#audrey's so relieved to have her!
rlimagi · 2 months
Was It Casual pt.2
Pairing: Chloe Charming x reader
Genre: Fluff
Note: I’m currently having writer’s block, I legit can’t think of anything good rn so here’s the part two of was it casual!
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You were lost for words when your best friend suddenly confessed her love for you. In that moment, everything around you went silent and all you heard was your own heartbeat and her voice.
God, you loved her voice. You loved everything about Chloe. Her eyes made the stars look like they’re not shining, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. If perfect was a person, that would be Chloe Charming. She was your everything, the reason for your laughter, the one person that never failed to put a smile on your face.
Chloe Charming was someone you can’t live without, she’s your oxygen, and your everything.
You grew up being treated like a princess, because you were one. You acted like one, you dressed like one, and you felt like one. But as good as the pros sounded being royalty and all, it was not fun having a grandmother looking over your shoulders every time you do something she claimed a princess would not even think of doing.
Your parents loved you and your sister Audrey, but your grandmother somehow would always have the upper hand on the way you and your sibling were raised. You grew up with your grandmother imprinting thoughts in your head that you should secure a prince as soon as you’re of age to maintain the family’s status.
And you really tried your best to look at a boy the same way you looked at girls, but you couldn’t. Imagine the look on her face if you were to tell her that you’ve been daydreaming about a happily ever after with another princess instead of a prince like your grandmother had envisioned.
You knew you liked girls at a young age, no. You liked a girl, one that just happened to be your best friend. And you grew to love her as the years passed.
Chloe Charming was everything you’ve ever wished for in a prince, she was charming, witty, athletic, and very kind but she was also someone you could always talk about anything and everything to. For the longest time, you’ve had trouble understanding why you felt so much love whenever you looked at her.
But you knew you could never love her like you wanted to, it was wrong. A princess should look for love in a prince, not another princess. It was suffocating but you could never hurt your grandmother, even if it meant that you will never truly be happy with a prince.
So you convinced yourself that maybe, it was just a phase. Girls shouldn’t like other girls.
But why did you feel so relieved when Chloe poured her heart into confessing her love for you. It took everything in you not to pull her into your arms and tell her you loved her back. Because while you knew you loved her, you wasn’t sure if it was romantically or platonically anymore.
Did you want her to be your best friend forever or did you want her to be yours and only yours for all eternity?
“Chloe, I…” You cursed yourself in your head for being such an idiot, was that the only words you could say after the love of your life poured her heart out for you?
“I’m sorry, I should go…” Chloe mumbled, looking so heart broken as tears bubbled up in her eyes, threatening to fall anytime soon. You wanted to run after her and pour your heart out like she did for you, but you couldn’t. While your heart shattered as hers did, you weren’t brave enough to admit that you felt the same about her.
While Chloe and Red had people they could talk to since their mothers were still studying in Merlin academy, you didn’t because your mother wasn’t even born yet. So you turned to Red, the only person you know aside from Chloe.
“I know this is kind of stupid that I’m asking you of all people, but how do you know if you love someone?” You sat beside the bench that Red was sitting out, totally tired after running around the whole school trying to find her.
“First of all, yes it is stupid. I’m actually very flabbergasted and I’m glad you’re self aware and secondly, shouldn’t you be asking Chloe about this kind of stuff instead of me?” Red immediately came for your neck for even thinking of asking her that but you chose to ignore her bold use of words.
“Chloe and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, not like we had a fight or anything…it’s complicated.” You explained, not wanting to give off that Chloe might be the reason why you’d ask her about love. “But really, how do you know if you loved someone romantically and not as a friend?”
“Well, for starters love is a strong word and based on the fact that you’re even asking tells me that you might in fact love that person romantically. But don’t take my words seriously, you’re looking at a girl who had never experienced being loved.” Red chuckled bitterly, her expression turned sullen and you regretted asking her about that kind of thing in the first place.
“I’m sorry Red, I shouldn’t have asked.” You apologized sincerely as you pulled her into a hug, usually she would push you away but she didn’t this time.
“No, it’s fine…I’m fine, but did you at least get the answer you were looking for?” Red asked once you pulled away from the hug.
She made you realize that you loved Chloe in that ‘I love her so much that all I want is for her to be mine and no one else’s’ way all along but you were just in denial.
After you became sure of yourself, you nodded confidently. “I think I did and you’re such a big help. Thanks Red!” You gave her one last hug before you began running off. Totally ignoring the confused calls Red was sending as she stared at your fading figure blankly, unsure of what just happened.
“You’re welcome?”
The moment you stepped back into the school grounds, you immediately saw Chloe walking back into the school. Presumably from mom’s house.
“Chloe!” You shouted after her, at first she was hesitant and ignored your calls but eventually you caught up to her and pulled her aside to a place nobody was at.
“I’m sorry.” Were the first few words you managed to say as you tried to come up with words to express yourself.
“For what? It’s not your fault for not loving me back, it’s mine for thinking you might.” Chloe mumbled, avoiding your eyes like her life depended on it.
“Listen to me Chloe. I do love you, so much, I think too much actually…” Your voice trailed off when your eyes landed on her lips but then quickly went up back to her eyes when she opened up her mouth.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better, I understand. It’s fine, Yn. You don’t have to do that, I’ll get over it.” Chloe frowned, it was hurting her that you were just saying that because you didn’t want to hurt her.
“No, no, no…you don’t understand. I…I’ve been trying for a long time to figure out how I felt about you, but you know how my grandmother is and the influence she has or more like had on me. I thought that as a princess I should only fall for a prince. So when you confessed to me, I wasn’t able to process it clearly that you loved me in that way.” You poured your heart into your rant like how she did to you a few hours before. It felt so good to not keep it in anymore. “I love you, and I’m sorry for not saying it sooner.”
Chloe stayed quiet for a minute, her mind was going all over the place. You loved her back. You, loved her back! And it was the only thing that mattered.
“May I?” She asked softly as she gently lifted your chin up with her hands. You nodded. Her lips turned into full smile as she placed her lips onto yours.
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maddascanbe-blog · 4 months
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Huh, I expected to get my drawing of Teen Zoé done for the redesigns first. Oh well... Only Kwami-swaps of the Lifeswap AU!
Meet Amaranth and Cerastes!
For no reason at all I decided to give Swap-Zoé long hair and Swap-Chloé shorter hair. Which is the exact opposite of my normal redesigns for them.
André won the custody battle for Zoé, and put his best foot forward into raising her and Chloé. Zoé is similar to how she is in cannon, late season 5. But she still learned how to mirror people, convincing them to lower their guard around her. She is a politicians daughter after all, and having people on your side is most important when convincing people to follow you. Zoé ultimately wants to do good for Paris, and is good friends with Ivan and the other members of Kitty section due to their activist mindsets.
Zoé's biggest fear is the secret of her being not André's biological daughter coming to light. He told her when she was 13 because he worried her biological father might try and regain custody in order to extort André for money. He made it clear in no uncertain terms that she is Zoé Bourgeois, the youngest of the family, Chloé's sister, and his daughter.
While she is happy André won't give her up for anything, she finds a new resentment for Audrey. And lives in fear this will harm her father's reputation, change how her relationship with her sister works, and effect how her friends see her, should it ever come to light.
Chloé's know for years that Zoé was the result of Audrey's cheating, she knew that one of the contentions during the divorce was that Audrey was barely in Paris the entire first 2 years of Chloé's life. The math didn't math, so she pieced together the truth. This only added fuel to her burning hatred for Audrey, Zoé is her little sister.
As Amaranth, Zoé makes her voice Heard! There is no stopping her once she's set her mind to it. I based her outfit on a womens power suit, and those asymmetrically colored biker jackets.
Juleka meanwhile, grew up with Anarka. She remembered her brother from when they were little, and is a tad horrified at who he's grown up to be. With Luka gone, Juleka lost her spark and her voice. She almost never talks, and doesn't stand up for anything. She just goes through the motions most days. Anarka tried to bring that light back to her daughters eyes, but every step forward has two steps back taken by Juleka's bullies. Being a quiet kid, who's mom can't keep a job, wears hand me downs, and whose dad ran off didn't leave much to be desired when it came to options of being harrassed.
Finally Anarka broke and asked Jagged to let the twins reunite. She hoped this might be a chance for Juleka to find herself again. And while Luka had changed too much from her caring and strong twin, she did find Zoé, Marinette, Adrien, and the members of Kitty Section.
Do you remember Juleka helping Zoé dye her hair in Sole Crusher? Well this time it happens in reverse. After getting comfortable with the group, she approaches Zoé about getting her hair colored. Naturally, Zoé's gotta help her girly out.
After Luka is deemed no longer suitable to be a miraculous holder, Ladybug and Chat Noir decide to give Juleka a chance. Cerastes isn't flashy, or confident. She's stealthy, sharp, and attentive.
Juleka's spent years just adapting to new situations and learning to read people for the sake of surviving, and it comes in handy when it comes to figuring out Akuma's.
Unshockingly, Luka isn't happy to see his miraculous used by someone else, though it does take a while to get there since Cerastes doesn't even get properly seen for ages. She's very good at disappearing.
Anarka is so relieved that Juleka finally found her people, that she's even willing to stay in Paris to keep her close to her friends. She still struggles to keep a normal job, but anything to see her little girl smile again.
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missglittersmiles · 4 months
Noble To The Core- CH. 3
Descendants × Fem! Reader Summary: They finally made it to Auradon.
Prev Chapter
•| ⊱ First Day ⊰ |•
The days seemed to drag on while at the same time, it seemed like nothing could stop moving for Ben. He was running around the school to make sure everything was prepared for the new students. His girlfriend, Audrey, begrudgingly helped him even though she was very vocal about how against this she was.
She wasn't the only one to voice concern. There were plenty of others who tried to sway the prince from doing something so daring and foolish. Yet he didn't back down in the face of it all. There were parents that threatened to unenroll their kids from Auradon if he went through. A number of students went back home or to another well established school to continue their studies.
Even when his supporters were outnumbered by detractors, he stood his ground and sent those five letters.
As much as Audrey loathed the idea of isle people coming here as free people. She had to give credit to Ben for sticking with his plan. Even if she didn't like any of this, she was willing to support Ben if he fully believed in reforming the few "innocent" people of the isle. But if she learns of any wrong doings she'll have those five shipped off back to the isle and make sure that letting someone off the isle will never happen again. She and others would make sure of it.
When the morning of the Isle kids finally came round everything was tense. Even those few who supported Ben's idea were on edge. The school, the people here were always quite loud, bustling with life. Now everyone was almost silent as if everyone were at a funeral and they were mourning while the casket was lowered into the ground. The air was suffocating. It was unbearable to withstand, but Ben told himself that this had to be done.
This was a necessary step to meaning old scars. He knew this wasn't going to be easy or walk in the park. He was hopeful, not senseless as everyone liked to believe. There were many risks taken to build up to this moment and if everything falls apart then he'll gladly take responsibility for his ambition.
"Everything's going to be okay." Audrey whispered as she squeezed his hand. Ben swallowed a lump in his throat. He couldn't fight off the ever growing anxiety that was building up. Noticing how tense everyone else around him wasn't helping either.
Seeing that her words weren't getting through, Audrey whispered to him again. "No matter what happens I'll be here for you. Remember that, Benny." He finally tore his eyes away from the distant view and looked at her with her supportive smile. Her dark brown eyes betrayed her, showcasing the same growing anxiety of her own.
Still that was enough to make him slowly grin. They had different thoughts on this matter, but she'd always support him and that simply made his heart flutter. "You know, with your smile you could be a Charming."
Audrey let out a flustered giggle and playfully slapped his shoulder. "I think you're the real Charming here." Her response only made his smile wider. They gazed at each for a moment before the band started playing. The sudden noise made them both nearly jump out of their skin.
There were two carriages that came closer. The horses that were pulling the carriages were white as snow and galloped with a refined pride. The carriages matched the elegance of the horses because Ben asked for only the best.
As the carriages came to a stop in front of Ben, the band started to slowly quiet down before going silent. The door swung open and two boys fell out. They were screeching at each other and trying to pull something out of each other's hands.
The screaming alerted the other carriage door to fly open. A [hair color] haired girl jumped out with a frightened expression. She whipped her head to where the ruckus was coming from and her face became more relaxed maybe even relieved. Two other girls emerged from the first carriage and quickly broke up the game of tug of war.
Everyone watched the isle kids in disbelief. They didn't know what to expect, but they didn't expect something like this. Some found it amusing while others found it distasteful. Ben swallowed the urge to let out a chuckle and swiftly took a step forward.
His voice was as sunny as his smile making some of the isle kids grimace. "Welcome to Auradon!" He stood in front of the girl on the far left and held a hand. The [hair color] haired girl looked like a frightened animal when he came close. She didn't look like she wanted to attack or anything, it seemed more like she wanted to run or faint like a possum.
Yet she gathered courage that wasn't sure was there and held his hand. "Thank you for inviting me. I am y/n Vainira." He gave her hand a slight squeeze before letting out. "The pleasure is all mine," He swiftly took a step to the side of y/n to face the next person which was Carlos. He held out his hand to Carlos and said with a dazzling smile, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you really."
The isle boy just nodded his hand with a false smile and said, "I'm Carlos De Vil." Though he didn't show it, the Isle kids could tell how nervous he was by how he forced out his words and stood as stiff as a statue. The prince didn't show that he was perturbed by Carlos' reaction and responded in kind with a nod.
"I am Prince Ben and I welcome you all to my kingdom as well as the school." Evie nearly jumped at his words. When he stood in front of her, she grabbed his hand and shook enthusiastically. "I am Evie Grimhilde, daughter of Evil Queen. It is an honor to meet your majesty." She suddenly let go of his hand and did a quick curtsy and bowed her head.
Mal rolled her eyes, 'Why don't you kiss his shoes while you're at it.' With that Ben went to greet the next person. "Me and my girlfriend, Audrey, will be showing you around the school." When Ben held out his hand to Jay, the isle boy shook his with his left hand and effortlessly forced out a charming smile. "Jay."
Ben waited for Jay to continue, but he didn't. "Jay. Just Jay?" Ben asked mildly perplexed. Some of the files and documents weren't fully filled out. Isle was practically its own nation and the other kingdoms didn't bother with it. The only reason why and how Ben was able to find records of at least most of the respondents was because Auradon was the only kingdom to care about such things. It was quite easy for the other kingdoms to forget about it because they didn't see it outside their window.
Still Ben knew that Jaffair's son file and birth certificate was recorded unlike some. It was odd, though Ben wasn't bothered by it. "Well it's good to have you here Jay." Jay only nodded his head, that charming smile still plastered on his face even after Ben went on to greet the last person.
'How long do I have to smile? My face is starting to hurt already.' Jay thought to himself.
Facing the girl with purple hair Ben said, his voice ever chipper. "And you must be-" She rudely cut him off, "Mal. Just Mal." She shook his hand and quickly pulled her hand away with disgusted expression. He was surprised by how cold her hand was even if they touched for a brief moment. It was like touching snow. Not to mention her complete disinterest bordering on disdain of his presence was interesting to put it mildly.
Watching the prince greet everyone y/n prayed that they could survive at least until dawn and no one would be executed.
"Well just Mal, it's good to have you here today." Mal tried to force out a smile, but it came out more as a sad attempt to cover up her hostility. 'Someone needs to work on their acting,' Jay thought while trying to hold back a laugh.
A girl with long brown hair wrapped her arm around Ben. She quickly looked over the group with an almost accusatory gaze before slipping on a smile. Her voice was as if not more peppy than Ben's. "Really it is wonderful to meet you all. I am Princess Audrey Rose, but everyone just calls me Audrey. Oh and don't worry about your luggage. We'll have people take your stuff to your room."
With that the group was shown around the school. They met some of the saff, students, and even Fair Godmother. Though disappointingly she did not seem to have her wand with her. About halfway through the tour when Ben was showing them the tourney field a water balloon smacked y/n in the back of her head. "Agh!" y/n let out a confused and frustrated sigh.
Everyone turned to her. Jay busted out laughing, "What's got you so blue, y/n?" Confused, the girl touched the back of her head and then looked at her hand. It had blue paint dripping down. Just as Jay asked his question a water balloon filled with green paint slapped the smile off his face. Wiped the green out of his eyes and said with a stern voice, "It was pretty funny when you threw one at dullard. Me? Not so much."
Mal was the next victim and her right shoulder was hit. Bright pink coded her side. After seeing that Jay's smile re-appeared and said to the mysterious water balloon sniper, "Okay, it's pretty funny again." Carlos started booking it across the tourney field and into the woods. Audrey quickly held up her purse to protect her face. While Evie screamed and clung to y/n as a human shield.
Evie yelled to y/n, "Protect me!" Not expecting the sudden weight to be put on her, y/n fell onto her back with Evie on top of her. Evie tried to get back up quickly so that she could use someone else as a human shield, but it was too late. Being perfectly out in the open, Evie's chest was hit by a water balloon. When she looked down at the color, she shrieked, "Brown!? They got pink, blue, and green! But I get brown!? And it's all over my favorite outfit!"
y/n put her thumb and pointer finger together to feel the paint. The paint was rather thick. "I think this might be acrylic." Evie looked down at the girl still laying in the grass and asked, "Can I wash it out of my clothes?" She had a desperate and pleading look in her eyes that y/n never seen before. y/n hate to say, but Evie asked. "It's impossible to get out."
After hearing that Evie went back to screaming and throwing a justified tantrum. While Jay laughed at the whole thing.
Ben had already made it to where the water balloons were being thrown. It was just from a tree not too far or too close to them. The prince took a deep breath before shaking the tree. It took a few shakes, but eventually a boy fell down. The boy had a basket of water balloons that all fell on him. Making him a rainbow mess laying on the grass.
"I knew I should have had someone keep an eye on you, Percy." Ben hissed to himself. Everything was going perfectly. "You- I just can't believe- I'm speechless, Percy. You always know how to leave me speechless." The boy called Percy groaned. "Okay, sure whatever. But this wasn't even my idea!"
"No. It may have not been your idea, but you still did it."
Percy desperately tried to defend himself, "But he's up there too! If you're going to punish me then you better punish Gallagher as well." They both looked up the tree, but no one was there. Percy wanted to scream in frustration. His supposed partner in crime has bailed on him once again.
Ben helped Percy up and told him to apologize to the new students. The boy really didn't have much of a choice and walked with Ben over to the group. Percy grumbled, "You guys don't know how to have fun around here."
"I am so sorry for this happening. Our local self proclaimed prankster thought it would be a funny–" Evie stomped up to the boy. Grinding her teeth, "How dare you! Not only did you terrorize me on my first day, but you also ruined my clothes that I made myself! Do you know how many times I pricked my finger on a needle to make this!? Not a lot, but a few times!"
Not a lot of people have seen Evie so enraged before. Quite frankly, she was scaring y/n a little bit. The girl was kind of aloof at least to y/n. The worst insults would be hurled at her and she'd just shrug it off. She's been mad before, y/n had witnessed it multiple times, but never such rage. Even Ben didn't want to get into it until Evie was done with her screaming ranting.
Percy didn't seem fazed by the reaction. More bored than anything else. He seemed grateful to finally leave when Ben explained what they'd do next. "I'll Percy to the principal and Avery will show you your rooms so you can all get cleaned up. Right?" Ben looked at the girl and sighed to herself before putting on a smile. "Right. I'll take you to your rooms."
"What about Carlos? He ran into the woods." y/n question with an anxious expression. "We'll have people look for him. He'll be back here before you know it." Hearing Ben's explanation, y/n decided to trust him. Jay added, "And if we don't find a body then we can just tell his mom that he's been adopted by a pack of wild dogs."
"Jay!" y/n squeaked out in horror.
"There aren't any wild dogs, wolves, or even bears around or near the school. He'll be fine I assure you." Ben tried his best to reassure the girl. She thought it over quickly before accepting his words with a slight nod. "Yeah, there's no need to get your undies in a twist. The only thing you'd have to worry about is Carlos touching poison ivy. Or maybe eating it."
y/n rolled eyes at Jay's remark and slightly pouted. "Carlos is smart enough to not start eating random greenery." The isle kids all seemed to stop and think about y/n's statement for a moment. Mal spoke up, "Does he even know what poison ivy is?"
Getting a bit antsy Audrey reminded them that she was here by making a loud 'ahem'. Once everyone was looking at her, she said, "Well, just follow me and I will show you to your room." The group followed the girl back into the school. All of sudden she came to a stop and called someone over. A scrawny boy with glass came over to them with some hesitation. He wasn't hiding his fear well.
Audrey pulled him over by the arm and shoved a paper into his hands before turning around to face the group. "This is Dough, he'll be showing you to your rooms. Say hi, Dough." Dough swallowed and gave a barely audible hello. After that Audrey told him good luck and scurried off down the hall.
Dough stared at the group with unhidden fear until Mal snapped him out of his frozen state. "Hey, aren't you supposed to take us to our rooms?" He stammered a bit before looking at the map Audrey gave him. "Y-Yes. Of course. This way." They made a stop at the boy’s dormitory since it was the closest to them and dropped off Jay.
When they went to the girl’s dormitory and stopped in front of a door. Dough explained that Mal and y/n would be staying there while Evie will be rooming with another student. Mal became tense and clenched her fists.
"I'm not staying in the room as-" Mal quickly stopped herself from calling y/n a name, but she couldn't help herself from insulting the girl in some way. So she slyly added with a hiss, "Right, Vv? We’re just better off away from each other." y/n's slightly frowned and furrowed her eyebrows at the nickname before she turned to Doug.
Any and all traces of annoyance were gone from her face as if nothing had happened. "I'm fine sharing a room with anyone." Her voice was light and the small resurging smile she gave Doug made Mal sicker. Mal rolled her eyes while thinking, 'Two-faced.'
Unsure of what to do under Mal's glare, Doug decided that one change wouldn't wouldn't hurt. "Ah, well- I'll show you to your room Miss. Vainira. I’ll carry your suitcase to your new room." Doug's voice held an anxiousness that made Mal smirk. The two went further down the hallway and y/n said, "You can just call me y/n. There isn't a need to be so formal with me."
Mal's smirk reverted back to a scowl at hearing y/n's voice. She could just hear and see the small smile y/n wore. She never liked y/n's smile. Even after all these years she's only begun hoping for y/n's downfall. It seemed like Harry was y/n's downfall. Mal had actually begun to search for y/n after hearing about the break up. Hoping to see that pitiful expression. Maybe y/n would even grovel at her feet and beg to back with her group. That moment would be sweeter than any sugar and Mal would savor that moment. Laughing in the girl's face.
Alas that fantasy never becomes reality. y/n was nowhere to be found and Mal knew better than to go snooping around the Vainira house. Even when they were leaving the y/n acted all the same. Her smile didn't falter when she was pushed to ride with their luggage. It was quite frustrating. "Fake as ever, I'm sure she'll fit right in here." Mal muttered to Evie before entering their new room.
Next Chapter
Noble To The Core Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who commented. You have no idea how much they motivate me and just make my day. I made some artwork regarding the story, but anyways thank you for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings. PS: I haven’t fully proofread this, I just wanted to get it out as soon as possible. So let me know about any misspellings or anything like that will help me later. :)
Taglist: @nobl3sse
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slickchickchocolatier · 10 months
Part one
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Some fluff, minor comedy, slow burn type romance. Part 2 will have smut.
Had to take a break from MT's final chapter (it's almost done I promise) but I needed a break from Heedam (trust me…the man is getting juicy with his y/n.) so please enjoy this heartwarming piece based off the film with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Sorry not proofread.
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"Princess Y/N of (home country) has safely arrived to Italy as part of her European tour, becoming the diplomatic voice for the troubled youths of today's generation. The heir to King (your father's name) throne has received the warmest welcomes as she is greeted by the local nationals and the royal families of Europe.
Tonight, a grand ball will be held in the Princess’s honor, attended by the most pristine global guests at the Il Colosseo Rosa, where the sole heir will personally greet and address both, the royal and political unions of the continental divide.”
You gracefully appeared before the massive audience as General Hector Lucino, head of the royal guards, escorted you to the head of the ball room. The guests sigh and gasp at the sight as you delicately take your steps, greeting them with a warm smile and gently nodding your head in modesty. The level of class and sophistication within your aura wasn’t just a part of the years of royal grooming. No, this was the natural inheritance of your pure bloodline as the sole heir of your father’s nobility. 
Taking his place by your side, the general stands by amidst the colonels and high ranking officials, along with your closest staff, the Duke of Sagewick, the Marquis of Pemberton, and the Duchess de Barbarac, your personal headmistress that cared and looked after you religiously. 
The national anthem was played beautifully by a live performance, followed by your formal introduction as the announcer represented you to the public. Lined up before you, was the lengthy row of ambassadors, military officials, royal members of various continental houses, and more. As the announcer formally calls out their names, you greet them with grace and a formal introduction. 
The gems of your necklace, earrings, and tiara shined brightly, yet still was no match against your heavenly smile. Your eyes, glistened by the chandelier lighting, twinkled like the stars in the sky, while your gown flared your noble appeal. 
Moments after greeting the first ranking official, you lost track of the time. You were quite certain it had been at least thirty minutes since the announcer called the first name, and your feet were reminding you of it. You swore, it never mattered how often you wore these low heels, your body could never adjust to the extension as the balls of your feet began to beat with a sense of soreness. You did your best to shift between each foot, uncasting them from the intrusive pressures of the silkened pumps. Back and forth, between left and right, you shifted out of the pumps and wiggled your toes, stretched the arch, and returned back to your modest posture, never letting out a clue as to what was going on beneath your dress–at least, up until you mistakenly lost your balance, a rookie move for a seasoned princess. Failing to feed your foot back into the heel, you shifted in motion, causing a slight disruption when greeting the Grand Duke Casta of DeLatitia. You remained composed; your smile stayed ever so gentle as you tried your best to not pay any attention to the sudden note of humiliation. 
Finally, the last member was called, and you would have felt relieved if it weren’t for the fact that your right, silk threaded pump falls over. You did your best to delicately put it back in place so that you could slip it back on, but to no avail. Between the sheer, slick material of your stockings and the smoothness of the pump’s material, you lost all will to place it back on foot. The audience all wait for you to take your seat, you nearly forgot as you remained ever so focused in getting your slipper back on, when the Duchess de Barbarac gently places a hand on your elbow, giving you a slight tug as she guides you back into your chair. Admitting defeat, you take your position and watch as everyone takes a breath and is relieved to finally sit down, only to find that laying lonesomely before you, was your abandoned slipper. 
The general and royal staff members all signaled to the Duchess with a sense of urgency in their expressions. It took a few seconds for her to notice, but once she did, a frown of dismay nearly disrupted her calm look, but she caught herself and remained unperturbed, something she had mastered from years of training you. 
The General whispers into the Marquis’s ear. Standing straight and tall, the man presents his hand, a formal gesture to ignite the first dance, in which you took the hint and accepted as you placed your palm in his. Taking a step down, he levels your balance as you were able to strategically hover over your slipper, and slip it back into place. All was well. 
After spending the evening with the routines of royal responsibilities, it was finally time to lay the night to rest. 
“May I request a readjustment of my wardrobe?”
The duchess continues her tasks without pause, merely raising a brow in slight vexation. “A readjustment? What for?”
You finish brushing your long strands, placing the gold victorian brush down on your vanity. “My nightgown…I hate it.” 
“You shouldn’t use the word ‘hate’ my dear, it’s very unsuitable for someone from your station.” 
“But I do hate it–and I hate all of my underwear too.” 
Slightly rolling her eyes, the Duchess bids you to come to bed. “Come to bed Y/N, we have crackers, and milk in a fine glass.” Tucking you in, she sets the tray table over your lap while grabbing onto her filefax, preparing to go over tomorrow’s schedule. “Now my dear, I know you dislike going over tomorrow’s events, but it must be done. Finish your milk and crackers, I will proceed.” 
She places her thin glasses over the bridge of her nose, penciling her notes as she reads off the strict time hacks of all the press conferences, the visit with local orphanages, and the meeting with the Commandant of the Italian military forces. 
“First thing, we have the press conference to address the rising concerns of global inequality within the woman’s workforce and illegal recruitment of children conducting factory labor.” 
You sigh out as you munch on the saltine cracker. “I’ve visited this topic many times, how must I change the world when I am the sole individual addressing these concerns?”
“Oh my dear, that’s not proper language. You will have to accept and review the notes on the daily report.” Pulling out the document, the Duchess goes over the new avenues of approach to further emphasize the issue at hand, one that you had expressed on many occasions. Reading off each bullet point, you whispered out “Please…enough.” 
“And statistics also show that many women have…”
“Please stop.
“Then there are the points of view of the religious community that you will have to address.”
“No thank you…”
“Furthermore, there are many cultural aspects that interfere with the viewpoints of women in the workplace that you must take into consideration as the diplomatic figure of your family’s household–.” 
The Duchess jumps at your tone, you finally snapped. It was long coming, yet the pressures of maintaining appearance and dignity only created a passive ball of depression that stormed in your chest, and tonight, it decided to burst out. “I can’t take it anymore! Just stop!”
“It’s alright Y/N, calm yourself, it's just nerves.”
“Nerves?! How dare you? Why does it always have to be this way? Why can’t I just be away from it all for once?”
“Your highness!” The Duchess raises her voice, doing her best to bring you back to a rational level, yet you continue to burst out in tears as you whimper out your absolute unhappiness with everything. The duties, the schedules, the constant controlling of your movements, the way you spoke, acted, thought, and felt–everything was too much, and you reached your breaking point. 
“I will get doctor Rue.” The Duchess dismisses herself, hastily telling the guard to quickly alert the general and royal staff that their presence was urgently requested at once. 
Moments later, the royal physician arrived with the royal staff following suit. You continue to cry and voice out your bitter disappointment; you certainly didn’t mean to act out, but who in the world could ever understand you? Everything was so mundane and dull, you lacked any excitement and spark in your life. WIth all the regulations and overhaul of agendas to fill your day, you barely had any time for yourself, much less to do anything memorable. The life of a princess, it was only glamorous and fashionable in the eyes of the public, but within closed walls, it was a disastrous lifestyle that you wish you could trade out in a heartbeat. 
Doctor Rue fetched out a syringe and needle, his face remained poised as he presented the solution to your ‘problem’. “Your highness, here is a little something to help you rest.”
“I don't need to rest…I want out! Out! I want out of this life!”
“Now, now.” Pinching the flesh on your arm, he sticks you with the needle tip, injecting the clear fluid. “What’s that?” you asked while hiccuping your tears. 
“Just a little something to help put you to sleep. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be good as new.” 
After taking your vitals, he and the staff left you alone; you laid fully awake, gazing at the cathedral ceiling. From outside your window, across the river, you could hear the laughter, dancing, and musical air that flowed and graced the night. How wonderful to be that free and joyful? 
“...I wish to be that happy.” you remarked to yourself, when your own mental voice presented you an ultimatum. So why don’t you? 
You quickly got up and out of bed, dressing yourself in modest casual attire, if you could even label it as casual. Everything you owned was sophisticated, elegant, and lavish. The most basic pieces were still eye-catching, regarding the most high end fabric and design. But that wasn’t going to stop you, not one bit. 
You peeked out through the door, to find the guards caught up in chit-chat. They stood in one end of the corridor, leaving the opposite path open, but just barely. You slipped through, hiding behind statues until the two pairs of eyes were looking away, which afforded you a chance to get by. Getting out from the inside was easy, it was the perimeter of the entire building and exiting the gate that was problematic. You were determined, which was further fueled by your success in getting out and hiding in the royal garden. Thankfully, you knew all the station points of where each guard and camera was set. The viewpoints of the camera lens were expansive, yet there were just enough blind spots for you to hide under as you swoop through, finding the organic market truck delivering fresh produce and meat for the chef and kitchen staff. Quickly, you snuck in the back of the cart, hiding behind a wooden cart of milk bottles as the driver closed up the tail, and started the vehicle. 
With a left turn, and straight ahead, you took a quick peek to find that the truck left the gates behind, closing for the night as everyone contained within are left thinking you are still in your bed, when in all reality, you were finally free. 
I did it…
You couldn’t believe it, this was entirely too good to be true. You finally made out and left the Colosseum. Resting your chin on the wooden crate, you watched all the happy couples taking their nightly stroll laugh and enjoy the Roman night. How dazzling it must be to be able to meet new people, go on dates, dress the way you see fit and to build companionship–a close and personal one at that. A world without having to be politically correct, not involved with the aggressive issues of world affairs and global diplomacy…just a life of chosen happiness and freedom. What a blissful and wonderful life that would be to have. 
The truck finally stopped, subtly waking you as you began to drift off. It would seem that doctor Rue’s medication was starting to take effect, but you had come so far to just merely return and fall asleep. You had to see and experience more, ride a motorbike, go sightseeing and even drink real Italian soda, or eat ice cream from a cone, for once. 
Walking along the sidewalk, you admired the dazzling architecture and fountains, graced by such remarkable statues. 
“I can’t wait to see everything.”
“Alright, show face gents.”
“I got nothing.”
“Got a straight.”
Ethan strokes his chin, leveling out his hand, revealing a full house. “Oh, a full house. Bet you were feeling lucky, eh Ethan?” Jake, Ethan’s best friend remarks with a devious tune in his voice. “Let’s have it.” Ethan mumbles out, already figuring he lost this round as he tosses the remainder of his poker chips. 
“Royal flush! Go ahead and weep boys.” Jake announces delightfully as he scoops up his entire night’s winnings. 
“Whatever, I’m out. I got a early morning tomorrow.”
“Ah, the press conference with Princess Y/N?”
“Yup.” Ethan lets out a tiresome sigh while placing his jacket on. “You heading out soon?” He raises a brow and extends an inquiry towards Jake. “Yeah, after a bit.”
“Cool, see ya.” At his que, Ethan leaves. 
With his casual suit and tie, he takes a nightly stroll as his hands remain nestled in both pockets. What a night, another game ending with him losing a week's worth of pay, so much for a fun night out with the boys. 
Up ahead, he spots a peculiar view. Drawing closer in, he notices you asleep on the bench. Odd. Why would a young lady, neatly dressed be asleep on the street. 
“Miss?…Miss! Wake up.” 
You mumbled as he dipped down to shake your shoulder. “Miss, you shouldn’t be sleeping here.” 
“Mmm…not…not sleeping…”
“Uh huh.” Rolling his eyes, Ethan buries his hand back in the pocket before mocking your pitiful state. “You know, typically if someone can’t handle their liquor, they shouldn’t drink. Especially at this hour.” 
“Mmm…” you flutter your lashes as you blink, all the while Ethan half-heartedly sits you up. “Mm…Art thou afeared to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire?” You drew out your tired voice as you reiterated your favorite verse, succeeding in impressing the rather stoic young man at your side. “Do you know who wrote that?” You questioned as your eyes go back to being shut. 
“Huh…so you’re not only well dressed, but you’re also well educated.” Ethan tosses a small pebble in the air, catches it before skipping it against the placid surface of the water. “What is someone like you out here charting lines from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”?” His tone was playful and teasing, but you hardly noticed as you drifted off. A nearby taxi drives close, and Ethan waves it down. “Well, see ya chica.” 
He opens the car door before taking another pitiful glance at you. Your body goes limp as you lay yourself back down, nuzzling against the backrest of the bench. 
Ethan comes back and taps your arm. “Hey, you take the cab. Come on, take it and go home.” 
“Come on…” lifting you, he rests you against his shoulder as he helps you inside the back of the taxi. “Senor, where to?” 
Ethan shuts the door as he does his best to stabilize you in the back seat. No matter how he tried, you kept slouching over, mumbling out tiresome moans as you expressed may times, over and over that you merely needed to sleep. 
“I know, I know.” Ethan appeases the cab driver as he grips your shoulders, and inquires your home address. “Miss, where do you live?”
“Mmmm….the….the colosseum..”
Ethan and the cab driver both exchange looks before proceeding once more to get a legitimate answer. “Uh…miss? Miss, where do you live?”
“야!” Growing impatient, Ethan’s Korean roots comes out as he takes a harsh tone and verbiage to you ”진지하게…“
“Signore, per favore devo andare—“
“Okay, okay.” Rubbing his temples, Ethan winces out of frustration as he reignites the question once more. “Miss, where do you live? Don’t say—“
“Mmm colosseum….”
“…the colosseum.” He whispers in defeat as faces the cab driver. “Please driver to Casa Gabriella.” 
“Ah! Thank you Signore!” The cab driver enthusiastically thanks Ethan before driving to the street belonging to his own residence. 
Between going back and forth with trying to get an answer out of you, and reasoning with the driver, Ethan found himself in a pickle, having no choice but to take you in for the night. “Damn…” he huffed under his breath.
He pays the driver before seeing you in through the gated entrance. Thumbing through his pocket, he fetched for his keys, yet paused upon feeling a sudden density resting against his back. He looks over his shoulder to expand his peripheral sight, catching the subtle image of you sleeping on his back and barely standing with his frame as support. Clearing his throat, he faces back forward as he unlocked the gate.
Leading you through the entrance, Ethan guides you in by the hand. You walked closely behind, practically sleep-walking with your eyes glued shut. He knew that your ‘inebriation’ was the cause in your lack of functionality, yet he couldn’t help but think of how childish you appeared as you rubbed your eyelids, tucked in your chin, and gently stomped your heels while being dragged through the outer corridor. 
He proceeds to climb the staircase, when your hand began slipping through his grip. He looked back, only to find that you managed to continue forward, but on the opposite of the stair rail. 
“Oh come on…” Ethan sighed tirelessly, raising your hand above head and once again, guided you all the way back around and on to the steps. 
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He fishes through his key ring, grabbing the one that unlocked his front door. You stood behind, eyes shut, swaying as you waited, not at all coherent. He only looked away for a second as he grabbed the house key, when he looked back just in the nick of time. Aiming for the door, you recognized the structure of the entrance to Ethan’s neighbor, even at your sleeping state, you managed to not only realize that there was a door beside you, but also decided to act brazen as you marched straight for the frame with your fist balled up, seemingly ready to knock at such a late hour. 
“Shit!” Ethan harshly whispers as he leans forward and by the grace of God, was able to catch onto your wrist before you made contact with the door. 
“Wheeeeeeeew….” Breathing out steadily, Ethan regains his posture, while pulling you back in and behind him. He quickly enters and drags you to his apartment, finally able to take a breath. This was much harder than he expected. 
You merely stood by his bed, your chin still tucked in with your eyes closed. Now that you were in a stable environment, Ethan was able to take a breather and sipped on some scotch, trying to take the edge off from being bestowed as your babysitter. 
“Mmmmmnnn…do you know my favorite Shakespeare verse?” You mumbled out, drawing your words in a somber tone. 
Eyeballing you as he sips from the glass, with hand in pocket and his frame casually leaned against the wall, Ethan tucked in his lips as he relished the taste of liquor gracing his tongue. “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” he sets the glass down and digs through his drawers. 
“Here.” Presenting you with a pair of cotton, checkered seat pants and an oversized tee shirt, you lazily received them as your eyes opened just a sliver. “Pajamas?” 
“Yup. The bathroom is to your right, you can change in there.” His tone expressed annoyance, watching as you half wittingly untied your neck tab. “May I have a silk nightgown with baby rose buds on the hem?” 
Ethan raises a brow, tucking his hands back in his pockets. Did you seriously just request for something so lavish after all you had put him through? ‘Huh…typical rich girl.’
“Sorry princess, you’re gonna have to rough it out with these tonight.”
He turns back over to fetch his glass and finishes off his drink. “May I have some?”
Ethan nearly choked out upon hearing you request for a drink. “No! Go change and get to sleep!” 
He wipes the leaked beverage from his lip and checks the time on his wrist watch. “I’m going to step out for a bit. Change over and you’ll sleep on the couch.” 
“Will you assist in my undressing?” 
‘What did she just ask me to do?’……
“Come again, young lady?” 
“Please undo my attire  so that I may retire to bed.” You expressed as you tilted your nose up into the air. Your eyes remained closed as you slightly spread your arms apart. 
Peaking a perturbed brow, Ethan rolled his eyes before ‘assisting’ in undressing you. He squares up and looks down and reviews your sleepy countenance. “Uhh….um…here.” Pulling the neck sash loose from your collar, he hands it to you and watches as you barely grabbed onto it. “There. I helped.”
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Turning hastily, he locks up the scotch before grabbing onto the knob. “I’m going out for a bit. Remember, you sleep on the couch, got it?” 
You loosened the fabric belt and unbuttoned your skirt, turning around, you flared your wrist and delicately graced the air with a fingered motion. The moment you rotated, your skirt drapes downward and falls to the floor. “You have my permission to withdraw.” 
Ethan simply rolled his eyes once more as he shuts the door. “Whatever princess, don’t touch anything.”
Walking back up the stairs, Ethan rubbed his eyes. He was so tired, while he was out, he effortlessly asked around to see if he could find anyone that recognized your description, but it was futile. Guess you really had to stay over in his apartment until you sober up in the morning. Re-entering his apartment, he tosses his keys before noticing, much to his dismay, that you were nestled into his bed. 
“Oh Hell no! Come on! I said couch…couch!” 
He flings his jacket aside as he loosens his tie. Placing both hands on his hip, what a night this turned out to be. 
He changed over to his own set of pajamas before attempting to configure a way to fit himself in the bed. Placing a row of pillows between both your bodies, he attempted to gain comfort and place head to pillow, when in a blink of an eye, his goose-feathered fortress was demolished as you turned over. Swinging your arm and leg, you rolled over in your sleep as you limbs held onto him. “What the—“
He flings your limbs away and sits upright. His full size bed was simply not large enough for you both, so he was left with only one other option. 
“Move over.” 
Bouldering you to the edge, he rolls you right onto the couch beside the bed and watches as you land against the stuff cushion. “So happy…” you mumbled out. 
“Shut up.” Fluffing his pillows, he lays back down and finally, at precisely 3 am, he was able to get some sleep. 
“….Mmm…so happy...”
“Girl, I swear to God…”
“General, we’ve searched the entire premises. There is no sight of Princess y/n.”
“Keep each detachment commander on standby, we must handle this with the utmost discretion. Understand? The Princess is the direct heir to the throne, we must avoid any stir with the press.”
The guard snaps a salute before pivoting and taking his leave. The royal staff all sit around in complete disarray. “We will issue a public statement that the Princess is ill, that will excuse and cancel out the list of events we have coordinated.” 
The general strokes his chin as he listens to the Marquis. “Well…all that’s left is to notify their majesties…”
The royal staff all stood, eyes widening as they prepare to take in whatever was coming. Your father, the King, was known to be a fair and benevolent man, but overly harsh and stern when it came to grave mistakes—in this case, losing his only child.
Ethan fluttered his eyes open, harshly greeted by the sun peering through the window. What time was it? Time…the time! 
Jolting up, he snags his watch from the bedside table. “Shit…the press conference with the Princess…Fuck!” 
Jumping out of bed, he quickly got dressed, not at all paying attention to the abandoned ‘drunk’ he had watched over from last night. You remained heavily asleep on his couch, which was all dandy with him. He didn’t have time to arrange for your departure; right now, his job was at stake. “Fuck fuck fuck!” 
Running out, he catches a cab ride and proceeds to the office, unaware that various media outlets had published countless articles of your ‘illness’ and the cancellation of the arranged conference. 
“Ethan! Mr. Park has been looking for you.” 
“Yeah…got it.” 
Taking in a breath, Ethan walks in to greet his boss. “Hey.” 
“Where have you been?” 
“You want the truth or a harmless lie?” 
“Don’t even bother Ethan.” Jay, a longtime friend and employer of Ethan and Jake, eaves his hand as he dismisses his friends lack of responsibility. “I stopped giving a shit a long time ago. If I continued to stress over you, you would have been fired a hundred times by now.”
Ethan smirked as he issued a slight nod. “Sorry, I overslept. I had a…rather rough night.” 
“What? Did boys night end so badly that it kept you from sleeping?” 
“I wish.” Ethan sighed as he pours himself a cup of coffee. “Anyhow, I know I’m late but I’ll head over to the press conference and see if I can catch the end of it.” 
Jay perks up a brow. “The press conference?”
“Yes sir.”
Jay scoffs as he rubs his forehead. “It’s rather ironic that you were for a media outlet but you can’t keep up with current events.” 
“What do you mean?” Taking a sip, Ethan stares at Jay wide eyed, completely unaware of what his friend was referring to. Tossing a bundle up newspaper article towards him. Jay snaps his fingers as he gazes at a mischievous expression. “Read it. Princess is out sick, the press conference was canceled, dummy.”
Ethan’s brows furrowed together as he unraveled the paper and proceeded to read the headline, when the image header nearly caused his heart to skip a beat. 
“It’s postponed until further notice, so saddle up because I have a feeling that once she’s in the clear to make public appearances, there’s going to be a riot of journalists trying to get their greedy questions answered.”
Ethan didn’t hear a single word, instead, he stared into the portrait styled photograph that graced every front page in the country. 
“Is…this the princess?”
Jay shifts his elbow on the desk, leaning cheek to palm as he breathed out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, smart one. THAT, is the princess, y/n.”
Ethan crinkles the paper, internally giggling as he grabbed on to the fortuitous opportunity. “If I got an exclusive interview…what would that get me?” 
Raising his brows, Jay slowly raises his head, his interest peaked at Ethan’s words. 
“Yeah, that’s right you heard me. EXCLUSIVE…”
Building up beads of sweat, Ethan hurried back to his apartment. He couldn’t relish the details to Jay, but he only hinted enough to shake on a granted promotion and independence, should he gain an one of a kind interview with you, Princess Y/N. 
He bursts through the door, and to his everlasting joy, you were still asleep. He quickly shuts the door and maneuvers the furniture in his flat, and tidies up the bed stand. Looking overhead, he made a sudden realization as it dawned on him that you were on the couch. He made you, the Princess, sleep on a couch. 
“Let’s fix that real quick.” 
Huffing under his breath, he lifts you up and over, placing you back on the mattress as he fixes the pillows and bed spread. 
The sirens of local national security could be heard roaming the streets, he already knew the meaning behind it. Taking a final glance at the paper, he compares your face to the image. “It really is her…” 
Clearing his throat, he shoved the paper behind his headboard before gently waking you. “Um…your highness?”
Not exactly the response he was looking for. Trying once more, he issues a more authoritative tone as he lightly taps your leg. “Your royal highness…are you awake?”
“Yes, what is it?” You rolled over, refusing to open your eyes or get out of bed. You felt so exhausted. “Please close the curtains, the sun is too bright, doctor.” You softly commanded as you nuzzled your nose against the pillow.
“Ah…sure.” Ethan was ecstatic, this could practically be a route for him to take on early retirement. 
“Your highness, can you sit up for a moment?” 
“Mmm….doctor….I had the strangest dream.”
“Oh yeah? Tell me about it.”
Your eyes remained shut as you recounted whatever details you could vaguely recall from last nights ‘dream’. “I dreamt that I was away…and I met a man.”
“Oh?” Developing a mischievous grin, Ethan probes. “What did he look like?”
“Mmm…tall…he was so tall.” 
“Tall….handsome….and he was so mean to me.” You frowned at the bitter end of your sentence, which had Ethan’s grin quickly transitioning to a somewhat guilty look. 
“Is that so?….Sorry to hear that.” 
You flung your arm over your eyes as you bashfully grinned out. “It was wonderful…”
Ethan’s grin reappears. “Glad to hear it.” 
Basking in the warmth of the sun's rays, you slowly opened your eyes to spot the blurred silhouette of the man before you. It must be a side effect of the medication. Blinking, you cleared your vision as you re-opened your eyes one more, only to find that the clarity of your sight displayed the truth of your detailed account. 
‘What…..who….where am I?’ 
You stared endlessly as the voice in your head questions the current nature of the setting, when Ethan’s voice shocks you. “Good morning….” 
His face…this man is…
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Part two coming soon…
Authors note: I promise “Devil Wears Prada” is in the works. That one has a more elaborate storyline.
Perm Taglist:
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116 notes · View notes
americaswritings · 2 years
Warnings: period talk
Summary: You're on your period and Neil offers you a little comfort when he sees you're having a bad day.
Words: 2.2k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x Doctor!reader
A/N: It's ridiculous how much time I wasted searching for a gif and still ending up unsatisfied. But for some reason when I search for gifs on tumblr for my writing I just get reaction memes these days. It's so annoying! Anyway, this was requested. I hope you like it and it's the way you imagined :) I really want to write more again, because it felt so good to just sit down and start typing, but life is so busy at the moment and both my physical and mental health aren't so great too! Hopefully it will all get better soon :)
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You should have known it would be ‘one of those days’ when you walked into work with a belly ache, but you didn’t think much of it, hoping if you just ignored it the pain would eventually go away.
Only it didn’t. Instead it got worse, spreading into your lower back and making it hard to keep standing. All you wanted to do was sit or lie down and not move anymore, perhaps even curl over until the pain faded.
But you were on shift, the ER was buzzing and the hospital was understaffed. Sighing you grabbed the next patient’s file, scanning it quickly as you made your way over to where he was seated. Too late you realized someone was crossing your way and you bumped right into them, startling at the unexpected contact.
“Sorry!” You took a step back and glanced up at the man dressed in the blue scrubs, relieved but also a little nervous to find it was Neil Melendez. The two of you got along well, so well that it made you hope he would eventually ask you out.
But he hadn’t yet and you didn’t have the heart to do it yourself, fearing the humiliation of a rejection since you would have to keep working together.
Neil teased you and he flirted with you, but that didn’t have to mean anything. He was naturally charming. Still you hoped for the moment to come, your heart always losing its steady rhythm for a second when you laid eyes on him.
“It’s nothing.” He smiled at you and you tried to reciprocate it, but a sharp pain in your belly made your face twist in pain instead. “Well, I should get going”, you said once the pain had ebbed a little, but you didn’t make it far as Neil held you back by your elbow.
“You okay?” His brows were knitted and he watched you with a frown, his eyes darting over your face before he locked eyes with you again. You drew in a breath, tensing a little at the proximity and trying to ignore your galloping heart.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, you brushed it off, this time managing a smile. You saw Neil slightly narrow his eyes at you, but before he could say anything else you offered him a nod and hurried away.
You had never looked so much forward to your break, the imagination of finally sitting down and eating a meal keeping you going for the rest of the morning. But just as you handed over your last patient’s file, planning to head to the cafeteria, a voice called you back.
It was Dr. Lim. She was marching over to you and you could tell from her face she wanted something from you.
Not now.
“What is it?”, you asked, once she came to stand beside you, not hiding your frustration. The other doctor looked at you surprised, before holding an iPad out to you. “The imaging and report from Mr. Wellington’s CT just came in.”
You let your eyes flicker over it, not finding anything worth this fuss. “And?”, you asked, sounding as impatient as you felt to get held back. “That’s what I thought too”, Audrey continued unbothered, “but then I found this.” She used her fingers to zoom in on it.
“See this shadow?”
You squinted your eyes. “Could be anything.” “Right, but it looks like a small tumour. I already ran a biopsy. The results should be in soon.”
You glanced up at her, waiting for her to come to the point. When she didn’t say more you sighed. “So? Why are you showing me this?”
“Okay-“, Audrey snapped the iPad’ case shut, handing it over to the nurse’s desk, “Someone’s in a mood today!”
You winced under her glare, regretting how harsh you had sounded. It wasn’t her fault you were having a bad day and she didn’t deserve your attitude. “Sorry.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale, trying to push away your annoyance. You really didn’t want to argue with Audrey today. Especially not over something stupid like this.
“It’s just-” You opened your eyes again, gesturing at the busy ER. “-My back is killing me and I have the worst cramps and I just want to lay down and suffer in silence.”
You let out a chuckle at your dramatic words and the way they came out as if they had been at the tip of your tongue only waiting to slip out, which probably wasn’t far from the truth, and Audrey offered you a sympathetic smile. “That time of the month?”
You nodded, surprised that you didn’t feel embarrassed to talk about it with her. Audrey always seemed so strong and unbothered and you couldn’t imagine her whining over a stupid period. But she seemed to know exactly what you were talking about.
“The mood swings are the worst for me. You might know I’m not the most patient person out there-”, you grinned, thinking of the many incidents she had proven what a short temper she coud have, “but during that time? You really don’t want to pick a fight with me then!”
You laughed. It was just too easy to imagine. “I bet Melendez and Andrews have made that mistake.” Audrey’s face lit up. “Oh, trust me they have!” She shook her head, smiling. “And they learn from it.”
“As they should”, you nodded, “at least they don’t have to attempt 12-hour shifts while it feels like their insides get twisted inside-out.”
Audrey laid her hand on your lower arm, squeezing lightly. “Ibuprofen’s your best friend. And if you ever need to take a break and lay down just tell me.”
You felt a lump forming in your throat and you had to will back your tears. Damn hormones! “Thank you.” You hoped she could hear how sincere you were, the thought of having an escape providing you with relief strong enough to give you a little energy back.
“We women have to stick together.” Audrey squeezed your arm again, before retreating and you looked after her for a moment, grateful to have a friend in her.
When you had finally made it to the cafeteria, your pager had gone off right as it had been your turn to order. “You can’t be serious”, you muttered as you pulled it out and read it. “Hey, are you going to order or what?”, you heard someone ask behind you, but without another word you took off, praying you would make it to your patient in time.
Luckily you had. But afterwards you had been pulled right into another case and before you knew it, it had grown dark outside and your stomach was growling at you.
The cafeteria was long closed and so you got a chocolate bar from the vending machine, promising yourself to get real food once you were off the clock.
The ER had quietened down as it often did at the end of your shift and since you had never taken your break you allowed yourself a moment to take a breath in the resident’s lounge.
Although you weren’t a resident anymore you still liked to come here. Perhaps it was the closeness to Neil’s office or the quiet it provided at the end of the day when the residents had all gone home. There was no one who could tell you off as you curled up on the sofa.
The chocolate tasted heavily in your mouth and you devoured it until the last crumb. “You look like you just fell in love.”
“Huh?” You glanced up, to find Neil at the door, casually entering the room and coming to stand in front of you.
He gestured towards the wrapper you had placed on the table. “The chocolate.”
Oh. You let out a chuckle as you realized you had stared at it longingly while you had contemplated whether it was reasonable to get up and get another one or if it wasn’t worth the effort it would take to search for a vending machine.
“That was probably the best chocolate I’ve ever had”, you declared and Neil chuckled. “Your standards are very low then.” You tried to look offended but failed. “Don’t speak ill of the vending machines. They are real life savers. And it’s been a tough day.”
You said it lightly, but you saw Neil’s jaw twitch at the last part. “What happened?”
He walked over to where you were sitting and you shuffled to the side to make space for him. He leaned against the armrest, his body angled towards yours. “Nothing I-”
But suddenly tears were clouding your eyes as all the emotions you had bottled up threatened to spill over. “Damn it!” You wiped at your eyes before the tears could spill, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
You didn’t need to look at Neil’s face to see the worry on it.
“Sorry”, you let out an embarrassed chuckle and Neil smiled at you softly. “I’m usually not this emotional. It’s been a long day that’s all.”
“You have had longer ones and didn’t bat an eye.” It wasn’t an accusation, only genuine confusion on Neil’s part and your heart swelled at the hidden compliment and how much he cared to understand you.
“Yeah”, you muttered, closing your eyes as another cramp hit you. When you opened them again you hoped your face hadn’t betrayed you and given away your discomfort, but the disadvantage at working so closely together was that Neil could read you by now.
Before he could make any wild guesses, you decided to just tell him the truth.
You didn’t have to be embarrassed about it, shouldn’t feel that way, yet it was easier said than done. You didn’t want him to think you couldn’t take the hardships of the job, that you were weak or dramatic. But even as you thought it you knew Neil would never think that of you.
Or anyone.
He wasn’t like that, wasn’t intimidated by strong willed women or the reality of what it was like to be one.
Taking a long inhale and an even longer exhale you looked up at him. “I got my period this morning and I’ve been in pain all day.” Now that you had gotten the words out you suddenly had the urge to let it all out.
“And my back is like- so bad. But the cramps are the worst. And I snapped at Audrey. And then again at Glassman. And I almost bawled my eyes out when my patient made it out of surgery and his wife came to see him. And this-”, you gestured at yourself, “is the first break I have gotten all day and I don’t think I’m ever gonna stand up again.”
You stared at Neil in shock for a moment as you realized what had just happened, but then you let out a laugh. “Wow and that just came out like one long sentence!”
Neil chuckled in amusement. “That seems like a really crappy day”, he agreed and you nodded in relief that he seemed to take it serious. “Right? I mean, there are worse things, obviously, but still-” You clutched your belly again, letting out a hiss of pain.
When you looked back up Neil had shifted closer to you, his frown back in place. “Why didn’t you call in sick?”
“Really?” You shook your head, amused and a little frustrated. “I can’t just call in sick every month.”
“It’s this bad every month?”
You nodded. “Most of the time, yeah. Sometimes it’s better, other’s it’s worse. But that’s just how it is.”
Neil face twisted, clearly displeased with what you had said or the situation, perhaps both. “It shouldn’t be like that”, he said then and you looked at him for a moment, taking in his sincerity. “I mean, yeah”, you agreed after a moment. “What, you want to change the whole system now?”
Neil’s mouth curled up in the hint of a smile. “Not tonight, no. I have better plans.”
Your face fell a little as you felt a hint of disappointment at his words. Maybe he was just hanging out with friends or visiting his sister you tried to reason. But the thought of him having plans with another woman gnawed at you.
“Really? What could be better than that?”, you asked teasingly and he tipped his head towards you. “Someone needs to show you what real chocolate tastes like.”
Oh. Your hope arose so strongly you almost forgot to breathe for a moment. “And my sofa is even more comfortable than this one.” He patted the couch you were seated on, not breaking eye contact once.
You still looked at him in shock, unable to form words as you processed his. “You’re baiting me with chocolate?”, you asked once the shock had faded a little, cautious not to put too much weight into his words and Neil grinned. “I do give great massages too. I cook. And I have a big movie collection to distract you from, you know, the pain and all that.”
You smiled widely at him. “Now that wins me over”, you stated, although the thought of spending time alone with Neil was already enough. But it didn’t make his promises less appealing. And it made you feel warm inside to know how much he cared and that he had put so much thought into what he could do to make you feel better.
“Great.” He stood up. “So it’s a date?” For the first time he sounded nervous and it made your heart flutter to know it was because of you. That this, whatever it was between you, mattered to him too.
“It’s a date.”
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Add yourself to my taglist!
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anxresi · 2 years
I’m Sorry, But We REALLY Need To Talk About THIS from the leaked scripts.
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Out of the MANY downright idiotic and plainly risible events that occur in future episodes of this accursed show, THIS is the Big One which stands out to me as being utterly beneath contempt (and it’s got nothing to do with Audrey being a balloon, funnily enough).
Who the hell does Andre think he is, giving himself a divorce JUST. LIKE. THAT. Pretty sure even mayors don’t have that power.
Also, how can he adopt Zoe out of the blue? (don’t forget: he’s barely even LIVED with her for one season, and not even say her name for THREE) He hasn’t asked her, and as far as I’m aware, they never even discuss it before the end of the season. 
Come to think of it, what does her ACTUAL father Mr Lee back in New York have to say about this bizarre situation? Is he going to fight this sudden whim of Andre’s in court? Is he dead? No-one knows, sorry. Expecting any kind of logic from Miraculous is like waiting for it to rain chocolate milk in the Sahara during the middle of summer, I guess.
Andre has a point with Audrey, of course... but who was it that caved into his daughter’s worst excesses while his wife was regularly away? Who let her have everything she ever wanted, so she became the spoiled brat we know of today? And who’s set to avoid prosecution for YEARS of political corruption, just because he now wants a quiet life as a movie director with his oh-so-perfect adopted daughter? Here’s a clue... he’s wearing a big sash! 
But suddenly ‘redeeming’ Andre and relieving him of all responsibility to his daughter’s conduct (not to mention avoid punishment), it just goes to know how DETERMINED the show is to vilify Chloe and give her the WORST possible outcome (even ahead of ACTUAL TERRORISTS like Gabriel) even at the expense of changing past events, and radically modifying other character’s personalities at the drop of a hat if it suits their painstaking ‘Chloe sux lol’ agenda. 
But seeing as they’re pretending Chloe was ALWAYS a complete monster with no moments of humanity now, at least they have form in this department. They must hope the audience has amnesia at best, or are complete fools at worse. Well, there’s nothing with MY memory Mr Astruc, and I may not be a genius but my IQ is comfortably three figures last time I checked. Better luck with the rest of the fanbase though!
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You can just imagine Thomas personally BEGGING to animate that last shot of ‘Chloe Looking Worried’. Probably offered up the life of his firstborn grandchild. That ****ing *****... 
Anyway, please spare a thought for Chloe being forcibly taken away by her lifelong abuser on a plane to further damage her permanently, I guess. “Take Control’... yep, I’ve heard those words before...
All at the behest of ‘Father Of The Year’ Andre, who I suppose is now meant to be some kind of hero for subjecting his now estranged daughter to even more trauma at the hands of his despised ex.
But it’s all okay! He likes Zoe ‘the best’ you see, so he can quite happily turn off his conscience now that the show has seen fit to allow him to escape any kind of karma, and start a new life with no regrets. YAY!
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This is Chloe’s last scene in the episode, the season and possibly last in the series as a whole. 
Gabriel gets a statue. Andre gets a fresh start. Chloe...
I’m sorry, I can’t even think about it. Did I mention I now HATE this show with the intensity of a million suns?
Because I do. And now you know why.
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My phone is almost dead but hmmm first question would be what are the AUs?y memory is horrible and there is no pinned post
Okay bear with here because I’ve got a lot, and some of them have been heavily changed. I’ll make a master post someday! And not all of them I’ve mentioned on my tumblr. So here’s the names and a bit of description of them:
Unworldly compulsion and consumption- (my main au)
Through a horrific accidents, Chloe is given the power of compulsion from a beast. This creates a series of horrific events as Chloe’s mental health spirals out of control and her powers cause massive problems.
Chloe basically becomes a vampiric cannibal, and ends up accidentally traumatising her own parents. She goes and visits multiple points in history, as a form of relaxation via Bunnyx.
Gabriel is more evil with being both a magical terrorist with a longer list of crimes to his name. And obsessing over Audrey. Though he doesn’t have his own weird secret society thing.
There are multiple secret societies/cults that exist and are trying to get the power of compulsion for themselves. (Gabriel was not allowed to be apart of any of these societies because no one likes him) with Richard Sphinx leading one.
Miraculous/Barbie crossover-
Through Pollen’s actions to give Chloe an actual chance at life, Chloe ends up in Barbie 12 dancing princess and princess and the pauper. She becomes a talented jouster, fencer and ballet dancer.
Pretty much an adoption/isekai au.
Hellfire and Ash-
Gabriel almost kills Andre and Audrey, then burns down the house to destroy any evidence. Nooroo takes Chloe to the kwamii realm where she’s raised. At the age of 12 she’s allowed to go to Francois DuPont where she makes her first real human friends.
Little Red Riding Chloe-
Literally just Little Red Riding Hood with miraculous characters. Chloe being Little Red Riding hood.
The Girl in the House-
Instead of Gabriel, Audrey has the butterfly and peacock miraculous. She works on her own and is trying to get the Ladybug and Cat miraculous so she relieve Andre of his illness and prevent future members of her family from suffering of it. She’s not abusive, though she is becoming more negligent.
Chloe turns to baking and gardening to deal with her emotions and starts dating Kagami.
Chloe comes under the “guardianship” and influence of toxic evil Kwamii who are constantly trying to get her to take over France and possibly the world. And eight years later, she’s constantly trying not give into her desire to do so.
Medieval princess Chloe-
Chloe’s a princess in the medieval era. This au is being overhauled because originally Audrey was evil, but her personality has accidentally went to Orchids and Memories Audrey.
Behold a pale horse! And its riders name was Death!- (a fic requested by one of my readers on ao3)
Chloe accidentally gets ahold of a full miraculous box, making her the new usher to herald in the new apocalypse. From there Chloe takes onto far too many responsibilities and most of the class end up involved trying to keep her lies going. Such as Chloe and Felix temporarily taking over Andre’s job as mayor of Paris. And most of the class trying to help raise Chloe’s little brother.
The only reason she ends up taking on so many responsibilities is because she uses the miraculous of pestilence too early and accidentally infects her parents with it. So they spend most of the fic dying of multiple separate diseases.
The miraculous are based off of the four horsemen and the 10 aspects from Bleach (I have never seen Bleach) as well as some other miraculous Chloe gets along the way. Also some inspiration from Youjo Senki.
Miraculous/Tales of Terror crossover-
Is literally just the final segment of Tales of Terror (1962). But with miraculous characters.
Orchids and Memories-
Chloe comes under the “guardianship” and influence of toxic evil Kwamii who are constantly trying to get her to take over France and possibly the world. And eight years later when Chloe is 22, she’s constantly trying not give into her desire to do so.
Miraculous/Fallout crossover-
Chloe ends up in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.
(This is on hiatus for the foreseeable future, due to it causing sleeping problems)
Miraculous/Coraline crossover-
Chloe and Adrien runaway coming across the Other mother.
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alexismcknight25 · 29 days
Here we go again - Part 5
This is the second half of Red and Chloe’s visit to Wonderland.
Part one - Part two - Part three - Part four
Chloe and Red are in their room for the night. They had a small bag with overnight clothes if they needed them, which they did.
They change quickly. They decide to call Leah to explain and have a chance to talk to Dizzy and Chad before bed.
They talk to Leah and then Dizzy quickly before the phone is passed to Chad.
“Where are you?” Chad asks them
“We went to visit your mum and Bridget. To see if they were ok?” Chloe explains
“Are you coming back?” Chad asks worried the last time someone went to Wonderland they didn’t return.
“Of course, we will see you tomorrow” Chloe reassures him
“Are mum and Mama Bridget ok? Can I talk to them?” Chad asks
“They are fine, but they are in bed now. How about I call you again at breakfast when I see them and you can talk to them then?” Chloe explains before she offers
“Ok I would like that” Chad tells them
“Is mum coming home?” Chad asks
“She wants to stay here with Bridget. They are both still very sad” Chloe explains
“Your mum did say you can stay with us and attend Auroria Elementary with Dizzy, Audrey and Mal” Chloe tells him
“Yay” Chad tells them excitedly
“We need to go now but we will talk to you in the morning” Red tells him
“I love you both” Chad tells them
“We love you” Chloe and Red tell him
They hang up
“I’m glad he didn’t ask us to find them. I don’t want to think about where they are or what they are doing” Chloe comments and as she gets into bed
“Yeh, I certainly didn’t expect to find them like that. I know they were close, but not that close. I’m guessing they either hid it from us or we didn’t want to see it” Red comments back as she gets into bed beside Chloe
“Yeh, I definitely did not want to see it. But also we didn’t even know they had been Best Friends at one point two years ago” Chloe comments as snuggles into Red's side
“Chad seems to be happy to attend Auroria Elementary with his friends” Red comments taking the conversation away from their mothers.
Chloe and Red continue to discuss everything that happened that day as they fall asleep.
In Bridget’s room, she and Ella are getting ready for Bed.
Ella hadn’t told Chloe and Red, but on that day she left Auradon. After Red and Chloe had left with Chad, she got into a fight, as she had feared, with Henry about her leaving to visit Bridget. She had yelled at him for not being there for her and Chad, ignoring them and hiding away. He yelled at her for running off to Bridget. She had yelled back that she was broken after the loss of their baby girl. She was also worried about Bridget’s baby girl. Bridget didn’t have anyone else; her wife had died not long after Bridget had become pregnant. If he wasn't going to be there for her, she would find someone who would. He told her to leave then. So she left and didn’t go back. She regularly called Chad and was relieved that he had Chloe and Red to be there for him when she couldn’t be.
Bridget gets into bed and Ella crawls in after her.
Originally, they had separate rooms. After a few sleepless nights, Ella got up and went wandering around the castle. She bumped into Bridget, who was doing the same.
Bridget remembered as kids if they couldn’t sleep sometimes they would share a bed so she had invited Ella back to her room to sleep.
Nothing happened, it was just two friends sharing a bed at first but they found that they slept better in the same bed.
They were also both used to sharing a bed with their partner, even if it had been longer for Bridget.
Their romantic feelings came back over time. Feelings they had both pushed down years ago.
The make-out session on the couch that day had also been new.
Only for a week or two.
But all those feelings they had repressed and run from years ago had come back in full force.
Ella turns to Bridget “I’m sorry for asking about Time Travel to get Henry back”
“Hey, I know you and I know you love him. It's ok” Bridget tells her
“I love you too” Ella tells her
Bridget just kisses her when she hears that
When she pulls away she says “I love you too, I always have”
Which gets her another kiss from Ella
“I wish I could have accepted my feelings for you when we were younger” Ella says
“It’s ok, we both found love with others and I could never change that because It gave us our children” Bridget comments which gets her another kiss
“Our daughters are grownup and together, it is so strange to think about. I’m guessing we never found our way back to each other where they are from” Ella comments
“Or if we did, they never knew about it” Bridget mentions remembering the look of shock on their daughter's face when they found them.
Bridget just pulls Ella into her arms and they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning the four have breakfast together, before Red and Chloe head back to Auradon.
As promised Red and Chloe call Chad so he can talk to his mum and Bridget.
Chad tells his mum how much he misses her and hopes that her mama Bridget can make each other happy because he doesn’t like seeing them sad.
He thanks them for letting him go to school with his friends.
He talks to them for a while before he has to go.
Chad tells them he misses them both and that loves them.
Ella and Bridget both tell him how much they miss him and love him.
Red and Chloe promise him that they will see when they get back later in the day.
After breakfast, Ella brought up something she and Bridget discussed this morning in bed before they got up for breakfast.
“Chloe we had an idea we wanted to run by you?” Ella asks her
“Ok, sure” Chloe agrees wondering what this is about with a quick look to Red who gives a nod of the head also wondering what this might be about
“I was wondering if you wanted to tell people you’re my sister. We know the truth but this way people might understand why Chad is living with you. Also, the only people who could dispute it live on The Isle. You are too old for anyone other than us to believe you are my daughter. I thought this might be a good alternative” Ella offers
“That would work. I’m happy to do that in Auradon, but when I come here I can just be me” Chloe agrees. It will be weird, but it's actually not possible for her to be Ella’s daughter in this timeline unless they explain to everyone about time travel and they don’t want to do that.
“We are also raising Drizella’s daughter in Auradon so I don’t think your step-family will be an issue” Red comments
“Wait, Excuse me?” Ella asks confused
“Oh crap, we didn’t tell you that did we. Dizzy is your niece. Five years ago we went to The Isle and got a couple of kids off The Isle. They were Time Travellers too but were stuck on The Isle” Red explains, after realising the mistake she made
“Wait that day you were all found at Auradon Prep telling everyone you had no idea how you got there. Or who the kids were who no one knew” Ella begins to figure out
“Yeh, that was the day after we arrived in the past. We actually arrived during the night. The others had already existed in the past so their memories of the future took over their younger selves. However, Chloe and I didn’t exist yet so we arrived as we were in the future” Red explains
“Wait so everyone who was there that day was from the future? Why wasn’t Chad there?” Ella asks
"Chloe, Lonni, Audrey, and I came back to save Chad, which we did." Red comments. Not telling what really happened because they saw what happened the last time they did that. This time they had told them what they needed to know without telling them what Chad became in those futures
“And the others?” Ella asks grateful that they came back to save her son
“Came back for their own reason” Chloe tells her mum in a no more voice, it’s not their story to tell and they don’t want them to know
“But you saved Chad?” Bridget asks
"Yes, we did," Chloe tells them. They can see the change in Chad every day. He will never be the person he was in her original timeline. She just hopes that the mess of what is going on with their parents doesn't change that. But they will be there for him every step of the way.
"Hey, I know today's been overwhelming, and there's a lot to process from yesterday too. Why don't you take some time to think about everything, and we can discuss it again next time we visit during the school holidays with Chad?" Red suggested.
“Yes, let’s do that. One more thing, Red. If anyone asks, you can say you are from Wonderland, and I will tell anyone who asks that it's true,” Bridget tells Red.
“Ok, Thank you” Red thanks her
“I know this is weird for all of us but we love you both. You are family. You will always be Family, even with the messed up timeline” Bridget tells them both
“We are family” Red agrees
They hug their mums goodbye and not long after Red and Chloe are heading back home to Auradon.
Thanks for reading.
I added a little headcanon I like to this about Bridget having a wife and Red having two mums. That in Wonderland two women could have a child together. I read this in another Bridgella story and I loved the idea so I added it to mine. Part 6 we will be heading back to Auradon so we won’t see Bridget and Ella as much. But I love them so much.
Please comment, Kudos, like or reblog if you get the chance
Haylie Myers
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fundielicious-simblr · 2 months
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Narrator: On the heels of her marrying off her last daughter, Claire had to make her obligatory facebook posts (but this will be just one cause i cba). She's married off all 4 of her daughters and that is the last wedding that she and her husband will be financially on the hook for (prayers to her brother Allan who had 8 daughters). Though she does feel a type of way considering Celeste had taken on the oldest daughter role when Valentina got married, she's so relieved that she's married and found her husband. The household will survive without her, there's only 3 kids left and one is soon to be out and in a house of his own.
Caption: "God is so good! Since they were born, Ryan and I have prayed for our daughters to marry Godly men who will lead them and the households they will create in the way of the Lord, and we are happy to say that the Lord has answered this prayer. Reid is such a fine young man, and whilst we are sad to see our last baby girl go, we are happy she's starting a new journey where the Lord has placed her. So far we're 7 kids down, 3 to go!"
"Such beautiful pictures! Congratulations to the happy couple!" - Janet Ryan - Ryan's aunt
"Congrats to the happy couple, sad we couldn’t make it but was happy to watch over the live feed." - Nancy Jackson - Family friend of the Paulsons who is in her 70s and couldn't travel for the wedding
"Congrats to the happy couple, it was an amazing wedding!" - (John &) Audrey Matthews - Congregation members of Newcrest Baptist
"It was a lovely wedding, such a Godly day." - (Mark &) Vanessa Williams - NBC congregation members
"Praise the Lord! Such a beautiful ceremony, congrats to both families." - Theresa Whitfield - family friend
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April 5, 2024
Judgement day.
And I couldn’t be happier that my bracket was SO wrong. I hate to admit it, Francisco crushed this.
On April 18th I will be headed to Los Cañones, Panama Oeste. Approx population 200-250. Super rural. Electricity will be an issue but cell service and water are pretty reliable. Xavier knows the town and told me that there’s an orange orchard, a big river, and lots of kids. I’m only about 30 minutes away from Los Mortales.
Along with me in Panama Oeste are 🥁🥁🥁
CAITLIN, Sam, Maddy, Sophie, and Janet. It’s a motherfucking SQUAD. I’m so excited. When the big reveal happened and we all flipped our folders over, Caitlin and I were standing next to each other and it was the most relief I’ve ever felt. That girl is gonna be my neighbor the rest of my life i swear to god. I never believed I’d be in the same region as her and now I’m letting myself be excited. And let me tell you…our families are FREAKING OUT. They are so happy because we are so close. They all cried. Sughedys told me that if i hate my new family i can just come live with her again and we don’t have to tell the Peace Corps anything.
THEN in my packet of information, they mentioned the name of the last volunteer who was in this site, pre covid. Naturally i found him on Instagram in about 7 seconds and started messaging him. He returned to Panama after his service was terminated early due tot he pandemic and now he runs a hotel in Veraguas, Panama. So essentially, he’s amazing. He’s been messaging me all night and says he still goes back to visit Los Cañones because they’re his family now. Every message he sends just elevates this to such a new level of realness. He and his brother are going to visit me the day after I move there to show me around and introduce me to people.
Today felt insane. The anxiety and nerves and energy was really stressful and although I couldn’t be happier and was so relieved, the comedown from all the emotions made me jittery and exhausted. I’m nowhere near Audrey, Liv, or Carlo. We all are making plans to see each other but who knows the reality of how well we will execute those plans. Liv is so far and I know she’s scared because she’s hours away from other volunteers, whereas i can walk to Sam in less than an hour. I’m tempering my excitement around her, but she knows that’s what I’m doing and there’s no way to diminish her fears until she’s there and it all works out. Geographically she’s got one of the coolest sites, so i intend on keeping my visiting pact.
Feeling crazy, and sleep doesn’t want to greet me again. Unfortunate considering I’m headed to Panama City at 6 am tomorrow.
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star-going-supernova · 10 months
Heyo Star, i want to request a AU where Audrey (Batimtdr) is Gregory's mother or sister (your choice) Thank you for reading this
A crossover for tumblr generated prompt number 20! But only barely, whoops, because while Gregory is technically in this ficlet, he’s also not really in this ficlet. You’ll see what I mean. Standard BatDR AU rules for me apply: Henry isn’t an ink copy and was actually trapped in the studio, there was no reset via The End tape, and now that the inky realm is free, everyone’s healing and Audrey comes to visit a bunch. 
Expanding the Family Tree
Audrey knew she probably hadn’t been very subtle in her distraction—she was a fidgeter, and a lip biter, and often completely missed what other people said when something was troubling her—but she was still somehow surprised when Henry asked, “What’s bothering you, kid?”
“Not a kid,” she replied by rote, but considering Henry was made semi-immortal by the inky realm and was probably approaching his nineties at that point, she was never truly offended. Everyone in the studio probably felt like a kid to him, human or otherwise. 
He chuckled. “Yes, yes, you’re nearly thirty, I know. You’ll always be a kid to me.” 
Her anxiety surged to the forefront, but it was too good an opening to let her nerves get the best of her. “Even when I have a kid of my own?” Audrey blurted out.
Henry fell still before turning to face her on the bench. His left eye, the iris finally fully gold after years of a slow change in color, glowed brightly in the dark. The night sky above them was full of colorful stars, and sitting there on the top of a building’s roof with Henry was one of Audrey’s favorite ways to relax for a while. 
“Is that your way of telling me you’re pregnant?” he asked, audibly torn between amusement and incredulity. 
Audrey bit her already gnawed-on lip, excitement quickly replacing her apprehension. She nodded vigorously, unable to contain her smile. 
He laughed gleefully, and she quickly found herself tugged to her feet and into an all-encompassing hug. She burrowed into his shoulder with a happy sigh; Henry’s hugs were her favorite. 
In reaction to their Creator’s surge of joy, a handful of shooting stars streaked by overhead. 
“I wanted to tell you, obviously,” Audrey said, not pulling back. “But I, I also wanted to ask if… well, I never really knew Joey, even here,” she’d never even gotten into the habit of calling him her dad; it felt too strange, “so I was hoping, wondering, if my—if you would be their grandpa?” 
It was stupid to be so nervous all over again, like she was on an emotional rollercoaster. It was especially stupid because she was also already 99.9% sure she knew what Henry’s answer would be.
Predictably, Henry squeezed tighter. “I’d be honored, Audrey.” 
“That’s great,” she breathed, relieved. She sank more heavily against him, fully confident that he would support her. “That’s really great, I—I’m so excited,” she admitted. 
“Good!” he said, laughing. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Audrey.” 
“I’m a little nervous too, though. I mean, what if me being… not fully human affects them? What if something goes wrong?” 
“Three things,” Henry said, finally releasing her so he could make sure she was paying attention. “One, you may not have been made the human way, but you are human where it counts, including your general health and bodily functions. Whether your kiddo ends up like you or not, I don’t see your nature complicating things. Two, listen to your doctor. Do what they say, get the tests done, and don’t pay any mind to all the people who are going to want to tell you pregnancy horror stories as soon as they find out you’re expecting.” 
Audrey remembered quite suddenly that before he’d been trapped here, Henry had had kids of his own. She nodded along. 
“And three, if—and I mean if—there is any problem, you’ve got something of an expert on all things ink at your disposal,” he said, gesturing to himself with a grin. “I know that worry is a monster not so easily killed with words, but I hope it’s of some comfort to at least know that whatever happens, you won’t be facing it alone.
And that, that actually helped a lot. Audrey’s main concern was that her child couldn’t be helped by human doctors, that they would be too other for it to even be a safe avenue of care. But Henry was right. The studio full of happy and healthy restored toons said plenty about his experience and skill in treating ink-related injuries. Audrey’s own legs were a testament to that. 
She felt a little silly for forgetting, but anxiety was rarely rational, and she was pregnant to boot, so she gave herself a pass on that one. 
“Thank you, Henry,” Audrey said. “I’ll keep that in mind. All of it.” 
He smiled and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Good. I look forward to meeting my grandchild.” 
• • •
Months later, Audrey carefully made her way into the inky realm. She kept one eye on the precious cargo in her arms, wary of his reaction to the jump between worlds. She didn’t remember the first one hurting, for all that it had been frightening at the time. And he was sleeping besides, so she had her fingers crossed that he wouldn’t even notice. 
Her son had, so far as she could tell, only very slightly taken after her. And since Audrey herself hadn’t known she was anything but human until adulthood, a great deal of worry had fallen from her shoulders. Gregory would live an almost entirely normal life, and that almost was due entirely to the fact that the inky realm was open to them. 
As she’d hoped, he slept through the change from one world to the next. Her ink stains came back, as they always did, though they weren’t the same mess of splatters and drips as they’d once been. On her arms, the ink formed elbow-length fingerless gloves, and Flow still glowed brightly on the back of her left hand. Thick ink “scars” showed where her legs had once been torn from her body, and much like most of the human-like inhabitants, her pants and shoes constantly looked as though she’d gone wading through ink, whether or not she had. 
Her eyes were still that eerily blank gold, and the marks akin to tear tracks had remained too, though they were far neater and were only on her cheeks these days. 
Gregory, though cleaner than her by far, had his own stains, she saw when she carefully peeled back the blanket he was swaddled in. Instead of tear tracks, ink was splattered across his nose and round cheeks like freckles. His tiny hands were dark from fingertips to just beyond his wrist, and Audrey wondered with amusement if that was the equivalent of her feet always being marked, him being a baby who would crawl sooner than he would walk. 
She didn’t check his eyes or legs, not willing to disturb his rest. Instead, she set off to find Henry, who had probably been worrying about her since her previous departure, when she announced she regrettably wouldn’t be returning until she’d given birth, increasingly nervous about being so far away from medical assistance if labor started at the wrong time. 
Audrey put her limited experience with her powers to the test, evading and avoiding everyone who might have crossed her path. Maybe it was silly, but she really wanted Henry to be the first to meet her son. 
“Shhh, shhh. Almost there,” she whispered when Gregory began to squirm in his blanket, on the verge of waking up. A wailing newborn would give her away like that. 
Henry had a few favored places to be when he wasn’t needed elsewhere, and Audrey found him on that same rooftop that they’d been on when she first told him she was pregnant. It felt poetic as she quietly crept up behind him—an ultimately futile endeavor. 
No one could sneak up on the Creator, after all, and she caught his indulgent chuckle as she got close to the bench. He was at least kind enough to pretend, she figured with a wry smile. 
She was impressed with his restraint, actually. It’d been nearly three weeks since she’d last been by, which was the longest stretch since the first, when she had a lot to work through before coming back. 
He turned his head when she drew up even with the bench, and his relaxed smile immediately turned to awed realization. 
“We have a new visitor, I see,” he said, remaining seated as Audrey joined him. 
She beamed. “And about time, too. Henry, meet Gregory. Gregory, meet your grandpa.” 
Audrey held her son out, and Henry very carefully accepted him into his arms. Gregory’s fussing went silent almost immediately, and he blinked his eyes open and stared up at Henry. 
To Audrey’s delight, his eyes weren’t solid and blank like hers, but rather, his otherwise ordinary eyes had fiery gold irises, exactly like Henry’s one. 
He flailed his little fists with a happy gurgle, and Henry laughed. He nudged his pointer finger against the side of one of Gregory’s hands, and the teeniest, tiniest fingers Audrey had ever seen wrapped around Henry’s as best as a newborn could. She cooed, leaning against him. 
“He’s adorable,” Henry told her. “And he already looks a bit like you.” 
“Is it awful that I’m glad I don’t see any Joey in him?” 
“Not at all,” Henry assured her. “I think that’s entirely reasonable.” 
Upset by the lack of attention, Gregory shook Henry’s finger and let loose a little war cry. 
“Yes, hello,” Henry said, soft and gentle but not quite a baby voice. “I’m so pleased to meet you, Gregory.”
Gregory burbled, settling again. 
“Your mother’s going to do an excellent job raising you,” Henry continued, and he allowed Audrey to bashfully press her face into his shoulder without teasing. “And I’ll be here to help if either of you needs it, all right?” 
He got a plaintive ahh in reply. 
“I’m glad you’re here, Henry,” Audrey whispered. “Thank you.” 
Carefully adjusting Gregory in his lap, Henry wrapped his arm around her. She reached out to tickle Gregory, and he burst into peals of happy baby laughter. 
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” Henry said. 
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citadelofswords · 5 months
for the writing prompt - the homestuck team shortmotherfuck AU and any shenaniangs they got up to with their powers?
(find context for this here)
al finds audrey and trish laying in the rubble of a half destroyed building, on the edge of a ruined city. for a long, heartstopping moment, he thinks they’re both dead. and then he gets close and realizes audrey’s giggling uncontrollably, and trish is breathing hard but also grinning with the exhilaration of a fight well won.
“you two okay down there?” he calls anyway.
trish shoots him a thumbs up, which for some reason gets audrey giggling again. “don’t do that, oh my god,” she says, wheezing. “my sides hurt. oh, man. hi al!”
relieved, al scrambles over a demolished wall. it’s been a long time since he’s seen audrey quite this happy; she’s been tense and unhappy basically ever since she went god-tier and realized it didn’t come with an immediate understanding of her aspect. seeing her grin like this makes him think everything will be okay again. “need a hand up anyway?”
trish waves him off, climbing to her feet. audrey does accept his hand, and then to his surprise follows through the motion by wrapping her arms around his neck in a brief hug.
“al,” she says, delighted. “i figured it out. i figured it out.”
“mind?” he asks, and audrey pulls away, grinning. “amazing! did you use it with trish?”
“oh yeah,” trish says smugly. “it was pretty cool. i didn’t even know spice girl could do that.”
audrey ducks her head, grinning bashfully. “it’s kind of weird feeling,” she says. “i don’t— i have to be careful with it because i could definitely see myself exploiting it for personal gain, but— it’s leverage, al.”
“how so?” al asks, because he’s been so curious about how it worked for months now, and he’s known that audrey was the only person who could explain it to him, and now that she gets it he can understand.
“trish did the thing, right,” audrey says, and does the thumbs up-thumbs down gesture that trish and shadow have started doing when they deem something is a threat. “and all of a sudden i could like, see the branches. i could see what would happen if i gave trish the thumbs up. it wouldn’t have doomed us, but it would have complicated things, and introduced pawns onto the board we weren’t ready for— and i could see where we could make decisions to influence that, but it felt— if i just gave trish the thumbs down, things would be way more straightforward. and of course that had its own branches, but i—,”
she glances at trish, who breezily says, “i let her influence spice girl a little. not me, of course. she could have, but she wanted to ask first so i told her no.”
“it’s all manipulation and leverage,” audrey says, and there’s a glint in her eyes that makes al shiver despite himself. “concentrating our effort on the path that gives us the best positioning. i don’t think i’m doing a good job of explaining it but— you were definitely right about me and trish.”
she reaches out to fistbump trish, who returns it with a little smile, and al can’t help but think— he’s very, very glad that audrey tends towards being more thoughtful and careful with her decisions before she acts. in the hands of someone rash and impulsive (like shadow, al can’t help but think) audrey’s mind powers would be very, very dangerous indeed.
after all. he’s pretty sure this city was still standing when they arrived on this planet.
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Lady and the Scoundrel - Chapter 7 - Visit
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “Alright, you ready?” Barkk asked.
            Chloe sighed. “No.”
            “C’mon, Chloe, you have this.”
            “Can’t you come with me?”
            “Nope. I’m with you all the time at the school, but you can’t always have me for a crutch. You gotta be able to do this on your own. You want to be better, right?”
            “Well, yes, but-!”
            “No buts. Socializing is like any skill. You’ll only get better if you practice it. Let this be your practice. You know Felix, right? You don’t really care what he thinks about you, do you?”
            “Not really.”
            “Perfect! You got this.”
            “Fine. We’ll see how this goes.”
            “Excellent. I’ll be lurking about outside. I’ll join you again once you’re done.”
            Chloe watched Barkk vanish around a corner. She took a deep breath and approached the Graham de Vanily estate. She moved to press the call button when the security screen came on. Amelie and a blue-haired woman beamed at the sight of her.
            “Chloe! You’re here! It’s been too long, darling. Come, come!”
            The screen went black, and the gate opened. Chloe grunted as she headed up to the door. She raised her hand to knock when Amelie and the woman burst from the door and smothered her. She flinched at their affection when she saw Felix standing a ways away, glaring at her. She returned his glare as she was dragged inside by Amelie.
            “Oh, Chloe darling, we must chat. You must imagine my surprise when I heard you were in London. You must tell me everything. It’s been so long after all,” Amelie cooed.
            Chloe was ushered into the sitting room onto a sofa. Amelie poured everyone tea before she and the woman sat across from Chloe and stared at her.
            “Uh, well, I just… Mother thought it might have been better for me if I attended a boarding school here in London rather than Paris,” Chloe said.
            “So, they tossed you aside like garbage?” Felix asked.
            The blue-haired woman’s eyes widened while Amelie shot a glare at Felix. He flinched under Amelie’s glare and looked away.
            “They didn’t abandon you, did they?” the blue-haired woman asked.
            Chloe looked away as she raised her teacup to her lips.
            “Oh, waves, they did! Amelie, this is awful! She’s so young, just like Felix.”
            “Now, hold on, Memoria. Chloe, did they really abandon you?”
            Chloe didn’t answer.
            “Oh, they did! No, no, no! This won’t do at all! Come here, Chloe,” Memoria cried.
            Amelie called out for Memoria to stop, but her cry went ignored. Memoria closed the distance between her and Chloe. She cupped Chloe’s face and pressed their foreheads together. Chloe’s eyes widened as her entire life to that point played before her eyes. Despair and anger tore through her seeing Audrey abandon her twice over, Andre disowning her for a child that wasn’t his, and her making everyone else’s lives miserable to relieve that pain.
            Chloe gasped as Memoria moved away. She put her cup of tea down as Memoria scooped her up and held her like a doll.
            “Amelie, this girl wasn’t abandoned just once, but twice! Thrice even! I cannot allow this injustice to stand. She is just a child, and Velze would not want a child like her to be discarded for the fault of the elders. How could any elder abandon a child? Velze never abandoned us! Why would your kind think it ok to abandon your young?” Memoria demanded.
            “It’s… complicated, Memoria. We aren’t like you. I wish we were, but we aren’t.”
            “Then we must do something. I say we adopt this one,” Memoria declared.
            “What?” Felix snapped.
            Amelie hummed. “Well, that may not be a bad idea. I would have to talk to Audrey and Andre and go through the legal process of obtaining custody over Chloe. Providing they allow me. I can’t say for sure that they will, though I’m not sure why, but you never know.”
            “Uh, could I talk with Felix while you two, uh, discuss this alone?” Chloe butted in.
            “Huh? Oh, yes! It would be for the best. You two may be siblings here soon,” Memoria cooed.
            Chloe cringed as she forced a smile. She grabbed Felix’s arm and dragged him outside. She looked back to see if they were alone before she turned to him.
            “You need to put a stop to this!” Chloe hissed.
            “You think I want this anymore than you? The last thing I want to suffer is your presence.”
            Chloe snarled. “What is your problem with me? Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you? I don’t remember ever doing anything to you like I did to my classmates, so what’s the deal?”
            “I just don’t like you.”
            Chloe blinked as her jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me? That’s it? No reason at all. You just don’t like me?”
            “I don’t need a reason to dislike someone. Especially someone like you.”
            “What’s that supposed to mean?”
            “You’re nothing more than a whiny, selfish Daddy’s girl that cries and whines when you don’t have something go your way like a spoiled brat. You purposely make everyone around you miserable like a toddler throwing a tantrum until you have your way, ruining everyone’s lives. People like you disgust and annoy me.”
            Chloe sneered and opened her mouth, but stopped when Barkk crossed her mind. She took a deep breath and sighed.
            “If that’s all you’ll see me as, then I don’t need you in my life. I don’t need to be here. Not when I have someone that actually cares about me.”
            “Good. You can-.”
            Chloe blocked out Felix’s words as she headed back inside. She grabbed her phone and texted Barkk that she was leaving early. She headed for the door when Memoria caught her.
            “Wait, Chloe! Where are you going?”
            “I’m sorry, but I’m leaving.”
            “What? Why? Did we offend? Let me see.”
            Chloe wriggled free and stepped away from Memoria. “I appreciate that you both care about my well being and that you’d be willing to adopt me, but I can’t accept. I just… I don’t want to be around people that hate me anymore. I was lucky and got away from it in Paris. I would rather not suffer the same fate here. I have a chance to be better. I’m not going to waste that. I’m sorry.”
            Chloe ran out of the mansion before they could stop her. She headed out onto the sidewalk where she met up with Barkk.
            “What happened? Is everything ok?” Barkk asked.
            “Yeah. I just… I didn’t want to be around people that wouldn’t like me.”
            “Where they really like that?”
            “Felix was, yes. I don’t think I’ll ever change his mind, so I left.”
            Barkk’s eyes widened and lit up. “You left? You didn’t stay around people that didn’t love you? Chloe, I’m so proud of you.”
            “I have you to thank. I was ready to go off on him, but I thought of you and I was able to take a moment. You’ve done so much for me, and I wouldn’t be here if not for Velze and you. You both gave me the chance few others would. Well, you and that Memoria chick.”
            Barkk’s smile faded. “Memoria? Did she mention Velze?”
            “Yeah, she did. I was confused, but the entire thing was overwhelming. Not to mention the weird thing when she touched my face. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes.”
            “Chloe, that was another kwami. Memoria is the kwami of memory. And she saw everything and will always remember it. As is her nature.”
            “Uh, you don’t think she’ll want to still try to adopt me, do you?”
            “I can’t say for sure, but was she worried, angry, sad, or anything?”
            “She was upset that my parents would toss me aside, going on how I’m just a child, and that Velze wouldn’t approve of what my kind does.”
            Barkk grimaced. “Well, if you told her not to adopt you, she hopefully won’t, but you’ll see more of her. Memoria is very… passionate. Like me. So, yeah, you’ll be seeing more of her. And with her seeing your memories, she knows everything about you.”
            Chloe smiled uneasily. “Lovely. Can we go now?”
            “Huh? Oh! Yes. Let’s. I saw a few stores with really cute clothes you’d be adorable in.”
            “I don’t really need more clothes. I don’t have the room for them like I did back at the hotel.”
            “Oh, come on, please? Just a couple more outfits. I promise these will be super cute on you.”
            Chloe sighed. “Alright, but this is it.”
            “Yay! Let’s go!”
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theitalianscribe · 1 year
Day 7: Claws Preview
I am having fun writing this and got excited so here is what I have so far. I'll make a different post with the full work when I finish. Also I have given up on posting every day or in order. I hope even doing some of the prompts occasionally is still enough. But, anyway...
It was a fairly quiet day and after working at Dreamworld for two months, that wasn't a good sign. Wiatt was almost relieved to see a coworker running over to him with a pinched expression.
"Hey, Verna! What's up?"
"You're the animatronic wrangler, right?" Verna asked, brushing her fringe back into place.
"Is that what the other employees call me?"
"Well I think Audrey, Penn, and Hayden all call you trouble or a trouble magnet."
"That's fair," Wiatt agreed, solemnly. They had seen him get into too many hijinks to not have some form of reputation. Besides, he was the one who regularly talked to the animatronics like people despite the fact that Sara was apparently the only one with that right, supposedly. Actually, for someone with such a rule, she rarely even talked to any animatronics aside from Winnie. And Winnie was the only animatronic Wiatt had yet to see....well Winnie and the Collector, but Wiatt was not supposed to know about them. (Having knowledge he wasn't allowed to find was their second biggest mistake.)
"But, we kinda need your animatronic wrangling abilities. The triplets are stuck in the claw machine."
"Again?!" Wiatt moaned. This was the third time this week. How did they keep getting in there?
The formerly labeled Winnie's Roundup Stuffie Catcher was a fairly large UFO catcher machine. With a little twisting and a shove from a brother, it made for a great place for Mimic, Melody, or Mascaraed to take a nap in. It was like sleeping in a ball pit, only way softer! The only drawback was wheels for feet made exiting the cozy pod far more difficult. If the three brothers were in the machine together, they could make a tower and pull themselves to the prize chute with marginal success. Dwindling the numbers to two or just one made this more difficult. Bad days made it nigh impossible.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 1 year
ok so I have watched Riverdale and I have Thoughts about the bones of a gossip girl Riverdale AU but not necessarily about the plot. (GG was one of the first things to premiere after the rebrand from the WB (beat only by a show that lasted 8 episodes) and Riverdale is the last thing to go before it becomes a more "adult oriented" channel so it's fascinating to compare the 2)
Riverdale has a reputation for being "oh crazy weird show!!" (earned) but like... despite the escalating drama, the characters aren't really allowed to grow or change (or be fleshed out at all) they stay more or less the same one dimensional stereotypes for seasons 1-6 (season 7 is an alternate timeline it's a whole thing.) like I genuinely cannot place the plot of each season in order bc the characters aren't allowed to be affected by their experiences
(which is also exemplified by having them stay in high school forever, as opposed to the GG route of having them ignore their educations and pretend to be adults)
(I could go on a tangent here about how TV has gotten more serialized as technology develops. like early TV you watched when you could and things went into syndication so you had to be able to watch any episode out of context. but with streaming everything is binged. so stories can take multiple episodes and characters can change)
but GG and Riverdale arent streaming shows so the characters stay perpetually stuck in these cycles of Big Stories that Take Time but characters don't grow
we could also talk about narration and the story within the story. bc Riverdale is presented as a book that jughead is writing about his friends and gossip girl is being told to us by Dan (who also ends up writing a book about his friends.) the dark underbelly if Riverdale is the focus of the show vs the UES being more and more idealized as the show goes on
BUT!! I do also have plot thoughts!!!!
starting with the obvious. Riverdale stole the Derena/Rufly/Scott Rosson thing! but they took it a step further by having both couples dating, living in the same house, and having the love child move in! (then they revealed the guy who moved in wasn't their son at all but an imposter (and a serial killer! don't worry he marries the real illegitimate son!) Gossip Girl should've done this
Blair would start a cult predicated on her being the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. Serena (the most cult susceptible) would be a full fledged believer and a recruiter until she and Blair had that same fight about attention they always do then Serena would team up with recent-cult-escapee Jenny to take her down
Chuck would get involved with Carter Baizen's dog fighting ring for 2 episodes, but stop when he gets yelled at by his mom's ghost while high on psychedelics he got from Nate's drug dealer. a season later Chuck would do a seance and have the ghosts of his parents possess Jenny and Eric and force them to get married in some convoluted scheme to tax insurance fraud. they would stay possessed until Jonathan (upset Eric dumped him over text) showed up at the penthouse and was like "this is clearly not jenny and Eric" but nobody believes him so he has to exorcise them himself with a song (Riverdale would stop episodes for 3 minutes at a time so characters could sing, so be glad this song moves the plot forward)
Vanessa, while making a documentary, stumbles upon a society of mole men who hold her hostage bc she knows their secret. they let her send Dan a letter and she uses a secret code they made as kids to tell him where she is. he goes to rescue her but in the time it took she became queen of the mole people and now needs to be convinced to come home (again through song)
Nate is descended from serial killer HH Holmes. he Googles if that can be genetic and that's how we learn about the serial killer gene. he's relieved he doesn't have it but he makes all his friends do the DNA test and falls into a guilt spiral when it turns out that Serena does (she doesn't really care)
Dan, doing research for his book, finds out Lily had a girlfriend in highschool that she lost touch with, and reaches out to her. said girlfriend initially refuses to appear but changes her mind and arrives the night before the rufly wedding and tells drunkenly Nate the story of the body she and Lily hid one night. Nate (in the middle of his guilt spiral) tells Serena this story in an effort to get her to see the the effects of the serial killer gene
Rufus spends the entire show making waffles and getting divorced
This is my favourite thing in the world. This deserves to be written and filmed. Mwah!! chef's kiss. THANK YOUUU
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lumosinlove · 2 years
Day Seven:
On the seventh day of Winterfic, Hazel gave to you, a Leo/Logan/Finn Bridgerton AU. Part One.
In short, Logan didn’t want to be the diamond of the season. He had no interest in the balls, or the white tuxedos and gowns that those eligible wore, or the deep bow he’d been trained in (and perfected, he couldn’t resist adding) since the age of seven. He didn’t need attention from the royal family, and he didn’t need a husband. He was perfectly capable of having affairs of his own—even if those so-called affairs, a red-headed one in particular—were scandalously below his rank. He could hear his mother’s voice in his head. Do you understand what you’re going to inherit one day, Logan? You’ll need a partner who can assist you, not one who is only too happy to be sleeping in a feather bed for once in their life.
“Arms out, please, my Lord.”
Logan sighed and did as he was told from where he was standing on the tailor’s pedestal. He studied the new, white set of tails in the triptych, full-length mirror. The three panels made him feel surrounded, and by himself, no less—the worst sort of being stared down.
“Look at that,” came his sister’s voice suddenly. “No wonder any self-respecting family would simply die to have those green eyes of yours appear in their heir one day. Oh, I’m sorry, did I say family? I meant any long-sheltered, child-wanting youth.”
“Do shut up,” Logan said, and looked at the tailor. “Are we almost finished, Mr. Bell?”
Mr. Bell, who had been fitting Logan since he was small, smiled at him in the mirror. “Yes, sir, almost.”
“Aw,” Noelle sighed, falling into one of the plush couches. Logan looked at her in the mirror. She was wearing a simple dress, as usual. None of the frill that seemed so in fashion these days. It was green though, like most things that the Tremblay siblings owned tended to be. “My little diamond. I remember my year. I won the season, you know.”
“I’m not the diamond. No one is, yet.”
“Yes, but Lady Whistledown predicted it might be you, so…”
“And last week she reprimanded me for my rakish habits. So…”
Noelle laughed. “God, you’re so difficult. I wonder how anyone puts up with you.”
Logan didn’t reply, just studied his own eyes in the mirror. It was something that worried him too much to have anything to say about.
“Finished, my Lord,” Mr. Bell said, and Logan shrugged out of the white jacket with relief. If he had to stare at himself for another second…
“Thank you,” Logan said, especially gentle. God, you’re so difficult. Noelle rose too as Logan retrieved his jacket and hat. He glanced back at her as they left the shop, bell tinkling above the door. “What, are you following me?”
“No,” Noelle said, stepping out into the summer air beside him. “But that’s not to say mother didn’t tell me over breakfast this morning that she’s worried you’ll bolt before the ball tonight.”
Logan tipped his hat to a few passing girls, shopping for ribbons, who giggled and stared at him as they passed—just to make Noelle roll her eyes. Which she did.
“I’m still deciding where to run away to,” Logan replied, then offered his sister his arm.
“Well, don’t.” Noelle took it and squeezed. “Don’t tell Sydney or Audrey, but you’re my favorite brother.”
“I’m your only brother.”
“Just my favorite, then.”
The Tremblay’s town house was one of the grandest on the street, though Logan missed the manor. The countryside offered more places to secret one’s self away. And for how flamboyant Lady Whistledown made Logan out to be, there was really very little he enjoyed more than privacy. Privacy that included select…acquaintances.
“Welcome back, Lord and Lady Tremblay,” said one of the butlers upon their arrival, and Logan and Noelle nodded their thanks.
“It always makes us sound—” Noelle began.
“As though we’re married?” Logan offered, and they laughed as they relieved themselves of their coats.
“Well,” Noelle said as they walked further into the house. “I’m going to see if anyone’s up for a game of cards. Care for it?”
“Uh, no.” Logan was already looking in the direction of the door that lead to the servant’s staircase. “No, I’m—hungry. I’m going to see if the kitchen has anything they’d be willing to part with before tea.”
At the tone of her voice, Logan looked at her. “Noelle.”
“Don’t,” Noelle said quietly. Standing there, she looked just as he remembered her looking, always. Even when he had been a little boy. Brown hair pinned loosely at the back of her neck. The green eyes that they shared, soft, always soft with him. “Don’t. Not today.”
“What?” Logan replied, more harshly. “I’m not doing anything.”
“That’s not true.”
“It’s none of your business. None of your business at all, what I do.”
“I’m not saying it for you, I’m saying it for him.” She nodded towards the stairs. “It isn’t fair of you. Especially today. Everyone knows what the ceremony is like at the ball, and everyone knows what it means. Even the servants.”
“Oh? And what exactly does it mean?”
“Marriage,” Noelle said. “Eventually, to some Lord or Lady. Not a kitchen boy. You know this. So don’t. Don’t go see him. It’s cruel.”
Logan took a step forward. “And what if I want to marry him?”
“That’s ridiculous.” Noelle sighed. “I wish it wasn’t, but it is. He works in the kitchen, Lo. You really expect—”
She cut off as a maid came through. Logan didn’t know why. They heard everything anyway. But Logan used the silence to escape. He didn’t look at her as he held the door to the servant’s stairs open for the maid (Oh, goodness, thank you, my Lord) and then went through himself.
He could hear the kitchens before he saw them. The clank of pots, the cooks shouting instructions to each other. Chopping and sizzling and laughter. He was greeted with curtsies and bows by the few servants he passed as he walked down the corridor, and he stopped just beyond those within the kitchen’s view, just outside the doorway. He liked, at first, to be able to peer in and see what they all were up to.
He liked to see what Finn was up to.
They were preparing sandwiches for tea, and Finn was making the others laughed as they passed the ingredients around to be assembled. Logan smiled to himself as he watched, taking Finn in. His red hair was fluffed up from the heat of the stoves and ovens, and he had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, apron tied neatly around his waist.
Logan looked forward to this moment every day. He loved how, if he stood there for long enough, eyes on Finn, Finn would eventually look up and meet his gaze. As if he could feel Logan standing there. Now, while holding butter and and a piece of bread, his eyes flicked up and found Logan’s instantly. Logan grinned and strode in.
“Oh, well,” said the head chef, Mrs. Hawkaway, with a warm smile. “Stars, I swore I just fed you breakfast, my Lord.”
Logan had been mockingly scolded by that Scottish accent for his entire life. He liked that they were all used to him visiting the kitchen and talking with them. He’d been doing it long before Finn had arrived. It made it easier to see him and avoided the suspicious looks as to why exactly he fancied the downstairs so much, so suddenly.
“And it was lovely, Mrs. Hawk,” Logan said, going over to kiss her cheek. “But don’t you know how hungry town makes a man?”
“Well, I’m sure,” Mrs. Hawk patted his cheek fondly. “But, as you can see, tea will be served in hardly a half hour.”
“Oh, yes, I see now,” Logan said. He didn’t look at Finn as he made his way over to the work table that he and the others were gathered around. He did, however, come to a stop at Finn’s shoulder. He could all but feel him fighting a smile as he set aside another perfectly made sandwich.
“Might I steal one?” Logan asked no one in particular.
“My Lord,” Finn said, and gestured to what he knew was Logan’s favorite. Ham and mustard. “Please.”
“And are you pleased by the ball tonight, my Lord?” Mrs. Hawk asked. “We’re all very thrilled for you downstairs. What a chance, to be presented before the Queen.”
“Ah,” Logan shrugged as he chewed, still walking around, still catching Finn’s eye every once in a while. “It all feels like lots of fuss, and you know me. I’d rather be…” Logan trailed off.
This was another problem he had with himself. He wasn’t the eldest, so he didn’t have the same…purpose, he supposed. Not like Noelle did. And his other sisters had found what they wanted from life. They had passions. They filled their days. They did so much more than just stand to inherit. So far, all he’d figured out was that he was very good at walking away the days. He looked at Finn who, like the others, was waiting patiently for him to finish.
And apparently very good and wanting things he couldn’t have.
“Well,” Logan tried to smile. “I’d rather be doing something else. Who knows what.”
There were a few sniggers, which Mrs. Hawk hushed. But Logan was used to that. Of course they found it ridiculous, these people who worked hard for their lives, that he had so much and yet—not much of anything.
“I’m sure,” Finn spoke suddenly. “That my Lord is fit for a great many things.”
There was no humor in Finn’s eyes. Only kindness, and maybe some sympathy. Finn had, after all, heard Logan talk about this many times. An aimless arrow.
“Thank you, Finn,” Logan said softly. He let himself look at him for another moment, then took a breath and gave his brightest smile to the room. “Well. Thank you for the pre-tea tea. I’ll be…” He looked at Finn again as he gazed around the room. “Off now.”
It was a well-worn routine of theirs by now. They had five different directions Logan might walk—many different gardens, many different corridors, that one library that no one seemed to remember anything about. Today was the library—Finn’s favorite.
And yet, as Logan arrived among the books, walked lap after lap without seeing any of the shelves, Finn wasn’t there yet. Logan had learned very quickly that Finn adored reading—it had really been the first thing Logan had learned. He’d ordered tea to this library, and of course no one really knew about it and so Finn, sent up to bring the tea to him, had gotten confused, and then lost, before finally arriving with cold tea and soggy sandwiches. He’d proceeded to just stand there in the doorway, gazing around—and giving Logan quite the look at him, too.
And Logan had made some snobbish comment suggesting Finn couldn’t read, and Finn had corrected him by reciting a bit of Shakespeare calling him a great deal of colorful insults and, well…Logan had fallen just a little bit in love.
Finally, footsteps, fast, nearly running. The door opening, Finn blowing through, out of breath.
“Sorry,” he whisper-shouted. “Sorry, sorry.” He shut the door, turned the lock.
Logan made a show of drawing his time piece out of his waistcoat.
Finn just laughed. “Thought we were on the Rose gallery. Lost track, they’ve got us running around the clock with the start of the season and everything. And we haven’t seen each other for a few days, have we? So looks like you’re running around, too.”
“I don’t run,” Logan said with a smirk.
“Oh, of course, God forbid a Lord runs,” Finn said, then grinned. “Anyway…Hello, diamond.”
Logan rolled his eyes. He made to turn away, mockingly of course, and only so Finn would take his hand and reel him back in—no one ever touched him like that. And Finn’s hands were rough from work, calloused and firm against his own skin. It made Logan want to…God, what to name first?
“I’m only joking,” Finn said. “How are you?”
Logan just hummed and leaned up to kiss him. “Better now.”
“Hm?” Finn kissed him again, then his cheek. “And what have you been up to, lover?”
“Fittings. Ugh.” Logan closed his eyes, pressing his face into Finn’s neck.
“Poor baby.”
Logan smacked at his lower back but just held tighter. Finn did the same.
“You have tea,” Finn said. “Your family is waiting, it’s all been sent up.”
“Well, you were late, so now I’ll be late, too.” Logan leaned back to press another hard kiss to his mouth. “Fuck tea.”
“Hey,” Finn laughed. “I worked hard on those sandwiches. Made the cake, too.”
“I’d prefer your cake, if you don’t mind.” Logan enjoyed Finn’s laugh, filling the space between them. “No, really, though,” Logan said, and kissed him again. “Come for walk with me?”
Finn’s smile dimmed. He sucked a breath in and cupped Logan’s cheek in his hand, then shook his head. “We shouldn’t, Lo. I want to, but we shouldn’t.”
Logan leaned into his palm. “Why not? We always go for walks.”
“I know,” Finn said softly. “I just meant not today.”
Logan straightened, heart sinking. He thought about what Noelle had said. “Finn…”
“It’s all right,” Finn said. “Really—”
“What did my sister say to you?” Logan asked. “What did she say?”
“What?” Finn asked, eyes going confused. “Nothing.”
“Fuck the ball,” Logan said more fiercely. “I won’t go.”
“You have to go,” Finn raised his eyebrows. “It’s the Queen’s ball. You’re being presented, Lo.”
Logan just rolled his eyes. “It’s feathers and—and champagne and—it’s nothing, Finn, come on. Some people care about these things, sure, but—”
“Logan,” Finn said. “Lo.” He took Logan’s hands in his own, keeping him in place. Logan could only stare at the way Finn’s thumbs rubbed gently over his knuckles. He looked so conflicted, brown eyes sad. “You…you have to care.”
Logan had been dreading this, even though they both had known it was coming. They both knew the realities but somehow, away from it all, they had managed to ignore it for a long while. Taking walks through the woods as though they were exactly the same, equal to each other. Kissing by streams as if nothing could touch them, staying up late beneath the stars to learn each other, through and through.
Finn seemed to be having similar thoughts. He brought up one of Logan’s knuckles to his lips. “Look, I…I don’t have it in me to tell you we can’t see each other anymore. I know that’s how this is supposed to go.”
Logan shook his head, almost frantically, but Finn just squeezed his hands.
“I know that—one of us is suppose to tell the other that we can’t give each other the kind of life we deserve. But I can’t do that. I can’t get those words out, I’ll never be able to. Because I’m selfish and because I—”
“I won’t go tonight,” Logan said. “I won’t.”
“It’s not about the ball,” Finn said, almost pleadingly. “Lo, you’re…” His smile was sad, resigned. “You’re going to marry. You are, that’s the life you were born into, and this, this is the life I was born into, and so it’s not going to be to me.” Finn’s words stuttered out at the end, as if he had to force them. “The ball is just tonight. I’m talking about a lot longer than that.”
Logan didn’t want to hear it. He wasn’t ready to hear it. He surged forward and wrapped his arms around Finn’s neck. “Just come for a walk with me.” He pressed their cheeks together. “Just—please, we’ll figure something out.”
“Where will we go?” Finn asked. “This isn’t the country, there’s no woods to hide ourselves away in, and we can’t just walk down the street.”
“Then I’ll sneak you upstairs.”
“Logan, no. You know that’s not a good idea.”
Logan made a frustrated sound, turned his nose into Finn’s neck again. He didn’t care what was at stake anymore. He didn’t care, he wanted this. He wanted Finn’s smiles, and the way he had taught Logan how to scramble an egg, how to make tea—laughing at him all the while for knowing so little. Tea? You don’t know how to make tea?
“Lo, you know you have to go tonight.”
Logan just squeezed his eyes shut. “I know. I know but why—why couldn’t we be…if everything was different…”
“I know,” Finn said softly. “If we could just live in here with books, and soggy sandwiches…and each other.”
“Yeah,” Logan whispered. “Yeah, I would.”
“Go the ball tonight.” Finn kissed his cheek and pulled back. “Then come home and tell me everything. I can see when carriages arrive from my room, and I’ll wait for you at the back entrance. All right? I won’t be late this time.”
Logan nodded slowly, and let Finn cup his chin gently in his hand and kiss him.
“All right?” Finn murmured against his lips, and then began to pepper his cheeks and chin with more kisses until Logan couldn’t help but smile. “Okay.” Finn smiled back, though neither of theirs quite reached their eyes. “Okay.”
Finn began to turn away, and he made it four steps towards the door before he turned back, just as Logan pushed forward and said wait.
Just one more kiss. It wasn’t nearly as playful. It was hard and Finn’s arms around him were tight and needy.
“Make sure you’re wearing that white suit,” Finn said against his mouth.
“It’s ugly,” Logan said, and took Finn’s bottom lip between his teeth.
“Not on the floor, I’d guess.” Finn took Logan’s face between his hands and kissed him hard, once more. “Gotta get back to work. And you have to get back to, you know.” Finn reached down and tapped Logan’s arse through his trousers. “Whatever it is you do all day.”
Logan just laughed, sounding love-struck even to his own ears, and gave him a push. “Go on. Don’t be late.”
Finn made a cross over his heart, pressed a kiss to his fingers and held them out towards Logan, then disappeared through the door.
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