#baby girl theo james
mylittlepimp · 2 years
I don't know which audience this will reach but hopefully it reaches someone.
My 7 year old nephew finds it ABSOLUTELY hilarious and adorable when I call grown men "Baby girl". As one does thanks to whatever social media site they saw the idea on. Not to mention the hilarious people they see using it on a desired man.
My nephew out of the blue, while watching "Underworld Awakening" with me. (because 1. Theo James is bae in that and 2. I'm still working on my story around his character and my own.), My nephew has declared Theo James as Baby Girl.
Baby girl Theo James.
Baby girl David (from the Underworld movies he's in).
You know what? That kid isn't wrong.
I never considered it myself. So I'm glad he brought it to my attention hahaha!!
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I only really watch Theo in the Underworld franchise (yes he's only in 2 movies..but I like the franchise.) I watched him in Netflix's, "How it Ends", Allegiant (but that was for a big forehead...), and "Lying and Stealing" it was on Netflix.
I'm encouraged by my nephew to "do my homework" as we call it. To watch more of Theo's work and "study him" in a way.
So yeah now you know, Baby girl Theo James, haha!
(btw this is forehead)
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Meant as a playful joke because the pennywise costume "accentuated" Bill's forehead... 😂😅
Why I watched only for him? Don't ask it was a dark period 😬😳
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suugarbabe · 11 months
You are SO amazing love, never let anyone tell you any different. I WILL fight them 😤
Tysm for considering wolfstar!daughter, i think youd enjoy the current fics that are currently out for it. Most of them are x fred or george and it just reminds me of you everytime.
Sorry, this is probs going to be long 😬
For the prompt though, i imagine they came about reader when remus found her on a full moon as a toddler werewolf, abandond in the forest (last yr hogwarts or graduated doesnt matter, whatever you decide) and when Sirius finally finds Remus the next morning he's shocked, confused, and then melts. Big, tall, broard Remus has this small bundle of cuteness wrapped in his sweater trying to cuddle into him.
Whether youd like to continue on from there or do reader growing up or a time skip is up to you. Same as if James dies or not, whatever your brilliant mind decides 🧡 but if it helps this is how i see the family dynamic:
I think Sirius would be the overprotective kind of dad, never failing with that wonderful sense of dramatics!
While Remus is the calm voice of reason that talks himself down when he feels like he might be going a little overboard.
Of course we're Uncle Reggies little star, he will be mean to another child if they hurt you. He and James are constantly arguing over who's the better uncle.
James is the uncle that gives you alcohol illegally and doesnt adhere to a curfew.
So skip to hogwarts in some of the last years (im a ravenclaw so i always imagine reader as a ravenclaw but anyhouse would be fun to explore) and reader makes it official with Theo or Enzo. Harry's a tattle tale and tells his dad who then brags to Reggie, who the apparats him self the Sirius' to demand answers because "who was this vile thing that dared touch his star?? Boyfriend?!?! Fucking over his dead body!!" Fully expecting Sirius to agree with him. But he doesnt, he just sighs because at least they made it til 6th/7th yr before boys started, he'll give the poor boy a chance first. And then Remus bursts in and has a full meltdown. Thats his little wolf; his baby. She can have a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND!?! He might puke. No this isnt allowed. Boys are gross. And nasty. And theyre going to hurt her. But not before he hurts them!! He's going to put the fear of godric into this boy! RIGHT NOW!! Wheres his wand? He needs to go to Hogwarts.
Its so unexpected that both Black brothers are frozen. Until Remus starts searching for his wand and Sirius has to calm him down while Regulus goads him on. And through all of it, reader and Enzo/Theo were standing at the door to 'meet the parents'.
And then however you want it to go from there love! So sorry that was soo long and rambely. Of couese no pressure to write it and take whatever creative liberties youd like!!
Thank you love x
The group had made an agreement that the girls would all get a flat together, as would the boys. So naturally Sirius, James and Remus planned and found one for themselves that was 'absolutely perfect' as Sirius put it since it back right up to a large patch of woods; 'Perfect for you, Moony'.
In the moment Remus had rolled his eyes, but truly he was thankful. By the last full moon of school, Remus had managed to transform back to himself without completely passing out. After the fourth full moon in the flat, Remus was able to still decently function after his transformations.
What neither Sirius nor James expected happened and they didn't know how to react initially. Sirius and James had lost sight of Remus toward the end of the night, now both transformed back to themselves looking for him.
When Sirius found him, he didn't expect the scene he walked upon. Remus shoulders were hunched over, and at first Sirius thought he was crying. But the closer he got, he realized it was not Remus making those noises, but...a child?
"Moony...what the bloody hell is that," Sirius voice was cautious, he was still convinced he might be hallucinating.
Remus turned around slowly, "She's like me, Pads. She...she was a tiny little wolf, I swear it." Sirius was skeptical, but the way Remus was looking down at you, every doubt was melting away. The way your tiny hands gripped on to Remus's sweater.
When Sirius got close enough, you reached out for him, and he was done for. When James caught up with the pair he had the same initial reaction. But like Sirius, one look at you and he was also convinced.
It had taken the girls no time to swoon after you, and the boys were forever grateful. While Remus declared himself your father (Sirius demanding his was Dad number 2). James became your fun uncle (funcle as he called himself, Lily rolling her eyes each time).
To say it had taken a village was not just a cliché, but reality. Sirius was every over protective father, having a flair for the dramatics any time anything happened, good or bad. Remus was more calm, essentially the voice of reason when Sirius was talking circles. You eventually became the perfect mix of the two, which they both loved.
When you got your Hogwarts letter Sirius threw a party, Remus thinking it was a little over the top but Sirius insisted, "Our little star got her letter, we're celebrating Moony." Regulus had brought you off to the side, insisting you owl him if anyone is mean to you, he'll come and fix it, "Even if it's another little twat kid, you let me know, okay Star?"
After fourth year, James let you try his beer for the first time. Sirius lost his mind, Remus reminded Sirius how much worse he was at your age and that if James was letting her try it that it was a better situation than he used to get in to.
What you didn't expect was the commotion that ensued during Christmas holiday seventh year. It was tradition for you and your dads to throw a party on Christmas Eve. You were putting the final touches on the Christmas biscuits you usually made when a loud pop sounded in the living room.
"SIRIUS GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE NOW!" The voice of Regulus rang throughout your house and you instantly froze. Sirius sauntered in, not bothered by his younger brothers tone, "Seriously, with the shouting Reg, what is it now?"
Regulus looked over Sirius shoulder at you in the kitchen before turning back to his brother, "How could you let her, huh? How could you let her do this, with a Slytherin no less? My little star? Who is this vile snake you've let touch our little girl, a boyfriend, Sirius, really?"
You held your breath, fully expecting your dad to lose it, go full on dramatics, but instead he just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Honestly, Reg, calm down. I'm surprised it took us till seventh year for her to finally decide to get a boyfriend, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful," he turned pointing at you, "but I trust her, Reg. And you should too. She's not like us. Really though, darling, a Slytherin?"
Sirius turned to face you and all you could muster was a shrug of your shoulders before your father burst in. "WHAT did I just hear? My wolf has a WHAT? With a WHO? Darling are you mad, who is this boy? A boyfriend? Oh my Godric, I think I'm going to be sick. Who is he, star? Who, tell me now. I'm getting my wand. Sirius, my wand now."
Remus held out his hand expectantly, but nothing happened. Both Regulus and Sirius stood frozen, mouths agape at Remus's reaction before a sly smirk crawled its way onto Sirius's features, "Oh my my, Moony, this is a sight."
At that moment the Potter's all appeared, the air obviously thick with tension. James looked between his friends, "Oi, what did we miss?"
When you saw Harry you were instantly enraged, your inherant traits from Sirius coming in to play, "You little fucking rat, you weasel, you knew I was going to tell them over break, how could you tell Reggie before I could tell my parents, I'll hex you Potter, I swear it!"
You started after Harry, only for James's strong arms to lift you up by the waist and hold you tight, "Woah there, mini Sirius, calm down. I think this might be my fault. Harry told me out of concern and I might have boasted about your feats to Reggie."
You went slump in your Uncle's grasp, "Uncle Jamie...how could you." You were pouting as he sat you down, giving you a tight hug, "I'm sorry, star, I was just so dang proud of you."
You looked over at your parents, Sirius now rubbing Remus's back who was pinching the bridge of his nose. There was a knock on the door, causing everyone's attention to switch towards the distrubance.
Walking towards the door, you looked back with your hand on the handle, "Be nice." The marauders and Harry held up their hands in defense, Regulus crossed his, "No promises."
When you opened the door, Enzo stood there, cheeks slightly pink. "Erm, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" You laughed slightly out of embarrassment, "How much did you hear exactly?"
"Enough to know I'm more afraid of Professor Lupin than Sirius," he whispered as he followed you through the door.
"Dad, Father, this is Enzo. My boyfriend," You gestured toward Enzo who gave a shy wave.
Remus placed his hand on his own chest, "Oh thank god it's Berkshire. I was really worried, star dear. Really worried. Thought maybe it was going to be the Nott boy."
This caused both you and Enzo to laugh, Enzo speaking up finally, "Merlin, no, sir. Nott's afraid of Y/n actually. So you've done a good job."
"Don't start kissing ass just yet, Berkshire," Regulus stuck a finger out at the boy.
"Uncle Reggie. Behave," you scolded him like a child, he looked down at the floor like one, too.
Sirius stepped forward, extending his hand, "So sorry, my boy. I'm Sirius, Y/n's father. You've met Moony, erm, Professor Lupin, her dad. He's sorry for anything you may have heard through the door."
Enzo grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly, "It's alright, sir. It's a pleasure to meet the men who've raised such a strong woman." Enzo smiled at you affectionately, causing you to blush in front of your family.
"Look at that, Moons. Our little star is growing up," Sirius wiped a faked fear, while Remus was holding back real ones.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose like your dad had done earlier, "Alright, who's hungry, hmm? Shall we eat?" You led Enzo towards the large table. Everyone followed suit, both Regulus and Remus grumbling slightly.
As you sat down, Enzo gave your thigh a squeeze. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, "Star, huh? That's cute." You side-eyed him, giving him a slight glare, "You tell anyone, you're a dead man."
Enzo grinned to himself, "It'd be an honor to die by your hands, love."
Across the table, Sirius gave Remus's thigh a squeeze, "She's growing up, Moons. Our little star." Remus nodded, pouring himself some brandy, "That she is, Pads. Our little wolf is a woman now." Sirius scoffed, "She still needs us though right?" Remus nodded, smiling, "We'll always be there for her."
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imtryingbuck · 2 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 1,511
Warnings: angst. Swearing. Fluff.
A/N: thank you to everyone who liked, commented, reblogged this series. I was worried that no one was going to like it because of it being an OC but I’m so glad that some people did, you’re the best!💕
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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After a month long honeymoon in beautiful Romania they were landing back in New York, it was back to normal, sadly. Bucky really wanted to stay in Romania for as long as possible but they couldn’t.
Wanda all but rugby tackled Theo the second they got off the jet, Nat jumping in too. “I think they’ve missed her.” Bucky said to Steve and Sam.
“They wouldn’t shut up asking when she was coming home.” Steve laughed.
“What about me?”
“Don’t care about you!” Wanda shouts from the floor where she’s still hugging Theo.
“The disrespect.” Bucky mumbled with a shake of his head. “Can you get off my wife please?”
“She’s our wife now!” Nat and Wanda shout in unison causing Theo to giggle.
“She isn’t and we’ve got places to go, so let’s go.”
Bucky moves over to where the three lay on the runway and helps them all stand, his hands smoothing out Theo’s dress. “Come on pretty girl.”
In the Range Rover Theo told the girls all about Romania and the places they visited, she didn’t realise that they hadn’t arrived back home yet or that the car was pulling up to a large building. Even then she didn’t really understand what was going on.
“Pretty girl, this is yours.”
“It’s an art gallery.”
“Oh, it’s nice.”
“It’s yours.” He tells her again, they all chuckle as her feet stop dead. Her eyes wide as she looks back at Bucky.
“Mine? Why?”
“So you can show off your art work? Do you not like it?”
“I love it! Thank you Bucky! Thank you.” She ran over to him and practically threw herself into his arms. “Thank you!”
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*a year later*
Bucky’s heart was in his throat as he rushed through the hospital corridor, he couldn’t be late, he promised her that he wouldn’t miss this moment!
“She’s in here!” Wanda shouted as she saw Bucky running down the corridor with the guys in tow.
Three months after Bucky gifted Theo with the art gallery, the doors opened to the public - Theo was terrified that no one would come, she was left speechless when Sam came running in with a massive smile on his face telling her that there was people waiting down the street. And Bucky didn’t even have to threaten anyone.
Theo honestly didn’t think she was any good but when people kept asking to buy her artwork it gave her the confidence to carry on doing what she enjoyed doing.
That night Bucky and Theo celebrated a successful day at the gallery, just the two of them.
That was the night their baby was conceived.
“I’m here, I’m here pretty girl.”
Two hours after Bucky arrived at the hospital a healthy baby boy was born. Piercing blue eyes, patch of brown hair, a cute button nose, a dimpled chin. To his parents he was the definition of perfection.
“You did so well my pretty girl, so well.” He whispered as he puts her hair back up in a bun, kissing her forehead as he did. “Poor boys been cursed with the chin.”
“Shut up, I love it and yours.”
Their family came in an hour later all wanting a glimpse of their nephew and grandson. All quietly arguing with each other about who was going to hold him first.
It was Winnie that won.
“Have you picked a name for the little boy?” Sam asked as he leaned over the back of Winnie’s chair as she held his nephew.
“James Junior but we’ll call him JJ.” Bucky smiled.
Both Theo and Bucky knew that baby JJ was going to be loved and spoiled by his grandma, aunts and uncles.
Bucky wrapped his arm around Theo as sleep started to take over her tired body. “I love you my pretty girl.”
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*five years later*
Not long after JJ was born Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda decided it was time for them to fly the nest - as Sam put it - so they brought the house next door… they didn’t want to go far.
Since Bucky took over Michael’s businesses his empire grew, before Theo came along he would normally handle his operations himself but since Theo and the birth of his children he took a step back letting Steve and Sam take control. He still did go on business trips but never without Theo and JJ by his side.
Theo’s gallery had become so successful that she even brought a new building with her own money, her artwork was being brought and taken all over the world. There was one piece that many people had tried to buy going as far to offer millions for the piece but she wouldn’t budge. It was of Jess. It was the one project she took ages completing as she wanted it to be perfect.
As Bucky came home from being at the office, Martha greeted him with a soft smile her hand going out to take his coat off him but he shook his head. “You don’t work for me anymore Momma.”
“I know, just let me do this.”
“Fine but it’s the last time.”
The years were catching up to his other mom and with a heavy heart Bucky told her that it was time for her to retire, but making sure that she knew that she could always come home whenever she wanted. For her years of service Bucky brought Martha a new house, one that was closer to him. Winnie brought the house next to her, both Winnie and Martha now spent more time together… at Bucky and Theo’s house.
“They’re in the back yard.” She informed him. Pressing a kiss against her cheek he walked through the house to the backdoor.
He leaned against the door, watching as JJ drove his mini Range Rover - just like daddies as he said - as Harrison played in the sandbox, Theo trying to get him not to eat the sand.
Three years after JJ was born they were back in the hospital this time for Theo to give birth to a healthy baby Harrison. To them, their family was complete.
“Daddy!” JJ screamed as he saw him, driving over to Bucky - nearly hitting him in the legs.
“Hey buddy, you been good for momma?” He bends down to pick him up from the car.
“Yeah but Harry wasn’t he was eating mommas hair” the five year old giggled.
“Is that true little man?” Bucky asked Harrison who was now climbing all over Theo to get into Bucky’s arms.
“Momma hair.” Harrison began giggling along with his brother.
Putting JJ down, he quickly running off to get his car, Bucky picks up Harrison just before his foot hits Theo in the face. “You eating mommas hair again?”
“I know mommas hair smells nice but we can’t eat it, little man.”
“Want sand!” And just like the two year olds mind was onto something else and wanted to be put back into the sandbox.
Putting Harrison down he went back to his toy truck, Bucky turned to face his love. “There’s my pretty girls.”
Yes they thought their family were complete after Harrison was born but it was finally whole after Theo gave birth to a healthy baby girl, just two months ago.
“See that Jessy? We’re the last ones who daddy greets.” Theo winked up at him with a grin on her lips.
“I had to greet the men of the house first, please forgive me pretty girls.” Jessy makes a gargled noise that they both take as a sign that he’s forgiven. “What about you pretty momma?”
“I forgive you Buck.”
He gets down on his knees and presses a kiss to her lips, a kiss to Jessy’s forehead and one to Harrison’s as he came climbing all over Bucky, JJ is quick to run over to his parents and siblings pointing to his own forehead wanting a kiss too.
Bucky use to think about marriage, he had dreamt about coming home after a long day at work to his wife cooking dinner or happily playing with the kids, slow dancing with her throughout the house whilst the children are tucked in bed. Sharing his dreams, fears, stories and life with his other half, a wife who he can spoil with gifts and love, but Bucky never thought it was possible for him but here he is seven years after meeting Theo, coming home to his perfect wife and amazing children, sharing his dreams, fears and life with the better half to him. Telling their children stories as they get ready to go to sleep, he could spoil his wife and children with whatever their hearts desired and more. He had more love in his whole body than he ever realised especially when it came to Theo and their precious babies.
As the sun began to set Bucky sat on the grass - the exact spot where he and Theo married - and held onto his greatest achievement.
His family.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs @undf-stuff @violetwinterwidow01 @cjand10 @angrykitsune01 @drdbnkl2008
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foursaints · 5 months
saints I’m thinking about your OCs again…pls I want to know about Theo’s tattoos 🥺
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luckily i am literally never not thinking about him ever…. once again @wyorians come look at our beautiful autistic thot son
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thank you for the interest 😭 i never keep the placement consistent, but the tattoos i generally include are:
knuckles are LOVE/SICK, bite mark on side of neck (matching with freddie), the batwings (i put these on barty (!!)) were originally a theo-ism, “the lovers” tarot card, some sort of medieval parrying dagger or sword (knight motif 🥴), assorted hearts, & his girlbestfriend’s initials
he is an artist ^_^ and he drew most of them himself. unpictured he definitely has, like, the eraserhead baby & body horror creatures & a weirdly pornographic junji ito-esque anime girl in a bikini impaling herself on a sword that everyone judges him for. and sensitive softboy leonard cohen lyrics. he contains multitudes.
the important thing to understand about theo is that he looks Like That but he is a JAMES POTTER VARIANT in his soul!!! just insanely quiet about it
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dreamwritesimagines · 13 days
I stumbled upon your Sunshine HC today while jonesing for my fix and absolutely adore them! I can 100% see Logan not knowing what exactly it is about Sunshine that endears him to her so, it just feels like he'd throttle anyone (other than Theo) who rambles like she does but for some reason he just can't put his finger on it it's (gasp!) cute when she does it.
Secondly, I whole heartedly believe that Sir Bartholomeow adopts Logan when Theo is at home on weekends. Logan doesn't want to like the cat, but it just keeps showing up in his room or laundry or just seeking him out in a room full of people to cuddle up and purr next to, and suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart.
Finally, I saw you post that you are not traditionally a Wolverine/X-Men fan and may I say, I'm *highly* impressed by your Logan!! So many fics have him off the charts OOC but I feel like yours is the perfect blend of gruff yet soft *hearts*
As a lifelong X-Men fan, let me tell you that the Fox timeline absolutely sucks and makes no sense no matter in what order you try and watch. They were all over the place and often not canon to one another.
I can offer a few facts about Logan from the comic book-verse just in case your muse is interested!
He was born in the 19th century as James Howlett, his parents John & Elizabeth were wealthy and it's basically all but spelled out that he's actually the illegitimate son of Thomas Logan, the abusive groundskeeper of the Howletts via an affair with Elizabeth. Side note - Elizabeth and John had another son, John III, who died previous and may also have been Thomas'. Thomas was raising/abusing another son he named (no joke) Dog. A chain of events leads Thomas to kill John, and in turn James' mutation activates and he kills Thomas with his claws and flees. He adopts the name "Logan" and for a time is even living with a pack of wolves.
Eventually he ends up fighting in World War I and II and eventually marries and settles in Japan with his wife. Things go badly (again) and his pregnant wife is murdered - he doesn't know it but the baby was "removed" from her prior to her death and its many *many* years before he meets his son, Daken.
Eventually he's kidnapped into the "Weapon X" program and tortured. The program uses his healing factor against him and forcibly bond adamantium to his bones. Eventually he escapes but is left with post traumatic amnesia. It's at this point that he joins the X-Men and becomes the Wolverine we know and love.
And speaking of Logan as a "girl dad", over the years he unofficially adopts a number of girls including Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Jubilee, and Rogue. Ultimately he 'adopts' a girl named Laura Kinney, who is believed to be his female clone (X-23). Eventually they discover Laura is actually his daughter.
And just for some muse food that may impact future!daughter Sunshine, know that both of his kids (Daken and Laura - and Laura's clone Gabby) have *very* similar abilities to him. All three have enhanced senses, strength, healing and claws (amongst other abilities). The claws do vary though - Daken has two on top of his hand and one in his wrist, Laura has two on the top of her hand and one in her foot and Gabby just has one on each hand.
And I'm going to shut up now that I've word vomited just as bad as our dear Sunshine and Theo!
Hi loveeee! 🥰
Aaaaaaa I absolutely love this, thank you so so much! 😍 It's so wonderful to hear that you liked the HCs ❤️
Oh you're absolutely right, if it were anyone else other than Sunshine (and Theo) rambling his ear off, he would be veeery annoyed but he's literally watching Sunshine with heart eyes whenever she does it ❤️
Sir Bartholomeow adopting Logan asdfghjkl, cat distribution system 😂
suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart. THIS IS SO ADORABLEEEE! ❤️ I can just see him walking into his room one day to find Sunshine sleeping there with Theo and Sir Bartholomeow sitting by them like he's guarding them ❤️
And Logan will be walking around with Sir Bartholomeow comfortably sitting on his shoulder at the weekend😂
OMG OMG it is so nice of youuuu! ❤️ I was like very nervous about it at first, because I didn't know if he was in character because I didn't watch all the movies and it's like very recent for me, so it's so lovely to hear that he in fact is in character! 🥰
Oh noooo his actual father was evil?! 😱
I'm sorry, his father named his son what-
He has a son????
Oh that's why he didn't remember the experiments! 😱
Laura is his actual daughter???
Oh that's very interesting! So their abilities are basically the same as his but with small differences aw! ❤️ I wonder what kind of claws his daughter with Sunshine would have🥰 Her strength will shock them too when it first shows😂
Honey I absolutely LOVE THIS! ❤️ You're so amazing, thank you so so much! 🥰🥰🥰
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If you had to replace the official paring of one of your OCs (originally paired off with a canon character) with another OC, who would it be?
oh hell yes anon you are speaking my language!
so i mean i absolutely love crossovers!!! i feel like at this point my blog is a lot more crossover content than just my ocs!! but also yes i love cross shipping my own ocs very much for sure so let's go!!!
with friends (there are so so so so so many so this is just an itty bitty highlight reel)
Ace Hearts; descendants (canon ship: Evie) x @manyfandomocs' Gabe Legume
Kirsty Gilmore; gilmore girls (canon ship: Jess, Logan, Tristan) x @the-witching-ash's Simon Forester
Cassandra Aelius; percy jackson (canon ship: jason & reyna) x @megdonnellys' Waverly Sinclair – for context, i had to go to my masterlist to check Cass' ship because in my heart she is Waverly's soulmate
Clara Waldorf; gossip girl (canon ship: tripp) x @cecexwrites' Covey Covington
Will Parker; mcu (canon ship: tony) x @ginevrastilinski-ocs' Kit Barton
also not an originally canon ship but my baby Evie Van Der Woodsen's canon ship is my oc Theo but my favourite ship for her is still @cecexwrites' Finn Rockwell
with just my ocs (from different fics or not endgames in their stories) –
Willow Dell x Lucas Gilmore – Gilmore Girls (they're actually a couple that breaks up during their fic but also they're still my favourite ship in that verse too)
Jeremy St James x Lilibeth Anderson & Jeremy St James x Melody Naccarelli – Glee (Melody is a minor character in Jeremy's verse, Lili has her own separate verse)
Ace Hearts x Cosette Bellefleur – Descendants (separate verses)
I feel like there's definitely more but drawing a blank rip but this was so fun thank you anon!!
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use-your-telescope · 9 months
When Everything's Made to be Broken - Chapter 10: What Keeps You Up at Night
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Summary: When Loki’s nightmares keep him awake, he discovers he might not be the only insomniac around.
Author's Notes: This chapter has a song-within-a-song/bonus song/song-ception (get it, like Inception, but with songs? Okay, I’ll see myself out). My parents listened to the vinyl record of James Taylor Live ALL THE TIME when I was a little kid (and that was when records were the norm - cassettes were considered “the hip new thing” lmao) and I fell in love with the live version of Sweet Baby James. The original recording just feels so stiff and rigid in comparison. Anyways, even if you don’t normally listen to the accompanying songs, I’d really recommend it for this chapter - Ghosts is actually a really soft, dreamy track, and Sweet Baby James is a delightful lullaby. 
If you enjoy, please reblog!! I'm a lil' blog and reblogs really help me out <3
Content Warnings: None? 
Word Count: 4,890
Read on AO3 | When Everything's Made to be Broken Masterlist
Song: Ghosts - Lydia
Bonus Track: Sweet Baby James (Live) - James Taylor
I saw Jesus on your back, he's starting to scream He's screaming no, oh, oh no, you've got to believe me So I whispered softly I got this girl here by my side, what else do I need? You got your wars up in their minds so they can hardly see But I'll be singing for free…
Nightmares plagued the Avengers.
Between the nature of their work and the baggage they brought to their roles, it was practically a prerequisite to suffer from nightmares. 
And yet, for all the brains and knowledge among them, no one had devised a method to get rid of the damned things.
Loki tossed and turned in bed. The mad titan haunting his sleep wasn’t new, but for some reason it left his mind racing in a way he wasn’t used to. He was restless - stretching his legs out and contracting into a ball and twisting every which way in hopes of finding a tolerable position for sleeping. And yet, he could not find anything remotely comfortable. 
Eventually, insomnia claimed its victory, and Loki accepted defeat. Uninterested in dwelling on his night terrors, Loki climbed out of bed; if nothing else, perhaps a change of scenery might calm his racing mind. Regardless, it was preferable to remaining in his quarters like a caged beast.
Loki stalked down the hall with a book in hand; in the dark, only the rustle of fabric as Loki’s clothes brushed together with each step filled the air. It wasn’t until he rounded the corner that he detected any sign of life - delicate, soft chords from a piano, coming from another room. Before he realized it, Loki followed the sound, each chord growing louder as he approached a door. When he was only a few steps from the door, he heard a lilting, floating voice dance above the music, though the melody sung was unfamiliar. 
Despite the dark, Loki recognized his location - it was the entrance to Theo’s quarters. He stopped in front of the door to listen. Was it truly Theo performing, or was the music just recorded? The pitches and rhythms were far more precise than one typically heard with live music, and even without understanding the words, emotion poured out from each note. It seemed too perfect to be live, but something about the way the sounds echoed from beneath the door maintained a special sort of quality that could not be captured with Midgardian recording technology. Was this a recording, or was this what she sounded like when she performed?
For a moment, Loki debated whether or not to investigate. Would it be appropriate to knock on the door and satisfy his curiosity, or should he continue on his way, perhaps asking about what he heard at a later time? 
However, barely a moment passed before he went from pondering the appropriateness of knocking to debating if he was even capable of social interaction. There had been too many nightmares and sleepless nights as of late, and he knew too well that the approaching anniversary of the Battle of New York likely was at the source. When exhaustion wore him down, he had a tendency to be rather irascible; pressing that upon someone else would be cruel.
Immersed in the jumbled mass of thoughts, Loki was so distracted that he did not notice the sudden absence of piano, or the footsteps approaching. 
At the sudden movement of the door swinging open, Loki startled. Across its threshold, Theo offered an inquisitive look.
“I thought I sensed your magic.” Theo offered a quick, sheepish smile before glancing down the darkened halls. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry - I can be quieter.” 
“No… I couldn’t sleep,” Loki admitted, keeping his voice low. “I heard something coming from your quarters while on my way to the sitting room to read. I was debating whether to investigate the source.”
“Ah,” Theo nodded, then pursed her lips. “Do you want to come in? It looks like you were going to go read on your own, but, uh, sometimes company can be nice when you can’t sleep.” She stepped a bit further into the hall, still watching Loki. 
Loki paused for a moment, unsure of whether to accept her offer. If she was inviting him to join, she likely had no intention of seeking out sleep herself. He might be expected to carry on a conversation. With how tired he was and the tempest in his mind, the risk of his shortened temper rearing its ugly head was high enough that he wondered if entering would put the tentative friendship they struck up at risk. 
“We don’t have to talk - you can read your book and I’ll go back to playing piano–” Theo stammered, her eyes widening as she spoke. “– Or you don’t have to come in. Sometimes people like to be alone. No pressure.”
Ultimately, the friendly, nervous look she held was enough to draw him in. 
Attempting to give the impression that he was not taken aback by her offer, he simply shrugged and nodded, then allowed Theo to lead him into her quarters. 
Each team member’s quarters provided a unique snapshot into who they were, and Theo’s quarters were no exception. Stepping inside, Loki took the opportunity to soak in every detail. What he found was a far cry from what he expected – in fact, it seemed to be a sharp departure from how she presented herself around other people whatsoever. 
Soft, golden light bathed the room, creating a relaxing ambiance. Notes of vanilla and something spiced filled the air, likely from the assortment of candles strewn about the room. 
In one corner of the sitting room stood an upright piano, with sheet music scattered across the top and stacked next to the piano bench. Perched atop the piano was a turquoise vase full of sunflowers - the combination seemed familiar to Loki, although he couldn’t quite place it.  Next to her window, a drawing table sat covered in sketch pads, paint tubes, paint supplies, and pencils, while an easel sat to the left with what appeared to be a first layer of paint. 
Along one wall, a trio of guitars hung; below the guitar trio, there were shelves with assorted cases, stands with instruments, and assorted microphones, as well as crates of records and a record player. Her shelves were jammed full of books that had post-it notes marking pages. Loki couldn’t help but smile at the sight of a book open on the coffee table, pages filled with notes scrawled in the margins. 
Unlike her wardrobe, her space burst at the seams with rich, vivid color - a deep teal sofa sat in the center of the room atop a burgundy Turkish rug, while bright paintings adorning the saffron yellow walls. Throughout the room, wildflowers in vases decorated various surfaces, while lush plants hung from the ceiling by elaborately knotted macrame hangers. Draped across the sofa was a thick, plush, forest green blanket, while a rust orange throw pillow sat in the corner; based on their position, it looked like Theo spent most of her time sleeping on the sofa.
Loki picked up the pillow and raised an eyebrow at Theo.
“What? It’s a comfy couch for naps.” She shrugged before turning away from and sitting down at the piano bench. Loki set the pillow aside before taking a seat of his own, stretching his legs out and opening his book.
“Your quarters are very… vibrant.” Loki observed. 
“You sound surprised.” Theo chuckled, turning to give him a bright smile - something he hadn’t seen much of. Many clever, wry, and playful smiles - but not one that was bright.
“I simply wasn’t expecting quite so much color.” He shrugged, allowing his eyes another tour of the space. 
“I think I have enough color in here to make up for the rest of the tower’s lack of color.” Theo laughed, spinning around on the piano bench to face him. “I wanted a place that would make me feel happy. So when I was told I could design my own suite, I tried to think of things that would lift my spirits - and well, it’s hard to be sad when you’re surrounded by rich colors and things that feel cozy.”
“How did you decide what elements to include?”
“I tried to think of good memories.” She gave a shy smile, pointing to the plants. “My roommate in college was a huge plant person - had dozens of plants in our cramped dorm room. I loved my high school art classes, which introduced me to my favorite painter, so I tried to pick colors that he would use in his paintings.”
“And who is your favorite painter?”
“Van Gogh.” Theo smiled, pointing at a book on the coffee table. “Post-impressionist. He’s amazing.”
Loki nodded, continuing to absorb the room around him. 
“I see…” Loki trailed off. “Well, it certainly is a cozy space.”
Theo beamed. “It’s my little oasis.”
After a beat, Theo spun back to the piano, leaving Loki to read. Even without discussion, the discord that plagued Loki was long forgotten, instead replaced with a sense of peace that felt almost foreign. Frankly, there weren’t many places that Loki could think of that felt quite so comfortable.
Eventually, his attention fell to a pair of curtains. While each Avenger’s quarters was unique, they all shared a similar layout, which meant Loki knew where all the doors and windows were located; there should not have been any doors or windows where the curtains fell.
“What is behind those curtains?”
Theo stopped playing for a moment and glanced over her shoulder.
“The secrets of the universe.” She shrugged casually, her nonchalant tone a pleasant change from her usual wariness. “Jokes aside, it’s a portal to my grandma’s farm. She lives far enough away that even taking an airplane to visit her would take a full day, and she needs a lot of help keeping up the place. Keeping a portal like this makes it easy to go back and forth between places quickly, especially if there’s an emergency.”
Once she resumed playing, it wasn’t long before Loki’s eyes began to droop. Meanwhile, Theo’s fingers danced across the keys; after a little while, Loki caught her singing softly.
“Now the first of December was covered with snow / yes and so was the turnpike between Stockbridge and Boston / now the Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of bad frosting / with ten miles behind me, and ten thousand more to go, you know…”
She played with such tenderness, each note tumbling from the piano with delicacy as her voice floated through the air. Listening to her play felt like he was being let in on some kind secret – he didn’t even need to listen to the words to get a sense of what the songs were meant to be about.
“There’s a song that they sing when they take to the highway / a song that they sing when they take to the sea / a song that they sing of their home in the sky / maybe you can believe it, if it helps you to sleep / but singing seems to work fine for me…”
Despite his best attempts to stay awake, he began to slide down to lay on the couch as he read. It wasn’t long before Loki’s eyes fluttered close, resting his book on his chest. He told himself that he was just taking a moment to soak in the music. After all, Theo was incredibly talented, and the music was far more effective at soothing his weary mind than reading.
“So goodnight all you moonlight ladies / and rockabye sweet baby James / deep greens and blues for the colors I choose / won’t you let me go down in my dreams / and rockabye sweet baby James…”
He may not have been ready to sleep, but for once sleep won him over. 
I just followed the birds right to the coast Hoping she would follow my footsteps like some kind of ghost Whispering close We're not here for long, let's live for this week ‘Cause I'm so goddamn sick of losing my sleep Yeah, she'll be my defeat
There was an Asgardian prince out cold on Theo’s couch.
The realization seemed almost absurd - Theo nearly laughed aloud when she considered the situation in that way. Most of her life seemed absurd, to be fair, but this was one of the absurd moments that seemed almost funny. 
In a less absurd sense, her friend crashed on her couch. 
It was nowhere near a surprise to find Loki lurking about the halls late at night - given the number of times they hung out after Theo finished work, Theo kind of assumed Loki was a night owl. But something about the bags that hung beneath his eyes and the hint of tension wound up in his shoulders gave Theo the sense that Loki’s nocturnal tendencies weren’t exactly his preference. 
That was to say, Theo suspected that Loki had nightmares.
Nightmares were a phenomenon Theo intimately understood. Beyond experiencing more than her fair share of them, she learned about the neurological and psychological processes behind them as a student. Sometimes it was comforting to think about nightmares in a clinical sense - having an explanation that removed the emotion from the experience made it easier for Theo to distance herself from what waking up in a complete disarray actually felt like.
Silently rising to her feet, Theo carefully retrieved the book from Loki’s chest, jotting a quick note on a piece of paper before using the note to mark the page. With the book deposited safely on her coffee table, she covered Loki with the blanket that sage left draped on the couch. Loki didn’t look like he was going anywhere, so it seemed like the polite thing to do. She stole a glance at his face, but found her gaze lingering. Inky black curls spread on the velvet pillow, porcelain skin that held no tension, the perfect pout of slightly open lips - it was something out of a renaissance painting. 
If it hadn’t been weird, she’d have taken a picture so she could try and paint it later, but he was, at best, a friend - the request would have certainly creeped him out.
A quiet snore interrupted the thought.
Yes, the prince was definitely out cold.
With a quiet sigh, Theo returned to her seat and resumed playing. She let her fingers dance along the keys, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she tried to steady herself.
She wasn’t sure where the impulse came from to invite him in, but once the offer tumbled from her mouth she knew there was no turning back. Really, she was lucky he fell asleep so fast, because she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to have a conversation.  A gnawing, frenetic energy had been collecting in her chest ever since she moved into the tower, and trying to explain it would have been a nightmare in itself. 
After three nights of waking up in a cold sweat, heart pounding in her chest and gasping for air, Theo’s solution was simply to avoid sleep.
Was it healthy? Absolutely not. Would it come back to bite her in the ass later on? Of course it would. But for the time being, it was better than the alternative.
She had, at one point, debated using the portal to go home - sit out on the dock, stare at the Michigan skies. But that carried the risk of running into Max or Mémère, and they would immediately know what she was trying to do. Max would remind her that she was a doctor and she knew better, that she had to take care of herself and practice what she preached, all in a tone that danced between exasperated and condescending. Mémère would take a different approach - she would try to inquire about what the nightmares were about, try to make sense of them. The woman was a seer, so it was inevitable that she’d try to divine something from the nightmares.
Theo regularly tried to remind Mémère that seeing and divination were not powers she inherited, but oftentimes Mémère would offer a coy smirk and say something that would make Theo try to divert the conversation. 
She certainly had a knack for making Theo squirm.
The first hints of sherbet in the sky came far too quickly for Theo’s liking. It wouldn’t be long before the rest of the world came to life, and she’d have to tamp down her anxieties for a bit longer.
In the meantime, maybe she’d finally make use of her balcony for her morning coffee, and for once try to actually enjoy the sun coming up.
Either way, she needed to figure out what to do so things wouldn’t be awkward in the morning.
‘Cause when I'm dead and I'm gone, Just burn me up to the sun I've got a couple more years here, I want nothing but you, dear When I stare at the ceiling at 5 o'clock in the morning I got one thing that's on my mind - got so much to do before we die  Yeah if I survive So live it up, kid, live it real good, As you should We both know, could be gone tomorrow So tell me what keeps you up at night,  Keeps you from closing your eyes Keeps you alive
Rich, golden light that bathed the room greeted Loki when he awoke. The first thought that came to mind was that he was not in his quarters; after a moment, the events of the previous night returned to his memory - Theo inviting him in, listening to her play the piano as he read… and then nothing. He must have dozed off while reading.
Despite how the first half of the evening played out, Loki awoke feeling as though he’d slept peacefully through the night, with no nightmares, no tossing and turning - nothing. Just peaceful sleep. Frankly, he couldn’t remember the last time he slept so well.  
Loki glanced down to find the plush blanket that originally sat on the back of the sofa now covered him, and it appeared to have been tucked in, as if Theo covered him before she went to bed.
The concept brought an odd warmth to Loki’s chest.
Without any distraction, Loki used the opportunity to reexamine his surroundings. In the light of day, Theo’s quarters burst with even more life; it was as if the sun magnified new details in the elements which Theo pointed out to him the night before. The half-finished paintings in the corner shared stylistic elements with her favorite artist. Between the scattering of music, note-filled novels, the mismatched assortment of plants, and surfaces cluttered with odds and ends, there lived a certain sense of homeliness that seemed intentional in how it countered the often sterile, cold nature of the hospitals in which Theo worked and of Avengers Tower.
On the coffee table, Loki spotted the book he fell asleep reading, appearing perfectly at home amidst the assortment of items covering the table. Amidst the pages, he found a note jotted on a piece of paper and stuck between the pages as a bookmark: 
“See? Comfy couch. :)”
Beside the book, he noticed another note.
“I’m on the balcony with two cups of coffee. One’s for you if you want it.” 
Loki took the second note as an invitation. Once he folded the blanket and draped it neatly over the back of the couch, he made his way over to the balcony door and slid the glass to the side. 
A plethora of plants, as well as a bistro table and two chairs, adorned the balcony; the contrast of the greenery to the concrete of the city felt lush, a true oasis amidst the urban environment.
Sure enough, Theo sat there, two mugs of steaming coffee on the bistro table. She hunched over the table writing in some kind of book, oblivious to Loki’s arrival.
He cleared his throat. “Good morning.”
Theo’s head shot up to find Loki standing there, watching her work.
“Oh! Good morning…” She smiled at him. “Sleep well?”
Loki nodded, stepping out into the morning sun. “Well enough.”
“You were out like a light,” Theo chuckled, a grin curling over her lips as her eyes sparkled. “Even snored a little-”
“Lies and slander.” Loki cut her off, trying to avoid the hint of a smile that was twitching at his lips.
“You did!” Theo exclaimed, now outright laughing. “You even had a little drool right there.” She pointed to the corner of her lip, winking at Loki.
Loki rolled his eyes. “I think I’d take my coffee to go, if you please.”
“Drama queen.” Theo pushed a mug towards him. “Grab a seat – it’s nice out here right now.”
Loki accepted the invite, sitting down and taking the mug from the table. Theo went back to writing in her book, occasionally pausing as she scrunched her face up in thought. Loki observed as she worked. On the page sat a grid, some parts filled in with numbers, while others were blank. Theo was filling in other numbers in some kind of a pattern – it must have been some kind of puzzle. 
“Have you ever done a sudoku?” Theo didn’t even look up from what she was doing as she asked the question.
“I’m not familiar.” Loki hesitated, wondering if she might tease him for the lack of familiarity with this ‘sudoku.’
“It’s a number puzzle,” she explained, flipping to a new page and showing him a blank puzzle. “The goal is to have the numbers one through nine in each row, column, and square without having any duplicates.”
Loki hummed, studying the grid before him.  “So that would be a four,” he pointed to one of the spaces; Theo filled the space in. It didn’t take long for him to have the majority of the puzzle solved - he would point to the square, tell Theo the answer, and she’d fill it in.
“You learn quickly.” Theo observed, leaning back in her seat as she wrote in the final number.
“In certain instances, I suppose I learn quickly,” Loki corrected her, “There are other puzzles that I’m still learning to solve.” 
Theo certainly was a puzzle - one that Loki found himself trying to solve. Perhaps that was what drew him to her: every time he thought he figured out something about her, she’d show him something new and a layer of complexity would be added to the mix.
Theo gave him a hesitant smile, glancing back down at her puzzle book.
“You’re reading the Blind Assassin - what do you think?” Theo spoke up, apparently familiar with the novel that Loki fell asleep reading.
“So far, it’s intriguing.” Loki took a sip of coffee, allowing his attention to move to the skyline. “Have you read it before?”
“I have - once you get through it the first time, read it again - it’s amazing how much more you pick up.” She glanced up from her puzzle, setting down the pencil as she picked up her own coffee and took a drink. “Atwood is brilliant like that - spins so many subtle clues into the story and so many layers. Everyone talks about the Handmaid’s Tale, which is good, don’t get me wrong - but I’ve always enjoyed The Blind Assassin more myself.”
This tidbit of information was certainly enticing - both regarding the story, but also regarding Theo’s taste in literature.
“I look forward to finishing,” Loki glanced over at her, smiling as he dipped his chin in a nod. “I’ll certainly let you know my thoughts.”
“What’s next on your reading list?”
“I’m not certain…” Loki shrugged, stretching out a bit in the chair. “Do you have any recommendations?”
“I might, but given you’ve been around for a millennia I suspect you’ve already read everything I’ve read and then some…” Theo pointed out, which brought a wider smile to Loki’s face. “Maybe you can make some recommendations. I’m guessing you have a variety of favorites that I’ve probably never even heard of.”
“Perhaps I will make you a list.” Loki said, giving Theo a quick wink. 
After a bit more back-and-forth on literature, the conversation reached a lull. The bustle of the city echoed from below, creating a quiet wash of sound between the pair. They’d reached a point where they were comfortable with silence between them, and that morning was no different. Still, there was something about the quiet of the early morning, the personal nature of the space they occupied, that felt different in a way Loki couldn’t quite put his finger on. 
Even if he couldn’t explain it, he found he didn’t mind. It felt… Natural. Easy. Comfortable.
Loki caught himself studying Theo. She focused on some spot in the distance, staring off as though deep in thought. Even though she offered a warm, bright smile to him the night before and some light, playful banter when he first stepped outside, as she sat in the morning sun there was something heavier in her demeanor. There was a certain slump in her shoulders, and the bags beneath her eyes were obvious.
She hadn’t been sleeping either. What was it that kept her awake at odd hours? Was she like Loki, suffering from nightmares? Or simply unable to fall asleep?
It wasn’t the sort of question he could outright ask - she would undoubtedly shut down.
“You are quite the musician,” Loki remarked, hoping to direct the conversation in a manner where he might glean something notable regarding her nocturnal schedule. “Do you always rehearse at such late hours?”
“I’m not that good, but thanks.” Theo blushed, but kept her eyes on the horizon. “I don’t always wait until it’s that late, but things have been busy lately and it helps me unwind… I figured it was my best chance at avoiding interruptions.”
He interrupted her.
“I apologize, I did not mean to–”
“Oh no, I invited you in.” Quick to dismiss him, Theo flashed a nervous smile. “You didn’t interrupt anything.”
At surface level, it did not seem to be a lie - and yet, Loki couldn’t help but sense there was more to it than simply not wanting others to notice.
“You play quite a collection of instruments,” Loki remarked, hoping the continued conversation might distance them from the uneasiness. “Most Midgardians only play one instrument, if any. Why is that?”
One corner of Theo’s lips quirked up in a smile. “Came from a musical family.”
“You have quite a bit of musical talent,” he observed, “Am I remembering correctly that you’ve been nominated for awards for your performances?”
Theo’s expression shifted to something more pensive. She leaned forward in her seat, resting her elbows on her knees as both hands wrapped around her coffee mug.
“I was a backing musician on a pop record.” She let out a dismissive chuckle, then brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “It wasn’t my talent that got the grammy nomination. I needed some cash when I was in my residency and a friend connected me.” 
She wasn’t telling the full story, but he refrained from pushing the subject; perhaps at a later date, he could revisit the matter.
“Do you play any instruments?” Theo turned the questions back to Loki, a curious glint flashing in her eyes. 
“I play the violin and piano, among other instruments,” Loki answered, “All nobility of Asgard were expected to study music in some capacity. Thor was an atrocious musician, but I rather enjoyed myself, so I studied a few instruments and vocal performance.”
“Maybe sometime I can hear you?” Theo suggested, taking a sip of her coffee. “You’ve now heard me twice - first at my band’s show, and last night. Turnabout’s fair play.”
“Perhaps.” Loki conceded. It had been a considerable time since he’d entertained an audience, and starting with someone with Theo’s talent seemed like a risky proposition. “I would like to hear you play again sometime, ideally on your own.” He gave her an earnest glance. “Perhaps not in the middle of the night though…I do apologize for falling asleep on you, by the way.”
“It’s fine - we both know sleep is important, and you looked pretty tired. Besides, I may have switched to playing songs that were good for falling asleep… So if anything, that’s on me.” Theo dismissed his comment with a smile and a wink. “And who knows? Maybe the fact you were half-asleep helped me sound better.”
“No,” Loki countered, leaning forward to rest one hand on her knee before he could stop himself. “I’m quite certain you sound wonderful regardless of when you play. Besides, you deserve to have an audience who’s awake for the full performance.”
Theo stilled, tugging her lower lip between her teeth as she mulled over Loki’s request.
“Maybe if there’s another day where the rest of the team is out… maybe then.” On the surface it didn’t seem like much, but Loki knew it was as generous as it was important.
Loki beamed.
“I look forward to it.”
Love, happy, my love Got this all in my blood Need her close enough like ohh— Love, happy, my love They said it came from above Ha, yeah that's where it's from
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daddy-dotcom · 10 months
just finished Endings, Beginnings and here’s my thoughts:
I’ve been jealous of shailene woodley since 2014 she has an INSANE love interest roster (miles teller, Theo James, mgg, seb stan, Jamie Dornan)
Speaking of, mgg, seb stan, and Jamie dornan IN ONE MOVIE??
that first scene with seb and shailene GOOD LORD he ate (literally 🤭)
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Jamie Dornan’s accent was A1 omg
I hate seeing Matthew gray Gubler sad omg I was hoping she’d get back together with him 😭
Also wtf the ending like girl just tell us who the baby daddy is before I kms
How was this movie both satisfying and unsatisfying at the same time
Ngl I was secretly hoping she’d eventually smash seb and Jamie at the same time oops
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gvzel · 2 months
heeellooo, it's your girl dee again asking for plots hehe. i would really love to have new longtime writing partners! definitely in for any kind of slice of life mumu. i really love brainstorming and sharing muse posts / make pinterest boards for my muses. so expect me to bother you a lot. i write f/m & f/f and write both females or males. i really have muse for both.
some fc’s i really have muse for (to write & write against, bolded up names mean i have highly muse for): bensu soral, demet özdemir, diane guerrero, janhvi kapoor, pelin uluksar, melisa asli pamuk, aslihan malbora, kriti sanon, pooja hegde, hazal filiz küçükköşe, ahsen eroğlu, cemre baysel, ayça ayşin turan, naz sayıner, meltem akçöl, alperen duymaz, michael evans behling, kivanç tatlituğ, yusuf çim, theo james, burak çelik, kerem bursin, engin özturk
some plots i would love to do can be found under this cut!
PLOT IDEA 1: (based on NO 309): muse a is getting pressured by their parents to get married because if they get married before their cousin it means they will get the family business like their grandparents promised. whoever gets married first will own the company. muse a eventually gives in and agrees to go on a date with the other that their parents picked. muse b on the other hand is getting pressured by their mom because they just want to see them being happy and have their own little family.
muse a & muse b were supposed to meet someone else that night but muse a has the same name as the person muse b was going to meet, so they accidentally end up spending the night together & the next morning they agree to never meet again.
3 months… later muse b finds out she’s pregnant and muse a just got engaged to someone else, THE ANGST
PLOT IDEA 2: friends to LOVers, maybe one of the muses has feelings for the other and has always been so clumsy around them and is like trying not to show off but … fails
PLOT IDEA 3: a “my dad is a retired mafia and i’ve met you during my most vulnerable time and we became best friends and i’m slowly starting to have feelings for you. wait, what are you doing at my house? what did my dad just announce? is he getting back into the underground business that brought so much damage to our family in the past? did you just became my dad’s right hand man?!?!” kind of plot.
PLOT IDEA 4: this plot !!!!!!!!!
PLOT IDEA 5: always in for some forbidden love, as for example, maybe their families are rivals
PLOT IDEA 6: a non famous muse x a famous soccer player, we could make this a mumu. as for example the soccer players x their significant others. ideas can be discussed!
PLOT IDEA 7: nepo baby x non famous muse
PLOT IDEA 8: any kind of celeb plot, whether it's fake pr dating to real dating and having to separate or any other kind of other celeb plot
PLOT IDEA 9: a wealthy family and their partners mumu (such maybe like modern family idea)
i’m literally up for anything really, as i mentioned before i’d love to brainstorm and come up with more ideas as well! if you’re interested in plotting with me then lms and i will come & bother you! 😇
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The Boy Who Broke His Own Heart [Part Four]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Jasmine Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, Euphemia Potter, Filius Flitwick, Fleamont Potter,
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5511
Summary: Sirius would rather break his own heart than hers.
Tags/Warnings: James Potter has a sister, Self Loathing, Commitment Issues, Friends to Lovers, Kissing, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Smoking, Accidents, Harm, Marauders Era, The War is Not Happening in this,
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Jasmine Potter was doing fine. In fact by the latter half of term she had managed to put Sirius Black out of her mind. She was barely fazed by his angelic laugh, his dazzling smile or his perfectly styled hair. She hardly thought of the way he’d make her insides flutter by a look or how just one touch would make her melt into a puddle. She’d even managed to be civil with him whenever they were around one another, something she was trying to do more often so that James wouldn’t question her absence around him or worse try and pry.
The only thing was that she wasn’t sure how she was doing so well, especially given how awful she’d felt those first few weeks of term. Maybe it was just that she’d found other things to make her happy like her friends or her school work. Maybe it was that she didn’t have time to dwell on the feelings anyway as seventh year piled on projects and essays like someone shovelling coal onto a fire. Maybe it was the fact that she had a new project partner and friend, Theodore Scamander, who was sweet and kind to her, not to mention easy on the eye.
Then again maybe she was just getting over it. Healing.
Although as much as she welcomed it that idea scared her. Because Sirius moving on was one thing but her moving on meant that what had transpired would be stuffed in a memory box, never to see the light of day, never to be acknowledged or revisited. And she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to do that just yet, even if Theo was extraordinarily handsome and watching her as if she was the Mona Lisa instead of doing his homework.
She could feel his gaze on her now, those dazzling azure eyes that still seemed bright in contrast to his complexion even if his summer tan had started to fade. Yet even a tan wouldn’t hide the blush that was liable to cross his face if she looked up and caught him watching her. And though she was doing well her mind couldn’t help but flit to Sirius. Sirius wouldn’t blush, no, Sirius Black was not a bashful, shy boy who stared at pretty girls and blushed when they caught him. Sirius Black might catch you looking at him and if by chance he did he’d smirk, that Sirius Black smirk, and go back to allowing you to marvel at his beauty. And with that thought she decided not to embarrass him and spoke before she looked up giving him a chance to pretend he’d been enthralled in charms homework.
‘Are you checking on Finn tomorrow or me?’ she asked, peeling her eyes from her book at the very last moment.
‘Oh, er, I can,’ Theo said, looking as though he’d forgotten they even had a project [a baby kneazle called Finn] to check on even though that was the reason they’d become friends in the first place. Since they’d begun at NEWT level their care of magical creatures class had dwindled quite significantly leaving only a few stragglers behind. Because of this Professor Kettleburn had entrusted them to do some bigger projects, the first of which was hand rearing a Kneazle from a kitten to full grown, where they’d then be adopted out as pets. Jasmine had been looking forward to it until he’d announced this would be a joint project for two and given that she spent the majority of her class with James, Lily and Sirius she’d been panicked. If James chose Lily there’d be no reason not to go with Sirius and given James had more reason to keep his girlfriend happy rather than his best friend she hadn’t waited for them to make the decision for her and immediately locked onto Theo, who’d seemed surprised but was easy going enough he didn’t really question it.
‘If you’re busy I can do it it's no bother,’ she said, ‘I just didn’t fancy trekking all the way out to Hagrid’s hut in this weather.’
‘Oh, well yeah I can but maybe we could do it together,’ Theo said, adding as casually as he could, ‘maybe we could head into Hogsmeade after, warm up in The Three Broomsticks?’
‘Don’t you have any plans?’ Jasmine asked. She could feel him skirting around the edges of something but she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about it just yet so she decided to see if he was going to be brave enough to do so.
‘No, but don’t worry if you do,’ he said.
‘I don’t,’ Jasmine said, pursing her lips before she let the words come out, ‘would it be a date?’
‘If you wanted it to be,’ Theo said, ‘or it could just be as mates.’
‘A dates fine,’ Jasmine said, surprising him and herself though she managed to keep her expression less wide eyed.
‘Brilliant,’ he said, unable to stop beaming a smile, ‘how about we go over that bit on wordless incantations now?’
‘Yeah, why not,’ Jasmine said, a smile on her own lips.
Given it was a Saturday afternoon The Three Broomsticks was crammed full of patrons either because the wind outside was biting, inviting Christmas shoppers in from the cold, or because students were still revelling in the freedoms this side of the academic year offered, the deadlines and exams feeling still far away with the buffer of a holiday. Nevertheless, it was hard to get a seat which the marauders and Lily found out as they hurried in from the cold only to find nearly every sittable surface taken.
‘Shut that door, it's freezing!’ Lily said, making Peter who was bringing up the rear of the group kick it closed behind him with a thud.
‘Warm in here though. I’m sweating already,’ James said, tugging off his red and gold thick woollen scarf.
‘I’m not surprised there’s a million people here,’ Remus said, craning his neck to see if he could spot an open table.
‘Yeah I’m not seeing any seats,’ Sirius said, doing the same though the crooked layout of the pub made it hard to discern if there were any gaps.
‘Yeah ‘cos everyone else didn’t send the morning running drills on the quidditch pitch,’ Lily grumbled, pulling her coat around her tighter as the warmth of the bodies and fires hadn’t quite removed the chill that had settled in her by sitting in the stands for a ridiculously long time.
‘You could’ve stayed in the castle, not my fault you like watching me fly,’ James said, elbowing her with a grin that made her roll her eyes. Then their attention was captured as Remus said, ‘oh there’s Jas!’
‘Oh good, we can sit with her,’ James said though as he attempted to head in her direction Remus said, ‘maybe not she’s with someone.’
‘So?’ James said.
‘So it looks like a date,’ Remus said, jutting his head towards where Jasmine was sitting. The table she was at was small, just room enough for two, and though she could be spotted through the crowd it was hard to tell who was sitting opposite her unless you were benefited with a height like Remus’. Without thinking James, Peter and Sirius all careened onto their tiptoes to spy a mop of blonde hair. James’ brow furrowed, ‘who’s that?’
‘Theo Scamander,’ Sirius said sourly.
‘Well they're just project partners I bet they won't mind,’ James said though as he attempted again Lily grabbed him by the arm and yanked him back, earning a confused look as all eyes fell on her.
‘They’re not just project partners…it is a date,’ Lily said awkwardly.
‘Why didn’t you say?’ James frowned. It wasn’t that he particularly wanted to be involved in his sisters' love life, that was just asking for trouble, but he would’ve expected Lily to keep him in the loop even if Jasmine didn’t. Then again he supposed he shouldn’t be shocked none of them knew what was going on, James felt like he hardly knew her these days though he didn’t know why. Lily however didn’t appear to have any sympathy for his predicament and said, ‘because I’m not a gossip! She’d tell you if she wanted you to know.’
‘Yeah, Lil’s right. Best leave them to it,’ Remus said, ‘c’mon let’s go to The Hog’s Head.’
‘Fine,’ James said, glancing over at his sister one more time before he headed for the door, tucking his scarf back on as he went.
As they ambled out one by one chatter slowly started to resume yet no one noticed the absence of input from Sirius, who was trailing behind quietly. He hadn’t said much since he’d spotted Jasmine, that familiar ache in his stomach at the sight of her, one that was always worse when he didn’t have a pretty face by his side to distract him. In fact as they sat in The Hog’s Head, sipping on butter beers and chatting about Christmas and quidditch Sirius couldn’t distract himself at all. Instead, his mind focused on her and more importantly, the way her hand had been interlaced with Theo’s on the table.
Much to Sirius’ disappointment James’ worries about his brotherly duties surrounding his sister’s relationships all but disappeared. Admittedly their first meeting with Theo in his new capacity as Jasmine’s boyfriend was a tad awkward but had ultimately ended with James declaring to his friend’s that Theo was a ‘sound guy’. He didn’t even waiver when Sirius had joked about his extreme niceness or perpetually happy mood responding to every barb with a ‘well it’s not me going out with him is it?’
Sirius reasoned James didn’t really like him and he was just happy Jasmine was electing to spend more time with them. Sirius was happy she was hanging around more too even if her bright eyed, goofy smiled beau came as part of the package now.
He knew he had no reason to hate the bloke. He knew he had no right to begrudge her moving on but he always reasoned that it was different for him. The girls he’d dated didn’t mean anything, not really, they didn’t make him laugh or giggle. They didn’t whisper sweet nothings in his ear when snuggled up in a common room armchair. They didn’t make him light up whenever they came into the room. Theo did that for her. He knew that because he watched every moment of it, wishing so deeply it was him even though he knew it never would be. Even if James had come to terms with Jasmine having a boyfriend it wouldn’t be the same if it was him. Theo was sweetness and light. Sirius was, well, a black sheep. Not even good enough to stay in a horrible family. No, James wouldn’t be as accepting if it was him because he knew, like Sirius did, that Jasmine could do better.
So that’s why he watched. He was watching them now though he was supposed to be playing a game of chess with Peter who was sitting cross legged on the floor of the common room, his chess set balanced on the corner of the coffee table between him and the chair Sirius was in. Chess with Peter never required much thought because there wasn’t much point in doing so, Sirius had only ever beaten him at once and even then he wasn’t sure how. So he didn’t bother, allowing the other boy to agonise over every move whilst he shifted his pieces lazily around the board and spent the rest of his time discreetly eyeing Jasmine.
She looked pretty today, her dark hair down around her face which she only did once she was switched off for the day, the unruliness of it making it fall down into her eyes whenever she was writing or rushing about. He was surprised it hadn’t fallen now given she was looking down, focused on the book in her hand. He used to love it when she’d read to him. As a child he used to be an avid reader, as there wasn’t much else to do in his house, but his mother had forbidden all non-magical books or works of fiction. Jasmine favoured muggle fiction books, reasoning that books about magical creatures and daring characters weren’t particularly interesting when raised on stories from family friends like Alastor Moody. Her books were all about everyday people and the heartaches and challenges they faced and yet listening to her voice’s gentle lilt as she played with his hair made him feel more exhilarated as all the knights and dragons ever could.
That must be how Theo felt now as she read to him, a gentle whisper that got lost in the chatter of the common room not that she needed to speak any louder as she was intertwined with him, her legs draped over his as his arm rested behind her on the back of the chair.
‘Your turn,’ he heard Peter say, snapping his attention back to the board once more. He glanced at it and noticed no matter how he played it the other boy would have his queen in two moves, three if he was lucky.
‘Knight to E4,’ he muttered, watching as his piece moved to safety if only for a couple more minutes. Thankfully he didn’t feel the crushing blow of defeat as James appeared not a moment later, a gleaming smile on his face as he leapt over the back of the couch and bounced down near Sirius causing Jasmine to look up at the clatter.
 ‘Careful!’ she said, shuffling closer to Theo.
‘Sorry Jas,’ he said, ‘a little over excited.’
‘What else is new,’ Jasmine said, rolling her eyes though Sirius got his meaning immediately.
‘You managed it then?’ he said, abandoning their chess game altogether as James leaned forward and nodded, ‘tested it on the portrait of the old woman and the baby up on the sixth floor. Miles away from anything so no chance anyone could set it off accidentally.’
‘And?’ Peter asked eagerly.
‘And every word triggered it and I tried every counter charm I could think of to stop her and none did,’ James said smugly, ‘so the teachers shouldn’t be able to either.
‘Not right away at least,’ Sirius said.
‘Hopefully not before Moony feels well enough to leave the hospital wing,’ Peter said.
‘I called by on my way back,’ James said, glancing around to make sure no one was listening before he continued, ‘he’s still not feeling great but his wounds are healing. Might be in another day or two so I figured we do it tomorrow night after quidditch practice and he’ll reap the benefits before we break up for the holidays.’
‘Good idea,’ Peter nodded. Sirius nodded too though as he thought about it he became unsure. From the first year to now they’d curated many pranks, this even one of the tamer ones, but they’d always done it as a team. Anything that needed planning and coordination like this needed the four of them and with Remus out of action they’d struggle to get an entire castle's worth of portraits charmed without help.
‘What is it?’ James asked, noting the worry in his friend's face.
‘It’s a lot of ground to cover just the three of us,’ Sirius said. James pondered it for a moment and then nodded, glancing at Jasmine who was still sat beside him but back enthralled in her book, her brother's disturbance not hampering her enjoyment of her story.
‘Why don’t we ask Jas?’ James whispered as he looked back at the boys.
‘Think she will?’ Peter asked just as quietly.
‘Yeah, sure she will for Moony,’ James said. Sirius allowed himself a glance at the girl oblivious to them all talking about her. A flutter ran through his stomach.
‘Yeah but just her don’t want anyone getting wind,’ Sirius said, hoping his stipulation sounded reasonable. Even if five bodies would be better than four he didn’t want Theo Scamander anywhere near him. Fortunately for Sirius James agreed not to include his new found friend too and nodded.
‘Morning,’ James said the minute Jasmine stepped off the spiral staircase into the common room, startling her and earning himself a swat on the chest.
‘Merlin you scared me then!’ she sighed, readjusting her bag which had fallen down her arm.
‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I’ve been waiting for you.’
‘Why?’ she said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him.
‘I need a favour,’ he said, offering his pleading smile. Jasmine rolled her eyes and started walking, ‘oh come on Jas.’
‘What kind of favour?’ she asked as they headed through the portrait hole in the direction of breakfast.
‘Help with a prank,’ he said, making her stop and raise an eyebrow.
‘That’s not very ‘Head Boy’ of you,’ she said mockingly.
‘It’s for school morale,’ he said, adding, ‘don’t tell Lil?’
‘What is it?’ Jasmine sighed. I
‘We’re going to charm all the portraits in the castle to sing Christmas songs when they hear certain words,’ James said. Jasmine pondered it for a minute and then said, ‘no.’
‘Oh come on, don't be such a grump,’ James grumbled.
‘Why can't you four just do it?’ she asked. Even though she’d started acclimatising herself back to the boys she wasn’t gung ho on getting involved in some hare-brained scheme.
‘There’s only three of us with Moony in the hospital wing so it’s too big an area to cover,’ James said.
‘I don’t know,’ Jasmine said.
‘Please? It’s for Remus, we wanna cheer him up. It was Pads’ idea,’ James said. Jasmine could feel her resolve weakening. She wasn’t particularly keen on the idea but she often felt for Remus. His condition was horrible and though she admired him, and his friends for sticking by him every month, she worried about him. Especially as James had informed her that this month he’d gone rogue from their little group when they were out on the full moon and had gotten into a centaur’s path leaving him beaten and bruised and therefore longer recovering. She also felt her resolve waning at the mention of Sirius, not because she wanted to spend time with him but because even if he had not acted right by her his fierce passion and love for his friends always shone through. That she had to admire.
‘Go on then,’ she grumbled.
‘Brilliant!’ James beamed, pulling her in for a side hug. Jasmine pulled out of it quickly, attempting to smooth down her now ruffled hair as they walked on.
‘So what’s the plan?’ she asked as they made their way down the steps towards the great hall. Hearing the bustle of students James stopped just short of the doors and lowered his voice just to stop anyone overhearing.
‘Well we thought we’d split it in two halves. One team on the west with the map and the other on the east with the cloak,’ James explained.
‘Me and you can have the cloak,’ Jasmine said, ‘give Sirius and Pete the map.’
‘Actually Pete is helping me with some quidditch drills after dinner so it’s probably better if we team up. If we get caught we can just say we’re walking back and didn’t realise it's gone after curfew,’ James said. Jasmine felt her stomach drop. Sirius’ hare-brained scheme she could cope with if she didn’t have to be with Sirius himself but god knows how long with him walking the halls of the castle, she didn’t know how she’d cope.
‘Why isn’t Sirius practicing with you?’ she asked casually hoping she could steer the plan back to how she wanted it without arousing suspicion.
‘He’s got detention,’ James grumbled, ‘I thought you could meet him after and start in the west half. He’s still got the map anyway, not that he used it otherwise he wouldn’t have got caught after curfew with Maggie Alstrop last night.’
‘Right,’ Jasmine said, ignoring the knot in her stomach at just how he’d got himself in trouble. She didn't care after all she was with Theo. She thought about it for a moment. She didn’t particularly want to spend one on one time with him but she did want to do something for Remus. And at least having the map was better than being smushed together under her father’s cloak.
‘So you’ll do it?’ James asked.
‘Yeah, I’ll do it,’ Jasmine said.
‘Thanks Jas,’ James beamed before strutting into the great hall to find his friends. Jasmine however floated over the Hufflepuff table and sat with Theo.
If she was going to spend time with Sirius Black, it wasn’t going to be longer than she had to.
The seventh-floor corridor was deserted when Jasmine arrived there which wasn’t surprising given not much happened on this level and most students would no doubt be headed back to their respective houses as curfew neared. Sirius was perched on the edge of a stone plinth that held up an ornate statue of a knight on horseback but he looked up as he noticed her dot on the map coming towards him.
Even if he had not explicitly asked for James to pair them up he had hoped it would be her based on the fact he preferred her a lot more and that he and Peter often ended up squabbling when joined up for a task. She however didn’t seem as thrilled as he was, a reserved smile on her face as she padded up to him and muttered hello.
‘Where’s James?’ was all he could think to say and it evaporated her smile almost immediately, a sour look replacing it as she said coolly, ‘he sent me instead.’
‘Right,’ Sirius said, not helping the matter though he opted to breeze past it and ask, ‘so he’s been over the-’
‘Charms, yeah,’ she replied, ‘he explained everything and gave me a list of the trigger words. Just one per painting right?’
‘Yeah, if it’s variable it’ll be harder for the teachers to pin down and stop it,’ Sirius said. When Jasmine didn’t respond an uneasy tension settled between them. One he hadn't felt before though he realised since summer they had never been alone, just the two of them, first by his design and now just because they’d never had a chance given she was always with Theo. Sirius cleared his throat, ‘right well I figured we might as well work top to bottom. It’ll be easier to get back to the tower that way.’
‘Yeah fine,’ Jasmine said unenthusiastically.
‘I’ll do right, you do left?’ he asked.
‘Yeah sure,’ she said and without a word she headed to the first painting and pulled out her wand, pulling the list of trigger words out of her back pocket before she cast the singing charm and the chosen trigger. The sleeping portrait of a wizened old man disturbed as the charm hit the frame but then went back to snoozing.
Sirius checked the map, noting that none of the teachers or Filch were anywhere near their operation and set to work himself. Other than the mutterings of the incantations it was quiet for the majority of their time working, the silence only made more noticeable as the castle started to wind down, students disappearing from the corridors as curfew fell. Sirius kept a check on the map periodically though he found these breaks always coincided with taking a glance at Jasmine, who kept her back to him most of the time.  As they finished another long and winding corridor and climbed aboard a set of stairs to the next level Sirius decided to be brave and risk a conversation for the first time that night.
‘Having fun?’ he asked, as they meandered down the staircase waiting for it to latch onto its destination so they could climb off.
‘Tons of fun,’ Jasmine said sarcastically.
‘Better than homework though I suppose you wouldn’t agree,’ Sirius said.
‘What?’ Jasmine asked. The staircase had stopped now, allowing them to step off but she kept her eyes on him rather than their destination as they walked out onto the third floor.
‘Well, you’ve been busy studying right? I guess it just feels like you’ve hardly been around these days,’ Sirius said, feeling sheepish as her eyes narrowed. Her disconnect from the group was something he was still getting used to as was the way she eyed him these days, with scorn and irritation.
‘It’s seventh year,’ was her curt reply.
‘Yeah, yeah, I guess,’ he said. Jasmine nodded and moved towards a painting of a young girl with outrageously long French plaits tending to a flock of sheep. However Sirius didn’t follow her lead and instead tried to continue the conversation.
 ‘So how is revision going?’ he said, forcing her to look away from the painting.
‘Fine,’ she said, ‘you?’
‘Yeah fine,’ he muttered, ‘be better if I had a good study partner.’
‘Maybe pick someone other than James to study with and you might get a bit further,’ she mused. Sirius grinned, ‘yeah probably…I’d ask you but you’re fully booked right?’
‘What?’ she asked, her smile fading as she lost the thread of his meaning.
‘Well you and Theo are study buddies right…now that you’re dating,’ he finished, the last of the sentence feeling awkward in his mouth and even more so as Jasmine scowled.
‘So, I guess I just didn’t see you two as going together. I mean you weren’t really friends before,’ he said.
‘What’s that got to do with you?’ she asked curtly, folding her arms across her chest. Sirius straightened up.
‘I didn’t say it did,’ he replied indignantly.
‘Well good because it's none of your business,’ she snapped.
‘Alright, fine if you don’t want to talk about it,’ he said, raising his hands in defence.
‘I don’t. Actually I don’t want to talk about anything with you,’ she scowled. Sirius scowled back.
‘We can just do this prank in silence then can't we,’ he retorted.
‘Fine by me,’ she huffed.
‘Fine,’ Sirius grunted.
Yet as he turned to his painting to start his side he heard the creak of a hinge and looked to find the flash of a tail pushing back through the door towards the staircases. Sirius grabbed the map and looked to where Mrs Norris was bounding up a staircase towards Filch just a floor above them. Jasmine looked at him worriedly.
‘What was that?’ she asked.
‘That bloody cat!’ Sirius grumbled, ‘Filch is right around the corner.’
‘Right, okay,’ she said, already starting to think of a plan but Sirius didn’t let her finish because he could see Filch charging down the stairs towards them. Instead he grabbed her by the arm and tugged her along to the end of the corridor and into a broom closet, wincing as she shouted, ‘what are you doing! Sirius get off me! Get off me right-’
Jasmine fell silent as they got behind the wooden door but only because his hand was now clamped firmly over her mouth preventing her from speaking any further even if the blaze in her eyes spoke volumes. After a heated silent conversation Sirius relented to move his hand thanking the stars that she stayed quiet, if thoroughly annoyed. Not that it helped matters though as Filch came directly towards them, pacing the area near the broom cupboard as he said, ‘come on out. I know you’re there; Mrs Norris told me so. So come on, whoever it is, show yourself!’
Sirius glanced at the map which was hard to see in the darkness of the closet and even harder to focus on as Jasmine leaned into that they were inches apart, her voice causing goosebumps on his neck as she whispered, ‘what do we do?’
‘Ignore him,’ Sirius said. It wasn’t ideal but he was sure the caretaker would yield eventually. Jasmine didn’t look convinced, even less so as Filch declared, ‘come on now! I know you’re here. Show yourselves.’
‘He’s not going to go,’ she said quietly.
‘It’ll be fine,’ Sirius lied.
‘I’m gonna go,’ she said.
‘Jas,’ he protested, placing a hand on her arm and trying to ignore the way his skin felt as though it was on fire when she moved it off.
‘Just stay here until we're gone,’ she smiled weakly, ‘and don’t make a noise.’
And before Sirius could stop her she slipped out of the cupboard and out of Sirius’ view. Jasmine could feel her nerves bubbling inside her as she stepped out into the stone corridor and found herself face to face with their bedraggled caretaker. She’d never liked getting in trouble and since her first couple of years and a natural navigation away from James and to her own friends she hadn't really fallen victim to it. And yet now in her seventh year on the verge of being a grownup she was standing in front of an authority figure thinking of how she was going to wangle her way out of trouble.
 ‘I knew there was someone here,’ Filch said, a malicious glint in his eye, ‘what's your name.’
‘Potter, Jasmine Potter,’ Jasmine said, ‘look I’m sorry.’
‘You know it’s past curfew,’ Filch said, with a hint of glee that signalled to her he was enjoying the power of it all. The only problem was Jasmine didn’t feel like letting him have any power. After her argument with Sirius something had stirred in her. She didn’t much feel like letting men get away with anything tonight. Sirius questioning her relationship. James and Peter getting away with a prank that was their idea whilst she got in trouble. Filch getting off on his power trip. So, she yanked it all away and broke into a fit of hysterics.
‘I’m so sorry I didn’t realise! Oh, please don’t tell McGonagall. I’ve just been so upset,’ she blubbed, trying not to smile as Filch's face turned ashen, ‘everything’s a mess! I’ve just got so many exams and deadlines. I fell asleep in the library because I was working so hard so I didn’t realise curfew had already come-’
‘It’s okay,’ Filch said hurriedly.
‘I can't do anything right these days my friends say don’t worry but it’s hard not to especially when you're on your period-’
‘Right, right, okay,’ Filch said, flushing deep crimson at the mention of a menstrual cycle, ‘no harm done just get to your house.’
‘Really?’ she sniffled, ‘oh thank you so much Mr Filch! You’re so lovely!’
‘Yeah,’ Filch said, clearing his throat awkwardly as he went even redder, ‘well off you go.’
Jasmine offered him one last smile before she skipped off towards Gryffindor tower, happy that for one shining moment of this year she’d got her way. Sirius would be left baffled; she wouldn't be in trouble and Filch didn't get to dine out on his punishment. 
Yet as she walked back to the tower she found her happiness fading. The common room was empty and though she had every right to head to bed she couldn’t bring herself too, waiting nervously on the sofa until the three of them made it back. She reasoned that it made sense to, that way if Sirius didn’t make it back she could send James and Peter to look for him. She was just about to as James and Peter came through the portrait hole first, looking perplexed to see her alone. But then he walked in, beaming a confused smile at her that made her heart flutter, even if she had spent the majority of the night arguing with him.
‘Where’ve you been?’ James asked as he appeared.
‘Got caught by Filch,’ Sirius said, looking at Jasmine as he said, ‘what happened? I couldn’t hear properly but he walked off in a right old huff.’
‘He let me go,’ she shrugged.
‘How did you manage that?’ James gawped, the amount of run ins he’d had with the caretaker ending up less than an even split in Filch’s favour.
‘Filch can't handle crying girls,’ she said, ‘got him all flustered when the tears came.’
‘Bloody nora,’ Peter grinned. Jasmine smiled, before she turned her attention to Sirius, their uneasy tension now petered out as she asked, ‘did you manage the rest?’
‘Yeah just not the floor below this,’ Sirius said.
‘Maybe we can hit that tomorrow before quidditch practice,’ James said with a yawn.
‘Good shout,’ Sirius agreed, looking at Jasmine. He was just going to suggest she join them but she backed up and said, ‘well I’ll leave you to it. Night boys.’
‘Night Jas. Thanks again,’ James said, giving her a one-armed hug before he took to the settee with Peter. Sirius lingered behind as an awkwardness settled.
‘Night,’ she said.
‘Yeah, er, night,’ he agreed though as she turned he said, ‘good job Jas. Really.’
‘Thanks…I um, I had fun,’ she said.
Sirius smiled, ‘me too.’
Sirius Tags
@caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
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“Can you help me?” You don’t need to ask but you do anyway, asking Curtis as you turn your back to him for help sipping up your dress.
You’ve been invited to one of his friends weddings, a guest to the event with Theo and James being taken care of by a trusted babysitter. It was a child free wedding and when Curtis had first asked you thought he was asking you to watch his kids. You had never anticipated him wanting to take you as a date, to have you on his arm the entire night.
“You look beautiful,” Curtis stepped behind you, leaning in to trail his lips across your back from one shoulder to the next, “this dress suits you.”
“Thank you, Curtis.” Your heart begins racing upon his touch, the subtle and soft way his knuckles touch your flesh as he pulls the zipper up to close the dress around you.
“You don’t need to be nervous, relax sweetheart.” He whispers in your ear, hands rubbing up and down your arms twice to warm you. “Take a load off, we’ll have fun.”
“Fun,” you shiver as you speak, your eyes fluttering closed and an elated, airy sigh falls from your lips, “at a wedding with you-“
“Don’t you think I can make good company?” He whispers in your ear, turning you to face him as his hands tilts your head. “Don’t you think I can keep you entertained?”
“Curtis, i don’t-” your eyes search his, your gaze is captivated and held by his, and you shiver again when he slips a hand around to the small of your back to pull you flush against him.
“Trust me honey,” Curtis taps his thumb against your bottom lip, “I’ll make sure you have fun tonight.”
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There’s pressure around your waist, pressure and the weight of a pair of arms that keep you held against a solid chest. You try to move once, just once, and feel the arms tighten around your waist as a gravely voice against your neck.
“Don’t move, Mousey.” Curtis’ voice is husky and deep, the dulcet tone of his voice stirs you from your slumber with an egregious jolt. “I mean, don’t be a bad girl.”
You squeak in response, almost flailing when he rolls over with you in his arms. You find yourself laying under his body, trapped against his chest pinned by his strength and his bright eyes. Curtis leans in to nudge his nose into your jaw, bumping you lightly to give you access to your neck.
“Curtis did we…” you trail off, eyes closing slowly when his tongue meets your neck, his lips move against your flesh in a heated sensual pattern.
“No, baby. No we didn’t do anything. You,” Curtis spoke low against your earlobe, “had fun and got a little tipsy. I had to carry you back to the car, I had to carry you inside and tuck you into bed.”
“How’d I end up here?” You pushed yourself back against the pillows, looking up at him with wide eyes. “In your bed?”
“You wanted to stay with me, you didn’t want me to leave. I stayed with you.” Curtis brushed your hair back, searching your face. “Its early, go back to sleep. I’ll get the twins up and fed.”
“But I-”
“Sleep, beautiful.”
77 notes · View notes
likesiren · 1 year
just added some new muses , so like this if you want an one liner from one of them < 3
caden  hawthorne  .  trust  fund  baby  .  27 .  heterosexual  .  drew  starkey
isla  lovell  .  podcast  host  &  cam  girl  .  27  .  bisexual  .  michelle  randolph
mina  jeong  .  songwriter . 26 . bisexual  . jennie  kim
cleo  moreno   .  waitress  &  aspiring  model  .  24  .  bisexual  .  cindy  kimberly
vanessa  palmer  .  waitress   &   influencer  .  25  .  bisexual  .  claudia  walsh
danica  khan  .  waitress  &  aspiring  actress  .  25  .  bisexual  .  sohni amhed
saint  anderson  .  bartender  &  aspiring  singer  .  26  .  heterosexual  .  ryan  manick
damien  angelidis  .  nightclub's second  in  command  .  36  .  theo james
lorena  vega  .  nightclub  manager  .  30  .  eva  de  dominici
addam  gaskin  .  bouncer  &  drug  dealer  .  32  .  aaron  taylor  johnson
ekin  kaplan  .  the  mastermind  .  26  .  heterosexual  .  aslihan   malbora
tatum  luna  .  the  hacker  .  24  .  bisexual  . sab  zada
korina  rowe  .  the  driver  .  24  .  bisexual  .  pam  hughes
mirian  “mimi”  santos  .  the  muscle  .  25  .  bisexual  .  giovana  cordeiro
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palmviewfm · 2 months
any mw counterparts?
there's  soooooo  many  counterpart  options  that  you  can  go  with  !  i'll  leave  some  under  the  read  more  for  you  to  make  it  easier.
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riverdale:  betty  cooper,  veronica  lodge,  archie  andrews,  cheryl  blossom,  jason  blossom,  reggie  mantle,  midge  klump,  kevin  keller,  polly  cooper,  toni  topaz,  jughead  jones,  moose  mason,  and  josie  mccoy.
pretty  little  liars:  aria  montgomery,  spencer  hastings,  emily  fields,  alison  dilaurentis,  maya  st  germain,  mona  vanderwaal,  mike  montgomery,  caleb  rivers,  noel  kahn,  and  toby  cavanaugh.
teen  wolf:  lydia  martin,  scott  mccall,  allison  argent,  malia  tate,  derek  hale,  isaac  lahey,  liam  dunbar,  cora  hale,  theo  raeken,  kira  yukimura,  jackson  whittemore,  and  erica  reyes.
clueless:  dionne  davenport,  amber  mariens,  murray  duvall,  travis  birkenstock,  christian  stovitz,  summer  bonet  and  elton  tiscia.
charmed:  prue  halliwell,  phoebe  halliwell,  piper  halliwell  and  paige  matthews.
all  american:  olivia  baker,  layla  keating,  asher  adams,  patience,  simone  hicks,  thea  mays,  jj  parker,  damon  sims,  jordan  spencer,  spencer  james,  and  jaymee.
greys  anatomy:  lexi  grey,  arizona  robbins,  atticus  lincoln,  derek  shephard,  addison  montgomery,  callie  torres,  alex  karev,  and  april  kepner.
bridgerton:  francesca  bridgerton,  penelope  featherington,  daphne  bridgerton,  simon  basset,  kate  sharma  and  colin  bridgerton.
sex  and  the  city:  carrie  bradshaw,  miranda  hobbs  and  charlotte  york.
twilight:  bella  swan,  alice  cullen,  carlisle  cullen,  esme  cullen,  emmett  cullen,  and  jacob  black.
friends:  ross  geller,  joey  tribbiani,  chandler  bing,  monica  geller,  mike  hannigan  and  janice  litman.
the  vampire  diaries:  elena  gilbert,  katherine  pierce,  stefan  salvatore,  caroline  forbes,  bonnie  bennett,  enzo  st  john,  hayley  marshall,  klaus  mikaelson,  elijah  mikaelson  and  rebekah  mikaelson.
pitch  perfect:  beca  mitchell,  chloe  beale,  aubrey  posen,  lilly  onakuramara,  cynthia  rose,  and  stacie  conrad.
the  summer  i  turned  pretty:  belly  conklin,  conrad  fisher,  jeremiah  fisher,  steven  conklin,  taylor  jewel,  and  cam  cameron.
shadowhunters:  clary  fray,  simon  lewis,  isabelle  lightwood,  jace  herondale,  alec  lightwood,  and  magnus  bane.
gossip  girl:  blair  waldorf,  serena  van  der  woodsen,  georgina  sparks,  nate  archibald,  and  dan  humphrey.
scream:  sidney  prescott,  tatum  riley,  kirby  reed,  tara  carpenter,  sam  carpenter,  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley,  randy  meeks  and  casey  becker.
gilmore  girls:  logan  huntzberger,  lane  kim,  dave  rygalski,  paris  geller,  lorelai  gilmore,  tristan  dugray,  luke  danes,  dean  forester,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  sookie  st  james,  and  kirk  gleason.
the  notebook:  allie  hamilton  and  noah  calhoun.
interview with a vampire: louis de point du lac, lestat de lioncourt, estelle, santiago, armand, samuel barclay, and grace de point du lac.
a  cinderella  story:  austin  ames  and  sam  montgomery.
10  things  i  hate  about  you:  kat  stratford,  cameron  james,  joey  donner,  and  bianca  stratford.
grease:  sandy  olson,  danny  zuko,  betty  rizzo,  marty,  jan,  frenchy,  doody,  putzie,  sunny,  chacha  and  kenickie.
dirty  dancing:  frances  'baby'  houseman.
heathers:  heather  chandler,  heather  mcnamara,  heather  duke,  and  veronica  sawyer.
scooby  doo:  velma  dinkley,  daphne  blake,  shaggy  rogers,  and  fred  jones.
powerpuff  girls:  bubbles,  blossom,  and  buttercup.
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
Nightmares and Shopping
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 2,902
Warnings: angst. nightmares. mentions of urine. Eliza being the biggest cunt known to man. mentions of scars.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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By the time they had managed to try and salvage any of the supplies out of the warehouse - which wasn't a lot - it was late. Everyone was waiting for Bucky to say something, to say anything but he was silent. He didn't utter a word going there, during or after.
Getting into the car Bucky looked at his watch and sighed at how late it was, knowing that the conversation he was having with Theo before Steve interrupted was going to have to wait until morning, something he didn't want.
Walking into his home he climbed the stairs not even uttering a 'good night' like he did every night, leaving his family confused to his behaviour behind him.
Once he was settled into the huge warm embrace of his bed he let the quietness drift him off to sleep.
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Bucky's startled awake from his slumber as the screams pierced throughout the house. Rubbing the sleep that had gathered in his eyes he grabs the gun from his bedside table and jumps out of bed.
He sees the members of his found family in the doorways to their room, each already armed. The screams of pure terror ring out from Theo's bedroom, not wasting a single second he barges inside nearly taking the door of its hinges, gun ready to shoot at the intruder who had the nerve to break in to his home and attack his wife.
Eyes searching the room he slowly lowers his gun, his heart cracking when he sees Theo backed into the corner rocking back and forth with her knees pulled tightly to her chest, stream of tears sliding down her cheeks. His heart cracking even more when he sees the blood lightly flowing from her swollen lips as she bites down on them.
"Doll, sweetheart wake up please" He pleads softly.
"No more pl-ple-please no more"
"Theo wake up sweet girl"
"P-p-please ma-ke them sto-p E-Eliza"
Bucky swears his heart is going to stop beating at the way she stutters, the way she pushes her already small frame further into the wall. The words she begs make his blood boil he mentally fights with his heart and mind, his heart wants to protect his wife even from her nightmares whilst his mind wants to know more so he can put a bullet through the bastards head who hurt her.
Placing his gun on the bottom of her bed he slowly walks towards her pleading with her to wake up as he goes, kneeling down on the ground in front of her he doesn't grimace when he kneels in the puddle of urine.
"Doll wake up please, you're safe no one's going to hurt you. Please baby wake up"
"No mo-more"
"No more sweetheart, I promise you. Just open those pretty eyes for me"
Steve needed to hold on to Wanda as she tried to get towards Theo to help her. Nat lowered her head. Sam flinched at the woman's cries.
Bucky. Bucky was trying to keep it together.
"N-no m-mo-more?" She questioned whilst still asleep.
“No more sweetheart." He promises.
Sighing a breath of relief as she pants for air, her eyes open. "M-mr James"
"Bucky sweetheart, your safe"
"I-I'm so sorry sir"
"Don't apologise come on let's get you cleaned up okay?"
"I-I-I'll clean-" her hands hovered over the accident she had.
"I'm talking about cleaning you up. Wanda's here and she'll help you okay darling"
Calling Wanda over he holds out his hand for Theo to take. When Wanda takes Theo into the bathroom, Nat leaves to get some clothes from Wanda's room before knocking softly to hand them to Wanda, Sam still had his eyes trained on the bathroom door. Steve moves in with a towel gripped tightly in his hand going to lay it over the puddle Bucky takes it from him and does it himself.
"What am I going to do Stevie?" The last time Steve has ever seen his best friend cry was years ago when his grandmother had passed away. Seeing him with tears wetting his cheeks Steve doesn't waste a moment to pull his brother into his arms.
"We'll figure it out I promise"
As Bucky was about to reply the door came open revealing Theo who was now wearing clean clothes that belonged to Wanda.
"I'm going to be staying with her tonight Buck" Wanda speaks lowly.
They all watch as Theo moves quickly with her head down and crawls under the bed. Wanda gave Bucky a tight lipped smile and copied her friend's movements.
The rest go back to bed but Bucky. He shuts the door and drops to his knees, he lays on the floor next to the bed and slowly moves his hand out to reach hers.
Falling asleep on the cold wooden flooring was uncomfortable but Bucky found solace as he slid his hand into Theo's, her fingers squeezing ever so gently.
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The sun rouses Wanda making her the first one to wake out of the trio, she beams at the sight of Bucky's hand linked tightly together with Theo's. Taking slow steps towards the door she makes her escape.
"Morning guys" she greets as she walks into the kitchen.
Receiving a chorus of greetings she takes a slice of toast off Nat's plate earning herself a smack on the hand.
"Bucky stayed with us last night, well early hours in the morning”
"Was anyone else's heart breaking at her cries or was it just me?" Sam questions with food in his mouth.
"How many times have I told you not to do that?" Steve's quick to scold him "and no mine was too"
"Same" Nat nods.
"So I was thinking all of us should leave, give all the staff the day off that way they can spend the day together" Steve says watching as his friends nod in agreement. They know Bucky needs this push.
The four of them clear out the house before Bucky and Theo wakes.
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Bucky walks into the kitchen and sees Theo cooking breakfast he stands there for a moment to watch.
When he woke up he panicked when she wasn't there but hearing the distant sound of bacon sizzling he gathered she was downstairs.
"Morning Theo"
"Mr James I-I'm so sorry about last night"
"Bucky, everyone calls me Bucky so please stop with the whole mr James shit and stop apologising everyone gets nightmares" he says softly.
He stood and watched as her head dipped low as she turns back around to the bacon in the pan.
"Where is everyone?" He asks.
"There's a note on the counter"
He walks over to where a piece of paper laid on the marble top-
Buck we gave the day off to the staff and we've gone out for the day so you and Theo can talk, get to know each other.
Wanda says take Theo shopping as she desperately needs clothes.
See you later
"It's just the two of us today Wanda says to take you shopping for clothes, so we'll eat and go shopping, would that be okay?"
"I don't have any money sir"
"I'll pay and what have I said about calling me sir?"
"N-not to do it. I'm sorry. You don't need to waste your money on me"
"Stop apologising as well, please. And Theo I won't be wasting money on you"
Bucky's quick to notice that there's only enough food for him so as Theo's about to put the food out he tells her to sit at the table, putting the food she made in front of her he makes himself breakfast.
After eating and putting the dishes away they retreat upstairs.
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"The store that Wanda loves to go to isn't that far we can go there if you like or do you have somewhere else in mind?" Bucky questions once the pair was on the road.
"I've never been shopping before Wanda took me" she whispers.
"Oh. I'm sorry that the first time you went shopping was with Wanda that girl don't know when to stop"
Bucky nearly crashed the car when he heard Theo laugh. Wanda was wrong, it wasn't cute. It was heavenly.
His eyes couldn't stop bouncing from the road to her sitting next to him, a small smile playing on his lips hoping, wishing that he could hear it again and again until death did them part. Even though he remembered that Theo had asked Michael for a divorce he kept telling himself that there was time for him to fix this marriage.
"It was fun, I had fun" she says with a smile.
"I'm glad, you and Wanda get along well don't you?"
"She said I'm her friend"
"Is she yours?"
"I've never been anyone's friend before an-and l've never had one b-but I think she is" giving a light shrug, Bucky's heart pangs at her confession.
"She's a great friend to have, loyal and kind, supportive and fiercely protective. Wanda's more like my sister really" He sees her smiling and he loves seeing the way her dimple dips in.
Noticing they had arrived he pulls up and gets out the car before she could, opening her door he smiles.
"Welcome Mr Barnes, I'll have the store cleared out immediately" the manager spoke quickly before dashing away.
And immediately it was, within a few minutes the whole store was empty aside from Bucky, Theo and the manager.
"Get whatever you like, if you need help Ria will help okay?" Bucky asked as he notices Theo not moving.
Nodding and moving a price tag on a shirt that looked similar to that of Wanda's had her gasping at the price moving along her palms started to sweat, the prices of the clothing making her heart beat unevenly. It didn't help that she could feel Bucky's eyes on her.
She couldn't understand why he was doing this for her not since she had told him about asking her father to let them divorce and let one of his daughters marry him instead and especially not with what happened the night before, she pissed herself in front of him and now he was taking her shopping.
It didn't make sense.
"Theo? Is everything okay?" Bucky's soft voice startled her.
Making her way over to where he stood she lowered her head and whispered "everything is really expensive sir"
"Don't worry about money, have you seen something you like?" though she liked the top that reminded her of her new found friend she shook her head.
"We can go somewhere else if you like?" he tries again.
Nodding she looked up and out of the window, across the street a little ways down there was a store and from what she could see the sign said "Thrift Store" and a huge red sign saying sale was hanging in the window.
Looking back at Bucky her breath stuttered in surprise at the fact he was already staring at her.
"Ca-can we go there, please?" pointing at the store Bucky's blue eyes followed her arm as she pointed.
"A-are you sure?" nodding at his question "O-okay" a thrift store he scoffed in his head. Saying his goodbyes to the manager he opened the door for Theo.
Once they had entered the store the owner had forced all the customers out in hopes to please the Mob boss.
"Anything catching your eye?"
"N-not sure"
He watches as she glides around the store, watching as her eyes light up before picking out an item then moving on to the next. Bucky smiles softly at her when she lifts her head up eyes darting around until she lands on him, giving him a shy smile her head goes back down as she continues her hunt.
"I-I like these sir"
"They look good, would you like me to hold them as you continue to look?"
Shaking her head softly "I'm done sir"
"Theo there's only two pairs of trousers and a shirt here" he says as he looks at the very small pile of clothing in her hands.
"That's a-all I'm allowed"
"No sweetheart, you need to fill your wardrobe up. It's okay to get more, I saw you pick up lots of clothing that had you smiling"
"I only need two pairs of trousers and a shirt..."
"Not to fill a wardrobe up. Pass me those and let's get you some more, okay"
Handing him the items she trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he seem to have memorised her previous movements. Soon enough the owner had to come over and take the clothes out of Bucky's hands and placed them on the counter.
"J-James this is too much"
"Nonsense, is there anything catching your eye?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes sir"
As they moved over to the counter where two huge piles awaited them there was two things that caught Bucky's eyes, one of them being something that he watched Theo touch delicately - a rugged brown bear.
The other was a jacket that had cross stitched patches on the elbows and breast pocket, though he still didn't know his wife the jacket screamed Theo, so when she wasn't looking he picked both items up and handed it to the owner.
Though he didn't bat an eye at the total he heard Theo inhale sharply.
Theo tried desperately to take the bags from Bucky's hands he shook his head, instead he gave her his car keys and asked her to get the door.
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"I'll get Martha to wash all your new clothes for you when she's back tomorrow" Bucky says as he put the bags down in the foyer.
"I-I can do it"
"Nope don't worry, would you like me to order you some food?"
"Aren't you hungry?"
"No why are you doing this?"
"I'm not following..."
"Why are you being nice to me? I told you yesterday that l asked my father to let us divorce"
"I sadly remember that, can I ask why you did it?"
"So you can marry one of my father's daughters"
"I already married one"
"No you married his bastard"
Furrowing his eyebrows he sighed, he knew she was the product of her father's affair but truthfully it didn't matter to him. Bucky truly believed he could find happiness with Theo if only given the chance. Turning his back to her he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to contain the emotions swirling around his heart "I don't care about that Theo"
She stands there surveying his movements when she remembered Eliza's words from the day before she swallowed thickly as her stomach churned at what she was about to do.
"Well y-you might change your mind now" she whispers just loud enough for him to hear.
"Wha-Jesus Christ-Theo-what... wha-" his stomach drops along with his heart when he turns around and sees Theo standing before him in only her bra and underwear.
The angry scars that are on her stomach makes his nose flare in anger, the huge scar that Wanda had mentioned was bigger than he thought. The small circled scars Bucky knew for a fact were from cigarette burns.
"Let's have sex" she whispers once again, the urge to cover herself up and run away itches her insides.
"N-n-no put your clothes back on"
"It's okay I just have to lay right here and take it sir, don't worry about hurting me the others don't" the last three words were barely above a whisper, slightly hoping he didn't hear her confession but sadly he had.
"Put your clothes back on" he repeated however this time in more of a demanding tone.
"Now that you've seen the filth that is my body you can now ask my father to divorce me, he'll say yes to you"
"Fuck sake Theo put your clothes back on!"
"It-it makes you sick doesn't it"
"Yes" he answers without missing a beat. Moving closer to her he bends down to pick her shirt up he hands it to her "But not for the reason you think, please sweetheart put your clothes back on and me and you are going to talk"
Feeling like the most stupidest of people thinking, wishing Bucky would of done what Eliza had told her how he would react. It confused her why he didn't either run away or dragged her out of his house.
"Are you dressed?" Bucky asks with his back to her.
Turning back around his eyes found hers, he motioned for her to go and sit on the couch "I need you to be honest with me Theo, how did you get these scars?"
Hesitating for a few minutes Bucky sat patiently as she gathered her thoughts, as she opened her mouth to finally confess she slams her lips shut as a loud ringing coming from Bucky's phone pierces through the silence.
"God sake, give me a second sweetheart. Hello?"
She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the line but the way Bucky's face dropped and paled she knew it wasn't good.
"We'll be right there." Standing up he handed her Wanda's coat that she had let her borrow the day earlier before putting his on.
"We need to go, come on" his voice wobbled enough to let her know it was serious and for her to comply.
<Previous   Next>
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love
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briarridgerp · 2 months
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[ CLOSED ] LEYLA YILMAZ (Hande Ercel) is looking for their BABY DADDY.
Father of her child.
Boyd Holbrook, Berk Cankat, Sinqua Walls, Theo James, Sukru Ozyildiz, Jesse Williams, Sam Claflin, Ben Barnes, Tom Hardy, Skeet Ulrich, Peter Gadiot, Lucien Laviscount, Charles Melton, Henry Golding, Rege-Jean Page as some ideas, but completely open to suggestions!
So the background and career is completely up to player, but this is originally what I had in mind, inspired by the movie Forever My Girl. Once (or still) a promising musician, he was on the brink of stardom six ears ago, playing gigs at underground clubs and slowly making a name for himself in whatever genre of music scene you wish! However, his rising fame was marred by a destructive lifestyle. Fuelled by drugs, alcohol and the constant pressure of the music industry, he spiralled out of control. When his girlfriend of the time, Leyla, revealed she was pregnant, he was in no state to handle the news. Overwhelmed and under the influence, he made it clear he wasn't ready to be a father. Leyla, heartbroken but determined, left New York and returned to her hometown of Briar Ridge to raise her daughter with the help of her family and best friend, Valentina. In the decade that followed, his career potentially took a nosedive, his band falling apart and reputation tarnished. He could be struggling with substance abuse and now sober, trying to piece his life back together. Or, he is still making music and well established as a musician. Whether his appearance in Briar Ridge is a step towards redemption or just another stop on his aimless journey is, of course, completely up to you!I'm pretty open to any changes, with career or reasons why.. but would love to hear your ideas of course! Their daughter is six years old, and her name is Billie.
Down for any dynamic between these two buuuut for some inspo for their dynamic in the past, and some from the present, check out my blog tag here. Here's a link to my pinterest board for them, more so how they were in the past.
Please contact TEE on the this blog.
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doumekiss · 1 year
doumekiss 2023 fanfic masterlist
A Song of Ice and Fire
When You Were Young - 3/9 - (Lyanna/Howland)
Beyond Duty - 2/2 (Stannis/Catelyn)
Switched Fates - 4/? (Multiple ships and characters)
I am ash from your fire - oneshot (Elia/Rhaegar)
runs in the family - oneshot (Daenerys)
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams - oneshot (Sansa/Mya)
Be more like the man you were made to be - oneshot (Ned/Ashara)
I Can See You - oneshot (Cersei/Lyanna)
Four Girls Sansa Stark Could Have Loved - oneshot (Multiple pairings)
Adventure Time
ten more minutes - oneshot (Marceline/Bonnibel)
Anne with an E
one single thread of gold tied me to you - oneshot (Diana/Anne)
Boy Meets World
Jump Rope Gazers - oneshot (Eric/Jack)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2 A.M. - oneshot (Buffy/Faith)
Holding Hands at Disneyland - oneshot (Annie/Jeff)
The Art of Saying Goodbye - oneshot (Conrad/Christopher)
A Missed Oportunity - oneshot (Vimes/Vetinari)
Doctor Who
Placebo - 2/2 (Rory/11th Doctor)
Baby It's You - oneshot (Barbara/Ian)
Dungeon Meshi
Oh...oh no - oneshot (Laios/Kabru)
Fairy Tales
I’m not a queen, I am a woman take my hand - oneshot (Aurora/Snow White)
Father Ted
Priests Do Not Feel Jealousy - oneshot (Ted/Dougal)
Gilmore Girls
I no longer feel I have to be James Dean - oneshot (Rory/Jess)
Good Omens
Practicing Gratitude (Aziraphale/Crowley)
Gossip Girl
after all that we've been through I know we're cool - oneshot (Nate & Blair)
Greek Mythology
he is not midas (you have always been golden) - oneshot (Ariadne/Dyonisus)
Most Beloved - oneshot (Penelope/Odysseus)
I Know love is mean - oneshot (Aphrodite/Helen)
I look up at the gaps of sunlight (I miss you more than anything) - 2/2 (Clint/Kate)
How I Met Your Mother
The Canine Excuse - oneshot (Robin/Barney)
Invader Zim
Hot Chocolate - oneshot (Dib & Zim)
just like heaven - oneshot (Richie/Eddie)
He is with You - oneshot (Bill & Mike)
Kobayashi-san Chi No Dragon Maid
Lingerie - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
Managing Expectations - oneshot (Fafnir/Takiya)
Just a Cold - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
The Beauty of Shadows - oneshot (Maleficent/Aurora)
Mob Psycho 100
I could even learn how to love like you - oneshot (Mob & Reigen)
Mean Girls
Come as you are - oneshot (Janis & Regina)
Are we out of the woods yet? - oneshot (Morgana/Gwen)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Inside your head - 33/? (Dokja/Joonghyuk)
Private Message - oneshot (Maina/Eripiyo)
Princess Tutu
Fairytale Logic - oneshot (Ahiru/Fakir)
Ranma 1/2
When a Curse Stops Being a Curse - oneshot (Ranma/Akane)
Red Dwarf
comfortable thoughts - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
frankenstein - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister + Frankie)
mutual benefit - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
Positive Reinforcement - oneshot (Seraphina/Glisselda)
Stardew Valley
Happy Wife, Happy Life - oneshot (Haley/F!Farmer)
Stargate Atlantis
The Kirk Routine - oneshot (John/Rodney)
Star Trek : Lower Decks
hits different 'cause it's you - oneshot (Mariner/Boimler)
Star Trek: Voyager
James T. Kirk is Not Trying to Steal Your Boyfriend - oneshot (Icheb/Q Junior)
love is a losing game - oneshot (Roman/Gerri)
girl in the war - oneshot (Charlie/Jo)
the altar is my hips - oneshot (Dean/Castiel)
Dean Winchester’s Amazing Transparent Closet - oneshot (Sam & Dean, Castiel/Dean)
The Breakfast Club
Pretty in Black - oneshot (Allison/Andrew)
The Goldfinch
loving him was red - oneshot (Boris/Theo)
The Locked Tomb
About Last Night... -1/? (Gideon/Harrow)
The Mighty Boosh
Colour my life with the chaos of trouble - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
Let's Buy a Zoo - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
The Office
I know who I want to take me home - oneshot (Oscar/Andy)
love is natural and real (but not for such as you and I, my love) - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki, Doumeki/Kohane)
A Kinder Life - 4/? (Watanuki & Sakura & Syaoran & Touya, Doumeki/Watanuki)
For Good Luck - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki)
first love/late spring - oneshot (Taissa/Van)
Lady Lazarus - oneshot (Lottie/Laura)
I was only gonna post this at the end of the year but I think it might be best to just keep it pinned and updating as I post
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