#at work early bc my mom could only take me early (yesterday as well) i dont have any where else to go so im just sitting downstairs until
pspwiki · 6 months
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this mornings saviors 🫡
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troglobite · 2 years
friend of mine of 16 years is.....really, truly testing my limits. 
we’ve been talking more lately which is nice
but the problem is
she lives in france and has this vibrant social life
and hasn’t been wearing masks. anywhere. at all. that i have seen.
meanwhile for the last week or 10 days or so, she’s been sick. like terribly sick. “hacking up a lung” as she put it, and it included a temporary eye infection. she also had bloodwork done that has a. Troubling value on it. that still hasn’t been addressed.
she had covid earlier this year. 
and she has, she said, tested negative for covid this time. so it could be an early flu. 
here’s what she’s done while sick (i didn’t even know she WAS sick until she TOLD me)
gone for runs, gone out to MULTIPLE restaurants with MULTIPLE people, gone to cafes, museums, and gone to a concert.
without a mask.
i literally just told her last night to take care of herself bc esp w the concerning level she got on her bloodwork, covid can have wreaked havoc in her system--and this ~minor virus~ can be anything but minor. any sickness can cause permanent lifelong disability, but ESPECIALLY now that she’s had covid before. i told her she should get some rest and take it easy.
so today she went to a cafe, multiple museums, and a concert, and then also went shopping. 
meanwhile she told me “don’t worry, i’ll listen to you!”
and says she’ll have plenty of time to relax.......this week. 
i’m exhausted. and seriously losing patience.
i just. am struggling to stomach this kind of behavior. 
we literally talked on zoom a few times and i told her--i don’t have a life. I DON’T HAVE A LIFE. I DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE.
and she says
“don’t worry abt it, you’re not missing anything”
fuck off SO HARD.
i’m just.
i’ve literally told her my new diagnoses. i’ve told her i’m struggling w meds. i’ve told her how sick w worry and stress i’ve been abt my mom having had covid (who also tested negative again yesterday w another pcr--which she only took bc now we’re vaguely worried abt the possibility that i have it--my test results still haven’t come back yet bc we had to do walgreens instead of health insurance which i just lost)
i just--when i said i was worried abt my mom and long covid, she tactlessly told me abt a friend of hers who’d had it and was asymptomatic, and now was having scary health problems bc of long covid.
i didn’t ask anything because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
and despite ALL OF THAT
i’m just. i can’t understand or deal with this. and it’s taking all of my patience and ability to disconnect to be able to continue talking with her. like at this point i’m going to ASK if she was masking, if she’s feeling better, if she got any meds, if everyone else has been able to avoid catching whatever she has
i just
it’s not like she went to WORK sick (which she ALSO did) just bc she HAD to, right? like capitalism, i get it. (except france has better laws around that and better pay so i’m sure she could’ve missed ONE day....)
and i’m worried abt her in addition to being so fucking EXHAUSTED. like do i even emotionally feel anger and fury? no. i’m tired.
i’m exhausted. i’m talking to someone who actively doesn’t care abt me and other people like me. who claims she loves me and is one of my best friends and has been for 16 years.
and that’s just impossible to reconcile.
and idek if it’s worth mentioning.
what’s super fucked up is that her dad just got done w cancer treatment. they caught it early, it sounds like he fared well, and he was declared cancer free last month. 
but when she was there in august to visit her parents...
she went to a massive family wedding.
where NO ONE wore a mask.
and i’m like
how can you say you’re worried abt him and want to protect him and make sure he’s okay AND THEN PUT HIM AT COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY RISK LIKE THAT?!
like THAT could’ve KILLED HIM.
and i just can’t wrap my fucking head around it. 
i don’t want to completely cut this off but i’m just. having to put up these walls and barriers. 
i’m just. tired and frustrated. i’m just so fucking exhausted.
the last time we talked on zoom she said she wanted me to be more open and honest abt shit that’s hard--bc part of masking and most of my longer friendships is that i don’t share anything. i’m not honest abt that stuff, i don’t like talking abt it.
well. i tried.
and she sucked at responding. 
and i don’t mean that she responded in a way i didn’t like.
i mean she just sucked at it.
as in
me trying to talk abt a thing that’s hard and i’m really struggling
her response?
“that sucks. well, i don’t know both sides. but if you need me i’m here!”
....that’s what. i--i’m literally. i need you. i’m talking to you. YOU ARE THERE, SO DO/SAY SOMETHING??? AND STOP INSINUATING THAT I’M WRONG OR MY FEELINGS ARE WRONG????
or the best
“lemme know if you want to talk!”
meanwhile w her situation w her ex gf (who i hate--met her once, she was overdramatic and fatphobic and honestly i’ve been side-eyeing her abt that, and also turns out she’s extremely emotionally manipulative, so thank god she’s fucking gone) i had been listening and replying in-depth for WEEKS.
listening as she cried. supporting and validating her. asking if she wanted my perspective. offering it couched in distant language and being understanding and offering like, perspective without telling her what to do. supporting and reiterating her own decisions.
we have to talk via instagram dm bc international shit, and i fucking typed all that shit on my phone in IG messages--hundreds of words. each time.
and she’s doing better! she listened and did what she needed to do, and she thanked me, and it didn’t fix anything, but it helped. as far as i can tell. and she sought me out for that. 
but i do the same w her and i can’t even get 10% of whatever her version of that would be. 
and i’m not saying
“wow i invested all this into your mental health, why can’t you invest in mine?”
i’m not expecting a miracle. i know i haven’t shared w her before. i know she’s having to figure it out.
but when someone reaches out to you. and is struggling. and you ASKED THEM TO DO THIS.
you cannot reply
“lemme know if you need to talk! i’m here for you!”
and expect that to be okay! 
i’m just really disappointed in her.
she’s always claimed i’m so important to her, like a sibling, a best friend. and it’s true insofar as--we can go a year without talking and then pick up and it’s like nothing ever changed. which is fine!
but i’m just. now thinking maybe it’s better like that. 
bc i can’t emotionally or mentally deal with the kind of person she is when she makes these choices that are directly contributing to a culture that means i literally cannot leave my fucking house.
i was talking to her abt my job difficulties and she gave me this boomer advice
i said the place i wanted to apply wasn’t hiring anymore--she said, send in your application anyway. 
i just LOOKED at her. like what fucking universe do you live in??? the 1960s??? what the FUCK?
it was just absolutely bizarre. 
idfk man. it’s weird and unpleasant and i don’t appreciate how she’s saying one thing to my face and then she and her friends are going out and playing russian roulette w their lives and ours and they don’t give a fucking shit
it’s exhausting
honestly this is how most ppl i’ve known irl are behaving lately. it just stings more when i’m actively trying to maintain a close relationship w someone i’ve known 16 years and talking abt how the pandemic is affecting me and my life--
and she directly makes choices that make it even harder for me.
it’s just. i’m fucking tired.
like she sent me all these msgs all excited abt the concert, the museum, the cafe date, the new art supplies that she went shopping for.
and i just.
i can’t be excited with you. bc you did all of those things and you might’ve ended up killing someone or disabling them for life. bc you went out while sick and contagious with an unknown virus. in the middle of a mass disabling pandemic. that has lowered everyone’s immunity and damaged countless organs, including the brain.
and i’m just. 
tired. i’m fucking tired. 
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friedesgreatscythe · 2 months
ARR speedruns are getting me through late winter into early spring, as well as allowing me a chance to come up with different characters to give AU Eorzea adventures. I've perfected it from about 10 days in February, to three days in the Eren Jaeger run last month, to possibly 20 hours total in my current Twilight Princess!Zelda run. I'm taking a break now because I'm holding myself accountable to productive decisions lol But considering the rate I've been going I'm almost posi I can manage at most a 24 hour run time.
I've perfected little ways to make it go by as quick as possible: start on Dynamis (NA data center that gives a massive exp boost) and always have food handy for another bit of EXP boost (if an FC invites you and has an EXP boost as well, all the better, but you don't have to rely on this); use NPCs in dungeons and pull big mobs if you're DPS or healer (the tank is beefy and the healer can keep up with him, but i haven't tested out the combo of you tanking + NPC healer yet); sign up with every chocobokeep at aetherytes so you can pass between settlements without spending much gil; use the airship service liberally to also save gil; if you go archer/bard, always use peleton to make sprinting faster; skip cutscenes (which i only condone here bc i've played the game before) and make the language Japanese and the text 9+ speed for the ones you can't skip. For the grand companies, the Immortal Flames or Twin Adders are the better choices since their headquarters are so close to major aetherytes (and will load in faster as opposed to Limsa, where everyone is all the damn time).
Using all this, I started the conjurer/white mage Zelda cosplay run yesterday at 12:30PM and got her to level 50 and unlocked Brayflox by 2AM. I did have to take a break for dinner, so that added about a half hour to the run time, and I did do two side dungeons for another boost of EXP, so that added to the time as well. I don't have gear good enough to solo dungeons at this point, but I can turn in the silver chocobo feathers I have to get some relic gear to help with iLvl and stat increase.
You may be asking yourself, "Krist, why are you doing all this?" And the answer is simply: so Twilight Princess!Zelda can get the Torgal mount and fit my own personal satisfaction of having a lore appropriate mount from her game lmao Also to keep seeing how fast I can get through ARR at this point.
The FFXVI crossover event lasts til May goddamn 8th. I have over a month to do it, but I have an awful sense of FOMO and an insatiable need to put pressure on myself to succeed, so this is how I've tried to come to terms with that. Even though I'm never satisfied with what I do. Even with all these accomplishments, I went to bed last night thinking, "What a waste of time, you're such a loser." And hey, that could be true, but as long as I'm applying myself to things that will actually help me in real life, I don't see the problem.
Which is why I'm spending the day typing up my rewrites draft notebook so I have that to work on in the oncoming draft.
Accountability. Productivity. Accomplishments. I'm capable of all of these, and now I just need to make sure I keep doing them, and that I include myself in these efforts. Looking after my mom and now my stepdad after his sciatica flare up has made me more aware of how easily and readily I'll set aside what I want and need to do for someone else. Reassuring my sister that I'm available to help whenever she needs it makes me aware of how quickly I'll reach out to someone else, but never think to offer that same support to myself.
My goal for the year is to finish this draft--polished, finished, ready for beta readers--by Thanksgiving at the latest. I know I can do it. I know I need to focus, to reach out to other writer friends who are on their indie pub journeys, or keep track of their progress and how they're handling themselves. I need to be more supportive to myself. I need to celebrate how determined I am, even through the hardship and discomfort of having no financial independence (and the BPD impulsivity of overspending when I do have money, combined with the PTSD sense of foreshortened future. Why save money when I can't imagine a need to support myself because I can't imagine wanting to live [which is different from wanting to die, it's simply a total apathy to the concept of existing and wanting to do so]).
I just... need to be better to myself. I need to jump to my own needs the way I do for others. I need to reassure myself the way I do for others. I need to set goals in the immediate and long-term future and meet them, and be proud of meeting them. I need to start looking at my life and what I'm doing in it as things that are good, and useful, and valuable, and necessary, and wonderful, because no one and nothing else is going to give me the life I'm desperate for. I don't get a second chance at this. It's not something I can start over. I'm alive now, whether I like it or not, and I have to keep dedicating myself to things that make me like it.
Even typing that out makes me scowl or cringe away from the very idea. But why? Why don't I want to make myself happy? Why don't I want to make my life better--to make my life my life, how I want it? Why can't I just... be a healthy person? Why can't I like myself--not even love, just like? Why am I repulsed by the very idea of taking care of myself? What happened to make me this way, and how can I fix it?
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milo-is-rambling · 10 months
I really want to paint something big. I think it would do something. Make me feel something. I want a big canvas project. Like a canvas the same height as me. That would be so expensive but I want it. I don’t even have paper that big I only have regular printer paper and maybe 11 x 17 (printer department flashbacks) ughhhhhhh. What time does five below open. Maybe. No. Ugh fucking stupid baby car (in my head I’m like a sim I’m stomping outside and kicking over the trash can) I hate the baby car. Maybe I could suck it up. If I can go early. It won’t be crazy hot (lying) but I could go to five below and get at least a bigger sketch pad (I know I have so many notebooks and sketchbooks and smaller canvases I’m not using rn that are fine but I want the happy buying things chemicals) I am so tired right now and I took a very large bong rip and now I’m just stream of consciousness typing and it’s ugh yeah my brain is tired and I want to be happy and do something I can pretend is productive but I don’t have any real ideas for art stuff. Well I did have an idea last night for a cardboard thing. Hmmm. And I haven’t done magazine collage in a while I could do that. Hmmmmm. I feel like if i don’t do something productive soon I’m going to explode (taking meds is working. Also three weeks back on meds as of yesterday) maybe I’ll move around my flags and posters today…… hmmm. However my mom did come into my room the other day (hanging out with funk) and randomly look at my wall (she doesn’t normally sit at my desk to look closely at that wall) and she was just like wow there’s a lot of thumbtacks in that wall. So I do feel like maybe moving posters and stuff is not the move. However. I also feel like I desperately need to get out of the patterns I’m stuck in so I want to change my environment instead of myself bc I’m avoiding changing myself always for reasons I’m not even sure of. Lie. Putting in effort scares me. Knowing i could put work into being a person and still crumble again and lose it all is terrifying and it feels like every time something goes well something else comes crashing down and I can never have everything going well at once. That’s why. But that’s also an excuse to not change my shitty behavior bc it’s hard and I’m lazy. But is that the mean voice in my head or is that the truth. Am I lazy or have I been depressed for so long I don’t know how to be happy. I was thinking about natural selection yesterday while I was swimming. (Water motif) (I laughed when I thought it so I had to add it) anyways. Natural selection. I was just thinking like. My brain is fucked. If you put my brain into any other body in any other place in any other situation they would still be depressed. I have a chemical imbalance like it’s just fucked to begin with. So then you have to be like okay so if I don’t go on meds. I can’t do anything. I’m literally like. I just rot away and do nothing when I’m depressed. But when I was like 11/12 the depression hit hard as fuck and I don’t remember when I got put on meds the first time but I think I was 14 or 15. Well. Wait. I did take a liquid dose of an antipsychotic when I was 13 because I couldn’t take pills (still hate taking pills). I forgot about that until just this moment. That was a ROUGH time in my life. And I just. Fully forgot about it. Okay. Ignoring that it’s been like six years since I first started seeing a therapist oh my god seven years since ***** i don’t even want to have a tag for him lol ignoring it !!!! Ignoring it !!!! Ignoring it !!! Not thinking about it !!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 ignoring it. Okay. I forgot what my point was. I think my point was I should’ve been dead years ago if meds didn’t exist and yet I still have this cycle of taking them taking them then not taking them and now I’m on a taking them cycle but like what is wrong with me !!! Oh yeah the chemical imbalance and then add some traumatic shit too !! Ughhhh!!!! BRAINS ARE SO LOUD. I want to sleep.
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insideoreoshack · 1 year
yesterday i literally had to pull the final card. after talking with lexi the night of the 15th for a longg time after dinner, i mean it was literally like a therapy session. i had to come to the realization that i had to cut this girl off, i had to cut carriema off like for real it was bad. her behavior never changes and she is so entitled and feels superior in everyway. i had to speak with my parents yesterday morning and let them know what my intentions were. that i am no longer speaking to her and its not just avoiding i will continue to live my life in the house and go about my duties but she will not be involved in my life anymore, if she behaves the way she does she doesnt get the privilege to be in my life or plans. since yesterday was my first time enacting my words to further avoid conflict i was doing my chores really early like 7am early and had headphones in while i did what i had to, only for her to feign care and yell my name trying to be louder than my headphones and wave her arms frantically for me to take out an airpod and hear the attitude in her tone of “why are you breathing so heavy? are you okay?” i simply replied with “ im fine.” and put the headphone back in my ear, what i really wanted to say was “im fat, when i work i breathe heavy.” but i figured that wouldn’t go over well. i wake up this morning to find her sitting so quaintly with my dad in the kitchen just having breakfast, i know they both noticed me but my dad didn’t say anything. and i know she wont actually say anything to me. i just wish i didn’t live in this house. that i had my own money and could have my own new place fully furnished and just a way out. i am so tired of her and living here with her. even though ive made this move she does things to attempt to have power over me. i cant use your sour cream so why are you using my cups and stuff that i bought? its a two way street. no one actually seems to care about this the way i do and maybe its in vain. maybe its all for nothing. maybe i really am here to try and help others and thats it. even on another note, i got 4 drake tickets and lexi and jorge are over the moon about it! as am i of course bc boy oh boy those were a struggle! but i told my boyfriend and it didnt even seem to phase him which kinda hurts im ngl but he also had a lot on his plate between work and his helpers mom passing while they were at work it was insanity. i dont know where to go from here i mean i genuinely just feel like a burden all the time to everyone in my life somehow.
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celiaelise · 2 years
My mom wanted us (my brother and I) to take pictures in front of some places where she lived/worked in Rome, when she studied here like forty years ago. But the tour has been really non-stop, and we just got back to Rome and we leave for the airport early tomorrow morning, and we have a group dinner in a little over an hour.
And I think my brother and I both feel kind of bad about it, cause we kind of get how much that stay meant to her, and that she doesn't get to do things like this... ALSO it was her birthday yesterday, and we haven't bought her anything! And this was the only thing she asked of us!! but we went to talk to our dad, I guess to see how feasible it might be for us to go now via taxi or public transit? Which would take like 30min-an hour just to get there. And he was like, "yeah I don't think that's reasonable." Which, like, okay, sure, I get arriving at that conclusion, but they also just seemed not to give a fuck....
Like, they were like, "maybe you could like use a Google maps picture if she doesn't want you in them?" and I was like, "no I'm pretty sure she wants us in them." And my stepmom was like, "haha, well just tell her to bring you back next summer and she can take the pictures herself!!" Like, as if she can afford that shit? She can't even take that much time off, she's trying to save it for her knee replacement that she's needed for like ten years.... Also Rome is NOT friendly to those who are mobility impaired, and I kind of don't think she even wants to see how it's changed after all this time? She just wanted this one thing!!
Like I know she's shitty and crazy and abusive, and we weren't in control of the pace of the tour, but it still feels really bad that we can't do this one small thing for her. Also, like. She's emotionally abusive, so like. I have a strong desire not to upset her lol.
My dad just said to text her explaining the situation, so my brother did that, and she said it's fine, or something. So I guess it's not a problem.
Also then my dad came back to our room and was like, "I'm sorry this seems to have upset you so much, you should talk to your therapist about dealing with the emotions surrounding your mom." (Which sounds disimissive when I type it, and maybe it even was, but he did say it with a lot of concern and sincerity.) And my dad left the room, and then I kind of got really emotional? And like started crying a little? And idk if my brother knew that's what was happening, but he noticed I was, like, breathing weird and coughing, and I said it was just cause I was congested, and then I was like, "I'm gonna go for a walk." (He probably knew that's what was happening, cause he's been around me congested a lot)
So now I'm wandering around the hotel, still kind of crying a little bit. Which I'm gonna say is largely hormonal bc my period just started, but, I wish I wouldn't!! Like, I wish we could just not do this right now!
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soemthingsparkly · 3 years
i have a non sick boys hc. what if reggie's family life is so fucked that he is not only scared of arguments but also of asking for things? and what if he sometimes used to go hungry bc his parents never did the shopping? and one time he is at julie's house and he is starving and he shyly asks mama rose if there is anything he could eat and she is so ready to fight everyone for his boy she wants to adopt, while julie just wants to hug reggie and never let her brother go back to his house
*deep breath*
Rose would stab his parents if she could.
A late night band rehearsal finds the boys camping out in the studio for the night. When they take a break, Reggie wanders off into the kitchen.
It's past 11 and Julie's always said her parents were the kind to go to bed early in the evening, so he didn't expect to be caught pursuing their cupboards.
Reggie whips around and finds Rose, standing in the kitchen with an empty glass. She looks curious.
"Mrs Molina," he stammers. "Hey. Uh, I was just... inspecting for mold." He turns back to the open cupboard and swipes a finger across the inside. "All clean," he says and shuts the door. "You keep a tight ship around here, huh? Alright, well have a good–"
But a piercing pain in his abdomen cuts him off and he grips his stomach, which groans in protest.
Rose's curiosity quickly turns to concern and she puts the glass down, hurrying over to the crumpled boy.
"I'm fine," Reggie squeaks and gasps for breath when the pain passes.
"Are you okay? Are you sick?"
Reggie shakes his head.
Rose's eyes dart to the cupboard and back again. It clicks. "Are you hungry?"
Reggie chews on the inside of his lip. He doesn't make eye contact with her when he nods in confirmation. He's still clutching his stomach.
Rose blinks, her brows knit. "Reggie, when did you last eat?"
Reggie's eyes go up to the ceiling as he recalls. Each second that passes without answer causes Rose's stomach to drop further.
"I had a piece of toast for breakfast," he says finally.
"Oh, okay, good."
"Yesterday. Or... wait what day is it?"
Rose brings a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide. "Okay."
And then she sits him down and pulls a frying pan out of the drawer. "Honestly, Mrs Molina, I'm fine. It's not that bad. You don't have to–"
But a knife's tip pointed into his face cuts him off. "I'm making you my fried beans. They're Julie's favourite."
"I... I don't..." Reggie begins, colour rising in his cheeks.
Rose gets a red bell pepper from the fridge and uses the pointing knife to chop it into thin strips.
"You know, when Julie was little and Carlos was still a baby, these beans were the only way I could get her to stop pouting. She was jealous that he was getting all the attention, which he wasn't but he was a screaming baby, so, you know. But whenever we'd be fussing over him, she would sit and sulk until I said, 'How about we make some of mami's beans?' and it always worked. I made them just for her."
Reggie watches as Rose chops vegetables with skilled familiarity. She dices onion and garlic in quick succession, before throwing them in a pan of heated olive oil to fry.
Reggie looks up. Rose stirs the pan.
"Do your parents not feed you?"
Reggie sits up. He swallows. The smell of the onion and garlic had begun to make his mouth water.
"Uh... well... I mean we don't tend to, like, sit down for meal together? Dad is busy a lot with work and mom is..."
Absent? Depressed? Withdrawn?
"She's got her own stuff going on. They just forget sometimes, but it's okay. I mean, I'm seventeen, I'm old enough to look after myself, right?"
Rose closes her eyes for a moment, takes a breath through her nose and releases it through a small hole formed by her lips.
"Be a dear, nip to the pantry and get me a tin of mixed beans, please?"
"Oh, yeah, sure."
Rose serves up a plate of fried beans and busies herself with the clean up. With her back to the boy, she doesn't hear anything for a moment. She looks over her shoulder and sees him examining the food in front of him.
She turns back to the sink and runs the tap. She's scrubbing the pan when she hears the clink of his spoon against the bowl. And then again and again.
"These are amazing," he mumbles with his mouth full.
By the time Rose has finished cleaning up, Reggie's bowl is empty. He scrapes the spoon around the edge, to get the dregs of the tomato sauce. She smiles and leans back against the counter, wiping the pan with a tea towel.
"Yo, Reggie, what are you doing?"
Reggie and Rose both look up as Luke and Julie stroll in through the back door.
"We said ten minutes, but you've been gone for..." Luke trails off as he notices Rose.
"Oh. Sorry, Mrs. Molina. We didn't mean to disturb you."
Reggie suddenly looks guilty. "Sorry," he says, dropping his spoon into the bowl.
Julie sniffs the air. "Wait... Did you make fried beans?" Her jaw drops and she frowns, ndignant. "You made fried beans and you didn't come and get me?"
"Reggie was hungry, so I made the quickest thing I could think of."
Julie pouts. "I can't believe you made your fried beans without me."
Luke steps over to Reggie. "What's the deal with the beans?" he asks. "They good?"
"Dude, they were incredible."
"For real?"
"Yeah, man."
Luke purses his lips in thought.
Suddenly the fourth band mate appears. "Hey guys, did you find– Oh, hey Reg. There you are. Whoa, is someone cooking? What's that smell?"
And Rose looks around at the teenagers in her kitchen, before she sighs and puts the pan back on the stove. "Alright," she says, "Julie get me two tins of beans. Let's go for round two."
Julie cheers and races to the pantry.
Rose serves up four bowls of beans and slides one across to Reggie. He looks confused. "I already..."
"Seconds," she says with a wink, before turning away.
As she hears four spoons digging in, she makes a mental note to invite Reggie for dinner next week.
something like that?
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delicatejisung · 3 years
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• time picking
— she immediately had the 3-4pm time and no one even tried stealing it from her except haechan (just for the hell of messing with her)
— but she went “yeah, no. i’m keeping it.” and hyuck’s just like “understood, have a good day” and sat back down as they all laughed
— was literally just sitting on the table hugging taeyong from behind
— “do you not want to have the time before renjun so you could spend—“ “HIS IS 1AM, DO YOU REALLY WANT US SPENDING TIME TOGETHER FROM 12 TO 2?”
— so yeah, she just giggled at everyone because they’re cute and petty
• her 24hr relay cam
— “hello~” she giggled as she waved at the camera
— she then starts panning the camera around her living room before facing the camera towards her again
— “so, like agreed before. i’ve moved to a different apartment, since our jisungie already reached adulthood.” she explained, fixing the placement of the camera on her coffee table
— “you might think it’s lonely, but it’s not! they’re always here anyways, it’s not much of a change. i just sleep here.” she explained further
— “honestly, i’ve been thinking for days on what i should be doing for this one hour. i’ve already spent.... [checks the time] 3 minutes, explaining. what should i do now?” she asked with a giggle before realizing no one would answer her
— “i would cook, but it would go to waste if i’m the only one eating and more waste if i just cook for myself...”
— in the end, she decides to bring “czennies/the camera” to her room
— “this room’s not pink anymore, i’ve changed up the color of the walls to black so it wouldn’t be too bright. i like sleeping in recently” she mumbled as she placed the cam on her vanity table
[the gist of her room]
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— “even when i sleep in, dream members know the password of the door so sometimes i wake up to them already on my couch” she said with a giggle
— “they also helped me decorate, specially taeyong-hyung and jaehyun-hyung. they wouldn’t leave me alone the the first few days i lived here!” she complained before grabbing her ukulele
— “i’ve been writing songs recently, i’ll let you hear one”
[yanna’s unreleased song (it’s actually “to my youth” by bolbbalgan4)]
— “that’s... that’s all i can show you [giggles] let’s move on!”
— “i’m slowly realizing my day’s boring without the guys” she says in a pout, bringing the camera with her as she walks back to the living room
— “my dog should be here in the next few weeks, she just has some tests and vaccinations to get. i’m sure chenle will bring daegal here often when my baby gets here also.”
— “my unit is gonna turn into a dog playground. but it’s okay, they’re cute. even bella’s cute.”
— “oh! i’ll cook my favorite dish, i think i have all the ingredients.” she squealed, excitedly running towards the kitchen with the cam in her hands
— “oppa helped me with the groceries yesterday” she mumbled, purposely not mentioning who “oppa” is bc everyone knows she calles them “hyung” (yes, it’s renjun)
— excitedly shows the camera her pack of frozen raspberries and bananas
— “this way, we won’t have to add ice since the fruits themselves are frozen and my blender won’t have to work hard.” she said while nodding to herself
— “i said ‘we’ as if you guys are here”
— “i’ll make this first so i won’t be hungry while making the dish” she explained while putting blueberries, banana, milk and honey unto the blender
— “cover your ears” she whispered towards the camera before turning the blender on and giggling
— “okay!” she excitedly said when it was done and transferred it into a tall glass
— as she took a sip, the sound of the door opening and closing was clear and she immediately turned to it
— “oh, i’m making creamy shrimp curry” she said, welcoming the guest and leaving the camera in the kitchen
— after a few seconds, she entered the kitchen again and now with renjun behind her
— “introduce yourself” “hello, i’m renjun.” “why are you speaking in english?” “.... i don’t know”
— “i’ll cook, so just sit down outside.” she said as she pushed the boy towards the living room and came back to the kitchen laughing
— “no offense, but his kitchen skills are..... not his best asset. and i like cooking alone, so it’s fine if he just stays there and relaxes.” yanna explained to the camera
— she then proceeds to cooking rice before deciding to grab the ingredients for the curry
— “oh, wait.” she stops and pours the remaining smoothie unto another glass and runs outside the kitchen to probably give it to renjun
— as she comes back, she grabs red prawn from her fridge and soaks it in water before chopping up onions
— “this is pretty easy, to be honest. i don’t use carrots and potatoes, just onions.” she mumbles before caramelizing the onion with butter
— “i also use curry blocks, like this” and shows what they look like before dumping it on the pot
— she then proceeded to cook silently, focusing on frying the prawns after she put cream on the curry
— “tada!” she said after she prepared the dish in two seperate plates for her and renjun
— “mom must be so proud of me” she said with a laugh before taking a picture of it
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— “i’ll leave some for jisungie, in case he messages saying he’s hungry” she mumbled before showing the camera the rest of the sauce and prawns
— she then brought the camera to the living room, placed it on the table and asked renjun to grab the plates from the kitchen
— “what are you watching?!” she asks while laughing before showing the camera what was on the tv
— it was an episode of “gakuen babysitters”
— “you’re the one watching that, i just played it. i’m too lazy to look for something else to watch.”
— “it’s cute.” she reasoned out before playing the episode and recieving her plate from renjun who sat down beside her
— she glanced at the time and saw that it was 5 minutes till 4
— “it’s almost time to say goodbye” she said with a pout before drinking from her smoothie
— “i’ll say a few words before leaving, then.” she mumbled, her mouth full of food making both her and renjun laugh
— “uhm, we’re glad to be of help to you guys during these trying times. i heard it’s worse in other countries and i’m glad that you find comfort in us, we are really happy that we provide that for you while we only try to do what we enjoy doing. always take care of yourselves and drink lots of water, that’s really important. don’t worry too much about us, worry about yourselves more!”
— she then ended the video by pushing a spoonful of rice and curry towards the camera and laughing before saying “bye bye~”
• other relay cams she appeared in
— she appeared on jisung’s, arriving with jeno and renjun
— she basically just laid on jisung’s bed with him and helped him have something to talk about before saying goodbye
— “you should tell them about your recovery, like how you feel and if you feel like you’re doing well already”
— she also appeared in taeyong’s relay cam but only through a video call
— taeyong excitedly picked up her call and smiled as she said “good morning, hyung~”
— “hyung, i have a question.” her curious tone was heard through the car and even the manager laughed at her chirpy tone so early in the morning
— it was about an outfit she needed to prepare and taeyong thought for a while before saying “the second one”
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou x Reader
- So Bakugou is 18+, he has is own agency and he’s currently the number 1 hero, he does have injuries from the recent chapters, and i’m assuming Izuku probably either retired bc his arms are never going to be fixed, or he’s lying in the lower ranks for the rest of his life purposefully.
So how does alpha Bakugou court you?!?!!
- He doesn’t like omegas
- or betas
- or alphas
- he hates everyone
- so one day he just stopped at his favorite book store
- bc mans likes to read
- the reason why he loves the library
- is bc 
- he will never admit this
- he thinks your adorable
- he doesn’t want a mate
- and then you exist
- like he wants to be around you 24/7
- at first he didn’t care about you
- he thought you were hot
- and that was it
- but when a man thought he could rub you through your panties
- then you caught his eye
- you roundhoused his face
- he fell to the ground
- like rly he knew he wanted to be around you
- so he started buying 2 books
- and would give you the other book
- it was him courting you behind his own back
- he didn’t realize his alpha was trying to court you
- but you accepted it
- “Thank you Mr. Dynamite”, you would thank him every day(i can't with his hero name)
- your voice would send his mind into a frenzy
- then he went to a cafe
- and he saw you working as a bartender there
- he stared at you secretly the entire time
- he thought about approaching you
- know he wanted to protect you
- someone was looking up your skirt
- you didn’t notice
- so you kept on working
- then he grabbed your clothed sex roughly
- your head snapped around
- that look in your eyes
- he could sense his rut coming in early
- you literally punched him and knocked at least 5 teeth out
- that’s how he knew you were the one
- but he had to run home bc he was going in a rut
- he kept jerking off to you
- your lips
- your smile
- your voice
- what would you look like underneath him
- what would your lips look like wrapped around his cock
- what your moans would sound
- he was obsessed with you
- and not even in a sexual way
- everywhere he went he could only see you
- it was starting to tick him off
- so he was in front of you
- “Hey, idiot, do you want to go get a coffee with me later?”, he asked
- you tilted your head
- your cheeks were flared up in embarrassment
- he could smell it
- it was just to intoxicating
- “u-um sure, I get out at 5″, you replied sweetly
- inside you were just screaming out in joy
- you always had a small crush on the pro hero
- and know he was inviting you out to talk
- he left
- then at 5 you met him outside the library
- he wore something a bit more formal the the usual sweatpants and sweatshirt
- he had a nice shirt and some jeans
- you both walked to a different coffee shop
- bc he was worried you would know that he knows that you work at that coffee shop
- you guys talk for a few hours
- your surprised he hasn’t shouted once
- in fact
- (he wasn't smiling) but you could sense he was very happy
- he ended up walking you home
- “it’s part of my job you get home safe”, he did not phrase that correctly
- you scowled
- “Your job has nothing to do with me”, you snapped
- he was sad that you snapped at him
- so he did the one thing nobody would ever expect him to
- he apologized
- “Ah, sorry I phrased that wrong, I meant it’s my duty as a hero to make sure you are safe and comfortable”
- on the inside he was screaming
- though he hid that
- the next day he got you a muffin and a book
- now it was regular for you two to go get a coffee at the coffee shop
- he was ecstatic 24/7
- he would go through ruts 1 a month now that he was closer to you
- and one night you 2 were walking to the coffee shop (it’s like 2 miles away btw)
- you guys stumbled past a drunk alpha
- when he saw you
- he was all over you
- groping you
- his knee was grinding against your pussy
- his stanky breath fanning over your marking spot
- Bakugou tried to stop him
- but you already had him pinned to the floor with blood seeping out of his mouth, and you were growling ferally
- and that was the first time he heard you growl
- he was in heaven
- like rly
- he loved ur growl
- it was so dominating and just TURNED HIM ON
- he arrested the man
- and made sure he was locked up for harassing his mate
- but you don’t know that yet
- and one day
- you let him in his house
- he was excited
- you lived alone
- and he got to see your nest
- when he came inside
- he was confined to the living room
- like every time he tried to explore
- you bared your teeth softly in a warning for him to stay
- you weren’t use to people being in your house
- and to be honest you kinda liked the power you had over the top pro hero in Japan
- he was wrapped around your finger
- he was slightly disappointed he could explore
- but he respected your boundaries
- so he sat at the couch and just took everything in
- you appeared with 2 cups of tea
- you continued to talk
- he was happy that he was engulfed in your scent
- but he wanted to make it smell like him
- but he knew you’d probably kick him in the balls and kick him out forever
- he sat in the same spot for hours
- but you were wrestles
- constantly fidgeting
- you were slightly distressed an alpha was in your house at 2 in the morning
- he noticed you were beginning to become overwhelmed with his presence.
- but he was happy no less
- “I’ll so you tomorrow L/N-san”, he purred before excusing himself of your house
- you locked the door behind him
- you didn’t notice but your heart was racing at a thousand miles per hour
- your cheeks were flushed red
- you picked yourself off and walked to the couch
- his scent lingered on the pillow he was resting beside
- a smile creeped to your lips
- you picked the pillow up and snuggled with it all night
- somehow it made you feel like he was sleeping beside you
- the actual thought of sleeping next to him had her squirming uncomfortably
- so the next day you were working at the library again
- you were on a ladder sorting out the books
- “Nice view”, someone underneath you commented
- you scowled and hit the man in the face with your foot
- “Get out”, you hissed
- he left
- then the front door opened
- you climbed down from the ladder and peered around the corner
- Bakugou was there
- he had dark circles under his eyes
- but he was still happy to see u
- he won’t tell u but he jacked off to you again
- again
- as in this is at least the 10th time he’s jacked off just to you
- you smiled softly
- “Helly Mr. Dynamite”, you greeted him
- “Hello L/N-san”
- today he invited you to the park with him
- you agreed hesitently
- you were socially awkward
- I mean yesterday was the first time someone was in your house
- so when you were at the park
- like you were in awe
- you especially likes the lake
- it was closed off to the public for cleaning
- you couldn’t stop gazing into the clear water
- it was so pretty
- just gorgeus
- and then the tree’s
- you had never really admired their beauty
- but here
- the pink blossoms fell from the trees
- and a single one landed on your palm
- it was amazing
- “Can we come to the park tomorrow?”, you asked turning your head around to slightly look at him
- he was smirking
- “Whatever you want L/N-san”.
- you turned around 
- “you call me F/N if you want you know”, you pointed out
- he was flustered at how direct you were
- “i-in that case, whatever you want F/N-chan”.
- you smiled brightly
- he took you to a pond
- baby ducks were swimming in the water
- a little one came swimming over to you
- you reached out
- it clambered onto your hand
- water dripped onto your hand
- you cupped the baby duck perfectly
- a purr emitting from deep into your chest
- you looked so beautiful like this
- Bakugou couldn’t help but smile and sneak a quick photo of you
- Bakugou got you an ice cream
- then you invited him back inside you house to warm up from the cold
- this time you didn’t bare your teeth when he peered around the corner to the kitchen
- you didn’t bare your teeth when he walked in the kitchen
- he turned the corner to try and enter your room
- then he could hear a soft growl come from you
- he then passed your door and the growl stopped
- you started to cook dinner
- just a simple recipe your mother taught you
- it was just rice and chicken
- like it was really simple
- but it made anyone’s mouth water with the taste and smell
- he started to explore every inch except for your room
- his nose knuding into your coat
- he could smell your scent
- this was the strongest he’s ever smelt it
- his eyes rolled back into his head
- you smelled so sweet
- he quickly moved on so he wouldn’t appear suspicious
- he looked to see another room
- you couldn’t see him
- you had a beautiful house
- your house was big
- there was a patie in the middle of your house
- a huge shrine was in the middle of it
- there were lit candles
- he opened the door
- and saw a picture of a little boy with black hair and green eyes
- it looked like he had passed away
- he kept exploring 
- there wasn’t much after that
- just a few extra rooms
- an office
- really not much
- he went back into the living room
- you had finished making dinner
- “Do you want to eat here?”, you asked him
- “That would be amazing”, he replied
- you smiled and prepared 2 plates
- you both ate at the kitchen table
- he loved it
- like it was the first time he's had a home made meal
- since his mom just got pre made shit
- and he doesn’t know how to cook well
- so this was amazing
- in just a few seconds his plate was empty
- so him eating at your house became a thing
- he would walk you home
- you would cook dinner
- he’d probably sniff at everything
- he’d growl at your cat
- bc he doesn’t like you cat at all
- he has been trying to take you out on a date tho
- like he came up to you and asked if you wanted to spend an evening with him
- you declined
- he’s been trying for at least a month now
- you keep saying no
- he wasn’t even asking you directly
- like youd didn’t want to spend any time with him at all
- so he got angry
- stormed up to you in the library
- “You. me. dinner tonight, and you can’t say no”, then he stormed off
- you were in shock
- like he asked you out to dinner
- you were worried at first he would have an extravagant evening planned if you said yes
- and tbh you just wanted to go eat dinner at a restaurant with him
- you wore a red dress and black heels
- like you *italian kisses the air*
- that night he took you to a fancy restaurant
- and you two had a great time
- it was amazing
- he walked you home
- and when you walked inside
- he followed you
- and you didn’t know that
- so when someone spun you around
- and kissed your lips softly
- you were completely shocked.
- he left after that
- you were up all night thinking about him
- the next day you saw him at the library again
- and you were beyond flustered
 - you were a blushing mess
- he smirked and walked up to you
- “WHat did you think of last night?”, he asked cooly
- you could face him like thats how embarrassed you were
- “I-I l-like t-the food, i-it was very n-nice”, you stuttered and looked away
- “Thats not what i was asking about”, he purred
- “What did you think of the kiss?”
- you could’ve died right there
- you just froze
- y/n.exe has stopped working
- He chuckled and shook his head
- “I think you liked it, so know that I know you did, I wanted to ask you something”, he chuckled and grabbed your hand and led you to the storage room
- he brought you to the storage room
- locked the door
- and pressed himself flush against you
- so you could feel his hot breath on your neck
- “Ever since I saw you”, he mumbled softly
- “I knew you were my omega”
- he started to kiss your neck softly 
- “You looked so hot when you beat those men up”
- he kissed your collar bone softly
- you knew he intended to go lower
- and you were OK with it
- it might seem rushed in others eyes
- but to you and him, it didn’t
- I mean, it took him 3 months to get you on a date with him, and it took 1 month of convincing 
- he looked up at you
- “Can i?”, he asked softly
- you were to shy to actually form an answer
- you just nodded your head
- he quickly took your shirt off leaving you in a skirt and bra
- he stared at your body with love
- you were so beautiful
- he kissed your cleavage before going behind your bra and just ripping it off
- your breasts bounced when they were released from their condiments
- you naturally covered up your chest from his eyes
- the audacity
- he was mad
- why would you be shy of him?
- Why wouldn’t you show him your body?
- like he was legit pissed
- he grabbed your hands and pressed them to your sides
- and he quickly latched onto your hardened nub and started to suckle harshly
- you bit your lip to hold back moans
- his other hand massaged the other breast
- he loved your taste
- and how your body slightly jerked everytime he rolled his fingers over the sensitive flesh
- he started to kiss your breast
- and slowly made his was down your stomach
- kissing at your flesh softly
- his fingers hooked around your skirt
- he slowly took it off 
- and know you were only in your panties
- which were soaked btw
- he slowly took your panties off and stared at your exposed heat
- you looked away shyly
- he started to kiss your lower lips
- he discarded his pants and boxers so he was only in a loose shirt
- he quickly picked you up and pressed you gently against the wall
- your wrapped your legs around his waist
- he faqed u in a storage room
- then he marked you
- and you two bonded for life
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Initial True Colors thoughts::
Please don’t expect this to be intelligent or organized or in any way useful for anything. Just my dumb thoughts about a game I really enjoy :))
*Actually thoughts from about ten minutes in. I got excited when it finally finished downloading and forgot I had wanted to do this
- This game is already activating all my Colorado feelings. I’ve been wanting to move back for years, and this is making me want to even more. The scenery is so pretty, and the town seems incredible. I want to live here so bad.
- I thought the guy sitting by the creek was Gabe, and spent way too long trying to figure out how to get to him, whoops.
-Birb! I love him.
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- Ah, so she's telepathic. I couldn’t remember exactly what her ability was, only that it involved auras or something. This should be interesting.
-I love that he has a tab at the florist. How often are you apologising, my guy?
- I aspire to be as cool as that gnome. Look at his shirt!! He’s the best.
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- This poor kid has been carrying that bag around for ages. Can we finish the tour after I set my shit down?
- One of these days I’m going to get around to doing some goat yoga. More just so I can chill with some goats than anything else. Just some goats and me, hanging out, doing some stretches. Sounds like a fun time.
- Oh, I love this kid. He’s great. But wait, the mines? That they’re about to blast to bits? Those mines? Please don’t go camping there just yet. 
- Oh my goodness, this record store is so cool. I’m not even a huge music fan and I would spend so much time here. Also...
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-Steph!! My beloved. Is it to early to ask her to marry me? Ah well, we can go play d&d and make out or something, idk, whatever normal people do. 
- Oh new, character. Cool. Hi, Ryan. Sorry, my heart’s already taken, but you seem chill. Also, did not realize she was coming from Portland. 
- Oh, I just noticed the sign. Of course she larps. God, I love this town. Where can I find Haven Springs? I need to move there. yesterday.
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- I would die for Valkyrie.
- Also I love moments in games, when an npc is like, ‘help me do this thing’, and then just sits back and watches while you do all the work. Thanks man.
- God, I love the music in this game, though. I’m going to have to look some songs up later. I forgot how much I loved these moments in the LiS series though, when a song plays and it just goes through a little montage. It’s so peaceful and lovely.
- Also, I love Steph just jamming out in the background. I would die for her too.
- Forbidden Songs, by Adam and Steve. Incredible.
- Okay, Valkyrie. I love you very much, but I apparently need you to move to advance this story. Where the fuck is your toy.
- This motherfucker. Kings of Leon? Seriously? Ugh, why am I related to this loser. /j
- Okay, not that I’m complaining, but how did she get my phone number? Or actually know who I am? We literally didn’t exchange two words. I pointed at a record and she referred to me as ‘some chick’. Steph, you got your own telepathy powers I should know about??
-Ahh, my first big choice... do I want to be the cool aunt or the safe aunt?? Bc in this game, he could actually die if I make the wrong choice.... ah fuck. I gotta be safe. I’ll be cool with other stuff. Like LARPing. Please don’t hate me, Ethan..
- Ooh, this guy seems cool. I’m getting some badass Ron Swanson vibes. 
-Dude. His apartment is so cool. Seriously, where can I find a town like Haven Springs, I want to live here so bad.
- Hey welcome to the town, here’s a whole-ass apartment. Also I care about you v much and want you to have a fresh start. I’m already getting feelings from this game.
- Oh, I was just about to say I hope our downstairs neighbors don’t mind noise. This guy seems off though.. didn’t he mention a Mack? If he did, I absolutely cannot remember what he said..
-Oh yeah! He was the florist’s asshole boyfriend. Cool cool cool.
-Ah, so her powers aren’t so much telepathy, as empath who takes on the others emotions; similar to Caleb from the bright sessions. Interesting.
- Oh shit. Where’s Dr. Bright’s breathing exercises when you need them.
-God, poor Alex. Poor Gabe. They were having such a nice time.
- I just want to give her a hug :(
-So we’re getting some backstory stuff. Not sure what happened with parents yet, as far as I can remember. But I guess she disappeared on her own.. ran away? Or something else. 
- Mini game!! That was fun. I only made it to the third level bc I’m bad at things. But I’ll beat your high score at some point, Gabe. >.>
-Oh, Shu-shu is so cute. Also, could probably use a bath. Maybe later 
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-Old family photo, but (probably) parents are cut out. So that, plus what was probably her running away as a kid, means not the best childhood. :( I wonder if that’s why he reacted like that to her beating up Mack? I mean, obviously, that wasn’t a great moment for anyone, but he seemed freaked out in a different way than just worrying about his sis beating someone up.
-Okay, so mom probably got sick with something, maybe cancer or something similar, and the dad was an abusive prick when she died. Maybe. Except she had cut the mom out too, so clearly that’s not the whole story, if it’s even close. Maybe mom was an alcoholic?
-Aw, he got her a guitar. I wonder if it was his old one, or a new one he bought?
-Are the flashes of red indicative of her emotions? Or is that just the sunset or something? Maybe both?
-Oh man, I really wish I could give her a hug. She deserves all the love 
 Ahh, I’m realizing how long this is getting, and also it is 11:00, and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work. As much as I would like to play this all night, I probably need to be responsible..
If for some reason you’re still here, I hope you enjoyed reading my dumb, rambling thoughts. Overall, I’m really excited for this game. So far it’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to find out more about these characters and the story. I feel like this game is going to be really good. I wish we got more Steph time in, but I know she’ll come in later. Anyways, I’m v tired and might have more intelligent thoughts later, but probably not.. 
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mitch-the-simp · 2 years
Oscar design + More Hcs
Finally, I finished the concept design of Oscar, so here it is, as promised.
I wasn’t joking when I said he looked like Bruno!
(This is just him in his uniform, but he wears a poncho over it on a daily basis. He's just forced to take the poncho off on special occasions.)
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And then we have Oscar with his poncho bc he gives no fucks
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More Oscar HCs
Hates kids, only tolerates Antonio bc he's his cousin and he's used to him.
"Eww... People..." *walks back into his room*
Well, not miss an opportunity to be a smartass.
"Well, actually, she wouldn't die from touching a sundew by accident, Isabella. She would only feel slight discomfort where the plant touched her." *walks away*
His hobby is judging people and he's good at it.
"I'm sorry, but did you wake up like this? Because it looks like you tossed and turned all night, got up, left that mop you call your hair untouched, then went about your day."
Puts Marta's hair up in a ponytail and fusses about how her hair is messy.
Ironically does not do his own hair.
Likes scaring people in the town.
Also likes to take advantage that he's an "Engendro diobolico de Bruno" and simply tells people they'll die in their sleep if they bother him.
His eyes shine green (they're already green anyway, so they basically just shine) when he's made his final decision on whether a soul gets to pass through or not. Same when he's deciding whether you're worth his time.
I said it before, but he's very obsessed with the passing of time (mostly because he's worried about the future and him not having enough time etc). He'll go through the lengths of having a timer with him at all times. He is also checking his pocket watch all the time and has posters that relate to time all around the station.
"OH! LOOK AT THE TIME!" (buts it's not sarcastic, he's actually in a real hurry)
He doesn't consider reading a pastime, he sees it as work too.
"Nope, can't. I have work." is his main excuse to not do anything.
Can summon any dead person he needs into the living world EXCEPT for his dead family members.
*summons random man* "Alright, mind telling us what you were doing at *insert time*?"
Scaring kids is his pastime.
*walks up to the three kids from the first song* "What do we have here? Perfect early death material~" *the kids run off screaming in fear*
Really misses Bruno, even though he barely remembers how he looks like.
When Bruno talks to him through the walls, he sheds a few silent tears of joy.
When Bruno comes back at the end, he sees him and tries to be mad about him being alive and not coming back.
Hugs Bruno tightly afterward bc he misses his dad.
Cries when Bruno says he's proud of him.
He doesn't like to admit how much he loves Bruno, but everyone knows his dad is his hero.
I mentioned in my previous post that he really tolerates Mirabel, and by that I mean he shows her the most patience.
Oscar: "NEXT IN LINE" *sees Mirabel and sighs* "What now? Oh, and make it quick."
Mirabel: "Hey Oscar, you know, I was talking to Luisa earlier and you know what happened yesterday with the magic and what not... So I was wondering if you know anything about what your dad saw in his vision."
Oscar: *knocking on his desk* Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock, Knock on wood. *turns back to her* No I don't know what he saw, goodbye Mirabel. NEXT IN LINE!"
Mirabel: "NO WAIT-" *gets pushed out of line, but runs into his office* "Do you, uh, know of anyone who might know?"
Oscar: *would not normally do this EVER* Have you perhaps tried asking my mom?
Mirabel: "Thank you, Oscar! You're my favorite cousin."
Oscar: "Yeah right, I don't guarantee you she knows anything though, but if anyone could know it's her." *sighs, then throws salt behind his back*
For some reason, he can vibe with Mirabel sometimes (he thinks he pities her, but he actually just cares about her and he just refuses to accept he cares about anyone but himself)
Tries his best to uphold a serious,"idk idc" image. Fails sometimes.
He literally looks like a corpse on full moons and takes full advantage of it.
Uses his appearance on full moons as an excuse to not attend events.
"You don't want to invite a corpse to your party, or do you?"
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Thank you guys for the support! <3
Don't forget my requests are always open, so don't be shy! I'm trying to build up an audience! <3
Thank you guys,
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tirednotflirting · 3 years
you're the one to help me get to sleep // maybe i fell in love when you woke me up
oh boy that title looks a lot longer on tumblr than it did on ao3. anyway.
i got stressed out yesterday and finished some fluff bc that’s what we do here at tirednotflirting. forgot to post it here yesterday though so i am doing that Now post-first cup of coffee of the day and halfway through the french toast i made. 
random side not but i’ve been listening to my time capsule playlist on spotify and i highly rec checking yours out bc this is So Fun.
here is this on ao3 if you wanna read there.
The sun is just beginning to set over LA and Alex is in love.
The day had been long but good. One of those California summer days that stretched on long enough that it made him wonder if the sun would ever start heading toward its resting place below the horizon. Warm but not hot, the slight breeze allowing them to spend the afternoon writing outside instead of stuck up in the studio. 
He’s out on the balcony now, already changed into pajama pants since they decided they would stay in for the night, and a glass of wine dangles between his fingers in between sips. The city is somehow quiet from his spot above it though he can tell it must be loud from all the activity he can see on the street. It’s nice, Alex thinks, to find peace among the blaring white noise of Los Angeles. Today had been his last full day in the city, his flight back to the farm and his furry friends sometime in the early afternoon. He has his boarding pass loaded onto his phone and could easily wander back inside to find his phone and triple check the time so he could make note of when they need to be up in the morning but he’s not quite ready to start thinking about how he has to leave again yet. 
Jack would also just immediately kick him back out to his current spot if he tried heading inside right now anyway. Over coffee that morning Jack had declared he would be making dinner for Alex’s last night (It’s romantic, Al, and I only have one more night to romance the fuck out of you). At the time Alex had assumed it was the still half-asleep side of Jack speaking but when Alex arrived back at the apartment after spending part of the afternoon writing, he’d been handed the glass of wine currently resting in his hand and ushered to the balcony door by an apron-clad Jack. 
It was rare for Alex to feel this much peace on his last day of a trip to see Jack. Usually there was some element of sadness or anxiety over the impending time apart until more band things or another trip to either coast. But as he tips back the last of his wine and stares back out toward the last bits of light in the city sky, all Alex can feel is a fullness in his chest. 
He decides he’s going to want more wine with dinner and given the time, he figures Jack must be close to finishing things up. Alex pulls himself up and pushes the sliding door open to call out toward the kitchen. 
“Jack, babe, am I allowed into the kitchen for more wine?”
Jack’s head pokes out from the kitchen with a pout on his lips. “Five more minutes, Alex. You have to give a chef space to work.”
“Bring me the bottle then, please,” Alex says in his sweetest voice, his lashes fluttering. He can see Jack’s dramatic eye roll from where he leans against the door frame before he steps back into the kitchen, emerging a few seconds later with the bottle of white he had poured for Alex earlier.
“Here you go, you lush,” Jack says while passing over the bottle once he’s close enough. Before he has a chance to step away, Alex pulls at the front of his apron to briefly press their lips together. Jack drops a hand to the bottom of Alex’s back to hold him close, his fingers pressing into his skin through his t-shirt. 
“I like the apron. It’s cute.” Alex compliments as he smoothes out the wrinkles in the fabric.
Jack’s hand runs up and down Alex’s spine as he hums. It’s an action that mimics the way Jack had been waking him up most days, and a lazy smile pulls at Alex’s lips at the memory of the fond moment. “Thank you,” Jack muses. “I only wore it because I figured you would think that, so it’s nice to know I was right.”
Alex laughs. “You wore something just because you thought I might find it cute?”
“I like being told I’m a cute boy. Sue me,” Jack says, his hand wrapping more securely around Alex’s waist. “Now go back out. I’m just putting things into bowls, I’ll be out in a second, handsome.”
Alex feels himself blush as Jack leans forward to press his lips to Alex’s temple before spinning on his heel and heading back toward the kitchen. As he steps back outside, Alex can’t help but hope that they never leave this phase of their relationship. This not quite honeymoon but not quite settled phase, where they’re so damn comfortable being with each other (in a way Alex used to spend hours awake at night worrying they would never find the path to) but compliments like the one Jack’s just thrown his way still make him blush. It’s a nice spot to be in for now, he thinks.
He pulls the cork from the wine and gives himself another generous pour before leaving the bottle in the middle of the table they’re meant to be eating at. The sky is just fading into dusk, the city draped in a blanket of purples and blues when the light above him clicks on. Alex turns from his spot to find Jack sliding the door open mostly with his foot, two bowls somewhat precariously balanced in each of his hands. Alex jumps up and ignores Jack’s whines as he takes the bowls from him and wanders back to set them on the table while Jack jogs back through the apartment to return with plates and silverware and another wine glass.
“Alright so if this sucks, we’re blaming my mom because she basically walked me through the whole thing step by step,” Jack says once they’re back at the table while he pours wine into his own glass. “Also the caprese salad was her idea since I wasn’t feeling leafy but I feel like romantic dinner date is incomplete without salad.”
“You called your mom to have her walk you through a recipe?” Alex smiles as he lets his head drop to rest in the palm of his hand while he watches Jack spoon some kind of pasta onto the two plates.
“Listen, you know I’m helpless in a kitchen,” Jack says while pushing one of the plates in Alex’s direction. “And it’s your last night here and I wanted to do something nice for you, damn it.”
“That’s very cute,” Alex replies before taking another sip from his wine glass. “You’re very cute.”
“You already told me I was cute. You gotta get more creative with your adjectives, Mr Songwriter.”
Alex shakes his head in mock protest. “I said the apron was cute before, not you.” Jack scowls at him while gently kicking his ankle. “Hush, I knew what you meant.” A smile pulls at Alex’s lips when he notices how Jack leaves their feet all tangled up together under the table after the kick. It’s silly, he knows, to get all blushy over such a simple, nonchalant action but he can’t help it.
Jack points his fork across the table at Alex after taking a bite. “Also my mom said to call her when you get back. She wants to catch up and probably bug you again about when you’re going to propose.”
Alex laughs brightly. “Well my mom was asking that I get you to Facetime her when you’ve got some free time likely for the exact same conversation.” He gestures down to his plate with a nod. “This really does not suck, by the way.”
“Our mothers really ought to be more strategic in their approach on this,” Jack says while shaking his head. “I mean it’s completely impractical that we both propose. And thank you, I try.”
“I think they figure if they double the effort they have a greater chance of success or something.”
“Fair enough, I suppose.”
The banter back and forth over their meal continues well into the night. After a while, Alex insists on clearing the table and taking things inside. He quickly cleans the dishes before grabbing another bottle of wine from the fridge and clean glasses and heading back out. Jack has moved over to the couch he keeps out there and has a blanket pulled over his bare legs, the nighttime breeze dropping the temperature enough to call it a cool night. Alex fills their glasses and leaves the bottle on the table before wandering over to where Jack has decided to lounge. 
“For you, sir,” Alex announces while handing over one of the glasses. He takes a seat next Jack, scooting closer to his side to steal some of the blanket and drops his head to rest against Jack’s chest.
Jack hums his thanks as he takes a sip and wraps an arm around Alex’s shoulders. His fingers immediately move to play with the sleeve of his t-shirt as he sighs. “Is it selfish to ask you to cancel your flight and stay longer?” 
“Not selfish but also not really a possibility, my love,” Alex says while tilting his head up to press his lips to Jack’s jaw. “I’ve got animal friends to attend to and you’ve got that trip out to see Zack to pack for.”
“Mmm, yeah you’re right,” Jack says while swirling the wine in his glass. “The goats and Zack need cuddles too, I guess.”
“Exactly.” Alex sighs as he lifts his shoulder, asking Jack a silent question that he thankfully knows the answer to. Jack drops his hand to rest in his lap and Alex reaches over for it, his fingers slipping into the spaces between Jack’s and squeezing to press their palms together. He smiles lazily at the action. It’s the little things about time with Jack that stick in his brain when they’re apart. The weight of Jack’s hand in his own, the steady sound of his heartbeat below Alex’s ear, the tapping of Jack’s foot against the ground since even in the quiet, still moments Jack has to find a way to expel the extra energy he always seems to possess. It’s all so familiar and warm. Alex isn’t sure what life would be like without the small details that make up them.
He isn’t sure how long they sit there, sipping and resting against each other while staring out at the light polluted LA night sky. Long enough that Jack eventually lets out a yawn that breaks Alex out of the daze he’d fallen into, the gentle rising and falling of Jack’s chest beneath his head acting as a lullaby of sorts.
“Bedtime?” Alex asks with a gentle laugh. He lets their hands fall apart in favor of moving to cup Jack’s jaw. His thumb runs across the top of his cheek, just below his sleepy eyes. 
“Think so, yeah,” Jack slurs his words slightly as he leans into Alex’s touch. “Don’t you need to pack? We’ll probably need to head out at like eleven since your flight is at one.”
And of course Jack remembers what time his flight is at when Alex hasn’t bothered to check all night. He’s always taking care of him in the little ways. In the ways that Alex didn’t realize he needed taking care of, really. 
Alex moves to stand and smiles at Jack’s pout when he reaches to pull him up with him. “I can pack in the morning. Right now I just want to cuddle my boy.”
Jack grins at his words and rises without any more protest. They gather the glasses and shuffle back inside. Jack steals them away from Alex once they reach the stairs and gestures for him to head upstairs while he goes in the direction of the kitchen. Alex pouts at the action and leans against the railing to wait for Jack to round the corner again. 
Jack jumps a bit when he finds Alex in the same spot he left him. “And you thought I was a sleepy boy?” Jack laughs, something warm and soft behind his gaze. Jack takes a couple steps up, his hand reaching back to loosely link with Alex’s to guide them upstairs.
They get ready for bed quickly despite the half asleep state they both drifted into and soon enough Alex is crawling beneath wrinkled sheets. He’s just barely plugged his phone into the charger when a pair of arms pull him toward the center of the bed. 
“How are you always so warm?” Jack mumbles into the back of Alex’s hair as his arms wrap more fully around Alex’s middle. He turns in his arms and Jack settles against his chest. “Not that I’m complaining since it’s freezing in here. But still.”
Alex laughs as he tries to keep his eyes open while Jack nuzzles his cool nose against his collarbone. He reaches a hand up to thread into the hair at the back of Jack’s neck. “Somebody’s got to keep you warm.”
“I’m glad it’s you,” Jack mumbles almost incoherently. Alex waits for him to say more as he continues drawing short patterns through Jack’s hair but he only softly hums and nestles further against his chest.
Alex is moments away from falling falling falling to a peaceful rest when Jack’s hand settles against the bottom of his back beneath the sweatshirt he stole from his closet, the extra layer of Jack’s familiar scent providing some additional security on his last night in this bed. Alex feels Jack’s sleep steady breath puff against his neck and in his final moments of consciousness, all he can think is Jack Jack Jack. His gentle laugh and warm gaze fills Alex’s mind as he lets his eyes finally flutter shut.
And maybe that’s what love is, falling asleep already in a dream.
It’s pouring down rain in Maryland and Jack is in love. 
He’s only just woken up, his mind still cloudy from sleep and his eyes still locked shut. Jack isn’t sure what time it is but given that he’s rising naturally and not from an alarm or kisses being pressed against his cheeks, he assumes it must be pretty late into the morning hours. 
It’s his first morning on this visit out to the farm. His flight the previous night had gotten in before dinner so Alex had declared it date night (Is every night we’re together not date night, Alex? Romance mode 24/7, baby.) and insisted they stop at the store for ingredients before heading back to the house. Once they were at the farm, they tended to the animals (or Alex did while Jack sat on the floor and let the goats chew on his hoodie strings) before heading back inside where Jack sat at the counter and told Alex stories about his airport adventures while watching him cook. They had tried to start a movie after food but Jack kept falling asleep every few minutes with his head in Alex’s lap so it wasn’t long before he was being pulled in the direction of the bedroom.
He sighs as the last moments of sleep drift off and he settles back into the land of the living. He’s yet to open his eyes in case the sun is peeking in anywhere in the room since he knows he’s not yet awake enough for true daylight. Two thoughts enter his mind almost immediately though: it’s cold as hell and there’s coffee brewing in the kitchen. Both of these things are a result of a third thing that Jack notices and it’s that Alex has left him alone in bed.
Jack would get whiny about the third thing but he knows that given where they are it would be pretty selfish of him. Mornings at the farm are loaded with more responsibilities than mornings in LA, and Jack knows the animal friends deserve breakfast and Alex’s bright, sleepy smile just as much as he does. Plus, his boy did make him coffee. 
Jack takes a deep breath and catches the scent of dark roast mixed in with the scent of Alex (his cologne and the same laundry detergent he’s used since his mom would pack it for him on their early tours) before finally pushing himself up from the mattress and opening his eyes. The room is thankfully still dark since Alex left the curtains closed for him but he can hear the rain beating down against the windows even through the heavy fabric. Jack pouts then, suddenly worried about Alex having to wander around out in the January rain by himself. 
He finds a hoodie and the slippers his mom gifted him for Christmas a few weeks earlier on the floor beside the bed and pulls both on before shuffling from the bedroom. Jack immediately pulls at the sleeves to cover his hands and considers going back to the bedroom to steal a shirt to throw on underneath the hoodie but the coffee hits his nose again and he continues in the direction of the kitchen.
The only light on in the room is the one over the sink and because of the rain, the kitchen remains pretty dark despite the clock on the microwave reading that it’s a little bit past ten. Jack wanders through the room to the drying rack by the sink to get his mug (the one he found in some little thrift store somewhere in Texas with the painted butterflies) before turning back to the island. He fills the mug from the mostly full French press that must have been made pretty recently, Jack thinks, as he burns his tongue a little on his first sip. Fresh coffee means that Alex has already been out to the stalls for the morning so Jack turns then, having a good feeling about where Alex may have wandered off to, and lets his hip rest against the edge of the counter.
From where he stands leaning against the kitchen island, Jack can see Alex’s head poking out from the back of the couch out on the front porch. He’s got a blue beanie pulled over his head and Jack can see his hands cupped around a mug and he can see the steam rising against Alex’s face. He pulls his phone from his pocket to check the temperature and rolls his eyes at the number shown on the screen but it doesn’t stop him from lifting his own mug to head in the direction of the front door.
Alex looks over in his direction as Jack pushes the door closed behind him to join Alex out in the cold morning air. The rain had settled mostly and a thick fog blankets over the property, the trees at the end of the road and pasture just barely visible. A soft smile pulls at Alex’s lips as he pats the cushion beside him. Jack returns the grin as he takes in the crinkles beside his boy’s tired eyes. Sometimes Jack forgets they’re getting older but then notices a gray hair when he’s looking in the mirror while brushing his teeth or notices Alex’s laughter lines deepening ever so slightly and it reminds him just how long they’ve been on these wild adventures together.
He takes the spot beside Alex and pulls the blanket he’s got covering his lap over his own before letting his head drop to rest against Alex’s shoulder. Jack turns to press his cold nose against Alex’s neck and smiles when he hears a soft whine in response to the action.
“Why are we having our coffee outside when it’s nearly freezing out?” Jack mumbles against Alex’s skin. He feels a hand reach up to card through his bed head and smiles at the feeling.
“You’ve been in California too long,” Alex teases. “We would have been calling this a warm morning back in the day.”
“Jesus, are we really old enough for things to be back in the day now?”
“We’re definitely getting there, love.” Alex laughs before pausing to take a sip from his mug. “Anyway, I finished up feeding everybody and wanted to keep listening to the rain.”
Jack figures that’s a fair enough answer (at least coming from Alex) so they sit in silence for a little while. They sip from their respective mugs and Jack cuddles impossibly closer to Alex for warmth as he searches for patterns in the sound of the rain against the roof. Jack notices the shapes Alex has been drawing through his hair change suddenly and he sits up a bit to see his face and pouts at the expression he’s met with.
“What are you thinking so hard about, huh?” Jack asks as he reaches a hand up to rub away the lines across Alex’s forehead. “Is everything okay?”
“Do you want to move in together?” Alex asks in a somewhat rushed voice while his hands pull at the ends of his sleeves. “Like here? On the farm?”
Jack’s hand falls from Alex’s forehead to cup his cheek. “What?”
“I mean, you should probably keep the place in LA since we’re over there enough for work stuff. And I’ve just been thinking that this feels like a good place to settle down and,” he pauses to take a breath and looks up to meet Jack’s gaze. “And I don’t know if I’m moving too fast but I want to settle down with you.”
“Al, I’ve known you for like, half my life. We’re not exactly operating on a normal relationship timeline here. I’d love to move in,” Jack says into the space between them and he can’t help but lean forward to brush their lips together when Alex’s eyes widen. “Though you’re going to have to teach me how to actually be helpful around this place rather than just sit and look cute while petting the goats.”
“Having someone to sit and look cute with the goats is an essential part of farm maintenance, Jack. Don’t sell yourself short,” Alex says while reaching to cover the hand Jack still has against his cheek. “But don’t worry. We’ll teach you to be a proper farm boy. Get you some boots and everything.”
“I want a cowboy hat, too. But sounds perfect.” Jack says before leaning in to press their lips together again. Alex pulls him closer and Jack feels himself smile into the kiss. Alex’s warmth almost makes him forget about the cold winter air surrounding them and his mind is flooded with the thought of a future where everyday is spent with the eternal summer’s day that is Alex Gaskarth.
Alex pulls away first and a giggle leaves his lips as Jack whines at him. “Guess we should go ahead and actually get the day started then?”
“Has to happen eventually, I suppose.” Jack sighs as he sinks further into the couch. 
Alex laughs as he stands up, his hand reaching down to link their hands together. “Come on. We’ve got brunch with the mothers in an hour and now we’ve got good news to share with them. Moms love good news.”
Jack allows himself to be pulled up from the couch and in the direction of the front door. He leans against the wood once they’re back inside and pulls Alex into his hold while his arms move to hang over his shoulders. “We smell like farm and wet dog. And since we’re going to be sharing a home now, I think it only makes sense that we try to conserve resources. What do you think?”
Alex rolls his eyes and slides his hands up to rest against Jack’s chest. “Thank you for the invitation but I figured I would make up another pot of coffee for us while you go get ready?”
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“I keep asking myself the same thing.”
With a final press of his lips to Jack’s cheek, Alex heads off to make the promised coffee. Jack watches him head into the kitchen from where he stands in the front hall. He sees Alex leave the mugs on the island in favor of pulling his phone out to connect to the speaker next to the sink and a second later a song starts playing that immediately has him bouncing on his toes as he fills the kettle from the sink. Jack smiles as he leans against the frame into the dining room while he watches Alex dance around and softly sing while scooping new coffee grounds. He turns then and Jack is caught as Alex smiles and winks in his direction, a mouthed Go while pointing in the direction of the bedroom being his parting gift. 
Jack blows a kiss and starts making his way down the front hall to the stairs. He pauses for a moment at the table where Alex had left a mess of different holiday cards he’d received throughout the season. Bright colors and happy smiles meet Jack’s eyes as he spots friends and their families and pets. He sighs and continues down the hall after a moment, wondering if maybe they could get the goats to sit still long enough for a holiday card sometime next fall. It’s a swirling, dreamy thought, but he spends the rest of the morning stuck on the idea of seeing their smiling faces and well wishes mixed into their loved ones’ piles of cards.
And maybe that’s what love is, waking up to the beginning of another dream.
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Prompt List
1: Person A is pregnant and is trying to get Person B to talk to the baby; Person B feels self-conscious, silly, ridiculous, etc. talking to A’s belly, and at first begins speaking jokingly, but soon gets very involved.  Bonus points if A gets emotional.
2: Imagine person a of your otp is pregnant. they’re not very far along yet so they haven’t told person b. one night when a thinks b’s asleep they mumble something about what a great parent b will be.
3: Imagine Person A coming home from work only to find Person B and their kid(s) all cuddled up under a blanket fort, fast asleep  [X]
4: Imagine person A of your OTP approaching person B really nervously to talk to them about something. B is unsure what to make of this until A finally comes out with what they wanted to talk about: they would like a child.
5: Imagine your OTP rushing to the hospital to see their niece/nephew being born.
6: Imagine your OTP’s child catching them dancing together like dorky parents.
7: Imagine that Person A is heavily pregnant and is laying on the couch. Person B comes and gives A a smooch on their belly, but at the exact spot and time where they kiss, the baby gives a huge kick. B is a little thrown off but they laugh and say, “That little shit just kicked me in the mouth!”
8: Imagine your OTP has a child. Now imagine that Person A of your OTP is being a complete dork in an attempt to make the usually sarcastic child laugh. The child then looks at Person B just shaking their head and saying “You married a dork, did you know that?”
9: Imagine your OTP welcoming a new baby. Person A would post lots of cute photos on social media gushing about how blessed they are and the exact times and weights, etc. and Person B would just post a photo of themselves holding the baby like ‘I spawned’.
10: Imagine your OTP snuggling in bed with their newborn baby between them.
11: Imagine your OTP picking out baby names
12: Imagine your OTP competing to get their baby to say “mama” or “dada” first and the baby ends up saying the dog’s name instead  
13: Imagine half of your OTP carrying the sonogram around with them everywhere they go
14: Imagine your OTP hearing their baby giggle for the first time
15: Imagine your OTP spending their first Valentine’s day as parents
16: Imagine your OTP finding out they’re having twins
17: Person A of your OTP is up with the baby at night telling them how they met Person B while Person B listens quietly outside of the room
18: Imagine your otp taking their child trick-or-treating
19: Imagine half of your OTP finding the other half asleep with the baby asleep on their chest and stopping to take a picture
20: Imagine your OTP not being able to pull themselves away from their newborn’s side as they sleep
21: Imagine Person A of your OTP singing to their child as Person B secretly listens over the baby monitor.
22: Imagine person A of your OTP being put on bed rest and getting incredibly annoyed as person B waits on them hand and foot
23: Imagine Person A of your OTP telling Person B that they and their child are the best thing that has ever happened to them.
24: Imagine Person A of your OTP placing Person B’s hand on their stomach to feel their baby kick.
25: Imagine your OTP giving up on the chance to ever become parents, only to find out that Person A is pregnant.
26: Imagine your OTP reading their child a bedtime story.
27: Imagine your OTP telling their child that they’re going to have a younger sibling.
28: Imagine your otp seeing their baby for the first time.  [X]
29: It’s New Years Eve, and your OTP has a baby. Friends/family/whoever come over to ring in the New Year.  Early in the night, Person A puts the baby to sleep in their nursery, closing the door so the noise of the party doesn’t bother them. Close to midnight, the baby wakes up, and A goes to soothe them. Not wanting to miss getting a New Years kiss with their partner, Person B follows them up. At midnight, they have their New Years kiss with their baby in A’s arms, in the quiet of the nursery.
30: While Person A is doing ____ <insert some activity that usually happens before the magical moment of proposal> ready to propose, Person B decides that it’s a good time to drop the pregnancy bomb.
31: Write about the repercussions of an accidental pregnancy.
32: Your OTP cannot have a child between them biologically (for whatever reason!), and so Person A insists on adopting. Person B doesn’t want to adopt, but after much insistence, gives in. They go to see who they can adopt, and Person A is adamant that they adopt a baby. As soon as that baby is put into Person B’s arms, they melt and feel absolute love for this child.
33: Imagine your OTP’s child loving books, and reading them extremely fast. Person A makes them a promise that they’ll always buy them books as long as they’re a good kid, and ends up spending an abundance of money (much to Person B’s dismay)
34: Person A and Person B have finally decided that they feel ready and wanna try to have/adopt a child.
That emotional conversation was yesterday.
Today, Person A woke up and started making little dad jokes, saying little mom phrases, or being really parental in general.
Person B thinks it’s cute, of course. But after the third time Person A says “oops gonna move right on past ya” in the kitchen…. B is rethinking this whole “make my spouse/partner into a parent of my child” thing.
35: Some mornings, everything went absolutely according to plan, with a full bodied ease and smoothness. Other mornings, it was more like you’d been woken up by a two foot tall monster screaming twelve contradicting commands at you before collapsing to the floor because, no, there’s no such thing as a dinosaur waffle and Mommy doesn’t have the artistic skill to make one.
Today was definitely the latter.
36: “Woah woah woah, wait! You – you want a WHAT?”
“A kid, B, a kid. For God’s sake it’s not like I’m speaking Russian.”
37: “What the hell is that thing? Get it away from me!”
“Its just a baby?”
38: Imagine your OTP hours after they have welcomed their first child. Of course, they’re still at the hospital. Person A is asleep. Person B has some alone time with the baby. They didn’t allow themselves to cry or become very “sappy” earlier, but now that their partner is asleep, they don’t care. They let it all out.
Bonus: Person A is awake the whole time and hears everything, but pretends they are asleep. Whether or not they bring it up later is up to you.
39: “I’m a little scared, but overall? Excited.”
40: “Hey, come feel my stomach! They’re kicking.”
41: “We’ve been fighting over the wall colors for two days now. I want to make some sort of alien world on the walls, but they said that’s too much work. It’d be worth it.”
42: “So far, the only names I can think of just aren’t good enough.”
43: “Of course the first thing that turned out positive in my life would be a pregnancy test.”
44: Prompt: Imagine person A of your OTP is pregnant and having to put up with some kicks and squirms from the baby which are rather bothersome to A. B then sings to the baby which seems to calm it down or rather lull it to sleep.
45: “Let’s have a baby.”
46: Person A tries to think of an excuse as to why they aren’t drinking without letting Person B know that they are pregnant.
47: Write something that begins with a positive pregnancy test.
48:“This is your fault.”
49: “Take responsibility.”
50: One party finds out they’re pregnant while the other party is away/captured/missing. [X]
51: Sitting on the floor of a public bathroom holding a positive pregnancy test.
52: Denying they’re pregnant until they pass out (what from, you decide).
53: Hiding pregnancy from the other partner.
54: “Remember how I said I didn’t want kids?”
55: “I didn’t think we’d ever do it.”
56: “My parents are gonna be so happy.”
57: “My parents are gonna kill me.”
58: “I told Mom/Dad I’m pregnant, they kicked me out.”
59: “Do you think it’ll be a boy, or a girl?”
60: Baby kicks for the first time.
61: Discussing baby names.
62: Cuddling.
63: “You’re not fat, you’re pregnant, and even if you were fat, I don’t care. I love you.”
64: “I dunno if I’ll be a good Mom/Dad.”
65: “I’m emotional and pregnant, leave me alone.”
66: “Get them to settle down in there, will you?”
67: “Baby’s coming, now.”
68: “Don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
69: “You’re not going anywhere.”
70: “I can’t do this.”
71: “I’m so tired.”
72: A long and difficult labor, with a good or bad end.
73: “I’m going to kill you if you do this to me again.”
74: Parents relaxing with their newborn(s)/looking at them in awe.
75: “I will always protect you.”
76: “You can do this.”
77: Over the years, our relationship had evolved more than I could have ever imagined. We had started off as two dumb kids stumbling through adulthood together, sharing laughter and shouting matches. But now we had grown, still young at heart but well settled into the world around us. Things were placid and yet never boring with them. I wanted nothing more than to spend my days together forever.
Finally, I worked up the courage to buy them a ring.
78: A:*holding up marriage certificate* this is a legal contract that says you have to love me.
B:*smirking*what are the consequences?
*Nsfw or playfight ensues* [X]
79: Your OTP being really in love even when they are old , doing stuff that young couples do like having dates at different restaurants , staying up all night , talking about the sweet and the sour, some PDA like holding hands and kissing . Their children telling them about the fact that they are not young anymore but they don’t care .
80: Person A: you know what B? I am going to marry you one day.
Person B: *flattered, awkward, and sarcastic bc they're unsure of how to respond* heh— you’ll have to fight for my honor first.
Person A: okay!
Person B: ⚆ _ ⚆ wait what
81: But a soulmate au where markings blossom at the place they first touch you. It starts with a little prick, like a bug bite or a needle and this beautiful dark ink swirls around your arm after some stranger pushed past you. A static zap ricochets across your shoulder blades as that idiot you see around sometimes shoves you by your back, pale blue curves look like wings across your back. Then can you imagine the other person? That idiot having both his hands absolutely covered in this baby blue filigree, the other stranger with navy scrawled across their lower bicep and trailing down their inner forearm, just ugh like somebody with whimsical purple running up their finger but for gods sake, they just wanted a pen.
82: “Dear god, you’re beautiful.”
“No need to sound quite so surprised, we’ve only been married for the last decade.”
83: Imagine a soulmate au where whenever your soulmate listens to music, you can hear it too and the only way you can find them is when the music they’re listening to gets louder the closer you are to them.
84: Imagine a soulmate au where you can taste the things that they are eating or drinking and the only way you can find them is to find the places that serve that same kind of food or drink they’re eating/drinking.
85: Imagine a soulmate au where the heart in your chest is your soulmate’s and you can feel whatever they’re currently feeling and the only way you can find them is when it stops beating. Kind of like taking the “When I first met you, I swear I could feel my heart stop beating” literally.
86: Imagine a soulmate au where your level of talent at a hobby determines on how close you are to your soulmate.
87: Imagine a soulmate au where your dreams are a mixture of your soulmate’s past and present memories and the only way you know that you’ve met them is when you see yourself.
88: Imagine a soulmate au where everyone is given a book at birth with no pages in it and the only way the pages begin to magically appear is when they are finally born. Each chapter is linked to your soulmate’s age and the pages within that chapter represent a day of their life with a small collection of things that they have said throughout the day. The only way you will know that you’ve met your soulmate is when the pages stop appearing and the last thing that was said on the last page is actually the first word or sentence that they said to you.
89: Imagine a soulmate au where you’re given a necklace that changes to the colors of what they’re currently feeling and the temperature is linked to how close you are to them. For example, nothing being very far away, cold being closer, and warm being they’re right in front of you. But, whenever they take the necklace off of them, the connection is lost and you won’t know what they’re feeling or if you’ve even met each other.
90: the voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate’s but you don’t know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time
91: your soulmate’s initials are imprinted in your skin of your hand at birth and the letters burn more intensely as the day you meet them grows closer
92: you’ve only ever seen your soulmate in your dreams but you can never remember what they look like, the imaginary life you have with them picks up wherever it leaves off when you fall asleep again. but the dreams stop after you meet them, but you have no way of know who they are because you still can’t remember their face
93: your soulmate’s hair color is the color of your eyes. the color of your eyes also changes to match the color of their hair if they dye it
94: you think you have a sleepwalking problem but it’s really just the universe trying to bring you to your soulmate when your mind is disengaged
95: you’ve been sketching your soulmate’s face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near
96: you’re born with a band of your soulmate’s skin color tattooed in your skin
97: all of your dreams are your soulmate’s most significant memories from that given day
98:“Have I told you recently that you’re utterly gorgeous?”
“No,” they hummed, eyes soft and lips curled with amusement. “Remind me.”
99: Tol is reading a book and Smol is trying to get their attention
100: Smol has trouble reaching something on the top shelf so Tol has to help them
101: Smol/Tol is obsessed with Smol/Tol’s hands because of the size difference
102: Smol sometimes gets mistaken for a child and gets defensive so Tol has to calm them down
103: Tol and Smol have a habit of writing “Tol” and “Smol” on each other’s papers
104: Tol and Smol have a lot of the same classes and whenever Smol is sad, Tol gives them piggyback rides from class to class
105: Tol gets asked out a lot when Smol goes with them to bars so whenever a person flirts with Tol, Smol gets defensive and is ready to fight
106: Tol is always coming up behind Smol and kissing their head, hugging their waist, covering their eyes, etc. and despite it having started months (or years) ago, it still always surprises Smol
107: Tol is hogging the blankets, so Smol tries to roll them over, but after many failures, Smol just snuggles closer.
108: Smol tosses and turns in their sleep and usually ends up rolled up in the covers, leaving Tol in the cold, but Tol just smiles and cuddles their happy lil sushi roll
109: Smol has sleep problems and Tol tries to stay awake with them most nights and they soon run out of things to do, so they decide to try 2 AM baking
110: Tol is a kind, gentle sweetheart, and Smol is their adorable little ball of fire
111: Tol and Smol are dancing and Tol makes a joke about Smol’s size so Smol retaliates by pulling Toll down to their height and teasing them about being stronger [X]
112: Tol helps Smol clean their closet and starts flipping their shit over how tiny Smol’s clothes are. Bonus points if Tol calls Smol their “Little doll”
113: “You should totally pretend to propose to me,” their best friend said. “We can see if someone in the restaurant gives us free drinks. People love it when stuff like that happens.” My stomach flipped. I couldn’t even say I liked you, let alone propose - fake or not. “Why am I the one proposing? You do it. It was your idea.”
114: “Everyone thinks we’re a couple.” “I know.” “You know? It doesn’t bother you?” “Should it? Does it bother you? I mean, personally I think I could do worse as far as fake lovers go, but…”
115: “Look, attending prom without knowing how to dance was tragic the first time. I just can’t let you face that humiliation twice.” “Thanks.” The other held out a hand, a small smile on their lips. “Don’t worry, I’m a good teacher. Everyone says so.” They stifled a laugh.
116: “You’re ok, right? You’re not hurt?!”
“No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.”
“Really? Because you’re repeating your words, you look pale, and you look like you’re about to topple over.”
“Yeah, you might wanna catch me.”
118: Sitting next to someone, hands in one’s lap, leaning against them and kissing their shoulder
119: “The eyelid kiss is said to produce a unique sensation of an un-wordly nature, running from the base of the spine to the knees”
120: A kiss on the temple
121: Laying opposite directions on a couch, or with someone’s legs in their lap, kissing the knees or shins
122: Randomly while holding hands bringing joined hands together to kiss the back of the hand
123: Topless and face-down, a kiss on the shoulder blade [X]
124: The playful kiss on the tip of the nose
125 Laying on someone’s chest and kissing their sternum
126: Kissing the crown of the head
127: A kiss on the inside of the wrist
128: Behind someone who’s sitting down, leaning over to kiss the forehead (and potentially block their eyesight with hair falling in their face)
129: Kissing scars either shortly or long after they’ve healed
130: Standing behind someone, hugging them around the arms or the waist, and kissing the top edge of the shoulder
131: Kissing someone to stop them blurting out a secret/something they’ll regret
132: “Sorry, give me a sec-” they scrounged up their notes. Their hand trembled. “I wrote it down so this wouldn’t come out wrong. Sorry.” “You’re not dying, are you?” the best friend sounded worried. “What - no? No, I’m not dying. Nobody’s dying. Well, someone probably is. Every six seconds and all that but - no one we know. That I know about.” “It’s really, really cute when you start rambling.” They lost track of their notes a second time. Their skin went hot. “What?” “Will you go out with me?” “Did you just read my notes upside down?”
133: I kissed you like you were the centre of my gravity, everything in me drawn, falling falling falling always falling for you. A hand on the back of my neck, a dizzied breath as your thumb brushed an exposed slice of skin at my hip and then crept and settled upwards, warm and steady. Breathless, tentative, abruptly shy as our panting breaths chased the silence. Our eyes met. Yours - soft, a promise that if I fell I would always be caught. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Hey, you.” And then you kissed me again.
134:They started to creep out of bed, heart pounding, thoughts fogging their brain. Their friend flung out an arm without opening their eyes, catching them around the waist and reeling them back in. Their friend pressed a kiss to their neck. “Easy,” their friend murmured. “You don’t need to panic, it’s fine. Talk to me.”
135: “It’s funny, isn’t it.” They kept their eyes on their best friend’s hand, trailing idle patterns because it was easier than looking at their expression. “That we both knew, but never said anything.” “Never felt like it needed saying.” Their friend’s gaze was intent, and a finger teased over their lip, feather-light. “Would you like me to say it now?”
136: “I love you.”
“Ew, gross.”
“We’re married!”
Their partner grinned at them fondly and leaned in for a kiss.
“Ew.” Came the flat, secretly amused, nose wrinkled reply. “Gross.”
137: “I really want to kiss you right now”
“Then do it”
138: “Are you trying to seduce me?”
“That depends on if it’s working or not,” they replied with a lazy grin. Their head tilted, and they wet their lips a little nervously. “Is it?”
139: Baby, it’s cold outside: Things don’t go too well for both muse A and B when they decide to go on a little vacation together. Resting in a cabin together, our muses wake up to find out that - they can’t leave? During their slumber, a snow-storm had hit and blocked both the windows and doors, locking them inside! Do they stay positive about this situation and keep warm inside? Or do they try and find a way to somehow escape?
140: A spoonful of sugar: Catching a high fever, Muse A is too sick to even move from their bed. Muse B, worries about the other makes their way to their house only to see what horrible condition they are in! Ignoring the stubbornness of Muse A who insists they’re fine, Muse B is now determined to nurse them back to good health! Blankets, Ice-packs, warm soup in bed… anything that’ll get them back on their feet and well again.
141: Handful of flour: Muse A and Muse B decide to bake sweets in the kitchen! Muse A asks Muse B to get some flour from the cabinet, but instead of delivering it to them they instead take a handful and throw it right at Muse A - to which Muse A respond by throwing a handful right back at them!
142: Rain Rain, Go away; While Muse A is at Muse B’s house, a thunderstorm soon sweeps in and ruins their peaceful day together. Now this wouldn’t be a problem because their indoors; but Muse A is terrified of thunderstorms. The storm only escalates to the point where the power turns off, leaving them in the darkness and and surrounded by the loud clashes of thunder. Muse A begins panicking, and it’s up to Muse B to keep them calm and get their mind off of what is going on until the storm passes.
143: What happened?: Muse A and Muse B wake up after a long night of partying in bed naked with no memory of what happened the night before.
144: “Everyone thinks we’re a couple.”
“Well, we did sleep together.”
“Yes -literally. As in, just sleeping!”
“I’m wondering if your horror should insult me.”
“I - what - no -”
“-I enjoyed sleeping with you.”
“You find this far too funny.”
“Maybe I’m just flattered.”
And with that, they were speechless.
145: “Fuck it - do you wanna get married?”
146: “Your smile is beyond gorgeous… please, keep doing it.”
147: “Whenever we’re together, I feel at home.”
148: “Will you say you love me? Pleeease?”
149: “Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?”
150: “Wow - you look… amazing.”
151: “*Puts hands over eyes from behind* Guess whooo?”
152: “I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!”
153: “I want to go on a date! I demand it!”
154: “We just met, this is crazy, I’m referencing a song… but call me maybe?”
155: “What? No! I wasn’t staring… I-I was looking at something behind you!”
156: “Do you want some? Here, open your mouth… I’ll feed you some!”
157: “It’s been a long day… here, let me give you a massage.”
158: “Is it alright if I call you princess?”
159: “It’s not like I like you or anything! … Okay, well- maybe I do.”
160: “I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you’re nothing but perfect.”
161: “That was barely even a kiss! Do it again - please?”
162: “What? No. I wasn’t aiming for your hand. I was reaching for the, uh- popcorn.”
163: I have you shoved against the wall but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth
164: We were dancing but all of a sudden it’s a slow song and we’re standing here awkwardly staring at each other
165: I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that?
166: We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we’re just waking up and there’s something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair
167: It’s time to fight the boss and if I don’t tell you now, I might not live to tell you
168: Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true. Let me give you a big hug and wow, you’re warm…
169: Imagine your OTP with their new baby/babies. [X]
170: Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again.
171: We’re hiding from the authorities and it’s very close quarters in here, I can feel your body against mine.
172: Wait, my hero’s secret identity is… you? To be honest, I’d always kind of hoped…
173: You’ve said you’re going to leave, but I don’t want you to go and if I don’t say something now…
174: We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
175: This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home…
176: Making the bed together
177: Tying his tie
178: Him/Her zipping your dress
179: Dropping hints so he'll give you his jacket
180: Watching sitcoms together
181: Being stuck at their house during a blizzard
182: Reading together by the fire
183: Building a fort together
184: Hold hands
185: Watching the classics
186: Slow dancing in the living room
187: Baking together
188: Passing notes in class
189: Borrowing his gloves and them being way too big
190: Take walks
191: Go on a picnic in the park
192: Drive through the city at night
193: Go on a road trip
194: Give each other handmade gifts
195: Go on a romantic vacation together
196: Sleep on a trampoline with blankets and pillows
197: Take a nap together
198: Go on a photography adventure
199: Play video games together
200: Have a beach date
201: Take a train somewhere
202: Spend a day in character as whomever the other chooses
203: Write sappy poems for each other
204: Clean together
205: Watch each other's favourite movies
206: Rent a tiny rowboat on a small pond and read sappy poetry to each other
207: Go to an amusement park together
208: Surprise each other with breakfast in bed
209: Go shopping together
210: Do art together
211: Play/Kiss in the rain
212: Take a steamy shower together
213: Take a soothing bubble bath together
214: Make traditions
215: Cuddle
216: Go to the movies
217: Pick outfits for each other
218: Sneak pictures of each other
219: Make bets together
220: Go on fancy dinner dates
221: Do couples' challenges together
222: Fall asleep together [X]
223: "See, I knew you'd be good with her."
224: Celebrate holidays together
225: "She makes me happier than anything I've ever known, and if I can have a part in making her happy again, that's all I want to do. That's all I want to do for the rest of my life."
226: “You have something in your hair - let me get it for you.”
227: “Hm? Oh, sorry. I couldn’t help but stare at you.”
228: “Um, would it be okay if I held your hand?”
229: “Shut up and kiss me already.”
230: “You’re the most important person in my life.”
231: “Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”
232:“I’m not much of a chef, but… I really hope you like this.”
233:“Sorry for calling so late - I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
234: “I need you more than you need me.”
235: “I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want.”
236: “I can’t stop thinking about you… I can’t.”
237: “The truth is… I love you.”
238: “You like me more than you like them, right? Right?”
239: “Be mine. Please.”
240: “I am who I am because of you.”
241: “It’s been a long day… let’s take a bath together.”
242: “Wait, don’t pull away - I want to hug you for awhile longer.”
243: “Ah- I adore your laugh.”
244: “Stop that, it tickles!”
245: “Ouch, I bit my lip… kiss it better?”
246: “I don’t want to get up… I’m so warm beside you.”
247: “You’re so intoxicating to me.”
248: “Your eyes are amazing… do you know that?”
249: “You’re just so wonderful.”
250: “S-Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me blush…”
251: “Are you tired? Rest in your head in my lap.”
252: “You, Me, Order In, Netflix… waddya say?”
253: “I want to be more than just friends with you.”
254: Person A and Person B are decorating a gingerbread house when Person A accidentally breaks a piece causing the house to collapse. Person A is really sad and afraid that Person B will be mad at them but Person B has the idea to turn it into a post-apocalyptic gingerbread house so they work together to strategically destroy it even more.
255: Person A and Person B were supposed to go out for a date but a snow storm hits and they get snowed in. Person A is really sad about it so Person B builds them a blanket fort so they can spend the evening snuggling and watching Christmas movies together.
256: Stay together.
257: "They grow up so fast..."
258: I’ve never seen anything like the way you handled that. I’m just so moved.
259: Imagine your OTP coming up with a list of names for their children.
Bonus: when one of their children comes out as trans, they happily hand their child the list and say “here, in case you want inspiration”
260: Imagine A is planning a surprise birthday party for B, but when the day of the party comes and people start showing up, A realizes that instead of sending 30 invitations to B’s work office, they sent 30 invitations to a biker gang. So now A, C, D and E are running around town trying desperately to find a present good enough for B to still have a good birthday.
BONUS: A, C, D and E get home to find B partying it up with the bikers and having a great time
DOUBLE BONUS: when A  decide to have kids, all of the bikers show up to their baby shower/push party, super excited to meet their baby/babies
261: The otp is at a party, A goes around giving hugs and kisses to all their friends and when they get to B. They whisper "Merry christmas" and give B a kiss on the lips. A then kisses their sleeping baby in B's arms whispering merry christmas.
262: “Honey, when the hell did you teach the fucking baby to swear?!” “I didn’t, sweetie” “Oh yeah, I’m fucking sure she invented all those hecking swear words”
263: Imagine Person A, the shorter member of your OTP, is pregnant. They were already having difficulties reaching things, but now reaching for things is nearly impossible, so Person B has to do a lot of retrieving of objects for Person A
264: Person A finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom garbage and flips out before going to find Person B, who sheepishly tells A that they didn’t know how to tell them the news.
265: Imagine your otp in the hospital because one of their family friends is having a baby. Does the situation make them want kids, or does it make them perfectly satisfied staying a duo?
266: Person A gets stopped in the shop because they’re (number of months) pregnant. The guards think that they’re shoplifting and Person B gets really angry and starts shouting about how they should know that Person A is pregnant.
267: Imagine person A of your OTP discovering they're pregnant by accident and not being afraid to reveal it to person B because they deeply love and trust person B not to spite them or leave them for being pregnant. (Because I see too many OTP prompts where the OTP is distrustful and scared of revealing such)
269: Your otp have a small child. Who runs around the toy stores suggesting “they would love this! Look at the buttons?!”, who knows that their baby is too young for such a toy, but a certain someone is apparently not too old.
269: Imagine your OTP going to adopt a child the day before thanksgiving.
Bonus: On thanksgiving, when the child is asked what they are thankful for, they respond by saying, “you two”, or something similar.
Bonus 2: B ends up in tears and A and the kid have to calm them down.
270: Write a story made up of journal entries.
Person C is the child of A and B. They’re going through relationship problems (as a teen or adult) and find a journal waiting for them from Parent A. The journal is the rough story of all the good and bad that took place between A and B. How they met, dated, broke up, then reconnected and fell back in love, told in A’s POV.
Bonus: C sends/gives the book back when their done reading it and B had no idea about it. B reads it and realizes just how much they went through with A.
How this ends is up to you.
271: Imagine person a hiding a wedding ring in an easter egg, expecting person b to find it but, instead a child finds it
272: Imagine Person A being hopelessly in love with Person B. They write a song for Person B.
273: Imagine your OTP going to a party together. They spend the whole night holding hands.
274: Imagine your OTP on a kiss cam.
275: Imagine Person A coming out to their parents, but it doesn’t go well. Person B hears about it and yells at A’s parents.
276: Imagine Person A (the innocent one) saying something sexual and Person B (the not so innocent one) gasping and lightly hitting their shoulder, telling them to watch their mouth.
277: “___, will you marry me?”
278: “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
279: “I always thought marriage was a dead end, but…with you, I think it’s worth a shot.”
280: “There’s something I want to ask you.”
281: “Remember that time when [significant moment]? It got me thinking…”
282: “I hate people. Except for you. So…be with me forever?”
283: “You’re all I need.”
284: “I know you’re mad at me right now, but I can’t wait any longer.”
285: “I’ve been carrying this around for months, waiting for the right moment. And I’ll tell you: there is no right moment. So I’m just going to ask you right now.”
286: “You made me a better person. And I want you to keep showing me things for the rest of our lives.”
287: “Let’s run away together.”
288: "It’s rather inconvenient that the coffee shop where they’re having their date is one comfy chair short of how many are in their group.
The obvious solution, of course, is for Person A (the one too slow to grab a seat) to sit on someone’s lap. But now, it seems the others are all arguing about who gets to hold A.
It’s a very nice argument to witness, at least to A, but an argument all the same."
289: "We're teachers and our students keep getting in trouble and causing general mayhem to try to get us together so let's just pretend to date so they stop doing that and whoops I think I kind of like you now"
290: Person A: “Why do I get the feeling that you’re about to tell me something I really don’t want to hear?”
Person B: “….Experience?”
291: Starting a friends with benefits relationship with your roommate quickly blurs some lines…
292: There are love letters coming in the mail but with nothing written on the outside, not even a name, so I always give them to you, because I just assume they’re for you because I think I’ve seen you holding one of the envelopes before and you’re the kind of person that has a secret admirer, definitely not me…
293: Person A sneaking things into the cart when Person B isn’t looking.
294: Person A and Person B losing each other in a store and trying to find each other.
295: Person A laughing at Person B because they spent more money at the food court than they did in any of the stores all day.
296: “Did you sleep last night? At all?”  
297: “You don’t get to say anything to me!”
298: “Excuse me?”
299: “How is this my fault?”
300: “I don’t want to talk to you.”
301: “Move out of my way before I make you.”
302: “That isn’t an option.”
303: “You aren’t going anywhere.”
304: “You aren’t the boss of me.”
305: “What gives you the right?”
306: “Do that again and you’ll regret it.”
307: “Leave me alone!”
308: “I don’t care.”
309: “Come back here right now!”
310: “Go. You go and don’t even think about coming back here.”
311: “Do I make myself clear?”
312: “Control your anger or you’ll have me to worry about.”
313: “What did you just say to me?”
314: “I didn’t ask you to do that!”
315: “Get away from me!”
316: “Let go of me.”  
317: “You’re such a dork.”
318: “Get over here, you doof.”
319: “Cheeky.”
320: “You’re so needy.”
321: “Kiss me again.”
322: “You’re so adorable!”
323: “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.”
324: “I’m just so happy!”
325: “I can’t stop smiling.”
326: “I like that you make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt.”
327: “You are being extra sweet today.”
328: “Oh, look at you!”
329: “Your eyes are so pretty.”
330: “I’m really happy that you’re here with me.”
331: “Thank you for staying with me.”
332: “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.”
333: “I feel like I’m in the clouds when I’m with you.”
334: “You’re like my heroine.”
335: “I’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here.”
336: “My, oh my. You are such a beautiful creature.”
337: Person A: “How good of a mood are you in right now?”
Person B: “…..What did you do?”
338: “Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
339: “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
340: “Have you seen my hoodie?” “Noo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
341: “OH you’re jealous!”
342: “Can we stay like this forever?”
343: “Please just kiss me already.”
344: “I think you might be my soulmate.”
345: “Sleep over? Please?”
346: “Are we on a date right now?”
347: “I think I’m in love with you.”
348: “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
349: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
350: “I wish we could live together already.”
351: “They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
352: “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
353: “You take my breath away,” “…” “y’know, like the song haha”
354: “Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
355: “But I’ve never told you that before.”
356:  “Give me attention.”
357:  “How is my wife more badass than me?”
358:  “It’s your turn to make dinner.”
359:  “Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
360:  “That was kind of hot.”
361: Good morning kiss
362: Kiss on the forehead
363: Kiss on the nose
364: Kiss on the neck
365: Kiss on the back
366: Exhausted parents kiss
367: Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
368: Before Bed kiss
369: In Secret kiss
370: Public kiss
371: Against a wall kiss
372: When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their     Lips/Nose/Forehead
373: Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
374: Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The     Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
375: Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing Top Of Head Kisses
376: Person A: “Did I ever mean anything to you?… Or was all of it a lie?”
Person B: “Everything I told you, everything you think you know about me, is a lie… But I never lied about my feelings for you.”
377:  “Get out!”
“Please let me explain.”
378: “You and me, together. We’re unbeatable. We can go against all odds and come out on top.”
379:  “Is it wrong for me to wish that they never grow up and I can keep my baby forever?”
“I kind of want that too.”
380: “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I am just… speechless. You look beautiful.”
381: “I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
382: Person A: “I cannot put into words, just how much I want to stab him, right now.”
Person B: “……You could always draw a diagram.”
383: Concept: You can share senses with your soulmate.
384: Person A: “No ones ever brought me flowers before….”
Person B: “Do you not like them?”
Person A: “….I love them, thank you.”
385: Warm sunlight through a glass, sitting in the passenger seat, idle chatter, and passing greenery.
386: Person A: “……I wasn’t sure you’d come.”
Person B: “You should know by now, that I don’t care what anybody else thinks. I’ll always be on your side.”
387: Person A: ”There are easier ways of doing this, you know?”
Person B: “Yeah, but none of them are quite as fun, are they?”
388: “I’ve been pining after you for two years and you never even noticed.”
389: “Some things just take time.”
390: “Do you regret it?"
391: “Tell me this one thing and I’ll leave you alone.”
392: “I deserve whatever punishment you will give me.”
393: Person A: “Have I told you, I love you, lately?”
Person B: “You could always tell me again.”
394: Watching them sleep in the early morning.
395: Video calling them because they miss them.
396: Calling them during a panic attack, having them rush over to sooth them.
397: Person A: “What’s your most precious memory?”
Person B: “.....Honestly? That time when we sat in that shitty little car park late at night, eating those disgusting chips from the petrol station with the broken sign.”
Person A: “.....Seriously? Why?” Person B: “Because that was the first time I ever saw you smile for real.”
398: Having their baby, being completely over-protective of them.
399: Stealing their clothes, wearing them just to tease them.
400: Taking s/o to meet parents.
401: Coming to their aid after a nightmare.
402:Movie date, being slick and wrapping an arm over them during the middle of the movie.
403: Dropping them off at their house after date and kissing them goodnight.
404: Dancing/pumping their fist in the air in excitement because they finally kissed them.
405: Taking them to see a waterfall.
406: Waiting outside their door all night because they had a fight.
407: Painting them/drawing them while they sleep/pose for them.
408: Domestic life; helping them with their tie, their hair, handing them coffee before they leave for work.
409: Wrapped up in a sheet after a drunken night, flustered and trying to find their clothes while they watch you amusingly.
410: Waking up to them making you breakfast while half-naked.
411: Hands brushing against theirs in a moment of seriousness, unable to keep the smile from breaking out across their face.
412: Being utterly touch starved and too shy to ask to be held, so they resolve to brushing their fingers against a part of s/o’s skin, etc.
413: Being the overly protective one during the pregnancy, doing everything for their s/o.
414: "It's two in the morning, I'm drunk and need some goddamn french fries so open your goddamn door."
415: “Well, if you want my opinion -”
“We really don’t.”
416: Person A needs to leave for work, but Person B is hugging them from behind and just standing there. They can’t leave them.
417: “Fuck.”
“Who taught the baby the fuck word?”
418: “I want this to be worth something to you. If it isn’t, then what’s the point?”
419: “You're braver than you think."
420: Cradling child close to their chest
421: Wrapping child in old blankets like a little burrito
422: “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
423: Distracting child with their favorite things (toys, comfort items, ect.)
424: “Nobody’s going to hurt you as long as I’m around.”
425: “I won’t rest until I have baby-proofed this entire house. Just you watch.”
426: “I’m a little worried. What if I’m not a good parent?”
427: “Their room needs to be exciting. I’m not painting it a generic plain color.”
428: “Don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to seeing everyone else panic on the first day of school.”
429: Characters witness their baby’s first laugh
430: Person A is a Youtuber who is dating B, C, D, and E. Their channel is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, internet being internet are starting shipping war. Some ships A and B, some B and C, some A and C, etc. It’s starting to do some shit and fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are. They make a video about how happy they are all together in a poly relationship. How do their fanbase and subscriber reacts is up to you!
431: Imagine Person A and B of your poly ship both helping Person C get through a bad bout of depression. What sort of things would they do for Person C to show that they care for them and want to support them? Is one more verbal with their support than the other?
432: Person (A) decides to plan a romantic dinner, thing is, while (A) prepares it, (B) and ( C) are upstairs, making out. Both are getting really into it but after a while, just when they were about to get serious, (A) calls them downstairs to eat.
(B) and ( C), frustrated a little from stopping there, tries their best to seduce their way into (A)’s pants for dinner. Saying cliche and cheesy things to try and convince (A) that they can be dinner~
433: “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
434: Person A will gladly tell you: There is nothing in the world quite so cute as Person B sitting in a rocking chair, holding a baby chick against their flannel (which Person A had been planning to steal, but this is far sweeter)
435:   “Come to bed. I sleep better with you there.”
436:    “Where did you get that scar from?"
437:  “I love mummy.”
“What about me?”
“Just mummy.”
438:  “Your brat keeps kicking me in the kidney.”
“How come you say they’re mine whenever they are doing that?”
439: "Have I done something wrong?"
440: “Looking back it’s like, like those days never existed.”
“And you?”
“No. I didn’t exist either.”
441: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
442: “Stay in bed a little longer. It is warm here.”
“Alright, five more minutes, then I have to get up.”
443: “Does it hurt here?”
“Everywhere hurts.”  
444: “How do you always look so kissable?”
445: “Stomach bug?”
“No, morning sickness.”
446: "I feel safe in your arms."
447: "I dreamed about you last night, and woke up happy."
448: "I can't sleep. Can I stay here?"
449: “Does this feel good?”
450: She smiled down at the infant cradled in her arms, one tiny hand wrapped around her pinky finger. He was her little miracle.
451: "I'm so in love with you."
452: "You own my heart."
453: A: “Hey, before you doze off– I have a quick question?”
B: “Yeah, sure, what is it?”
A: “Would it be okay with you if I wake you up with kisses tomorrow? If that’d be uncomfortable for you, that’s totally cool, forget I even brought it up.”
454: “Are you nervous?”
“No… Should I be?”
455: Running into some of the family accidentally while running errands.
456: Bringing their partner(s) to a family function, but something like a graduation party where they won’t have to be the center of attention.
457: Visiting a grave/memorial with their partner(s)
458: Finally being alone after the meeting.
459: During foreplay, A always loved getting B visibly riled up. When B does get that riled up, though, they always kiss A far softer than they had been previously. It always confuses A a little bit, but it’s never a problem. In the middle of some heated kisses, A decides to ask: “Why do you always do that?” “Do– do what?” “You kiss me softest when you’re desperate.” “You deserve to be treated gently. I’d never let how bad I want you overcome how bad I want you to feel wanted.”
460: “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
461: Secret relationship and everyone knows
462: Person A listens to true crime podcasts all day and watches tons of videos about it, and they have to sleep cuddled up real close to Person B that night because they’re scared. Person B may tease them about it.
463: "What would you have said?"
465: “Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
466: “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.”
467: “I’m not going to fuck you until you’ve come at least three times on my tongue and fingers.”
468: Person A: “….Please don’t leave me here alone.”
Person B: “Never.”
469: “You didn’t think I forgot, did you?”
470: “Damn these emotions.”
471: "Just another night, no sleep."
472: “I’m the youngest here, but no one would know it, what with the way you two act instead.”
473: “I would never let anyone hurt the ones I care about and that includes you.”
474: “Look at who I used to be and tell me I’m not better off how I am now.”
475: “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer.”
476: “I never took you for the romantic type, but I guess I stand corrected.”
477: “Don’t smile at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I make you happy.”
478: “This is far from the first time I’ve done something like this, so why are you so surprised?”
479: “I already knew. I was just waiting for you to confess finally.”
480: “Is it still a secret if I know about it?”
481: “You know, by hinting that you have secrets, you make everyone else that much more inclined to find out what you’re hiding, right?”
482: “You threatened my best friend, I do not feel too lovey dovey towards you right now!”
483: Your OTP(+) haven’t announced their relationship yet, but when a friend of theirs posts a picture with them kissing in the background, what happens?
484: “(Name), this is the girl of my dreams.”
485: “(Name)? Come on. Please, don’t be sad for me.”
486: “Are you asleep?” “Not anymore.”                
487:  “You made me breakfast in bed? What did you do this time?”
488: “I’ll carry you if I have to!”
489: “I didn’t understand the warmth of you until I couldn’t have it.”
490: “I had given up, but you came into my life and I brought myself back.”
491: “When did we become such a family?”
492: He’s going to be a great father
493: “Has anyone else noticed that we’ve color-coordinated with each other or is it just me?”
494: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
495: Your character goes outside on a clear night. Looking up, they see a bright falling star streak across the sky. What wish do they make?
496: Person B: I got you these chocolates for Valentine's Day!! Person A: You're a little late, it's the day after Person C: They were half off
497: Imagine your OTP giving their child dating advice.
498: Imagine person A leaning on person B’s shoulder and asking if they’ve ever thought about raising kids with them and B replying that they’ve definitely thought about raising kids with them. Think about it.
499: Imagine person A of your OTP is about to meet person B’s parents for the first time. A has been nervous all day, grooming themselves, trying to make themselves look respectable and worthy of B for their parents.
B comes home in the evening to see how nervous A is, and kisses them and messes up their hair/untucks their shirt/just generally does something to make A look more like A, reassuring them because it was the real A that they fell in love with, and A that they want their parents to meet.
500: Where did they go on their honeymoon?
501: When did they decide to become parents?
502: How many kids do they want/have?
503: Who is the responsible parent?
504: Where do they for their date night?
505: Are they strict parents?
506: Do they go to parent teacher interviews?
507: How do they react to their first child going to kindergarten?
508: Where did they get married?
509: What traditions did they make together?
510: How do they decorate their kids room?
511: What are the family secrets?
512: What type of pet do they own?
513: Where do they take their kids on vacation?
514: “Did you feel him/her/them kick?”
515: “Do you think I’ll be a good mom/dad?”
516: “Babe, wake up. The baby is having a party in here! Give me your hand!”
517: “Hospital! Now!”
518: “Boy or Girl?”
519: “Can we name the baby after me?”
520: “Can you put the crib together?”
521: “Cuddle me now!”
522: “I’m pregnant…”
523: “I hope he/she has your eyes.”
524: “You want to paint the nursery what?!”
525: "So… i have some news.“
526: "Okay I just want to say that, yes, I have gained some weight… But it’s because I’m pregnant.”
527: "Better get your dad jokes ready.“
528: "Right here! Right here’s a foot!”
529: "The little one is quite active today.“
530: "Is that a hand?!”
531: "Maybe you should try reading a book to them?“
532: "Come watch my belly, it’s frickin crazy!”
533: "The top of the baby’s head is about… Here, and a foot is right this way.“
534: "Do you think the baby would be down if I ate some chipotle?”
535: "Coffee isn’t good for you while you’re pregnant or breast feeding, but damn I need some caffeine.“
536: "Watermelon with peanut butter sounds so great right now.”
537: “Honey you’re pregnant, that’s all baby. You look beautiful.”
538:  “He/She is up again.”
539: “I’ll get the baby, you go back to sleep.”
540: “So sweet!”
541: “I have found your mini-me.”
542: “Babe!! We are out of formula…again!”
543: “Stop being a baby hog!”
544: “They’re gorgeous!!”
545:“This parent thing is hard!”
546: “You both are precious!”
547: “I love you both so so much!”
548: “Wake up, the baby needs you.”
549: “Momma’s little baby, yes you are.”
550:“Daddy’s little baby, yes you are.”
551: “That’s your son/daughter!”
552: “They are walking!”
553. “I love it when they fall asleep on me.”
554. “She/he keeps crying for you.”
555. “Can I hold them!”
556. “Can I pick their outfit out today?”
557. “Daddy’s little girl/boy.”
558. “Mummy’s little girl/boy.”
559. “She/he is never going to be allowed to date!”
560. “Was that a word?”
561. “This kid is gonna have a better childhood than I did.”
562:  “Do you want a bed time story?”
563: “[mama/papa]’s got you.”
564:  “Where did you put your blankie this time.”
565:  “They have grown so much, it’s hard to believe how little they used to be.”
566: “I want another baby.”
567: “Stomach bug?”
“No, morning sickness.”
568: “You really are your [mother/father]’s child.”
569: Imagine Person A of your OT3 is pregnant and Person B and Person C take turns getting food in the middle of the night when Person A suddenly desires it.
570: “Stop wiggling! I need to get you changed!”
571: “You are perfect, my little [pet name].”
572: “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Uh huh.”
“Come on, get into bed with us, you can sleep in bed with us tonight.”
573: “Take a break. I’ll stay up with them, you need some sleep.”
574: Imagine person A of your OTP telling person B they are pregnant in the form of a baby-themed Christmas ornament.
575: Person A and B are engaged to be married and have decided that they want children in the future but want to wait for a while until after the wedding to try for them. They have a night alone before the big day and forget about it until their honeymoon when Person B is extremely tired the whole time and discovers that they’re expecting on the last day to the surprise of them and Person A.
576: Imagine Person A of your OT5 is pregnant and B, C, D and Person E take turns getting food in the middle of the night when Person A suddenly desires it.
577: Imagine your OT+ arguing about whether tea or coffee is better.
Odd Number Bonus: Person C is a hot cocoa lover.
578: Imagine your OT+ ending up in a hotel room with only one bed.
579: Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
580: Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
581: Holding the little one for the first time.
582: Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
583: Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
584: Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
585: Finger painting with little one.
586: Little one getting food all over their face.
587: Going on a walk together with little one.
588: Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
589: Little one’s first birthday.
590: Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
591: Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
592: Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
593: Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
594: Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
595: Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
596: Reading a book with little one on your lap.
597: Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
598: Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
599: Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
600: Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
601: Having little one help mix cookie dough.
602: Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
603: Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
604: Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
605: Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
606: Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
607: Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
608: Having little one help flip pancakes.
609: Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
610: Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
611: Having little one wear their first formal wear.
612: Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
613: Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
614: Choosing little one’s name together.
615: Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
616: Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
617: The first time little one picks their own outfit.
618: Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
619: Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
620: Whoever let you be responsible for someone so small? Lay awake worrying about this.
621: Bath time gets so splashy you get used to just taking your clothes off.
622: Sending an urgent message to your partner to let them know the baby has laughed.
623: Your child is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world. Lay awake crying about this.
624: Let your child bite you to test their emerging teeth. Gaze upon the resulting tiny half-moon indentation on your skin with bemused adoration.
625: "My clothes look good on you.”
626: “Is that my shirt?”
627: “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
628: Person A will gladly tell you: There is nothing in the world quite so cute as Person B sitting in a rocking chair, holding their baby against their flannel (which Person A had been planning to steal, but this is far sweeter)
629: Imagine your OT5 trying for a baby
630: Person A of your OTP peels the “never loses suction” sticker off of a vacuum and sticks it on Person B’s forehead.
631: Person A keeps thinking Person C shoves them off of the bed intentionally in their sleep, only to realize it’s their dog that jumps onto the bed in the middle of the night, causing B to flail and accidentally shove someone off.
632: "I refuse to have a baby on Christmas."
633: "Please don't leave me."
634: “I don’t give a damn.” “You give so many damns, they’re visible from space.”
635: “Let me show you why you should stay in bed.”
636: “Can you help me with this zipper?”
637: “I bet you look even better with your clothes off.”
638: “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
639: “I’d hold on to something if I were you.”
640: “It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.”
641: “I see you’ve started without me.”
642: “Wanna taste?”
643: “Less talking. More fucking.”
644: "You're really gonna make me beg for it?"
645: “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.”
646: “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?”
647: “You’re so sexy when you’re all hot and bothered.”
648: “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”
649: “Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.”
650: “Fuck, I love the sounds you make.”
651: “Does this/that feel good?”
652: “Please… Don’t stop.”
653: “Please. I need you. Now.”
654: “You’re bigger than I expected.”
655: “Get on your knees.”
656: “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself.”
657: “Maybe I’d rather take my time.”
658: “I just wanted a taste.”
659: “Is there anything you can’t do with that tongue?”
660: “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”
661: “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
662: “I know all of your weaknesses.”
663: “Hm, no panties?”
664: “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
665: “Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
666: “If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?”
667: “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
668: “I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.“
669: “You make a sound and it’s game over baby.”
670: "If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.“
671: “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
672: “You’re not allowed to cum without my permission.”
673: “Fuck, that’s good.”
674: “Holy shit, you’re so fucking sexy like that.”
675: “How ‘bout you come and help me out, huh?”
676: “Don’t think I’m letting you get away with that, darling.”
677: “The things that I want to do to you, baby.”
678: “Dammit, we made a mess.”
679: “What do you mean not yet? You can’t expect me not to cum when you’re fucking me so good!”
680: “You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
681: “Were you dreaming about me again?”
682: “I can’t wait to taste you.”
683: “I want to see those pretty little lips wrapped around my cock.”
684: “You have no idea how good you make me feel.”
685: “Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”
686: “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
687: “You’re not going out in that outfit.”
688: “Don’t give me that look.”
689: “You’re more than just a one night stand.”
690: “Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
691: “You want me to give you your book/phone/item back? Make me.”
692: “Like what you see?”
693: “We’re in public, you know.”
694: “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
695: “Don't be so rough. There can't be any marks.”
696: “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
697: “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
698: “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
699: “Make me.”
700: “Stop teasing me so much..”
701: “You’re in trouble now.”
702: “Take off your clothes.”
703: “I’m waiting.”
704: “Mine.”
705: “We cant do that here!”
706: “Behave.”
707: “What did you just say?”
708: “Come here.”
709: “Watch me.”
710: “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore.”
711: “If you cant sleep… Then how about we have sex?”
712:“Don’t kink shame me.”
713: “If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
714: “I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
715: “Tell me what you want.”
716: “Bite me.”
717: “If you insist.”
718: “Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
719: “You’re not, um, wearing anything under that, are you..?”
720: “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
721: “You taste like fucking candy.”
722: “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
723: “You make a sound and it's game over.”
724: “Just let me finish this/this level and I swear I'll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
725: “If I have to stop what I’m doing, you won't be able to walk for the next week.”
726: “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
727: “I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
728: “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..”
729: “Want some help?”
730: “Shut up.”
731: “Why don’t you come over here and make me.”
732: “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
733: “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
734: “C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.”
735: “What? Does that feel good?”
736: “I’m not jealous! It's just… You’re mine!”
737: “If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
738: “We have to be quiet.”
739: “Tell me again.”
740: “You have no idea how much I want you.”
741: “Say it.”
742: “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
743: “You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.”
744: “I think that's the first time I’ve heard you moan… It was like a fucking melody.”
745: “I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
746: “You’re not taking me to bed. Ever.”
747: “Who said it had to be on the bed?”
748: “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
749: “Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That's cute.” 750: “For the love of fuck.”
31 notes · View notes
Called my boyfriend a fucking asshole yesterday because he didn't put gas in my car and I got stranded at Walmart on my way home from work which is only 2 miles from where I live and I was soaking wet from pouring rain and running a fever from my vaccine.
He didn't take that well and honestly I was out of line to speak to him like that, it's not necessary to speak unkindly to people like that even if I'm frustrated. But highkey I think he's been frustrated with me lately and has been starting a lot of fights because of it bc he started a fight last night where he felt the need to tell me we're in different generations bc of our age gap and we're not. We're just not. We went through generational thing that my peers younger than me didn't and that shows. But he does this now and then it bugs me that he can't admit we're in the same generation? Like he has to other me bc he grew up on reddit and I grew up on tumblr and I'm more knowledgeable on social action and social justice for it, and specifically pursued social justice positions when I was in hs. It has nothing to do with "my generation" being more tolerable. Shit was not that much more accepting. We were all afraid to come out. There was not a single out trans kid in my high-school, and I can count the out lgbq people on one hand. Kids still get beat for being gay but he lives in this bubble like he thinks everyone is accepting now, or was accepting during my time, and it's not true. I understand what it was like when he was in hs. He puts it on Gen Z for this tolerability existing like he had nothing to do with it but it's our generation and the generations before us that did the work that allowed these things to make it into mainstream and Gen z is getting to grow up in a more tolerable world for it.
The pig headed-ness is really obnoxious and the need to establish some sort of other or intellectual superiority because he's older is freaky. Because I had called my mom earlier to ask if I was the asshole for calling him an assholeand she off-handedly mentioned my dad would start fights about him being older and therefore smarter and my dad is a monster...like my bf played it out exactly like my mom said my dad used to.
It freaked me out so bad when this argument started and then after it got worse and he just couldn't admit that I'm not fucking clueless or green to what it was like to grow up in the early 90s/2000s. It's bothering me so bad. I should let the whole.tjing go but it hit me I might be making a really terrible generational mistake if I we get married...
But also I'm dependant and I could never leave him.
It also got worse in which I called a break bc he knife handed me and that's a no no bc he hates when I'm knife handed and I won't allow hypocrisy. But when we cooled off he needed to find another example of how he's superior in something and this time it was childhood trauma. No I don't understand what it's like to have been beaten and I don't act like I do. But I was also touched and stuck with needles in places I was taught no one should touch me in w/o permission and it was all acceptable because I was sick and it was medically necessary but it fucked me up really bad.
Not to mention he had to reiterate that I have my dad's temper and he doesn't worry about me turning into my mom like I do but me turning into my dad. This is the 3rd time he's said this to me recently and I don't know if I should take it constructively or with a grain of salt because I felt a little manipulated yesterday and it freaked me the fuck out.
Not to mention when he says that to me I want to take a blade and slice up my skin and let all the blood I share that's his bleed out. Because when I say he's a monster I mean it... we're currently not speaking and won't ever again because I found out he was stealing money from me and that's not the worst things he's done. It makes me sick to think I could be anything like him. I'm scared of the parts of myself that are him. I'll kill myself before I end up like him and that's not a joke. I'm terrified of becoming a monster too. I'm terrified there's a darkness inside me.
I don't know whether to bring up that behavior to my bf and be like "listen if you're going to use my parents relationship as a means to point out red flags there are some red flags from last night that have me really freaked out" but I don't want to bring up our petty argument which he wouldn't admit that I'm not some green newbie to the world that grew up in some liberal accepting bubble. I don't want to argue anymore than we already have been lately.
I know he started that fight because he was still mad about what I'd called him and had some fight in him and didn't expect me to be like you're right, I should not have spoken to you that way and I'm sorry. Because after unpacking everything it all boiled down to the fact I haven't been very pleasant or pulling my weight recently bc I'm overwhelmed with everything on my plate. Which is totally valid but I'm really caught up on how everything that went down last night went just to get to that. I'm not ok with it even if I'd done something wrong.
Fuck this post is long. I'm so freaked out and I don't want to talk to him rn. I don't know if I should drop it for now and wait till my current stressors are gone and bring it up next time it comes up (it will),or if I should bring it up tn even though we've been fighting a lot.
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isafms · 4 years
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tag dump is coming soon and all that, just wanted to churn this out before i go out for the day FDLGJSD
hey y’all, i’m lia and i’m excited to be here ! ngl i only found the group yesterday but i Had to join since i’ve got a slight obsession with obx, not to mention i’ve been boring myself with bold, no nonsense muses and isabella seemed like the ideal switch-up. i’ll get straight to the point and give y’all a brief summary of isa since.. i haven’t fully fleshed her bg out and i typically let musing posts explain the little things i can’t put into words sdflgkjds so without further ado:
[ jang yeeun , cis female , she/her ] do you hear [ EVEN IF IT HURTS BY TEI SHI AND BLOOD ORANGE ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ ISABELLA “ISA” KWON ] . they are a [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old [ COLLEGE STUDENT ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [ EIGHT YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK ] , but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ CONFORMIST & INSECURE ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ BENEVOLENT & FAITHFUL ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ COLLECTION OF WHITE BLOUSES, EASY SMILES ON GLOSSY LIPS, HER TREASURE TROVE OF VINTAGE ACCESSORIES ] . ooc – lia, 23, ast, she/her.
tw: alcohol and drug mentions
the basics
isa’s the only child of first ( papa kwon ) and second ( mama fka kwon, mama nka greene ) gen korean-american citizens and spent her early years in charlotte, where her dad worked as an orthopedic surgeon and her mom an event planner
she didn’t have to ask for much between her mom naturally spoiling her only daughter and her dad’s income, though she was pretty content with the little things like a dainty necklace or the newest, inexpensive fashion fad that swept through her grade
anyone else remember silly bandz being a big thing ?? bc yeah, she had TONS, i’d imagine GDSKFLJ
at fifteen, her parents decided to move to the outer banks after years of it solely being their vacation hub when family friends wanted to get together — well, her mom decided to move there while her dad dragged his feet at the prospect of leaving his practice, so a compromise was reached so he could stay in charlotte whenever an operation was taking place
though i think from their jobs alone y’all know where this is heading, and considering isa’s the step-sister of the greenes so i mean ??
they divorced when isa was seventeen and it was a hard pill to swallow for the poor thing; her dad stayed in charlotte while her mom stayed in obx and going back and forth while on the cusp of adulthood and college was a tiring but necessary endeavour for the daddy’s girl herself
not to mention she had a slight issue with assimilating to the more scrutinizing behaviours of kook territory, going with the flow that her friends had established before her arrival, but i’ll expand on that a little later lgfsdjk
let’s just flash forward to the present — isa’s got a step-family, she’s wrapped up her post-secondary and is just waiting to officially graduate ( honestly.. major is also tba fgsldkg ) and she’s among the newest cast members of outer banks.. suffice to say the poor girl’s overwhelmed !
tbh i’m losing steam bc it’s BOILING hot and it’s noon, i’ve gotta head out soon, so lemme insert what i put in my app to explain a few things that might have a gap or two in them
i view isabella as a bit of a sheep in the kook world based on the traits she’s been given; she has a good heart, however she follows many of the standards set by the longtime, affluent residents of the island. it makes her appear naive or held hostage by a feeling of inadequacy as her own person, something she’s sure that others have felt at times but believes she feels it far too often in comparison. that doesn’t mean that she hides facets of her personality so readily as she doesn’t feel nearly as confined when away from the island or with her trusted loved ones, rather it has to do with keeping up appearances for her parents’ sake — gossip among the country club boomers can cut DEEP, after all
i’m sure isa believes the rivalry is unnecessary as adults — not to mention that she doesn’t see someone’s socioeconomic standing as the most divisive factor one could consider — however she plays into it in her own way. whether it’s by dodging some pogues at parties because her kook friends are doing the same or because she doesn’t want to be caught in the brunt of the crossfire of tension, she keeps a distance and only hopes that it doesn’t come across as cold to everyone else
the show opens her up to the criticism she tries to avoid in her day-to-day life, being under the microscope ultimately making her anxious, however she tries to pull through; any publicity is good publicity, she supposes her friends would say, though that doesn’t keep her from dwelling on what certain subsets of people might think about the raw sides of herself. on the other hand, it’s an opportunity for her to branch out and eventually explore new avenues beyond what kildare county can offer her, let alone the outer banks. nonetheless, isa’s motivated to put her best foot forward and follow the script that she always has, albeit with slack on her leash as her televised coexistence with the pogues means leaving her past approach and her friends’ influence to the wayside
ok back to the current!me typing this intro, that last bit wasn’t to say she’d have no pogue pals, but more that she doesn’t branch out so easily and stays on the straight and narrow of what she’s done over the years. now onto her as a person GFDLK
personality and such
she’s baby
a given with yeeun as her fc especially, but i see her as a very tender and thoughtful person
y’know, ignoring her anxieties over public image and all
the type to pay it forward for purchases both big and small, is a shoulder to cry on for her friends and tries to be courteous with a smile per her dad’s advice when she was younger
sentimental and in some ways free-spirited, so again..... baby SLGJLKSDF
however, she’s a follower a lot of the time, doesn’t break rules or promises unless they’re totally out of line and even then, she either handles the matter gently or tries to shrug off her discomfort and go along with the rest
and with that, she doesn’t think her authentic self is all that special, hiding away certain traits or hobbies because they don’t reflect when she’s SUPPOSED to represent nor what those around her represent
she LOVES dressing up, opting for flowy or lightweight clothes during the summer months that are either crisp and white or whimsical and vibrant
she has vintage and thrifted pieces that she cherishes, locally made jewelry that she pairs with dainty gold bracelets and such that her parents have given her over the years.. she’s just a chill little fashionista jgfdlsk
isa isn’t the heaviest drinker, though that’s partially due to her being a lightweight as it is; doesn’t drink beer or straight liquor, one due to personal preference in taste and the other bc she can’t deal with much of the burning sensation GSDFJL
has had edibles a couple of times and doesn’t write them off as a one and done kind of thing, but she only touches them when offered in a social setting with her friends
so i mean.. she’s far from what some would consider a buzzkill for someone who’s as in her head as she can be
uhhhhh lemme jump to wcs bc i’m really pushing the time here but that comment about musing posts a while back ?? they’ll come into full effect later on so y’all have a better idea of her personality dgfslkg
plot ideas
people in her main friend group, but not necessarily a part of the kook conversations that mess with isa’s head that i’ve mentioned earlier. i’m sure there are a couple of people who she trusts most in that bunch and i’d love for her to have that kind of support and assurance that she needs for.. well, anything fsldgj
college friends/potentially a roommate ?? i’m gonna assume she attended college within nc, haven’t narrowed down where just yet so i’m flexible for this one unc to be specific ! they may or may not have been close before post-secondary started ( assuming they’re a long-time obx resident ) but they stuck together for the first week of their first semester and have been good friends since ! ( 1/? )
give her a pogue friend or two who tries to get her to get her head out of her ass and ignore the few things the rivalry’s instilled in her so she can ease up, and so they can hang out more
ex-friends, ex-fwbs, just give me some drama ! that’s all i ask !
crush(es) from years back or recently, pogue or kook, doesn’t matter bc this chick would hesitate on making a move on ANYONE 90% of the time so this is super flexible slfdkjgdf
also she’s bi, so have at it y’all !
maybe a secret relationship in the past ?? we love a good opposites attract love story with unresolved feelings, shove these two together in front of the cameras and watch them squirm to keep it all private SLGKFDJS
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trubilee · 3 years
so i guess i’ll write (blogwrite?) now.
today we were authorized for early release at D, the way we are whenever there’s a holiday, so i decided to use up my 3 hours of company-gifted time to try and write this morning (not write this blog, but write other stuff, which tired me so now i am writing this blog as my treat for this last hour).
it has been a challenge to write these past several months.  i sort of think i know why, or i know what triggered it at least.  not sure why the difficulty persists but i guess i could pat myself on the back for trying this morning.
there are a lot of things i’ve been wanting to write about.  in no particular order, my performance eval at work, my strange quarantine life-related skincare fixation journey (oh, the ups and downs), wes and happiness and my odd overthinking of it sometimes, the chasing francis book i finished a couple weeks ago, the funeral last week, and... hmm.  maybe that’s around everything i can think of.  oh, music in the time of rona too.  also stuff in me that the writing has kicked up.  i guess i could try.  oh, and my bras of choice during these WFH times.  maybe a little about daisy and the vaccine.
so.  performance eval.  it went extremely well.  we took the full hour.  my leader L is not the type to give much feedback, but in the first half of that hour she basically looked straight at me and told me all the things i would’ve wanted to hear.  about client group 1, and 2, and 3, the breadth and versatility and equal parts drafting and interpersonal connecting components of them all.  i repeated it all to paul when i told him how it went, and really, really it was everything i would’ve wanted to hear from her.  i was praying thanks to God as she was talking to me through the screen, because i was just absorbing all the words that i had been so hungry to have her give to me this whole past year.  and there are so many things to it too.  things like, i know i am not perfect and everything to everyone the way i think i should--even could be--and i can’t necessarily just say to myself “oh but nobody is” because actually, at this company, there are some people who are, they really really are just so good, and i feel so bad just taking in how good they are at thinking on their feet and killing it at getting things done here, and being so articulate and effective at communicating and dynamic and all of it.  anyway, the conversation felt so... whole-making.  hahaha.  make-whole-ing?  another part of it is that i have always been grateful for the job, i always felt like it was suck a lucky winning when i shouldn’t have necessarily landed it and with that came this default set of thoughts that went, oh they hate me.  oh they think i am inept.  oh they see how inept i am.  they regret hiring me.  i don’t want them to regret hiring me.  that would be one of my worst fears, jobwise.  to burden someone with my existence on their team.  i know that it’s healthy to think that a company is lucky to have you and to know your worth and all, but bc i’m kind of acquainted with my own versions of total failure, i’m not good at thinking that way.  i’m always thinking that i’m lucky to work for X company.  it would probably make many a leadership coach or asian american advancement advocate grimace.  i’m sure it’s a handicap to me careerwise, salarywise, etc etc, but asking me to fix it is like asking mesomeone to stop being insecure.  in that, it's not something you can change by will.  it almost feels like a part of my dna, not just some protective armor.  this is why i sort of roll my eyes inside when someone announces that she (it’s usually a she) has imposter syndrome.  it’s unfair, i know, but i almost want to look around and say, wait is that not just the normal state of things?  why are you acting like it’s some sort of unusual complex that you have?  i thought everyone, anyone with any noonchi, had that.  that’s like saying that--gasp--you don’t think you’re the absolute sh*t.  it doesn’t mean you're afflicted with anything.  i should ease up a little.  
damn.  i only have 20 min left.
ok another thing about the performance eval.  about which i joked to my leader, when she said we could have these conversations more regularly if we wanted to, that my heart could only take once a year at most.  i was so relieved, so happy, i felt so uncaged afterwards.  bc again, really it extinguished all of the unhelpful fears that had made me so tense about work this year.  and part of me, the part that is always maybe a little too self aware, thought to myself, that gosh, if getting a positive review from my leader at some big company where i am a corporate peon is this satisfying to me, then perhaps my world, my dreams, are just rather small.
i was thinking about that and preemptively tried to put it to paul this way:  that sometimes i feel very rich.  not like money-wise, bc i know just enough of the wrong people to ever feel that way (lol).  but more in a life-currency sort of way.  like when i think about my little family of three, my son who is so perfectly delightful that i don’t even know how to--i don’t know how to appreciate him or even just take him in without feeling like his delightfulness is slipping through my fingers simultaneously with, even AS i’m, looking at him and trying to appreciate him and take him in (does that make any sense?), my husband who i have similar slightly overwhelmed feelings about when it comes to his quality as a human being and heart on this earth, and my mom and dad who both survived their different cancers.  about how somehow God provided me with not just the friends i needed but even extra friends who i didn’t dare think i had a chance at asking for, and even this house, and having and seeing daisy and family regularly, and gosh even my inlaws who only seem to ever give and never receive (sorry, ommonim abbonim...) and my sister in law who i feel the same way about, and our nanny, and yes this job too, this job i once never thought i had the right to even dream of having bc of said past failures, this job for two companies brands i adore and believe in.  and the chance to write, and feeling like i have something to write about.  and even knowing a handful of living, breathing, non-robot human beings who actually read what i write, actually think it’s worth their time.  what marvels.
on the other hand, sometimes i feel rather poor.  i feel like we don’t have enough savings, we aren’t saving enough.  i feel like we will always just need to work for a salary bc neither of us is in a job role where we make dividends happen for us.  and i am so junior here at a place where promotions are slower than slow anyway, and salaries aren’t tech or finance salaries anyway.  and i feel ugly and like a half-distracted working mom whose life is devoid of glamour or romance or margin or space or passion / vision.  well, i guess my “poor” list is a lot shorter than my rich list.  
all this to say, after my dumb performance eval i felt like a rich woman.  not because they told me i was getting some big raise (i’m not, and i don’t generally care bc the raises are so small and have you seen the mass layoffs happening here).  i felt rich bc i felt like i got really validating feedback from leaders i really admire, both on a professional and personal level, and i work on a team with colleagues who i think are really excellent at what they do, and i work at a company where i really like what they make.  i feel kind of silly typing all of this out bc it’s so freaking wholesome and vanilla and, again, small, but it’s true.  those things made me happy after my review.  and this is the job i report to 8 hours a day.  yep.  real stable, ordinary stuff.  
i told paul that in thinking about how happy i felt and feeling self-conscious about that happiness, i would rather feel like a rich woman and be objectively “poor” than to be the other way around.  to feel like i am poor but in reality be quite rich.  
it’s also funny bc B and G also specifically separately felt compelled to send me messages confirming this same exact thought, now that i think about it.  how wonderful.  thank you.
next topic.  bras in rona times.  yesterday i bought my fourth--no, lemme count--seventh! eberjey bra.  it’s not bc i’m being greedy, it’s just that the ones i started with i wore so often that they jstarted wearing out.  the eberjey bras are generally underwired, with no lining except a thin layer of lace, and they make my boobs--my post-maternity, seen-such-better-days, already wilted boobs look terrible under my clothes.  but i am working from home and don’t need the extra lining for decency’s sake.  and when i see the bras in my bra drawer and i deposit my boobs into them every morning it feels lovely.  the bras are unflattering but they are delicate enough (while still practical) and comfortable to wear and are lovely to look at.
well i need to start my workday now.  if i ever get around to it i’ll write about other stuff.
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