Lucas: I was arrested for being too hot.
Athanasia, tired of his shit: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
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spiderbirdo · 3 years
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First row: Aliki, Argyro, Theokleia (Thekla), Euthalia, Athanaisa (Thannie), Irida, Chrysa, Xanthi, Vasiliki (Vaso), Elpida
Second row: Charikleia, Aoidia, Aspasia, Photine, Menoleia, Styliani (Stella), Melina, Avra, Eleni, Eutychia (Chichi)
Argyro, Athanaisa, Charikleia and Menoleia are Than's
Thekla, Xanthi and Melina are Meg's
Everyone else Zag spawned himself
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industria-adastra · 3 years
Magnum Opus: Straw piles on the camel's back (2/5)
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Summary: Build your wax wings, only for them to melt underneath the scorching glare of the sun. Close your ears, cover your eyes, and pretend everything is alright.
Note: Wow I like, live again. I sure hope nothing bad happens here.
The day after she met her father face to face, Athanaisa was eagerly chattering away about it to Lily and her Mama about it. Her jeweled blue eyes glittered and sparkled with unbridled joy as she recounted that rose-tinted encounter.
“He was super super suuuper pretty! Like, like all sparkly and pretty! And and he was suuuper tall too! ” Her arms waved around in excitement, and she grinned in childish glee at finally having met her ever elusive father in the flesh. Athanasia turned around towards her Mama. “You saw him too right Mama? All sparkly and pretty!” So caught up in her own excitement, she forgot to pretend
As usual, Mama didn’t say anything. Once again, at the mention of Mama, Lily’s face would change, ever so subtly shadowed with grief once more.  Athanasia doesn’t notice–too caught up in retelling that brief encounter in excruciating detail to her ghostly mother, in that endearing, rambling way that bled of a newfound passion.
Diana smiles and nods at the correct beats, listening to her daughter with her complete attention. Even as that smile turns paper thin, as her thoughts churn with sadness and love and anger, anger so much anger heleftherkilledmekilledthemallohgodshouldhavenevercomehere—
(The restless undead swirl beneath her skin. They will not rest until they have acquired their bloodstained justice.)
Like a bucket of cold water had been abruptly thrown on her, Diana is yanked back into her current reality.
Ah. She was lost in her thoughts (not her thoughts their thoughts not mine their emotions ) again. For a miniscule second, her still too weak form flickers like a dying light. And Diana realises something .
(There is a part of her that screams in confusion as it drowns in that miasma)
Diana gently pats her daughter’s head, and smiles a bright and blinding smile.
Perhaps some cleaning within this rotting palace was long overdue.
He never visits. The first and only time she’s ever seen him was that fateful night in the garden a few years ago. She’s not sure why-doesn’t her father love her? His only daughter? Surely, he could spare some time to visit her here. Even less than a day’s worth of time would be enough to know a little bit about her father.
Her tutor, stern as always, answers why: “An Emperor has many duties. He cannot simply devote time to his children whenever he so pleases, even if you are his only child.”
And Athanasia takes it to heart. If she does well, excels in her studies, does her very best to be a perfect daughter, perhaps he can visit. Her fingers may bleed and bruise. Her head can throb with pain as she practices and studies over and over again with a single-minded determination. No matter how many times she stumbles and falls, she’d do her best to excel.
Through blood, sweat and tears, she’ll give him reasons to be proud of her. Reasons to come and see her, to praise her. (Athanasia pretends she doesn’t hear the rumors, whispering about how the Emperor seems to have almost forgotten the child .)
And as Athanasia executes yet another perfect twist and twirl, feet aching with tiring practice, she thinks of her mama. A simple dancer who captivated the Emperor. Hopefully, hopefully, her own performance will one day reach him like her mama’s did.
Never does she suspect there to be another reason why he will never come.
One night, Athanasia reads a book, a myth from another land, about a boy with wax wings that loved the sun. It’s alright, nothing truly special, interesting and charming in its own way, yet tragic in its end. Icarus was the boy’s name, and his love for the almighty sun was what stripped away his wings and his newfound freedom. He aimed too high, wished for too much, and was burned for his arrogance.
And reclining on her bed, listening to nothing but white noise, Athanasia wonders if she’ll burn as well.
(There is an unrelenting force pressing down on her neck as she sleeps. In the morning, Athanasia wakes up gasping for breath. When she looks at the mirror, splotchy reds rings around her neck like a morbid choker. )
Lily is warm, as gentle as the spring sun and the lullabies she would sing to Athanasia at night. As comforting as her fairy-like mother was, Lily’s lullabies helped give soft dreams and reassurance. That there was someone made of flesh and blood she could take comfort in, could trust to be a source of unconditional love in this wretched place. Sadly, such nights were uncommon now. As head maid, Lily had more duties than before, making her much busier as a result.
But tonight, her simple songs rocked her gently into sleep like the simple days of the past.
(But what would happen in the future?)
So as the last notes of Lily’s newest lullaby faded away into silence, Athanasia was struck by a sudden desperation. Her once sleep-heavy eyes opened with a renewed rigour, and quick as a flash, Athanasia had pinched Lily’s sleeve in a vice-like grip. The move surprised Lillian with its suddenness, catching her off guard and causing her to jerk forward.
“Lily...” Athanasia stared up into Lily’s pretty blue eyes with an unusual focus. “Promise...Promise you won’t leave me. P-please, you can’t leave! Forever and ever, ok?” Her voice wavered with fear, tripping and stumbling over words as ever-increasingly obscure visions flashed in and out of her mind–filling it with dread for something Athanasia didn’t even know.
(A hanging guillotine hangs above her head. The scent of death needles into her senses, foretelling her of an inevitability.)
At this, Lillian’s eyes quickly softened from her previous shock.
“Don’t worry,” She smiled, looking lovingly at the child holding on to her. “I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. So there’s nothing to worry about Princess. Know that I will always, always be there for you.” Her hands moved to clasp Athanasia’s own smaller pair. “I promise.”
With that Athanasia beamed , overcome with joy she couldn’t understand. “You promised, Lily! You can’t break a promise, or else!”
And from the shadows, Diana watched with a smile of her own.
Athanasia frequently flipped through the (precious, oh so very precious) book she found, one hand on Raven as she repeatedly practiced the words of each and every spell, memorizing each and every passage in the book. Time would always pass by so quickly like that. The first time she had looked up to see the setting sun casting warm orange rays from her window, Athanasia was understandably shocked.
After all, while it was normal for her to completely throw herself into her studying, it had never gotten to such a point where she’d totally forgotten the time.
That book drew her in with its whispers of more more more. Bombarding her with visions and images of nothing and everything. As she devoured more and more of that book, Athanasia would notice the inescapable fatigue that always came after less and less. The more she memorized and understood knowledge from the book, the more she felt those strange (tainted) rushes of power that energized her far more than any sort of rest could. And yet, the more time Raven spent alongside her with the book, the more he slept.
But that was probably him simply being bored, lulled to sleep by both the silence and boredom.
Static buzzed in the air, slipping away unseen and unheard like background noise.
Out of all flowers, roses were her favourite. A basic choice perhaps, but they were pretty and elegant–much like her mama. Pink roses especially, when fully bloomed under the sunlight, were most alike her vibrant pink eyes. Such beautiful flowers were scarce in the run-down Ruby Palace, but sometimes, she’d see a pretty rose blooming from the unkempt, abandoned land surrounding her home.
Never pink though.
Pink was something she only ever saw within the pages of her fiercely hoarded books. But surely, with enough magic she could see them with her own eyes too. Like with every single one of her studies, if she tried hard enough, she could see that pink for herself with her own eyes.
(Maybe if she tried hard enough, if she was more like him, he’d spend more time with her. Maybe if she tried hard enough, he’d care enough about her to come by. Maybe if she was someone different, someone better in every shape or form—)
“Hey, Raven?” Athanasia asked, fingers absent-mindedly rubbing over the worn pages of her book. “Wanna see some flowers?”
Without even waiting for an answer, she rushes out of the room, running down empty halls into the outside.
With dirt on her fingers and mana thrumming in her chest, Athanasia forces her fingers deeper into the soil, gripping it with a burning determination. Thinking of the white rose from before, she traces out its shape.
Soft petals without a single yellowing blemish, as pink as her mama’s beautiful eyes. A healthy green stem and leaves, vibrant with life and colour. Thorns to complete the picture, because no rose was ever complete without its protective thorns.
Time stretched on for what felt like an eternity as Athanasia waited for the magic to take root, for it to jumpstart the growth of the rose. Fire and frost blazed through her mind, muddying her vision yet sharpening it to its clearest point at the same time. Lethargy dragged at her limbs, causing them to shake and shudder. She gritted her teeth, forcing herself to go on.
As one of her teachers had said, before she left, “nothing can be gained without giving something in return.”
So Athanasia continued to focus, continued to pour in mana until she could feel this metaphorical container was filled to the brim. Sweat beaded on her forehead, plopping down on the grass like rain.
More. She just needed a little more… (Distantly, she thinks she heard Raven bark louder and louder, whining in an almost fearful manner. Although, what was there to be afraid about? She was just trying a little harder, trying something past her comfort zone. Nothing was wrong.)
And then she was done.
Immediately, she collapsed onto the ground, taking large heaving breaths and weakly lifting her arms to wipe away sweat. Her heart flutters frantically within her chest, like a physical reminder to stay awake despite the crushing weight of her exhaustion. The smell of roses was overpowering, so sweet and floral it almost made her nauseous. But before her hazy eyes was a single, pink,  rose.
(It smelt of rot)
It was perfect, in every shape and form. Just like how she’d seen in the fading colours of those pictures, just like how she imagined it would look like.
With shaky hands and stuttering breaths, Athanasia carefully pulled it out of the ground, uncaring of the sharp thorns that punctured her skin as she pressed too hard, staining her hands with thin rivulets of crimson. On trembling, unsteady legs, she tried to stand up...and immediately crashed back down.
Raven’s whines and whimpers were louder now, as he came closer to her. With nothing but his teeth and body, he supported her best as he could, letting her rest on soft fur instead of the wild vegetation. Static sparks between the two whenever they touched, although with how dulled her senses were Athanasia could only register small, sharp prinkling pains. It was a wonder she hadn’t passed out yet.
Breathing in and out, time stretched on for what seemed to be an eternity as she waited for some of her strength to come back. Her palms stung, wounds exposed to the air and magic that hung like a skulking shadow.
And so, having felt that most of her body had regained a suitable amount of strength and energy, Athanasia once more tried to stand up on her legs. It took some (a lot) of effort, but at least this time, she was successful.
As she walked (dragged herself back in, really) back to her room, humming a simple tune (that had crept into her mind like an uninvited houseguest), feeling exhausted but alive and awake. Raven walked beside her just as carefully, as if he was afraid she would collapse once more. (The shadows grow and something, someone sings along)
It didn’t seem to take too long to head back, or perhaps that was because most of the clocks, like most of the pretty ornaments in this palace, had been long stolen away by previous servants. Without clocks, one could not ascertain any passed time in an accurate fashion.
When she reaches her room, Athanasia finds that her mama was already waiting for her. Neither of them say anything, but before Diana can even notice the blood on her hands-already drying and crusting-Athanasia offers her the rose.
“For me?” She asks, gently cradling both it and her hands. Her mama does not say anything else, but simply gently strokes the palms of her bloody, bloody hands. They are warm.
Any warmer than that and Athanasia would’ve thought that beneath all her translucent, spiritual flesh was the blood of someone alive.
Today was an ordinary, peaceful day.
Her mama’s soft hands gently stroked her head–they’re warm, as if blood still thrummed through her veins. Athanasia preened a little under her loving touch. Such graceful head-patting technique greatly reminded her of nights with Lily and her lullabies. Closing her eyes, Athanasia leaned further into Diana’s hand.
(She wondered if she’d ever experience such warm moments with her Father.)
A sudden coughing fit forced Athanasia to sit up from her bed. Stabs of pain lanced through her lungs with every cough. (She can’t breathe, and it feels like she’s being strangled as she forces herself to try and stop coughing.)
Diana panicked, hovering around uselessly, as she had no idea how to help.
Thankfully, it stopped not long after. Her throat hurt. Athanasia groaned, the hoarse sound prompting her mother to sigh in relief. Diana lightly patted her back in a show of sympathy.
Loud, piercing screams and wailing shrieks unexpectedly interrupted them, giving Athanasia a pounding headache in replacement of her previous coughing fit. Suffice to say, it did nothing to help her feel any better. She clutched her hurting head and hunched over, then curled into a tight ball as she covered her ears in a desperate attempt to stop the dreadful screaming.
Unseen, Diana glares . Even if she’s spiraling downwards, remembering things she’d never experienced, remembering viscous hate and fear that is not her’s. Annoyance, irritation and anger–so out of place from her normally positive disposition–make their way to centrestage in her heart. Her form violently flickers in and out of reality like a dying flame. Desperately, she reaches for Athanasia, hoping that even as incorporeal as her body is, she can help her suffering child.
(Crimson drips onto the floor.
The floor is not stained. It is not hers.)
The screaming doesn’t stop and Athanasia wants to scream as well. Something nibbles and gnaws at her deep within, and a yawning, hungry void opens up and—
She envisions a hand, nearly crushing the bird within its iron grasp.
A crunch, and there’s nothing in her stomach, but something within her has been fed anyways.
Nothing but silence remains when Athanasia finally opens her eyes and uncovers her ears. Her mother is not here with her, but the scent of roses wraps around her warmly like a loving pair of arms.
Sometimes it felt as if the pretty ladies-the late concubines of her Father-were slowly leaving the palace. Athanasia couldn’t really tell, but she was certain there were many, many more ghostly figures a year or two ago.
She doesn’t talk to them though. They only scream and wail, shaking the walls with their ghostly screams and lamenting their fates. They rake at the floors, rake at the walls, rake at their faces and rake at their sides. Their pretty, slender fingers that warp and crack as they dig into the marble floors to no avail.
Athanasia has long learned that silence–to ignore and leave be–was the best reaction to it. To cover her ears or to avert her eyes was a recipe for disaster that only left Lily worried and the other maids whispering.
When she’s fourteen, only her Mama is left. (Perhaps it was childish to still call her Mother by such a name, but really, other than her and Lily, who would even bother about such a trivial thing?)
It makes no difference if they’re there or not anyways.
Her Father never comes.
She must be found lacking, in some way. Truly, that must be the only reason why.
Frightened whispers come to life within the rundown Ruby palace. Rumor says that the spirits of the dead concubines have come alive, and wander through the dark hallways to expunge their hatred and misery for anyone to hear.
Lillian York does not believe in such rumors, because she has neither time nor patience for them. It matters not if Lady Annalise’s famous operatic voice was heard reverberating through the palace walls. It matters not if a maid was found dead alongside Lady Alexandria’s most prized amethyst locket–even when the reminder of a Sycansian Priestess’s warning flashed through her mind. (Alexandria was always a hoarder, that one. Always searching, wanting, paranoid.)
But, as ghostly pink silk fluttered through from the corner of her eyes, as the scent of flowers drifted through the air, and music played, only as loud as a whisper, a faint melody carried by wind ( Siodonnan music exactly like that night )...
Lillian York does not believe in outlandish rumors, even as someone born and raised in Obelia, with the Black Magician’s Tower that looms over them all. The dead can only stay dead and far far away, because for there to be an alternative would be too cruel (for whom?) to contemplate. Even so, she wavers, ever so slightly.
There is a hunger that grows within Diana. It gnaws at her non-existent stomach, claws at her insides and tells her to feed feed feed. Ravenous, insatiable, there’s no telling what it could do to her precious little Athy and gentle Lillian if left unchecked.
And really, why should she hold back on those poor, unfortunate souls?
Rumor has it there is something dark and dangerous within the walls of the Ruby Palace.
Rumor has it that if you’re unlucky enough to be left behind in the dead of night, you’re better off saying your last prayers, because you’ll never come back.
Rumors reach the ears of one Felix Robane. His first instinct is to report it to Claude, but he hesitates, remembering the visage of a crying golden-haired baby that had awoken to a world bathed in blood and violence.
Felix Robane ignores those rumors instead. Ignores them like most things related to the Ruby palace ever since that fateful day.
And when Claude asks, “Is there something you’ve neglected to tell me, Felix?”
His only answer is to smile, lips straining at the edges, and say,  “No, just lost in thought, that’s all!”
It is the day of her debut, a day to tell the world that the (forgotten, pitiful, unloved) princess is alive and well. Only Lily helps, doing her best to find a pretty dress to suit the princess, preparing both her hair and makeup. Her mama fusses when Lily isn’t looking, either moving strands of hair or patting down the ruffles of the pretty sky blue dress. It was given to her by Lily and it matches Lily’s eyes. That is enough for Athanasia to be sure to cherish and love it for the rest of her days.
Athanasia hums another melody (It’s Arlantan this time) as she practices dancing with her mama. It’s a simple ditty, likely nothing compared to the grand waltzes that would be played by the orchestra during the debut ball. But it’s joyful and hopeful enough that as she spins around happily, Athanasia too, feels just a little hope. Hope that her father would finally notice her after fourteen years.
And just like that, her hope shattered.
Looking at her (Jennette Margarita she has a sister another part of her family she has a sister ) Obelian jewel blue eyes, Athanasia could feel nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Nothing as her father looked down at her, spoke with more interest in her than he had ever deigned to give her.  Athanasia does not feel her heart crack and splinter, does not feel her face turn to one of horror and despair, does not even think about all those years alone with only Lily and her mama’s love and being locked away like an unwanted memory.
Athanasia does not (should not) feel anything but joy.
And from beside her Diana stares at the scene. Something awful curdles like sour milk within her. Memories of dancing together, loving one another start to erode away. Something feels tight in her mouth and Diana realises that it’s her jaw, gritting and grinding the memory of teeth as she sees another child be used, be presented like some offering to the Emperor.
Perhaps she’d never truly known him at all.
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cdelphiki · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
I was tagged by @sohotthateveryonedied, thanks for the tag!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’m not going in a particular order, except #1 is my #1 right now just because my head is so stuck in that story and I’m obsessed lol 
1. Reclaiming Innocence 
This idea came to me while I was writing Not All Kidnappings and pretty much the first chapter was jotted down in my notebook in early August and left there until I started flipping through it in like October or whenever I started posting and I got re-obsessed with the idea and wrote three chapters in about a day. I just love Jason-joins-the-family fics and recovery-from-abuse fics and so I guess it’s natural I love this story with my entire heart. 
2. Jason and the Three Terrors
I LOVE this AU. The basic premise was given to me in a prompt over 2 years ago at this point, and I wrote like the first 40k words in 2019, but I didn’t start posting until 2020 so I think it counts. I really want to get back to it and finish up part one so I can start drafting part two, but I’ve bitten off more than I can chew when it comes to writing so it’s sitting on hiatus at the moment. :( but i LOVE Mara with my entire heart and really look forward to the first time Jason tells her he loves her because both those children deserve family and love and happiness and 😭 (and same with damian and athanaisa as well. and I can’t wait for Bruce to meet them all. ahhhhhh I really want to write the (alternate scene) where jason takes them straight to bruce and bruce is like !!!!!!! jason??????? and jasons freaking out because he knows bruce hates him and he’s sorry he’s there but b you just have to take these kids okay? and bruce just wraps jason up in a hug completely ignoring the three kids for the moment because ‘omg jason how-- how are you here? i miss you so much.’ and 🥺 but again that’s just an alternate scene because jason moves the kids to metropolis per the prompt first.) but anyway, I love this story, I daydream in it all the time, and I can’t wait to get back to writing it.
3. Not All Kidnappings Are Bad
This was really fun to write. I had no idea I could write an entire book so quickly, but I wrote this in about three weeks? It also is what spawned the Reclaiming Innocence idea, and I’ve had a lot of fun daydreaming in the AU. Like I imagine Jason became friends with Billy, and maybe Garfield later. Does he become Robin? Dunno, but he certainly hangs around the team a lot, and he’s everyone’s little brother, not just Dick’s. What a cutie pie. 
4. Second Chance
Honestly I think this is my best one shot. I just... i love it so much. It might be because I wrote it at like 2 am one day, and was extremely sleep deprived, but I just feel like it was so emotional and compelling and I love it so much. Talia being a good mom and Bruce getting to meet his baby son (and being so happy about it) and baby Jason getting a little brother is ❤️   I reread this one all the time.
5. To Cheat Death
Jason doesn’t die Au!!!!! I’m obsessed with this idea, too. I have so many plans for a second chapter, but no time to write it so I haven’t. I also screwed up by making Bruce sing and say he discovered Jason liked it on a road trip, but like Jason was supposed to be excited Bruce suggests they both take a break and go on a trip because he’s ‘never been on a road trip’ so that’s lame, but yeah. This was another emotional fic that made me tear up while writing it. Bruce’s absolute gut-wrenching fear when Jason was dead in his arms, to his overwhelming relief when he started crying again was just 🥺 I go back and reread this one a lot, too. 
I tried to tag people but I chickened out, so if ANYONE wants to do this, feel free! I tag you!!
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batfam headcanon’s vol#2
Damian's bedroom
Damian's bedroom is huge 
It has a giant bed in the very center of the wall directly across from the fireplace-just like his father
In his first year If you stumbled into his room by accident you would think it was a guest room
He didn't keep any decorations on the walls
He had no personal possessions outside of his school things, his katana, and his clothes 
Because he was constantly waiting for Bruce to send him away or his mother to come and get him
But once he starts wanting to belong he wants all the things
He keeps everything from silverware to rubber bands
Nothing is enough
Try to take something from him and he will bite you
Alfred and Bruce are planning an intervention
There's a big oak closet in the corner of the room
If you sit inside of it and close the door you can see a galaxy on the ceiling 
Its a replica of infinity island’s night sky the day he and his mother fled
There's also a false bottom filled with his diaries, letters from john, maps, and Mara. and photos with the detective club.
If you go up into the attic you'll find a crawl space were damian slept if he had a nightmare
The heat from the vents reminded him of curling up and sleeping with his mother when he was younger
Once when he had a nightmare Cass pulled him out of his crawl space and left him on the floor of her room
They made a miniature replica of the dining table for her doll house
Now when Damian has nightmares they build replica furniture
There almost done with his menagerie and he's really proud of it
Mention the new addition to Cass’s dollhouse and he'll bite you
There is always a tail of muddy footprints leading from the menagerie to Damian’s door
No matter how hard Alfred cleans its there again by evening
There's an art station in the corner of his room he likes to paint pictures of traumatic events there
It's soothing and he doesn't know why
He one asked Tim for coffee at 3 in the morning and woke up five hours later in the pantry
No one saw Tim for weeks
If Bruce's bed is not available Damian will wake up surrounded by 3-6 siblings on any given night
He doesn't complain
He has a wall full of classics in different languages ranging from Arabic to Latin
There's a scarf underneath his mattress that dick brought for him when they went to a flea market
It smells like his mother and it was the first gift he was ever given
Sometimes Damian misses Mara, Athanaisa and his mother terribly
So he sits in front of the fireplace and cries
Once he almost put his hands into the flames
Alfred saw him and they spent the night playing mahjong and not talking
It was the first time Alfred truly realized that Damian was just a kid and realized that what Talia did to Bruce was not his fault
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katefatale · 4 years
athanaisa is damian twins in the injustice universe, but not confirmed in any other cannon. and mara is, not confirmed but most likely, dusan daughter, she was only in teen titans then never bought back so theres not much information for either of them
Thank you, Anon! I appreciate the tips. I’ve been out of it so long that I can’t tell what canon even is now. 
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emryas-blog · 7 years
About Doc and Emryas
Emryas full name is Emryas Xanthe Athanaisa and Doc has nicknames, but no real name. They are both genetically female and live in the same body. Doc is a professor of an academy made by my friend and I called Blóm Sorgir Academy. Emryas is her persona outside of the academy. They both look different, with Emryas having platinum blonde hair, which is messy, going to her shoulder blades, with two braids that go to the bottom of her breasts and bangs in the middle of her face. Doc was longer hair that goes to the middle of her back and is an almost orange shade of blonde with red eyes, she has bangs that go across her left eye. They are what is known as artificial angels, they were genetically modified to have angel wings and magic. 
Back them only Emryas existed, Doc coming on when she began to be ruthless. Scientists conducted experiments on her and tortured her, setting her skin on fire and healing it over and over again. Over time her anger built up and she watched the people dissect others, and she picked that up from them. On the day of her birthday she killed everyone using her magic and a scalpel, that’s where she gained Doc. Soon after she met a demonic spite named Daemon, who became her sprite and friend. Her other wing turned black, as it wasn’t able to fully turn black since she wasn’t a true angel. One day she met a man named Xeltic, a incubus.
He showed her to the academy and helped her out with her split persona. After a while she met Lucifer, and became friends with him. Despite at first people would think they hate each other, they actually are good friends. Her and Doc soon enough had a bond like sisters. Doc eventually ended up being slightly different. Her voice was mature and deeper, and since some things in the body change, she had to vocal chords to purr. Emryas actually has claws attached to her hands while with Doc they can pop off, but she prefers to keep them on. Both are immune to old age from being residents of the school, sickness and chemicals. Though something equals this, their magic is extremely sensitive to their emotions and fears. For example, if they inhale smoke, it can cause them to collapse and dull out their body quickly. This is because instead of having blood, their blood is their magic. This effect can also happen if they get scared or are sad, which causes it to go slower.
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An ijekiel x reader where everyone thinks that ijekiel likes Athanasia
BUT he actually likes reader who is Athanasias older sister by 2 years
And when Lucas tries to embarrass him by speaking about his crush on Athy infront of everyone he is like
“I don’t like Princess Athanasia that way but Princess Y/N”
and Athy and Jeannette do their best as wing women getting those two together
[if you don’t feel like doing this feel free to ignore or take a rest I can wait ^^]
𝒪𝒽 𝓂𝓎 𝑔𝑜𝒹 😍😍 𝐼𝒿𝑒𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓁??? 𝐼 𝐿𝐼𝒯𝐸𝑅𝒜𝐿𝐿𝒴 𝒜𝒟𝒪𝑅𝐸 𝐻𝐼𝑀 𝒜𝒩𝒟 𝐿𝒰𝒞𝒜𝒮...𝒷𝓊𝓉 this 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉>>>>
𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙰𝚄 𝙸𝚓𝚎𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚊 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚜 "𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜" 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚈/𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚝𝚑𝚢 :)
Don’t worry about me lmao, I love WMMAP, I only take a while to write if its a manwaha that I haven’t read in a while 😅
ALSO~~~ another thing!!! Y/N WILL BE A CARBON COPY OF DIANA, THAT'S WHY CLAUDE ADORES HER, whenever he looks at y/n he feels at peace and y/n also has Diana’s personality ( kind, gentle and soft spoken yet confident, brazen and fearless ) This is based on Diana from the novel!!
                                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
                                                      ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
“Oi! Shut up, you're only stopping me from talking to Athanasia because you're in love with her!” Lucas yelled
“I feel entitled as Athanasia and Jeanette’s older brother, I do not like either of them in that way. I am in love with Princess Y/n,” He shot back
“I don’t want you dating Athanasia because you're 200 years old and she is only 16!! You're OLDER than her father and that's not right. I would like a gentleman to love Athanasia, not you!!” Ijekeil continued
Only now did he realize that he had confessed his feelings for Athanasia’s sister, his face flushing at the thought that Y/n’s sister and Jeanette ( 2 girls that LOVED to gossip ) knew about this.
Athanasia smirked and started to walk in an attempt to tell Y/n and Jeanette followed behind, while Lucas just sighed in relief that Ijekeil was not his competition.
“Wait! Please, you two come back!! Y/n is so beautiful and has so many suitors, I can’t embarrass myself in front of her,” Ijekeil screamed as the girls came back.
“Is that why you always avoid my sister?” She asked with curiosity
“Uhm…well she is an angel and i’m just another boy that likes her. I’m probably nothing new but I adore how caring and kind she always is!!”He felt his heart hurt as he realized there were many other boys that liked y/n
“She will like you, Iz y/n has a thing for nice boys~” Jeanette giggled
“Just ask her~~~ PLEASE,” Athanasia screamed
“Oh, I forgot I actually invited princess y/n to a tea party with all of us today!” Jeanatte spoke
“You WHAT???” Ijekeil screamed, his face flushed a maroon shade
“Oh, here she comes~”Athanasia stared in awe, her sister was so beautiful like a fairy
“So how do both princesses feel about having a sister prettier than them~” Lucas tried starting a fight
“Wonderful, she’s so gorgeous!! I FEEL BLESSED WHENEVER SHE IS AROUND!!” Jeanette squealed
“I love y/n, she is always so kind and took care of me,” Athanasia sighed dreamily
Y/n came into view, she slowly closed her parasole as she took a seat at the table
“I hope i’m not late, Athy hun,” She flashed a charming smile
“Nope, just in time,”Athanasia smiled admiring her beauty
“I’ll admit you're pretty but not as gorgeous as me,” Lucas saighed
Athanasia looked like she wanted to murder Lucas, Jeanette tried to glare at Lucas but she looked cute.
Y/n pinched Jeanette’s puffed out cheeks
“Now~now~ no need to get mad Athy, he is very pretty for a boy~” She laughed as Lucas gave everyone an ‘I told you so’ look.
“Uhm, Princess Y/n w-would you like tea,” Ijekeil said, his hands were shaking and his face flushed red
Y/n placed the back of her hand on his forehead
“My! Your burning up, are you alright,” She gave him a concerned look
If it was even possible his face reddened even more as he stuttered out
“I-i’m fine lady Y/n, d-don’t worry a-about me,” He stuttered
“I don’t believe you for a minute! I’ll go get the medicine, Lily must have some of it since Athy baby just had a cold a week ago~” She walked off
“I love Y/n but she always calls me ‘Athy baby’ i’m sixteen and frankly it's embarrassing,” she sighed
“Are we not going to talk about how Ijekeil totally made a fool out of himself in front of his crush pfft-,” Lucas laughed as Ijekeil glared
“I just can't seem to function around her,” He said his blush wearing off
While Athanasia and Jeanette laughed
Jeanette leaned over and whispered in Athy’s ears “They are perfect for each other!!! HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THEM TOGETHER???”
“Hmm… Jeanette I think we need to work hard on this, we shall work very hard until they become a couple,” Athanasia sighed
Y/n walked over with a vial that contained greed liquid
“She gave me this, it's made of mint and basil leaves and relieves fevers,”Y/n said as she poured the liquid into the spoon and walked over to feed it to Ijekiel
Ijekiel’s palms got sweaty as he was being spoon fed the medicine by the woman he was in love with.
“Now's your chance, ask her for a walk,”Athanasia whispered in his ear
“A-ah right! Princess Y/n, the weather is very lovely today,” Ijekiel started
“Indeed it is,” She said 
“W-would you care to join me for a walk?”Ijekiel inquired shyly
“Of course,” She picked up ijekiel’s hand and ran off with him tagging behind
As the pair ran, they reached a blossom tree.
“This is my favorite place, father told me that mother used to talk to him here all the time and whenever I come here I feel spiritually closer to her,” Y/n sighed as she closed her eyes feeling the soft wind on her
She pulled him down lightly and Ijekiel began to relax, the wind truly was lovely and he was starting to feel more comfortable around y/n
Suddenly he heard y/n gasp,
“What's the matter, princess?” He asked concerned
She pulled a box of chocolates out of the pocket in her long skirt with a thigh slit ( SHE DRESSES LIKE DIANA )
“I made this for the tea party but I forgot to give it to everyone,” Y/n sighed
“If you don’t feel like walking princess, you can give it to me and I could go give it to everyone,” He said, understandingly
“No no, you stay here with me~ You asked to come with me right~” Y/n said stubbornly
“Say AAH~,” Y/n giggled holding up a chocolate to Ijekeil’s mouth
“A-ah~,” he opened his mouth slightly and tasted the chocolate. It tasted delicious, the sweet cacao melting on his tongue.
“It's delicious! Could you teach me how to make those someday?” Ijekiel asked
“Of course, perhaps tomorrow, at 8 sharp~ Don’t keep me waiting!!” Y/n laughed as she got up to leave
“Are you leaving so soon?” Ijekeil asked, missing her presence
“Hmm~Yes, I promised father that I would help him with his work today,”She smiled
Ijekiel reached out to touch y/n’s soft hair and then reached for her hand, he planted a soft kiss on her fingertips making her heart beat faster
“Then I will see you tomorrow princess, at 8 sharp, I wouldn’t dream of keeping you waiting,” He smiled charmingly.
As she left, he picked up the box of chocolates and tasted one, perhaps Athanasia could help him get with her, perhaps he could still try winning her heart.
After all she was just so lovely, that he fell madly for her. Just in the span of an hour he felt butterflies in his stomach the entire day, recalling the memories and her scent~
He could only stay awake all night dreaming of being hers.
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