#away from unova for at least a year or so
ranger-kellyn · 6 months
oh it's over for y'all i did it. i cracked the code. i FINALLY. after all these years of making them my favorite accessory pairing, i FINALLY>>> have an idea for a full airplaneshipping fic where they are the main focus
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spicyicetea · 9 months
This is the start of a fic I briefly spoke about in THIS post. These won’t be chapter by chapter posts, at least not at first, but somewhat disconnected posts that change POV. I still don’t know what to call this but if you have suggestions feel free to let me know.
Yandere Eldritch Submas x reader
May contain NSFW topics including violence, swearing and sexual references. MDNI. This is a Fem reader but referred to with GN pronouns the majority of the time. Not proofread because I can’t be bothered.
Oh Arceus
It wasn’t often Arceus had to intervene with his creations, but now he feels obligated. He lowered his guard and something… slipped through the cracks into the reality he had created. Powerful beings they were, rivalling his own power easily when working together. They were hungry beings, greedy things he had tried to protect his creations from. But no, they’ve been a pain in his… neck ever since one of them discovered the concept Soulmates. Their desire to watch his creations grew, wanting to discover what those… humans meant when calling someone a soulmate. Then they found her, what a battle they caused. He held them off, reminding them of a deal they had sealed millennia prior but they easily shattered it as he turned his back to heal. Sliding through the cracks in reality to find her… find their soulmate.
“So, you’re telling me that you fucked up and I have to fix it?”
It was hard to believe a single word they were told, it isn’t often the god you were studying appears before you to beg for your aid. But this was no ordinary situation. Two other god-like beings slipped into the world you held so dear and now god wants you to help fix it, to find them.
“I don’t think I’m qualified for this job.”
“Hold on! Don’t just walk away!”
Y/N stopped in their tracks, sighing before looking at the towering white god before them. Despite how unbelievable it was, it felt wrong to just say no. Arceus wanted them to travel back to Unova, where he believed these beings were hiding. That doesn’t sound so bad… it would be nice to return to Unova…
“Fine, I’ll help you.”
And with that, your fate was sealed. As the phone like shape settled into your palm, Arceus taking a more familiar form to not arouse suspicion, you had been played into their arms perfectly. Disguising themselves in human forms to find their beloved. It’s the perfect plan.
“And given that Arceus can never let things be without his permission, he will lure them home to us!”
“Perfect plan brother! I’m so verrry excited to see our darling again.”
“Yes, however, we should be weary Kudari, I fear Arceus may recognise us and take her away from us…”
“Then we shall use our other names Nobori, remember? I am Emmett and you’re-“
“Ingo, I remember brother.”
The sun streamed through the parted clouds onto the pavement, street vendors offering food at every corner. It had been years since you had lived in Nimbasa, but the sights were still as familiar as ever. Except that was a lie. It had never been so… perfect. In fact, it was uncomfortably so. Your new friend tucked in your pocket not doing much to heal your discomfort.
“I need to get a job… I wonder if that coffee shop I used to visit is hiring.” Y/N muttered, a hand on their chin while trying to figure out how to afford food.
Their shoes clicked along the pavement before a hand tapped her shoulder. With wide eyes, she spun to face them. The person in green uniform bowed and apologised repeatedly. They knew if they didn’t then their bosses would have a few harsh words for him.
“Ah my apologies ma’am! I overheard you talking about needed a job and thought I could lend a hand. You see, we’re currently hiring new workers at the the station and-“
“Station? I don’t remember Nimbasa having a-“
“Ah, it’s always been here, come along, I’m sure you’d love to join us.”
He dragged Y/N along the stairs into the subway grinning at her. His bosses may be your soulmates but all the other workers were eager to meet you. They had followed them from the worlds they originated from as their worshipers and now are often treated as family, or their children more or less. As much as their bosses desired you, the workers needed you just as much, you were their new mom pretty much.
“Ah there they are! Master Ingo!”
Master? What a strange way to refer to their boss…
“Hm? Ah Jackie have you-“ the man in the black coat froze, his eyes widening as he adjusted his cap and cleared his throat. “I see you’ve found someone who wishes to work with us?”
Jackie nodded eagerly taking his cap off and placing it on your head. The expression the other man held changed, it held something dangerous. It felt as if every shadow in the station were starring at you. With a nervous laugh, you took the cap off, placing it into Jackie’s hands again.
“Aha, thanks but I don’t think-“
“We’d love for you to work with us! Wouldn’t we brother?”
“Yes verrry much so Ingo!”
Y/N jolted as a man in a white coat appeared beside him, seemingly out of thin air. What are you saying Y/N, he must have walked over while you looked at Jackie…
“I am Emmett! And this is my dear brother Ingo. We would love for you to join us here.”
Ingo just nodded along with him, both staring at you expectantly. The way both brothers stared into your eyes sparked something. It felt like the shadows were groping at your thighs and weighing down on your chest, coiling around your breasts. Well they were, but you didn’t need to know that, nor did you need to know that they had… gotten rid of one of your neighbours and claimed the house next to yours so they can keep an eye on you.
“I… fine, I might as well. As long as you pay well.” You sighed, the twins lighting up with glee. Both grabbing your hands and leading you further into the station to their office.
“We’ll grab you a uniform and you can start tomorrow!” They said in unison, turning their backs to hide the way their faces distorted, too happy to contain their true forms fully.
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allysafantasy · 8 months
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One of Lady Sneasler's kittens decided to say hi to the scared Zorua. Gem, the Sneasel, is happy to see a new friend. Out of the three Sneasels, Gem is gentle in how he interacts with Zorua. Although Zorua is still scared of Gem, it's a good thing that he didn't run away.
Ingo is happy that Zorua can at least interact with one of the poisonous kittens. Meanwhile, it seems like Emmet's Zorua is causing trouble.
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Emmet has to deal with the shenanigans of his Zorua for a few months after taking it in seven years ago. Ingo has been missing for 8 years. This has made Emmet depressed, and he tries his best not to dwell on it. Since the first year of Ingo's disappearance, Emmet has been trying to keep their apartment clean to distract himself. He'd rather avoid facing the reality of Ingo's absence, although he knows it's just avoiding the truth. He values truth but in this case this truth, he thinks it's false. He doesn't want to be as idealistic as Ingo, but sometimes he wishes for a miracle to bring Ingo back or at least provide a reason for his disappearance. Then he met Zorua, which, although Emmet does not like the shenanigans that Zorua gets up to, it unintentionally made him feel a bit better which is what Zorua wanted. After meeting Emmet, Zorua just wants to make Emmet happy, even if making small mischief is enough to at least make him not think about bad stuff. Zorua has a simple, idealistic goal: to make everyone happy and distract them from negative thoughts.
Last Post
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Anyway, I had fun making this art. Though, the Emmet art just makes me not wanna want to draw background characters but I remembered I made Pokemon Designs for my ocs so I made them into background characters. So, Lets just say they just wanna visit Unova or something. Also this is the first time of me trying to make a comic. I don't know how to comic so I don't mind any criticism. (especially with grammar pls help) Anyway, I've been working on this animation. If you have heard the song and poses uh. yeah I'm just showing the frames of it.
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Edit: I finally have a name for this AU and its in the tag
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adventuresinpaldea · 9 months
August slipped away
Nemona x Juliana fanfic
Includes post-game spoilers.
During the painfully long plane trip from Unova to Paldea, Juliana sat restless by the window, nipping at her fingers, and watching the clouds pass by. It had been 3 months since she had last been in Paldea, well, actually less, if you consider her venture to Area Zero, but that hardly counts as a visit since she didn't even get to set foot in Naranja Academy or see any of her friends. 
Just three months prior, when returning from summer break to Naranja Academy, Juliana was met with a very rushed invitation to take part of a foreign studies program at Blueberry Academy in Unova, the same academy Carmine and Kieran attend. 
Turns out Director Cyrano had forgotten to send the invitation and transfer papers on time, which, according to Director Clavell, was not surprising in the slightest, so the school year had already started, Juliana had to make a decision right there and then to avoid missing any more classes.
Being this the opportunity of a lifetime, of course Juliana accepted, but she had to leave the very same day, in fact, she had only a couple of hours to say goodbye to her mom and friends. She hopped on Koraidon's back and dashed all the way to Cabo Poco, her mom was elated with the opportunity her daughter had been given, and, after helping her pack some clothes and personal items, kissed Juliana on the forehead and wished her the best of luck, and reminded her, of course, to call often and keep her up to date with her adventures. 
Juliana bolted right back to Naranja Academy, now she needed to find her friends, granted the easiest to find was Penny, she was chilling in her computer screen lit dorm watching some anime with her veevees while slurping a cup of noodles. Juliana just stormed in uninvited, startling Penny in the process.
"For Arceus sake Juliana, yeah you can visit me anytime but at least knock!!!" - Said Penny still grabbing at her own chest from the jumpscare.
"I'm so sorry, it's just I'm in a really big rush, I have to go in like an hour and a half and I couldn't go without talking to you guys" - Juliana blurted still half out of breath from running around.
Penny looked up at her with a confused look. - "go where? you're not going on another field trip to find strange ogers are you?" 
"AHAHAAHAHAHA don't talk about Ogerpon like that, and no, I'm actually going to Unova for a semester, the friends I made during the field trip to Kitakami study there and they got the director to invite me to go."
A slight sadness washed over Penny's face, afterall, Juliana was the main reason she managed to get her friends and herself back to school, but she understood, and it would be only for a few months, she wasn't about to hold her friend back from such an opportunity. 
The two girls said their goodbyes, Juliana promised to keep in touch and rushed out to look for Arven and Nemona.
She had only one hour left now. After checking their dorms and finding neither of her friends in their respective rooms, Juliana started to panic. She ran across school halls almost as fast as her Arcanine's extremespeed, eventually running into Arven who was on his way to the school's cafeteria.
Time was running shorter and shorter, she quickly explained where she was going and gave her friend a big hug, barely even hearing his words of encouragement before interrupting:
"Do you know where Nemona is???" - Juliana asked desperate. 
"I don't know, have you checked the schoolyard?"
Of course, the schoolyard, how didn't she think of that. Juliana thanked Arven, said her goodbyes and off she was again, running all the way up the seemingly infinite stairs at Naranja Academy. 
When she finally reached the schoolyard, Juliana took a second to catch her breath, she had never run this much in her life, not even when fleeing from way too strong titans with Arven. As soon as she felt like she was capable of breathing again, she started to look around, but to her dismay, Nemona was nowhere to be found, in reality, she even looked harder than she needed to since she could recognize her rival at a glance from miles away. 
Desperate, and having time running out on her, Juliana decided to call Nemona, she wasn't going to say goodbye over the phone of course, but she needed to know where she was. 
"RO-TO-TO-TO-TO-TO-TO..... RO-TO-TO-TO-TO-TO-TO..." - Nemona wasn't answering...
But Juliana kept insisting...
Until suddenly...
"Miss Juliana, your presence is requested at the entrance hall, again, Miss Juliana, your presence is requested at the entrance hall."
Juliana's stomach sank as she realized she was out of time. She tried calling one last time, but Nemona never picked up.
As she dragged her feet down the halls, in a sharp contrast to her previous electrifying speed, Juliana just hoped and prayed to Arceus Nemona would call back before she had to get on the plane, or, who knows, show up at the entrance hall, so she could hug her goodbye. 
Another wave of disappointment pulled her under into what seemed like a sea of sadness when she reached the entrance and Nemona was nowhere to be seen. 
Director Cyrano looked at the girl, with a kind but slightly impatient smile, before reiterating they really had to hurry. 
Juliana's head was a mess, so much in fact she even considered not going, but she couldn't just do that after Director Cyrano had gone to all that trouble to pick her up, so she hopped on a flying taxi with him to the airport, teary-eyed, staring down at the phone she had to turn off before getting on that plane. 
She even tried calling a few more times but to no avail.
As they arrived at the airport Juliana started typing, it was the most impersonal goodbye to the most important person, but she HAD to say something to Nemona.
"I tried finding you and then calling but I couldn't reach you, I needed to tell you, I got an invitation to go to Unova, sorry I don't have more time to explain, I have to get on the plane now, I'll call you when I get there tesoro" - The text read. Juliana quickly hit send as she climbed up the plane and sent her rotom phone to sleep.
The trip was treacherous and long. When she finally arrived in Unova, there was still somewhat of a journey to get to Blueberry Academy, but she couldn't wait. Juliana fired up her rotom phone back on and checked the notifications:
- 1 missed call from Nemona.
- "¡¿QUÉ!? UNOVA? WHY? WHEN?" 
3 missed calls from Nemona.
2 missed calls from Nemona.
- "you shouldn't have promised to be rivals for life if you were just going to hop on the next best thing. I know the Unova league is awesome and all but for real?"
"The Unova league?!" - Juliana realized the fatality of her mistake, she shouldn't have been so vague and just told Nemona she was going as a transfer student for a semester, Nemona read the situation completely wrong. She tried calling to explain but Nemona wasn't picking up, to be fair, Juliana didn't really know what time it was back in Paldea, Nemona could very well be sleeping. The girl decided to call again another time.
After settling at Blueberry Academy and seeing her old friends, Juliana tried again, still no answer. Juliana got accepted to the BB League club and felt the urgent need to share the news with her best friend/rival so she tried calling again, Nemona still didn't answer. 
After beating each member of the BB elite 4 there was always one person she wanted to share the news with, after each victory she would dial up Nemona's number, each time she would feel defeated by the lack of response on Nemona's part. Then Juliana became the BB League champion. It was an awkward moment, impregnated with the uncertainty of what the league club would do when Juliana returned to Paldea, mixed with the uneasy feeling that came with seeing the state Kieran was left in. 
Juliana spaced out momentarily, longing for the simpler times that were becoming a champion-ranked trainer in Paldea, having her rival waiting impatiently outside the Pokémon League’s building, to greet her new champion friend with open arms and fiery eyes. Even after losing the battle in Mesagoza Square, Nemona was overjoyed, bursting at the seems with excitement for her friend, knowing they could continuously challenge each other to reach greater heights. And that's when it hit Juliana, the happiness she felt that week when she became champion, didn't come from the champion title, it came from the moments spent with her friend. 
Battling Nemona was different, sure battles in general were exciting, but, when she was battling Nemona, her hands would shake and she would feel this weird turning in her stomach, something she couldn't really pinpoint the reason for. She then took a moment to reflect on her treasure-hunt, how, out of all the challenges she faced, what she was always most excited for, was reaching a gym and seeing Nemona, always so conveniently one step ahead, always there ready to cheer her on, often from the very sideline of the gym's battle court, seemingly just as nervous as her.
Then she remembered the conversation in Nemona's room by the end of the school year when they promised to stay true equals and Nemona got all flustered. 
They had spent the entire summer afterwards training together and discussing tactics and teams, but also, just hanging out, they would often just end up at Nemona's beach battle court, laying out in the sand, almost passed out from exhaustion, under the late setting august sun, the orange hue would make Nemona's eyes even more golden and Juliana could just stare endlessly, sometimes, she'd even stop listening to what Nemona was saying. 
All this reminiscence was put to a halt when they heard the announcement that Miss Briar called for her, Carmine, Kieran and Drayton. That's when they got informed of the expedition to Area Zero, and while it was nice to see Miss Geeta and Rika, Juliana couldn't quite shake the empty feeling she had since her recent championship fight, so much that she even almost asked La Primera if she knew why Nemona wouldn't return her calls, but she knew better than to bother Miss Geeta with that, she also felt it was somewhat disrespectful to deviate the subject from such an important matter to her personal drama.
When they returned from the expedition to Area Zero, Kieran decided to take a break to put his emotions in order and Carmine went with him back home. This left Juliana alone with the rest of the BB Elite 4 trying to figure out how to piece the League Club back together, thankfully, the tension the league was under dissipated after Juliana was crowned champion, they even managed to do some unranked battle events so that members could learn from each other without worrying about the competition aspect. Director Cyrano even had the great idea of bringing over people from Paldea to give a few lectures and interact with the Blueberry students. Juliana loved the idea, it would be amazing seeing the people who helped shape her journey in Unova, maybe it would help it feel a bit more like home for the remainder of time she had to spend there. 
As soon as it was time for school break, Juliana hopped on a plane back to Paldea. She was excited to see her friends and discuss her brand-new project with Miss Geeta. But the trip was long, while sitting for hours on the plane with no familiar face to talk to, Juliana was forced to face the same feelings that had flooded her after her championship fight at BB Academy. 
Seeing her friends, also meant, for better and for worse, seeing Nemona. Juliana didn't quite know what to say to her, should she apologize for the misunderstanding? Should she tell her she became a champion somewhere else? Should she tell her she missed her? And what about her feelings? Up until being so long apart from Nemona, she never questioned they were some sort of best friend duo, and chucked the clear chemistry they had to the fact they were both really passionate about Pokémon battles. 
But there was something more, Pokémon battles had nothing to do with the honey-gold color of Nemona's eyes during sunset, nor they were at play when Juliana's hands would shake when greeting her rival, or how her heart would sink every time she caught as little as a glimpse of someone who looked like Nemona. Juliana's thoughts were more entangled than a Mareep's fur and she didn't really know how to make sense of them.
After many restless hours, and almost zero sleep, Juliana was jolted by the feeling of the airplane's wheels touching the ground as it landed, she had spent the last few hours listening to music trying to distract herself from the mess going on in her head, so she kind of lost track of where she was. Her stomach sank when she realized the deadline to figure out the jumbled mess in her head was approaching.
Upon exiting the airport, she decided to ride Koraidon's back, taking advantage of his newly found ability to fly. It was both refreshing and nostalgic to see Paldea up from above, all the places she'd ventured through now just seemed so tiny, she looked fondly at ever gym building, every team star base and titan's lair she could spot from up above. It truly felt like home and despite the lingering conflit in her mind, Juliana was now a bit more at peace.
It wasn't long until she reached Cabo Poco, the anxiety she felt was undeniably rising, since Nemona lives just down the street from her, she made sure to approach her home from the back ending, as to avoid a possible confrontation she was not ready for, landing Koraidon in her backyard, barely avoiding stomping her mom's vegetable garden. 
Juliana called her faithful companion back in his pokeball and went inside. As soon as she entered her home she noticed the cozy familiar smell of her mom's cooking.
"Great to have you home, Juliana, how have your studies been?" - Her mom said with a warm smile.
Juliana felt a sudden overwhelm and unable to reply just hugged her mom, fighting back the tears that were now flooding her eyes.
“¿Que pasa chiquita? Are you not enjoying your stay in Unova?" - Her mother asked in a deeply concerned voice.
Juliana pulled away, and wiped her eyes as she mustered the strength to answer her mom's question without having her voice break.
"No it's not that, I just missed you a lot."
"¡Tonta!" - her mom chuckled. - "Go take a shower, dinner is almost ready."
Juliana went up to her room to grab some comfy clean clothes and she couldn't help peeping out the window trying to make out something, anything, that might resemble Nemona's presence in the house down the street. Truth is, it was too far, she could barely make out the windows in Nemona's house, they looked like little light specs on a huge concrete block.
After her shower, Juliana was presented with an array of her favorite dishes on the table, and, while her appetite wasn't the greatest, she couldn't help but sit and enjoy her mother's effort for a warm welcoming dinner and take the opportunity to tell her about all the crazy adventures she went on during the last three months. 
The next morning, she woke up in a rush, kissed her mom goodbye and headed back to the academy, after all, she still needed to consult Miss Geeta about bringing Paldean mentors to Bluebery Academy, and she also needed to catch up with her friends. 
Quickly enough she was out the door with an half eaten breakfast sandwich in her hand, she hopped on Koaraidon's back, this time they were taking the ground route, a decision she promptly regretted when she was approaching the crossroad between Cabo Poco and Poco Path, realizing she was passing right in front of Nemona's house, she ducked on top of Koraidon... As if Koraidon could be easily mistaken by any regular old cyclizar. Thankfully there was no sign of activity in the masion, after entering Poco Path and safely out of what could be Nemona's line of sight she let out a sigh of relief, it was time now to head to the academy. It then dawned on her, if Nemona isn't at home, she must be at the academy right? 
Juliana proceeded to stall the whole trip to Naranja Academy, she stalled so much even Koraidon was growing impatient with the slow pace his trainer had imposed. Ironically enough she was stalling as much to get back as she did when it was time to leave three months prior. 
Upon arriving at the academy's front gates Juliana trembled as she dismounted Koraidon, despite it being the beginning of winter she was sweating profusely, her hands were soaked to the point she almost dropped his poke ball. She walked in and asked the receptionist if Director Clavell was at the academy, upon receiving a positive answer she rushed to his office to book a meeting with him and Miss Geeta regarding her recent project. 
As Juliana walked into the director's office, she was met with a very enthusiastic Director Clavell, clearly overjoyed to see her.
"Miss Juliana! How great to have you here! How have things been in Unova? Director Cyrano hasn't given you much trouble, has he?"
"Ahah Hi, Director Clavell! It's been great, and actually I'm here because I have a project, I'd Like to run by you and La Primera, I was thinking we could maybe schedule some time to discuss it?"
"Well, of course, I'd be much obliged to help with any project you might have in mind, may I ask what will this one entail?"
Juliana proceeded to explain the idea Director Cyrano had and how she was thinking of putting it into practice.
"Very well, it does seem interesting, I would be very happy to release a few members of our school's faculty at the time to partake in that project of yours, and I'm sure Miss Geeta will have no opposition regarding League members as well, but you do need to talk to her first, we can do that tomorrow. Well but what about your personal endeavors? Have you reached any new goals, made new friends?"
Juliana then told Director Clavell all about Carmine and Kieran and the rest of the BB Elite Four, how she became a champion and how much she actually enjoyed doing double battles more often and the hands-on approach the classes held in the terrarium had, but also just how much she missed her friends and professors, so much she actually even kind of missed Miss Rockford's weird aura.
Director Clavell agreed with a chuckle, despite being the school’s director, he had formed a closer bond with Juliana, maybe partially to blame for their combined efforts during operation Starfall, he couldn't help but look at Juliana in a more familiar way and therefore being a little less formal around her. 
"Well now, you must want to go see your friends, right? Master Arven is most likely in the cafeteria, he has been busy revamping our school’s menu along with Mr. Saguaro, and Miss Penny should be..."
"What about Nemona??" Juliana hurriedly interrupted the director who looked at her with a rather surprised look.
"I'm sorry director, I didn't mean to be rude... I just... Need to know if she's ok..."
The director looked at her with a warm, understanding gaze, he could see in Juliana's face something had been bottling inside her for long and she just couldn't hold it back any longer. 
"Well, you see, as I was going to say, Miss Penny should be at the Pokémon league, helping the cyber security department, while miss Nemona goes around checking the gyms, just like you did last semester. They should both be back tonight.”
Juliana let out a sigh that danced between relief and sadness, she thanked the director and left his office. The girl decided to follow his instructions and headed to the school’s cafeteria trying to find Arven. 
And she did find him, Arven was in the kitchen, wearing a big orange apron, looking super serious and focused preparing a few dishes, this was something Juliana just HAD to tease him about later, but, for now, she was happy just glancing at her friend while he was busy working.
It wasn’t long before Arven’s deep focus was broken by catching a glimpse of Juliana’s face in his peripheral vision. He jolted when he realized it was her, dropped the kitchen utensils and ran to hug her. He tackled her so hard they almost fell flat on the cafeteria floor, the other students looked startled at the duo while they burst into laughter in a hug that was long overdue.
“Long time no see, right hermanita?” – Arven said with a huge grin on his face while putting Juliana back down.
“Right, I missed you.” – Juliana answered with a huge smile.
“Same, we have a lot of catching up to do!!”
“Ahem” – Mr. Saguaro coughed as to get Arven’s attention.
            Arven’s excitement was quickly dulled out by Mr. Saguaro’s intrusion.
“Right, I have to go finish these new dishes we’re trying out, sit down, I’ll bring you something to eat while you wait.”
            Juliana happily obliged and sat down at the nearest table. It wasn’t long before Arven brought her a plate with some seafood and vegetables and a few shiny specs that were oddly familiar.
“We’re trying out some special dishes with Herba Mystica, try that and tell me what you think.” – Said Arven while putting down the plate in front of his friend.
            The girl picked up her fork and tried to grab a bit of everything in the same bite. As she brought the fork up to her mouth, eyes widened, it was slightly spicy but incredibly flavorful. She was speechless so she just gesticulated approvingly around the plate. It was good enough of a reaction for Arven, who happily marched back into the kitchen.
            As soon as Arven’s work was done he sat right next to her. By that time Juliana had again started to be engulfed by the sinking feeling that had haunted her for weeks now.
“¿Qué pasa? Is my food that bad?” – Arven asked looking at his friend with a seriously worried expression.
“No it’s not that… it’s just…” – Juliana started to fight back tears as she tried to put into words the absolute mess of emotions that plagued her. “It’s Nemona… I… I haven’t heard from her in a while and I miss her, and I don’t know if I miss her as a friend or something else, I have no idea what’s-” Juliana realized she had just started dumpung her huge mess of emotions onto Arven. “I’m sorry… I’m a mess.”
“Tranquila niña, you’re a mess, but you’re our mess, and you should continue talking if that helps, just maybe not here? How bout we head up to my dorm, Mabosstiff sure misses you a lot too.”
            Juliana happily agreed. When they got to Arven’s dorm, he let out Mabosstiff, whom promptly jumped up at Juliana and started licking her face.
“AHAHAHAHAHA who’s a good boy? You are, you’re the best boy.” Juliana said between giggles.
            As soon as Mabosstiff calmed down the two were able to return to their conversation.
“So… About Nemona… The girl has been a mess since you left, what happened?” Arven said in a surprisingly worried tone, Juliana never imagined he had actually grown to care so much for Nemona.
“So I left for Unova right? And I didn’t find her before leaving, I tried calling but she didn’t answer, I was trying to get a hold of her until the very last minute, but I just couldn’t, so I left her a text saying I was going to Unova and I’d call her to explain when I got there. Turns out she read the whole situation wrong, I think she understood I was moving to take on the Unova League and got REALLY upset. She hasn’t answered any calls since then… I think she hates me.” – Juliana was almost crying at this point and the desperation in her voice was palpable.
“Oh… That explains a lot…” – It was like someone flicked a switch in Arven’s head.
“Uh?! What do you mean?!” – Juliana was puzzled looking at Arven.
“Well, you see… Turns out when you left Nemona was out trying to catch Pokémon, I guess she didn’t have her phone with her as to not scare the mons away? When she came back she was fuming, she plopped down on the table where me and Penny were having lunch and just started ranting on and on about how she caught this shiny growlithe to impress you, and you just went and abandoned her, and how she felt so betrayed you moved on to bigger and better things and just left her behind, me and Penny were really confused, because we knew it was temporary so we thought she was over reacting… But she was too nervous to discuss it rationally so we just dropped it and let her go through what she had to go through, and of course offered as much support as we could, but we did avoid talking about you in her presence so I guess the misunderstanding is still well present in her mind.”
            Juliana couldn’t believe her ears, just the mere thought of making Nemona so upset felt like a sharp stab to her chest. 
“And how has she been since then?” 
“What do you mean weird?”
“Like, really weird, like she’s not even Nemona, she’s always slumped over some table, doesn’t battle quite as much, sometimes she’ll accept a challenge when people accuse her of losing her spark, she’ll go, absolutely destroy whoever she’s facing and then slump back down again, it’s like she doesn’t even enjoy it anymore.”
            Juliana was overwhelmed with guilt and just buried her hands in her face.
“She did perk up a little tho, just last week, when that Pokémon League lady came talk to her.”
“You mean La Primera?”
“Yeah, I guess she gave Nemona some sort of task and that got her engines running again.”
“Yeah, Director Clavell told me she sent her to go check on the gyms, I guess that must have sounded like enough of a challenge to Nemona.”
            They both chuckled remembering Nemona’s usual highly energetic attitude, always looking for a challenge.
“But now back to you little buddy. What did you mean about not knowing if you missed Nemona as a friend or something else?” 
            Juliana really hoped Arven wouldn’t bring that slip of tongue up again, but Arven was sharp as always.
“Well…” – Juliana’s face was now hotter than a Charmander’s tail. “I guess what I mean was…”
“You don’t need to explain.”
“I don’t?”
“You’re my little budy remember?”
            Juliana nodded unsure where Arven was going with that.
“You like Nemona, I know that, I knew that before even you knew.”
“Wha- HOW?!”
“Well, remember when we went to the lab in the lighthouse? And my mom… Or, in this case my mom's stunt double, asked us, pardon, asked you to gather a team to go into the zero lab and I mentioned asking the student council girl?”
“Hum, Hum.”
“Yeah, you went all red, you looked like a pokeball, it was funny.” 
“Oh shut it!” – Juliana said, blushing.
“It’s true, and then, when we went down to area zero, I saw the looks you guys were shooting at each other, and by I, I mean we, me and Penny were making fun of you guys the whole time, but you were too busy looking like two birds in love to notice.”
            Juliana’s face was now back to that same pokeball shade of red. Arven just laughed at her.
“Look, what I mean is, you guys adore each other, and you should talk and clear up that misunderstanding.”
“Yeah… you’re right… I need to talk to her.”
“You do. But you should rest a bit first and put those ideas in order before you go and ramble nonsensical things again.”
“You’re right, I’m going to my room rest for a bit.”
“You do you bud, if you need anything, just call.”
            Juliana gave Arven a big hug and he kissed the top of her head, the two friends said goodbye and the girl went up to her dorm.
            As she was walking she kept on thinking about what she would say to Nemona, she didn’t even know if she’d want to talk to her, and, to add insult to injury, Nemona wasn’t even at school, she either had to stalk the entrance/Nemona’s dorm room waiting on her to arrive, or hope she’d run into her.
            All the what ifs started bearing too much weight on Juliana, the girl decided to go take a shower and try to clear her head. As she arrived to her room, she searched up that same playlist she was listening to on the plane, since it managed to get her some sense of peace. Whilst having her phone in her hand she had a brief moment of courage and started writing up a text.
“I miss you tesoro… I’m at school… If you wanna talk…”
            Juliana hit send before her brain could actually register what she wrote, it was better off this way, she wouldn’t have said anything otherwise. Then the girl just turned the music up, trying to drown the recent amp up of noise and anxiety in her head, and went into the shower.
            As she showered a million thoughts raced through her, she wondered if Nemona has read the text, if she would reply, if she even got the text, as far as she knew, she could very well be blocked. This seemingly unstoppable train of thought was becoming way too much. Juliana tried focused on the music playing from her phone to distract herself and the she heard it:
“Back when we were still changing for the better,
 Wanting was enough, for me it was enough,
To live for the hope of it all,
Cancel plans just in case you call,
 And say meet me behind the mall.
So much for summer love, and saying us, 
Cause you weren’t mine to lose,
You weren’t mine to lose…
And I can see us lost in a memory,
August slipped away,
Into a moment in time,
Cause it was never mine.”
            The song spoke weirdly close to Juliana’s heart, so much so she had those verses stuck on repeat from that moment onwards. 
As soon as she got out of the shower she checked her phone again, still no answer from Nemona. Juliana needed something to occupy her mind, a battle was usually her privileged form of destressing but that was out of the cards at the present moment. It was then that Juliana remembered, she had a guitar tucked away beneath her desk, she was never that great of a musician, but she used to play for fun before enrolling in Naranja Academy and going on all these crazy adventures.
            She pulled the guitar out of the bag, carefully tuned it and searched up the chords to the song that was now engraved in her brain. She started trying to strum along to the song, trying to regain some practice, it had been months since she last played anything at all.
            After a few tries the girl was already feeling comfortable enough to play and try to sing at the same time, so she started humming along with the song. Eventually she started full out singing, she felt her heart alleviate with every verse, she even forgot the dorm walls were paper thin and someone, anyone on the outside could hear everything.
            As a matter of fact someone was listening just outside her door. 
While still hurt, Nemona couldn’t resist wanting to see Juliana. When she saw her friend’s text she rushed back to the academy as fast as she could. She missed Juliana so much she even temporarily forgot the reason why she was mad, she needed to give her a hug, and possibly beat her up in battle, but give her a hug first.
When she arrived at the academy, Nemona went straight to Juliana’s room, she was just down her hall when she heard some faint strumming coming from the girl’s room. She stopped for a bit, thinking back, Juliana had never told her she played any instrument, but she did recall seeing a weirdly shaped bag under her friend’s desk.
She started walking again, slowly this time, as to not make any noise, she was intrigued and wanted to hear more of what Juliana was playing. Then as Nemona was about to reach Juliana’s door, the girl started singing…
“Salt air, and the rust on your door I never needed anything more Whispers of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before"
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine”
Nemona was speechless, she knew Juliana had many talents, but she had never pegged her for a singer. She leaned against a wall to hear more closely, her friend’s voice was soft in a way Nemona couldn’t really describe. And the feeling it transpired was starting to wear on Nemona as well, she could tell those words were felt, it was some sort of catharsis. 
The girl engulfed in the song continued:
“Cause you weren't mine to lose You weren't mine to lose, no…”
            Nemona froze, she realized, in some way, in some capacity, her friend meant what she was singing to her. Thinking back on what she heard her friend sing, it kind of made sense, but, if she felt that way how could she leave like that? She couldn’t take it anymore, she didn’t hear anything else coming from her friend’s room so she just stormed in.
            Juliana was now crying, with her face buried in her desk, her guitar on her lap, she was crying so hard she didn’t even notice the door open.
“Jules!” – Nemona called for her, with just about as much pain in her voice as her friend had just moments ago.
            The girl who was sobbing suddenly froze and looked up.
            Nemona walked up to her friend, took the guitar from her lap and ducked down to her level, pulled some of the hair that was covering her face behind her ear and smiled.
“You never told me you sang!!!”
“Well… ahm… it just never really came up I guess.”
            Nemona just stood there face to face with Juliana, looking her in the eyes for a moment, before she proceeded.
“You know, you owe me an explanation.”
“I know, I tried to find you before I went, I tried to call… I…. I’m so-”
“Shhhhh” – Nemona pressed a finger to her friend’s lips to silence her. “You owe me an explanation, but not now.” 
Nemona stood up and pulled her friend off her chair and into her arms. Juliana just buried her face in Nemona’s neck, as she pulled her closer and started caressing the back off her head. The two girls stood there hugging for what seemed like an eternity, truth is, neither of them wanted to let go, Juliana could hear Nemona’s breathing and Nemona could feel Juliana’s heartbeat pressed up against her chest, they were perfectly in sync, just like in many other things. 
“I was never going to leave you” – Juliana broke the silence, still holding on to the other girl.
“I couldn’t just leave you, I only accepted because it was temporary, and I even considered not going when I didn’t find you the day I went.”
“¡Cállate loca!” – Nemona exclaimed as she pulled her friend closer. “I would kill you if you didn’t go, I’m sorry, I overreacted.” 
            Juliana squeezed Nemona before letting go from the hug, but Nemona didn’t fully back away, leaving them mere inches from each other’s face. They looked into each other’s eyes for a solid minute before they both became quite flustered, trying to hide the sudden shade of red that flooded her face, Juliana hugged Nemona again and that’s when she heard Nemona, in a shaky voice that wasn’t at all usual in her.
            “Di-me tesoro.” – Juliana answered, blushing even harder while taking shelter in Nemona’s arms.
            Nemona’s grip tightened around the girl, as if she was trying to hide the fact that she was now shaking.
            “I… ahm… how do I say this…” She dragged trying to muster the courage to say it. “I… I always was… yours to lose…”
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smallestapplin · 1 year
I’ve always liked the reverse AU’s where Emmet is the one Hisui’d and Ingo stays in Unova, so if you’re willing, would you write an Ingo still in Unove while his brother and partner are both missing for however long? I love you!!
Ingo remembers that day so clearly.
He remembers waking up to your sleeping face curled into his chest, he remembers kissing your forehead accidentally waking you.
Apologizing as he had to leave for work.
He remembers chuckling at your sleepy plead for him to stay a little longer, to cuddle you more.
He didn’t, but he did linger to give you several kisses, linger to tell you how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to marry you.
Your ring and his shining in the morning light seeping through the curtains.
The ring that’s still currently on his finger even a year after your disappearance.
He remembers Emmet texting him, telling him he’d be in late as Archeops apparently stole his hat, paired with a video of the fossil Pokémon running and flapping around with a white conductor hat.
He remembers laughing at the video, but messaging his twin ‘good luck!’ Before heading to work.
Ingo didn’t mind being the only boss there then.
He does now.
He remembers getting worried and messaging Emmet if he was okay, or needed help as time quickly passed.
Yet no response.
He left for home on his lunch break, as Emmet lives next door.
Only to enter his twin’s home and seeing all his Pokémon there in distress, crying out and looking frantic.
Yet no sign of Emmet.
He rushed to his home to get you, knowing you were off of work today, yet you’re not there either.
He remembers the panic that went through him, the frantic calling for both you and Emmet, even calling your phones.
He loathed recalling how his heart plummeted when he heard his ringtone go off and found your phone on the floor of your shared bedroom.
You were taken, that much he was sure of, you never left home without your phone and at least one of your Pokémon.
Yet all six were accounted for, and weakly crying for you.
He called all your friends, his friends, Emmet’s friends, and anyone he could think of. By the end of the hour, it had already spread that a subway boss and the fiancé of one had disappeared.
Then the rumors started.
Rumors his friends tried to protect him from, but it was too late.
The most popular being you and Emmet fell in love and ran away together, leaving him behind.
But even if that were true, you would’ve taken your Pokémon and phone, he knows you and knows his brother.
He knew it wasn’t true and something more sinister happened.
The police tried, search efforts were made and news outlets pleaded for help for the return of the two of you.
But days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and now here he is, a year later, and still not a sign of either of you.
Ingo cried and still cries at even the mention of you and his brother, he couldn’t thank everyone for their help properly without sobbing.
Elesa and Skyla had to drag him from his home for the first five months, just to get him to go to work.
His loud voice was now hoarse from all his crying, and barely as loud as it once was.
He refused to part with anything of Emmets or yours.
He still introduces himself as engaged.
He can’t let go.
Taking care of so many Pokémon is a hassle, but he enjoys the comfort of them as it reminds him of his brother and beloved.
He refuses to let you two be forgotten.
He refuses to move any of your things.
Your side of the bed remains untouched, your side of the bathroom counter is just how you left it.
He makes sure to dust and keep things clean.
Even with Emmet’s home, he does the same, unable to bring himself to part with anything that wasn’t already in the trash can.
Ingo feels numb, he feels like a husk. The bags under his eyes are dark, his body sways more from being unbalanced. The exhaustion is getting to him, but no matter how much he sleeps, he wakes up even more tired.
He’s tired.
He wants you two home.
He can’t give up, you wouldn’t want him to.
But he’s afraid he’ll never see you two again.
Unaware of a museum in Sinnoh having some pictures and artifacts that are too similar to be a coincidence.
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Professor Lucina Sada was used to giving presentations. She was used to seeing her fellow professors. Sada was even used to being called nuts.
She was not good with surprises. Especially when she was running on 48 hours of coffee and little sleep.
So, as she prepared her notes for her presentation at the conference, walking through the Great Hall of the academy, the last thing she needed was for someone to tap her on the shoulder. So, when someone did, she swatted away their hand, not looking up. Whoever it was didn't seem to get the hint, as they did so again. "Go. away. I'm busy." She growled through gritted teeth. Hopefully this wasn't a poor student she just scared again- Jacq and Salvatore refused to let her live that down.
"You know, it's considered rude to not look up at the person talking to you, mi corazón."
She froze. That voice...
Whipping around, she was face to face with Professor Andres Turo, fellow Pokemon professor, co-creator of the Tera Orb, and... her estranged spouse.
Who was now out cold on the ground following her fist connecting with his face.
Ms. Tyme was NOT happy with her reaction, stating she couldn't have waited until she was in private to punch him?
Hassel, Saguero, Salvatore, and Dendra had to pay Raifort after she won the bet over how long it would take for them to be in the same region before she punched Turo. Miriam is amazed at how fast she moved, while Jacq... he missed the whole thing, having instead chosen to catch up with his brother and cousins over lunch in town.
Kukui, who witnessed the entire thing, was laughing his ass off.
A few hours before the conference began, she went to apologize to Turo. After all, he didn't deserve to be punched (well, he did, just not like that). The moment he opened his door, she ended up punching him again.
Augustine ended up having to sit between the two once the conference began. He'd managed to get them to agree to speak in private later, just for now to please stop punching the man when children are around. Jacq was sat besides Sonia and her assistant Hop- his baby cousin, as it turned out- while Juniper sat with Elm and Birch. Rowan, Oak, and Kukui had found themselves at the other end of the oval conference table, Oak's grandson Blue nearby with Bianca of Unova discussing their friends and their habit of "vanishing without warning anyone". Lucas and Brendan were discussing regional variants and the mysterious 'Hisuian forms' that once called Sinnoh home. She knew Champion Leon of Galar had accompanied his brother here, but he had opted to explore the academy instead, stating he probably wouldn't understand much of what was to be discussed.
Sada figured that as they were all here, she might as well take the chance to explain the strange multiverse she had experienced. Kukui had already been filled in, having dealt with something similar a few years back, so at least he wouldn't think she was crazy... at least regarding this.
"Fellow Professors and researchers, I welcome you to Paldea's esteemed Naranja Academy. As you all know, it is here where Professor Laventon studied and is said to be inspired to create what we now know as the very first Pokedex." The director began, gesturing to a framed photo hanging up on the wall between Rowan and Oak. A man with tan skin, a bowtie, and curly hair smiled back from the image, a plaque beneath it reading Professor Laventon, shortly before his trip to document the Pokemon of the Hisui region. "Since then, advancements in not only what he first documented but beyond in the area of Pokemon research have soared far past what we can expect he ever dreamed of. A computerized Pokedex, studies into baby Pokemon, the rediscovery of the Fairy Type- thought to have been lost since he first documented it- and Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax, and Terestalization are only scratching the surface of what we have done here. Why, our academy's own Jacq Sycamore created the very first Pokedex app to document and study the Pokemon of Paldea and the regional forms that live here." She paused to take a breath. Alright. Time to drop the bombshell she knew.
"And during this time, we have witnessed strange disturbances in space-time. Laventon documented what he called 'Space-Time Distortions' in Hisui, rifts in the fabric of time and space that dragged Pokemon from different places and eras to the location they formed in. We have seen in Sinnoh and Alola that such things are possible- that multiple universes can exist. What I have discovered recently is-"
That was when the door to the conference room opened and someone tumbled inside. Wearing a labcoat (a rather outdated one at that) and a purple hat, the person seemed to be confused and surprised, hugging a bundle of papers to his chest as he groaned from where he landed by Sada's feet.
Sycamore was already helping the man up, but upon seeing his face he scrambled back, letting go and accidentally dropping him. The room was in a stunned silence before Rowan, the most senior professor (or second most senior professor now) spoke.
"If I am not mistaken... Is that Professor Laventon?"
(Hehehehehehe Sada sees Turo- OHKO.
Sees him again- OHKO
so @askprofessorlaventon and I have been planning this for a bit now. If you follow my other Pokemon ask blog, @silentzoroark, you no doubt saw the beginning of this.
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starrysilvalley · 4 days
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🌟Spectrum Book 1: Onward🌟
✨Chapter 1 | Familiar (Full Text Below Line)✨
Word Count: 2,553
As said previously, I’ll try and post the chapters on both Tumblr and Ao3. On Ao3 the story is restricted to members only as of right now, but I may open it to all as time goes on. I try to update on Ao3 on Wednesdays, and I will post on Tumblr sometime afterwards (I currently have no specified date for Tumblr releases, so times may vary).
Series Note: This series was planned and written in the summer of 2024 based on the context of the Pokémon In-Game Universe at the time. This series includes spoilers for Pokémon games including Black & White, Black & White II, Legends Arceus, and Scarlet & Violet. Any changes to the overarching storyline or characters that occur within any following Pokémon game releases (i.e. Pokémon Legends ZA and beyond) are considered non-canon within the context of this series.
This series was written out of my love for Generation V and as if it is its game plot, but with a few small twists. I wanted to simply try and write my own alternative storyline for a hypothetical Unova Legends game. My attempt at a Legends plotline became a passion project I wanted to share with those who may be interested in such a story. While it is written to have a darker tone due to its inspirations, I try to keep the series at a PG13 rating for fantasy violence. There is no sexual or NSFW content. Pokémon was ultimately made for young viewers, and I wish to carry on a similar openness in my writing.
After around seven years of being dragged along by Fajra, Emmet learned two big don’ts— don’t let Fajra drive and don’t let Fajra handle negotiations solo as people. It wasn't like he did much better when it came to socializing. Most often a discussion would— unintentionally — end with a passive-aggressive remark. His blunt remarks weren’t good for business. Yet it was one thing for Emmet to provoke their clients, it was another for the clients to provoke Fajra. 
“You know the drill, just let me do the talkin’ here,” Fajra reminded her partner while her hand rested on the old battered door handle. “No weird greetings, don't point out whatever weird lil’ tattoo or mark you see on the guys’ face, or the ugly picture that's probably his mam or someon’— better yet, how about say nothin’ at all?”
She had shot him a look as if inviting him to protest, but instead he simply replied with a sly smile, “As you wish.”
“Nuh-uh, don’t smile like that. I’m serious, Em. We have an agreement, but you…”
Fajra held up her hand to Emmet’s face as if trying to grasp something with all her might before spitting out, “Keep your inside thoughts inside, that’s all I’m saying.”
That was all well and good— if only Fajra could do the same. Fajra excelled at misdirecting from her motives, but misdirecting her feelings was another. Now as the two stood before the grizzled manager of the dimly lit antique store, Emmet could already see Fajra’s facade slipping away as she tapped her fingers with great annoyance on the countertop. The manager glanced at her every so often as he inspected the items presented, but didn’t break under her pressure.    
“I’ll give ya… about a thousand for this one.”
The store manager tapped one of the TMs, only for Fajra to scoff and push Emmet aside from the counter. She slammed both hands on the table as she leered at the manager, “A thousand? Don’ get smart with me, I know you sold this for five thousand last week! At least pretend to play fair. Suppose you’ll say these ones are worth even less now?”
Fajra gestured to the other TMs they managed to collect. They weren’t exactly mint condition. Dusty and scratched, he suspected they hadn’t been touched in many decades. 
“We tested these ourselves,” Emmet offered, placing a firm hand on Fajra’s shoulder as if to pull her back. “They still work, if that’s your concern. They may not have the aesthetic appeal, but ultimately it's about their function.” 
The manager still had a frown on his face. His eyes seemed to linger around the old store filled with second-hand items. It was a dark and dreary store, as if all the memories that the items once left held haunted the place with a gloomy presence. Emmet noted that his gaze steadied on an only television set placed toward the door. 
“Look, I’ll shoot straight with ya,” the manager began at last with a heavy sigh, “One of my other suppliers brought me TMs and it turned out they were stolen from private League property. The authorities came knocking and I'm fortunate they didn't shut my whole business down. Haven’t seen the guy since then. I can give you a little money for the trouble, but unless you can prove these were legally acquired, I’m just going to treat them as damaged goods.” 
Before Fajra opened her mouth, Emmet quickly intervened, “Understandable— we’ll need a minute to discuss. Apologies for the delay.”
“It’s a load of Bouffalant crap!” Fajra spat immediately once Emmet pulled her away from the counter. “He’s trying to cheat us out of our items! I’ve seen it before, you can’t possibly think—“
“I can’t take that track with you, Fajra. What if he’s telling the truth? You and I both knowwhere those TMs came from. You know full well if we get caught, we will be in serious trouble. Una and I would be in serious trouble. Take the hush money.” 
He knew he screwed up when Fajra’s face became about as red as her flame colored hair. “I am not leaving with a measly thousand. Those blasted discs took too long to get to have such little reward! We need the money to fix that stupid handcar we busted just getting the loot here!”
“You busted the handcar. I’m a lot of things, but I’m at least a good driver.”
The front door jingled as someone entered the store, and both Emmet and Fajra immediately fell quiet. A young man and woman strided inside and their own eyes landed on the two other customers before heading to the counter. Their clothes were relatively ordinary of the scrawny Pokémon trainers in the area, although he noted that each wore a gold band around one of their ankles. Emmet tipped his head a little farther down over his face while Fajra shot a nasty glare back at the newcomers before whispering underneath her breath, “Great, just what we needed, an audience.” 
The store manager pushed aside the TMs and other trinkets Fajra provided while greeting the couple with a weary smile. “Ah, come to collect your purchase, I see? I’ve been holding it for some time—“
“Yes, yes,” the man began with a wave of his hand. “We appreciate you holding onto it. Mr. Stotle would’ve come to take it himself, but he couldn’t find the time.”
Something bumped against Emmet’s leg, and upon peering down he found Liepard brushing up beside him. Liepard often wandered around the establishment while Emmet and Fajra conducted business, watching for any signs of a threat. Her glowing eyes were now fixed on the woman, who immediately turned her stare away upon Liepard’s appearance. A light growl began to vibrate from the Pokémon’s throat.
“Fajra, I don't think you can win this,” Emmet whispered while placing a hand on Liepard’s head. “We’ll find another buyer, please—”
His voice was drowned as the store manager pulled out a small box and opened it for the couple while saying skeptically, “Here you are! Hopefully this will be sufficient for Mr. Sto—“
“It’s perfectly fine, sir,” the man interrupted as the manager hurriedly closed the box and pushed it under the counter. He was not fast enough, for Emmet caught a glimpse of a polished, spherical stone the color of obsidian. He managed to see the three indents pressed in the shape of a triangle before the box clamped shut. 
He couldn’t quite explain what happened next. His heart began to hammer against his chest at the sight of it. His surroundings became blurred, but his eyes could only focus on the stone. A numbing sensation of white noise engulfed his ears, leaving a ringing echoing to his very soul. Something stirred within him, dislodging images that had long since passed and buried. One stood out among the rest— a man adorning a black coat so similar to his own, his back facing Emmet. It wasn’t until the man turned that Emmet felt an ice pick stick through his heart. 
The man had his face. 
Before he could even begin to comprehend the sight, it was as if the world zoomed in beyond the man in black, revealing nothing but void— lonely and abyssal. Yet from the darkness shone two red lights, slowly dimming before a flash of electric blue light burst like a dying star.
A punch to the arm swiftly broke through his thoughts, causing him to recoil and jerk his hand to the spot Fajra hit. While Fajra still had her eyes narrowed in frustration, her lips formed a frown he had not seen in awhile. 
“You… you alrigh?” Fajra asked, the usual sharp edge in her voice dulled. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you sick or… somethin’?”
His heart beat rapidly against his chest before turning swiftly to Fajra and whispering, “What I’m about to ask you is a one time occurrence. No questions asked— not until afterwards.”
Fajra’s eyes widened, but her disapproving frown churned upward into a sly smile. “Consider my interest piqued.”
“I want to initiate Protocol Thirty-Eight.”
Any frustration Fajra had with her partner seemed to vanish, replaced with an unnatural grittiness. Her smile broadened as told Emmet with a slight flick of his shoulder, “Protocol thirty-eight? The Protocol Thirty-Eight? Does this, perhaps, mean that you’ve changed your mind about… unlawful acquisition?”
“No, but—“
“Never mind— you can spill the deets later. Let’s get the wheels moving.”
Fajra didn't miss a beat as she strolled back to the counter, a disapproving scowl reappearing on her face as she laid eyes on the manager. The pair with the stone had opened up a case to hold the box securely when Fajra spoke loudly, “You know what? Fine. We won't be doing business with you today. We’ll take our goods elsewhere. It's about time, really— you hike up your prices just so you can get rid of the crappy rip-offs for some sort of profit.”
She then turned to the woman and remarked snidely, “Might want to rethink shopping here. The guy will do anything to make a quick buck.”
The manager’s face grew red at Fajra’s words, giving the other customers a quick glance before remarking hurriedly, “Ma’am, I know you're frustrated and I hear ya, but—”
Fajra had already done her part. The seeds of doubt sank into their targets as the woman glanced down at the box within the case. Her partner didn’t seem as convinced by Fajra’s claims, but merely stopped to watch the spectacle. 
Emmet made a quick gesture to Liepard with his hands, signing to her in motions that only she would understand. Liepard gave a curt nod before brushing past her trainer and dipping behind the counter while the owner was distracted. 
Seizing his chance, Emmet moved to the side of the other customers and remarked in a cheery air, “She is right— best be careful what you get from the Thievul’s hole.”
He leaned in a little closer to the man and continued in a low voice, “Ever think where he gets these items? Just last week one of his sellers was arrested for selling League property. I would be verrrry cautious with your purchase.”
His eyes met with the man’s, and he seemed to falter under Emmet’s knowing smile. He could almost see the gears in his head turning while his gaze narrowed suspiciously. It didn't last as the manager slammed his hands on the counter and retorted with frustration. “That’s enough! Get out of my shop before I call security! And don't bother coming back here, you scavengers!”
Neither of them needed to be told a second time. Fajra exchanged a dirty look with the manager as she threw her arms around their items before storming to the door with an obnoxious whip of her fiery orange hair. Emmet waited for Liepard to slink back into view, brushing against his side with a low purr. 
The manager’s apologies were cut off as the door swung shut behind the two. Neither looked back as they were greeted by the streets of New Straiton City. There was no dark corner as the streets were ambushed with light from every screen, window, and billboard. It was late in the afternoon, and now the streets were swarming with men and women returning from work. 
“Sooo, don’ hold out on me,” Fajra began as Emmet withdrew the small withered box from his coat pocket. “What is it that made you throw away seven years worth of integrity?”
Emmet glanced around to make sure none of the passer-by or the kiosks’s Minccino mascot was within listening range, he opened it enough for Fajra to peer inside. The obsidian sphere that lay within proved true to Liepard’s skills at thievery. His heart began to pound faster at the sight of it and his hand shook as he took a hand and pressed his finger to one of the indents. He didn't have the same visions as before, but his body trembled now that he was so close.
“This better be some rock because if we just lost revenue for a cheap— Em?”
Fajra’s criticism faltered as she noticed his shaking hand. She snatched his hand away from the rock, and without warning, jerked his glove off. Her eyes widened at the touch.
“You really are sick, aren't you?” She questioned, but her voice turned soft and concerned. “How long have you felt off? My gosh, what if this is radioactive—”
“Get back!” Emmet snapped as Fajra reached out to take the box away. She immediately recoiled, but a new expression replaced her concern. He had never seen her look at him with such fear. Even Liepard backed up, pushing against Fajra as if trying to shield her from him. Even now, the trembling ceased as soon as she clamped the box shut. All his symptoms, even his rage, had snapped away like the stone from his sight.
Emmet stepped back, still gripping the box in his hand as if it were his lifeline. 
“I… am sorry,” he spoke earnestly. “I don't… I don't know why I did that. I don't know how to explain it…”
Fajra didn't speak. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she took a step closer to Emmet. “Em, did you remember something?”
The question hadn’t been asked in years. Life had simply gone on, but now that his friend watched him with worry, he realized he had returned to the horrible darkness he had found himself in years before. Only this time, he had something to lose. 
“This may sound silly,” he admitted truthfully. “But… I know this stone. When I'm around it, I realize there has been something missing. A part of me that's gone… and with this stone, it’s in reach, but I can't…”
His words faltered as Fajra reached to take his hand again. She kept him in between hers and told him with a small, but truly genuine smile, “You, my friend, are silly… but just because you're silly doesn't mean your feelings are too. Your situation is odd, and I understand that.”
He looked back at Fajra. “Thank you… I just can’t let him be separated from me again.”
Him. Even Emmet couldn't quite understand why he chose to include that one simple word. Fajra’s eyebrow raised skeptically at the inclusion of the pronoun. It didn't seem to matter though as she pried her gaze from his to glance around at their surroundings. It was getting busier, and based on the overhead announcements flooding the street, a celebration was about to take place. 
“We can talk more later,” Fajra insisted, now pushing his hand back to his side. “Better to talk this out in a place that lacks a lotta ears. If you won't let me take the box, at least don’t open it again… for now. Whatever the rock is, your body is reacting to it, and I'm not ruling out radiation.”
She paused. “Do you need to go back to the handcar right away or—”
“No,” he replied promptly as he stuffed the box back in his pocket. “I’ll be fine. But I… I can acquire Una while you go on ahead. Where did you leave her again?”
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traveling-historian · 11 months
...Ah~! Here we are...
It's been a while since I've used one of these.
Hello, you may call me Vee~ I've moved fairly recently to Castelia City for a bit of a fresh start. I'm a bit...new to "social media" so do extend some patience, aha~
I'm rather fond of history, more specifically mythology, and am constantly in search of more knowledge.
It seems to be popular to include more information regarding yourself down below.
He/him and they/them are my pronouns and I'm currently 29 years old. I'm fairly tall, I believe around 190cm last I checked.
Originally from... Sinnoh.
My current team consists of:
Spiritomb ♂ - Seneca
Roserade ♂ - Amnon
Togekiss ♀ - Eden
Hisuian Arcanine ♀ - Eris
Lucario ♂ - Malachi
Garchomp ♂ - Ramiel
Eevee ♀ - Bliss
((OOC NOTE: Please read before interacting!!
Hey hey! Welcome to my Pokémon rp blog. On this blog I will be pretending as if the world of Pokémon is 100% real. This being said, I will be including pkmn rp tags in each post that fits that description as a warning.
Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me or any kind of offscreen rp experience without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with something in mind, there is no guarantee I will engage. Also I tend not to interact or engage in any big events. They tend to become overwhelming for me and you’ll most likely never find me becoming a part of them. Please don’t send in asks regarding big events.
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
That being said, this blog will likely contain some triggering topics, such as religion, religious guilt/trauma, paranoia, dissociation and other things of this nature.
Admin is an adult! If this makes you uncomfortable then move along.
This is an RP blog, however this specific version of Volo is CANON DIVERGENT and based off an au of mine. For more information regarding this specific au please read the brief summary below:
Volo is a time traveler who's recently fled from Hisuian era Sinnoh not long after the events of PLA. He ran away via space time distortion, which sent him to modern day Unova. He's adopted the alias of "Vee" and will deny any sort of relation to "Volo" or Cynthia.
Volo is not originally from Hisui and has spent a majority of his life jumping through timelines, so he's fairly familiar with the modern day. However he's spent quite a while in Hisui, so there will be a bit of a culture shock. His grasp on current events may be a bit dated as well.
He labels himself as a historian who specializes in mythology, however his intent is to learn more about Arceus and other Pokemon deities. He carefully hides any malintent behind a slightly unsettling mask of friendliness and sociability.
ONCE AGAIN this blog will contain some POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING TOPICS such as religion, religious guilt/trauma, paranoia, dissociation, and other topics that relate to Volo's experience as a religious man with an unhealthy obsession with "god" who also deals with paranoia and other mental issues.
Please be aware that when I am talking as Vee (Volo), he may appear unsettling or not in touch with reality. If you are uncomfortable with this, it may be in your best interest to move along. If something ever comes off as rude/mean, it does not reflect how I actually feel and is just how I believe Vee (Volo) would react.
This blog is SFW, save for vaguely suggestive topics. Anything that is deemed as explicitly NSFW will be deleted on sight.
Another warning. This blog may often be involved in long RP threads. I won’t be using any programs to cut my long posts short. If this bothers you, I would recommend skipping this blog or blocking the tag “long post” or “rp thread”.
Also! I follow and like from @ripoff-robbie-rotten.
DNI: Proshippers, TERFS, and NSFW blogs))
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Hello and welcome to Day 5 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Do you know that moment when you hear an opening from a childhood TV show that you were obsessed with before and your brain is like, "But what if you combine this with this and make it into a fanfic idea?". Cause this is how my brain came up with a Mo Dao Zu Shi Pokemon AU. (The Diamond and Pearl Openings are still my jam to this day)
The AU is not fully detailed in my head (yet), but I came up with two versions for it, so I will just write down some details I already have for both versions:
Edit: As of February 6th, this has a title : "Some roads are not meant to be traveled alone"
Wei Wuxian is a new Pokemon Trainer that just started his journey with his partner Vulpix (Kantonian)
Lan Wangji is a more seasoned Pokemon Trainer (he has been on a journey for at least 2 years) and has an Alolan Vulpix as a partner.
The two meet in Kalos, more specifically in Lumiouse City. WWX wanted to see if he could start challenging the Gyms right away, and his Vulpix got a bit too excited and ran off and got lost.
Lan Wangji is in Lumiouse City for a vacation rather than to start a new journey. His Vulpix is the one that finds WWX's Vulpix. Seeing that the Kantonian Vulpix is very young, LWJ feels anger towards the trainer who let the young fox unattended.
When WWX finds them, LWJ is ready to berate him for being irresponsible, but WWX's "Please never run off again like that Vulpix. I was so scared." stops him in his tracks.
WWX turns to thank LWJ for finding his Vulpix and apologizes for the troubles. LWJ, instead of just accepting the apology, tells WWX he shouldn't be so careless, especially when his Vulpix is so young. (LWJ is kicking himself for saying that) WWX takes offense because he wasn't being careless, nor was he abusive towards his partner.
And so their first meeting is kind of a disaster. That, however, doesn't stop them from constantly meeting around Lumiouse for the next week and then the universe (aka me) decides they should journey around Kalos together. (We all know how the relationship will progress)
Edit: As of February 6th, this fic has a title:
"Life is a journey you must walk to behold"
In this version, WWX is from Hoenn (Hoenn has a lot of water = Lotus Pier). He and Jiang Cheng have been journeying through other regions (started in Hoenn, went to Kanto and Unova) but this year they want to have an individual journey for themselves.
Jiang Cheng wants to go to Johto, while WWX is going to Sinnoh.
I am on my "Give Jiang Cheng a Shinx" Agenda because just imagine him having a Shinx that is as much of a trouble maker as WWX. (Jiang Cheng's sanity is in danger)
WWX has an Absol as his partner. (The similarities between Absol's lore and WWX's personality make me believe that this is a good pair.) Also, Absol is definitely the one that is more serious and responsible between the two.
Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are from Johto and their family is well known for being Coordinators.
Lan Wangji has an Eevee that evolved into Glaceon as a partner and has participated in a lot of Pokemon Contests in Johto and Kanto.
Lan Xichen has a Lapras as a partner and is not as interested in Pokemon Contests. He does, however, like to nurse Pokemon back to health and thinks about becoming a Pokemon Doctor.
LWJ wants to go and journey around Sinnoh and learn more about Pokemon Battles (the Lan family doesn't like how trainers that challenge Gyms push their Pokemon so hard, and they are more against Pokemon Battles. In their words, "Contests are a more refined art. Pokemon Battles are barbaric and violent.") LWJ doesn't want to jump to conclusions on that topic, while LXC believes both can be just as good, but it depends if the Trainer is a good person or not.
LWJ, once in Sinnoh, wants to experience a Gym Challenge for himself, so he decides to go to Oreburgh City and challenge Roark, the Gym Leader.
He ends up watching a battle between Roark and WWX instead and falls at first sight for WWX and for his passion for Pokemon Battles. WWX is also very kind to his pokemon, so inner LWJ aproves even more of his choice in love interests.
WWX and LWJ end up traveling through Sinnoh together. (Team Galactic is the main villain that they seem to find/fight against all throughout the journey too)
On the other hand, LXC meets Jiang Cheng and decide to travel together through Jotho, with LXC using this journey to further his knowledge as a Pokemon Doctor and to learn more about Jiang Cheng, who, although says harsh things all the time, is a kind person.
LXC and Jiang Chen end up dealing with Team Rocket during their journey.
There you have it.
This is about everything that I have about this AU. Honestly, I think this one will probably continue to grow in the back of my mind for a while longer before I come up with a title for it and, possibly, even scenes (be it Battles or Contest Performances).
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
I might post some more things later today, but for the moment, I am gonna wish you guys a good morning/day/night.
Till next time,
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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doubleddenden · 9 months
Okay I had a whole thing typed that was my review for the new Pokémon dropped in Indigo Disk, but tumblr ate it, so take 2
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Starting with my favorite, Archaludon. It's a dragon, a kaiju, also a stapler remover, also a bridge with power cables inside. This is a really cool design overall and fixes what I dislike about Duraludon, and it's fun to play with. 9/10
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Hydrapple fixes what I dislike about Dipplin, but does make Flapple and Appletun a bit obsolete. Regardless, it's a fun idea and concept- I love that 7 Syrpents (which I guess aren't individually pokemon on their own? Slowbro Shelder situation I guess) make up 1 pokemon. It's silly but fun. 8/10
Also these two are neat because the concepts tie into New York/ Unova if we look at it through lense of Archaludon's Sky Arrow Bridge being based on Brooklyn Bridge and Rainbow Bridge, and Hydrapple clearly being a Big Apple reference. Very creative
Onto the paradoxes
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Raging Bolt is interesting. I prefer Raikou, and I'll be the first to admit that I do not give a shit about how many cultural or historical references are in a design, if it looks like shit its a shit design. But this design is pretty okay, and because of that I can appreciate ALL of the inspirations that went into its design.
First off, with the Beast Paradoxes drawing inspiration from dinosaurs, we have Raging Bolt as the Thunder Lizard- aka Brontosaurus. That alone is meat, but it's still pretty mammalian compared to Walking Wake- that's because there's references to something called a Questing Beast. In Medieval times, before the age of cameras or fact checking, a description of an animal far far away- such a giraffe- can get twisted abd distorted via several games of telephone until we get to a creature that combines the lower body of a leopard and deer and the neck and head of a snake- aka the Questing Beast. Raging Bolt plays a bit with all of these ideas in a pretty unique and fun way. 8/10
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Iron Crown- admittedly the Justice Paradoxes suffer a bit from the same "just make it a robot" mentality that plagues other Violet Paradoxes, but the Swords of Justice got the better end of it, I'd say. Iron Crowns in particular actually fixes what I hate about Cobalion by adding segments to the legs and thus making them feel less like bipedal knees on a quadrupedal animal.
It's signature move, Tachyon Cutter, also looks so cool in action by making the horns HUGE and GLOWING. That's awesome imo. 8/10
And now the new paradoxes we knew were coming
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Gouging Fire, Entei's Paradox. I'll say that I like it, although this is the least changed of the Beasts and is basically just Entei in a fancy hat. Hey, that's fine though.
The dinosaur Entei is based on is some kind of ceratopsian blend. I personally thought they'd go in that direction with a triceratops design, so I was close. The head dress piece actually gives me Ho-Oh vibes, in particularly the gold and greens, which could be purposeful and root the Beasts Paradoxes back to the Beast's master, Ho-Oh. Fun design, 8/10
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Iron Boulder. This one imo is more of the "robot" angle but done in a very good way. I like Terrakion best out of the Swords to begin with, but only at certain angles in 2d (they murdered him in SV. Murdered. He looks like a cross eyed frog now.) Iron Boulder takes the bulky build of Terrakion and makes it work better in 3d by incorporating spherical and cone builds along its body and head.
It definitely looks the LEAST like a psychic type out if any psychic type I've ever seen, but that's fine. Like Iron Crown with its twin horns and Iron Leaves with its 3 blades, Iron Boulder has a cool looking sword move- his turns his two larger horns into ONE MASSIVE GLOWING BLADE. THAT'S REALLY COOL! 8/10
And now. The Boy
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Terapagos is a cute design that becomes more elegant, refined, and Stellar as it becomes stronger. While I'm a bit disappointed at how they handled it in story after a year of build up, I do think the designs after it's base form are incredibly detailed and creative.
The type patterns on its shell actually shift and change smoothly to other types, and the Terastilized form is even more incredible by representing every type plus a hat version of its original form. Beautiful, yet imposing, and a tad silly. The dome is an interesting take that I believe might represent the world or perhaps even a larger turtle- the design could reference one of many World Turtle mythologies and possibly have it represent a planet in space, or maybe a Turtle floating in the ocean, perhaps it's even a reference to the Tale of Urashima Taro. If Terapagos was available in Blueberry Academy- which I think it started out that way in planning- it could even represent the Terarium itself. Perhaps a deeper story was originally planned but dropped- like the castles and gigantic tree of Crown Tundra.
Regardless, base form is a 6/10. Its cute but kinda pointless. The other forms though are 8/10 though for incredible execution, wonderful and pleasing use of color, and overall just being great.
This batch of new Pokémon is way better than Teal Mask's, let's be real. For the paradoxes, I'll say the Future ones got better after Iron Leaves, while Walking Wake was the peak for the Beasts. Ogerpon wins for cutest legendary with the best build up, but Terapagos definitely wins for best design. This batch is an everall 8/10
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[The Truth--MewTube Live]
[This post is just a link to a MewTube livestream... you've got nothing better to do, and hey, you've at least heard of Vanilla tangentially, so you click over.
You're early, it seems, but there's already quite a large crowd gathered, from the noise. Or maybe that's just the commuter traffic at Gear Station. A few Nimbasa PD officers stand around behind Vanilla, presumably to stop the wanted criminal waiting on official charges from trying anything. The hybrid's wearing all-black clothes, and has at least a rudimentary barricade set up to stop the audience from steamrolling them. That doesn't stop an audience member from trying to nail Cross with a Tamato Berry, though. An electronic voice says "w-what did i do?!" as the camera swerves, and Vanilla shoots someone a nasty glare. You can sort of understand the allegations. She's terrifying.
He recovers his composure quickly enough though, and grabs a few stapled-together sheets from his bag. A nod. Then a loud snarl--if you understand Zorua for whatever reason, it's quite a polite request to quiet down, given the volume, but it shuts the crowd up quickly.]
"People always listen better when I speak like that... apologies. My name is Vanilla Cress.
I know many of you have seen "me" give a speech earlier this week. But in reality, though I understand believing me is an impossible ask... I am being impersonated by someone who calls themselves "Vision". She associates herself with Colress Achroma, formerly a scientist from Team Plasma, something I have turned evidence over to the Unova Police Department regarding. If you know anything about my life in the past year, you would understand that associating with Colress in any way is an idea I hate more than any other. Even so, I understand there may be some doubt around my identity, so..."
[They look back at the officers, nod, and release Amadeus, who immediately chomps her auncle's arm. Vanilla flinches, letting out a small squeak, but his appearance doesn't change in the slightest.]
"I... I believe that should prove I am not an illusion, at the least... ouch. Thanks, Amadeus..."
[The Zorua jumps back onto an officer's head, smug, and Vanilla continues.]
"In any case, I would like to clarify some points regarding what Vision had said, previously. Firstly, I believe I have shown time and time again, throughout my life, that I care for the bond between humans and Pokémon. I do not wish to change that, and as long as I can help it, I will protect that bond. No matter what it takes. I will be collaborating on multiple levels to ensure this fact, including with scientists and with skilled trainers. I thoroughly reject Vision's message. Even if Pokéballs are not perfect... they connect us. They always have.
Secondly, regarding the past Vision had brought up, I would like to apologize deeply. It was an act of cowardice on my part to hide it for so long, but... Vision is correct. As a child, I was in fact a member of Team Plasma."
[The crowd mumbles; a few people shout questions as Vanilla holds her ears for a few seconds. Amadeus lets out an angry growl to quiet the noise.]
"If I may continue... though it is no excuse, when I first joined Plasma, I was coerced. I was nine years old, newly homeless, and convinced that my very existence was an evil that had led to the death of the people and Pokémon I loved. And my own. ...Maybe that last part is a bit of a long story. However, when I was taken by Team Plasma and brought to the attention of Plasma's leaders, they decided someone with my... natural abilities would be useful. I was placed in training under the Shadow Triad. I followed their every order with a closed heart and mind until I was twelve years old, when I finally had enough of a flash of sanity to run away. And I had... the most fortunate chance encounter of my life."
[He sighs, frustrated by something.]
"Even so... even as a child, I had the ability to... to hurt people. To... tear apart lives. And I did. It's absolutely inexcusable, but I believe after so many years of hiding from my past in fear it was the only way to reclaim my life... I wanted to tell the truth--"
[With impeccably bad timing, a giant explosion is audible in the distance, far past Nimbasa City to the northwest, the sky in that direction turning vaguely orange for an instant. Vanilla puts up their hands instantly, as if to clear themselves from the happening.]
"Holy fucking--ahem, by the dragons. ...I think this situation may be getting much worse sooner than I had anticipated. Was that Resh--"
[The livestream cuts off, as camera-Rotom Cross rushes towards Vanilla's face.]
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
...just realized i left my introduction in the drafts. oops. at least i have a better photo now.
my names tula, and i'm a registered pokémon nurse with a horrible tendency to ramble. i live in unova and do some work here, but i mainly travel to other regions for this.
i am a former member of team plasma. former. my username is ironic because i cope with humor.
i ran away from home at age 14- it's a long story - and ended up being indoctrinated in. i, like many others, were lucky to have a sort of "snap to reality" moment after ghetsis' first arrest, before the formation of neo plasma, but not before i spent 10 years of my life working for him. many people are shocked by how open i am about my experience, but i think its extremely important to talk about these things: if i could help just one person leave this cycle, or keep someone from entering it, then it would make the shame worth it.
i have dedicated my life to helping pokémon, as a way to attone, i suppose. my darling solosis, mini, travels with me, though i must admit she's quite the spoiled brat. to have such an innocent creature love and trust you is the most healing experience someone can ask for, and i acknowledge that i was so very lucky. i had a home to return to, i was able to find work despite my history, and physically, i bear only a scar on my back and a missing finger... also just so we all know i am a natural ginger and i am not going to dye my hair please stop asking thanks
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feel free to ask me any questions you may have: about pokemon, about myself, or my experience with team plasma, any of the sort. and if you need help leaving neo plasma or a group like it, please shoot me a message, i'll give you all the advice i can.
- tula ☆
ooc and admin info:
hi! im cassini, im 21, and i have not rpd since middle school. please be nice
im okay with joining events and plotlines! but i do not know how to join in naturally and get too embarrassed to ask. please shoot me a message/invite! muse list bellloowwwww tulas info
im not lore compliant at times and am even willing to bend (most) of my own headcanons bc multiverse and the likes! very flexible in general
okay more important tula things:
- sapient pokemon interaction is okay! tula will generally believe them. shes seen weirder. legendaries will be met with much more scrutiny, but kindness.
- i keep her age purposefully vauge for "pokemon timeline makes no sense" reasons, but you can generally imagine her somewhere between 26-30, probably.
- shes been through a lot and often copes with humor, which means she tends to come off the wrong way a lot of the time
- though open about her time in plasma, she doesnt like talking about how it affected her
- she speaks before thinking and often posts in bursts do to this
- she has a pretty shitty memory
Timeline 1:
Tula Gagnon - @plasmaapologist (OC. 📍Unova. Birthday: January 1st)
Callisto Aoki - @cherishcherubi (OC. 📍 Kalos. Birthday: October 25th)
Iolana Kealoha - @teamskullkalos (OC. 📍Kalos. Birthday: April 12th)
Timeline 2:
Mari Pijotto - @marifromkoto (OC. 📍Paldea. Birthday: December 18th)
Katy - @patisserie-soapberry (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Atticus - @navisquadatticus (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Larry - @medali-gym (Canon. 📍Paldea. Half joke blog.)
Robin Lusk - @absolsrenegade (OC/Self Insert. 📍Unova. Birthday: July 5th)
Timeline 3:
Timeline Unknown:
Grise (Hilda Lewis) - @driftingtrainer (Canon. 📍 Vagabond. Birthday: October 5th)
Rochelle Ichihara - @basaltpowder (OC. 📍Hoenn. Birthday ??? )
Barbie & Ken: @championbarbie-swimmerken - (It's fucking Barbie. Yeah, the pink one. 📍 Everywhere. She's Barbie. Birthdays: March 9th, March 11th)
Ice - @rottenice OC. 📍Primarily Sinnoh, but travels a lot. Birthday: December 21st. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
Miki Nakajima - @nakajima-lgm OC.📍 Johto. Birthday unknown. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
@galacticfoundation - Team Galactic AU blog.
@twotoypokemon Pokémon Rumble based blog. Sapient Pokémon OC. 📍Axel Town
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pokeparkservices · 1 year
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holy shit you guys this is Extremely Cool and I am going to tell you why
so like, as everyone knows, Vivillon is an extremely widespread Pokemon. sure, it's often outnumbered by Butterfree or Beautifly, but you can almost always find a healthy population of them pretty much anywhere you look
but despite that, it's weirdly scarce in Unova
and we have barely any idea why! the running theory is that the bulk of the historical Vivillon population was localized in the middle of the peninsula, and that whatever caused that part of the land to become desert also took out the Vivillons. which makes sense, and is fairly well-supported, but we're not sure WHY they would have been localized like that or why they had so much trouble establishing elsewhere. that ain't my field so I got no special insight there, but if you're curious and wanna learn more, I definitely recommend checking out the University of Castelia's natural history resources! most of their library is free to the public and they'd be happy to get you started with whatever you need. also, the Castelia Gym has a very cool educational program focused on the bugs of Unova - it's very much starter level but it's a LOT of fun with hands-on events and supervised field trips, and they can hook you up with more advanced resources after the course!
so anyway, blatant shilling of my more academic colleagues aside, one of our projects here at the Preserve has been trying to re-establish a local breeding population of Vivillon! we put together a purpose-built habitat, and we've been introducing batches of new Scatterbugs into the habitat every year to keep the breeding pool healthy. so far it's been going fine, but until now we haven't really seen them spreading out of the starter habitat.
key words: until now
that's right - that lil guy there browsin the mulberries? NOT in our constructed Vivillon habitat! in fact, that mulberry tree is on the other side of a whole freakin' LAKE, so we aren't lookin at a wanderer here either! nope, all indications are that this lil buddy was born well away from the starter habitat - and THAT means the Vivillons are finally starting to really get established here!
so yeah we are all fuckin stoked about this bug in a tree, and I hope you are too now, at least a lil bit
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missmics · 2 years
Last pic of the three of the Subway Boss Family is cute! Quick question, does Akari call them Uncles, or one dad or both her dads? Or does she have different nicknames for both of them?
Short answer; Ingo is 'dad' and Emmet is 'uncle' but she considers both terms to be pretty much interchangeable and is very confused when others don't. Ingo is the one who legally adopts her and Emmet is officially her uncle. That being said both take pretty much the same amount of responsibility in for her.
Long answer; Fic upon ye
It took months before Akari felt truly safe enough to let her new guardians out of sight for very long. Emmet and Ingo didn't blame her. Having been abandoned once was already traumatic for such a small child. She would throw tantrums when left unattended, even if only for the night while they slept in rooms adjacent. Eventually, they conceded and took turns having the second-hand crib (donated by a colleague whose children had outgrown it) in their rooms lest the neighbors start to worry. For one with such small lungs, she could scream very loudly.
At least on that front, she could have really been Ingo's daughter.
That was what they had eventually decided on when almost a year had passed and they realised they couldn't give her away. The intention had been to only foster her until her absentee parents were found. She had somehow become separated from them on their watch, and as such, it was their duty to ensure the safety of their young passenger. But there had been no progress. So they asked to keep her.
Ingo was more eloquent, so both brothers agreed it would be easier for him to argue their case. He became a dad, and Emmet an uncle.
Akari didn't refer to either as such.
Her Galarian was poor. Not unsurprising with her age and seeming newness to Unova. Instead she bestowed on both sloppily pronounced titles they didn't understand the meaning of. It was hard to interpret what she wanted at times, but she seemed content. She was happy and healthy and that was all that mattered.
Ingo and Emmet weren't sure she fully comprehended what adoption meant. The social worker had explained in her language, but she was still very small. Regardless, she became more confident with time. She stopped trailing them like a caboose and became more willing to be left to her own devices so long as at least one brother remained in the apartment. Her separation anxiety improved until finally it seemed worthwhile to chance finding her a place in the preschool downtown, close to the station, so that hopefully they could return to work as normal.
The first day she was left at the school it was hard to tell whether guardians or child was more nervous. Ingo and Emmet got very little work done that day.
"What if the other children treat her poorly?"
"She is upset. She hates us for leaving her."
"It is very difficult to make friends, she doesn't speak the same language, they might be mean to her."
"We left her. Like her old parents."
After spending the last hour of their shift in the office, staring at the clock and making very little progress on actual paperwork, they finally broke and left to pick Akari up.
But Akari was not upset.
She bounded up to them happily, chattering away incomprehensibly with the odd word here and there in understandable Galarian. Emmet nodded along, hiding any confusion behind the usual smile. The girl grabbed at Ingo's gloved hand—her own small enough to only close around a finger—and tugged. He obliged and hunched down to her eye level only to immediately have a paper shoved in his face. It was a drawing of three stick figures on a printed out page with cheery bubble letters reading 'family' in one corner. Apparently; the product of today's work.
The girl continued babbling away, the few parts he understood being adjectives describing her day. She then beamed proudly, pointing at each of the other parents in the process of collecting their children. As if explaining a difficult concept, she began to recite as she pointed:
"Mom, dad! Mom, dad! Mom, dad!"
"Moms and dads! Yes, excellent! Bravo!" Ingo praised, patting her head gently. She looked back at him happily before her face scrunched up in confusion. Slowly she raised her hand again, pointing right at Ingo's face making him go cross eyed as he tried to look at the tiny finger inches from his nose.
Ingo froze. His mouth fell open as he floundered to respond. She continued, pointing at Emmet.
Ingo broke out of his startled silence. Emmet's mouth fell open, his face going red. It was enough to make Ingo burst out laughing. He took the small child by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug while Emmet sputtered in the background.
"No, Emmet is 'uncle'. No mom, yes dad." He shook his head fondly, tilting his hat down to hide the tears building in his eyes. "Yes dad. Moms are girls."
He could practically see the gears turning behind her bright slate eyes as she struggled to comprehend the meaning.
"Moms girls…" She bit her thumb, before brightening. "Elesa!"
Ingo broke down laughing, joyful tears shining in his eyes.
Just wait until Elesa heard that one.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 5 months
I've been struggling to write this up, because I keep going too far into detail whenever I try, but I really wanted to get the beginning/basics down for the Distortion Chimera AU.
This takes place well after PLA's main story, after the PC has returned home and released all but the Pokemon they were closest with.
They challenged the Path of Solitude a few times, and at least once using Giratina, so Ingo was familiar with it being one of their Pokemon.
After it's released, it can't get back to the Distortion World, so it heads to Turnback Cave. Eventually, its presence there becomes noticeable, and-- as the most experienced Pokemon handler in the Clan-- Ingo is asked to look into it.
He recognizes Giratina re: the PC, and it's able to communicate that it just wants to go home. Its connection to the rest of the Sinnoan pantheon encourages both clans to help it as a sign of cooperation.
They're able to get a hold of a way to open the Distortion World and escort Giratina to the Temple of Sinnoh to go home. (The 'party' at the temple itself is Irida, Adaman and Ingo, as the only people who are okay getting that close)
Giratina turns on them when it has this chance; it begins to drag Ingo into the Distortion World and, fearing that it will do the same to the clan leaders, he has Alakazam teleport them away.
They try to get back to the temple as quickly as possible, but it's empty when they get there. After some preparation, they (and probably another Warden from either clan) enter the Distortion World, themselves.
It's... also empty. Mostly. After some searching, they find Ingo, who's completely unresponsive. He's missing his his coat and Pokemon, but that's not important when he doesn't seem to be breathing.
They manage to get him out. Nothing changes in the 'real' world, but he's still warm, and his heart is still (slowly) beating, impossible though it sounds. They try different ways to try to wake him, but nothing ever works. By the same stroke, though, he never gets any worse.
The Pearl Clan looks after him until the clans merge, and the resulting clan carries on with Irida's wishes even after she passes. It's half tradition, and half mythology at this point.
He's only moved once the settlement has to relocate, generations later. In an effort to keep him somewhere he might recognize, if he ever woke up, he's taken to the Snowpoint Temple, and stays there until modern day.
I think the area he's in is accidentally closed off, then rediscovered around (probably after) DPPT, and someone connects the dots some time after he disappears in the current day. I want to say a few months.
Obviously Emmet comes to investigate, and then tries to figure out what can be done to wake Ingo up.
He tries a number of different legendaries. Many can't be tracked down or refuse to meet him. Of particular note: Jirachi is asleep for X00 more years, Xerneas won't respond, Zekrom answers, but can't help, and Celebi can't be found. He eventually approaches Ho-oh, who will at least see what can be done.
It meets him in Sinnoh, on the roof where they've set up, and decides that it can, in fact, help. This affliction borders close enough to being death that revival is an option.
We would get some pretty standard reunion stuff in here; it's important to note that Ingo doesn't remember any more than he had prior, right now, and is completely lost re: losing consciousness in one century and waking up centuries later.
They don't stay in Sinnoh for long; before the week is up in Unova, though, another incident occurs.
(The exact nature of this incident may be subject to change; this is just the mental image I had as of writing this)
In the middle of the night, it seems that a rift into the Distortion World tears open, and tries to drag Ingo back in. Between the two of them, they're able to keep him out/pull him back, but... things have changed.
Emmet's help gets him out up to the first set of very inhuman legs, and he's able to drag himself the rest of the way. Black feathers spread upward from the wings over the course of the night.
And this is where I'm going to stop for now: Ingo is very amnesiac, no longer human, and-- given that legends of Ho-oh's powers include the transformation from Eeveelution to Raikou, Entei and Suicune-- Emmet feels incredibly responsible.
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hiddenendings · 1 year
Blankshipping - the rain reminds me of you my darling
A/N: Opened up requests for some blankshipping drabbles and this was one of them! Also, I asked about opening comms, and at least one person said it was a good idea, so here we go!
Prompt: Uhh prompts! Perhaps the lads in something involving thunderstorms :U!! A bit of weather action
Summary: Six weeks after Ingo returns from Hisui, Emmet finds him on their balcony sitting in the middle of a thunderstorm. Emmet is, if nothing else, curious.
Notes: Post-PLA with the twins being in an established relationship before the separation.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4779254
                   Check out my writing commission info here!
It has been six weeks and two days since Ingo had appeared from the Gear Station tunnels with an explanation of amnesia, time travel, and a fifteen-year-old saving the world and befriending gods. The last one had made perfect sense to Emmet, considering how Unova had been during the height of Team Plasma. The second one wasn't too surprising. Emmet had done a lot of research. Time travel was one of the possible explanations for Ingo’s sudden disappearance. 
The first one, though… that one had been enough to terrify Emmet worse than even Ingo’s initial disappearance. He had even been afraid to go into Ingo’s hospital room at first! Instead he had stood outside the door and remembered the doctor’s words. Ingo wasn’t the first to fall through a portal and lose his memories, apparently, and there was a chance he would never regain those memories. 
How would Emmet have been able to explain twenty-seven years of being each other’s best friend and never leaving the other’s side? How was he supposed to explain two years of heartbreaking loneliness? How was he supposed to explain that they weren’t only twins, but lovers? 
Emmet hadn’t had any scripts for a situation like this and no strength to open the door that could give Ingo back to him only to rip him away in worse ways. They could make new memories, true, but to always be mourning what was lost… it would hurt.
Then, of course, Emmet’s big brother had opened the hospital door himself, pulled him inside and into the hospital bed, and hadn’t let go until the doctors and nurses had to pry him out of his twin’s arms. Emmet was certain he hadn’t been helping at the time with how hard he was clinging himself, but! Ingo was back! And with every odd stacked against them he had remembered him. 
All this to say, of course, that Ingo had been back at home for five weeks and two days and was nowhere inside the apartment after Emmet’s admittedly long shower.
It was their day off, there was a massive thunderstorm that had practically shut the city down, and Emmet knew he was buzzing worse than his Joltiks clinging to him as he tore through the apartment looking for him. 
His frantic search, and impromptu search party of half the pokemon who lived in the house, ended when Chandelure bonked his head. It felt very scolding and Emmet tried to frown at her even as he was pulled, pushed, and guided back into the living room. 
His attempts at a frown immediately vanished when a flash of lightning lit up the dark room and, by extension, his big brother — who was sitting on the balcony during a thunderstorm.
Marching over, Emmet paused a couple feet from the doorway, not interested in getting wet when he was wearing his comfortable loungewear. His impromptu search party, he had noticed, seemed content to go curl up in their nap spots. “Brother. You are dangerously close to the yellow line.”
“All safety checks have been performed and deemed secure,” Ingo called back, Emmet shifting around the doorway to see a glimpse of his expression that looked… peaceful. “I have quite the charming lightning deterrents should such extremes come to pass.” Lightning det- 
“Hm.” Emmet stared at where his Galvantula was resting on the railing of their balcony, waving an arm back at him when she saw him. His Eelektross and Ingo’s Excadrill were also out on the balcony, the latter to no doubt act as a grounding force when needed. The Joltiks hitching a ride on him were all scuttling outside to curl up to his Galvanutla. “Traitors.” 
“Darlings,” Ingo corrected immediately, the familiar complaints and rebuttals so familiar that Emmet lost his breath and had to sit down where he stood. Even doing his best to be quiet, Ingo, as always, noticed the change at once, looking back at him, “Emmet? Are you alright-”
“You are sitting outside during a thunderstorm,” Emmet interrupted. From the state of his clothes, Emmet could only assume he had been out there for a while, too. “Why?”
Ingo blinked at him, slow and steady before he shifted around to where he was facing Emmet. He was still in the downpour, absolutely soaked, but Emmet didn’t see so much as a shiver. “I suppose I find them… nostalgic. Reassuring.” Well. Emmet hadn’t expected that answer. 
Scooting forward and sitting down on the floor properly, Emmet placed his hands on his crossed ankles and leaned forward. “Explain.”
“In Hisui, I’ve told you that our clan, the Pearl Clan, was settled in the Alabaster Icelands. My Lady and I guarded the Coronet Highlands.” As Ingo spoke, loud enough to rival the thunder and occasional flashes of lightning, Emmet felt that tension from earlier begin to unravel. He had missed hearing his brother’s voice. “Neither of these places saw frequent rain, and rarely did we get thunderstorms instead of the snowstorms that became common.
“It wasn’t until a number of years, once I was stationed in Jubilife Village, that I saw a thunderstorm.” Before Emmet could start to fret and spiral at the reminder that his two years was almost ten for Ingo, his brother was catching his gaze and smiling. Not the new smile he had come back with, but that quirked up little expression that Emmet had missed. “I’m here, Emmet.”
“You’re here,” Emmet parroted at once, the words having quickly grown familiar. Taking a breath, Emmet calmed himself down and then focused back. “Sorry. Jubilife?”
“It made me remember something when I saw the storm.” Oh. Oh! That was good! Ingo had mentioned that he had recalled almost nothing during his time in Hisui. The doctors were a little sure it was because there was no familiar stimuli outside of Pokemon battles. Emmet thought it was because the gods were fickle. 
Shaking the thoughts off, Emmet scooted just a bit closer. The edges of his knees and socks were getting wet, now, but a few raindrops was nothing to be closer to Ingo. “What did it make you remember?”
Ingo grinned and somehow Emmet knew he was about to be embarrassed. “I remembered that my little brother was afraid of thunderstorms-”
“I am not!” Emmet shouted, forcing himself to not jump as he had been during the next crack of thunder. He wasn’t scared. At least, not anymore. “They’re just… loud.”
“And when we were teenagers?” Mm. Well. That may have been different. “Watching the storm reminded me of a memory from when we were on our League run. We weren’t near any Pokecenters so we decided to camp. We didn’t know a storm was going to come that night. The memory is more clear now, but when it first came all I remembered was that you were upset with me.” Ah… Emmet remembered this. 
“I thought all your care of me was through the belief you didn’t think I was able,” Emmet said, unable to help the brief moment of embarrassment. When he looked back at it now, with the context he knew, it hadn’t been a lack of belief. Ingo believed in Emmet a ridiculous amount, if he was honest. No, Ingo had taken so much care of him because he loved him. Always. “I am sorry that was what you remembered.”
“I’m not,” Ingo said firmly, looking fierce for a moment before the expression lightened as a huff of breath escaped him. “Emmet, I remember you were upset, but then I remember the storm that happened that night.” 
Ah… Emmet saw where this was going… They had been sharing a tent, but were on the far sides. Emmet had gone to bed angry — upset. He wanted to prove he could take care of himself. They had gotten into an argument. Then the storm arrived. Emmet wasn’t sure when the fear had developed, but at that age he had still been terrified of the loud claps of thunder. He had even been scared of the lightning, which was quite the embarrassment for someone with two electric types. 
Emmet remembered one that sounded like it was so close, the lightning feeling like it was inches from them. It had sent him scrambling to his brother’s side and begging for comfort. He had been scared he wouldn’t get it. Instead, Ingo had dragged him in at once, tucking him close and distracting him with stories with a voice that was louder than the thunder. 
“I was so happy to find out that my little brother still needed me — that he still wanted me to be there for him.”
“I’ll always want you.” That, at least, was an absolute truth. “You know that. Right?”
“I do.” This time Ingo’s voice was heartbreakingly soft and Emmet suddenly found he was only a half foot or so away. The front of him was steadily getting more damp, even with the slight awning they had over their balcony. “Emmet, that storm reminded me that I had a brother, a twin who I loved dearly and who I swore to always protect. It’s… hard to not enjoy storms after that.” 
“Sappy,” Emmet finally managed to say, doing his best to not show he was emotional. He wasn’t going to cry, at least. He was pretty sure he was all cried out after the first couple of weeks Ingo had returned. 
“In love,” Ingo corrected, Emmet making a whining noise because that wasn’t fair. “I suppose I love storms even now because they always remind me of the first true memory I regained.” This time Ingo’s smile was a smile, soft and warm and so wanting that Emmet felt his eyes heat up and, alright. He supposed he hadn’t run out of tears. How unfair. How verrry unfair- “They remind me of you.”
Emmet couldn’t quite recall getting up, but he was fully aware of the way he crawled into his big brother’s lap. He had perfect clarity as the rain, warm and humid as it always was in Nimbasa, seeped into his clothing and skin. He was fully present as he tangled his fingers in Ingo’s hair, cupping the back of his head and looking into eyes that suddenly turned as hungry and wanting as he felt. 
“Ingo,” Emmet whispered, leaning in closer, as close as he could get, breathing heavy and in the same space as Ingo’s as he tried to bring him even closer. “Thank you for coming back to me, Ingo.”
The noise Ingo made sounded as pained as it did relieved, and, ah, how gratifying. Ingo hadn’t run out of tears, either, Emmet watching the way they welled up and mixed with the rain before he leaned in to gently lick them off with small flicks of his tongue that earned him a bruising grip around his hips that he never wanted to leave. 
“Thank you,” Emmet whispered again, nuzzling closer and pressing kisses to Ingo’s face, clutching onto hair and wet skin and breathing in the moist air alongside Ingo’s gasps and whines and ah. Emmet knew what to say, here. 
Because Ingo was still his big brother Ingo, the Subway Boss of Gear Station in Nimbasa City, yes. He was also his big brother Ingo, the Pearl Clan Warden of Lady Sneasler in the Coronet Highlands in Hisui. Emmet wanted Ingo to know that he knew that, too. The Pearl Clan valued and honored space — the physicality of it and how it interacted with the world, so… 
“Thank you for the space you crossed to once again share mine.” Words were something he wasn’t good at. His actions spoke for him, but for Ingo? For his big brother he loved? He was willing to try. 
Apparently, Ingo was willing to try and communicate through action because Emmet suddenly found himself on his back, gasping at the sudden jolt and sucking in warm rain before it was replaced by sharp teeth and hungry lips. He squirmed in surprise before he found his wrists pinned to the ground harshly, knees pressing in on either side of him to where he couldn’t so much as try to squirm away. 
When Ingo pulled back, panting over him and keeping the rain off his face, Emmet watched wordlessly as lightning flashed through the sky, lighting up Ingo in a way that made Emmet remember he was here. “Ah- Ha, hey- Hey, Ingo?” He was laughing breathlessly before he could help it, the laugh turning to a groan as he felt a nip at his jaw. 
“Yes, Emmet?” Ingo’s voice was lower and rougher than Emmet remembered it being before, but the tone of want and desire and love there was the same. That hadn’t changed at all. 
“I think I love storms now, too.” Because he could more than deal with some wet clothes if it got him this. “Give me some more reasons to love them?”
“With pleasure, my love.”
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