#audrey by king-tower
duskbats · 2 years
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mrs & mrs. 💍
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autisticqueenorder · 2 months
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For the headcanons ask thing - Harriet Hook?
Yeah, so I spent far too much time thinking over the hierarchy in the port, and this is my qualified analysis ✨, in which all semi-insulting words are used in the most affectionate way possible, because I love them, Your Honour.
Both Harriet and Uma have pirate crews, right? (Also, Rise timeline is a suggestion because you don't get that kind of loyalty in that short time. You just don't.)
So. Two pirate crews, right?
Harriet's probably a bit better established, because Harriet is older and doesn't spend half her time fighting a petty feud with Mal.
On the other hand, Uma is That Bitch (affectionate), and decides that she'd like a little more control, thank you for asking.
(They might or might not fight. It is the most terrifying time the Isle kids can remember.)
Eventually, Harriet's reaction is essentially this: „What are you doing, girl?! Why are you doing this?! Really?! ... Oh, wait. I have, like, actual free time now. Keep doing it.“
(Look, she is tired. She deserves a break.)
...Yeah, no. She still doesn't know how to relax. But she now has the free time to do so! Occasionally!
Only too bad her favourite hobbies include wrestling with crocodiles and yelling at Judge Frollo.
(Fortunately for the Isle, she also has more time to keep CJ from blowing shit up. Which is a full time job in itself.)
Unrealistic but funny
There is a competition among the siblings over who can tag their name on the most ridiculous/impressive place.
Harriet is winning, despite the fact that no one ever sees ger in action. Which would be because out of her siblings, she is the only one with enough common sense to ditch her bright red cloak when doing shit that will likely upset a great number of dangerous people.
(She got her name on one of the the towers of Maleficent's castle; Harry got Castle across the way by flirting with Evie, and Frollo's is basically a free real estate.)
I think she has an alcohol problem. It runs in the family.
Her hangovers are the reasons CJ swore to never ever drink. (Also, CJ is a control freak and dreads losing control of her mind. Harriet, on the other hand, would like to forget. Everything.)
(Harry, as usual, is in the middle of the scale.)
Canon is a suggestion ✨
Once in Auradon, she and Uma get *psychotherapy license*, to help their crews, 'cos, you know, „if you wanna something done right, you gotta do it yourselves.“
(Yes, she does this without admiting she needs therapy herself. She has issues.)
She becomes Ben's therapist, because come on, the boy needs it, and because Uma would be biased in this case.
Like, yeah, her advice might consist mostly of „Punch them.“ („Can't do that unless I want to start a war.“ „...Punch them only a little?“) and „Sometimes, it's okay to start biting people,“ and „Cheers, I'll drink to that!“, but Ben adores her. She does give helpful advice occasionally and, what's more important, doesn't care that he is the High King of Auradon in the slightest.
She just gives no fuck.
Unlike all Auradonian therapists who are gonna dance around King's and Queen's feelings, she is not afraid to call him out when he is about to make a stupid decision or when he is being too nice for his own good.
Also, this lovely conversation between Mal and Ben:
Mal: „Ben? Why did you just throw Queen Leah out of the palace indefinitely?“
Ben: „My therapist told me, and I quote, to ‚never take any shit from that awful abusive old hag of a queen ever again.“
Mal: „...She was yelling the whole time she was packing her bags.“
Ben: „Not my problem.“
Mal: „You need a better therapist.“
Ben: „What is wrong wrong with Harriet?“
Mal, at the verge of panic attack: „Who the fuck gave Harriet Hook a therapy license?!“
(Ben invites Audrey to stay over until her grandmother cools off.)
And of course, this sweet exchange once Mal storms Harriet's office (on the off day she actually bothers to come)
Mal: „You are a therapist?! Why- What?!“
Harriet: gestures to the license on the wall
Mal: „Yeah! Who the fuck let you have that?!“
Harriet: „Oh, yeah. Trust me. I have no idea why they even let me take that course. I mean, look at me.“
Uma, from the office next door: „That would be because you cheated on your own psycho-evaluation exam!“
Harriet, shrugging: „Oh, yeah. That would do it. I have almost forgotten about that.“
(Say what you want, the pirate Captains are very effective therapists for the Isle kids.)
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einsteinsugly · 8 months
Fictober 6. That 70s Show. October 1995. Unfashionably Late.
After forty-five minutes of waiting in the car, with The Cranberries on a particularly awkward repeat, Donna Pinciotti-Forman has had enough.
She storms out of the car, slams the door, and beelines to Macy's.
Jackie's "it's only going to be five minutes, Donna" is fairly typical. It almost always translates to ten or fifteen minutes, and that's fine. She has a bunch of CDs at her disposal, a car radio, and a new Stephen King book she tossed on the back seat. She should be fine.
She was willing to wait for Jackie, so she could remedy her fashion emergency. Her stockings began to run, and she desperately flocked to a department store for a replacement pair.
But now, Donna is on a mission. Towering over the numerous racks, she's looking for a raven-haired fiend.
It's particularly difficult, because Jackie's head barely bobs above the racks. But after five grueling minutes of furiously stomping around the store, Donna has found her friend. Trying on a fifties-style red coat, fit for a movie star.
"I can't wait for you anymore, Jackie," Donna angrily declares, motioning to her own clunky watch, "We're going to be late for your cousin's wedding."
Jackie dismissively scoffs, still firmly engrossed in her superficial endeavor. "As my best friend, you'd better wait."
"You were coming to Macy's for stockings!" Donna doesn't let up, and rightfully presses her further. "Why the hell are you wearing a coat?"
Jackie twirls round and round, like a purposely oblivious little top. "Don't I look like Audrey Hepburn?"
"Whatever. The guys are waiting at the chapel, and you're, and I quote, 'gunking up the works.'"
But Jackie is still notably dismissive. "That came from Eric, didn't it?"
"Hyde said you were being unfashionably late."
"Unfashionably late?" Jackie bitterly exclaims, with another oblivious twirl, "I'll show him."
But Donna cuts to the chase, readily calling her out. "I thought you liked Carla. Why would you do this to her?"
"I do. I just don't like her fiance. He looks like Eric." Donna rolls her eyes, and Jackie readily ignores the passive-aggressive gesture. "I liked her first husband better. He looked like a..."
Donna quickly cuts her off. "Calvin Klein model, and he was smart and not a total jerk."
Jackie gasps, briefly clasping her hand over her own mouth. "You do listen, Donna!"
"It's a big day." Donna isn't having it, and grabs Jackie by the arm. "Let's go."
Jackie finally begins to unbutton the coat, with an empty package for stockings now in her hand. "Ow, you moose! Can I buy this coat first? And my stockings?"
Donna notoriously grumbles. "Fine."
Author's Note: Very loosely based on an incident between my Donna-ish mom and my Jackie-ish godmother.
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gloriadenton · 11 months
Tell me about the Twin Peaks ones
@scioscribe and @bedeliainwonderland also asked about peculiar hunger of black velvet! <3
chablis along the midway: post-s3 Audrey/Cooper, let the old people fuck at the Roadhouse (also Tammy is there to say hi!). An excerpt:
It was five twenty-three a.m. when the call came through, and Cooper threw his arm back from his face to the flash of a number with a Washington area code on his cell screen.
“Cooper here,” he said, low over the hum of static that was there on every cellular device he’d used since he came back from Odessa, the sunsick drone that had followed him down the wires to his rental house out east.
“Cooper, it’s Tammy. I’m at the Calhoun Memorial Hospital. Audrey Horne was admitted here around midnight last night—I came to take her statement.”
He sat up headlong. “Audrey?”
“Deputy Briggs found her up by the border while he was out on drug surveillance. Gordon called me first because I was already stationed in Montana for the research I told you about, the saloon that stayed up during the town fire.”
Static took over on the line. Cooper braced himself with a hand on the mattress. Most calls from across this distance made him think of how little it would take for him to come unstuck inside the rush of electricity, like a half-transmitted newsreader on antenna television. Audrey was at the border, in the hospital, a few hours behind him and held steady at a deeper point of the night than the one he was held in now. “Have you seen her?” he asked, hoarse.
“I’ve interviewed her already,” Tammy said, still with that badge-flash brightness to her voice even after her dark hour on the highway. “She said she’d talk if I bought her something to smoke when she gets out of here this morning.”
“So now you’re driving out to the nearest drug store,” Cooper said, closing his eyes to the thought of Audrey on the other side of a lit cigarette, a hot flare of light like the wink of a ruby or a radio tower. “She likes Metropolitans—king size, red carton. At least, that’s how they used to make them.”
peculiar hunger of black velvet: This was also going to be post-s3, with some general speculation on where I'd like Laura, Cooper and Audrey to end up eventually, primarily sad metaphysical Laura/Cooper but also fix-it Audrey/Cooper endgame. I started this not long after the s3 finale aired but work was crazy and it was a bit too big for me to think about so it stayed very fragmentary and I haven't played around with it all that much since, but now I'm reading it and it's kind of exciting to see again. Another excerpt:
“Laura,” he said, “we don’t do this.”
But Laura swayed down to kiss him again, so close her hair fell over him with a scent like a slow wink of anise.
In the evidence boxes from the Palmer house, there had been a glass perfume bottle tied with a lattice of satin ribbon, a cocktail umbrella, a small plastic ballerina with a skirt made of net the exact texture of a surgical dressing. Diane, I am holding in my hand a pink-veined flower petal, a little curled around the edges. The ribbon of the bottle he’d untied himself, with some care, and after that he had sprayed and inhaled once, twice, caught in a kind of tender shock by the possibilities it had suggested, the wash of violet that hit him like dusk blown over a misty river. While the perfume counter at Horne’s clarified the where of it, he doubted it came to her through the man himself.
It had hurt him, then, to know these all as things that Laura had taken for herself, between swathes of red. It seemed to him now that there was an honor in being taken.
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9. Has to be the Music Man. If I'm wrong no I'm not you are replace number 9 with the Music Man right now
(I would have said 5 was Into the Spiderverse but it was already on the list!)
9 is SO The Music Man! It's high-key my favorite musical and also, I think, one of the origin points of my love for several different tropes. It's probably also one of the movies on this list that I've watched the most times. (At one point, I had over half the songs memorized, though that's degraded over time.)
Yeah . . . apparently I have a thing for animated Marvel-not-MCU superhero movies. xD
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
LOTR: Return of the King
LOTR: The Two Towers
Big Hero 6
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
[1960s romance/suspense/mystery feat. Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn]
The Princess Bride
The Music Man
[Semi-obscure 80s adventure feat. a writer who ends up in an adventure of her own. Indiana Jones-esque.]
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Prince Caspian
Into the Spider-Verse
The Avengers (2012)
[Disney Renaissance fairytale/princess movie]
Secondhand Lions
Howl’s Moving Castle
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies
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brrose-apothecary · 2 years
📖 Fave book
Thank you for asking!
Since it's come up in conversation recently and is at the forefront of my mind, I'll go with The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. That book practically lived in my hand for a while there in high school, and I still think about it a lot. I've purchased this book more than any other because I was constantly giving away my copies, and now I've just downloaded the audiobook!
Honorable mentions (what are rules?): Harry Potter series; The Time-Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger; Stephen King's Dark Tower series; Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic; A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
What else do you want to know?
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What was the best thing to happen to you this week? Probably watching Lollapalooza (online, lol) with my friends. Angela’s workplace held a mental health break that day and Reena and I filed leaves so we can all be together since it took place Monday morning where we are. We haven’t gathered since the last concert in Seoul last March so it was something I had really been looking forward to!
Where do you put your keys when you get home? We have a key holder on the wall near the door. But sometimes I’ll do a complete Robyn and inadvertently leave the key by the door and only remember once someone in the house calls me out for it lol.
Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? Iced. For the longest time I thought I preferred hot coffee, then I discovered iced when I was in college and my life was changed hahaha.
What's your phone background picture? Lockscreen is this really cool shot of Hobi at Lollapalooza. Home screen is of Taehyung posing by the Eiffel Tower.
If you could move to any country, what would it be? Canada or New Zealand.
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? Nope.
What's your favourite movie from the 80s? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Do you have any posters, paintings or other artwork on your walls? Yeah but it’s as all over the place as the rest of my room is. I have some Audrey Hepburn prints that’s been up since I was in high school; and I have a couple of BTS posters up from the BE and Butter eras.
What would your dream wedding be like? Big, lots of guests, live band with lots of dancing, the whole shebang. I hate hate hate being the center of attention for the most part and I like to keep it lowkey when it comes to gatherings I hold, but a wedding is the one thing I’d be more than willing to let loose for.
Would you ever take a trip to space if given the chance? If I was part of some credible research project then yeah; I’d definitely do my own digging beforehand too before making any decisions. I would never go to space for commercial purposes.
How do you cope with anxiety? Given that work is the main trigger for my anxiety, I just shut down my laptop when I know it’s time to stop. I clear out my emails before the day ends and refuse to answer clients beyond 6 PM. Occasionally I will leave my phone downstairs and spend time at the rooftop so I can be *completely* alone and not be bugged by notifications that might come in.
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? No, never during the weekend.
What's the weather like in your part of the world right now? It’s been rainy; too rainy, in fact. We currently have a typhoon in the country if I’m not mistaken, but temperature-wise I am a happy camper. Can you believe I currently have the fan turned off in the middle of the year?
What was the last takeout food you ate? Not a big surprise at this point for anyone here who knows me but I got sushi again last night, hehehe. I paired that with gyoza in my quest to try to like it - alas, it failed and I still super dislike the strong chive taste that comes with it.
Who makes you laugh the most? Putting IRL people aside, probably Jungkook?? The man is a living breathing meme and he doesn’t even know it. But as for people I know, I’d say Hans.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? No, but I’ve seen it as a surname.
What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? Wisdom tooth extraction.
What does a successful relationship look like to you? That’s a difficult question primarily because everyone’s dynamic is different. 
What do you like to put on your baked potato? Bacon and cheese, very basic. I don’t have baked potatoes much so I stick to what’s usually put in them.
What field of science interests you the most? Biology.
What's the closest shop or restaurant to your house? McDonald’s is literally a cartwheel away from my subdivision’s gate. But my area is pretty commercialized so we have a bunch of shops within walking distance - there’s also a Chowking, Shakey’s, Burger King, Starbucks, a vinyl store, flower shop, furniture store, a bank...and lots lots lots more.
Do you have any family that live in another country? Oh, so many. Filipinos migrate a lot and it’s not surprising; this country needs a lot of fixing up and there are simply more opportunities to flourish abroad.
What colour is your couch? Gray.
Do you know how to care for plants and keep them alive? Nope, I’ve always been terrible with them.
What was the most memorable birthday you've had? The one I had last year was pretty special. It was my first birthday post-breakup and it was a pleasant surprise to have moved on and be happy by that point; I was expecting to still be in a really rough place. I couldn’t celebrate beyond family so I sent over food to co-workers and friends, and then I gave my family my first-ever birthday blowout; and I was also a VERY new Army and had the entire dining room and my cake decked out in BTS cutouts hahaha.
Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? I’ve always preferred the beach/sea. I’m only ever in the mood for mountains in the morning, when you can catch the sun rise and feel the cool morning breeze.
What do you do for work? I work in public relations as an account manager. To badly describe my job, I know what big campaigns your favorite brands are having before they’re ever announced to the public.
Have you ever been to see the circus? No, never sounded interesting to me.
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? I hate the word gunk. It sounds exactly like what it is.
What is the best house you've ever lived in? This one we’re currently living in.
What was the first CD you ever bought? Beyoncé’s I Am...Sasha Fierce.
Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? Yeah.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? My mom likes to combine whatever’s in the pantry to come up with her own dishes. They’re always tasty but sometimes I just really don’t have a clue what the dish is trying to be hahahaha.
Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? Not that I know of.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? The Game Plan because I used to be obsessed with it. Watched it every day after school.
Do you know why your parents named you what they did? Dad says I was named after Robyn the Swedish singer, mom says my dad just liked the name. Never really learned the true story.
Do you have any bills that need to be paid? Yeups, this pay-later thing that I activated on a shopping app a month ago.
What do you like to dip your fries in? Mayonnaise or honey mustard.
Is your house clean or messy right now? Clean.
What was the last email you received? Probably work-related. I’m not checking it out.
Do you know someone who speaks without a filter? Yes. We have a workmate that we’re currently struggling with...in trying to be extroverted she will usually end up saying something super awkward whether between co-workers or worse, to media and clients. She literally asked Kata if she’s a rebel because she has fucking piercings. 
Are you in any social groups? I mean I have several groups of friends, but nothing online. I’ve tried to be on Army Twitter but being on there is like walking in a landmine field, so I didn’t last too long and never made any friends in my short time there.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Around 5. I slept at 2 AM after spending the whole evening out then I woke up at about 7:30. What's your favourite kind of museum? I like museums with artworks or artifacts the most, but I would be down for any kind of museum. Ancestral houses are great visits too. Do you believe in alternate universes? Yeah.
Whose house did you last visit? Angela’s last Monday.
What games do you play on your smart phone? In the Seom. My playtime on Rhythm Hive has drastically decreased since the former came out, hahaha.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? No.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Paramore in 2013.
Do you know anyone who is colourblind? Nope.
What's your favourite season and why? Wet, because I’ve always preferred rainy/cloud weather to sunny.
Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? I am the eldest.
If you had to make something for a potluck, what would you make? I’d stick with buying takeout because I can’t guarantee what I’ll make would be edible to begin with. What kinds of decorations do you put up at Halloween? I don’t put up decorations for Halloween.
How many tabs do you have open right now? On this window, 8. What's something you've been meaning to do but keep putting off? Work. I’ll probably have to do some tonight since it’s reached a point where it can’t be avoided.
What's the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? The time, then Instagram.
Have you ever flown a kite? Not since I was 11.
Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? Banks and Hozier.
What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Eggs, bread, frozen hotdogs.
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theultimatefan · 2 months
Kubert, Johns, Fabok, Hitch Headline Talented Comic Creators Attending FAN EXPO Philadelphia
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Batman/Superman #8 - Andy Kubert and Ghost Machine #1 - Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Bryan Hitch
A vast array of talented comics artists and writers, spanning more than a half century of work and encompassing dozens of the most popular franchises in the history of the medium through the present, will be on hand as FAN EXPO Philadelphia today announced the Artist Alley headliners for the convention, set for May 3-5 at the Pennsyvlavnia Convention Center. Among the superstar writers and artists are Andy Kubert (“Batman: The Dark Knight III,” “X-Men”), Geoff Johns (“Geiger,” “Junkyard Joe”), Jason Fabok (“Rook: Exodus,” “Batman: Three Jokers”), Bryan Hitch (“Redcoat,” “The Ultimates”), Francis Manapul (“The Rocketfellers,” “The Flash”), Peter Tomasi (“The Rocketfellers,” “Hornsby and Halo”), Ryan Ottley (“Invincible,” “Amazing Spider-Man"), Frank Cho (“Liberty Meadows," “Wolverine"), Jae Lee (“Seven Sons,” “Stephen King’s Dark Tower”), Stephen Platt (“Moon Knight,” “Wolverine”), and Joe Wos (“Mazetoons,” “Charlie the Tuna”).
Just about every franchise imaginable will be well represented, and comics fans will revel in meeting the creators who have made them possible. Q&A’s, interactive demonstration sessions, autographs, commission opportunities, and more make the experience a can’t-miss for comics lovers.
The FAN EXPO Philadelphia field of creators also includes talents such as Rodney Barnes (“The Boondocks,” “Killadelphia”), Yanick Paquette (“Wonder Woman,” “The Incal”), Tom Grummett (“Thunderbolts”, “Superman”), Brad Anderson (“Geiger,” “The Rook: Exodus”), Heather Antos (Group Editor Licensing/IDW Publishing), Russ Braun (“The Boys,” “Jimmy’s Bastards”), Hailey Brown (Dark Horse Comics, Brink Literacy Project), Chris Burnham (“Unstoppable Doom Patrol,” “Batman, Inc.”), Jim Calafiore (“Exiles,” “Aquaman”), Joe Corroney (“Star Wars,” Lucasfilm), Mike DeCarlo (“The Simpsons,” “Archie”), Guy Gilchrist (“The Muppets,” “Nancy”), Jonathan Glapion (“Batman,” “King Spawn”), Scott Hanna (“Amazing Spider-Man,” “Superman: Lois and Clark”), Ben Harvey (“Star Wars: Darth Maul,” “X-Men”), Mike Hawthorne (“Batman,” “Deadpool”), Tim Jacobus (“Goosebumps,” “Spinetinglers”), Bob McLeod (“New Mutants,” “Superman”), Jonboy Meyers (“Venom,” “The Inhumans”), Rags Morales (“Identity Crisis,” “Batman Confidential”), Carl Potts (“Alien Legion,” “Punisher War Journal”), Aaron Reynolds (“Effin’ Birds”), Alex Saviuk (“Spider-Man,” “The Phantom”), Keith Williams (“The Hulk,” “Action Comics”), Ron Wilson (“The Thing,” “Marvel Two-in-One") and many others.
See the full list at https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpophiladelphia/comic-creators/.
The quality of the creators in Artist Alley mirrors that of the FAN EXPO Philadelphia celebrity roster, which features a first-rate list that includes the National Lampoon’s Vacation foursome of Chevy Chase (“Clark Griswald”), Beverly D’Angelo (“Ellen”), Randy Quaid (“Cousin Eddie”) and Dana Barron (“Audrey”), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars franchise), Rosario Dawson (“Ahsoka,” Rent), Rainn Wilson (“The Office,” “Lessons in Chemistry”), Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny, The Wrestler), Adam Savage (“MythBusters”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), Alan Tudyk (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,”), Mario Lopez (“Saved by the Bell,” “Access Hollywood”), Natasha Liu Bordizzo (“Ahsoka”), Kate Mulgrew (“Star Trek: Voyager,” “Orange is the New Black”), Rose McGowan (“Charmed,” Scream), Holly Marie Combs (“Charmed,” “Picket Fences”), Felicia Day (“The Guild,” “Dragon Age: Redemption”), Emily Swallow and Gina Carano (“The Mandalorian”), and more.
FAN EXPO Philadelphia will also feature a variety of comics creators who have written and drawn many favorite stories over the past half century, exhibitors featuring classic and unique pieces from the thousands of memorable characters and scenes that Star Wars and all of its offshoots have produced, and programming panels and special events to help fans across any empire show their love of one of pop culture’s most enduring series.
Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, and Ultimate Fan Packages for FAN EXPO Philadelphia are available now. Advance pricing is available until April 18. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for additional headline celebrities, comic creator guests, voice actors and cosplayers.
Philadelphia is the eighth event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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nycsusioliver · 7 months
31.10., Breakfast at Tiffany's, the Lion King
Heute begann unser Tag mit einem besonderen Frühstück, denn... wir waren bei Tiffany auf der 5th Avenue zum Frühstücken. Ja genau, in dem berühmten Schmuckladen. Das Geschäft wurde umfassend renoviert und im 6. Stock hat man das ,,Blue Box Cafe,, gebaut. Was soll ich sagen, als grosser Fan des Filmes musste ich dorthin und so bemühte ich mich bereits 4 Wochen zuvor einen der heiss begehrten Tische zu ergattern. Zeitverschiebung sei Dank konnte ich einen Tisch reservieren und war überglücklich. Das Café ist liebevoll in Tiffany Blau gestaltet, die Speisen werden toll präsentiert und sind auch geschmacklich ein Traum. Im Anschluss schlenderten wir von Etage zu Etage und bewunderten die glitzernden und funkelnden Vitrinen... ein besonderes Highlight für mich- das original Givenchy Kleid, das Audrey Hepburn im Film getragen hat ist ausgestellt und ich habe es natürlich ausgiebig bewundert. Ja, das wäre auch ein Kleid für mich...
Weiter ging es die 5th Avenue noch ein Stück entlang und wir kamen zum Rockefeller Center. Den Trump Tower hätte ich auch gerne von innen gesehen, aber mein Begleiter weigerte sich das Gebäude zu betreten, so was...
Vor dem Rockefeller Center ist schon der Eislaufplatz aufgebaut und einige Mutige ziehen ihre Runden. Der berühmte Christmas Tree wird erst Ende November aufgestellt. Wir holten uns aber Tickets für die Aussichtsplattform Top of the Rock, wofür wir kurz mal mindestens 1 Stunde in der Warteschlange standen, und dann konnten wir nicht gleich heute nach oben, sondern wir buchten für Freitag abend. Na hoffentlich ist dann das Wetter auch passend.
Unser nächstes Ziel war der Times square, dort angelangt wimmelt es von Menschen, viele waren schon verkleidet, heute ist ja Halloween, das hier sehr gross gefeiert wird. Erwachsene, sowie Kinder jeden Alters und sogar Hunde tragen Kostüme oder sind geschminkt. Es ist einfach lustig sich hier treiben zu lassen und die Leute zu beobachten.
Da unsere Füssen schon etwas schmerzen, haben wir uns in den Hop on Bus gesetzt und sind durch die Stadt gefahren. Wir lieben diese Fahrten, denn man sieht vieles und bekommt gute Infos dazu. Da der Bus im Finanz Viertel dann ewig im Stau stand und kein weiterkommen in Sicht war, sind wir ausgestiegen und Richtung One World Trade Center marschiert. Einen kurzen Abstecher gab es noch in die Trinity Church, die wir schon in den letzten Tagen bei unseren Erkundungen entdeckt haben. Zum Glück war sie offen für Besichtigung. Die Kirche ist innen sehr schön und schlicht, es gab sogar die kostenlose Möglichkeit Kerzen anzuzünden, was ich immer gerne mache, wenn ich eine Kirche besichtige. So hab ich meine beiden Kerzen angezündet und dann ging es schon weiter zum WTC. Zu unserem Erstaunen gab es hier keine lange Warteschlange für Tickets und sogleich standen wir schon im Lift nach oben. Was soll ich sagen, schon die Fahrt nach oben ins 101 Stockwerk ist ein Erlebnis. Der Fahrstuhl ist rundherum mit LED Bildschirmen verkleidet und während der Fahrt wird dort die Geschichte bzw. Der Aufbau der Stadt im Schnelldurchlauf gezeigt, wie Gebäude in Windeseile wachsen und manche auch wieder verschwinden. Oben angekommen gelangt man in einen Raum mit einem riesigen Bildschirm. Es folgt ein 2 minütigen Film über die Stadt und dann.... heben sich die Bildschirme hoch und ein atemberaubender Blick auf die Skyline eröffnet sich dem Besucher. Wir haben das schon zum 2. Mal erlebt, aber es war genauso wieder ein tolles Erlebnis. Im Anschluss geht es weiter zum Rundgang mit Ausblick auf die gesamte Stadt.
Heute waren wir schon etwas früher im Hotel zurück, den unser nächstes Highlight stand am Programm. Es ging wieder zum Times Square ins Minskoff Theater, wo das Musical the Lion King gespielt wird. Wir hatten sehr gute Plätze und freie Sicht zur Bühne. Ich liebe dieses Musical und wurde mit einer bunten und wunderbaren Vorstellung belohnt. Vor allem die Kostüme und das Bühnenbild beeindrucken mich immer wieder und auch die Musik ist mitreißend.
Zum Tageabschluss gab es noch ein Abendessen, bzw eigentlich schon einen Mitternachts Snack im Hard Rock Cafe gleich neben den Theater.
Nach fast 18.000 Schritten und ca 15km Gehstrecke fallen wir müde ins Bett. Bis morgen...
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duskbats · 2 years
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group date gone wrong(?)
i keep forgetting that not every vampire that is participating is sunlight immune, so i keep making the mistake of taking everyone to outdoor lots during the daytime. and i keep forgetting audrey was turned
i was going to compile an outtakes post at the end of the bc with this included, BUT eden actually managed to successfully plea with the grim reaper and bring audrey back to life!!
if audrey doesn’t win eden’s heart, she’s definitely going to be a core part of their life after everything eden put her through.
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triplecastgames · 10 months
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We want to hear about your favorite horror stories. What makes you shudder in the wee hours? What creatures that go bump in the night thrill you the most? Some of our faves: Bram Stoker - Dracula Stephen King - The Dark Tower Series Christina Henry - Horseman Brom - The Child Thief Donna Lynch - Driving Through the Desert Eiji Ōtsuka - The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Mary Shelley - Frankenstein Audrey Niffenegger - Her Fearful Symmetry Are you following our Gamefound campaign? Make a pledge here.
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grandtuscanyhotel1 · 2 years
Grand Tuscany Hotel
Why Grand Tuscany Hotel is Your #1 Birthday Party Location
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The Grand Tuscany Hotel in Houston, Texas is the ideal birthday party destination for anyone looking to make a special day. In the Houston area, we have some of the top birthday venue halls. It combines grandiosity, elegance, and is excellent for birthdays of all ages, making it ideal for your big day. This hotel stands out as one of the top places to host your birthday party in the Houston Galleria region. You won’t find a hotel that offers a greater birthday experience than this one, whether you’re turning 21, 30, 50, or somewhere in between!
As soon as your visitors enter the lobby and make their way to the Grand Tuscany Foyer Area, they will be wowed by the hand-painted Dusk-To-Dawn ceiling and spectacular chandeliers. The Grand Tuscany entices you in from the outside with its massive glass structure, brilliant lighting, and warm environment. With floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing an island sanctuary and a 350-foot lazy river, your birthday guests will be inundated with ideas and vistas.
Escape to an Island Paradise
Relax or have some fun in our resort-style pool, which features a water-wall fountain for a soothing and calming sound, or hop on a tube and float the 350-foot raging lazy river. An Island Oasis hideaway located on the first floor with incredible views of downtown Houston from our Tower Rooms. Our Island Oasis is the ideal area for sunbathing, relaxing, and unwinding, or for a get-together with snacks or meals from our Barista Café, Venetian Grille & Bar, or Brasserie Restaurant. There are plenty of alternatives for dining poolside or taking in the seasonal entertainment, which includes bottle service. Poolside cabanas with seats for 10, 50″ LED TVs, and semi-privacy drapes for personal space are conveniently located. You can book one of the poolside cabanas for a semi-private gathering or a celebration.
Drinking and dining
The Brasserie Restaurant serves a variety of chef-inspired cuisine, ranging from light to hearty, in an open, decorative, and comfortable atmosphere with a dazzling chandelier ring.
Audrey Wine Room I, Signature Dining at its Finest, is the ideal setting for a tailored fine-dining experience for that special occasion, with seating for 2 or more guests, a gorgeous chandelier, and a wall-rack selection of top wines.
Barista Café proudly serves Minuti Coffee and Italian gelato, as well as a variety of grab-and-go goods such as pastries, sandwiches, salads, snacks, forget-me-nots, and retail items. It’s where you’ll be able to quench your hunger!
Audrey II, Intimate Signature Dining, a more private setting, this area is suitable for an intimate group of 10–12 people appreciating Audrey Hepburn’s décor, which includes a magnificent chandelier.
For ultra-comfort in all seasons, Houston offers the most expansive and bright mix of modern style paired with the most comfortable bamboo beds.
Accommodations in a 375 square foot King or Double Queen room
Bamboo Mattresses are breathable and moisture wicking, repel odors, and are soft and eco-friendly.
Every room has a 50-inch smart television.
Bluetooth audio connectivity for personal devices
One-Touch 15x Lighted Magnifying Makeup Mirror (Optional)
All King Guestrooms have Dreamline Glass Door Showers.
Marble bathroom vanity with plenty of storage
Bathroom items from an upscale collection
Cotton bath towels that are extra large
Wireless internet access is available for a fee.
Most King guestrooms have a Comfort Sofa Sleeper.
Options for people with disabilities are available.
For ultimate comfort in all seasons, Houston offers the most spacious and lively mix of modern style paired with the
most comfortable bamboo beds.
Mattress made of bamboo
World Cinema and a 50-inch TV with many channels
USB ports, outlets, and nightstand bendable reading lamps are all easily available.
Bathroom Vanity Mirrors with LED Backlight
Wi-Fi is available for free.
Keurig Coffee Maker with Tea Pods and Keurig Coffee Pods
Safe in the room
Desk, chair, and additional mobile table
Island Oasis & a Lazy River View
Guest rooms that are extra-large
Each room has a chaise lounge.
Each room has a table with two chairs.
For ultimate comfort in all seasons, Houston offers the most spacious and lively mix of modern style paired with the most comfortable bamboo beds. The Presidential Floor, often known as the 10th Floor, is home to exclusive designer suites. The Luxury Designer Suites are made up of three separate units with stunning views of Houston’s Northwest Skyline or Downtown Skyline. Each suite contains two (2) connecting bedrooms with a King Size bamboo mattress and Rolls Royce bedding, a Gucci designer oversized chair, a Versace dresser and armoire, a 65″ LED TV, and floor to ceiling windows with breathtaking views of the city. Each of these connecting bedrooms leads to a Presidential Parlor, which features a dining table for eight (8), a living room couch, coffee table, and two soft chairs, a fully stocked wet bar, and a 65″ LED TV.
Aside from our Luxury Designer Suites on the Presidential Floor, the floor also includes a 200-person banquet-style event area with the same breathtaking views of Houston’s skyline, as well as a smaller event space ideal for a pre-reception and/or ceremony. The Presidential Level is designed to be reserved as a whole floor for an event, with sleeping accommodations for 13 to 26 people. This location is great for a birthday party event Our one-of-a-kind Designer Suites, only accessible here, are the newest addition offering stunning views of the Houston skyline.
We are the first hotel in the world to offer top-floor Designer Suites. The Designer Suite is a three-room suite with two separate bedrooms, each with a magnificent chandelier, royal-castle-style embossed draperies from floor to ceiling, a custom Gucci chair, a King Size bamboo mattress bed with a grand head board, and Rolls Royce designer bedding. A connecting parlor area with more magnificent chandeliers, royal-castle-style drapes from floor to ceiling, Versace Living Room Collection seats, and an 8-person Versace Cartesio-style dining table with an HDMI compatible 50″ 4K LED TV is located between each bedroom. An alcove in the parlor has an additional setting with a sleek style wet-bar area that is ideal for entertaining. Each bedroom has a 50″ LED TV, a bathroom with back-lit vanity mirror, hairdryer, bathroom supplies, in-room safe, and a closet with iron and ironing board in addition to the designer furnishings.
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 1-800-𝓘-𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔-𝓤
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𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 || waiting for you and your beau’s dinner reservation later on tonight you and he spend valentines day together through the devotion of your dial rotary telephone
𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮 || fluffy smut
𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 || steve rogers × [black//woc]!reader
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽 || 4.6K
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 || 18+ nsfw, introduction to phone sex but i don’t go any bit further, body worship, captain kink, one bibical mention, reader gets spoiled to the t!, but still this is not suitable for anyone that isn’t 18+
𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼 ||  move over darling by doris day ♡ all of me by billie holiday ♡ unforgettable by nat king cole ♡ dream a little dream of me by ella fitzgerald & louis armstrong
𝔀. 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 || this is my gift for the divine @denisemarieangelina! for @chrissquares​ + @drabblewithfrannybarnes + @amythedvdhoarder Hoelentine’s Day Challenge! ♡ i’m very anxious to share this because i did this simpler version of writing then what i’m usually used to but I hope you enjoy this lovely and happy valentines day! muah! ♡ please tell me if you don’t like this because i can always add onto this if you want more! ♡ anyways i hope you cherubs enjoy this to! ♡♡♡
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     humming along to the musing record that spins on the turntable the kitchen is alive with the sentimental lyrics of Nat King Cole and Billie Holiday you sway your leg over your knee as you read the bush colored letters. the quaint apartment complex fills with blissful warmth, for the maiden in the kitchen enjoys her breakfast yearning for her partner to return as quickly as he promised. analyzing the intricate curves and dips of Steven’s handwriting, it pulls you into a hypnotizing trance as your mind fills with nothing but his deep voice as you read along. 
     cordial elements wrapping the visible areas of skin your Valentine’s sweethearts button down doesn’t cover. it is a relaying fact that the crisp expansive piece makes your body seem petite but because of its obscene size the fabric falls past your shoulders in a graceful fashion. clumsily buttoning up the blazer wrongly that early morning, it only adds onto the carefree nature that exhibits and adds onto your soft sways and musical hums. 
     reaching for your steaming pink mug of milk chocolate cappuccino that lays near more open letters and more envelopes free from their wax sealings. you plan on opening all of them throughout the day, holding onto the handle you bring it up to your soft lips. attentive fingertips trace the cursive black ink of Steven’s handwriting in a lovesick gaze. the accidental ink splotches and small charcoal sketches of floral anatomy make the pace of your heart slow in a tender beat. 
     despite your devoted attention being on your beau’s love letters there are other envelopes that aren’t just from your Steven. although to make it easier to recognize the difference between the uninterested letter from past lovers and secret admirers Stevens envelopes are printed in your favorite shade of pink. 
     these darling letters that Steven is now confident to share with you are filled with small poems. being terrified of gifting you in the early phases of your relationship, your holding the multiple pages amongst pages of dazing sketches of your bodies beautiful features. paragraphs that outline his love letters to you which he kept hidden in a journal. reading and daydreaming as you take in each poetic sentence of your beau explain and sharing each love struck moment of his days that he adored spending with you. 
     the timeline of these letters go back from days, to weeks to whole years. it astounds you how you’ve never caught Steven in the act of writing poetry or making a love entrée yet you aren’t at all complaining. however the envelopes were a surprise to come across to when you looked over the mail. they weren’t in your daily sack delivered by the porter but laying in a huge pile on your kitchen island before he left that morning. 
     they went handsomely with his gifted bouquet of your favorite flowers that decorated each room of your apartment. a bud of them you found laying amongst the colorfully cream colored candles is now in your hair tucked behind your ear. Steven’s handwriting displayed on the front- 
     for my darling 
     they were just waiting for you to read and so here you are soaking in each vow hidden in his whimsical sonnets and ballads. 
      smelling both the sweet nectar of the flower and the divine cocoa of your cappuccino you continue reading from his letters. mirthful eyes dashing along each word of the little poem he wrote for you, the gleaming smile that frames your face doesn’t settle down one bit as you read and sing them not louder than a breathy whisper. giggling aloud and kicking your bare feet in the air when you read Steven’s beautifully crafted poetry centered and dedicated to you and only you. 
     the letters seem to distract you from the vast amounts of gifts, arranging from exquisitely wrapped small boxes to large gift bags bearing designer brands. Steven sent each gift along with the blush colored letters but they lie unattentively under your pedicured feet that bounce along with the turntable. singing along Billie Holidays lyrics of April in Paris as you continue to read and sip from your chocolatey cappuccino. the letters themselves are elegantly scattered onto the marble island where you bite into one of the buttery croissants that are bunched in a wooden basket you have prepared since the morning.  
     of course you weren’t supposed to eat alone, by all means this day of domestic and fairytale romance wasn’t suited to be spent alone. it of course isn’t suited for you in the slightest, not like you to bear this inconvenience. 
     in front of you -well behind the sketches your dreamily admiring- rests a large breakfast consisting of baked sweet and savory pastries, sunny yellow omelets and fresh ripe fruit. the early meal was suppose to be a little feast for both you and the public hero but of course your heroic beau had his urgent errands to run. a phone call rudely interrupted the session of your passionate lips and tongues destine to spiral you both on the cloud of desire. 
     the ringtone acting as nothing but an irritating background noise, it cause the blond to pull away to deal with it. walking away from you and out of your private bathroom suite and as obvious as this is going to sound- Steven didn’t decline the call. from your position as you sat on the marble and gold flecked kitchen sink, your hand rests on the golden swan at the faucet. 
     listening as you heard him hum along to whatever the dispatcher had to say before hanging up and heard his footsteps coming closer and there you say your lover. smiling to him as you pulled him towards you, lips gracing his he cut the devastating news to you of his unplanned errands. apologizing to you with a kiss but ending it with a promise for an intimate dinner reservation he did plan beforehand. 
     then with a change of clothes, he was out the door but you willed yourself to not be upset at him. your Steven always kept his promises and you were still swooning over the lovely events that happened last night that still show the results of it all on your skin and a delicious soreness in between your legs. ending passionately in wine soaking your thoughts and actions you both headed to your apartment and tangled in your sheets. you now are wearing his button up he wore to the dinner reservation that night, slightly wrinkled yet smelling of Stevens entrancing cologne.
     it brings you back to that night and you could still feel the searing butterfly traces of his lips along your collarbones, neck and breasts. dainty and vivid as the white sunshine that streams through the high white apertures of your apartment. 
     it’s all beautifully cinematic 
     the music playing on the record as you enjoy your breakfast while reading your lovers letters to you. chocolate spread used to smear over the flaky pastry in your hand smears the corners of your lips and you wish Steven is here to thumb it away. a sorrow filled sigh break through your lips, knowing these letters are all you have of him at the moment as he’s out busy at Stark Tower doing only god knows what and bumping heads with only god knows who. silence only greets those thoughts and you realize that the collection of records playing your favorite romance artists have stopped sounding out their hearty tunes. 
     frowning, you get up and replay the record before returning back to the kitchen and to your seat. hands go back to the letters and your heart warms up in a matter of blissful seconds, cheery contentment dawning your face in delightful charm. although a question still dances along the crowded ballroom of your mind-
     whatever will you do with the time you have alone on Valentine’s Day awaiting for your beau? 
     it is only eight in the morning, Stevens plans are set around nine tonight and you could do so much more than just doll yourself up. finishing your lavish breakfast you begin tidying up once you place another record on the sitting room turntable. the music flowing throughout the large and finely furnished apartment, it creates a heavenly picturesque glow that brightens the golden framed paintings and renaissance clawfoot furniture. 
      you feel like an old Hollywood actress staring in her romantic comedy, it makes you nothing but languorous glee. the beauty of your vivid imagination pulling your typewritten script and setting your scenes to hear the director yell action! manifesting the movie with each pirouetting step, you feel the timeless sensation of Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor gracing down on from the heavens. 
     singing along with the records, recited movie lines from Breakfast At Tiffany’s and Rear Window. romantically immortal films consisting of elegant tailored outfits of Chanel and Moschino that the leading actress would flirt with her on screen partner, long and lust filled stares between your lover and the epitome of transatlantic accents that would make an European swoon. 
     the craftsmanship of your fantasy aiding you by hiding away any untouched breakfast foods, biting into a jam filled puff pastry you keep the sweet confectionery in between your teeth as you organize Steven’s letters. filing them from the ones you have read, that you carefully fold back into their envelops- to the ones you plan on reading later. clearing them away safely on an ivory tabletom dancing along with the beat of the record. 
     pulling yourself back into the visionary scene of your beloved vintage films, a baby blue Dior headband frames your heads crown and keeps your untamed bed hair away from your temple as you start a kettle of tea. retrieving your personally cherished china set from your glassy cupboards, soaking your desired teabags, home grown herbs and honey dewdrops into the separate porcelain teapot. turning the nob on the stovetop off once the screeching kettle ready with boiling water becomes louder than the music, it quietly dies down and you hum as you place the boiling water into the small porcelain teapot.
     steam erupting, its soothing when the scorching water drenches in the tea ingredients that begin to linger a sweet smelling scent. peachy cheeks soft and dewy as the sweet sunshine bounces off them, you carefully unfold each divinely wrapped box covered with glossy ribbons and confetti gift bag covered in strawberry scented tissue paper. blowing and sipping from your tea cup, you tenderly bundle Stevens button up around you as you examine his gift. 
     each eye grabbing and more expansive with each one passing you look over the heavy offering of baby pink and cream tulle trimmed Agent Provocateur lingerie. the occasion of lacey babydolls and pink fury teddys holding cupid hearts coming once with every three bags you also discover the silver Tiffany charms in powdered pistachio blue boxes. pastel pink heart-shaped pastel boxes of Chardonnet et Walker pink marc de champagne truffles make your mouth tingle.
     mink coats and cashmere sweaters dedicated to wrap you nice and warm in the snowy weather. a starlight smile shines at the fact of Steven remembering you looking through a few catalogues days after New Years. princess cut Dior earrings that shine like dangling stars and heart-shaped Prada handbags that would make any winged cherub strike their golden arrows into. 
     Steven always went above and beyond with your Valentine gifts and you weren’t even halfway done with opening the boxes and bags but seemed fit to prepare yourself for the day ahead of you.
     curves swaying along with Louis Armstrong's flaunting trumpet and Ella Fitzgerald's sweetly divine vocals once you get from your criss-crossed position on the floor. passing the wrapping paper and ribbon bows scattered in a sprawled lovecore mess, you make your way to your bedroom. bare feet adding against the carpet, passing golden framed body length mirrors and vase upon vase of flowers and burning candles. a silver tray bearing the porcelain petunia painted tea kettle, china tea cup and Stevens letters in your hands. 
     entering your open bedroom filled with crisp sunshine, your eyes dash over to your mess of a bed. white sheets that once held two giggling and kissing lovers is now empty with the exception of your pet laying lazily on the wrinkled plush comforter. blowing a kiss to the sleeping fluffy beauty before opening the molded white door to your private suite. 
     dancing along the white marble of the floor you run your bathtub full of hot water. taking your time preparing your dress and the lingerie you’ll wear tonight, it wasn’t exactly easy. Steven took a great joy in gifting you all the luxuries of jewelery, lingerie and clothing you desired, took great joy in fucking you in them as well. but as you enter the bathroom and exit to go through your wardrobe in your closets you go through boxes upon boxes of lingerie. 
     rummaging the organized baby pink boxes that you took hours organizing, you did realize that some bralettes were missing their panties yet you remember your gentlemen liked keeping a pair or two in his office when he’s away. you settle with not wearing anything Steven bought you but what you ordered on a website that caught your attention, more so intrigued of the fabulous singer and actress who ran the brand. 
     the divine deep red Valentines Day pieces of Fenty Lingerie were expansive but so was your credit card as you ordered the whole collection. hiding the box away from Steven and his too curious grasps you now reveal the box and open it. taking out the desired heart bralettes and Gartier belted thigh highs that went along with the lewd sheer panties you let out a delightful squeal at the thought of Steven ripping off your silk slip dress to reveal this sinful number.
     sipping from your tea, you go through your jewelry boxes settled on seashell chests on your vanity. retrieving your dearest diamond accessories to go along with the slip dress you head back to the bathroom. the water rising to your favorable height you fill the marble crest with rose petals, rose oils, rose water and rose bubble bath. of course, with Steven’s relentless showing of gifts there were enough Italian imported red wines for you to bathe in but you settled for your rose bath set that was tucked in the corners of your towel closet. 
     burning Diptyque candles around the tub, you settle your delicate cup down on the tray. departing from your beaus button down, you sink your feet and body into the floral water glowing in pearly bubbles smelling just the tint of sea salt. dissolving your thoughts and worries in the soft pink-hued mist your hands reach for Steven’s letters. carefully undoing the crimson wax seal your fingers grasp the letter and polaroid photographs it holds. 
     giggling when you read that this specific letter is about you and Stevens first time. reading along the lines of his amusing embarrassment of him not knowing what he was doing exactly it still warms your heart when he stated in his own writing that he was grateful and happy to share that moment with you. 
     the letter going into detail of all the moments that break you into laughter- such as when you and Steven rolled off your bed unaware as you and him were to wrapped in the passion- to your face heating up when he went into erratic detail of his hand placements on your ‘Aphrodite like body encouraging the Aries affair to overturn gracefully, to repent in no favor but yours’. 
     not being ashamed to write down every moment of the midnight passion. from the way you tongues and lips were locked and didn’t dare separate for air, to how his hands ripped your clothes into shreds ‘to praise and worship the skin that sparkled and shone like buried treasures for my hands to caress’. a heavenly burn begins fluttering in between your bubble sud thighs when you look over the polaroid's. some you took and some he took but all in all they showed you and him doing, well- 
     your first time 
     a slow hand that doesn’t hold the scandalous polaroid's flows down to your bubble covered breast. pinching the nipple, the sensation only sends the pleasure down south to your hidden jewel. biting your bottom lip, you crave for Steven’s hands. crave his lips, crave his touch... 
     generally, his attention but you cannot go past your golden rule no matter how good the thought of your fingers stroking your folds sounds. knowing its best to not break the rule of touching yourself without his permission the thought of it sits pleasantly in your head. trying to distract yourself the growing sensation with his other letters and plucking one of the fifty fluffy macaroons that lie on the pretty Laudree packaging. 
     Steven gifted you all the luxuries that would substitute his absence, but all you ever wanted was him
     heart thumping in this truth you again attempt to distract yourself with his blush colored letter. cooing at Stevens cute sketches of you and reading poems dedicated to his first impression when meeting you- but you cannot think of anything or concentrate on anything but the first letter. giving cheating glances back to the polaroid's, your glance is captivated by Steven’s handsome and muscled physique in the contrasted filter. the faintly colored noir-film like pictures emphasizing on his golden skin rippling against the sheets caging you in with his arms. 
     the night replays with the jazz music in the ballroom of your mind, throwing your head back you feel yourself underneath him just as you were then. hands in his hair and his clenching the sheets besides your head when you kiss passionately as he rubbed his hard member against your forbidden fruit.   
    it didn’t help your case at all that you’re embellishing that night into your thoughts. it’s only making you desire your sweetheart more and more, needing him more and more as the minutes passed. 
     wanting- no, craving to hear the sweet music that is his voice    
     yearning to descry the divine tinge of his tongue clicking to his teeth when you says your name so sweetly. to imagine the movement of his tulip petal lips as he speaks his ‘I love you’s’ like a prayer and he’s on his knees for a goddess.
     oh you needed it just as much as his instructions on how to handle your distressing state. realizing the soft pink dial telephone that stood at the opposite side of the tub you bite your lip in thought. 
     should you call Steven?
     it makes you wonder, shifting against the water careful to not spill any over the edge. chewing on a raspberry macaroon at the thought, you pout not knowing exactly what you’d say. you and Steven have been in a relationship for years now, it should be simple to call your lover and talk to him about this yet a sparking idea light up like a shimmering star above your head. 
     you and Steven were both helpless for dirty talk, your words and underlying message would pull him out of whatever he was in to cater to help you with your problem.
     your thundering impatience and searing lust had shameless minds of their own as you pulled the cushioned ottomon closer to you and dialed Steven’s office number through the rotary disc. heart strumming along with the music continuing to play in the distance you do not exhale a breath as you hear the sound of the phone dialing. the powdered pink handset in your hands. chin resting on the rim of the porcelain tub as your lips brush against the mouthpiece in the shape of a heart. 
     when the dial ends with the sounds of him about to speak a gleaming smile radiates off your lips, pulling the handset closer to you to speak.
     “Steven!” your giggle that follows afterwards makes a dimpled smile pull at the blond’s lips and he lightly chuckles. 
     your presence melting away anything else that captured his attention away from you. fortunately you weren’t the only one craving the love and affection of your partner, Steven was in a busy meeting with Tony and the other avengers at the grey and stern table. argued his way through and pursuing a solution to the worldly crisis that was in their hands but with the progress he’s making he’s sure to help the team come to an agreement.
     “how are you doing, my love? did you enjoy your gifts? i’m counting down the hours till I pick you up for our reservation. treat you how you should be treated today,” Steven’s tender words breaks your dreamy state and your wispy babydoll lashes flutter at the sound of his voice. 
     “well right now i’m taking a bath. drinking some tea, reading your letters and i just so happened to cross on this one specific letter…” your teasing voice flowing through the mouthpiece and into Steven’s ears. 
     striking his brain, trying to comprehend what you're saying and trying to decipher whether your giggles are aimed towards him or onto something else. you made it known how much of a tease you were, from your suggestive dresses you’d torture him with when you’d attend gala’s to your shameless yet elegant class as you’d whisper all the dirty things you want him to do you once you two got home.
    indeed it worked like a charm, sometimes it left little self control as he’d take you in that backseat of the sleek vehicle. it’s definitely working now
     “alright what are going on about you little minx?” Steven states, a tint of his dominance in his voice but you continue to drift in your fit of giggles as you bend your knee to your chest in exuberance. 
     pulling Steven’s letters that rest besides the silver tray of macaroons and tea, you hug them to your chest as you reread his paragraphs upon paragraphs of his thunderous thoughts and detailed emotions ravaging you in sinful detail. 
     “oh, nothing Stevie... just couldn’t stop thinking about a little something, do wanna know about it?” 
     “absolutely darling. anything is better then being in that room with those blockheads,” Steven didn’t know he said that thought aloud but you don’t care. 
     you’re panning on relieving the throbbing pleasure pulsing at your slicked core and maybe undo some stress he’s under if he’s a fair distance away from wandering ears.
     “will do Captain, ‘the second our mouths collided was an ambrosial taken place. a supernova in labor between our bodies thriving to find our peak, creating a cosmos of divination as her walls wrapped around my cock. the indescribable pleasure as unforgettable as the dimple at the corner of your fiery lips and enchanting sparkle in her eyes. the moans that flowed from her mouth soft and encouraging-
     “‘-as I wrapped her thighs over my shoulder and thrusted my cock deeper and deeper into her forbidden fruit. her sweet, forbidden fruit so sweet I wouldn’t dare reject if a serpent offered so.’ I was hoping you’d read that special one, you need to understand how lovesick I was for you then. i’m still lovesick about you now but its gotten impossibly stronger now than before.”
     that statement makes you shift in the water, rubbing your thighs together as your fingers rest in between them. imagining its Steven’s large hand that’s pinned at the plushness, however you’re yearning for the warmth, security and skill they hold that your hands don’t nearly possess.
     “lovesick you say?” you purr, the sinful sound rolling off your tongue it makes roses blush on Stevens cheeks.
    an unknown tightness of his trousers making itself known, he grits his teeth at your tactic but he cannot help it. he gives in so easily for you, it impossible to repent and withold
     “yes doll, i’m lovesick. lovesick for you and only you. now answer your Captain, did you enjoy your gifts?” his voice growing and deepening, lust soaking his thoughts and hardening his member at the thoughts of you, you, you.
    holding the phone in between your ear and should as you pluck another macaroon from the assortment. a smirk plays on your lips knowing that your plan is working, you can here his little grits and groans as he locks his office door. 
     “I did enjoy your gifts Captain, and I love the fact that seventy percent of them all are tiny pretty things that barely cover my body. I love giving you a good show when you get home from work,” your voice smooth as the buttercream roses you decorate with your heart-shaped cakes.
     your free hand tweaks at your nipple, the remands of strawberry vanilla from your previous macaroon stick on your tongue but how how you want to taste the pre cum that leaks from Steven’s tip. the filthy thought has you abandoning your breast to give attention to your cunt, a whimper excluding your lips when it burns so good at just the touch.
     “mhm I knew you’d enjoy them doll. you always pull such good performances for me in them. so sweet and pretty, all for me to rip it off you,” you don’t mean to slip past a moan as your fingers rub your pearl but it’s too late to take it back when he hear Stevens stern exhale.
     “are you touching yourself sweetheart?” his voice isn’t smooth and suave no more but raspy and demanding, making your fingers stop their rubbing motion.
     “n-no,” you fib but all you want to do is sink in the bubbly warm water when you hear Steven darkly chuckle.
     “don’t lie to your Captain sweetheart. are you touching yourself? tell the truth,” you gulp at that, mouth shaking as you bring the sound piece of the handset closer to your lips. internally hoping and praying that Steven will give in to you, even when you’re breaking a golden rule. 
     “yes. yes I am Captain,” your breathy whisper holds all the euphoria and lust you're body is swimming in and it doesn’t help that you hear the metal clank of a belt unbuckling.
     “without my permission?” you can’t decipher his voice, whether or not he’s angry or disappointed your fingers stop tracing the bubbly surface of the pink tinted water.
     “y-yes, Captain- but I just couldn’t help it! you left me and my mess alone this morning. i’m so lonely here without you,” you mellow, your fingers once again tracing your lower lips. 
     not daring to plunge them deeper once you hear the light sound of Stevens heavy breath fanning into your ear. shivers sending up and down your spine deliciously, it’s like he’s here with you now even when he’s on the other side of the city.
     “mhm, you just couldn’t help it, sugar can’t you? you need me right now don’t you sweet girl? you need your Captain to help you?” nodding hysterically along with him.  
     coming to a realization that your lover can’t see you nod your head, your pretty lips you’d let him kiss and use any day pull into a pout. knowing you’re going to have to beg him to allow yourself to touch your pussy.
     well, his pussy
     “yes please! I-I need you Ste- Captain! please I need you!” your breathy voice begs and on the other end Steven has a smirk playing on his handsome face. 
     it’s hours until he’ll be done with his meeting and hours until he picks you up for your dinner reservation but he’s in your debt. you never know this but Steven was sprawled in your hand, whatever you desired and needed he’ll give you within the snap of his fingers. if you needed him when he’s away, he’ll make it seem he’s right near the tub. guiding your fingers in and out of your hole and leaving praises and affirmations into your ear.
     “how can I say no to you doll?”
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
002 Gil/Audrey
luv!! YEEES!
About this ask:
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it: In one of my challenges in 2020 someone asked me for this ship. And I loved the idea ( Gunpowder and Fire). The moment I imagined Gil admiring how pretty Audrey is and she received all of his enthusiastic and sweet love... My heart melted. Especially since Gil is used to following a strong woman (Uma), so Audrey would meet someone who doesn’t want to rescue her from the tower but wants to see her decapitate the dragon herself. Also, Gil and Audrey together would mean that they and Harry and Uma would have double dates. And that's nice. That challenge made me so happy. I LOVE this ship now.
my thoughts: It’s not a known ship. Not popular. Obviously. But it’s great. I want Audrey to be happy! But I imagine the press twisting their relationship with "King Ben's ex-girlfriend was spotted on dates with Gaston's son. Apparently, revenge comes with big muscles." Or some nonsense like that.
What makes me happy about them: Sweet and stronger love. 
What makes me sad about them: The mere idea of Gil hugging Audrey around the waist and spinning her around makes me smile. Audrey tutoring Gil sitting on his lap gives me tenderness. Both wearing flower crowns? Goodbye, I died of love.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read fics of them. I need to read fics of them. Do you know any fic of them?
things I look for in fanfic: Two different worlds meeting in the middle. The princess and the hunter. You understand me.
My kinks:
Gil: Accidental stimulation, begging, chastity (cock cage), discipline (receiving, soft), exhibitionism (unintentionally, at the beginning), orgasm control, orgasm denial, pet play (pet), primal (hunter), praise kink, submissive, voyeur. 
Audrey: corsetry, domination (soft dom), DVP, food play, JOI, sensation play, teasing, wax play
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Audrey: Chad, Harry & Uma, Ben, Lonnie
Gil: Jay, Ben, Harry & Uma, Jane
My happily ever after for them: Forget the crown and royalty. A cabin in the woods, close to the city but totally private.
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
Flying Higher:
Chapter 1
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In the dark of night, Mal’s great aubergine wings stirred the air, and her heart beat loudly within her chest. On the school rooftop, Audrey’s wicked smile gleamed up at her, illuminated by the sickly tint of Dragon Eye. Celia was caught between the older girl's arms, held out in front like a shield. It was the only thing between them - Mal was so close to ending this - but her fire was too broad and hot. She’d hit her.
“Careful not to fry your little VK buddy,” Audrey taunted, pulling Celia closer which resulted in a sharp cry of pain. Mal wasn’t sure what to do. Glancing down at the lawn, Uma, Harry and Gil watched her from the grass. There wasn’t much else they could do but wait and see what happened next. Glancing down, Mal opened a clawed hand to reveal her fathers ember. The stone was dark and waterlogged...but maybe...maybe she could try one more time?
“Come here, you little brat!”
Lifting her head for only a moment, Celia had managed to get away from Audrey’s hold, running to the other side of the rooftop. Mal breathed a plume of flame around the Ember, hoping her last ditch attempt would work. The heat was only slightly warm against her scales, but didn’t sear her fire resistant leathery hide. The gem in her grip flashed excitedly back to life, revived by the heat of pure Dragon Fire. Mal felt its power flex in her hand, responding to what little of Hades magic she had in her blood. Audrey had given up on Celia, standing alone on the rooftop with a vicious gleam in her eye.
It was now or never.
She cackled loudly, wielding the scepter in front of her as the stone illuminated brightly. Mal thought of the Coronation a few years before. Would turning the power of the Scapter back on Audrey work to negate her powers? Swinging to the side as there was a jet of pink magic, it just barely missed her already sore wing. She didn’t have time to sit and think about it. Mal wasn’t sure what the spell would do to Audrey; she wasn’t the same as Maleficent. But as the Princess raised the scepter for another strike, Mal lifted the ember to counter. There was a brilliant flash as two beams of pink and blue collided. Mal couldn’t see Audrey through the neon haze, but she continued to push her magic into the light show.
“No!” The other girl's voice was barely a whisper in the whipping wind as there was a loud crackle and a piercing shockwave as the Ember’s Magic made contact with Dragon Eye. Mal felt her chest explode in pain as she was forced to retreat, falling ungracefully back to Earth. She landed on the grass with a hard grunt and a shallow thud, sore and forced back to her human self by pure exhaustion. Uma was by her side in an instant, grabbing at her arms and hoisting her up into a sitting position.
“Did you do it?” She asked, staring up at the rooftop as a ball of magic flashed and illuminated the sky, “what’s going on?”
“I have no idea,” Mal admitted, holding her chest and wincing hard. She felt the Dragon Fire go cold in her lungs, leaving a prickling winter chill in its wake. The ember pulsed in her hand, beating slightly at the same rate as her heart. But the magic Mal had come to know since leaving the Isle of the Lost felt faint and small in comparison. Staring up at the rooftop, Mal knew in her gut it wasn’t over yet. Something was wrong. Last time, turning Maleficent’s magic back on her had cancelled out the spell. According to Fairy Godmother, she was reduced down to the smallest amount of love in her heart. It was fast, and happened in an instant. Everyone was freed, and that was it.
But the ball of Magic above them only seemed to grow brighter, and even from a distance Mal could hear Audrey screaming in pain somewhere within.
“It’s not over yet,” she croaked, “the magic...it’s to different. It should’ve negated her powers. It should’ve made all of this stop!”
“So what did you do?”
Mal couldn’t say, but she was silenced as there was a burst of power from above. She and Uma were forced to cover their eyes as to not be blinded. But Mal’s skin prickled at the sound which echoed across the landscape.
A roar. A long, loud, billowing wail which resembled a twisted bird call.
Uma’s words were low and disbelieving as Mal peeled her eyes open. On the rooftop, a large dragon perched at the edge of the brick and mortar tower. Elegant magenta wings stretched out from a muscular but limber body, catching on the moonlight and sparkling like an early dawn. She had her long neck extended up into the sky, eyes closed as she breathed.
“What have I done?” Mal croaked, glancing to Uma who shook her head.
“You turned her into a dragon.”
Mal opened her mouth to respond, to defend herself, but was cut off as Audrey roared again. Her head tilted downwards as cat-like eyes flicked open, revealing piercing green irises surrounded by pure midnight black. A long tail with fur at it’s tip thrashed wildly, Audrey’s front claws struggling to keep her balance as she spread her wings even further, yelping out as she awkwardly took flight mid fall. The stones of the tower crumbled under her weight, the pink figure gliding away from the school in a plume of mortar dust and sand.
“Well, that wasn’t what I was expectin’ te happen,”
Harry, who had arrived at some point with Gil, hauled Mal up off the grass with two arms, “I thought ye were tryin’ to beat the lass?”
“I was,” Mal snapped, stumbling on her feet as Gil caught her arm and held her aloft. Uma furrowed her brows in confusion, folding her arms tightly.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m not sure,” Mal admitted, holding her chest which burned with cold, “it’s like everything’s been sucked out of me. I’m so tired,”
“Can’t you go after her?” Uma asked wildly. Mal shook her head.
“I can’t feel my dragon fire; it’s just so cold,”
“Alright, fine,” Uma huffed, “Harry, you and I will get Mal back to the palace. Gil, you go up and get Celia. Make sure she’s alright,”
“Aye, aye,”
Gil gave a little salute as he ran into the school, while Uma and Harry hoisted Mal between their combined shoulders. It took forever to get back to where they started, and waiting for them there was Jane and Fairy Godmother.
“Oh dear!” The FG cried lightly, bustling forward as Uma and Harry gently guided Mal towards a place she could sit.
“Guys!” Jane said, breathless as she hurried down the alabaster steps from the Castle, “you did it! The spell has been broken,”
“It’s not over yet,” Mal coughed, groaning as she was left to sit on the side of the ceremonial fountain, “I think I messed up,”
“What happened?” FG asked, “where’s Princess Audrey?”
“I used the same spell to reflect the power of the Scepter back onto her, like I did to mom at the Coronation,” Mal explained, “I thought maybe it would cancel out the spells she cast with Dragon Eye,”
“You were quite correct,” FG nodded, bristling slightly with what appeared to be pride, “as you can see, I’m no longer a garden decoration. What else happened?”
“I don’t know,” Mal yelped out, pulling at curls of bouncy purple-blue hair, “there was this flash and a bang when the magic collided, and then there was this massive ball of light. And Audrey...she was...turned into a Dragon, somehow,”
Both Jane and the FG blinked in surprise as Uma and Harry nodded in agreement.
“That’s the jist of it, FG,” the Pirate confirmed, “and Mal here can’t fly after her, or use her dragon powers to reverse it, because she’s...cold,”
“Cold?” Jane asked curiously, “that’s never stopped you before,”
“It’s not that simple,” Mal growled out loud, tossing Uma a dirty look, “it just felt like everything was sucked out of me at once. I’ve never felt so disconnected to my fire before,”
“Hm, that is a bit worrying,” FG mused lightly, “the spell you used at the Coronation transformed Maleficent into a creature which represented the love in her heart. Itty-bitty,” the FG made a motion with her thumb and forefinger as Mal bobbed her head, running a hand across the back of her neck which was prickling with sweat, “I don’t know why it would’ve been any different for the Princess.”
“You aren’t saying she turned into a dragon because she has a huge, loving heart,” Uma snapped, “she nearly killed everyone! And that might be really awesome where I come from, but y’all are way to...good, here,”
Uma made a face as Mal dropped her head into her hands, groaning hard. She felt very sick to her stomach, like that time she had ridden the Super Coaster with Ben at the Boardwalk.
“Uma! Jane! FG! Thank the gods you’re alright,”
Mal glanced up as Evie’s form appeared from the forests edge, followed by Ben, Carlos and Jay. They were safe. Probably still mad at her - she couldn’t blame them - but safe.
“Evie,” Jane embraced the bluenette tightly as the boys caught up, happily exchanging fist bumps and shoulder slaps with the pirates, “thank goodness you’re all ok,”
“The spell is broken. Does that mean Audrey is...?”
“Not yet,” Mal spoke up, forcing herself to stand despite her dizziness, “there was a complication,”
Evie lifted a fine brow, but said nothing as Ben engulfed Mal into his broad arms, hugging her close to him.
“Mal,” he breathed into her ear, clearly deeply relieved as she sighed and sunk into his embrace, “I’m sorry. I haven’t been a very good boyfriend. I promise I’ll...”
“We have to talk about this later,” Mal croaked, pulling back slightly to look into her fiancé’s face. He looked hurt, but she smiled and gently caressed his scruffy jaw, “I promise we’ll talk about it. Properly, this time,”
“As touching as this is, lovebirds, we have a problem,” Uma announced, tossing an arm across the lawn. Down the street, a plume of pinkish smoke was rising into the night sky, its bottom illuminated by licks of flame.
“That looks like the Museum,” Carlos announced. Ben looked horrified.
“Did Audrey do that?”
“Yes, but it’s complicated,” Mal insisted, “we need to get over there. Now!”
And so the group - minus FG who went to speak with the King and Queen, and the Pirates who returned to the school to find Gil and Celia - hurried across the grounds towards the billowing ball of destruction. Mal wasn’t sure what to expect when she got there - a scene from an illustrated storybook wasn’t it.
Audrey, her deep magenta scales and rich pomegranate fur illuminated by the fires raging around her, had punched a hole in the ceiling of the museum. She used her hooked wings and long tail to attach herself to the building, clinging to it like a lizard on a wall as she ducked her long neck into the ruins.
“That’s a dragon!” Jay cried in alarm, turning to Mal with wide eyes, “a dragon who isn’t you,”
“I don’t know how it happened,” Mal managed, trying to wave away some of the haze accumulating around her nose with a cough, “when our magic collided, I tried sending it back towards Audrey,”
“Like you did to Maleficent,” Evie concluded as Mal nodded firmly.
“Right. I thought it would maybe reverse the Scepter’s power to what Audrey was before. But...it obviously didn’t,”
“What is she doing, exactly?” Carlos puzzled. Mal, who wasn’t sure herself, glanced up to watch. Audrey was just pulling her head out of the Museum’s main hall. And even though they were further away, she could see the glint of something sparkly in the dragons claws.
“She’s...hoarding, I think,”
“Yeah. It’s that instinct in dragons that makes them enjoy big piles of gold and stuff,”
“So she’s collecting sparkly things,” Evie mused, “but why?”
“Not sure. Like I said, it could just be instinct,” Mal mused, “I have to fight mine off too, sometimes.”
“Uh guys,” Carlos spoke up, “Ben is running right for her,”
Mal’s head shot up as she looked beside her. Ben was no longer at her side. He was instead sprinting down the street.
“Ben! Damn it, it’s like Cotillion all over again,” Mal hissed, “this is what I get for falling in love with someone who’s diplomatic,”
Evie laughed lightly as the four VK’s followed after the King. They were just in time to hear him start yelling in Audrey’s direction, waving his arms to get her attention.
“He’s going to get himself killed,” Mal hissed, “and I don’t have my powers.”
“Audrey!” Ben yelled, “Audrey, stop!”
Mal was about to grab Ben’s arm and chide him for yelling at a full grown dragon, but Audrey’s hearing must’ve been exceptional. Her looting stopped as a narrow head pivoted sharply. Three ear flaps lifted up and twisted their way, and Audrey released her grip on the museum walls as she stalked towards them. Mal wouldn’t ever admit it, but Audrey was a lot more terrifying up close then she expected. After all, her dragon form was pink. Like a Princess.
But as she slammed down to the pavement from the museum roof, vibrating the earth and cracking the asphalt under wicked silver talons, Mal gulped thickly.
“Ben, this isn’t a good idea,” she hissed, goosebumps rising on her skin at the horrible growl which tumbled in Audrey’s chest.
“Audrey! Please, listen to me. You have to stop this!”
Mal felt Evie grab her arm as the dragon opened her mouth to hiss, revealing a maw of horrible silver teeth. Pink smoke — like the smoke used to put everyone to sleep — billowed from under her tongue, cascading like a heavy fog onto the ground between them. Mal reacted quickly when she saw the golden glow of a spark in Audrey’s throat, and pulled Ben backwards, keeping him from going up in flames as the cloud ignited instantly.
The fire was hot, unearthly so, and Mal pushed Evie towards Jay and Carlos as Audrey’s form leapt through the billowing pink and blue curtain of inferno. She growled again, unfurling her wings and hissing like a snake. Mal tightened her grip on Ben and urged him to step back, but he didn’t move, staring into fierce green eyes with a lip jutted out.
“Audrey,” He said again, “please, if you can hear me you have to listen,”
The dragon licked her lips with a forked tongue as she began to circle them, long tail flicking back and forth, back and forth angrily. There was nothing human in her hungry green eyes, Mal noticed. She didn’t know how much good talking would do. Audrey could’ve been dead, with this monster replacing her.
“I know now how much I hurt you,” Ben insisted, “how much we...hurt you. And I know how much pain you must be in right now, after all of this. But I know you. I’ve known you for a long time. And I know somewhere inside, that kind, sensitive, gentle part of you is screaming to be let out,”
Audrey merely hissed again, lowering her body to the ground like a big cat ready to pounce.
“Ben,” Mal croaked, “I don’t have my powers.”
“Audrey,” Ben inhaled shakily, “I know you don’t want to hurt Auradon. And I-I’ve owed you an apology for a long time. I’m...I’m so, so sorry,”
Mal didn’t react fast enough. She felt a steel-like tail crash square into her chest. Something inside of her screamed as she was thrown a few feet back, hitting the ground hard as something cracked. Gasping with pain as kaleidoscope flowers blossomed in her vision, she watched Audrey grab Ben’s shoulders with her claws and push off into the air like a bullet.
“B-Ben!” Mal cried, unable to move from her place as Evie, Jay and Carlos ran to her side, “Ben!”
“Don’t move,” Evie insisted, “even I heard something break,”
“But where’s Ben!”
At that moment there was a sharp scream from above them. Mal looked straight up and saw Audrey drop the young King from her claws, sending him plummeting down towards the ground, “no!”
Mal’s throat was sore from the shriek as her fiancé fell, unable to stop himself. Mal tried to summon her powers, to transform and catch him, but she was still cold inside.
“I can’t watch,” Evie croaked, shielding her eyes as Jay and Carlos stared with open jaws.
Was this it?
Wincing as Ben got closer and closer to the ground, Mal’s heart leapt as there was a blur in the sky above. Audrey was lithe in the air, nearly invisible against the backdrop of pink smoke. She dove without fear straight down, 90 degrees towards the street. Then, at the last moment, she opened her wings which billowed like glittering sails. Her back claw grabbed Ben by the jacket, and with one mighty flap, he was placed gently back on the ground.
Mal couldn’t believe it. She saved him.
She didn’t have much time to think about it though as the street suddenly swarmed with figures. It was all a bit blurry as royal guards grabbed Ben and pulled him away from the danger. Audrey cried out sharply as something long struck her in the chest. The pink figure was laced with ropes and forced to the ground with a mighty thud.
“Don’t hurt her!” Ben cried, though I fell on deaf ears as Audrey began to chirp a pathetic, crying wail. She was in pain. Mal tried to sit up, but was immediately forced back by Evie.
“Stop. Just...rest for a minute,”
Mal wanted to complain, but her adrenaline was running out. Every corner of her body was flooded by ache and exhaustion. And as her eyes fluttered closed, all she could hear was a ghostly, melancholy dragon wail before everything went black.
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