#aya translates jp
hirayaea · 3 months
first there was the EN daddy zayne ads, now this
the first few seconds alone I was like (>/////<) I AM IN A PUBLIC SPACE… EVERYONE DO NOT PERCEIVE ME
quick translations:
“Are you looking for the best place to feel up?”
“This doctor…”
Choice: Let me touch you!
“My hair isn’t that soft… only you like touching it.”
Choice: I want to touch it some more!
“Which one do you want right now?”
“Compared to this, your excited face was way more interesting.”
source: 愛と深空 ads on FB (screen recorded by me)
translation by: me
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
Tamamo - Main Story - Chp 01
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Standard Disclaimer: I do this for fun. I don’t, and never would, claim to be proficient at JP. There will be mistakes herein. There will be dialogue I choose to smooth out or change, because it feels choppy just straight translating. There will be the occasional snarky aside and irreverence and just plain summarizing. If you’re looking for 100% pure accuracy, without commentary or localizing, this is not for you. If you don’t mind that…then proceed, and I hope you enjoy! And please, support your local localizer (they make this stuff look easy) and Cybird by playing the games and routes if/when they come to English.
If you are unfamiliar with the story of Ikemen Genjiden, I will direct you to read the excellent prologue summaries posted by @/sakura-samsura here - these are the updated ones that include the introductions of the newer characters as well. You may notice discrepancies between my character's onscreen name, Aya, and what I use in the translations, but given that Yoshino is the 'canon' name and I prefer writing that over 'MC' I will use it in these stories.
Done with all that? Then carry on, and meet our mischievous fox.
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Outside the gates of the shogunate’s castle, Yoshino is reminding herself of her goals now: absorb enough magical mojo to fulfill her pact with Tamamo, and open her own apothecary business. With an enthusiastic cheer, she thanks the gathered men and says she looks forward to working with them and offers Yoritomo a respectful bow. 
Tamamo, looking on proudly, strokes her head and praises her energetic good cheer. “That’s just like my girl,” he declares, as she awkwardly thanks him.
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He brushes it off, thanking her instead for her honest nature with a smile, and she can’t help blushing slightly under his compliments and his hand on her hair. 
Shigehira though voices his obvious mistrust of Tamamo, and the two bicker slightly as Tamamo mocks him back, clearly enjoying pushing the prickly man’s buttons.
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Yoshino looks on, fretting, and tries to break up the squabble insisting they shouldn’t get off on the wrong foot if they’re all gonna be comrades.
Kagetoki cuts her off though. “Comrade’s a bit far. We’re just agreeing to use each other for our own ends, aren’t we?”
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She’s appalled at his mercenary categorization, but Kagetoki insists it’s important to be clear about these sorts of things, leaving her stunned. 
At a word from Yoritomo, Morinaga threatens both Shigehira and Kagetoki and they both step back from him, clearly chastized...and she’s left wondering if this bizarre dynamic is what passes for the norm around the shogunate. Morinaga insists they’ll get to know each other better soon enough, no need to sweat the small stuff now, which only sours Shigehira’s mood even further. 
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“Troublesome man…” Tamamo says at Shigehira’s continued suspicions. “Do you want to know who I am?” His eyes gleam gold, preternatural in the dim night light as he surveys each of them. “I am Tamamo, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Nothing more, nothing less. And I am most pleased to make your acquaintance, humans.”
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They all look at him, stunned into silence, as Yoshino thinks that he really didn’t answer ANY question at all.
Shigehira grumbles as much aloud, and Kagetoki agrees. “The only thing we know for sure at this point is he’s a troublemaker.”
Yoritomo muses how the more tails a fox has, the higher its power - and he’s heard that the nine-tailed fox, a kyuubi, is a once-in-an-era being.
“Tamamo’s that big of a deal?!” Yoshino asks, stunned to realize exactly what sort of ayakashi she’s gotten herself tied to - and realizing it’s no wonder he’s got such a dignified air about him if he’s such an illustrious being. 
“Feel free to worship me,” Tamamo agrees with a genial smile, to her sputtering protest. “No matter then...give it time, and my greatness will come to you.” 
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She wonders again at the circumstances that have led to him choosing HER of all people to ally himself with...as Kagetoki points out dryly in the background that currently Tamamo has nowhere near enough power left to assume that anyone would revere him.
The two bicker a little now too, Tamamo bristling slightly at Kagetoki’s implications while Kagetoki tells him the equivalent of ‘put up or shut up’ - that it’s not about what you’d done in the past but what you can still do that matters. “My power will eventually recover,” Tamamo reminds him.
“I certainly hope so, or else that’s a real problem,” Yoritomo interjects, looking around at the people gathered there, exuding the dignified confident air she’d expect of the shogun. “All of you, human or not, I have just one thing to say to you - do your job well.”
Tamamo assures him there’s no cause to worry there, and his self-assured smile only serves to highlight his beauty in the luminous moonlight...as Yoshino looks on, wondering if things will really be as simple as all that.
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The next morning finds her and Tamamo invited to a meeting with Yoritomo. She’s trying to hustle Tamamo through the corridors, as he keeps getting distracted and gawking at different decorations and other things, strolling leisurely along as she frets.
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He whines as they go about humans misguided priorities, and how looking at the art on the walls in infinitely preferable to going and staring at a bunch of dude’s faces. 
She scolds him again, saying they can’t keep Yoritomo waiting - the very idea terrifying her because he seems so stern. Tamamo assures her though they’re too valuable to Yoritomo for him to do anything to them.
“Even so, he could still say something terrible!” she insists, reminding Tamamo that Yoritomo IS the shogun and therefore basically the leader of everything they know. It illustrates the difference between ayakashi and human outlooks, she thinks.
Tamamo finally relents though and admits that it’s obvious Yoritomo has power and influence, if only because it’s illustrated by his rough, samurai-filled war-oriented castle still holding many valuable items of art and craft from all corners of the world. 
“It seems the samurai came to great power while I was sleeping in that stone,” he observes. “It’s fascinating to see the changes of the human world, isn’t it Yoshino?”
Finally, they make it to the gathering hall and find all of the shogun’s head retainers gathered there with Yoritomo - Kagetoki, Morinaga, and Shigehira, along with more than a dozen other samurai as well. 
“Bold of you to be late to the very first meeting,” Kagetoki snipes, and she wilts under the weight of the stares of all those gathered as she wonders if she dares try for an excuse. 
“Yoshino,” Tamamo says in a quiet voice only she can hear. “Just play along, and do as I do.”
Baffled, she watches as Tamamo steps forward and gracefully kneels, bowing his head. She hastens to copy him, as he begins to speak. “Unfamiliar with the place as I was, I found myself lost. I humbly beg your pardon, Lord Yoritomo.”
Yoshino blinks at the abrupt change in Tamamo, and looks around to see all of the samurai appear enraptured by Tamamo’s dazzling smile. 
“Of course, of course - please, take a seat,” Yoritomo replies, fake-charming smile plastered firmly on his own face as Tamamo thanks him.
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He and Yoshino head towards the last open seats as the samurai speak up, asking Yoritomo who the newcomers are. Yoritomo introduces Tamamo as a man who’s traveled from China and has paused in his journeys to share his knowledge with the shogunate. 
Yoshino is startled by the smooth lie Yoritomo offers them, but the samurai all seem reassured that Tamamo’s strange air can be explained away by his foreignness. 
“Please forgive me in advance for any rudeness, given that I am not yet familiar with the culture here,” Tamamo demurs, to a chorus of reassurances from the gathered men, and Yoshino notices that - perhaps due to the words of Yoritomo - the vassals all seem to have defaulted to using the most respectful language with Tamamo. 
The men exchange more pleasantries and Yoshino is mostly just impressed with the slick improv of both Yoritomo and Tamamo on the spot - the two men bringing to mind to her a fox and a tanuki conversing, two shifty characters acting their parts so well. 
“What about the woman, then?” one of the samurai finally asks. “ She doesn’t look like a foreigner at all.”
She’s nervous all over again as the attention shifts her way once more, introducing herself and saying she is usually a healer and now she’s acting as Tamamo’s assistant. They all clearly are still suspicious of her obvious commoner status though, especially in comparison to Tamamo’s elegance, and she’s sweating bullets now…
Only for a sweet scent to tickle her nose as an arm comes around her shoulders and pulls her closer. She realizes it’s the smell of incense that always clings to Tamamo, just as her cheek comes to rest against his firm broad chest. “I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on this woman in Kamakura,” Tamamo proclaims. “So forgive my impertinence in asking for your consideration of her during our brief stay.”
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Yoshino’s sputtering to herself, stunned at his wild story - love? At first sight?? - when Tamamo interrupts her thoughts. “Isn’t that right, Yoshino?”
“What? Y-yes,” she stammers in confused agreement. 
Tamamo goes on to say he needs some time to get used to living in their country, so please excuse Yoshino’s presence - he would consider it a great personal favor if they treated her kindly as well. The samurai are all so charmed and under Tamamo’s sway they agree immediately...and at Tamamo’s urging she manages to thank them all. 
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He finally releases her and she marvels all over again to herself at how easily he pulls one over on people, and how quickly he has them eating out of his hand - so well, in fact, it’s almost scary.
With that, Yoritomo gets the meeting underway and she sits back to listen to the reports and discussion, before Tamamo quietly asks her what’s up. She thanks him for his quick intervention when she had faltered. He says no biggie, and fudging things a bit like that won’t hurt anyone since they’re not staying there forever. 
Shigehira calls them out for not paying attention and talking, but Tamamo just smiles nonplussed. “Forgive me. I was asking after a word I didn’t understand,” he smoothly lies, and Shigehira clams up sheepishly. 
Then, regular business finished, Morinaga segues them to the next  far more somber piece of business. “Minamoto no Yoshitsune is alive,” he tells the gathered men grimly. “From this moment on, the shogunate prepares for war.”
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The stunning news ripples through the assembled men like wildfire, setting them abuzz with anxiety and apprehension until Kagetoki harshly tells them to be quiet and listen to what Yoritomo has to say. They immediately fall silent, and Yoritomo begins to explain the particulars - how Yoshitsune and his rebels have formed a base at the town of Hiraizumi, how they have been recruiting amongst the disenfranchised to swell their ranks, and that they plan to attack Kamakura. 
The mood goes immediately somber.
“It is imperative that I crush this movement, destroy it entirely. To protect what we have created,” Yoritomo tells them all gravely. “Which of you will take up their sword and fight at my side? Are there any among you that will brave the very gates of hell with me?”
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“Yes! We will give our all for the shogunate!” the assembled men cry. “For Lord Yoritomo!”
As she watches, the men erupt in a fervor, battlelust written plain on their faces...and she realizes what a unimaginable place she’s found herself in, via circumstances utterly beyond her control. She glances over at Tamamo beside her, the source of all of this -
“I’m getting bored,” he proclaims, stifling a yawn, and she wonders if he’s truly that uninterested in human warfare. 
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After the meeting she returns to her quarters, exhausted by the morning’s events, and ponders how out of place she feels here in the midst of all these samurai. All of her prior anxieties rise up to nip at her heels again, and just as she’s about to slide into another funk she hears Tamamo’s voice from outside, asking if she is in and if this is a good time.
Confused, she tells him it is and he sweeps in - with a veritable entourage of men and women burdened with trunks.
“Tamamo, who are all these people…?” she asks, baffled. 
He smiles and reassures her, as the boxes are opened and their contents removed and lined up - the room overflowing with a bounty of colorful kimonos and accessories in a matter of moments. Seeing her stunned expression, Tamamo grins like a mischievous boy who is quite proud of himself. “Surprised? I called in a clothing merchant.”
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“Merchant?” she echoes, as an assembly of men bow before her. “Whatever for?”
The merchants fall all over themselves, obsequious towards Tamamo, as he thanks them for bringing their wares to him - then he turns to take Yoshino’s hand, pulling her smoothly to her feet. She’s caught in his magnetic golden gaze as he draws her nearer…
“Would you like me to undress you, Yoshino?”
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Chapter 02 >>
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mashimaarts · 6 months
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2015.08.13: 仕事で綾ちゃんとご一緒しましたー!ノーロさんイジリにノってくれる綾ちゃん。
I met Aya-chan* at workー! Aya-chan who is a fan of Noro-san's (Mr. Cursey's) teasing. (Google + DeepL Translate)
*Mashima has been friendly with Aya Hirano (Lucy's jp va) and the rest of the Fairy Tail cast for some time
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dodscans · 2 years
Neighborhoods of İstanbul that are named after DoD characters
İstanbul doesn't show it as much as it should, but this place is old. The traces the old days are more sparse than I would have liked here, but when I stop and think "hey, why do we call this neighborhood this way?", the history just comes back to life. Reading and translating DoD made me have so many epiphany moments in that regard, so let me note them down.
I wish I could organize myself another little İstanbul DoD tour and visit all of these neighborhoods to take pictures, but I am writing this post while I have Covid and am in quarantine. Sad. So no pictures.
Süleymaniye - Suleiman Of course, our beloved bishie sultan lives on in the city. The place where he had his imperial mosque and its complex built is still called "Süleymaniye". What to do there today: It is a hot spot for haricot bean restaurants (yeah I know, strange choice of dish). So you go there, order some beans, pilaf and cacık, and admire the views of Süleymaniye Mosque.
Haseki - Hürrem As avid readers, you all know that "Haseki" is a common title given to the favorite of the Sultan. But the Haseki neighborhood in İstanbul is named after Hürrem herself. In the manga, she has established her vakif instutitions in Galata neighborhood; but in reality, her vakif in İstanbul was located in Galata. To be frank, I couldn't find any records of a Hürrem vakif in Galata, but I probably don't know where to look. This neighborhood actually screams power for her: First, a woman who doesn't even have royal blood was allowed to have something built under her name inside the city walls. Yes, Haseki neighborhood is right in the middle of the old city. Considering how previous Valide Sultans had their vakifs in the provinces or remote rural areas of İstanbul at best, that is a statement y'all. Second, like in the manga, she indeed had a hospital and medical school built there. If you ask me, that has a stronger impact on the populace than building a mosque and calling it a day. She touched people's lives. Third, that institution is still alive today. The original buildings are owned by the Directorate of Religious Affairs and do not serve their original intended purpose, but you still have a huge and well-known hospital there called "Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi", and İstanbul University's medical school is located in the vicinity. 500 years later, the neighborhood still thrives on thanks to the health services it provides.
Cihangir - Prince Cihangir When Cihangir died, Suleiman had a mosque built to his name on the other side of the Golden Horn (See? Even his beloved son doesn't get to have his mosque within the old city walls. Hürrem is that cool.) Today, it's known as a den of hipsters, but when it hits you the name is related to DoD, you go soft.
Şehzadebaşı - Prince Mehmed Shinohara doesn't use this word in the JP original, so I don't use it either so that I don't confuse the readers further with the titles, but the proper way to call an Ottoman prince in Turkish would be "şehzade". When Mehmed dies, Suleiman has a mosque built for him in the old city. It's close to his own mosque complex too. Today most people would call this neighborhood "Saraçhane", but it is kind of interchangeable with "Şehzadebaşı" because the mosque is commonly called as "Şehzadebaşı mosque". Especially older people call the place "Şehzadebaşı".
Beyoğlu - Alvise Gritti Iirc, this was explained somewhere in the manga but I'm too lazy to check. So, since Alvise was the son of the Venetian Doge, a "bey" (lord), he was called "son of the lord" (beyoğlu) in Turkish. This is a huge area which is also a municipality, so Alvise had the biggest impact on İstanbul in a sense.
Barbaros Bulvarı (Barbarossa Boulevard) - Hayreddin Barbarossa The avenue which has Barbarossa's tomb at its ending point is called "Barbaros Avenue". This isn't some random street, it's pretty much a main artery of İstanbul traffic in Beşiktaş, so it's impressive that it was named after him.
Ayaspaşa - Vizier Ayas Paşa Yes, even that old guy Suleiman sometimes gives orders to has a neighborhood named after him. The place where he used to have his mansion is still called "Ayaspaşa" although the said estate is no more.
Kasımpaşa - Vizier Kasım Paşa Another one of Suleiman's viziers, Güzelce Kasım Paşa, was tasked with the development of this neighborhood and he himself used to live there. He had his mosque, school, public bath etc. built there.
Belgrad Ormanı (Belgrade Forest) After Suleiman's 1926 Hungarian Expedition, a village was set up here for the Serbian prisoners.
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akakiryuu · 6 years
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jadinerhine · 2 years
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“I tried to come up with a slightly baby-faced heroine...”
(also on twitter)
I decided to translate something neat I saw about Ishtar in This is Animation Special 5: MACROSS II as well as do some RESEARCH for some food for thought. While I could take time to translate some other “short interviews” for Hibiki and Sylvie from the same book, this one took a lot out of me already and I think it’s the shortest XD Maybe for next December if I remember, haha.
As warrants a researched topic, I provide to you links and sources about Mia Masuda, Yumiko Takahashi and Aya Sugimoto!
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Posts from the blog “Photos of 20th Century Idols” (JP): 1 - 2 - 3
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Posts from the blog “Photos of 20th Century Idols” (JP): 1 
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DANCE STAND '91 on TV Tokyo, January 1
Unknown variety or music show but comments mention Super Jockey, a comedy variety show
1990, unknown variety or music show
Unknown variety or music show
Promotional video from 1990
Complete laserdisc concert from 1991
Literally just found this one right now while verifying the links, so enjoy yet another performance on an unknown variety or music show.
This one is an extra, as it's an outfit that reminded me of Ishtar. It's not the inspiration point, if you ask me, but it has similar things going for it. She’s performing “Two Moon.”
Deculture Speakerpodcast mentions the Mia Masuda vs Yumiko Takahashi detail in their summary of a Macross II fan event!
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immortal soul:black survival characters as dankpods
Adela:You’ve had a kitkat, right? But you haven’t lived until you’ve had a WW.
Adriana:Well, I guess we should plug it in and put Scarlet Fire on it.
Aiden:Oh, they’ve got Ninja- oh, sorry. Ninj a up.
Alex: (throws a batman mp3 player at a vaccum) Oh no! It broke on the first one! Wasn’t even a good throw, mate!
Arda:(touching the eye button repeatedly, text on the screen reading “MY EXISTENCE IS SUFFERING”)
Aya:(plugging a spongebob eye mp3 player into a speaker) Don’t you hurt her. Don’t you do it.
Barbara:(jiggles cheap headphones like castanets on a wire)
Bernice:It’s like.... Dad’s footy shorts... Cut into a case.
Camilo:My IPod’s trapped in the disco!
Cathy:”Do not overuse this earphone or put it under heavy pressure.” (holding a big rock) Hmmm.... I wonder what heavy pressure means?
Celine:Come on pukcells, you’re needed! Eh? I don’t just keep you around because of the name that I find funny for some reason.
Chiara:Is it any wonder no one bought you?
Chloe:This says “sound by AKG”! Why does it sound like it was made by OkayG?
Daniel:What an unusual perspective of this thing you have right now.
Echion:Chord, hit me up mate, I wanna try Hugo. Mainly because it’s called a Hugo.
Eleven: Oh, New Potato Technologies! How I love that you’re called New Potato Technologies!
Eva:I need instructions on how to take it apart, but it’s just like USE ANTI-GRAVITY AND JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN ON ITS OWN!
Emma:Warning:you’ve just wasted your money.
Fiora:I remember when Ipods had a quartered pizza for controls.
Hart:And we all know his theme song! Duhhh dabaruba di di daaa.... batmannn
Hyejin:(voice cracking) Oh, isn’t it- isn’t it lovely....
Hyunwoo:(stabbing plastic box) Give me my dog!
Isol(handling earphones through the Mojo) Ahahaha! It’s happened, everyone. Notice that awful buzzing stopped? The left one died. It’s gone.
Jackie: ‘Please keep away from children’? Keep away from everyone.
Jan:Has he morphed with his pants?
Jenny:(putting the earphones away) Yeah, okay. All right. All right. Yep. Now they work. Oh yeah. Oh yeah they work. Oh boy do they. So.
Johann: Look, it stands up for... reasons unknown to me, to be honest.
JP:(putting a headphone jack that was described as being for IPods into a Samsung Yepp) Haha, no one tell the police! Ooooooo!
Laura:(turns on a tablet with a shrek background, enters a photos app, and scrolls through superman, wonder woman, a bad wolverine cosplay, fat spiderman smoking sitting on the curb, and mike wazowski) Superheroes.
Lenox:Yeah, direct me there. How do I get from Adelaide to the middle of the ocean? Whaaat, I can’t cycle from there?!
Leon: “I appreciate those headphones you bought me, especially since it’s the only thing you’ve ever bought me” “That is true, I even made you buy your own clothes after birth”
Li Dailin:I mean, I really like it. It’s a piece of junk.
Luke: Oh no, it requires two AAAAAs!
Magnus:Racing attack? That’s just called traffic.
Mai:You can still buy... flip phones!!
Nadine: I don’t remember ducks having docks in their bellies!
Nathapon: ⁿᵃ ⁿᵒ
Nicky:(holding an MP3 player) It got karate-chopped at some point, i don’t remember that, I’m so sorry theo.
Rio:I bought a Dell MP3 dingus. [...] And only upon getting it did I realize the previous owner scribbled “iPod” on it. It’s like always being in the shadow of your older cousin or something.
Rosalio:Well, there’s only one way to know if it’s a real Nokia, mate. (uses the corner of one phone to hit the other’s screen, shattering it) The answer is no, mate.
Rozzi: (pointing at packaging) It includes everything you need! There’s no oxygen or food written there, so you know.
Shoichi: So you’re meant to “look after” it, and touch it and interact with it, otherwise it “gets mad” and does a bad job at your atxes or something. I don’t know, I’m just- I’m an adult now, so all I can think of is adult scenarios.
Silvia:(sniffs) Smells like the early 2000s.
Sissela: Ughh, this is hard to do while crippled.
Sua:(using Youtube on a flip phone) How do I search??
William:Silly box is wrong, mate. Americans don’t talk in metric, it should say “over 500 feet of music”.
Xiukai:Tutorial? Pfft. Like I need to learn how to play Crazy Eggs.
Yuki:It looks like a witch’s curse! Like they turned your best friend into a talisman that you have to wear all the time! You still hear him screaming in there!
Zahir:(uses a photo translator app to understand the text on a box) Oh good! Oh good- oh, there it is! So it’s tac 16, optopannahéhu, E! Cuhtepeodohyeckue.
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All-Star Fighters (2005)
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 91: The All*Star Kakutou Matsuri (the sub-title loosely translated to "The All*Star Fighting Festival") is a comedic 2.5D fighting game developed by Digital Zero and published by D3 for the PlayStation 2 in Japan on December 15, 2005. It was later localized in Europe as All-Star Fighters and released by Essential on March 23, 2007.
Part of the Simple 2000 series of budget games, All-Star Fighters features numerous characters and locales from the rest of the series.
Source: Giant Bomb
Riho Futaba From (JP): The Gal Mahjong: Love Song (No EU Release!) From (EU): Zombie Hunters Developer: HuneX
Shin Fuyue From (JP): The Kyonshi Panic From (EU): Zombie Attack Developer: Tamsoft
Namedethgar From (JP): The Tokusatsu Henshin Hero From (EU): Power Fighters Developer: Daft
Princess Shaval From (JP): The First RPG From (EU): N/A (Your First RPG in ASF's manual) Developer: HuneX
Earth Defence Force (E.D.F.) From (JP): The Chikyu Boueigun From (EU): Monster Attack (AKA Earth/Global Defence Force) Developer: Sandlot
Reiko Mizusaki From (JP): The Suieitaikai From (EU): Party Girls Developer: Tamsoft
Ginnie + Blacky From (JP): The Suiri From (EU): N/A (Detective in ASF's manual) Developer: Tomcat System
Makoto Futaba From (JP): The Gal Mahjong: Love Song (No EU Release!) From (EU): Zombie Hunters Developer: HuneX
Deathdoll Kikashi From (JP): The Splatter Action From (EU): Splatter Master Developer: Vingt-et-Un Systems
Damdo From (JP): The Ishu Kakutougi From (EU): World Fighting Developer: Daft
Aya From (JP): The Oneechanbara From (EU): Zombie Zone Developer: Tamsoft
Kyo Asuka From (JP): The Ninhaza From (EU): Yakuza Fury Developer: Vignt-et-Un Systems
Mayuki From (JP): Kenka Juutou! Yankee Banchou From (EU): Street Boyz Developer: Tamsoft
Source: Gaming Hell
(images via YouTube)
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falneou17 · 5 years
BanG Dream! Favorite List
So... people have been requesting I made this for quite some time now, and I decided that I might as well. It might be a nice thing to look back on the past three years and see how I have formed and changed my opinion on the various characters.
The main reason why I held back with it for so long, aside from wanting to avoid giving off the wrong idea with who my least fave is, is because I was playing on the JP server while conversing with people who were only playing on EN. I stopped playing JP about a year ago now (the last event I remember playing on the JP server was Babyglow, actually), so the EN server has more or less caught up to what I remembered from the JP side of the franchise; which means that there is still a decent chance that my preferences might change from this point onwards. Not to mention that the third season will air next month, too.
I want to do these regularly-ish, but with how “fixed” the rankings have been ever since RAS’ introduction I wonder how often that can be done.
Icons are taken from the bandorisorter tumblr.
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1. Yamabuki Saaya Same old song and dance, she has been my favorite BanG Dream! girl since day one. She radiates an aura similar to Saten Ruiko from the Raildex franchise (who also happens to be my all-time favorite character), and this, coupled with her supportive, sacrificial, helpful nature really helped Saaya in solidifying a spot in the #1 spot. The only way I can feasibly see her drop from this spot is if she doesn’t receive any character growth and development because she has been, admittedly, rather static in this department.
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2. Aoba Moca A name people still think is my fave of the franchise, she might really become it soon depending on how much Saaya grows in the future. A “simple” character at face value, I really started finding out just how deep her character is when I started getting more into her design and learned more about her. She is overall a really fun character to work with and nothing says that more than the fact that she has been the centerpiece of all my multi-chapter fanfics for this fandom at the time of writing this.
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3. Mitake Ran Ran goes almost hand-in-hand with Moca, but where Moca had the element of surprise and curiosity to keep her high on the list, Ran felt like this mixture of two characters of a different franchise I really enjoyed, combining both their strong points into who we now know is Mitake Ran. And I am sure you all already know how much I like Ran considering the BlueFlora works I have done since April of 2017.
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4. Hazawa Tsugumi Tsugumi is probably the easiest character, at least among the Afterglow girls, for people outside the BanG Dream! fandom to relate to, and for good reason. She’s a hard worker, remains positive, and you know things will go south when Tsugumi isn’t being optimistic and charging forward like no tomorrow.
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5. Imai Lisa Lisa shares a lot of similarities with Saaya, or at least how I described Saaya. Nevertheless, there are still a handful of factors that would explain the gap between them. The first is that I saw Saaya on the screen first, so Lisa was doomed to become “similar to Saaya” as a result (the way the first season animated both girls didn’t really help). The second is the way Lisa is shipped by the general fandom that makes me feel a lot more restricted in using her freely. The final point is not Lisa’s fault, but while Nakashima Yuki has done an amazing job at taking over the role... she is not Endō Yurika.
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6. Uehara Himari I make fun of Himari a lot, but she is still an amazing character and a great gear in the Afterglow machine. And while I personally feel like the English translation of Himari’s catchphrase is not doing it justice, I am very much aware of how important Himari is to the chemistry of Afterglow. She is the leader of Afterglow, after all.
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7. Shirokane Rinko What started out as just a playful headcanon has really gotten traction and popularity amongst my readers and helped Rinko rise up to this spot, managing to even beat out the fifth member of Afterglow in the process. Although very different from the characters I usually wrote for, Rinko manages to be this breath of fresh air to allow for a different pace than what I usually work with. The only reason that is holding Rinko back is not even her own fault: Akesaka Satomi made Rinko into the character that I’ve come to know and love; she was Rinko, so losing her was and always will be a big blow to me. Shizaki Kanon is doing her best, and I respect her as a seiyuu in her own right, but... she’s never going to replace Akesaka Satomi as Rinko in my eyes.
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8. Udagawa Tomoe Tomoe is a weird one. On the one hand, she’s very fun, energetic, and is tunnel-visioned enough to be fairly predictable in a fun way. On the other hand, she is the most static character in her band and one of the most static of the entire franchise, so... she’s still really high up thanks to the Afterglow bias in me, but who knows for how long that can last?
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9. Maruyama Aya I really am unable to talk about Aya without bringing up her seiyuu, Maeshima Ami, because the phrase “the seiyuu is the character” rings very true when it comes to this one. And she is a very fun character, too! I am not really good with stumbly fumbly characters, but watching Aya on the screen has never been a bad thing. It also helps that her singing voice matches Misawa Sachika’s so much, reminding me of Misawa Sachika’s Polaris mini-album and even convincing me for a short period that Misawa Sachika was Aya’s seiyuu.
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10. Okusawa Misaki/Michelle I am not really breaking the mold here, having Misaki be my favorite Hello, Happy World! character, so I don’t think I need to add much to it. In a nutshell, Misaki is to Moca as Lisa is to Saaya. But instead of being put in a band I like overall, Misaki was put in what is arguably my least fave band of the franchise (mostly because the style of music does not fit me, personally, and I like the other five bands more)... which really limits how much Misaki can rise in my list.
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11. Wakamiya Eve I only have one thing to say about her: BUSHIDO. In all seriousness, Eve is adorable and her fascination with Japan can really act as a parallel to how some fans adore the culture. In short, much like the vocalist of her band, there is never a dull moment when Eve is around.
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12. Asahi Rokka Rokka is a really fun addition to the cast through the second season that aired earlier this year. And what is really interesting about her is that, while the other four RAS girls have been a hit or a miss in the fandom, Rokka seems to be almost universally liked. She is just an adorable bundle of cute, what’s more to say about her?
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13. Tamade “CHU2″ Chiyu So remember how I said in Rokka’s entry that RAS’ characters tend to be a hit or a miss? Well, CHU2 is, in my experience, the most polarizing of the RAS girls; people either love her or hate her. I personally really like her, because while she may appear as a brat at first there is obviously a lot more going on beneath the surface. And I enjoy watching those characters develop, so here’s to hoping that season 3 is nice to CHU2.
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14. Nyubara “PAREO” Reona Now unlike CHU2, I can’t really pinpoint what it is exactly about PAREO that makes me like her. But I do, she is enjoyable, her dedication to RAS and CHU2, while bordering something else entirely, is still... quite admirable to see, in its unique way.
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15. Ichigaya Arisa Arisa is a weird one. I enjoy watching the subtle actions she does in the background to show that she cares for and supports her friends, but at the same time... she’s competing with Himari for the title of “who can be the butt of all jokes”... which is a bit of a shame, but oh well. Another thing that is kind of holding her back is the fact that one of her defining qualities, being a tsun, is... not the most unique personality trait in the anime world, to put it lightly.
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16. Tsurumaki Kokoro Kokoro is... an interesting case. I think I mentioned earlier that I am not really good with eccentric characters, and Kokoro is exactly that with a capital E, but on the other hand... the few times when we do get to see through that bubble of energy we get treated to a surprisingly deep character. It also helps to share birthdays with me, I suppose.
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17. Hikawa Sayo Another really weird one to place, and one that will probably define the rest of the list. Sayo, by far, has received the absolute most character growth of any of the other girls. That is normally a good thing, but in Sayo’s case it kind of acts like a double-edged sword; while she grew to be a better person and a better sister, above all else, she... lost things that really defined who she was in my eyes. And because of that, I don’t quite know where to place her... I do enjoy her and still like her, but... I dunno...
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18. Hanazono Tae Tae has always been a fan favorite ever since she first appeared in the anime, but... she faces a problem I have mentioned before: she’s pretty static. She’s still fun and the fact that I am kind of looking forward to the way her seiyuu continues to grow will probably keep Tae up, but not too high.
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19. Udagawa Ako All right, so Ako being here should already tell its own story, but... generally speaking, when a character is “created” with its whole purpose being to surpass another specific character, they will never come close to that character on my list simply because I end up thinking of Ako relative to Tomoe (in Ako’s case). Ako is fun to see and her chuunibyou side makes for some cute interactions, but aside from that... with the fall of Rosela came the fall of its members...
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20. Satou “MASKING” Masuki At this point in time, we don’t really know that much about her. She had like... what? Five lines in the entirety of season two? From what I have seen of her so far, however... she catches my interest, but depending on how well her character and backstory are handled she can rise or fall accordingly.
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21. Minato Yukina So remember the whole “fall of Roselia” I mentioned? It is not really their fault, losing Endou Yurika and Akesaka Satomi was a big blow, but the effects it had on both the characters and their respective seiyuus are still... there. Yukina in particular also suffers from the whole notion that she is introduced as this super professional singer with more talent than she knows what to do with, but... in part due to the seiyuu shift of Lisa and Rinko, Roselia’s songs have taken a hit in how much I enjoy them (to emphasize this point: I haven’t really enjoyed a new Roselia original song ever since Akesaka Satomi left Roselia). The only two things keeping Yukina in this “tier” is that she is still somewhat interesting to work with and her rivalry with Ran can provide... quite the amusement.
Above Neutral
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22. Shirasagi Chisato Once we’re in this tier, it... really is a bit of a blur as to who is placed where relative to each other. I can say that Chisato is probably at the upper end of it by the process of tiebreakers: BanG Dream! Livestream and events involving their seiyuus. Uesaka Sumire is always fun to watch on the screen and has made me warm up to Chisato in the process.
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23. Matsubara Kanon Pretty much exact same reasoning as above, with Kanon being slightly lower simply because I tend to like serious characters more than those that fumble around. I will say, though, that the few times when we get to see a confident and determined Kanon on the screen, it was a lot of fun to see.
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24. Hikawa Hina So remember my point with Ako about characters who are focused on their relationship and interactions with one specific character? Hina serves as this unreachable goal for Sayo to reach, and with a lot of the scenes that are being shown use Sayo’s perspective to do so... Hina’s innate genius is also somewhat of a double-edged sword for her ranking here, because while scenes involving Hina are anything but dull, I... prefer characters who work hard to get where they are above someone who is “born” with the ability to stand out.
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25. Wakana “LAYER” Rei I feel kind of bad putting LAYER all the way down here, but as a character, she is rather... static and uninspiring, at least at this point in time. As a vocalist, however, LAYER is probably my second favorite in terms of the singing voice, so I am hoping that the third season can catapult LAYER up a couple places.
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26. Toyama Kasumi The “face” of BanG Dream!, so to say. I will say that, for a typical happy-go-lucky energetic female lead, Kasumi has a lot more depth to her than others. Unfortunately, being the character we see the world through, I’ve never managed to really relate to her. So while she is almost in the next tier, she barely misses it.
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27. Yamato Maya Maya is, actually, a really interesting character with a lot of room to grow and become her own person. Unfortunately for Maya, she did not catch my eye early enough so by the time I got used to characters like Moca and Ran running around, Maya... kind of faded into the background.
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28. Ushigome Rimi I don’t know how to say this without being too mean to Rimi, but... Rimi has been really static. Rimi interactions and scenes, more often than not, either consist of her love for Choco Cornets and/or her relationship with her older sister. A lot of potential, a lot of possibilities, but none that have really been taken advantage of...
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29. Kitazawa Hagumi Hagumi suffers a really horrible fate, and I think that she would have been a lot higher on the list if she wasn’t in Hello, Happy World. Hagumi’s character and personality traits overlap with Kokoro’s a lot, and with Kokoro being the vocalist of the band Hagumi has really been living in her shadow... which isn’t doing her a lot of favors.
So, that’s my list. Oh, I missed somebody? Right right, let’s fix that~
Unsalvageable/Very Bottom
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30. Seta Kaoru Where do I begin to properly explain how I feel about this character? For starters, Bang Dream is a gacha game where we grind up resources, save for weeks, sometimes even months, for that one card we want (unless we’re spending money on the game i.e. whaling). So what do you think will happen to the character who keeps dropping in a banner she is not even a rate-up in while you really wanted a limited card you have saved eight months for? Or if she keeps arriving as the guaranteed 3* in like 80% of all your pulls for over a year? For reference, I managed to get the skill level of her Phantom Thief 3* to level 5 by using duplicate copies of her Initial 3*. And vice versa.
The gacha side of my reasonings aside, the actual reason why she is and always will be at the bottom is for a reason that cannot be removed without changing who she is. Her over-the-top, flirtatious attitude really, there is no going around this, annoys me, and even if it is just a front... I’ve already associated at least three people I know irl to her, and since I despise those three for how they behave irl... I can never see myself saying that Kaoru is not my least favorite of the franchise.
The only way for Kaoru to no longer be at the bottom is for BanG Dream! to introduce a character I despise more. Which, to be fair, is a possibility with Argonavis, but not only am I just not interested enough to properly invest time in checking them out, they are also in an alternate universe or something if I remember correctly... so comparing the girls to the boys in Argonavis is like comparing... Railgun characters to Index characters, in a way, which isn’t really “fair”. I probably will if I decide to check out Argonavis, but don’t be surprised to see this one at the bottom still.
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hirayaea · 4 months
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English version
Xavier: Mmm.
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Japanese version
セイヤさんは何に対しても動じない感じがしますが、 恋愛において独占欲はありますか。
セイヤ: ああ。
Seiya-san, nothing seems to faze you, but when it comes to (romantic) love are you possessive?
Seiya: Yeah.
this is why jp xavier kills me he just straight up admits it!!!
and it’s with confidence, without missing a beat, and in the next question the interviewer tries to confirm like “how do you act?” and he just says “that’s not important for you to know”
SEIYA WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS giving me a heart attack
source: YouTube interviews
translation by: me
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excellynt · 5 years
Ukagaka Dreams and Shining Support
The Ukagaka Dream Team community has come a long ways in the last year. We started out with just a handful of us on discord, surviving on @zarla-s​ ghost template+guide, google translate, and raw determination. We’ve grown to around 200 members, including 50 people currently working on a ghost, 25 of which have published a ghost of their own! Some already published their first ghost, but many began their ghost dev journey within our community, and cite the support of the UDT as a major contributor to their project’s completion and even as a source of personal growth. 
Last November we even made contact with the JP Ghost Dev community, including the creator of SSP and maintainer of the AYA/YAYA language we program ghosts with! Ponapalt has been awesome in helping us catch up to our JP dev counterparts and even updating SSP with new features on our behalf! 
A while ago I started a Patreon to help offset the costs of buying FTP hosting for the @ukagakadreamteam server’s ghost devs, to have in-house hosting available for those without their own website. It’s also a way for members and friends to show their appreciation for all the effort I’ve put into making our community as wonderful as it is. 
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I didn’t advertise it too much because I feel weird accepting money for stuff I consider a hobby, so it was just to cover the server costs. But... 
Money is really tight right now. 
I had to drop all of my patreon subscriptions last month. I barely scraped enough to pay for rent, my credit card is close to maxing out, and things are looking grim for the coming months. 
Getting evicted would definitely put a delay on any ghost development, heh. I’d move in with my parents so I wouldn’t be homeless. Even then, I may end up on a few months hiatus due to my depressed anxiety brain telling me I’m useless and incompetent, if I don’t get some financial support from somewhere. 
I have so much planned for MVSans, YBFFlowey, and even The Little Prince ghost. But I can’t see them through without help from all of you. I appreciate all of the User Reports, like I can’t even express how much they aid my development process! But screenshots won’t put food on my table, keep a roof over my head, or pay for my cat’s and my own medical bills, and ultimately that’s the biggest determination in whether I can keep up development. 
Patreon is a fantastic platform for creators such as myself, to receive financial assistance from followers like you, in order to keep creating the content that you love. You pledge a few dollars a month as a subscription of support and you’ll receive some awesome benefits based on how much you choose to pledge! 
These are the benefit tiers I offer for those able to give financial support! 
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—Your name appears here as a Candlelight Patron! —Access to patron-only posts and previews of future updates on Patreon! —Instant invite to the Ukagaka Dream Team Discord Server, with special username colors! —Access to Patrons-Only discord channel and Ghost Dev streams!
your name could be here
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—Your name appears here as a Sunlight Patron! —All of the previous tiers benefits with patron-exclusive content and Discord perks! —You fund hosting for a Ghost Dev (including yourself!) Every $5 is another slot. —Can participate in Patron-only polls to determine the next ghost dev focus.
Feenie @gaignunkukai​
your name could be here
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—Your name appears here as a Moonbeam Patron! —All of the previous tiers patron-exclusive content, polls, and Discord perks! —You fund hosting for 2+ Ghost Dev (including yourself!) Every $5 is another slot. —Access to Tester-Only MVSans builds and behind-the-scenes of YBFFlowey! 
Fursie @fursie-does-art
Korofel @snakeandapples 
DJ Dusk @datonegaimidnight​ 
PlantCat @cat-from-the-void 
your name could be here 
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—Your name appears here as a Shining Star Patron! (Limit 2) —All of the previous tiers patron-exclusive content, polls, and Discord perks! —You fund hosting for 10+ Ghost Dev (including yourself!) Every $5 is another slot. —Access to top-secret beta content of any of my other ghosts including YBFFlowey, something otherwise limited to hand-selected testers on the UDT server. —You can request a custom fork of MVSans, tailored to your preferences with anything you want and updated monthly, only for you, in addition to regular MVSans content updates. —Alternative to custom fork: you can pick a simple accessory to support next in public release, or the next AU Shell to support.
your name could be here 
your name could be here (Limit 2)
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—Your name permanently appears here as a Ghosts and Dreams Patron.  —You fund hosting for 20+ Ghost Dev (including yourself!) Every $5 is another slot. —All of the previous tiers patron-exclusive and access top-secret beta content, discord rewards, and MVSans development influence. —You can have a ghost made to your custom order. This may take more than a month to complete if it's a complex order.
your name could be here (Limit 1 active)
I want to continue sharing my passion for ghosts, but I can’t do that if I’m overworking myself trying to make ends meet. If you like what I do, please consider sponsoring me so I can continue doing it.
Want to support, but can’t commit to a monthly subscription? Buy me a Ko-Fi! It’s just $3! 
Ko-Fi Supporters: 
Victoria @boomable​ (special thanks for helping me set Ko-Fi up right!)
Brarb @thelibrarbian 
SarahCake @smallsarahcake
PlantCat @cat-from-the-void (special thanks for over $100 of Ko-Fi!!!)
KFC @characteroulette 
DJ Dusk @datonegaimidnight​
Fursie @fursie-does-art
your name could be here
Since every one of my ongoing supporters have been a member of the UDT server, I kept my patrons up-to-date on an individual day to day basis in Discord rather than Patreon itself. Once I get some off-server patrons I’ll have a need to post special content on Patreon again, and I’ve got some fun ideas for that! 
Support me via Patreon | Ko-Fi today!
Can’t even spare a Ko-Fi? You can still help by reblogging and sharing this post, and share your enjoyment of ALL ukagaka ghosts with your friends! 
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tamanine · 5 years
7人の少女をフィーチャーしたドキュメンタリー映画『all this panic』。監督であるジェニー・ゲージが語ったのは、映画のこと、そこで描かれる彼女たちの成長、ニューヨークでの生活、若き女性であることへの抵抗についてだった。
ジェニー・ゲージ(Jenny Gage)の作品を少し調べると、なぜ多くの人がそれを“シネマティック”だと評するのかがわかるだろう。ファッションフォトグラファーから映画監督に転身した彼女は、女性ハリウッドスターたちをとてもさりげなくそのカメラでとらえてきたのだ。まるで彼女たちの名声という名の殻が突如として閉じてしまったかのように、壮大な背景がその前に立つ人間に引けをとらぬ存在感を放っている。
ゲージがパートナーでありコラボレーターでもあるトム・ベタートンと10年以上暮らしたニューヨークは、彼女の意欲作に最大のインスピレーションを与えた。その映画監督としてのデビュー作『all this panic』は、大人の一歩手前にいる7人のブルックリンの少女をとらえたドキュメンタリーだ。青年期と責任ある社会人のはざまにあるこの難しい時期は、過ぎてから思い返すと霞みがかっていることがよくある。学校生活のストレス、不器用な性の目覚め、門限などがモヤモヤと混じり合うその世界は、私たちができれば忘れたいと思っている暗黒時代なのだ。『all this panic』を通して、ゲージはそんな時期を再構築し、美しい何かと狂おしいほどの真実を生み出したのだった。
『all this panic』の元となるアイデアはどんなふうに生まれたのでしょうか。
父親を通じて彼女たちのことは知っていたから、両親にメールを送ったのよ。カメラで追っかけ回してもいいかしらってね。そしたら答えがイエスだったの! おもしろいことに、あの子たちは今じゃこんなことを言うの。「あなたがどうやって頼んだのか覚えてないわ! ある日突然私たちの前に現れたあなたに、いつの間にか慣れちゃったから」
私はカリフォルニアのマリブーで育ったの。すっごく違うわね! マリブーはLAから1時間くらいなんだけど、郊外みたいな感じなの。私がそこにいたころは、どこへいくにも両親に車を出してもらうよう頼まなきゃいけなかった。環境は違うけど、あの子たちがキャラを変えてみたがったり、何時間も自分の部屋に閉じこもって音楽を聴くことにはいつだって共感したわ。それがティーンのいいところじゃない。自分と向き合う時間は十分にあったわ。たぶん、ありすぎるくらいにね。
そうね、それが主題よ。あの子たちに、自らのストーリーを語る場を提供したかったの。若い女性たちに焦点を当てたストーリーがもっと必要よ。脇役として使うのじゃなくてね。賢い女性たちがお互いを支え合っている姿を示したいという、強い欲求があったから。アメリカの政治状況とは裏腹に、いまどきの成人間近の人たちって本当にすごいんだから! その流動性や性的傾向、お互いを支え合うこと、オープンさ。現代のティーンには、たくさんのポジティヴな要素があるのよ。
もちろん思ってたわ! ときどき、自分が話した内容について心配したと思う。でも正直に言って、恥ずかしいと感じていたのは、たいていの場合トムと私で、あの子たちじゃなかった。同じ部屋にいる唯一の男性だったトムは、いつも1人で赤くなってたわ! 映画を撮り始めた当初は、セックスやパーティはあの子たちの頭の中にはなかったの。友情や学校生活に夢中だったから。成長するにつれてそういうことが自然に湧きあがって、ボーイフレンドとかガールフレンドについて考え始めるようになったのね。だから、そういう話題が上がったのは自然なことなんじゃないかしら。
でしょう! 若い女性たちが今考え、話している内容がどれほど重要かということに、みんな気づき始めているの。映画に盛り込んだこと以外も、サーガは話してくれたわ。彼女はすごく賢いし、政治的にもアクティヴなんだけど、こんなことも言うのよ。「だけど私、ワン・ダイレクションにも超ハマってる。何にもおかしいことなんてないでしょ!」 彼女たちの(興味があることの)すべてが大切ってわけじゃないの。あの子たちは複雑なのよ。
大人になる手前の子を描いた映画で、お好きなものはありますか? 彼女たちにその映画の話をしましたか?
『フィッシュ・タンク』と『サーティーン あの頃欲しかった愛のこと』が大好き! どんな映画が好きかって聞いたとき、あの子たちは『パロアルト・ストーリー』に共感するみたいだったわ。これはわかる。ティーンのアンニュイな気分を、はかなくそして美しく描くこの映画は、あの子たちにぴったりハマるもの。私たちみんなが好きって言ったもう1つの映画は『スタンド・バイ・ミー』。でもあの子たちったら、こんなことを言うの。「どうして女の子にもこういう映画がないの? 私たちの『スタンド・バイ・ミー』はどこよ? 私たちの少年時代はどこに行ったの?」
Translation Aya Takatsu
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klug · 5 years
i’m too embarrassed to post my first pass of the Aya translations here b/c i’m still learning JP (i mostly do translations for like, vocab learning + understanding particles cuz they don’t make sense to me outside of practice) and waiting on a review from my friend. But I will say: even if these are incredibly boring pieces of dialogue, she is still very cute
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sonzies · 5 years
can you share your reasons for characters in the gakkou bandori crossover
Of course! Also I want to say sorry for any typos/weird wording I think I’m mobilezoned for awhile haha First of all, gakkou gurashi manga/anime spoilers lol. Second, I only used characters from the JP zombie event and most of this is based off of a loose translation/summary from a friend. Aya/Megumi - From what I remember, Aya is the first to ‘become a zombie’ and Megumi is the first one to go, so that’s where my basis for that is from. (Though they do both also have pink hair and feel like they need to act older/more strict so yanno!) Rimi/Rii - Both of them are sweet and work hard for their friends, and wouldn’t have been able to do a lot of things if they weren’t there besides them. Although maybe going by the manga events, kasumi would’ve been a better choice but whatever lol Kasumi/Yuki - Cat ears.... also depressed and are trying to keep being happy for their friends. Also, protagonist? Hey? Kokoro/Kurumi - Gonna be honest with you this one doesn’t have a lot of reason other than Kokoro having hair long enough to fit the pigtails... But I do think that Kokoro was the second to be bitten in the zombie event so that works too Misaki/Miki - Both of them don’t really show their feelings well and it’d take a lot to get to know them. I don’t know the zombie event well, but i feel like Misaki was about to be bitten so that lines up too lol
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pupa-cinema · 4 years
Happy Go Lucky Heads - 言葉のあやや(Kotoba no Ayaya) - English Translation
それは言葉のあややや!!! この世は素晴らしく It’s only a figure of speech!!! What a wonderful world this is あややや!!! かくも美しいと Oh boy!!!  Oh isn’t it so beautiful あややや!!! 言われるがしかしそれは真だろうか? Oh boy!!! Or so they say but, is that really the truth? あ嫌嫌嫌 Oh I fucking hate hate hate this
浮ついた生活してたって 浮かべるようにはなれないし They say I lived a luxurious life, but I don’t feel lucky though 穴があくほど墓穴を掘っては穴埋めすんので骨折れそう I dig my grave so deep it opens a ditch in my heart, filling it in is gonna break my bones with all the work 君のためなら死ねるといっても実際死ぬやつはいないし People say “I would die for you” but in reality nobody would ever do so 目に入れても痛くはない 目に入った試しはないな A sight for sore eyes, yet it’s never come into my sight
朝もやの中で書き上げた履歴書 I wrote up my resume despite morning grogginess 面接の場所へ急ぎ足で参上 I dashed over to the designated place for my interview 服装自由 謳っていたが They said that any clothing was acceptable but 私服のやつは俺だけやんけ I’m the only one dressed casual, what the hell
垂れ流される文字に脳死状態 My brains been fried by the overspill of letters 自分で考えなきゃどうしようもない I can’t figure this out on my own 「10年に一度の出来」「100年に一度の出来」 “It happens once every 10 years” “Once every 100 years” 嘘大げさ紛らわしいものひっくるめ Overblown fits and lies, they’re confusing so just give me the gist of it
それは言葉のあややや!!!! バカ正直Stupid guy That’s just a figure of speech! Honest to a fault, a stupid guy あややや!!! 額面じゃない道理 Oh boy!! Face value isn’t the same as reason あややや!!! 行間も読めんなら生き抜くことすらNO!!! Oh boy!!! If you can’t read between the lines then your right to live gets.. a big NO!!!! 言葉のあややや!!! この世は世知辛く A figure of speech!!! It’s a cruel and bitter world あややや!!! かくも難しいと Oh boy!!! Oh it’s so hard out there あややや!!! 愚にも付かぬ脳と 自業自得の地獄 Oh boy!!! Oh your stupidity is unquellable, it’s the hell called karma あ嫌嫌嫌 Oh I fucking hate hate hate this あー嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌っ嫌嫌 Oh I fucking hate hate hate hate haaate this ふるい落としの人生は 続いていく A casted out man’s life still goes on 他人を蹴落とし這い上がり続ける While taking advantage of others I go on, casting spells and crawling my way up 覚悟を持つのが大人と呼ぶのなら If being an adult is supposedly all about having a resolve   現世は綱渡り せめて自分の中の Then being in this mortal world is like walking a tightrope, I’d rather at least be 狡さを許さぬ化物でいい a monster, one that wouldn’t forgive my corrupt ways
それは言葉の それは言葉のあややや!!! バカ正直Stupid guy That’s just speech, that’s just a figure of speech!!! Honest to a fault, a stupid guy あややや!!! 額面じゃない道理 Oh boy!!! Face value ain’t reason あややや!!! 行間も読めんなら生き抜くことすらNO!!! Oh boy!!! If you can’t read between the lines then your right to live gets a big NO!!! 言葉のあややや!!! この世は世知辛く A figure of speech!!! This world is bitter and cruel あややや!!! 地獄のような壇上 Oh boy!!! Getting up on the alter feels like hell あややや!!! 誰かのせいにしたいが 自縄自縛ジレンマ Oh boy!!! I want to foist the blame unto somebody else but alas, caught in my own trap have fallen あ嫌嫌嫌 Oh I fucking hate hate hate this
● “Kotoba no aya” means “A figure of speech”  -  “Ayaya” is JP northern dialect way to sigh or express disbelief, resemblant of "oy-vey” or "aye yi yi”. Merged together they become a pun!
Interview :
Interviewer: So, ‘Kotoba no Ayaya” was 324′s first attempt at writing an Omedetai song, how did that take its course? 324: The song itself also initially sprung off my idea for the title. Since it was my idea, everyone threw it back at me and said “Wouldn’t it be best if you wrote it then?” The only problem was that I, and us all, were still young and stupid back then, so we were enthused to add references to Matsuura Aya (An actor who’s nickname is Ayaya) but... Things, happened y’know… We lived and learned (laughs).  We realized the importance of things, how we must instigate humor which doesn’t involve targeting anyone or making them feel uncomfortable. Interviewer: Hold it right there, hold it! This is supposed to be an interview with a rock band!? (Laughs) (Everyone laughs) Interviewer: That sounded like a comment from a comedian who just lost the big M-1 comedy competition (laughs). 324: When adding homages like that it really must be nothing more than a sprinkle of spice. We mustn’t overdo it. Interviewer: If this was the old Omedetai, they would’ve done a ding-dong ditch without even a smidge of guilt on their conscience (laughs). (Everyone laughs). 
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Black Survival characters as callmekevin quotes
the man the pickens the but titles
Adela: Wow, he’s good. Doesn’t even need to move his fingers, really.
Adriana: “The baby’s going to cry!” I wonder why!
Alex: You and your baby can play along with mama in over fifty babysitting activities! Six unique babies in game, each with their own unique personalities and needs! (reads the german version) I hope my baby’s in german. I have a feeling with my personality and that accent, it’ll sound really anrgy.
Arda: “Congratulations, you’ve just unlocked a bonus costume.” Is it another one that a middle aged man would wear? Cuz that’s the only type of fashion I’m into.
Aya: I guess we’ll end the episode to miicasso, just looking out in the ocean, wondering why they’re not as loved as some of the other characters.
Barbara: Stop trying to push your government agenda on me! I just wanna play good game!
Bernice: I could destroy any of you kids in unarmed combat.
Camilo: I’m still confused on how Barbie’s gonna get inside those twelve dancing princesses.
Cathy: Operate now:brain surgery. Good, I’ve played surgeon simulator, I can do this.
Chiara: “We found the first part of the flute!” I found this dirty flute in the tree! I should blow on it!
Daniel: “We must start by cutting the patient’s hair.” (white person voice) I was thinking the same thing, it’s disgusting! Let’s get rid of that fringe!
Echion:Why do we all have to be trendy boys from the 90s? Why can’t I be, like, an older gentleman?
Eleven: Nothing could distract me, honestly. (cut to an upgrade game playing itself as she watches)
Eva:This is normal for me. Every year, I sleep through july, august and september. As the great philosopher Green Day once said, wake me up when september ends.
Emma: “-as you would a pencil during a pop quiz” Ah- I didn’t take quizzes, I left school
Fiora: Ah, I’m such a good samurai, I studied the blade
Hart: (playing the guitar) What’s new scooby doo, we’re coming after you, we’re gonna solve that mystery, what’s new scooby doo, the trail leads back to you, whats new scooby dooooooo~ (walks off and breaks the guitar) NA NA NA NA NA-
Hyejin: You know what, I’m just gonna have a nice time this time- FUCK!
Hyunwoo: She doesn’t stop when you tell her to stop! Oh my god, she just loves killing herself! Barbie’s so relatable.
Isol: “We should encourage sharing, what are you feeling?” “.....” “Oh, he got all shy now.” 
Jackie: Oh, if I had a baby I’d do stuff like teaching it the alphabet backwards, like, count using colors, like (points to a blue surface) look, it’s the color three!
Jan: That cat is even higher than I am. Like Barbie, not me, I’m not actually high.
Jenny: Was this show a whole cover for human trafficking?
JP: If I can’t get past the menu, is there much point even playing? (..) Hold on guys, this is going to take some serious gamer thoughts to actually get working.
Lenox: Oh, sssssssugar. I can’t swear in front of the kids.
Leon: Okay barbie, let’s get started- (falls into the pond) Ow, shit.
Li Dailin: Come on, it’s my only skill! Drinking!
Luke: “You jumped too early!” She’s like, ‘Oops! You killed me!’
Magnus: (rrrr rrrr sound) God, Luigi is such a chad, revving his engine like that. ‘I’m gonna park the car, okay? I don’t wanna tip the valet.’ Oh my god, luigi- is a bit of a douchebag-
Mai: Well, Tessa, George wasn’t paying his mortgage and his farm got foreclosed on. That’s not my fault, he didn’t hold up his responsibilities.
Nadine: They’re all grabbing onto him and he’s like “Let go of me! I’m not used to human contact!”
Nathapon: I’m gonna try and translate this so you can understand. (laggy parrot speaking ensues) I think she said ‘you’re high as shit, wake up!’
Nicky: Some... unresolved anger there. Zoinks.
Rio: I don’t know, I’m lost. All I know is this child’s creeping me out.
Rosalio: “You know what, Kevin, our job now is to be funny ‘cause we’re never gonna win.” “I can’t do that either”
Rozzi:”Why not take a break?” Because I do this for a living, shut up!
Shoichi: “Eww!” What, a fly? Mama has a murderous look in her eye.
Silvia: Can you stop spinning so fast?! I need to make a fecking character here
Sissela: “By 202, one in two of us will have cancer in our lifetime.” Jesus christ, I’m already depressed.
Sua: Did you win, or did you just accidentally fall into first place?
William: “Kevin, did I do something to you?” “You did.” “Did I hurt you in some way?” “I had a dream that you played a +4 on me, now I’m upset.”
Xiukai: Ground beef? Why would we use beef that we found on the ground?
Yuki: I think I just subconsciously hate myself or something.
Zahir: Ah of course. A game about singing, where I can’t sing.
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