#autistic vegeta au
big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapters 41-43 of Chances‼️
These chapters give a bit of insight on how Goku and Vegeta are doing in between time skips, and how they're dealing with moving in together. Fair warning, there is an intense meltdown situation actually for both boys in Chapter 42.
For anyone who hasn't joined the ride yet: this is a self-projecting NSFW Kakavege human AU fic focused on Vegeta's life as an autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠💙
BTW Happy Disability Pride Month! 🤟
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big-boah · 2 years
Chapter 39 is complete ‼️ It's a big one so it took me a few days to write, inspired by a prompt from the “Comfort Character” ask game from @polkapan , "Beck and call" 💙
ALSO Happy Disability Pride Month! This chapter deals with some themes that my fellow disabled pals may deal with, with some NSFW sprinkled in for good measure 😏😄
As always, this is an 18+, self-projecting, DBZ Kakavege fic about Vegeta if he was a semi-verbal autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠💙
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big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapters 48 & 49‼️ Some slice of life stuff in these chapters as we prepare for the big finale 😁
This is a self-projecting NSFW Kakavege fic human DBZ AU, where Vegeta is a high-support needs semiverbal autistic man, while Goku and his friends introduce him to a life he never expected.
Enjoy! 🐉💙
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big-boah · 2 years
Chapters 34 & 35 just posted ‼️ It's party time 😏 plus a lil fluff chapter and we finally get to Vegeta not having to write things as much! I'm thinking it's going to be a 2-3 month time skip after this. So many exciting things coming up for our boys 😄
As always, this is an 18+, self-projecting, NSFW DBZ Kakavege fic centered around Vegeta if he was a human semi-verbal autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠💙
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big-boah · 2 years
Chapter 31 is up‼️ It's a short & tougher personal one, but next chapter will finally be date night I promise 😁
And there are even MORE surprises in store!
As always, this is a 18+ Kakavege DBZ fic 👊🏻🐉🟠
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big-boah · 2 years
I finished Chapter 32 ‼️ It's date night! This is a long one, I wrote 10k words today 😅
As always, this is an 18+, self-projecting, DBZ Kakavege fic about Vegeta if he was a semi-verbal autistic guy.
The story is officially halfway over but I have plenty of timestamp ideas! Enjoy and tell me what you think 😁
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big-boah · 2 years
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GUYS Chances has over 5k hits on Ao3 WHAT ‼️ 👀
I promise I'll stop being annoying about it after this milestone but never expected Chances to get this much visibility. I was super nervous to post it, because I hadn't seen anything like this in the DBZ fandom and wasn't sure how it would be received, especially publicizing something so personal to me.
Thank you all so much for sharing it and recommending it to people 😭 The continued support is also really encouraging for writing the other fics in the series too! 🤟
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big-boah · 2 years
Guys I'm freaking out I can't believe something I posted 3 months ago has 3k hits! Most I've ever gotten by far writing DBZ fic! 💙
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For anyone who hasn't joined in the fun yet, or anyone looking for some realistic insight into the world of human neurodivergent guys gay dating in their 30's, here's the link!
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big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapters 44-47‼️Time for a party and a camping trip. Lots of Raditz and Nappa in this one, too 😁
This is a self-projecting NSFW Kakavege fic human AU about Vegeta and Goku as gay neurodivergent guys 💙Enjoy! 🐉
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big-boah · 2 years
Chapter 40 of Chances just posted! ‼️ A little fluff for you!
Prompt was from @beegl for the "Comfort my Character" ask game: ♟ - Board games or Arts and crafts inside 😁
I will be taking a short break from Chances for a week or two while I work on my crossover fic for Radship week, but then I will be back to once or twice weekly posting 💙
For anyone who hasn't joined in on the fun yet, this is my nfsw, self-projecting, DBZ fic about Vegeta if he was a semi-verbal autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠
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big-boah · 2 years
Me writing Chances: I'm so sorry boys, I'm so sorry Vegeta, it was all going so good, I'm so sorry
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big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapter 50 of Chances‼️ Thank you to my friend @polkapan for beta reading this for me 🙌
The fic just hit 4k views, I can't thank you guys enough for supporting this very personal endeavor the last 4 months!! 😭
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big-boah · 2 years
For the comfort my characters thing: 🧸and🧣(if you want to do two) for Vegeta. But specifically Chances Vegeta cuz I think he needs these right now.
My baby BOY! Anything for him 😏💙 (I got REALLY carried away and accidentally wrote the next chapter of Chances using these two as PROMPTS, so you get a preview, I hope you like it! 🥰
🧸 Soft plush & 🧣 Fuzzy blanket
The Earthling holiday season was fully underway; the days were shorter, white and festive colored lights adorned the trees down half the city streets, and there were decorations of animals and gifts galore. The Earthling winter solstice was a week away to be exact, which Goku only realized when he checked his phone calendar notifications for the first time in a week. Not having a pay attention to income and only take care of the animals and the house with Vegeta was becoming a favorite pastime of his very quickly.
So, In typical Goku fashion, the lumbering man waited until the very last minute to recall that Vegeta actually wanted a holiday present this year. Vegeta wasn't really one for celebrating holidays; he was easily overwhelmed by drunken, singing crowds, and so was Goku. Goku noticed that he blushed at every gift he or his friends had given him despite the contents. (They have used the "KS Book" as they called it in their code name.) And he wanted to recreate that again and again.
Vegeta was significantly more relaxed around Goku since they had recovered from their first fallout, in which both men admitted they'd need to get better at certain things. Goku noticed a big change in Vegeta--he was still the same snarky badass he was before, but now, he was able to do it directly, with a much better handle on his facial expressions and tone through American Sign Language.
Vegeta was definitely a natural, and Goku was proud that he "called it." Bulma knew what she was talking about, suggesting that as a next step for them, since she had noticed how frustrated Vegeta tended to get with his phone; plus, the man wouldn't be around people who understood him all the time, even though he made sure it was that way now. Bulma hoped that eventually Vegeta would want to break free from the confines of bedrooms and books and video games, no matter whose house they were at. If he was happy, that's great. But he expressed his desire to keep experiencing things, get stronger, become more knowledgeable. Her old friend was a natural at learning and he was really coming into his own.
Goku found the twinkling lights somewhat magical as he held Vegeta's hand, strolling down 12th Avenue in West City. There were plenty of shops here with cool toys, for kids, adults, and even people with sensory needs. Vegeta could realistically buy these places out with the money in their shared bank account, but he didn't really think like that very often.
Goku pulled his chilly hand from his brown leather jacket pockets, revealing his black fingerless gloves. He rubbed his hands together for warmth. Vegeta suddenly stopped next to him after booking it down the sidewalk back to the bus stop; it was way too cold to walk.
Goku turned and held his mitts out to hold Vegeta's rosy cheeks and snotty nose. Vegeta sniffled and kept his eye peeled away from his lover--he hated being cold almost as much as he hated being hot. At this point Goku was hopping up and down a little, hoping with each passing second that the city bus to take them 15 minutes South would show up soon.
Vegeta checked the bus schedule board outside of the small enclosed waiting hut, which was packed with people this evening being so close to the holidays. He nudged his partner and pointed to the bus they were looking for--they still had about 20 minutes before that bus would arrive.
Goku's eyes brightened as he exclaimed, "I have an idea to warm us up in the meantime, come on!" He dragged Vegeta away from the crowd as fast as he could, careful to support his partner so he didn't fall ass-first into any black ice on the sidewalk.
"Hmmm..." Vegeta frowned while he considered whether he wanted to go in or not as they stared up at the glowing yellow sign--Goku brought him to a toy store around the corner from the bus stop.
"You can stay out here in the cold if you want, but I'm gonna get somethin' to warm us up, okay? Maybe I'll grab a couple gifts for Raditz." Goku confirmed. He turned on his heel and headed toward the shop's door.
Vegeta considered staying outside for 15 minutes and dealing with the weather, or going through a children's toy store for the same amount of time--the answer was unfortunately obvious; he'd freeze to death out here, and the snow was every so slightly picking up.
"Over here, dude!" Goku half-whispered when the shop's bell chimed. Vegeta raised his clenched fists and rubbed them into the material of his wind-resistant green knee-length jacket.
"Welcome!" An older woman with her hair in a bun and glasses was sorting books behind her cash register. Vegeta didn't look up.
"So you think a blanket might help? A real soft one?" Goku asked his partner, who kept his focus anywhere but on Goku's face.
The couple flipped through a stack of different blankets the shop had on display, all with different designs. Vegeta eventually found a navy blue one with a white speckled pattern that felt softer than anything he'd ever felt in his life. He tore it from the display pile, disregarding the other carefully refolded blankets, and held it up to see that it was massive.
He bunched it up and stuck his face in it while Goku watched in awe. Here was Vegeta, his boyfriend, who couldn't stand being out of the house, rubbing his face into a blanket with a look of satisfaction on his face. And they were in public.
"I'm guessin' that's a keeper?" Goku smiled, already knowing the answer. His partner nodded once with a stern, decisive face, and kept the thing bundled into his arms as they stepped back out to the main aisle.
"Alright let's bring this on the bus, then into our bed." Goku's voice took on a hint of a whisper as he bent down to Vegeta's ear, "We could be naked on it, it'd feel so good an' soft..."
Vegeta gulped hard, then used the huge wad of blanket to hide the growing erection in his sweatpants.
"Uh...one sec!" Goku announced as he ran off toward the back of the store. The guy could get distracted very easily, so Vegeta figured he'd wait exactly where he stood, grumbling at himself for how much he enjoyed this obnoxious piece of cotton fabric.
Vegeta glanced up at the aisle numbers where Goku was headed, and it said something about puzzles, toys, games, art supplies, restrooms, and checkout.
Not very specific... Five minutes later, his boyfriend was jogging back up to the front register with his partner to take care of purchasing the blanket. Goku checked the time on his phone real quick, and started bouncing on his toes a little in anticipation.
That was when the older man noticed a large paper bag in Goku's left hand. Huh. Vegeta was more concerned about wrapping the blanket around his shivering frame, however--he'd figure out Goku's mystery gift and who it was for on the bus ride.
Normally Vegeta would opt out of public transportation, but it was just cold and blustery enough to where the walk to the shopping distract was easy, but now it was a little too much on the way back with the ice and all.
Goku didn't feel the need to call a driver just for them to go a few blocks, although Vegeta did protest a little considering other people would be on the bus. Goku wanted him to try new things in public--not because he wanted Vegeta to be okay with other people, but because he hoped his partner would use his headstrong ego and inner strength to practice not giving a crap about what other people thought. Vegeta's father ingrained a bad bad habit into him about shaming himself, the poor dude.
The bells chimed above the toy store's door as they dashed out; the bus was pulling up to the corner on time, and white powdery snow was accumulating quickly.
Vegeta was very satisfied with their last minute purchase--he wrapped the huge thing around his shoulders and had Goku pay their bus fare up front, while Vegeta stomped to an empty seat against the very back of the vehicle.
Once the couple's hands had defrosted a bit, Vegeta signed with one raised eyebrow while pointing to the bag Goku had tucked into his side, "That p-r-e-s-e-n-t? Who?"
Goku watched Vegeta's signing, and pulled the brown bag even closer to his body. "Mmm..secret."
Goku chose to speak and sign for Vegeta's benefit, in case it was easier in that moment for his boyfriend to pick up more in one mode than the other. The two of them were studying hard, and they learned with ASL it is not encouraged to "sim-com", which is simultaneously communicate with ASL grammar and English speech, because ASL is a more broken down version with subject always being first to establish context. They also learned that this is why native ASL signers use grammar that sounds different than English while speaking.
Vegeta discovered that signing allowed his brain to bypass the whole speech processing thing, allowing him to use those mental and emotional resources to focus on what he was communicating. Even if they were just finger-spelling most exchanges at this point, Vegeta was beyond grateful to Bulma and Goku for encouraging him, and challenging him, to learn this. Even his brother was on board to learn in South City with his wife once he got wind of it. Raditz and his other friends were supportive too, but whether they had the brains or the patience to learn a new language was another story. Some people he'd still have to type with.
Something Goku noticed since they switched to mostly signing, was that he was seeing even more how snarky his boyfriend was, and he loved it. He loved learning more about his partner, and their relationship was already deepening on different levels. Which is why Goku felt comfortable enough to make his special "secret" purchase while they were in the toy store.
"Who?" Vegeta signed again with a grunt, his frown a little more pronounced this time. Goku was a sucker for his boyfriend's pouting, and it was close enough to the holidays to exchange a little extra gift... right?
"Agh fine. It's for you." Goku replied as he glanced over at his boyfriend who was currently cocooned in that fuzzy blanket. The bus was pretty busy at this time of day, but no one paid them any mind since most people were stuck standing like sardines. And their special Capsule Corp stop was only four blocks away.
"Now?" Vegeta inquired, eyebrows raised. His deep brown eyes glared at Goku's neck with anticipation--he was feeling so warm and comfortable that he didn't care if he seemed like an excited child. Plus, the only person he felt comfortable doing this sort of thing around was Kakarot.
Goku chuckled and nodded, passing the bag over to Vegeta's lap.
"Aww man, you didn't even give me a chance to wrap it." Goku remarked through his giggles, "For real though, if you don't like it I'll keep it, I think he's kinda cool."
Vegeta rolled his eyes at Goku's inability to not give things away, but what he removed from the bag was actually really, really cool. And pretty damn thoughtful.
It was an astronaut plushie, about 8 inches long, that looked exactly like the main character from his (now their) favorite space game. It was the first game they got hooked on together, the first thing they did on hangouts or "dates".
As immature as a stuffed animal gift was, it was like a sensory friendly action figure, and the guy really looked so cool. And it was soft.
Vegeta tore the plush spaceman out and tossed the paper bag to the right, along with the brown packing paper from inside. The bag happened to land on the lap of the person sitting next to Vegeta, who was seemingly a little weirded out by Vegeta's behavior--not only was the excited man now holding out a stuffed space dude, he was wrapped in a jacket and a huge blanket on a hot bus, surrounded by people in front of his seat, and he was stimming. A lot.
Vegeta felt comfortable enough around Goku to not care as much about his stimming; it was a natural part of him, it made him feel physically sick and horribly anxious if he couldn't do it. He didn't know why he let himself go so many years trying to suppress it, or hide it. He wasn't comfortable doing it all the time yet, but he was getting there. Plus, having Kakarot right there did something to him. It challenged him, to be better--to be himself. A stronger version of himself.
The couple had this phenomenon where they wound up in their own little world, where nothing else mattered--their own personal bubble, their own little Planet Vegeta and Kakarot no matter where they were physically. It was rare that they were apart these days, especially because all the renovation had started for the inside of Goku's house. They were being forced to spend more time outside because of obvious reasons, so today's outing was another attempt at Christmas shopping.
The tall man sitting next to Vegeta was wearing a green shirt, and had an orange Mohawk hairstyle with an earring. He leaned forward a bit and smiled warmly at the two men, almost as if he recognized them.
Vegeta hummed almost as loud as the bus engine right below them and kept his eyes fixed on his new gift. The guy passed the discarded paper bag to Goku, who accepted it with a shy smile.
"Sorry man, he didn't mean to throw trash at ya." Goku's cheeks dusted a light pink and Vegeta turned to him, furrowing his brow and rocking a bit.
"Sorry why?" Vegeta signed quickly to his partner.
"You're a s-l-o-b." Goku replied, earning a close-quarters shoulder shove from his boyfriend.
The orange-haired man chuckled in response to Goku's signing; he must have understood what he saying, which made Goku giggle a bit too. There were actually some pretty cool people in this city--but he was looking forward to heading home to the country as soon as the main part of the house was renovated.
Goku was staying at Capsule Corp for the next month while his place was being worked on, and having to drive several hours a day to take care of his animals was not ideal. Goku also found that he didn't like living with roommates too much either.
But making plans and hanging out with Vegeta, learning more about each other, getting to spend a lot more time together, made it all worth it.
"Thank you, Kakarot." Vegeta signed to his partner, tearing his gaze from the plushie back to the floor, rubbing it against the stubble beneath his chin; it felt weirdly itchy but great in that moment.
Vegeta's mind continued reeling as he waited for their stop. ...He's always surpassing me at these things! How dare he get me a thoughtful gift, and found it so quickly! I'm going to have to figure something out, fast. I should probably enlist Bulma for help.
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big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapters 36 & 37 ‼️ Some stuff happened instead of a time skip!
It was cathartic to write, and it felt like a natural part of the story to include, but I'm sorry in advance it might be tough to read. 😅
As always, this is an 18+, self-projecting, NSFW DBZ Kakavege fic centered around Vegeta if he was a human semi-verbal autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠💙
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big-boah · 2 years
Chances is complete at 56 chapters (I included a bonus NSFW chapter at the end because, just married amirite? 😏)
I've made so many good friends through the course of writing this fic, this is my pride and joy, based on a journal, thank you for being so cool and for interacting while reading it. 💙
There will be more stories in this AU in the near future, so keep an eye out on the series!
For the last time (dramatic) 🥲: This is a NSFW Vegeta/Goku DBZ fic. Chances is the human AU tale of Vegeta, a semi-verbal autistic man who lives in West City with Bulma, and meets a goofy farmer with ADHD who steals his heart along the way. Based on a true story.
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big-boah · 2 years
It's that time again, gang! Chapter 30 is up ‼️
I'm visiting my parentals in NY this week, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post another chapter for a week or two 😅
But here is a lil domestic fluff and lil tiny cliffhanger for your Sunday enjoyment! 😁
As always, this is a NSFW DBZ fic! 🐉🟠🔥
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