#au: the gods have fallen
time-woods · 6 months
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there wont be a beach episode but there will be a creek episode anyways strawberries !
(this is like the 4th time ive made a nod to the fact Carma just folds as soon as Sīdus is anywhere near his shoulders(( but yea hes getting better at displaying affections
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divergentrcse · 1 year
tag dump.
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vartouhix · 1 year
A headcanon thingy! I’m putting it under a read more ‘cause it got kinda long...
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?   In main verse and most other verses, she smells like tea roses. In FO4/zombpocalypse verse, she smells more like dirt and stagnant water tbh. xD She’s got other things to worry about other than how she smells! In Pacrim/Until Dawn/HP/Valorant/LIS/JJK verse, she uses jasmine-scented body soap, so she smells a bit like that, too. In her Greek Mythology verse as Eris, she smells like wild oranges.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?    In main verse and most other verses, her hands are soft. In main verse this is natural, but in other verses it requires morning and night self care rituals to keep them that way. In Pacrim/Valorant/JJK verse, she has some slight callousing from handling mecha parts and tools/weapons. In FO4/zombpocalypse verse, her hands feel rough from dirt and handling weapons. In main verse, her hands’ temperature depends on what temperature of water she’s ingested and how long ago she ingested it, in the case of warm water. In all other verses, her hands run a bit on the chilly side. In Until Dawn/HP/LIS/JJK verse, her fingernails are either French manicured. In Valorant verse, they’re just glossy from a layer of base coat. In her Greek Mythology verse as Eris, her nails are long, pointy, and black. In all verses, her fingers are thin.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?    In main verse, she doesn’t eat much actually. Given her ability to photosynthesize, she can survive off water and sunlight alone--albeit weakly--for weeks. Typically she’ll either eat very small meals (more like snacks) every day to keep up her energy, or she’ll eat two actual meals each week. For snacks, she’ll have a handful of Brazil nuts, cashews, or berries. Her go-to actual meal is kebabs with veggies and meat skewered on them. In FO4/zombpocalypse verse, she eats whatever she hunts and gathers. In Pacrim verse, she tends to eat sandwiches because they’re quick and portable, and drinks just water. In Until Dawn/LIS verse, she eats a lot of raw food, not because she chooses it as her dietary preference, but because it’s quick. So nuts, raw fruits, raw veggies. She does have some cooked items but they’re also quick stuff--microwave noodles, soup, grilled meat, or hardboiled eggs. In Valorant verse it’s the same, except in much larger quantities since she’s always exercising in some way. In HP verse it’s not as bare-bones because she can use magic to cook, so she tends to have proper meals. She likes Western-style breakfasts, noodles at lunch, and meat, potatoes, and veggies at dinner. She also has a huge sweet tooth, and eats a lot of wizarding world candies. In P5/JJK verse, since she’s in Japan, she eats a lot more Japanese cuisine--fish, rice, pickled items.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?    In all verses where she is an alien from Balah, she sings well. In DBH verse, since she’s supposed to be a copy of main verse Vartouhi, she also sings well. In all other verses, she can carry a tune, but it’s nothing special. Still, she has fun at karaoke/noraebang.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?   She bites her lip a lot, and plays with her fingers. She also licks her lips often if she’s not wearing something on them--which is why in most verses, even if it’s just Vaseline, she wears something.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?   Hoo, boy. Okay. My linked profile for my Sailor Moon/FO4/Pacrim/zombpocalypse/DBH verse has a “usual attire” field you can check. In HP she’s very Dark Academia. In Greek Mythology as Persephone, she wears a lot of white and pink and pastel colors, as well as florals and watercolor prints. Lots of pretty, ruffly blouses and skirts--both short and long. As well as dresses. Always wears white moccasins. I have a tag on her inspiration blog for her main verse (or any verse where she’s an alien from Balah) clothing style that you can check. Until Dawn and LIS verses are probably very similar, if not the same. As Eris, she wears a lot of dark red and black. Bodycon or slinky dresses. Tight dark blouses and pencil skirts. Black slacks and blazers. Heels. Almost always wears heels. In Valorant verse, she typically wears pastel croptops with a grey sports bra underneath, grey skinny jeans, white fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. And in JJK verse, her style fluctuates betweek Dark and Light Academia. Lots of vintage-looking blouses with skirts, or vintage-looking dresses, and blazers. Neutral colors, like browns, blacks, greys, whites.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? As Eris, and in her zombpocalypse verses, fuck no. xD I suppose if she was incredibly close with someone and felt super safe in the zombpocalypse verses, she might smile more, pat the other’s head or shoulder, and lean her head on them. Actually Pacrim/LIS/DBH verse is kind of the same tbh, except the difference is that she craves physical closeness/touch because it helps her destress. She just feels too proud to ask for it in Pacrim verse and too nervous she’ll hurt someone in LIS verse, and is just too afraid in DBH verse. She’s very affectionate in main verse, Jesus Christ. I have so many previous threads where she cuddles and gives platonic kisses to her friends. x’D I guess she’s the same in any other verses where she’s an alien from Balah, too. And Until Dawn and HP verses. In Valorant and JJK verses, she’s somewhere in the middle between the two extremes.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?    In all verses except as Eris, she sleeps half on her stomach half on her side, with her arms hugging a stuffed animal or pillow, or reaching out as if she would be hugging something. As Eris, she sleeps on her back with her arms overhead and her legs slightly parted.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Lol no. She tries to move quietly in pretty much every verse. Well, except maybe as Eris. I can see Eris click-clacking down the hall in her heels without a care in the world as to who she disturbs.
stolen from: @manaborn​ tagging: you. <3
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starry-mang0s · 4 months
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I can’t anymore they’re to cute.
These cutie patooties belong to the lovely @time-woods !!
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soultiio · 1 month
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my god my god why have you forsaken me
wasn't I good to you?
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greenerteacups · 2 months
hi GT!
Lionheart had me the moment you kicked it off with “it’s a nice day to start again.” Might i ask why you chose that particular line?
And, if you havent already answered to this emoji:
P.s: you have my eternal gratitude for creating the most brilliant piece of writing i’ll ever read. I shout about it from the rooftops, share it on my socials, requested my spouse to read it so we may discuss it together (in lieu of a present for my 30th birthday), et cetera.
I see from your URL you are a fellow lad of taste.
There's a couple things going on in the epigraph for Book 1. On one level, it's a lyric from the first muggle song I picture Draco listening to on his walkman at the end of the book, so there's a cute full-circle thing there. The second layer is the theme of change and redemption, which, in Lionheart, doesn't so much come from major moments or self-sacrifice, but from the slow, grueling, everyday work of living, and living better. It's a nice day to start again because every day is. You always have the opportunity to start making better choices, no matter what lies behind you. That's the thesis of any Draco redemption arc, right? You have to imagine that he could have chosen to be better.
And then thirdly, there's the audacity of doing a full Hogwarts canon rewrite, a good 30 years after the original books came out, millions upon millions of words of fanfic later, and basically asking everyone to read the same story they did the first time around, only different. So it's a kind of winking entreaty. It's saying to readers, many of whom are understandably wary of doing it over, zeroing out the characters to starting positions, and starting from the beginning with 11-year-olds all over again. It's going: "hey. That was fun, right? Why not do it again?"
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disastersteps · 3 months
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this was going to be a sketch of a what if au but i went a little too far- anyway, mortumstep / mortunita sillies going evil...!!!
// au where ortega never found them / anita's ortega is ricardo! //
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
hey i just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the linkin park ygo content,,!! i just got into ygo and your art made me have another INTENSE wave of linkin park and now i can't stop thinking about yugi and seto while listening and i even have the hybrid theory lp at home and am SO tempted to recreate your fanart every time i walk past it it's insane
anyway your brain is godly thank you for this connection
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U don’t know how happy this ask makes me it gets me SO FUCKING ECCSTATIC to know that the venn diagram of “yugioh fans” and “linkin park enjoyers” is a flat fucking circle for a lot of us slfjsldjfglsgjlsfjlskfjlkfj 
#asks#fallen-juniper-leaves#seto kaiba#yugi mutou#sketchbook#GOD I COULD TALK FOREVER ABOUT THE OBSESSIVE CONNECTION MY BRAIN HAS B/W YUGIOH AND LINKIN PARK#LIKE LITERALLY ONE OF THE VERY FIRST THINGS I MADE WHEN I STARTED GETTING BACK INTO YGO#WAS A DUMB ONE-SHOT WHERE EVERYONE GOES TO A LINKIN PARK CONCERT TOGETHER#AND THEN SOMETHING SOMETHING MAGIC SHENANIGANS AND YAMI YUGI HAS TO GO S0 ON SOME MOTHER FUCKERS#IN THE MOSH PIT AS LINKIN PARK PLAYS BLEED IT OUT OR SOME SHIT#but also and this is important#the guys from linkin park are drawn in the hanah barbara art style and the entire adventure is treated like one of those#old episodes of scooby doo where they meet a celebrity guest and they help them solve the mystery#and they speak in like preppy hip 60s slang and they're all nice and polite until the musical number at the end#where chester just SCREAMS into the mic and everyone just starts raging and going crazy going stupid#i think like 3 of the sketches made it onto my doodle dump from the end of last year and NOTHING ELSE#this was 100% a self-indulgent dumb little au thing that was never meant to see the light of day#but shit maybe i'll actually will this into existence some day sldfjsljglsjglsfjlsdfjldskf#oh right the doodle lmfao#they're having a karaoke contest i guess#kaiba wanted SO bad to do chester's part but sadly he just doesn't have the upper range UnU#there's probably like a dozen or so more thematically appropriate LP songs they could've been singing here#but waiting for the end is literally my favorite song of anything they've ever released ever#so i'm selfishly deciding it's both of their favorite too 8)))))#FUCK i love linkin park
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muzzleroars · 11 months
How does Gabriel make use for his new tail, other than letting V1 play with it? Do the two of them play with some of his other features to?
SO glad this came right after the last ask bc i can expand on how gabriel comes to accept himself, both through v1 and through his own experimentation. gabriel, in the beginning, finds his tail to be a huge nuisance - the hatred gives way to annoyance when he's got this massive new appendage that his brain hasn't fully mapped out yet. meaning it's constantly knocking things off shelves and tables, getting caught in doors, and generally just getting in the way when he continuously fails to account for it!!! he feels utterly clumsy, though v1 just finds it funny that every time he turns around now, something inevitably crashes behind him as his tail sweeps another breakable straight to the floor. however, something he does actually start to like about it is how it conveys his emotion - his wings and halo used to do so but ever since they turned white and began to wither, he's felt like expression is more difficult, that he can seem flat when he's unable show his feelings properly. but now his tail fits the same niche, lifting up when he's happy, swishing when he's thinking or curious, dragging on the floor when he's sad or bristling when he's angry. it's much more diverse than he though it would be, and he finds he missed being able to easily express his emotions (he's a passionate guy!!! i think he kind of likes wearing his heart on his sleeve) it sort of opens him up to it more, accepting that it does have its uses, and his appreciation just grows from there.
v1 starts playing with it in this phase, as gabriel begins to let it do as it pleases in a sense - like how he had little control over his wings changing color, he decides not to stifle his tail moving with him. so when he reads or composes music, it tends to swish around as he's lost in thought and it sort of keeps time like a metronome to help his concentration. v1 CAN'T ignore it, head snapping back and forth with each movement until it launches itself at him and, after automatic retaliation (re.....reTAILiation.....), gabriel realizes it was just playing. playing in a way it never could before with him, and also just taking it so much less seriously than he does. it really hits him that the baggage truly isn't there for v1, so after that he does sometimes start flicking his tail around knowing full well v1 is just behind him (even snapping it around quickly to "dodge" v1's pouncing lol). this grows into him beginning to test out what he can do with it in sparring matches, seeing if it has enough bulk and force to actually help him in battle if he gets enough control of it. v1 is thrilled to him start to sweep and smack with it, largely relying on it as a backup tactic but once it's incorporated into his fighting style...they both know he's accepted it as a part of who he is. and finally, again like his wings...he begins to use it to cover up v1 at night (his tail, like the rest of him, is quite chilly, so it's a great cybergrind help too)
as for his other features, v1 enjoys them all as well - it loves grabbing onto his horns and having him left it up, swinging it around and sometimes fully launching it. the claws it just thinks are VERY neat and it loves seeing him rip more and more into enemies with them. it maybe convinces him at least a couple times to let it try painting them and it's um. it's some ai art all right!!! the biggest fun v1 probably has outside of his tail though is his usage of hell energy, which is the last adjustment he makes. it LOVES playing hell tennis with him, both of them parrying the bombs back and forth while he gradually adds more and more to see how many they can juggle between them. once he harnesses it well enough, able to achieve a level of finesse as a fallen angel that most demons can't, he crafts bombs that v1 can use and carry in battle. it delights in learning how to handle them, despite blowing itself up a fair few times in the process (both through its naive usage and gabriel's formula not being exactly right yet lol) gabriel does need to tell it to use them CAREFULLY in actual battle, as it soon figures out how to launch them and blast them with the railcannon which gives it an explosive power it probably never should have. but all of v1's enthusiasm truly gives gabriel the extra push he needs to fully embrace this new body, its excitement catching onto him and making him want to explore all he has now. to be so thoroughly, genuinely loved even at his lowest...it makes him want to see exactly what it sees
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time-woods · 5 months
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all the storyboards/ thumbnails i did for the recent chapter ! really proud of the last 3- went a bit overboard with the bgs there . .
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arkos404 · 1 year
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i dont think yall understand how much i love the other souls, your honor
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cat-alyzing · 1 year
The Sisters
The sisters are the split of group of the first known group of wild cats at the lake called the Archaic Lake Cats. After being given a sign of a horrible wildfire that would destroy their summer site the cats leader Half Moon let the cats decide where they would be moving, to the mountains or far away into unknown land. When counted there was a tie and it was decided that they’d split apart, the cats heading to the mountains becoming the Tribe of Rushing Water and the ones going farther becoming the Sisters.
The Sisters run a matriarchal, crepuscular, and wandering group. They wake up in the early dawn and start traveling, or hunting if their settled, stopping midday to sleep and then doing more at dusk before sleeping in and out during the night. They have a democratic system where the cats choose the next pathfinder or on vote on any decision often with a special stone or object given to them when their fully grown.
Traits include long thin fur, larger bodies, big maws, flecked pelts and strange eye colors, wide thick paw pads for traveling. They have two specific bloodlines from the first Sister’s Stone and Sun. Stone’s descendants have thick gray fur and purple eyes with a white spot on their face and back while Sun’s descendants have warm coats with wavy fur, a darker spot on their chest, and banded stripes.
First Pathfinder was Stone (prev. Smooth Stone) and the Current Pathfinder is Moonlight one of her descendants
The Sister’s Ceremonies
The Shift Ceremony is done under the full moon a year and a half after a kitten is consider a adolescent. At this ceremony the cat is tested on their connection to their afterlife in various ways.
Calling is when a cat calls upon to create a connection to a spirit but not necessarily summon them rather to create a voice to talk to the cat. This is the easiest skill for a Sister to learn but only available to them as no one else can hear the whisperer. A cat practices this by opening up their vessel for a spirit to attach to but not enough to attempt a full summoning often learners figure this out by doing it again and again on their own since it is so particular to the cat themselves.
Pulling is a more specific and done after something has gone may it be a plant or creature to pull a last memory or sliver from the dead. Mostly used to bring back special herbs that have died away. This is done by tracking the site of where the thing passed and fueling it through the cat themselves, this can cause exhaustion if used on larger or long dead things. Practiced by rooting up the dirt under a dead flower and fueling it, once revived the cat has passed the test.
Summoning is easy once mastered but hard to figure out as it pulls the full ghostly form of a spirit and makes them visible to anything watching. It requires to call out and open up the cats spirit themselves for a ghost to latch onto as a anchor, and then the cat will pull them to the living plane. This is easy to hold and maintain but hard to figure out and a little dangerous to do if a spirit is particularly hostile, powerful, or wanting to steal the living cats spirit themselves. Most often done in cases of needing to speak to a lost one, wanting guidance, or advice though a spirit cannot just tell a cat all the truth just what they can process. (So if a cat was found dead a Sister couldn’t just summon the spirit and be told what killed them. The spirit would only be able to speak in already known truths, recall shared memories, or hopes instead of facts)
Singing is a very commonly done practice by the Sisters. They sing to build bonds, pass time, share stories, raise hope, and even to heal. To better connect to those not on the living plane they have sing. The stronger the voices and the more there are the stronger their connection will be.
New life celebrations are held after a cat announces new life and throughout the settling moon. After a cat says their expecting they are flowered with special items like pregnancy related herbs, flowers, stones, and prey to the cat and they are immediately nestled into the center of the sleeping pile. As they find a suitable place to settle the Sisters will create the safety den for them which is very protective most often in bramble bushes, caves, strong burrows, or under thorn bushes. The sisters will stay at this den until the kittens are able to properly travel with them most often around 3-4 moons. If a cat decides to stay with their kittens they are given a goodbye ceremony just like any cat would.
Goodbye gifting is the ceremony done when a cat chooses to travel away. The cats closest to the traveler will give them a special gift that they’ll take with them on their journeys as a connection back to their birth group. The night usually consists of group singing, getting the cat ready for travel, and hunting so they have some prey to set off with. Just before they leave they are touched by the pathfinder and looked upon as a official wayfarer wandering the land for whatever they want, or just to explore.
Life in the Sister’s
The Sisters are a very close group and see each other as all being connecting may that be by blood, friendship, spirituality or love. They often sleep in open areas so they have a habit of sleeping all together in a big pile of cats with certain cats on the inside circle like those expecting, injured, shorter furred, or the pathfinder.
Gender in the Sisters is very self respected. While the pathfinder is matriarchal it depends on the cat themselves, i they see themselves as being able to be the pathfinder by the groups standards then they are. They do not differentiate by the gender of a cat and the only difference being that one cat can carry kits and the other sires them. Nothing more then that. Stone herself was a trans molly and the tradition of looking past many built up ideas is close to their culture. Sexuality isn’t really a idea to the cats since it’s just what a cats like, similar to how one cat prefers birds to mice or fish to bugs.
Their also avid storyteller singing great tales they’ve picked up and grown over time. Their main ones are of the four gods that control aspects of life like life, death, peace chaos. A changed version is seen in the Tribe in their own culture. They also have a story about the “stuck sister” which has ties back to the ancient Fallen Leaves.
The story of the Stuck Sister is a old tale stemming from the loss of Stone and Shadow’s only child at the time Fallen Leaves during is coming of age ceremony. It is sung in parts, the initial loss and the restless grief most often by the lead singer being the loudest and the rest humming along.
(Think the kind of tempo in “Enchanters - Dragon Age: Inquisition”)
“Oh Fallen Leaves oh Fallen Leaves with your fur of red and white. How much you’ve grown and still so small always in a fright. You went inside where there was no light. Lost forever from my sight. Oh Fallen Leaves oh Fallen Leaves how you’ve stuck to my mind. I sing to you in hopes to see you in the stars once more. Oh Fallen Leaves oh Fallen Leaves where could you be? I should’ve known when the air got cold a thief would steal my shine. My little light oh my little light so bright with heart and mind. Trapped in the stone, no way home. As I grow old and you stay cold I hope to see you then. While I am gone, your song lives on, forever should they know. My Fallen Leaves my Fallen Leaves with a pelt of red and white.”
The tale of trickster refers to the autumnal god known for his many seeds of chaos sprouted across history. A warning tale about the signs if he is near. Said over and over to ward away the beast in its story this tale is most often spoke around prey during autumn.
Autumn Glee forever be a trick of the eye. For fear the changing shadows and darkness soon to blight. He is of chaos and pain always feasting for more. Do not feed the restless Sol or you may be his final feast. Always hungry ready to leap. Stay away from the dying leaves. He will rot your belly and steal your soul. Take your body for a stroll. Then when you get free, he will finally finish the feast. Do not fall for the leaves. Or you will be his next treat.
The Spirituality of The Sister’s
The Sister’s are polytheistic worshipping the gods of each seasons who control the different aspects of life though they don’t heavily worship them. More so showing their belief in tales or comments. They do believe in the planes of existence though. The idea of the living being on one plane, the ghosts, and the passed over. Spirits who are ghosts can be easily called upon and are still trapped on the living plane either by choice or not. The passed over cats are the spirits who have moved on and gone back into the world their energy giving life to new creatures like birds, kittens, mice whatever. They have a code of giving what they take and helping those in need, very often healing those who need it or providing protections.
Their specific connection to the dead is stronger because of their consistent belief in the practice and learning over generations how to best use their powers.
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peaterookie · 4 months
to date me you have to defeat my 7 evil lupin aus
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bear-cubs-art-things · 11 months
msm doodle dump w/ Viola and Celestials
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I should draw the celestials more often god damn 💀💀
Plus a bonus Lily 🩵🩵
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Ive been ✨️improving✨️
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fatestouch · 6 months
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"Hey, Uncle Az? Why aren't you married? I mean, you're the oldest, so it makes sense you would've gotten married first, right?"
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"Well, that is a fair assumption. And I have had a few proposals, but... none of them felt quite right. I am of the mind that a marriage, while it can be for political gain, should also be comfortable for both parties involved."
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"He also had a crush on Alli for a few years. So there was also that."
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"Whoa, what??"
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aliencatwafers · 5 months
Baby Lift…?
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Fawful cannot carry one apple let alone two whole babies.
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