#at this point im torn in which way he's going to be a sacrifice
hobgirl · 1 year
lottie antler imagery bc she's the antler queen, coach ben antler imagery bc he'll be the first intentional sacrifice btw
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
im laying down and listening attentively please tell me about kanata...... element ep3 left me with more questions than answers
Omg ok so Element is not gonna cover it but Meteor Impact is the story of what happened to Kanata before and during the war! I might be foggy on some details but basically, Kanata was born in a cult and worshipped as their living god. The story of how the cult came to be was that a long time ago a meteorite had fallen on earth with a disease that made people ill and die. Thinking it was a curse, people who didnt become ill were sacrificed and eaten. The belief was that once a human becomes a sacrifice they are considered a fish, a being made to be eaten (so you know when Kanata calls himself a fishie it's, well, i'll come back to it in a sec...). Eating the sacrifices cured people of the illness, my guess is that it worked like a vaccine? Eating the flesh and blood immune to the disease strengthened weaker people immune system?
Anyway the Shinkai cult protected the healthy members of the family of the sacrifices as Gods able to grant miracles by getting rid of curses. These are Kanata's ancestors. It implies that if the curse came again, Kanata would become a sacrifice to be eaten... actually more about Kanata's ancestors, apparently someone ill who had been thrown into the ocean when they were still figuring out ways to get rid of the disease returned back to the land as a Monster (the story doesnt go more in depth since it's just a legend Kanata overheard during ceremonies, so make of it what you want). The God and the Monster married and that's how the Shinkai bloodline came to be. The illness returns at some point when a land chief refused to worship the Shinkai cult anymore and a lot of people died as a result (iirc that chief was an ancestor of Souma's and that comes back in the story when Akatsuki tries to take down Kanata as one of the 5 eccentrics in the war).
Kanata's execution as one of the eccentrics is the second after Shu and it marks a point where the plot Keito had for the war starts to unravel a bit out of what he had planned. He describes how bloodthirsty the crowd was and how they hated the 5 eccentrics beyond a reasonable level (the students were actually screaming for Kanata to be killed), Chiaki even expected rocks to be thrown. Fun fact, Eichi wasn't even involved in this part of the story, it was Akatsuki who held the Battle Vs The Sea God. It's a fun fact because people love to blame Eichi for everything when it's literally not true.
Anyway the details of how the cult eventually got torn apart are more complicated, inside the school the student council helped students start having a negative impression of Kanata (there are some really good chapters about Keito using Souma's connection to Kanata to manipulate people into thinking all their wishes are actually granted by the student council, which diminished their faith in Kanata as a god), but Madara's the one who spent his life trying to take down the actual cult outside (that he also grew up in. I dont know what details to mention since i'm not sure how much you know already, but Kanata and Madara were childhood friends, and Madara figured out the cult was a scam when Kanata couldn't heal his disabled sister. We can go into the madakana dynamic later if you want)
I just realised I completely forgot to mention Chiaki's role in helping Kanata become a human. Chiaki was the first person at Yumenosaki who didn't make a wish for Kanata to grant and treated him not like a God but as a fellow student. Initially after making contact, Madara showed up and asked Chiaki to not get involved with the Shinkai cult so they cut contact for a while, time in which Kanata becomes lonely and Chiaki is struggling to make it in the lawless pre war Yumenosaki. At Madara's request Chiaki helped save Kanata and make him realise he's human, a special genius one, but a human nevertheless. Well, at Madara's request Chiaki initially just went to the beach where he saw Kanata was actually drowning (the first wish Chiaki ever makes is for Kanata to not die, those chapters make me insaaane). The greatest thing they can do for each other is to just offer friendship and be there for each other. Which is why Chiaki is by Kanata's side during the execution. Well, at first Chiaki wants to become the sacrifice in Kanata's place but Kanata doesn't let him go alone, it's very sweet.
Basically, Kanata's story is that of embracing humanity and finding allyship, becoming an idol in Ryuseitai and cutting ties with his controlling cult upbringing. It's also a story about the role of religious figures in society and manipulation through faith, things Kanata was a victim of because of the circumstances of his birth.
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
i personally think vecna is furious with el. for one, he once wanted her to join him and thought they were alike and she spat in his face haha. then she’s like naw you’ve already lost hehe, then he’s gone. so he’s going to come back with vengeance. so his main goal is def killing her i think. but i do have hope for a happy ending, they just have to be the strongest they’ve ever been! though sadly there will probably be a sacrifice again :/
oh 100% i agree. the fight between el and vecna is personal in a way that no other conflict on the show has really been, and im sure thatll come up again. vecna telling nancy to tell el about his plans makes it clear that at least part of his motive is revenge toward her for both not joining him/sending him to the upside down and stopping all his previous attempts. and without el vecna wouldve been able to go through with his plan way earlier and kill max (and probably nancy, robin, and steve since they were all trapped by the vines). i somewhat agree that his main goal is killing her. like i said, hes motivated by revenge, and making her watch as he kills people she cares about is something hes already done (he outright told her he wanted her to watch him kill max before he killed her), but he also definitely knows that shes the only person who can stop him from whatever his greater plan is, so i think he definitely plans to kill her at some point, just maybe not immediately? idk
i think the ending is realistically likely to be bittersweet. im torn on whether or not theyll actually kill any of the established characters off. i mean, they havent done it so far which makes me think theyve been waiting for it to really have an impact at the end, but also after the response to eddies death i could see them being scared to kill off a character that people have loved for more than a season. im not necessarily opposed to main character death in shows, but killing el off would be the biggest mistake this show has ever made and probably the worst ending they could come up with
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
Frightwave 80's - Cosmic Lover
 im going to attempt to sum it up. god made man in his image, god made man naked and he walked in the garden with butt naked man, not giving a shit at all. the devil tempts eve and tricks both adam and eve into eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, essentially he introduced them to shame, and as a result they were ashamed and hid from god. its important to note that in the bible narrative god doesnt go “dude i can see your balls put some pants on” they hid from him of their own accord because the devil introduced them to shame. so eventually god gives them a way to sooth their own shame and gives them a covenant to follow so they can feel pure enough to commune with god again, remember this is all for us not for him, he had no problem hanging out with us when we were naked an unashamed. fast forward thousands of years of people not even following his very easy convenant a little bit, and you have the devil again working to remove people from god this time in the form of pharisees and sadducees. ive gleamed over the entire new testament at this point so its important to know that the old testament was basically “pure isrealites made in my image do not spare your neighbors who i did not make (then who?) because if you spare even one of them you will intermarry (there goes the bloodline) and adopt their abominable ways” and thats just exactly what they did, the israelites in israel became a somewhat mixed people and adopted the ways of their opressors, enter the pharisees and sadducees who jesus literally says are the offspring of satan. they go around as the priestly class, they are keeping gods covenant and EVEN MORE! they go beyond the covenant with their own set of rules they brought from the exile in Babylon and use these rules of men to convict the israelites in their souls and further seperate them from god, meanwhile they are just pretending to be pious publicly while in private they do all manner of misdeeds. God descends to earth in the form of Christ and shows man while he is alive what it really looks like to be righteous under the old covenant, people dont get this or they purposefully confuse it, when hes praying to god the father hes showing us how to pray, i shouldnt have to tell you that everything he did while on earth was for OUR sake,  but once his work is accomplished on the cross we are under a new covenant, where we arent saved by shedding the blood of innocent animals or by strict adherance to the rules of men but by faith in the selfless sacrifice christ made on the cross everyone, EVERYONE is reconciled to god and can walk with him in whatever state they are in, naked, clothed, whatever, the veil that seperated the inner sanctum of the temple of which only the most ritually clean levite priests could enter was torn, this symbolic miracle showed that all were reconciled to god RIGHT NOW.  how quickly the devil sought to undo that unspeakably great work and he did too through the catholic church. they set about making god impersonal again, now you can commune with god by appointment only and only through intercessors, and now hes three and one at the same time, etc etc.
 there is a deeper truth im hinting at here two, namely the gnostic twin seed theory which i believe is obviously the correct interpretation of genesis
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
more svsss notes! from “shen qingqiu’s short but aggravating time in jail” to “shen qingqiu Fucking Dies” :]
...this got long. oops
so the book does this a lot but i’m always a huge fan of when a character (in this case little palace mistress) spouts off a cliche and sqq internally goes “oh my god here we go again. cringe.” it’s like... the reader gets to experience the drama of the cliche but also laugh at it
airplane has gay and homophobic vibes. or like...... araki jojo vibes. it’s so funny
the system keeps forcing sqq into plots that were originally meant for binghe’s harem members, which is of course hilarious (more so now that binghe’s not a teen anymore) - but i’m thinking about the fact that the system is literally powered by binghe. i wonder if binghe’s feelings are subconsciously influencing the system/the rest of the plot? like we know he has plot armor; does he also have enough influence to shift the story’s genre without knowing it? shit like this is why i love this novel. i’m really curious if it’ll be addressed
more of sqq being absolutely terrible at communication <3 please sir. say your FEELINGS. i’m sure you could figure out some way to explain without revealing that you know how the og plot goes...
another thing i find super interesting about sqq’s character is how sure he is that lbh’s gonna turn out how he did in og pidw. he’s just refusing to accept that lbh’s changed in any way, or that he cares about sqq at all anymore. there’s some line somewhere where sqq is like “oh no, being nice to him just made it worse... i’m stuck with him hating me even more now...” like NO. you’re just refusing to see all the signs of lbh’s hidden feelings. love unreliable narrators lmao
fate/destiny is such a big theme i keep noticing stuff about it
the system giving him a multiple choice answer to binghe’s “do you regret it” question, dating sim style, is of course hilarious, but it’s also a fascinating moment for a couple reasons. first, it shows how much of a crutch the system is for sqq - sqq’s leaning on it to fix his problems instead of actually putting in the work himself to get better at interpersonal communication. i hope that in a key moment later he’ll choose to defy the system. i think that would be a nice pivot point for three themes: first, accepting that sometimes he needs to fix problems on his own, without any omniscient outside guidance, second, accepting that not everything is written in stone (either by airplane or by the system), and third, recognizing that binghe and the rest are “real people” (ymmv on whether or not you think they are, but i think this is where i think sqq’s arc is headed) rather than video game objects to be manipulated.
i think that some shifts in his attitude do start to happen in chap 43 though when he sacrifices himself
back to slightly less analytical observations! sqq getting his clothes torn up. oh my god. and lbh’s REACTION...
dying at shang qinghua’s “coded” letter and the fact that its content basically amounts to “i fucked up, please escape from jail asap thanks bro”
gongyi xiao my BELOVED that prison break was pretty great. also i am so fucking sad about him. binghe WHY
so lbh wasn’t actually a disciple of meng mo? huh...
seems like the words of sqq’s vengeful ex weren’t completely true. i very much doubt the trial’s gonna happen now but i bet this will come up later
seriously losing it at sqq’s tavern disguise? smeared his face with dirt and drew on whiskers?? CATBOY SHEN QINGQIU???
love this development ning yingying’s gotten. the disciples’ relationships with their shizun in general are so cute omg
liu qingge keeps saving sqq from situations and it’s very fun. bros :)
also how lqg was like SO down to fight binghe at the end of that chapter?? king shit
binghe held out his hand to sqq when they were on the roof..... what was he planning to do.........
oh my god that whole confrontation. what is it with mxtx and Climatic Fights On Roofs
here is where the fate theme gets REALLY clear. sqq uses “we can’t avoid fate” as an excuse/coverup but lbh is like “no. was it fate that made you do all those horrible things to me?? i’ve decided that fate doesn’t actually exist. fuck the world i do what i want!”
which like. YEAH. protag energy. the rules of the world don’t apply to lbh so much do they???
im so excited for these themes to be explored more
also like. hell yeah. binghe finally sharing his emotions at a super climactic moment
and then sqq SACRIFICES HIMSELF...
god damn.
it’s a bit out of nowhere but also like. i kinda love it? because sqq knows he can’t talk his way out of this. he can’t say “hey it wasn’t me who abused you/made the choice to push you off the cliff.” so he goes and does the most drastic action he can think of. and it WORKS
now initially i was a lil mad about lbh changing his mind so quickly but i actually think it fits for 2 reasons. first, he’s a webnovel character. they do that. second, his mind has just been cleared of xin mo’s influence, which had been plaguing him during his most angry/violent moments, so with all that anger suddenly gone it makes sense for his feelings to shift. and deep down, he really does care about sqq!
sqq fuckin DEAD and finally binghe is sharing his feelings,,
i do think that lbh should be allowed to feel mad about what og!sqq did to him in the past though? like. it was wrong, and though sqq may feel like he’s made up for it, i do think he owes lbh a proper apology and (if possible) an explanation. there’s much more work (and communication) to be done between them but i’m glad they’re finally getting somewhere...
but of course i don’t think they’re gonna be seeing each other again anytime soon :]
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bonelessbloodfreak · 3 years
a destiel fic, 2192 words, T, love confessions, based on Taylor Swift obviously 😌
Summary: Dean and Cas find comfort in each other, finally having the space and time to build their happiness around each other. They’re in love. It’s what they deserve. They just have to figure out how to say it.
Link: ao3
“You’re everywhere Cas.” Dean says, and Cas doesn’t have the energy to try to understand what he means. It sounds an awful lot like a complaint, but Dean wasn’t complaining about Cas. Not really.
“So you want me to leave then?” Cas says, more of a statement then a question, looking up at Dean with a piercing gaze. Although the bite of the question is there, Cas finds that he’s able to keep his expression blank, unwilling to let Dean see the extent of his emotions. He’s not offended though.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Dean grumbles, he crosses the room with a hand running through his hair. Cas tilts his head up like he’s challenging that statement and Dean sighs. “I want you here, Cas. Of course I do.”
“So why don’t you act like it?”
“I’m- Fuck Cas, I’m not good at... at-“
“Wanting something for yourself.” Cas finishes for him. Dean looks scared, but he doesn’t deny it.
“I want you here. And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you didn’t.”
“I understand, Dean. You’re selfless to a fault. You gave everything you had to Sam, you’ve sacrificed your life for strangers even when they don’t deserve your kindness. You deserve some good for yourself. It’s not repayment, it’s not because of anything. It’s just because you’re human, you get to be selfish too sometimes.”
“Cas Im plenty selfish.”
“Not with things like this,”
“What is this?”
“You tell me,” Cas lifts an eyebrow. He’s hesitant too though. He’s nervous. Dean licks his lips and nods to himself before looking right at Cas.
“I want you here Cas. But I want you to want to be here.”
Cas gazes at Dean softly, his smile gentle. Looking at Dean, he has every freckle committed to memory. He has Dean Winchester memorized. He could get lost in looking at Dean. He has many times before.
He looks desperate, his eyes hopeful and scared and a little bit angry. His face is the most open Cas has seen from him in a while, he’s letting himself feel, but even more, he’s letting Cas see. He’s still as beautiful as ever. Still Dean Winchester. Maybe this is his breaking point, and maybe he’s already hit his breaking point. Maybe this is the beginning of rebuilding. That makes Cas heart flutter up in hope.
“I want to be here Dean.” Cas says. Dean nods finally and offers a sincere, but tight smile.
“Good. You’re staying.” So Cas drops his duffel bag back on his bed and nods. He’s still not sure this is the best decision, but he looks at a Dean again and thinks that if Dean never stops looking at him like that, he’ll never try to walk away again. He wants this. Of course he does, but he knows Dean and he knows he’s not going to get it.
Maybe it was selfish of him to want someone who so clearly isn’t ready for this, but Cas is tired of being selfless. Like he told Dean, they could both use some selfishness on the grand scale. Cas thinks Dean is pretty grand. And maybe he’s wrong. Maybe Dean is ready.
He thought leaving, even if only for a few weeks, would save him some hurt. Maybe it would give him the space to get over Dean in his newly human form. It had all hit him at once and it left Cas feeling bare and shaken. Now graceless, he couldn’t control his desires, he couldn’t regulate his body the way he used to be able to. He couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing when Dean smiled at him. He couldn’t stop his heart from jumping when Dean hugged him. He couldn’t stop goosebumps rising on his arms when Dean let his hand rest on his back.
Then they had fought. It was stupid and petty, but Cas took it as an excuse to get some space. Get ahold of his emotions because he knows getting over Dean is out of the question.
Dean doesn’t let him leave. Cas is glad.
Dean nods, Cas Can see the hesitation and the fear and the hope and guilt and... everything. He can feel the way Dean has been ripped apart countless times, every day since he was four years old. Cas feels like he’s been torn apart as well. They can smooth over their scars together, heaven and hell know they themselves have been the reason for some of them.
The next few days are still tense, but not with anger. Dean seems to have realized that an emotional boundary was crossed and Cas has realized it too. Dean isn’t ignoring him anymore, for which he’s glad, and he values spending time with Dean, even if every glance sets his heart on fire.
Dean teaches Cas to cook and soon enough they’re moving around the kitchen together like they were made for each other. They still haven’t acknowledged it, but Dean puts his hand on Cas’ hip when he goes around him, and Cas lets Dean feed the sauce to him when he taste tests it, rather than simply taking the spoon himself.
Then they’re going on errands together, Dean says he needs to show Cas how they do things, show him which brand of shampoo they like and where to find the good beer. But then Dean continues to accompany Cas, just because it takes half the time with two people and when Cas finds some odd organic snack to try, Dean gets to bicker with him about it.
Dean let’s Cas drive sometimes, and he says not to tell Sam. He also says not to tell Sam that they rotate who chooses the music, and that sometimes on Deans turn, he chooses Taylor Swift.
Cas can only imagine how they must look to the world around them. Like they’re falling apart, crashing and burning, going out in loud explosions of light and dust and fire. Like they’re falling into each other rather than apart. They’re crashing down, but they’re building a new foundation on the debris. They’re communicating for once, and they must look like they’re late to the game, maybe this should have happened years ago, but for once they’re self sacrificial relationship has become healthier.
They’re moving, but they’re moving together, roots strongly woven into the ground, going far deeper than anyone might expect. Or maybe everyone expected it.
Cas has nightmares now that he’s human. He knows Dean does too, but neither of them seek comfort with each other. Another line to cross. Sometimes they talk about it. Dark kitchens and cold coffee and whispered tears with shaking hands. It’s over quick and when they end up in their separate beds, it’s feels even more lonely somehow.
One night Cas has his head on his pillow, eyes closed, he’s on his side facing away from the door, but he hasn’t slept yet. He hears the door open and he can feel the shift of air. He doesn’t need to look to know it’s Dean. He’s about to sit up when the floorboards creak and the door clicks shut again. Then there’s a dip in the bed and Cas rolls over lazily. Dean stands up again and wipes his palms on his pajama pants.
“Sorry.” He whispers. Cas squints up at him in the dark and lifts the blankets for him.
There’s only a moment where Cas can almost hear all of Deans thoughts, if only he were still an angel, before Dean crawls under the covers next to Cas. He keeps space between them, but Cas is too tired for his shit, he throws an arm around Dean’s waist and rubs his hand over Dean’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” he says. Cas knows he doesn’t want to talk about it, so he just nods and pulls Dean closer.
They both fall asleep easier that night.
In the morning, Cas wakes up to a hand in his hair and an arm around his shoulders. Dean is awake and Cas guesses he has been for a little while now.
“Morning.” Cas grumbles and Dean chuckles.
“G’morning,” he whispers.
They go on a hunt that day. A ghoul a few hours away. Sam and Eileen ride in the backseat together so Cas takes shotgun and Dean lets him pick the music. He puts on Dean’s top 13 Zepp traxx.
When they get back it’s past dinner and they all shower and clean up which means it’s late by the time they’re all settled, but Dean cooks a meal anyway, calling Jack from his room and they all eat at ten pm together.
The hunt was tiring, so Sam and Eileen go right to sleep, Jack takes over the Dean-cave and Dean lets him. He isn’t ready to go to bed, so he gets his jacket and goes outside.
He sits in baby for a little while, no planning on going anywhere. Cas joins him, tapping on the window to let Dean know he’s there before he climbs into the passenger seat.
“What are you doing?” Cas asks.
“For any reason in particular?”
“Not really.”
So they sit together in silence. It’s not sad, actually they feel happy for the first time in a while. Cas let’s himself think about it, this feeling. Dean makes him happy. Dean has always made him happy. The silence doesn’t last long though, and this time it’s Dean who interrupts it.
“Thank you. For staying. For saving me. And Sam. For... just for everything.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Dean. I’m happy to do all of that.”
“I know. But I don’t want you to, okay? No more ‘happy to bleed for the winchesters’ shit, got it? You don’t deserve that. I’m not gonna ask that of you, not if I don’t need to. You gotta take care of yourself, man. I appreciate it, but I’d rather have you alive, so no more sacrifices.”
“No promises. And you too.”
“Fone.” Dean nods. “No deals, no dying, just... living. Finally, now that we get the chance.”
“I think we deserve this.” Cas nods.
“I hope so. You deserve more than this,”
“I don’t want more than this though.” Cas says. Dean smiles and nods like he knew Cas would say that.
“I’m glad you stayed.”
“I would’ve come back.”
“I’m glad I stayed too.”
They look forward again and there’s not much to see, but the quiet is comforting. Neither of them want to go back inside, it would mean they go to separate beds and separate rooms and Cas thinks he’d rather not sleep at all.
“It’s late.” Cas whispers.
“It is.”
“Do you think you’ll have nightmares again?”
“Probably.” Dean shrugs. They aren’t looking at each other, Dean is picking at his fingernails and Cas is staring down at the dashboard.
“Me too.”
“We could always... I mean... it’s nice to have someone else there sometimes.”
“It is.” Cas agrees.
“I like my memory foam though.”
“I have no attachment to my bed.” Cas shrugs.
Cas looks at Dean who still doesn’t look back, but he’s smiling and blushing and Cas is secretly aching to reach across the seat and hold Dean’s hand. Begging Dean to take his hand. Cas would throw all his plans out the window for Dean. Technically he has before. He’s thrown out a whole army for Dean. He would do it again too. He’d follow Dean to the ends of the Earth.
Cas gets the sense that Dean would do the same for Cas.
Dean looks back at him and neither of them look away. He reaches out and takes his hand. Thumb smoothing over his knuckles.
They head back inside and they don’t talk about it, but Dean loads up the dishes into the dishwasher and Cas wipes down the counters and then Dean turns and leans back against the counter, Cas does the same across from him.
They’re not quite chest to chest, but they’re close enough to touch and Dean looks scared. Cas feels serene, but his heart is wild. Dean swallows.
“Cas, I-“
Cas reaches a hand to Dean’s arm, calming him. Dean smiles shakily.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers. Cas shakes his head and takes Deans hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing his knuckles gently.
“Don’t be. You’ve always done what you thought was best. As have I. We deserve this.” Dean nods, tears springing to his eyes. He steps closer and hugs Cas, holding him like he’s never been held before. Cas could die happily in Deans arms.
When he pulls away, it’s with hands on the other’s face and lips quickly finding each other, gentle and slow and full of emotion.
“I love you, Dean Winchester”
“I love you too,” Dean says, voice cracking.
They’re both grinning through tears and kissing again. They’re both walking towards Dean’s room.
It’s easy, but Cas isn’t surprised at how easy it is to be with Dean. They’ve fought through life and death and more death to get here. They deserve a little bit of easy.
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orowyrm · 4 years
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some ref pics of my baby boy laz (and some friends)! i’ve been working on fleshing him out a bit, so i’ll slap some of what i’ve got for lore thus far under a cut. post sacrifice/new war leadup spoilers ahead, ye have been warned!!! - his main deal is that he tried to retreat into a kind of void cocoon after being attacked and gravely injured by a sentient but accidentally pulled it in with him— killing it and saving himself, but now it is permanently fused with him because when he tried to heal himself in the void, pieces of the sentient got pulled into the mix and are now functionally keeping him alive. basically a tenno amalgam. -blind due to void scarring. before his void coma incident, the scars only affected his vision slightly, but because he spent so long in limbo the damage progressed to the point where he lost his vision altogether. transference into a frame with good optics allows him to see a little bit, but no detail - mostly movement and blurry outlines of shapes, so he relies on his squadmates a lot to deal with details. he still likes to go on missions, regardless - he likes to feel like he’s helping, and his friends and clanmates don’t mind keeping an eye out for him. - when he DOES go solo, his cephalon and equipped pet (usually masha because she’s my favorite, but he’s got a couple predasites too now that deimos rolled around that im working on building) will act as guides. masha handles enemies and generally just keeps guard to alert him to what’s happening, although she can seek out objectives or resources if so commanded. audri is his mission control, letting him know what he needs to be doing, how he needs to do it, and informing him of enemy movements in advance if she can. she’s not perfect, a lot of the time just warning him of a ‘projectile incoming’ without giving him a where when how or what, but they make it work. - audri is somewhere between a twitch TTS bot and glados. in orbiter she functions as a screen reader, which leads to his friends constantly sending him absurd messages knowing she’ll read it aloud and it will be funny. she cares about him and tries to be helpful, but doesn’t quite ‘get’ humans very much. she’s a little broken and glitchy but otherwise very nice :) i love her - the sentient he absorbed is still like…. sentient, i guess? its core is intact, so it’s become like an annoying little voice in the back of laz’s head that tries to convince him to kill and maim. really angry mental backseat driver. it has no real control over him and is pretty much harmless, just a pain in the ass. laz doesn’t have the heart to try to get rid of it, partially cuz he feels bad and kind of enjoys the company, but partially cuz he knows if they separate they both die. i’d imagine they grow on eachother and maybe even start working together a bit after natah’s betrayal at the end of the sacrifice and in the lead up to the new war, since it would hurt them both so deeply. generally tho i just think it’s funny if it was just there trying to be edgy but laz ignores it - the sentient limb he uses as a cane is completely unrelated. he just like ripped it off during a mission one time, decided to hold onto it so he could find his way around to get to extraction, and then decided he liked it and kept it. - the ‘void echolocation’ i originally had him doing is still there, but it doesn’t really substitute his actual guides. in a pinch he can get a decent idea of his surroundings by bouncing energy pulses off of them, but against a moving target it doesn’t do the job because it’s pretty taxing and with his current grasp on his power, there’s a long gap between pulses that isn’t conducive to combat scenarios. - he didn’t go into stasis like the other tenno - but because he was in a void pocket, he pretty much did the same thing. one of his clanmates found him and managed to pull him out, and the rest, as they say, is history. he doesn’t have a very close relationship to the lotus because she never ‘woke him up’ - as far as her connection to the tenno goes, he technically died in combat with the sentient, which broke that link off, even after he was revived. he doesn’t trust her much, but most of his information about her comes from his friends who are pretty torn up about her turning on them, since she doesn’t really… talk to him at all. because he’s technically dead. - he really likes animals. conservation is his passion. born to tranq world is a fuck 5000000000 floofs
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rosemallowss · 4 years
Im so sad too with all that´s happening around TBWDOA, it was magical the first time that I listened it: so much life, love and humanity even in the darkest places of the world... I felt that the hope around it was more strong that any problematic subject... I know that maybe im being naive and self-blinded by my own privileges, but im so angry that the controversy destroyed what for my was so beautiful. I dont know if this is weird, but I wanted to talk with someone that maybe feels the same :(
Hey dude, I thought exactly the same thing. I actually still think it, but every time I see any trace of the show in my camera roll or the copy of the album, it’s so hard not to think about all the angry people. I think now that it’s been a few weeks however, I can fully hold a discussion about this musical without feeling guilty or sad. Despite what other people think, I really don’t believe that the writers has hostile intents at all. If you look at old posts like this:
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You can tell just how passionate they were about this show. & plus, I realized recently that these guys tend to write shows about topics that are not normally talked about as well. Example: this show and ‘Talk To Me’– a show about a child who is on the Autism spectrum. I suppose you could kind of count their other show “With The Right Music” as kind of that? However I’m actually not totally clear on what that show is about since it wasn’t actually written to the end– though I think it is about a closeted teenager in high school. I suppose this counts because there aren’t that many musicals written about closeted teenagers. I truly don’t believe that they were trying to offend anyone– simply were just so so invested in trying to get a story out there, maybe one that was unfamiliar to them, and perhaps it was also bad timing that the full show was released? Or maybe they were just as naïve too when they wrote the show probably around 2015 (earlier?) I used to always get their attention (unintentionally I swear) on Twitter when I’d talk about the show. Those dudes were really kind. And they follow back a lot of their fans. So, perhaps it was just naïvety? I’m aware that they’re attempting to make it right, and they are probably at the moment in conversation with Afghan Americans. That’s important, and speaks more than words I think. I know Troy, Nikhil, Sittichai, and Jonathan have been under fire. Troy has gone silent and if I’m not mistaken I think Sittichai and Jonathan as well? Other actors in the show such as Osh (Zemar) and though a small appearance– Shiv Pai (future Paiman’s son) have gotten no such comments I realize. Maybe the show was bad timing. Perhaps it would’ve had a more positive outcome in terms of rising popularity had it been talked about in a past tense; in a sense that “this practice doesn’t happen anymore” so that the setting is not modern day, but instead sometime in the late 1900s?Would that have made the show less controversial? Maybe? But we can never be sure. Would it have been less controversial if they minimized the extend of the abuse? Or removed that altogether and made it that it was simply two boys falling in love in rural Afghanistan who were coming terms with the fact that they were feeling this feeling with each other? well, yeah, because it would just be a love story in a different setting, and we’d probably see Feda and Paiman exploring the marketplace as well. If this was the case, I’d assume the conflict of the story would be homophobia from parents/internalized homophobia itself, or struggling to understand themselves. Another conflict could be something that many teenagers experience as well, such as fear of the future. Maybe arranged marriage could still be a conflict, and since Feda’s name literally means “sacrifice” he’d probably still have to die in the end. Perhaps they could have rewritten the show like that and the show would have little to no controversy? The music is incredible, and it could even portray the beauty of Afghanistan through their amazing way of writing music. I’m just brainstorming and rambling here, sorry! when it comes to this show it seems as though that I always just vomit out more words than anyone cares to hear. Let’s address why it was controversial as well though... Many were repulsed by the idea of s-x trafficking as a musical, and even more outraged with the musical being about Afghanistan. It showed negative parts of the country, and that would add on to people’s perception and dislike toward Afghans, which if you live in America you are aware of the racists’ stereotypes and disdain toward Afghans. (If you are naïve like me, you probably did not catch that as well. I truly forgot that there were people who perceived Afghans in a negative light. I was awed by the diversity in the show and so focused on that) I believe that they also have said how gay men are usually perceived as pedophiles as well and this show did not help to minimize that harmful stereotypes. I’m obviously kind of dumb because I didn’t realize that stereotype.
However it is true, because realized I often see this trope in fiction books about “creepy uncles preying on their nephews”. Though people don’t agree with the fact that it is a musical, I always saw it as a different way of storytelling. There’s a book called The Kite Runner that talks about the same topic in this musical by the way. I didn’t know this but my friends have had to read that book as an assignment in their English class. I thought, well, TBWDOA, it just tells the story through songs. So all in all, these were many of the points people made, and you cannot be upset with them for being angry. When I first listened to the show, I was aware it was controversial, but I thought the controversy would be something that can be discussed and debated while being enjoyed. Similar to how Hamilton is often debated for glorifying the founding fathers while still being a good show. However, when I replied to one comment because I thought that this was how it was going to go, I was bombarded with several other comments, I was called pedophilic and was told that because I was not Afghan that I should not speak and when someone said that, I realized “okay, I was wrong to think that this was an issue that could be debated!” I did not realize how much deeper it would be. As a result, I was flooded with comments from instagram and twitter and it was STRESSFUL and overwhelming that I just couldn’t sleep and had to take a break! However someone told me that even the most controversial, flawed works of art should be appreciated or discussed. It’s up for debate if that’s true. The show is incredible in portraying the strength of the human spirit— “find your voice, even if it’s weak, using it can make a difference that will lead to a greater change.” It showed a boy who used something that was SUPPOSED to degrade and silence him as a tool to lift him up and strengthen him– that was an incredible theme. He found power in the resources he could. Dancing was supposed to be something he could not decide, but he made it his own, would not let it weaken him, and used it as a tool to push him toward more positive hopes. There’s something so powerful about people taking back the thing that was supposed to weaken them, and twisting in into something that gives them strength. Though just because the music embodies the main characters incredibly and the message is empowering, we cannot ignore that perhaps, yes the show was quite insensitive to many Afghan Americans. It might take me several months before I can listen to any song from this show again though. But the show has such a special place in my heart, for making me fall in love with music theory and musical instruments all over again, for pulling my heart strings with incredible themes/life lessons, and the show embodying that theme in a heartbreaking final song, and then lastly providing a beautiful love story. Am I insensitive for saying that? I really don’t want to be, but a story like this has never made me feel like that before. I was intrigued by Islamic wedding customs and researched into that. I fell in love with the purpose of whirling dervishes, and fascinated by how beautiful that was. I watched videos about them, i read about them. Feda talked about an old Afghan poet in the show and god, for hours I looked up that poet and read the translated English phrases (didn’t finish however). I was taken by the beautiful geography of Afghanistan. I researched beyond the show to look at Afghan culture and I appreciated that. I understood that, of course this wasn’t a common practice that is active in Afghanistan. But I’m aware now that so many people will not see it that way at all. They saw the show as indulging the idea that this practice is apart of their culture which is not true, and the original theater did not market that well at all.. I want to hope that this was just really bad timing, that this show was misinterpreted, and in the future will be enjoyed and discussed rather than torn apart. I never like being on the controversial side of things, but, gosh, I don’t know.
But, I know exactly how you feel. And I welcome any asks/my messages are open for discussion about this show now.
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lovinmullen · 4 years
the pacific: part one, live blog because i said so
he looked so pissed when he has to make the sign of the cross to mary..... I KNOW ITS BECAUSE HES FALLING AWAY FROM HIS RELIGION but all i can think is undercover protestant????? i hate that i find myself funny stfu tom like he’s some angsty protestant like ‘this is fucking bullshit why the fuck DO THEY PRAY TO MARY’ which..... is a huge missconsperion but i’m not gonna get into that right now but hey if anyone needs an rs teacher? i got you
are you telling me i could have heard the most BEAUTIFUL monologue about the saint mary’s church and her plans for the day as well as being able to see that sweet sweet smile on vera’s face for longer but it was cut short because bobo went ‘i joined the marines’ GOOD FOR YOU BUT.....
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rOBERT...... you really gonna give her THAT look...... IN GODS HOUSE is this allowed? is THIS ALLOWED???? if you don’t say it in the voice of the vine we can not be fteejssn sorry i don’t make the rules
#BOB: i wanna catholic girl that go to church AND READ HER BIBLE (is that even right??? omg i can only remember the jewish one *in the voice of ryan reynolds severely slowed down* FUUUUUCCCKKK)
on a real note this man saw her at church ONCE and his ass went finna wife up like........ take her out to dinner first. OR AT LEAST ASK HER HOW SHE IS IN THE LETTERS like we get it you’re emo, the aussie won’t shag you anymore and you keep pissing your pants. i understand it’s a hard not life or how ever that song in annie goes but bro.........(this is obviously a joke i am dumb of ass please ignore me i love you m8 and i’m sorry you’re gonna embarrass yourself in front of everyone but chuckler shifts to momma mode so you good)
can we please acknowledge jon’s acting..... sir? PHENOMENAL he’s not even saying anything??? he’s just looking at the lt yet i’m near tears
gentle reminder i love the basilones🥺🥺🥺 the way they are so supportive even though they don’t understand and they are scared for him but they accept and respect that john wants more, needs more and they’re putting their own fears aside so he can spread his wings for no better turn of phrase.
‘just get the job done, and come home to us’ the way his head falls and he has to stop his voice from breaking. i’m s fucking bitter
leckie:((( look hes a bastard and he pisses me off but no matter how much i bully him i do love him a lot and the complete disregard and uncaring nature from his dad breaks my heart. a handshake then gone just like that? HIS FACE BEFORE ‘there’s a war on everybodies got to make sacrifices’ he looks so hurt and broken baby
‘gene, supper’s ready’ ma’am i’m sorry but he does not give a shit
SIDNEY MY SWEET SWEET BOY get in a pram if you’re going to be so baby. look while i love him so much and i know he didn’t mean it to be !!!!! he’s just small of brain !!! but when he says “i wish we where going together” that lowkey rubs it in man......... like he’s already heartbroken PLEASE STOP but the “yeah well you take care of yourself greaser” - “you don’t have to worry about me” IM SOFT🥺
“guadal...kenel...guadal BLEEHHH” didn’t realise hoos was recreating the audience of my english speaking exam. LOOK I REALISE NOW TALKING ABOUT STOICISM TO A BUNCH OF 15 YEAR OLDS WHO DON’T CARE WAS A BAD IDEA BUT I GOT A DESTINCTION SO FUCK YOU TO THAT ONE KID
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chuckler baby..... i’m in love with a dumbass. also the hit across the head. i’m soft (lads lets take a shot every time i say i’m soft in this liveblog ITS GONNA BE A FUN NIGHT jk drink responsibly and all that jazz or be dick winters that’s cool too!! heck do a babe heffron and get yourself a caprisun you deserve it)
“professor leckie” please don’t fuel his ego HE DOES NOT NEED IT
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okay two hoos things: 1.) he looks SO DONE and i’m living for it 2.) can we talk about jacobs nose..... IM DYING TO TALK ABOUT JACOBS NOSE
okay the boats scene give me saving private ryan flashbacks i came out here to have a good time AND I AM NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME oh wait never mind runner just went ‘i could really use a stiff one right now’ i hate that but he saved the day with his dumbassery so thank you good sir i love you with all my heart
fun fact my how co ranking goes chuckler, runner, hoos, leckie
OH FUCK I FORGOT SID SJAKSJSJ y’know for someone who talks about how much they love sid i forget about him a lot. thank you for blessing my screen with your pretty face it helped me remember you exist LMAO guys my memory is not okay i’m actually concerned...... but more importantly i’d put him between hoos and leckie in the ranking :,)
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call it what it is. babyism. y’all better stop before i cuddle you LOOK AT THIS SHIT THEY’RE ADORABLE
runner is the only bitch i respect in this house he’s so fucking funny
‘they’ve? poisoned? a? billion?! coconuts?’ that poor son of a bitch BLESS HIM don’t shoot the messenger okay? he seems like a sweet bean
that shot of hoos, leckie and chuckler looking down at the camera into the bunker? my sexuality. my left brain: tomas stop thirsting it’s an intense and serious show. my righ brain: but?? they’re pretty?? me nodding smugly and in agreement: BUT THEY’RE PRETTY.
THIS MAN AND HIS GUM I CAN’T why is that me. i am the gum man at my school that sounds so weird ajsksjsj i just always have gum. ALSO spearmint is superior to normal mint. NORMAL MINT BURNS LIKE ITS SPICY BRO. bubblemint is superior superior but that’s more expensive rip😭😭😭😭😭😭
‘it’s like the fourth of july’ nice to my boy sufjan getting some rep he is king of the gays after all mr i can’t explain the state that i’m in the state of my heart he was my best friend. we all owe him EVERY parallel on this goddamn app. jk there’s one other king of the gays and that is demon! shane (bfu). no this is not up for debate
the shot of the ships is phenomenal. that’s one thing i do have to credit hbo on. the special effects and cinematography are beautiful and so fucking impressive like???
WHY DOES SID LOOK OVER HIS SHOLDER BEFORE TAKING THE WINE SIR NO ONE IS GONNA TELL YOU OFF AT WAR FOR DRINKING UNDERAGE like???? i don’t think an 18 year old having a swig is their biggest problem bless his heart
‘can’t fight em drunk don’t fight em at all’
bill if you are reading this i’m free on thursday night and would like to hang out. please respond to this and then hang out with me on thursday night, when i am free😌😘🥰😳🥺👉👈😤💘💓🙄🥴
‘skipper? skipper are you okay?? goddamnit he’s lost it come on’ :(((((
god the shots in this show really are phenomenal. i know it’s very gory and very hard to watch at times but it definitely has the best shots of the three en mi opinion. i’m a slut for the close up of dick screaming ‘move out’ with rounds flying. like who’s ever call that was? outstanding but like that’s just one? the pacific has so many emotive and excellently shot scenes.
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how seemlessly the scenes flow one after the other despite being opposite ends of the spectrum i DID NOT GIVE TP ENOUGH CREDIT like yeah it makes me sad as fuck but from a production point of view the writing? the acting? the cinematography? DAMN
how visibly torn and pissed off hoosier looks over the other marines tormenting the japanese soldier, stringing out his death when he’s obviously in a lot of mental as well as physical pain? the only bitch i respect in this house.
okay so like? while the shot is scarring both for him and the audience to see that kind of effortless murder it was the right thing to do? it’s better then have him be tormented and it will help leckie in the long run? how broken he looks though? like the distance is his eye and the way he swollows....... WHO IS CUTTING ONIONS HUH???? brilliant james BRILLIANT
the way i just said ‘if biology would have permitted it i would be asking you to have my babies’ at the sight of a man shoving smokes up his nose....... now ladies theyzies and gents, a prime reason to show why you should do your work. this is tom. tom didn’t do his work. with nothing to do all day tom became bat shit..... don’t be like tom. okay like it is cute though COME ON
HOW PROUD AND SMUG AND HAPPY HE LOOKS AT HIS PREMOTION ‘yes ma’am i am a corporal’ HE IS SO BABY AND FOR WHAT. oops sorry lads looks like i dropped this:
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the shot of leckie swimming in the water fading off to the shot of the dead bodies mirroring his movement but obviously a life less version OOOH IMMA SUE
god love me some men with black lungs LECKIE DO BE LOOKING GOOD LIGHTING THAT CIG DAMN
“i have a girlfriend lucky me” HOOS IS LIKE MY GAY ASS YOU SURE????
“you guys step aside the real marines are here now” “AND I’VE BEEN HERE FOR SOME TIME” that shuts iconic even i said wahayyyy
also runner..... i am looking RESPECTFULLY👁👁
you’re not special leckie we all want hoosier
can you really call yourself a hbo war an if you don’t sing along at the end... ITS A TUNE also hoos’ voice...... its about the drawl....... 
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treeplays · 4 years
Well I finished it and those credits made me emotional!!!! This world was so well made and a lot of fun to play through. The dungeons were always interesting and the environments were impressive, I mean going into Ark for the first time and being overwhelmed with all the places to explore for hours was great. How many triple-A studio games have cities that are a single street corner, and then we have Ark. On the other hand, I was a little disappointed that it’s the only real city in Enderal, but it's so well done that I can't really complain much. Big enough to feel initially overwhelming but small enough that you can find your way around. Plot-wise I was a little underwhelmed but regardless, I am very impressed with being able to pour 140-odd hours into a totally free mod/game. Even if it did feel a little derivative, I had so much fun with it and I'm glad I played! Spoilers below...
The plot is very Mass Effect isn't it?  The story did feel very derivative but at least the ending wasn't three different colors! 
I chose the “sacrifice yourself destroying the beacon” ending. It just didn't feel right to become a god. After all the game does to pound it into your head that "Religion Bad" it didn't seem to be the best option to go through making an entire civilization based on your own ego. Even if the Black Guardian was correct and it would've worked, that sounds like its own special brand of hell to carry on existing alone for eternity while you shape civilization to your every whim. Potential for very bad things, you feel? I so enjoyed my man Dave Fennoy! How did they get his voice? I'm so impressed. Also noticed Lani Minella in the voice credits for the Father, and I suspected it might've been a female actor but who would've thought Nancy Drew could be so evil? (I know she is in like everything but that’s what I know her for ok?) On that note, I also noticed that Tharael switches the Father's pronouns in his trance... Which seems to be confirming the predatory trans person trope. Not a good look. I feel bad for whoever is not the love interest getting sidelined. For me that was Jespar, and him in the temple at the end there im emotional! For his character I suppose it was a fitting end, but it also kindof felt like the character arcs got chopped right down the middle like, we get presented with the crux of their main issue and suddenly it’s solved bc we know about it now? Idk just feels a little shorthanded. As for the romance itself, I'm guessing the lock-in point is Calia's question of "How do you feel about the mercenary?" Which I was torn on because for one thing I STILL hadn't quite decided at that point who I was going with, and also I would just feel bad denying the fact that I am friends with Jespar bc at this point! I am his friend! I want to be his friend! So that's how it was decided I guess. And the thing with a Jespar romance is that when you ask, he tells you that all your flirtation didn't mean anything. Which you could explain as denial, on one hand. Calia meanwhile tells you that it's a bad idea for her to be involved with anyone which made me like, Ok I will respect that, but then suddenly she changes her mind and it feels like nothing really happens to explain why. The Jespar romance I would think probably feels much the same. Idk I just feel I would prefer something more to figure out those feelings besides the "this romance is happening" conversation. I love all the interactions with the characters and all the "sit down and have a drink" parts even if the dialogue was usually somewhat one-note. There isn't really a whole lot of variance in a role-playing aspect and it can start to feel like a slog with a lot of repetition. The veiled woman to me still feels very mysterious and as I recall they don't really do much to explain why she intervenes or who she even is? As for the reveal of the traitor, the first time those doors opened after the murder I suspected so meh. I'm a little disappointed that there was no final confrontation with Arantheal. After the Black Guardian says he went to activate the Beacon and then he just disappears? A little underwhelming. The final battle was a lot of fun though.
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theodcretcnks · 4 years
 if you’re looking for theodore tonks, you’ll probably find him in the slytherin dorm with the rest of the seventh years. they’re the twenty one year old halfblood who looks kind of like wolfgang novogratz. they seem charming, loyal, understanding to me, but apparently they’re also jealous, proud and vengeful. maybe that’s why they remind me of bloody knuckles, torn family photos, clothes bursting from a poorly packed suitcase, clenched jaws, cigarette burns.
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OKAY HERE GOES NOTHING. lemme give you the lowdown on bb ted. this is not gonna be very long but im just gonna spew what i can.
Slytherin, total asshole not because he doesn’t have a heart but just because he’s so damn tired of giving a single fuck. story goes like this: his dad, pureblood LEGEND. he was set to go the distance get married into a prestigious family and keep popping out pureblood babies like everyone is supposed to. that’s how it goes isn’t it? everyone has to bow their head and do what is expected of them. the thing is, the guy was about as stubborn as they come. and he did NOT appreciate getting told what to do. which just so happened to lead to a breif escapade to muggle brighton, where the esteemed pureblood prince ended up falling for the one person he shouldn’t have. a quickwitted waitress with eyes as blue as the sky. a muggle. he fell so hard, he was willing to leave behind everything, his money, his magic, his family, all for her. and he wanted to keep it that way! that didn’t make anyone in the magical world happy. tbh he basically dishonored his whole family it was a big deal, a big nono ( open plot idea, if ted’s dad was supposed to marry your characters mom?? AMAZING drama. )
so when ted came along, they were pretty freaking happy! their little family was humble but joyous and it seemed like there were no troubles in the world. back then, ted’s dad meant the world to him. he was like his superhero! they did everything together, from playing football after school to taking walks on the pier, to cooking breakfast on sundays. but things started to change around his eleventh birthday, when his letter from hogwarts arrived. that’s when ted’s dad had to face the music… and tell them everything. ted’s mom, super forgiving. her family had faced a lot of hardships in the past so to her, his sacrifice only showed her how much he really loved her. ted on the other hand… wasn’t as thrilled. see he inherited something major from his dad, his stubborness. it didn’t help much that he was uprooted to hogwarts and taken away from his normal. back in brighton he was popular, loved for being an athlete and an all around cool guy. at hogwarts he was looked down at, shunned and often attacked for his blood status, for the house he was placed in and the disgrace of his fathers actions. it basically created some pretty deepseeded trust issues and hatred for the purebloods. now he has an issue with them all.
he wasn’t a stellar student through his first years at hogwarts, not by a long shot. but the injustice he witnessed on a day to day basis fueled his anger for the ones that thought themselves to be better than everyone else. don’t mistake this anger for empathy. he really couldn’t care less about the war because his heart is softened for those suffering. it’s pretty unique… but he wants to succeed to prove blood purists wrong, not to save those that are like him. deep deep down, he does care. he’s just forgotten that side of him, too consumed by the disdain he carries for a certain group of people. if you really push past those barriers, you would see that like his mother, his heart is always in the right place. his family knows what it’s like to be persecuted for something you can’t control. and if they survived once, he’s damn sure certain he’s gonna do so again. 
SEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS, right about the time when the announcement about the aurors office was released there were a ton of ‘unrelated attacks’ against muggleborns and muggles associated to wizards right? and ted was already iffy on coming back. so unfortunately, word got around to some pretty popular people that ted was alive and what his father did, stepping out on a pureblood to shack up with a muggle whore, well people did not approve and they decided to do soemthign about it. so TW: DEATH ted came home just seconds after his mom was brutally murdered and well.... ruined in a couple of not nice ways.. and he is traumatized and very much ANGRY. thats really why he decided to even go back to hogwarts, to learn how to be the best wizard and hunt down the people who killed his mom. his dad did not react well, the total opposite shut down kind of like katniss’ mom in hunger games? yeah like that SO DRAMA BABY.
he’s a funny guy tho, laid back, doesn’t really provoke fights much. enjoys his fair share of flirtatious comments and toys around a bit just so no one can see his more emotional and scarred side. he hasnt told many people about his mom yet but you can tell he gets tense when its brought up.  
he’s also taken up swords as a passion as of late. he loves them, got obsessed with learning how to wield them and let’s just say he’s getting pretty good. figures it might come in handy some day.
you can always catch him with a cigarette hanging off the edge of his lips because well, we’re in a war dammit. if the lung cancer doesn’t kill him, a deatheater will so whats the point in kicking the old habit?
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ekkorn · 5 years
hi there, just saw in the tags that you didn‘t like endgame. would you like to expand on that? i am curious to know other people‘s perspective. personally, i liked it. it has flaws, yes, but to me it was enjoyable. if you don‘t feel like answering, that is fine :) have a great day!
oh wow. you really wanna know? okay, but on your own head be it. :o
i’m just joking, i’ll go easy, or at least give you the digest (a vicious lie) version. if you want to see the full extent of my derision and vitriol, you can go to @lowkeysebastianstan, which is the blog where i’ve tried to limit this too. but to give you the not at all short and not so sweet of it, here goes. (endgame spoilers obviously).
the first thing that really set me off was the ending, more precisely, what steve did. it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and hit me closer to home than most of my followers here since bucky and steve are my fave characters, and the only ship i really have. now, i never thought stucky would become canon, not even a little, i didn’t even hope for it. sure, the representation would’ve been awesome, but there’s no way marvel could’ve done it justice, so it was just as well it was never gonna happen. what i hadn’t prepared for was to what extreme extent they were terrified of the ship and the effect it would have if they were to let it be even a hint that could be interpreted as some emotional connection between them, for 3 films they’re built bucky up as the most important character in steve’s life, he’s risked his own life to save him, he basically eradicated hydra during wwii fueled by grief for him, he was prepared to die for him in tws, he fought his friends and gave up everything for him in cacw, and then he just? leaves? to be with a woman who died of old age and natural causes after a long fulfilling life with another man and family of her own. who specifically told him to fucking move on in tws? yeah, sure. and do not get me wrong, i adore sam wilson, after bucky, and the real steve rogers, he is by far my fave in the cap verse (saving a few spots for my bp and cm peeps in the mcu, but we’ll get to them), and he is the superior choice to pick up the mantle, no doubt about it. (okay, a little doubt, they teased sebastian with that shield for 8 years, they based bucky on the brubaker storyline where he becomes cap, and so i do feel a little torn bc no matter how happy he must be for his friend, and him and mackie are good friends, he must be a little disappointed? but who knows, maybe they’ll do something with that in the series, which would be stupid af bc that would negate the positive leap in representation, and mackie deserves it too, so who the fuck knows, i’ll probably not be around to keep track anyways, and can you tell im rambling), but for steve’s last words to be to sam? while bucky stands and watch in the background? like??? i could go on in (more excruciating) detail, but that was why i linked the blog, there might be a point or two about this on there.
but that was just the start. all through the movie i felt disconnected and uneasy, they made some really weird choices, but i don’t think it was until nat took the plunge that i knew i had an absolute dud on my hands. 
the mcu has done a lot of things right, but their treatment of women is NOT one of them. and oh boy did they go out with a bang. first is the obvious implication, he got to live bc he had “more to live for”, and she didn’t have a family, and ye gods we know she can’t have kids, so why should she live? 
(see, if the bw movie wasn’t in the books, i’d completely get it, if it was to give scarjo her life back, and she wanted nat to be good and dead, sure. actually, when i first watched it, that’s what i thought tbh, that the bw movie was cancelled, so. but it’s not, so she will return. and since that the case it’s just fucked up that they yeeted her off the roster. and sure, some of the bw movie was always gonna be set in the past, but tbh? i don’t see much point in prequels for dead characters, you know that whatever happens won’t affect the outcome for the character at all, and i usually find them completely void of meaning. that might just be me though). and of course the fact that she died the same way gamora went didn’t help. (gamora’s death was maybe the single worst thing in aiw, she was fridged, not for the advancement of one man, but for two (thanos and quill) and it.just.shouldn’t.have.worked.thanos.cannot.love! again, mcu and women? not a good match.) 
then of course, it comes back to steve and how much he doesn’t give a crap about the people close to him in the present, we never see him care or grieve for anyone but peggy, and he could barely spare two tears for nat before it was all business again. and the rest of the team? i think clint cared a little, and banner threw a chair, but that was it. no memorial, not burial, no nothing, it was like she never existed, and she died saving the world just as much as tony, he couldn’t have done jack shit without the soul stone. 
and speaking of women, shuri and okoye? before the trailer dropped i was sure shuri was in this, that we’d get to see her lead in her brother’s stead. i actually did a short lament on this already, here.
carol was terribly underused, after all the oompf about her being there she was barely a blip. but the haircut was fantastic, and the best part of the movie was when she returned at the end.
then there’s nebula and gamora (again). at first i was actually quite pleased that they sort of found a loophole to bring gamora back, but then i thought about it (yes, sometimes i get seduced by the flashy colours too) and yeah. sure. a gamora is there, but she’s void of all the things that makes her interesting and all her development is just gone, everything “our” gamora achieved and experienced is gone, three films worth of arc is worthless. so what then is the point of getting “her” back? i don’t care about this person, i don’t know her. are we gonna see quill just harass her the next film, bc you know, she’s been with him, so why shouldn’t he expect her to just do that now? tbh i wouldn’t be surprised, but now that gunn is back maybe he can save it? not that i’ll be around to keep track though.
then nebula. nvm that time paradox, that’s a whole other fuckfest i’ll get back to, but we had to get to see her get killed too, didn’t we. by her sister, the only person in the world she loves. fucking fantastic, i cannot control my enthusiasm. 
and no, cool as it was, the a-force surrounding parker is not enough to bring this home. it was a cool sight though. (see? i can see the good.)
then of course it’s peggy. a woman he knew for a few months back during the war. (sure they knew each other longer, but i’d say, even if you’re very generous, they can’t have spent more than a couple of months in each other’s company, and they kissed once). who they stripped of all character development and autonomy so that steve could go back and get his “damce”. everything she achieved, every good thing that happened to her, her husband, her family, her advancement in shield, all gone. bc steve must have his happy ending, no matter that she told him to move the fuck on in tws, who cares. 
and then there’s sharon. yeah, they forgot about her, didn’t they. i mean, i was never really on board with that, the whole aunt/niece thing was a bit too weird for me, and this was way before i shipped stucky, but that doesn’t matter. bc they did that, they had them kiss within days after peggy’s death (oooh, look how he cared for peggy), making it clear that this was the beginning of something. (also marvel and several of the actors treated emily like crap, oh yeah, i remember, doesn’t help either.) 
(gods i said this would be short, didn’t i? imagine if i could’ve spent all the words i’ve spent ranting about endgame on my latest chapter? good grief.)
then there’s their so called lgbt representation. 30 seconds of a character that had a total of 60 sconds of screentime in tws lamenting his dead lover? well. i. they wanted credit for that. i just.
then there’s thor. they negated every ounce of development he had in ragnarok, this also goes for aiw, wasn’t happy about that, and made him completely ooc, he just spends his time drinking ab\nd playing fortnite of all things? bold of them to assume that will still be a thing in 5 years, but also? thor? THOR? neglecting his people? his friends? the world? thor? then they of course made him fat, haha, so they could add fat-shaming to the list while they make light and fun of his drinking problems, his grief and his ptsd. awesome. the funniest. 
then there’s clint. that they just randomly made a killer? just, like a straight up murderer? okay then. and still nat deserved to die. excellent.
then there’s banner. okay, i don’t think they fucked him up as bad as the others, but it’s still strange he would risk his intelligence to become hulk full time, but you do you.  
rocket and rhodey were the best things about this damn disaster, just putting it out there.
then there’s tony. i mean, we knew he was the main protagonist, and im not objecting that, (even if i think it’s really strange he’d be born in 1970) but idk. that was strange’s plan? all that for that? and pepper just went, eh what the hell, just die, i can raise this kid you wanted. (i know, i know, she’s her mom, she cares), but it was just so flat. and idk. i mean, rdj wanted his life back, just as evans, but i’d want to see that switched, that tony get to retire and steve sacrifice himself to save the world. tony could still be the deciding factor in strange’s plan even if steve delivered the coup de grace. at least he cared enough to show an emotion™when peter came back, which was more than steve bothered with. jfc they fucked up steve.
then there’s the time travel. okay, a few things about the 2012 thing. they put him in the elevator, and then, instead of having him just kick the crap out of the agents, they reference hydra!cap? the biggest shitstorm in the comics in the last two decades? like what the actual fuck? then of course there’s the americas ass thing, which, again, that’s steve, cares about his ass but not his friends! (but at least 2012 steve cares about bucky, maybe he’ll save him a couple of years early, back to the future steve will just live out his life knowing bucky is getting tortured somewhere in siberia, good times.) oh! and i guess they have their loophole to get loki back too, great, they’ll probably just forget that he’s not in the main timeline, bc who cares. 
and the fun just keeps coming with the time travel. oh they tried with some crap explanation that no one can make sense of, but here’s the kicker. they can’t either, they don’t even want to try, they don’t even agree with each other. 
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how did they know to meet up in wakanda or wherever, the dustees? did strange send a memo? not just the ppl in the soul realm or wherever they were, but all the others too, like valkyrie and hope. time and place just magically popped into their heads? and what happened when they all came back? or some came back, bc obviously a shit ton of ppl died at the dusting, like the pilot of a 747 gone? plane goes down and such, ppl really dead. and where do they reappear? where they disappeared? aka those passengers that got dusted comes back mid flight? fun! and what about the ones that moved on in their absence? what happens to the ones that come back when their wives and husbands are remarried, when there’s no place for them in their old lives. did all of peter’s classmates get dusted, or did the rest of the class graduate without him, i must assume that all of those in s:ffh did, otherwise some would be in college by now, yeah?
and that’s another reason their watertight time travel is leaky af, there’s no way to get the logistics to work. the only option as such would have been to go back to 2018 and fix it, to reset time, bc otherwise there are just too many holes, it’s just not possible. but they can’t do that bc then they’ll undo all the things that happen in the future that the characters don’t want to lose, like tony’s kid. 
oh, i know, it’s a superhero movie, but im strange like that, i expect a modicum of internal logic in all my movies, the bitch that i am. 
okay, im gonna leave it there, ive run out of steam, and i want to gif a set. there’s a few things more, but i think you’ve gotten the gist, that i’m not a fan of this movie and a short (lol, so sorry, nothing is ever digest with me, i should’ve warned you) list of reasons why. honestly this is the first time i’ve really don’t a more general account, ive pretty much stuck to steve and that crapshute, there’s a lot of other blogs that concentrate on the other characters, i’d list a few, but i don’t have it in me rn, pop me a msg if you’re interested, also if you’re interested in some real meta, this rambling rant isn’t something that people should be exposed to honestly. 
avengers: endgame was a shit movie and no amount of “he’s worthy” and “avengers assemble” is going to fix that, BUT if you enjoyed it, i don’t think less of you, obviously everyone is different, and i envy the hell out of you, i sorely wish i could’ve liked it too. the russos directed what is by far the best movie in the mcu imo, tws, and they had us all fooled, even if we probably should’ve seen it coming after iron man 4: civil war.
hope you’re having a spectacular day, sorry you had to read this if you did, and and thank you for making mine better, i really had a rant in me needing out. (you’d think i’d run out of hate for this by now, but nah.)
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thank you for the ask :) 
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grimtwin · 5 years
What are your favorite and least favorite parts about the arcs of Yu Yu Hakusho?
I’ll break down the “Spirit Detective Saga” down into the smaller bits. 
Surprised to be Dead:
Favorite part is by far and large, meeting Botan. I have no clue if I would have been as involved with this series without a fun character like her to draw me in. The premise of the series was solid and completely new to me, but Yusuke was not at all an exciting looking character.  
Least favorite part of this arc is without a doubt the lack luster art/animation. Being a new series that wasn’t promised a long run and could be canceled at any time, there wasn’t going to be a lot of money put into it at first, and Togashi still had room to grow with his art. 
First Case:
Favorite part of this arc would be the introductions of the villains, and future protagonists of the series, Hiei and Kurama. Yusuke, all of a day into getting his powers or something like that, is sent off to get the Artifacts of Darkness back from Hiei, Kurama, and Gouki, all of which could kill Yusuke without trying very hard. And jumping into that, Yusuke needed all the help he could get in order to get the artifacts back, and “solve” this case. If not for Botan and Kurama, Yusuke would have died again. It’s not often that you see the main character need help or have to use some strategy to win a fight, especially since before dying, all Yusuke had was brute force. 
Least favorite part was Hiei’s demon form. It’s obvious that he was meant to be a one time villain because this is the only time we see it in the series, and I’m not including the Poltergeist Report movie. It’s ugly as hell, fills Hiei’s body with the anti-climatic Legend of Zelda weakness, and was never brought up again. 
Genkai Training:
Favorite part of this arc was Yusuke’s pure and simple, dumb luck. Once again, and it’s a reoccurring theme in this series for Yusuke, but the guy only survives any of his matches in this arc, by getting lucky. He should have been disqualified for not making it on time, but Genkai let him pass because he beat Baldok. He would have lost to Kibano, if Genkai hadn’t gotten pissed off at him and thrown her lit cigarette into the dark room for Yusuke to use. He would have lost to Kazemaru, had Yusuke not slipped into the swamp, which caused Kazemaru’s homing shuriken to explode in his own face. And Rando would have shrunken Yusuke and squashed him like a bug, had Yusuke’s ears not been full of algae from the swamp he slipped into, causing Rando’s chant to backfire on him. Yusuke is a lucky idiot. 
Least favorite part of this arc…hmm….Yusuke never got to go to the Tokyo Dome. Botan bribed him with tickets if he went to Genkai’s, and because he won the damn thing, he was forced into 6 months of training, and didn’t get to go. As a wrestling fan myself, that hurts. 
Saint Beasts:
Favorite parts would be Botan in that smoking hot red tights/leather jacket combo, and the beginnings of “Team Urameshi” being formed. We’d only known Kurama and Hiei as villains, and here they were being…coerced, into joining Yusuke’s mission to stop their fellow demons from trying to destroy Sarayashiki and killing Keiko. We got to see Yusuke show off the results of his training with Genkai, the lengths of Kuwabara’s toughness and loyalty, and better yet, seeing Hiei’s strange honor code and absolutely devastation of Seiryuu after seeing the ice user’s cruelty toward his companion.
I can’t think of anything about this arc I disliked, but I guess Keiko being the damsel? Even then, she and Botan kicked ass in trying to escape a horde of demon insect controlled humans, so it’s not like either woman was defenseless in anyway, just outnumbered and outgunned, so to speak. 
Rescue Yukina:
Favorite parts of this mini-arc would be meeting Yukina, Shizuru, Botan in those tight jeans and brown jacket, and on a more serious note, Yusuke and Kuwabara strolling into this mafia-esque compound full of demons and killer humans, beating the shit out of anyone who gets in their way, until they come across the Toguro Brothers. The seriousness of this situation is kind of lost on us until we find out just how strong the Toguro Brothers are in a later arc, and how easily they could have torn the boys to shreds and stopped the rescue mission. The only reason the YYH group walked away from this fight, is because the Toguro’s allowed them to. 
Least favorite part is just how hideous Tarukane is as a person, inside and out. The anime skims over it, but in the manga, it’s hinted that Yukina has been a prisoner here for a long time, upward of five years. I can only imagine the tortures she’s faced in that time. 
Dark Tournament:
Loved everything about this arc. I’m cheating a bit, but all the fights, Puu being born, the emotional growth Yusuke and the rest of the team were forced to endure, was just spectacular. We got to see the dark history between Genkai and her former lover Toguro, what drove a wedge between them, met new friend that would be showing up later in the series, got to see more of the lovely human and demon world ladies. It was just fucking fun.
Least favorite thing is that Atsuko got left out of the tournament arc for the anime completely. In the manga, she was there through it all. 
Chapter Black:
This arc was fantastic. Favorite part of this arc is Sensui and the rest of the villains in general are amazing. His plan to open a breech into Demon World is so well thought out, that it’s almost total bullshit at times, but still works. He sacrifices his pawns, kills Yusuke, beats the living hell out of our heroes, and gets exactly what he wants the entire time. Sensui won. He may have died in the end, but his plan worked. Not only that, but Togashi wrote him in such a way that we legitimately feel bad for the guy at points, for having his life and ideology destroyed by humans and Spirit World. He’s still an asshole though. Outside of this, I also loved that one butt shot we get of Botan, Botan saving Mitarai, and then Hiei and Yusuke fighting in the forest after Hiei stabbed Sniper. 
Least favorite thing of this arc would be Spirit World in general. They basically caused this whole situation, and when Yusuke was killed, then reborn as a demon, they tried to have him killed as well. Douche bags. 
Three Kings:
I think this arc is generally bad. I don’t particularly care for any part of it besides getting to learn a little about Hiei and Kurama’s histories. Besides a terrible finish, basically removing Kuwabara, Botan, Koenma, Shizuru, Yukina, and Keiko from the show until the final episodes was a very sour note at the end of an amazing series. 
If I had to chose something to like about it, I’d say seeing that everyone got a fairly happy ending. Yukina comes to live with the Kuwabaras, Yusuke and Keiko are sure to be married, Kurama’s working with his father in law, and Hiei’s….in a tree. 
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sentofighta · 6 years
The Theocracy of Plegia Headcanon post
In this post, I will try to write some headcanons for Plegia, kind of world-building to be a reference for myself and anyone who is interested to read it.
Please remember, these are mere headcanons, they are my own interpretation. If you disagree with something then I don’t mind discussing the points you don’t find accurate. There is no harm in checking other views, but please be polite or keep it to yourself. Suggestions and feedbacks are highly appreciated.
Special shout out to Jee @/stratesia for giving her opinion on some points~
Please don’t Reblog.
Plegia ペレジア, Perezia
I thought at first it might be a play on word (spelling i think) Plegia> Persia
Perezia is the name of a flower just like Iris (Ylisse)
I tried to look for the flower meaning but there is nothing. The only link is stated below in the headcanon of Religion.
Origin and History
Plegia is originally part of Ylisse, the content before the Schism event when The First Exalt with Naga’s help fought Grima and because of the immense power, the content was divided and thus having the awakening world continent.
After the schism, three counties were formed, Ragna Ferox to the north, Halidom of Ylisse in the middle and the Theocracy of Plegia to the west.
Some of the content here is shared with my previous ylisse headcanon so copy pasting some info here to connect the two posts together.
With the separation of the three counties, each country took a different path from the others. Ferox being in a harsh climate, was more of active of the two countries in terms of manpower and parties. Plegia to the south with its scorching desert life, the development was steadily but not very fast like Ferox and Ylisse in terms of trading business due to the lack of earthly materials like in Ylisse (farm yields and animals), Ferox (Ore, and furs.) Though, there are things that only found in Plegia like certain food spices, herbs, unique clothes textiles and dyes, exquisite make-up, etc.
The Grimleal in Plegia are a minority in Plegia and only grew with time especially in the game events. King Gangrel and his men were not Grimleal but they had to follow the cult for their own safety and the services they will gain from the cult.
After the separation, it was hard for the Plegian to fully operate with how harsh the weather is especially after they became independent from Ferox and Ylisse. Their livelihood was in a tie with Ylisse’s agriculture and meat products. and Ferox’s ore, manpower, and fur. They worked tirelessly to be a fully functional nation on its own that does not rely on its neighboring countries. Being a nation that is known for its dark magic, this enabled this to advance despite the harsh circumstances.
Plegia prospered during the time between their separation until the great war against Ylisse which Plegia suffered a lot. The truth that normal citizens of Plegia were the true victim of the war meanwhile any Grimleal were plotting from the back and escaped the war’s damage. The Grimleal played with its nation’s emotions saying that Ylissean wants them to become their slaves so they can enjoy their lives as their masters. Naga told them to take over Plegia and make it their own as it was once before. People were agitated with these false claims and sought to stop the Ylisseans--Chrom’s Father from invading Plegia. The cost of war was Ylisse’s almost destruction and Plegia while the Grimleal watched in the background this war. The Grimleal used their people to act as a human shield to protect their experiments and projects to revive their fell dragon god.
Reviving Grima was the Grimleal’s wish. As Validar said in the game that his Grandfather and father were failures to be the host of Grima even himself until he had Robin (Avatar) who was of pure blood to host Grima in them. The process of creating a suitable vessel was an ugly and disgusting one. A lot of experiments on subjects, children were torn from their parents. Subject after the other to create the right formula for the final product which was Robin. Whether Validar or Robin’s mother was a close being to Homoncluos (Grima in a way) that made Robin with a high success rate of being able to host Grima. Going by the events of SOV, Grima was made by Forneus and by the description, Grima resembles a homunculus in the way he was created and Forneus is an Alchemist so that kind of allude to that. Wouldn’t be surprised if Robin’s mother was a created being, homunculus to be able to give birth to Robin. Alchemy was lost because there was no mention to it in Awakening world. But surely the knowledge remains in the hidden abodes of the Grimleals.
After the Great war, Gangrel assumed his role as a King to the nation, a plan woven by Validar to dart everyone’s eyes away from the Grimleal as they plot their scheme to revive Grima from the shadows. When Emmeryn died, a lot of people who were affected by her sacrifice stopped fighting but sadly some were killed by true Grimleals or during the battle against the Ylissean army. Whoever could escape hid away and decided to start a new life.
When Gangrel was defeated, Validar took over as regnant King, making sure that the Grimleals are now the controlling force of the country; making it clear that the Grimleals are in power now. There was no need to hide their motives after finding Robin is still alive so the plan B they had, using the future Robin to assume the role. Validar aided Chrom’s army to defeat Walhart because he knew that Walhart if he reached Plegian, no one will be saved, not even the weakened Future Robin (Grima) from his wrath.
Once Walhart was out of the picture, Validar ought to steal the Fire Emblem and then fuel the Future Robin with power to regain the lost power they lose during their travel (and i assume reviving Validar as well?) even though the plan was to use the current Robin’s body but when they refused time was of essence so they had to move to use the future body (which is odd because they are not older even after they said that they did came with lucina so??? Maybe their aging stopped when they killed chrom or something idk man this game got a lot of ??? for me to think of answers im but i weak moogle.) Validar used the strong faith of the Grimleals to call them over to the Dragon Table to be Grima’s lunch. When confronted by Chrom and the company, these people were brainwashed, only speaking in gibberish
...the appointed...time...
...to the Dragon's...Table...
...our prayers...Grima…
Using these people so Grima can feed on them to be resurrected to its true form, however, the future robin mortal body remained as well. This could mean that the true form is mindless while the mind and conscience remain in the human body thus why Robin could kill Grima and end it. If Grima chose to get rid of the human body, I only assume that Robin would not be able to kill Grima and severe the ties between because his power is not equal to the current Grima so perhaps Robin should accept this current Grima’s powers if they want to destroy the future grima?? 👀
With the defeat of Grima, Plegia was left in shambles with the Grimleals are out of the picture as well. There is no information to what happened to Plegia next but I imagine with Ylisse’s help and Ferox, the people slowly regained the control of their country. Either Robin (Avatar) take their role as King/Queen but i kind of doubt that the people would just ‘yes we accept’ knowing that Avatar is Validar’s kid--the man who killed half of their people for a big ass dragon. This could require a lot on Avatar’s part to reassure the people that they can grant them the peace they want or surprisingly the people will accept avatar after knowing that they are the one who fell the dragon. Or it will be a democracy, they will elect someone to be their leader.
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Plegia comes between Halidom of Ylisse to the east and Ferox to the north. Plegia is a country in the Ylisse continent that was once one country with its neighbor.
Plegia is known to be a desert country evident with a map up there. There are little to no forest areas like its neighbor country, Ylisse. A lot of mountains and sand dunes. Plegia as any desert country, it is bound to have dangerous areas of quicksands often used by bandits to lure helpless merchants and villagers towards them so they can trap them. Unlike Ylisse, Plegia’s bodies of water are more active because the Plegian made a lot of ports to make the trades between them and the Valmesean easier.
Because unlike Ylisse, Plegia is pretty much has the same climate all over its land. Very hot humid, even scorching at summer, and slightly cold at winter. In summer, the days are humid and hot while at night, it can get a little chilly and even freezing at certain times. In winter, the days are sometimes cloudy little chances of rain depends on the circumstances and at night extremely cold due to the desert winds and being exposed to the sea. Nearby the sea, the air can be salty and suffocating for newcomers.  
Flora & Fauna
Since the climate is the same, the flora and fuana are pretty much the same across the land as well. Short plants in the desert area, different types of reptiles, a lot of wild birds like falcon and hawks, wild rabbits, coyotes and gazelles which often found near the border pass between Plegia and ylisse. Between Ferox and Plegia at the border wastes, some giraffes and elephants might be around.
As the name of the country suggests, it is religion based country, more like a forced one. The government is hereditary from one leader of the Grimleal to another, most likely as Validar said, his grandfather, father then him and possibly Robin (Avatar).
Gangrel, as stated before he was placed to fuel the war between plegia and ylisse because he had the charisma and the drive to get people around him for that purpose--the revenge on the ylissean.
After the battle with Grima, the line of Validar--the Grimleals is over. The people either pick their own leader or accept Robin (Avatar) as their King/Queen if they wanted to serve their country alongside their friend Chrom being the Exalt of Ylisse.
The Law
The Law in Plegia is simple, Worship Grima, and hate Naga. The same rules that the previous Exalt had to not trade with Plegian or marry into them applied in Plegia as well. Who is caught to be trading with a Ylissean was immediately killed on the spot.
This to be changed slightly when Gangrel ruled because he wanted to use Ylisse for his revenge to he allowed some sort of trading to happen but with a lot of restrictions.
After the end of Grima, the laws are loose to let both trading and wedding from both countries without any sort of restrictions following after Chrom’s Laws.
The Hierarchy is simpler than Ylisse because it is simply:
The Hierophant (Grima)
The Grimleal leader and the country Leader, the King (Validar)
Right hand and trusted advisor (Aversa)
The Grimleals is definitely set to ranks but for my sake, they are three levels according to what the enemies we have seen.
High ranked Grimleal: Priests & Dark Mages & Scholars (Chalard & Algol)
Middle ranked Grimleal: Loyal Military Soldiers & Spies (Campari)
Lowest ranked Grimleal: Believers and worshipers of Grima
Military Commander (Mustafa etc)
The commoners
After the Grimleals ranks, who comes next kind of does not have any authority nor power except on those who are around them. Mustafa being the commander of the army that fought Chrom, it should be apparent that his loyalty to his people not the religion should be known by the Grimleal so I doubt he has any power except on the men around him.
The forced religion is worshiping the fell dragon Grima even though there are many around Plegia who do not worship Grima at all. The Religion was founded when the first fathers saw the destruction that Grima caused in his first war with the First Exalt. They sought his power for their own misguided ends. They wanted to obtain that power knowing that Grima had a pact with a human, they thought they could control this ‘God’ to do what they want. When Plegia was founded, I imagine it was their goal; to revive Grima so they can use him. Naga helped humans on her own, they wanted their God to be same; to help them realize their dreams and wishes; their own God that they don’t have to share with anyone else. These wishes developed and reshaped to be wanting destruction about everyone so no one can be better than them; total damnation to all even if the in the process they died at least their selfish wishes that no one be happy happen. Validar was revered among the Grimleal because in a way he was the host or almost was going to for their God. If Robin remained in Plegia, they would be worshipped as the Human that has the pact with Grima, their own God, their messenger for their God.
Note to Grima’s design, which is just my own opinion again but look at the picture
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The true form of Grima resembles Perezia, the flower that the nation is called after in the Japanese release. I don’t know if this was intentional or just me diving deep where it is not necessary. The right images are from here if you like to look at the other Perezia’s types because they are A LOT, i picked these two because they looked close enough to grima’s design imo. Just like Ylisse (Iris) the symbol is the flower itself, I think Plegia is the same. Ferox (Felia) on the other hand, their symbol is two wolves(?) animal motif instead of plant perhaps to represent the fierce nature of Ferox.
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Holidays & Celebratory Days
The day when Grima was fell the first time, is a day that all Grimleal spend it mourning their God’s long slumber and prepare a lot of sacrifices in hope for the day Grima is revived come closer.
If Robin remained in Plegia, I am sure their birthday would be a day to be celebrated because the messenger of their God, his vessel was born on this day.
With how Plegia is under the Grimleal, there are a lot fo celebratory events unlike Ylisse and Ferox but common folks do enjoy summer festival and such in their cast away villages.
Grimleal’s customs
To get into the Grimleal is not an easy as it sounds like. Test of loyalty and such would be asked for the recruiters to do. Often raiding and killing people, offer sacrifices, be ready for any job whatever it is to be done. Who can’t fight, must assist in a way or another. Scholars and Scientists were expected to keep experimenting on different projects, more strong Risens and whatnot.
Commoner’s customs
Plegians are like the Ylissean in terms of upbringing. Respect is a must to teach their children, they might be little more strict with that than the Ylissean. The family may hold the Grandparents, the parents, their kids, and their kids. The extended family may live in the same house with how the living in Plegia in the years are getting harder with previous war and the current one, it is hard to save up money to live in your own.
It is not a custom but perhaps an explanation to why most Plegian are seen devoted of emotions or if they had them they are considered cold and distant. Basing the information on the real world, desert people are affected by the heat and being constantly under the sun thus they are more hot-tempered and emotionally distant (of course this does not apply to ALL desert living.) The heat damped their emotions but they are there but only visible to really close knit of people, for example, Mustafa and his company. They were moved by Emmeryn which does not necessarily they are cold but to the outsiders they seem like it.
First Grima war
  The Events of the [First Grima war] against the First Exalt with Naga VS. Grima and the human he pact with was the first war in ages the people faced their first trial. There are no records of the war but a point to note that the whole continent was against Grima unlike the 2000 years later where The Halidom of Ylisse was against Grima alone, mostly. Another thing to note, that the human that had a pact with Grima was known, however, these little details ‘human pact’ was not known for anyone outside the Grimleal in the game (during Awakening) timeline. Evidence that everyone was shocked to hear of Avatar’s relationship to Grima and the whole plot to use them as a vessel. A lot of Grima’s secret was swept away when the three nations were made, means that the Grimleal in their early days, made sure to cover up Grima’s tracks to make sure that his next revival would be the last and no one can interrupt him.
The Grimleals made sure only to keep who will hold their tongue from blurting any information that could threaten their plan to revive Grima. Who was suspected to leak anything was murdered on the spot. It might have shaken them in numbers but that made the new generation even more stronger and loyal to the cause.
Ylisse-Plegian situation
  It is no secret that these two countries have always had troubles and skirmishes. Ylisse worshiping the divine dragon and Plegia worshiping the Fell Dragon. Both contrasting counties of faith and beliefs. Ylisse wished for more peaceful negotiations, but Plegia saw it as a way to silence them--it agitated them because they thought Ylissean are simply provoking them due to their past.
  Pre the previous Exalt’s time, the relationships were already on a thin ice. The Grimleal experimenting with everything they got to get the results they hope for-- a perfect vessel for their master. What kept the relationship at bay was on both sides, Ylisse’s Exalt was still going for the peaceful route and the Grimleal trying to maintain a low profile until they finish their experiments.  
  In the previous Exalt’s time, the situation got worse when Validar who had hopes that he will be the perfect vessel for Grima, was provoked by the Exalt who got a whiff of the situation tried to pursuit Validar to explain what is he doing but Validar did his best to conceal it that until Validar had Avatar who was, by all means, THE perfect vessel then it all hells went loose. With Avatar’s mother escaping, all spies who were around Plegia and the borders reported back of the scheme that plegia is making which made the first Exalt more determined to wage war against Plegia in name of Naga and peace. Thus the war 15 years pre awakening happened. It was a mean to stop Validar from making the vessel but it failed. The only success was that the vessel, Avatar was lost and their whereabouts were unknown. Sadly, this information was only shared by the Exalt and the Clergy and his personal knights so the news of vessel and Validar’s scheme died when the Exalt fell in battle.
  During the game situation was the follow up of the previous war. Plegia did not forget the war even though 15 years have passed. The wounds did not heal and the people wanted a revenge, an end to their pain, a closure that no more of that cruel war is going to happen. With Emmeryn’s sacrifice, it showed that even Plegian were not sure of their emotions and deep down they want an end to all the fighting and when Gangrel was defeated, the situation calmed a little bit until Validar came back into the scene. Fueling the people against Ylisse and using every possible opening to rekindle the hatred. Who followed him were mostly long rooted Grimleal who would gladly give up their lives for Grima. Anyone else was fighting for other reasons, some because they fear for their families who were captured, some for glory, some for money, etc.
A lot of problems emerged after the first war, a lot of dead plegian, poverty, lack of funding. These were somehow fixed by the Grimleal in order to shut the people up and use that anger and direct it at the Ylissean. Some of course, knew that the Grimleal at fault too but couldn’t speak about it or death will be their end. People were living in horror from the Grimleal and from the Ylissean to strike again.
Plegia and Valm situation
Validar understood that Walhart was smart for his own good and decided to do something about Plegia when Ylisse failed to act, he used Chrom and his company to take Walhart down so there will be fewer people at his doorstep asking him to stop resurrecting Grima. If Walhart was not stopped, all what Validar planned with Future Robin (Grima) would have been under threat.
The Last Grima war, Avatar’s ending
  In the second Grima war in game, there are three outcomes for the battle. 1) the shepherds lose to grima, 2) chrom’s ending where he delivers the last strike sending grima into another 1000 of slumber, 3) or avatar’s ending where they sacrifice their life. Since this is the true ending of the game, it is the best outcome of the three endings. The world was saved from Grima and history wrote about its savior. Naga did tell Avatar that if they have strong bonds they are to fight and come back to this world. During the time the avatar went missing, everyone continued to grow and develop in their name. The scars of the last battle did not heal quickly but they are surely coming along. There is no set of time to when Avatar came back but it is not that long taking that from the game ending where there are no visible changes on both Chrom nor Lissa; between a year and two max. The duration is a controversial topic so it is not that of important at this point. Meanwhile, Plegia is gathering itself after losing so many of its citizen for being Grima’s food and in the war itself.
Chrom’s ending
Avatar has the choice to return to Plegia and rule it as King/Queen.
Ruined Future ending (Future Kids timeline)
Plegia prospered even further to become the land of the Fell Dragon, the land of the risens. A lot of plegian escaped to Valm or Ferox leaving the country in fear for their lives. Who remained were the loyal Grimleals and commanders.
  In Fate, Anakos asks Owain, Severa, and Inigo if they had a request after helping him and they asked to revive their families and friends but he could not do that so they asked to make revive their original world that was tainted by Grima and in the process make graves for their fallen families and friends. I assume that fixed Plegia too.
Ruined Present ending
If The Shepherds failed to take down Grima, an ending close to the future that the kids escaped from will happen. However, this time, Falchion and the Fire Emblem might be either lost or be confiscated by Grima’s puppets. A worse ending than the future they escaped from. The Grimleals will take over command of everything and the new place people will start pilgrim to is Plegia’s castle to worship their new God, Grima.
Plegia units are [Barbarians, Dark Mages, Wyvern Riders, Myrmidons and Thieve] a balanced army. Plegian considers having a better strategic approach to battle so they can be hard to deal with especially with the wyvern riders who can travel a long distance and have a decent defense to close ranged and magical attacks. Though, with proper planning and using the archers they can be an easy target. Their advantage is only if they are fighting on their land where the movement is quite restricted to everyone but the mages and riders.
Same with Ylisse, education was for people who could afford it. Priests, Dark Mages, and scholars are the highest people in rank of education, of course after the Grimleal leader themself.
Because of how the Grimleal is, a lot of experiments and projects are involved, thus why scholars are important in the country for their continuous experiments and researches.  
Unlike Ylisse, we did not get to see official letters for Plegian nor any other nation (correct if im wrong please). Looking at the in-game sprites, you can see the spells are identical so I couldn’t get anything out of them to link to plegia.
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All the spells have the same writing so it did not give away anything special. Weak spells and the powerful spells; all alike.
One could headcanon that the writing is the same what is different is how each nation pronounce them? Because of all magic stem from one place??? Idk.
The warp spell pattern is different
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The letters are kind of, slightly, different to the above one. Maybe because they are skewed they look different. But for me, they kind of resemble the arabic script because it looks cursive at the first part to me and we saw that ylissean counts on the symbol and they are not cursive. I will bite the bullet and say that Plegian script resembles the Arabic script, written from right to left to be just different from the ylissean. Out of spite lolololol
Health & Services
Due to the aftermath of the first way, poverty struck the country and famine. People died because of the heat and lack of food and clean water. It was a lot of work to provide food and water across the country and health services. Healers are not common around plegia that is why scholars work on more effective medicines to replace the lack of the able arms to cure and heal with items that can be used by the laymen. Of course, it is not because they ‘care’ because every soul is important in order to revive Grima. Plus, they are the human shield that the Grimleal will use to provoke the new war to happen. War can’t happen if there is no one to fight back.
Art & Entertainment
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The overlook looks similar to how Persian castle looked like, no color a lot of castle towers. I imagine that small villagers only have somewhat colors in their building because they are further away from the Plegian Castle and the Grimleal.
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The inner design, however, has dark colors. The windows are above only assuming because to avoid having the heat of the sun come through them so they are strategically built to only let cool air in during the day and night and only enough of the sunlight depending on the position of each window and the sun circle.
I imagine the music would be, all poetry of praising Grima and the soon fated hour of his return. Commoners might sing about their daily life struggle and whatnot, somehow melancholy fill all their songs. little when you find happy songs.
Painting / Statues
I looked all over the castle for any hint of painting like in Ylisse’s castle but nope. Nothing. I think Plegia is more famed for statues more than painting with how they build their houses from stones.
The same as their music, all written art is based on imaginary days of Grima’s arrival. Recording the feat of the Grimleal, and the history against the Naga worshipers.
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bthump · 6 years
what would you like to change in berserk? actually im asking how the story would work without using rape as a plot device but also in general (characterization, plot etc.)
Ooh this is an interesting question, ty!
I wouldn’t change either Guts or Griffith’s backstories tbh, I think they’re actually pretty well done, and important to their characters and narratives without being the be all end all. Well, I’d like to make Gennon less of an evil gay stereotype and Donovan less of a scary black man stereotype but yk, other than those details the existence of rape in their backstories isn’t something I’d change.
With Casca… tough call. Her story is all about gendered violence to the point where if you got rid of the rape attempts you’d have to come up with a whole new story for her. But it’s still a shallower and less well-rounded depiction of abuse than either guts or griffith’s backstories, bc it’s so emphatically gendered, like, rather than informing her personality or her choices it’s just framed as being a woman.
So actually I guess for Casca what I’d change is (actually pretty obviously lol) her motivations. She’s not in love with Griffith, she idealizes his dream because she knows he wants to dismantle those power structures that fuck her over and create a place where those w/ power can’t easily abuse their power over others. She hates Guts not because she’s jealous of him (tho she could still be jealous of his emotional closeness with Griffith, like she’d still admire Griffith here even if she’s not in love with him and I like that rival dynamic), but because she recognizes that he could end up destroying Griffith’s dream.
Also I think we can still cut out most of the rape threats she gets while still showing that she has something to fight against. Maybe keep Adon being a gross dick (in all fairness he kind of mirrors Gennon towards Griffith which kind of shows how they’re fighting for the same dream - ie a world where those kinds of dudes are shut down) but have Casca just fighting for her life rather than against rape attempts as she runs from the 100 man fight.
So nothing really changes much until Guts comes back from his vacation. And now Casca is genuinely, genuinely angry and hateful towards him, because he did exactly what she’s been afraid he was going to do - destroyed Griffith’s dream, and her hope for a better future.
Which means they don’t have sex lol, Casca was never into Guts, they began a friendship towards the end of the war but nothing more. And now that Guts has come back Casca is actively hostile to him, though after Guts lets her stab him she probably forgives him a bit bc it’s not like he intended to destroy absolutely everything, and he’s clearly fucked up about it.
Also no suicide attempt.
So their dynamic during the rescue mission is resentful allies, like a throwback to their first three years knowing each other.
Wyald still happens but no attempted rape w/ Casca obviously.
Now when it comes to the Eclipse, I want it to be all about Guts, and I want it to hit the audience over the head with parallels to his childhood. It’s the Eclipse, it doesn’t need to be subtle. Rather than looking wistful when Griffith sacrifices everyone, I want Guts to look betrayed, I want him to look just as sad and horrified as he did when he was 11 and Gambino told him he sold him to Donovan.
Agh I’d hate to lose the creepy silent monster vibe from Femto, but something like a cold, “you’re still alive?” would be v fitting w/ the “you should have died” parallels. Tho idk I’m torn on that.
And ok I said I want it to be all about Guts but I can’t just kill off Casca. But if she’s gonna live the Eclipse needs some serious personal meaning for her too. So maybe her reaction to being sacrificed, knowing it’s for the dream she’s dedicated her life to and in theory she should be willing to give her life for it, and trying to reconcile that with the horrificness of the situation and her desperate desire to survive anyway. So she survives long enough for Femto to show up, because she’s not the third best fighter in the Hawks for nothing, and then…
torture? Femto has monsters hold Guts down and tortures Casca in a way reminiscent of a kid pulling the wings off a fly. She loses an arm, Guts keeps his because he’s too busy being utterly terrified and possibly flashbacking to hack his own arm off in a rage.
Like, one thing about the Eclipse rape, is that if Miura had to have it as a way of emotionally affecting Guts, how the fuck did he manage to draw like two chapters of awful awful shit with Guts being held down by monsters that he’d just watched rape Casca, and completely fail to allude to Guts’ own rape trauma? How. Hooooow it’s mind boggling. It’s absurd.
But you don’t even need the graphic rape for that, like hell, Miura has absolutely adequately set up the correlation between giant monsters Guts is compelled to fight and his own childhood trauma imo to justify Guts having a very emotional traumatic reaction to just being held down and made helpless by monsters after being essentially given to them.
There’s Black Swordsman Guts in a nutshell, and this is exactly what was implied to have caused him to go full traumatized amoral asshole. Before g*tsca was a gleam in Miura’s eye all he had were those parallels to Guts’ childhood trauma - Guts being given away to monsters by someone he trusted - and that’s all he needed.
So anyway, because Casca lives, she has her own reaction to being casually tortured by Femto before being rescued, which is also a replay of her childhood trauma but without the agency of killing her attacker herself with a sword. So her reaction could very well be similar to Guts’ - a desire to kill monsters and get revenge. Maybe she’s lost her idealism wrt the dream, and she’s more cynical now - a better world is impossible, best you can do is survive this one.
She and Guts go their separate ways because they’re barely friends, let alone lovers, and remember 2 brands = big ghost problems.
After this the narrative splits 3 ways between NGriff, Guts, and Casca.
I’m reaching the limits of my creativity lol. So I’m just gonna suggest that Guts gets the behelit, Casca gets the armour and the rpg group, Casca gets the moving on arc and hooks up with Farnese while maybe finding a happy medium between changing the world and lashing out against the world, and Guts succumbs to his inner darkness and gets a highly emotional confrontation with Griffith. Since he has the behelit maybe he uses it upon realizing that Griffith’s heart is still beating for him, bc the emotional conflict is just too much, and sacrifices Griffith to become a Zodd-esque apostle wandering battlefields and fighting for no reason, basically returned to his pre-Griffith state.
It’s probably shorter than 355 chapters too lbr. I’d say NGriff creates Falconia right before the confrontation with Guts, so yk he achieves his dream b4 ironically getting sacrificed. Otherwise his story doesn’t change much. Maybe stronger suggestions that he’s not as unemotional as he looks, to build up to a guts confrontation better.
Like… I’m not a very creative or good writer lol but I feel this general outline could be written in a very good and satisfying way by someone with talent, like Miura.
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tobebugjewce · 2 years
good [redacted] nobody!
time to log some nightmares, the first one started off a bit slow and it was just about my sister and i being in a foreign country, if i had to guess, i think it was sweden or norway, maybe denmark. anyways we found an abandoned building that was pretty cool so we just were hanging out there until some random ass lady that wasnt even police or anything actually proving of authority tell us to beat it and how we should be in school right now and yadda yadda so we were like hey lady we’re literally foreigners and she didnt believe us so yeah we had to scoot. lame. we started walking aimlessly in hopes it looked like we knew where we were  going; we didnt. but the entire landscape behind the abandoned building we were in was all extremely elevated, and had lots of platforms and stairs to climb up. we eventually wandered into this community area, where there were huge wooden board platforms that ascended so we decided to walk up and saw that it was a ramp of some kind, people with skateboards, rollerblades, etc. were just shredding. we had neither so we were like damn how do we get off here without looking like total geeds. we found our way off and then went inside this tiny shack that had... arcade cabinets?? and people were just chilling, some smoking, which gross. but anyways we assessed that the vibes were decent cause everyone was like a teenager or around our age so we were like yeah this is fine. we kept trying to ask people something but they couldnt speak english it felt like they were all swedish but again idk anyways there was ONE person who spoke english and we were like oh awesome but they were like you have to leave this place and we were like shit why and they said that the sacrifices have begun and we were like uhhhhh what. and so now here comes the nightmare section; everything was gruesomely bloody, i kept getting slaughtered and dismembered and revived and i was in such excruciating pain i managed to block it out but i kept getting speared and torn apart and shredded and the sky was bloody red and it was pretty disgusting. i dont remember how that one ended but i woke up in a cold sweat
now the next one isnt necessarily as scary as it was liminal, but it was a vaguely mall-like setting after previously being in a wooden shack? in the middle of an empty lot in a small, run-down, empty city. its hard to describe but there were multiple people that were prevalent to the nightmare, like main characters. one was an older man who was very very nasty like super mean but lonely and cool once you got to know him, he was really tall and lanky as hell. i think it was his brother? or someone he knew that wore a prosthetic leg, he was shorter but also lanky and had dark hair. these are the only features i can remember about both of these dudes. anyways at some point i was scrambling around this vaguely mall-like area and some girl informed me that things were frozen, and each thing she said applied to real life. all the yellows started turning red, i remember that super clearly. anything that was yellow colored bled into a bright red. everyone was frozen but all in various states of collapse, i had to draw on the man who had the prosthetics’ leg back,, for some reason. i was also in the perspective of a random young man, about in his 20s-ish, im only 18 but anwyays he was in a very interesting relationship with the older man i mentioned before. it was strange but they seemed really in love. it was sweet but also melancholy as for some reason the younger man had to leave. so they made the most of their time. anyways the nightmare veered off into my babushka’s house, but one i didnt recognize at all. it was permanently night time, and i couldnt let her see me for some reason, because whenever she did she got scared. me and someone else, my sister maybe, were being rushed away/out, and i was panicking because things kept materializing that i had to grab and take with me or i’d never see them again and it reminded me a bit of my garbage ass grocery store job and the whole fear of running out of time especially when the spotlight is on you, etc. anyways i dont remember when or how i woke up but i was also sweating profusely and super cold after this one. it sucked major.
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