#avenging his mom was more important than avenging himself
kazamajun · 3 months
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going actually insane about how much kazuya loved his grandfather
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lazy-sixteen · 2 months
I was thinking about the themes of One Piece, and what differentiated out characters we see as good versus bad, especially in a work that takes a really accepting view of different moral standpoints and values (Coby and SWORDS's justice is very different from Sabo and the RA's justice but they are both presented as good guys we'd want to root for).
So like, why do we root for Luffy following his dream to be Pirate King, but not Teach?
What about hating Crocodile who wanted to create an ideal society free of the WG but not the RA who want something similar for whole the world?
Big Mom who wants to create a place where all sentient are equal and get along versus Koala and/or Otohime who dream of that same thing for humans and fishmen?
I mean the obvious answer is that protagonists and their allies tend to be likeable - they are usually drawn prettier, have less kick the dog moments, and we get more time with them as an audience. They have to be on some level, or no one would read the manga.
But from an in-story perspective, I think its a an under looked facet of Luffy's character, for him chasing his dream is more important than obtaining it. It's why he turns down Rayleigh straight up offering to tell him where Laugh Tale is, and what is on it. What is important to Luffy isn't so much becoming Pirate King, it is being free, having fun, sailing with his friends on the journey to be Pirate King.
It's why he helps Vivi in Alabasta, Cricket in Skypiea, Shirahoshi in Fishmen Island, and the Wano crew in uhh Wano (the journey wouldn't be fun if he'd abandoned his friends to do it)
It's why he takes dangerous detours to places like Little Garden or Sky Island or Punk Hazard(the journey wouldn't be fun if he didn't get to explore)
It's why he risks his life against Arlong for Nami and declares the entire world his enemy for Robin and literally threatens to starve to death to get Sanji back ( the journey wouldn't be fun if he can't do it with his crew by his side)
All of this is why, Luffy isn't afraid of dying either. He can die at any point on his journey to being Pirate King, and feel no regret because the journey itself was the important part.
Compare this to two other D.'s Law and Blackbeard.
Law's also relentlessly pursuing his dream when we meet him (stop Doflamingo to avenge Cora), and he is miserable.
Law in trying to achieve his dream whatever the cost keeps putting himself in situations he hates.
He leaves his beloved crew behind because the mission is basically a suicide run. He cozies up to the Government he hates and hands his heart over to a morally bankrupt mad scientist he's obviously disgusted by. He plans to get Doflamingo in trouble with Kaido, which mean 1) he likely won't get to punch out Mingo himself, 2) there is a high probability of civilians getting caught in the crossfire/dying horribly.
This journey sucks. If Law had died during any point of this he would have been the world's most pissed off ghost.
It's Luffy and the Strawhats busting in and transforming that journey that puts Law on the path to success with his dream and with not being so goddamn miserable.
Like screw Caesar, let;s have Luffy kick his ass and then you fix the children he was experimenting on. Screw playing nice with the government, do what you want and call us your allies instead. Screw Doflamingo, you and Luffy go beat him up and the rest of us will pull his government/crime family down around his ears.
And it works! Law's grumpy and annoyed and cursing Luffy out, but he tells Mingo he believes Luffy can pull out a miracle and looks more at peace watching Doflamingo and Luffy brawl - knowing that he'll die or succeed with his ally/friend - than he ever did with his fool-proof plan.
The journey before destination thing is also why Blackbeard feels like a special type of evil in OP despite there being technically worse/more evil villains, because Blackbeard always prioritizes his dream over how he gets it.
He'll stay in the shadows for 20 years to increase his chances of success (wouldn't it have been more fun to be a captain like he obviously wants?)
He'll kill his crewmate, turn his commander in for a reward, then kill his captain (wouldn't it have been more fun to stay friends, he never indicates he hates/dislikes them?)
He invites strong people - and strong seems to be the only criteria - to join his crew, though tbh their personalities often suck. I don't recall any panel of his crew just hanging out or joking around which even Baroque Works, Buggy's crew, and Kaido's Beast Pirates get (wouldn't it have been more fun to recruit people he can befriend, not just people he can use)
Like obviously Blackbeard feels like the antithesis of Luffy - even though they are both all about chasing their dreams. Luffy's all about the chasing, and Blackbeard only cares about the results.
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sombredancer · 8 months
How to be a more interesting character than the Main Hero (Pt.2)
Shangjue and his didi (pt.1/2)
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Shangjue has a strong bond with his cousin (whom he counts as his brother), but their personalities are very different and it makes their relationship really interesting.
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"Of course, you can interrogate Yuanzhi-didi." For Shangjue the rules mean more than his personal attitudes, so, as his beloved didi happens to be a suspect, Shangjue voluntarily hands him over to be locked up in prison and later denies the possibility that he could plant an evidence in order to deflect suspicion from him. He says, that he would avenge didi if he would be unjustified tortured to death by the Main Hero (it means, he thinks it`s possible as a result of imprisonment), but does nothing against rules to protect his didi. And it hurts didi a lot and makes him think that he isn't good enough to be protected by Shangjue, because it is natural for many people to go against the rules in order to help loved ones. But so is the core of Shangjue`s personality: between his personal feelings (for his didi) and the rules of the clan he will definitely choose the second (because he isn`t a person yet, he allows himself to be only a clan function).
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His didi Yuanzhi is a full opposite to him. He values Shangjue the most and would definitely do any wicked thing to help him. He is cunning and ruthless, but Shangjue deals with his fierce spirit and teaches him a lot of things, including how to respect elders.
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"Elder Yue is someone who you should respect."
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Didi is very perceptive to every act of love from Shangjue, as we can see in the scene with the conversation about a spy`s token, and later, in the conversation about Secret Trial of Adulthood, and he is very jealous to everyone who can get attention from Shangjue, too, because of his absolute insecurity in that he can be loved by him and can be his didi instead of deceased one. This little story about them, a paper lantern and a poisoned porridge broke my heart (I thought Yuanzhi died and was very upset during my awaiting for the next episode):
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Yuanzhi thinks that Shangjue cherishes the most only those who are not around him anymore, and maybe it`s because of his trauma. He believes he was the reason Shangjue’s mom and brother had died, because he was the last one who came to the shelter’s gate, and Shangjue’s brother got an opportunity to sneak outside and met his doom.
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But he is wrong thinking that deceased ones are more important for Shangjue than alive ones. Yuanzhi thinks in an egoistic way, he can`t imagine love can be shared among many people in someone`s heart. Shangjue didn`t stop loving his mom and brother but he also loves his didi as much as he loves them.
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"Stand off!!!"
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And we can see it in a flashback, when young Shangjue says that the best thing he could receive is a didi (which is Yuanzhi).
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Unfortunately I can add only 30 GIFs per post, so there will be part 2/2.
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How did Itachi murder his own family and left his brother? I would never do that! He doesn't deserve sympathy for murdering innocent people and for putting Sasuke through hell.
This is a phrase I repeatedly come across with slight changes in the words, but their intent of expressions remains the same:
I would not have done what Itachi did. My morals are better than Itachi's. I would have found a better way. He doesn't deserve to be hailed as a hero. Itachi deserves no sympathy.
[long rant post ahead]
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Well, love, if it helps you a little bit, be glad it isn't about you. It's about a 4-year-old boy who was plunged into the darkness of war without his consent, at the age you might be sucking your thumb, sniffling around with your mom and dad looking after your little needs. It's about a boy who, after witnessing the horrors of war, realized he needed to stop it, no matter the cost. He didn't have to lose a friend or a family to understand this needed to stop. Children needed to stop dying.
Everyone around him abandoned him. His parents, the grown ups around him - every single one of them - used him as a tool. He raised himself, without having to rely on anyone else. The coup was going to cause massive damage, or so he was made to believe, because no one would listen to him if he disagreed with them. He had the "freedom" to choose whether he would carry out the massacre or not. Because whether he did or not wasn't going to change the end result. Danzo was going to kill people anyway. If not him, someone else would have done it. The only thing that he could change was that he would spare Sasuke's life.
For someone whose psyche was irrevocably damaged after witnessing the world war, being a Shinobi, and watching death too closely from a young age (he killed the first person when he was 4), Itachi knew the importance of life all too well. And more importantly, he would want to protect the person he loved the most from the worst - the worst in the eyes of someone who was already familiar with the emptiness and hollowness the death brought was, nothing but death itself. He was psychologically conditioned since his childhood to view death as the absolute worst. Worse than what he put Sasuke through.
And no, he was not proud of what he did. He was not proud to put Sasuke through hell.
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He was not good at expressing himself. Because he had never expressed himself before except for the brief joy whenever he was around Sasuke. He watched Shisui kill himself right before his eyes, and the next day he was spending quality time with Sasuke. He didn't lose control until he was accused of killing him.
But this is where he lets go of his feelings for a little while. This is the sadness of someone who knows what he's done. His purpose in this life is to protect his home and his brother from the evil that might befall them. Everything for him has ended. Anything beyond this moment, stretching as long as it does, will be extra.
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This is immediately after he leaves Sasuke. Proud of himself? No. The sky is covered in red. It signifies the blood he spilled. His crimes will haunt him for the rest of his life.
He could have left Sasuke without traumatizing him, without saying a word. But he knew how much Sasuke loved him. He would chase him. Question things. And then, what if Sasuke found out the truth? What if Sasuke went against the Leaf and tried to avenge his clan? Danzo had already threatened Itachi what that impertinence from Sasuke would result into. He was leaving his little brother in a place filled with wolves and vultures who had just made him murder his own parents. How was he supposed to have tiniest bit of faith in them? He wanted to give Sasuke a purpose to live, even if it was revenge. He wanted Sasuke to kill him. And he wanted Sasuke to not feel guilty while he did it.
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Believe it or not, it's not someone who had fun or had no regrets watching his brother fall apart because of him. He hardly ever cried in his life, and this is one of those moments.
Upon joining the Akatsuki, he was too deep in the world politics where the Village, Sasuke, and the Shinobi world - their civilization, basically - was at stake. He stood between the Akatsuki and the world. It's his death that prompted the Akatsuki to finally attack his home.
Itachi devoted himself to Sasuke completely, selflessly. He was not openly sentimental but he wasn't without sentiments. What do you think made him prolong his excruciatingly painful life forcefully until the end? His ego? His pride? No. His guilt.
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This is not the look of a criminal who was proud of the things he did. He lived for Sasuke. He was dying for him. His purpose was complete in this world. Sasuke had friends who loved him. Who wouldn't give up on him, wouldn't hurt him the way he (Itachi himself) had done. I personally don't think he saw his death as some sort of liberation from life or the torture he went through. He saw it as his last service towards Sasuke. He knew even his death, him giving up everything for him, couldn't make up for the things he'd done to Sasuke. His hope was in the friendship between Sasuke and Naruto. That's why he'd met Naruto before his death. He was happy and relieved to know that at least someone else would look after the brother he loved when he's gone.
Mind you, none of his actions are 'justified'. They don't deserve to be condoned because that's not what Itachi's character is in first place. He himself wouldn't agree with people who deify him. When talking about fictional characters, I don't look for justifications either. I don't have to agree with their decisions or morals. All of Itachi’s actions, justified or not, make sense. They're explainable, not excusable. I'm not into the characters who do nothing offensive so that their fans can take a moral high ground because feeling validated with fictional characters is more important.
Itachi is a complex character, probably the most complex in the series, because he's a walking paradox. He can't be considered as a complete hero or a villain. When did he get to be either of that? His intent was noble but his actions were not. He's not a hero. Or is he a hero?
He's a victim. He's a story that should have been remembered by everyone, but instead his blood-soaked tale has been thrown away because it shows the world a mirror about a 12-13 year old child who was sacrificed because of the adults' spinelessness and incompetence.
This is long, I know. If you read it this far, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
[To the haters: I did not write this for you to rant about how he's a horrible person and all. Please go where you'll be heard. If you really want to self-insert in his place and think you'd have done better, by all means flee. Make the world a better place.]
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Feeble Minded
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, MoM spoilers, smut, fingering, facesitting, bondage, etc.
Summary: Dr.Strange asks for your help reasoning with Wanda. You try your best to get through to her but by then she's already got you where she wants you.
An: 15 posts in 1 day for 1,500. LETS GO!!!!!
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The word Avenger had lost a lot of it's meaning. The group was inactive, or who was left in it. The traumatic bonds built over the blip were too much to deal with in everyday life.
It seemed as though everyone had opted to stay away from each other. It was easier that way. No more reminders than were necessary.
Without the Avengers, you were alone. They were your family. Natasha, Steve, and Tony, were your family.
You didn't even get to say goodbye. By the time you came back, Natasha was gone, Tony had sacrificed himself, and Steve had opted to live another life.
There was an emptiness in your heart. You desperately worked to fill it. The only thing you did was hero work. You needed it to feel something other than the void.
Police scanners were in your home, in your car, and on your phone. Crime alerts were your activity of choice.
Luckily for you, it seemed as though someone always needed saving. The job was too easy, from Earth ending monsters to petty theft. It wasn't exactly exhilarating work.
You were getting restless. Sometimes you had thoughts about switching sides. Being by the book wasn't giving you the adrenaline rush, it used to. It was almost like chaos was slowly calling your name.
Every day, you were closer to answering that call. However, Dr. Strange called first. He told you that there was an issue with your former teammate.
Wanda was out of control. He said he tried his best to reason with her, but that he was unsuccessful. The last thing Strange wanted was a fight against her. He wanted you to try reasoning with the red head.
When you teamed together, Wanda was probably the most important person to you. You were hot-headed back then. People used to think that you couldn't handle the pressure of being a hero.
Wanda believed in you, she was in your corner. Hopefully you held some type of importance to her. Enough to get through to her.
Being at the Karma-Taj with all the students preparing for Wanda, put things into perspective for you. This was probably the most important conversation you'd ever have.
" You fly right?" Strange asked, casually awaiting the arrival of Wanda.
" I do two things; fly and never die."
He nods," Well, at least we know she won't kill you up there."
You frown at his words. He told you about the changes in Wanda. You wanted to say that you couldn't believe it, but it wasn't all that shocking to you.
Every woman has a breaking point, and Wanda's was honestly long overdue.
Your thoughts were cut short when you saw her in the sky. Strange put a hand on your shoulder," Success would be preferable, but we are prepared for failure."
" Thanks for the pep talk," you shrugged his hand off your shoulder and took off for Wanda.
You flew up, stopping right before the invisible barrier. There was an unhinged look to the woman you were once familiar with.
She still had all the beauty she did when you were younger. However, now she is older, more mature. Her face was more angular than before.
Her green eyes bore into yours. There was a small smirk on her face as she looked at you.
" Long time no see, Y/nn," the old nickname flowed from her lips like a waterfall.
" Hi Wanda," you tried to keep a straight face, this situation was serious, but seeing her made your heart feel light.
" So Strange couldn't talk to me himself," she chuckles.
" He thought I'd have a better shot of getting through to you," you spoke softly.
She tilts her head and pouts," Sweetheart, you aren't going to try to stop me, are you?"
" I don't really have a choice."
Wanda furrows her eyebrows," Everyone has a choice, Y/n"
You shook your head," It's the right thing to do, Wanda. You're going to kill that girl."
" Look at where the right thing has gotten us, Y/n? What do we have left?"
What you didn't know was that she was already in your head. She was already combing through your memories. Finding that you had many of the same soft spots that she did.
There was one point that she could definitely use to her advantage.
" Join me, Y/n."
" What?"
She narrowed her eyes," I don't like repeating myself, but for you, I will. Join me Y/n. I'll give you everything you desire."
You found yourself staring at the woman with your mouth slightly agape," I- I can't Wanda."
" Sure you can. I can sense the chaos building up inside of you Y/n. You want to let it out, this is the perfect opportunity. Be a good girl and join me."
You almost let a whimper leave your mouth, but shook your head once again," I-"
She was deep in your mind, a wide sadistic grin spread across her face," Don't you want to be mommy's good girl?"
She was filling your mind with images. Moments that have yet to happen. You could see yourself trapped underneath her. Her tongue lashing violently against your clit.
The look in her eyes as your hips began to thrust on their own almost made you fall from the sky.
When you were able to refocus yourself on her. She had her hand reaching for you," Let me take care of you. You'll never be alone again."
You shouldn't have given in so easy, but everything was always easy with Wanda. You found yourself leaving the barrier to float besides Wanda.
Your eyes locked on Strange for a moment. Wanda was quick to roughly grab your face. Wanda forcefully shoved her tongue into your mouth. You moan after the initial shock wears off. Wanda's eyes are wide open, almost mocking Strange, as she kisses you.
Her thumb trails over your bottom lip as she breaks the kiss," Wait here."
By exiting the barrier, you gave Wanda the opportunity to go in. The woman made quick work of the students. Her powers were magnificent, but also horrifying.
The screams of those you had just stood by were antagonizing. The more you watched, the worse you felt.
There was a voice in the back of your head. It sounded like Stephen's, it was telling you to fight her. That you knew this was wrong. That you couldn't just wait around for her to murder a child. You had to intervene.
You let your body take control, not trusting your mind. Every movement was spur of the moment. As you dove down into the chaos, you searched for Wanda again. Not exactly knowing what you would do when you found her.
You were mortified to see her crawling out of a mirror. They hadn’t yet escaped, she was closing in on them. Maybe it was the right thing to do, or maybe it wasn't, but you launched yourself at the witch.
You tackled her to the ground, effectively pinning her under you. The movement caught her off guard.
" Go now!" You shouted.
Wanda hissed under you as Stephen and America went through a portal.
Wanda threw you off of her. Your head bounced off of the floor. Darkness engulfed you immediately.
When you gained consciousness, you could tell you were restrained.
" I know you're awake."
Your eyes opened at the sound of Wanda's voice. Everything around you was made of stone. The walls, the floor, the makeshift bed in the corner. There were carvings on the walls that were unrecognizable to you. The ropes holding you to the wall weren't actually ropes, they were red twines of magic.
" Eyes over here," your head forcibly snapped towards Wanda.
She did not look happy.
" I'm very disappointed in you, Y/n. I thought we had a deal."
" We did, but-"
One of the red tendrils tightens around your throat. Wanda's dark, raspy voice grits out," But what?"
" He was in my head," you gasp out the best that you can with the pressure against your throat.
You feel some of that pressure ease," Are you lying to me, Y/nn?"
You go to shake your head, but then remember the restraints," No, I swear he was in the back of my head. Check, can't you check? I would never betray you, mommy. I-"
The words abruptly stopped coming out of your mouth. A thick layer of embarrassment covered your face. If your hands were free, they'd be hiding the flush look that took over your features.
Wanda began to stride over to you, her eyes trailing your figure. Once she was within reach, a single finger slid up your body. She began to float the higher the finger went. Its path crossed your torso, all the way to your throat, and stopped right between your upper and lower lip.
" Say it again," her eyes were fixated on your lips.
Her voice gave you goosebumps, her touch gave you goosebumps, hell, everything about the woman gave you goosebumps.
You could hardly form the word in your mind, but your mouth had no problem obeying her request," Mommy."
After you said it, her finger entered your mouth, poking and prodding at the insides. You didn't gag when she shoved it up to your uvula.
She made eye contact with you with a look of concentration on her face," Good girl."
She retracted the finger before sticking it in her own mouth. You watched with wide eyes as she tasted your saliva.
" Your mind is so easy to penetrate. It's just open for anyone who wishes to get inside. We need to fix that, don't we, baby? That way Dr. Strange can't get in there."
Her hands rise to either side of your head as she murmurs some chant that you don't understand. When she's done, you see her magic enter your head.
" Now only I can get in that precious little mind of yours," she places a lingering kiss on your forehead.
" Can you let me down now?" You ask her with sorrowful eyes.
She simply laughs at you," Oh no, no, no baby, you still must be punished for your betrayal. Intentional or not, you complicated my plans, and I simply can not let that go."
" W-what are you going to do with me?"
Her eyes darken," Don't worry, mommy will take good care of you, just like she promised."
In an instant your vision goes. Everything around you is dark, but you are completely conscious.
" Don't panic yet sweetheart, it's just a blindfold," you hear Wanda's voice.
She didn't waste any time removing your clothing, there is a new warm breeze tickling your body.
You feel her hand drag itself across your torso," Mine."
A stinging sensation takes over where her hand was previously. A grunt left your mouth at the unexpected contact.
Your breathing hitched as her hand sank lower gripping onto your inner thigh. She slapped the skin and your body jolted.
She removed her hand from the spot to cup your face in her hand. Wanda was practically squeezing your jaw, her grip was so tight.
You could feel her breath teasing your lips, desperately wanting to close the gap.
In quick succession she slapped you three times. You were in shock and a gasp threw itself out of your mouth. The left side of your face now burned at the force.
Wanda loved all the subtle sounds you made, but she wanted you to be louder. She wanted to be unsure if you were crying out in pleasure or pain.
She licked her thumb and then her pointer finger. Then grabbed onto one of your nipples and rolled it between the two fingers until it was erect.
Your lip has found its way between your teeth to keep yourself quiet. That was working, until you felt teeth graze the top of your breast.
Wanda took your nipple in her mouth, sucking and lightly nibbling on it.
" Fuck," came out of your mouth almost as it were your own breath.
Wanda smirked and then released the bud causing a whine to fall from your lips.
" Louder, I want every sound you make to bounce off of these walls," she took the other nipple in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it.
You obeyed her commands letting your labored breathing mix with deep moans that crawled up your throat.
" I'd say good girl, but we both know that's not true, is it?"
You whimpered," I'm a good girl."
You could feel Wanda circling you, though you couldn't see her," Oh are you? What makes you a good girl?"
" All I want to do is please you, mommy? I don't care about anything else, I just want to make you cum."
Wanda hums," I think that makes you a desperate little plaything. Not really a good girl."
Her arms snaked around you from behind. You were surprised to feel her bare chest against your back as she grabbed a handful of your tits.
Her hips were grinding against your ass, gently. You wanted nothing more than to remove the blindfold and the blinds and just be able to do anything.
" Aww does my little plaything want to touch me?"
" Please mommy," you were desperate," I'll be good."
" No," she says before she shoves two fingers into you.
You jump at the sudden sensation. Almost instantly you're aware of how embarrassingly wet you are. You're already coated for her, the fingers slide in and out easily.
Wanda hurriedly takes the blindfold off of you. Yours eyes readjust to the light as the view only makes you clench around her fingers. All you see is Wanda's fingers going in and out of you.
" You're such a fucking whore for me. All wet because you can't do anything about me fucking you. Your pussy is drooling for me, baby."
You groan as she adds another finger. Your head falls back as best as it can and your hips desperately fight the restraints. All you want to do is meet her thrust.
" Please," you hear it fall from your lips.
She grips your hair," Please what?"
" I want t-to touch you," you cry out.
Her fingers exit your body and your restraints disappear. Your back hits the floor with a heavy thud. You don't have the chance to react to the pain as Wanda straddles your face.
She takes your hands and snakes them up her high, resting them on her hip
" Stick out your tongue."
You did as you were told, and she began to grind on your face. Your eyes never left her form. With a hand grasping a fistful of your hair, she swung back and forth. Her eyes shut as she used you.
The image itself was enough to make your pussy throb. You didn't realize your hands were guiding her higher up your face until she commented.
" You're a greedy little slut, letting mommy fuck that tongue. You want me to cum in the mouth? My juices spread all down your chin. Suck on my clit, you filthy little - oh fuck"
Her sentence died in her mouth when you harshly sucked on her clit. Your teeth playfully grazed the bean. You slurped her like you were stranded in the desert, and she was the only water fountain.
" Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck yes. Make mommy cum. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Just like that, fuck, I'm going to-"
Her thighs squeezed your head so tight you became light-headed. She quivered as your cool breath hit her overstimulated clit. She moved back to straddle your chest. Her red hair falling in your face as she attacked your lips.
There was no chance you were keeping up with her pace as she dominated your mouth. When she pulled away, she rested one of her hands on your throat.
" Do you deserve to cum?"
You didn't know how to respond.
" You did cost me the girl, but you're just such a good little toy for mommy," her finger traced your jawline.
You were exhausted, but your core ached for relief. With tired eyes you stare back at Wanda hopelessly," I want to cum on your cock, mommy please."
Wanda got giddy when you said that. That's when you saw her finger moving, and not in the sexual way. In the magic way. Your eyes widened when you saw the red glow of the magic dick Wanda had produced.
A primal urge took over you. It was an unpredictable move in Wanda's eyes. She gasped in shock as she found herself on her back. She almost thought you were going to make a run for it.
But you didn't. Instead, you sunk down on her large cock. Your pussy stretching in a way it had never had before. You didn't stop until none of the cock was visible.
The way your eyes rolled in the back of your head sent Wanda into a frenzy. She pulled all the way out and slammed right back in. Once, twice, three times, before she started to fuck you savagely.
Your head was in her shoulder as her hips viciously snapped into you. You heard her grunting," Mine," over and over again as she fucked you.
" You're clenching around this big cock already, baby Can't handle mommy's fat cock?"
Tears streamed down your face as you reached your climax. Your whole body shook violently as you came. Wanda's thrusts showed down as you cried into her shoulder.
She let you lean on her, removing the magical dick from your hole. You whimpered at the emptiness.
" You're such a good girl, Y/n. I want you to be my good girl, but you have to promise to listen to me?"
Your eyes are already closed, but you mumble, "I promise, won't let anything get between us."
You always wanted Wanda. Maybe this wasn't exactly how you pictured it, but this is what you had gotten. You were not going to take it for granted.
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princedetectives · 1 year
nanako is one of the most well written characters in persona 4
⚠️ major spoilers for p4 up to its 7th dungeon in here (yes im talking to you kaylingo)
ive been thinking about nanako a lot over the past few days and, man, i feel like she doesn't get enough appreciation. she rivals akechi as my favorite persona character ever because of how precious she is, yes, but also because her writing is so perfect.
because, let's be honest, a lot of parts of this game aged poorly, especially in a modern lens. i could make a list. i have made a list actually which i give to my friends who start p4 to warn them (hi kaylingo!). you know, like the bathhouse scenes, the poor representation, the countless times the female characters are treated weirdly. the fat girl who only exists for fatphobic jokes. i could go on. nanako is not included in this.
in fact, nanako is one of the most compassionately written characters i've seen. she is just as important to the whole investigation team as she is to yu. she is never treated as a hassle to watch over. she's actively included in things they do. everyone is gentle with her (her very first social link where yosuke finds out her mom is dead and so softly apologizes, the little things like that). everyone loves nanako. that's so important, both for her and the story as a whole.
the justice arcana
nanako being the justice arcana is pretty baffling at first. the wiki says it's thanks to her deep care about right and wrong, but to me that's not as satisfying as:
nanako reflects everyone's sense of justice
this is clearest during Heaven: nanako's death is the reason the investigation team turns murderous, desperate to avenge her. nanako ends up in danger thanks to nametame's skewed messiah complex. nanako being in danger gives dojima the energy to launch a desperate attempt to finally catch the culprit and save her, wrecking and getting terribly injured in the process. importantly, nanako being in danger is what gets adachi panicked enough to slip up and reveal himself as the killer, thus allowing justice to finally catch up to him.
seeing her like this makes every character's actions much more fascinating. she doesn't deserve anything happening to her in the slightest. it's unfair and unjust. everyone knows this. what we see during Heaven is each character's attempts to save her, even nametame.
Heaven is my favorite dungeon in the game. in my book it even beats every palace in persona 5. everyone's love of nanako is stronger than ever in the most painful way. there's so much raw emotion and it's so well written the entire way through.
a few characters specifically stick out to me, like naoto, who chides themself for not figuring out nanako could be in danger sooner and being the person to initially suggest turning murderous against nametame.
teddie, who's so distraught over the injustice of nanako's death and his inability to keep the promise that gave him a place in the world that he loses all will to live. he can only live in the human world with her around, and she only comes back to consciousness upon hearing his voice.
and adachi, who, in an episode of the golden anime, is seen muttering to himself alone in the hospital pushing the blame of everything onto yu (episode 6, i told you, yu. the anime is usually really dinky but that episode is genuinely a masterpiece somehow.), which further proves his warped perception of justice. because he cares about her too. the anime proves that to him, yu took his place in the dojima family, and he's extremely bitter about it.
in conclusion
nanako's role as the collective little sister is so important. she helps everyone throughout their social links and brings out the sides of people that wouldn't be seen otherwise. before Heaven, each dungeon was fairly impersonal, saving people they hadn't met before, which drastically changes with her kidnapping.
nanako gives everyone the strength to solve the case. she's the light that guides them to the clues they've been looking for throughout the past 8 months. nanako is the justice arcana because, without her, the case goes unsolved, and it's all thanks to the love everyone has for her. she's the best depiction of anything like this i've ever seen.
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nadinebrooks-marvel · 2 years
Here is the link to my masterlist.
Peter Parker x Reader: Get it Done
Warnings: A little language. Also Tony is kinda an asshole, so for all my Tony lovers please don't take it personally.
Peter Parker watched as the girl sitting across from him pushed the last couple of pieces of romaine lettuce around on her plate with a fork. He had only been this close to (y/n) a handful of times before tonight. The two of them attended the same university and took a philosophy class together, but besides that, they rarely crossed paths. They didn't even make eye contact in class.
(y/n) was president of the National Speech and Debate Association as well as the head editor for their university’s newspaper. It was safe to say that (y/n) was way out of Peter’s league. From what he heard, she was a very sweet girl, but that didn’t mean she would give him the time of day.
(y/n)’s father and Tony Stark got together with their families at least once a month to have a nice dinner. Every month Tony would fly out (y/n)’s family on his private jet to have dinner at the Avenger Tower. They would get together more often, but (y/n)’s family lived in Washington DC. Plus her father was a very busy man.
(y/n)’s dad, Clark, was some high up government official. Peter wasn’t sure exactly what he did, but he knew that Clark was extremely important. There had been a lot of friction between the government and the Avengers at the moment. Tony had gotten a whiff of something called “The Sokovia Accords” and he needed to know more about it.
He had a feeling that the government was trying to limit or regulate what he and the team could do. He himself was a little indifferent about the issue. At some points he did believe that they needed to to have some boundaries. But some people like Steve Rogers, were not going to be very happy when they heard about the news. 
Tony knew that this was not an issue that the Avengers could be divided on. Every single one of them needed to be on the same page. The best way to make sure that happened was to gather as much information as he could from Clark and take it back to the team so that they could have a somewhat civilized conversation about it. 
Clark and Tony weren’t the best of friends, but they put their differences aside to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. Tony gave information to Clark so that he wasn’t caught off guard when things came up about the Avengers and Clark did the same thing to Tony. Though Clark was not a billionaire like Stark, the two of them made more than the average population. 
Pepper and (y/n)’s mom, Diana, had been friends since high school so they loved to get together any chance that they could. Even when Tony and Clark weren’t getting together to discuss business, the two women were always on the phone chatting about their day. 
As (y/n) pushed the salad around on her plate, Peter glanced over at Tony. This was the first time he had ever been to one of these dinners. He heard all about them from Tony, but this time he had been officially invited to attend. 
He had been working on some stuff in the lab and Tony insisted that he stayed since it was dinner time. He happily agreed when he realized that (y/n) was coming over. Tony quickly caught on to why Peter was so excited to stay for dinner. 
He looked at Tony who was in deep conversation with Clark and at the other end of the table. Peter had no idea what they were talking about and he knew better than to ask what their conversation was about. Pepper and Diana were discussing the latest gossip going on with some of their old friends while sipping on the endless wine. (y/n) waved their server over and asked for a refill of her glass of win as well.
And sitting on the same side of the table as him was (y/n)’s younger twin brothers who had their heads pressed together watching a YouTube video. 
Little did Peter know, (y/n) knew exactly who he was. They didn’t run in the same crowd, but she heard a lot about him. Not only did her dad talk about him a lot, but they were taking a class together. He was really smart and into science. She always found guys more attractive when they were into their studies. Not that he would ever know that. 
Peter Parker was basically the nephew to the one and only Tony Stark. It was hard not to know who he was. Every single one of her friends had a little crush on him. 
MJ tried to convince Peter to ask out (y/n) on my different occasions, but he refused. He just couldn’t compete with the types of guys that were dying for her attention .
He tried to catch her eye across the table many times, but she refused to make eye contact. He watched as she slowly pulled her phone out and quickly texted someone back. He wondered why she was being so sneaky about it until (y/n)’s mother glared at her from down at the other end of the table. Her mom must have had a rule about no phones at the table. 
“So Peter, how is your work with Tony going?” (y/n)’s father took a deep gulp from his glass of bourbon. 
“It’s going great sir.” Peter happily nodded. He absolutely loved working with Tony. Sure, he could be an asshole sometimes, but he wasn’t afraid to push Peter beyond what he was capable of and he needed that. 
“(y/n) here tells us that you’re a very smart boy. Are you planning on taking over the Stark Industries once Tony here decides to give it up?” Clark asked with his eyebrows raised in curiosity. 
“Hey now. Let’s not talk about me giving up my empire so carelessly. I’m still right here and I have a long time before I plan on going anywhere.” Tony chuckled, eyeing Clark suspiciously. 
“It would be a great honor to be in charge of anything that Mr. Stark leaves me, but I don’t want him to go anywhere any time soon.” Peter spoke up. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to answer the question or not. 
“Well, you do know that being a superhero is risky business.” Clark pointed out. “Anything could happen. The last thing you want is to not have your affairs in order if something were to happen to you.” 
“Are you implying that something is going to happen?” Tony eyebrow's shot up even further.
“Boys.” Pepper’s voice firmly said from her side of the table. “Be nice now. Nothing is happening to Tony anytime soon. Even if something were to happen, I would make sure everything was taken care of.”
“Not that we’ve gotten that taken care of, Pepper and I had a great idea.” Diana beamed at Peter and (y/n). (y/n) couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Her and Peter shared the same uneasy feeling in their stomach. Whenever Diana and Pepper collaborated, it was never a good thing.
For the first time this whole night, (y/n) glanced over in Peter’s direction. He just offered her an uneasy smile. He was just as confused as she was. Pepper nor Tony had said anything about this to her.
“So we were thinking that the two of you could go to Tony’s New Year’s Eve fundraiser together this year.” Diana was practically beaming. Peter looked around the table taking in everyone’s expressions. Nobody looked surprised besides the two of them. Maybe they already knew that this was happening. “We think that is a way to show everyone that Tony is cooperating with the government.” 
“So are we like an offering of some sort. You know I hate publicity stunts mother.” (y/n) harshly spoke to Diana. “In a couple of years are you going to have Peter and I get married to show that he is still cooperating with he government?” 
“(y/n).” Clark spoke up, causing her to look down at her hands under the table. “You know that is no way to talk to your mother. Besides, I think we can all agree when we say that the two of you would look good together.” 
“Yeah whatever. I’m down only if Peter is.” (y/n) grumbled over the sound of her brothers who had burst into a fit of laughter while watching the video. Peter knew that there was more to it. He was behind what (y/n) had said. This was something more than the two of them looking good together for a New Year’s Eve party that Tony was throwing for charity. 
There was some sort of deal that both Clark and Tony needed to go through. They didn’t want to act like they were business partners, but they were. They needed each other. And if Peter was able to treat Clark’s daughter right, things might just work out in the long run for him as well.
(y/n) glanced over at Peter as if she was waiting on him to say no. There was no way that he would go against not only Clark, but Tony. These two men held the power of his future in his hand. He didn’t want to be a superhero forever. He wanted to have a normal job with a normal life. Maybe with a normal wife and a couple of normal kids. 
“I’m cool with it. Do we need to match or anything?”
“Don’t you worry a hair on your head about that.” Pepper grinned. “We will have everything picked out for the two of you. Just show up.”
“Well now that we’ve had that discussion, may I be excused?” (y/n) dropped her napkin on her plate and stood up behind her chair hopping anxiously from foot to foot.
“And where do you need to be that is more important than this?” Diana pursed her lips. 
“I have a huge molecular genetics test tomorrow and a couple of us are meeting up in the library on campus to study tonight. I’m already two hours late since I came to dinner.” 
“Well why didn’t you say anything? You know how important we think your studies are.” Diana responded.
“I know mom. I met you guys over here for dinner since I live here now, but I thought that we would already be done by now. It just ran a little long.”
 “If it is alright with your parents, I can have one of my drivers take you to the library.” Tony spoke up.
“That would be fine.” Clark nodded at Tony. “I would much rather one of your drivers make sure she gets there safely.” 
“It was good seeing you all.” (y/n) forced a smile at everyone before grabbing her purse that she had slung on the back of the chair and heading out of the large dining room toward the elevator. 
“Peter.” Tony said rudely interrupting Peter’s thoughts about (y/n). “Why don’t you walk her out. Make sure she gets into the car safely?” It wasn’t a suggestion. He was demanding that Peter go after her.
“Yes sir.” He nodded and rushed to find (y/n) before the elevator had taken her downstairs. He managed to catch her slipping out of one of the bathrooms in a completely different outfit.
Not that he was complaining, but he had never seen (y/n) dressed like that before. She even stopped to check herself out in one of the mirrors that was beside the elevator. 
He learned against the archway hypnotized as she pulled out a tube of lipgloss and applied a generous amount to her lips. Staring at her glossy and slightly red lips made him realize just how badly he wanted to kiss her. He patiently waited for her to finish before he thought about how he had no idea what he actually wanted to say to her. 
“You need something Parker?” She tossed the gloss into her purse and turned toward the slender brunette. 
“No.” He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Girls had never been his specialty and of course (y/n) was no different. “I just wanted to make sure you got downstairs safely.” 
“You wanted to? Or did my dad tell you to follow me to make sure that I’m actually going where I’m supposed to be going?” 
“Well it was mostly Tony.” Peter admitted. “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you sneaking off to?” 
“What makes you think I’m sneaking?” (y/n) raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. 
“Well there’s the fact that you had to get dressed in the furthest bathroom from the dining room. If I had to guess, I would think it’s because you don’t want your parents to see you in that outfit.” 
“I know I’m asking for a lot since we aren’t super close, but could you keep this between us? I promised I would meet my friend for a surprise party that we’re throwing for another friend. Not that I don’t love these dinners with my family, but I don’t really care about the business between my dad and Tony.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Peter gave her a warm smile as they stepped outside to where a cab was waiting on her. 
“Thank you Peter. I knew I could count on you.” She stood on her tippy toes to place a light kiss on his cheek. “Next time Tony and my dad get together, you should come. I’ll make sure to stay the entire time. Or if I do decide to sneak off, you can come with me.”
“All the superhero talk doesn’t interest you?” Peter chuckled a little trying to lower his blood pressure and keep his cheeks from turning even more red. It was a good thing that it was dark outside and she couldn’t see him that well.
“I don’t plan on continuing the family business working with them. Maybe one of my brothers can.”
“Do you like superheroes?” Peter asked. He had no idea that superheroes existed until recently so to think that (y/n) always knew they were around was crazy.
”I’m indifferent.” She said with a shrug. ”I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of Tony, but I like Natasha and Clint. Anyway, if I hear anything about the fundraiser, I’ll text you. If you hear anything from Tony, just let me know. I’m still waiting to hear about a theme. Tony loves a good theme.” 
“I don’t believe I have your number (y/n) .” Peter said after a moment of thinking. He wishes that he could have asked for it much smoother than that, but it would get the job done this time.
“No, you’re right. I don’t believe you do either.” (y/n) pulled out her phone and handed it over to Peter. 
“Do you think that we need to hangout more? I’ve never done anything like this before, but do you think we need to start getting more comfortable with each other?” Peter knew that there was no reason for this to take place, but he wanted to do anything in his power to talk to (y/n) again. He couldn’t go two months without speaking to her. 
“Honestly Peter, just smile for the camera. And above all else, just promise not to fall in love with me.”
“I’ll try my best not to.” He nervously chuckled. Was that supposed to be a joke?
Peter spent the next couple of weeks counting down the days until he was going to be able to consider (y/n) his date. The idea of getting to be around her for an extended period of time made it hard for him to sleep. Every time he thought about (y/n), he would get giddy with excitement. 
“So how have you and (y/n) been?” Tony asked Peter one day as he walked past the lab to upgrade some parts of his web shooters. 
“Fine.” He shrugged, not really sure where Tony was going with this. 
“Have you even taken the girl out?” Tony sat his tools down and rubbed his temples. "Have you even sent her a simple text and asked how she was doing?"
“No. I didn’t know-”
“Didn’t know what Peter? Just ask the girl out on a date. It’s not that hard. How else are two supposed to get to know each other?” 
“I didn’t think about that Mr. Stark. I don’t think she’d say yes anyway.” 
“Please just make it work.” He angrily grumbled before turning back to his work. “If you can’t get to go on a date with you then at least promise me you can make it work on New Year's Eve. If not, we may not be able to conduct our business the way that we normally do anymore. Look, just treat her right. Honestly Peter, all I’ll asking is for you not to fuck up. Do you think you can manage that?”
“I’ll try Mr. Stark. (y/n) is just different.” The last thing he wanted to do was fuck up with (y/n). Once this night was over, he probably wasn’t ever going to speak to her again. He chewed on his bottom lip not really sure what else to say about her. He never really talked about girls with Tony. 
“Get it done. I’m counting on you Peter.” Stark said without even looking up from his work. Whenever he said something along the lines of, “I’m counting on you”, Peter couldn’t help but want to go above and beyond for his mentor. He didn’t know what he and Clark had going on, but it must be important if Stark was putting such an emphasis on his relationship with (y/n). “Maybe you could just buy her some flowers before you pick her up for the fundraiser? I know you haven’t always had the best luck with girls, but please just try your hardest to make it work with (y/n). I better see a happy couple on that dance floor tomorrow night or I’m not going to be happy. And my happiness is the most important thing for all of us.” 
“I promise to try my best Mr. Stark.” Peter hadn’t thought about it, but now he was wishing that he spent more time with (y/n). She seemed cool, but he just assumed that she didn’t want to get to know him. The idea of her laughing in his face if he asked to spend more time with her outside of the fundraiser made him want to throw up.
“I need you to do a little more than just try Peter.” He sternly replied to the younger boy. “You’ve had weeks to get her to warm up to you. The photographers are going to be able to tell if you two aren’t comfortable with one another. And once the media gets a hold of those pictures, nobody is going to be happy. Especially not me.” 
“I’m sorry Mr. Stark. I should have put in more effort.” He looked down at his shoes, not able to contribute much more to the conversation other than an apology. Maybe Stark should have told him to try to get to know (y/n).  
“Don’t bother showing up if you can’t get it done. I’d rather that than the media eating this up. They’ll know something is up and we can’t have that. I’m just hoping that the two of you really hit it off. I don’t know if you know this since you haven’t bothered to get to know her, but she’s really into science as well.” He let out a small sigh signaling that the conversation was over. 
That night, Peter could barely sleep. All he wanted was for things to go well with (y/n). The last thing he wanted was for the tabloids to talk horribly about her. They probably wouldn’t say too much about him since he was a nobody, but they would eat her alive. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened either. Things like that were bound to happen when you had a father in her position. Peter assumed that’s why she had always been so private about her life and rarely posted on any of her social media accounts.  
The next day, as he was scrolling through Instagram, he stumbled across (y/n) on someone’s story getting ready for tonight. It was one of her friends from school. The silver dress that Pepper and (y/n)’s mom picked out looked absolutely beautiful on her. 
Peter didn’t know how many times he watched that story, but it was more times than he cared to admit. She looked so happy and he honestly wasn’t sure if he had ever seen her smiling like that before. At least not in his presence. Maybe tonight he could get her to smile like that.
He wasn’t someone that normally cared about his appearance, but he wanted to look good for (y/n). This was his chance to finally make a lasting impression on her. If it didn’t go well tonight then (y/n) probably wasn’t ever going to talk to him again and Tony was going to hate him. 
Of course Pepper was the one who picked out where pictures were going to be taken. As (y/n) approached him, he felt his knees go weak as he watched her smile. She was already playing the happy couple part. She was so good at it which didn’t surprise him at all. 
“Why don’t you look very handsome Peter.'' She took in his tux with his matching silver bow tie. This was one of the most expensive things he had ever worn in his life. Tony handed him his card and told him to pay for it without a second thought. 
“Thank you.” He smiled back and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him smiling for the camera. He had been taking notice of the way that Wanda and Vision were around each other. He practically copied this move from Vision. With a little help from some old romance movies he could only hope that tonight went well. “And you look absolutely stunning. I think I forgot how to breathe for a second when I first saw you walking up.” 
“I thought I told you not to fall in love with me Parker.” (y/n) spoke between her teeth, the smile never leaving her face. 
“Too late.” He honestly replied. Peter knew that when he looked back at the pictures, he was going to have the stupidest grin on his face. He couldn’t help it. 
The pictures went by extremely quickly and he found that he and (y/n) couldn’t keep their hands off each other. (y/n) would always hold on to his hand or find some way to stand extremely close to him.
Maybe Stark was right and they just needed to give each other a chance. Or maybe (y/n) had done this a whole lot of times and she got really good at playing the part. Well whatever it was, it felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from. 
The two of them went out on the dance floor to dance for a couple of songs. Before today he didn’t know how to dance, Pepper and Wanda taught him a couple of things. Pepper informed him that this was when a lot of the photographers would try to get pictures so this needed to be perfect.
Peter had his hand on her waist and she had hers resting perfectly within his. Everything in this moment just felt right. He knew that basically everyone in this room was watching them. (y/n) leaned forward and placed her head on his chest. 
“Do you do this a lot?” He whispered hoping that nobody around them could pick up on what he was saying.
“What? Dance? Not really. Do you?” She pulled away from him and peaked up at him before replacing her head on his chest.
“No, that’s not what I was asking. Do you often have to pretend to be with other people for your dad? I know that your dad is super important.”
“So you’re wondering how often my dad pimps me out.” (y/n) giggled.
“Well I didn’t mean it like that.” Peter shyly chucked after realizing how crazy his question sounded. 
“It’s okay Peter, I know you didn’t mean it like that. But no, this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this. At least it’s for charity, so it can’t all be bad, right?”
“But you’re so good at this.” 
“So good at what exactly Peter?” 
“Acting like you’re interested in me.” 
“Have you ever thought that maybe I am interested in you?” (y/n) dropped his hand and pulled away from him so that he could look him directly in the eyes. 
“Why would someone like you have any interest in someone like me?” Peter’s jaw dropped. (y/n) immediately grabbed Peter and pulled him back into her. The last thing they needed was for someone to overhear the conversation. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me Peter. I can’t believe you don’t see what I see in you. You’re in my philosophy class and I almost failed that last test because I was too busy staring at you during our lectures.”
“Well if you need any help studying then I am more than happy to help you.” Peter gave her a soft smile. 
“Absolutely not.” (y/n) shook her head. “I would do even worse if I studied with you Peter. Me being alone with you trying to study is a recipe for disaster.” 
“And why is that?” Peter questioned.
“Because I would be thinking about kissing you instead of paying attention to what we’re studying.” 
“There’s no way that’s true.” Peter shook his head, refusing to believe anything that she was saying. 
“Well, if you’re not going to believe anything I said, then maybe this will help.” (y/n) gave him a shy smile before standing on her tippy toes to kiss him and show that she really meant what she was saying. This was the only way she knew how to do it. When they pulled apart, Peter cupped her cheek and pulled him back up to her for another kiss. He could hear the flashes of cameras going off around him, but he didn’t care. 
(y/n) had this giddy expression on her face that Peter knew he had as well. No girl had ever made him feel like this before. There was no way that (y/n) was faking this. Neither of them were. 
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tony watching him. He slightly raised an eyebrow trying to ask if he had done okay. Had he done enough to make Tony happy? Tony gave him a slight nod letting him know that his work was well done. Not only had he made Tony happy, but he had gotten the girl while he was at it too. 
Once this night was over, he would take Tony’s advice and ask her out on a real date. 
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redskull-fanatic · 2 years
More Skull Headcanons to provide content yeye
Skull is very used to people looking up to him, physically and mentally. The pressure is on 24/7, all of Hydra bends to his every whim. He’s also 6’5, so majority of people are shorter than him. Due to this, he’s always closed off and controlling. Very, very dominant. Doesn’t care much for people taking that from him. He objects to submissive roles passionately.
He has no socials bc why the fuck would he?? Maybe he has a tech team to check Twitter like LMAOO he DOES NOT care..
Homosexual, very much so!! Maybe on the Aromantic spectrum?? GreyAro?? Romance is incredibly hard for him, as love has never been shown to him. At all. Lust, now that’s understandable. He’s still confused as to why people.. want to fuck him.. Most likely for power—
Skull likes the cold of the mountains, snowy, isolated areas. Hydra has bases everywhere, but Skull frequents the ones located in those cold, mountain areas. He’s canonically always in environments like that, so suppose they’re his favorite!!
Skull sort of never sleeps, but somehow gets enough sleep to function decently.. He never remembers what his schedule is like exactly, but he’s sure he does sleep.. at some point
Skull’s comfort music genre is opera, he can’t get enough of it
I’m unsure wether or not Skull can cook.. anything?.. He never needs to, but he does love the more luxurious type of dishes
He’s more of a documentary fan, it creates a nostalgic feeling within him.. Makes him feel like over 80 years hasn’t passed..
Will fucking kill you in a pillow fight, completely on purpose. The murderous instinct is strong with this one..
Sleeping alone? On his back, like a fuckin narc. Looks like a vampire ffs.. With someone else? On top of them, smothering them, holding them close
Frequently talks to the tesseract for reassurance and comfort, he trusts that artifact with almost everything
Enjoys getting his portrait done, does it most when feeling good about things. Conquered more territory? Beat the shit out of an Avenger? Get a portrait done!
GOD AFFECTION IS,, FUCKING MORTIFYING,, Someone could hurt him. Someone could kill him. Why close your eyes during a kiss?? They could pop a cyanide pill in their mouth and spit it into Skull’s. Why hug? They could stab him in the back. Touch his hand?? Why?? To break it?? Hands off. Skull’s rules.
Want Skull to cry? Bring up his mom.. He will sob uncontrollably about his mom.. Various reasons as to why, he refuses to discuss it..
God he hates the Avengers.. They’re incredibly annoying.. Nosy do-gooders..
Skull takes care of himself solely for functionality. Shower, brush teeth, clean clothes.. Presentation is important, being leader of an empire and a well-known face.. Though, he will do little things for himself. Put on cologne to feel better, or wear a favorite hat of his. Little things.
Skull has a big passion for Mythology. He loves it, adores it. He knows almost everything about it. It’s something he can geek about for hours
He considers a few others.. close. He mainly associates with Arnim Zola, Mother Night, and Viper. They’ve been his advisors for the majority of Hydra’s lifetime. He runs everything through them.
Skull’s a smoker PFFF He likes those huge cigars from the 40s, has his own stash. Old habits die hard.
Perfect vacation? Honestly, in one of Hydra’s nicer bases, able to do nothing but read, dine, and listen to music. That’s all.
Never uses a map, follows his gut instinct. Surprisingly, he hasn’t gotten lost yet
Has seen many strange things, considers M.O.D.O.K. one of the strangest.
Takes advice like a huge pill. It’s very tough to swallow..
Swears.. when deemed necessary. Whenever it feels right. Skull is a man of instinct.
Terrible at cooperation. Just.. He’s very bad at it..
Wakes up on the dot every morning, gets ready immediately, assesses easy paperwork, checks on troops and their morning route, and fetches a bite to eat on his way to morning meetings
MULTIPLE scars, all over his body. He hides them.. as best as he can..
God, truly good, innocent people are utterly repulsive to Skull. They need to be broken. Reality is harsh, they must learn the hard way..
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
I am still stewing in my Touya feelings. It was such a mistake to re-read this, literally no wonder I tried to reject Dabi so hard as a character at first. This is agony. And unfortunately the best use of a villain I've read, especially with a flame ability. Hori seriously did his research into this. BEING BORN WITH EVERYTHING, he could've had *everything* but he also had those cracks…so much it could mean to me do not start- the expressions on his face are ruining me, he's so surprised to hear his voice, hoo boy I could really turn that into a projected headcanon, the trauma of not recognizing yourself, the fact that when removed from a toxic environment he's capable of being such a nice kid and so surprised by the world *screams* the self-awareness to be pained and hateful but still think "okay, maybe that wasn't the nicest thing to say, I should probably apologize" did. Did your parents ever apologize to you. No, but you'd have conflicted feelings over wanting it or being able to stand hearing it too, won't you?
Hoping for something that just couldn't be there, but still just really wanting to see some kind of change, the realization that he never mattered as much as he hoped because his family moved on, accepting him as a tragedy of the past when he was so much more, but nobody could see him so he fights to be seen now. The endless feeling of your heart pounding away, being so desperate not to die at first because it was horrible on so many levels for a kid so young who didn't get to live, who had so much to do and say and prove to his dad because dying with all that inside was unbearable, not having really existed was unbearable, being known as nothing but the one who had potential but just couldn't match it and others' ideas of you was…stop speaking all my nightmares-!!! the way he uses *that thing* to refer to Endeavor now because the term "dad" disgusts him, he can only use it mockingly if he ever were to, the mindset of "if I have to die for certain, then you're coming with me" because it's unbearable to suffer and become forgotten, to end everything that was you and have the one who did it to you, who never got to really know you still walk free towards a redeemed and better life "he can feel proud of?" As if Touya was just a blight on his life and he's overcome that and is doing better now and all his friends are saying, "good job."
Yeah, I can see why he's so angry. It may not be healthy, but I literally cannot expect otherwise or blame him for feeling that way. He's really like the manifestation of all my darker thoughts, I have so many feelings for this kid. I need to stop wrestling with his character trying to find ways to make him a simple villain without a heart that I can clown on because that isn't really true and it was peaceful when I could believe it, but now that I can't, fighting him is causing me more conflict than just accepting that he's me. It's so annoying, and this is all without touching his love of stars, the night, witty words and snark, poetically heavy speech, hanging by the water, tappy feet behavior, hating fish. Rei may not be my mom to the same extreme, but I can really run with what we're given and it's certainly not helping. Being the oldest…being told the importance of being the first-born, but then…the loss of your old self, who you could've been health-wise and physically…good grief, Hori are you stalking me, no? Too many of us with the same backstory, huh.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Because your asks are very long I've decided to break them up into three parts, I hope this okay with you, nonnie. I am so sorry it took me this long to get to your asks.
When I say Dabi doesn't care about the LOVs, everything you just described about his raw emotions are why I think that is.
Dabi is focused on himself because he's trying to avenge the boy he used to be, he never got to live the life he was promised by his father, he sat by and watched someone else get that life instead (deep down he knows what Shouto is undergoing is abuse and he knows that he should care however all he can see is how his life was taken from him in so many ways that he's blinding himself to his brother's hurt and only seeing his own).
Dabi is an easy villain to project upon because he's the product of parents who have failed him, of our darkest thoughts brought to life, he's selfish and cruel because he's so human and he's hurting and he needs everyone who knew him to hurt too. His father, his family, his brother, everyone needs to see the life that was lost the day Touya burned on that peak. We all at one point want to lash out like that, to hurt everyone the way we've been hurt.
It's not cathartic though and we're shown that through Dabi, he's just burning and burning and nothing is helping fill that hole in his heart. It's a terrifying cycle and one that's hard to break.
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 2 years
Okay Guys this is going to be one long ass post / Rant and you guys know what is a love letter right ? and this is my hate letter to mcu for what they have done to hulk ❤ So you have been warned and you can skip this post if you want now
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So lets just go back in time even before the whole mcu shit show has started , HULK IS DEF ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR COMIC BOOK CHARACTER OF ALL TIME IN MARVEL, like TOP 5 OR EVEN TOP3 Famous & popular ... Spidey , Xmen , Hulk & FF4 That's how the order would be if you ask me the top4 and anyone who were born before the mcu era would know this HULK HAS THAT HUGE STARDOM & FANS and THERE HAVE BEEN 2 VERY SUCCESSFUL LIVE ACTION HULK TV SHOWS & 2 MOVIES OF HULK & A FEW ANIMATED SHOWS EVEN BEFORE THE MCU HAS STARTED , HE IS THAT FAMOUS...Like he is such an iconic & legendary Super hero / Anti Hero and everyone knew about him & " Don't make me angry , you wouldn't like it if i am angry " line is more famous than all the avengers in the OG Mcu avengers team there were so many tv shows & movies where they used this particular line as a reference to hulk 😭 So you guys know what i am talking about right ? All i am saying is HE IS THAT FAMOUS & HE IS LOVED BY EVERYONE BACK THEN AND HE IS A VERY IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK CHARACTER OF MCU ..Even in mcu the very first movie after D tier super hero iron man was INCREDIBLE HULK ( IRON MAN IS FAMOUS NOW AND I TOO LOVE HIM AND HE'S MY ALL TIME FAV IN MCU But lets be honest he was just a C or D tier Super hero before the mcu ) so by now i have established how famous,loved & important hulk is even before the mcu started and if you don't believe me you can always go and check the record sales , the comic sales , the trps , the older blogs and what not and you too would agree with me 🤷🏻‍♂️
Now lets talk how the Mcu has dealt with such an iconic & legendary Superhero/Anti Hero
Remember this line ?
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" I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people "
You See how Dark & Deep this is ? He was physically & mentally abused as a child and his mother was dead when he was a kid and you know who abused him & who killed his mom ? BRUCE'S OWN FUCKING PSYCHOPATHIC DAD ... YEAH THAT'S HIS ORIGIN & then he had to fucking fight with himself every fucking day to live & then there's a raging monster inside him who also didn't make it easier for him but did we get to see all this stuff onscreen
NO But Here's a deleted Scene From Incredible Hulk ... The Incredible hulk may not be liked by many fans but trust me even tho it has its flaws its not a bad movie atleast the makers were trying to create a fucking real cinema and lots of footage has been cut and didn't even make it into the final cut but i am very thankful to this movie bcoz the makers atleast took Hulk seriously in this movie and they wanted to tell something about him and i fucking love the movie idc about others but guess what the marvel heads has removed ed norton from future hulk projects bcoz he was a little too passionate with the character and was involved in making the hulk movie and later casted mark ruffalo... they wanted some puppet who will just sit back to do what they ask for 💀 instead of fighting back for the character & questioning the Execs i think that's a lil too much for Mcu heads anyways moving on
And Jen who knew all of this had the audacity to make fun of bruce's trauma in She Hulk Episode 1 ❤❤❤ you guys know why Jen has no alter where as Bruce has a complete different personality the HULK When he gets angry? ITS BECAUSE OF D.I.D ( Dissociative identity disorder ) & for the Dumb heads who didn't understand yes this is the same condition marc spector from moon knight also had and Bruce also has this condition and the root cause for this is his never ending trauma that he had faced thru out his life ... HULK IS HIS ALTER , HULK IS NOT A MONSTER HE IS THE ONE WHO SAVED BRUCE , Just like how tony Said in the original Avengers movie HULK IS THE REASON WHY BRUCE IS ALIVE TODAY AND NOT EVEN ONCE MCU ADDRESSED BRUCE'S D.I.D OR EVEN HIS TRAUMA , HULK IS A VERY DEEPER & INTENSE CHARACTER & mcu didn't even touch the tip of the ice berg they are too very much far from it 😭
and this is what jen said about in She hulk EPISODE 1 🤗❤ SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING BRUCE HAS BEEN THRU NOT ONLY DOES SHE UNDERMINE BRUCE'S TRAUMA BUT ALSO MAKES FUN OF IT & NEVER EVEN APOLOGISED FOR IT ... The Comic Book Jen would fucking beat mcu jen to death for this sole fucking person... my comic book jen would never do this 😭 now tell me how do i have a remorse for jen in mcu after this ? or even give a fuck about her or care about her ? but Still i was open minded and watched the remaining show
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And we all very well know HULK is the main highlight and the SPECIAL X-Factor of original Avengers movie HE MADE THE MOVIE SO MUCH BETTER & HE OVER SHADOWED EVERYONE IN THE LAST 10-15 MINS OF THE MOVIE Even tho he had such less screen time
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Later we see him Avengers AOU and he takes a Fucking flying Ship and goes to some unknown planet and we don't fucking know what he did those 2 fucking years ofcourse in thor ragnarok we learn he's in Planet Sakaar but again
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Also i really Do enjoy #ThorBruce in Ragnarok & i was so happy to see bruce smiling & laughing in that film but lets be honest Hulk is a fucking joke & a clown in that movie 😭 i am so sad to say this coz only ed norton,Louis Leterrier & joss Whedon were the only ones who treated hulk with some respect & dignity
Guess what the events of Avengers age of ultron, Events in thor ragnarok & Events that occurred in Avengers infinity war All this happened to bruce within in a single fucking day 😭 YEAH AND NO WE NEVER GOT ADDRESSED ABOUT THIS FACT & HOW MUCH THIS MIGHT HAVE EFFECTED HIM
Now REMEMBER the First Fight in Avengers Infinity war ?
Where Thanos Beats the shit out of Hulk after loki says " We have Hulk " which is also the same thing tony said to loki in Avengers 1 when hulk was not a joke and that was the time when makers took hulk seriously but guess what happens now Thanos beat the shit out hulk w/o even using his Stones 💀 You know why they did that ? Russo brothers wanted to establish the fact that " Thanos is more stronger than the STRONGEST AVENGER WE HAVE EVER SEEN " They wanted to elevate the character of Thanos by downplaying hulk & undermining him
But you know What would happen in a comic book world ? Thanos would die a 1000 times before he could beat hulk and he would have never beat hulk in the first place with out using those infinity gems 😭 BECAUSE BY DEFINITION " THE MORE ANGER YOU MAKE THE HULK THE MORE POWERFUL & STRONGER HE BECOMES " So By definition itself You can not beat hulk coz if you are winning the battle he will get more angry & he becomes more stronger and even BIGGER which will make it impossible for thanos to beat hulk in Infinity war 😭 but yeah anyone who read a comic about hulk would know this fact but russo mfs DON'T FUCKING CARE and Hulk doesn't even come out later in the movie and there is again a big inner conflict between Bruce & Hulk now did we get to see that ?
Again like always the character development & Story of hulk happened off screen💀🤷🏻‍♂️
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NOT ONLY HULK DIDN'T GET A SECOND CHANCE TO FIGHT AGAINST THANOS BUT HE WAS ALSO COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY USELESS IN THE BATTLE AT THE END IN AVENGERS END GAME 😭 AND DONT GIVE ME THE CRAP HE BROUGHT BACK HALF OF THE POPULATION BACK THAT SEQUENCE WAS DONE RIDICULOUSLY BAD ... After all this shit as a fan of hulk the comic book character whom i have admired since a kid and seeing the way he is being mistreated in mcu it fucking hurts and makes my blood boil and finally when i heard they were making SHE-HULK You know how happy i was 😭 ? i was dancing on the sky & stars COZ I WAS FINALLY WE ARE GETTING A GOOD HULK CONTENT But mcu again let me down 😔💔 & ruined the show for me ..... Not only mcu jen is not at all comic accurate but it is really hard to like her or even care for her they made it that hard for the viewers but still i rooted for her and even want the best for the character and SHE DESERVES BETTER AND HULK DESERVES BETTER... THE CHARACTER DOESN'T FEEL COMIC ACCURATE & THE WAY THEY WROTE HER ALSO SUCKS AND THE SHE HULK SEASON i will not say it is completely bad but it is definitely very very very underwhelming and below par , i loved , admired & enjoyed every marvel series that has released so far from wanda vision to miss marvel and yeah miss marvel & moon knight were also not comic accurate but they ATLEAST HAD SOME SOUL & HEART IN THOSE SHOWS... MOON KNIGHT FOCUSED ON MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES & SHOWED US MARC'S D.I.D WHICH VERY MUCH MATTERS & MS. MARVEL HAS DONE A LOT TO REPRESENTATIONS AND THRU OUT THE SHOW THEY SPOKE ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES THAT HAPPENED BCOZ OF BRITISHERS & There was something serious happening in those shows , they had a story to tell, characters to discuss , themes to display & they addressed about some issues that needed awareness but SHE HULK 💀💀💀 WHAT A JOKE
THEY THREW 4 FUCKING FILLERS AT OUR FACE , THERE WAS NO FUCKING NARRATIVE WHAT SO EVER & THE WRITING IS SO AWFUL & CHARACTERIZATIONS ARE SO BADLY DEALT AND THEY THOUGHT THEY DID STH WITH THE FINALE 😭😭😭 I get it i get it The makers of she hulk are basically trolling themselves and jen coming out of the disney plus and talking to writers is straight out of the comics like in byrne's run in comics where jen asks for a better ending 😭 and yes mcu is trolling itself they acknowledged their problems in story telling and they want to us to laugh along with them and they know their mistakes but the joke has over stayed its welcome & it is so meta that it made me cringe af after some time 🤢 like i am glad y'all are self aware and obviously i wouldn't want a crappy routine mcu format finale So why don't you give us a good finale 😭 instead of ending the show with so many loose ends & plots w/o answering them and IF YOU LOVE THE ENDING YOU ARE ALSO SUCH A FOOL COZ WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST 8 EPISODES WHICH LEAD TO THE FINALE EVENTS 😭 ITS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AS THEY WERE THE CLICHE MCU FORMAT EPISODES so are you saying all this was useless & such waste of time 😴 its like you are contradicting yourself man
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Also do i even have to talk about how awful the design of She Hulk is ? its obviously not the vfx artists faults but its mcus fault for forcing the vfx artists and torturing them thru out the process and forcing them to finish the project even before the dead line & constantly changing the designs & their ideas and every one knows how pissed the vfx artists were coz they were abused too in a toxic mcu environment in the studios So we can't blame them BUT WE CAN BLAME MCU EXECS & MAKERS OF SHE HULK COZ OF HOW AWFUL & UGLY THE VFX WAS & HER DESIGN WAS THRU OUT THE SHOW 😭 and its okay if you liked / loved the show and liked / loved the show and every thing i said might not be true or i am 3000% right in here but the ones who are dickriding should STFU 💀💀💀 DON'T TAKE EVERYTHING THE MCU IS THROWING AT YOUR FACES BLINDLY QUESTION THEM & BOO AT THEM SO THEY WILL GIVE US BETTER CONTENT IN THE FUTURE & the people who might disagree with me rn i know some of you will agree with me after some time later in the future 😌👍🏻 i am pretty sure about that ... All in All
All i am Saying is
MCU CAN REDEEM THEMSELVES FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE SO HULK WITH JEN & SKAAR BUT AFTER WATCHING SHE HULK & THAT CLOWN ASS HAIR CUT OF SKAAR 💀💀 I AM NOT REALLY OPTIMISTIC ANYMORE & Since we are on this topic i also want to put this out if mcu can work with sony and use spiderman & make a fucking trilogy and give the 70% of profits to sony what's stopping them from making a hulk movie with the universal studios ? you know what ? THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT HULK 💀 SO FUCK THEM
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j-stcrm · 1 year
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ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʙɪᴏ ; johnny storm
❝ The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. ❞
→ pinterest | playlist ( + pietro )
Character’s full name: Jonathan Spencer Maximoff-Storm Meaning of name: God’s gift Other Titles: Human Torch Birth date: June 8th Zodiac: Gemini Nationality / Ethnicity / Species: American, Jewish, human Languages Spoken: English, Russian Pronouns: he/him  Orientation: Demisexual Superpower: he can engulf his entire body in flames, fly, absorb fire harmlessly into his own body, and control any nearby fire by sheer force of will. Occupation: astrophysicist, former astronaut, Avenger Relationship Status: married to Pietro Maximoff 
Age: 30 Height: 5′7  Body build: very muscular, athletic Eye color: pale blue Predominant features: his eyes Hair color and type: light blonde, naturally curly but he keeps it styled because he hates it
Good traits: athletic, charming, compassionate, confident, loyal, kind-hearted, intelligent, quick-witted. Bad traits: brash, cocky, hard-headed, hot tempered, overly flirtatious, rebellious, reckless, vain. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Character Theme Song: Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz Personality Type: ESFP / ‘the entertainer,’ care-free, very extroverted, social.
Hometown: Los Angeles, California | moved to New York City as a teen Type of childhood: Johnny grew up in LA with his sister, Sue. their father was killed in a car accident before their freshman year of high school. their mother struggled emotionally and lacked mental stability following her death, so they relocated to New York to live with their aunt, their mom’s sister, Margaret. Education: he received an athletic scholarship to play football at Stanford, but an injury his senior year prevented him from pursuing that. so he pursued another dream and studied astrophysics at Caltech.
Current location: New York City, but he visits Asgard regularly now Currently living with:  Pets: Luna; maltese puppy
Mother: Mary Storm
Relationship: he’s close to his mom and struggled watching her mental difficulties following their father’s death, taking on a lot of that emotionally himself. as a result, he struggles with containing his emotions now, which, with his abilities being emotion driven occasionally, isn’t a good thing.
Father: Franklin Storm
Relationship: he had a strained relationship with his dad and often felt a lot of pressure academically/in regards to his athletic career.
Sister: Sue Storm
Relationship: He’s close to his big sister.
Other important family members:  Children:
Husband Pietro Maximoff Best friend: Klara Arnesdòttir, Peter Parker Ex: 
↳ BIO 
A star athlete in high school, Johnny had his sights on playing football on his college scholarship and moving to pro after graduation. But an injury his senior year put a halt to those plans. Always having had an interest in space, and excelling in all of his class, Johnny changed direction and went to school to study astrophysics. A few years into his career, the ship Johnny was traveling on had a crash landing after traveling through cosmic rays. He survived, but was exposed to radiation that altered his genetic makeup. He gained the ability to envelop his body in fire, which proves to be bad more times than not, seeing as the ability is triggered by anger and emotions - and he doesn’t have good control over those.
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americanhero · 2 years
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( BRUISED KNUCKLES AND INK-STAINED FINGERS, WELL-WORN LEATHER JACKETS, THE ASH LEFT BEHIND BY FIREWORKS )▸ welcome to latverion, STEVE ROGERS (CAPTAIN AMERICA). it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 104 and use HE/HIM pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as a SUPPORT GROUP LEADER, or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( CLAIRE, GMT, 24, SHE/HER, CHRIS EVANS )
FULL NAME: steven “steve” grant rogers
ALIAS: captain america
AGE: 104 (july 4, 1918; cancer)
AFFILIATIONS: the avengers
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: cis male, he/him
FACE CLAIM: chris evans
as always, i pull from a mix of canons! steve is from the same universe as tony (which i guess is the same universe as peter, which is ?? whatever we want it to be), and i use a combination of 616 and mcu for backstory and influences. basically! comics childhood, mcu becoming cap, mix of everything after (no secret empire lmao; also not mcu-dead) ; i’m always very happy to shift stuff around/specify/work with y’all for plotting to make things fit!
super soldier serum: artificially enhanced physiology; peak human strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, recovery, mental processing, senses; advanced longevity (the wikipedia page literally says he has “perfect cells.” this includes perfect teeth and very good hair.)
master tactician & strategist; martial artist; shield fighter; advanced military officer; weapons proficiency; vehicle handling; very good artist!!
no :( someone get this man a dog he could use one (he’s also on the lookout for bucky, who he very much considers his brother)
more tbd but! for now! (TW DEATH, WAR, ALCOHOLISM)
although he grew up in brooklyn instead of the lower east side, i otherwise take steve’s family history/dynamics from 616 instead of the mcu--steve’s parents, joseph and sarah, were poor irish immigrants. his dad was Not Great TM and died when he was pretty young; his mom passed away when he was a teenager. he had a semester of art school, but dropped out to join the army, partly because he couldn’t afford to stay, partly because fighting for the country his family had given so much for felt like the right thing to do
steve’s got a bit of a complex about the steve/cap divide. he loves being captain america, most of the time. but he knows he’s more of a monument than a man to most of the world. he’s made his peace with it, and he’s played along, but it’s nice when he can just be steve. very few people see him that way (see: bucky, who he grew up with as a brother; tony, who was instrumental in helping steve adjust to life after the ice, and is one of the few people to treat him like a regular person; peggy, who knew him before he was cap, etc)
along those lines! captain america doesn’t swear. steve rogers does. exactly 2 people know this (bucky and tony), as far as he’s aware. he’s a scrappy little new yorker at heart. of course he’s got a foul mouth.
he doesn’t drink. some of this is because the serum means he can’t get drunk. some of it is the good old clean-cut image they drilled into him back when he was on the uso tour. a lot of it is because of his father
he’s an artist! this is very important! it’s pretty much just a hobby, but he’d love to be able to make a living on it. is that an impossible dream? yeah, probably, but so was turning into a genetically engineered super soldier. he particularly likes sketching faces and memories; he has been trying but failing miserably at learning digital art (he was also color-blind before the serum, which i like to think means his relationship towards colors and paints tends towards the abstract and stylized, because he basically taught himself color theory twice)
he spends quite a bit of time at memory lane. please don’t make me explain this too much if i think about it too long i will start to cry
that story from she-hulk about him and a girl on the uso tour in ‘43? i’m not entirely convinced he didn’t make it up so the team would stop bullying him change my mind
yes sometimes he signs his texts! this comes from canon he’s old and learning please be nice to him he’s trying his best and doing great
he’s currently living with thor in an apartment above frigga’s
You’re asking Steve Rogers, Captain America, the Sentinel of Liberty, how he feels about a masked megalomaniac self-proclaimed emperor? Sure. Okay. The answer, of course, is absolutely not. Steve’s lived for a very long time, and he doesn’t have any more time for Doom. Sarah Rogers raised her son to do no harm, but take no shit, and Steve’s taking no shit. He’s up there in the resistance working to take him down. He was, quite literally, made for something like this. A different time, a different world, a different tyrant, maybe, but it’s all the same. Tyranny is tyranny; freedom is freedom.
The battles are barbaric. No one should be forced to fight in a gladiatorial contest. It’s inhumane. He’s been the dancing (punching) monkey before, so many lifetimes ago, and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone. He’s neither actively avoiding nor seeking them out, but Steve is absolutely using them as yet another reason Emperor Doom is extremely bad news. He’ll fight if he has to, and he’s not too worried about winning, but he doesn’t want to have to. He’s a soldier, not a gladiator.
Steve runs a support group for people struggling with multiversal displacement (and living under the omnipresent gaze of Emperor Doom). They meet twice a week, sometimes in Frigga’s, which Thor has generously lent out (and provided complimentary fruity mocktails with the little umbrellas). Steve knows what it’s like to leave behind a life, to wake up in a new, unfamiliar world, to lose everyone and everything you knew and loved and have to keep living. He’s done it. It’s awful. No one should have to go through that alone. Steve can fight Doom as Captain America all he likes; as Steve Rogers, the least he can do is try to make the rest of their lives a little bit better.
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sokovianfortune · 1 year
What is each member’s love language? What would they describe as their perfect date? What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
under the cut bc this is long and i am self-conscious
what is each member’s love language?
physical touch is wanda’s, which can come as a surprise to most people. when it comes to strangers and even acquaintances, she’s a little more hesitant to reach out – a byproduct of having viewed her hands as the source of her magic for so long. but when it come to her loved ones, that hestiance melts away quickly because all she wants is to have them close and vision is far from an exception to the rule. she likes the security of being held. it’s very hard to think about all the time you spent alone and miserable without your husband when his arms are around you and you can hear his inner workings going brr under your ear.
now, more than ever, i think vision’s is words of affirmation. when so much of what’s going on in his head is uncertain, when he’s pretty much constantly wavering at the brink of an identity crisis and trying to piece together who he is and his place in the world, there’s a comfort to being told by someone he loves that he’s valued and appreciated regardless of the answers to those questions. that external validation is very important to someone who’s internal world is so conflicted and uncertain.
what would they describe as their perfect date?
the answer here is probably going to be slightly skewed just considering that actually going on dates has always been. a little difficult for both of them. even before all the civil war nonsense and thanos and westview AND the events of multiverse of madness, they were public figures under ever-increasing scrutiny. wanda didn’t even have us citizenship. date nights have always been a precious commodity for them and even in my own little post-MoM fix-it world, i imagine it takes them both quite a bit of time to want to leave the orchard and take those first few steps back into society – and, when they do, it’s only possible if vision has his human disguise in place and wanda uses a cloaking spell on her face and fingertips.
any date is the perfect date when you’ve never really been able to go on them regularly, is what i’m saying. particularly when you’re going on them with the person who you’d been convinced you’d never see again.
that said, they feel like museum people to me – vision for the obvious Ruminating On The Nature Of Humanity And Existence reasons and wanda because she finds it endlessly endearing to watch him ruminating and is always eager to listen to what he has to say about whatever exhibit they’re lingering near. she’s perfectly willing to let vision guide them to whatever it is he’s most interested in – even just being able to walk around somewhere hand-in-hand with her husband is more than perfect enough for her, really.
wanda being such a homebody usually means that her dates of choice usually take place close to there. picturesque little cottagecore picnics in the orchard are her favorite, but short walks in the nearby woods when it’s too cold to linger outside for the length of a meal are also good. even just an evening curled up on their living room couch together is more than she ever could have hoped to ask for.
what was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
for wanda, i think it was very much vision’s subtle sense of wit and humor. i’m thinking about that one post about data startrek (my lord and savior) going around that talks about him naming his cat and how i think that like. dry irony is probably something that vision also slowly picked up over his time with the avengers. and because she’s closest to him, wanda is one who started to pick up on it first. it always warms her now, whenever she sees shades of it returning as vision rediscovers himself.
even before they became an item, i think vision discovered even earlier than the rest of the team exactly how soft wanda was beneath the outer, angry goth girl exterior she projected when first joined the avengers. apart from clint, he was the first one wanda trusted enough to let him see past that shell to the lonely young woman who wanted nothing more than a loving family and the security of domesticity  – and because he’s vision, i think there was definitely a fascination there right alongside his growing affection. an appreciation for the multitudes that one person can hold inside of them.
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sushi-rat · 2 years
I'm gonna go on a MCU rant. I know at least a few people have felt this way and have prolly made their pieces online, but recently (I don't know why NOW it is but whatever) has been knocking on my brain. I hope I sound coherent
I hate Civil War. I think it is my least favorite movie to date cause I think it is one of the major culprits to why some later parts of the franchise fall flat or have some inconsistencies in characters (there a LOT of reasons why there are inconsistencies or scenes don't have as much impact such as constant change in writers/directors, actors not being given their full scripts, directors leaning almost purely on callbacks without their proper contexts like what happened in MoM like "I can do this all day", ignoring audience honest criticism, ect. but I do think Civil War's plot directly resulted in some later character and plot issues).
I feel Civil War ruined Tony Stark. In Civil War, the premise is that the Sokovia Accords are presented, which are documents stating the governments that signed it will have control over superhumans meaning that they can only operate under the consent of a council and all their actions must be cleared through the council as well. Outside of that, superhumans are essentially stored away like weapons; an obvious breach of human rights which is what causes the Civil War amongst the Avengers. Steve Rogers believes it inhumane, and Tony Stark believes that they need to be put in line. I personally believe having Tony Stark fight for the Accords is contradictory to his character built out of 2 specific previous scenarios. The first being what is shown in the court hearing scene in Iron Man 2 where the government sees Tony as a threat because he operates on his own. The government wants power over him and uses scare tatics of other countries replicating Tony's tech to get the public to see their side. What they don't show (until Tony hacks their screens) is that these countries majorly failed and one of these attempts was actually by the US Government themselves. Tony, through his tech and snarky remarks, clearly states that he has no real interest in his tech or himself being owned by the government and outright states he will continue to operate on his own, "I've successfully privatized world peace". This built a foundation of a belief in Tony that is the opposite of the Accords, that he holds confidence in continuing to defend the people on his own and not under someone else. The second scenario started in Avengers 1 and has continued even to today as seen repeatedly in the (god-awful) sh*-hulk series: Tony's friendship with Bruce Banner. The control from the government is something Bruce explicitly is against as seen in the Hulk 2008 movie where he is on the run from the US Government that wants to use his condition as the Hulk as a weapon. If he was involved in the Civil War he would've been so obviously against the Accords. Why is that important, and what does it have to do with Tony? Because Tony and Bruce had a deep friendship and bond, and Tony understood Bruce's condiition better than anyone right from the get-go. Everyone showed intimidation or straight-up terror of Bruce in Avengers 1, everyone except Tony. Natasha was absolutely terrified of him, Steve didn't want to live let alone deal with anyone and his hardened personality made him bitter towards Bruce's condition, Fury had a cage built for him which is the one he put Loki in, and even Bruce let the fear of the Hulk and the damage that could result control his life, but Tony? Tony joked around with him, was constantly in close proximity, invited Bruce to his lab, and even lightly shocked Bruce at one point which Steve chastised him for because everyone treated Bruce as though the smallest thing would summon Hulk (again, even Steve saw Bruce as purely a danger for the first half of the movie). Tony knew different, though. He held faith that Bruce had more control than even he was giving himself credit for, and treated him like a normal human being. Tony believed that Bruce had control over himself and didn't need the constant fear and control over him from others. TONY BELIEVED A SUPERHUMAN COULD CONTROL HIMSELF AND SHOULDN'T BE FEARED OR POLICED. Having Tony fight for the Accords completely goes against EVERYTHING he did for Bruce, and is prolly one of greatest betrayals of one of the best friendships in the MCU. In Infinity War, when Bruce sees Tony for the first time in, I think, years Bruce immediately hugs Tony. They had such a deep bond from the beginning, but you might as well have had Tony reject the hug and tell Bruce "I lied, I'm scared of you and what you could do".
Sort of piggy-backing off of the previous point about Tony Stark's character being ruined, Civil War made Tony Stark into a complete asshole. The Accords were a clear invasion of human rights. Tony Stark openly fought for them. To me, Tony is clearly the villian in that movie. In the past, Tony has been a snarky, quick-wit, egoist sort of asshole where it's clear he hides pain. Yes, he had done things that I would say are clearly just asshole behavior such as the blind-eye he turned to the destruction his weapons brought in Iron Man 1. Characters are meant to develop, though, and Tony was kinda developing past his asshole traits and had the potential to do so further. That comes to a complete halt with Civil War. This choice for Tony's character I think also greatly diminishes the plot of the later movie Endg*me. During the Blip, everyone is in shambles including Tony. When the remaining Avengers come to Tony to try to fix what had happened after not ever once checking up on Tony in the past 5 years, Tony gets upset that people just want to use him and don't actually care about him. This sets a precedent of everyone else essentially being an asshole to Tony and they need to make this up to him, but why should they? He wanted them all to be nothing but weapons/objects, now he's mad when he's treated like one instead of a human? It seems unjust to have everyone else basically suck up to Tony and it makes his outcry fall flat. It even ruins his sacrifice at the end of the movie, for me. He was a villain but is suddenly treated like the hero without any show of development on his end from Civil War to Endg*me. It's just everyone else sucking up to him which, again, is unjust to the Avengers. If Tony didn't fight for the Accords, it would've made those scenes so much better in my opinion
Another plot to why the Civil War happens is Tony finding out that the Winter Soldier, the brainwashed and hypnotized Bucky Barnes, killed his parents and Steve withheld that info. Tony is angry at Steve for not telling him this rather important info and sees Bucky as the sole villain rather than blaming Hydra as they were the ones that brutally tortured Bucky to make him forget who he was and turn him into the mindless weapon, the Winter Soldier. I believe that Tony treating Bucky like the villain is what set the current idea that Bucky needs to atone for 'what he's done'. We see this idea in the FATWS series (another one I hate) where Bucky is being solely blamed for the missions he was on while under Hydra control and he is constantly trying to 'make amends'. BUCKY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, THOUGH, IT WAS HYDRA. We literally see the electro-torture he went through, the hypnosis that Hydra used while resetting him, the constant in-and-out of cryo to slow down his brain's recovery from the torture so he wouldn't remember who he was, ect. in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and in Civil War. I could understand an initial anger and wanting to point fingers out of in-the-moment rage and being upset at the withholding of information concerning the death of loved ones, but never ONCE is there a moment where Tony has clarity and admits that he's wrong. He never just stops and looks at the real issue being Hydra. He just blames Bucky. I think that caused the recent wave at forgetting Bucky's torture and just treating him like he was a villain which has completely ruined his character. I believe even Sebastian Stan himself expressed concern with his character during the filming of FATWS that it seemed out of character
Those are the effects I can think of at the moment. Supposedly, Civil War wasn't originally a civil war movie but was going to be about finding Bucky and possibly the Avengers fighting against the soldiers Hydra created, but the idea was scrapped because it was believed it was going to be too boring to just make another superhero movie. But the MCU could've benefited much more if it was just another superhero movie, and if they really wanted to, could still include the civil war aspect a tiny bit. Steve and Sam are able to find Bucky, Tony finds out about the death of his parents, he's initially mad at Bucky and Steve and blames Bucky cause "He was holding the gun!", maybe an actual physical fight breaks out, but they then have to band together against Zemo and the soldiers and through that does Tony finally have clarity where he learns of Hydra's methods and realizes it's not Bucky's fault and he's innocent. Bucky can still go to Wakanda, Steve can still give up the shield as a fugitive and become Nomad, and then Tony could also become a fugitive staying on the downlow with his family like Clint does with his. It would much better solidify them actually being friends, it wouldn't ruin Bucky or Tony, it would allow Tony to develop more, the establishing of Steve and Tony being better friends would make the scenes in Endg*me more impactful (though that alone would not fix the movie), ect.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'All of Us Strangers is now streaming on Hulu, and it’s a beautiful movie that will rip your heart right out of your chest. So, you know, make sure you’re prepared for that before you hit play!
Written and directed by Andrew High, the movie is loosely based on the 1987 novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada. It’s a sort of quiet, fragile ghost story, about a lonely gay man who lost both of his parents in a car crash at the age of 12. The small cast features four phenomenal performances from Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Jamie Bell, and Claire Foy.
Even though the movie was snubbed in the U.S. by the Academy Awards (I will avenge you, Andrew Scott!) it earned six BAFTA Award nominations across the pond, including a nomination for Outstanding British Film. (Which is like the British Best Picture.) All of Us Strangers was named by many critics as one of the best films of 2023, and if you didn’t get a chance to watch in theaters, you’ll definitely want to stream the movie on Hulu.
But be warned: All of Us Strangers comes with a twist ending that is devastating and, at times, confusing. Read on for a full breakdown of the All of Us Strangers ending explained, including analysis from the writer/director himself. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
All of Us Strangers plot summary:
Adam (Andrew Scott) is a writer who lives alone in London in a one-bedroom apartment, attempting to work on a script about his late parents. He’s not just alone in the apartment—he’s alone in nearly the entire building, which isn’t officially open yet, but has allowed a few select tenants to move in early. After a fire alarm causes Adam and one of his few neighbors to evacuate the building, that neighbor, Harry (Paul Mescal), pays Adam a visit.
Harry knocks on Adam’s door, wasted and drinking a bottle of Japanese liquor. Harry reveals he hates the quiet in the building, and asks to come into Adam’s apartment, for a drink… or for something more. “There are vampires at my door,” he tells Adam. But Adam turns him away.
After Harry’s visit, Adam decides to visit his old childhood home in the country. There, to his amazement, he finds both of his parents alive and as young as they were when he was a child growing up in the ’80s. He knows that’s impossible, as they both died in a car crash when he was 12. But he has dinner with them, has a lovely time, and promises to visit again.
Back in the apartment building, Adam runs into Harry again. This time, Adam invites Harry back to his place. The two men fall into a passionate love affair. Adam spends his time split between his new romance with Harry, and visiting the ghosts of his parents. After he and Harry have sex, Adam works up the courage to come out to his parents—but they don’t react well.
Harry reveals to Adam that even though he’s younger than Adam—and therefore grew up in a world more accepting of gay people—he still feels like an outsider in his family, and isn’t close with them. Harry and Adam go to a club together and do ketamine. Adam wakes up in his parents’ home. Then, he finds himself back in the city, back at the club. He is losing all sense of time and reality. He finally wakes up at his apartment, with Harry. Harry tells Adam it’s still the same day that they went to the club, and that Adam had a panic attack, so he took him home.
Adam brings Harry to his childhood home in the country but finds the house dark and empty. Harry, seemingly concerned for Adam’s sanity, wants to go home. When Adam peers in the window, he sees his mom and dad inside. He taps on the glass, pleading, “Let me in.” He wakes up in his parent’s house the next morning. They tell him that they saw Harry, but couldn’t let him in, because “it doesn’t work like that.” They also tell him it’s time to stop visiting. Their ghosts are interfering with Adam’s life, and he needs to move on.
Adam doesn’t want to say goodbye, but he does it anyhow. He takes his parents to his favorite diner and orders the family special. His parents express approval of Adam’s relationship with Harry, and they tell Adam that they love him. Mom makes Adam promise to try to make it work with Harry. Adam promises, and then his parents disappear for good.
All of Us Strangers ending explained:
Adam returns to his building and takes the elevator to Harry’s floor. But as soon as the elevator doors open, Adam senses something is off. He enters Harry’s apartment and is met with a horrible smell. He finds drugs and alcohol in the living room, and he finds Harry’s dead body on the bed, in the bedroom. The body has been dead for a while. He’s wearing the outfit and clutching the same bottle of alcohol that he was the night he and Adam met. Adam realizes that Harry must have died that night from a drug and alcohol overdose. His relationship with Harry, like his relationship with his parents, has been with a ghost.
Harry’s ghost enters the apartment and seems to only just realize in this moment that he is dead. Adam guides a distraught Harry up to his apartment, so he doesn’t have to look at his own corpse. Harry confesses that he is scared. Adam comforts him, and positions Harry in the same pose that he found his body—then hugs him from behind. Harry asks Adam to put on a record because he hates the silent. Adam quotes the song that was playing when he first met Harry, “The Power of Love” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, which begins to play.
“I’ll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door,” Adam tells Harry. The song plays on, and the camera zooms out as Adam holds Harry’s body, which looks more stiff and corpse-like. The camera continues to zoom out until Adam and Harry become just a light, like a star in the night sky.
What does the All of Us Strangers ending mean?
Whew! That one was a doozy, right? There are a few ways to interpret the All of Us Strangers ending. I’ve seen a few theories that the entire story was just Andrew’s screenplay, which we see him writing at the beginning of the movie. For the record, while director Andrew Haigh has said he’s fine with that theory, that’s not his interpretation.
In an interview for RogerEbert.com, Haigh explained that he sees two possibilities for the movie: Either Adam the one who imagined both his parents and Harry, as a way to cope with his loneliness; or all the characters were imagining each other simultaneously.
“I did feel that Harry is a reflection of what Adam needs,” Haigh said. “I mean, if Adam has conjured up his parents, he’s also conjured up Harry. Or they’ve all conjured each other up. There are two ways I always saw it: Adam has conjured up everybody, or all of them have conjured up themselves from the ether to deal with their loss. All of them want the same things, and they’re all teaching each other the same kind of compassion.”
As for that tragic, twist ending, Haigh said that he hopes audiences can view it as hopeful—as a sign that Adam can move on from these ghosts, and start living his life. “The importance of that ending is that, once you’ve found love, you can find it again. Love remains. I don’t find that devastating. I’m always intrigued about who does and who doesn’t, because I think it says a lot about the life they’ve had. At a certain time, queer people lost their partners very, very young. And they really did lose them, and it was horrendous. Their love was important during that time, and they have gone on to love again. That was always on my mind. “
In a different interview with Time, Haigh further explained how Adam’s visions of his parents and his visions of his relationship with Harry informed each other.
“When he doesn’t let Harry into the apartment, the desperate longing that Adam has to connect with someone brings his parents back into existence,” Haigh explained. “There’s a subconscious longing that needs help in order to move forward. They feed on each other. Seeing his parents again, and feeling that warmth and comfort, allows him to then want to connect with Harry. But having sex with Harry feeds into what becomes the next scene with the parents, which is when he comes out to his mom.”
With this information from Haigh, I think we can view Adam as, basically, the sole living character in the movie, working through his grief and his loneliness with the help of some ghosts. But the conversations he has with these ghosts are real. Maybe Adam has the same “I can see dead people” powers as the kid in The Sixth Sense. Or maybe these particular ghosts just found a way to communicate with Adam. Either way, I’m crying.
Oh, and as for the song by Frankie Goes to Hollywood? Haigh chose that because it’s a personal favorite. “Because that song is about protection and comfort,” Haigh told RogerEbert.com when asked why it was the perfect song for Adam and Harry. “I bought that LP in 1984. I was 12, not realizing my sexuality fully, and I’d play that song over and over, in my bedroom. I would sing it, endlessly. It did something to me when I was 12. As I was writing the script, I knew what the song had to be.”'
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moshi-tehkitty · 8 months
Ruby bothers the Avengers
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My OC Ruby again today. And this time you get some backstory to go with it. Ruby is half frost giant, half human, all trouble maker. She isn’t a villain, even if she is a menace to society. Would you believe she grew up in a supportive and loving home?
See, before the events of any of the movies Loki had gone to Earth. And he ended up meeting a woman named Alice Little. Like Alice in wonderland haha. And he was thinking “wouldn’t it just be hilarious if I I brought her to Asgard, told people I was in love with her.” (He was not) But then, he hears that Odin is going to make Thor the next king?!? And now he’s got way more important things to do so he just stops going to Earth.
So Loki stops going to Earth, and Alice is heart broken, but more importantly she’s pregnant. And she didn’t even know until After Loki disappeared. But, she has the baby. A little albino baby who she names Ruby. And it’s hard to be a single mom, but even worse when you have a little red eyed demon baby with super strength and ice powers. But she meets a man named Warren White, who is a single dad himself and might know a bit of magic that can help her and her kid. Warren and Alice fall in love, get married, you know, Brady Bunch it up. So Ruby ends up with step brothers and half brothers and two good parents. And somehow they manage to raise the kids in a way that doesn’t end up with out of control sibling rivalry. And then Ruby jumps in front of a car to keep one of her siblings from getting hit. She then proceeds to curse out the driver “someone could have been hurt, you jack ass!” Before walking away. And the incident was caught on camera and ends up getting to Shield. Shield is very interested but she’s still a kid so although they test her powers to see what she can do, they mostly just keep an eye on her. And Warren has to hide the fact that he’s a sorcerer from Shield. And that works out fine until the events of the first Avengers movie where Tony Stark gets on a helicarrier and hacks into Shield’s database and finds her. And everyone is yelling about potential child soldiers and Thor notices that when she is using her ice power she turns blue and why is there a frost giant child on Earth?
But Thor doesn’t mention that Loki is secretly a frost giant and so nobody connects the dots. Until Loki’s face gets plastered all over the news and wouldn’t you know it, Alice still knows what he looks like. But she doesn’t get in contact with Shield about it until after Thor, Loki, and the tesseract are all back on Asgard.
And it’s fine, really, but maybe Ruby would like to talk to someone about the whole half frost giant thing? So she decides to not stalk Thor’s girlfriend Jane Foster, because if he comes back to earth he’ll go see her right? And when Jane gets got by the reality stone and Thor whisks her away, Ruby jumps into the Bifrost after him. And it was for sure an accident that Heimdal left the bifrost open long enough for her to get in (it was on purpose). And he definitely knows exactly who she is. And everyone else is mad that she’s there for one reason or another. Except Frigga. She’s Happy to meet her first grandchild, even if the circumstances are less than Ideal. But Ruby has to keep the whole frost giant thing under wraps. Odin demands it.
That lasts until the dark elves show up. Ruby can’t fight at full strength without turning blue. But hey, Frigga isn’t dead, so you’re welcome. But somehow the people who don’t know come to the wrong conclusion and decide that she must be half asgardian and half frost giant, not half human. So sure, fine. Loki finally hears that he has a child from a gossipy guard and he’s not even sure who the kids mom is. Thor still decides to have Loki help him. Loki and Ruby meet. Loki fakes his own so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his actions. The rest of the movie proceeds more or less as normal.
That’s all I’ve got for now and thank you for reading.
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