#at least according to the lore
ierogenvy · 2 months
furthermore i think he disassociated from any fun he had while he was a demon because to be a demon is to be a monster is to be evil and that is the antithesis of his whole life up to that point
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linnaealyn · 7 months
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They're just shooting stars, little one.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 4 months
so it first Scourge only stays in the dimension because he has no way out, but what about the Omniviewer or the Ring of Eternity? do they for some reason not have the ability to take him to his dimension? or are we just shoving them out of the picture for the sake of the story until we can think of a good reason for their absence?
hi can you tell how much I've got the Fleet!Sonourge bug
So the Omniviewer and Ring of Eternity, although they do have dimension-related powers, don't quite have the powers to send Scourge back to his own dimension (Sonic was distraught upon discovering this, because the Omniviewer was his first solution. Locals say he stormed off yelling "THEN WHAT EXACTLY IS THE POINT OF YOU???" when the Omniviewer said he couldn't help). Their powers, while impressive to someone from the fleetway dimension who didn't even know dimension travel was possible, are actually pretty standard and minor in the grand, cosmic, multi-dimension scheme of things, as both of them can really only use their powers on the fleetway dimension and nearby "connected" dimensions
The Omniviewer's power is mostly limited to Mobius and the Special Zone, the latter of which is still inside the fleetway dimension. There's the bonus of time travel, but that still only really impacts the fleetway universe. I don't remember if we ever see him use his powers for anything outside Mobius and the Special Zone, but if he can, it's limited. The Ring of Eternity has a bit more power, as it can connect to other dimensions, but only... local dimensions, I guess is the way to put it? The Cosmic Highway is big, there are a lot of alternate dimensions to hold, and not all dimensions are within the same distance as each other
Think of it as like a bubble, I guess? The Ring of Eternity can reach dimensions that are within the bubble, and most if not all of those dimensions have a direct connection to the fleetway dimension. The universe that has King Sonic, for example, is directly connected to the fleetway universe, because, well, it's a parallel for it. It's a relatively close dimension, from a multi-dimensional perspective, which means it's within the reach of the Ring of Eternity's powers
Moebius, however, is not part of these connected dimensions. Different bubble, or neighbourhood, or whichever metaphor you wish to use. It's not a dimension that's close to the fleetway universe, so even if the Ring of Eternity or the Omniviewer were aware of that universe to begin with, they couldn't send Scourge there, because they just don't have that kind of power. Probably for the best, otherwise there could have been some... unforeseen complications when the Omniviewer trapped Super
The fleetway universe, and similarly, it's connecting universes, are pretty well-contained. Travel between connected dimensions isn't very common as it is, unless you count Sonic's trips to the Special Zone, so getting outside of that little bubble is incredibly difficult. Portals that open directly onto the Cosmic Highway just don't spawn often, and it's incredibly difficult to find an alternate way out. Perhaps it's a cosmic evolution; a dimension that specifically spawned and adapted to keep things and people (like Super) contained
Either way, it's effective at keeping people in. Between that, and Scourge's dimension being not only completely unconnected to the fleetway universe, but also thousands of miles away on the Cosmic Highway, neither the Omniviewer nor the Ring of Eternity can help, so please stop yelling at us Sonic it's not our fault there's nothing we can do
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
i think danger days is mcrs best album
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diamondnokouzai · 8 months
so the nine hour fnaf lore video may have altered my brain chemistry
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
anw here's how the mayoi 7 mysteries tour can still win-
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
*deepest sigh you have ever heard in your life* send me a ඞ for a snippet of the second among us fanfiction i’m writing for an english final this year 
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
Lomadia and Lalna fighting to see how many countries they're wanted in
see the difference is Lalna is wanted by law enforcement and Lomadia has a dozen different mafia hits on her head in every city
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puppyeared · 2 years
Thank you for the Spirit tracks content. I will cherish this for the rest of my life
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picavecalyx-a · 2 years
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  sometimes i do just think about how silva is a vessel for yveltal but also a duplicate,,,and i think about the fact that given there’s originally only one(1) yveltal,,,she is the second yveltal and throws off the balance.
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earthenterran · 4 months
Im having thoughts about the lore in the 1oo again and its bottheeering me
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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(screw it, i say tonia when she was stationed in sumeru had her own sumpter beast that she called by some cute name or the other because the beast had been presented to her spontaneously and she had no idea how to deal with what was definitely a Really Big Goat Thing(??) 
the fatui def told her that it didn’t need a name but sumeru era toni was still a very sweet girl so she decided to name it anyway. probs something like Fluffy
of course once her cover was blown Mr. Fluffy went with it, but she probs still thinks about him sometimes........... misses him just a tiny bit whenever she thinks back on those times)
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krak-house · 2 years
i forgot to post it here i think but I did actually get that ofmd tattoo that I talk abt in my blog description lol I already have 2 more planned
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hbmmaster · 2 years
mario movie predictions
(for context I’m writing this before the trailer has been released)
this will not be a “good movie”
unfortunately, it also won’t be bad in interesting ways
you’ll definitely be able to tell that many people who worked on this care about the source material. background details will be filled with deep-cut references to things from across the whole franchise, including things nintendo hasn’t acknowledged in decades
those will be completely overshadowed by the lore references in the script, which are the most Dorkly-ass nostalgia bait “hey remember Mario?” type gags a committee of soulless writers could come up with
it’s (at least partially!) an origin story, obviously, but they’re not allowed to deviate from established “canon” enough to come up with anything interesting. the best they can do is reference relatively lesser-known games like Wrecking Crew. they won’t reference Mario Bros. (Game & Watch) because they’re cowards.
it’s a comedy, but they only have like five good jokes. all five of those jokes will be featured in the trailer, so a bunch of people who don’t know how trailers work will think it looks good
the majority of the gags are jokes you’ve heard a million times before. peach sure gets kidnapped a lot! did you know mushrooms are also drugs? if you’re the Mario Brothers does that mean your name is Mario Mario? hey what if “cake” is a euphemism for something!! mario eats mushrooms he’s on shrooms get it
chris pratt’s mario voice is okay. it sounds kinda like mario’s voice in hotel mario, but with less personality
charles martinet’s cameo is as mario. the first time mario says something, it’s in martinet’s voice, then he clears his throat and has a more boring voice for the rest of the movie
princess peach girlboss moments
there’s a “mario is a bad brother” subplot. mario mistreats luigi consistently, and it’s not resolved by mario growing as a person it’s resolved by luigi doing something cool and “earning” mario’s respect
coincidentally mario DOES grow as a person, when he eats the super mushroom : )
in accordance with the Post-Frozen Law of Animated Villains, there will be a surprise bad guy reveal. there are several ways this could go:
bowser as a villain is played straight for the first act, then mario rescues peach and that’s the end of the Origin Story portion. afterwords, the REAL villain comes in, and the gang has to team up with bowser to stop them! and that real villain, of course, is
Foreman Spike, from Wrecking Crew
Donkey Kong
Yoshi (revenge for being thrown into pits)
Wario (wahahahaha)
Luigi (mario is a bad brother subplot final form)
Waluigi (featuring meta jokes about how waluigi hasn’t been in enough games)
Peach (girlboss moments)
ALTERNATIVELY, one of the above is the villain at first, then there’s a third-act twist that. bowser is the villain.
there will be one shot, somewhere, where the super crown powerup appears in the background along with a bunch of other items, and people on twitter will freak out about how this is a canon reference to bowsette
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weirdmageddon · 15 days
the shift in lore literacy in homestuck’s fandom
i was thinking about how the people who got into homestuck after it ended—whose interactions with the comic are in a static, archived state, not an ongoing thing—missed out on information that was more common knowledge in the fandom at that time. i don’t know if this is true since i’m not on tiktok, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it was. the fandom certainly isn’t the same as it was before.
ive found that many people reading homestuck now simply do not understand things in homestuck that were common knowledge back in the day, with calls for “homestuck literacy classes to become mandatory” in response to baffling takes because so many people just now seem to have glazed over the comic without absorbing important plot points, and i think i know why this may be. i ended up writing a post reflecting on my time with the comic, my perspective and how ive seen this change. i still think and write about homestuck because it still fascinates me. earlier i quote retweeted that call in my thread talking about the temporal relativity of dave and rose’s god tier ascension in the green sun, saying “my homestuck literacy is 100% so guess im doing my part as a teacher by pointing out whatever i think is really cool about it”. this post im writing now started out as a reply to this tweet i got in response.
i joined the fandom in 2013. i was 11. i had been aware of it since at least late 2011, early 2012 when my friend ryan in fifth grade told me to read it but i couldn’t get past the first few pages. i remember writing a journal on deviantart around this time (late 2011-early 2012) that was mocking people who typed like gamzee, which ironically was very karkat of me. and i remember someone on flipnote hatena i was following was making flipnotes with the alpha kids.
i dont know what caused me to flip the switch into reading it but 2013. i got into it somewhere between april (i think closer to april—i remember it being quite a span of time between the last update before HOMOSUCK dropped.) this was the most recent page the comic, meaning there was no > [S] ACT 6 ACT 6 at the bottom.
i got into it during a pause in updates, which looking into it, was the year 4 megapause. i wasn’t sure of the month until seeing the news post detailing the reason for the hiatus and the status report of the comic’s development at that time. pretty cool i could narrow it down by referencing the dates of those updates and the news post to correspond with the pause!
according to readmspa, the year 4 megapause was a 59 day hiatus from Apr 14, 2013 ==> (EOA6A5) running to 12 Jun 2013, [S] ACT 6 ACT 6. then for a few months there were the first updates that i was apart of the fandom for.
and what an exciting time during the story get into the webcomic! when the updates resumed in june, part 4 of homestuck had begun. here was a glimpse of the updates in that span of time before the next hiatus began in october.
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that hiatus was none other than the gigapause, the longest hiatus in the comic, which started october 2013 and lasted for a YEAR, and i already posted about what happened on the date of return.
but here were the main events happening in the story at the time i first actually got interested in it. i wasn’t aware of the full context of them then like i am now, but i was looking at the most recent updates anyway with interest:
the alpha kids just emerged as god tiers from their slabs in derse and prospit, blown up by the condesce and caliborn / lil cal-possessed b2 jack noir.
the journey to the new session started 24 hours after jack called an early reckoning in descend—for context that was about when dave entered around midnight central time and before jade even entered. it’s pretty easy to forget that side 1 of homestuck basically happens within the span of a single day—and at this point in the story, the 3 year journey (which was also 3 real life years) had just ended. john and jade emerged from the other side of the yellow yard through the fenestrated plane on LOMAX. john’s real body was asleep upon arrival in the new session, while his dreaming projection out in the dream bubbles came across vriska’s ghost ship to learn lord english lore with vriska and aranea, and go on the treasure hunt where they found the ultimate weapon at the X mark out in in the furthest ring. in the dream john stuck his hand in the juju, started warping all over canon which removed his real body from the ship on LOMAX. he zapped around for a while but eventually zapped back to LOMAX, now awake, completely out of the loop of what everyone else is up to, and bored as fuck. what was everyone else getting up to while john was asleep?
jade was now once again within the domain of the green sun. im pretty sure her space god doggy essence comes with the power to sense what was anywhere within the domain of the session since her face looks like she arrived at that spot with intent (and she literally has jack noir’s exact powers from bec’s prototyping. also this panel). she immediately dispatched b2 jack to the edge of the incinisphere, defending the newly god-tiered jane and jake. i think even if they weren’t in any danger, she would have warped to them instantly anyway because she COULD now, and i can imagine she wouldve been sooooo eager to meet everyone. even davesprite comments about her rapid departure.
the pre-scratch refugees arrived during the only time serious shit ever went down in the nobles’ months-long inert void session. the condesce used her freak psychic bronze-cerulean powers to commune with jade’s bestial side and mind controlled her, which is super dangerous as someone with the powers of a first guardian. she then used jade’s powers to corrupt jane with the tiaratop. no funtime meetup allowed!
the trolls’ meteor with rose, dave, and the remaining trolls was pulling up into the new session with no way to slow it down. grimbark jade warped there once it was in the incinisphere and took active control. she warped everyone off the trolls’ meteor and sent them to LOMAX.
as john was losing his mind on LOMAX waiting for everyone, the meteor crew warped in. after 3 years he finally reunited with rose and dave, and at least saw the trolls in person. close curtains, end of A6A5. this was the newest [S] flash page at the time, one of my first impressions of this comic, and still one of my favorite flashes. knowing the context of the flash in the story only enhances the retrospective joy i have at getting into the comic at the time i did because it’s such an anticipated moment in the story for everyone, while for someone with no context of the story it was still enjoyable.
so that’s what was going on plotwise when i joined the fandom.
from this time, through those few months of updates and through the gigapause, i was familarizing myself with the characters in the story and overseeing the state of fanbase, getting myself acquainted with the story and wrapping my head around everything.
at that time i found that a new-ish group called colab HQ who were producing a let’s read homestuck series on youtube. hearing the voices and the pacing of it like that really, really eased me into it (maybe it was my adhd that gave me trouble actually starting it?). i caught up to a certain point using lets read homestuck and from that point was able to continue with the comic on my own, and by the time the gigapause came to a close i was fully caught up. i remember the rebranding of colab hq into voxus about a year and a half after i discovered them.
but.. back to the main point of my post. even these posts from hussie’s tumblr exist in archived states. how many new fans know about hussie’s old tumblr? i don’t know, unless theyre a new fan that must scour the internet for more deep more dives on homestuck and its fandom as a whole. but since hussie deleted his tumblr (it exists archived now on homestuck.net which, alongside from the unofficial homestuck collection, has nearly singlehandedly kept the most important relics of the fandom and lore archived), that page is not an active part of the fandom now, because it’s gone. it’s a pile of bones. it’s not living and breathing. it’s in an archived state. the whole thing is already there. homestuck and its fandom history is something you now binge instead of slowly consume and meld with as it comes out. it’s now this rapid information intake that you might forget about if you read it now instead of engaged alongside it. you’re not surrounded by people actively talking and theorizing about developments anymore. the ability to have those sorts of conversations during the ongoing development of the story reinforced concepts, ideas, and lore over and over as we tried to make sense of it.
being in a fandom when the author is still delivering the story is like nothing else. it allows you grow alongside the characters and engage meaningfully with the media and people in the fandom space around you. it feels like you’re participating IN the media itself, especially if you’re interfacing with the creator. it’s in always having something to theorize or talk about and speculate. and people become very aware of these sorts of forgotten story facts because they were applying the logic of the newest official post from hussie into making their sburb ocs or something and share resources and discussion posts about “what just happened in this update?? recap????” it was this cultural osmosis thing. i think this is why homestuck literacy is now at an all time low, at least from what i can see on twitter.
reading homestuck then vs now is like the difference between serialized shows with spaces between episodes to discuss stuff and time to reflect and learn and become attached to the story, narrative, worldbuilding and its characters, vs the netflix model where it’s all dropped all at once and people forget about it after binging.
at this point in time im getting the sense that “homestuck elders” now are no longer just people who were there since 2009-2010, but now also people who were there while it was still updating, probably stretching into 2014-2015. there are many sources of lore that were common knowledge in the fandom at the time that, since becoming susceptible to the deletion of content and link rot, and with the thanosing of mspaforums, are no longer accessible at the source. and a lot of people moved on after it ended, especially following the epilogues, the kate drama, and the whatpumpkin-sarah z drama, leaving a void of information behind if not for archivists and people such as me who continue to keep old facts relevant in discussions. my friend has called me a fandom scholar before and seeing this post i think i get what they mean.
EDIT: there is a series of video essays ive watched multiple times (because theyre that good) and they are exactly what modern fans need to see more of. they really help contextualize the comic and the themes present in it help you appreciate the basic fabric of homestuck a hell of a lot more. i highly recommend them and encourage any fan of homestuck to watch them, or someone considering getting into homestuck to watch the first one.
i think this is arguably as close to the “mandatory literacy class for homestuck” that person was talking about as you can get, especially the first video.
additionally, there is also the website https://rafe.name/homestuck which is essentially a sparknotes for homestuck and can help you follow developments in the comic itself.
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lunastrophe · 3 months
BG3 Drow Lore 🕷️ Minthara's alurlssrin
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Alurlssrin is a drow term Minthara uses to describe the bond she shares with Tav - but what does it precisely mean?
🕷️ Alurlssrin In BG3 - alurlssrin appears in some specific Minthara’s lines, when the player character romances her. According to Narrator, it is …a word used rarely, describing the deepest bonds of trust and love.
When asked about it, Minthara says simply that alurlssrin means “love” and confesses that she never really expected to use it. In another line, she seems to be convinced that alurlssrin is the kind of bond that can be life-lasting.
When Tav tries to reciprocate, saying: I alurlssrin you too, Minthara – with a hint of amusement – explains that alurlssrin is a noun.
The alurl- part may suggest that this word means “the best” kind of an emotional bond, or something close to it (alurl – “best, foremost” in Drowic).
🕷️ Alurlssrin And Ssinssrigg - in R. A. Salvatore’s The Legacy, it is stated that …there is no word in the drow language for love. The closest word (...) is ssinssrigg, but that is a term better equated with physical lust or selfish greed.
Ssinssrigg is another term that appears in one of Minthara’s lines, when the player character romances her, but does not have her high approval. She says then: What we share is no more than ssinssrigg, a passion that burns fierce, but has no foundation.
But... since according to drow lore, there is no word for “true” love in Drowic – and the closest term is ssinssrigg - where did alurlssrin come from?
🕷️ Drow Words For Love - alurlssrin was first mentioned by Ed Greenwood in his post (TheEdVerse, Twitter, Jan. 2023) about Eilistraee and drow words for love:
Eilistraee knows all the drow words for love, and the elvish ones, too. The Drow words are: alurlssrin = unselfish, deep love, raggath = act of love (lovemaking), lurraggath = act of love (sacrificial or noble deed), ssinssrigg = passion, lust, greed, longing, love.
(Among elvish words for love, apparently also known to Eilistraee, there is nor = love, essence of passion. It also appears in one of Minthara's lines, when she calls her lover ust-nor - thank you to @vspin for messaging me about this!)
It seems, then, that alurlssrin is a drow word that is known to Eilistraee and most likely to her followers...
...but Lolth-sworn drow – or at least Menzoberranyr drow – do not know / use it. 🤔 So how is it possible that Minthara, a (former) paladin of Lolth from Menzoberranzan, is familiar with it?
🕷️ Alurlssrin In Minthara's Vocabulary
I have a feeling that alurlssrin appears in Minthara’s lines simply because a drow word for deep, true love was needed for the dialogue. Still, I tried to come up with some more lore-adequate explanations:
🕷️ Some Very Old Word – perhaps in Menzoberranzan, alurlssrin is a half-forgotten archaism that is no longer regularly used, but an educated (or bookwormish) drow can still stumble across it in centuries-old books and figure out its meaning.
🕷️ Language Of Heretics – as a paladin of Lolth, it is possible that Minthara came to contact with Eilistraeans – or with their culture – at some point. She might be even trained to recognize this particular kind of “heresy”, learning symbols and words popularly used among the followers of Eilistraee... alurlssrin included.
🕷️ Not So Unknown Anymore – language tends to change over time, and between the quote from The Legacy and the events of Baldur’s Gate 3, there is a gap of over 130 years. Maybe during this time, alurlssrin term became less unknown in Menzoberranzan? Although considering its connection to Eilistraee and her cult, this may be the least likely explanation.
Regardless of everything, the fact that Minthara calls the bond between her and Tav alurlssrin is certainly meaningful. Typically, many drow like her might not be exactly (or at all) familiar with a sheer concept of deep, unselfish, lasting love...
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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