#australian crab
stamp-it-to-me · 1 year
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a 1966 Australian stamp depicting a white-spotted hermit crab
[id: a postage stamp with an illustration of a hermit crab. the hermit crab is red with white spots and has a brown and white shell. end id]
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vivsemporium · 1 year
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CRAB IS HERE!! With more crabbies to draw later on! These are Red Ghost Crabs (Ocypode macrocera) which are found in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar There are many more stickies to come this October, as well as potentially some other forms of merch. This bad boi is already on my Etsy, so check it out! Link is in my bio
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blueyinthebush · 5 months
deep dive - the beach
requested by anonymous
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"the beach" is the 26th episode of season one, and introduces a lovely new location for the heelers to explore. it's never specified where along the gold coast this beach is, but probably somewhere like warana beach, which is about an hour's drive from brisbane and the perfect distance for a day trip. this one is a bit long, so i'll put the rest of the post underneath a read more.
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a couple years ago a coastal pathway project began, in order to promote walking and biking through the scrub and wetlands along the beach. the project also addresses the prevalence of invasive species and aims to restore native vegetation. but enough about that, let's get into the bush!
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an establishing shot gives a nice overview of the beach, which sits between a residential wooded area and the edge of the coral sea. what looks like a tuckeroo is visible in the foreground, a native australian tree that doesn't mind coastal conditions.
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after the heelers spend some time enjoying the sand, we get a shot of an osprey, a common sight anywhere by water in australia and across the americas. these raptors are incredible anglers, with a recorded success rate of 70 percent! there are four subspecies of osprey, and the eastern osprey, the only one found in australia, is the smallest.
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on the beach, bluey finds the shell of a tiger cowrie, a beautiful variety of marine snail that is prevalent across the indo-pacific region. the striking appearance of their shells has made them popular among shell collectors, although their numbers have suffered as a result.
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bluey also encounters a flock of silver gulls. like other sea gulls, these birds are very successful scavengers, and often have no issues going up to humans for handouts. you can find these guys pretty much anywhere near water in australia and new zealand.
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here's an interesting one! this is a pipi, a type of saltwater clam. they've been a source of protein by the native ngarriindjeri people for thousands of years, but are mostly used as bait for commercial fishing. they use their strong "foot" muscle to burrow into the sand. as filter feeders, they take in large amounts of water to suck up plankton. afterwards, the water needs to expelled, like the one bluey found is doing.
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bluey also runs away from a consortium of light-blue solider crabs. unlike how they're animated in the show, this species is one of the few crabs that has evolved to walk forwards, not sideways. the males form large "armies" during low tide, similar to the group in the episode.
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next, bluey encounters a moon jelly, a type of jellyfish identifiable by its large translucent bell and short tentacles. these jellies do have a sting (bluey does the right thing by approaching it with caution, as you should with any wild animal!), but it only causes very mild irritation in humans. moon jellies are the favorite food of many turtle species. since they look similar, moon jelly-loving turtles will often swallow plastic bags.
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last but not least, a bird that's even bigger than bluey! this is an australian pelican, which hold the record for the longest bill of any bird. they use their beaks to scoop up fish and other animals like a fishing net. you can find them in every state of australia.
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that's it! hope you enjoyed this first foray going into a whole episode. many thanks to the bluey wiki for this one, who have catalogued quite a lot of the animals in the show already.
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Skyrim mud crabs: *exist*
Me an Australian: aight bet.
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karathraces · 20 days
hey just saw a photo of one of those rat size spiders in someone's home and it looked like a LOBSTER ON THEIR WALL so i'm killing myself who wants to join me
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drhoz · 11 months
#2008 - Isala sp. - Large Bark Crab Spider
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Photo by Patrick Wake
Large tree-trunk dwelling Thomisids found in most parts of Australia, at least if you can actually spot them. Females can be over a centimeter long, which is actually pretty large for a crab spider.
At rest the front legs are stretched out in front of the spider - this one was a bit perturbed by the camera. Even within a species the colour is variable depending on the bark it is living on or under, from grey to rich brown. The egg sac is made in the folded tip of a leaf, which is secured by silk to a branch.
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pickles4nickles · 3 months
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This year's edition of @seaunseenzine is out!!
I did a piece with many many horseshoe crabs. Horseshoe is still difficult to spell for me.
The zine PDF is up for a dollar! And all proceeds go to the Australian Marine Conservation Society!
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j4gm · 9 months
I was playing Geoguessr with some friends yesterday and we got the most hilariously Australian round imaginable. Right off the bat we had a sign warning us about road trains, and then a bit further down was this incredible warning sign about extremely dense crabs that would destroy your 4x4 if you ran over them.
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It's crazy out in the middle of nowhere in Australia, am I right?
It's Christmas Island????
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willtheweaver · 11 months
Just like the last time, all animals will behave as they would in nature (or as close to for all extinct species) the only difference is that your defender(s) will avoid causing friendly fire. However, any attempt to harm and/or eat your defender(s) will cause them to turn on you.
Also thought it wise to specify specific options to avoid confusion and people trying to bend the rules. (Sorry if I’m sounding like a party-pooper)
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stamp-it-to-me · 1 year
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two 1973 Australian stamps depicting a fiddler crab and a coral crab
[id: two postage stamps with illustrations of crabs. the left depicts a green crab with one very large, orange claw. the right depicts an orange crab with a repeating, circular pattern on its body and claws. end id]
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vivsemporium · 6 months
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Six more days till Melbourne Supernova! Time to reveal the stickers I had professionally printed by Rad Stickers! These six designs are weatherproof and long-lasting, so will withstand being on objects that travel around with you! I will bring my other sticker designs, but I only have a small supply of each design (ink is expensive :c) and they will be of lower quality.
2 moogles
Sacoglossa - Costasiella kuroshimae / Leaf sheep sea slug
Red Ghost Crab
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Things I loved about the new Murder Drones episode: Part 2
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N’s peace sign
Also, N didn’t know what he was talking about, because Louisa’s fan was freaking awesome
The complete overreaction of tying N to a tree to be eaten by crows, like seriously, chill
The crows were simultaneously adorable and terrifying
Uzi’s gamer tag is appropriately cringe
The Elliots chained up their freaking daughter, good lord
Cyn making those two male dolls kiss
Cyn turning said gay dolls into Toy Story monsters
The way she just switches from playful little anime girl to holo-spooky-snake-crab in less than a second
Uzi slipping up and accidentally calling N cute, and then immediately trying to recover by saying weird
Khan is still the worst
The robo-roach backing Uzi up and telling Khan to leave
Uzi going all tsundere when N asks what they are in the future
The shot with V and the lightning was expertly done
Tessa helping J break the chain by telling her it wants paid time off, and IT WORKED
The revolver joke
Tessa choosing a sword was perfectly extra
“This bird’s from the future.”
“I kill you, hehe.”
The fight scene against V was great
The behind the scenes video that showed stretched out J running
That one guy spouting all that Australian gibberish, and then Katie just like: “Bitch what?” And then goes back to her phone
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cheekyboybeth · 14 days
what would you think of a marauders australia au (which characters would be what, e.g. eshays...do you think their personalities would be different and what would they be, where would they live/be from, just the idea of them being aussie, etc) ?
personally i find the idea funny (as an aussie) and im kind of tempted to write a fic
anon, I love you /p
this is by far one of the best asks I’ve ever received on here. So, thank you
where do I even begin?
Okay, I’ve always had the hc that the rosier twins are French and indigenous Australian, like I’m fully obsessed with it.
I feel like all the characters are either form Victoria or NSW or maybe even Queensland but idk.
The marauders (James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus) aren’t eshays but they do have their own gang sort of thing and they will pick fights with eshays. Barty however, is an eshay, BUT HEAR ME OUT, he’s only an eshay to upset his dad and break the law bc he likes it. But I feel like he would get so bored of the eshays he’s around bc they don’t have that creativity that he has (insanity).
Remus Remus Remus. He’s a country boy. He’s got that thick Aussie accent (I just wanna see it happen tbh) and same with Mary.
Marlene, Dorcas, Xenophilius, and Evan are surfers. They spend too much time at the beach literally doing anything they can. They love the beach and Pandora, Emmeline, and Lily would join them bc they also love the beach. They would all collect crabs and starfish and put them in a big bucket and then put back where they’re supposed to be but Evan (the little freak) would secretly keep some to do experiments on.
Jehfidjkd dude you need to write an Aussie au this instant
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vynnie47 · 3 months
Since my chromedome post got a little attention I’m now forcing tumblr to witness my characters as animal opinions, I really like animals and everything I say is entirely correct
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Rewind- calico British shorthair
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Swerve- hermit crab
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Rodimus- bengal cat
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Ratchet- Awassi ram
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Fortress Maximus- highland cow
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Red alert- kengal shepherd dog
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Optimus- these fuckass massive hares that I’m not entirely convinced are real
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Starscream- grey parrot (because he’s loud and annoying and I hate him)
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Pharma- great horned owl
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Tarn- australian cashmere goat
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Shockwave- either a stag beetle or a japanese giant spider crab (I genuinely couldn’t pick)
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drhoz · 11 months
#2013 - Portunus armatus - Australian Blue Swimmer Crab
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Photo by Patrick Wake
AKA Blue manna, Blueys, and Jennies (for females). Formerly part of Portunus pelagicus, until DNA evidence and close anatomical study split that genus into four species. It might not be blue, and it's missing the most distinctive part of the anatomy, but it's definitely a Blue Swimmer.
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This is the fifth leg, flattened into a paddle. They can swim quite well for a crab, which combined with their aggression can lead to alarming encounters with you're swimming or wading in the same ocean.
Blue Swimmers are an important recreational fishery in Australia, and populations are generally healthy, but have collapsed where overfishing is combined with pollution.
They live in estuarine and marine waters from theintertidal down to 50 m depth, moving to deeper water in winter, or out to sea when fresh water enters estuaries. They prefer areas with flat muddy or sandy bottoms with seagrass or algae where they can hunt small fish and other crustaceans, molluscs, and worms, and supplement the diet with algae and seagrass. They reach maturity in one year, and after three years may have an 80cm claw span.
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Dandelion News - September 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Rescue Dog Who Helped Raise Dozens of Foster Puppies Finds Forever Home
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“Three and a half years ago, Noel arrived at Lucky Dog as a pregnant pooch pulled from [an] animal control shelter. […] Once the puppies were old enough to start life on their own, Lucky Dog found homes for all of them. […] Noel was an "amazing mom" to over two dozen foster puppies while staying at [a foster] house.”
2. Radiant cooling device uses significantly less energy than traditional air conditioning
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“Testing of the device […] showed the cooling device capable of cooling the skin by approximately 7.3°C. It also showed that it consumed 50.4% less energy than an average air-conditioner of comparable ability. The research team notes that the device can also be run in reverse, to serve as a radiant heater.”
3. How a Native elections official is breaking down voting barriers in Arizona
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“Gabriella Cázares-Kelly, Pima County Recorder, [… ran for office in 2020] to represent people who were being ignored by the democratic system and denied the right to vote. […] “People started getting the voter registration cards back, getting their voter IDs in the mail, and they were so excited to show me or thank me for helping them register,” she said.”
4. Scientists are growing [coral] babies in a lab to save animals from extinction
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“Each August, corals in Florida release their eggs and sperm into the water[, … but “they] can’t reproduce on their own anymore.” [So, researchers are] collecting and freezing the spawn and growing them into genetically diverse baby corals that can be replanted into the wild[….] These resilient corals could pass important adaptations to their babies[….]”
5. New Legislation Will Accelerate Offshore Wind Energy in Delaware
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““The responsible development of offshore wind and the transition to renewable energy is essential for the protection of wildlife, habitats, and communities from the havoc of climate change[….]” “This legislation is the product of careful consideration and input from multiple state agencies, industry experts, energy researchers and environmental advocates[….]””
6. Removal of Apache Trout from Endangered Species List Due to Collaborative Conservation Efforts
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“[A]fter more than five decades of recovery efforts by federal, state and Tribal partners, […] the restoration of Arizona’s state fish marks the first […] trout delisted due to recovery, a significant conservation success[….] The Apache trout is found exclusively in streams of the White Mountains in the eastern part of Arizona […] and is sacred to the White Mountain Apache Tribe.”
7. [Texas] State court rules Austin must release files on police complaint
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“Under the act, records of any complaint – even if no disciplinary action was taken – must be handed over to the civilian-led Office of Police Oversight. [… T]he ruling ushers in a new level of oversight of the complaint process and the department writ-large.”
8. Super-rare hairy-nosed wombat caught waddling through a woodland in Australia
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“Ecologists at Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) say the video footage provides exciting evidence wombats are breeding in the refuge again. […] There are only 400 of them in the world, making them rarer than the giant panda and the Sumatran tiger. […] “Although this isn’t the first joey born at the refuge, it is the first juvenile spotted for a few years.””
9. The country’s biggest electric school-bus fleet will also feed the grid
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“[The] country’s first all-electric school-bus fleet[,…] which serve the district’s special-needs students, […] can charge with low-cost power and discharge spare capacity at times of grid stress[…. V]ehicle-to-grid charging is something for which electric school buses are particularly well suited.”
10. The Push to Save Horseshoe Crabs Is Gaining Momentum
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“Conservationists hope new restrictions on harvesting and synthetic alternatives to a crab-blood compound used in biomedical testing can turn the tide for the ancient arthropods, whose eggs are a vital food source for Red Knots [threatened migratory birds]. […] Now conservationists are in the thick of a multi-pronged push to save both species.”
August 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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