kamalinsights · 2 years
Global Autogenous Vaccines Market Analysis and Forecast by 2027
The global Autogenous Vaccines market research report is a well synchronized synopsis highlighting some of the most significant, real time research analysis that enable quick and efficient business discretion. The report is a quick reference point to make comply with reader understanding of the volatile market situations that collectively steer enormous growth opportunities in the global Autogenous Vaccines market.
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rileylastname · 1 year
people who add non-autogenerated subtitles to videos are the most attractive people on this planet and allowed to steal one (1) thing from my home. including a kiss
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cometcon · 4 months
I've been getting increasingly pissed off at stuff like this with Helluva Boss for a while now so I'm running out of room for patience and giving the benefit of the doubt.
I'm not Deaf/HoH but I do have audio processing disorder and I have been involved with the Deaf/HoH community through learning Auslan and needing some of the same accommodations in my life so it's becoming increasingly apparent just how much they get short-changed by a society that does not care and has to be pressed constantly for the bare minimum of accommodating anyone other than the expected default abled demographic.
I'm sorry but while having a character who signs was fucking amazing to see even as a Hearing person
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and it's been genuinely great to have the last episode of Season 1 with actual subtitles and all of Season 2 up to this one having actual subtitles
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We have to read T R A N S C R I P T S to understand what's going on in the entirety of Season 1 except for the final episode because while Hearing people who aren't affected by needing actual subtitles seem to think autogen and otherwise having to engage with just a transcript is good enough, news flash, IT ISN'T. Autogen has been getting better but it still fucks up (if your accommodation doesn't bring everyone up to speed with the same access as abled people your accommodation isn't good enough) and if your video is older like Season 1s are then they're FUCKING AWFUL. Even good autogen takes more energy to engage with than proper subtitles making it still more difficult than it needs to be to engage with a video.
This has annoyed me for a while but I was hoping they just needed some time to sort out someone to go make subtitles and put them up.
At the very least I figured ok, they're at least putting proper subtitles up for Season 2. Took them until OOPS came out to do it if I recall correctly, but they did it. Strange they stopped at the end of Season 1 but ok, whatever. Give them time.
Nothing has changed. It's been 3 years and nothing has changed.
Then The Full Moon dropped directly after Mammon's Magnificent Musical. I was expecting there to be proper subtitles since Season 2 now is being given them upon release.
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So basically fuck anyone who needs proper subtitles.
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is officially lip service to look good, not proper representation.
You can't follow this with fucking autogenerated bullcrap pretending to be accommodation.
I saw someone sending an ask in an hour or so ago to another blog to talk about The Full Moon and mentioned offhandedly in it that they had to look at the transcript to catch a line they wanted to understand and talk about.
I'd been hoping they would just put the subtitles up maybe a day or so later at least.
Vivzie doesn't care about Deaf/HoH people. She chucked the kid in for brownie points. And hey, sure, brownie point rep is better than no rep, but it isn't actual representation and really doesn't deserve that much praise if you immediately follow it up with a fucking AUTOGEN ENGLISH ONLY EPISODE.
Sincerely, fuck you too.
EDIT: There are proper subtitles on The Apology Tour, so I'm glad for that at least. It came out like two weeks after The Full Moon meaning it had to be in production at the same time so idk why they could put subtitles on release for TAT and not TFM, but whatever. And hilariously (read: mystifyingly and infuriatingly) enough, THE FULL MOON STILL ONLY HAS AUTOGEN AS OF THIS EDIT BEING TYPED ON THE 25TH OF JUNE 2024. Why? Why is it the only one without subtitles in S2? Why is S1 still all auto-gen even now, right up until the Kesha-song episode? Spindlehorse continues to confuse and annoy me with their flipflopping on their supposed caring about accommodation.
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ante--meridiem · 4 months
if at some point you have the time, I'd love to learn your zettelkasten secrets for studying maths.
for context, historically when I studied maths it was always in the form of a course and followed a clear sequence. the structure of my notes was pretty much like a textbook.
now I am learning it in a spottier way, where I'm like, "okay I need a somewhat high-level knowledge of the main concepts in this topic for now (as background for something else) but some things may end up being more important later and I might want to come back and fill in some details".
this seems like it would benefit from a more non-linear approach, but I don't really know how to even start with that. any tips?
I'm really sorry that the helpfulness of what I'm about to say almost certainly won't justify/make up for the amount of time it took me to answer but I'll do my best.
What you're describing wanting to do is in fact the main use case for my zettelkasten (which is currently about 70% maths, 20%-25% the kind of thing you'd tag as ref notes, and the remaining 5%-10% miscellanea). I did actually start out trying to build up the maths linearly and it worked great when I had time but once I started the masters courses it just wasn't realistic to keep up. That said I'm nonetheless having a hard time coming up with advice specific to this beyond what's already in my zettelkasten tag (if tumbr search is broken I can fetch the main posts for you), so I'll just say as much as I can about how I do things maths wise. I do not promise this is the best way to do things, much of it isn't even very considered and just how it ended up happening.
What I do now is whenever I'm going through an article/lecture notes/etc I make a placeholder zettel as I go for any definitions or big theorems that come up. Details can be added/improved later, what's important in the moment is to have the bare bones easily referred back to or linked to. Definitions are especially important in the initial phase as it's very likely you'll need to link back to them for your new zettels that use them to make sense. In the interest of efficiency I've had to give up on my desire to have something mathematically complete where everything used is clearly defined and proven elsewhere. If I'm familiar enough with a concept and find it basic enough that I probably won't need a reference for myself when I use it, it doesn't get a zettel until/unless I have more time to spare. Proofs are generally filled in later, the most important thing in the first step is just having an interlinked structure of all the claims and the main definitions and lemmas they use.
Regarding adding proofs, formatting proofs in the zettelkasten is my biggest challenge with it tbh, because the idea is for each zettel there should be one concept being expressed, but proofs contain a ton of granular concepts that can't really be broken up and each given its own zettel. When it makes sense, I try to break then into lemmas and have the main theorem page contain basically an index of lemmas with linking steps between them. When this doesn't make sense I can sometimes still split the proof up into sections that each get a contractable heading so I can hide the bits that aren't relevant when I don't need them and avoid being overwhelmed by the amount of information.
In terms of adding other kinds of details, generally once I've got the main stuff down I can go back to zettels I already have, find concepts I mentioned but didn't explain in them, and make a new zettel for that which I link as I'm making.
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incorrectjaneeyre · 8 days
Rochester: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it. Jane: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
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danothan · 5 months
i open youtube and watch a video and seethe to myself abt how i would be such a good subtitler and then not do anything abt it
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nohoperadio · 1 month
I really enjoy your posting style, feel like it has almost a certain musicality to it. hope you have a great day!
Whoa thank you that's very kind! I try to make them somewhat enjoyable to read I'm glad it works on some people
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fliptop · 2 months
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forgot to post my new son, bean
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boundless-iridescence · 4 months
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Random Ask | Always Open
@stelliferousduo asked: "This…is…so…much…fun…~~!!" She exclaimed while bouncing up and down one of the large, springy mushrooms in Apam Woods. Unfortunately, her company did not seem to share said sentiment as he simply hovered above her with 'that look' on his face. You know, the one where it was obvious he was questioning her sanity. "Come on, Erasmus~ Loosen up a little and join me! What's so bad about having some harmless fun every once in a while?
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He didn't answer her right away. Now, with energetic light circling behind him faintly, he was using a low level talent to float above the insanity around him. Eventually, he sighed, shaking his head, leaned back as he hovered there just above where her hop allowed him to reach.
"Perhaps it's not bad, but it certainly seems like a waste... How old are you again?" he asked the question with mild disdain.
He finally lowered back to the ground, pacing around the mushroom, still refusing to join in on this 'fun'. He glanced up as she jumped, looking up from under his hat. He didn't exactly like the accusation of needing to loosen up.
He was loose. He just wasn't a fool.
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
just landed on a planet named Jesus Sigma
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mithridacy · 9 months
sheena ringo - 意識 (ishiki)
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goo-helio-nite · 2 years
I don't watch any of the hermits but I've been checking out the hermitcraft recap while they're on empires so I can keep up with everything going on and. the recap team do such a good job I think everyone should watch it if they don't already, esp if theyre an empires viewer and want to know wtf is happening while the crossover is going on
plus they have an empires explained video out for the hermitcraft viewers to get an overview of empires which was awesome
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alexalynnsth · 1 year
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Optimus Prime and Autogen -2023
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ante--meridiem · 3 months
#& shark enjoyers & snake enjoyers & darkness preferrers & cold weather preferrers#(the last one is actually fairly popular online but by god if I don't get this response irl)#.....actually I'm curious right now why *does* this dynamic have opposite polarity with hot vs cold weather preferrers offline than online
for me I think a substantial part of the hot weather preference is that cold weather can be antagonistic to a lot of Going Places And Doing Things. I guess in theory one could hang out on the beach with one's friends and food in freezing temperatures and pouring rain but at best not for a very long time? temperate climate is much friendlier to outdoorsiness imo.
I assume there is a negative correlation between outdoorsiness and onlineness lol.
actually outdoorsy is the wrong word, it brings to mind mountaineers and shit who are definitely winter guys. more like casual outside the house but still in town activity doers idk lmao. grass touchers
Mm yes I was going to object to your first ask on the basis that I do in fact enjoy doing outdoorsy things in cold weather but suffer doing the same in the heat but the kind of stuff I was thinking of is indeed... maybe not as hard-core as mountaineering implies but certainly that kind of scenery/aesthetic, it's probably not beach weather though on the other hand seeing a beach cold enough for the waves to freeze sounds kind of amazing so this probably checks out.
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incorrectjaneeyre · 3 days
Jane: Must be hard not being able to laugh
St John: I do have a sense of humor you know
Jane: I’ve never heard you laugh before
St John: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Jane: And you wonder why no one wants to go on a missionary trip with you
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joelletwo · 7 months
gives up and watches his girl friday clips instead. divorce humor supremacy
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