#at this point im their only fan xD
lunastars21 · 1 year
Dashing through the special zone!
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Not only do I like drawing them together, I love making characters run across the screen doing different poses for some reason :3
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A bit random, but I wanna see something:
Ofmd fans, reblog and put in the tags what your sexuality is, how often you read ofmd smut, and have you read any ofmd fics about asexuality (either it's mentioned or the main part of the story)
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dgaftilwedie · 7 months
OKAY SO??? THE FACT THAT THEY LITERALLY SET UP THE FIRST EPISODE LIKE IT WAS GONNA BE JUST LIKE THE COMICS N THEN SCOTT "DIED"????? literally had me questioning fucking EVERYTHING i was watching that episode with the most quizzical look on my face?? also the fucking funeral scene was hysterical bc the way rammy n knives were abt to have a verbal face-off n envy's bitchass shows up n steals the whole show?? i have such a love-hate relationship with her.............
also lucas lee is fucking adorable and i love him :33 rammy becoming friends with roxie n making up with her after everything was something i really needed to see. cuz like for as much as i loved the movie n the comics, i feel like they could've done their relationship so much better. like seeing ramona take responsibility for hurting roxie made me so happy and im so glad they got a redemption arc.
ROXIE IS LITERALLY ME BTW??? her whole interaction with ramona n kim at the end kf the episodr was so silly N THE LEG LOCK HELLO????? also the way she walked off singing the HAMSTER DANXE SONG I LOCE HER
the toddlace thing was also so unexpected but holy shit?? i loved it. bi todd has been my fav headcanon for YEARSSSS and seeing jt happen right in front of my eyes?? WATCHING THAT EPISODE WAS SUCH A TRIP THO I CAN'T STOP QUOTING WALLACE'S "LINES? TRAILER?" BITS BC THEY'RE SO FUNNY
uhmmmmm what elseeeee OH YEAH young neil is a fucking goof n i love him, i really like that gideon (gordon ig 🙄) became like this not evil guy who just lived with julie n kicked it with lucas. the old scott stuff kinds fricked with me but i think it's cool that he became chill with the twins
LMFAOAO THAT SCENE AT THE END WHERE SCOTT'S TRTING TK FIGJRE OIT WHY HE CAN'T KISS RAMONA N HE TRIES TO FIGHT THE TWINS AND THEY'RE LIKE "our robot says we become bros in the future, so we have no intention of fighting you. see ya bro ;)" WAS SO SILLY
obligatory matt mention i love him he's so dumb i love that he took over gideon's entire empire only to turn around and change his mind :3 glad he got his broadway moment....... silly pirate headass
knives n stephen becoming the best brother/sister duo ever was so dope bc like. knives had someone to look up to n make music with n they had a lot of chemistry both personality wise n musically wise
my only critique is that i wanted more lisa ;^; i know she probably would've been out of place but it would've been cool if kim mentioned her to ramona and ramona interviewed her just like she did with her exes yknow :P she was one of my fav characters in the comics n she wasn't in the movie AT ALL so i was hoping she would've appeared in the anime, but alas 😞😞 i also kinda wanted to see where kim's love life went...... i know she's not the focus but she had undeniable chemistry with knives and that moment with roxie... i love that she's totally very queer and open to the idea of experimenting with girls n i wish that would've been expanded upon like how todd n wallace had their moment :33
other than that, i LOVED the anime. i love how we got baited into thinking it was just like the comics and i love what was done with it :3 it was such a goofy show and a lot of it was so jaw-droppingly surprising that i couldn't believe it, but it also had some really sweet, serious, n heart-warming moments which is something i really appreciate in a show :33 it's hard to keep watching something for so long but i binged the show in one day xD i'd give it a solid 9/10 (deducting points just for the sake of what i think was missing and how i don't recommend it for like "beginner" fans)
oki rant concluded!!!!!!! ^___^ there's so much more i wanna say but this is already sooooooo long as it is xD
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daftpatience · 8 months
[pointing at your icon like i would a cat who put flour over my kitchen's floor] YOU !!!!! My dash was so full of The Vampire Dies In No Time fanart that i thought this show was the new trending thing on anime nerds tumblr (<- didnt realize the reblogs came from only one v active user) and over a few days of seeing the nice looking vampire nonstop on my timeline i caved in and watched the show.. AND NOW IM HERE IN SMALL FANDOM HELL AGAIN... ! Congratulations on the reblogging i guess, your propaganda worked on me xD and i still need to finish s2 but i am now feeling very much Not normal over draluc and ronadora and am even tempted to draw fanart if i have time one day... in the meantime very much loved the first page of the comic you made for them and would be delighted to see more if you wanna show it one day (though no pressure and i mean it !) TLDR ; thank you/curse you i am now a tvdint fan as well
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for those of u whove not seen it its a very silly gag anime/manga about a vampire and a vampire hunter that end up living together/teaming up and all the hijinks they deal with. theyre incredibly shippable men and are a sort of parody of a bickering married couple in canon. draluc is the housewife and wears cute aprons and is good at cooking and its really cute. it's got all the gag manga horny jokes youd expect but, refreshingly, it doesnt put a big focus on women getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios and all that nonsense. everyone is getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios.
the neat thing is there's actually a really well-fleshed-out world going on here, but nearly all of it is getting fleshed out behind the scenes in omakes and the mangaka's tweets and such. there's a google drive of all of the translated worldbuilding tweets and canon AU info (there are a bunch of AUS that the mangaka came up with that the fandom enjoys - you'll probably notice tags like Delta au, Uso au, 30 years later, etc.)
anyways. there is also john and ill never get over how excellent the reference is that the vampire's familiar is an armadillo. look at him
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ganondoodle · 1 month
Oh man I saw your totk issues post and I agree 100%!! Those are all things that have really bothered me about playing totk, and things that made playing it not nearly as fun (the dungeons, the shrines, the building, etc).
Especially the map!! When I tell you I was so disappointed by the maps on totk, I was hoping for something new! It really just feels like a modded botw, not an official sequel.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the concept of “what if they had sent link to the past instead”? So the surface map would feature huge differences in the land forms and buildings that exist, and we’d get to see more ganon whenever he visits Hyrule, or go out to the desert to see Gerudo town, etc.
If they really wanted no sheika tech, they could also just have it being newly built? And you could introduce the new characters and such, etc etc.
(I also think the past champions are such a missed opportunity? If botw is about grief and loneliness, and finding hope in the hopeless, and Totk is about coming together despite that, it could have been really interesting if Link had gone to the past! They could have used the past setting as an eerie reminder to what Link and Zelda had lost when the Calamity struck!)
THAT BEING SAID: I’m not as familiar with the legend of Zelda lore, and haven’t played totk very much! I wanted to know your thoughts on this because you seem to have a lot of story and game mechanic knowledge that could explain why this could be a bad/good idea!
(Plus, your discussions are always super interesting to read, as is your custom totk lore, so I’d love to know what you think🩷)
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered an ask like this! If that’s the case, feel free to point that out and I’ll go through your ask tag if you have one:) I hope you have a great day!⭐️
im glad you enjoy my rants, i often feel like im being overly mean but tbh were else could i just rant as much as my heart desires without getting spammed by annoying people (certainly not on twitter lol)
i have talked alot, and i mean ALOT, about totk and my issues with it, both lore and gameplay wise, i dont claim to be an expert on any, though i am an old zelda fan and aspiring gamedev, i really only talk about what i feel about it, what i think about it, and by all means im biased as hell xD
if you dont know yet, the "ganondoodles rants" tag is where all my rants go, so if you are interested in reading more on my totk thoughts thats the way to search (given tumblrs search in blog works ..)
and to answers your question, i have touched on it briefly, sending link back in time before the shiekah tech existed would have been an easy way to excuse how they jsut got .. rid of it, bc they didnt, it literally didnt exist yet- and for reusing the map- though that argument falls a little flat bc ... they coud have already done that in present totk, like i brought up in one of said rants, things like flooding gerudo desert, collapsing death mountain, drying out zoras domain etc, and changing the location of the main populations would have already done alot without having to redo the map in its entirety;
the little changes to map itself really wouldnt that big of a deal if they didnt also send you to the EXACT same locations AND repeat the SAME LOCATIONS AGAIN but in the underground, like thats a fact i have talked about multiple times bc its so illogical in every way, anywhere theres a settlement on the surface theres a bigger mine below, its so stupid, the shrines conenct to a lightroot, the same, again, you dont need to explore bc theres nothing TO explore (its also extra weird bc theres one below taburasa (tarrey town) which .... link literally build with dumsda (hudson) a few years ago .. unless that got retconned too idk wth do i know anymore honestly- AND it makes the sonau extra weird bc why the hell do they have a bigass mine under every settlement ESPECIALLY UNDER GERUDO TOWN like, that just adds to my suspicions towards them)
anyway, link to the past was the point and yes, it could have solved a few issues (mainly shiekah tech and the whole "story" taking place AGAIN in the past completely disconnected from you the player) i personally am not so much a fan of it, but that mostly comes down to me just not liking time travel, i dont like going back in time, i want to play and do things in the here and now, i want to repair the damages of the calamity, find out its origins, maybe fix that too, i love to learn about past stuff too, but that more in text, no literal flashback (unless done well), i want to connect to the past but it also holds alot of mystery that maybe shouldnt be touched upon, some mysteries and unkowns are much more interesting when left as such, i want to THINK about things and come to conclusions that are logical and makes sense in hindsight even if it wasnt clear at the start, i dont want information and what to think about it told to my face over and over like im stupid
after botw i really didnt care much about the past, maybe about the acient hero who alot of people specualted to be of gerudo origin due to its red hair- which also got a monkeys paw curled bc in totk they do sth with but its so stupid and insulting that i do not accept it as canon, say what they want, there are no dog people anywhere in the past nor present botw/totk wtf is that i hate it- and its not even .. why is that the reward for that, it has literally NOTHING TO DO WITH TOTK ITSELF I COULD YELLLL AAAARGH
main point is that really, i wanted to explore the past .. in the present, i hoped to find broken old shiekah structures, old labs and maybe some left over damage and records from when the old king persecuted the shiekah for their tech, i wanted to know where the ancient energy the shiekah used was coming from, what the boss arena in the middle of hyrule castle really was- so many things just discarded and acted like they never happened or mattered; i dont want to travel into the past, i want to discover whats left of it, piece it together, discover dark secrets you can ask no one about bc all that knew about it are long gone- thats what intrigued me about botw, it felt like there was so much left to discover only for totk to throw it all away and just do its own thing .. but not commit to that hard enough either so its neither its own thing nor a sequel-
.. that wasnt really what you wanted to know was it? xD sorry i tend to ramble on if someone seems to give me permission to
to sum it up, i think it COULD work, sending link to the past instead, if done well, but so could canon totk have been, it could have been done well but wasnt for reasons i dont know and tbh even fear bc i worry its sets a dark future ahead of zelda; i personalyl am just not a fan of time travel so i dont have that much to say to it :O
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breadandblankets · 9 days
Pls pls pls hate on the Tim Cass twins thing more, it's so weird.
oh my goooooodness nonny you are enabling me so bad lmao, gd i love hating
putting this under a cut cause it got a lil long and i don't want people to see hate that don't want to! ^.^
Cass can really Never be given a break from DC and DC fans making her whole life and personhood be about white men huh, and in the Rare cases that the whole "twin" thing has Any substance outside of just calling them twins or drawing them with their faces smushed together it is never as interesting (to me) as the almost brush we had with Jason and Cass Actually Being Siblings
i know that last bit isn't canon but it has More canon basis than the tim cass twin thing, but regardless
it abuts the "tim is east asian" headcanon that as we are aware, is racist lmao, so you run the gamut of white washing cass or uncomfortably race bending tim to make this work and it is, at the end of the day deeply uncomfortable and weird, i have No idea why or how people have latched onto this but Okay
even if you don't do all of that and are just like "oh they just look similar" they All Look Similar, why do you think we keep joking about identical looking robins, you could do this with Any of them why is it Only Ever Tim
Cass is, to me, a character deeply Deeply defined by her relationship to other women, yes she has male characters that are extremely important to her and her story but to me they pale in comparison with the women in her life. You can't bring up a single batboy that will ever Ever hold a candle to the impact of Babs, Shiva, Steph, the BOP, etc
(its almost refreshing seeing as how steph is in many ways the opposite, she is defined by the men in her life, and she's jerked around by them, they make the big impacts etc)
Cass is not a toy to prop up white bat boys. You are manufacturing a false connection and then making her nothing but that connection. There are more characters there are Better characters to make Cass friends with, i am very glad to be a Duke fan whenever i try to dip my toe into the Harper tag for instance.
I think at this point that Tim is a Better character when he's not with the bats outside of like Dick and Bruce lmao. But thats just going to make the superfam fans mad at me for foisting tim fans on them XD.
Please, genuinely engage with the characters as they are, as they exist, theyre better than fanon gives them credit for, Tim is a better character than fanon would lead you to believe and this is Me saying this, No 9 Tim Drake Hater. Cass is more than this and deserves better from fandom that what some have done to her.
ugh im such an optimist i cant even hate properly fuck
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
HCS for having a couple's Only Fans with EREN and REİNER SLIGHT NSFW WENT WRONG!!!
My hand slipped and I accidentally wrote some HC's for owning a mutual only fans with EREN and REİNER oops D: (If there's anything to add feel free)
Eren:As soon as you suggest having an couple's only fans he just jumps right into it lol no convincing,no second time asking..Because the idea of him showing you off to rest of the world and claiming you as his is too overwhelming %100 super excited lol.And the image of poor internet simps paying money just to see him fucking you dumb sends him over the edge D: But you were just too shy and didn't wanted to show faces and make it a secret which kinda turned him off but he does understands </3 by aiming on your tattoos to camera's angles on purpose and making you moan and scream as much as he can lol.Do you really thought he would understand???Like really??Honestly modern au Eren too would have LOTS of tattoos so people could tell its him but no.He wants your star to shine lmao.You guys can deff make some money out of it and get somewhat popular tho nothing big.Yet i can totally imagine one day Connie just comes along to show Armin and Jean a peek of his favorite sexual content AND THEY FROZE like???IS THAT????NO WAY?? Somebody just bleach Jean's eyes he's disgusted afff lol.And Armin poor baby baby Armin D: Connie is just clueless goes around saying things like 'Aren't this types of tattoos so popular at the time?Eren too has one lol' D:::: 'Look at the coincidence his name too Eren haha' his laughter slowly dies as he realises D::: Jean is just wondering how stupid Connie might be as he hears you literally screaming Eren's name OwO they silently and guiltly look through the entire content deadpanned D: And how they WİSHED IT WOULD BE THEM fucking you in front of THAT mirror holding you close possesively as you mewl THEİR name in a bliss, instead of Eren's. Just like many other man did.
Reiner:Ofc has heard about only fans but never even thought about it until you bring it up and TERRIFIED of the idea of someone close to you two discovering it!!(CAN YOU IMAGINE PORCO FINDING REINER'S ONLY FANS?????) Honestly at first he will only accept it for your sake but then again he easily goes out of his way just to please you at everything :') Only fans is just one of many <3.This also can be his way of telling the world that he is entirely yours and proud.Yeeet he's kinda shyy so wont show his face.But this makes everything better???Like his body is so hot and no face thing makes him incedibly mysterious.I wont even talk about his natural talent he so efortlessly good at this.Like think of him triying to get a bj without choking their s/o but gracefully fails and you are stupid drooling,coughing mess D: I can see BOTH FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS going crazy over him and at one point you might be like???Hello I'm there tooo????But can you blame fans?? He's just waaay too pretty even without his face showing. As a result you two make good money with it so neither of you don't complain xD UNTIL your page literally BLOWS!! and everyday people talking about it.Just imagine sitting at a bar with Reiner and people next to you casually talking about a video of certain 6'3 mysterious blond man fucking their s/o on air while they look like a tiny rag doll over him and reiner gets choked on his drinkk xD he accidentally becomes a national porn star :D Honestly he didn't even think he could make any money out of it??Let alone his videos going viral??Neither did you so this was a interesting suprise for both of you.In the end this is where you two decided to drop it but his legacy lasted a looong time xDDD On the other hand do you think Karina can tell it's her son that's moaning???BECAUSE SHE ABSOLUTELY HAS SEEN İT :D
+I accidentally pimped out Reiner IM SO SORRRY xD BUT HE'S SUCH A PRETTY BABYYYYY AHAHAHZGXCX <3 also I REALLY dislike Karina :P
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ganeshkfp · 2 months
and yeah! your thoughts? (sorry i know this is a lot to dump on you but i saw you reply to my post :D)
OMG HI!!!!
Missing fight scenes actually makes sense since they are older and more capable of taking down monsters. Also this was supposed to be more like a crack book, where they just hang out as teenagers, without more trauma XD
I agree on that old age thing, it was kind of cheesy? But still, made me smile. And tear up 👉👈 They are my kids, thinking of them getting old-
About Grover, I think it would link with the other books because on Read Riordan we know Grover is very sad because he thinks they gonna leave him- I think in next books Percy and Annabeth would realize this and show him that he is wrong :) In toa they left for college all together, Grovar was with them. I think like he would be left alone at Hecate's house since both of them would be in school and maybe we would see his feelings- They are all just guesses tho XD
Other than that, their dynamics were everything! I mean there was almost nothing serious about it and I laughed at every page. Percy's pov are everything and I MISSED it sooo much! The titles too! The new characters are very good too, minor gods( Hebe, Iris, that Lake god, GANYMADE) their were amazing! Them turning to 8 years old babies by Hebe! Omg I LOVED IT. Humor and fluff was everything. And my fav scene: Athena catching Percy XD Like I lost it! It was sooo good. Her helping her future son in law, finally accept him because her love for her daughter :) Love them. Zeus's Llama story... Well, lets say I kinda missed them too XD And of course, Sally, Paul, Annabeth, Percy acting as a family. Annabeth and Paul's interactions were adorable! Grover banging in for tofu was also hilarious lmao. And he was sad there because it was their last summer :( Sally and Annabeth being close, Sally giving THE NEWS. Baby Estelle is on the way! Percy's reaction, also being sad because he would miss many of her early life :(
I only had one problem with the book: Lack of physical decriptions. I didn't really understand the reason because like in every book we had at least one page of Percy gushing over Annabeth, talking about her gray eyes etc. Grover and the gods same too. I mean, this made me a little sad because I really wanted to know what they look like, I am into imagining while reading. I mean, Rick changing the descriptions with the show ones or something? Don't get me wrong I adore the show and the cast but I really think they should have their own canon timelines ❤
Other than that, I can easily say it was now my fav pjo book. I mean I teared up with happiness, nostalgia I felt... I love OG trio more than anything 🥲 I can't wait for the next book-
Thank you so much for the dump, it made me soooo happy ^^ I never miss a change to discuss my fav books with the fans ❤
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atlamultishipper · 9 days
So your blog is safe for Aang and Mai fans. That's awesome! Personally, it was that hate that ruined Zutara for me, do I might be able to get back on the Zutara train if I can consume content without having to worry about the hate. But the crucial question is; is your blog safe for Azula fans too? Bc I've seen a lot of Zutara propaganda trying to paint Azula as the devil and Zuko as her victim who needs protection and love from Katara (only her, no one else works) to heal from his Azula-induced trauma
Ah Azula I have zero hate towards Azula.. Ive gotten called a child hater by a azula fan though when i pointed out how she techinally killed aang.. a child himself. so the idea shes a pacific is ridiculous. im a bit eh towards azula stans tbh but this fandom ingeneral is quite scary. .
. I dont view her as evil .. seems kind of ridiculous as the girl is just.. a kid . Grey also kmows how to play scary girls well..so it didnt click to me she was 14 until 2011 as the show never mentions her age i thought she was the eldest for a while.
. to me her story ended where it was suppose to go it didnt leave me unsatisfied it left me feeling pity. im going off of me in 2008 btw man it was forever ago. katara felt pity too her face during azula breakdown was that of sorrow insted of hate.. so id say team avatar would give azula a chance
as this is zutara blog though there wont be much azula talk here in general. I know who your talking about though and soakastyles is quite.... riduclous is the nicest way i'll put their takes... heck azula is prob nicer than them when i think about t.
Azula i'd describe a Ambitious , manipulative, cunning, lonely, love starved . (recent comics seems to be in a stockholm relationship with ozai .. that was interesting id like to see that implore more in avatar studios it seems they got some plans for her there)
my fav fictional character is also bojack horseman a abuser and a victim of child abuse so im not one to judge anyone on favorite characters xd.
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said the umbrellas waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with the umbrella [fabric rustling] in podcast not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when it is mentioned or exists
i dont even know why i hate it so much it collects trash but i am just mad because i am angy
it better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some poor shithead whos a fan of “rain” and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a normal seagull make it kill a man cuz if it didnt Im going to make it
episodes not even about it. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be its domain and I lost it
where the fuck is the umbrella if it still exists im going to so deeply wish it wasnt
crusty old thing
ill punch the umbrella and its sad frail old man twig frame will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and it will disintegrate until all thats left is one final garbage bag it kept on it at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when the umbrella is destroyed so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the item who had such a fucked up if true entity
Aaaaand there it is xD
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
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scribz-ag24 · 1 month
i know this is super late but if you're still open to asks for the fandom ask meme, 13 and 23?
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Hmmm it's hard to say since I'm always focusing on grovyle/dusknoir/celebi stuff and I've already drawn Guildshipping as well. Actually, it's probably Darkrai/Cresselia. I always like the couple as a kid bc of their dynamic in the games and anime, about them not being evil/good, but counterparts that protect and need each other.
Inside the pmd universe, Darkrai is barely a character at all, I think he's the weakest narrative point in the entire game, and a good contender for most boring antagonist of the franchise (if only for how much of a downgrade he is compared to the rest of the Explorers games' plot), but there is a scene in Explorers of Spirit that shows a deeper bond between Darkrai and Cresselia, and a sort of betrayal between them, that catches my attention. Since there's nothing on the main game that contradicts that headcanon, I just run with it and adopt it for myself, we do love some friends to enemies dynamic here.
Basically, they could be so toxic yuri to me and i really hope i get to clean some sketches i did about them some time lol.
Also maybe revisit those Grovyle/Dusknoir/Darkrai toxic yaoi ideas bc they were really fun to work with lmao. Maybe even simply inserting darkrai into the future polycule and having them all want to kill him rfqegvqerq
And in case youre curious about the Fionna and Cake fandom, i have an entire comic about Astrid and Scarab I wish i had the energy to clean lmao. So it'd be Astrid, she's a cute little annoying fangirl
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My favourite character changes every day because I can never decide on whether I prefer Grovyle or Dusknoir lmao. They're both too good. But on the shipping side of things...
Funnily enough, I guess I went from being strictly a Dusknoir/Grovyle fan after se5 to becoming a fan of the polycule after some reflection. I didn't want to get frustrated by how much attention Grovyle/Celebi had despite Celebi's short time on-screen (and at first frustrating "tee hee im a girl,, im pink and have a crush on boy pokemon uwu" characterization) and become one of good ol' toxic 13 yo fujoshis who hated female characters for "being an obstacle" to the yaoi ship. So I tried to focus more on Celebi and I ended up liking her quite a lot once I tried to read more between lines and drew her more times! Especially since you can basically make her have any dynamic you want with Dusknoir. She can be very fun to write and draw! I just wish the writing in the game had given her more... well, writing.
And in the Adventure Time fandom ig i stopped liking Prismo/Scarab a lot after a while and just preferred Kheirosiphon/Scarab but i basically shipped Scarab wwith anyone so there''s not much difference xd
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nowandthane · 5 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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adoredmarigold · 3 months
Questions!! Yay!!!!!! I've got a lot to ask about, I'm sorry
1. What are your favorite ships other than david and lingard (tbh in some way that ship reminds me of kirk x bones, not sure if youre into star trek tho xd)
2. Ava or Tripp?
3. Favorite S2 characters? Do you have any S2 ships?
4. What do you think are the best possible and your favorite endings of S2, S3 and S4??
5. And of course, I wanted to ask, whats your opinion on Bonnie.
I feel like I've been asking you some questions before but I dont remember excstly what it waasszzzzzzddsdszs if I already asked some of these questions IM SO SORRY but I cant say no to asking twdg questions
hello :) 1. VIOLENTINE!!!! It's such a lovely ship I will defend it with my life, istg Violentine haters have yet to bring up a valid point as to why they don't like it. I have some crack ships like Eleanor x Kate or Eleanor x Ava, I don't have much to say about them I'm just gay and wanna ship my girls together lmao. hmmm, I've been seeing some Mark x Lee stuff to and that looks pretty cute. Ermmm this is making me realize I actually don't ship much in twdg lmao, I guess I also ship Clouis and Gabentine Clouis is sweet and has good moments but I just don't find them as compelling as Violentine (sorry Clouis shippers). As for Gabentine I guess I would say I ship it, but more so in a "first crush/puppy love" kinda of way, The relationship never becomes anything serious they're just kids with a crush on each other and honestly I don't need them to become anything more than that. aaaannnd I know nothing about Star Trek but you're gonna make me look into Kirk x Bones now, thanks. 2. Well if we're just talking about the characters in general then Ava, she's so underrated imo. BUT, if we're talking about whether I choose to "save" Tripp or Ava during the execution, I always choose to let Tripp live. I'd rather have Ava die here than get that stupid fucking death she gets in ep 5, Tripps death in ep 5 is a lot better cinematically and writing-wise. 3. Sarah :) She's been my fav season 2 character since the season first came out and I will never forgive the writers/fandom at the time for how they treated her, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. As for ships I guess I don't really have any for season 2, I mean Alvin x Rebecca I suppose though I'm not particularly invested in either character. Never been a Nick x Luke fan, I get the appeal but it ain't for me. 4. I can't really say which ending for each season is the best cause it's all pretty subjective, but I will give you my favs :) I guess I don't really have a fav ending for season 2? I choose the alone ending each time just cause I can't deal with Jane and Kenny's bs, don't hate either character but Clem doesn't deserve to put up with their bullshit anymore, she's the main character it's fine let's just ignore the logistics of an 11-year-old going off alone with a newborn. I also like the Wellington ending alot though! Not only because it's the best location for Clem and AJ to end up at but it also gives a satisfying conclusion to Kenny's character imo. Kenny spent all of season 2 trying to keep Clem and in the end AJ by his side for ultimately selfish reasons and he became extremely violent and unhinged in the process. So to see Kenny finally be selfless and be willing to give them both up to ensure their health and safety really redeems him for me. Kenny loves Clem and AJ but I really don't think he's fit to take care of them, this is the best possible Kenny ending for me. 5. Bonnies cool. It's been awhile since I've played season 2 and 400 days so I am in a desperate refresh of her character, but from what I remember she was interesting. I def think the fandom goes WAY too hard on hating her, from what I remember she's not really any worse or better than any of the other adults in season 2, she's extremely flawed but hell who isn't in The Walking Dead. I get being frustrated with her but the lengths people go to shit all over her character is kinda insane to me. So overall I guess I don't have much of a strong opinion on Bonnie, she's an interesting character with alot of flaws but I don't think she's evil or cruel. I hope her and Mike where able to get away and join a community or something. Also, I distinctly remember her being my fav 400 Days character and having a crush on her when I was a kid lmao. wowie okay that's all I gotta say, and don't worry you're all good! If you (or anybody really) send me a question and I don't reply it's probably just cause I forgot to or I'm stumped on what to say. CRIES
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gffa · 2 years
idk if its canon anymore, but still what do you think about the jedi sending younglings away when theyve gotten too old? like yes the service corps are important and valuable but what if an initiate truly feels like theyre guided by the force to be a knight but no master ever chooses them and so theyre shunted off? do you think the council of reassignment would step in or something? that's a little off track, im just interested to hear your thoughts on how this age limit to be chosen as a padawan and become a knight fits in with the whole culture and theme of the order
To be honest, while I think there's a lot fandom can do with this to make them interesting, especially by showing that they're valuable and no less Jedi, I can't help but see them as a product of their time, specifically in that the book that really created them came out when only The Phantom Menace was out. The prequel movies weren't even complete yet, only the first one had come out, and so the books pretty much had free reign to do whatever they wanted and a lot of times it just did not mesh with who the Jedi were actually shown to be. It felt very much like the whole thing was created to give Obi-Wan angst for the audience that those books were aimed at--young readers who would enjoy the drama of feeling like your life is about to end at the age of 13. (And, like, to be fair to the books, they're not wrong that that kind of story resonated with many kids! XD I absolutely get why a lot of fic authors and fans hang onto that worldbuilding, I can totally see why they enjoy it!) But I don't think the idea of aging out of the Jedi really makes sense, even just from a coldly logical point of view. You put all this time into raising a child and you just kick them out at 13 if there's no Master choosing to train them? That seems like a huge waste of resources and just way too young for a given Jedi to really show their potential. They haven't even hit PUBERTY yet (well, assuming that we're going on a human baseline and age limits are adjusted by species' life spans), but you're leaving it up to whether or not a Master chooses to train them, instead of letting them develop into at least teenagerhood first?? That makes no sense to me, given that the Jedi are always handing out second chances like they're candy. Of course they'd do the same for their children. The Jedi actually seem fairly flexible, like they have rules in place for a reason, but when a case like Anakin comes along, they do bend and allow exceptions for situations that need it. So, I like what a lot of fic authors do with it, in expanding the role of the service corps and worldbuilding for them, but the age limit is one of those things that I just chalk up to "they didn't have even the full movie trilogy to work with yet and I don't think it fits with everything else we see of the Jedi, so it just doesn't really exist in my mind, unless I'm reading fic, and then it's the fic author's playground to do what they want and I can roll with the cool stuff they're going to bring". (It's definitely not canon anymore, at least not at 13. Ahsoka was 14 and implied to be on the young side, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and Kanan were 13 and definitely said to be really young, Dooku was 16 when he became Yoda's padawan, another agemate of Dooku's was 16 and not chosen and said he'd have to wait another year, etc. The service corps may still exist in some manner, but I've never seen anything about Jedi aging out in Lucasfilm canon.)
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 10 months
For the fanfic asks: 6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time? and 18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Fanfic asks
Must admit, I was excited to see you sent in an ask! XD But in answer to your questions:
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
There's quite a few so buckle up:
it was all a dream, i just called to say, and in law out(ing) by @canariie: her writing is beautiful, her plots are offer many sweet and homely moments, and they all feature my OTP. The first was a request form me and I love the direction to she took it, giving Toshiro and Momo a soft moment where they're both scared but then turning it into a moment Toshiro can express how he truly feels. The second is beautiful from start to finish, giving us an interaction between two like-minded individuals who have been through a lot and would probably benefit from meeting each other in canon; also the last third is just so good for a Hitsuhina fan! The last is just great fun, and I love seeing Shinji and Toshiro interact like this (it also gave us #letshinjifish2k23, what's not to love?!) If for some reason you haven't read these fics (or any of her fics for that matter) and you're a hitsuhina fan, read them after this post!
Bleach Returns day 3: A Time to Celebrate by @recurring-polynya: yeah that's right, I go back and read this fic of yours! It's one of the most humorous fics I've read, and it never fails to make me smile. I love all the characters' banter with each other, it feels organic and it's awesome to see some character interact with each other (seriously, I never thought I'd want to see Chad interact with Rangiku and Toshiro, but here we are). I've been meaning to read your submission for this year's BLEACH Anime Celebration too, but I'm sure I'll love it!
a cacophny in stillness by @visionen-im-spiegel: I mentioned it in my last ask response, but there's just something about this fic. I love to come back and reread it as a whole, but there's just certain sections I read it for. I love in the last chapter where Momo finds Toshiro, and there's that shock of seeing him at first, but more than that, there's relief that the war is all finally over, and they have each other in that moment of realisation.
the warmest place in the world by @pinkhairedlily: this is such a fluffy read! I love snippet of the hitsuhina married life here, it feels authentic and organic. I always laugh at the drunk Toshiro scene, the poor guy forgets he finally married Momo! XD
D O N K I and Away, Away by @bleachbleachbleach: I've said many thinks about their writing, and I cannot praise them enough. These two fics in particular hit me though. Again, a little biased here, but the first was written as a request from me, but like with canariie, it got taken in a direction I didn't see coming but absolutely loved. Toshiro and Orihime interactions are always a 10/10 for me, they're a soft friendship that needs to explored more. And this fic even got me to care about the weird unspoken side characters in Orihime's neighbourhood! Away, Away holds a special place for me, as it was the first fic I read from bleachbleachbleach, I come back to it because I still marvel at the world building, the atmosphere throughout, and the character interactions being so on point.
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
There's more than one line here, but I feels it needs context for me to explain why it's one of my faves. This one is from On the Shoreline:
“I-I didn’t understand why you were becoming so distant, I thought getting away from the Soul Society would help, but now I think I know. Are you…?” She’s conflicted, her lips opening to continuing her question, only to close seconds later and becoming a taut, pressed line. He’d wanted to tell her what was on his mind, but not like this. To his own ear, he’s ended up both paranoid and like a child complaining about something not going his way. He's upset her. Toshiro sighs, suddenly more tired than before. “What is it?” She still hesitates, her focus on the waves circling his ankles. Eventually, she raises her head and steps closer. “Are you scared?” It hits him in the chest like a stone thrown into glass. For a second, his blood runs tight and cold in his limbs. His heart skips a beat, then clenches. He can feel hairline fractures running through him, threatening to break apart.
I still can't forget how long I sat there trying to come up with a line to emphasis the impact this question has on Toshiro. This was the moment in the story where he finally breaks down more or less, and finally tells Momo what's been going on for him. He's been keeping his walls up, but they aren't strong ones; he's at a point where they're being worn down and he's barely making it through this trip, and Momo's concern, her insight into who he is and how he's feeling, finally breaks them down completely.
It might be a corny or cliched line, but love how it turned out in the grant scheme of the story. Her question hit him hard, and finally got him to open up to her when he's been the exact opposite for most of the fic.
Thanks so much for sending these in! :D
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