aatgm · 7 months
just making this post as a note to myself. it’s been a while since i’ve been able to make myself work on this story (perils of working on something for too long i guess) but i still want to finish it! i’m still going to try super hard to finish it. i just don’t want to paralyze myself with anxiety about it again.
in the next draft (yes there needs to be another draft. yes i know this first one has already taken me 8 years. no i don’t want to think about that!) i want to focus more on making the story thematically tighter. right now it’s just a bunch of scenes that i had fun writing at the time but that don’t really add up to anything.
i want to focus on the question of whether there’s such a thing as “inherent goodness/evil”. is anyone inherently good or bad by nature? how much are people shaped by the way they’re treated, as opposed to the way they’re born? obviously in this story the angels are evil, despite being seen as holy and good by themselves and humanity. and the main characters are a demon, a human, and a human/angel hybrid raised as a human. they should all explore different aspects of this theme, i think.
like, is simon a bad person? yes. but is that because he’s a demon? or is it because he’s spent his whole life being treated like a monster and learning that cruelty is the only way to survive? can he change for the better if shown love and support, or is it a scorpion and the frog situation? does emma being an angel make her inherently better than ava? or even inherently different? ava is a trans woman with unsupportive parents, and has spent her life chafing against the expectations society has for her, trying not to let other people’s views of her control her life. she strongly believes that you don’t have to be a certain way just because people expect that of you. but does that apply to creatures like angels and demons, or is she uniquely capable of change because she’s a human? which would be kind of a refutation of her point?
i mean, obviously the answer is that inherent nature is fake, the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant, like mewtwo said. it’s not like it’s a super original theme or anything. but at least it’s A theme. at this point i just want some faint hope of this story someday being good so i can keep wanting to write it.
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candlelightkitty555 · 2 months
my roommate: hey can you take out the trash
me (i didn’t hear them because i was engrossed in writing my t4t novel where two closeted trans people discover the beauty and true colors of their souls through their awkward and messy but heartwarmingly endearing love and and also the really graphic really hot sex they have):
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Yalllll I’ve been busy with family and stuff (ugh) BUT believe me when I say I am cooking up something
🌶️🌶️🥵 SPICY 🥵🌶️🌶️
So I’m writing a Kiraboss one shot (with smut lol) where Kira hires a prostitute (for personal reasons) and it ends up being Diavolo. Kira has never had sex b4, let alone with a man, but he ends up really liking it and maybbbee they date eachother afterwards???? 🥺🥺👉👈💖💖 Idk I haven’t finished it yet
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okay, Whip Number 2. a little RP idea with a friend. speciefic people get seeded and gain the ability to turn into monsters ranging from double to almost 5 times their own size eac one with it's in unique ability. so this, is a doodle. of my character. well one of them. fighting against the psuedo europian based army and church after his home was destroyed he joined the Russians with the name Strokov. hus seed was a stealth type which lent him well to covert spy and assasin, lending him the nickname of "the reaper". ofcourse it's less about him and more a saying when someone dies mysteriously kr prematurely. "the reapers got him" etc etc. he's a fun little guy who makes flesh weapons. fleshy creation but just as sharp if not better than the real thing
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infiniterattheorem · 2 years
byron and percy shelley karaoke bad romance send post.
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What would it mean to "heal rot"?
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Are there any media properties that you could isekai the Endbringers to where they'd work well with the setting and possibly be part of an interesting narrative?
Yeah, DC
Authorposting aside, though, The Boys would be interesting because a major feature of both show and comic is that there's no actual exigence for superheroes, but if Endbringers started attacking like clockwork, you could potentially see a really interesting (and dysfunctional!) cape culture evolve out of Homelander's ego problems, savior complex, and Vought's status as the only entity even hypothetically capable of manufacturing a widespread response to this specific crisis. Rock and a hard place.
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steddieficfind · 11 months
Tumblr fic : Steve and Robin moved away from hawkins post everything being done. Steve transitioned to Evie but no one but Robin knows. Instagram is a thing so modern time au. Eddie has a giant crush based off what Robin has posted, and everyone is jealous when Dustin gets to go visit and stay with Robin and Evie. And obvs Dustin finds out the whole thing. It's a several part fic that I don't think is complete but I've lost track of the authorposter
Request 475! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
Hi Hera! I have a question about writing and the first person that came to my mind was you!
It is about the use of quotation marks and the interruption of a dialogue. We were wondering (a friend and I together haha) if when you interrupt a dialogue with the long dash, do you have to close the quotation mark?
eg: “No! I won’t— or “No! I won’t—”
It's a very stupid question but so far I haven't read any books where there are conversations interrupted, so I don't have a reference for it.
Thanks for your time!
Hello, dear! Thank you for thinking about me while you had doubts! The answer is: yes, they go inside the quotation mark. So, you have to close the quotation mark.
Think of it as: the quotation mark signals that the speaker is using a dialogue. When the speaker is abruptly interrupted, the dialogue cuts off, right? So, you need quotation marks to signal that the dialogue is over. The em dash signals that they've been interrupted, and the quotation marks, that they've effectively ended the dialogue.
If the reader was interrupted but kept on speaking (as if he doubted) we would have something like this: "I am sorry—I mean, I wasn't—It's not like I wanted to do it!"
I found a web that explains punctuation quite well! I hope this helps! https://mybookcave.com/authorpost/punctuation-with-quotation-marks/
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ginaraemitchell · 2 months
Imperfections by Ann Chiappetta | Book Review, Author Guest Post, $25 Gift Card | #YoungAdult #ContemporaryFiction #Raffle #BookReview #AuthorPost @GoddessFish #IndiePublished
Addiction and abuse are harsh threads from which to weave an uplifting story. Anne Chiappetta manages this feat quite well. I’m sure she drew on her past occupation as a trauma therapist to know the best ways to present this material. Her writing skills made this into an incredibly gripping tale. (And she still found a way to include that HEA) Imperfections by Ann Chiappetta | Book Review, Author Guest Post, $25 Gift Card | #YoungAdult #ContemporaryFiction #Raffle #BookReview #AuthorPost @GoddessFish #IndiePublished #BookX #Bookstagram #BookWorm #AmReading 
Imperfections by Ann Chiappetta | Book Review, Author Guest Post, $25 Gift Card | #YoungAdult #ContemporaryFiction #Raffle #BookReview #AuthorPost @GoddessFish #IndiePublished #BookX #Bookstagram #BookWorm #AmReading  A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions. Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour. Book…
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aatgm · 2 years
in the aatgm world, humans and demons are both creatures of earth, with physical forms and blood and a connection to the planet, but angels are completely alien. they don’t bleed or make sound, and they normally can’t even be physically interacted with. they’re observers of the affairs of earth, not participants. humans and demons, while never meant to coexist, were all cut from the same cloth. The Great Mother created demons as the original earthlings, and the Angelic Council cribbed from Her notes when they made humans to replace them. so despite being not suited to the earth in its current state, demons are still, on some level, earthlings. angels are not; they’re basically museum curators, while the creatures of earth are exhibits on display.
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ronovanwrites · 1 year
Can a Novel Really Change Anything? - A Guest Post by author Lee Schneider.
Can a Novel Really Change Anything? - A Guest Post by author Lee Schneider. #IARTG #AuthorPost #SpeculativeFiction #Environment #Future #ScienceFiction
Can a Novel Really Change Anything? By Lee Schneider They say “you are what you read.” Can your reading habits change the world? Surrender by Lee Schneider Novels are an ideal delivery system for ideas that shake things up. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, published in 1906, took the meatpacking industry to task for its treatment of workers. The novel, and the movement that grew around it, spurred on…
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Heyyyy you mentioned having ocs in a post, I believe…
Do you mind sharing? I like hearing about other people’s ocs 👉👈
——She is a demon??? I think
——Was intended as part of this little idea I scrapped where several souls get trapped in purgatory because the gods can’t decide where they should go, or something like that, and so they are all just in this blank void slowly going insane together :)
——Each one of them is supposed to embody a concept or a trait of the human psyche in a way
——She symbolizes rage, righteousness, strong justice, hatred, as well as violence and malevolence, if she were a sin she would be Wrath
——Screams a lot, cries a lot, eats a lot, sleeps a lot. Being angry all the time is exhausting for her
——Her existence is just pain
——Frequently violent, favorite weapon is a baseball bat with spikes on the end
——She is chubby and short
——Has ratty, teased up pigtails
——She has a stand (of course) that is a black goopy tar sort of monster, like molten lava that’s all black with fiery, glowing eye sockets or something
Goobie gumba
——don’t have a name for this guy yet
——gender-fluid, all pronouns
——is a shapeshifter
——just a sad, sexy little bitch
——so very sad and sexy
——also has a stand
Old as fuck dude
——no name for him
——he is also in the Shadow Wizard Money Gang (they love casting spells 🪄)
——aka he is also in purgatory
——gay old man, very wise, very kind
——mostly a passive observer of chaos but he will give you a hug if you want
——for some reason I can only imagine him as fucking dumbledore
——but like skinnier and more sad looking
——and with glitter in his beard
——a cynic through and through
——has lost all faith
——has been around too long
——good with kids
——enjoys tarot card reading——he doesn’t believe in all the spiritual mumbo jumbo, he just uses them to pass the time
——has a stand, idk what yet
——someone save this poor man
Frankie (evil ver)
——Nasty stinky little man
——Also a demon????
——I hate him so much
——But he is babygirl
——Basically he is a manifestation of me and everything I hate about myself lmao
——Serial killer, cannibal. He likes to torture his victims before they die, it turns him on
——He is more powerful than the others so he can leave the purgatory dimension for brief 24 hour periods. This is how he gets his victims.
——He can’t really control his urges, he’s like an addict
——Little sense for morals, very hedonistic——he values his own pleasure above most things
——He symbolizes lust, gluttony and greed, among other things
——Horny but in a fucked up way
——Long, skinny, lanky, gremlin sized. You can see his ribs through the skin. Bigass fucking feet
——His stand is this grotesque, lovecraftian flesh monster, some beast with many eyes and mouths, covered in some sort of gross liquid like saliva. He can also manifest his stand as a bunch of meaty tentacles, they look like colons/intestines with sharp suckers on the end (think of a sea lamprey)
——Goes into states of feral regression, in which he loses his human intelligence and his brain degraded to that of a wild, bloodthirsty animal, driven by instinct and visceral urge. He loses the ability to talk in this state, instead making grunts and growls, barking, crawling on all fours. He becomes more violent and impulsive in this state
——will eat anything he finds off the ground, doesn’t care how dirty it is. Free food is free food
——Collects trash and random trinkets from the human dimension, hoards them in piles
Frankie (normal version)
——is a high schooler
——very athletic, great at sports
——Plays soccer very well but he hates it
——very egocentric, obsessive narcissism
——Doesn’t feel love or compassion for people, only cares about himself
——very talented but very unmotivated, gave up on life since the day he was born
——he’s a creep, a weirdo, what the hell is he doing here, he don’t belong here
——Is a good friend, despite his personal shortcomings
——doesn’t really like his friends
——doesn’t really like anyone at all to be honest
——he’s just some guy
——has a porn addiction, is into guro (yikes)
——is just not normal mentally, in any way
——just a rotten little fucker
I have more ocs but these are the ones specifically from the Purgatory universe. Might make a second post about the other silly guys
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camilegrant513 · 2 years
Monday Memes
Source: https://mybookcave.com/authorpost/12-writers-block-memes-to-cheer-you-on/
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Aurum Iusecem The angel of the golden Scales.
from a world me and ND a fren are making together. he has committed multiple war crimes and Geneva convention violations. also since his scales are one of the ways to get into our worlds equivalent of heaven you can verry much bribe your way in through this bitch.
he's also a demons botto-
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turtleluvr12 · 3 years
yeah it’s just a matter of time i think for me to get used to it and if you like it then that’s a point in its favor!
it’s a softer name in general and i think that’s the key difference in her character
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