation, Dean said, “He caused a severe snowstorm that hit seven other states. That level of damage is hard to explain in places not known for snow!”
“Mr. Sam was leaving. Dad sad. Then Dad happy. Then Dad very happy!”
“Jack!” both Sam and Cas reprimanded him, blushing furiously. Dean smirked inwardly, okay this just got entertaining. He decided he liked the kid.
“The flood?”
“There was a drought,” Castiel added, despite Sam advising him to leave the talking to the Angels.
“And the hurricane in Africa?”
Sam frowned as did Cas, “I don’t know that one…”
“The lions wanted to eat the baby elephant. Elephants are nice. Lions were not nice.” Jack frowned disapprovingly.
“So he relocated the pack…that is kind of adorable,” said an Angel behind Dean.
To which another muttered, “I’m not arresting Sam’s son. Might relocate me too..” There were multiple muttered agreements. Cas looked over at Sam, who seemed as confused as he felt.
“Okay one last question,” Dean said, and all eyes snapped to him. “When’s the wedding?”
“DEAN!” —
45 notes · View notes
noxgold · 5 years
The Rogue Whaler - Ch.2  Of Cats and Whalers
The rattle of blood stained gold against the cold stone and the bite of a colder blade. Read on AO3. 
Corvo didn’t even try to fight the laughter that came bubbling out of his throat at the sight of the wanted poster pasted to the wall of the filthy alley he was hiding in, perched up on a rusted pipe out of the way. The poster was already a grimey off yellow despite being less than a day old yet Corvo had to fight the urge to tear it from the wall to keep and hang in his little attic above the Pub.
As well as Crimes of Heresy
Reward of 5,000 Coins For Capture or Death
Due to his original mask still being in a state of disrepair despite Piero’s promises, Corvo still wore the whalers clothes he had stolen from Holger’s Square. He had originally planned on ditching them for whatever castoffs he could find but the sight of the wanted poster now put him in a frame of mind to let himself be seen and have the Pendletons’ death pinned on Daud as well. Why put the guards on edge looking for another masked menace when they can focus on one that already exists?
A rough voice calling “Oi, did you hear that? Hey, is anybody down there?!” broke Corvo’s musing. Not in the mood to deal with whoever was coming, and with one last mirthful gaze at the wanted poster, Corvo blinked up to the pipes screwed to the wall then across to the balcony above him. Upon reaching his destination however, he almost fell back down to the alleyway in shock. Though to be fair, the whaler crouched in front of him seemed just as surprised to see him as Corvo was to see them.
The distortion of their mask didn’t do anything to hide the curiosity lacing their tone as the whaler stood and leant past Corvo to peer down into the street, one hand tightening around the hilt of their sword. “What are you doing up here? Did something happen?”
Mind reeling, off balance by the assassin so easily standing in front of him and seemingly waiting for an answer, Corvo ducked forward and caught the whaler around the neck to drag them backward away from the edge as he choked them. They flailed, rubber gloves scratching at his arms, but it didn't take him long to choke them out into unconsciousness.
Laying them gently down onto the floor, the back of his neck itched as if there was someone else watching them. A flash of dark vision showed a second whaler on the other side of the alley, face gazing in their direction but body relaxed as if they haven’t noticed their missing partner yet. A carefully aimed blink put Corvo behind them, watching his feet as he crept closer to drag them down as well.
The second Whaler didn’t fare much better against the strength of Corvo’s arms, going down with a muffled whimper, and soon he was lifting them over his shoulders before they could fall to the ground, eyeing the plague corpses wrapped in the corner. A quick blink took him back to the other balcony and he dropped the whaler beside the first one. Where the fuck were they all coming from?
A flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye made Corvo groan, arming his crossbow as he turned in time to watch a third whaler stalk along the rooftop above where the merchant Griff was smoking. Quietly, as not to alert Griff to their presence, Corvo loaded and shot a sleep dart into the whaler’s arm. He winced at the thump they made as they hit the roof but made no move to retrieve them, instead staring silently as the pair of assassins lying helpless at his feet.
He had made it a rule to spare guards whenever possible, men he understood were only doing their duty to the crown. But these men, they were paid killers loyal to the man who had killed his Empress and kidnapped their child. They were murderers, assassins… unconscious. The Heart, tucked carefully in his coat over his own chest, beat in time with his, Jessamine’s voice but a whisper in his ears. ‘Daud's men. Secrets so well kept - even I cannot discern the truth.’ No, what help was that? Corvo’s eyes burned, knuckles clenched white around the hilt of his blade as he stared down at the unconscious bodies. Would he leave them alive to tear more families apart? His foot inched forward, blade snapping out with a quiet hiss as he drowned in memories of a blood stained pavilion. Jessamine- ‘ When others might choose to draw blood, you find another way. This, I think, is my highest praise.’ Jessamine wouldn’t want this.
Cheeks wet and heart heavy with grief, Corvo almost threw himself out of the window in his haste to leave the men to sleep where he had stashed them. Dropping down onto the pipes then across to the roof where the third whaler was snoring, Corvo crept across to another set of pipes as not to wake them and followed it around the building. The Wall of Light presented a problem but some careful aim with his blink landed him in the room above, avoiding it altogether.
Corvo wasn’t pleased to see the watchtower either, though it was simple enough to disable with a well timed blink and the removal of the whale oil tank. A ruined house by the corner beckoned him with a whale’s song,The Heart drumming against his ribs. But this was neither the time or the place to deal with it’s magic just yet, so the rune Corvo swept off the table was tucked away for later use.
The entrance to the Golden Cat was poorly guarded, the guard on the third floor balcony almost asleep at his post. A frown tugged at Corvo’s eyes as he dragged the man down to the ground, knocking him out with a vicious punch. The man was meant to be protecting two members of Parliament and this was how he acted? Just because it made his job easier didn’t mean he couldn’t disapprove.
Slipping in through an open window, Corvo froze at the sound of the voices right below where he perched on the ledge, barely breathing as to not give away his position. “The Pendletons are here again. I need to get the men into position.”
“Lord Morgan is down in the Steam Room with Loulia and Lord Curtis is in the Gold Room with Voiletta upstairs.” A quick glance down confirmed that the voices belonged to a guard and what could only be the Madame of the House, since he doubted any of the courtesans would be dressed so garish. A gap in the decor let him creep above the next room and drop down behind the Madame as she left the guard behind and moved to unlock a door. Her rather sharp nails clawed at his sleeves as he strangled her, letting her unconscious body drop to the floor shamelessly to ruffle through the papers on her desk.
Lord Curtis Pendleton, with Voiletta in the Gold Room, third floor. Mister Bunting, with Betty in the Silver Room, second floor. Lord Morgan Pendleton, with Loulia in the Steam Room, downstairs.
A guest ledger confirmed the locations of his targets but it was a hastily written note left lying on a side table that gave him the information he sought. Rage curling through his veins, edged with pride, as he took how they had kept his daughter yet she still struggled to escape and defy them.
I know we're running low on beds, but I must have a room for the child. She's more important than you can guess, and recently she almost got away, using the VIP entrance. That's why I decided to keep the master key in my possession. This girl must be cared for, even if she's a brat, and I want her kept in a room to herself.
~ Madame Prudence
Corvo turned and unhooked the key off the Madame’s belt and tucked it into his. Emily first, he could come back for the Pendletons once he was sure she was safe. Leaving Prudence were she had fallen, Corvo padded up the staircase until he reached the top floor. He paused, waited for the courtesan to put her back to the open door to shoot her with a sleep dart, then slipped past to reach the room holding Emily.
Emily's head snapped upright at the sound of the door, dark hair whipping around her face. “Who-” she began, her voice hesitant before fear stole the colour from her face and the voice from her throat. It took her scream of “No! No, get away from me!” for the knowledge of exactly whose mask she was seeing hit him.
Dropping to his knees, Corvo tore at the straps holding the whaler's mask to his face and threw it to the ground carelessly, his voice torn from his throat in a low rasp, desperate to reassure and stricken with pain. “Emily, Emily, it’s me, it’s Corvo."
Emily took a hesitant step towards him, her voice smaller than he had ever heard it.  “Corvo…? Why are you wearing that? You’re… not apart of the group who killed mother, …are you?”
If someone had asked him at that moment, he would have sworn under oath that 6 months of torture in Coldridge had hurt less than that question. If he had known that this disguise would have led to this, he would have happily thrown the lot out the window and rescued her in his underclothes.  
Corvo swallowed his pain and offered his hand out, praying the he hadn't ruined everything.“It’s just a disguise, I swear. So people wouldn't know it was me doing these things. Please, Emily.”
His voice cracked on the last word but Emily seemed to accept his excuse and barreled towards him, small arms tangling around his neck as she buried her face into his chest. “They told me you were gone, head chopped off in prison, dead like mother."
Corvo buried his face in her hair, soothed by the knowledge that his daughter was now safe in his arms and no one would ever take her from him again. "I'm here, I'm here and I'll never leave you again.” She nodded slightly and let him press one last kiss to the top of her head before she pulled away reluctantly.
Corvo stood and hooked the whaler’s mask to his belt before he let Emily lead him down to the exit she knew of. He shot her a silent order to stay behind him as Corvo unlocked the VIP door and scanned the area behind it. The room itself was empty and the pathway lead out to the street boarded up. Content that it was a safe enough place for Emily to wait while he dealt with the Pendletons, Corvo turned back to Emily and knelt down to look her in the eyes, raising a hand to gently brush back a stray lock. “Wait here. If anything happens, run back into the building screaming.”
Emily nodded and wrapped both arms around his waist, giving him a brief squeeze then a light push back towards the staircase. “Don’t worry about me, Corvo. I’ll be fine.”
Corvo mock frowned down at the girl in front of him but took another few steps backwards at her urging. “Emily, it is quite literally my job to worry about you.” She just beamed back unrepentant and waved him on.
Corvo waited for Emily to crack open the door and slip through before reattaching the whaler mask. He turned and crept up the staircase until he reached the second floor where Courtesans flirted with patrons while guards made their rounds. At there, across the room, was a staircase leading down to the Steam Room.
A very helpful ring of decorative metal hung from the ceiling which gave him a nice platform to blink up to. As soon as no eyes were on the entrance, Corvo dropped down and crept down the stairs to where a pair of guards chatted with each other as they waited on Lord Pendleton. Not willing to risk one of the guards turning around while he was choking the other out, Corvo simply shot them both in the leg with a sleep dart and let them crash to the ground.
Ignoring Morgan’s nasally call of “What are you two buffoons doing out there?”, Corvo calmly unlocked the door with the Madame’s master key, kicked the door open and unloaded another sleep dart into Loulia’s back. At any other point in time, Morgan’s high pitched screams of “Guards! Guards!” would have been annoying, but with Morgan’s guards sleeping soundly thanks to his darts, Corvo just found it pitiful.
"You're one of Daud's men, aren't you? You cannot be thinking of harming me. I'm Lord Morgan Pendleton!" Morgan’s words stumbled across each other as he switched to bribery when his threats just rolled off Corvo. "I'm a rich man! Whatever you've been paid, I can double it! Triple it!" It finally seemed to sink in that Corvo had no plans of sparing him as he rolled his shoulders and flicked out his blade, causing Morgan to lunge for his own. Unfortunately for him, his executioner was one of the fastest swordsmen in the empire and Corvo’s sword sunk smooth and deep into Morgan’s stomach before Morgan’s hand even touched the hilt of his blade.  
Corvo’s gaze was flat as he turned on his heel and left the nobleman to die in a pool of his own blood. This wasn’t something he took pleasure in. But blood called for blood and he would see Jessamine’s death repaid. Thankfully, the noise from upstairs had covered any echoes of Morgan’s screams with no guards being the wiser. A blink to a higher balcony and a few well aimed sleep darts took care of the few guards doing their jobs, leaving the door to the Gold Room undefended.  
Corvo dropped gently to the ground, mouth set in a firm line. Aware that any loud noises would attract the attention of the guards on the floor below, Corvo pushed the door open with a gentle click, darting behind a painted screen. The Void swept through him as he let the sleep dart fly, shoving his blade up to the hilt in Curtis Pendleton’s neck.
Unwilling to leave Emily alone for any long, Corvo left the bodies where they fell and let a few short blinks carry him back to the top of the staircase leading down to the VIP entrance. The staircase was empty as he followed it down to the door where he had left his daughter. The feathery voice of the old lady waiting in the next room did very little to sooth the icy fear that clutched Corvo’s heart when he found no trace of Emily where he had left her. “This is no place to leave a young lady. But don’t worry about the little dearie, she’s safe and sound with your nice boatman.”
The groans and cries of Weepers added to his stress as he thanked Granny Rags and moved past her. Old lady or not, if anything had happened to Emily while he was gone, he was coming back and mounting her head on a pike. Using the pipes and rocks to blink up and over the weepers, Corvo landed on the rooftop next to where he had left the pair of unconscious whalers.The sight of yet another whaler waiting on the roof across the street, however, froze him in his tracks.  
Corvo carefully edged around the corner and studied the assassin perched on the opposite roof. Instead of the now familiar grey, the  new Whaler wore a deep blue coat. A different rank, perhaps? There was no way he could cross the street without the assassin seeing him. His only hope was that his disguise would hold up against this whaler as well. Making sure his crossbow was within easy reach, the last sleep dart safely loaded, Corvo blinked across to the support beam and waited for the assassin to see him.
It only took a moment for them to notice Corvo standing out in the open and appear in front of him in a cloud of ash. “Report. Are the others awake yet? What happened?” The thick gas mask did nothing to hide the air of command the other whaler carried or the way they studied Corvo, next words a more cautious drawl. “Where are your gloves?”
Oh fuck, the gloves. He still stood by his decision to leave the original Whalers gloves behind and there was no way he was going to put on those that belonged to the whalers he knocked out today, with their unused pin. That still didn’t help him as the assassin took a step towards him, staring at his hands. Unwilling to find out where this was going, Corvo drew up crossbow, aimed and fired his last sleep dart into the Whalers arm in a smooth motion. The assassin stumbled and tried to draw their sword before crashing to the tiles as the drug kicked in.
Grumbling to himself over the price of sleep darts and assassins that seemed to breed like rabbits, Corvo unhooked his mask and attached it to his belt, heading back towards Samuel’s boat leaving the whaler behind him to sleep off the dart. Next time he saw them, he was going to fucking rob them of their coin.
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
Sunlight On Your Face (a Dean/Cas, Sam & Cas Coda to 14x08 “Byzantium”)
Just what did The Empty mean? When would Castiel be at his happiest? His son is back with him, he's back with his family, and he has Heaven's gratitude? There's only one thing missing - the one thing he has never allowed himself to have. But even that is in his grasp, and he cannot grab hold.
Sam notices Cas rebuff Dean, and talks with his angel friend about the uncharacteristic behavior.
           This was supposed to be a celebration. Nothing grand – a few burgers, a couple of beers, and a long night of laughter not tinged with the threat of mortality. Their spirits and hopes were high. Maybe that’s why Dean was tossing out signals more than he usually does in Cas’s presence.
           But that doesn’t explain why every softball Dean lobbed at their angel friend was met with a wide swing and a miss. Even Sam could tell what his brother was doing. With the tilt of his bottle, fluttering his eyelashes every now and then, and knocking up against Sam’s legs when the bar between he and Cas would halt any try at footsie. All classic maneuvers of a giddy Dean with an excess of happiness he wants to share.
           “As much fun as this is,” Dean says, dragging himself out of his seat, “I can’t spend two nights passed out on the table. I think I’m gonna turn in. Cas?” He tilts his head, smirking in a final ‘Hail Mary’ play.
           Cas barely meets his buoyant gaze. “I… think I’ll stay out here some more. You know – being an angel means I don’t –“
           “Don’t require sleep, yeah yeah…” Dean scrubs a tired hand down his face, frowning. “All right. Well, I guess I’ll be going alone…”
           “I’ll make the walk with you, Dean.” Jack stands up, now. “After today, I feel like I could sleep like the dead.” They all wince. “…Poor choice of words, I know.”
           Dean waves him over, swinging an arm around Jack’s shoulder. “C’mon kid, lets mosey on out of here. Sam, don’t you stay up too late now. You too, Cas.” They exit, leaving the other two to clean up. Cas attempts it, picking up both his and Jack’s empty dishes, stacking them on top of each other. But as he reaches for Jack’s bottle, Sam grabs for his wrist.
           “We need to talk.”
           There’s fight in him. Sam can tell by how the tempest of Cas’s eyes swirl, unwilling for a confrontation. But he makes his stance just as tough. He tightens his grip on Cas, and presses his mouth into as firm a line as he can. It’s a waiting game, a test of wills.
           Cas sighs in defeat. “What do you wish to talk about?”
           “What’s going on?” Sam asks, gesturing to the empty space next to him, “Jack’s back, we have Michael’s location… but you’re not acting like any of that is good. You’re subdued.”
           “And what if I am?”
           “It means you’ve got a lot on your mind. That something happened, and you’re still thinking about it – about what it means.”
           Cas glares at Sam. “You think you know what goes on in my mind?”
           “I know enough,” he tells him, “Like I have to be right because why else would you turn down Dean’s very obvious flirting.” The words cut Cas down a few inches, drawing an embarrassed rosiness to his cheeks. “Yeah, it was that bad.”
           “…Dean was feeling a high, that’s all,” Cas says, “I’m sure come morning he would have regretted taking such a bold step in our relationship.” Sam can tell he doesn’t believe it. That Cas was convincing himself as much as he was Sam, even though his voice trembled and his hands shook, crumbs flying everywhere off the plates.
           “I don’t think so,” Sam starts, “Dean is… he’s changing. I don’t think he would have regretted it, if you were to…”
           Cas’s head flicks up, startled. He stares at Sam with wide eyes. “No…”
           “Yeah,” Sam continues, “If that’s what’s holding you back… it’s becoming more of a non-issue. I think Dean is… allowing himself to do things a little differently than what he’s used to or what others expected of him.” He thought his encouragement would be the final push to send Cas on his way towards Dean’s room; to stop overthinking. But all he seems to have done was frightened him even more.
           “That… that can’t be,” Cas mutters, “He… I can’t…” Sam watches as Cas breaks down in front of him. As if the weight of the past 48 hours bore down on him, crushing him, collapsing any semblance of calm. He drops the plates, forcing himself up and away from the table. Sam follows him. “No – please, I need… I need…” Cas leans on the counter, breathing heavily. He hovers nearby; ready to jump when his friend needs him.
           After a while, when the panic that overtook Cas has faded into the background, Sam reaches out, “Hey…” Cas flinches at his touch, but doesn’t shy away from it like last time. He lays his hand on his shoulder, waiting for Cas to speak.
           “We’ve done this for years,” Cas says, “Dancing around each other… I figured maybe that’s all… he would never… and now… now that…”
           “Now that what, Cas?” Sam asks, “Nothing’s changed. You said it yourself; you’ve two have been doing this… thing, for a while. But you can change all that.”
           “No, Sam,” Cas growls, “No no no no no. I can’t! If I… if he and I…”
           “What’s the worst that could happen –“
           “I’d die, Sam.” He rounds on the younger Winchester, his eyes burning with a blistering fire, “I’d be gone and I can’t do that. Not to any of you… not to him.” Cas chokes out a sob, knees finally giving out as he sinks to the floor. Sam helps him down, sitting across from him.
           While Cas composes himself, Sam processes his response. It doesn’t make sense to him. ‘Unless…’ “Cas, you did something, didn’t you? What was it? What happened up in Heaven?”
           “I didn’t want to say anything,” Cas says instead, “With Michael and just getting Jack back… we didn’t need this. I figured it would never happen so fast…”
           He sighs, running fingers through his already mussed hair. “The Empty,” he sighs, “It… it was about to take Jack. I would never have gotten out if I didn’t…”
           “If you didn’t what?”
           “If I didn’t offer myself in his place.”
           Sam’s heart shudders to a stop before freefalling into his stomach. “What?”
           “If I hadn’t awoken, the Empty wouldn’t have been a problem to begin with,” Cas explains, “Jack deserved to live. I… I shouldn’t have even been alive after everything that’s happened. It’s only right I take his place. Like any father would do for their son.”
           “But… I don’t get it. You’re still here?”
           “The Empty… didn’t want me now.” He folds his hands over his knees, fiddling his thumbs, “Said that it wouldn’t be right. That they’d only collect me when I would least expect it – when I was truly happy and –“ he chuckles, pressing his palm to his eye “ – and had forgotten all about any worry. I knew what they were talking about… The same nail they struck back when I was trapped so long ago. Dean.” Cas trembles, his brother’s name leaving his lips like a breathy prayer. “We have so much that’s gone unspoken between us… if I were to voice my desires – have him accept me for all that I am? The Empty would snatch me up right before his eyes…”
           Sam tears his eyes away, uncomfortable at the thought. A highlight reel flashes throughout his mind, of a Dean back when Cas was trapped in the Empty. They’ve lost friends and family before, but his brother never reacted like that. Like there was no reason to get out of bed, as if all the light in his life was extinguished. Only recently had he discovered why. “If that happens…” ‘Dean’s already so fragile…’
           “The last thing I’d see would be Dean’s face,” he says, defeated, “And if I wouldn’t be existing in pure nothingness, I’m sure it would haunt me for my eternity of slumber…”
           There’s not much he can say. “I don’t think he’s gonna stop,” Sam tells Cas, “this… thing between you two? He’s not happy with it. I’m pretty sure he wants more. We’ve both seen it. Dean touches you more often, drifts closer than usual… it’s gonna come to a head soon enough.”
           Cas shrugs, staring past Sam. “Then I’ll let him down. And ensure my grace goes untouched for eternity as my heart shatters into a million pieces.”
           That doesn’t sit well with him. Hearing how defeated his friend is, because he rushed ahead and gave his hopes away to some faceless being. Sam can’t let him do this. Not just for Dean – because Cas deserves his happiness. To have Dean in the way he likes. To stop wallowing in the shadows and feel the sunlight, warm on his face. “We’re not going to let that happen, Cas.”
           “What do you mean?”
           “That we’re going to fix this,” he says, “one step at a time. We’ll figure out a way to beat the Empty – so that it can’t take you away from us – from your family.”
           “It’s an ancient being – older than God. More powerful than anything we’ve ever faced –“
           “And we can stop it. Together. Me and Dean –“
           “You mustn’t tell Dean.” He reaches for Sam’s hand, crushing it. “I… he can’t know about this. Michael is too important… we need to focus all our resources on him –“
           “You’re important too, Cas,” Sam says, “Not just to Dean… you’re my best friend and – and Jack. What if –“
           “Jack knows.”
           “Jack knows what I did,” Cas says, rising, “He watched me as I traded my life for his. I asked him to keep it secret from the both of you but… I’m glad it was you who found out first.” He turns big, blue eyes on him, “You cannot tell Dean. If he were to find out I… I can’t think of what might happen.”
           Sam pauses, unsure of where to go. He still doesn’t want to let go. “Even if we beat Michael?”
           “If I survive Michael,” Cas says, “Then maybe. But we can’t dwell on the maybes. I’m taking one day at a time…”
           “We’ll find a way to stop it, Cas,” Sam tries one last time, “We always do.”
           “Thank you, Sam,” he says, “really.” He steps away, leaving Sam alone in the kitchen. The younger Winchester doesn’t stay there for long. He trudges back to his room for a fitful night of sleep.
           Sam was up before the sun rose, sitting in the library. There are a couple of books spread out around him, and his laptop has a bunch of tabs open about The Empty. ‘I might as well do something…’ He’s alone for a long time, until Dean’s heavy trudging signals his arrival.
           He shuffles into view, cranky faced and robe hastily tied. Sam raises a brow at him. “What happened?”
           Dean doesn’t look at him. “Cas.”
           “What about Cas?”
           “He didn’t go to his room last night,” Dean says, slumping into the seat across from Sam. He has a far off look in his eye, finger rubbing at a crusty spot on the corner. “I went to see how he was feeling, wanted to know if he was up for running errands… maybe see this new movie that came out but –“ Dean sighs, unable to finish his story. Instead he tosses a crumpled note from inside his robe pocket.
           Sam neatens it and reads. On it, Cas explains his sudden departure. Saying that he was driving up to Sioux Falls to check with Jody and Claire, see if he could reason with Dark Kaia.
           “I could have gone with him,” Dean mumbles, pouting, “if he had asked…”
           His brother sinks into himself, too focused on scraping off the dried stain to notice Sam watching him pityingly. ‘Cas… I know you think you’re doing what’s right… but I won’t stop. I’ll figure out how to help you. To help both of you.’
           Sam returns to his research, while Dean spends his time with the spot.
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
Runaway: Chap. 9 - The Plan
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Summary: Dean and (Y/N) clear up their feelings for one another while coming to terms with her being pregnant. The four of them come up with a plan to take out Andrew once and for all. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Andrew Clark (OMC), Reader Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: Fluff/Angst Word Count: 3037 A/N: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Catch Up Here: Runaway Masterlist
“Come again?” She asked as Castiel stepped closer to her.
He placed his hand on her shoulder, “(Y/N) you’re pregnant with a nephilim.”
She backed away from them shaking her head, “That’s not possible, Cas. I can’t be pregnant… you told me there was no way for me to become pregnant.” She was breathing heavily trying to keep what little she had in her stomach down.
“(Y/N) calm down, it is not what you are thinking?” Castiel said approaching her cautiously. The room felt like it was spinning and the last thing she heard before everything went black was Dean calling out her name.
(Y/N) looked around seeing a small house with the Impala parked outside of it. In the front yard was Dean raking leaves into a huge pile. “Daddy! Daddy! Can I jump yet?” came a small voice from behind him bring a wide smile across his face.
“Not yet we have to wait for Mommy to come out.” He said stepping out of the way and revealing beautiful little girl with golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. (Y/N) watched as the little girl lifted her hand swirling a line of leaves around her.
She gasped seeing the little girl’s eyes glow bright yellow then she heard Dean’s stern voice, “Rory Winchester you know not to use your powers. Put the leaves down please.”
“Rory…” (Y/N) whispered as the little girl looked over to her.
“Hi mommy.” She said waving then suddenly (Y/N) was flying backwards and her eyes snapped opened seeing she was in her room back in the Bunker.
She sat up quickly as Dean grabbed a hold of her hand, “Whoa there (Y/N), you’re alright just in your room.”
She took a couple of deep breaths before speaking, “Is it true? Am I really pregnant with… with his child?” she asked as her stomach clenched.
Dean shook his head moving from his chair to the side of her bed, “No wonder you freaked out. (Y/N), Cas wasn’t saying you were pregnant with Andrew’s child. He was saying that you’re pregnant with… well my child.”
Flashed of Dean and the little girl from her dream filtered before her mind. Him holding her while watching a football game or letting her pretend to drive while sitting on his lap in the Impala. Both of them looking up at her with the same olive eyes and same grin.
“H-How is that even possible?” she stuttered.
Dean shrugged, “To be honest I think Cas is just overreacting. I really don’t think that you and I… I mean only after once the odds would be astronomical.”
(Y/N) placed her head in her hands, “This can’t be happening… I can’t raise a child by myself nor can I keep running from Andrew.”
“Who said anything about you raising a child by yourself? If Cas is right, then you better believe that I will be here for you and that baby. If Andrew even tries to come near either of you then he will have to go through me first and I don’t go down easy.” Dean said lifting her chin, so she was looking right at him.
Even though part of her was terrified at the possibility of being pregnant, hearing what Dean had to say comforted her and gave her the tiniest bit of hope. She looked over when she saw Castiel standing in the door way.
“Cas, is there a way to find out once and for all if I am or not?” she asked as Dean looked over to the angel as well.
He nodded, “You will need to go see a doctor. Nephilims do not take as long as human babies to develop however your child will only be a quarter angel it will still have a strong presence considering who your biological father was. If I were to guess, I would like you are probably eight to ten weeks along.”
(Y/N) leaned back slight placing her hands over her stomach looking down still not believing what she was hearing. When Dean’s large hand covered hers, she looked up to him, “I guess we need to research a doctor.”
After confirming that she was indeed nine weeks pregnant, things between her and Dean changed dramatically. Suddenly, he was constantly staying at the Bunker with her to make sure she had everything she needed. She also suspected that he stayed there to make sure she was protected from Andrew.
One night (Y/N) was unable to sleep due to her little one moving around so much. She looked over to see Dean asleep next to her. He looked completely at ease as his chest rose with deep even breaths. They had never discussed what their relationship was now, but there had not been a night since that he had not been sleeping by her side.
She got up quietly looking down at her round stomach. It was a sight she was not used too nor one she thought she would ever see. (Y/N) walked out of her room and down to the library to sit in her favorite oversized chair that Dean had ordered her. She found Castiel sitting at one of the tables deep in thought with his eyes closed.
“Cas?” she said tentatively as to not startle him.
Slowly his eyes opened, and a small grin was on his face, “Cannot sleep?” he asked.
She nodded sitting down across from him. “She’s restless tonight.” She chuckled seeing him tilt his head slightly.
“I thought you were not finding out the gender of the baby? Dean had said it would be a surprise.” He said as she smiled rubbing her belly.
“I’ve been dreaming about her since the moment she existed. I figure it was just best to keep that to myself.” A comfortable silence fell between them as (Y/N) worked up the courage to ask the question she had been afraid to ask all along. “Cas, will I make it through the delivery of this child?”
His blue eyes locked with hers, sadness filling them instantly, “I think if anyone can make it through the birth of a nephilim it would be you. But, there is a chance that you will not.”
(Y/N) chest tighten hearing the answer she had already known to be true, “Promise me Cas that you will not let Dean go off the deep end. Promise me that the three of you will take care of her and keep her safe.”
He reached over taking her hand in his, “(Y/N) I promise that we will protect her with everything we have, and I will lay down my life for her.”
Suddenly, she watched as Castiel’s eyes glowed yellow and she felt like she was being pulled down a long tunnel. She could see flashes of Dean and Sam fighting demons off they were bloody and beaten. The next scene was Castiel holding her hand telling her it was time to push. They were in an abandoned house.
Finally, she saw her daughter grown the perfect mix of her and Dean together. Her golden hair darker and long cascading down her back. Her bright green eyes and full lips an exact replica of Dean’s. Her voice was timid but clear, “Everything will be fine. I will take care of you. I will take care of all of you.”
Castiel was breathing harshly as they sat there staring at one another. “That… that was her?” he asked.
Tears streamed down (Y/N)’s face as she nodded. “Aurora. That is her name, Aurora. However, I believe Dean will end up calling her Rory.”
Castiel chuckled still looking slightly taken back. Quick footsteps coming down the hall had her looking over to see Dean rushing into the library. “You weren’t in bed and I got worried.” He said breathlessly.
She smiled as he sat next to her while Castiel got up, “I think I will let you two have a moment.”
They watched as he walked towards the kitchen then Dean turned with a curious look on his face, “What was that about?”
“Cas, got a little glimpse of what I have been going through with little one here. I’ve been dreaming about her since she was conceived, and she showed Cas when he was reassuring me that everything would be okay.” She explained leaving out the part of her not possibly making it through the birth.
Dean nodded then a slow grin spread across his face, “Her? So, we’re having a daughter?”
(Y/N) bit her lip nodding as Dean knelt in front of her placing his lips on her stomach, “Hey there babygirl. Next time, you think you could let your old man in on your secrets.”
(Y/N) ran her fingers through his hair as he looked up to her. Placing her hands on either side of his face his green eyes lit up bright yellow and a small gasp escaped his lips. She watched as tears slipped down his cheeks and his eyes returned back to their normal color.
He leaned down wrapping his long arms around her mumbling against her belly, “Thank you Rory.”
“Aurora. Aurora Winchester.” (Y/N) said chuckling as he sat back up in his chair wiping her eyes.
“Aurora, I like it. However, I’m going to call her Rory because I like that better.” Dean said as he stood up bringing (Y/N) up with him, “Come on let’s go back to bed.”
She pulled on his hand standing still, “Dean may I ask you something?”
He nodded facing her and taking her hands in his. She took a deep breath calming her nerves, “What is going on between us?”
“What do you mean?” he asked tilting his head slightly.
“I mean we slept together which was great but then everything with Aurora…” he interrupted her.
“Rory, you mean.” He said with a smirk.
She sighed letting out a soft laugh, “Yes Rory, where does that put us? I mean soulmates and parents aside, are you even interested in having a relationship or is this all for my sake just because I’m carrying your child?”
(Y/N) did not mean it as harshly as it had come out but nonetheless it was exactly what she had been thinking for the last few weeks. She had truly fallen in love with Dean and did not know if her heart could take him not feeling the same.
Dean brought his hand up to her cheek his fingers going into her hair as she leaned into his touch. Leaning down he placed his lips on hers bring about a small fire in the pit of her stomach that traveled throughout her body.
“I love you.” He whispered against her lips, “I love you. I love Rory. I cannot wait to have a future with both of you. I never thought I would have the apple pie life, but now I realize that I just hadn’t met the person I was meant to have that life with. Rory showed me that just now. Our home, her playing in the front yard and you watching from the front porch. That is what I want and if it’s not with you then I don’t want it.”
(Y/N) was stunned speechless as he kissed her cheek. He smiled down at her, “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”
She followed him to her room getting back into bed. His arm wrapped around her belly as his face rested against the back of her neck. “Dean?” she whispered as he hummed against her skin. “I love you too.”
She felt him smile and she quickly drifted off into the most restful night of sleep she had in a while.
The next morning, she woke up alone in bed and a sinking feeling came over her for just a moment. As if Rory could tell she was upset she felt an overwhelming sense of reassurance wash over her. She sat up rubbing her belly and speaking softly to her.
“Thank you, sweet girl. I have to get used to happy feelings again.” She chuckled as she got up to get dress.
Walking to the kitchen the smell of coffee and bacon made her mouth water. Castiel and Sam were in an intense conversation at the table as Dean was cooking. She walked over to Dean slipping her arms around his narrow waist resting her cheek on his back.
“Hey pretty girl, hungry?” He asked as she nodded making him chuckle.
She stepped to the side leaning against the counter, “What are Cas and Sam talking about?” Dean glanced over his shoulder then turned the burner off on the stove.
“Cas thinks he found Andrew’s location and they are coming up with a game plan to take him out.” She looked up at him with wide eyes as he said that nonchalantly.
“Why aren’t you apart of that conversation?” she asked as they walked over to the table. He set down a plate of bacon along with eggs on the table.
Dean kissed the top of her, “I am a part of it just not a major part of it.”
She sat down in a chair that he brought over for her since she could no longer sit on the bench seat with her belly sticking out. Castiel scooted over so Dean could sit next her. He placed a glass of orange juice in front of her as he poured coffee for him and Sam.
(Y/N) pouted at him as he laughed, “Sorry pretty girl, no coffee for you. Caffeine is not good for you and Rory.”
Just then Rory kicked and (Y/N) winced slightly, “I want you to take note that she disagrees with you and I second her disagreement.”
The guys all chuckled as they all ate breakfast except for Castiel who did not need to eat. After a few bites she asked, “Why isn’t Dean apart of this conversation?”
Sam looked between her and Dean nervously, “(Y/N) with you being pregnant, Dean doesn’t want to risk you going into labor without him. We don’t exactly know when you will have the baby. Plus, if anything were to go wrong we don’t want anything to happen to Dean or to you.”
She looked to Dean, “Is this what you want?” she asked as he shrugged.
“Honestly, I want to be the one who drives the demon blade into him. However, I have to think about more than myself now. I want to be there with you and Rory more than I want to end his pathetic life. I want you and her to be safe.” The determination in his eyes was only overshadowed by the look of disappointment of not fighting Andrew himself.
(Y/N) winced again when Rory kicked again as if trying to get her attention. She could feel a familiar surge of warmth spreading throughout her body like every time Rory had shown her something. She looked up to the three men smiling, “I think Rory has something to say about this.”
She motioned for Castiel to come stand by her as she placed Dean hand on her stomach. (Y/N) grabbed Castiel’s hand and then looked over to Sam who was looking unsure about what was going to happen. “It’s okay Sam, I promise.” She said taking a hole of his hand.
Once again, she felt like she was falling down a tunnel landing softly near a familiar house. Looking around she found the three men standing nearby. They all looked up to the front porch seeing Rory walking down the stairs to them. Watching her smile gave (Y/N) such joy. Seeing how each of the men reacted to seeing her was priceless.
“Castiel, Uncle Sammy, Dad…” she began looking to each of them. Sam and Dean’s eyes were shining with unshed tears while Castiel was smiling warmly at her. “Hi mom.” She said reaching out to grab her hands.
“Hi sweet girl,” she whispered as Rory smiled widely.
Rory looked to them all saying, “I know you all are worried about keeping mom safe. I want you to know that I will protect her. If I can, I will protect you all but most of all I will protect mom through my birth.”
Suddenly, all (Y/N) could see was Rory standing beside Dean who had tears running down his cheeks. Andrew was kneeling in front of them as Rory reached down placing her palm on his forehead. He screamed out in agony as his eyes burned out.
(Y/N) opened her eyes to see it was only her and Rory, “I will protect you all.” She whispered squeezing (Y/N)’s hand. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she found Dean, Sam and Castiel sitting bewildered.
“Holy crap.” Dean whispered looking from her stomach up to her.
Sam stood up visibly shaken from the experience. (Y/N) stood up walking towards him, “Sam?”
He turned tears running down his cheeks, “I haven’t allowed myself to make this personal. Everything happened so fast but seeing how much she looks like Dean. Hearing her call me Uncle Sammy was… it was amazing.”
(Y/N) could not help herself when she wrapped her arms around him hugging him closely, “You’ll be an amazing uncle to her.”
She felt Dean behind her as he wrapped his arms around them, “C’mon Cas this is a family hug.” He said as Castiel hesitantly walked over letting Dean and Sam place their arms around him. Sitting down that evening, the four of them began the process of planning how they would take out Andrew.
As (Y/N) went to sleep that night in Dean’s arms she was pulled into a dark dream. She woke up startled looking over to Dean who was seemingly undisturbed by her movements. Quickly and quietly she got dressed making her way towards the library where she knew Castiel would be.
“(Y/N), what is wrong?” he asked worry filtering over his face.
She grabbed his hand, “Cas we have to leave right now. It’s all a set up and he knows you three will come. He’s counting on it. Rory is the only way to surprise him. She’s shown me that through me she can stop Andrew but we must leave now.”
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huntertales · 7 years
Part Three: Monster Behind the  Mask. (Family Matters S06E07)
Episode Summary: Dean becomes suspicious of Samuel’s motives. Sam, however, isn’t sold on the idea that their grandfather is doing anything wrong, leaving the reader stuck in the middle of who to trust. When the reader and the boys go along on a hunt with the Campbells, things go terribly array. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 6,340.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You were still trying to figure out how you felt about the Campbells. You spent over a year now hunting with them, enjoying beers after a job well done and exchanging knowledge that each of you had discovered over the years of hunting and endless hours of research. They were almost like the Winchester family. Almost. If you pretended having one thing in common, being raised in this lifestyle at a very young age, could count for a stand in family. Much as you tried to warm up to the hunters, nobody was like the Winchester brothers you spent almost every waking moment with for over four years. Nothing was the same. Not even now felt like old times you’d longed to have back. The people you once surrounded yourself with were long gone.
Sam was a polar opposite of who he used to be when he came back to the cage without a soul. He was cold, emotionless. He made decisions on natural human intuition, or what would benefit him to get him closer to what he wanted. Cas wasn’t around anymore like he used to. While you were happy to see that he was back to his old self again, he was having problems upstairs that needed his constant attention. Dean had been trying since you and Sam started hunting again to get things back to the way it used to be. But even he caught on to the different circumstances that came with having two people come back from the cage—the secrets, the lying.
You were back at the Campbell compound after Dean thought Sam was really going to take up the offer to work with their grandfather on the project that he suggested, but never parttaked to see it what they did. It was all hearsay. You didn’t like what Sam was doing behind your back. You didn’t like how Sam had been lying to you, making you think all of the hard work you’d been putting into tracking down these Alphas was to kill them. After all, they were the monsters who had created the things you hunted today. These Alphas were supposed to die. Not to be poked at and inspect what sort of new things you might be able to learn after torturing them. If Samuel wanted to play the dirty game of how to make a monster squeal, you could lend a hand.
“Samuel?” You quietly spoke the older hunter’s name as you opened up the door to his office without announcing your presence again. Your lips stretched into an apologetic smile when you caught the man off guard. He stood at his desk with his back to the door, packing a duffel bag with objects that you couldn’t see.
“Damn, kid, learn how to knock.” Samuel muttered underneath his breath. You tell from the tone of his voice that the man was annoyed at how you didn't follow his simple rules. He absentmindedly looked over his shoulder, expecting two towering bodies over yours, but you stood in the doorway of his office, alone. “Where are the boys?”
“Sam’s around here.” You said. “Dean’s...gone.”
“What do you mean, gone’?” Samuel asked, his eyes narrowing in slight confusion as to what you meant by that.  
“He left about an hour ago. Dean didn't like how things changed between the three of us. And I agreed. I thought things would be better without him.” You explained the faulty story to the older hunter. Samuel didn't seem all that disappointed to hear. He mumbled about how it was too bad as he circled around the table to continue packing. “I want to be apart of this family, Samuel. I really do. But the lying has got to stop.”
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Samuel asked. He circled around the desk and continued on packing up his belongings, barely managing to look up and see what he was being accused of now by you.
“I know what you're doing with the Alphas after you had me help track them down. I saw you today. Sam told me about your little plan, too.” You said. You got the hunter’s attention when you spoke a secrets he’s been keeping from you. He froze in his spot, waiting for the backlash. Instead, you gave him the opposite reaction of what he was expecting. “I want in.”
“In?” Samuel asked, pretending to play dumb by what you could have meant by that.
“On the interrogations. On everything. Out anyone here, I’ve got the skills to make those Alphas sing like a canary.” You said. You were proposing a deal you would have never agreed to on any other day. But you needed to get in there and see what they were doing with your own two eyes. “Sam and I both agree that this is us now. Dean was holding us back. Whatever you need, we’ll do it. No questions asked.”
“Yeah, I know you two will. You’ve been especially a good help, Y/N. And you’re right. I should have told you about what we’ve been doing.” Samuel said. You stood up straighter and waited for him to give you the directions, anything to help get to the interrogation. However, it seemed Samuel was ready just yet to let you in into his personal crowd. “But I can’t risk you going into a high stress situations like these interrogations. You know what happens if you get too stressed.”
You refrained yourself from lashing out at him from his poor excuse. You inhaled a deep breath as you tried to approach the argument with a calm tone. “It happened...what, a handful of times? And to be fair on my part, it was right when I came back from the dead. I've got it under control."
“Don't forget the vamps nest back when Dean got turned. You said so yourself to me that you don’t remember a thing. If it wasn’t for Dean, you would have been dead after that stunt you pulled.” Samuel might have been old, but he sure know how to try and win a fight. Mary had been a strong headed woman like yourself. She tried proving herself over and over again about how she could handle big hunts. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest like how she used to. “Until we figure out what’s causing these blackouts of yours, and this soul business on top of it, you and Sam keep doing what you’re doing.”
“But I can—” You tried your hardest to try and get him to change his mind over something so stupid like your episodes that you thought had been triggered by stress. That’s what all of the neurologists told you after you visited at least half a dozen. Or maybe it was the fact that you were human for once in your new life. No special demon side to miraculously heal you.
“No. You can’t.” Samuel cut you off, knowing well enough his decision was for the best. You let out a sigh as you looked disappointed in yourself for the things in yourself that you couldn’t handle. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, mumbling that it was okay. You saw yourself out of the compound and left the older Campbell back to his packing, letting the man think you agreed to his plan. Little did he realize that Sam had been waiting for you outside, already ready for the second plan if the first one failed. He went through Samuel’s truck and pulled out of the many burner phones that the both of you could use to track him. If the man didn’t want to tell you where he was doing these interrogations, fine. You’d just follow him and see things close up and personal for yourself.
The both of you headed back to the Impala that was hidden from the compound to make sure your story was more believable. You slipped yourself into the backseat as Sa m took his rightful place in the passenger’s side. Dean had been absentmindedly staring out the driver’s side window, expecting you to be back at any moment, but it was the sight of his brother that took the man a bit by surprise. You leaned forward in your seat as you looked at Dean, the ends of your lips stretching into a smirk as he tried to play it cool.
“You didn’t think I’d come back with Y/N.” Sam guessed.
Dean shrugged his shoulders, “I figured, sixty-forty.”
“Well, you’re stuck with us. Samuel didn’t take the bait.” You said, reaching for your laptop that you had conveniently placed in the seat next to you. You opened it up and pulled the tracking website to help pinpoint where Samuel would be heading off to. "So we went with Plan B."
“We had a Plan B?” Dean asked.
“Of course. Can’t be too careful.” You said. “I told Sam to fire up the GPS on one of his phones while I was talking to your grandfather. Should be able to track him the Alpha.”
“The old man won’t notice?” The older WInchester cautiously wondered.
“Trust me. He thinks Velcro is big news. That’s why I’ve been stuck doing the desk job. Man can barely work a microwave with cursing up a storm.” You said. You watched as the map you pulled up showed a blinking red dot. As it began to move, you turned your laptop around to show the brothers. “And this, boys, is why you keep me around.”
+ + +
You and the boys tracked Samuel to a shady part of town, where nothing existed except for abandoned warehouses and a mile or two away from human civilization. It looked like the perfect spot to bring someone to have a nice, friendly chat. If the chat ended in them screaming and begging for their lives. Dean pulled the Impala up around the corner when the van Samuel had been driving pulled up to a doorway just across the way. The three of you were hidden just enough to watch the man and Christian disappear inside, having no clue they were being followed.
When the coast was clear, all of you headed to the door where you saw Samuel enter in. Dean tried opening the door, but it came as no surprise when he realized it was locked. As he pulled out his lock pick kit, you noticed something red was smeared across the metal door. You ran a finger across the substance and looked at in for a moment when you realized it was still wet.
“Dead man’s blood.” You noted, showing the boys what you discovered. “Smart move. Lock the place down with vamp repellent.”
Too bad the three of you had to ruin the fun. You and Sam inspected the area as Dean busied himself with working the lock before he successfully granted all of you entrance inside. You tightened your grip on the machete and followed inside, making sure the door quietly shut behind you before embarking on the journey into the warehouse. You expected this place to be crawling with hunters. But it seemed the place was eerily quiet the further you journeyed deeper into the place. For a few minutes you expected you might have gotten the wrong building. But when you heard footsteps coming up from a hallway just across the way and a flash of a familiar face, you knew someone was coming.
You and the boys quickly darted for a room on the right before Christian could spot you like you had done. You found a desk that was big enough for you and Dean to hide behind as Sam stuck himself behind a corner. Footsteps began to approach the room as expected and trailed off. But you weren’t in the clear just yet. You quieted down your breathing when Christian backtracked and found himself standing in the doorway of the room you and the boys were hiding in. It was a few moments before the man figured that he just heard something and he was off again, giving you the chance to finally get back to exploring the place. Of course you would have gladly accepted the challenge of knocking him out cold if need be.
The three of you headed back into the hallway when Christian was long gone. You traveled behind the boys and looked around at the bleek, gray concrete walls and surroundings that might have been a bit overwhelming to a normal person. To you, the further you traveled into this place, a sudden rush of deja vu hit you. It felt like you've been here before. Like you walked down these same halls on different occasions.
You furrowed your brow slightly as you rubbed your head, trying your hardest to get the feeling to go away. It was never a good sign when you felt the feeling come creeping back into you. For someone, the phenomenon was a weird feeling, a lapse of memories crashing together. For you, it meant another episode was threatening to come in. And it always chose the most inconvenient timing when you heard a familiar voice echo through the hall, making you realize you were closer than you anticipated.
“You’re seeing now how this shapes up is entirely up to you.”
It was Samuel. You and the boys approached a heavy iron door that must have held the big monster. Sam took one side as you stood close to Dean, who waited a moment before slowly pushing the sliding door to give the three of you a peek. You peered over the edge to see what was going on. Inside was Samuel, who stood with his back to the door, his full attention on the Alpha vampire, who was strapped down in a chair. For an added caution he was locked up in a large, intimidating looking cage. He didn’t seem bothered by his surrounding or the questions the hunter was asking him.
“Where is it?” Samuel asked the vampire. The monster remained silent. “Answer the question. Where is it? How do we find it?”
You took another peek around the door to see that Samuel wasn't wasting any of his precious time by reaching for a button connected to the cage and powered up some machine that you couldn't see. He slammed his palm against a button, and just a few moments later, a sudden burst of electricity ran through the vampire's body from the iron nails they had jammed into his hands and feet You were expecting something to come out of the monster's mouth. However, he sat there, not even blinking at what must have felt like a tickle to him. The vampire decided to have some fun for himself when he noticed that Samuel was pissed at the lack of reaction.
“Ouch. Stop.” The vampire sarcastically pleaded in a montone. “That hurts.”
Samuel slammed the button again, making the electricity stop. He stepped away and began to pace around the room a few times before turning his attention to the Alpha. “Now, this—this is Club Med compared to what we have planned for you.” The older hunter tried to tease the idea that they had more up their sleeve. The vampire merely looked away. “I got all the time in the world.”
“Well, that makes two of us.” The vampire remarked back.
The comment was enough to get under Samuel’s skin. He reached for a weapon on the table he was standing next to you and began to charge forward, but he changed his mind quickly after, knowing he couldn’t do anything. The vampire let out a laugh when the hunter threw the weapon back where he found it. Samuel decided that he had enough of this and exited the room. You looked back over at the boys when you heard the door shut. All of you were set on the idea of finding Samuel and asking him a few of your own questions. Before you could take a step, a voice called out to you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Are you three going to hide all night? Come on out.” The vampire said, deciding that it was the perfect time for the four of you to have a nice talk. You and the boys exchanged a look before you were opening up the door further to see the Alpha vampire himself. You stepped into the place they were keeping him, taking notice of how well they had him on lock down. But you didn’t loosen your grip on your machete as you approached him, making sure to leave enough distance to the door. Just in case the worst scenario happened. “How can I help you?”  
“We got some questions for you, Skippy.” Dean said as he slowly approached the cage. “Since you’re going nowhere fast.”
The vampire let out another chuckle, “Don’t be so sure.”
“Yeah? Locked down pretty tight. With dead blood rushing through your veins...not sure you got enough juice to fire up that psychic bat-signal of yours.” Dean said, knowing himself first hand of what the creature was capable of. Now what laid in front of him was a slightly weaker version of himself. But still strong enough to take care of himself. All it took was patience. Neither one of you noticed when the Alpha's middle fingernail grew eerily long, slowly cutting away at the leather straps that kept him bond like an animal.
“True. Not near enough juice for that, Dean.” The Alpha agreed.
Dean grew a bit tense when he heard his name being spoken by the vampire, “Didn’t realize we were on a first-name basis.”
“Of course we are. After all, you were my child for a time.” The vampire said, as if the memory had skipped your mind. Ever so slowly, his nail dragged itself across the leather. “Dean, tell me, did you enjoy it?”
“I’m asking the questions here, Fright Night.” Dean said. You looked away from the Alpha for a moment to see that Dean approached the cage. Deciding to try his hand at inflicting some sort of pain by pushing the same button Samuel had, letting a surge of electricity run through the cage again, but the vampire didn’t flinch. He didn’t react. All of this was child’s play compared to what he was planning.
“When your kind first huddled around the fire...I was the thing in the dark. Now you think you can hurt me?” The vampire asked. Dean powered down the machine once more when he realized it wasn’t worth the effort. A smirk spread across the monster’s lips when the man backed down. You began to slowly walk forward to the cage, curiosity beginning to peak your interest as to why Samuel was going through all of this effort to ask all these questions.  “I have all night, kids. You do not. I’m happy to tell you whatever you want to know.”
"You seemed awfully quiet before." You noted. "Why now?"
“Why?” The vampire repeated your question. You narrowed your eyes slightly when he decided to answer you with a threat that he thought he was going to make a reality. “Because soon I’ll be ankle deep in your blood...sucking the marrow from your bones.”
“So you’re really it.” Sam said. He stepped forward to the cage when he observed the monster for a few moments. He had never got to see an Alpha up close and personal before like this. It was always about the tracking and finding them off guard. All the lore he read about and the whispers the Campbells had spoke about, and here laid one, like a caged animal. Harmless as a hellhound with a muzzle. “The first of your species.”
“The very first.” The vampire said with pride in his voice.
“But if you’re the first, who made you?” Sam asked.  
“Well, we all have our mothers.” The vampire said. He stared at the three of you for a moment as his nail continued to slowly cut through the leather strap. Neither one of you took the time to notice what he was doing. “Even me.”
“What does that even mean?” You questioned the Alpha. His answer was a throaty laugh, which you didn’t find the least bit amusing. You rolled your eyes and decided to keep him up on his offer of answering any questions that you might have that pertained to the things you seen while hunting his children. “What’s with the big surge of vampires lately?”
“We’re going to war.” The Alpha said. Your facial expression dropped when you heard him give a response that you weren’t expecting to hear. It wasn’t that long ago you solved a problem with the same threat. Now another one landed right in your lap. And you wanted to shove it far away from you before you could learn anything else.
“What’s going on?” Sam questioned the vampire when the three of you weren’t getting any kind of useful information. “Why did Samuel bring you here?”
“You smell cold.” The Alpha said. You slowly looked away from the vampire and to the younger Winchester from what you heard. He noticed right away about how the younger Winchester was much different to his hot-blooded counterparts by simply the way his body had adjusted to something so small, but so significant in many different ways. "You have no soul. What an oddity. Do you feel how empty you are? What is it like to have no soul?”
“Answer my question.” Sam said.
“You first.”
“You’re the one in the cage.”  
“The thing about souls, if you’ve got one, of course, if they’re predictable. You die, you go up, or down. Where do my kind go?” The vampire asked, bringing up a few questions you never really took the time to think of before. What happens to the wicked when they finally get put down? Or the monsters who tried their hardest to live a quiet life in the shadows? They were granted an eternal blissfulness above. But they weren’t punished in the fiery pits below like humans. Dean rolled his eyes, not wanting to hear whatever kind of sermon the Alpha was preaching. “I’m trying to answer the question. Now, when we freaks die, where do we go? Not heaven, not hell, so?”
“Legoland?” Dean wondered with a sarcastic guess.
“Little rusty on our Dante, perhaps?”
You thought to yourself for a moment about how that had to do with anything. You had Heaven for those who lived a life of purity, hell for sinners who did unspeakable things during their time on earth. But there was one place that you’d only heard of as a myth. A place where people who weren’t innocent, yet still had some chance of redeeming themselves to be granted a spot in heaven. You looked over at the Alpha when you realized what he was hinting at.
“Purgatory.” You muttered underneath your breath.
“Purgatory?” Dean repeated what you just said. “Puragorty’s real?”
“Oh, stupid cattle. Of course. And it is filled with the soul of every hungry thing like me that has ever walked this earth. Now, where is it? That is the mystery.” The Alpha explained to the three of you. “That is what your kind-hearted granddaddy is trying to beat out of me.”
"Samuel brought you here to find out where puragory is?" You asked him for clarification, but you were finding yourself suddenly overwhelmed with questions at what you were finding out.
“I keep telling him, ‘How would I know such a thing?’” The Alpha shrugged as he pretended to act clueless, but you could see right through his act. Something powerful as him would know, he had to. “But he refuses to untie me.”
“You know exactly where it is.” You accused him. You stepped closer to the cage  until you were just a foot away from the bars, wanting to get to the bottom of this once and for all. “Why does Samuel care so much about this?”
“He doesn’t care.” The Alpha answered you. “He does as he is told.”
Someone else was pulling at the man's strings and making him do all of this. All the lying, all the secrets was because the man was doing exactly what his boss wanted. You slowly looked over at the boys when you began to wonder what kind of leverage Samuel's boss had against him to make him do this. And if this mysterious person you’ve never heard of before until now was the exact same one who had pulled the man out of his spot in heaven. Along with you and Sam.
“Well if the old man’s Kermit,” Dean said, “Whose hand’s up his ass?”
You could feel your jaw tightening from the circumstances you had let yourself be apart of for this entire year. Samuel used you and Sam for his own benefit. And you were about to give him hell when you found him. But it seemed the man was already one step ahead of you. The sound of a gun clicking into place made you look over your shoulder to see the man himself. You could feel yourself white-knuckling the grip around the machete when you saw Samuel standing there with a few of his men.
You and the boys had no choice but to surrender. You unwillingly tossed your machete and any sort of weapon you were carrying to the floor when you were escorted back to the hall. But you didn’t need a knife or a gun to kill Samuel. If Christian wasn’t pointing his gun at you, you’d make your move and show him how you felt about this entire situation.
“You know, I have seen some stupid in my time, but you take the crown.” Dean said. He was the one who spoke his mind as his lips partly into a smirk as he laughed about the situation his own grandfather put himself into. But there was nothing funny about this. “Putting Jaws in a fishbowl? How do you think that’s gonna end? I don’t know what kind of game—”
“You think I’m doing this for kicks?” Samuel cut off his grandson when he was being accused of something that painted him like the villain here.
“I think you’ve got these feebs convened you’re John Wayne.” Dean said. He took a step or two closer to the man, showing his grandfather that things were only going to end up deadly if he kept up this little side project that he’d been keeping a secret from all of you for however long he had been. “So whatever you're doing, whatever you're hiding...it's gonna put you and everyone around you in the ground.”
Samuel didn’t seem to find his grandson’s words all that helpful, in fact, they crawled under his skin, making him step forward to the man and reach out an arm. You took it as an opportunity to grab the loaded shotgun out of his grip when he made the mistake of outstretching his arm where you were standing. Sam roughly threw Christian against the wall and unarmed him as Dean shoved Samuel against the opposite wall. He tried to reach down to grab his gun and load the clip back into the chamber, but before he could, the three of you froze in your spot, hearing the sound of a gun cocking in place. You let out a sigh as you looked down the hall to see Gwen standing there with a smirk on her lips and a loaded gun she was pointing in your direction.
It seemed everyone in the Campbell family was onto this situation, except for you and the boys. All of you were at a crossroads of what to do now the truth was out there. But things you wanted to discuss with Samuel would have to wait when you heard a scream of terror echo through the warehouse, coming from the same room where the Alpha and one of Samuel’s men were. You had a feeling that it wasn’t good. Samuel let out a sharp sigh from what he heard and nodded his head to your belongings and told you to grab them. He needed all the backup for what all of you were were about to discover.
You followed behind as all of you headed back into the interrogation room to see a sight of one dead hunter, his body sprawled on the blood and his blood in a puddle at your feet. But the most unsettling sight of all was a cage now empty, an Alpha vampire that could easily escape his surroundings wasn't good. You let out a frustrated sigh of your own as you rubbed your eyes, feeling a sudden headache settling into the front of your head at the situation you had on your hands. As if things couldn't get any worse. They always did.
“How much dead man’s blood we got left?” Samuel asked. Christian pulled out all of two syringes from his pocket to show his uncle.
“I see you guys are really planning for situations like this." You muttered underneath your breath, rolling your eyes at the situation that wasn’t ideal. But it was six hunters against one Alpha, not mention of the dead man’s blood they had running through his veins before. "How long until the Alpha's a hundred percent?"
“An hour, maybe less.” Samuel said. “We need to get him back in the cage.”
“No. I don’t know what your plan was, but catch is not on the table. Take off the head, or it kills us all. You know what.” Dean said, taking control of the situation before one of you would end up dead end up next to complete a task that was impossible. Samuel looked at his grandson for a moment. He wasn’t happy at the new plan, but he agreed. They already lost one person. All of you couldn’t risk losing another. “Okay. We split up, clear every room. You get a shot, take it. It’s not gonna kill him...but the dude will move slower. And if we make it through this, you, me, Y/N and Sam—we are gonna have one hell of a family meeting.”
Even though there was six of you and one vampire, the odds were working against you the more time slipped past and the dead man's blood vanished from his system. He could be hiding anywhere. You hoped one of you was fast enough to take his head off before you were next on the menu. Everyone tried to stay in groups to keep each other safe. You stayed with Dean as Sam stuck around with Gwen, leaving Christian and Samuel to fend for themselves.
You wandered through the warehouse with caution and looked over your shoulder, making sure the Alpha didn’t take you by surprise. Your life could never be simple as hunting down monsters and traveling around with the boys. No. It was always about the bigger picture, a fight that you didn’t want to be apart of and asking questions about where someone’s soul was and why Samuel was looking for the afterlife. You tightened your grip around your machete when you rounded the corner and took another part of the building without backup. You anticipated for a gruesome sight, but what you saw made you exhale a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding
“Any luck?” You asked the three men standing in front of you.
Christian shook his head and dropped his weapon for a moment, “You think he ran out?”
The possibility seemed likely if you captured any other vampire, but with someone powerful as the Alpha, he wouldn't leave any survivors. You had a feeling he was in here in the shadows, waiting until he was strong enough again to attack. But you didn't realize when you turned your head to look out into the hallway, in which you were just a few moments, that he was bold enough to make his move quicker than you thought. Your eyes widened slightly as you opened your mouth to warn the man that the Alpha was right behind him. But the only thing that came out of your mouth next was a gasp when you heard the sound of Christian neck snapping like a twig when the Alpha twisted it at an angle that didn’t look good.
Samuel didn't waste a second in seeking vengeance when his nephew dropped to the ground. He pointed his gun straight at the Alpha and pulled the trigger, but it did nothing to stop the monster. The Alpha threw the hunter across the room and went straight after Sam when the man tried to take him down himself, only to be failed when the vampire was too powerful. You weren’t going to fall victim as you swung your machete at him, trying to at least get any sort of hit in to make him weaker. Your attempts went farther than anyone else, but you weren’t successful as you wanted.
You suddenly felt a grip around your throat and your backside being pressed against the wall. Your machete dropped to the ground when the Alpha had you exactly where he wanted. You could feel his grip tightened even more, cutting off any sort of air to your lungs. His lips stretched into a smirk when he saw you struggling to keep consciousness.
"The boy with no soul and the girl who they me I should be afraid of. Oh, no. I've got big plans for the both of you. Especially you, Y/N." He whispered to you, but you didn't understand what he was saying as the dull ache in your lungs began to grow. "It's amazing how that pesky little soul gets in the way. But not for you two. You will be the perfect animal.”
The Alpha’s mouth turned into fangs and got ready to do the deed, but if he only knew that was as far as he’d ever go. Out of nowhere, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the crook of his neck and a sudden rush of poison race through his veins. Your body dropped to the ground when you felt the grip around your throat be released. Sam rushed to his feet when he noticed that, out of all the people who went in to save the day, was someone he saw get killed just a few moments ago. Christian stood with an empty syringe that once held dead man’s blood, his eyes painted black as the dark soul that took over his body.
But he wasn't working alone. Everything happened so fast after that. Dean and Gwen made it back to the room when they heard all sorts of ruckus. They stumbled upon the sight of the Alpha cornered with no way to go with Christian. But he had the help of a few friends they never seen before. Before either one of them could figure out what was going on, just like that, they were gone. All that remained was the five you.
Dean found his attention wandering away from the sight that he’d just witnessed when he noticed you were lying on the ground, not moving after being attacked by the Alpha. He began to think of the worst when he dropped himself down to your level and began whispering your name in a worried tone. He cupped your face with his hands and tried to wake you when he felt a pulse beating against his fingers when he checked, worried that you might have suffered a fatal disaster after going at it with the Alpha.
“Come on, sweetheart.” Dean muttered to you. “Snap out of it.”
You began to slowly come back around when you heard his voice. He watched as your eyes began to move back and forth from behind your eyelids. You moved your head up by yourself as you finally opened your eyes. He was expecting to see you, but what he saw staring back at him took him by complete surprise. Your lips stretched into a smirk as your eyes were black as night. Black as a demon he thought you wouldn’t come back as.
Dean always carried the demon knife with him, never knowing when black-eyed sons of bitches like the one he thought cruising around in your body liked to show up. He pulled it out and got ready to threaten the demon inside of you, but before he could, Samuel managed to stop him.
“Don’t.” Samuel warned his grandson. “It’s not a demon. It’s still her—It’s Y/N.”
“Think you could get rid of me that easy?” You whispered to him as you let out a quiet chuckle from seeing his reaction. “Oh, no.”
The older Winchester thought things couldn't get any worse. He thought it was bad enough that his brother was without a soul, he'd been turned a vampire for a short time and his grandfather turned out to be a liar who had been lying to the three of you for weeks now. Now you stood in front of him, his mind swimming with all thoughts to how this happened. How Cas didn't realize you came back from the cage a demon. A slow clapping sound coming from across the room caused the hunter to turn his gaze away from you, and to a sight of someone from your past that he thought he’d never see again.
There stood on top of the metal staircase was the demon who had been the one who had been the one who gave Ella her second deal. The one who help try take down the Devil with the three of you. And the son of a bitch who kept Bobby’s soul after promising to return it. Crowley, the king of the Crossroads, graced all of you with his presence. "Well, that was a bit dramatic."
[Next Part]
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