pleasantmsp · 2 months
Initial Thoughts on Downfall
I think it's fair to assume the following so far: Trist = Sarenrae. Ayden = Pelor. Emhira = Raven Queen. Asha = Melora. S.I.L.A.H.A. = Corellon. The Emissary = Erathis (except not exactly like the others)
The gods literally putting themselves (or parts of themselves) into mortal bodies so they could infiltrate Aeor is so incredibly interesting. I love their art and I love the binary code that clued us all in to each of their true identities.
Erathis not actually showing up is sooooo interesting. Tal is playing a yearning gay so well too. We love the gay drama of it all.
Literally posted on Twitter how I was hoping and begging for a mention, a crumb of Ioun and then literally 10 mins later, we got Arcadia AKA Ioun, goddess of knowledge, my beloved. I love a goddess of knowledge and I love Ioun so much! I could go on and on about Ioun but I'll save it. I'll just say that Brennan is playing Ioun exactly how I'd want, how I'd imagine she would be in this situation. Being so knowledgeable, wanting the knowledge she doesn't have, being a voice of reason. I love it so much!
Laura is playing the Raven Queen so fucking well holy shit. She is literally a child of this era and her knowledge of Aeor and the mages of this time is like no other god's. All the times she's mentioned knowing about the mortals here, every time she talks about death, man it is exactly how I'd think the Raven Queen would be here and I'm living for it.
I have one more thing but I decided to give it its own post. It's about Tal's portrayal of Melora. I have Thoughts™
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kana7o · 4 months
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Death Stranding AU.....
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inonibird · 3 months
Sorry to have been MIA for a while. Between getting Covid again, going on multiple vacations and having some of the most stressful couple of work weeks in recent memory, I'm well behind with writing. u_u But I'm getting back into it! And I have a few new fine additions to my collection to boost my morale!
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Gifts from my friend! Perfect tiny desk buddies. <3
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…I haven’t been able to bring myself to eat this yet. :’)
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overthinkinglotr · 1 year
Can I just tell you I love your Hobbit comic anyway, but the illustration when Bilbo explains that he isn't married for reasons he can't articulate almost made me cry
I've never seen anything hit that feeling so perfectly
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Ahhh thank you so much!! ❤️♥️❤️😭😭 🫂<3 This was a page I labored over for a while because it’s a line that’s important to me, and i was really hoping other people would connect with it. I remember reading that Gandalf quote in the Unfinished Tales/The Quest of Erebor for the first time and feeling like “””“!!!!??!?!?!?????!!!!!!!!”””
And now I found that [Bilbo] was 'unattached' (…)I learned that he had never married. I thought that odd though I guessed why it was; and the reason that I guessed was not that most of the Hobbits gave me: that he had early been left very well off and his own master. No, I guessed that he wanted to remain 'unattached' for some reason deep down which he did not understand himself - or would not acknowledge, for it alarmed him.
A lot of the way Tolkien reframes Bilbo’s story in later works like LOTR and the Unfinished Tales are fascinating to me, but I love this line in particular. It’s the queer metaphor of it all— the pain of not understanding yourself but also being terrified of the introspection it would take to fully understand yourself, and so avoiding that introspection by attempting to repress it and put it off indefinitely…
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seaofashes · 5 months
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This one's for the SweetHeart nation 🫵
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bonefall · 1 year
yo, puffballs can be used to dress wounds? how does that work?
It's the simplest use in the world. I wouldn't even be able to make a whole guide on puffballs as a wound-dressing it's so simple. You literally just cut and apply to a bleeding wound.
It's a hemostatic; its spores stop the bleeding. So when it comes to puffballs, you either harvest them young and eat them, or let them mature and harvest as a medicine.
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This is a puffball when it's young enough to be edible. The flesh is pure white. When the spores have started to form, this will turn yellowish and become a poison if ingested.
You can just use a slice as a gauze, or powder it. It's that simple. No processing required. It makes the blood coagulate and stops bleeding.
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hauntingsofhouses · 8 months
guys cmon. be ffr please. akemi did Not love taigen. the only reason why she was desperate to search for him to the point of putting herself in danger is because she didn't want to get married to an abusive man (which she believed at the time that takayoshi was). when seki tried to dissuade her from running off, her reason was not "but i love taigen and wanna be with him 🥺" it was because she refused to be controlled and have her autonomy taken from her; she literally says "i won't be locked away in edo married to a stranger." and when seki still tries to argue that getting married to the heir of the shogun would be better than getting caught by brigands, she then says "that kind of man"—referring to takayoshi—"treats women like animals. they say he's a tyrant." and when seki chuckles and says "what man isn't?" her response is "you." she doesn't even talk about taigen. she is using him as much as he was using her. they both see—or, well, saw—each other as means to an end. for taigen he saw that marrying into the tokunobu clan would elevate his status and wealth. for akemi she wanted the right to choose who she married, and she wanted that person to be someone kind. that's it! neither of them loved each other. but since they were courting of course they acted sweet to each other, and they do still care for one another, especially due to their romantic history. but let's be real! akemi is a boss bitch who dropped taigen and forgot all about his ass as soon as she saw takayoshi was a nice guy. because duh? not only is takayoshi a better lover (it's implied their lovemaking lasted a long time) but he's also kinder towards her and presents her with an opportunity to claim power and freedom, which she would not have if she had married taigen, as she would have still been stuck under her father's thumb. so literally why should she settle for taigen's stupid ass! she may be a little naive at times but she's still incredibly intelligent. she would not do something stupid for the sake of "love." you know who would though? taigen.
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bottomless-brainrot · 8 months
One thing i will never get over with Saltburn is the little details.
Oliver going through the house naked following the same route that Felix guided him through when he first visited…
The camera work with that scene for Felix panning to the right constantly as he explains the different ‘landmarks’ for Oliver to remember his way around the house… but with Oliver’s scene the camera is constantly going to the left as it follows him dancing through the halls.
How quickly the camera follows Felix in the moment, almost too eager to keep him in the line of sight… but for Oliver its slower and uncaring that it lags behind him or that it gets Ollie out of frame from time to time.
( gif visual )
the writer in me has two things in mind:
it could be the house itself, reluctant to become a home for this new invader but cannot ignore him.
or its Felix’s ghost. His soul having not passed on just stalks the halls trying to make Oliver uneasy and afraid just as he felt the night he died, but Oliver kinda just revels in the attention like a freak.
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oob goob
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unsurebazookacore · 2 months
learnt today that if you smack and successfully kill a mosquito while it’s sitting on you, there will be a small bloodstain on you fingers. asked my dad about it, and he said mosquitoes don’t have blood, that’s the blood they’ve taken from someone else
so now I can honestly say I’ve had someone else’s blood on my hands
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inkykeiji · 4 months
I bit my lip really hard a few days ago. This morning I looked in the mirror and it's mostly healed, but the area has a splotchy dark purple colour. It's exactly what I think reader's lips look like after Touya-nii got a little too rough while making out with her 😭
omg!!!!!! okai i have had this happen to me EXCEPT it was my boyfriend who bit my lip instead of myself hehehe (*ノωノ) but yes!! you’re absolutely right!! already touya loves leaving marks no matter where they are (or what they were inflicted with), but he especially enjoys making a fucking mess of your lips, because—well, those marks are the hardest to hide, aren’t they? those marks are readily noticable, those marks raise immediate questions, those marks explicitly exclaim that you are unobtainable, owned, his.
so he bites and sucks and licks and tugs, sinks sharp teeth into thin, delicate skin, jaw tensing as they burrow further and further into your flesh until, finally, it splits, spilling hot copper into his mouth. a heavy tongue laves over the tiny slits (six of them, to be exact—four incisors, two canines, strung in a little garland across the inside of your bottom lip, a sick, crude smile carved into your skin) in rhythmic drags, slow and hard, streaking his tastebuds with crimson until they run dry. only then does he curl his tongue around the appendage, siphoning it further into the scorching wet heat of his mouth, the force of his suction reopening the gashes, procuring another warm burst of blood to flood beneath his tongue.
when he does finally let go, after salt stains your cheeks and your whines flood his throat, it’s with a hefty reluctance, the edges of his teeth scraping along your lip as you pull it from his clutch, snagging on the indents as they pass through, a sweet lil hiss exhaled against his mouth.
but that isn’t even his favourite part. no, his favourite part is the pretty little scabs they morph into, glittering like tiny rubies encrusting your soft flesh, and he will routinely pinch your lip between callused fingers and yank, exposing them all so he can run the tip of his tongue along them, feeling every bump and ridge of the little masterpiece he left behind.
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royaipercabeth · 7 months
I see your headcanons of Percy on his school's swim team and raise you:
Percy on his school's fencing team.
He won't feel like he's cheating.
He gets to keep up his swordsmanship (which is a skill he has to practice, not a power).
The team still gets someone who is freakishly good.
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femboypussy420 · 2 days
one of my nitpicky "unrealistic" things that pisses me off when watching movies etc is when the characters are scrambling to meet a deadline that has not been established to exist or which they would not be able to know about. "we've got to unlock the thing by midnight!" why midnight. where did you get midnight from? this is the first i'm hearing of midnight being relevant so who told you? "the moon is going to hit the earth in 24 hours!" like on the dot? did we do measurements? or are we just sort of assuming it'll be around a day? "we've only got an hour until they attack!" did they tell you that? did you get that information and how do you know it's good information? and many other examples. it just takes me out of it immediately like. don't give me a specific deadline like that when the characters would have no way to know it! not everything is on a timer!
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pocketramblr · 6 months
Kill the child of one of your most hated foes? ❌
Find their son and get him pregnant instead so the child you conceived with said son will kill him ✅
Don't fact check me this is canon.
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clown-eating-pig · 8 months
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Be honest does this even look like the same guy
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ramblesbiab · 2 months
My least favorite part of social anxiety is when it's right. When I add something to a conversation that does end up being completely wrong or inappropriate, when the response is worse then even my overthinking had predicted. It's just ammo for my brain to go "See, I told you! We need to seriously reel back how confident we are to speak up." And it's like no!! Sometimes I'll say the wrong thing!!!!!! The solution is not to shut down!!!!!!!!!!!!
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