#baby driver au
sibirsk-klance · 9 months
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Baby Driver Au Pt. 1
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on-softs · 8 months
sometimes, I forget how much I have thought about a (maxiel of course) baby driver AU with Max as baby and Christian as Doc
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buoyantsaturn · 2 years
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i think this about covers it lol
send me fics for fic bingo!
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I've reread this at least once a week for the past couple months since it came out. It is truly one of the best and well researched stories ever. This person obviously watched the show as much as I have because the connections and the references that are sometimes obvious but also can fly under the radar if you haven't watched the show a million times like I have, are phenomenal. I definitely recommend clicking on the hyperlinks for the music and at the end of the story clicking on the link that provides every reference. I always suck at reading the end notes and today was the first day I found this reference. Every time I read the story, I Google lines to see what movie, book, tv show or song it's from because that's how Dean speaks. I just want everyone to have the opportunity to read this amazing Destiel story because it's just awesome. I also say this as someone who has never seen "Baby Driver" and had no reference for it and I honestly now don't think I ever will because it couldn't possibly hold up to this amazing work. I hope you get as much enjoyment as this as I do . I wish I could send this author of a fruit basket because a one-time only kudos is not nearly enough. "Ever elusive kudos.!" ( You'll get it when you read it.). The story ROCKS!!! 🤘🤘🤘
Dean has been working as a getaway driver for Crowley for 14 years, and has survived by developing a few simple rules: always pick the right music, keep an eye on the time, never give out his real name, and most importantly, make no personal connections with anyone on the job.
Making no personal connections with anyone new is easy when he has difficulty talking in his own words.
Enter Cas, who, in order to pay for his nephew Jack’s life-saving medical treatment, decides to break bad by joining Crowley’s operations. Unlike most of his brothers, he’s new to the world of crime, but their driver’s skills and quiet demeanor have a way of reassuring him.
Throughout the course of several months, their rules fall to the wayside as they fall for each other, each unable to say the words ‘I love you’ for differing reasons.
Cas’ past family life complicates things when Lucifer comes around wanting to know how Cas is getting the money to pay for Jack’s treatment. Everything comes to a head when Dean is kidnapped for one final job.
A Baby Driver-inspired AU.
Baby's Driver - entropic_saudade - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
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kuroimugen · 5 months
Ok but like: Baby Diver AU
In the ethos of the film, Frenchie works best as Baby, with the connection to music and everything. I don't know how best to connect that to writing yet, but it's there.
In this version I'm not sure who Debora would be, but Doc would be Stede. Buddy and Darling are Pete and Lucius, obviously. Bats is Roach maybe? The police operative would be Prince Ricky. I also don't know who I would place as the adoptive father...
Second version, much more difficult connection to music. But the heist plots work a little easier. Izzy as Baby. Stede and Ed as Buddy and Darling. Calico Jack as Bats. Hornigold as Doc. Maybe Nigel as the operative. And then depending on the wheel of lovers, whoever as Debora (I like Frenchie as Debora, but the music connection is more tenuous here).
Options, options...
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mossterious · 7 months
there’s nothing better then an autistic character is just also so good at crime for practically no reason
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kitchen-spoon · 1 month
Baby driver is so Steddie coded PLEASE!!
Baby & Eddie’s stories fit so well. Eddie is baby. Like genuinely.
Appalachian Eddie! He can have that southern charm too please!!!
Steve could be Stevie, Steve. PLEASE IT WOULD WORK SO WELL. Instead of the baby song in the beginning of the Movie, make it that Eddie my love song.
They talk about music. Steve likes disco, Eddie likes metal ofc. Steve knows a little about metal and it surprises eddie, its because the kids are into it. (It started with mike entering his angst era, he spread it to the rest)
Pls there is so much more to this.
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rickybaby · 3 months
Daniel talking Chief of Optimism, shoeys and music on the Fitzy and Wippa show
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
I've stolen @f1-birb's Sebson Driver Dads au for this TikTok inspire drabble
"See?", Sebastian grinned, dusting his hands off as he glanced at Jenson, "It wasn't that hard. The crib was harder to build" Jenson looked up from where he had been reading the baby book to Lando as their eight month old sat in his lap. Their little one was babbling away and pointing to random things as if he understood what they were. Occasionally, he looked up at Jenson as if to ask his Dad if he was right before going back to pointing. "Oh? Is it finished?", Jenson asked as he dropped a kiss on Lando's little curls. Sebastian pointed with pride towards the baby gate that was now installed between the hallway and their living room where they were. Lando had started to crawl a couple of weeks ago, and he was fast. They had been surprised at how fast he actually was until Sebastian was darting down the hall to catch their giggling baby before he made a break towards the stairs. It truly was amazing to see. Jenson had never expected to be so in awe of another human being until they had had Lando. Sure, they were young, and they hadn't planned on having on having a little one so soon after admitting their attraction but Jenson would never regret this. How could he when his beautiful little boy was in his lap, little arms stretched out as he reached for his Papa as Sebastian rumbled proudly. "Look at you", Jenson grinned, "Big strong alpha providing for his family" "Stop teasing", Sebastian rolled his eyes and plucked Lando out of his arms, and Jenson just took a moment to watch them as Sebastian blew a raspberry on Lando's cheek, "Now to test it" Jenson stood up, dusting off his pants and settling the book on the couch as Sebastian placed Lando on the ground. Lando crawled over to the gate which at the bottom was a little off the ground making Jenson frown as he looked at it. Lando seemed to consider it, stopping short of banging his head off the baby gate. He lifted a curios hand, face determined as he babbled and patted it. "I was worried it was a little off the ground, but it seems to be working at containing the menace", Jenson smiled as he turned to Sebastian and gave the alpha a kiss. Sebastian smiled into it until a giggle had them looking back at their son only to watch as Lando was halfway under the gate. He was flat on his stomach and giggling as he wiggled under the gate and into the hallway. He gave them a surprised look before he started giggling again and began to crawl down the hallway. "Oh my god", Sebastian panicked, and immediately tried to open the gate and failed. He resorted to trying to get over the gate but he had installed it a little too high for him to comfortably clear it while wearing tight jeans, "Jenson! Help! He's escaping!" Jenson, did not help. Instead he all but collapsed to the ground in tears of laughter as Lando sat at the other end of the hallway, waving at Sebastian who was trying to get over the baby gate that wouldn't open and trying to coax Lando back towards them while Lando giggled and babbled away.
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biropen · 3 months
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insomniacirl · 3 months
Writing a fic called 'Night Call', based on the single from this album but also what if this is the first fic I ever publish (if it gets written lmao)???
James and Sirius are (illegal) street racers. What could possibly go wrong when the younger Black brother steps into a six month trip of the California nightlife? When the smoke clears, who'll be there to head home with their winnings?
Or the better question is: just how fast can they drive before they get caught?
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msuolo · 2 years
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"Daddy, they say I'm not a lady at all. I could hear them talk about me in the kitchen. When will mommy be back?"
"Oh my Sunshine, listen to your heart, not gossips. Like your mother does. As I learned."
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buoyantsaturn · 2 years
25, 18, 27, 28, 31
Can 18 be something in the baby driver au? Thanks <3 (◔‿◔)
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
already answered! (but i have a lot of fics so if u had a specific fic / series u wanted me to try to think of then u can send me another ask)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: make it baby driver au.
OH LMAO. i was like. scavenging through the fic and through the original planning doc and everything trying to find something for this but. i do not need it lmao. ok so i posted this fic in november but took (apparently!) over a year to write this fic bc sometime in MAY of last year i was driving home from the airport after dropping my parents off and i got cut off while going like. 85mph and had to Slam on the brakes (im talking like. dropped down to 50 in 2 seconds flat) and like. almost rear ended the guy who cut me off and also almost Got rear ended and like. i can literally still hear the sound of my tires screeching lmao. the smell of burning rubber stuck with me for like 10 miles. i literally almost named this fic "burning rubber" bc of nico's line thats like "everything still smells like burning rubber". so that's like something that SLIGHTLY inspired uhhh 2 of the scenes in the fic (the time where nico and will got cut off and nico's nightmare about his own car accident)
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
im taking this to mean that writing the character stresses ME out so i'm going to say percy is a big one. i did him a horrible injustice in writing him when i was in high school bc all of the fics i was reading at the time portrayed percy as like. the dumb clueless guy who didn't know how to read a room. so now whenever i Do include him in a fic im always stressed about making sure his characterization is more accurate to canon. but also mostly i just do not include him in fics anymore lmao so sorry percy u deserve better </3
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
lou has treated me so well recently with the no love au <3 idk if she's the most delightful but i DID get to write a scene where she said "do it. no balls" and i think that's wonderful <3
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
hello my dear readers i appreciate you all so much, especially those of you who leave comments that don't say anything along the lines of "please continue" or "you should write more of this" bc i know you mean well but that does not come off as the encouraging message you think it is <3 if any of you have read all 250 fics i have on ao3 right now i would like to tell you specifically: you're insane <3 get help <3 /lh
thanks for asking!!
send me numbers!
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lucy-sky · 1 year
Spark (tattoo master!Griff x f!Reader)
A sequel to Skulls and Roses no one asked for! Yaaaay!
Amaya said there was chemistry, and maybe yes, there in fact was :D  In a few months you return to Griff's Tattoos after a bad date.
Warnings: casual sex (with a hint to something more); oral sex f receiving; Griff says “fuck” a lot.
Words: 1473; AO3 link in case you prefer reading there
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It was probably one of the worst dates you had in a very long while. The guy only kept talking about himself, his job and his projects, and you thought you’ve never felt that bored before. Bored and… Unimportant? No, but really… It was so bad that at some point you had to lie to him about some emergency at home in order to escape.
A part of you is relieved now that it’s finally over, but on the other hand it’s terribly frustrating. It’s the fourth man you’ve gone out with this month and nothing clicks. Actually it’s more like the opposite - each guy seems to be even worse than the previous one. Or… Maybe it’s not just them? Maybe there’s something wrong with you? Yeah, right, self-love and self-respect, you know that, but still the question lingers in the back of your mind. Maybe the problem is that you started dating a bit too soon? But it’s been months since your breakup, and you thought you were ready. You’re realistic enough to not expect to fall in love at first sight with a beautiful prince charming, but so far no one even made you want to go on a second date. And well… Dating is exhausting after all - you try hard to look pretty, to make a good impression, and for what? Shit, maybe you’re simply not meant to be with someone?..
Drowning in these troubled thoughts, you found yourself at Griff’s Tattoos porch again, as if your feet brought you there against your own will. You’re not sure why you’re doing this and what you’re expecting, but after a moment of hesitation you reach the doorknob and push.
“Good ev- Oh. Hey there, darlin’!” the man grins widely as he recognizes you, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Didn’t think I’m ever gonna see ya here again.”
“Hey, Griff,” you say simply with a faint smile on your lips, as you walk in.
“So, uh… You want another tattoo?”
“Not really.”
“Okay,” he frowns, dark brown eyes roaming up and down your body, taking in you outfit and makeup. “You look freakin’ gorgeous, by the way. Some special event?”
“I had a date.”
“A date, really?” his eyebrows raise in amusement. “You don’t seem to be very happy ‘bout that.”
“I’m not,” you sigh as you walk to the already familiar desk and sit right on the tabletop.
“No?” Griff comes closer, looking at you intently, trying to catch your gaze. “Why’s that?”
“Maybe dating’s just not my thing,” you mutter with a shrug of your shoulders. “Or maybe he’s just too dull and self-centered. Or… I’m just tired.”
“D’you want me uh… to make you forget ‘bout that shit, like last time?”
Griff’s hand reaches to brush a strand of hair from your face. Unconsciously, you lean into his touch.
Griff’s kiss is exactly the same as you remember - fierce and deep, and stealing the breath out of your lungs. It tastes like fruit bubble gum, which feels a bit weird to you - a guy with such a brutal appearance, his kisses must be like whiskey and cigarettes or at least like black coffee or something, but there’s this sweet fruity taste, and even though it’s strange, it’s not unpleasant. Your hands wrap around his neck, fingers caressing the shaved back of his head as you melt into the kiss, let the pleasant warmth of it wash over you, pushing all the frustrating thought away for a while.
Griff’s hands skim up your thighs, slowly pushing up the skirt of your dress.
“Hmm… Are those stockings?” he purrs against your lips. “That’s sexy as fuck, you know that, huh? Can I get a closer look?”
Without waiting for your answer, he drops on his knees, and soon you feel his teeth grazing against the tender skin above the hem of your stockings as he leaves a series of nips and bites on the inside of your thighs. The scratch of his beard makes you shiver, and all of this, especially seeing him between your legs like that turn you on so much you can barely hold a desperate moan.
“Just… Fuck me already, Griff… Stop playing,” you let out a shaky breath, writhing impatiently.
“Oooh, that’s how we’re talking now,” he quips. “No more hints, no maybes, just straight up to the point, are we?”
“You really have to be an ass right now?” you huff snappishly through gritted teeth.
“Relax, princess. M’ gonna fuck you just right,” he smirks, glancing up at you from between your thighs. “Wanna see what else I can do?”
“Surprise me.”
He chuckles at your request, his big hands already reaching to tug your panties down.
“Thank god there’s no fuckin’ shoelaces this time,” he murmurs as you simply shake your shoes off your feet to let him get rid of your underwear. Pushing your legs apart, Griff wastes no time, parting your folds with his thumbs and licking a long hot strip along your slit.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, hips twitching as his tongue meets your clit before diving deeper to taste your arousal.
This man’s tongue really works wonders - alternating between sucking harshly on your clit and light teasing flicks against its tip, he gets you on cloud nine in no time, you’re almost embarrassed at how fast it happens. Your legs are shaking as you come down from your high, trying to catch a breath. Griff’s beard is glistening with your juices when he’s crushing his lips on yours again, while he blindly reaches to fish the condom out of his back pocket.
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There’s this pleasant, satisfying weariness in your body once everything is over, and you wish you could simply enjoy this warm post-orgasmic bliss, but your brain once again doesn’t let you do it, one stupid thought bothering you for some reason.
“Hey, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Griff asks as he tucks himself back into his pants. “If you’re uh… feeling guilty for using me for sex or something - don’t worry, I’m more than okay with that.”
“Actually… I was wondering if you treat all your female customers like that,” you tell him honestly.
“Huh?” he cocks his eyebrow in surprise. “What makes you think that?”
“Oh I don’t know,” you shrug. “But somehow you always have condoms in your pocket.”
“You say it like it’s a bad fuckin’ thing.”
“It’s not, but it makes me think you don’t mind fucking around.”
“Yeah, so what? Maybe I do love fuckin’ around, you’re right, but I don’t… Sleep with customers on a regular basis, if that’s what you think. Who am I, a fucking gigolo?”
“Fine,” you raise your hands in a surrendering gesture. “Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you, really.”
“Look, I’d never insist on anything if I wasn’t sure you wanted that too,” he continues in a calmer tone.
“Uhh… Okay, and… Why’d you think I wanted it? I mean… Back then, when I first came here.”
“Oh come on! There was this thing between us, you know, like… A spark.”
“A spark?..” you try to suppress an amused chuckle, as it’s definitely not something you expected to hear from him.
“Yeah! Or whatever you fucking call it… Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about. You kissed me first, remember?”
“Right. But before kissing you I actually seriously considered slapping you.”
“But you didn’t!” he gives you a triumphant grin. “See, that’s what I’m sayin’. The spark.”
“Okay, you won,” you admit, because you really have nothing to say against it. Let it be a spark. “I guess I have to go,” you say quickly, not wanting the awkward silence to settle in.
“Wait, uh… Listen, I was thinking, you… Maybe you wanna grab a couple of beers in the pub ‘round the corner?” Griff suddenly suggests, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I…” you clear your throat, taken aback by his invitation. “Sorry, but I just think another date would already be too much for one evening.”
“Jesus, woman! Why’d you have to label every goddamn thing?” he snorts, rolling his eyes. “Date… Fuck it. It’s just… Shit, I just wanna hang out with you some more, that’s all. Thought you enjoy my company as well, so…” he trails off with a soft chuckle, and you suddenly think… What if he’s right? Maybe you just tend to overthink the whole dating thing too much? It’s true in fact - you enjoy Griff’s company, despite his ridiculous tattoos and the amount of swear words he says every time he gets to speak. At least with him you don’t have to think of making a good impression, you can… Just simply be yourself. That actually sounds pretty nice.
“Yeah, what the hell. I’d love to grab a beer with you.”
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Thanks for reading!
no pressure tags for those who enjoyed the previous story: @sweetieswiftie @faithlove21 @marvelous-world-of-fiction @munsonownsmyass​ @darlingshane​
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f1-birb · 6 months
omg i was going through ur tags and liked the nanno & lanno post and then u reblogged it
i swear i thought i was caught stalking lmaooo
anyway—i really hope you’ll one day write a snippet about them, they’re my favourite evil mastermind and unknowingly adopted gremlin child
oh no, I don't mind stalking lol, please enjoy perusing my blog for whatever you want, I'm (usually) pretty good at keeping my tags in order
thank you (and the others who did) for liking it because it made me think of it again
have a snippet from what's currently 5k of pure fluff and nowhere near finished:
He releases a slight hint of smug, watching as Lewis’ brows furrow, and his smirk widens to a grin when Lando suddenly chirps, “Nanno!”
When Fernando doesn't react, just keeps walking, Lando tries to force Lewis to the window. Jenson almost feels bad for the way Lewis’ face drops, almost, but Lando still has an arm wrapped around Lewis’ neck in a loose chokehold so he knows Lando’s not trying to escape him just yet.
“Nanno!” Lando slaps a tiny hand on the window, the dull thunk of the glass just enough to grab Fernando’s attention, and Jenson has to smile softly at the way the Spanish alpha's eyes light up.
Lando whines when Lewis doesn't move, and Jenson takes pity on them both, steering the shorter man out of the hospitality and over to Fernando who holds out his arms.
“Landito,” he rumbles, his usual peppery smell taking on a sweeter note, “come come, your favourite uncle want hold you.”
Lando stretches his arms out before pulling back, tiny teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as he seems to hesitate. He leans back against Lewis, hugging around the alpha’s neck a little tighter without thinking, and Jenson has to shove his fist in his mouth not to laugh at the choked sound Lewis makes.
Seeing the indecision and frustration building on Lando’s face, as well as the fluctuating sweet-sour of citrus Lewis is releasing in waves, Jenson takes pity on them all and scoops Lando back into his own arms. Immediately his son settles, pressing his nose to the scarred over mating mark to try and catch the little hint of Sebastian's scent that always seems to linger there. He rubs a hand up and down Lando’s back when the pup whines at still being denied the comfort by the scent dampeners.
“How about we grab some food from the hospitality and sit outside?” He offers, seeing both of the alphas relax their shoulders, scents smoothing out to something warm and mellow.
Fernando is the first to take a seat, Lewis begrudgingly sitting opposite.
“I've eaten already, I hold baby while you get food.”
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hoperays-song · 9 months
Required Information Sheet For The Human AU: Marcus
General Information:
Last Name: Taylor
First Name: Marcus
Middle Name: Christian
Nickname(s): Markie and Mark
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthdate: November 12, 1973
Ethnicity: British
Dietary Style: Vegetarian
Known Languages: English, Hindi, and ASL.
Appearance Information 
Hair Color Hex Code: #AC4F02
Curl Texture: 4b
Eye Color Hex Code: #3B3B3B
Skin Tone Hex Code: #321F0C
Beauty Mark(s): Scattered body scars and tattoos
Glasses/Contacts: Reading glasses that are worn occasionally
Height: 6’4.5”
Weight: 234lbs
Build Type: Rectangle
Clothing Aesthetic: No real word for it but jeans, tank tops, and coveralls. Mechanic?
Education Information:
Past Education: London School of Economics
Skills Education: Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship at Tower End Mechanic Shop
Degree(s)/Certification(s): Masters in Business Management, Bachelors in Engineering, Certified Automotive Mechanic, and Licensed EMT
Career Information:
Past Employment: Automotive Mechanic
Current Job: Automotive Mechanic and Garage Owner
Company: Taylor Family Garage
Extracurriculars: Parole Work (Meals On Wheels)
Parentage Information:
Biological Parent 1: Ann Grace Taylor
Relation: Biological Mother
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Career: Stay At Home Mom
Birthdate: September 11, 1950
Biological Parent 2: Christian Arthur Taylor
Relation: Biological Father
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Career: Insurance Company CFO
Birthdate: April 10, 1945
Sibling Information:
Sibling 1: Lucien Charles Taylor
Relation: Biological Brother
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Education: University of Cambridge
Birthdate: June 30, 1970
Sibling 2: Bethany Grace Taylor
Relation: Biological Sister
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Education: University of Bristol
Birthdate: July 20, 1976
Romantic Relationship Information:
Partner's Name: Jia Saanvi Taylor ‘nee Sutar (Deceased)
Partner's Status: Wife 
Relationship: Close 
Partner's Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Partner's Career: Primary School Music Teacher and Pianist
Partner's Birthdate: February 13, 1975
Child(ren) Information:
Child 1's Name: Johnathan “Johnny” Demarcus Taylor
Child's Relation: Biological Son
Relationship: Close
Child's Pronouns: He/They/His/Theirs
Child's Birthdate: January 29, 2004
Child's Career: Contracted Professional Actor and Singer
Child 2's Name: Nooshy Victor Peart-Taylor
Child's Relation: Adoptive Child
Relationship: Close
Child's Pronouns: She/They/Hers/Theirs
Child's Birthdate: November 3, 2001
Child's Career: Contracted Professional Choreographer Consultant
Assorted Information:
Best Friend(s): Stan Philips (since age 36), Barry Frost (since age 36), and Rosita Peréz-Harrison (since age 47)
Favorite Color(s): Dark Purple and Grey
Favorite Animal(s): Mountain Gorillas and Crows
Favorite Food(s): Glamorgan Sausages, Alu Diye Cholar Dal, and Vegetable Korma
Favorite Sweet(s): Blackcurrant Jaffa Cakes, Murukku, and Paruppu Payasam
Favorite Drink(s): Plain Black Coffee, Masala Soda, and Red Gatorade
Favorite TV Show(s): Top Gear, Chasing Classic Cars, and Wheeler Dealers
Favorite Movie(s): Now You See Me, Baby Driver, and The Glass Onion
Favorite Song(s): Big A Little A by Crass, Oh Bondage! Up Yours! by X-Ray Spex, and Mighty and Superior by Conflict
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