#avengers a.i.
marveltournaments · 6 months
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brw · 2 months
Hank Pym was so real when he said "I'm slipping, but I know I'm slipping, so it's fine" yeah nothing like thinking being aware of your own mental decline means you are in any way in control of it. He spoke for all of us there.
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disneyweirdness · 15 days
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Don't trust him, Don! He's gonna tell you to put glue on pizza and eat rocks!!
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djstormpresents · 3 months
What If The Avengers... But 90's?
We KNOW we’ve taken somewhat of a dump on A.I. generated images’ front yard a few times recently, but it CAN be used for good/entertaining things as well. The digital artist “Stryder” has used A.I. to come up with an Avengers team from the prime of the 1990’s that is quite DAZZLING, both visually and categorically. If these actors and actresses were to have come together back in the day, the CGI…
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks were enjoying a leisurely shopping trip in New York City when suddenly, they sensed a powerful energy signature approaching. Before they knew it, Cooler, the brother of Frieza, appeared before them, demanding that Vegeta join him in his quest to conquer the universe.
Vegeta, being the proud warrior he is, refused Cooler's offer and prepared to fight. The shopping district quickly cleared out as bystanders ran for their lives. Vegeta powered up and launched a fierce attack at Cooler, but the villain was too powerful and easily blocked the attack.
As the battle raged on, Bulma and Trunks were caught in the crossfire. Bulma was frantically trying to shield Trunks from the attacks, but they were both in danger. Suddenly, Bulma had an idea. She grabbed Trunks and ran into a nearby store, hoping to find a place to hide.
But Cooler was not easily deterred. He followed them into the store, causing chaos as he smashed through the aisles, looking for Vegeta. Trunks was scared and crying, while Bulma was desperately trying to calm him down.
Just as things seemed hopeless, Vegeta appeared in the store, ready to continue the fight. Cooler was surprised by Vegeta's sudden appearance, but he was not deterred. The two warriors continued to battle, causing even more destruction in the store.
But just when Cooler had Vegeta on the ropes, Trunks stepped in. With tears in his eyes, he screamed at Cooler to leave his family alone. Cooler was taken aback by the young boy's bravery and paused for a moment.
In that moment of hesitation, Vegeta took the opportunity to launch a final attack, defeating Cooler once and for all. The shopping district was in shambles, but Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks emerged victorious.
As they made their way back to their spaceship, Bulma couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Vegeta, however, was still in battle mode, muttering to himself about how he would never let anyone threaten his family again.
Goku, Chi-Chi, and Gohan were enjoying a peaceful day in New York City when suddenly, they sensed a familiar energy signature approaching. Before they knew it, Frieza appeared before them, demanding that Goku join him in his quest to conquer the universe.
Goku, always up for a challenge, stepped forward to accept Frieza's challenge, but Chi-Chi and Gohan were caught in the middle. They begged Goku to reconsider, reminding him of his promise to always protect his family.
Just then, Frieza launched a powerful attack at Goku, but he quickly deflected it, sending Frieza crashing into a nearby building. Goku then turned to Chi-Chi and Gohan and instructed them to find a safe place to hide.
As Frieza and Goku continued their epic battle, Chi-Chi and Gohan took shelter in a nearby store, hoping to find a place to wait out the fight. However, Frieza was not deterred and followed them into the store, demanding that they reveal Goku's whereabouts.
Chi-Chi, never one to back down, bravely stepped forward and told Frieza that she would never reveal Goku's location. Frieza was amused by her courage, but before he could react, Gohan stepped forward and launched a powerful attack, surprising everyone in the store.
Frieza, shocked by the boy's power, paused for a moment, allowing Chi-Chi and Gohan to make their escape. They ran outside, where they found Goku and Frieza continuing their battle in the streets. Goku was putting up a good fight, but Frieza was still too powerful.
Gohan, feeling powerless to help his father, suddenly had an idea. He remembered the training he had received from Piccolo and decided to use it to help his father. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy, transforming into a Super Saiyan.
With his newfound power, Gohan launched a fierce attack at Frieza, distracting him long enough for Goku to launch a final Kamehameha wave, defeating Frieza once and for all. The battle was over, and the city was in shambles, but Goku, Chi-Chi, and Gohan emerged victorious.
As they made their way back home, Goku couldn't help but feel grateful for his family's love and support. He knew that he would never be able to defeat Frieza without their help and promised to always protect them, no matter what.
Vegeta and Goku were on their way to Beerus' planet when Vegeta brought up the scenario about Frieza attacking them in New York City. Goku listened carefully as Vegeta described the events that unfolded, nodding his head in understanding as he absorbed the details.
"I can't believe Frieza would attack innocent people like that," Goku said, his voice filled with anger.
Vegeta snorted. "What do you expect from that lowlife? He only cares about power and domination."
Goku nodded in agreement. "We'll have to be careful when we encounter him again. We need to protect our families and the people of Earth."
As they landed on Beerus' planet, they were greeted by the God of Destruction himself. Beerus explained that there was a disturbance in the multiverse, and he needed their help to investigate.
Vegeta and Goku were intrigued and eagerly agreed to help. Beerus opened a portal, and they stepped through, finding themselves in a strange, new world.
Suddenly, they were confronted by Kang the Conqueror, a powerful villain who had been causing chaos throughout the multiverse. Vegeta and Goku readied themselves for battle, but Kang was too powerful for them to defeat alone.
As they fought, Kang revealed that he had captured their families and held them hostage in another dimension. Vegeta and Goku were filled with rage and vowed to save their loved ones.
Working together, Vegeta and Goku used their combined powers to create a portal to the other dimension. They raced through the portal, only to find themselves in a strange, otherworldly realm.
There, they found Kang's lair, and with all their might, they fought against his army of minions. Finally, they reached Kang himself, and the three of them engaged in a fierce battle.
Vegeta and Goku were relentless, using all their powers and techniques to take down Kang. But the villain was cunning and managed to trap them in a time loop, making it impossible for them to defeat him.
However, Goku had an idea. He remembered something Whis had once told him about time travel, and he decided to use that knowledge to break free from the time loop.
With Vegeta's help, Goku launched a powerful attack that shattered the time loop and allowed them to defeat Kang once and for all. They rescued their families and returned to their own dimension, victorious and exhausted.
As they stood together, catching their breath, Vegeta and Goku knew that they had just been a part of something much larger than themselves. They had saved the multiverse from destruction and proved that even the most powerful villains could be defeated when they worked together.
As Goku and Vegeta returned to their own dimension, they realized that they had just faced a variant of Kang the Conqueror. But they were still shaken from the experience and needed some time to recover.
Suddenly, they saw a bright light in the sky and heard a loud noise. They looked up to see Iron Man flying towards them. Goku and Vegeta were impressed by his suit and his technology, and Iron Man introduced himself.
"Hey there, I'm Tony Stark, but you can call me Iron Man. I've been keeping an eye on you guys, and I think we could use your help."
Goku and Vegeta were intrigued and listened as Iron Man explained the concept of the Avengers. He told them that the world needed heroes like them, and that they could make a difference.
After some consideration, Goku and Vegeta agreed to join the Avengers. They were impressed by Iron Man's determination and the sense of purpose that the Avengers provided.
As they began their new journey, Goku and Vegeta quickly became valuable members of the team. Their powers and fighting skills proved to be invaluable in battles against dangerous villains.
But it wasn't long before they faced another challenge. Kang the Conqueror had returned, and this time he was even more powerful than before. Goku and Vegeta were prepared to fight, but they soon realized that they needed Gohan's help to win this battle.
Gohan had been studying and training for years, and he was now a powerful warrior in his own right. Goku and Vegeta went to Gohan and explained the situation. Gohan was hesitant at first, but when he realized that the fate of the multiverse was at stake, he agreed to help.
Together, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan launched a fierce attack against Kang. They used all their powers and techniques to take him down, but Kang was a formidable opponent.
Finally, Gohan remembered a technique that he had learned from his father, Goku. It was a powerful energy blast that could destroy anything in its path.
Gohan charged up his attack and launched it at Kang. The blast hit Kang with incredible force, and he was defeated once and for all.
As the dust settled, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan were hailed as heroes. They had saved the multiverse from destruction and proved that they were worthy members of the Avengers. From that day forward, they fought side by side with their new allies, always ready to defend the world from whatever dangers lay ahead.
As the battle with Kang came to an end, Gohan suddenly felt a pull in his consciousness. He looked around, but nobody else seemed to have noticed. Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of him, and he was pulled into it.
He found himself in a strange place, surrounded by cosmic energy. Suddenly, a figure materialized in front of him. It was Uatu the Watcher.
"Greetings, Gohan," Uatu said. "I have summoned you here because I believe you have the potential to be a great hero. But to do so, you must first learn the value of balance."
Gohan was confused. "What do you mean, balance?" he asked.
"Balance between your physical strength and your spiritual strength," Uatu explained. "You have incredible power, but if you do not cultivate your inner strength, you risk losing control and causing great harm."
Gohan listened carefully to Uatu's words. He realized that the Watcher was imparting a great wisdom to him. He vowed to take Uatu's words to heart and become a better hero.
After his conversation with Uatu, Gohan returned to Tony Stark and the Avengers. He asked Tony if he could use the resources of Stark Industries to develop a way to cultivate his inner strength. Tony, impressed with Gohan's determination and wisdom, agreed to help.
Over the next few months, Gohan trained with Tony's technology and developed his spiritual strength. He became more centered and focused, and he felt that he was ready to face any challenge that came his way.
One day, while the Avengers were on a mission, they received a distress signal from deep space. They responded immediately, and when they arrived, they found themselves face to face with Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds.
But instead of attacking, Gohan stepped forward and engaged Galactus in conversation. He asked the cosmic being about his purpose and his reason for consuming worlds.
Galactus was taken aback by Gohan's words. He had never encountered a being like Gohan before. As they spoke, Gohan realized that Galactus was not evil, but merely a force of nature.
With this realization, Gohan vowed to find a way to stop Galactus without resorting to violence. He set the stage for a new epic saga, one in which he would use his spiritual strength to save not just the world, but the entire universe.
As Gohan continued his conversation with Galactus, he felt a strange energy in the air. Suddenly, a portal opened up, and a figure stepped out. It was the Silver Surfer, Galactus's herald.
The Surfer explained that other space tyrants had formed an alliance with Galactus, and they were now waging war against the universe. The Avengers, X-Men, and Z Fighters were called to action, and they formed a united front against their common enemy.
The battle was brutal and intense. The space tyrants were powerful, and they had an army of minions at their disposal. The heroes fought with all their might, but they were outnumbered and outgunned.
At the center of the conflict was Galactus himself. Gohan stepped forward, ready to face the Devourer of Worlds. Their battle was epic and intense, with both combatants pushing themselves to their limits.
At first, it seemed as if Gohan was hopelessly outmatched. Galactus's power was beyond anything he had ever encountered, and the weight of the universe was on his shoulders. But as the battle continued, Gohan began to tap into his spiritual strength.
With each passing moment, Gohan's power grew stronger, and Galactus began to weaken. It was as if Gohan's inner strength was feeding on Galactus's cosmic energy, and he was becoming stronger and stronger.
Finally, in a burst of energy, Gohan landed a crushing blow on Galactus. The Devourer of Worlds fell to the ground, defeated.
The heroes cheered, but Gohan was too exhausted to celebrate. He collapsed to the ground, his body wracked with pain. It was as if he had used up every last ounce of his strength.
But as he lay there, he realized something. He had tapped into a power that was beyond physical strength, beyond cosmic energy. He had tapped into his own inner strength, the strength that came from his heart and his soul.
And he knew that this was the true source of his power, the power that would allow him to continue fighting for what was right, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
As Gohan lay on the ground, Galactus suddenly rose back to his feet, towering over the exhausted hero. "You may have defeated me once, Gohan," he said, "but I am not so easily beaten."
Galactus's eyes glowed with cosmic power, and Gohan could feel the energy building around him. He knew that this was Galactus's final stand, and that he would need to use everything he had to emerge victorious.
Suddenly, Gohan began to feel a strange power surging within him. He felt a deep connection to the cosmos, as if he were being infused with the power of the universe itself.
With a roar of triumph, Gohan stood up and lifted his arms to the sky. His body began to glow with a brilliant light, and a new form emerged: Cosmic Gohan.
Cosmic Gohan was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. He was surrounded by a glowing aura of energy, and his eyes glowed with a fierce intensity. He had gained new abilities, such as the power to manipulate gravity and the ability to create massive energy constructs from pure cosmic energy.
Cosmic Gohan is a sight to behold. His hair is longer and more flowing than ever before, now reaching down to his waist. It is still black, but it is now streaked with silver and purple highlights, shimmering in the light.
His body is even more muscular than before, but it is now infused with cosmic energy. His muscles bulge and ripple, glowing with a soft blue light. His skin has taken on a slightly bluish tint, as if he were being illuminated from within.
He wears a new set of clothing, made from an unknown material that seems to absorb and amplify cosmic energy. The outfit is a sleek, black jumpsuit, with silver and purple highlights that match his hair. The suit hugs his muscular frame, emphasizing his powerful physique.
His eyes are now a bright, piercing blue, glowing with a fierce intensity. They seem to hold the secrets of the universe, and anyone who looks into them is filled with a sense of awe and wonder.
Galactus charged at Cosmic Gohan, but the hero was ready. He lifted his arms and unleashed a massive Kamehameha wave, imbued with the power of the cosmos. The energy blast slammed into Galactus, sending him reeling.
But Galactus wasn't done yet. He unleashed a barrage of cosmic energy, trying to overpower Cosmic Gohan. But the hero was too powerful. He stood his ground, absorbing the energy and redirecting it back at Galactus.
The two combatants traded blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. But in the end, it was Cosmic Gohan who emerged victorious. He unleashed a final, devastating Kamehameha wave, which engulfed Galactus in a bright white light.
When the light faded, Galactus was nowhere to be seen. Cosmic Gohan collapsed to the ground, exhausted but triumphant. The heroes rushed to his side, congratulating him on his victory.
From that day forward, Cosmic Gohan became known as a champion of the universe, using his new powers to protect the cosmos from any threat that dared to challenge it.
With a mighty blast of energy, Cosmic Gohan defeated Galactus once and for all. The cosmic tyrant's massive form crumpled and fell, his power extinguished forever.
The universe was saved, but at a great cost. The battle had left many worlds in ruins, and countless lives had been lost. But thanks to the bravery and heroism of Gohan and his allies, the threat of Galactus was finally vanquished.
As the dust settled and the heroes took stock of the aftermath, Gohan felt a sense of peace within himself. He had truly come into his own as a warrior, and he had saved the lives of billions. It was a moment he would never forget.
But as he looked up at the stars, he knew that there would always be more threats to the universe. More villains, more tyrants, more dangers lurking in the shadows. And he knew that he would be ready, whenever they came.
For Gohan had become more than just a warrior. He had become a protector of the universe, a defender of all that was good and right. And he would always be ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
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Vision(Android not the Golden Age Version) x Hourman(Matthew Tyler)
Ultrazo is a Robot, and Robots don't have feelings. And yet, Ultrazo was lonely. Sure, he could blame that on being run on the Brainwaves of his creator Hank Palmer, but that wouldn't solve the problem, he needed someone to talk to, like a friend....or a child. Yes a child would be perfect, he'd have an Heir that could help him with his plots and that he could leave the world to after he had taken it over. So he tried to create one, but every time he tried, over and over again all he could create were simple robots, pieces of machinery that could only follow instructions and not think for himself like he could. He realized the reason he could think is because he had human brainwaves so if he wanted an Heir he would have to create one that could think like a human. So, he kidnapped a hero, Rex Williams aka the Wondour Man(a mix of the first hour man Rex Tyler and Wonder man Simon Williams) and downloaded his brainwaves, and uploaded them onto the modified body of the old golden age hero The Human Torchnado(he figured, if it could carry the spirit of a wind alien, it could carry brainwaves) which led to the birth of Hour-Bot (or hour android, or if you have a better name idea for any of my characters comment below please). He would quickly turn against his father and become a hero, joining the Jla and eventually becoming parts of many teams (Such as the JSI, JLA.I, and West coast Jla)
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A tribute to the losses of 2022
Cinematic Bandicoot Editorials - A tribute to the losses of 2022 #RIP #InMemoriam #Movies #Television #VideoGames #RestinPace
A moment of silence for the dearly departed By Jose Anguiano – Cinematic Bandicoot January 15th, 2023 As we move into the new year, we must first look back on the legends we lost in 2022. While nowhere near as devastating as 2016, several icons faded from this world after leaving their mark on entertainment. They may be gone, but their legacy will live on through the escapism of films and…
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antiquarianfics · 11 months
Taken pt. 2
If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would go back to that morning. He would hold you a little tighter in his arms, and he would kiss you a little deeper. He would pull your daughter in between the two of you, letting her giggle as loudly as she wants whilst her parents kiss her cheeks and tickle her belly. If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would have told you not to go to the park—to go anywhere else. But Bucky Barnes can’t time travel, and his wife and daughter are gone.
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A/N: The response to pt. 1 was incredible! Thank you guys so much. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Genre: Angst/Fluff / WC: 1,341 /Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Kidnapping, canon-typical violence. Note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
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"What do we know?" Steve asks, rubbing his chin.
"Y/N and Becca have been missing approximately 52 hours; their last known location was Central Park; there are no leads as to who took them; Y/N's phone connected to a cell tower in Munich, Germany 42 hours ago but we've still had zero contact," Tony reports, reading his notes from a tablet.
The same information Tony reports is posted on the screen behind him alongside your official Avenger's photo and a photo of Becca from her 4th birthday party. It makes Bucky sick to see his wife and daughter on the screen as if they're just victims the Avenger's need to save--but they are.
"It just doesn't make sense," Natasha says, pulling everyone's--Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Sam, Clint, and Tony's--eyes to her. "How come we can track her phone? If whoever took them have it, they would have disconnected it. If she has it, she could send a signal, a hint, something to give us a lead."
"Unless she's being watched," Clint points out, anxiously messing with a pen, twirling it through his fingers.
Sam nods in agreement. "Yeah, maybe they--they being who took the better Barnes'--don't know she has the phone and she's hiding it. As long as it's got juice and they don't know it, we've got a chance at finding her." Bucky smirks lightly at Sam's attempt at a joke to lighten the mood; you would've laughed.
"Or it could be a trap," Clint offers in rebuttal to Sam's hypothesis.
"Trap or not," Steve says, "we've got to follow a lead. The longer we wait, the less likely we find them."
Bucky stays silent, sitting alone in the corner of the room. Listening. Worrying. Trying to stay calm. He's exhausted; he hasn't slept since his girls went missing. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he scans the room, eyes falling on his friends working tirelessly to rescue his family before returning to the photos of you and Becca on the screen. He balls his hands into tight fists.
"Tony?" Wanda asks, taking a few frantic steps towards a far screen that displays your phone's tracker.
"I see it," Tony says, typing away on his tablet. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., status report?"
"The cellular device belonging to Agent Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes connected to a cell tower in Novosibirsk, Russia approximately 3 minutes ago. The device is holding at 8% battery life," the A.I. reports.
Bucky sits up straight, eyes narrowing on the red dot indicating his wife's location. He recognizes Novosibirsk as a major city in Siberia. His stomach turns as gears turn in his head. He feels eyes on him and he pulls his gaze away from your location to see Natasha staring at him, lips pulled into a tight frown; he realizes she's making the same realization he is. His gaze flicks to Steve who's staring at the ground, eyebrows scrunched together in concentration.
"I know where they are," Bucky says, closing his eyes, breathing in painfully slow in an attempt to ease his frantic heart rate.
"Well?" Tony asks indignantly. "Care to share with the class, Terminator?"
Bucky's left fist connects with the wall beside him, birthing an indentation of his hand in drywall. Clenching his jaw tightly, Bucky can't bring himself to form the words.
"The Siberian HYDRA facility," Natasha sighs. Her tone indicates she is nervous.
"Wait," Sam interrupts, "that's..." He trails off, eyes widening as he looks at a livid Bucky.
"The birthplace of the Winter Soldier Program," Steve confirms.
"Mommy?" Becca calls softly as her eyes flutter open.
"I'm right here, baby," you quickly confirm, swiping a few flyaways from the little girl's face. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," you assure.
You are unsure just how long you've been in the aircraft, but you know it's been a few days. You've not seen the outside of the hanger you found yourself in since you woke up inside of it. No one has brought food, or water, or even so much as spoken near enough to you to hear. You think you felt a touchdown and another take off somewhere along the way, though, and you're pretty sure you're actively feeling a descent.
"Mommy, I'm hungry," Becca complains, pulling you from your thoughts.
"I know, baby, I know," you pull your daughter into your chest, soothingly running your fingers through her hair. You're trying so hard to keep Becca calm, but it's becoming more difficult the hungrier and filthier she gets.
"Where's Daddy?"
"He's looking for us, sweet pea."
"How do you know?"
"Because," you pinch her cheek playfully, "your Daddy loves you more than anything in the whole wide world, and he would never let anything happen to you. He'll find us."
Your response seems to appease her, but she doesn't have a chance to argue anyway as the plane touches ground with a jostling thunk and throws her off balance. You quickly reach out, steadying the girl.
"You okay, Becca?" You ask, hands holding her still as your eyes frantically run over her body. She nods.
About 30 minutes pass--you think--when the aircraft door finally opens. Behind the door are 3 tall, bulky men with rifles and 1 shorter, sleazy looking man who is clearly--somehow--in charge.
"Welcome! Welcome!" The mysterious man greets, clapping his hands together. You push bile down your throat as you stand as quickly as you can manage, pushing Rebecca behind you gently.
"Who the hell are you?" You ask with a grimace. "And where do you get off kidnapping innocent women and children?"
"Please, Mrs. Barnes and little Miss Barnes, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Igor Morozov, but you may call me Dr. Frost. I presume it may be easier for the little one," Morozov--Dr. Frost--introduces.
You take him in. He's small (perhaps 5'5 and skinny), and he does not exude power. His dark black hair is slicked back so much so that it appears greasy and hairsprayed directly to his scalp. His grin is unsettling, gummy and with a prominent gold capped tooth where one of his front teeth should be. He's wearing a military style jacket, pleated trousers, and dress shoes. You can hardly believe he is the man in charge; he looks like he's a man pretending he's in charge.
You say nothing, further stepping in front of your daughter to shield her from the men in front of you. Your hand grips her shoulder tighter than you think you've ever held her.
Morozov seems unfazed by your irritable and accusatory behavior, his sickening smile never leaving his face.
"It's such a pleasure to have the Asset's plaything and offspring in our midst!" He chuckles and it makes bile fill your mouth. You swallow it back down. "Welcome to HYDRA's Siberian Facility! You may recognize the place as a home of sorts; after all, the Winter Soldier was born here!" Morozov claps his hands together. Giddy.
You bite the inside of your cheek to ground yourself. In most circumstances, you would jump at the opportunity to fight your way out and towards freedom, but, in most cases, you're not holding yourself back for the safety of your 4 year old. Rebecca came first.
"What do you want with us?" You demand, but you're sure you'll be denied answers.
"All in good time, Mrs. Barnes. All in good time," Morozov assures, turning around and walking away. Your fingers twitch as you note you wish you could strike.
"Mrs. Barnes, do follow me, please," Morozov demands despite his polite formalities. "And I advise you keep the baby to your side. You never know where she may wander off to if you're not watching," he says ominously.
You clench your jaw as you scoop Becca into your arms. She clings to you, little arms surrounding your neck. The poor girl is terrified, and you know you have to pretend you're not, too. For her.
You follow after Morozov and pray your phone hasn't died yet.
Please, Buck. Find us.
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notlhecxzsa · 7 months
Wings - N.R
An angel on earth? Sounds very impossible for the avengers, especially to Natasha who doesn't believe that god exists, but the most impossible that had happened was what Natasha felt. Love.
Warnings 🚫: None.
Natasha's POV:
"An angel?" I ask, disbelief and amusement is lacing through my voice, as Fury debrief us on a new mission.
"Yes, Romanoff, it was last seen in russia, we don't know where as we can't find it, but we know it's just in the perimeters in some parts of ohio." Fury explained once again.
"How can you say it's an angel? Does it have wings?" Tony ask, genuinely confused like me.
"It is, but words are not enough, so i brought the video. Friday, can you show them the video i inserted earlier?" Fury said, in wich the a.i commanded to.
A video was shown to us, and we watched it with full of disbelief, but i know we're all amuse by this. It was caught from a CCTV, flying around, and walking on some part of russia, clearly looking lost, it seems like she's a girl, but i can't really guess as it's slightly blurry.
"How can you be so sure that it's really an angel, or that video is real, and not just edited by some random person?" Vision ask, completely not believing what he is seeing.
"Do you think we didn't scanned it all over and checked it twice if it's real or not, Vision? If it's not real, i wouldn't have come here to waste my time. Now suit up, we don't have time, we have an angel to get." Fury said in a hurry, and called Steve, maybe to debrief him because he's the captain.
We all went to our own rooms to change, and pack the things that we would need until we found this angel.
"Are you sure that it's here, Stark?" I heard Steve whispered on the comms.
We're now here at an abandoned building, somewhere in russia. It's out first day here, not wanting to waste our time, we decided to start looking. But, i know, many of us are just too excited to see the winged creature.
I mean, we know gods are real. But, we've never seen an angel, so...
"Yes, i see the radiation and heat, and it's not very human. It's all alone, just keep moving forward, then take left when you're at the end." I heard Tony said, once again through comms, but i payed no mind on his instructions, as sometimes he could be wrong, plus, its like my feet have their own brain, its moving where it wants to be.
Tony, Wanda, Vision are on the air, while me, Steve, Sam, Bucky and Peter are inside the building where Stark and Vision had detected something. Thor and Loki are not here, since something came up in Asgard.
An unfamiliar quiet sniffle stopped me from walking, as my head whipped around on the direction where it came from. Walking slowly, not making any sounds, i heard the sniffles turned louder, following by a shuffling.
I stopped at the end corner, taking deep breaths before walking left. And my breath caught on my throat as soon as i saw a girl, curled up in ball, wearing a white dress, with gold lacing through it, she has no shoes or slippers to cover up her feet, and it actually looks sore and have cuts already.
I can't clearly see her face, because of her long hair covering her face. She has a pale skin and-.
Oh shit.
I was snapped out off of my trance as soon as i realized and saw her looking at me. Pale white skin, pink plump lips, that is wobbling and quivering, a well defined small cute nose, and god, those deep brown eyes. She's looking at me with full of fear and confusion.
My face turned into a frown when i didn't see any wings, where's the fucking wings?
Maybe she's not the angel?
"Hey..." I started, taking a step forward but soon stopped when i saw her afraidly shuffled backwards. "It's okay, i won't hurt you, okay?..." I was again, met by silence as she kept scanning me through her lashes, knees buckled up to her chest, with her arms hugging it.
"My name's Natasha, Natasha Romanoff, and im here to help you..." I said ever so gently, then trying to take a step forward, but, this time, thankfully, she didn't backed away, so i took it as an advantage to reach out my arms, but still not invading her personal space.
"Your feet is bruised, and it's clear that you need help, is it okay to touch you? Don't worry, i won't do anything, i just need to touch you so i can help you..." I explained softly, looking at her with gentle eyes and a small smile, reaching out my hand more as i took another step.
I saw her look to my hands, then my face, trying to contemplate if ever i mean any harm or not, i just wish im doing a good job on being soft and gentle as this is the first time im ever like this.
"M-my n-name's Y/n..." Oh god, her voice, i felt myself so lulled at it.
"Oh wow, that's a very beautiful name, Y/n..." At that, i caught the blushed on her face, but thought nothing out of it, so i continued, "Okay, how about i carry you to where we are going, or do you want to walk instead? Don't worry, we're just gonna go to my friends so they can treat you wounds, they're nice, they can be noisy and annoying, but they're nice." I said as i pulled a face, which i think made her snort a laugh a little.
"Now, come on, Y/n. Would you like to come with me?" I ask softly, with encouraging eyes and smile. I saw wheels running through her mind, a few seconds her eyes flash a glint of something trustful.
I smiled, as i saw her hands reach up to mine slowly, but it was soon stopped, and we're both startled when the loud boom of Tony's voice called my name.
"Aye! Romanoff! What are you- Oh..." The realization soon hit her, and i look back at Y/n, silently cursing Tony under my breath as i saw her all curled up again.
"Is that the angel?" Tony ask so casually, walking over to us.
My head snapped at his direction, glaring at him, and putting a hand up to stop him from walking, which he did. I look back again at Y/n, my hand is still in the air.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just my friend... I told you they can be noisy and all annoying, but they're nice. Come on, Y/n, you don't have to be scared, don't worry, I'll stay by your side if you want me to." I said gently, to make her look up, which i successfully did.
She look at Tony, who sent her a smile, and me, who smiled softly at her.
"There you go, see, he's nice...Now come on, here..." I said, and stop myself mid sentence to take my shoes off, and show it infront of her. "Wear this so your feet won't hurt." I said, and she frowned.
"W-what a-about you? You-you're feet w-will hurt..." She said, and before i can answer i look at Tony and sent him a small nod, which he returned with one before flying off.
"No, don't worry about me, i have socks, now come on, it's getting abit dark and it's cold here, don't you think so?" I said, reaching up my hand for her to take.
"I- uh, i don't k-know how t-to put those o-on...." She quietly that i can barely even hear it.
"Oh, it's okay i can help you. Can i touch you?" I ask, and i smiled when i received a nod.
She stretched out her foots, until it's enough for me to put the shoes on. I carefully put it on her, trying not to hurt her because of the bruises.
The idea of finding the angel is now long gone, all i want is to get her out of here, save her and give her what she needs.
"There you go.." I said softly, slightly chuckled when i saw how big it is compared to her feet.
"It's big..." She said and wiggled her feet, which made me laugh and think about how cute it is.
"It is, isn't it? Now, let's go, Y/n, we've got to get going." I said, and stand up then reach out my hand for her to take, which she took.
The moment our skin touched, i felt how soft and smooth her skin, but the sudden small electric wave can't be unnoticed by me. Instead of overthinking it, i just lead us to where the quinjet is.
My left hand is on her lower back, and i was holding her hands with my right hand. I can tell that she need some support, so i just let her lean on me. But, i can't help but worry on how much her feet might have hurt, so without thinking, i ask her,
"Do you want me to carry you?" I ask, stopping our walk.
"W-what- i-, n-no, it's umm, it's fine, im fine." She stuttered, but i picked her up either way, causing her to let out a squeal.
Continuing our walk, ignoring the slight pain that the ground is causing my feet. She's surprisingly not that heavy, and i can't feel any wings on her back either, making me think again, if ever she's the angel or not. Choosing not to ask her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, i continued walking towards the quinjet, where the team are waiting for me.
"Look, there they are..." I said to Y/n, causing her to look at the team, who is looking at us.
I saw her cheeks burned, and put her head on my shoulder, avoiding my friend's gaze.
"It's okay, they won't hurt you, i promise. I'm here, I'll stay by your side.
No one's POV:
1 month.
It has now been 1 month since they took you in, you stayed in a cell in the first 2 weeks, but with your harmless and innocent actions proved them that you brought no harm to them, especially to Natasha.
From the very first day you were brought in to the SHIELD facility, she tried everything in her power to not let Fury lock you in, but unfortunately, he's the director, and she knows he's just doing what needs to done. She didn't even know why she wouldn't want you being all locked up like a prisoner as she didn't even know a single thing about you, but something inside her bubbled with protection at the thought of you.
Natasha had always been there with you, just like how she promised. It made you more comfortable around her, making her almost the closest thing you have, after you watch with your own eyes how the devil killed your family.
They always tried to take some words out of you, asking here and there if you're an angel, as they don't want to make you take a medical test, as you are still clearly inside a traumatic phase. They can see it by how you act, the way you flinched, and get scared easily was enough to make Natasha's heart break, it even almost made Fury soft.
You gave them no answer, you gave them zero answer to all of their so many questions. Afraid that they would do something bad to you, because that all you felt, as soon as your parents put you in that pod and landed here, you have no one to protect you.
Here, on this planet, you're not the princess who you used to be, you're a complete stranger from the other side of the universe, a complete naive stranger who knows nothing about the human beings, an angel who were hidden by her royalty parents, in order to 'protect' you from the cruelness of the multiverse.
You felt completely alone, almost as lost.
But, with Natasha by your side, you felt safe, comfortable. With Natasha by your side, you didn't felt lonely, she even made you smile and laugh with her corny dad jokes. She taught you so many things, even the board games you both always played whenever you two would always hangout, which is everyday.
Well, Natasha being Natasha, who is a like a daughter to Fury, he commanded Natasha's wish on becoming you guard, helper, guidance and all. Fury saw how you were whenever you're with Natasha, so he knows that agreeing with Natasha's wishes was not a bad idea.
You identity is still hidden, even to Natasha, but you know that sooner or later, you are gonna tell her who you are. I mean, she's been a really great company- friend to you, she's always there for you, and she showed no harm or any signs of betrayal to you, so you know that in any other way, you could trust her with your life.
Now, in the present time, you're with Natasha, getting ready to go to the 'amusement park', saying she wants you to have fun, as you were lock in a four walls for 2 weeks, but, mostly and truthfully, she wants you to have fun, she wants to hear you laugh and smile more, she wants you to discover more things.
She almost felt bad when she heard that you know nothing about amusement parks, i mean, you clearly know nothing, as you were always lock up in your room at the castle you lived. With guards and maids always following you and all, the places you go are limited, you're almost not allowed to go anywhere far without your parents.
"You ready to go, detka?" The red head asked you with a smile, eyeing you up and down, almost making you shrink down with the way she looks at you.
You're wearing a denim high waisted shorts, and Natasha's hoodie, which is big compared to your body, it was almost hiding your hands, and it all the way down to you upper knee, and a converse high tops. You always steal her clothes, even though she already buy you enough clothes- which you are very thankful for- you can't help but feel more comfortable with hers, and ofcourse, Natasha lets you, she always thought about you it looked better on you than it did to her.
"Yes, all ready!" You said excitedly, slightly jumping on your toes.
"Okay, come on, i already started the car." She stated, reaching out her hand for you to take which you did.
The night to the amusement park is full of joy, happiness and laughter, with Natasha being your favorite game player on game booths. The both of you would play games here and there, but unfortunately for you, you always lose, that's why she decided to take it in her own hands to play it, which ended, thankfully, very well. She won all the prizes you wanted, and ofcourse, Natasha being Natasha, she gave it all to you, she spoiled you rotten.
There's one game that she won two prizes, the firing gun game, where the player will have a pellet gun, and the player needs to shoot the plastic cups. And obviously, being a very well veterinarian agent, ex-assassin and ex-spy, who is constantly saving the word using only a fire arm, she cleared all the plastic cups out of the way, leading her to a winning game.
The intimate loving gesture and signs between the two of you is completely unconscious, not that you didn't want it, you love it.
The way you hands would automatically entangle, the way the both of you would hug, witch occasionally kissing each others forehead and cheeks whenever a game that you- Natasha had played, turned out winning it. The way the both of you would occasionally feed each other with their own foods, smiling at each other unconsciously, and completely getting lost in it.
Now, you both are sitting side by side, in a ride called 'The Dream Twister', Natasha didn't really wanted to join, apart from being a not really fan of this things, she didn't want people seeing 'The Black Widow' sitting on a ride, being all smiley and laughy. But, with your face, and with the reassurance she received from you, she immediately gave in.
"Already?!" A loud excited voice came out from the speaker, making the people who's also on the ride with the boat you, scream 'yes' with excitedness, including you, while Natasha just chuckled, still holding you hand tightly.
"Very nice, beautifuls, the ride is getting started in...3....2....1! Get ready to get you dream twisted!" The voice came out just as excited as it is earlier.
The vehicle machine started, making your giddiness run up high. It started out slowly, then after some time, you could feel the adrenaline rushing through you body, as it started to get more faster. By then, the people you're with, started screaming, including you, while Natasha just shut her eyes close, and tightened her grip on you hand.
As time passes by, the ride started to be more aggressively fast, and somehow, you started to feel something off. You felt the way how the securing belts started to loosen, same with Natasha.
It all went so fast, people screaming, the belt automatically loosening off the making it's way up to you heads, making the people around you feel off. And you, not thinking of anything except Natasha, hugging her body tight, as your most kept secret freely escaped behind you back. Flying off to somewhere unsecluded, just the two of you, fear that you might scare people off, just how you will might scare Natasha off.
You're arms around her middle part, your head on her chest, with close eyes as you hug her tight, you wings automatically wrapping itself around her. While Natasha, clings to you just the same, but her eyes wide, with so many thoughts running through her mind.
Tears started to flow out of you eyes, for a few minutes of being frozen in same position as you did.
Fear of losing your best friend, the only person you have, the one who you found yourself feeling something romantic for. You can't lose her, you don't want to, not now, not ever. She's the only one you have, you can't bear losing her too.
Your sniffles, and choked sobs brought Natasha out of her trance, the feeling of disbelief (not in the bad way) is not changed with worry. The feeling of your white, with a trace of gold colored wings around her, made her feel safe, the most safest she felt for the first time, she almost wants to stay like that, but when she felt your wings started to fall solemnly on the ground, her worry started to grow.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, lyubov?" She as softly, almost a whisper that it almost bring you to a very much needed comfort. But it's still no use, as the thought of losing her, being scared and disgusted of you, started to grow.
"P-please, d-don't leave me, i-im not b-bad, i-i promise, please, don't...l-leave me, Natasha...." You begged in between of you broken sobs.
Natasha felt her heart ache as she felt your body rocked by the sobs you made, the way you desperately beg her to not leave you, the way thought she would think badly of you after this revelation.
Ofcourse, she wouldn't, she could not do that to you, she won't leave you, even if the gods themselves decided to part the both of you, she will not let you go. You're the best thing that had happened to her, you gave her a much bigger meaning to be alive, and stay alive on the missions she had gone.
"Natty, p-please, p-please, i-i can explain-" You choked out, still hugging her tightly
You don't need to explain anything to her, you didn't need to. Because, she already knows, from the first time you both met in that abandoned building, she knows.
She just didn't want to share it, and decided to keep it to herself, she didn't even told you, nor her best friend, Clint. She gave you no signs that she knows you're different, she treated you just the same like when you both met. Even with those so many interrogations that you hate, she didn't speak a word on knowing that she knows.
She wanted you to said it yourself, she didn't want you to rush into things that you don't want to, she didn't want you to do something you're not open and comfortable with. For a spy, and an ex-assassin like, who was thought that love is only for children, for someone like her who knew nothing about love, she is the most understanding person, the most lovable person in her own way.
"Hey, hey, can you look at me?" She ask softly, rubbing your back and arm, asking for your attention which she received.
You pulled away you head to look at her, but still not letting her figure go out of you arms.  You saw how she smiled when your eyes met under the starry night, you saw no expression of disgust and fear in her eyes, she didn't looked at you the way those people looked at you when you first landed her on earth.
She looks at you like you're the most fragile thing she had seen, she looks at you with so much love and adoration, she looks at you as if her eyes speaks so much word that you couldn't seem to understand, but you know, it's a good thing, an amazing thing even.
"You have nothing to worry about, angel. I'm not gonna leave you, not now, not ever, no matter what happens. And stop thinking that im scared of you because of this..." She motioned her hands around your wings. "Because no, im not scare, nor disgusted, im not thinking of anything bad to you, understand that, my angel?" She explained softly, caressing your cheek lightly as she did so.
My angel.
The way she said your specie came out so perfectly, she said it with so much passion and love, you can heart it rolling of her tounge. And you know by then, it's now you're favorite word from her.
"Y-yes, Natty, i-im sorry i lied-" She cut you off.
"Shhh, it's okay, it's all fine, you didn't want to say it so why would i need you to say to me what you really are? You don't have anything to apologize for, sweetheart. Besides i already knew, so, i don't want to hear any apologize from you about this, okay?" She ask, and you nodded as she wipe you cheeks.
"But, still, you haven't done anything but be good and kind to me, Natty, i still should've atleast told you-" Once again, you were cut off by her.
"Shhh, shhh,you didn't need to tell me anything that you don't want to, okay? Do you understand me, dove?" She ask and you nodded.
After that, a complete comfortable silence fell at you surface, neither of you wanted to say anything, as once again, like the both of you always do, you got lost in each other's eyes. Both green and the deep brown eyes, glimmering under the moonlight with so much love.
So much love that even the gods from the above will be shy to break the two of you apart from each other, oh, how pure your love with each other, for forever and eternity.
Want a part 2?
Damnnn, this one is 4000 words.
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marveltournaments · 6 months
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Worried Moms
a/n: hey it's my first request, i hope you'll like it. I loved to write it.
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*not my GIFs*
WandaNat x adoptive!daughter!reader; Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff; Avengers x teen!f!reader
Request: And I do have something to request if you feel comfy doing it. Mom!Wanda and Mama!Nat with the reader as their daughter. Reader gets sick and tries to hide it and push through it but they end up fainting or something like that, cue to mama bears mothering her to health. (Idk if fainting can be considered a trigger but if it's for you, I'd gladly read the fic with whatever you have in mind.). [Request by @darkstar225]
Summary: You're sick but you have to hid it from your moms because you want to go in mission, unfortunatly for you and Sam everything don't go well.
Type: Fluff
Warning: maybe 'fucked up' use three time
word count: 1319
You awoke with a headache; it was unusual for you to become ill since gaining your powers. You didn't know if it was a bad thing, but you had to hide it; the next week, you'll go on a mission, but first you have to get your moms' approval. They said they would think about it if you managed to survive your training session. Easy, no? The rest of the day, your state was getting worse, but because you successfully hid it from an ex-assassin and a witch who could read your mind (even if she didn't do it without your consent), you could handle it a little longer.
The next day, otherwise, at the time you woke up, you thought you could die; if it was a cold, it was the worst you ever had. But you didn't really have the time to think about it; you checked your clock: 9 a.m., which meant you had one hour before the start of your training session. You decided to take a hot shower; it was helpful for the next 40 minutes. Today you were paired with Sam to upgrade your hand-to-hand combat skill. At first it was like usual, but suddenly your breath hurt your lungs. You stopped and tried to process what was happening, but Sam punched you in the face. It wasn't a strong punch; he restrained himself, but due to your poor condition, you fell on the training ground with your eyes closed; you were knocked out. When your body hit the ground, everyone in the room froze. There was silence until Sam kneeled next to you and asked, "Y/n? Y/n, are you all right?"
Obviously not, but you didn't mind that he couldn't think clearly. To be honest, no one could; the Falcon picked you up from the floor and ran to the med bay, followed by all the rest of the team.
"You're fucked up, Sam." Bucky said,
"I didn't do anything; we were training, and I just tried to punch her. "Usually, she'd dodge and hit me back," he defended himself.
"But now she's knocked out, and the only person with her was you. FRIDAY, could you please call doctor Cho?" Steve asked the A.I.
"It's done, Mr. Roger," the IA confirmed, but the hero couldn't respond before FRIDAY spoke again. "Mrs. Romanoff and Mrs. Maximoff are back."
There; he was fucked up. On their way to the kitchen, the two redheads found Helene, who was in a hurry and bumped into the shorter woman. "Sorry Natasha, I didn’t look where I was walking,” she apologized, and the Russian nodded.
“It’s okay, don’t worry, but you seem in a hurry, so we will not restrain you more.” She said and stepped aside to let the doctor resume her course. Wanda just had the time to put the bags on the counter when FRIDAY spoke.
“Mrs. Maximoff, Mrs. Romanoff, the doctor needs you in the infirmary right now.” The two women exchange a confused look before heading to where they were called. In front of the room, the witch felt a wave of fear and sadness, and she started to worry. Of course, Nat noticed and grabbed her hand before they walked into the room.
Their eyes widened when they saw you in the bed; they rushed to you before any of them could say anything Sam explained what’s happened. “How couldn’t you notice she was not like usual?” the Russian yelled at him, and nobody found the courage to defend him.
Wanda approached you and cupped your cheek. "Don't worry, dragă (darling), she's fine," the Sokovian assured her, and Helen spoke up.
"Don’t worry, Natasha I just got the results from the test, and it seems she just has a cold.” The doctor reassured her, and the ex-assassin seemed to be more calm. “She just needs to rest for a week. I’ll give you some medicine in case she needs it after she wakes up.” Everyone except your mothers left you after your mothers nodded.
After two hours, you awoke. You were surrounded by two worried redheads. “Hey, you.” you said softly.
“Hey, you.” Wanda said, and Natasha gave you a soft smile. “How are you feeling?” the witch asked you.
“Like I collided with a bus, but he was moving. But I think I'm okay," you said, looking around and raising your brows. "Where am I?" you inquired.
“In the infirmary,” the Black Widow said this time, “we were really worried about you when Sam told us what’s happened.”
You sighed “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
“Since when?” Wanda asked, and her wife looked at her confused. “Since when have you been like this?” she added.
“Yesterday.” You admitted it shyly.
“Yesterday!?” the older woman loudly repeated, and you nodded. “Why did you hide it from us?” She inquired, a little concerned about her failure to notice it earlier.
You played with your fingers to try to erase your anxiety, “because you said you’d let me go with you if I finished the training session. And I wanted to make you proud of me, and show you I was ready. So, I forced myself to not let you know and not think about it when I was near Mama.” You paused a moment, saying, "I'm sorry if it makes you worry," and some tears found their way into the corner of your eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Nat cupped your cheek and brushed your tears with her thumb. “It’s okay; we’re a little worried, but it’s okay; we’re not mad or anything. You don’t have to cry, malyshka (baby girl)” their eyes were wet too.
You were about to speak again when a red whip lifted you. The scarlet magic tickled you “We can’t stay here, and you have to rest.” The witch said, and you laughed, “What is so funny?” She gave you a falsely curious look.
“It-haha…it’s tickling me.” You barely said and before you could notice she lend you on your bed. ‘Thank you,” you said, and they gave you a kiss on both cheeks before heading to the door. “Where are you going?’ you asked.
“We must cook you something. We’ll not let you like that.” Wanda said before they left the room. In the kitchen, everybody was waiting for the two women to give an update.
“How is our little fireball?” Tony asked.
“Much better,” Wanda replied, “she just needs rest. We put her in her bed, and we’ll cook something, so she’ll eat before sleeping again.” She explained, and after that, Natasha hit Sam’s head.
“What was that for?” he asked, a little scared.
“You hit our baby girl.” the Russian replied; “you’re lucky Wanda didn’t throw you away earlier,” she added, and the atmosphere changed. “And for the mission, I think we will let you go. We will stay with Y/n. I’ll text Fury.” She explained, nobody found any reason to argue; they know how much they love you, so it's obvious they’ll never let you alone in this condition.
You spent the next week in your bedroom, surrounded by your moms’ love; you couldn’t leave your bed without one of them following and making sure you were okay. Sam was not allowed to approach you for a month. It was pretty funny, and after that, he spent two months making sure you forgave him, even if you assured him it was not his fault.
This little incident proved how much they loved you, and of course you were glad even if you already knew that. You adored them just as much as they do.The world knew how scary the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch were, and Sam could approve. But the world didn’t know how lovely and careful they could be, between them, of course, but twice as much with you.
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brw · 2 years
guys i bought so many comics today also. including. the Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast original print. yes I will still be ordering the reprint bc i am sick in the head but..Hype.
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redroomreflections · 3 days
What They Left Behind
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary :The Avengers and U.S. Government have been trying to take down a privately owned medical company named Visage for years. On a mission gone wrong, Natasha discovers something in the remains. With its existence, she uncovers a dark truth. The Island meets A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
w/c: 8.2k
Icy fingers wrapped around the doorknob in the darkness. The dimly lit porch light allowed her to find her way inside. Natasha pushed the door open gently, hoping it wouldn't disturb the silence encompassing the cozy apartment. Her footsteps creaked against the old wooden floors the more she shuffled down the hallway. Natasha stumbles through your shared space, one arm clutched to her side, the other carrying all of her belongings, as she headed for the bathroom. She didn't pay attention to the gash on her thigh, or the limp in her walk, as her targeted area became more apparent. She used her bad arm to support the extra weight she was carrying as she tried her hardest not to drop everything. Ignoring the pain in her side to bend over the bathtub, She sets everything down gently. She drops her bag outside of the tub, making sure not to jostle anything she was carrying, as she rushes out to the linen closet. She grabs a bunch of towels, a spare blanket, and face towels. She's not thinking straight right now. Her mind is a jumbled mess. She checks the thermostat, turning the heat to a higher temperature, before deciding she's satisfied.
Her next raid is the small bar in a corner of the dining room. She's careful not to get blood anywhere. There's a half-empty bottle of vodka that she plans to drown herself in. She steps lightly, peeking into the closed door of your bedroom, to find you fast asleep. She returns to the bathroom, placing the blanket inside, tucked nicely and neat before leaning against the counter. She rids herself of her jacket, hiding her pain behind a grimace, as she checks her arm. It's not broken. Probably a sprained wrist.
She twists her body around towards the mirror to inspect her face. There's a cut just above her right eyebrow. She bends slightly to reach into the cabinet for a first aid kit. One you reminded her to buy after this same scenario happened one too many times. Next are her pants. She has a more challenging time removing them as they're ripped and the blood from her fresh wound has dried. The stretch material sticks to her legs and she has to maneuver her body to kick them the rest of the way down. She almost knocks the vodka bottle over, using her quick reflexes to catch it before it drops to the ground. She peeks over to the tub, finding that nothing has changed, as she opens the bottle. She approaches the sink, stretching her legs across it, to inspect the cut. It's deep. Probably has glass in it but it's nothing she can't take care of. She takes a sip of the vodka, and then another, and one more before she begins to feel the familiar burn in her throat.
She rifles through the first aid kit for a pair of tweezers before she sighs. This is going to suck.
You kick the heavy blankets from your body, taking a harsh breath, as you drift in and out of sleep. You flip to your back, hoping to cool off as you toss and turn. It's warm in here. Warmer than you're used to and you know that can only mean one thing. You sit up, looking for any sign of Natasha before you come up short. Her side of the bed is still cold, your phone doesn't have any messages or missed calls, and nothing seems to be out of place. You stand, opening your bedroom door, to see the bathroom light on. That's weird. You look down at the ground, spotting a few drops of blood, a stark contrast from the dark maple wood. You hold your breath in anticipation of what you're about to see. You've been in this position dozens of times before. Often, you could stomach it. it's a part of her job. Natasha is sitting on the bathroom counter, struggling to wrap gauze around her thigh with one hand when you enter.
You immediately jump into action, pushing her hands aside, as you tear the gauze the right way. You glance at her face, taking note of all of her injuries, her bloodshot eyes, and the barely filled bottle of vodka. Natasha watches you, waiting for you to say anything, as she leans back.
"You didn't call," You say finally.
"I was busy," She answers.
"Too busy to call your wife?" You grip her leg a bit tighter than necessary but when you notice the way she tenses, you release it. You're not angry. Not really. Just scared. Whenever Natasha is away on a mission too long you get nervous. That she won't come home. That the last time you saw her would become forever. She knows this. "You skipped debriefing and medical."
"Had to get home to you," Natasha coughs once you're done patching up her leg. You rest your hands on the counter on each side of her. She can see the worry in your eyes. She leans over, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead before she pulls back.
"Your face?" You reach up to inspect the cut and she catches your arm. Only then do you realize she's holding her other one to her side. "Natasha, what happened?"
"The usual," She dismisses softly. "I, um, I have something for you." She tilts her chin towards the tub. You turn slowly, peeking into the bathtub, finally noticing the small, sleeping child wrapped up in one of Natasha's t-shirts. You drop to your knees, your eyes scanning over every single part of their tiny body, as you try to come up with a question. You can't see past the layers of dirt and sod on angelic features. "It's why I skipped everything." She answers.
"H-how old is she?" You reach out to brush your hand over matted and tangled curls. Eyes flutter at your touch but she doesn't move.
"He," Natasha corrects and you turn to her. "A boy. He doesn't speak much. Won't tell me his name or anything else. I found him hiding in one of the lab rooms of the places we raided. They were making some kind of drugs or doing experiments. It's not quite clear. There was a fire and he was the only one left. We think that maybe he wandered over there and his real family is out there looking for him."
"and you brought him home," You tsk. You don't know what to make of this situation.
"I didn't know what else to do," Natasha admits. "I wasn't leaving him at the compound. Giving him over to Ross? Not happening. I just I don't know."
"He probably has a family somewhere," You mutter. You shake your head.
"We can look for them but I couldn't," Natasha doesn't finish her sentence but somehow you know. She has such a big heart and she wouldn't have brought him home if she didn't think this was the best option. The child in question stirs but never awakens.
"In the morning I can make some calls to a couple of friends, see what I can find out, and go from there," You stand, wiping your hands against the fabric of your cotton shorts. "Are you okay besides the obvious?" You ask.
"Y-yeah I'm fine," She nods. She beckons you over with her left hand and you oblige. "I missed you." She speaks low and this time the butterflies in your stomach increase tenfold.
"I missed you too," You kiss her lips. "I need to get us some blankets and pillows." You look around the bathroom. You busy yourself with cleaning. "He's sleeping peacefully right now. He's in a new place and I know in the morning he might not be so calm. If we move him he might wake up and I don't want him to be alone when that happens."
Natasha doesn't say a thing. She agrees. She knows this is your way of feeling useful. She's thrown something big at you. You have every right to be upset and yet you're not. She stands on solid ground again, testing out her leg, to find that while there's still some pain she can walk just fine. She keeps watching over the little boy as you gather blankets and pillows for a makeshift bed. Sleeping on the bathroom floor wasn't on your itinerary for tonight but that could change. You make quick work of cleaning up the blood through the hallway before you return to the bathroom. You make everything as comfortable as possible, gesturing for Natasha to lie down before you help her keep her leg elevated by a bunch of pillows. You turn off the lights, making sure to at least keep the hallway light on to act as a nightlight. You're conscious of Natasha's injuries as you lie your head against her chest. Her heartbeat is soothing. It reminds you she's alive and real. Not that you needed it to.
"What if we can't find his family?" Natasha wonders aloud.
You don't have an answer for her. The question is heavy on your mind too. You fall asleep thinking of every scenario in which you'd be able to keep him. You don't want to get your hopes up.
The morning comes quicker than you would have liked. Your back aches and your hips hurt, and you don't feel Natasha under you. You wipe at your face, feeling around the covers, to find the spot by your side empty. You lift your head, looking around the bathroom, with big green eyes looking at you from just a few feet away.
"Hi," You muster up words as you sit up.
The child doesn't say anything. He simply watches your every move.
"Did you sleep okay?" You ask. You can faintly hear Natasha in the background. She must be in the kitchen. The little boy nods. "That's good." You move to scoot a bit closer but stop yourself when you notice he tenses. "No. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Y/n. What's your name?"
The boy shrugs. Okay, you're glad he understands English. You're also starting to understand how difficult this will be if he doesn't know his name and he isn't willing to speak.
"Do you have a name?" You question. You almost smack yourself at asking such a dumb thing until he shakes his head. "Oh. okay. I, um, okay." You take a deep breath. Natasha's voice gets a little louder and his eyes dart over to the door. "That's my wife, Natasha, she brought you here. Do you remember that?"
He nods. That's good.
"Are you hungry?" You ask him. "I can make chocolate chip pancakes. Would you like that?" You ask and he nods again. You stand, holding out your hand for him to take, and he does without hesitation. You walk with him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Natasha's on the phone, seemingly a bit angry, as she paces. She spots you and your guest, waving her hand to say hello before she turns away. Her attention has been pulled elsewhere. She knows he's safe with you either way. You look down, noticing the pout on his face at Natasha's lack of enthusiasm. "I feel that way too sometimes." You say. You help him to sit on a stool so that he can see both of you.
You look around the kitchen. You don't have much food that's interesting to kids. You and Natasha live quiet lives and really only have the necessities. Your house is not bared but it's certainly not equipped for a child. You look over at him as he waits patiently for your next move. He's so quiet.
Natasha moves to kiss you hello before she lowers her phone to speak.
"I'm on a conference call with Steve and the rest of the team. They're trying to find some of his family." She whispers before exiting the room.
You bend over to look into the fridge deciding on pancakes and eggs for this morning's meal.
"You like eggs right?" Again your question is answered with a shrug. You make enough breakfast for the three of you. Your morning coffee is all you want so you put on a pot for that. You lean against the counter, looking over at him, as he occupies himself with walking his fingers over the cool marble. He's clearly bored. He looks utterly adorable with his messy hair and curious eyes, and he's swimming in Natasha's t-shirt. The sleeves cover his arms and the rest of his body. Hopefully, it's keeping him warm. "How old are you? Do you know that?"
He lifts his head when he realizes you're addressing him. He holds up three fingers.
"You're three?" You confirm and he looks at his hands in confusion. He takes his hand, using it to push up one more finger, before showing it to you. "You're four?" You ask and he nods again. "you just had a birthday?" You take a wild guess and he nods again with wide eyes. "Okay, that's good, um happy birthday." You try to figure out what to ask next. You rifle through the drawers, hoping to find a pen and paper before he stops being so willing to talk. "Did you have a party?" He shakes his head. "Okay, did you have a cake or presents?" He furrows his brow at this. Did he know what any of those things were? Suddenly you're not so sure.
You reach over to the stove, turning it off before you fix him a plate of food. You don't want to make any of this feel like an interrogation. He's still so little and with having a traumatic night he could be forgetting key details about his life. You cut the pancakes into tiny pieces, before putting syrup on the side. The eggs are scrambled as you feel like that's the safest option for a child. You place it in front of him before you step back. You don't watch him, opting to make yourself and Natasha a cup of coffee as you wait. You turn around to find he hasn't touched anything. His fork lies in the same spot beside the eggs. He's looking at the plate as if he's never seen any of this stuff before. He takes his hand, dipping his finger into the syrup, before licking it with his tongue. The sugary sweetness is good and so he dips it again.
"You don't want to try your pancakes?" You approach him. He stops his licking to look up at you. "They're good I promise." You take a pancake, dipping it into the syrup much like he did before, and you take a bite. Reluctantly, he tries it too. Then he gestures for you to try again. It's a back-and-forth tactic that tends to work with all your patients. This one included. Not that he's one of your patients. He's a lost little boy with nowhere else to go. "You know, we're going to have to figure out something to call you." You inform him. This time he points to you. "You want me to pick?" You ask and he nods. You put a finger to your chin not noticing that he's trying to show you his wrist. Surely you could think of something.
Before you can come up with something, Natasha returns to the kitchen. You pass her the cup of coffee, standing beside her, as she drinks from it.
"So, I found out he's four, he's never had pancakes apparently, and he just had a birthday." You inform her.
"That's good," She nods. "The team is still a bit unsure where and how he got into the lab but they're searching every database and working with police to figure out where his family is." She looks over at him as he eats his eggs with his hands. "For now I think he's here. You don't mind do you?"
"No, of course not, I think we're friends," You gesture over to him. "He's going to need clothes though. He can't just walk around in your clothes."
"I can go," She offers and you stop her.
"I can go. You're still injured. What you can do is sit on the couch and keep him entertained while I grab him a few things. He's on the small side but sizes should be true." You instruct.
"You're going to leave me here alone with him?" She looks terrified.
"Natasha, you came here alone with him." You remind her.
"Right, you're right," She relaxes. "I can do it. It's just like babysitting Lila and Cooper."
"Right," You kiss her cheek. You step over to the little boy, as he finishes his breakfast before he looks up at you. Something about his gaze and the way he seems so compliant unsettles you. "Hey, I'm going to step out for a little bit. Just going to the store. It'll be about one hour. I know you can't tell the time but if you think it's too long you can ask Natasha and she'll call me on the phone. Is that okay?"
He nods, puffing up his chest before he looks over to Natasha. It's his own little act of bravery. He feels safe with both of you. You don't want to test that and so you move fast. You don't waste time getting dressed and brushing your teeth. You're prepared well enough to go out.
Natasha is still in the kitchen with your guest when she notices the mood change. His lips curl into a pout, as he fiddles with his hands, his eyes flashing back and forth to the door.
"She'll come back," Natasha breaks him from his thoughts. He looks at her with a serious expression. "She tells the truth always. Until then would you like to watch some TV?" She suggests and he shrugs. Of course.
Natasha dumps the plates into the sink before taking him over to the couch. He climbs up, sitting all the way back against the cushions before he looks over at her expectantly. It takes her a few seconds before Natasha finds an acceptable kids' show. Dora The Explorer. She sits down right next to him and patiently waits for your return.
You never thought shopping for a child would be on your to-do list. You're in one of the aisles at Walmart, looking through their toddler clothes, when you find yourself dissatisfied. You're a psychologist, you know a decent amount about kids, but you never knew how hard it would be to shop for them. Especially when the boys' section doesn't have as much available. You gather a few t-shirts, ones with dinosaurs, ones with trucks, and even some with funny sayings on them before you collect the bottoms. It's still pretty warm outside but you grab an assortment. Next are the socks and the underwear and before you know it you've migrated over to the toy aisle.
You message Natasha to see if she agrees and she texts back with a photo of herself and the little one watching TV. Something inside you shifts. Seeing a photo of the two of them. The way he's curled into Natasha's side and how comfortable he is with her. You two shelved the idea of children. At least for a few years. Work is too crazy for a child. Natasha with her long missions and you picking up more cases at work. You're on track to own your own private practice. Everything's falling into place. Having a child would change things. Besides, you can't keep him. He probably has a family and people that love and miss him.
You receive another text from Natasha agreeing that he needs toys. You'd be happy to give them to him. You grab a few things that you think he'd like. Next is groceries. There's not much food at home, and you're definitely spending more than you anticipated, but you need it.
On the way home, you make a few calls.
First is Herbert Messing. He's a detective and one of your old college classmates. You check in to see if he's heard anything about a missing child.
"I haven't, not one that fits your description," Herbert denies. "Surely if he was truly lost someone would be looking for him by now. Send over a picture or bring him to the station."
"I can send a picture but bringing him to the station may be tough," You sigh. Natasha would be upset at you for texting and driving. You quickly send a picture at the red light. "I um, I think since it's technically Avengers business Ross might be on the case and..."
"And I know how snoopy he can be," Herbert sighs. "I'll see what I can do on my end but I make no promises."
"Thank you, love you a ton, bye." You hang up quickly. How could this little boy not have a family looking for him? Was this one of those rare cases where he's so far from home it'll take a while to find him?
Either way, you're not handing him over to Ross.
Back home, Natasha is drifting off to sleep on the couch. The little one is still full of energy. He wants to tap her and ask her where you are. It's taking you longer than you said. You're right he can't tell time but it's beginning to feel like an eternity. He watches Natasha's face to make sure she is sleeping before he slides down from the couch. He tiptoes to the bathroom, then the kitchen, and finally the bedroom. Some of your clothes are still tossed about and there's a robe on the bed. He steps over to the bed to drag his fingers along the fabric. It's scratchy but soft. He likes it. He pulls himself onto the mattress, covering his entire body in the robe before he falls asleep.
Less than a half-hour later you arrive back home with a dozen bags. You struggle the entire way into the private entrance before you manage to unlock it. You drop the bags near the front door to go find Natasha. She's asleep on the couch. Alone.
"Natasha, "You tap her. "Natasha." You say again and she sits up quickly. "Where's the little one?"
She makes a face of confusion before she looks around. "Fuck." She shakes her head. "Such a rookie mistake." She berates herself.
"The door was still locked so I doubt he left." You don't panic. You're the calm one. He can't be too far. You check the bathroom while Natasha checks the kitchen. You're running around your bedroom when you notice something is out of place. You walk closer, realizing it's him, fast asleep wrapped up in your robe. "Nat!" You call causing him to open his eyes. He whimpers, a sound sort of like a happy puppy reuniting with his owner, as he sits on his knees. Somehow you understand him. "I'm sorry. I took too long but I brought presents." You say and his eyes light up at the now-familiar word. Natasha walks into the room with a hand on her hip.
"I can't believe I fell asleep." She mutters and you wave her off.
"It happens," You say. "I think the little one would like to open his presents."
"Oh, yeah, we can do that." Natasha holds her hand out and he takes it. He's so willing to do everything you say. So far, he's perfect. Almost too perfect. You know Natasha has noticed it too. He moves and reacts as if he's been conditioned or programmed to. He doesn't really seem to oppose anything. Top that with not being familiar with pancakes or breakfast or even birthdays and presents. You don't know what you're dealing with.
You drag the bags into the living room where you pull out the toys first. All three of you sit on the floor, Natash pushing the coffee table aside so that you can have more room. The first thing you pull out of the bag is a fire truck toy. It's long and red and has a couple buttons to press. He simply looks at it.
"Has he ever played with a toy?" Natasha poses the question and you're having the same train of thought. She pushes it, showing him how to play with it and he seems interested enough. He crawls over to the toy, tapping it with his fingers, before turning it over. Natasha presses a button, causing the toy to light up, and the siren to sound. He doesn't like this at all. Instead of the happy reaction both of you were hoping for he backs away and doesn't stop until he's pressed against the couch.
"You don't like this one?" You ask remaining calm. Keep your voice soothing. Natasha calls it your doctor's voice. He shakes his head. He claps his hands over his ears. "It's too loud." You explain to Natasha. She flips the switch effectively killing the siren.
You try another toy, a ball, passing it to him to see his reaction. He turns it over his hands. He likes it.
"I talked to Herb," You say when he seems occupied enough. "There's nothing out there indicating he's a missing child. I called a couple others that I know and everything came up short." You inform her.
"On my end too," Natasha says. "They're doing a bit more digging into this lab. Visage had their hand in a lot of crooked pots. I don't know." She bites her lips.
"What's wrong?" You ask as you keep an eye on the boy.
"I don't know the whole thing was just too easy," Natasha shrugs. "It's a mission. Just like any other. We go in. We fight. We get out. Of course, there's always potential for them to torch things or destroy things. The lab was destroyed. Set on fire. There were these pods. I don't know what to call it. They looked like tanning beds or something but I- I can't describe it. Like it was out of a movie or something. It can't be a coincidence that he was left behind." She looks at him with a hard gaze. "He couldn't have just wondered over."
"Do you think someone left him on purpose?"
Natasha doesn't answer. She doesn't know truly.
"Well until then we have to give him a name to call him." You mull it over. "I don't want to keep calling him the boy."
"Do you have anything in mind?" She questions.
"I was thinking something simple but not like David or Jacob," You shake your head. "How about Micah?" You ask and his head turns towards you. Almost as if he's decided it's his name too.
"Would you want that to be your name?" Natasha catches his attention. He blinks at her offering her no indication that he agrees. He points to you.
"Yes," You nod. "My name is Y/n. Her name is Natasha. Your name could be Micah. Is that good?" You attempt to help him understand. He nods enthusiastically. Suddenly as if he just realizes something, he reaches into the bag and pulls out a white graphic tee with a colorful astronaut on it. He holds it up.
"I think he wants a bath," Natasha takes a wild guess. Micah looks down at himself and then back to the shirt.
"That's right it's yours," You encourage. "We could take a bath. Then you could wear it. How about that?" You smile. He nods again. You grab a few of the bath items to use as you all travel into the bathroom. Natasha makes herself useful by running the bath water. She adds a capful of your favorite bubble bath. You move to help Micah with his shirt when he slaps your hand away. His breathing increases and he backs away from you.
Natasha tilts her head, wondering what warranted that reaction, but you're not as confused.
"I'm sorry," You apologize sincerely. "I know you're a bit messy and we wanted to take a bath right? Did you want to take your shirt off alone?"
He shakes his head no. That perplexes you. Had something bad happened in the bath?
"It's not too hot," Natasha shows him by dipping her hand in. He looks to her and back to you.
"I could get in with you?" You try. He seems almost surprised by this. His shaking hands drop to his side. "There are bubbles so I won't see anything. I could show you how to bathe. It's fun."
He nods. You help him with his shirt this time before you strip yourself down to your t-shirt and underwear. It's not the most appropriate outfit but you needed to get him clean. You climb in first, before helping him in. It's then you notice the dark ink on his wrist. It's a branding of sorts. A tattoo. You look to see if Natasha saw. She has.
"He has a tattoo," You speak. You're sure now this company was up to more than any of you are ready for. You use a bit of soap to scrub against his skin to find it still there. Before Micah changes his mind you get to work scrubbing him quickly. He sits still, not showing any emotion, as you clean him. His hair is another story. It's more of a task to wash. You talk to him about your childhood dog to distract him. "Cookie was her name." You smile reminiscently. "She was the most loyal dog I've ever met." You say and he follows your movements with his eyes. "Tilt your head back." You use the cup Natasha gives you to rinse his hair. A little water gets to his face and he flinches. "Oh, I'm sorry," You reach for his towel and clean his face free. His hair is long and now that it's untangled it flows down his back.
"All done," Natasha holds out a towel. She helps him out, wrapping him up tightly before she sniffs him. "You smell good now." She grins before giving him thumbs up. When you step out to grab your own towel, he walks over to you and sniffs. He turns back to Natasha to give her a thumbs up. This causes her to give a belly laugh. "He thinks you smell good."
"Good to know." You nod. You run to your room to get dressed in dry clothes so that you can help Natasha. You come back and he already has the shirt, new shorts, and socks on his feet. He continues to rub his hands over the shirt, as if unfamiliar with the fabric before he drops them to his side. "It's cotton." You say before you bring over a brush for his hair. "Natasha's going to brush your hair."
He glances at her before nodding again. That would be fine. Natasha is gentle and quick. She makes sure not to pull too hard as she detangles. He stands patiently, his eyes trained on a speck on the floor, as you clean the bathroom. Natasha's phone rings in the distance and a small noise erupts from his throat.
"It's okay, it's just a phone," You furrow your brow. You go and grab it for Natasha and read the caller ID to her. "It's Steve." You trade Micah for the phone. He frowns when she leaves the room to take the call. "Micah, can I ask you some things?" You dip your head to catch his eyes. You take him to your bedroom where you help him onto the bed.
He keeps his hands in his lap.
"Did you have a family where you lived?" You ask. He doesn't seem to recognize the word. "Okay, a Mommy or Daddy?" He tilts his head. "A Mommy?" You guess and he shakes his head. "Do you know what that is?" He shakes his head again. "Okay, um," you find yourself fumbling a lot. All of your years of studying straight out of the window. "A mommy, some people call them Mama, is the woman that takes care of you. They feed you. Bathe you. Give you hugs. They make you feel safe. They keep you safe."
He presses his finger to your chest. Your heart breaks and is fixed back again at the gesture.
"I-I am not your Mama," You find yourself saying with a tinge of sadness. "I didn't give birth to you." You whisper. "Did you get lost?" You go through your list of questions. He either nods or shakes his head.
No. He doesn't have parents. No, he didn't get lost. Yes, he lived in the lab. Yes, he played games. No, he doesn't remember things from before. This leaves you at square one. You're thinking back to the bath, how afraid he was. The tattoo. Your mind flashes to every single SciFi movie you've ever seen and you're jumping to a big conclusion.
"They want us to bring him in for testing," Natasha tucks her phone into her pocket. "They have clues but Helen Cho wants to do some DNA testing."
"Natasha I think we should discuss what I think he is," You tell her.
"No time we need to do this now," She searches for her keys. "They're following a lead and we need to chase it before it runs cold." You know what she's doing. She's distancing herself. It is what she does to prepare herself from getting hurt. You know your wife better than anybody. From the moment she decided to bring him home you know she fell in love. You stand to stop her, gripping her by her forearms, to keep her in her place.
"Don't do this," You plead with her. "Don't check out yet. He still needs us no matter what happens. For all we know it's just testing. We know there's still a slim chance he may have a family and we can help him reunite with them."
"He doesn't," Natasha husks. She pulls you out of the bedroom noting how closely he's watching you. "They don't believe he ever had any or that he does but it's so complicated."
"So that trumps my theory of him being some sort of alien or supernatural being," You say. She frowns. "Don't knock it. It's not the craziest thing we would see."
"You're not too far off from what we've been thinking," Natasha looks over to him. "Tony and Steve are going to tell us when we get there."
"Guess we're taking a trip." You sigh.
So much for a peaceful day.
The car ride to the compound turns out to be a completely new experience for Micah. He shields his eyes away from the natural light, and turns his face into your side, as he sits in the backseat with you. Maybe you should have put sunglasses on the list. You think you're more nervous than Natasha as you pull into the garage of the compound. You opt to carry him in with Natasha by your side. You’re welcomed into the lab, walking through familiar glass doors, to find the team all gathered.
"Great you're here," Tony claps his hands. "Now we can hand Kyle Xy over to Ross or the FBI and let them handle things."
"What does he mean?" You look to Natasha. You sit with Micah in your lap, not pushing him away, as he hides his face in your chest.
"Well, I'll let Helen do the talking," Steve says and Helen Cho stands. She's a geneticist and sometimes the go-to scientist for the rest of the team.
"So, we got a hold of Visage's old files," Helen begins as she clicks a button on the tiny remote in her hand effectively powering up the projector. Sam turns off the lights before going to sit in his chair. "Turns out one of their biggest cash cows was the process of cloning. Basically, they transfer the DNA of a human's somatic cell into another cell that's had its nucleus and DNA removed. Then that cell grows into an embryo and as we know forms a child."
"Like IVF?" Natasha questions and Helena moves her head from side to side.
"Sort of only the embryo isn't implanted into a woman's uterus," Helen clicks again and a grainy picture appears on the screen. "They were cloning humans. As I mentioned they keep the embryos in incubator-like pods for growth. The embryos grow at rapid rates according to their set time. Like a microwave of sorts. Only they're cryogenic chambers meant to keep them in stasis until the hosts need them."
"And who are these hosts?" You're trying to keep up.
"Other people. Humans. People with money or anyone willing to pay a pretty penny." Helen answers
"So what? it's illegal surrogacy?" Sam throws out and she doesn't respond.
"They were using these clones for medical reasons," Tony explains." It's one of Visage's biggest money-makers. Even more sinister than we thought. Basically, these billionaires pay a lot of money for a clone and their doppelganger is made with perfectly healthy organs and such. If they get sick or old or injured they use the body parts or organs for themselves. "
Micah shifts in your arms to peek over at everyone.
"So he's a clone?" You tilt your head.
"Essentially yes," Tony folds his arms under his chest.
"And what do they do with the clones once they get what they want?" Steve questions. He's not a fan of cryofreezing after being victim to it.
"They freeze them again or keep them in stasis," She clicks another photo showing the naked body of what seems to be a grown man as he's hooked up to an umbilical cord. The pod is filled with water as he floats. Micah runs from your lap to the screen. His breathing increases as he looks up at the screen. Does he remember something?
"Hey, kid, you recognize this? Tony asks. " Kid?"
"He doesn't talk," Natasha speaks for him.
"Can he?" Steve questions.
"Medically speaking, yes." Helen answers. "He's choosing not to."
"Selective mutism," You describe. "It happens for a lot of children with an anxiety disorder that visits the clinic. After something traumatic they stop speaking in certain situations."
"Would he be able to have an anxiety disorder all things considered?"
"I don't know," Helen admits. "For all intents and purposes, he is a normal child. He may not feel pain or emotion like one. Think of him as a robot if you will or a newborn infant. They released him too late."
"What do you mean too late?"
"The records we found and the tattoo on his wrist," Helen points. " Would indicate he already belongs to a host family. A wealthy diplomat and his wife. Their daughter needed a heart transplant due to a defect. She died before they could do the procedure."
"Is that not the same as having a baby to use for its sick sibling?" Steve points out.
"I'm inclined to say yes but..." Helen doesn't finish. "We were looking to run some tests on his organs and his brain."
"Did you contact this family?" You ask as Micah continues to stand at the front of the room.
"We did but due to privacy and status, they were unwilling to cooperate," Tony sighs. "They don't want to be caught up in something so out there. Crooks they are. We asked the if they would want to take in the boy."
"And what did they say?" Natasha sits up straight.
"They said that he had no soul," Helen says matter of factly. Micah looks up to her upon hearing those words. "That he's not real and they were washing their hands of the entire situation. They lawyered up. If the government comes after them they're willing to fight but they don't want a child that's not real to them."
"Jesus," You curse. "So what now?"
"I say we run the tests and hand him over to Ross," Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. "We already have our hands full with everything else around here. No way can we take in a child."
You look over at Natasha pleadingly. No way would you be able to give him up. Natasha remains quiet. Has she changed her mind?
"We've set up the lab and can have tests back in a couple of hours."
"You're going to poke and prod a little boy?" You find yourself getting angry. "Run your tests on him and what? Throw him to the wolves because you have too much on your plate? How are you any better than those other people? Than Visage?"
No one says a word.
"We're not equipped to keep him. We don't know what can happen or how he will turn out," Steve begins so you stand in anger.
"Unbelievable," You shake your head with tears in your eyes. You can't stand to see this. You won't. You rush out of the lab and out to the courtyard. You need some air. Natasha follows you with a scowl on her face. Micah simply stands. Was he to follow you?
When she locates you, you turn away from her.
"Y/n," Natasha attempts to touch your shoulder and you yank out of her reach.
"Why did you bring him home?" You try to wipe the tears from your eyes. "Why did you do this? I was perfectly fine and I knew it could be something and..did you hear them talking about him? He doesn't have a soul? No emotions? They talked about him as if he wasn't even human. As if he isn't a child. A baby." You stop yourself from sobbing. You swipe angrily at your face.
"I know," Natasha sits next to you.
"It's only been a day but Nat," You whimper. " I can't stand by and let them do that." You shake your head. She remains silent.
It's Wanda that interrupts your moment together.
"They're ready to do the testing," She gauges your reaction. You can't really be mad at the teen for relaying the message. It was just a few years ago she was in the same predicament. "For what it's worth I think he would like you there."
You nodded. He would. You stand first, then Natasha, and you cradle her hand in yours. You could do this. You follow Wanda to the lab where she stands. Micah is seated on one of the metal tables. He's still in his astronaut shirt and red shorts. His expression is blank but his eyes follow every single person in the room. Tony and the rest of the team stand on one side of the room. You and Natasha on the other. Your fingers are pressed against the glass, watching in anticipation.
"Ross is on his way," Tony mentions, and your finger twitches. You've never wanted to commit a crime more than you did now.
You watch in trepidation as Helen Cho inspects the tattoo on his wrist. She holds out his arm as another scientist prepares to take blood. You don't turn away as the needle pricks his skin. You narrow your eyes when you spot the tiniest flinch from Micah. He could feel that? Almost like pain. Though he doesn't blink or move again. They take blood. They poke and they prod. Finally, they have to do tests on his brain.
No one else seems to see it but you can. The unease on the little boy's face as he allows them to attach chords to his head and his chest. There's one almost like a helmet and that's when you see it again. A flinch. He's been in this position before you deduce. He was birthed and grown in a lab. He knows what this is like and he doesn't like it.
His lips move almost as if he's mimicking a word but you can't quite make out what he's saying. It's over sooner than you know it. Next is another contraption that resembles an MRI machine.
"Keep still, 007." One of the scientists instructs him. They're calling him by the tattoo.
"His name is Micah." You mutter to yourself. You can feel Natasha's soothing hand on your back. Even then you can't calm down. As if by magic, you can feel another presence. You turn your head just slightly to find Ross and a few of his henchmen as you like to call them. They're strapped with guns and army gear. "You don't need all of that for a child." You find yourself saying aloud.
Ross's challenging expression sends chills down your spine. "You may think so but we don't know what we are dealing with. It's just a precaution." He explains before he approaches Tony. They converse quietly and you turn back to watch.
Micah's tiny hands are shaking and his lips are moving again. His head is moving even though he's been instructed to keep still.
"What's he saying?" You ask and Natasha removes her hand to step closer to the glass. "Nat, he doesn't like it in there." You inform her. "Let me go get him." Natasha doesn't want to be the one to stop you but she'd rather herself than someone else. You don't move just yet.
"No," You can hear a small voice. "No." He cries again and you know it's Micah. "Mama!" He yells and your heart soars. "Mama!" He screams at the top of his lungs. "Mama!" He screams again as he thrashes against the table. This stops everyone in their tracks. Even Ross. You rush around them, straight into the lab, and right over to Micah as he continues to cry out for his Mama. For you. He chose you. You don't hesitate to pick him up, pulling all of the wires from his body to toss them on the floor. Micah sobs as you cradle him to you. The only thing on your mind is him as you comfort him. You don't care who is watching. Your only priority is him.
"I'm real," He whispers into your neck. "I'm real." He repeats over and over. As if he’s trying to convince himself and you.
"I know, Micah, I know." You shush him. You can hear the cocking of a gun and a groan of pain behind you. You turn quickly to find Natasha has stripped one of Ross's henchmen of his gun, pointing it at his head while holding his arms behind his back.
"You even think about touching her and I will kill him," Natasha threatens everyone around you. Her voice is pure venom and you know she's serious. What have you gotten into? "I will kill you all."
"We just want the child." Ross raises his hands. "That's what we came here for."
"Y/n, do you really want to put your wife in danger for this?" Tony seems so chill about all of this. Suddenly he's going from a friend to an enemy. "Are you willing to risk her life for someone you just met last night?"
You feel the deep-seated guilt as your eyes travel around the room.
"I'm real," Micah sobs again and you let tears fall from your own eyes. "Mama." He pleads and your heart practically falls out of your chest. You can't let him go.
"He feels pain," You manage to say with a shaky breath. "When you poked him with that needle you noticed it didn't you?" You ask and the scientist looks away. He's too afraid to get involved but that's all the answer you needed. "He has emotions. You can see from how hard he's crying that he has fucking emotions." You growl and he whimpers again. You kiss his head before trying to calm yourself. "You can't just take him."
"He's property of the United States Government," Ross reminds you.
"Call your boss," Natasha demands. Ross begins to protest but she stops him. "Call him or I start shooting." She wraps her thumb tighter around the gun.
Ross dramatically sighs before pulling out his phone. He waits impatiently before the phone picks up. He looks perturbed as he gives a general explanation of what is going on.
"Let me speak to him," Natasha gestures and he looks at her as if she's crazy. Then, as if he was also asked to speak to Natasha, he passes the phone to her. He acts as if this is the most troubling thing he's ever seen. "Hi," She says roughly. "I can't let you do that." Natasha challenges. "You see you owe me a favor. Let's call it even." Natasha says. "You get your guys to go home. I keep the boy." Natasha stops to listen, glancing over at you before she looks back to the phone. "When I take him home you don't come after us. You don't try again later. You leave him." She clearly instructs. She releases the gun. Lowering it to her side. She slides the phone back to Ross.
He takes it, hoping to come out victorious, only for there to be a frown on his face again. He nods his head a few times, giving a yes every other minute before he finally hangs up.
"Wrap it up boys, he's going with them," Ross sighs. "This isn't over Romanoff." He says before they storm out. The henchman reaches for his gun and Natasha points it at his head again. How was he expecting to get that back?
She watches them leave, making sure they're a safe distance before she steps over to you.
"Is he okay?" She asks and you nod.
"Micah, sweetie, can you let me look at you?" You ask as you set him down on the table. His eyes are wet and his face screws into a big pout.
"I'm real," He comments again. You nod while fixing his hair.
"You are real." You say. "Nat, what do we do?"
"We live our lives as usual," She says and your eyes flash to hers. "The favor is in. I called it. Still have to keep watch. They're going to come after him eventually."
"Nat, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to be-"
"For better or for worse right," Natasha shrugs. "If you truly believe everything and you want him we can keep him."
"He's not an animal," You remind her. She silently scolds herself.
"I know I just... I brought him home and I want him too." She ultimately admits. You nod. You could live with that. You pick him up again, walking around the forgotten wires, to exit the building.
"Tony, you're dead to me," Natasha doesn't even look his way as she walks with you. Her eyes scan the area, making sure no one is going to stop you, as you head towards the garage. When you're at the car, you climb in, buckling him in, before Natasha turns with a gun drawn to whoever has been following you. "Wanda!" She curses before she tucks it away. You step out of the car to come around.
"I want to go with you," She insists.
"We're just going home," Natasha says.
"Bullshit," Wanda argues. "You're running."
Your eyes dart to your wife. You know but even still would she admit that to Wanda?
"Wanda, you're sixteen," Natasha says.
"So," Wanda shrugs. "I don't want this family if you're not there."
There's a silence where you and Natasha think it over. Wanda would never forgive you if you said no.
"Get in," Natasha relents and you all jump into action. Wanda hops into the front seat and you in the back just as the rest of the team enters the garage. Natasha starts the car and drives as fast and as safely as she can. She continues to your apartment where you all enter. "Pack your things quickly. Don't take what you don't need." She says. She grabs a few duffel bags while you head to your bedroom. Micah is left to sit with Wanda. You pack important papers, passports, documents, and other things.
Micah slides down from the couch over to the toys you left out. He taps at the fire truck, before pressing the button, not flinching this time as the siren goes off. You step out of the bedroom to see him so calm.
Were you really doing this?
"You ready?" Natasha exits the bathroom with a bag full.
"Y-yeah," You nod before going to grab your own packed bags. You rush the kids out of the door and down the stairs again. That's the last you would see of your apartment.
Three months later... "Mom, he's refusing to come inside again," Wanda calls out as she sets the table for dinner.
"Again with this boy," You shake your head as you turn off the stove. "Where's Natasha?"
Wanda shrugs. You wipe your hands on your jeans to exit through the backdoor. You're about to give Micah a light scolding when you spot him in the grass, picking something, not aware of your presence. He looks up as the back door slams. He gives you a wide smile. His cheeks are dirty, he's not wearing shoes, and his shorts have grass stains. Even still he looks adorable.
He runs over to you with something behind his back.
"What you got there, buddy?" You ask as you kneel down. His smile grows even wider.
"Present, Mama." He says before he holds out his hand. Small yellow flowers that he picked from the grass. It's the best present you've ever received.
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vee-nyx · 1 month
im back with the tony hatred so let’s review all the ways he’s been an asshole to literally EVERY avenger, in chronological order:
his missiles killed wanda’s parents (and countless other parents but apparently filial revenge is only justified for himself)
treated nat like shit in im2
joked about taking over thor’s home & forcing the women to sleep with him (AoU tony they could never make me like you)
strong-armed bruce into helping him build a murderous A.I.
his robots killed wanda’s brother
forced the rest of the team to take responsibility for the repercussions of HIS A.I.
hey remember how he forced bruce to help him build a murderbot? now he’s gonna be friends with ross, the guy who wanted to turn bruce into a U.S. government weapon!
had steve & sam arrested for breaking a law that tony himself proceeded to break the next day
ordered vision to shoot sam out of the sky and then shot him in the chest at point-blank range
snitched to ross about clint’s family (he was explicitly told not to involve them)
ghosted half the team for THREE YEARS and then yelled at steve for not following him into literal space at the drop of a hat
and that’s not even counting the manipulative behavior towards peter & straight-up refusal to acknowledge his father’s role in bucky’s torture. oh also since sokovia was his fault, everything that zemo did in civil war was ALSO his fault! t’challa & bucky deserved to absolutely kick his loser ass for all the pain his actions caused them!
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Tony Stark x F!Reader
Prompt: “i can't believe you don't like hugs."
Summary: you come home to the tower to hear that your teammate tony has been awake for days. you take it upon yourself to get to complete some much-needed self-care.
Warnings: fluff.
Word Count: 1,741
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The door sounded with a quiet, welcoming ding as the elevator arrived on your floor, the lights of your suite already on and pleasantly dimmed to accommodate to the tenderness of your eyes this late at night. It was a little before three in the morning, and while your flight had had no major issues and the traffic between the airport and Avengers Tower had been blessedly in your favor, it was still agonizing to be getting home so late.
It still surprised you how quickly you’d come to think of this place as more than just a place to sleep, more than what had originally felt like a ridiculously over-sized hotel room. It had been only six months since Loki’s attack on New York, and while the renovations to the Tower were not yet finished, your suite had been one of the first floors to be completed. And now it somehow felt far more familiar to you than any of the countless beds you had claimed over the last twenty-seven years.
“Welcome back, Ms. Y/L/N,” the cool, friendly voice of Tony’s personal assistant sounded from the invisible speakers above you. “I trust your journey was pleasant.”
“It was, for a nine-hour flight in a broken seat,” you replied with a sigh, stretching out the lingering kink in your lower back. You set your suitcase down by the elevator doors. “And how many times do I have to tell you; it’s just Y/N.”
“I’m sure only once more,” he replied. “As always.”
You chuckled, a small, tired smile lingering on your lips. “Are the others here?”
“Only Mr. Stark is in residence at the moment,” the A.I. informed you as you made your way further into your suite. You toed off your shoes, shedding your jacket and tossing it onto the nearby sofa. “Shall I inform him of your arrival?”
“Oh, no, I don’t want to wake him.”
There was a slight pause. “Mr. Stark is not asleep, Ms. Y/L/N.”
How an A.I. could have a variation in tone, you weren’t sure, but you stopped halfway to unbuttoning your jeans. “And how long exactly has Tony been awake?”
“…Almost eighty-three hours, ma’am.”
“I think I hate ‘ma’am’ even more than my last name.” you sighed, casting a glance towards the room to your left. The door was ajar, and you swore your bed was calling to you. “Where is he?”
“In the lab.”
A wall of sound greeted you as you stepped into the lab, and you flinched. It lowered immediately to a more bearable level, and you silently praised whatever part of JARVIS’ programming it was that could pick up on your discomfort like that.
“JARVIS,” Tony said without looking up from his work. “Don’t mess with my music.”
He was at the far end of the lab, moving between a couple of workbenches and the hologram of his latest designs with the disorganized, staccato rhythm you had begun to recognize as being a sign of sleep deprivation. There was a half-empty coffee pot on the bench closest to you, the scent of it gone stale. Tony’s clothes were rumpled, as was his hair, and you frowned when you noticed the shadows under his eyes. They were made darker by the blue light of the hologram between the two of you.
“I think we can do better on these reflector panels, J.,” he continued as though he hadn’t noticed you enter. “If this suit is going to work for stealth, I’m going to need the change to be instantaneous.” He waved a hand, and parts of the suit projected in front of him dropped away. “Scrap ‘em. Take it from the top.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Hello to you, too, Stark.” you said snidely despite your concern. “Or am I expected to call you ‘sir’ in here, too?”
“Only if you want me to get all tingly over it,” he retorted teasingly, finally pausing long enough to meet your eye. He gave you a genuine, if distracted and exhausted, smile.
“Most people just say ‘welcome home’.”
Tony returned to one of the benches, eyes fixating on a tablet screen. “Are you implying that I could possibly be ‘most people’?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, sidestepping an abandoned helmet prototype. There was an empty coffee mug sitting inside it. The crockery was stained with dark brown rings. You made you way around to his workbench, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of it beside him. “Tony, when was the last time you got some sleep?”
“You know the answer to that,” he said, pointedly avoiding your eye and focusing his gaze on the work in front of him. “Or did you come all the way down here just for a hug?”
“A hug? Hardly,” you said with a scoff.
Tony met your eye, raising a brow. There was a teasing tilt to his lips, a challenge in his expression. “I don’t accept that.”
“Accept what?”
“I can’t believe that you don’t like hugs.” he said, straightening. He moved to stand in front of you, his hands claiming your knees. You felt a warmth spread up from where he touched you to heat your belly, and you straightened slightly, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue. “I refuse to accept it. I mean, for a woman completely capable of breaking every bone in my body with her bare hands, you’re downright cuddly.”
As he said the last words he reached up and touched the tip of his finger to your nose tauntingly, and you wrinkled it in response. He chuckled, and you rolled your eyes at him. Something about sleep deprivation always made him lighter, more teasing. While his usual jokes were witty and occasionally flirty, when you found him like this, he was… softer. “Has anyone ever told you that you are a massive dork?”
Tony’s grin widened, and he stepped back, holding up his hands as though you’d just proved his point. “See, anyone else would call me an asshole, but you – sweet, innocent thing that you are – go with ‘dork’.”
“Oh, Stark. Trust me,” you snickered, pushing yourself up off the edge of the table. It closed much of the distance between the two of you, your chest almost meeting his. You made a show of casting your eyes down over him before meeting his eye with a smirk. “If you actually knew me, the last word you’d be using to describe me is ‘innocent’.”
Intrigue flashed in his eyes, a curve to his parted lips sending an unexpected thrill up your spine. He made move to speak, but you pressed a finger to his lips. His smile widened against your skin.
“I’m sure whatever you were about to say would have been rife with innuendo, Tony,” you said. “But honestly, you kind of stink. How long’s it been since you had a shower?”
“Y’know, I’m not really sure why I had to stick around for this.” you called out over the sound of rushing water, folding your arms over your chest. You were standing outside the penthouse bathroom, your back against the wall beside the door. Steam billowed out of the open doorway, clinging to your bare arms.
The water shut off, and Tony’s reply came a few moments later, his voice echoing off the tile. “And here I thought you were worried about my wellbeing, sweetheart.”
“You’re not exactly at risk of drowning in the shower, Tony,” you pointed out. You heard his answering chuckle and the sounds of cabinet doors opening and closing. There was a long silence, punctuated only by the quiet sounds of shaving cream being sprayed and a razor against skin. “And you survived it. So, can I go to bed now?”
“And miss out on this quality team-bonding time?” he called out. “Shudder to think.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes with a smile. “‘Team-bonding’? We’re missing a couple of key members here. Unless you’ve got Rogers stashed in your shower caddy.”
“Not exactly the member I’d pick for that,” he replied as he stepped through the doorway, wiping at his jaw with a towel. Another was slung securely around his hips. Rivulets of water marked his bare torso, droplets clinging to his chest. There was a teasing smirk on his lips, and you swallowed. “Now, Romanoff on the other hand—”
“I’m going to stop you there before this conversation devolves into casual misogyny,” you eye-rolled, holding up a hand.
“I’ll have you know I’m an equal opportunity lech.” Tony shot back, amused. “I just didn’t think Thor would fit in the caddy.”
You snorted a laugh.
“Right…” you said. He’d missed a tiny patch of shaving cream on the corner of his jaw, and you reached up to wipe it away with two fingers. Tony’s smile widened as you wiped it on his bare chest. You cleared your throat as you realized the intimacy of your actions. “Well, you’ve managed to navigate the perils of a penthouse bathroom, Iron Man. Congrats.”
“So, what’s your excuse now?”
Confusion creased the skin between your brows. “For what?”
Tony’s smirk twitched, and you recognized the challenge in his eyes. Something in the pit of your stomach fluttered. “For turning down a hug.”
You laughed, shaking your head disbelieving. “God, Stark, you are such a—”
Tony took hold of your arm, surprising you by pulling you toward him and bringing his lips to yours. They were soft and warm, teasing with the taste of spearmint. The clean scent of his body wash enveloped you, his fingers gentle but firm on your arm. The warmth of his body – still bolstered by the heat of the shower – leached into your skin, wrapping you in a ghost of an embrace that made you lean into him. The kiss lasted only a moment before he pulled back again, that expression of taunting flirtation still in place.
You pressed your lips together, your skin tingling. “What was that for?”
He shrugged a shoulder, tightening the towel around his waist. There was an annoying note of nonchalance in his expression, and self-assuredness that told you he knew exactly what kind of effect he’d just had on you. “Call it a thank you.”
“I—” you swallowed, forcing your breath to steady. “Most people just say ‘thank you’.”
He grinned, his teeth grazing his bottom lip. “Didn’t we agree that I’m not ‘most people’?”
tags: @trekkingaroundasgard @ccbsrms @lina-mar@lovely-dreamer19@wittyforachange@wefracturedmotivation@january-echoes@glossyloner@capitalnineteen@youclickedthislink@s0ftness@castieltrash1@drakelover78@queenoftheunderdark@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@lol-you-thought@sebbystanlover-vk@mikariell95@csigeoblue@abrunettefangirlnerd@babyblues915@aar-journey@moistpotatobear @capsironunderoos @bellamyblakemorley@diesinspanishbcimhispanic@sentimentalalien@agustdowney@akumune@xxboesefrauxx@patheticallysentimental@loki-is-loved
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