#autism is not something to be cured
just-something-4-me · 2 years
Is It Just Me?
Am I fighting alone? Or is there someone going through this too? Honestly, I don’t want anyone else to go through this. It’s isolating and lonely and sad. Even if there are days when all is right in the world and nothing could take that away from me.
What is this bitch talking about?
I’ll tell you: I’m talking about living life as a woman with depression, anxiety and ADHD who is married to an autistic man and has two autistic kids. Sometimes I feel like we’re all speaking a different language and none of us can communicate what we’re feeling to the others.
Sometimes I just need a minute alone to poop and my husband will come open the door and ask, “how’s it going?” I’m pooping, how do you think it’s going?
Sometimes I need my husband to take his fifteen minute break and play with the kids so I can have some quiet and he’ll text me the whole time asking if I’m coming to relieve him so he can go back to work.
Sometimes my husband tells me what he needs and I completely misread it because I’m looking at context clues and body language and he’s being so. fucking. literal.
Sometimes my oldest is stimming in a destructive way and I have to gently and cautiously guide him into a stim that isn’t going to hurt him or his little brother.
Sometimes I try to be as literal as I can possibly be, and my husband takes the thing I say and still asks me to be more specific next time because he didn’t think I meant what I said.
Sometimes I just want things to be less chaotic. My mental health is at al all time low, and I feel like everyday I’m a piss-poor excuse for a mom and a wife. But I also don’t feel like I’m doing anything *for me* to give my own needs some attention.
Can anyone relate?
Me time is so rare. I get a few hours once or twice a week. I crave it, and feel guilty for taking it all at the same time. I know that I need to care for my own needs first so that I can better care for the needs of my family, but I also don’t want to neglect my family to care for my own needs.
See how vicious that cycle is?
Something related:
Recently on Reddit, I told someone that they didn’t owe anyone anything. They are a struggling adult female in a relationship who is finding self care tasks impossible. Her partner told her, harshly, that she needed a shower and she asks if she is the asshole. I tell her that she is NTA and that she doesn’t owe anyone anything. She should take baby steps towards self care tasks and celebrate each step as a milestone until she is better able to care for herself.
The other Reddit folks thought if she was in a relationship she owed it to her partner to shower because “it’s not fair” to him to have to deal with that. In my opinion, the OP is not in the wrong. She needs to shower, of course. But not because she owes her partner. She needs to shower because she owes it to herself.
I mention the Reddit post because so often I feel like that OP: I don’t have the energy to shower or brush my teeth or change my clothes. I just want to lie in bed and wallow because that’s easier. But I’m not in a mental state where I can’t find the energy for that stuff. If I was, I would hope that no one would tell me that I owed my husband the kindness of showering.
Idk. I guess I just want to feel validated on some level and know that I’m not a shit person because I need alone time occasionally and sometimes don’t want to be around my kids or my husband. I love my family with all of my heart. I love each day that I get with them. Nothing in the world would change that.
But every now and again I need time to be alone and not have someone climbing all over me, calling my name every 5 seconds, crying because their brother touched something they were playing with, or because the kids dropped something and the floor is now a mess.
Tell me, tumblr, am I alone? Or is there anyone else out there feeling like shit for needing “me time” and not knowing what to do about it.
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
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Amber looking cunty as always. and Thirteen in the middle there... hello autism
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coldflasher · 5 months
was rewatching the pilot again yesterday for fic reasons and thinking again about the sherlock-style screen annotations they had when barry was doing CSI work that they literally only did in the first ep and then never revisited again, presumably because they realized it'd be far too much effort to work out the details on such a precise level
and thinking about like. that barry allen with the hyper-precise exact measurements that he did by eye (with joe shaking his head in awe so you know that he's a CSI supergenius) vs. the leonard snart who timed his heists to the exact nanosecond (which again, presuming they ditched because it's a logistical nightmare to write dialogue that nitpicky and obsessive, and would be such a fucking pain to do on a week-to-week basis). like. yet another reason they are soulmates tbh. is audhd4autistic a thing the same way t4t is a thing? if it isn't then i'm making it a thing
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jekyll-hatepage · 9 months
"I want them a little autistic 🥺" shut up. Please shut up. You've only seen the glorified traits on social media and as soon as an autistic person goes into sensory overload or has an unorthodox interest or gets upset when a routine changes or literally acts as anything other than the "precious smol bean" that you've fabricated in your head, you'll get turned off immediately. That's not on the autistic person, that's on you for cherry picking what traits you want in a partner with no regard for how people are actually affected by autism. Stop being weird about autism and at least TRY to educate yourself.
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00127am · 3 months
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i have never been more attracted to mark lee in my entire existence.
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metalcatholic · 4 months
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punkccorpse · 1 day
I checked the autism tag for the first time in over a week just to see what's new and one of the first posts was about some kind of pseudoscience claiming a "cure" for autism is a drug that's used to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness and its so perplexing?
Like, that's just completely raw ableism! I reported the post but I'll bet that it stays up anyway.
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mythicalcoolkid · 1 year
After too many years here I've final what hornets' nests I am not brave enough to kick
#m/cc#thought about making a certain post and decided... no... I would rather not#I am not prepared for responses to that. it might actually kill me#specifically it was:#'going gluten/dairy/food dye-free CAN improve certain neurodevelopmental things but it cannot 'cure' autism/ADHD/Tourette's'#I already know I'd get vitriol both from people claiming I think autism comes from gluten or 'needs cured' because they can't read the post#and that I'm trying to trick everyone into going gluten-free because Toxins or something and lying about a connection#(even though (neuro)dev disorders can be made worse by flaring immune issues like - oh I don't know - undiagnosed gluten intolerance?#hypersensitivity to certain food dyes?#we already know autism and ADHD in particular have HUGE correlations with gastro and immune issues#which is why some mommy bloggers genuinely do see symptom improvement from diet changes)#and from people saying 'um actually no-gluten DID cure my nephew's ADHD?? the science is on our side/big gluten is covering up the research#and I don't know if I could handle dozens of people per day telling me I'm a science denier AND a eugenist from both sides#I am simply. ADHD. and autistic. and incredibly interested in the wild amount of comorbid physical disorders that correlate with these#autoimmune and gastro issues but also loose/hypermobile joints; epilepsy; delayed sleep phase disorder; COPD; skin conditions#it's so fascinating to me and provides a huge chunk of data to run with re: the gut-brain axis#whether [neurodev] causes [other]/[other] causes [neurodev] or an underlying thing causes both is unknown#but honestly with the huge interest in the gut-brain axis and microbiome in the past decade or so#I think we're going to see a lot more research in the next thirty or forty years examining physical comorbidities with neurodev stuff#I'm probably not gonna link to research because I don't wanna just start the war anyway and I'm too tired to go back and find the articles#but the TL;DR of the tags is neurodev stuff isn't caused by gluten intolerance but if you're unknowingly aggravating a gluten intolerance#you're probably not gonna feel great and it's gonna make your symptoms worse because of the effect it has on your body#it's like a very mild long-term allergic reaction and yeah if you get rid of that it'll improve other areas (e.g. sleep cycle; irritability#so of Course it's gonna improve a bunch of things-that-get-worse-with-poor-sleep/decreased-stress-tolerance#if you were always sitting on a slightly uncomfortable chair you'd probably do a lot better if I switched the chair#just because you can focus better or you didn't know the chair was uncomfortable doesn't mean it caused your ADHD#also in this case the chair affects your hormone levels and immune response and what chemicals accidentally leak into your bloodstream#if you're interested look it up there's been a Ton of research on correlations of specific physical issues with neurodev in recent years
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smile-files · 5 months
someone just did a presentation about curing autism in my neuro class. i will explode in 15 seconds
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autisticlee · 7 months
sometimes I think about how I was legitimately the most hated and bullied kid in my entire class, and probably entire school. I knew this as a fact. there was nothing I could do about it. not just by the kids either, but the teachers/staff as well. all because I was autistic and unable to speak and they didn't want to treat me decently. and I ask why. (rhetorically of course, because I know all the excuses given as answers)
being an autistic kid and knowing damn well this is true, that you're the most hated person in the entire building with not a single person on your side, knowing you're the main target for everyone's aggression every day, is....truly something. you know. like carrying the weight of everyone's hatred and negativity on your back alone, being their punching bag, internalizing their hatred for then. from ages 4 to 18. nonstop. never getting better. never knowing why. not being able to stop it. never getting any help. on your own and alone. blamed for it all.
yet i'm simply told to "get over it/stop caring" and get blamed for it fucking me up and having a lasting effect. lmao ok. let me just forget more than half my life existed at this point and magically get better! thanks!
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mostlyonthefloor · 8 months
There are many downsides to being autistic (see: The Problems) but one decided upside is that every single one of those problems can be fixed temporarily with a bowl of cornflakes
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i was scrolling through my gallery to post another funny picture but instead i saw an image of another fav character who i’m autistic about. i don’t even know what to say this is devastating
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william-austin · 1 year
that's what I call progress
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mrfoox · 2 years
Just remembered how after my autistic diagnose every offical person was so careful to approach me about it at first. I know that's probably standard bc not everyone will like those news or know how to handle it but I legit just had doctors go 'hey... So... Are you okay? How do you feel?' and I was like 'haha, nice, so I haven't just been faking/now I know why I'm so different'
#miranda talking shit#And i mean... I wouldnt be diagnosed at all if i didnt personally call for it. I wouldn't have been able to see anyone unless i brought it#Up. Bc ive always been good at masking no one even considerd i was on the spectrum. And it wasnt until i got friends who was diagnosed and#Discussed it with me and their experiences + me reading up on it myself ... Where i was like wait uh ... Actually lol that's me haha#But i know plenty of people probably don't like to get the diagnosis. For me personally it was 90% a gopd thing#It felt a lot like... Ive always known i was 'diffrent' and ive always felt something was so wrong with me bc i didny work like other peope#And then it was like .... No im different but this is the thing that makes me different and its not something 'wrong' with me#For me it felt very freeing to get i guess a label or name on why im different. Before iy was all just... On me?#Like it was my own fault. Why couldnt i do this or just act normal why couldnt i just handle things others could? It all felt very. ...#Personal. Like it was my own fault ? Idk man. It was just great to get a reason to why i was diffrent and that it actually ... Made sense?#There were reasons behind why i got so overwhelmed or behaved weirdly etc yeah#My relationship with my own autism is the weirdest shit ever bc i dont personally think there's many positives with this diagnose#I can think of 10 cons per 1 pro basically but i also... Never had any bad feelings about getting it on paper that i have it?#I know my life would be much easier if i didnt have it. But i also know it cant be cured and is just part of me so#I have a fairly good or at least neatrul general feeling about it. Before i was diagnosed I'd cry and have breakdowns as to#Why i was so weird and why i couldnt be like everyone else. I got that on an weekly basis. After my diagnose? Very rarely.#I guess thats why im so... Supporting and maybe pushing others who think they are on the spectrum to check it out#Many will think oh but it doesnt DO anything. It doesnt change anything. It doesnt help to get it on paper ya know ?#And well yeah i guess technically that's true but man idk. If you have ever felt alienated like ive been my entire childhood and teen years#Getting the diagnose was so nice. And i got to learn about myself in much different ways than before. And understand that i am in fact not#Alone and not so misunderstood by everyone on earth lol.#@anyone who think they might be autistic give me an message and lets talk tbh if you want and need someone to discuss that with#Autism tag
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lizardthirty · 2 months
listen. you guys need to be careful. you might accidentally get into rpf after doing an edible and watching A Hard Day's Night
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dandy-lad · 2 months
#i need to be away from here#gott i just...#im autistic right just fyi#and my mum does not treat me as if i were#like she has neurotypical standards for me which i have to meet otherwise there will be Bad Consequences#and this is killing me bc im not neurotypical#the only way she'll treat me as autistic is if i get officially diagnosed#which i kinda want but also dont want#and its just. she's. gott my relationship with her is so complicated but shes caused me so much hurt and trauma and pain and#thats what im feeling right now. that.#i should get a diagnosis for me not for her#but i dont think i can survive in this environment for much longer#i told my dad i might try get diagnosed (havent talked to him about autism before) n he was like “okay”#pretty much verbatim#which is realistically the best response i couldve had#then he went on a rant about how autism “didnt exist” in the past and how its caused by vaccines#and this drug which apparently helps with autism and when i said No im not doing that i dont want to be “cured” this is a thing that#shouldnt be cured he was like ??? then whyd you want a diagnosis#hhhh but that i can deal with. after 4 years of being subjected to his and my mums conspiracy theory bullshit i can put up with it#at first it really stressed me out but i can cope with it now and come up with well thought out and factual grounded counter arguments#n i told my mum that dads fine with me getting a diagnosis n then i asked her if when i get one she'll treat me as if i were autistic#and she laughed and was like wait until you get one#like she doesn’t think i am which shows how Fucking Little she knows about me and how much i have to hide from her#because shes always shouted at me for Every Autistic Trait i display#im never fucking good enough for her#she treats me and percieves of me as if im neurotypical and Im Not#i remember once (after something happened) i heard her shout “WHY CANT I HAVE FUCKING NORMAL CHILDREN” or something like that#that sticks with you.#that shit hurts and sticks with you#who gave this woman two queer autistic mentally ill children to raise who's fucking plan was that
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