#baby's first tumblr post go easy on me LOL
end3rf0x · 8 months
Meet Accimer, The Schedule Keeper!
Knock Knock, Cha Ching, How Do! Salutations and Hello, People of Tumblr! I uhh...dont exactly know my way around this place just yet, but I'm more than happy to learn! If you've seen me or heard of me before, its likely from the likes of the beloved Dysfunk and they're animation of Moon saying, "Periodt." as I was the voice of Moon in said animation! But that's besides the point, as I've come here today to share with you all my special lad, my Daycare Attendant OC, Accimer!
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Accimer is a Daycare Attendant Animatronic who is in charge of maintaining a daily schedule for all the goings on in the daycare! He uses his pocket watch that is attached to his waist via a tether cable to see which kids are due for pick up at what times, and from there he takes them to the pick up area right on time, at the dot! He is also in charge of things like making sure Nap Time happens not a minute sooner than it should, and ends not a minute later than scheduled for.
Now, something to note about Accimer is that his construction was....flawed, shall we say. You see, when originally being produced in Le Factory as it were, the good folks over at Fazbear Entertainment responsible for creating the new animatronics had a bit of an oopsie and mixed up the blueprints for the new schedule maintainer robot with old, scrapped blueprints for a robot of the same purpose. Not realizing their error, the construction crew just went along with it and made Accimer. It was shortly after starting that they had realized their error, however, as many parts of Accimer's body and design are very crude and hodge podged together. Many parts of his body are constructed from S.T.A.F.F bot parts that have been welded together or taken apart in order to form certain parts of his body, including his Hands, Feet (which cannot normally be seen thanks to his boots, but I assure you they are there), and his Shoulders. After a long and very cumbersome construction process, the only thing left to give Accimer was a face plate of some kind. This is when an Executive discovered what was going on and chewed out the construction crew for following the wrong blueprints. Once the lecture was over, one of the crew asked, "What do we do about the face?" to which the angry Executive said, "I dont know! That thing is going in the daycare, right? Just put a moon on it or something for all I care! Meanwhile, I'm going to make some calls to the company to keep us all from getting fired. Oh, and you're all most certainly going to face reprecutions from this mistake. Expected a docked paycheck in the mail next time we pay your sorry asses!"
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There's plenty more to his story that goes far more into detail about his creation, of which I am not willing to go into right because uhh... *looks at clock that reads 3:18am*...well, I think it best for my sanity LMAO. That being said, however, you can read his full story here!
Dont worry, there is still something very important about him that I will go over in this post. I wont leave ya too high and dry! You see, Accimer has what I have dubbed, "Animatronic Insomnia." The reason he has this is because of a constant and ever present lack of power at any given time. Unlike the other Daycare Animatronics with functioning charging stations that actually, ya know, charge them at night, Accimer's charging station is in a state of disarray. Old, faded paint that's been chipped away with the passage of time, half of the lights dont work properly and or at all, and the ones that do are about as bright as a Gas Station LED light. This busted up, sorry excuse for a charging station doesn't do Accimer any favors in trying to charge. In fact, he has to fight with it every single night in order to get the damn thing to actually work and depending on how long it takes for him to get the thing to charge him determines how much battery we will get for the day ahead of him. Sometimes he gets lucky and can get it to work within about 25 minutes or so, other times it takes a full hour and a half before it finally kicks on and functions properly. As a result, he can either get up to 75 or even 80 percent or be left with a meesely 37 to as low at 29 percent battery. He's unfortunately never experienced the pure bliss of 100% battery, but he's thankfully never felt the pain of 0% either. Just a mixed amount of real high and real low, babyyyy
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Alright then I think that about does it! If you'd like to know more about Accimer, then feel free to ask me! Id love to answer some questions about my special lad! In addition, I'd urge you to check out the attached Google Doc, as there are tons of other details and story beats that I left out of this post that I'm sure would interest anyone wanting to know more! One other small little detail I'd like to throw in is that Accimer exists in the same world as @notdysfunk 's Callisto and @ilsole 's Myrtus! In fact, Myrtus and Accimer are like brothers! They get along quite well and that little fact makes me happy :)
Now that that's out of the way, Father is tired and shall see his happy ass to bed. Hope you like my lad! Oh, and here, have some AU designs too, because you deserve them! Included are Mermaid AU wherein he's a Mermaid/Leviathan type creature inspired by the Sea Dragon Leviathan of Subnautica fame, as well as a Mandela Catalouge AU with his Alternate Form! I do apologize for the camera quality btw, I have to use my selfie camera on my phone because my actual camera is like MAD broken. Its a long story
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Welp, that's gonna do it for me. I've been your host, and this has been one lengthy ass Tumblr post. Hope you enjoyed! Goodnight, Tristate Area!
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koffeewife · 8 months
Summary: A night out at the club takes a bit of a turn when y/n’s favorite song comes on and she starts drunkenly singing it to shuri , it’s the songs unique lyrics that takes shuri over the edge…
Warnings: tipsy reader, high reader, high shuri, implies smut (I’m too scared I’ll ruin it if I write smut lol)
(A/N: post writing this I am just gonna say hats off to all the writers on this platform because it is so fucking hard to translate an idea into a flowing story and I think this is the first and last time I try to do so 😭)
Soooo I’ve been on tumblr for a while reading and interacting but I never dared to write anything..but THIS scenario played out so nice while I was driving and smoking. This song was playing and it started from there you can listen to it but idk if it’ll actually go with the story so the choice is yours. If this is shit tell me immediately I’ll take it down and stfu forever 😭🫶🏾
I don’t plan on translating the patois in the dialog but if it’s necessary pls lmk and I’ll add it !
…here we go🫣 *inhales*
1:00AM at the club was your favorite time because the normal DJ switched out for a Jamaican one. Who so happens to be your favorite cousin.
You and Shuri decided to go out together to get some drinks in a more social environment rather than staying in like you had for the last year. Getting tired of hearing the complaints that “ Y/N put a spell on our Queen” or better yet “The Queen is pussy whipped” This was the perfect place to show face and vibe discreetly.
You made the final lick to seal your third blunt of the night. The bass in the club going hard to ‘The Harder They Fall’ by Koffee.
“Perfect song to spark the blunt to.” Shuri your girlfriend of 3 years chuckled.
The first pull was harsh but the second was sweet. That’s how you earned the name sour patch from your stoner friends.
“Here baby” you passed the blunt over. When your eyes locked so did your knees, it was a good thing you were sitting.
“You know you look really good when you’re high.” You boldly said. Shuri chuckled in reply and took a hit.
“If you think I look good so good sthandwa , dance with me”
She abruptly got up and put the blunt out, which forced you as well since you rested on her chest . As you two made your way towards the dance floor you locked eyes with your cousin.
When you saw that dumbass look on her face from the DJ booth you knew she was about to troll you in some way. The previous song seamlessly began blending into an intro you knew too well.
(start playing song here)
*Flash Back*
“Y/N long time mi nuh see yuh up weh mi spin yuh kno!” Your cousin said over wine at her place.
“It haad fi lef yuh yaad when it hold suh much luv .” You chuckled. Shuri was by no means keeping you from going out. It was more so you kept each other inside.
“Suh it guh when yuh get a gyal wid a ten outta ten ehhhhh!” You couldn’t help but bust out at the song reference she made.
“Gyal yuh nuh easy!” You laughed .
*Flash Back Over*
As soon as the bass dropped in the song you turned your back to Shuri to whine your waist.
Gyal , your pussy good mi gi’ you
10 outta 10
Up inna mi bed mi want you spread out again
“Careful, this same waistline is how you got stuck in the house for a year.” Shuri whispered in your ear, her waist keeping up with yours as she caught everything you threw.
What a body good , like you mek
outta gem
Hot inna your clothes when you
Step out again
“I’m just showing appreciation for the song choice it’s a tribute to you My Queen.” It came out a lot more breathless than you would have liked but truth be told her waistline was now leading and it was making you dizzy.
A just 10 outta 10 outta 10
Outta 10
Open up your book and mek
Mi tek out mi pen
You turned around to sing the chorus directly to her and the more words you said the darker her eyes sets.
“Slow whine gyal, your so fine
Pussy mek mi cum in no time” you sang.
Even under the club lights you could see the desire swimming in her eyes at the vulgar words you sang to her in your native tongue.
Without you even noticing her hand slide up to house your throat . “ nkosazana uyayazi ukuba indenza ntoni?” (Princess, do you have any idea what that does to me ?) Shuri rasped in your ear over the music.
You couldn’t do anything but stare at her like she hung the stars in the sky herself. The same effect that patois had on her, Xhosa had on you.
It was an instant panty soaker.
“masigoduke ndizokwazi ukubuyisa imbeko sithandwa sam” (let’s go home so I can return the tribute my love.) she ghosted over your lips.
Eyes heavy from the blunts , drinks , and Shuri’s goal to have cum untouched by her voice alone . You closed the gap between you two . The kiss was slow and deep but by no means was it romantic.
Her tongue danced with yours aiming to fuck you in the filthiest reaches of your mind. You knew if you didn’t leave now you would absolutely let her take you where you stood and no one would dare to try and stop the Black Panther .
You reluctantly broke the kiss with a gasp “yes.home.now.come” you spoke all at once and out of order.
You heard her laughing behind you as you practically dragged her off the floor.
“So you think I’m a 10 out of 10 ehhh” she teased . You tried to keep a straight face but failed thinking you both knew that you were both the 10’ s that made up the highest score.
*nervous chuckle*😅
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snixx · 12 days
you know what it's 1:30am and quite literally no one cares but idk. the tags on my last post reminded me and I feel like rambling about something no one cares about and that's why I have a tumblr so why tf not lol
izzie taylor taught me that i could love.
ironic because the first person I ever loved fucking hates her guts and thinks she's toxic af lol. but cazzie meant the fucking world to me as a baby sapphic, not just because they were one of my first sapphic ships ever but because of how fucking relatable they were. they were messy ass teenagers and their chemistry felt so real. and fivel stewart (along with deepika padukone) is my #1 celeb crush of all time but Not The Point lmao.
like idk how to explain it because I'm obviously a much more stable person now than I was when I first got into the ship but the thing I love so much about izzie is how hard she tries to get fucking better. and how she apologizes and communicates when she fucks up no matter what. because the thing is she Does fuck up. a Lot. girlie has trauma and issues the size of jupiter and she has mood swings and bouts of shame and her "brain just betrays [her] sometimes" and she doesn't know how to handle it. she doesn't trust herself because she doesn't feel things consistently. and god did seeing her work her ass off to become a better person and get over her self-destructive tendencies to maintain a healthy relationship mean the world to 14 year old me. it kind of snapped me out of my self-hating cynical world view and gave me so much hope honestly. because back then I genuinely didn't believe I was capable of maintaining a healthy long term relationship (of any kind, not specifically romantic). I thought I would inevitably end up hurting everyone and the kindest option was to isolate myself forever. but the thing is. people need people to get better. sometimes you need to let people in. and izzie showed me that as long as I didn't stop trying and made sure to communicate openly and honestly no matter what, I could love people and be there for them too. and progress isn't linear. izzie does regress and fuck up over and over, but the thing is she LEARNS from her mistakes. she gets over herself and apologizes and does her best to make up for it. and she gets more stable with time, just like I did. it's not easy to realize your agency when you struggle with depression or ocd or bpd or whatever. but you do have agency. you just. have to keep trying. no matter how many times you fall on your face and fuck up. izzie showed me that it's worth trying, because you do get better. which is why she'll always be one of the characters closest to my heart. (and the ship. fucking ship of all time.)
anyway. here's my trying to be better as a fucked up mentally ill teenager playlist inspired by the one and only izzie taylor <3
and the companion casey-inspired playlist of loving someone who can and does hurt you because they're struggling with mental illness because you know they're trying and getting better and that they're worth it <3 (sidenote i could go On about the casey side of things forever too but. that's for another time lol. you don't have to put up with shit just because the other person is going through stuff that's not what I'm saying. it's more nuanced than that and I love how casey set boundaries for herself re: that buuuuuut i digress)
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 month
When I saw the first guardians film in middle school, my love of our favorite raccoon began. Finding a community of Rocket lovers after keeping it silently inside for so long is special (in a way I can't articulate without sounding goofy bc it's an anthropomorphic raccoon we're talking about here). I graduate from college this weekend and want to thank you for your stories getting me through hard times and motivationless days. It's given me a knew way to enjoy the movies I've watched so many times :) What was the media that got you super into Rocket and inspired your fiction writing? Much love!!
first and foremost, i want to congratulate you. school is not easy, and i swear it gets harder and feels more high-pressure/high-stakes every year. i hope that your time at college has given you more learning experiences than all-nighters, more opportunities than stressors, and more joy than hardship. and i hope that you are able to take everything you’ve earned and enjoy your freedom from university surrounded by good people, with plenty of time and resources to do the things you love. if you haven’t yet, please take time to sit and breathe and really soak up the fact that you did this. be proud of yourself. you fucken deserve it.
secondly, i read this while walking to the parking garage at 11pm after helping at an event for my college students (i work at a university) and i had to sit in my car and wait till i stopped tearing up so i could drive home. this truly made me so happy and im so glad my silly stories made things even just a little easier for you. ♡
so, my falling in love with rocket was a process. (cue me narrating this for three paragraphs like a schoolgirl with her first crush)
when we first saw rocket’s back in gotg1 i was like, oh. he’s in so much pain. between that + his fucken sarcasm, i complained afterward that the movie would’ve been so much better if he was the main character (lol). i started lazily dabbling in comics content then. i hadn’t been big into marvel comics before (more of a dc/image comics kid) but rocket and groot were becoming my faves. i loved gotg2. so much more focus on rocket, and yondu’s arc had me bawling like a baby. gotg2 made me like gotg1 more, which is part of how i judge the quality of a narrative series tbh (and why i think series are so hard to make). when the first gotg3 trailer came out and it was clear this was rocket’s story, i was obsessed. i didnt watch any additional trailers or read any more comics — rare for me. i wanted to go in completely blank. then i went back to the theatre to rewatch it three additional times (i have never before gone to see a movie more than once in the theatre). i was like… almost bursting with love for this stupid raccoon at this point.
then i got around to reading his grounded comic arc, and it was like — the dam burst. i hadn’t written fanfiction since 2017ish, and hadn’t been on tumblr since 2016, but i was like — i have to write about this fucken raccoon. i need to take care of him lol.
so when you ask what media - i guess all of it? in increments? because of course now ive watched most of his various cartoon incarnations, read probably 70% of the comics content, halfway through a stream of the 2021 game, have one of the novels (sitting on the tbr pile) and frankly the love just continues to grow.
now that ive taken up thirty-two years of your life, i just want to say im so glad you found this fandom and this community. he may be an anthropomorphic raccoon but he’s meaningful to people, in so many ways. im so very very glad that he could be that for you, and that you’re here.
congrats again, nonnie. i hope post-graduation life rewards you with supportive people who love and understand you, with joyful new experiences, good health, and everything you need to live happily and fully.
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inchidentally · 6 months
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(not gonna post the link you sent bc I don't wanna tread on other people's stuff since we're all out here in the tumblr wild to talk about these rich men and their problematic silly sport in any way we want to. I'll reply with my thoughts but remember that they're my own and I am NOT telling someone else how to feel)
okay so fully removing the ship lenses and assuming they're not wishing any hostility towards Oscar or any future teammate of Lando's at McLaren: holy SHIT no. fuckballs NOOOO.
ok from a purely practical/realism standpoint Carlos will not be taking any steps backward. based purely on Ferrari's overall performance and the fact that Charles is a damn good match as a teammate (hi Singapore) Carlos is exactly where he should be for WDC contention. McLaren are out there competing hard with them and with the Mercs but to see them outpacing those cars would be solely down to the youth and combined competitiveness of Lando and Oscar they've invested in - so still no dice for Carlos in the foreseeable. I'm not F1 smart enough to know how likely it would be that he'd go to RBR but even there I'm not sure how he and Max would work together again with Max's dominance and ummmm Carlos' least favorite thing being following team orders to concede to his teammate. followed by what would become Carlos' first least favorite thing which would be to drive Max's car since development only works one way at RBR. and that's all assuming that Lando stays with McLaren and that Oscar chooses to leave. the first being reasonably likely and the second is too soon to tell. then there's the fact that by that point Lando would not be considered McLaren youth anymore and they'd be highly unlikely to bring on someone even older to partner him. ((add to that the fact that Carlos will never be an Alonso and will definitely get married early in his thirties and move on to different types of racing or maybe even a different field in racing)) Lando will be a Lewis and stick with F1 competitively chasing wins and WDCs (especially if he can outlast Max's boredom threshold) and he won't be interested in nostalgia hires unless they can help him with that goal.
but moving on to the more parasocial fandom side of it…
honestly the biggest surprise to me is seeing people think that they were equals ??? during their season together?? Lando was a tiny baby who has talked about how being partnered with Carlos fed his anxieties and insecurities! he saw this seasoned driver learning the car faster than him, knowing the circuits better than him and speaking to the team with more confidence than him. lbr when his "trophy" was Carlos' champagne while Carlos celebrated his podium, Lando did NOT look completely happy being forced into that celebration (and I seem to recall later on him even ruefully saying "it wasn't my celebration but anyway"). Carlos literally saw Lando as a baby brother and treated him as such but he also had no clue what to do with Lando's darker moods besides try to cheer him up (and sometimes fail).
I am someone who likes to keep the streams of real life and rpf totally crystal clear and separate and I also like to keep the reality of who these drivers are free of anything I imagine about them for fantasy. when Carlos isn't winning or at least happy with his result, he isn't remotely a team player (and with a team like Ferrari it's hard to blame him sometimes lol). I guess for some people? it's easy to think that Carlos would become a totally different driver when on a team with Lando from ~the power of love~… but that would also have to hand-wave when he actually was Lando's teammate. (it would also hand-wave that Carlos and Charles are also good friends and much more flirty and lovey dovey but Carlos still fights against Charles like a beast when he's in the car)
this man is in it to win it. if you called him soft for a teammate or said that the foremost reason he gave Lando DRS in Singapore was for Lando's benefit he would laugh in your face. at no point in the incredibly stressful final laps was Carlos going "aw shucks I hope my lil buddy can be up there with me let me rig this to make it happen" bc by that point in a race they are thinking in nothing but driving binary and /how do I cement my win against all the bastards behind me/. Carlos does NOT revolve even a small part of his racing career around Lando or any other driver. he doesn't even regard much of his team's input (again, probably for the best with Ferrari). even when he gets direct help from Charles following Ferrari strategy (see Singapore) I still can't really recall that he was overly effusive in acknowledging that fact. he's modeled himself much more on the F1 generations of more like two generations back. and why shouldn't he? so I do not get how people can still think that drivers - especially Carlos' type - are remotely friendly with anyone when they're on the circuit. sure they might get even more pissed off at a driver they aren't keen on but literally /everyone/ is their enemy and their own result is their one goal. that's literally their job.
and as Lando says himself, no one in F1 including him wants to beat anyone more than their own teammate. again. how do people think that Lando would take this entire career he's worked so incredibly hard for and make it about a guy he golfs with (in groups, folks) and occasionally goes to dinner with (which he also does with Daniel) and talks to during the drivers parade (he also consistently seeks out Max, George and Yuki) but has a thriving professional and social life that has nothing to do with Carlos? yuk|erre, maxie| and ga|ex are out there doing far more shippy type things than car|ando all the damn time but when have they ever let that affect their desire to win or beat each other??
nothing about little unseasoned raw lamb cutlet Lando with hairy alpha Carlos at McLaren at all resembles what their dynamic would be as teammates. and the fact that Lando is really liking this new feeling of being the superior favored driver bodes horribly for how he'd react to Carlos swinging his huge sexy cojones back into McLaren expecting to be the number one again by age and experience. folks should enjoy getting to see them during the drivers parade and out golfing as non teammates bc the adorable content of 2019 would curdle into something grotesque if they now had to do goofy challenges while slowly learning to hate the sight of each other during briefings as they sought to supplant the other in the standings.
in no way on this or any other earthly planes can I be convinced that having them compete on the same team again would be anything other than a trainwreck and result in them not even speaking for the next 10-15 years.
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digimon-smashorpass · 5 months
I'm Mod V (any pronouns), and I also want to join in on the smash or pass pokemon fun but with Digimon. I love Digimon and think this might help spread some love for it on tumblr, even if it's all just silly. Even if you know very little about Digimon, I hope you come opinionated lol. I might even save the data and do a silly little bracket when it's all done, but that is for the future me to fiddle with when the time comes.
However, I am trying to decide how to post each poll as digimon don't really have a set numbering system, so this is part intro, part preliminary poll!
Choice explanations:
Evolution stage order: I post every digimon that is listed as Baby first, then move on to the next stage up. Start with ones like Upamon and then go to Agumon after those are done, then on to Greymon etc
Pop Icons to Nobodies: I post digimon like Agumon first, basically anyone that most people might know im a broad sense ("ive seen them!" Sorta thing) and then I get weirder with it
Alphabetical: exactly as it says on the tin. I got through a compiled list starting with A.
Easy to Hard: I post the most humanlike ones first and then devolve from there
No Preference: ultimately, it wont matter to you and ill have to make a choice
Also, secondary question (optional): would people like to see what i predicted and if the poll matches my thought when its over? (Aka i reblog with whether or not tumblr defys my expectations or not)
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
✨ announcement: the trash library is OPEN! ✨
hi babes!!! exciting news for you today - we are TRYING A THING!!!
for a little context, this idea came about because i’ve deeply enjoyed getting introduced to some amazing new authors since i’ve started up my fic rec fridays this year! in addition, i get so very excited whenever someone shares something they wrote with me, whether it’s via a tag or a DM. i know firsthand how much vulnerability it takes to share something you've written, so it means the world, genuinely!!! i love getting to read and share y'all's works in this little community 🥺
but! as a person with wicked adhd, i have a hard time keeping up with sent fics when they’re all over the place- buried in my notes, forgotten about in my likes, conversed over in DMs. and then i never read them and feel bad, lol. so i thought we could try a new system!!
all this is to say: i now officially have a tracked tag!! that's right, we are building ourselves a #trashlibrary y’all!! ~party party yeah~ 🥳
join me under the cut for allllll the fun details!! 📚
what is a tracked tag? 📖 it’s just a regular ol' hashtag that you can add to a post (the same way you’d tag #bts fanfic or #jungkook x reader or anything else!) - but this is one i am personally following! that means i'll see everything in the tag and it'll make it much easier for me to keep track of it all, so that i can read all your delicious writing!
so how does this work? 📖 as far as i understand this magical mystical website, you’ll have to stick the #trashlibrary tag on any new post in order for it to show up in the tag. new posts only, unfortunately; editing or reblogging an old post and adding the tag on it won’t work. BUT! if you’ve got a brand new fic to post and you’d like for me to check it out, you can slap that baby at the end of your tags and officially add it to the trash library!!! it will need to be within the first 20 tags in order to actually show up in tumblr search, so pls keep that in mind! 🧐
what should go in the #trashlibrary tag? 📖 i’d like to keep it to written fanfiction specifically about bts, but other than those basic parameters, the world is your oyster! to make things easy, here’s a shortlist of stuff i enjoy in fics - if you write anything featuring ANY of the following, i would LOVE to see it show up in the trash library (but feel free to stick other stuff in there too!):
any member x reader (does my jihope preference need to be explicitly stated at this point 🤣), any combinations of member x member, ANYTHING with queer characters/themes or a diverse reader, POLYAMORY, group sex, HEALTHY kink (well-communicated & safe), unlikeable/flawed/complex characters, role play 🤤, ORAL!!!!!, dom/sub dynamics (preferably soft 🥺), overstim, SEX TOYS, ……cheating 🙈, drug use, sex work, anal play/pegging, experimental sex (trying something for the first time), unlearning shame around the human body and pleasure, forced proximity, hatefucking 😬, darker/more mature themes, semi-public sex, characters that are both horny for and enamored with one another lmao
i do also enjoy myself some tooth-rotting fluff or heartbreaking angst, i’m just less specific about my preferences there 😂 tagged works can be as short as a drabble or as long as you like, and literally ANYONE can use this tag - doesn't matter if it's your first fic or your hundredth, doesn't matter if we're besties or if we've never even so much as talked thru reblogs lmao. i’m up for it all!
will you read and review everything in the tag? 📖 i want to make sure this is explicitly clear from the jump. using this tag is the best way to ensure that i read and possibly review your work, but it is not a guarantee or promise that i will do either. not every fic is for me (WHICH IS FINE AND GOOD ACTUALLY, otherwise the world would be full of nothing but yucky porn 😂) and in addition: i’m just one person, with a whole-ass life, you know?
i will do my absolute best to keep up with this tag, and i'm very excited about it! but i kind of have no idea how much use it will see, and i may very well not be able to get to it all. what i can tell you is that i am much much much more likely to see your stuff if it’s in this tag, vs. lost in some other place that i have already forgotten about because i have 3 brain cells and 0 object permanence lmao.
by using this tag, you are telling me that you have read and understood this disclaimer, and that you can handle your emotions like a grown adult if i miss your fic, or even if it just takes me a while to get to it 💜
okay that's it! 🥺 i hope y'all are pumped - i know i'm excited to see what kind of goodies our library fills up with!!! see you in the stacks 😉
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prolestariwrites · 5 months
EOY Writing Wrap-up
I saw this post and loved the questions, so I'm going to answer them below! Looking forward to another year of writing and fandom!
favorite fic you wrote this year: For sure Unforgiven, it was my baby.
least favorite fic you wrote this year: Love Between Goddess and Demon ended up being kind of disappointing for me. It didn't develop how I wanted it to and I'll admit I abandoned it since it didn't have any readers.
favorite line/scene you wrote this year: Probably the first chapter of Unforgiven, I couldn't wait to get Leon and Jake together again ha ha.
total number of words you wrote this year: 131,491 published!
most popular fic this year: By hits and kudos it was Unforgiven. My oneshot Smoking got the most notes on Tumblr.
least popular fic this year: It was Three To One, which surprised me honestly.
longest completed fic you wrote this year: Love Stuck was my longest completed fic at 23,307 words.
shortest completed fic you wrote this year: Sparring Partners was a oneshot with 1,796 words.
longest wip of the year: Between Goddess and Demon was my longest unfinished fic. I wrote almost 40k words before I put it on pause.
shortest wip of the year: 365 is still a work in progress and has only 18,964 words so far.
fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year: A toss between Resident Evil and LBFAD. I got to write some cool RE stuff and did a short story for a zine!
favorite character to write about this year: Gotta be my boy Leon Kennedy. He's just so easy to torture.
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year: I listened to a lot of Halsey while writing this year lol. I needed the angst.
a fic you didn’t expect to write: Smoking was definitely unexpected! I've never even liked One Piece and when I watched the live action I swore I wouldn't write for it. But then...
something you learned this year: To take my time. I've gotten a lot better at being okay at writing at my own pace instead of some imagined timeline.
fic(s) you completed this year: Altogether I wrote four completed fics!
fics you’ll continue next year: I'll be finishing The Fate That Binds and 365 in 2024. I'd also like to go back and try to finish The Wish since I didn't last year.
current number of wips: I'm actively working on four wips at the moment, two the most seriously.
any new fics to start next year: Yes! I'm going to try to write the last of the Dark Heart series, and I miiiiiight try more One Piece. Maybe.
number of comments you haven’t read: Zero! I read them all and respond to pretty much all of them.
most memorable comment/review: I really liked reading the thirsty reblog tags on Smoking lol
events you participated in this year: I wrote a fic for the LBFAD Mini-Bang! It was so fun to meet some new people and see all the different ideas.
fics you wanted to write but didn’t: I had another Resident Evil fic I wanted to get done but never actually started. Maybe this is the year for it?
favorite fic you read this year: River of Stardust by @yoshi-09
favorite fandom to read fic from this year: I still like reading DMC fic! Also got to read some good Reylo fic and RE fic!
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rontra · 11 months
your art is making me go absolutely feral about wondermagic. I never looked at Zatanna comics before (or much comics in general), do you have any recommendations on where to start? I need more of this funky gay stage magician and her huge dork girlfriend in my life.
oh god. I MEAN first of all YES!!!!! WONDERMAGIC W!!!!!!! im so happy to hear it. they make me actually crazy im glad youre enjoying The Art
however SECOND OF ALL i must confess (as i have confessed before!) that i am a fake ass comic book fan. i've barely read Anything for Any character (LOL) i am not at ALL versed in her various appearances/history. so tbh i hope my more knowledgeable followers can drop recs for both me and you if there's anything particularly noteworthy
but i can talk about what i HAVE read bc my journey with her has been very . memorable to me. THIS IS NOT A HELPFUL POST this is just me infodumping--AT LENGTH--about my and zatanna's relationship. but i do talk a little about what ive read. like casual rontra followers can stop reading here its just rambling
anyway my first exposure to ms zatanna was in the first proper dc comic i ever read. which doesnt count because its extremely not about her (this is a tangent) but its notable for making me out loud go "who is this MAGICIAN" which prompted my partner to immediately reply "you mean zatanna zatara". oh you know her. you know the magician. bitch who the hell is--
you gotta appreciate the experience here. its babys first ever comic. i know superman i know batman ive seen them around (from being alive as a human). i have never in my life heard of the stage magician who hangs out with them (in full costume??) and is their friend(?????)
anyway that's all a tangent. flash forwards to last month. i was already working on CTDE from the kara^2 angle (bc i majored in n52 power girl w a minor degree in supergirl: woman of tomorrow, of course) but i was like "i should expand this roster". my friends suggest their blorbos ofc and i have a fun time reading wiki pages from multiple storylines/continuities just getting a wide array of impressions from different places. just snooping around the Vibes. and im like. man i should look at that Magician. read some of HER pages
you gotta appreciate knowing nothing at like 3am, to figuring out ctde zatanna's palette at 5:43 am
i can't resist her.
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anyway i already knew here that i was going to do something weird with her in the CTDE that wasn't necessarily connected to any of her published material. i was cooking independently. the stove was on before i had ingredients on hand bc i had the IDEA first. but i was like "i should look at some of her stuff first-hand and try and refine the Vibes" yknow. like theres limits to how much of a fake zatanna fan i can be
so we put out a call in the Mutuals Network and someone was like "you Could watch the justice league dark movie from 2017 she's in that". i was like ok 1hr15 animated movie i can handle that EASY
i didn't love the movie. so i'm not going to say anything else about it. however something VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE:
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thats right. wondermagic took hold before i read a single zatanna comic. just as it has for you anon.... we're not so different you and i...
couple days pass. im just relaxing. hanging out. looking at random tumblr blogs that post comic stuff bc im curious. so i stumble on this one post and it has a clean edit of This Fateful Image 👇
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this. GODDAMN image
i was like Wonder Woman is HOW TALL? excuse ME? (>he has also never engaged with a single piece of wonder woman content)
SHES SO TALL........??? and Next To Zatanna? (diesel voice) back in my day we called this spitting distance. and we would post it on /u/
im like okay what comic is this from im going there and im going NOW. to view her. like it's that easy folks. just show me wonder woman, Tall, next to another woman. and i'll go read it
nyway this is Justice League Dark from 2018-2020 it's like 30 issues or so and theres a stretch of chapters where diana is a real hunk its unbelievable. then the art changes but it was amazing while it lasted
(and then i immediately stumbled and wondermagic ctde real)
i really enjoyed this comic actually. i have NO idea how its generally regarded by zatanna nation, but i had a fun enough time. absorbed a lot of DC Comics Magic Lore for my AU which is important
at some point it starts doing Weirdly Umineko Coded dialogue totally unprompted so if you've read that it might tickle your funnybone to see comic book characters asking each other "was this a trick or was it magic 😏". made me feel right at home
my main complaint is that SHE'S NOT DRESSED LIKE A FUCKING MAGICIAN IN IT!!!! COME ON!!!!! they chickened out on the full magician garb in this whole era. which is just so sad. the fishnet fingerless gloves are funny though i might steal that. but i think she is so funny when she's wearing the full magician costume. like call me shallow but her commitment to the bit is so important to me
on the upside she interacts with wonder woman A Lot. the rest of the team is fun too. the justice league dark team is just wonder woman severely failing to put together a squad with any star power at all and i think that's adorable. her failgirl era. now she's out here with her also-rans. i like them all im fond of them
diana scruffs zee like a cat??? she's just hanging there like she's ok with it LOL
it technically jumps off of another comic but tbh if you're willing to hit the ground running and just Accept some stuff in medias res and go with it it's pretty easy to pick up if you wanted
("Just Going With It" is a vital survival skill for getting into comics in general because even if a comic isn't part of a longer continuity its always like "omg glup shitto is here!!! for the fans!!!" and you just have to be like Okay someone else will know who that is. ill just go w it. yknow 😭)
anyway i got a lot of DC Magic Lore (Strangely Familiar Edition) and Zee Content AND!!! Wondermagic Content. in this one. so even if i had an inkling about them before, this comic is really what detonated the charge so to speak. they interact so much
and the dynamic created w their relationship to magic and stuff is really interesting. brainwormy for sure. it took me from "who the hell is this magician" to "DO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT WONDERMAGIC????? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELLO???" in one comic. i have a LOT of thoughts about them like genuinely i think there's meat on the bone conceptually for wondermagic
but i think pretty much any time they appear together in general they're just Like That. whenever theyre both in a comic they have to be gay about it (what the fuck did she mean by this). i was losing my mind when i was catching up on DC/RWBY (ABHORRED. avoid if possible) and zatanna is immediately on her bullshit again. IS THAT HOW YOU GREET HER
anyway to sum up my rambling here's a peek into my league of comic geeks library of Shit Ive Read Since Then (that had zee in it). basically i have no further wisdom for you but for the knowers this is where i'm at (click to enlarge)
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it's a totally random selection LOL my strategy is that i look at comics that list her as a cast member and spin an actual roulette wheel in my brain to decide whether i should read it or not. there's very little else going on here. just monkey sees funny magician -> neuron activates
that pretty much catches us up on my zatanna journey. youll notice if you paid attention to the date/time stamps that it took a mere matter of Days to go from "yeah i can watch a movie" to "i think about her kissing women every night before i sleep". it is DIRE in here. im not sure ive ever had such a Severe escalation of worms
i love her. she's my funny girl. anyway. zatanna nation. if you're still reading this. if you're still with me. what is your wisdom. what should me and anon read. please.
this is a matter of international consequences.
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers - Final Thoughts
This game was great, but my experience was slightly negatively affected by the lack of information on it. The one walkthrough I was able to find really did me dirty lol.
Anyways, I stand by my previous statement that the Wonderswan games deserve more love. I think they're definitely the best of the Adventure/02 era.
-Okay, time to vent a little. I used this walkthrough and whoever wrote it was just flat out wrong about a bunch of stuff. They made me believe I had to go WAY harder than I needed to with fusing digimon (a very slow and tedious process if you want a lot of jogress points). They then led me to believe I had to beat the 2nd to last dungeon 10 times to get 10 pieces of a digimental...that ended up being not true at all, so I beat that dungeon 10 times for no reason lol. In the walkthrough they went into the final battle with a bunch of OP digimon with like a zillion jogress points. I went in with a bunch of weenie hut jr. digimon and was fine. Most misleading walkthrough I've ever followed! If I hadn't followed its advice, I probably would have finished this game a week ago. Luckily, I did find some YouTube Let's Plays and some tumblr posts that set me straight.
-Once I figured out how things worked I realized this game is a little too easy. As soon as you get a stun ability, you're basically unstoppable, even withweaker digimon on your team. If you manage to stun all 3 digimon on the enemy team, you automatically win. You don't even need to touch their HP! That's crazy and I've never seen a game do that before...felt like I was cheating.
-I thought it was a little weird how many dungeons in this game used baby or in training level digimon. Like I would expect that from the first dungeon but they were still showing up like mid-way through! Again, not much of a challenge.
-The variety of digimon was good and I liked the inclusion of fusion, but I wish fusion was a little more straightforward/predictable. Without any guide I was just gambling every time. The worst of it is that you have to raise your digimon from baby-level every time you fuse, which really held me back from progressing the game.
-Techniques were really confusing compared to the first game. Whereas in game 1 my digimon would gain new abilities constantly, it seemed like the only way digimon would gain abilities would be to fuse them and start from scratch. I would use the digivice to befriend powerful, mega-level digimon, but their abilities would be so trash that doing that was completely pointless. (I think you need to fuse digimon like 100+ times to get a decent mega which would take ages).
-The ending "puzzle" was just batshit. You have to defeat Millenniumon as Ryo and Ken using the same number of turns. Of course, the game doesn't tell you that at all. It just gives you a door with a number on it and goes "~oooh, what could it meeeean?~" Well, I wouldn't have figured out in a zillion years what it meant if it wasn't for a random post on tumblr. Walkthrough dude didn't figure it out because he thought it was something else that unlocked the door and a let's player I watched just seem to unlock it out of dumb luck (he defeated Millenniumon in 2 turns with Ryo and then Ken). My number was 10 by the way...this was before I was aware of the stun ability's OP-ness
-The game dramatically ends with Ken becoming the Digimon Emperor. I guess if you didn't see the anime that would be kinda a "wtf" downer ending. Wormmon tries to keep it positive by saying "I know he'll be good again someday!" It's definitely sequel bait (although I'm not sure exactly where the next game fits).
-I never really learned what some of the stats meant in this game. Defense is "PP" but I have no idea what that stands for. There's also "Y?" Which I think has something to do with a digimon's age?? I don't know why old games had to be like ";) we'll never tell" instead of just explaining things.
-This was a very relaxing game to play YouTube videos or music over, perfect for weeknights. It was very light on story, so I didn't need to pay much attention.
-I wish they did more with armor evolution. I kept buying/equipping armor but it never seemed to do much. Veemon was the only one I could really get to armor evolve via one of his attacks. Definitely missing something there...
I give this game a 7.5 out of 10. The lost points are for all of the confusion I endured lol.
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Summary: This is a ficlet that goes in the secondary series that I started as a complement to the main A Herrmann/Halstead Production series. (That series is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.)
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: General
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Christopher Herrmann/Cindy Herrmann, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, pre-Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character
Warnings: None - unless people being extremely late with their Christmas shopping stresses you out...
A/N: I was going to wait and post it at midnight when it was actually December 23rd, but as we all know by now, patience is not a thing that I have...like, on a cellular level. And in any case, it's December 23rd in a whole bunch of places already so we're still good.
This ficlet came about thanks to ao3 reader Maya Moten's question on There's a Way and an anon ask on Tumblr awhile back about whether or not Bex was ready for the holidays. Thank you for the inspiration! It's some cute holiday fluff that I wanted to post now since the longer holiday fic that will take place in the main series is probably going to be posted in like...May, LOL
The fic takes place after Thanksgiving 2014 (which is the first entry in this series) and before Sometimes You Need (which is Part 11 in the main series, A Herrmann/Halstead Production.) Just to let you know where we are in time and space.
“Will.” Bex stared at her brother who was slumped in one of their kitchen chairs, face in his hands.
“I know,” he groaned.
“Will,” she repeated, still in shock because seriously?
“I know!” Will squinched his eyes shut as his hands migrated to gripping his hair.
“It’s December 23rd, Will!” Bex flung her hands in the air, absolutely flabbergasted that he’d let things get this far.
He groaned again and leaned forward until his head rested on the table. “Please stop judging me and help.”
Bex sighed and pulled out one of the other chairs to take a seat. “It can’t be that big of a list, right? Just Jay and your dad and me?” She nudged him with her foot. “We should be able to tackle that.”
Will wordlessly fished a list out of his pocket and handed it over. There was the usual three names, yes, but underneath there was also Cindy and Chris, Lee Henry, Lucas, Max, and Annabelle. Underneath those names was a series of scribbled and crossed out notes as Will had clearly gone through—and rejected—quite a few ideas.
“You want to buy stuff for Chris and Cindy and the kids?” Bex looked up at him, more than a little surprised.
Will finally sat up and gave her a sheepish smile, his ears going pink. “Annabelle called me Uncle Will.”
And now she couldn’t even be mad anymore that he’d left his shopping so freaking late because that was just too freaking cute. “Okay, fine.” Bex stood and hunted down her keys. “Come on! You better hustle up if we’re going to do battle with the rest of the last minute shoppers.”
She bit back a laugh at his quiet, triumphantly whispered ‘yes!’ and herded him out to the car.
The mall was a nightmare.
Bex kept a grip on Will’s arm so he wouldn’t get lost as they made their way through the crowds. He had a bad habit of wandering off to check out things that caught his eye and even though he was fairly easy to spot in a crowd, they didn’t have the time spare for her to keep hunting him down.
They’d gone fairly simple for Chris and Cindy—fun chocolates and a nice bottle of wine. Things they wouldn’t often buy for themselves so it would be a nice treat.
Figuring out what to get the kids wasn’t as big a hurdle as Will seemed to think it would be. He had a good idea of what he wanted to get—he just kept second guessing himself. He wanted to add to the kids’ library which Bex assured him they would love. They were all big readers. They browsed the kids’ section together and Bex held back from making suggestions, just to see what he’d pick out.
He actually did a great job! Will had clearly been paying attention to the kids during their visits and managed to pick out a book for each of them that suited their interests.
“What’s Jay getting them?” Will asked as they checked out at the cash.
“He always manages to get some kind of group gift that gives Chris a heart attack,” Bex laughed. “I think the plan this year was Nerf guns?”
Will raised his eyebrows at her.
“Yeah,” Bex nodded. “He’s going to regret that when Annabelle destroys him.”
They left the bookstore and Will consulted his list. He’d picked up a bottle of Macallan for Pat when they were at the liquor store.
Bex was quite proud of herself for biting her tongue on her opinions about whether or not Pat deserved anything other than a pile of coal.
Although she thought even that would be pretty generous.
Anyway—after reviewing the list, it turned out he had Jay’s gift covered. Something he’d ordered online. And she’d made a large tray of cookies for him to take into Med a few days ago so his coworkers were covered.
Which left her present.
“Do you need help with the rest of the list?” she asked because she would help him pick out her own present if that meant they could get out of this mall alive.
“Ah, no, I think—” Will looked around at where they were in the mall and then frowned as he mulled. “Nope,” he finally said. “I’ve got it covered. And I want it to be a surprise so do you mind…”
Bex gave him a stern look. “I will meet you back here in half an hour, Will,” she said. “Please do not get lost because I will make mall security page you.”
“I don’t even get a text first?” Will laughed.
“Not on December 23rd!” Bex shot back.
He held up his hands, still laughing as he backed away, hurrying when she pointed at the big clock in the centre of the mall.
…now to kill thirty minutes.
Bex had finished all of her Christmas shopping awhile ago. She didn’t have to buy much since she made all the kids’ presents herself and a few others.
Personalized comic books for the kids—a tradition she’d started with Lee Henry and they all loved it. She hoped they never got too cool for it and they could keep it going for as long as they could.
She’d made holiday cookies for the gangs at 51 and 21 too which had covered the bulk of her extended family. Another long-standing Christmas tradition.
Since she didn’t have a list to finish, she decided to wander and window shop. A few stores in, one of the displays caught her eye.
Oh, that was…kind of hilarious? And could be a perfect—
But they didn’t exchange gifts.
Would it be too weird?
She didn’t want to make him feel bad when he didn’t have anything for her.
But it would just be a gag gift and those didn’t really count, right?
Bex debated with herself for another few seconds before saying screw it and going inside the store to make her purchase.
Bex had volunteered to work Christmas Eve at Molly’s so Chris could be home with Cindy and the kids. She’d be headed there on Christmas Day with Jay and Will and would be getting plenty of kiddo time then.
She was happy to give him the time that he missed out on so often because of his job. Plus, there was plenty of the usual gang hanging around and the general vibe of the bar was quite festive.
Will and Jay were both stuck working late, but came by when they were done. Bex had done some hardcore cajoling and convinced Jay to stay over at their place so he could be there right away for Christmas morning. He’d been having a such a hard time lately—she couldn’t fix everything for him, but she could surround him with festive fun and love.
Her brothers didn’t know it yet, but Bex had plans.
The two of them stayed and helped close up the bar, but then both of them passed out fairly quickly once they got home to the apartment.
Bex waited until Jay was snoring on the couch to dip into her room and dig everything out of her closet. Quickly, quietly, and carefully, she worked by the light of her phone to arrange things around their little tree.
She stepped back and took a look at her work with a satisfied nod before tiptoeing back to bed.
“Will!” Bex banged on his door. “Wake up!”
“Bex,” he groaned. “It’s…seven thirty in the morning! Go back to bed.”
“It’s Christmas!” She threw his door open and turned on the light, ignoring his protests as she bounded down the hall to the living room. “Jay!”
“Go. Away.”
Bex dodged the pillow that was thrown her way and leaned over the back of the couch to poke Jay in his sides. “Get up, get up, get up!”
Jay slapped at her hands before giving up and grabbing her. Bex shrieked as he pulled her over the top of the couch and wrestled her to the ground. “We got home after two,” he grumbled as he gave her noogies. “How are you this cheerful? And don’t say because it’s Christmas.”
“But it’s—”
Her sentence dissolved into laughter as Jay tried to cover her mouth and Will came stumbling out of his room, bleary eyed.
“Why do we have to be awake now?” Will asked, stepping over the two of them to collapse into the arm chair. “We’re adults.” He eyed their ongoing struggle on the floor. “Allegedly.”
Bex elbowed Jay in the stomach and wiggled away, scrambling to her feet. “Because it’s present time! And look—” She waved a hand toward the tree. “Santa came.”
Will and Jay stared at her and then peered at the tree where three stockings lay, one with each of their names embroidered on them. A parcel in shiny red wrapping paper lay beside each stocking while the other presents they’d all bought for each other sat behind them.
Jay let out a little bemused laugh before giving her a sideways look. “Bex,” he said. “Did you seriously set out Santa stuff for us?”
Did she?
There was no denying that they’d had some rough patches this year and Jay was still going through it. So yeah, she thought they could use some extra Christmas cheer.
Was she going to admit that she’d done it?
Absolutely not.
“Me?” She pressed a hand against her chest. “Jay Halstead, are you questioning the magic of Christmas?”
“Maybe he just can’t believe he made the nice list,” Will quipped. Jay shot him a look and Bex laughed.
“Okay,” she clapped her hands together. “Stockings and Santa presents first. Then I’ll make breakfast and we can open everything else?”
“Well, we’re awake now,” Jay said, slightly less grumbly than before. “So why not?”
He settled back on the couch and Bex distributed the stockings.
Each one had a pair of festive socks, chocolates and candy, some of each of their favourite shower products, an orange which was a tradition Cindy had brought to the family, the little bottle of lock de-icer that Jay was always on her to keep in her bag, glow in the dark band-aids that Will would definitely get a kick out of, and some colour changing pens, just because.
After stockings, she handed out the red-wrapped Santa presents.
“Bex…” Will had his resting on his lap and was looking at her pensively. “You didn’t have to—”
“I know you’re not about to question the magic, Will,” she said, pointing a serious finger at him.
“As long as Santa didn’t go overboard,” Jay chimed in. He was also looking a bit serious and she rolled her eyes (affectionately) at the two of them.
“Santa was very sensible,” she said. “At least I assume he was because I have no idea what’s in here.”
“Okay, fine,” Will laughed and started opening up his present which was a new pair of running shoes he’d had his eye on…and had been on sale for a super good deal last month.
“Oh, just what I wanted!” he exclaimed. “Thanks, Santa!”
Jay opened up his to find the next novel by his favourite author that he’d been dying to read, but was impatiently waiting until it came out in paperback to buy. “What! No,” he whipped his head up to frown at Bex. “This is too—”
“Pretty sure Santa had a coupon for that,” she said as she dug into her own gift. “Oh, look! New baking tins! Santa knows me so well!”
Will and Jay laughed at her and then got up for hugs. She was happy to see them both smiling so much—even if those smiles were still a bit tired. “Pancakes?” she asked and was met with enthusiastic yesses.
They plowed their way through a truly astounding amount of pancakes, bacon, and hot beverages before returning to the tree to open their gifts to each other. They’d be doing a second round of gifts once they headed over to Chris and Cindy’s later.
Her actual presents for them both were well received. She’d made them each a painting this year. Will’s was a view of the street he used to live on in Brooklyn. “Bex!” He looked a little shocked when he first opened it, but then a big smile quickly grew across his face. “This is amazing,” he said. “Exactly like I remember it.”
Jay’s was of his favourite park in Chicago—one she knew he visited often when he needed to have some quiet time. Now he had a little slice of that view for his room at home. “I love it,” he said quietly, smiling at her.
Will had picked up more art supplies for her. He’d clearly checked out her stash and had managed to pick up quite a few things she really needed. “Thanks, Will,” she said, touched.
He had a happy little grin at that and it only grew when Jay was equally pleased with his gift of tickets to go see a hockey game together.
Jay laughed as he handed over his gift to Will. “You might as well open this now,” he said. “Great minds think alike.”
Will started chuckling too when he opened his gift to reveal…another pair of hockey tickets. Thankfully for a different date.
Bex received her present from Jay next. “Jay,” she gasped, staring down at the one year membership to the Art Institute of Chicago. “This is too amazing! Thank you!”
After another round of hugs, they all took their time getting ready to head over to Cindy and Chris’s place. Will and Jay rode together since they were stopping off for their perfunctory visit with Pat first. Bex was headed right over to Cindy and Chris’s.
She just had a stop to make first.
Bex dashed up the steps of the precinct and headed in to the front desk. A large box of cookies was enough to bribe Sergeant Kilbourne into letting her sneak downstairs.
Mouse was working away at his desk when she made it into the basement.
His head snapped up and he whirled around in his chair. “Bex?”
“Merry Christmas, Mouse!” She hopped over to sit on the desk beside him and handed over his present.
Mouse frowned down at the neatly wrapped parcel in his hands. “What uh, we don’t usually, uh—” He looked up at her in confusion. “I didn’t get you anything…”
“Oh, no, it’s not—it’s just something funny that I saw when I was out shopping with Will,” she reassured him. “I thought it would make you laugh. It’s not a big deal. Really.”
He still looked a bit confused, but opened the present anyway. He unfolded the apron and got a good look at the front. “Bex,” Mouse snorted. “This is…”
“Ridiculous and yet amazing and you don’t know how you’ve lived without it in your life this whole time?” she suggested.
Mouse held the apron up to his chest showing off the image of a cartoon mouse wearing a chef’s outfit holding up a piece of cheese with a snooty expression on its face. The caption read ‘This cheese is no gouda.’
“Exactly,” Mouse grinned at her. “I’ll treasure it always.”
“Fantastic,” Bex smiled back at him. “Glad to hear it. How’s your day been here so far?”
“Nothing very exciting up until now,” Mouse shrugged. “Slogging through some files. Getting caught up on paperwork.”
“Sounds like you need some sustenance to get through the rest of your day.” She pulled a small tin out of her bag and handed it over as well.
Mouse’s eyes lit up. “More Christmas cookies?”
She nodded. “I heard the other ones got devoured pretty quickly.”
“It was a baked goods massacre,” Mouse agreed. His smile faded. “Now you’ve brought me two things and I didn’t get you anything.”
“The cookies don’t count—”
“The cookies always count—”
“If you really want to give me something, I have an idea,” she said and Mouse perked up in his seat. “Come over to Cindy and Chris’s for dinner when you’re done your shift.”
She waved off his protests, talking quickly.
“I know Jay already asked you and you said no like you always do, but I don’t know how many times we have to tell you that you’re part of the family, Mouse. We always want you there. You’re not intruding.” She knows she’s making a face on that last word, but she can’t help it. It annoys Bex that he ever thinks that.
His face was a conflicting mixture of pleased yet uneasy. She played her last card.
“Jay’s still having a hard time with everything,” she said quietly. “It would mean a lot to him if you were able to come. I think he needs all of his people, you know?”
Mouse sighed. “I’ll think about it.”
And that was the closest to a yes they’d ever gotten so she’d take that as progress.
“I’ll text you the address,” she said, even though she knew he knew where they lived. Better to not leave any excuses. “And no matter what, you’re coming to Jay’s tomorrow, right? Boxing Day sloth fest?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he nodded, lips quirking at the edges.
She squeezed his shoulder before hopping off the desk and heading out to join the chaos of Herrmann Family Christmas.
The kids went wild went she came through the door—mostly because now they could open the rest of their presents.
“Where’ve you been?” Chris demanded, bringing her in for a hug.
“Trying to work one last Christmas miracle,” she said, squeezing him back.
“Did it work?”
She grinned at him. “I’ll let you know.” Bex spotted Will and Jay pulling into the drive and turned to the kids who were vibrating behind Chris. “Who’s ready for presents?”
Chris groaned as they went wild all over again. “Thank you for that.”
“Aunt privileges,” Bex sniffed. “Riling them is in the job description.”
Once Will and Jay were inside, they all gathered around the tree and did the second round of gift giving. Chris and Cindy were pleased by the amount of books the kids received and extra happy for the amount of quiet time it gifted them as the kids flaked out around the living room reading while the adults started prepping for dinner.
Just as they were getting ready to eat, the doorbell rang.
Chris and Cindy glanced at each other. “You expecting anyone else?” he asked and she shook her head.
Bex caught a glimpse of a silhouette through the frosted window in the door and smiled. “I think Jay should answer it.”
He sent her a questioning look, but headed over to open the door. “Mouse?” His excited cheer rang through the house. “I didn’t think you were coming, man! This is awesome!” Jay grabbed Mouse in a bear hug, thumping him on the back and dragged him inside.
Mouse had a Santa hat on and a shy smile on his face as he saw everyone gathered in the living room, watching them. “I was told you might have room for one more?” he shrugged. “If that’s okay?”
“Always,” Cindy said warmly, moving forward to grab his coat and welcome him inside. “Lee Henry, set another place please!”
Introductions were made and Annabelle stared at Mouse suspiciously. “Mouse is a weird name,” she said. “Did you make that up?”
“Well, uh, everyone’s name had to be made up at some point, right? Like one day, someone said I like the name Anna and I like the name Belle, but wouldn’t it be even better if they were one name together?”
Annabelle thought that over before nodding seriously. “Come on,” she took his hand, bringing him to the dining room. “You should sit beside me.”
Mouse looked over at Bex, slightly panicked and she thought she should help him out a bit. “Annabelle,” she called out. “You should have Uncle Jay sit with you too.”
“Oh, yes,” Annabelle agreed, grabbing Jay with her other hand. “Good idea, Auntie Bex.”
Bex laughed at the two men being dragged by a tiny child and smiled to herself.
This was turning out to be a pretty excellent holiday after all.
Click here to read IT'S DECEMBER 23RD, WILL!!! on ao3:
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whosthatdccharacter · 6 months
Heyo! We've done six of these so far and it's been fun running this little game for yall. I hope its entertaining for you!
Now that we've got some under our belts I wanted to open up for feedback on a few different points. Im going to go over how ive done stuff so far, so if you have any thoughts on aspects of it you can chime in.
Putting the rest under the cut since it's kind of long.
1. Timing
So far I've tried to post new ones at sort of random times in the day so it doesn't give any one a consistent advantage. Im US Eastern and posts might go up anytime between 8am and 2am. I might even use the queue to schedule round the clock.
Another timing thing is that when someone guesses right, I give at least a few hours more before posting the reveal. It's just to give people a little more time to play, even if someone gets the answer right away. That's not to say you cant play after the reveal posts go up, but if youre anything like me, as soon as the ability to see the answer is available im clicking that link lol.
And since the reveal post tags the winner, I wait at least a few more hours for the next silhouette post so the prev winner doesnt have the advantage of being notified of the next one.
So a question here is should I wait longer or shorter on any of these areas? Do you like that its only one unrevealed at a time?
2. Difficulty level
This has been the hardest because it's a learning curve to find what's easy, what's hard, and why. There are SO many characters and runs, so it's hard to know if something I thought was memorable was even a blip on other people's radars. So ive tried to do a mix of difficulties.
Easier ones mean more people have the satisfaction of guessing and maybe getting it right, but if it's too easy then it might feel like these are puzzles for babies.
Harder ones mean a challenge and a lot of satisfaction if you figure it out or know that it's some niche thing. But if it's too hard then nobody gets it and it can feel kind of bullshit.
So what im wondering here is, do you feel like these have been too easy or too hard? Do you like it being a mix?
3. Character and image selection
If I put up a straightforward silhouette of Etrigan, everyone's going to get it and there's no challenge. On the flip side if i did a silhoutte or jason blood standing in a contextless room its like that could be literally any random man, so itd lead to random guesses. So ive been trying to find the sweet spot of the silhouette being somewhat familiar but not completely unique, and the rest of the image with some stuff going on. I think that's been going well but it does mean it relies on me and my ability to make a good little puzzle of it. So i hope I've been doing an alright job in that area.
Choosing from particular runs is interesting. I usually think of a character first then go find something they were in. Im finding the stories with other characters and team ups are good options to provide that extra context. But then the tricky part is that i have to be at least somewhat aware of whats popular and whats not. I dont want to use a panel from a run nobody read (unless its really good), and I also dont want to do one so infamous that everyone knows it like the back of their hand. So as with choosing particular images, I hope my choice of titles I'm sourcing these from has been fair.
4. How to guess
I went with tags so it encourages people to reblog and hopefully spread awareness of the blog. I think its also the easiest way people are inclined to interact per post. We couldve done asks but sometimes those get dropped by tumblr, and all the reveal posts would be answers to asks instead of standalone posts.
I like the idea that even for old ones people can still play and have fun with guessing on their own. Not sure if theres a clever way to encourage that.
And i hope the leaderboard is fun. Just a small incentive to participate. Its like saying nice job, thank you for playing.
5. Hints
As mentioned previously, if over a day goes by and nobodys got it ill post a hint. I've only done one hint so far and i was really not sure how subtle or overt i should be. Idk if anyone has thoughts about it?
So that's it. That's the process behind things and kind of where my mind is on it. I want it to be fun and chill, so if you ever have feedback about something you can always send an ask. It can be about the topics here or really at anytime about anything.
Thanks for playing everyone! Keep it up!
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kenobster · 6 months
3 & 6 for ao3 wrapped!
From AO3 Wrapped [Writers’ Edition]
Eee thank you for the ask, Katie!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3 This one was easy, so I ... also finished it before bed lmao. 😅 Any others will wait for next week though.
#3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Answered here.
#6. Favorite title you used.
Damn it lmao, I'm such a title person, I really like thinking about my titles (regardless of whether I'm good at it or not 😅), so this is a tough question. Hmm... Okay, although I haven't technically "used" this title, I'm gonna say it counts. Especially because *cough* I don't want my answer to be 5PE again lmao *cough*
My favorite title is Vader's Uterus lmao.
Idk, it just reminds me of the movie title Jennifer's Body (lmfao I know, I know, but bear with me). Like... Y'all gotta understand... I didn't actually watch Jennifer's Body until a couple months ago, so I had no idea what it was about until recently—but I've been on the internet and I've seen a tumblr or two before... and for years, I'd see these posts talking about this thing called "Jennifer's Body" (often not even capitalized!).... And it always threw me for a loop because I would sit there for a full thirty seconds like 👀 who is Jennifer? and why the fuck did we kill her?
Anyway, so my dearly beloved Vader's Uterus AU began in a group chat I have with my friends, and despite it being an mpreg fic, I wanted to be clear that it wasn't your typical mpreg because like... he doesn't have a vagina... aka he has no way to give birth to the babies (other than surgically o.o).... and all body modifications are very uterus-centric, like Palpatine's basically just throwing a bag in there to grow a baby Snoke, that's all. So I think I started out by calling it "the au where vader has a uterus" (instead of "mpreg")... but that's a mouthful. So eventually it became "the vaders uterus au" ... and eventually that became too much for me and I started calling it "vaders uterus." Mostly I started doing that as a joke, because it's really funny to say things like "the chapter where Obi-Wan meets Vader for the first time,,,, in vader's uterus." 😆 In a very "Your Mom" way. And it always gave me such a nice nostalgia about my experience with posts about jennifer's body... never knowing if you mean it as a title or like.... the actual thing lol.
Anyway, so the title stuck. And honestly, since it's a very fucked up fic universe in which Vader is reduced to his super pathetic and limbless body (and with Palpatine's alterations, his body is not even recognizably his body anymore), I feel like the title really fucking objectifies the shit out of him. And objectification of Vader not only captures the Vibes™ I'm going for, but it's also super hot. So I love this title. It sparks so much joy. 🥹❤️
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Hi there, Bababird!!! Hope you're doing well 💗💗💗 Mayyybe 🎵 for Cassandra if you have any? I love how you've written her in your Sparrow/Cass fic btw - I still think about it an unhealthy amount dbfkhabfskhbs. And since the fandom on tumblr has collectively agreed that it's his day, mayhaps a 🎵 for Hermie as well hehe :]c
aw shucks she called me Bababird hehe Hi Happi!!! Thank you- I hope you're doing well too! I *definitely* have some for Cassandra! 😅 For better or for worse though a lot of them are either in the context of Cass/Sparrow or Cass/Nicky- so apologies in advance for any rambles I go on about either of those two ahaha I promise in either case things will eventually wrap around to being about Cass (and songs)!
Also, if you'll humor me, I don't think I'll be able to help myself but ramble a bit about the fic as well- it's just an easy way to talk about how I see Cassandra! 💜 ^_^* I'm very very flattered that you enjoyed her that much! You know at first I was maybe gonna do thing's from Sparrow's POV but then I was like- "PFF, fuck that, let's try to figure out what's going on in Cassandra head!"- it's the least she deserves, really.
And I know I'm too late for his "b-day", but I do have some Hermie songs as well! Mostly in the context of Oakworthy though ahaha... Those will be at the end! Edit: actually just the one this time around aha sorry I got lazy
(*slaps post* this baby can fit so many tangents! Sorry in advance for how stupid long this is!)
Okay *well*, let's start with a simple one that's just about Cass yeah? I can't say I've listened to much of their music in general, but "That's My Girl" by Fifth Harmony is *definitely* a Cassandra song for me!
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There are a few lyrics in this one that standout for me in this one- but honestly it's also just the general vibe. I see Cassandra as someone who's very independent and hardworking, and also someone very capable of continuing to move forward in spite of hardships and "roll with the punches", so to speak (and Taylor definitely gets this from her hehe for sure for sure). Really the more I think about Cassandra, she's kind of a fucking badass LOL. Splitting from Nicky didn't stop her from staying on top of career all the while maintaining probably one the (if not the) healthiest of parent-child relationships in the show with her son, and really I just love that for her.
That said, for a few standout lyrics...
Yeah, who's been working so damn hard? You got that head on overload? // You've been down before. You've been hurt before. You got up before. You'll be good to go, good to go. // Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it // Nod if you've been played by every boo just tryna show you off. Thought he was the best you ever had, until he cut you off. // ain't nothin (x3) put your heart and your soul in it!
(also *points at Cassandra* that's my girl!!!)
ok ok next again if you'll humor me, I need to ramble about Sparrow for a bit in the context of the fic so that I can then ramble about Cassandra LOL.
So, ok, firstly I must confess that like, for me, I tend to read canon Sparrow as allo-aro (alloSparo? Maybe just Sparo... heh). Less popular of an opinion still is that I actually quite like that for him haha. And so for *me*, in the fic, he's prolly like aro and demisexual? That said, I know that ace Sparrow (Sparoace, Space- you get me it's funnier to do it this way) is very dear to many of you (which tbh I super understand), most especially the people who I most wanted to read the fic! So... I wanted to write something that was compatible with both interpretations? Not as a burden! I liked the challenge of trying to write something that was *sensual* but not inherently *sexual* (and in that regard... I think I did an *ok* job aha I'm sure there are certain parts that might be pushing it for some people but I had to be honest with myself about what I wanted to write too!)
Of course, as *you* know Happi, I'll still gladly drop aromantic Sparrow for a ship that tickles my fancy (and in fact I actually like these two in a romantic context as well even if it's not my default/preference- but that's for someone else's ask lol)... 😤But I was keen on keeping things platonic for this fic! Sure because I like that for Sparrow, but actually... It also had a lot to do with what I wanted to explore with Cass!
(Somehow this post is about Cass *and music* I SWEAR)
Right right right so- as far as canon goes I think it's fair to say that Cassandra is sexually and romantically a lot less ambiguous than Sparrow right- and so, well based on the little we have seen of her I get the impression that Cassandra has probably gotten fairly accustomed to a pretty "standard" kind of partnership style? And for a number of reasons... 😤 It seems she's struggled to find someone who can give her the level of commitment she deserves! Otherwise, based on her relationship with Willy (ew yucky Willy), I also feel like she might have a bit of a tendency to rush into things a bit.
Enter QPR with Sparrow! As I see it, this puts Cassandra especially in a very interesting situation. She's navigating forms of intimacy that are pretty foreign from what she's used to! To love someone... Without being *in love* with someone, per se. She gets the commitment she wants, but in a form that is unquestionably different from how she's always imagined it. Physically, there's room for intimacy (be it to one degree or another)... But she has to work up to/for it this time around, no more rushing into things!
But I see Cass as someone who is always up for a challenge. I think the novelty of these ideas is something that she would find exciting in its own right, and really she's someone who goes after what she wants at the end of the day. Not without her own insecurities I'm sure, which hopefully I got across! (And again, yeah, I definitely think Taylor takes from her in a number of ways haha).
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"She had the world" from Panic! At the Disco is *also* a Cassandra song for me 😌
That was waaay too much lead in for a fucking patd song, honestly Happi I'm really abusing this opportunity to talk about Cass and the fic LOL
But ok ok, so with the above points in mind, this one for me is about Cass... From (an aromantic) Sparrow's perspective, and it's hard to explain exactly what I mean for this one, but yeah it's like- there's kind of this mix of insecurity and admiration and I guess... How to put this, on Cass' end she has to let go of the things she's come to take for granted a bit, and on Sparrow's end I think some fears that this kind of relationship won't be enough for her? Let me just give you the important lyrics hahaha:
She held the world upon a string, but she didn't ever hold me. Spun the stars on her fingernails, but it never made her happy, cause she couldn't ever have me // I don't love you I'm just passing the time. You could love me if I knew how to lie. But who could love me? I am out of my mind. Throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream. // But that girl had so much love. She'd wanna kiss you all the time. Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time. // She said she'd won the world at a carnival. But I'm sure it didn't ruin her, it just made her more interesting.
OKAY that was a looooooong tangent for that one I hope like it sort of makes sense why I associate that one with her???
Finally Nicky, I'll make this much shorter lol. I'm not sure how people feel about these two in general, but I actually *love* them together tbh, and I hope we learn a bit more about their relationship (er what it was) in canon at some point! Still, everything I said about Cass probably being the type to rush into things probably applies here too, and ultimately I imagine that these two likely had a relationship that was... passionate, and intense, and exciting, but maybe not what either of them really needed in the long run.
So funnily enough
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The song is actually called "Nikki", by Forever the Sickest Kids. And, well I think you'll catch my drift with a lot of these lyrics and why it makes me think of them so much aha:
He was the man of every hour. He was a party all alone. He'd give his jacket to a stranger in the cold. She was the beauty queen from Dallas. She could put a lion on a leash. And before he knew himself, she knew the man that he could be. // It's alright Nikki, it's alright, baby, you can let you hair down. // She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon seeking peace. But they were each other's toxic cure called codependency.
And yeah! So yeah there's a lot of lines in that song that makes me think of them- more than the ones I listed here but for me these are kinda the standouts?
ok ok ok I made this post waaaaaaay too long Happi I'm so sorry ahahaha thank you for entertaining my thoughts I hope some of this makes sense??? I have a lot of feelings about Cassandra but they can be hard to convey!
Also, I'm starting to get a bit lazy, so I hope you'll forgive me if I leave you with my favorite song for Hermie (and well Oakworthy) without much of an explanation. Which is
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"A guy that I'd kinda be into" from the musical Be More Chill :]
I think this one is *very* funny for both of them- especially cause of how many of the lyrics you could read as both Normal and Hermie's POV? If you haven't heard this song, go listen and I think you'll understand.
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
🧿🕯️💥!!! (@stabbyfoxandrew's main)
omg HOW DID I NOT REALIZE YOU WERE YOU... this makes so much sense hahahha. ty for ur ask!!
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
ok i talk a big game abt writing for myself and ITS TRUE but im also a sensitive baby. and tbh what actually happens most often is that i get IRATE when people leave comments that i feel bridge too far into feedback that i dont want to hear -- and i don't want to hear it bc the damage is already done! like, i published the thing, i wiped my hands of it, i don't want to hear anything bad abt it because i learned what i wanted to learn from it and i want to be happy with it as it stands. DONT TELL ME if you're not happy i dont careeee!!! hahaha. so basically it's a lot of me giving myself that exact lecture & remembering why i shouldnt care abt negative feedback.
in terms of "not doing well" i can usually clock when something wont do the numbers on AO3, and i don't really mind it. my fics with the most hits etc are not the ones im most proud of, but i totally get why theyre the ones w those stats -- theyre simple, accessible, and quick. and you know what ?? im glad ppl are getting on ao3 and just kinda reading & resting. i also read a lot of fics just to escape into something easy. and so if a fic isnt doing well statistically, but im proud of it, im usually pretty good at reminding myself why most people go to ao3, and why the thing that ive written doesnt really align with that.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
well first off i am lucky in that i am not shy at all hahaha. clearly i love talking to people/talking about my wriitng. i think all of this is fun!! im actually really bad at taking compliments, so i dont reply to many ao3 comments unless ppl are opening a conversation somehow. but i love asking questions and answering questions and all the fun sharing we do. i think a lot about writing original fiction, and the main thing that holds me back is that its just SO FUN to share characters. im such an Andrew Minyard Enjoyer, and whenever i write him, i feel like im in conversation with everyone else who loves him and writes him and reads him! and that's such an incredible experience.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
this is a cute one omg. my least kudosed fic is a Simon Snow/Shepard Love fic, which makes sense, because the audience for them as a true romantic pairing is VERY small haha. closer to the sun is one of the coolest things ive written tho, tbh. i think i did something fun with the dragon lore with the series, and i also gave Shepard a lot of my own personal experiences/skills as he went dragon hunting. there's also dragon fliritng. and dragon sex! idk man LOL it's really weird for a fanfic, i know this, but i think it's pretty good FICTION? theyre pretty removed from the canon in this, i was just kinda doing my own thing.
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year
Hi :-) I really like all your kanthony fics. I am soo excited for the next updates of You Belong With Me. And no worries. Life can get busy and we will wait for it when it is ready. I am just super curious. Have you ever thought of writing a Kanthony ballet AU? Also, I super excited to learn that you have other unpublished WIPS. What are they about? Take care in 2023!
Hello! Honestly listening to this makes my day. Thank you very much ❤️ December is always such a hard time for me because of the end of school year and when I finally had time and thought “gonna write so much now!” I got this massive block 😞 but I’m working my way around it. Knowing that people like it make me even more excited to write really.
I HAVE a Kathony Ballet AU!
It doesn’t have a name yet but I made a Moodboard after watching one of my sister’s presentations last December (she’s a professional dancer, not ballet tho)
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“Kate Sharma danced in many professional companies across from Europe until an invitation to dance for Aubrey Hall Ballet Company brings her back home. But nothing good comes easy and she’ll have to come head to head with Anthony Bridgerton, once one of the biggest starts of the modern ballet world, now a harsh, demanding, frustrating choreographer after a knee injury removed him from the dance scene. He definitively wont make her life easy. Neither will the explosive tension between them. But it’s alright, two can play this game.”
I have 6 WIPS, 2 one-shot series and a bunch of random One-shots plus the prompts you guys send me here on Tumblr (I promise I see them all and they are all being worked on or thought about very carefully and with a lot of love) that I am currently working on, some more than others.
Of course You Belong With Me is right now my primary focus (together with the Christmas one-shot) and I love them very much.
My Bodyguard x Princess AU, Of Noble Blood, is always very near and dear to my heart and I have about three chapters of it ready (unfortunately the first one if not one of them but I’m close to finishing it… eventually)
There is also Baby Mine that WILL BE FINISHED I PROMISE.
My Rockstar x Personal Assistant, I Found You (Now Everything is Music) is there staring at me waiting for me to go back to the five written paragraphs I have of it. Along with Lost, Drifting, my Memory Loss World War I AU that has the first chapter ready then I got stuck halfway through chapter II and now it’s there judging me every time I start a new WIP.
My one shot series, True Colours, my soulmates AU is my huge huge baby and I love it SO MUCH and it’s there, I desperately want to get it done but every time I open one of the docs nothing comes out. All chapters have cute names and I started like 5 of them with varying degrees of success. The other, the Book Swap one, I’m currently working on the first One-Shot that will be called The Viscount and I and I’m sure you can get where I’m going with this.
Most of them have moodboards bc I have so much fun making them and You Belong with Me and Of Noble Blood even have like a STRUCTURE, like I know how many chapters will be and what will happen in each of them (I am absolutely not a planner and this is actually a first for me yay. Most of my writing docs is just a jumbled up mess of parts that somehow I manage to work together into a story and given moment. I do not write linearly so when an idea comes I just skip some lines and write a completely different scene. My head is a mess, forgive me lol)
I think I posted most of my moodboards with the summaries, but if you can’t find them I can post them again for you 😊
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